(c) 2002 by Demon

We have been having an evening alone just watching some hardcore porn videos, we used to do this once a week, Rose and I. I would choose what to watch one week and Rose the next. My wife had decided we would watch this video of the two bi-females and one man; there was fist fucking, anal sex and toys. She would then be so horny, Rose would then start to pull her skirt up and start playing with herself. Which Rose knew would get me turned on every time. I would see her pussy so wet, I would go down on her and lick and suck her till she climaxed.

It would be about half an hour just sucking and finger fucking her pussy; my tongue would be inside her very wet pussy till Rose could not take anymore. Then we would swing into the 69 position and suck each other off. She would start licking and running her tongue up and down my cock and asshole, which would drive me wild. By now she would be wet and dripping all over my face, then she would slowly slip her mouth over my stiff cock and run her tongue around while sucking my cock, it was wonderful as she sucked on my stiff cock.

Rose loved sucking cock, and as I shot a bit of pre cum into her mouth, she would suck harder, but her lips where very soft and as I ejaculate the first time she would start to wank me faster. So I would shoot semen into her mouth, all the time working with her lips and tongue moving her lovely mouth up and down on my cock. As I was shooting my spunk into her mouth, I was jerking my fingers deeper in her pussy. She kept doing this till I had finished shooting my cum into her mouth. Rose would then finish off by licking all the spunk off my cock and ball and run her tongue in and out of my asshole.

Then we would start on her favourite position, which was kneeling on her hand and knees and being fucked doggy style. My cock went deeper inside her and she loved it. You would know when she was near to coming. Rose would tell me to push harder and faster, as I pushed my cock into her wet pussy she would be pushing back harder and telling me “fuck me harder and deeper” I could feel her tighten as she was coming. This was our normal evening, in, but not this Friday night.

Rose sat on the sofa and I put the video on, I was in the kitchen making are drinks. Rose shouted

“Its the wrong fucking video, its got a dog and a woman in it”

“One I don’t want to watch, it’s disgusting” Rose said

I said, “Well put the other one on”.

“You can” she said, “it’s been your turn to pick.”

I then finish the coffees, I came back into the living room and was taken back by the sight of this dog fucking a women. My wife also was taken back but in a different way. Her legs where wide open, her skirt was up past her Pubic hair and she was rubbing her pussy and clit. The first thing that came to my mind was how much she was so turn on. To see this wonderful sight, I thought something has got her turned on very quick.

As I was out of the room for about 10 minutes and she usually pulls her skirt up and start rubbing her clit after about twenty minutes, I thought I would test her to see if she liked the video and try went to put the other tape in.

As I looked at the TV, there was this dog with his cock deep inside this woman’s cunt fucking her like mad; his cock was sliding in and out so fast it was unreal. All purple and reddish and looked as it was shooting lots and lots of spunk deep inside the woman’s pussy, the spunk was pouring out of the woman’s pussy or she was Cumming just like my wife does.

Rose said, “I don’t believe a dog can shoot that much spunk”.

It was a lot. I put the drinks on the table and went to put another video in; Rose said you might as well let the video play as its on now.

I said, “I thought you said that a dog fucking a woman was disgusting”

I sat down beside my wife, her eyes where stirring at another seen, were this dog was fucking the woman, and the woman was pushing back on the dog, as he was fucking her. The dog had gripped her very tight and was pulling the woman back towards him. He was trying to push something the size of a tennis ball, at the base of the doggie cock.

I was very happy, I had never seen a video like this and Rose was so excited, as I looked down at her pussy, I could see how wet her pussy was. She was pushing her fingers in and out in time with the dog, as the dog was pushing his cock in so was she. I also noticed that the sofa was soaking wet with her juices. I had never seen her so wet. I did not wait to be asked; I went straight down on her and started sucking her pussy. I had my fingers in her holes pushing in and out of her asshole and pussy,

Rose said, “I was doing it to fast”.

I then slowed down but she then said

“I was to slow”.

In the end she said, “Swing round a bit so you can watch the television and see what is going on”.

While I was sucking and licking her pussy, I was told to push my fingers into her as the dog was pushing his cock into the woman. As that was about the right speed she wanted. I kept on matching the speed of the dog, as he was fucking the woman, Rose was going wild, I could not believe how Horny she was. She was moaning with great pleasure and then she was pushing her cunt up so hard onto my tongue and fingers, I was getting cramp in my tongue. The dog shoot more spunk into the woman, and as the dog’s cock was sliding out of the woman and she saw how thick it was and big and still gushing spunk with his jerking dog’s cock. Rose climaxed and the fluids where dripping down her cunt into my mouth. It was the best climax I had ever seen Rose have. I was very stiff and wet and she told me to stay where I was. With her on her hands and knees watching the TV.

I was loving it, we kept on moving around a bit till she could watch the telly at the same time, and as the woman on screen was sucking the dogs cock, she was keeping in time with the woman’s mouth as it slide up the dogs cock. She would slide her mouth up my cock, she kept this up till the dog shot its spunk into the woman’s mouth, and moved faster and sucking more on my cock till I came and shot my sunk into her mouth. As the woman was licking the dogs cum off it’s cock, Rose was doing the same to me and then we sat on the sofa.

Rose sat on the sofa with me and we carried on watching the video and a dog was fucking again.

She asked if I was ready again, which was unusual for her, we would normally go to bed and carry on making love there. So she put her hand around my cock and was playing with it and saying hurry up and get hard. It was taking too long and Rose said, “Watch me”

She started to rub her clit and said look how wet I am. I could hear the sound of the wetness as she rubbed her clit, Rose knows this usually gets me hard quickly as I love to see her play with her clit and pussy, Just the sight of a woman’s playing with herself gets me going.

When I was hard, Rose said “we will do it on the floor”.

We then got on the floor; Rose was on her hands and knees. She wanted to face the telly and watch the dog fucking the woman. I put my cock into pussy and it was the wettest Rose had ever been. As soon as my cock was in she was pushing back real hard saying fuck me faster, like the dog is fucking the woman on screen. She was very wet you could hear my cock sliding in and out with the slurping sounds of her wetness. It was lovely the video finished and Rose stopped and asked me to replay it showing the dog fucking the woman from behind till we finished. She did say I was to keep in time with the dog as Rose wanted to imagine what it was like and wanted us to come at the same time too.

So we where fucking at the same time as the dog and the woman it was really beautiful feelings going through us, then when we saw the dog was coming. Rose started to move faster as the dogs spunk was shooting into the woman’s pussy, and started to run out of her pussy it was a hell of a lot of spunk dripping out of the woman’s pussy.

Rose started to come. She really was moaning going wild like I had never seen her do before, and pushing back onto my cock. Shouting come shoot your spunk up me while the dog’s spunk is going into the woman’s cunt, and I shot my spunk up her pussy we all had come at the same time. “Nearly”.

Rose was very excited and still wanted more and as I was pushing my cock in trying to keep going she was pushing back harder but I could not get hard again. Rose was saying she wanted more I could not manage any more I wanted a few minutes rest as I had never had to keep going so fast.

I wanted to please her so I called our German Shepherd dog over from the kitchen, thinking she would like that. I put my hand on her cunt and rubbed it all over her wet cunt, my hand was covered with our juices and then I put my hand next to the dog’s mouth. He just looked then walked away but then came back and sniffed my hand and started to lick my hand, he licked it all off.

The dog was sniffing about then tried to lick Rose’s pussy, from the side I could see his pink purple coloured cock.

I was fucking her trying to get hard again; she was pushing back on me the dogs tongue.

Rose then stopped and pushed the dog away from her saying get it away, and smacked the dog. She carried on pushing asking for me to get hard again. The dog went round the other side of her and put his nose under her belly, and as I was pushing my cock into her wet pussy. I then felt the dog’s tongue again trying to lick her and it was just touching my cock but it was having a good lick on her too.

As this was going on, Rose started to moan and I could feel her pussy getting wetter and tightening as my cock. I was sliding in and out of her pussy. It was a very wet pussy, making all slurping sounds. Rose was moaning louder and pushing back faster and moaning more. Rose was very wet by now. The dog had been licking her pussy for about 15 minutes then she started to cum like a waterfall. Rose was moaning a lot louder and I said the dogs tongue must be really doing something real good, then she quivered her legs and came hard. Come was going everywhere, she told the dog to fuck off and told to me keep the bloody dog away.

I felt sure she had climaxed and I was still trying to get hard so,

I said to her “I am going to have a rest, so lets carry on up stairs in bed”.

Rose said “you might as well go to bed and rest, I have to wash the kids clothes for school. We usually went upstairs for more sex then she would come down and finish off the kids’ clothes.

I said, “Are you coming up to finish off”

Rose then said “no you rest, I think I had enough for one night, the dog spoiled it for me and I might watch the video for a bit till the washing done”

I thought it was funny. And said “goodnight”

I went upstairs to the bedroom and fell asleep, I woke up and heard her shouting to the dog but could not make out what she said but she sounded angry about something. I thought he was trying to fuck her, so I went downstairs to put the dog out for the night.

The living room door was closed; well not properly it was a fraction open, which was odd we normally leave the doors open. I could hear her talking to the dog something and thought I was right the dog had done something wrong. As I was opening the door I could hear her saying “good doggie” in the tone we do when we want him to do something new.

I heard this heavy breathing it sounded just like our dog, when he is out of breath, like when running on the field, something seemed odd so I pushed the door open gently, the door was opened about quarter way and I could see everything. The dog was on her back moving slowly in and out of her just small movements, and she was moving back and forwards saying nice doggie as if to keep him their, and I could see one hand underneath her as if rubbing her clit.

I could feel my cock beginning to start to get hard. I had never seen such a sight; well not in real life this was more exciting. As I could see Rose and the dog from behind, me looking down at them but wanted to see more of what was going on, so I got on my knees and crept in behind the sofa and lay on the carpet. I could see the dog from the back Rose was watching the video of the dog fucking the woman, and Rose was there with our dog’s cock up her pussy rubbing her clit.

From where I was I could see the dog’s cock moving slowly in and out of her pussy while she was rubbing her clit, when the dog pushed his cock all the way till the knot. I seen earlier that night with the dog on Telly, it was hard pressed on her pussy lips she was pushing back and murmuring to herself. I could see the dogs cum flooding out of her pussy. The cock looked as if it had stretching her pussy and it was very tight and I could see that she climaxed on the dog’s cock slide out it was thick and long, for what seemed a eternity the cum was still dripping out of her pussy.

Rose was on her hand a knees and facing the telly, she was watching the dog’s cock which was still jerking and twitching and every so often a stream of cum would shoot out, it was a lot like them two. She then took hold of his cock and was running her gripped hand up and down the cock and was right underneath the jerking cock, a jet of cum came shooting out and all over her asshole. She then proceeded to put her hand and rub herself and started to word the spunk into her pussy and asshole. She turned and sucking his cock, the end of it was moving in and out of her mouth.

Rose then let go of the throbbing cock, the dog then went straight to her pussy and lay down between her legs and was licking her. His tongue was going right up inside her pussy. I could see her stomach beginning to rise and fall and soft moans her legs where opening wider to let the dog in more. Rose then went into a spasm her legs quivering and climaxed and then let the dog carry on licking saying “nice doggie”.

Rose lay there for about 5 minutes then she called to him and the dog got up and came over to her, while she was siting on the carpet and talking to him a little while, stroking his back and neck. Then she kinds have run her hand under his belly and headed straight for his sheath. As she stroked it, I could see his cock grow harder and harder. It stuck out the end of the sheath about 4 inches in a matter of seconds, it was red & purple quite thick and it was all shinny and wet. When enough came out for her to handle Rose grabbed it gently and rubbed it against his belly slowly. He responded by emerging by about another 2 inched of hard cock for her to enjoy. As it grew in her hand it started flowing fluid out the end and he started humping motions.

Rose took her hand away and tasted the wetness there. So she then got up and knelt on her knees and bent down and took him in her mouth. At first the dog wanted to fuck Rose’. She got him calmed down and into a pace which she could handle. Soon he was making grunting noises and more liquid flowed into her mouth, which she drank and some fluid was running down her mouth. A large knot formed at the base of his big cock and soon he let out a sort of growl and started shooting a lot of cum into her sucking mouth it was running down her lips and chin and her throat and breast. There was so much, soon it gagged her at first but she carried on swallowing. He went over to the side of the sofa and licked himself dry.

I then went to bed and never said a thing about what happened that night.


I had never said anything to her about what I had seen, the next evening the dog was siting there starring at her with this look about him. Not to mention, his red cock poking out dripping. Rose chased the dog away I tried not to notice and said what did you do that for he just wanted a pet, she said, “did you not see that disgusting thing sticking out, it was dripping on the carpet”. I said do you want to watch a video.

“No its not Friday” Rose said

“I am not in the mood”

I said “I feel a bit tired so I will go to bed and get a early night”

I got up and went to bed. But I crept back down into the hall peeked in the room and saw her stripped naked siting on the sofa. The dog was again sitting facing her with its cock sticking out, and some fluid dripping on the carpet, she called to him. He came to the sofa and strolled right up between her outstretched legs and started lapping at her pussy. The more he licked it seemed the more excited Rose got.

I could see he started inserting his tongue deep into her hole. When he took his tongue out it ran across her clit and asshole, it must have sent shivers up and down her spine. Rose seemed to explode into a climax. I mean I could hear a very wet gushing sound, Rose was shooting out pussy juices and the dog kept licking and licking away. Rose must of come 3 times before she finally pushed the dog off her and rolled over and bent over the sofa and onto her knees, I ducked down and crept around to the side of the sofa to watch.

When she had her ass in the air, the dog came up behind her and mounted her with his cock hitting the entrance of her asshole on the first try. He rammed his hard dripping cock into her asshole with enough force that he almost knocked her face into the sofa. Like a jackhammer he pounded her asshole hard. The dog must have been fucking her good because she started to cum again and again her cum was running down her legs. Then you could hear the wetness of their fucking, he fucked faster and faster for about 30 minutes. The dog cum was dripping out of her asshole and her own cum was dripping out of her pussy, all over the carpet. The carpet was soaking wet and all of a sudden she stopped and I could see the dogs knot was right at the opening of her asshole pushing hard. The dog’s come was poring out in streams; I guess he did not get the knot in her ass to seal his cum inside Rose.

I have never fucked her ass. I was a bit jealous of that.

The dog was really shooting his spunk inside her, she was pushing back and her legs where opening as wide as Rose could get them the juices where flowing down the inside of her thighs, then as the dog was rapidly fucking her. The more he plunged the quicker she responded and then I heard here scream with joy.

I crept back upstairs to the bedroom and got into bed it was not long before Rose came to bed and was as randy as hell. Sex was great and Rose would insist I fucked her doggy style and when she was nearly coming Rose would go wild and say thing’s like grip me harder, push hard, pull me back on your cock like a dog would. We had great sex but after seeing her with the dog fucking her ass, I wanted to be there with her and all 3 of us joining in together.

Rose sitting on top of me with my cock deep inside her pussy, while the dog fucked her asshole.

I have tried to bring the subject up about k9sex, it would end up in a argument and Rose would say its just perverted women that do that sick thing but fantasy is different if I said anything about the way we did it. I then end up going to sleep.

But she would be randy as hell and we would have a great sex session I would say what brought this on

“Well it’s not the bloody dog thing”.

I know she was with the dog.

Everything I tried got me no were. I talk about the dog fucking her and she always said it was disgusting

One night about three weeks after she started with the dog fucking her. Rose had come to bed I had still been spying on her while the dog was fucking her but used to get to bed before her. I would be waiting in bed my cock still hard and very wet ready for her I was as usual randy for her and full of excitement ready to put my cock into her already wet pussy with doggy cum.

Rose came into the bedroom and got onto the bed doggie style. Before Rose could say anything, quick as a flash I was behind her and grabbed her tightly just like the dog had done and started ramming my hard cock into her pussy

Then I said to her “I want to see the dog fuck you as well as me”.

This seemed to make Rose come more and finished her climax it was fantastic. As we where lying in bed having a cuddle.

Rose said “did you say something about a dog when I was coming” in her normal voice,

I said “I want to see the dog fuck your asshole while you ride my cock, like a threesome we have talked about. Rose hit the roof don’t you ever dare mention the dog again I am not a slut.

I tried to talk openly about sex with her, saying what I would like, and that she should tell me what she would like as a couple. We should be able to talk about everything and anything. Without us feeling embarrassed about things a good partner should be willing to please the other but she would not mention about the dog. Rose was still having sex with the dog. I mean our sex life was great but she seemed to be wilder after the dog fucked her.

It was my birthday next and like most couples you go out with your partner have a nice evening and some drinks. Then when we got home like most couple you know you are going to have great sex, we drank some more wine. My mind was determined to get her tipsy.

I did get her tipsy we went to bed and had wonderful sex. After I pretended to be asleep, after about 15 minutes

Rose said “are you awake”

I did not answer so she said, ” I am going down stairs for a drink and will be up in a minute”.

I waited about 5 minutes then went down stairs I was undressed and in the naked as she was I had a plan and was going to carry it through. When I got to the living room door I could see she was on the sofa, and her pussy on the edge of the sofa. Legs wide open and she was holding the sides of her pussy lips open, the dogs tongue was licking and going right up her pussy and touching her clit, I watched her for about 5 minutes of her soft moans of pleasure then she erupted into a climax.

After things settled down. Rose got to her feet, she did looked very tipsy you could tell she had a drink, while she was staggering trying to stand the dog was trying to fuck her leg you could see his cock sticking out and squirting fluid all over her legs and everywhere. She was smiling patted the dog and said you getting ready to please me as she was getting on her knees.

As she was sinking to her knees the dog had gripped her by the waist and you could see the dog thrusting forward his cock gripping in between the cheeks of her backside. The dog was still shooting fluid all over her backside in between her cheeks of her ass and pussy. She was about half way down kneeling she was smiling saying nice doggy.

As soon as her knees touched the carpet it seemed like one big thrust by the dog and his big doggie cock was in. I heard her moan, and the dog had gripped her tightly pulling her back on his cock as he was pushing forward. I could see all the dogs cock ramming her and then cum running out of her pussy and knew Rose was going to start her climax any minute. As the dog normal fucks for about 30 or 40 minute then stops, sometimes he stays there with his cock still up her other times he withdraws.

I did not want to take any chances I hurried in to the living room and lay on the carpet beside her with my head Underneath her wet dripping pussy it was a fantastic sight to see the dogs cock pushing in so closely and Rose was moving her legs to open wider to get all to dogs cock in and she was shaking and climaxed.

The dog had stopped fucking now, but Rose moved forward and the dog would move with her keeping his cock in her pussy.

The dog had stopped and Rose was not aware of me come into the room. I thought of what I would do to keep her in the mood to carry on. Rose was gently pushing her pussy back and forward on the dogs dripping cock she was milking the rest of the dogs spunk that was shooting into her pussy as I could still see the dogs cock jerking inside her and her pussy muscles tightening.

I grabbed hold of the dogs cock and started to push it back and forward into her wet pussy, at the same time I was gently rubbing her clit I heard her moaning with pleasure. Again and she started to respond by moving back and forward on the dogs cock. Rose did stop for what seemed a second and looked down and saw me lying there my hard cock not far from her, but did not say anything. Rose then moved over into a 69 position with me and started to wank and suck my cock. It was fantastic I felt as if I was on a much higher sexual plane everything was heightened it did not take us long to climax.

The dog’s cock came out of her pussy still shooting cum all over my face. I rolled her on her back spread her legs and put my cock into her very wet pussy, and started to fuck her. Rose responded by putting her arms around me and thrusting up with my pushes and kissing. We soon climaxed again this was fantastic; she still did not say anything. We carried on fucking, her me and the dog taking turn this went on for a few hour, and Rose was great we had never had sex like this before. Even when she sobbed up we carried on, me and the dog fucking her she still did not say anything.

We then went to bed just cuddling up to each other, then Rose said, “She did not know what had happened it must have been the drink”

She would never let a dog fuck her “it was disgusting”

I said “well you enjoyed the dog fucking even when you where sober”

I told her I seen her before and while we where talking about the dog fucking her I think the two of us where getting randy.

Rose said, “I know it turns you on I could feel your cock getting harder and harder inside me”.

I rolled over on top of her, Rose grabbed my hard cock and was shoving it in her wet soaking pussy.

I said, “I have been thinking of trying a threesome with the dog, me and you all fucking.

“I have not, well a little bit” said Rose

As I was fucking her Rose said I did not think you would want me after the dog. I thought you wouldn’t want to fuck me after the dog had.

We did discuss everything and what it felt like for her to be fucked by the family dog and we are more open with each other and we have a beautiful sex life. She say’s it’s difficult to explain what it is like when a dog is fucking her. She was excited by the colour of the dog-pointed cock. When the cock went into her pussy it was about the size of an index finger in length and as thick and would be already shooting pre cum and when its cock comes out it’s starts shooting cum once the knot inside you and Cumming for all the time he’s tied to you.

As the cock goes in the size of a index finger she could feel it shooting up inside her and feel the dogs cock rapidly gaining in length and getting thicker all at the same time. It was a fantastic sexy feeling and the cock was very thick much harder than any man, his cum was much hotter too. She could feel this hot throbbing cock inside constantly shooting spunk up her pussy rapid fire like a machine gun, and every time his spunk shot up her pussy, with much more force than a man would, it sent ripples of sexual pleasure spreading through her whole body.

As the dog was fucking her she could feel his knot getting bigger and bigger. Which was a nice feeling and when the knot is at full size his knot is about the size of a tennis ball and as the dog is fucking her rapidly the knot is rubbing on her clit, which makes her cum within minutes. In fact she did tell me that the first time she did it she was not too sure what to expect of course she had known the cock would feel different, but without thinking about anything she was climaxing within minutes could not stop herself it was so fantastic to feeling the knot grow. She had never known a sexual feeling like this before.

It’s been a few years since we have been open with each other and we are still having a great sex life. The only regret Rose has is that she wishes she told me sooner as she would have liked me to share in it from the beginning as it is more exciting with a man joining in. Rose was worried that as some men do they would call her names, and worried in case they tell there mates or other people about it.

It’s much nicer with an understanding partner and its much more fun. A fantasy is fine but the real thing is better and if its what you would like to experience then you are the only one that can make it happen. Get a discreet partner or person you trust, understanding person to experience with. You just get more frustrated thinking about it more often it’s very hard to trust and tell someone if you need their help but a caring person will help.

The End