Synopsis: Lydia is a 21 year old university graduate with a degree is Business Marketing. She is unable to find work in her field. Lydia resides at home with her widowed mother. Lydia does perform odd job computer work from home. One day while searching around her home for nothing in particular, Lydia comes across 2 video tapes labeled “Training”. Upon playing the tapes, Lydia discovers her mother has been seeing a lesbian therapist/teacher. Tape 1 documents how Lydia’s mom was first trained to become a submissive lesbian. Tape 2 documents how Lydia’s mom was introduced to doggy sex. At the end of tape 2 there was a placard with the teacher’s name, address, telephone number and e-mail address. Lydia copied the information. Subsequently, after much anguish and internal moral struggle, Lydia’s hot cunt overcame her moral indignation and she made an appointment with Jamie, the teacher. In their first visit, Jamie begins to teach Lydia to become a submissive lesbian lover. In their second session, Jamie introduces Lydia to doggy sex with Oliver, Jamie’s 5 year old Labrador.


After Jamie had Oliver pound Lydia’s tight pussy with his dark red 9 inch doggy dick and spray his puppy cream deep inside Lydia’s womb, Lydia nearly fainted from the intensity of the orgasms she experienced from the fucking. Lydia had no sooner regained some semblance of her senses and Jamie was fist fucking her to oblivion wrenching more and more intense cummings from Lydia’s hot pussy. In doing so, Jamie made 2 predictions to Lydia and one silent prediction to herself.

Both of Jamie’s predictions to Lydia had come to be accurate:
• Lydia slept relaxed and more restful than she had in months.
• Lydia’s thoughts were tainted with the thought of Oliver’s cum coating her cervix and womb.
The very thought of that idea as explained by Jamie, be it fact or fiction, made Lydia’s pussy cream and flow juices as though she had a stream flowing from her glands to her vulva. Lydia had to use a sanitary pad or multiple tampons in order to prevent her panties from becoming soaked with her cunt cream.

And although Jamie did not state it to Lydia, her last prediction was that within a week Lydia would be overwhelmed with the urge to again have her hot pussy soundly fucked by a big dick dog. And Jamie, ever the manipulator and planner, had just the solution for such an occurrence. Lydia had taken Oliver and his dick and cum on Saturday past. Jamie reckoned by Wednesday, Lydia would be panting to have the Labrador fucking her. Thus on Tuesday evening, Jamie sent Lydia a message instructing Lydia to arrive at Jamie’s home at 4:00 PM on Friday afternoon.

Lydia welcomed the message from Jamie. Her mind was like a video player. She vividly recalled how Jamie had pulled Lydia onto Jamie’s lap. She remembered that Lydia said the day was all about Lydia and that was why Jamie did not undress. A jolt of pleasurable pain shot through Lydia’s nipples as she recalled how Jamie had opened her blouse to gain access to her tits. Jamie had pulled her bra cups up and using her thumb and forefinger she pulled, pinched, and rolled Jamie’s nipples until they were nearly and inch long and rock hard.

Jamie skinned Lydia out of her blouse, bra, shoes and shorts. Lydia had on a sheer lime green thong and nothing more. Jamie pushed Lydia to the floor. Striding through the room to another part of the house, Jamie soon returned with a couple of large fluffy towels and the big friendly Labrador on a leash. Lydia’s hear fluttered as she remembered slyly looking under Oliver’s tummy and spying the pink tip of Oliver’s pretty dick beginning to emerge. And Lydia was over the moon happy and thrilled that she would relive all these experiences on Friday. In just 3 days!!

Jamie thought of Lydia and the approaching Friday. Although the meeting was brief, Jamie had introduced Lydia to her sister Ramona and her 2 year old nephew Adam. Ramona was a single parent, who had become impregnated via artificial insemination. The truth was that Ramona was Jamie’s first submissive, and Jamie had trained Ramona to the marvelous pleasures of doggy dick. Unlike Lydia, Ramona had never experienced a human male dick. Lydia had taken Jason’s dick but once, and that was because Jamie refused to deflower any virgin except Ramona.

Jamie had funded Ramona to open and operate a kennel. The kennel was a multi-purpose facility. In addition to boarding dogs whose owners were away. The kennel was an obedience school, and a breeding facility for working dogs. Jamie had done extensive reading and research into canine gene structure and canine genetics during reproduction. Jamie had attended over 5 years of classes at the state agriculture college.

Ramona and Jamie had 7 large male dogs and 4 large female gyps. Jamie used artificial insemination tactics combined with mild steroid protein laden diets, extensive exercise and training to produce huge working dogs. These dogs produced larger than normal pups. The pups trained to be guard dogs, cattle dogs, and seeing eye dogs.

A side line to breeding size, strength, stamina, good skin without allergies and shiny coats, was that the males were more endowed than normal for the breed of dog. A typical male Great Dane has a dick about 6.75 to 7.5 inches long from tip to the back end of his knot nearest his belly. Another 2.25 to 3.0 inches of shaft extends from the dog’s torso to his knot. Thus an average Dane, approximately 35-39 inches high and 105-140 lbs in weight, could pump 9 to 11 inches of dick into a bitch.

Jamie and Ramona were producing male Danes that were 38-43 inches tall and 125-160 lbs in weight. The males had a dick that measured 7.7 to 8.5 inches from tip to the back end of the knot closest to his belly. Another 2.8 to 3.5 inches of shaft extended from belly to the formation of the knot. Therefore, male dogs bred by Ramona and Jamie could pump 10.5 to 12.0 inches of dick into a bitch. Jamie and Ramona had sales backlog of more than a year for someone to acquire a trained working dogs or a specialty dog. .

The 4 gyps produced 2 litters a year with an average of 6 pups to a litter. And if the dog was a working dog, it sold for $3,500. If the dog was a specialty dog it sold for $5,000. Of 48 pups per year, on average about 30 would be male and 18 female. Of the 30 males, about 10-12 were trained as specialty dogs. Therefore Ramona and Jamie sold 10 males a year a $5,000 each. Another 20 males per year were sold at $3,500 each and 18 gyps per year sold at $2,500 each. Over $165,000 per year in trained dog sales plus another $90,000 in boarding and training fees made a nice income for the 2 sisters.

Jamie has a plan to bring Lydia to Ramona’s for the weekend. Jamie is going to domme both Ramona and Lydia into a long weekend of lesbian dominant/submissive sex and animal sex. Jamie intends to video the weekend and produce lesbo and animal sex tapes to augment her and Ramona’s income.

Lydia packed a small bag for weekend. She called her Mom and stated that she would spending the weekend with a friend. She told her Mom that she would be available on her cell phone if some emergency arose and her Mom needed her. In addition, Lydia drafted a note stating the same facts and left it on the kitchen table for her Mom. Bag and purse in hand, Lydia walked to the bus stop to catch a bus that would deposit her about a block from Jamie’s home/office.

Lydia pranced up Jamie’s stoop in her red, green and gray plaid school girl skirt. The skirt fell barely to mid thigh on Lydia. A pair of low heel summer sandles adorned Lydia’s painted toe-nail feet. A red scoop neck short sleeve cotton top completed Lydia’s attire. Charged with excitement and anticipation, Lydia pushed the door bell at Jamie’s door. A few moments later, Lydia heard footsteps approaching the door.

Jamie opened the door smiling and said, “well well, it is Lydia and she is right on time. Do come in hot pussy slut. Let’s let Ms Jamie have a good look at her new puppy pussy girl.” Lydia blushed, but her panties were becoming drenched at the graphic vulgarity that poured from Jamie’s red lips. Stepping slightly aside, Jamie squeezed Lydia’s tit and ran her other hand under Lydia’s skirt to clutch her ass as the pretty girl crossed the entry threshold.

“Is my new puppy pussy girl is on full HEAT! Darling, your pussy is soaking wet. Are you thinking of Oliver and his lovely red dick? Are you thinking of me pulling you over the breeding bench and allowing Oliver to lick and fuck you to heaven and back?” Jamie cooing and hot breath in Lydia’s ear sent shivers up Lydia’s legs and spine.

Releasing her grip on Lydia’s tit but retaining her grip on Lydia’s ass, Jamie pulled the girl over to the wing back chair. Straddling the hassock, Jamie plopped down in the chair and she pulled Lydia over one of the chair arms so that Lydia’s head was between Jamie’s legs and her ass was high in the air. The chair arm acted as a support and lift for Lydia’s tummy, which in turn pushed her ass higher into the air.

Jamie flipped Lydia’s short skirt up over her ass. Lydia wore a silken teal blue thong. The firm rounded cheeks of her butt were like alabaster globes atop a tray. Jamie ran her hand in long slow caresses along Lydia’s thighs and over her ass. With her other hand, Jamie clutched a hand full of Lydia’s hair and pulled her head up and back. Lydia gasped slightly.

“You did not obey me! I instructed you not to play with your pussy. I can see the outline of your cunt lips pressing against the material of your thong. Your hot pussy is swollen and clearly outlined. Swollen pussy lips means that the pussy has been used. The blood flow to the soft tender flesh of the labia causes the tissues to swell and become more prominent. It is an easy spot and conclusion. You played with your pussy every day or night since you received my message?”

Lydia’s eyes opened wide. She shook her head and opened her mouth to speak. Just as the words were about to come from her mouth, a resounding “SPL-AAT” followed by a loud “EEEE-OWWW”, came from the chair. Jamie had positioned a firm ping pong paddle next to the chair. Suspecting Lydia would lie, Jamie was ready. When Lydia’s eyes opened wide, Jamie found and grasped the paddle. As Lydia shook her negatively, Jamie swung the paddle in a high arc and swatted Lydia’s perfect butt cheek. The “SPL-AAT” sound was the same a thrown rotten tomato striking a wet concrete sidewalk.

Jamie began to rub Lydia’s ass cheek in slow soft circles. As she did, she was whispering to her new subbie slut.

“You were going to lie to me. You should be thankful that I saw it and that I swatted you so hard to prevent you from complicating your actions. As it is, you shall be punished for thinking of lying and for the poor attempt at lying. I am going to spank your ass and your pussy. I am going to have Ramona’s dogs licking you and fucking you. Your punishment is your spanking PLUS you are forbidden to cum for 24 hours. You will scream, writhe, shake, beg, plead, promise, threaten, cajole, lie, cheat steal, and even do murder if I allow you to cum. But my beautiful love, you are not going to cum until after 5:00 PM Saturday evening.

“Oh Please Ms. Jamie. PLLLL-EEEEEZE!! I am sorry. I won’t do it again. I lost my thoughts. I promise you Ms. Jamie. PLLLL-EEEEZE! You have to allow me to cum. I will go crazy from Oliver’s licking me and his long wide tongue. He will torture me!! PLLL-EEEZE!!”

Jamie laughed and said, “Bitch, you should have simply told me the truth and taken a spanking. As it is, you will get the spanking and you will be forbidden to cum. I am going to break you bitch. I am going to show you whose whore you are and who owns that hot pussy and that fine ass.”

Jamie pulled Lydia farther over the arm of the chair so that Lydia was draped over Jamie’s lap. Jamie pinned Lydia’s arms over her head and then folded then so that Lydia’s hands were behind her head. Jamie held Lydia’s small wrists in one hand while pushing down on Lydia’s neck. Jamie lifted her right leg and hooked it over the top of Lydia’s legs holding Lydia’s legs down. This caused Lydia to bow at the waist, which pushed her ass and pussy high into the air.

Jamie said, “originally I was going to give you 15 swats with the bare hand on each cheek for playing with your pussy. Because you attempted to lie, I am adding 5 to each cheek. So how many swats are you going to receive, Lydia?” she asked.

“Twenty on each cheek, Ms. Jamie” Lydia answered, completely embarrassed.

“How many do you deserve?” Jamie questioned.

“Twenty, Ms. Jamie,” Lydia responded.

“Why twenty?”

“Because I disobeyed, and I tried to lie to cover my disobedience.” Lydia answered.

Jamie began to spank Lydia’s bare ass making her count each one. Jamie’s smacks became harder with each one delivered, and by number 9 on each ass cheek, Lydia was crying and sobbing like a child. At number 12, Jamie stopped to rub Lydia’s fine tight hot ass cheeks. Her fingers casually grazed over Lydia’s plump, swollen, and parted pussy lips. Jamie could feel the wet flow of Lydia’s pussy lubrication coating her finger tips and beginning to drip down Lydia’s inner things. Lydia’s sobbing ebbed a bit as Jamie continued to rub Lydia’s ass cheeks.

Jamie pinched Lydia’s erect nipples a couple of times. “Looks like Lydia gets a hot pussy when her fine ass is spanked,” Jamie announced. “Ask for your punishment, Lydia,” she commanded.

Lydia begged, “Please Ms. Jamie, spank my disobedient ass.”

Lydia felt the hard crack of Jamie’s palm on her ass. Lydia lost count of the spanks as tears dropped down her face. The constant burning pain searing her ass cheeks made her pussy flow even greater. When Jamie stopped, she rubbed Lydia’s butt for a couple of minutes; her finger working an inch of so into Lydia’s drenched pussy tunnel.

Suddenly and roughly Jamie pushed Lydia off of her lap. “Get on your hands and knees you hot pussy puppy slut.”

Jamie walked to a desk in a small study and opened a desk drawer. She withdrew a strap-on dildo and some lotion that had evidently been placed in the desk drawer earlier. Jamie stepped into the strap-on harness and adjusted the dildo. She walked back to Lydia and knelt.

Then, her voice soft like a mommy talking to her child with a bo-bo Jamie cooed, “Here, let me put some of this lotion on your ass baby.” Just when Lydia thought it couldn’t get any worse or any more humiliating, she realized Jamie was going to administer the lotion to her swollen red ass cheeks. While Jamie was applying a generous amount of lotion to Lydia’s ass she also applied the cooling soothing lotion to Lydia’s pussy. Jamie had a devious smirk on her face.

Jamie was talking trash nasty smack the whole time. And although Lydia was greatly distracted by the raging sensations in her tummy, every word spoken by Jamie was like a hot knife being driven into Lydia’s pussy and core.

“Oh Lydia, your ass is so red and your pussy lips are so swollen. They look so much better now. Your hard clit is fully exposed from its hood. You look so inviting and so completely tasty. I just know your new friends at Ramona’s house will love you. You do want to meet them don’t you?”

Lydia’s words were garbled mutters as the impact of what Jamie said combined with the feelings and sensations in Lydia’s ass and cunt commingled in Lydia’s brain. She could not process what Jamie was implying or actually saying.

“Look at this red dildo dick darling. It is almost an identical replica of Oliver’s dick. And you do remember how you loved Oliver’s dick don’t you? You remember how many times your hote fucked you senseless? Why Lydia darling, you couldn’t give Oliver enough pussy. Every time he finished spewing his hot cum in you and pulled out, within minutes you had your ass and pussy back in the air to give him more pussy and to again get that big red doggy dick deep in your hot cunt.”

I am going to open your hot pussy with this doggy dick dildo. Not for Oliver darling, but for some of the new boys you will meet at Ramona’s. If you think that red doggy dick of Oliver’s fucked you good, wait until the boys at Ramona’s work your pretty pussy. They will ruin you for any man and his dick.”

Jamie was using 3 and 4 fingers to finger fuck Lydia’s pussy. “Ramona’s has dogs that have huge dicks to fill your hot cunt. Those young puppies can fuck and cum all day and all night. Your sweet pussy is going to be spoiled by doggy dick. Your womb is going to be pierced and filled with puppy cream. Each spurt of doggy dick cum is going to fell like super hot water inside your pretty pussy. Ramona’s dogs are going to make you a real bitch Lydia. You want to be a real bitch for Ms. Jamie, don’t you darling? Don’t you want to show Ms. Jamie that your sweet pussy was born for doggy dick and puppy cum?”

Lydia wailed and swooned as Jamie slowly worked her fist into Lydia’s pussy. Jamie’s word and the fist fucking was driving Lydia crazy. She had to cum so bad that he was aching. Lydia begged Jamie again and again.

“Ms. Jamie, pleeeee-zze Ms. Jamie. I have to cum. My pussy has to cum. I will die if I can’t cum. Pleeeeeeze Ms. Jamie, plleeeeeze let me cum!!!”

Jamie swatted Lydia’s ass and pussy about 3 times each. And Jamie really swatted Lydia’s pussy hard. She then pulled and twisted Lydia’s clit until Lydia screamed.

“Don’t you even think about cumming bitch,” Jamie ordered. I told you that you would be spanked and that you would be denied all chances to cum.” You are going to learn who owns this pussy. And I promise you that you are far down the list. First I own it, and then one or 2 of Ramona’s dogs will follow me, and then Oliver of course, and then maybe Ramona, and then maybe you!”

Again, Lydia nearly fainted as Jamie spoke.

“When I allow you to cum hot pussy bitch, you are going to cum on doggy dick. And then I am going to make you suck and lick that doggy dick clean. I am going to make you suck and lick that red dick until it is hard again and your pussy will take every last millimeter of that dick. You are going to be my sweet puppy pussy girl. Hee hee hee!!”

Jamie removed her fist from Lydia’s pussy. Striping Lydia of all clothing, Jamie order her to go outside and stand by the passenger door of the car. Lydia gulped and started to speak, but when she saw Jamie was deadly serious, and still feeling the fire on her ass cheeks, Lydia bowed her head and walked to the front entrance door. Lydia opened the door and made a cautious look outside. Jamie, behind Lydia, lifted her foot and place it on Lydia’s round teen butt. Jamie pushed Lydia out the door and closed it.

Lydia went to the car and stood as close to it as possible. Her ass was showing, but at least her tits and pussy were concealed. Luckily, no one was on the street, but Lydia felt eyes were at windows peeking at her. After what seemed like forever, but was in fact maybe a minute, Jamie exited the house. The dildo made a big tent like bulge in Jamie’s skirt, but the dominant lesbian did not care who saw it or what they thought.

Walking to Lydia, Jamie swung her arm and the palm of her hand landed with a loud crack on Lydia’s ass cheek. Lydia squealed and jumped. Jamie turned Lydia toward the street hissing at her, “let the people see those fine pert titties girl. And let everyone see that puppy dog pussy between your legs. That is doggy pussy baby, isn’t it?!?”

“Yes Ms. Jamie.” Lydia answered. “This pussy is for doggies and dildos!”

“Good Girl,” Jamie cooed. “Now get in the car baby hot pussy.”

Lydia slid into the car. Jamie moved the seat back its full length before telling Lydia to buckle up.

The drive to Ramona’s was through the suburb, along the edge of the city, back through the suburbs and into the country. Jamie lived in the SW quadrant and Ramona in the SE quadrant. About 25 minutes in heavy traffic and maybe 16-18 in normal traffic. Traffic was just starting to get heavy as Jamie and Lydia headed out to Ramona’s.

“Play with your hot pussy Lydia love,” Jamie commanded softly. “Get that pretty cunt ready for Ramona’s big dick dogs.” Lydia used 2 fingers to rub circles around her clit. Now and again she would rive the 2 fingers into her pussy. Her fingers and cunt made that sweet squishing sound as she finger fucked herself. Lydia became so wrapped up in playing with her cunt, she was oblivious to the traffic. And the other drivers must have been day dreaming because hardly a horn blew or shout came as Lydia entertained Jamie.

“Do you want me to tell you about those big dick dogs you are going to visit?” Jamie asked.

Lydia groaned and moaned an almost incoherent ‘ahhhh-haaaa!’

Jamie smirked and tossed the dog dick dildo to Lydia. “Use this dildo on your hot pussy. Lydia slumped back in the seat. She grabbed the dildo with one hand. She used the other hand to being to rub her clit. Lydia’s pussy made that fantastically erotic and HOT squishy sound as she teased her sweet pussy with the rubber doggy dick dildo. Jamie told Lydia to fuck her horny pussy. Lydia squealed like a rabbit caught in the talons of an eagle as the doggy dildo slid in her to the knot.

As Lydia fucked herself Jamie giggled and thought, “Lydia is as receptive to my commands as Ramona. And both are horny as toads for doggy dick. I could get them into a lesbian scene; both would go for that, and in a doggy scene. I would have 4 films from 1 shooting; a lesbian film, a lesbian doggy film, a Ramona and dog film and a Lydia and dog film. All I would need to do is some careful editing, cutting, and splicing.”

Lydia’s panting breath was becoming more labored. Her grunting as she slammed the dildo deeper and deeper into her steaming cunt became louder. Jamie realized she had to stop Lydia now. She wanted the sweet whore to cum on camera, not in the car. “That is enough!” Stop fucking that pussy. Sit up. Put the dildo in the glove box. DO IT NOW SLUT!”

Lydia whined and complained, but she followed orders. Although she liked being spanked, sometimes Jamie was too harsh with her. Yes her pussy still got as wet as a flooded creek,, but her ass was really sore for a few days after some of Jamie’s more severe spankings.

Less than 10 minutes after instructing Lydia to stop masturbating, Jamie turned in the long rock drive to Ramona’s house. Lydia could see the dog run and kennel. Her breath caught in her throat. “Ms. Jamie, is Ollie here?” Lydia asked.

Jamie grinned and said, “No my pretty puppy whore, Oliver is not here. But, Ramona has some other dogs. They are different breeds than Oliver but they are as well trained. And they have bigger dicks than Oliver. And I know you love big dick.”

Lydia blushed and nodded her head. “I do Ms. Jamie. I do love big dick.”

They drove along the side of the house. Jamie parked her vehicle. Both women got out and entered the house.

Lydia had no qualms about exiting the car and walking to Ramona’s front door. The house was well off the road and the chances of someone seeing Lydia nude were very slim. Jamie walked to the door and using a key on her ring unlocked and opened the door. The women entered a proceeded to the den. Ramona was seated in a chair sipping from a cup. She was dressed in a black leather bustier and panty set with thigh high black lace stockings.

On an end table next to Ramona was a towel. The towel had a number of implements on it. The most formidable objects were the leather harness, the obscenely long, thick, dildo dick, the double stack dildo; one for the ass and one for the pussy and the huge red imitation doggy dick. Lydia stopped and her jaw dropped when she saw the sex toys on the towel. Jamie snickered and said, “they aren’t all for you darling. At least not today. Soon maybe, but not today.”

There was another item in the center of the room. A coffee type table had been moved away, and the sofa fronting that coffee table had been pulled backward. A padded bench, at least Lydia assumed it to be a bench was in the center of the room. What looked to be two sheets had been placed under the bench and spread to make a surface area.

The bench was not like any Lydia had ever seen. Jamie noticed her looking at the bench. She stepped up to Lydia and kissed her softly. “Come darling, I shall show you the design of the slave bench.” “SLAVE BENCH”; the words cut in Lydia like a surgeon’s scalpel. Lydia’s pussy began to throb.

Jamie held Lydia’s hand and walked her to the bench. “I shall show the finer points and intracacies of the bench my love. It is my design, and Ramona had a friend build it for us. It cost her some pussy, but that is OK, cause she goes bonkers when I put her in it and let one of the dogs fuck her silly. Isn’t that right Mona?”

Ramona looked at Jamie and said, “yes my sister. You are correct. I had to fuck my friend 5 or 6 times for his work building the bench. But his finished product was worth all his poor fucks because the dogs fuck me so very very well when I am in it. I love the bench!”

Jamie cupped Lydia’s bare pussy. “You are soaking wet. You are such a whore Lydia love.”

“The bench is designed to have woman on her knees. You can see the padded area here. The runners are similar to those on gyno table. They can move in or out as well as right or left. You will notice there are Velcro cuffs to secure the legs and ankles. Can’t have you thrashing and kicking and perhaps kicking the dog in the balls now can we? Notice how the raised center portion is cut and built at a slight angle toward the front. This is for comfort. A pure right angle dais would not be comfortable for a woman.”

Jamie nudged Lydia to the bench. She pushed Lydia’s shoulders and had her kneel on the kneel pads. With an easy but solid pressure, Jamie pushed Lydia forward over the raised center dais. Jamie squatted beside Lydia and spoke to her in a low cooing voice.

“I designed the dais so it could be adjusted in height. The angle is fixed, but not all girls are the same height. For short waist girls, I wanted to be certain their tits would hang over the front edge. I shall show you what I mean.” Jamie flipped a switch and the padded dais went up for a bit, and then Jamie brought it back down.

Jamie pulled a drawer open from the bottom center front portion of the dais. From it she removed 2 glass pieces that were shaped like bells. Each piece of glass had a clear piece of tubing attached to it. Jamie slowly licked around the perimeter of each glass bell. She flipped a switch on the side of the bench. A mechanical sound, not unlike the ‘pockata-pockata machine described in Walter Mitty” began to whir. Jamie attached the bells over Lydia’s nipples. A strong suction commenced which pulled Lydia’s nipples and areolas into the bell orifice. Lydia screeched and then emitted a long moan.

Jamie giggled and said, “Mona, come see how the vac pump sucks this bitch’s nipples into the jar. I tell you after a month or so fucking the dogs and being on the bench, we will have this whore’s nipples about 2 inches long.” Jamie gasped as the suction was increased which drew more of her flesh into the cup.

“I promise you baby, when you have about a foot of dog dick and knot filling your sweet pussy and this pump is sucking on your nipples and clit, you will cum like the whore you are. You are going to cum for Ms. Jamie like no other slut puppy pussy whore can. I just have that feeling about you. I sensed it as soon as I met you.”

Lydia was rocking in the bench as though she was being fucked at that moment. Jamie whispered to Lydia that it would be better if Lydia learned the full effects of the bench on a puppy pussy slave. ‘SLAVE’ there was that word again cutting to Lydia inner core and stoking the fire burning her pussy. Jamie attached the Velcro cuffs around Lydia’s ankles and just above her knees. Another switvch and another hydraulic whir and the leg runners lengthened and spread. This pushed Lydia’s head forward and down which raised her ass and pussy. Another whir and from the bottom of the front portion od the bench came a small padded rest. It rose on a telescoping rod within a rod within a rod.

Ramona, heeding Jamie’s command joined the pair. She knelt on the other side of Lydia. Ramona kissed the new girl and cooed in her ear, “Lydia darling, you are going to be such a wonderful subbie puppy pussy girl. Jamie always knows best and which girls will be fantastic slaves for the boys.” Ramona fastened Lydia wrists into Velcro cuffs and clipped the cuffs to rings on the front of the bench.

Jamie then said, “The chin rest is to prop and raise your head. Puppy slaves need to be able to multi-task. There are times when Mona or I shall walk one of the dogs forward. By adjusting the bench center dais and the chin rest, we can walk that dog’s huge dick right into your open mouth. Just think puppy pussy slave, a huge throbbing hot red doggy dick in your mouth to fill your tummy with cum, and a huge red throbbing doggy dick in your pussy to fill your womb with puppy cream. Truly double fucked darling.”

Lydia wailed like a school girl. The mental images flooding her brain were portrayed in Technicolor. Jamie said vivid red doggy dick and that is what Lydia’s mind saw. Lydia could see herself on the bench as she was now. Jamie or Ramona lead a dog in on a leash. Jamie commands Lydia to suck the dog’s dick, and then instructs Ramona to fetch another dog. Ramona enters with a second dog. Jamie tells Lydia this dog wants some pussy and she has to give it to him. Jamie tells Lydia that the dog has a huge load of cum just for her. Jamie says Lydia must take the full length of the doggy dick in her pussy. She must use her cunt to squeeze the dick and milk of its cum. Same thing for the dog she is sucking. Jamie says Lydia should suck the dog dick as though she were sucking the chrome off a car bumper.

Lydia wails and begins to sob as the images are all her mind can envision. Try as she might to see other things, she cannot. Jamie is now fondling Lydia’s pussy lips, slowly finger fucking her. Three fingers slide with ease into Lydia’s greased pussy hole. Ramona has Lydia’s clit between her thumb and forefinger. She twirls it, then twists it, the pinches it, the pulls it. When Ramona pulls on Lydia’s clit, Lydia squeals like a mouse in a trap. Ramona pulls Lydia’s clit and then she mashes it against Lydia’s pubic bone. “This whore is ready Jame,” Ramona says.

Jamie looks at her sister and nods in agreement. “Oh yeah Mona, this cunt is so ready for dog dick. You want to give our boys some of your hot pussy Lydia whore? Do you want to be a pussy SLAVE for our dogs. Have them use their huge red dicks to stretch your sweet tight cunt? Your pusst needs stretching so badly my sweet puppy slave.”

Lydia was frantic. Jamie’s words and descriptions had her hooter than the geyser spouting from Old Faithful. Lydia mumbled “I need doggy dick. I want doggy dick. I want to be doggy fucked and I want to be suck doggy dick. Please Jamie, I need the dick. I need it really bad.”

Jamie told Ramona to get Axis and bring him into the house. She said that she would check the cameras to be sure they were rolling. Ramona said she started the cameras as soon as she heard Jamie’s car drive in to the yard. Jamie nodded and said she was going to check anyway.

The door latch sounded and Lydia looked up. Ramona came in with two (2) huge dogs. She said one was Axis, and the other was Ally. Lydia could see each dog was sporting about 10 inches of thick red dick beneath their belly. Ramona smiled and said, “Don’t worry. They each got a few more inches to shove in your fuck holes. Like the porn flicks, I fluffed them a little!”

Lydia turned 9 shades of red now knowing she was going to be star of a doggy fuck film.