(c) 2014 by Maxijohndoe

Who said the Gods of old were dead?

Penelope lay on her bed, legs spread wide. The night was hot and Penelope was bored. Her husband was away, driving thousands of longhorn cattle from the ranch to the railhead at Dodge. Penelope read from her favourite book that she had found amongst the books in her husband’s library, an anthology of Greek myths. Her long blond hair was stuck to her sweaty body and she rubbed and fingered her dripping quim as she read accounts of rape and bestiality.

Penelope had been a bar girl, turning tricks to get by, when she had caught the eye of Daniel Mason. Daniel was a widower and extremely rich. He courted Penelope, and by marrying her, had made her into a respectable woman. Any man who spoke ill of her would face Daniel’s pistol, so even those who had once paid for her pussy or arse held their tongues.

Penelope however was not respectable. In her prostitute days several times she had been paid to fuck a man’s dog or suck off his horse while the man watched, and she had enjoyed every moment. Luckily her husband would tolerate her taking lovers during his long absences as long as they were not other men. So Penelope often took the young maid to her bed or would please herself on the hot dick of one of the many farm dogs.

As she read Penelope focused on one particular myth, that of the Minoan Queen Pasiphae and the white bull. The thought of being mated by such a strong animal made Penelope soaking. And a plan of action began to form in her mind.

Noah was an old Negro who had served her husband for many long years. According to Noah her husband had won him in a card game down on the Mississippi. Daniel had freed him on the spot to insult his former owner, and when the man called Noah a nigger Daniel shot him in the leg for insulting a free man in such a manner. Noah was devoted to Daniel and watched over Penelope for him. When Penelope approached him with her request he was utterly shocked. Penelope nagged him and, fearing she would ask one of the ranch hands who may choose to take advantage of her, he reluctantly agreed.

Penelope inspected the wooden cow he had made for her. The body was covered with cow hide and it sported both a tail and stuffed head. Below the tail was an oval opening that was lined with soft leather. Inside was a swing hammock for Penelope and a number of handles. These would allow Penelope to push herself against the tail hole or pull herself out of the way. Penelope took a knife and slashed open the crotch of her knickers.

Noah wheeled the fake cow into the holding yard and pegged it in place. In the surrounding pens were the ranch’s prized breeding bulls. As Penelope greased the leather of the tail hole Noah tried to talk sense into her. He tried the religious angle, then the fear of injury, then the fact that bulls breed with a single thrust and would not satisfy her. Penelope would not be swayed. As Penelope made herself comfortable inside the cow she told him to open the gates to the bull pens and to go back to the mansion and to return in an hour.

So Noah closed the cow and opened the gates.

It was warm inside the cow but Penelope sweated more in expectation of what was to come than from the heat. She could hear the bulls approach and then mill about as they inspected this strange creature than smelt like them but didn’t move. Penelope had waited until she was sure that Noah would be out of site, she pushed her quim and arse up hard against the hole. She felt hot breath as the bulls checked her out, and like a cow she pissed to encourage them.

The first bull landed on the cow with a thud. Penelope had watched these bulls mate many a cow so she knew a long sharp dick would be protruding from this bull’s sheath. The sharp tip poked her twice then, as the bull felt her quim, it drove itself in to the hilt with one powerful thrust. Penelope felt the bull bottom out against her womb and then hot semen sprayed her insides. With that the bull withdrew and dismounted. A single mating wasn’t enough to bring Penelope to climax but there were plenty of bulls waiting their turn.

The next bull mounted and quickly drove itself inside her. This one stayed a little longer and Penelope enjoyed feeling its hard rod jerk in her as the bull unloaded it semen. She then pulled herself forward so she could rub her cum coated clit and lips. Meanwhile a couple of bulls mounted then dismounted disappointed. Penelope felt herself close to climax so her push herself back against the hole.

The next bull had poor aim and buried itself to the hilt in Penelope’s arse. Penelope was no stranger to being sodomised and the hot bull seed sluicing her bowels set off her climax. Bull after bull took their turn filling either Penelope’s quim or arse and soon a constant trickle of bull seed oozed from her holes. Penelope had climax after climax as bull cock after bull cock stabbed her insides.

Finally she heard Noah shouting as he herded the bulls back into their pens. Soon after the cow was opened and Penelope climbed out, pushing down her dress. Even so the soil below her dampened as bull seed flowed from her. She ignored Noah’s look and walked back to the mansion, dripping with every step. She ordered the maids to draw her bath and spent some time luxuriating as her continuous leaking left milky trails in the warm water.

The cow was stored away for later use and things went back to normal. Four weeks later Penelope realised that her period was late. In the past Penelope had occasionally been irregular so she paid it little thought. The next morning she woke and as she got up felt so terribly nauseous that she vomited into the chamber pot. This continued for morning after morning.

Penelope could no longer deny the signs her body was giving her. She was pregnant yet the last time she had Daniel’s seed in her was more than two months ago. She remembered the fate of that Minoan Queen Pasiphae. How could she explain this to her husband?

Penelope wondered if she should ask Noah to start constructing a maze.
