Chapter One

Jennifer, Gail, Tammy and Beth were not your average teenagers. Their idea of a day out together was going hiking, camping or swimming; not the mall.

This is in no wise to infer that they were not feminine though because the opposite was very obvious when ever others met them; especially men. These young ladies were head turners from the time they reached puberty and the same was true now. Nature had been very kind to them and they knew it. There were no leaders or followers in this quartet, they always seemed to functioned as a team and it had been that way for years.

Each of the girls had a boyfriend at one time or another but at the moment they were free and clear of all male entanglements. This suited them quite well though because they had also shared intimate moments together and very soon they were going away to college. They would be leaving everything else behind; even each other.

The girls had tried to go to the same college or university but all efforts on their part had failed. Their intended fields of study just didn’t seem to overlap in any way, shape or form. The closest they were able to get to one another was within a circumference of about two hundred miles.

Jennifer was a blonde bombshell and so was Gail; while Tammy and Beth were equal counterparts but of the brunette persuasion. All of them were athletic and stood anywhere from 5’ 6” to 5’ 7”. And they all weighed in at around 110 pounds.

Their upper attributes were equally impressive. They filled a C cup easily with just a little left over and since each of them was athletically inclined everywhere else, their breasts were nothing but works of art. Their cones could have easily graced any alabaster torso and brought admiring glances to the stone statues.

None of the girl’s families had any money problems even in the current economy so… the week long camping trip into the wilderness over the fourth of July was no real problem. They did get some grief from their parents about the outing but they smoothed it over with a promise to make themselves more available to future family functions.

The day of their departure into the wilds finally arrived. The weather that morning was perfect; it was the first night that was going to prove to be a problem. They arrived and parked at their starting point early and made it to the camp site by the lake easily. The trek over the light foot bridge that spanned the deep twenty mile long gorge was breath taking to say the least.

By one O’clock in the afternoon. After a two hour drive and a three hour hike. The girls arrived at the camp site. “Well, what do you think?” intoned Beth. “Isn’t it everything I said it would be?”

“I’ll agree to that whole heartedly,” chirped Jen.

“Same here,” chimed in the others in near unison.

The girls wasted very little time and soon had the two tents that they were going to use all set up around the central fire pit. Shortly after that they stripped down, threw on their bikinis and hit the water; it was very refreshing.

“This is absolutely beautiful,” stated Tammy. “It’s hard to believe that the place isn’t crowded with other campers.”

“It isn’t crowded,” replied Beth with a chuckle, “because it’s private land. It belongs to my Uncle Jack and he suggested that we might want to use it when I told him about what we planned to do over the fourth of July.”

“Did he offer to join us?” asked Tammy sarcastically.

“No, Silly. But then I didn’t really go into fine detail about everything that we had planned,” replied Beth. “I want this time to be special to all of us. I want it to be something that we will all remember forever.”

The girls gathered together in the crystal clear waste deep water and hugged. Some kisses and more than a few very friendly caresses were given and returned but nothing really wild erupted. They were all waiting for that just a bit later. Each night the young ladies planned to be with a different member of their little quartet.

After the refreshing romp in the lake that washed away all the sweat that they had garnered during their three hour hike; they donned t-shirts and shoes and began gathering wood for the evening’s fire. They were going to rough it totally. They had one medium sized pan and several metal skewers. They also had a fine selection of dehydrated meals but they also planned to catch and eat fish.

The gathering of the fire wood was not as easy as they had hoped. There was wood to be had, but most of the good stuff was further from the camp site that they initially realized. They did adhere to the cardinal rule about going alone anywhere. They teamed up in pairs and headed in different directions. The two blondes went east around the lake while the brunettes went in a westerly direction.

Jen and Gail walked a bit first, checking out the potential fuel for fire pit. They had a small camp saw and a tarp with rope attached at the corners so that they could drag the wood back to the main area. They were well out of sight of their friends when other things began to happen.

Gail was the instigator of it all. When Jen bent over to push at a certain piece of wood the brown-eyed blonde goosed her friend real well. She even managed to hit Jen’s vaginal crease in a way that pushed her suit between her pouty pussy lips.

Jen shrieked and jumped at the intrusion. She spun quickly and a smirk crossed her lips. “Oh… so you want to play, do you?” she intoned.

Gail threw the camp saw onto the tarp that Jen had been dragging and when her friend drew closer they began their playful tussle. They were fairly equal in strength so neither of them really bested the other. The tickling-groping session that followed left both of them aroused and they didn’t realize that they were no longer alone until the ones that were watching had moved to within ten feet of them.

Jen was the first to react when she realized that they were no longer alone but Beth didn’t sense or see anything until her friend tensed and muttered, “Oh, shit!” loudly. Then… both girls froze right where they were after that. They did not move, not even to cover their breasts or adjust their out of place bikini bottoms. They didn’t see the newcomers as a sexual threat: they saw them as something different.

“Are they wolves?” asked Beth softly.

“I don’t think so,” returned Jen but they do look as though they have a wolf like strain in their DNA somewhere.

Even as Jen spoke the darker of the two magnificent male K9s boldly moved forward and began sniffing at the girls. He then settled on the young blue eyed blonde in particular. She shied away a bit at his advance but he simply followed and all it did was give the two animals more room between the two females which suited them completely.

Both Jen and Beth soon found themselves to be the center of attention for the huge animals that stood over them. The first few licks that were dealt out caught mostly exposed non erotic areas but that quickly changed.

Jen flinched at the first few licks but as they continued she became more at ease. It remained that way until several swiped of the animal’s tongue bathed her right nipple and sent tingles coursing through her that she had never experienced before. She even felt herself becoming turned on by what was happening as her fears ebbed.

Jen began breathing heavier and she called out to Beth. “How are you doing over there?” She asked this because she could not see beyond that animal that was in front of her but she had heard some noises coming from her friend and they seemed to echo exactly what she was experiencing at the moment.

“Oh… Jen” came Beth’s husky voice, “you wouldn’t believe where this boy is licking me! And the funny thing about it is that I’m really getting turned on about it.”

“I know what you mean,” returned Jen as a mini quake shook her core, “I’m sure that I’m getting the same treatment over here. In fact, if any of my former boyfriends had as talented a tongue as this dog has he would probably still be my boyfriend.”

Jen laid back a bit after that and carefully adjusted her legs and the bikini to accommodate her four-footed lover. She had never thought of ever doing anything like this before but since the opportunity presented itself in a way she couldn’t seemingly refuse she went with it and she wasn’t disappointed. She doubted that she would ever just blurt out at a party that she had once let a wolf-like dog lick her to orgasm but it didn’t affect her psyche in any way either. She was open to new ideas.

Both girls experienced several small orgasms followed by a fairly large one. It was after the larger of the quakes hit that they both realized that the animals were not done with them just yet. It was as they were coming down from the last blissful event that they felt themselves being prodded into a kneeling position.

“I think they want to mate with us,” intoned Gail as she finally looked over in Jen’s direction and saw that she was being moved into a kneeling position also.

“Oh my god, this is so wild,” said Jen and then she moaned loudly as the darker animal behind her gave her several deep licks that excited her from clit to rosebud.

Gail watched Jen as the animal licked her and then mounted her. She was amazed at how sexy it looked and when she saw her reaction to being pierced by the dog’s cock she could hardly wait to experience it herself. “Come on doggy,” she encouraged him with a wiggle of her ass, “it’s time for you to fuck me like you friend is doing to my friend.”

Gail didn’t have long to wait. The animal behind her was already preparing to mount her but the wiggle didn’t hurt in any case. She felt the beast cover her and grab her hips with his paws. She was scratched a bit in the process but it didn’t detract from her desire to be mated. She was ready and when the K9s cock burrowed into her vaginal vault she was eager to accept him. She yelped at first but then everything settled to a manageable pounding that heightened all her senses. “That’s it Baby, fuck me,” she murmured. She closed her eyes and concentrated on what she was feeling below: it was so intense. When she reopened them, both girls were looking right at each other as they were mated by the animals above them.

“I think we are both getting the best fuck we have ever had,” cooed Jen as she witnessed the looks of raw sexual bliss that were surfacing in her girlfriend. “I’ve only had two guys in my life and I’ve experimented with a few dildos but nothing has ever been in me as deep as this boy is in me right now,” she added with a pant.

Both animals rammed their respective new mates at jack-hammer speed. They had no idea what the sounds from the females really meant but the very fact that they were not trying to get away was enough to spur the boys on. It wasn’t until they began setting their knots that things became even more interesting.

Jen was the first to notice the change in the dog’s anatomy. She had been on the receiving end of the animal’s lusty desires for at least five minutes when she began feeling a distinct bulge slipping through her vaginal lips over and over again: only now it was getting bigger. “Oh my god, I think his knot is inflating,” she hissed through clenched teeth. The bulb got even bigger and then mercifully entered her somewhat abused pussy one last time before lodging there. She gave a sigh of relief.

Gail saw the pained yet euphoric look that crossed Jen’s face and knew immediately that her friend was experiencing yet another orgasm. She was going to ask her to explain the ‘knot’ comment when she began experiencing it herself. She had never owned a dog and had never seen them mate and get hung up so she had no idea what to expect.

“Ohhh… my god,” Gail muttered with an intensifying pitch to her voice. She felt it now and it amazed her how both pain and pleasure could radiate out of the same area at the same time. Some kind of bulge was manifesting its presence at the entrance to her vaginal vault and it was quickly becoming more pain than pleasure.

Gail shrieked and the sound carried almost all the way across the lake but it didn’t quite reach Tammy and Beth who had also stopped for a little feminine playtime. They were too engrossed in what they were doing and the contented noises they were making drowned out the sounds from across the water.

Gail was just about ready to call the whole female/beast experiment off as thought all she had to do to end it was to stand up… when the growing bulge entered her one last time and stuck there. The relief was almost instantaneous and the orgasm that quickly followed washed the preceding pain away like a tsunami’s first wave.

Jen had watched Gail take the knot through squinted eyes and smiled. Even now her lover was pumping load after load of potent sperm into her womb. He was trying to impregnate her and it pleased her to think that she might become pregnant with this animal’s prodigy. She knew that it wasn’t really possible for that kind of human/animal interaction to happen. But… the mere thought of it becoming a real factor enhanced what she was feeling and actually triggered another mini orgasm. It was almost like her body was trying to suck the life-giving fluids from the dog and into her in order to make it a reality.

“Give me you seed, Sweetheart,” Jen cooed as she gently rocked back onto his hot invading member within her. “Let’s see if we can cross the human/K9 barrier together. Give me a puppy.”

Gail was close enough to where Jen and her lover posed in sexual union and heard everything her friend had said. She too felt shot after shot of hot doggy goo enter her reproductive system and the thoughts began to germinate. It sent her into another orgasm as she envisioned herself being impregnated by the beast on her back.

“Ohhh… yeah, doggy. Fuck me good and give me your puppies,” Gail hissed. “Right about now I don’t care what people would say when they saw that I was pregnant and gave birth to your little babies. All I know is that you are the best lover I have ever had. I know I’m not really experienced in sex but you are definitely going to be a hard act to follow,” she added as she too rocked back on the hard phallus that pierced her inner core so nicely. Remembrances of the final thrusts as the animal’s knot was seated within her were totally forgotten; all that remained was bliss.

Jen and Gail knelt beneath their respective lovers for several more minutes. They were totally unaware that their slight bit of rocking was actually keeping the animal’s knots inflated longer. All they knew was that it felt good to have the hard shaves moving within them and caressing their G-spots over and over again. It prolonged their euphoric state to even greater lengths than usual and it was like a narcotic to them. Even the dogs didn’t mind the action; they simply continued to pump their seed into the willing females as they lay over them.

More than half an hour after it all began the animal’s knots finally deflated enough to pull out of their respective bitches. Both girls gave a slight shriek as the bulges were extracted from their inner core. They marveled as they saw what had been imbedded in them and they were aware that both dogs’ phalluses had already shrunk in size a bit.

“Oh… my… gosh” stated Jen in amazement as she looked at the dogs. “These boys must have had at least eight inches of cock in us and that’s not including the knot”

“Where in the hell did they stuff it all?” Gail asked with equal wonderment as she looked at her pelvic region and saw the whitish goo of their recent union oozing from her puffy slit. She hesitantly reached down and ran her finger through the viscous substance and her body gave a small quake for her efforts. “I wish I had a tampon with me right here,” she added, “I’d stuff it inside of me and keep his sperm in me just a little longer.”

Jen euphorically looked her friend.”Yeah, I know what you mean. I’d do the same thing.”

As the girls watched the dogs they saw them clean themselves up with a few perfunctory licks. The animals then went to the girl they had just mated with and gave her several seemingly thankful kisses. After that they ran into woods near the lake shore and vanished from sight.

“Do you think we’ll see them again?” asked Gail longingly.

“I sure hope so,” responded Jen sincerely.

The girls sat there for a few moments longer in their euphoric state before finally getting up and taking stock about what had just happened. “Do you think we should tell Tammy and Beth about any of this as soon as we get back to camp?” asked Gail.

“No,” responded Jen softly, “at least not yet. Hopefully there will be a better time to broach the subject than simply blurting out the fact that we were just royally fucked by a pair of K9s; even if we did love it and hope it happens again.”

Jen then walked toward the lake and waded into the water until it began lapping at her vaginal crease. She really didn’t want to wash the dog’s cum out of her but she didn’t want his sperm dripping from her pussy and staining her bikini bottoms either. Once more she wished she had a tampon with her.

When Gail saw what Jen was going to do she joined her friend in the water. She witnessed the sad look that crossed the blue eyed blonde’s face and knew immediately why it was there. “I don’t really want to wash his seed out of me either,” she said wistfully.

After the girls had flushed their vaginal vaults out as best they could they waded ashore and mechanically slipped back into their bikinis and t-shirts. They then began the task of gathering wood for the fire later that night. Each of them was lost in her own thoughts until the tarp was full of enough timber to make it imperative that they both put a little effort into hauling it back to camp.

“I hope the boys do return while we are still here,” reminisced Gail, “I really want to feel him in me again.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” agreed Jen, “I only hope that if they do come back that they bring a few of their brothers with them so that Tammy and Beth can feel what we felt.

“You mean that you wouldn’t want to share your four-footed lover with the others?” asked Gail.

“Not really,” intoned Jen, “in that aspect I think that I’m a bit monogamous. I’ll share just about anything else but when it comes to lovers I want total ownership. I hope that I don’t sound selfish when I say that but it’s just the way I feel.”

“Nah… I know what you mean,” agreed Gail, “I wouldn’t want to share my Patch with anyone else either. Not if I could prevent it without too much fuss.”

Jen looked at her friend quizzically. “But you do share your patch with others,” she commented. “I saw both Tammy and Beth going down on you at almost the same time just the other day.”

Gail giggled. “I didn’t mean that patch you silly twit,” she said as she pointed to the woods where the dogs had disappeared. “I meant my current four-footed lover. I’ve decided to call him Patch because of the lighter looking blotch of hair that he has on his chest.”

“That’s cool, I hadn’t really noticed it,” returned Jen.

“Well… I can’t really blame you for not seeing it,” said Gail, “after all, you were quite busy. I’m sure that the hot shaft that you had stuffed up your pussy was quite distracting.”

Jen gave a pleasurable moan. “It was, and I’m half tempted to go on a hike later tonight and see if I can find Blackie again,” she intoned as she assigned a name to her four-footed lover. I’d rip my suit off and get on my knees in a heartbeat if I saw him waiting for me in the shadows.”

Both girls were still talking about their recent experience and desires as they neared the campsite. Their voices were hushed though because they wished to keep their secret to themselves for at least a little longer. They didn’t stop the conversation until Beth and Tammy confronted them.

“Well…” intoned Beth as both young blondes drew closer to the fire pit and the wood that was already stacked there. “You both look as though you have had a very exciting afternoon. Tammy and I shared a bit of an interlude too… but from what I see you must have topped our experience.”

Both Jen and Gail looked at each other momentarily before the blue eyed one spoke up and looked at the others. “Oh yeah, we had an interlude and maybe tonight we’ll share it with you around the campfire.”


Chapter Two

The telling of the tale around the campfire never happened. The girls did manage to prepare an evening meal from their dehydrated larder; but that was as far as it got. Jen had wanted to wait until the moment was just right; like after the food was eaten and the dishes taken care of. She wanted nothing to get between her telling of the tale and Tammy and Beth listening to it with nothing else on their minds. She wanted them to be able to picture it all with no interruptions.

The girls had just finished cleaning everything up for the evening when the first gust of cool air swept through the area. It was enough to bring Goosebumps their way; not only to their exposed flesh but several of their unexposed parts also.

“Where in the world did that come from?” exclaimed Tammy.

“I don’t know,” returned Gail, “but I hope it’s the last of its kind,” she added as she rubbed her arms for warmth.

One after another wafts of cooler air continued to sweep over them. And one by one they became stronger and stronger. “I think we better get as much of our stuff as possible into the tents,” shouted Tammy over the howl of the wind.

Nothing more was said and the girls hurriedly gathered up anything that was laying about loose and threw it into the tent closest to the lake. The young ladies then huddled in the other nylon structure. “Where in the world did this storm come from?” asked Jen; not really expecting an answer.

The tent that the girls were in had not really been meant to house four persons; even ones as small as they were. The wind outside howled and the fabric of the shelter vibrated wildly. Several times they tried to talk but after they were drown out by the storm’s fury they gave up and just huddled there quietly.

Every once in a while Beth, who was closest to the opening, would try to peek out and see what was happening. Unfortunately, all she managed to do was allow a wet spray to enter their small enclosed domicile and splash everyone. The rainstorm eventually passed and although the girls could have swore that it lasted hours, in actuality it was over in less than fifteen minutes.

Once the wind and rain finally abated, the girls emerged from their shelter. The air was already noticeably warmer. It wasn’t until everyone was out of the tent that they noticed several things.

Where’s the second tent?” asked Tammy; only voicing what the others were already thinking.

“I hope it’s just out of sight somewhere,” offered Beth, “or my brother is going to throw a fit and I’m going to be the target.”

What little light the half moon and stars above put out were not enough to answer the question of the moment. Not only that, but all of the flashlights were gone also. Almost everything other than the girls and two backpacks belonging to Jen and Gail had been in the other nylon dome.

With very little illumination available; the girls were able to do only one thing: they managed to revive the fire. It took the ingenuity of all of them, but they succeeded in getting the few red hot embers that had been buried to dry out and reignite a few small twigs. From there they worked diligently until the fire was once more putting out not only heat; but light.

Once the fire was back to its original strength the girls tried to find some of the missing materials. They did manage to locate a few of the dehydrated lunches but that was all as even the burning timbers in the pit gave forth only a limited amount of illumination.

It was almost midnight by the time the girls gave up the rest of their search for the evening. In the end they squeezed into the remaining tent and tried to get comfortable enough to sleep. “Where do you thing that storm came from?” asked Gail groggily.

“I don’t know,” offered Tammy, “all I do know is that I checked all the weather outlets there are and none of them mentioned anything like what we experienced.”

“Don’t worry about it now,” groused,” Beth, “we’ll figure it you in the morning when we’re not dead tired.”

In a way, she was right; all of them were tired. So tired in fact, that they didn’t even see the lone set of yellowish green eyes that had been watching them for hours. The extremely dark colored animal only feet from where the girls had been moving about but no one saw it. It remained there waiting patiently; as though awaiting a certain event: or even on guard.

Jen was always a very light sleeper and it was not uncommon for her to awaken in the wee hours of the morning; no matter what time she went to bed. It wasn’t always a trait she liked but it seemed to be a part of her gene makeup.

Jen tried to stretch but it was too cramped where she lay to accomplish the task. Very carefully she extracted herself from the mass of sprawled bodies and managed to scrabble her way into the clear. In the process she was surprised that none of the others had awoken. She chuckled to herself lowly and then ambled toward the fire. It was once more threatening to burn out but with very little effort on her part she soon had it revived.

Through it all Jen was so busy that she failed to realize that she had a visitor. It wasn’t until the very dark animal was only five feet away and gave a very low “woof” that she registered his presence. It was also fortunate for all concerned that when she jumped at the sound that it was away from the blazing wood and not into it.

Jen squawked and threw herself away from the shadow that stood so close to her. For her efforts she landed on her rump very un-ceremonially while trying to recover her footing. It wasn’t until she finally managed to get a good look at the intruder that she slumped to the ground and relaxed; but it still took several minutes for her heartbeat to regain its normal slow rhythm. “Damn, Blackie, you nearly gave me a heart attack,” she murmured lowly.

Jen arose and brushed herself off. Once she was satisfied that she was presentable enough she approached the black animal slowly; she didn’t want to scare him away. She needn’t have worried about him bolting into the inky darkness; she was the reason that he had come. She knelt at his side and hugged him.

Blackie greeted Jen with several enthusiastic licks and even a few jabs with his snout that could only be taken for kisses; there was no other way to describe them. She thought it was cute and it wasn’t long before he began searching for other tidbits of her anatomy and she knew what he was after immediately.

Jen looked toward the tent and then back at Blackie. “Not here, Darling,” she cooed, “follow me.”

The young blonde’s desire to be taken by Blackie once more surfaced immediately the moment she realized that he was there. Her pulse quickened again as she stood. She said nothing as she walked further from the fire and when she was into the shadows far enough her knelt on one of the few grassy patches of ground that there were in that area.

Jen didn’t waste any time; she immediately pulled her pants and panties off and lay them next to where she was going to kneel. She then presented herself to her dark lover and waited. It wasn’t a long wait.

Blackie seemed to know exactly what his new mate was going to do; he simply followed her. When she stripped and presented herself to him, he was ready. He did warm her up a bit with several licks that sliced into her depths in such a way that she groaned her pleasure but she did not pull away.

The animal kept at licking Jen’s vaginal slit until she experienced a small orgasm. It didn’t take too long to accomplish but by the time it was over she was more than ready for what she was sure would follow; and she wasn’t displeased.

“Yes…” Jen hissed as she felt Blackie cover her backside.

The first few pokes were tentative and explorative in nature. But… when Blackie found Jen’s hot tunnel of delight he entered her in three distinct steps; each one inches deeper than the one before it. It took her breath away but she wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

“Oh… yes…” cooed Jen as her senses were once again flooded with primal sensations that rocked her to her core. “Fuck me, Blackie, make me your bitch.”

Blackie had no idea what his new mate was saying but there was no mistaking the way she arched her back in such a receptive manner. He plowed into her even deeper than before, if that were possible. He could even feel his substantial cock nudging the bottom of her vaginal vault.

Jen knew that Blackie was in her deeper than any man had ever been. And she also began to realize that there was no way a man alone would ever be able to satisfy all her desires. She now had a dilemma, but it was one she shoved aside for a later date. What she was receiving from the lover on her back was more than enough to satisfy her for the moment.

Over and over Blackie pounded away at Jen and she did everything she could to receive him. Eventually, she began to feel the familiar bulge of his knot as it began to inflate in an effort to lock them together. The head of his penis kept nudging the mouth of her womb and little by little it opened and allowed him entry. It hurt at first, but it was something that she wanted. And as his knot entered her for the last time, she knew that his cock was aligned in her in such a way that very little of his sperm would be lost.

Both blonde and black dog soared off into a world of their own. They remained aloft in the blissful state of sexual arousal for well over half an hour. It wasn’t until his knot began to wane that Jen heard her name being called.

At first, Jen thought it was a dream; a nightmare actually. Something was trying to pull her away from what she wanted most; to simply revel in feeling that Blackie’s cock and knot had created in her as he pumped her full of his seed. She didn’t want to let go of any of this just yet.

The disruption kept coming and slowly it was becoming louder. Jen’s sexually fogged mind finally realized that it was Gail that was calling her and she was afraid that if she didn’t answer soon that her friend would only get louder and perhaps awaken the others.

Jen finally managed to speak. “Shhhhh… keep your voice down, Gail, I’m over here.”

It wasn’t easy, but Gail did manage to estimate the approximate bearing from which her friend’s voice emanated from. She walked slowly in that direction and just managed to stop short of stepping on Jen’s hand. She wasn’t sure what she was seeing at first but when she did realize what it was she merely chuckled. And then she added, “I guess you did go for that walk; and it looks as though it paid off.”

“He’s almost done,” said Jen sadly, “I can feel his knot getting smaller.

Gail got down on her own hands and knees on the small grassy plot so that she could be closer to her friend. “Is it as good as you remembered?” she asked.

“Oh yes… it’s every bit as good; if not better,” returned Jen. “Even now I’m trying to think of a way to take him home with me. I want his puppies, Gail. I honestly hope he makes me pregnant somehow.”

“Wow, that’s really wild,” commented Gail softly. And then she added an afterthought. “Did you happen to see Patch at all while you were frolicking with Blackie?”

“No, Gail I didn’t,” returned Jen softly, “but I’m sure he’s around here somewhere. Blackie is here so I’d have to guess that Patch might be somewhere close by also.”

“Will you help me try and find him?” asked Gail seriously.

Jen tipped her head slightly so that she could look into her friend’s eyes. “I’ll help you find him,” she said just moments before a pleasurable groan escaped her lips. Blackie had finally shrunk enough to dislodge himself and the feel of his knot pulling through her vaginal lips nearly caused another orgasm.

As soon as Blackie was out of Jen’s body she bore down with her vaginal muscles in an effort to trap as much of his fluids within her as possible. She then spun around and hugged and caressed the huge animal.

Gail watched as her friend continued to show affection toward the huge animal. A while ago Jen’s actions would have seemed strange but now that she too had experienced even Patch’s one time bout of love making; it didn’t seem out of place at all.

Several minutes more passed before the girls realized that it was already becoming light out. It wouldn’t be long before the sun arose in the eastern sky and they would be able to see the storm’s damage clearly. Jen arose and put her close back on but she continued to keep her vaginal muscles tense; it wasn’t easy. She eventually asked Gail to do her a favor. “Could you go and get me a tampon from my backpack. If I move to much I’m afraid I’ll lose all of Blackie’s fluids.”

Gail smiled at her friend and then trotted off toward the tent. She knew that Jen would do the same for her if she desired it. Not only that, but she was really hoping that they would be able to go together and find Patch within the next hour or so. She had a itch that needed to be scratched and after seeing Blackie mounted to her friend… she knew that her Patch would definitely be able to take care of her need.


Chapter Three

Now that there were only two girls in the tent there was enough room for Gail to retrieve Jen’s backpack without disturbing the remaining occupants of the small dome. She didn’t take the entire bag to her friend but retrieved one tampon from the upper flap compartment before setting it on the ground. Then she took the wrapped object to Jen.

“Thank you,” said Jen as she quickly took the tampon and unwrapped it. She then pulled her pants and panties down once more and inserted the manmade barrier. The spongy unit would soak up a lot of his fluids but at least some of it would be dammed up at the tip of it for a while. It would suffice until they could mate again and she planned that to be as soon as possible if she had her way.

As the girls returned toward camp, Jen coaxed Blackie to stay with them. She didn’t even have any decent food to offer him but the sound of her voice and her caresses seemed to have done the trick; he followed them.

When the other girls awoke a half hour later it was to find that they had a new member in the camp. “Where in the world did the dog come from?” asked Beth.

“We actually saw him yesterday,” said Jen offering a half truth, “he must have come back this way wanting human companionship because of the storm last night.”

Neither Tammy nor Beth missed the strange smirk that momentarily passed between Jen and Gail but they said nothing. They simply accepted her explanation and then began casting about with their eyes in an attempt to find the missing tent.

“Have either of you gone to look for the tent yet?” Beth finally asked Gail and Jen aloud.

Uh… no,” responded Jen sheepishly. “I got tied up… I mean busy with the fire again. It stayed pretty good all night but it needed a little coaxing to come back to life when I awoke. I suppose that now would be a good time to look for the missing items.”

No other words were spoken and the girls once more split up into pairs. Jen and Gail headed east as they had the previous day. Blackie followed at his new mate’s heels as though he had been trained to do so to years. They were almost to where they had met the dogs the previous day when the brown eyed blonde gave a joyous shriek. “It’s Patch!”

Jen watched as Gail ran toward the animal in question. She felt relief for a number of reasons. It was true that she was happy for her friend; after all they both enjoyed a human-animal relationship. But, she also didn’t want to be the only one out of the quartet that came away from this weekend with a special companion.

Gail and Patch romped around a bit and then things turned a little more serious. One moment the young brown eyed blonde was hugging the big brute and the next she was stripping her clothes off and presenting herself to him. It was a totally hot sight and Patch took complete advantage of the situation.

Jen was immediately turned on also despite the fact that she and Blackie had been together only a short time previous. Even as she watched her friend strip out of her clothes she did the same. When Gail presented herself to Patch; she presented herself to her four footed lover. She barely managed to pull the tampon from her pussy when the dog began licking her.

Gail and Jen were several yards apart but they were still able to see each other as their respective lovers claimed them. The brown eyed blonde was the first to groan out her pleasure at being filled with a K9 cock but blue eyed girl was not far behind.

Both young women reacted to their male partners in almost the same way. Once the boys had their cocks in them to the bottom, they arched their backs to allow them to drive them even further into their bodies. Gail and Jen wanted everything that Patch and Blackie could give them. Their desire to mate and be mated was at its peak.

Patch pounded Gail just short of what many might consider to be rape, but she was not complaining. She urged him on with what little breath she could muster. “Fuck me… sweetheart… give me… your puppies,” she intoned lovingly as she carefully reached upward with her right hand and caressed whatever part of him that she could touch.

Blackie and Jen were a totally different story. He had wasted no time in mounting her, but now that he was there he was taking it slow. Since the huge beast had already mated with the young blonde previously that day everything went into slow-motion the moment he was fully inserted into his lover. She even arched her back to accommodate him better.

Jen groaned her pleasure just as Gail was doing. Between the two of them they sounded like a highly sex induced duet; but the song they were singing was anything but unpleasant to the ears. The truth of the matter was that it would have made even the chastest of virgins blush with desire to be taken as they were.

Once the boys had their knots set; even Patch slowed the pace at which he was fucked Gail. Their thrusts were now slow and deliberate. It was as if they knew that a deep forceful shove of their hot phallus was far more meaningful than anything that was shallow and topical in nature.

Over and over the K9s seated themselves within the girl’s vaginal chutes and the young ladies felt their entire internal system shifting slightly to accommodate their lovers. It was not painful but it was something that they had never felt before. It stirred their inner being and desire to experience more of it like nothing else ever before. It was like a fine tasting, yet intoxicating, wine that you simply couldn’t get enough of.

Jen and Gail experienced so many orgasms that they lost count. By the time Blackie and Patch extricated their knots from the girl’s vaginas they simply slumped to the ground where they had knelt. They stayed that way for several minutes and it would have been longer if they had not heard their names being called.

Jen could still see Gail as she lay on her side recovering from her latest bout with Patch. They both groaned as they heard the approaching voices of Beth and Tammy. With a supreme effort they managed to get back into their clothes while laying on the ground and scrabble toward one another before the others came into view.

“What in the world is going on here?” asked Tammy, voicing Beth’s thoughts also.

“We were just checking out this large depression at the top of the knoll,” offered Jen, trying to come up with the only plausible explanation that she could think of.

Beth looked at her friends skeptically but did not challenge what had been asserted. “Well, did you manage to find anything left over from the storm?”

“No,” returned Gail as both blondes shook their heads.

“Mmmmm, well I see you managed to find another mutt,” muttered Beth.

“Yeah,” replied Gail again, “he was here yesterday also, but he didn’t come to our camp like Blackie did this morning.”

Beth just sighed and shook her head before addressing all of her friends. “Well, because of what has happened I think that we have no other choice but to hike back out and consider this little camping adventure a total bust.”

Neither Jen nor Gail liked the sound of that but they realized that it was the only sensible choice. They hadn’t even discussed it between themselves yet and still the two girls were on the same page; so to speak. If they couldn’t take Blackie and Patch with them when they left, then they would have to return here almost immediately. They would retrieve the dogs after Beth and Tammy dropped them off at their respective homes.

It only took an hour for the girls to break camp and clean the place up as though no-one had been there in the first place. The only things that they left behind were footprints and charred wood that would eventually blend in with the rest of nature.

When the girls began their trek toward the vehicle Tammy and Beth noticed immediately that the dogs were tagging along. They whispered back and forth to one another but said nothing to the others. They began to wonder two things. Why did the K9s seem so drawn to Jen and Gail? And how far would the animals go to be with them?

Mentally, Jen and Gail were on pins and needles. They had no idea how this was all going to play out. They were only a half hour into the trek back when their whole entourage came to a screeching halt. In front of them was the twenty mile long chasm. But… where the footbridge had once stood there remained only a few scraps of wood and metal. It was almost as though the bridge had never existed.


Chapter Four

“Oh… my… god,” bemoaned Tammy, “what in the world are we going to do now?”

“This is not good!” added in Beth. “We don’t even have a way to get a hold of anyone.” And then she elaborated. “Tammy’s and my cell phones were lost when the tent blew away. And I already checked Jen and Gail’s phones after we got back on our search for the lost equipment. There are no reception bars visible and their batteries are just about dead from searching for a tower.”

Jen and Gail quickly retrieved their cell phones from their backpacks; they were right on top where Beth had placed them. “Why didn’t you tell us that our cell’s batteries were almost dead?” asked the young blue eyed blonde.

“I didn’t say anything before,” responded Beth apologetically, “because we weren’t in total hot water until now.”

Beth’s words slowly sank into all of them as they stood looking at the now impassable chasm. Several moments of silence followed and then it was broken by Blackie; his barking and agitated actions caused them to look in his direction.

“What’s wrong with the mutt?” asked Tammy.

“I don’t think there is anything wrong with him,” commented Jen after watching his actions. “I think he’s trying to tell us something.”

Blackie had run a short distance northward while barking… stopped and returned to his starting point… and then did it all over again. He did this several times before stopping completely. He had his cocked in a way that left little to anyone’s imagination. It was as though he was wondering why they did not understand what he was trying to convey to them.

“He wants us to follow him,” commented Jen.

“But that’s back toward the lake and the camp site,” offered Tammy. “We need to stay here and wait for help.”

“Outside help might be farther away that we think,” opined Beth. “What if the storm we experienced was more localized than what we are use to. What if the only real damage done to anything was what we alone have witnessed?”

“So you think that no one will even realize that we are in trouble until we are missing for a day or two beyond our normal return date?” added Tammy.

Beth said nothing but the solemn nod of her head spoke volumes.

“But why should we go back to the lake then?” reiterated Tammy. “That seems counterproductive. We ought to stay here where the first rescuers will easily see why we have not returned.”

“That’s a plausible idea,” offered Jen, “but I don’t think it is the best one. I think we should go back to the lake area because at least there we know that we have drinkable water coming from the small spring near the camp site. Not only that, but we only have two small water bottles left. It would be hard to maintain an adequate water supply for all of us over here.”

Gail and Beth began nodding their heads in approval to Jen’s scenario. Tammy quickly realized that going back to the lake would probably be the best thing to do; especially considering the possible water shortage that they would face if they stayed anywhere else. It was also the main reason that they did not contemplate trying to hike east or west in an effort to go around the steep chasm. That option would only come into play as a last resort.

It wasn’t too long after that before the young quartet of females and their entourage of K9s was headed back toward the lake. Blackie and Patch seemed very amiable to the fact that the girls were once again going in the direction of their familiar haunt. They trotted beside their chosen mates as though they had been with them for years.

When the girls got back to the lake they didn’t immediately set up camp like they had the previous day. This time the simply plopped the tent and two remaining back packs near the diminished wood pile and looked at each other a bit forlornly. It wasn’t until Tammy piped up with an idea that the mood changed. “Well… we might as well make the best of our situation,” she said as she began stripping out of the few cloths that she had on, “I’m going skinny-dipping. I’m not going to let the fact that I lost my bikini last night keep me from cooling off in the lake.”

“That sounds like a very good idea,” agreed Beth as she too began shedding her shirt and bra to reveal the taut brown nipples on her twin charms. She shucked the rest of her clothes quickly and was soon following Tammy into the lake’s refreshing waters.

Jen and Gail began removing their clothes also, but at a lot slower pace. “Do you think Blackie and Patch will take advantage of this situation?” asked the young blue eyed blonde as her pink nipples came into view.

“They probably will,” commented Gail as she shed her bra to expose her brown nippled peaks to the sun’s rays. “I have a feeling that the boys will soon be showing Tammy and Beth exactly why they are so interested in us.”

“Well…” added Jen as she pulled her shorts and panties off, “I was going to tell them about our little adventure with the dogs last night around the campfire. I guess they’ll just have to witness it firsthand instead.”

As soon as Jen and Gail were naked as the day they were born they ran toward the water. They didn’t wait to see if Blackie and Patch would do anything just yet. They decided to forestall the inevitable until after they had cooled off in the lake’s pristine waters.

The girls swam about the lake and frolicked in the water for over thirty minutes. When they were done they began wading ashore. Jen and Gail were inwardly excited and the last to leave the water. They were eagerly greeted the two dogs. They were not immediately tackled as they emerged from the wet playground but they didn’t get too far before the boys made their intentions known by trying to bury their snouts in the young women’s crotches.

Tammy and Beth had their backs toward their other two friends as they tried to slick as much water from their bodies as they could by using their hands. It wasn’t until they heard a bit of giggling behind them that they finally turned around to see what was causing it. “Oh… wow, that’s hot…” commented Tammy as she began to realize exactly what was happening. The dogs were not simply trying to lick the water from her friends’ flesh, they were actually digging in a bit deeper and Jen and Gail were no discouraging it.

“If you think it looks hot,” replied Gail huskily as Patch’s tongue slid across her clit for the umpteenth time, “you ought to feel it.”

Both young blondes had their legs spread just enough to give the dogs the access to their feminine charms they wanted without having to strain in order to do it. The animals kept licking for another minute but then they began nudging the girls’ legs and it was very obvious to Jen and Gail what the boys wanted next.

Even as Beth and Tammy watched, Jen and Gail began to lower themselves into a kneeling position. “Are they going to do what I think they’re going to do?” she asked no one in particular.

“Yeah… I think they are,” responded Tammy breathily.

Once Jen and Beth were in the doggy position Blackie and Patch wasted very little time in mounting their respective females. It only took them a few jabs to begin sinking their cocks in the heated cores of the two young blondes.

Jen and Gail couldn’t help but know that they were now the main point of interest on both sides of human and animal links. The dogs eagerly sank their hot phalluses into them while their two friends looked on in awe. Most of their senses were tied up in what the K9s were doing to them but they did not miss another important factor either; Tammy and Beth were turned on by what they were seeing The two young brunettes were even now caressing their own breasts and gently rubbing their hooded clits in lusty excitement.

Tammy and Beth had stopped trying to slick the excess water from their bodies. Instead they moved closer to the two young blondes and watched the proceedings with great interest. They saw the animals mount their friends and they witnessed the K9 cocks pierce Jen and Gail’s vaginal. And there was no mistaking the outcome of it all. Their recently graduated fellow classmates looked as though they were in another world as they were being pounded by Blackie and Patch. And it was a world that they too wanted to explore.

Both Tammy and Beth eventually got down on their own hands and knees. They did it so that they could get a better view of what was happening to Jen and Gail. They watched as the K9s’ knots grew and they heard their friends pant and groan excitedly as it plowed in and out of them. They listened to what their friends were saying about the experience and they wanted to feel what it was like also.

“I don’t think I have ever seen anything sexier,” exclaimed Tammy as she watched Patch shove his knot into Gail one last time before it stuck.

“If you think its hot watching someone else get royally screwed by a dog,” groaned Gail pleasurably as Patch began filling her with his seed, “just wait until you try it.”

Beth was kneeling closer to Jen and she had seen everything for the beginning to the present. She had been intimate with both her friends and she knew what it took to get them off and excite them. She could tell easily that the girl in front of her was at a sexual peek far higher that one she had ever been able to induce. She wasn’t jealous though; but she did want to try it out for herself.

“Oh… Jen,” cooed Beth huskily, “you look so sexy being taken by Blackie. I wish I could try it,” she added longingly.

A small smile creased Jen’s otherwise bliss frozen countenance. “I somehow think that you will probably get your wish,” she managed softly as her focus changed from her friend’s face to something that was behind the kneeling girl.


Chapter Five

Beth and Tammy barely had enough time to look behind them before their exposed rears and vaginal slits began receiving a licking like they had never experienced before. They were not able to really see what the animals looked like but they were already too hot and didn’t necessarily concern themselves about it. The only thing that mattered to them at the moment was getting some of what their friends had.

Even as Jen and Gail reveled in the feel of Blackie and Patch’s K9 cocks as they unloaded their sperm deep inside of them; Tammy and Beth found out what it was like to have a dog’s tongue shoved into their hot interiors.

“I’ve never been eaten out like this before,” cooed Tammy.

“Me either,” agreed Beth as she already neared her first orgasm, “but I can already tell you that I will want to feel it again. This is beautiful.”

“If you think that what you are feeling now is fantastic,” panted Jen as load after load of Blackie’s seed fed her need, “just wait until your boy shoves his cock into your hot little snatch. But I’ll warn you now… you better be ready for it.”

Almost in a duet; Tammy and Beth began orgasming loudly. Their whole bodies quaked as they experienced to strongest climax that either of them had ever had. They were just coming down from the sensual peak when the dusty gray and light coffee colored K9s mounted them.

Tammy felt the gray dog’s front legs grab her hips and pull them closer together. She felt something warm spraying her vaginal mound and then she felt something even hotter nudge the lips of her pussy. Her breath caught for a moment and then she gasped as the animal on her back hunched forward and speared her with his cock. He didn’t merely enter her with an inch or two and then continue on from there; he jammed a full six inches into her in one fell swoop.

Tammy’s eyes opened wide at the massive intrusion and Gail could only guess at what caused the surprised response. In all the wide eyed look didn’t last too long before it was replaced by the image of pure unadulterated passion. The gray dog on the young brunette’s back began driving into her at a pace that was nothing short of phenomenal and she was enjoying it to the fullest.

Beth was now feeling almost the same thing only her initial penetration and been far gentler. The light coffee colored mutt on her back had shoved his impressive member into her a few inches at a time. He bottomed out in her depths easily and she could feel him pressing places inside of her that nothing else had ever touched. She love what she was feeling and she too knew that this was not going to be the last time she experienced it; not if she had anything to say about it.

Jen and Gail were now resting on their forearms as Blackie and Patch’s knot began to wane. They didn’t want it to really end just yet so they began rocking back on the imbedded cock that had just filled them with so much living essence. They were going to try and revive the animals and see if they could entice another load from them.

“Come on Blackie,” cooed Jen, “let’s see if you can make me pregnant.”

Beth heard Jen’s comment and her heat index jumped up two notches. She hadn’t thought of it before her blonde friend had mentioned it but now that it was out in the open it really hit her. “Come on Coffee,” she said, giving her K9 companion a name, “fuck me Darling and give me your puppies.”

Tammy had not heard Jen’s comment, but she did hear Beth’s panting plea. “Oh yeah…” she echoed, “come on you hunk of Gray doggie. Fuck me good and give me a baby to remember you by. I’ve never wanted anything like this from any of my boyfriends but from you I would definitely make an exception.”

Once more Beth and Tammy sang a mini duet as Coffee and Gray set their knots within them. They continued to moan and pant as the dogs dumped their hot seed into them and set off orgasm after orgasm.

“Yes…” hissed Beth, “fill me with your sperm Coffee. Make me pregnant you handsome stud,” she cooed even though she had never really seen what he looked like. She just took it for granted that anything this beautiful had to come from an equally beautiful source.

Jen and Gail didn’t add too much verbally to what the two brunettes were saying but in their hearts they felt exactly the same way. They had lost track of how many times they had orgasmed but even as they passed over the threshold again they felt Blackie and Patch giving them another load of hot puppy juice.

For the next half hour the girls remained attached at the groin to their lovers and very little fluid escaped past the knots that were seated within them. Each young woman was sated in a way that she had never experienced before. It was totally euphoric.

Eventually the dogs’ knots shrank and the young ladies arose and brushed the sand and other debris from their hands and knees. “I can’t believe how good that felt,” said Tammy wistfully. “I definitely want to do it with Gray again. In fact, I’m already trying to think of a way to take him home with me… and then to school when I have to go in the fall. I bet he’d make a good watch dog.”

“Yeah, when he isn’t fucking you silly,” commented Beth; and yet her thoughts had already run along that line also.

Jen chuckled. “Gail and I have already thought exactly the same thing,” she commented. “I know we haven’t really known them very long but they have already won a special place within our hearts.”

Beth looked at her friends and as she gently caressed Coffee’s head and scruffed around his ears she added, “If it is at all possible I promise we’ll find a way to take them back with us. I think they all deserve new homes.” And now that she had gotten a good look at the beast that had pleasured her so well she really did want to keep him. He was an absolutely beautiful specimen for a dog.

With the human/animal relationships off to such a good start the girls didn’t hesitate to remain unclothed as much as they could. The only thing that they did do was to a wear a t-shirt to keep as much of the heavier afternoon sun off of them as possible. They did have Jen to thank for some of the solution to the problem though as she always carried sun block and her back pack had not been lost.

The girls erected the tent again and placed most of their loose items inside. They didn’t worry too much about another freak storm; they doubted that such a thing would happen twice in the same place and in just a few days.

It didn’t take long to set up the camp site to their satisfaction; and Tammy and Beth had just restacked the fire wood when they once again became the center of attraction for Gray and Coffee. The dogs simply nudged the girls and they knew exactly what the boys wanted. They looked at each other and smiled before leading the animals to a grassy patch. They then lowered themselves to their hands and knees in a way that would allow them to see their friend being taken by her K9 companion.

Jen and Gail watched with great interest also and they too presented themselves to Blackie and Patch but they didn’t get on their hands and knees. Instead, they lay on their backs. Their boys had not tried to bump them into position just yet so they simply offered themselves in a different manner to see what would happen.


Chapter Six

There was very little preemptive licking with Coffee and Gray. The girls barely got to their knees before the dogs gave them a few precursory licks; and then they were mounted. This time almost the opposite occurred. Beth had her K9 lover’s cock shoved into her depths so quickly that it took her breath away for several moments; and yet she reveled in how the brute had taken her this time. He was controlling the situation.

Opposite Beth, Tammy felt the gentle nudge of Gray’s cock as he inserted two inched of his hot phallus into her. It stayed there for a moment before retreating an inch; but then it entered her deeper. “Yes… Darling,” she pleaded, “just give it to me. Fuck me with that love stick of yours and make me your Bitch,” she added as she arched her back to receive him deeper.

Jen and Gail watched as Beth was possessed by the K9 on her back. They knew exactly what she was feeling because they had been taken in the same manner at one time or another. Coffee was pounding her hard on this initial penetration and she could barely catch her breath. Both girls got even hotter than they already were as they too desired to be humped into submission. They wanted what their brunette friend was now getting.

It wasn’t until Coffee set his knot in her that Beth was able to catch her breath and yet she would not have wanted it any other way. And it wasn’t until then that Jen and Gail became less mesmerized by what was happening that they decided to see what they could coax out of Blackie and Patch. The two young blondes had been rubbing their breasts as they watched and they were excited again. They only hoped that their loving K9 studs could fulfill their needs once more.

Even as Jen and Gail began panting with quickening desire Blackie and Patch came up to them and nudged them in a very familiar way. The young brown eyed blonde went to her knees almost immediately. She took only a moment to pull her long t-shirt out of the way so that Patch would have nothing in his way as he mounted her.

Jen caressed Blackie’s head but didn’t drop to her knees. Instead, she led him toward the tent. When she got to the domed nylon shelter she quickly retrieved her back pack and her sleeping bag. There was nothing in the camping equipment that was hard so she carried it to where the others were and set it close to them.

When the back pack was where she wanted it she then placed her sleeping bag in top of it. Very carefully she then sat on the edge of her make-shift platform and lay back. She was now almost at the right height for Blackie to take her in the missionary position.

Throughout the whole proceedings, Blackie patiently watched as his new mate prepared for them to be together again. He was unsure as to exactly what she was doing but when she was done he took advantage of her laid back position.

Jen spread her legs and patted her supple inner thigh. Blackie accommodated her completely by moving into position between her splayed feet and giving her tight little clam a few perfunctory licks. He remained at the mini banquet for several minutes while she moaned and squirmed in lusty sexual pleasure.

Jen was just about to grab Blackie by the scruff of the neck and haul him up and over her body when he did it himself. It was as though their minds were interconnected concerning their desires. The height was not quite optimal, but it was still doable.

Blackie’s front feet rested just above Jen’s dainty shoulders; and on her back pack. His furry sheath was two inches above her vaginal mound and she had to arch her back upward in order for their genital parts to make contact. It was not the easiest way for two lovers to mate but she was bound and determined to make it work.

Jen groaned pleasurably as Blackie’s cock entered her body and sank to her depths after a few thrusts. It was a strain to hold the position that would allow her lover access to her body but there was no way she wanted to break their connection. It was a total work-out for her; harder than any she had ever experienced but it was also fulfilling.

Of all the human/animal couplings that were occurring near the camp site, Jen and Blackie were the last to start and the last to finish. As the others completed their blissful unions they drew closer to where the young blue eyed blonde and her mate writhed in ecstasy. The dog’s knot was firmly set within her and she gently thrust herself at him. It was one of the hottest things that the girls had ever seen; and yet they had observed and learned a lot in the last few hours.

When Jen and Blackie finally separated the girls all gathered around and mused about what had happened. They specifically told the young blonde hot it looked for her to be taken by Blackie in the missionary position. “I want to try it that way with Patch,” commented Gail.

“Me too,” chimed in Tammy and Beth in near unison.

“Yes, you need to,” said Jen softly, “but I would suggest that you wait until we get home. It’s not easy holding yourself in position the way I did. It was beautiful and I’m glad I tried it, but I’ll wait for better conditions next time.”

After the girls had rested a few minutes they stripped their t-shirts off again and entered the lake to clean up and cool off. They were pleasantly surprised when the dogs joined them as they frolicked and romped in the shallows.

The rest of that evening the girls enjoyed themselves by walking about the lake naked. Tammy and Beth were taken by Gray and Coffee twice more and one of those times was around the camp fire that night.

Jen and Gail experienced the same. All in all the two young blondes had been mated five times and when they all fell asleep that night they, and their K9 lovers were ready for a rest. Tomorrow would be another day.


Chapter Seven

When the girls awoke in the morning they were alone; the dogs were nowhere in the immediate vicinity. “I hope they didn’t just leave us,” commented Tammy in a concerned voice, thinking that the animals might be more nomadic in nature. “I thought we were beginning to establish a relationship,” she added.

“I’m sure they didn’t go too far,” Jen tried to assure her. “They’ll be back before too long.”

The girls had just enough time to fix a meager breakfast from their dehydrated stores before the dogs returned. All of the young females secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the animals trotting toward them. They were totally hooked on the relationships that had developed between them and their K9 lovers and they didn’t want it to end.

One thing that the girls did become aware of while they were preparing their morning meal was the fact that several of the dehydrated meal packets had been damaged; and they had not noticed it before. They had a lot less food than they had originally thought.

“Well… it looks as though we’ll be going on a diet and losing a little more weight,” commented Jen as she tried to keep a positive spin on their finding.

“Then it should be an accelerated diet,’ chipped it Tammy, “because if the dogs keep fucking us like they did yesterday we are going to tear up a lot of calories keeping them satisfied.”

“Mmmmm… I’m all for that,” cooed Gail.

All of the girls chuckled at that and then they greeted their furry lovers as they trotted into the camp site. In all it didn’t get too much further than that before the boys began nudging the girls and making their intentions known.

Tammy and Beth were just about ready to submit to their K9 lover when Jen stopped them. “We have to begin teaching all our boys that they only get what we have when we initiate it or they are definitely going to embarrass us. And that is something that I don’t want to happen. I want to keep Blackie, but if any of what we are doing becomes known to those who do not understand we will lose everything!!!”

The girls looked at each other and as they did they realized by the nodding of all their heads that what she said made total sense. They did have to get it under control or they would lose it; and none of them wanted that.

One by one the girls began to gently yet firmly order the dogs to sit; and it worked. The animals behaved admirably; it was as though they understood exactly what was at stake. To reward them, the girls led them around the lake and into the woods. It was here, in the shaded and far more private confines that they stripped and then allowed the K9s the access to their charms.

The girls formed a rough circle. There was about three foot distance between their shoulders and they were facing each other. In this manner they could watch each of their friends being mated to their K9 lovers. It almost seemed to be choreographed because the dogs rose up over their respective females at almost the same time.

Jen, Gail, Tammy and Beth were watching each other closely but it was impossible to tell which of them was the first to receive their lover’s hot cock. It was like a sensual quartet that fed on everything else around them. The volume and intensity grew until the girls’ moans of ecstasy could be heard nearly a hundred yards away.

Pleas to be fucked harder and impregnated by their lovers flowed from every single girl; and they weren’t idle wishes. If Jen, Gail, Tammy or Beth had their desires fulfilled at that very moment they would have all conceived puppies as the K9s filled their wombs to overflowing.

For over twenty minutes the four girls knelt beneath their K9 lovers and reveled in the feel of being tied to them. “Do you think it’s possible to want something so much that you can cross the human/animal barrier and become pregnant?” asked Beth.

“I really don’t know,” cooed Gail, “but I’m seriously hoping that it’s possible.”

“Same here,” added Jen.

“And here,” chimed in Tammy, “I would love to carry Gray’s baby in my womb. But more importantly… I don’t want to lose him.”

Every girl in the circle nodded to that; they were in full agreement. They knew that becoming pregnant by their four-footed lovers was only a heady sexual fantasy; but it was a hot one and it fueled their sexual romps with the dogs like someone throwing gasoline on an already blistering fire.

When the boys were done and the girls were on their feet; they once more donned the long t-shirts that covered most of their female attributes. However… having a dog’s eye view of things the K9s weren’t really missing too much. Especially since the young ladies still declined putting on any underwear. The animals behaved though. They didn’t do anything until the human four-some was ready to have another sexual go-round.

That evening ended much like the first one did. By the time the girls and the animals curled up together on the sleeping bags they had made love three times and dogs were more than satisfied; and so were the young ladies.


Chapter Eight

The next morning seemed to dawn even earlier than all the others. It was the Fourth of July; the big day. When the sun arose in the eastern sky the next time they were supposed to be on their way home. It wouldn’t happen for another twenty-four hours so they figured that they still had time to enjoy their new found life-style openly for a little longer; and they definitely planned to take advantage of it.

The Holiday also started on a bit of a sour note; there was no more packaged food that had not been tainted in one way or another. They were going to have to rely on all their skills if they were going to have anything but water for the next thirty-six to forty-eight hours.

Several minutes passed, but when you have nothing to do except stand around and wait; it is strange how the seconds pass so slowly. Only six hundred seconds had passed but it seemed like six times that amount. “Where do those dogs of ours go in the morning?” asked Tammy, “audibly voicing what all the others were already thinking.”

Each of the girls was standing near the camp fire in an effort to dispel the slight morning chill around the lake. They had their eyes hooded with one hand or the other in an effort to look eastward into the low rising sun but it did little good. They eventually heard several distant barks and turned almost as one toward the west. When they did that they saw the missing animals easily and two of them were carrying something in their mouths.

“What… in the world… is that?” exclaimed Gail.

Jen began chuckling. “I think its breakfast. It seems as though our boys somehow knew that we were out of food so they are bringing us some.”

“They have a couple of turkeys!” added Gail as the dogs drew closer. “I might be hungry, but I don’t think that I could ever eat a bird raw.”

“There’s no saying that we have to eat it raw, you silly goose,” commented Jen as she went to get her camp knife from her back pack. “But we will have to cut them up, clean them and find a way to suspend them over the camp fire.”

“Ewwww,” moaned Gail as she made a distasteful face at the thought of gutting the two fair sized foul.

“What are you griping about,” piped in Tammy. “I remember the last time we tried one of these outings that it was you who sliced and diced most of the fish.”

“Yeah…” responded Gail, “but this is a little different. These are… bloodier and have a lot more guts.”

Not too much more was said as the girls got busy at what they had to do. They shared the task completely and in the end they had each cleaned and gutted at least part of the turkeys and had done a good job of it. The construction of the apparatus to hold the foul over the camp fire went the same way and in the end, an hour after the dogs had presented them with the food, it was beginning to sizzle and cook.

The girls had been very busy as they cleaned and prepared the birds to be cooked that they didn’t really pay too much attention to the four dogs. As it was, the animals had retired a short distance from the camp fire and simply sat there and watched the proceedings. An occasional side glance from one to the other and what could only be described as K9 smiles graced their otherwise stoic sphinx-like behavior.

Once the food was hung in a way over the fire that would allow the girls to turn it occasionally; they gathered up the turkey scraps and buried them. Everything was seemingly perfect… and yet there was something out of place. None of the young girls could quite put her finger on what it was and they were not too sure that they really wanted to.

The lake water seemed warm compared to the air around it but the girls didn’t go any further into the crystal clear essence than they had to. They washed their hands, arms and any other body part that had come in contact with the fowl using the bio-degradable soap that Jen had brought. When the girls waded ashore, the boys were ready for them. They eagerly danced about in a way that left little in the imagination of the young females as to what the K9s wanted.

The girls shook their heads and smiled at each other. “Well, it will be several hours before the food is ready to eat anyway,” commented Jen. They then walked to their respective mates and did what they had done many times before; they formed a rough circle so that they could watch each other. It was sexually heightening to be taken by the animals and then be able to watch your closest friends having the similar experience at the same time.

On this particular morning, none of the animals seemed to rush into the love making. They took their time. They started by licking the girls into at least one complete orgasm. It wasn’t until all of the young ladies had passed over the blissful threshold at least once that Blackie and the others mounted them.

The fact that this had occurred passed over the others, but not Jen. After all, she had been the first to reach her peak and was well on her way to her second orgasm when the licking stopped. She was in a very blissful fog, but she was not too far gone that she missed what had happened and it spiked her curiosity. She had been first and then Beth. Gail was next and Tammy was last and it seemed to her that the boys had waited until all the females had orgasmed at least one time before they did anything else.

The thought had flashed through her mind very quickly but it was swiftly shoved aside by other more pertinent feelings. Blackie mounted her and the hairs of his chest seemed to caress her back. He then began to gently inserting himself into her. Jen really liked being ravaged at times by her K9 lover but this particular instant was totally different. This wasn’t just sex for the sake of having sex; this was pure unadulterated love making.

Jen had her eyes closed as she reveled in the feel of Blackie’s hard cock stroking so fully into her hot depths. She felt his hairy chest on her back and his paws wrapped around her as though he was possessing her. She barely managed to open her eyes to see how her friends were faring and she realized that they were all being taken the same way. None of the dogs were mindlessly slamming any of them; it was as though the whole thing had been choreographed.

Soft murmurs and pleas to be filled with K9 sperm abounded from all four of the young ladies. They wanted to be impregnated. They wanted to be filled with their K9 lover’s hot seed. They wanted to have the puppies of the male that was making love to them. And in their euphoric state they pledged to be a good mother to all his children.

Little by little the pace of each K9 increased. It was as though the animal could tell that they needed to turn up the heat and intensity of the lovemaking a bit so that the girls would all reach the boiling point at exactly the same time. It worked like a charm because almost like dominoes the young ladies tumbled into their orgasmic bliss. They reached their peaks so close together that it was almost impossible to tell who the originator had been.

It was several minutes into the ecstatic pleasure of being tied to their K9 lovers that the girls began to open their eyes and look at each other. No one said anything at the moment but there was something within them that hinted to the fact that they had somehow crossed some kind of threshold.


Chapter Nine

The doggy/human tie lasted for almost half an hour. Within a minute of each other the four animals released their mates. And without giving too much thought to anything, each of the girls in turn simply rolled onto her back and lay there.

The animals didn’t go far from their females and as the girls lay there they subconsciously tipped each of their pelvis upward a bit as though to help gravity keep as much as her lover’s seed within her as possible. Each of them did this while reaching out to caress the respective K9s and look at them lovingly while they lay in their euphoric state.

For fifteen more minutes the girls rested, allowing the animal sperm within them to do what nature had intended it to do if at all possible. They didn’t say a word until it was all over. They then arose and slipped into their t-shirts, but they still kept their panties off. After all, their holiday wasn’t over just yet.

As soon as Jen had her shirt on she went to the fire pit to check on the food. The skin on the lowest portion of the turkeys was slightly burnt but for the most part it was coming along just fine. They did a little re-arranging of the meat over the hot coals and were pleased with what they saw.

While the food cooked the girls went out and gathered more wood. This time however, they did not split up into two groups; they all went together. Along side of each girl her K9 lover trotted as though he had been trained to be there since he was a pup.

During the retrieval of the wood for the fire, Jen was the first to speak out. “Our weekend hasn’t turned out as we had planned it but I wouldn’t change it. And I really don’t want to see it come to an end either. I know we plan to take our new found lovers with us when we go, but I’m not too sure that will satisfy all the cravings that I’m beginning to feel.”

The young blue eyed blonde tossed her arm load of wood onto the tarp they had brought with them to haul the kindling back to camp. She then realized that her friends had stopped what they were doing and were simply looking at her.

“I thought I was the only one to have strange feelings like that,” offered Gail. “Even before this morning I had wisps of thoughts running through my head that I couldn’t quite pin down. All I know now is that simply going to school as I had planned to will not fulfill all my needs any longer; even if Patch goes with me. Although I am sure that he is a big part of it.”

“My thoughts are running along the same line,” added Tammy.

“Me too,” said Beth. “I no longer feel as though simply keeping Coffee by my side will satisfy my desires. Actually, it is more like the fact that I… need to stay by his side.”

After Beth had said this, each of the girls glanced at her four footed lover. The young brunette had hit the nail squarely on the head. The dogs were somehow the key to all that they were feeling. They loved them, but the K9s were also an enigma; one that the girls desperately needed to solve.

The stare-down between the animals and the girls lasted for several minutes. The silent smiles worn by each of the K9s concealed a lot. The young ladies knew that there was more to the dogs than they could fathom at the moment but they were unsure as to how to learn more.

Eventually the girls began gathering a little more fire wood. They did it in silence as each of them contemplated what they knew; but mostly what they did not know. They then hauled the kindling toward the camp and once there they checked on the cooking turkey again. For the little that they had really watched over the cooking of the meat, the two fowl was coming along quite nicely; it would be ready to eat within the hour.

There were several things that the girls and the animals thought about doing as they waited for the last of the meat to finish cooking. But with the hunger that the girls were beginning to feel it precluded them from acting on their other desires.

“I think it’s ready,” said Tammy finally, as she poked and prodded at the sizzling hunks of meat for the umpteenth time.

“It does look done,” agreed Gail as the savory smell of the cooked fowl wafted through the camp site.

The girls didn’t wait much longer after that. They chose pieces of meat that were topmost on the bird of their choice and began tearing into it. Even Jen’s cleaned and flame sterilized knife wasn’t used until it became absolutely necessary.

Jen, Gail, Tammy and Beth didn’t stop until most of the turkey was gone; but then they were not the only ones eating the bird. They did share large portions of the meat with their K9 lovers. They didn’t leave the animals out of the equation. After all, Blackie and the boys were the ones that had brought in the food for them in the first place.

After the girls had eaten their fill of turkey, they stripped off their clothes and ran into the lake to wash up. The boys didn’t join them; they merely lay on the sandy beach and waited for their females to return.

Once the girls were refreshed in the pristine lake and the food had a chance to settle they looked shoreward. “I think we will have an eager welcoming committee waiting for us when we get out of the water,” ventured Tammy.

“Mmmmm… I’m sure I could handle some of that about now,” cooed Jen.

“Absolutely,” agreed Beth.

Gail giggled gleefully as she began wading ashore. “And I think I’m going to go and get some right now.”

The rest of the girls followed the young brown eyed blond ashore and as they came out of the water their respective lovers paired up with them. The strange part of it all was that the animals didn’t try and take the young ladies immediately; they led them into the same small clearing in the woods that they had used before.

The girls hadn’t even bothered putting their t-shirts on; they were still as naked as the day they were born. The eight lovers paired up in the usual manner and very soon the young ladies were standing there with their legs slightly spread and the K9s licking them as though there were no tomorrow.

Almost the same ritual that had happened before took place now; with one exception: this time the girls were standing. The animals seemed to try and bring the girls to a united climax but they missed by several seconds. It didn’t hinder them in the next step too much though because shortly after that all the young women were on their hands and knees and waiting to receive what the K9s had for them.

Jen was the first to feel her lover’s cock slipping into her hot pussy, but Beth and the others were soon murmuring the same things. They all wanted what their K9 lovers could give them as deep as they could get it.

The dogs were in no hurry as they made love to the beautiful looking babes beneath them. They took their time and brought each of the young female to a slow rolling boil. They set their knots and the lustful cries of the girls rang out clearly from the small wooded glade.

“Oh god, I’m going to cum,” exclaimed Tammy as she thrust her body back at Gray. “Fuck me Darling, put you seed in me so deep that it will never again see the light of day,” she pleaded.

“Yes… you doggy studs,” shouted Beth, “fuck your puppies into us.”

“We want your offspring so… bad,” added Gail as she arched her back so that Patch could enter her without hindrance.

Although most pleasurable experiences seen to flash by while bad ones seem to linger, this was not one of those times. Jen and the other girls reveled in the feel of their males slowly shoving their cocks into them over and over again. None of them had ever experienced anything like this before and they didn’t want it to end.

The thrusting of the dogs had diminished to almost nothing; but the girls continued to rock back toward their lover’s hot phallus. They felt the hot cum pouring into them and they knew where it was going. The boys had them sealed up tight so there was nowhere for the life giving fluid to go but into their uterus and fallopian tubes.

“I think Gray’s cum is flooding my ovaries,” hissed Tammy as she writhed beneath him.

“Oh yeah…” agreed Gail huskily, “they are definitely trying to knock us up.”

“I wouldn’t mind if they succeeded,” added Beth, “I think it would be so hot to have a little puppy birthed from my pussy.”

“Absolutely,” agreed Jen. “I wouldn’t mind being pregnant and having guys look at me and be envious of the father; and all the while I’d know that it was a cute little puppy growing in my belly.

“Oh yeah,” added Gail I would definitely love that situation. I can just imagine a guy at college salivating over my pregnant body while all along I’m carrying a little doggy in me. And then I’d go home that night and have Patch fuck my lights out.”

All the girls fantasized about different pregnancy scenarios as they knelt with their lover’s cocks still deeply embedded within them. Each tale got wilder and more exotic until they were giving birth to almost a dozen cute little fur-balls that looked exactly like their fathers.

When the dog’s knots subsided to a point that they could easily be extracted from the girls without hurting them, the young ladies once more rolled onto their backs. They then elevated their pelvic region until gravity held the K9’s seed within them.

Jen, Gail, Tammy and Beth still swam within the euphoric fog of ecstasy and had their eyes closed. If they had kept their eyes open they would have witnessed the look that passed between the animals. It would have raised the eyebrows of any human that had seen it.

When the four couples left the shaded forest glade it was to hit the lake once more and cool off. The girls ran into the crystal clear water and the dogs followed. The animals literally dove into deeper depths and swam unlike any K9 in the known history of mankind. Jen caught a glimpse of something that drew her attention in Blackie’s direction but it was there for only a moment before she lost sight of it.

When the dogs surfaced they were nearly a third of the way toward the other side of the lake. “How in the world did the boys get all the way out there so quickly,” sputtered Beth as she treaded water. At first she had been looking shoreward for the dogs but then she realized that they had somehow past them and swum into deeper water.

“I think they swam under water,” offered Jen, “but I didn’t know that they could do it so well.”

“I’ve seen dogs swim under water,” commented Gail, “it’s really amazing.”

Jen didn’t add any more to the topic and neither did Beth. But both of them still remained puzzled as to how the dogs had managed to pass the girls so quickly and end up nearly a third of the way across the lake without drawing too much attention to themselves.

The dip in the lake lasted for over half an hour but when they all emerged the dogs led the girls away from the camp. The young ladies hesitated at first as the animals seemed to guide them further from the tent and fire-pit but eventually they gave up trying to redirect the dogs and simply followed.

For ten minutes, the animals led the girls through the dense woods. The trail they followed was well worn and easy on their bare feet. The smell of forest to the young women was intoxicatingly clean and invigorating. It stirred their senses.

Gail was just about to ask as the others where they thought the animals might be leading them when they entered a well kept grove. In the open area the girls found apple trees, pear trees and cherry trees. The unfortunate part of it all was that the fruit was not ripe just yet, but then they all spied the strawberry patches; and these did have growth on them that was ready to eat.

Beth, Tammy and Gail immediately began helping themselves to several of the largest red strawberries that they had ever seen. Jen did snag two of the ripe fruit for herself but she did it while surveying the area with a very critical eye.

“Who do you think tends this little patch of paradise,” she asked aloud of her friends. “What I mean is… that this place is too neatly kept to be growing wild. There must be someone who watches over it.”

Gail, Tammy and Beth stopped what they were doing. They had already eaten four of the large berries and their immediate craving was nearly satisfied. They too began perusing their surroundings and came to the same conclusion that Jen had. This fruit filled grove was not something that had grown here without help; but who was responsible for it?


Chapter Ten

Gail was the first to surmise anything. “Beth, all this land belongs to your Uncle Jack, right?”

“Yeah,” mumbled Beth half-heartedly.

“Then this… garden must be his,” added Gail.

“Yeah… maybe,” offered Beth in the same lack luster voice that left little to the imagination that she did not fully agree with the initial assumption.

“Well, someone owns… or at least tends this particular little plot of land very well,” commented Jen authoritatively “I just hope that they don’t mind us helping ourselves to their food.”

“But Beth’s Uncle owns the land,” insisted Gail.

“Tell that to whoever is watching over the grove when Beth’s Uncle isn’t here with us to claim his rights.” stressed Jen.

“I think Jen’s right,” agreed Beth, “this is my Uncle’s land but if he isn’t here to enforce ownership of it and I sure wouldn’t want to argue the point with whoever might be tending the garden.

After that, the girls beat a hasty retreat; but they did manage to snag at least one more huge strawberry before they left the area. It wasn’t until they were half way back toward the lake that the ventured any more thoughts about the small Garden of Eden that they had found.

“I really think that you should mention the garden that we found to your Uncle,” commented Tammy to Beth. “Someone might be using his land without him being aware of it.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I plan to tell him about it when I see him again,” Beth assured her friend, “this has me as puzzled and intrigued as anyone,” she added.

The girls had just arrived back at the lake when Jen gasped to no one in particular. “You don’t think the people that are tending the grove have witnessed any of our… love sessions with the boys, do you?”

“I doubt it,” commented Beth. Nevertheless, her voice was anything but reassuring.

The young ladies didn’t speak again until they had reached their camp site. “Well, I don’t know about the rest of you,” said Jen boldly, “but I’m not going to let the fact that someone could be watching us… stop me. I’m not going to miss out on being with Blackie.”

“Me neither,” agreed Gail as she glanced at Patch.

“Same here,” chimed in Tammy and Beth in near unison as they patted their animal’s heads and scratched behind their ears.

The camp site remained a fairly quiet place for the next hour but shortly after that the girl’s stomachs began grumbling again from hunger. The meat and the strawberries that they had consumed earlier were gone. “I can’t believe that my stomach is craving food again after all that turkey and fruit that I ate earlier,” Tammy commented.

Beth smiled at her friend. “I think you’re forgetting about the bit of exercise that we had with the boys after the meal, the dip in the lake, and the jaunt to the garden.”

“Speaking of the boys,” said Jen in a sultry voice, “where are they?”

All the girls began casting their eyes about to see if they could spot the missing K9s, but they were nowhere to be found. “Where could they have gotten to this time?” asked Gail.

“I’m not as interested in where, as I am how?” commented Jen. “I could have sworn that they were her only a few minutes ago… and I didn’t see them leave to go anywhere.”

“Me either!” added Gail. “It seems as though they are here one minute and then gone the next.”

For the next fifteen minutes the girls looked about for signs as to where the animals might have gone. They even stood by the water’s edge as quietly as possible and listened intently for the slightest sound but all of it was to no avail; there was nothing.

“This is beginning to drive me bonkers,” Jen muttered. The words had just left her mouth when the four huge dogs once more loomed into view several hundred yards away: and once more they bore gifts.

“What do they have in their mouths this time,” groaned Gail.

It took a moment for the girls to recognize what the dogs were carrying but eventually they recognized the furry creature. “They have rabbits,” offered Tammy.

“Well, it looks as though we won’t be too hungry tonight,” said Gail as she stepped forward to receive Patch’s gift as he drew closer.

All of the girls gratefully accepted the rabbits that the boys had brought them. It took a bit but they eventually had them cleaned and ready to cook. They used the same tactics to broil the meat this time as they had with the much larger turkeys.

The cooking of the rabbits went easier than any of the girls had expected and before too long they were eating. They didn’t hoard the food to themselves either; even though they felt like they could devour the whole thing. They shared it with their lovers.

After the meal and everything was neatened up around the camp site the boys became amorous again and the girls did nothing to discourage them. The sun was just beginning to set and the colors that graced the western vista was breath taking.

This time when the girls presented themselves to their four-footed lovers they did it in a way that would allow them to watch the extremely colorful culmination to an otherwise very weird day. And yet in it all what they saw was nothing but promise.

The last two times Blackie and the boys took their mates they had done it in an almost ritualistic manner; keeping their four lovers on the same page as it were. This time it was different. This time it was more like a free for all. Not really a race… but definitely not a laid back event either.

For the girls that had presented themselves doggy style for their lovers in a way that would allow them to see the colorful sunset, the licking began as usual. It wasn’t until Jen had orgasmed first that she realized that things were different. She expected Blackie to continue running his tongue from clit to rosebud with the occasional thrust that would take it deeper into hot body but this time it was different.

She had barely recovered from her first blissful quake when she felt Blackie mount her. He pulled her close to him and in the first thrust he buried at least four inches of his stiff dog-hood into her feminine depths. A deep groan escaped her lip at the abrupt yet welcome impalement and all the other girls glanced her way. They were close to cumming the first time but had not quite reached that pinnacle yet.

For Jen, the first thrust was swiftly followed by many more and it quickly became the most vigorous lovemaking that she had ever received from Blackie. Her breaths became short and all she could do was pant and yet she would not have wanted what she was receiving from her lover to be any different at the moment.

Beth, Tammy and Gail seemed to tumble over the edge into orgasmic bliss swiftly as they watched their friend and her K9 lover. The young blonde and the Black dog were thrusting themselves at each other as though life itself depended on their coupling. The girls were now caught up in the moment also and urged their four-foot males to mount them and fuck them as vigorously as Blackie was doing it to Jen. And they got their wish.

Patch, Gray and Coffee mounted their respective females quickly after the girl had orgasmed. They too shoved several inches of their hot cocks into the warmth that eagerly awaited them and they heard the welcome groans. They then began pounding the young ladies with everything that they could give them; and they were receiving no complaints.

Once the dogs were coupled to them, Gail, Tammy and Beth forgot about Jen and concentrated on what they were feeling. It wasn’t hard to do anything else because all their carnal senses were in a state of near overload at the moment. They could barely catch their breath and their thoughts centered only on how well they were being mated to their four-footed lovers.

None of the girls had been with any more than two different boyfriends; and of those times it was easy to say that they were very lackluster and unfulfilling. Gail could not believe how sexually alive she felt every time Patch mounted her. She had never been unsatisfied with him. Even now as his cock reached into her depths and touched places that she never knew existed she definitely knew that she never wanted it to end.

Next to Gail was Tammy. And as Gray thrust repeatedly into her, all she could think to do was arch her back so that he could have complete access to her body. He was in her deep, and she wanted to keep him there. Her thoughts swirled around their coupling and how good it felt. She wanted him to tie with her and fill her with his seed. She was more than ready to bear his puppies if at all possible.

Beth was next, sandwiched between Tammy and Jen. She could barely do anything but pant. She did manage to mutter semi-coherent words of encouragement to Coffee. She let him know how much she loved what he was doing to her. And that she was very willing to have his off-spring. She wanted him to fill her with his sperm so that she would become pregnant and that she didn’t care what anyone else would think.

It wasn’t too long before all the dogs were tied to their mates and doing exactly what the girls had pleaded for; they filled them with their seed. Very little of the precious fluids was wasted and in the end the girls rested with their derrieres in the air and their heads laying on their arms.

By the time Blackie and the boys released their respective females the only thing that the girls wanted to do was go to bed. They managed to crawl to their sleeping bags and were soon asleep. The fact that they were still naked didn’t faze them. In fact, it had made crawling into the silky confines even more inviting.


Chapter Eleven

The girls awoke when the sun rose high enough to hit their sleeping bags and begin to warm them up. They crawled from between the nylon panels and were soon standing nearly side by side as naked as little j-birds. The warmth of the sun offset the chill of the morning air and it felt very invigorating.

All of the girls stretched a bit to work the kinks out of their lithe bodies and the fact that they were still naked did not cause them any embarrassment. Gail was the first to speak out about the usual situation. “Well… the boys are gone again.”

“Oh god…” moaned Tammy, “I am so hungry, and I really appreciate what the boys did for us yesterday but I do hope they don’t bring more turkeys or rabbits home with them.”

“And just where do you think they would get anything else?” questioned Beth. “I don’t think there’s a convenience store within twenty miles of here.”

“Oh… I don’t know… but Ham and Swiss on rye,” sounds really good about now,” commented Jen jokingly

“Mmmmm… so does toast and strawberry jam,” said Tammy as she kept the hungry talk rambling on.

The girls kept up the tempting talk of various bits of food that they would love to see in front of them until the dogs came into view a few minutes later. The boys were carrying something in their mouths, but it was impossible to make out what it was until they got a whole lot closer.

“You have got to be kidding me,” exclaimed Jen when she finally made out what her K9 lover was carrying. The brown burlap covering had obscured what was inside but eventually she was able to distinguish what it was. “Blackie has a loaf of bread in his mouth.”

Everyone was stunned as the animals drew closer. Silence filled the small encampment for several moments. Right up to the point where the dogs lay their individual burdens down. Blackie had a loaf of what looked to be freshly baked bread. Patch had a huge lump of butter wrapped in wax paper and two glass jars of jam; one strawberry and the other blueberry.

Gray presented the girls with stripped bits of chicken and beef; each type individually wrapped in cellophane: and the meats were still cold as though they had only recently been removed from a cooler or refrigerator. Coffee, on the other hand lived up to his name. He had a fairly large container of the dark brewed drink; along with four cups and four bowls. And the liquid within the sealed vessel was still very warm.

“This… is too weird,” opined Beth.

“Where could they have gotten this food?” asked Gail, and yet the answer was already within each of the girl’s thoughts. It had to have come from the people that tended the trees and plants in the fruit grove.

“Some one knows that we’re here,” stated Jen, “and they probably know everything that we’ve been doing.”

Well, since we’ve already given them a pretty good show we might as well keep it going,” chuckled Tammy as she began reaching for some of the food, “because I don’t feel like quitting now.”

“She’s got a point there,” added Beth as she too began helping herself to some of the meat, “there’s no sense in denying it all now.”

Jen simply shrugged her shoulders and started reaching for the food but then stopped. She moved to where Blackie stood and stooped to hug and kiss him. “You probably won’t understand what I’m saying,” she murmured softly, “but thank you Sweetie. And just as soon as we are done eating I plan to reward you in a more personal way.”

Jen didn’t really expect any kind of response but the smile that crossed Blackie’s face made her do a double take. She had never seen an animal react anything like he was at the moment. Had he understood what she had said?

Gail had Jen’s knife and she had cut the bread up for all of them. The slices were crude, but with everything thrown together the food that the girls shared tasted more like something they would have found in a fine deli.

Once more the girls shared the food with the dogs. They even poured coffee into the bowls for them. The boys devoured the bread and meat in a few gulps and then they followed it up with the dark brewed liquid.

Jen had watched it all as she ate her sandwich and drank the coffee. She could do nothing but chuckle when Blackie woofed lowly and seemed to motion for her to follow him. She nodded her head and was soon following him toward the circular open space in the nearby woods. Even as she walked she could already feel herself getting wet with desire.

By the time Jen and Blackie were entering the small glade within the forest, Gail, Tammy and Beth were not far behind. At their sides trotted their beaus and all of them panted in anticipation of what was to come.

None of the girls remained on her feet once she was in the circular clearing. All of them went immediately to the doggy position so that their lovers could have free and easy access to them. As it was the boys didn’t do too much licking this time. Instead, they mounted their females and made passionate love to them.

Jen didn’t really need any kind of a warm up. She was totally pleased when she felt Blackie mount her and shove his hard cock into her. She wanted nothing more than to be mated to him for as long as possible and she was going to do everything in her power to make it happen that way.

Gail, Tammy and Beth soon joined Jen. They too encouraged the boys to simply mount them. All of them were already primed and the only thing on their minds at the moment was having the boys fuck them silly.

Much like Blackie who was mounted to Jen, the rest of the K9s began making love to their girls. Deep and slow were the terms that best described the way they began thrusting into their female partners. Even the placement of their paws changed a bit. They did it gently, but they managed to rake across the young ladies breasts in a way that stimulated them even further.

Once more the small circular clearing heard words that had been uttered in it several times. Each of the girls pleaded to be filled with everything that their K9 lovers could give them. They wanted to have the boys push into their uterus if at all possible. They wanted to be locked to their four-footed lovers in a way that would insure their pregnancy. There was a hunger within each of them to provide an heir to the animal that was mated to them.; and it was insatiable.

When each of the dogs finally locked their knot into their mate the girls reveled in the feel of the hot sperm pouring into her depths. “Oh god…” moaned Jen, “I want to be pregnant so bad I can almost taste it.”

“Same here,” agreed the others in near unison.

When Jen felt Blackie’s orgasmic surges beginning to wane she began to actively thrust herself back on his hot doggy-hood. It didn’t take too long before her lover then began thrusting into her once more. And this time the deep sensual penetration lasted for far longer than before.

Gail, Tammy and Beth were quick to catch on and then they too began thrusting themselves onto their respective lovers’ hot phallus. This became by far the longest lovemaking session that any of them had ever experienced. All of the girls orgasmed so many times that they could not be counted: not that anyone was trying.

Time was a blur and even though the girls had received two doses of sperm, and had been tied to the animals for nearly forty five minutes: they still didn’t want it to end. The whole situation was taken from them though when they heard the distinct sound of a helicopter buzzing around over head. Luckily for them though, the tree canopy above still shielded them from most prying eyes.


Chapter Twelve

Immediate fear of being discovered during their love making gripped the girls. But that soon passed as the boys dismounted and ran toward the camp site. “Where are they going?” asked Gail.

As the girls watched, the four dogs rummaged around the tent area. They soon found what they wanted and ran full bore toward the forest clearing once more. In their mouths were the best of the cloths that the girls had since the storm on the first night. All four young ladies breathed a sigh of relief. At least now, they would be able to go out and greed the landing chopper in a modest way.

It didn’t take long for the girls to dress and they were soon walking out of the woods with the dogs by their side. The blades on the helicopter had just begun to slow down when a man hopped out of the unit and walked beyond the spinning rotor.

The girls had cleared half the distance between the woods and the chopper before Beth finally recognized the pilot of the craft and yelled out. “Uncle Jack,” and then she began running toward him. The hug between niece and uncle was short; but heartfelt. And once the others had joined them she spoke up again. “What are you doing here?”

“You mean you’re not glad to see me?” he asked impishly.

“Yes… we are,” Beth said apologetically, “but we didn’t expect it is all I’m trying to get at.”

Jack was Beth’s uncle; the youngest brother of Beth’s father. In fact, he was only five years older than the curvy brunette. And in a lot of ways they were more like cousins than niece and uncle. “Let’s just say that a little bird told me that you might have a few problems getting back to your car from the lake.”

Beth was going to ask about the little birdie when another thought popped into her head. Why wasn’t her uncle curious about the dogs? He knew that she didn’t have any pets. And yet he had not said a word. It was puzzling and she decided to broach the subject with him before things went any further.
“Jack, what do you know about these animals here?”

Jack looked at the dogs and chuckled. “Ohhh… I think they live around here somewhere. I’ve seen them before.”

“Who owns them?” ask Jen, semi taking over what was being asked. For a moment all the girls feared the answer that might come from Jack’s mouth. They didn’t really want to hear that the animals were the property of someone else.

“Ohhh… no one really owns them,” responded Jack, and he wasn’t too surprised to see signs of relief pass over each of the girls. “They sort of… run wild on the land. And since they don’t do any damage to anything I really don’t mind them being here.”

Beth knew Jack far better that he realized. She knew he wasn’t telling them everything so she pressed on. “Were you aware that you have a fruit grove on the far northern edge of your woods?”

“Uhhh… yeah.” Said Jack, but it was easy for Beth to see that he was racking his brain for a logical explanation for it being there.

“You know something that you are not telling us,” accused Beth. “I want… no, let me rephrase that… we want to know everything. Some really strange things have happened here, Jack, and we want to know what this is all about.”

Jack looked at the serious faces on the girls and even glanced at the dogs momentarily. “Alright, I’ll tell you everything but let’s get something to drink first. I have several large bottles of water in the chopper. We’ll get them and then take a walk through the woods. I’ll try to explain everything as we hike to the far side.”

True to his word, Jack began telling the girls what he knew as they walked. They moved slowly through the woods so that the girls would not miss out on his fantastic tale. They were so engrossed in what he was saying that they didn’t even realize that the dogs were no longer with them.

“It all started a few years previous when I purchased this large tract of land. My holdings reach for miles in every direction. The previous owners never really availed themselves of what they had so they never realized that there were already people occupying the territory. In fact, no one really knew of the existence of this particularly small nomadic tribe.”

“As it was, the only reason that I came to know about them was because of my helicopter. I decided to fly over the wooded area one day and I was puzzled when I saw the same fruit grove that you girls had mentioned. I landed as close to it as possible and walked to the site in question.”

“While I surveyed the neatly kept area I found a whole lot more. There was wheat, corn, and various other vegetable plots also. There was more than enough here to support a group of at least ten people or more people. It was while I was marveling at the apple and cherry trees that I finally saw the girl. She was several years younger than myself and no one has ever caught his eye like she did; she was beautiful.”

“Who was she?” asked Tammy, interrupting Jack’s narrative; but he didn’t mind.

“She was part of a very old nomadic tribe,” he reiterated. “Once a couple had children they broke off from the family group and moved out on their own. This way they would be able to stay hidden better. And it has worked well for them down through the ages. Perhaps too well.”

“And where is she now?” asked Beth.

“You’ll meet her soon,” Jack assured all of them, ‘she’s my wife.”

At this bit of news, Beth stopped dead in her tracks. “What did you say?”

Jack smiled at his niece. “She’s my wife, Beth. We’re not legally married yet because of legal complications but I’m working on it.”

Beth looked at Jack quizzically. “Does my dad know? Does anyone in the family know?”

Jack shook his head. “Nope, and I would really appreciate it if all of you would help me in keeping it that way. In fact I think I can assure you that it will be beneficial to you also. And I’m fairly certain that you will see what I mean very soon.” With that being said, the young helicopter pilot began walking toward the grove once more and the girls followed closely in his wake.

When Jack and the girls finally arrived at the grove it wasn’t long before they met the young woman that Beth’s uncle had been talking about. She was beautiful and outright exotic. It was easy to see why Jake had fallen in love with her. All of the young ladies present sensed that there was something very different about her.

Once Jack saw his wife he immediately went to her side and embraced her. Their kiss was passionate and the girl spoke out breathily. “I’ve missed you so much in the past few days.”

“And I have missed you, Alisha,” he assured her. And then he told her the good news; the main reason for his prolonged absence. “I also think I have found a way to get you legalized; and then we will be able to be married.”

The girls just stood where they were, taking everything in and wondering where they fit into this strange puzzle. They were just about to interrupt the couple when Jack brought them into the conversation. “Alisha, I would like you to meet my niece, Beth, and her friends Jen, Gail and Tammy.”

“I’m pleased to finally meet you,” she said with a slight smirk. And then she added. “I think there are a few others here that you might like to meet also. Ohhh boys… I think that it’s time that you come out now.”

Jen and the other girls looked about them anxiously because they were sure that Alisha was talking about their K9 lovers. As it was, when the boys came into view the young ladies were momentarily disappointed. And it wasn’t because the young men that came out of the foliage were not good looking. On the contrary, they were every bit as handsome as Alisha was beautiful. But the girls were already missing their four-footed lovers.

“Beth, Tammy, Gail and Jen,” stated Alisha, “I would like you to meet my brothers. And I’ll allow them to introduce themselves to you.”

Every young man there looked to be the same age. The only difference between them was their hair. The lad that stood in front of Beth had brown hair. The one in front of Tammy was gray. The one in front of Gail actually had darker hair but there was also a patch of white in it. And the one that faced Jen had hair as black as coal. Even so, it wasn’t until they introduced themselves that the girls finally caught on.

“My nickname is Coffee,” said the young man in front of Beth.

“And mine is Gray,” added the young man in front of Tammy.

Gail and Jen each called out the names of their four-footed lovers at the same time and the young men in front of them beamed broadly. It was a wild moment for all of them and yet deep within the girls knew in their heart that the hunk of human flesh in front of them was exactly who he said he was. But the question still begged to be asked.

“How… is this possible?” asked Beth as she reached out to touch the person that she knew as Coffee.

Alisha sighed heavily and then tried to explain. “I guess you would call us werewolves,” she offered, “but we are far from the bloodthirsty beasts that people in cinema portrays us to be. It has however made it hard for us since normal beings are so afraid of what is different. We have no blood cravings but that would not keep us from being exploited if anyone in the government found out about us.”

“The really hard part anymore,” offered Jack, taking over the conversation, “is the fact that so much has been modernized and computerized that it will be tough to get papers for Alisha and her brothers through normal channels without drawing too much attention to them. And as I said… I’m working on that. I have a very good and trustworthy friend helping me. He is in a position that should be able to allow him to get the documents we need.”

“How can that be?” asked Beth.

“He does very hush-hush work in the witness protection agency,” explained Jack, “and he’s building up a file on Alisha and her siblings to make it look as though they need new identities to keep them safe from the mob.”

“That’s cool,” commented Beth, “but what makes you so sure that you can trust him?”

“Well…” said Jack with a cat that ate the canary grin, “I simply introduced him to Alisha’s sister, Arianna, and he was instantly smitten by her charm. He’ll do whatever it takes to make them legal. They want to get married also.”

Jen, Gail, Tammy and Beth gazed longingly into the eyes of the young men in front of them. The whole magnitude of the holiday weekend changed completely. They remembered every word that they had promised them, while they made love to them in their dog-like form, and they desired to keep those vows.

Formal introductions were made shortly after that, and everyone had to marvel at the nicknames that the girls had given them. Jen, unfortunately, was the furtherest from her lover’s actual given name. Her beau was really Adam. Gail was paired up with Petro. Tammy had fallen in love with Grayson, and Beth’s mate was Colin.

Once everyone was finally able to greet one another they had a fairly sumptuous picnic in the grove, under the trees. When the food was about gone and their hunger satisfied their thoughts turned to other things. Jack and Alisha excused themselves and walked deeper into the woods.

Adam, Colin, Grayson and Petro stripped out of their cloths and then reverted to their animal shapes right in front of the girls. The transformation was amazing and in no way scared or frightened the young ladies. There were no freakish contortions or pain filled shrieks. One moment there were young naked men in front of them and the next… there were huge wolf-like dogs staring at them and awaiting their desire.

The girls didn’t head into the woods; instead, they simply stripped their clothes off and assumed the doggy position. They wanted to be taken by their mates as soon as possible. And now that they realized that they were going to have the best of both worlds wrapped up into one, they were happy.

Without really realizing it the girls had formed a circle as usual. As they were being mounted by their respective lovers they watched their friends being mounted also. Each of the girls felt the hot cocks enter them at about the same time; the looks on their companions’ faces were more than enough to tell them that they were all receiving the same thing.

Jen arched her back and called out Adam’s name. He shoved himself into her deeply and then gruffly whispered in her ear. “Thank you, Jen, for calling me by my given name. It means a lot to me. You have no idea how much I wanted to tell you before, but we had made a pact between us brothers that we would do everything in just a certain way.”

Jen thrust back at Adam and panted her response. “Well, I’m glad that we finally know the truth also. It’s perfect now. And everything that I promised you before still holds.”

Jen was not the only one to re-avow everything from before. Beth, Tammy and Gail recommitted to what they had told their lovers earlier also. None of them had the slightest inclination of changing their minds on this issue.

Beth and Collin made love slowly, much like Jen and Adam. They took their females in long sensual strokes that bumped the ends of the girls’ vaginal chutes over and over again. The continual distention of that area acted like a pulse that gradually heightened the girls’ senses to a point that it pushed them into one orgasm after another.

Tammy and Grayson, Gail and Petro took a different tack, but the outcome was the same. Their fast-paced thrusting was far shallower so many more were needed to accomplish the same task. In the end though… the girls achieved near screaming orgasms also.

For more than half an hour the boys made love to their mates. They were still tied to them when Jack and Alisha walked back out of the forest. “Whoa… now that is hot,” exclaimed the young pilot, “if I watch too much of this I’m going to want to mount you again in the same way,” he added as he nuzzled his wife’s ear.

Alisha chuckled. “Now you are beginning to see why I have missed you so much, my husband. Besides, the more we do it the sooner you will be able to transition also. And once you are able to shift you will be able to impregnate me. I have been longing to give you a child for some time now.”

Jack and Alisha walked away after that but the young pilot did glance at his niece and the others one last time before they passed from view. It was enough to excite him again. He led Alisha into a small bower and then he gently grabbed her from behind. He slowly guided her until he could bend her over slightly and then lifted her filmy knee length dress. She was wearing no panties so he was soon pressing his cock into her already wet vagina. He didn’t stop until he had bottomed out against her shapely ass and then he allowed it to soak in her fluids.

Eventually, all five couples met back in the grove. It was here that a few more questions were answered. One in particular interested them the most. “Alisha,” asked Beth of her soon to be sister-in-law, “I heard you say something to Jack about some kind of transition. Does that mean what I think it means?”

Alisha smiled at Beth and the others. “You have all started down a whole new path. Sooner than you think, you will be able to transform in the same manner as we do.”

“You mean that the boys don’t have to bite us in the neck or anything like that?” asked Gail.

“No…” chuckled Alisha, “and I am surprised that the boys have not already told you about how you will reach the transition point. God… how the cinemas have corrupted it all. It will be easier for you than it is for Jack. Every time your mates pour their sperm into you, you are receiving an infusion of DNA from them. Eventually, the level in your system will grow to a point that will allow you to transition. It will also allow you to become pregnant. Nothing will happen until that time, but I can assure you that at the rate you are all going you will reach the pivotal point much sooner than later.”

All of the girls were excited at hearing this. They hugged their men close to them and kissed them. They had all that they wanted. And even when they went to their separate schools in the fall, accompanied by their mates, they knew that they all had a lot more in common than ever before. Not only were they friends for life, but they would also be sister-in-laws and fellow werewolves.

The End… or is it?