(c) 2017 by AlwaysOut4Fun

Chapter One

I was at a transitional place in my life, after a short 5-year marriage imploded and left me with no-where to stay in the interim. The parent option was not there, as they were always to busy with their own open relationship, to care that there were kids involved. We were pretty much left to make it on our own, from an early age. I was just about 2 years older than my sister so much of that responsibility fell on my shoulders.

My soon to be ex-husband had decided that our marriage would be better with more people involved. I at first was open to the idea after all, my husband lacked very important credentials in the bedroom and in over 5-years with him, had never been able to bring me to climax. It started out innocent at first, with a work buddy and his wife. The four of us saw each other a few times a month and became pretty good friends outside of the bedroom. It eventually escalated to multiple men having their way with me and at first I didn’t mind after all I was having several orgasms. It was on one of these occasions that I swore I saw my husband grab one of those mans cock and quickly stroke it. I never said anything and honestly would not have cared, if he had just been honest. I eventually found out that he was having many affairs with men, behind my back. I confronted him and told him I wanted a divorce, as this was cheating and this was something we promised we would not do as swingers. I told him that all he had to do was tell me he was interested in men and I would have went along with it, I actually thought it was kind of hot to witness.

I was scared that I would end up homeless so I did what I swore I never would, I reached out to my sister and her pig of a husband. At his own wedding reception, he had managed to find me alone in the kitchen rinsing some dishes. He walked up behind me and grabbed my ass while saying, I wonder if your little ass is as tight as your sisters. He was a very big man, at least 6’3” and muscular, as he worked out at the gym often. I spun around quickly and slapped him on the shoulder and told him that he would never find out and to knock it off. He snapped back hastily, if I want to find out, I will and you won’t say a damn thing about it. He walked away, but not before squeezing my tit and giggling. I knew asking for their help would no doubt lead to him making moves on me again and possibly worse, but I had no choice. It was that or the bridge.

I went over on a Thursday night to have dinner and basically plead to stay with them for a few months, until I could find a place of my own. I dressed as non-revealing as I could and just hoped that her husband had grown up to some degree, at this point in his life. I knew at dinner that this was not the case, as he took every chance to look at me in his own way. I so wanted there to be another option, but there was none. I tried hard to ignore him and focus on talking with my sister to hopefully get him to focus on something else and it seemed to work, or at least I thought.


Chapter Two

It was during our dinner that my sister had excused herself to use the restroom. She got up from the table and he wasted no time. He looked at me with a smirk on his face and said, it only took 3-years, better late than never. I did not respond or look at him and just stared at my plate of food. He smiled at me and said, it’s okay you need not answer, just know that you are in my house and there are rules. I knew what he meant and knew that it would only be a matter of time, before he made his move. I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of crying in front of him, but I was dying inside. I despised this man but I knew if I said anything, he would most likely throw me out to the street. I just told myself to try not and be alone with him and stay close to my sister and I should be fine. I was thankful to see her return from the bathroom, so I could get my mind going into another direction. We finished dinner and I helped my sister clean up the table and clean the dishes, as the dick wondered into the living room to watch TV.

My sis and I joined him in the living room and sat on the couch, with my sister setting in the middle of us. I ignored his racy comments about the movie on TV, as I knew he was trying to be funny in his own childish ways. I occupied my mind with thoughts of how soon I could get out of this house, even though it had not even been one day. At one point he even grabbed my sisters tit just to see if I would react, which I didn’t. There was no way I was going to give him any satisfaction of even a look. I excused myself to use the restroom and spent as much time in the bathroom as possible, hoping I would hurry and tire, so I could just go to bed. I returned to the living room to find his hand up her shirt and that was enough for me, I turned around and headed to my bedroom. I closed my door but noticed that there was no lock on the bedroom door, this of course made me nervous but nothing I could do about it. I slipped on a T-shirt and a pair of shorts, as there was no way I was going to sleep naked, like I usually do.

It was around 3am when I was startled enough to wake up and discover a hand sliding under my T-shirt. My vision came into focus to find my sister in bed with me, just staring at me. I grabbed her wrist and asked what are you doing? She never said a word while she continued to try and get her hand up my shirt. I applied more pressure to her wrist and said, Stop It, in an angry voice! She looked at me with angry eyes and said, you either go along or get out. The both of us know about your arrangement with your husband and in fact, the three of us have been planning this for some time. You see the whole idea of you becoming your husband’s slut, was our idea. The three of us have been sleeping together for about a year now and came up with this plan for him to sleep with other men, you find out and want a divorce. We were confident you would end up here, as our house toy. You see sister, she continued, I have hated you since high school when you fucked my boyfriend, even though I never told you I knew that. It was when he fucked me and said that you were better in bed that I learned to despise you and vowed to get even. So I will tell you again, let go of my hand or get out, now.

I was in tears and kept asking her why? for which I got the same response, you fucked my boyfriend, so my husband and I both fucked your husband. I knew I was in no position to refuse, if I did they would kick me out to the street tonight. I pleaded with her to not do this to me that we were sisters after all and that I practically raised you. She laughed and said I don’t care you hurt me and thought you had gotten away with it. She once again pushed upwards under my shirt and I knew it was hopeless to try and reason with her. I rolled my head to look away from her, as I started balling hard and let her wrist go. I lie there crying and pleading with her to stop, as she fondled my breasts and pinched my nipples. She continued this for several minutes, as I never stopped crying and occasionally pleading with her from time to time. It of course did nothing to stop her and eventually I quit crying and just let her have her fun, what else could I do. She stopped squeezing my tits and I felt a sense of relief as she started to remove her hand from under my shirt, only to stop at my waistband. I held my breath hoping that she would not do what I was sure she was going to. She began to rub my stomach in circles and occasionally teasing the thought by letting her pinky slid under my waistband. I made one more plea for her to not do this and begged her to understand that we are in fact even if she slept with my husband. She laughed and said, it doesn’t work that way, big sis. It was then she slid her hand under my shorts onto my bare pussy, as I had no panties on. My tears returned as she was now rubbing my pussy and flicking my clit with her thumb. I was trying to not be turned on by this, but let’s be real here, my pussy was wet and she was enjoying every bit of it. She would routinely laugh at how wet my pussy was getting and even commenting that I was enjoying it through my fake tears.

I’m not sure exactly how, but my legs slowly parted, thus allowing her hand to slide all the way down my pussy. I wanted to believe that she pulled my legs apart, but I don’t remember feeling her doing that. I tried to get myself to cry again, by telling myself how wrong this was, my sister was rubbing my pussy and I was reacting to it. The tears never flowed during the several minutes of her rubbing my pussy and clit I had a small orgasm but was sure she didn’t realize it. By this time my legs were spread wide open and I wasn’t sure who I was more ashamed of at this point, her or me. It was then that I felt her middle finger circling the entrance to my soaked pussy, I bit my lip trying to avoid what I knew was going to happen, me moaning loudly, as I always have. It was no use, she slid her finger in my soaked pussy and as hard as I fought, I moaned and loudly. I begged her to stop but her and I both knew it was theatrics at this point, as she just laughed and said you clearly don’t mean that, as she began fingering me. I knew she was right, I was enjoying this no matter what I told my self.


Chapter Three

She finally stopped but not before she fingered me to two orgasms, which she knew I had. She lie on her side next to me and told me to look at her, I turned my head and put on my best anger face at her, while she wiped my juices on my lips with her fingers and told me to lick. I reluctantly followed her orders, trying to show some domination of my own, but knew it was useless. I licked my lips and quickly pulled my tongue in and showed no reaction, even though I really enjoy my own pussy. She stared at me and then said, I take it from here on out we won’t have this problem. I just nodded my head, knowing I couldn’t object if I wanted to. She lowered her head to kiss me and I froze, as I felt her lips on mine, as her tongue was trying to force my mouth open. I felt a twist of my nipple and knew what that meant, so I opened my mouth and let her explore it with her tongue. She finally stopped kissing me and lifted her head back up and just stared at me. I took one more shot and asked her, why are you doing this? She smiled and said, I have already told you. I might have been fine with you just fucking him, but then you married him a few years later, that I could not take. You never apologized too me for fucking him, while we were dating, even though you knew how much I loved him. My tears returned and I tried to apologize to her and make her understand that I was wrong, but it was almost 10 years ago. She just laughed and said, yea I know that, but it’s the principal of it all. It’s as if you are throwing it in my face everyday that you were married to him, I had to get even. I had already fucked him so that wasn’t going to be enough I needed something more. I decided that I needed to find out for myself if you were better in bed than me. She continued on by claiming that when they were dating almost 10-years ago, he talked her into having a threesome with me, but she knew I would never go along with it, even though she would have. I begged her to reconsider this, but it was useless her mind was made up. She told me that I had nothing to worry about with her husband, right now. He would not be fucking me yet, as she was going to take her time with me and he had strict orders. I told her that I would just move out within the month and stop this craziness myself. She laughed out loud and said, you are not going anywhere, sis. You are here forever, as we have already disabled your car so it won’t be long until you are fired from your job, as you now have no ride. You won’t be able to call a cab or get on the bus, as we will see to it that you never leave the house. The tears came back in force and I barked, what the fuck do you want with me? She laughed sadistically, I already told you, we are going to own you. I fell asleep in a puddle of tears, as I realized that I was setup for this. My dick of a husband had conspired to ruin my life, with my own flesh and blood.

I woke up at 7am reflecting on what had taken place. My own sister sexually assaulted me, there had been a plan in place for years to humiliate me personally and destroy my life, in one fell swoop. The tears started again, as I was starting to realize my own new reality, I would become their house slut if I did not figure away out. I got up to use the restroom and out walked her pig of a husband, who looked at me with a smug face and said, Good morning, sis. How did you sleep? I snapped back, just great. He walked towards me and stood in front of me, as he extended his hand towards my breast. I quickly swatted his hand away and attempted to walk around him. He put his hand on the wall to block me and said, do you need to be reminded of your consequences? I snapped, FINE! I lowered my hands to my side just as my sister walked into the doorway leading to the bathroom and just stood there looking at me. He said since you still don’t understand take your shirt off. I did not move and looked over to my sister for help, she just stared back at me. My tears started flowing again, as I slowly lifted my shirt over my head and threw it into the bedroom. For the next few minutes, I stood there crying as he groped my tits and sucked on them. He got his fun done, but not before saying, your tits are as firm as your sisters, I didn’t believe your husband at first, but he was right. He leaned in and whispered, the sooner you get it through your head, the easier it gets. You brought this on yourself, don’t blame anyone else for your own problems. He pulled away, but not before grabbing my tits one more time and laughing. My sister looked at me and said, you better get with the program sis, I would hate to drop you off in the middle of drug row in nothing more than a bra and panties and watch them gang rape you. I just looked at her so wanting to go off on her, but knew I couldn’t. I walked into the bathroom and broke down once more, I knew I had to do something but had no idea what that was.

The following several days were a mirror image of each other. My sister would play with my tits and finger me in bed and then in the morning her husband would grope and suck my tits. I had a list of rules that were given, which included making of all the meals, cleaning the house, doing laundry and of course, allowing them to play with me. I was now going topless around the house and sleeping completely nude. They were taking pictures and videos of me, as evidence to ruin my life in the community if I tried to escape. I have not been out of the house in over a week and there was no reason to think that would change. When errands had to be run, only one of them would go to make sure I didn’t run off. I could literally feel the self esteem leap from my soul, as I was becoming a prisoner in my own sisters house. In a one short week, they managed to break me in both spirit and soul. I had to find a way out and I was determined that I would do just that.


Chapter Four

I find myself struggling to identify the person I know I was. I have very dark moments when I get the rare chance of being left alone. I keep asking myself what could I have done to deserve this, from my sister. It has to be more than the boyfriend situation, she is too smart to hold a grudge for that long, at least this is what I told myself. Does she understand that it was not my fault that our parents all but ignored us, as kids? Does she appreciate all that I did to make sure she had food and clean clothes? Does she realize the sacrifices I personally made to make sure of that? Does any of that stuff even mean anything to her? How did she turn so evil towards me? I was stranded here, as I had nowhere to turn. I have been fired from my job, so there is no money coming in. I do have savings and I only hope they don’t find that out and drain me of all my resources, as even my husband did not know of it.

It was Friday, exactly one week and one day since I moved in and my life turned to hell. The morning started as usual, him groping and sucking my tits except he made a slight change to the routine. As he groped, his hand slid down to my stomach and started rubbing it in circles, just like my sister. I felt a tear form in my right eye, as I figured this is when he would rape me. I looked at my sister in one desperate last plea, but she was just smiling at me. I lifted my head to look at the ceiling, waiting for him to put his hand down my panties and make some idiotic remark. However, he had something else in mind. He let go of my tit long enough to ask if I shaved my pussy like my sister. I refused to answer at first, which only aggravated him into saying do we need to discuss your rules? I dropped my head and said, Yes, I shave. He then asked, does your pussy look like your sister’s pussy? I just shrugged my shoulders to suggest I had no idea. He took a step back and said, Show me and I will tell you. I dropped my head to hide my tears and pulled my panties down and was immediately told to spread my legs so he could look close. I opened my legs, as he dropped to his knees and lightly ran his finger over my pussy, moaning the entire time. I wanted to vomit on top of his pig head and only wished I could have. He stood up and pulled me close and said, it looks very similar to your sister’s pussy, can’t wait to examine it much closer, as he made a licking motion with his tongue. I faked a smile just to get him away from me, quickly. He let me go but not before running his finger over my pussy again and licking his finger, laughing as he usually did. I went into the bathroom and took care of my business and visualized stabbing him in his heart.

I went into the kitchen and started to make breakfast, as always. As I was making our meal, pig man came in and pinned me against the counter, pulling my panties into my ass, as he did. I put my hands on the counter and bit my lip, as I was not going to give him the satisfaction of moaning in discomfort. He held my panties with his left hand and grabbed my ass with his right and asked, how often did your husband fuck your hot ass? I answered, only a few times. He then asked, why only a few times? I smirked as I said, because he has a issue with longevity and couldn’t get it in without cumming all over it. He laughed and said yea he does for sure. I often have to finish your sister off for him, as he can’t fuck her for more than a couple of minutes. He ground his hips in so I could feel his cock against my ass and said, you know, I don’t have that problem, but I don’t need to tell that to you, it will be obvious when I finally get to fuck you like the slut you are. He let me go and as usual, gave me the pathetic laugh, as he did.

We were sitting at the table eating when my sis told me that we had company tonight and that I was to be on my best behavior if I knew what was good for me. I just nodded and in a smart ass tone asked what I should wear for the special occasion? She looked at me and motioned me to come stand by her. I made my way to the other side of the table and stood in front of her, with my arms to my side. She stood up and told me to extend my arms out to the side, as she walked around me. She stood in front of me and traced my nipples with her finger before and with one quick motion, she pulled my panties to my knees. She lightly smacked my pussy and said, I think this is the look we are going for. She turned to pig head and asked, do you think Dave will appreciate this? He laughed and said, hell if he doesn’t I most certainly will! They both laughed and my sis said, done. I smiled and started to bend down to pull my panties up but was quickly stopped by my sister. She looked at me and said you know what there really is no reason for you to have clothes on period from now on you will be naked. I gave her a long stare and kicked my panties onto the floor and just nodded my head. I cleaned up after breakfast and into the living room I went.
I walked to the couch to sit down, when my sister suddenly slid over to the end leaving me with the middle of the couch. I sighed in a frustrating tone and sat down, knowing what was probably in store for me. I sat down with my legs together and put my hands on my lap, at least the pig couldn’t see my pussy, I told myself. It was not long until I was quickly relieved of that small victory, as my sister told me to put my hands to my side and spread my legs wide open. She explained that this was now my formal sitting position. I quickly rolled my eyes and was grateful they did not see it, or I’m sure I would have been reprimanded. It did not take long for pig head to make his move, as he put his arm around me and rested his hand just above my tit. I sat up in the couch and just let him have what he wanted since it seemed obvious he could not figure that out for himself. He said, I’m glad to see you are coming around so soon, as if he could read me. I just smirked and thought what an idiot he was.

We watched the most mind numbing TV shows over the next 3-4 hours and all the while, his hand never moved from my tit. Each time my sister would use the bathroom he would suddenly turn into Casanova and keep asking me if it felt good. I just nodded and thought to my self, is he fucking kidding? I wanted to scream at him that all he was doing was rubbing my tit and it is not an action that is going to open the floodgates. I knew that would crush his ego and he would do the only other thing he knew to do, grab my pussy and think he accomplished something. I just sat there and let him have his pre-pubescent fun.

Things definitely turned in a hurry when my sister came back from one of her bathroom trips. She had changed into a T-shirt and what I assumed was a pair of shorts on underneath, but I wasn’t positive. I did notice that she had no bra on. She sat on the couch and turned towards me and told me to do the same. I looked at her and she said, kiss me. I started to move into kiss her but she said, NO! Put your damn arms around me and kiss me. I came very close to snapping and laying into her, but I caught myself and wrapped my arms around her and moved in for the kiss. At first it was just a kiss on the lips, but she had other ideas as she wrapped her arms around me and opened her mouth. I hesitated but knew I had no choice and slid my tongue in and began to kiss her, like she wanted. Her husband was acting like he had never seen this with all his moaning and words of “encouragement”, as if we needed it, every 2 seconds. She finally got tired of it and broke the kiss and told him to leave the two of us alone. He was a bit pissed but got up and went into the bedroom and slammed the door. I could not have been happier, well other than not being forced to make out with my sister.

She grabbed my head and pulled me down to her chest and softly said, I think it is about time you make me feel like I make you feel every night. I just looked at her and took a chance, Sis why are you doing this, I pleaded. She looked at me with sincerity in her eyes for the very first time and said, because I have wanted to have sex with you for some time now. My eyes grew wide and I said, we are sisters, you know that is not right. She just looked at me for a few seconds and said, I don’t care if it’s not right, ever since I saw you naked for the first time, I have wanted you. I never had the chance to speak again, she grabbed me and pulled me into her and shoved her tongue down my throat, while grinding her hips into me. The kiss lasted several minutes while she grabbed my ass and pressed my pelvis into hers. It was then that she pulled her T-shirt up just above the waist and spread her legs at the same time that I realized she had nothing on underneath that T-shirt. In a matter of seconds she was grinding her pussy into mine, sending shockwaves through me, I cannot lie. If this had been any other woman but my sister, I would have been moaning like crazy, but I had to keep my cool. She broke the kiss and said, tell me this doesn’t feel good. I just looked at her and said, of course it feels good sis, our clits are rubbing together. She smiled but not fully understanding what I was saying. She said, tell me your not turned on by this. I nodded and said, I am very turned on and I have already had an orgasm if you want the truth. She smiled and said tell me you love me. I nodded and told her that of course I loved her, you are my sister. She scowled at me and said, No, not like a sister, tell me you love me. I knew that this was not going to sink into her head and would only end up with something bad happening to me. I made a decision that I felt I had to make, but I had a gut feeling about something and as it would turn out, I was right.

I looked at her very lovingly and said, I do love you, very much, as I brushed the hair from the side of her face. She let out a soft moan, as I lowered my face slowly towards hers and kissed her passionately. She started to put her arms around me, but I softly grabbed one of them and pushed it to the side and immediately grabbed her tit. She let out a moan of approval, as I began to massage her tit and kiss her even deeper. I broke the kiss and leaned my head to one side and whispered, is this what you have wanted this whole time? She moaned and said, I have wanted this for years. I want you to make love to me, sis, she pleaded. I kissed her softly on the ear and asked, shouldn’t we take this to the bedroom then, wanting her to think she was still in control. She just nodded and off to the bedroom we went. I now knew what this was truly about, she was not still mad at me over the boyfriend deal it was that she was in love with me. I needed to figure out a way to use that against her and get myself out of this situation.

We spent a good 2-hours in the bedroom and I made love to her, like I would any woman I was attracted to. I am not sure if she was aware or not, but there was a definite shift of the power exchange, it was now mine and I just had to make sure I did not fuck it up. I needed her to think she was still in charge of me, but I knew her weak spot and I would not hesitate to take advantage of it. All I had to do now was find pig head’s weakness and I would be home free, at least that’s what I told myself anyway. We returned to the living room where pig head had resided and of course, he needed play by play, but was left disappointed, as he was told nothing. He tried to be a smart ass by saying, well for nothing to happen you sure were in there a long time. My sister just looked at him and said, well it does take a good amount of time for it all to click. I laughed inside and so wished I could tell him how pathetic of a man he was, but I knew better.


Chapter Five

It was now 4pm and I needed to get cleaned up and start dinner, as our guest was set to arrive by 6pm. I finished my shower and began making dinner, which was to be steak, baked potatoes and grilled vegetables. I made the salad and put it in the refrigerator and began cooking the rest of the meals. It was now 5:30pm and everything was pretty much ready, so I headed off to the living room, waiting for our guest to arrive. I took my place on the center cushion of the couch with my legs spread, as I was instructed. The time seemed to pass forever, as they are very comfortable just watching TV and not really engaging in any kind of talk. I was thankful for this, as I really had nothing I wanted to say to them. I used the time to think of how I could find pig head’s weakness and get myself out of this mess.

What seemed like forever was really only about 20-minutes, when there was a knock at the front door. My sister jumped up and answered the door and in walked our guest, a handsome very tall man that had to be in his late 40s, I guessed. They hugged and he gave her a kiss on the cheek, as I watched his hand give her ass a playful squeeze. She laughed out loud and said, it’s great to see you, Albert! He acknowledged the same and answered, yes I did, when my sister asked if he had brought everything with him. My sister turned to me and said, come here and greet our guest. I stood up and walked over to him and extended my arm to shake his hand, while telling him it was nice to meet him. He grabbed both of my hands and held them out in front of me, while staring at my naked body. He excitedly responded, it’s a pleasure to meet you as well, as he pulled me in for a hug. His hands went straight to my bare ass, as he whispered, I understand that you are the entertainment this weekend and that you understand that. I never answered and waited for him to quit squeezing my ass, so I could get us all a glass of wine before dinner.

I returned to the living room with a new bottle of chilled wine and began pouring for the three of them. When I got to Albert, he took the time to play with my tit, as I poured his glass full, I waited for him to finish and off to the kitchen I went. I returned with my own glass of wine and took my seat on the couch, with my legs open wide. I had to endure comments from the three of them now on my appearance and of course the occasional pat and grab from pig head. I commented that dinner was all but ready and that all I needed to do was warm the steaks. I got up to start that process, as the three of them sat at the dining room table. I brought out the salads and dressing and served the three of them and told them I would be right back to top off the wine for them. I returned to find the dining room table had everything moved towards its edges, leaving the center completely clear. I found it odd but continued my task of filling their wine glasses and was about to turn back to the kitchen, when Albert grabbed my arm. I looked at him and was told to sit the bottle of wine down and sit on the table. I glared at him for a split second and then up on the table I went. He stood up and walked over to me and said, now lie flat on the table with your knees up. I now saw where this was going and just wanted to break down and cry, but I was not going to let them see me break again.

Over the next 2 hours, I endured the most humiliating series of events, as I was used in any way they could think of. They first dumped their salads on my tits and stomach and then proceeded to dress and eat it off of me. They took turns licking my pussy, as the salad dressing ran between my legs and pig head laughing at me, as he stuck his finger in my ass while saying, have to make sure none of it is up here. That seemed to set off of a chain of events, that I would not ever forget. It started with Albert corking the wine and then sexually assaulting me with the bottle, as my “family” laughed at me and called me a whore. This led to frequent trips back and forth from the refrigerator to find what else they could shove in me. I had carrots, celery and a cucumber shoved in my pussy and one carrot shoved in my ass. I am not sure how I did not break down and begin to scream, but I kept my composure through the entire ordeal, vowing to get myself out of this.

Albert praised me for being such a good slut, as he squeezed my tits and kissed me, helping me up from the table. I nodded and thanked him, though I really wanted to grab his cock and rip it off. I started to walk to the bathroom to shower, but was redirected by Albert to the living room. I was helped to the floor by Albert onto my back and was told to spread my legs wide. I was joined on the floor by my sister who kissed me, as she fondled my breasts. I noticed the guys were not getting undressed, as I was sure I was going to be raped by the all of them. I tried to relax and kiss my sister back so that she would not get suspicious of my sudden change in my attitude towards her, making sure my plan did not get disrupted. It was then that Albert excused himself and walked towards the kitchen, only to return a few minutes later with a large Saint Bernard. I could no longer see the dog or Albert, as my sister was now face to face with me, burying her tongue in my mouth while she fingered me. This continued on for a few minutes, as the guys were cheering her on until Albert said that’s enough, it’s time. She pulled her fingers out of my soaked pussy but continued to kiss me, when I felt a very rough tongue lick my pussy. I pulled away from my sister to see the dog standing over me, licking me.

I lost my cool and pushed my sister off of me and kicked the dog away from me and said, fuck you all, I am not doing this! My sister responded with a slap across my face, followed by lifting me up by my hair to my knees. She pulled me by the hair across the living room floor to the front door and said, get the fuck out then! She opened the door and began to kick me in the ass, letting me know she was serious. I broke down and started balling and curled up in the fetal position, begging her to stop doing this to me. She crouched next to me and said, what you think because I professed my love for you, that it would change anything? What part of house toy are you struggling with, sis? I cried and tried to beg my way out of it one more time, this only led to the guys laughing at me, as my sister began spanking me. She crouched again and said, it’s up to you, get back over there and let that dog fuck you, or you’re free to crawl out the front door and never come back. As crazy as it sounds, I almost chose the front door and I sincerely think I would have, if it was not February and there was not 8” of snow on the ground. I swallowed what had to be the last of my pride and crawled back over and took my position on the floor.

I endured the humiliation of having this dog lick my pussy and then my ass, as Albert lifted my legs, making sure he got access. The pig head even made sure to pile it on, by standing over me while my sister sucked his cock, calling out my name instead of hers. Instead of swallowing his load, she pulled his cock out and shot his load all over my tits and face, thus getting the attention of the dog, causing him to follow the trail. When the dog made it to my face, I was told to open my mouth and allow the dog to stick his tongue in, which I did. It was after this little exchange that Albert told me to get up on my knees and prepare for my fucking. I rolled over and popped up onto my knees, as told. I let out a few more tears and then a grunt, as I felt this massive dog jump onto my back and after a few seconds, as his massive cock entered my pussy. I had to collapse onto my forearms to give my back some relief, as I could no longer support the weight with my hands and arms. I stayed in that position for 15-minutes, as this dog was tearing my pussy apart and trying to not reveal my multiple orgasms. In fact I was biting my lip so hard, I started to taste my own blood. I felt the dog start to slow and I was relieved, as I figured this was over, how wrong I was. It was then that I let out a blood-curdling scream, as Albert announced he was shoving his knot in me. The tears were flowing hard from my face, as I was in so much pain from what felt like a bowling ball being shoved into me. I guess he was able to get whatever the hell it was he had fully into me, because he paused for a few seconds before humping again. That’s when I felt him cum and did he ever, causing me to mask my massive orgasm with another scream. He stopped and Albert told me to lie very still and don’t pull, that it would be several minutes until he would untie from me. My sister and pig head were laughing, as if this was some kind of joke, but Albert was being very attentive to the dog and me. The dog finally pulled out of me and I fell to the floor, as I felt his cum pour out of my pussy. I looked over to Albert and he gave me a smile and winked at me, while my sis and pig head just kept up with the slut remarks. I can honestly say that this entire event, made me truly despise my sister. I wasn’t just mad I hated her!

I eventually got up and made my way to the bathroom to take a shower. I was only in there for about 2-minutes when my sister climbed in and joined me. I played it cool and acted thankful, as she asked if I was all right, like she really gave a damn. She informed me that I would be sleeping with pig head tonight, as she would be bedding with Albert. I just nodded, but so wanted to puke instead. She looked at me and said, kiss me sis. I put my arms around her and pulled her into my chest hard, making her gasp. I forced my tongue into her mouth and began to walk her backwards towards the wall. It was obvious too me that I had power over her, when we were alone, as she offered no resistance. She leaned on the wall as I lifted her leg, while squeezing her ass. She was moaning loudly and I told her to quiet down so we could have some alone time. She immediately quieted down and I told her to spread her legs for me, which she did. I slid my hand towards her pussy and asked, is this want you want sis. She was breathing hard and just nodded, as I pushed 2 fingers in her pussy, causing her to bite her lip so she wouldn’t scream. I leaned into her and whispered I think you are right we should have done this a long time ago. She rested her head on my shoulder and said, oh god I so wanted you to do this to me for so long. I kissed her again and then said, turn around and face the wall, in a strong tone. She quickly turned and faced the wall I took a deep breath trying to hold back my laughter, as I was now turning the tables on her. I was now going to emotionally break her, piece by piece, just like she has done too me. I pressed up against her and said, there is nothing that stops us from becoming lovers now, as I pressed my middle finger in her ass, affirming my control over her. She sighed and said I would love that sis.

I thought for a second or two and decided to go for it, realizing this could go terribly wrong and destroy my plan. I began fingering her hard and fast, keeping her mind focused on the pleasure. I leaned and said, sis I want to ask you something. She just nodded and said, anything. I worked a 2nd finger in as I asked when you and I are alone I would really love to hear you call me Mommy. She went from moaning to dead silent in no time at all, turning around as I removed my fingers. I thought, oh shit I fucked this up big time. She turned to face me but she was not mad, she was crying. She just looked at me and just said, I have wanted to call you Mommy forever! I pushed her head into my chest and just smiled, she’s hooked and it’s now time to dismantle her, piece by piece. I just held her, thinking of how to plan this destruction.

We quickly showered and jumped out and I watched, as my “daughter” dried me off, like a good girl. I wanted to laugh at her right there and then, but resisted. She got dressed and of course I stayed naked and we joined the boys in the living room. It was then that I got my first idea, though I would be disgusted by it, I knew it would work. I asked if anyone needed some wine, they declined but I knew I would need it to get through this night and what I had planned for pig head. I returned with the entire bottle and sat on the couch, but a bit closer to pig head, intentionally.


Chapter Six

I began drinking wine as if it was water, trying to send signals to pig head. It took some time and some comments from Albert and sis to get him to catch on, but he finally did. He looked at me and said, you need to go easy with that stuff, don’t want you falling asleep on me tonight. I smiled and said don’t worry about me. He placed his hand on my thigh and I dropped my head and just looked at it, waiting for him to finish his smooth moves. He took the wine glass from me and sat in on the coffee table and turned me toward him, forcefully. He forced a kiss on me for a few seconds and pulled away to say, I’m glad to see you have come to your senses, as he buried 2 fingers in my pussy. I moaned loudly to make sure my sister heard me, as she was busy sucking on Albert. He was sucking this shit up and talking as if he was king shit, when he finally stood me up and off to the bedroom we went.

We walked in and I shut the door and stood there just looking at him. It took him a minute before he said, what are you standing there for? I just looked down at the floor and said, waiting for my instructions sir. This excited him to no end and in an instant he became king shit again. He walked over and said, I like that, an obedient slut that knows her place. I was dying on the inside from laughter, but said yes Sir do as you wish to this slut. This seemed to trigger the light bulb in his dense head and he said mmmm and what all can I do to you? I looked up and said whatever you have wanted to do to my sister you do to me. He leaned and whispered you shouldn’t have told me that and you better be serious about it. I looked at him, kissed him and said, you always wanted to know which sister was better and I am confident that when you are done, you will know that I am. With that statement set off a chain of events that ultimately would get me what I wanted, to destroy my sister.

It was 6-hours of pure disgust, as I faked my way through his plan. I was hit with belts to the point of welts and even blood letting. I was face fucked so severely, I spit up on his dick and was forced to lick it clean and do it again, until I stopped gagging. I was taken into the bathroom and pissed on and forced to taste it. I was fucked in the ass several times, but totally shocked him when I sucked his cock on one of those occasions, right after he pulled it out. I was then made to lick his ass, over and over, each time he would get soft, as this made him hard again. I did all of these things, because I knew he liked it, but my sister would never do it for him. This was how I was going to break her, by causing a split in their marriage. This would help with the destruction of her emotionally, but would cause him to think he had a shot with me. I had to keep him thinking that for this to work, but knew I still needed something on him.

I walked out in the morning to use the restroom, then off to the kitchen to make breakfast. My sis came walking in and looked at my ass that had been marked up from the belt. She leaned and asked, Mommy you let him hit you? I almost blew the response, as I just looked at her but remembered our deal just in time and said yes, baby-girl. She didn’t say anything after that and just walked out of the kitchen. I served breakfast and received praise from Albert, as well. My plan was working it would just need time to sink into pig head. I felt good on the inside about my plan taking shape. I know I should feel bad for wanting revenge on my sister, but I justified it by realizing that she has stole my very soul. It may take years for me to recover from this and I was sure I didn’t know the full extent of the damage, or how this has changed who I once was.

The rest of the day was pretty non-eventful, yea shocking I know. It was a lot of talking about a whole lot of nothing and of course, TV. The amount of boredom this family put up with, would be enough alone, to send me to the funny farm. I wondered if they did this day in and day out for all those years, or was I the primary reason for this, as they needed to make sure I didn’t run off. I had to do something to break this monotony, or I would be pulling my hair out in no time. I decided to strike up a conversation with Albert by asking him what he did for a living. This did not go over well with sis and pig head, as I was now interrupting some stupid ass movie on the TV. They barked at me and told us to go in the dining room to talk, if that’s what we wanted. I just sat there waiting for Albert to make the first movement, which he did by standing up, offering me his hand to help me up.

We sat down at the dining room table and I asked him if he would like something to drink he nodded and said, wine would be great. I returned with a glass of wine for each of us and sat next to him, to his right. He began by telling me that he was in charge for a non-profit emergency rescue zoo, on the outskirts of town. He explained that they took in all types of animals that were in danger for one reason or another and nursed them back to health or provided a safe place if a metropolitan zoo could not or would not take them in. They operated on mostly donations, but did receive some federal money to provide this service. This genuinely intrigued me, as this is something I never knew existed. I have heard of animal sanctuaries, but always thought they were for very specific animals like big cats. He told me that he lived on site, in the event one of the animals needed emergency care, he could call one of the vets. I couldn’t help but notice that Albert had a softer side to him, but couldn’t forget that he did fuck me with a wine bottle. For the next hour we talked about all he did on the property and just how much work it really was, often requiring him to work 60+ hours per week. I asked how he managed to get away for the weekend and he told me that one of the vets is staying there for the weekend.

It was shortly there after, that the conversation turned to me, and specifically how I ended up in this situation. I told him everything, my husband’s affairs with men and not telling me, even though we had started swinging. My apparent sisters plan to systematically destroy my life, over a boyfriend from high school that was my husband. How it seemed my husband was in on the plan, as he was regularly fucking my sister and getting fucked by pig head. How they disabled my car and got me fired, so I would have no-where to turn to. I told him all of this, in detail and noticed I never shed a tear. I was no longer going to allow them to win, as they both would pay, I promised myself. He took it all in and never made a snide remark or tell me to grow up, however he did do something that changed the direction of the talks on a dime. He told me to turn my chair to face him, as he turned his and then lifted my legs and put them on each side of him. He slid his chair all the way forward making them touch each other.

He placed his hands on my knees and said, you seem to take on what is asked of you, without much pushback, but I know better. I just looked at him and said nothing, but he said plenty. I know you can’t stand your brother-n-law and I can see some hate for your sister, what I am trying to figure out is how much? He continued, I know you have something planned I just haven’t put my finger on it yet. You are fooling them, but you are not fooling me. I offered no response, but I was dying inside, he was seeing through my demeanor and I was terrified he would tell them. I tried to smirk to suggest that he was way off his theory, but that did not work with him. He lowered his voice and said, I don’t care that you are, I just have one question for you. How much of what you have endured is faking and how much of it is real? I just looked at him wanting so bad to answer, but was scared they would hear me. I took his hands and moved them to my pussy, hoping he would get the hint. I was relived to know that he in fact did get my hint, as he pushed a finger in my pussy and then my ass, as I slid off of the edge of the chair. He just stared at me for several minutes, as he fingered me and then asked, are you a slut? I smiled at him, giving him his answer.

He stood up and took my hand leading me to the bedroom, where he pushed me onto the bed. He propped himself on his side and stared down at me before saying, now tell me the truth. I told him I indeed have a plan and it was already in place, but I hoped he would not make me tell him what it was. He said I know what they are doing to you and it disgusts me that I can promise you. I won’t make you tell me if you don’t want to. I nodded and just told him that I needed to get out of this situation, anyway that I could. He said he understood that and asked me if there was a way to get out of it, sooner than later. I just looked at him and reminded him that I had no job and no car. He smiled and asked, what if I helped you? I just looked at him and asked how he planned on doing that, sarcastically? He replied, you come live me with and you won’t have to worry about being kicked out. I asked, ok what do you want out of this? With the most serious eyes I have ever looked into, he simply said, you will never tell me no. I realized he was not joking around, he was genuinely offering me away out. I asked him what exactly he meant by that. He just said, it’s really not hard to understand, I ask or tell you something, you do it. I looked at him not knowing whether to laugh at him or kiss him. I said, I guess that means you want me to fuck your dog. He smiled at me, as he put a finger in my pussy and asked, tell me you didn’t enjoy that? I tried to lie but was caught immediately when I said, it was disgusting. He laughed and said, well your multiple orgasms suggested something else. I tried to hide the smile, but his fingering turned that into a moan. He then asked, you said you were a slut, right? I nodded my head, not wanting to stop the oncoming orgasm. He said, that’s all I am asking, be my slut. I moaned loudly, as my body shook from an orgasm and I just said, I would do what you asked of me.

He laughed at my orgasm and asked, how do I know your not playing a fucking game with me? I smiled and said well I guess you will have to trust me, like I have to trust you are not going to kill me. He nodded but said, well that sounds good, but you have to prove it. I asked, how do you want me to prove it? He gave me a smirk and said, just don’t tell me no to what I am about to ask you to do. I nodded and his requests started and he had several. He told me he would be right back and out of the bedroom he went. He returned about 5-minutes later with his dog and the cucumber. He threw the cucumber on the bed and told the dog to join us, as well. I just looked at him and asked, you want me to fuck your dog again? He laughed and said, no, you are going to suck him off and swallow his load if you waste any of it you will do it until you don’t. I glared at him hard and just about told him to fuck off, but I told myself to trust him. I asked, how do I know you aren’t lying? He said, you don’t, but I am the only one here not playing games. I thought of that reasoning and decided to trust him, as I rolled onto my stomach while he got his dog in position. I ended up sucking his cock 3 different times, before I got his entire load down my throat.

I sat up on the bed and said, now do you believe me! He just laughed and said, we are not even close to done. I said, bring it on. He pulled his pants off and said, suck me off and don’t waste it or you will keep doing it. I started to lie back down but he stopped me and said, no, lie on your back with your head over the side of the bed. I did as told and nearly died, as he shoved a very long cock down my throat and began fucking it like it was my pussy. I spit up immediately and was ordered to clean it up, which I did. It took at least 5 more tries, until he was able to empty a very impressive load down my throat. I rolled over and looked at him and asked, now? He smacked me and said, don’t get cocky bitch, we aren’t even half way there yet. He told me to get on my back and fuck myself until I squirted with the cucumber. I wasted no time and began long slow strokes and built up to ramming into my pussy, as hard as I could. I was really getting into this, as it was easily the biggest thing that has ever been in there, to this point. It took 10-minutes for me to shoot a very impressive shot that landed at the end of the bed. I caught my breath and just stared at him, hoping he would slap me again, to be honest. He did not slap me but he got off of the bed for a second and then climbed on top of me with a needle filled with something. I just looked at him and asked, what is that? He sadistically said, it’s a sedative. I lifted up and told him he was fucking crazy if he thought he was going to drug me. He just looked at me and said, that’s fine if you want to say no that is your option. I was so fucking pissed off at him and said, you need to tell me why! He grabbed my hair and said, I don’t have to tell you shit slut, now either do it or get the fuck out there and serve your family. My head was spinning in circles, as a tear rolled down my cheek, I fell onto my back and said, just do it!

I woke up and looked at the clock, 7am. My head was pounding so fucking hard, that I thought it was going to explode. I figured it was from the sedative and attempted to get off the bed and stand up, that was not happening and I fell straight back onto the bed. My head was spinning so fast and in combination with my head pounding, I cried out for help. Albert came into the bedroom and was laughing at me, while he plopped onto the bed. He asked, what seems to be the problem? I asked, what did you give me, yelling the entire time? He laughed and said, a sedative you know that. I said, bullshit what else? He got really serious and said, watch your tone with me, slut or you will get more of what you got last night. I told you, just the sedative. I started to cry, because I knew I was drugged, or at least I thought. He grabbed me by my hair and said, stand up and I will show you why you don’t feel good. He pulled me to my feet and stood me in front of the mirror. My mouth dropped open, as I saw scratches from my tits to my legs, bite marks on my tits and dried blood all over them. He then turned me around and handed me a mirror so I could look at my back, it was much of the same except the deep blue color my ass was. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back and said, I don’t tell lies slut, and if you ever accuse me of it again, I will beat your ass like this without the sedative. He let go of my head and I apologized to him and out the door I went to the bathroom.

I came out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to start breakfast. I was soon joined by pig head and smacked my very bruised ass and said, it looks like you had fun. I responded very enthusiastically, Oh fuck yes, I did, trying to be as obvious as I could that it was meant to take him down a notch. He of course, did not catch on and continued by saying, it looks like you are finally figuring it out and it only took an ass beating to get it across to you. I just smirked and didn’t say anything, as he pulled my hair and said, maybe that’s the direction we need to take from now on. I lost a bit of cool and said well I enjoy it, unlike your wife, so bring it on. With anyone else in the house, I would have been busted for my scheme right then, but he was too dense to see it. He grabbed my hair again and just said, count on it, slut. Now get breakfast on the table, he yelled as he walked out of the kitchen.


Chapter Seven

We finished our breakfast and I started to clear the table and do dishes, when Albert came in and pushed me up against the counter, as my legs opened for him. He grabbed my pussy hard and said, you make a nice meal you may just be worth keeping in the long term, if you remember what I told you. I lowered my head and said, I will never tell you no, I am a slut and need to remember that. He leaned in and said, you have one more task to do to convince me. I just said, I would do whatever you ask, I promise. I turned and faced him, needing to say what I wanted to say, but I wanted him to see in my eyes, I meant it. I locked eyes with him and said, do it. He looked at me with a puzzling stare and asked, do what? I looked down at my body and then back up and said, no sedative next time. He smiled and said, I’m going to like you, slut. I smiled and turned my head to one side and said, please. He stared in my eyes, as I felt his hand smack me across my face, twice. I thanked him for getting me in line and out to the living room we went.

I noticed that my sister had tears in her eyes and though I really did not give a shit, I asked her what was wrong. She shook her head and did not answer me, but pig head did. He said that he had to see his probation officer in a couple of days and she was worried they may revoke his probation status, thus sending him to jail. The light bulb went of in my head, if only he would get thrown in jail, my plan would be complete. I pretended to calm my sister and tell her it would probably be fine, just think positive. I knew he would be piss tested anytime he went to the probation officer and I now needed to find a way to make sure that piss came back dirty, guaranteeing he would be revoked.

I spent the rest of that morning trying to figure it out, but had no clue. The easy choice of course, was to get drugs in his system through food or drink, but I couldn’t leave the house to buy any. I felt myself getting upset and wanted to cry, as the answer was right there, but couldn’t grasp it. I got up and said I was going to start lunch and it should be ready in about 30-minutes or so. It was 15-minutes later when Albert walked in with a shit eating grin on his face. I just looked at him and asked, what is that about? He shook his finger at me and said you are evil. I smirked and sheepishly said I don’t know what you are talking about. He laughed and asked, what if I told you I could help you? I smiled and said, that would be very helpful. He took a step towards me and asked, what are you willing to do for me? I thought for a moment and said, I already said I would never tell you no, so anything. He walked the final step to me and grabbed my hair and said I want you to come up with something for me. It’s your chance to impress me. I moaned as he pulled my hair, sending waves of pleasure through my groin, as I said, anything you want. I finished our lunches and spent the next few hours thinking of what I could offer him. It was a freak occurrence that led me to my offer. My sister got up to use the bathroom and stubbed her toe on the coffee table, which caused her to drop to the floor and scream in agony. I asked her if she was okay, like I cared, but knew right then and there, what I was going to offer.

The afternoon was pretty non-eventful, as usual. It was filled with TV and little to no talk. I kept watching the clock wishing 4pm would hurry the hell up so I could start dinner. When the clock chimed that it was 4pm, I shot up like a rocket and into the kitchen I went. I hoped that Albert would come in, so I could present him my offer. He did not disappoint, as he joined me a few minutes later. I turned and faced him, with my arms to my side, secretly hoping for a smack, but that did not happen. He instead handed me a bag of white powder and said, put this in their wine. I did not question him I just nodded. He told me that we were going to the zoo tonight, and this would ensure they would not be aware that I was gone. I just said, whatever you need. I asked him if he would like to here my offer. He nodded and said let me hear it. I told him that I would be honored to have him witness me inflict pain on my sister and sodomize her, as I know she does not have anal sex. I continued, I would like to present her to you afterwards to sedate her and do as you wish. I hope that you find this acceptable and to continue to show my desire to never tell you no. He smiled at me and said, that’s my good girl I knew that you had it in you. He held his arms outstretched and I quickly jumped in them and said, I can’t wait for tonight, sir. He said, I’m glad you already know. I pressed my head into his chest and said, I know that I will never tell you no, after that I don’t care what you do to me.

It was decided that he would help me sabotage pig head’s piss test, almost guaranteeing he was going to jail. When that day came we would execute our plan on my sister. I could hardly wait, but not for that, I wanted tonight to get here as quick as possible. I slipped the powder in the wine and announced that dinner was ready. I served my sister and pig head one more spiked glass of wine, hoping whatever it was would kick in. I was not disappointed, as 30-minutes later they were groggy as hell and stumbled into the bedroom. Albert and I helped them in there to make sure they didn’t fall and break their necks. It was then I got an idea and took my sisters shorts and panties off and began to finger her ass hard, picturing that day when I shoved a dildo in her ass. Albert just watched, as I pushed a 2nd finger in, as I said, you wait bitch this is just the beginning.

Albert grabbed his bag and we hit the road, with me naked as always. He told me it was about a 2-hour drive to the rescue zoo, so I should find something to help pass the time. I thought for a moment and asked if I could lie across his lap, which he approved. I turned around in the seat and down on my back I went, into his lap. I looked up at him until he could look down at me and I immediately put my arms over my head and out of the window, signaling him my desire. He forced my legs open and told me I had better keep them just like that. I said, as you wish, sir. For the next hour, my pussy was spanked to the point of my lips were swollen and my tits were pinched so hard, that I had finger indentions. I beg and pleaded for him to teach his slut who was in control during this entire time. I felt his cock pressing into my back and was thrilled when he told me to suck it. I sat up but not before turning my head to one side and whispered, please sir. He smacked me 3x before yanking me by the hair off his lap, as he told me to start sucking. I quickly undid his pants and buried his massive cock in my mouth, sucking him like a good slut. I finished him off and did not waste one drop of his delicious cum and made sure I licked him clean.

We were still about 45-minutes from the zoo, so I took this time to really evaluate myself. I felt an overwhelming amount of emotions pouring through me at that moment. I reflected on my life and how drastically it changed from just a few years ago. I started to think of when and where did this plan that my sister and husband had plotted, took place. I dug deep into my memory banks trying to remember something that would have stood out. I thought back to their wedding, as this would have been the longest amount of time we would have been with them and offer the time necessary to plot something like this. It then dawned on me, the diversion in the kitchen by pig head, would have left my husband and sis alone to at least start the discussion. I now remembered walking out of the kitchen and back towards the both of them, in the courtyard. They were laughing and when they saw me approaching, they went quite, immediately. I never gave it much thought then, but that had to be the start of it. This recollection only infuriated me more and made me hate my sister even more, than I already did.

I also had to deal with my own being, as it has done a complete 180 over the last few weeks. I have always been sexually active, long before I should have been if the truth was told. The part that had me questioning it all was the pain aspect that I have recently fallen in love with. This was never apart of who I was and besides the occasional ass slap, would have never been an option. Was this who I was and I just never knew it? For as much hatred that I have for pig head, I do have to give him this one, if it weren’t for him taking that belt to me, I probably would have never known. I felt as if my chest was opening wide and I was witnessing my old soul, fly away and the new me taking its place. I knew that after tonight at the zoo, I would never be the same. I don’t know all that Albert is capable of, but I do know he has a very vivid imagination and he has access to powerful drugs, legally. I am a bit scared because of the lack of knowledge, but I do trust him enough to experiment. I guess I have no choice, I told him he could do whatever he wanted to me, and I will not break that promise, regardless.


Chapter Eight

We pulled into the zoo and for the first time I felt butterflies in my stomach. This was it, the night that was going to forever change me. I stepped out of the car along with Albert and was told to stand where I was. He walked over to me and turned me so that I was leaning against the car. He began:

Albert: This is the last challenge you must pass. Complete this to my satisfactory and your dreams will come true. I will help you escape your family and you will be living here. It’s important you understand that I am going to try everything to break you, tonight. Fail my test, you will be taken back to your family and I will tell them everything you had planned and watch as they beat you down.

ME: shaking my head…You will not break me, sir!

Albert: laughing at me, don’t be so sure slut. I have broken many who thought they could deal with me.

ME: Like my sister, I snapped back at him

Albert: grabbing my hair and yanking my head back what do you know about that, slut?

ME: laughing, I know you wanted to sedate her and have the both of us, but she is not woman enough for this. You got the best one, right here. So do what you must, but you will not break me.

Albert: oh, so she told you huh. Well we will see in about 7 hours if you are what you think you are, slut.

I smirked at him and just told him, it won’t happen. I lifted my head up as he let go of my hair and just stared at him and then tilted my head to the side. He slapped me so hard, that I slid across the side of the car, but I kept coming back for more. In all I took 7 smacks and 2 of those were directly on the mouth, busting my lip open. I smiled and laughed at him, as I licked the blood from my lips.

I was led by my hair to the main house on the property, where I was introduced to the on call vet. His name was Tony, a very tall and very muscular African American male and not at all hard on the eyes. Albert lifted my head to show my red face and fat lips and Tony said, looks like she got a bit mouthy. Albert nodded, as he shoved me towards Tony and told me to introduce myself. I looked up at this giant man and introduced myself and extended my hand towards him. He laughed, as he grabbed me and pulled me into his chest and said nothing formal about what is going to happen to you tonight, no need for it here. He pushed me back just a step and said, seems like you need to learn to keep your mouth shut, laughing at me. I looked up at him and said, never. His eyebrow raised and said you will if you know what is good for you. I did not back down from him, what is good for me, Tony? He shook his head at me and said well we are going to find out tonight, that I can promise you.

Albert asked Tony if he was able to secure what was needed for tonight and Tony quickly said yes, we are good to go. He walked over to his doctor’s bag and pulled out a vial of liquid along with a syringe. I just stood there and looked at him, letting him know I was not scared. Albert spoke up and said, this is Dinoprostone do you know what that is? I had no freaking idea and he explained that it is used to help a woman dilate to assist in labor. He said, trust me you will thank me after you see some of these boys out here. I nodded and they injected me and told me it would probably take no more than 30-minutes to take affect, and then we would begin. The next 30-minutes was spent with both Tony and Albert fingering both of my holes, along with a few more smacks to my pussy, to make sure it was nice and red. It was now time to begin the night that would forever change me.

They both led me to the 1st stop, a miniature horse that was taken as a rescue from a bankrupt farmer. I spent some time petting him and making him feel safe, before I dropped to my knees and began to stroke his very impressive cock. I took a deep breath after 4-5-minutes of stroking and slid under him and licked the head. The taste caused me to back off, but that was met with a smack on my ass from Albert. He laughed at me and said, you mean I broke you already. I snapped back and said, NEVER! I took a deep breath again, and began licking his cock up and down, until I got used to the taste. It took a few minutes, but I was ready. I opened my mouth and in it went, as I started to suck off my first of many animals. My jaws were hurting almost immediately, as my mouth has never been opened this wide, but I hung in there for as long as I can. Albert finally told me it was enough and to get on all fours, so he could fuck me. He joked that I had better pray the drug kicked in by now. He told me that Tony would put his arms down my back, so that he would be able to take the weight of the horse and not me. We were all set and as Albert worked with the horse to get him up in the air, I took a final deep breath, before I felt Tony’s arms press against my back, taking the full weight of the horse. Albert lined up his cock and in one push, I felt my pussy expand and take this cock, with no pain. The drug clearly had kicked in and for several minutes I was getting fucked, by a horse. I have no idea how many orgasms I had, but it was easily the most I have ever had, in one fucking. When the horse finally shot his load in me and climbed off of me, I collapsed face first in the field, as his cum poured out of my pussy.

I was given no time to rest, as Albert grabbed me by the hair and off to the next animal we went. This was a fully-grown horse and a beautiful one at that. The same procedure took place, I sucked and then fucked and repeated this over and over for the next 5-hours. I went from the stallion to a donkey, a goat, sheep and a giraffe. My pussy was on fire, even though the drug was working. I was exhausted and could barely hold my own weight, but I was not going to fail. Albert clearly saw that I was showing the effects and pushed me up against the fence and said, just admit that you are broke! I shook my head vigorously and said, NO! I am not broke. He slapped me and repeated it again. I shook my head and said, do whatever you want to do I am not broke! He slapped me 3 more times, but I refused to quit and yelled, NEXT! He grabbed me by the arm and said, we saved the best for last. We walked across the field about 150 yards, when I saw him. A rodeo championship trained bucking bull that was retired from competition and donated to the zoo. I stopped and just looked at him, nothing but 2000# of muscle and horns that would skewer you in a second. They both laughed and said just say you want to quit you can’t handle that man over there. I looked at them both and said, Fuck You! I am not quitting. That was not the wisest choice of words at that moment, as it led to me be thrown to the grown and Albert whipping me with his belt. He made it very clear I was too never talk like that towards him or his friends, again.

I got back on my feet, as I felt the stings from the belt down my back and legs, and walked towards the bull. They told me to hold on a second, as they needed to corral him and tie him off so he wouldn’t charge me. They got him secured to the fence and setup the hay bails underneath him. I wasted no time, as I walked up to him gave him a soft pat on the rib cage and down I went. I’ll admit, I nearly shit myself right there, as I saw the largest diameter cock, ever. It had to be 5-6” in diameter and I knew I was in trouble. With drugs or not, this was going to hurt and I knew it. There was no point in trying to suck him, as there was nothing short of dislocating my jaw that would allow that to happen, so I licked and stroked it. I positioned myself on the hay and lined up my pussy, as Albert held his cock at my opening. I opened my legs as wide as I could, as Albert pushed that monster inside of me. I immediately screamed in agony, as my pussy was stretching beyond what I thought it ever could. It felt as if I was being torn wide open and at one point I blacked out from the pain. Tony delivered the smack that woke me back up, but it did shit for the pain. I bit my lip as hard as I could and began to push my hips back and forth, with each thrust hurting 10x worse than the one before. I was not going to quit I kept telling myself, this bull will cum inside of me, period.

I fell off the hail bays in agony, as his cum drained out me like a bathtub. I closed up in the fetal position and for the first time, I cried. I was in enormous pain, but Albert was not going to let me rest. He leaned down and said, say it! I shook my head. He yelled it this time and I said, No, I am not broke, as I got to my knees and began crawling away, yelling NEXT! I crawled the 150 yards back to the fenced area that housed the goats. They tied me to the fence and for 30-minutes the goats licked the cum from between my legs and pussy, sending me to yet another orgasm. I was untied from the fence and down I went, unable to support my own weight. I again was asked to say it I refused and started crawling, yelling NEXT! I was crawling, being led by Albert by the hair, as Tony kicked me in the ass every so often. I was told to look up, as Albert open the pen to the pigs. He let me hair go, but I could not keep my head lifted and with a push from Tony on my ass, head first I went into the pen and into the slop. I lie there for a minute or two, trying to build up any strength I had, as I could smell that this was just not mud. I started to gag and knew I had to move and do it quickly. I got to my knees and started crawling towards the 4 pigs in there with me, not backing down for anyone or anything. I made it to them and rolled onto my back, and spread my legs wide open. I had no idea what to expect, if anything at all, but if they wanted it, they could have it. They smelled me all over, but never went for my pussy, I did get bit but was able to pull away before any serious damage was caused. Albert told me to crawl back, as I was done in there. I struggled to get to my knees but I managed and made the 40’ crawl back to Albert, where again he grabbed me by the hair and led me across the field to the barn. I was then subjected to a very cold garden hose, as they sprayed me down, laughing the entire time. They tossed me a bar of soap and I showered right there in the middle of the field.

I was picked up by Tony and carried me into the house and then dropped onto the bed, face first. He spread my arms and legs wide and I lay there, as Albert and Tony both sodomized me and made me suck them dry, as they pulled out of my ass. Albert got back on top of me and began to bite my back, trying to convince me to quit. I just kept telling them both, you will not break me. I told you that and I meant it. You can do whatever you want to me. The truth being told, I was in pain and severely dehydrated, but I didn’t care, I was not going to quit. They rolled me onto my back and began an assault on my already sore pussy, by slapping it and then biting my tits, drawing even more blood. I didn’t care I kept my eyes close and bit my lip. This went on for at least an hour I would guess, but I never quit.

Tony and Albert made me breakfast and made sure I had plenty of water, as they fed me on the bed. They provided all the care I needed for the next few hours, as I was welcomed into the family. Tony picked me up and took me in the shower, as both of them washed me and then took me back to bed. Albert told me to sleep for a few hours, but we needed to get back, as the sedative would be wearing off before long. I was out for 3-hours when Albert woke me and said we needed to get going. I hugged Tony and asked him if I would see him again, he smiled and asked would you like that? I kissed him and said, if it means you are going to fuck me again. He laughed and said, you can count on it, slut. I am very proud of you, he added. Albert and I headed back to the house and arrived with about an hour to spare, as they finally woke up from the induced long sleep. It was time to start the demise of my sister and brother-n-law.


Chapter Nine

I decided that I would take a nap, as I was still a bit groggy from everything. This did not initially set well with pig head and my sister, but I no longer cared. I told them that I had a very fun night and needed to rest and I would make dinner, when I woke up. We argued about it for a few minutes when Albert spoke up and said, I will make lunch for us, she does need her rest, I can promise you that.

I was shook awake right at 4pm by Albert, as he sat on the bed next to me. He asked how I was doing and I told him that I felt really good. He handed me a small baggy of white powder and said, this is what you will need to sabotage his piss. It’s cocaine, put in small doses of his coffee over the next few days, and it his piss will show narcotics. I tucked it under my mattress and thanked him. He told me that he would be leaving for the zoo, shortly after dinner. I nodded and asked Sir, I need something from you before you leave. He nodded and said I know you do. He told me that they were still upset with me for sleeping and that I should be aware of anything they might want to do, after he left. I just nodded my head and told him that I was not worried about them, anymore.

I got up and went into the kitchen to start dinner, when pig head came storming in and pushed me against the counter. I put my hands on the counter to brace myself, while he shoved a finger in my pussy and said, that shit will not happen again, your duty is your sister and I first we don’t give a shit about how you feel. I just nodded and said nothing. This infuriated him and he pulled his finger out of my pussy and pulled my hair, causing my head to snap back. He demanded, when I speak to you I expect an answer, is that clear? I nodded again and said, sure. He let my hair go and let me know that I would be taught a lesson tonight, when Albert left. I turned around abruptly and said, whatever you think you need to do, do it. I lowered my voice and said, after all, your wife can’t handle it. I received a slap in the face for that comment, but he knew I was right. He knew I was the better sister he just didn’t want to admit it. He stormed out of the kitchen and I giggled, as he did. I went into the bedroom to grab the cocaine, so I could put it in his wine. I wanted to make sure I had plenty in his system, before Tuesday when he pissed. I finished dinner and called them into eat, making sure I gave him the spiked glass of wine.

I cleaned up after dinner and did the dishes, as Albert made his way into the kitchen and told me to get in the living room. I walked swiftly to the living room, where there was a blanket on the floor. I eagerly plopped down onto my back and waited impatiently, as the dog made his way in. I spread my legs wide and lifted my knees, giving him access to anything he wanted, and he took it. He finished licking and I rolled over to get on my knees, as I wiggled my ass at him. He jumped up and wasted no time finding his honey hole and knew what to do when he found it. He pounded me hard and I was moaning like crazy, probably overdoing it, but it was for a purpose. It was a few minutes when pig head got up and crouched down and said, your going to suck my cock slut. I looked at him and mouthed, don’t you wish my sis would do this? He was noticeably pissed and shoved his cock in my mouth, grabbed a handful of hair and began to fuck me violently. He was decently gifted, but it was no problem to handle him, as it easily glided down my throat, without even the need to pull my head back. He finished before the dog and made the comment, you are a good slut, maybe that will teach you some manners. I wanted to die laughing, as he thought he had anything other than the belt, to do with my “new” self. It was several minutes later when the dog tied me and gave me his load. When he worked himself free, I jokingly looked at my sister and said, I would love for you to lick me clean. She emphatically said that’s gross. I chuckled to my self and crawled to Albert and sucked him off, before he left.

The rest of the night was fairly quiet so I worked on the plan, in my head. I knew I had to keep spiking his wine, beer and coffee and make sure I got all of the cocaine in his system. I also decided that on the morning of, I would leave enough to dose him really strong, hoping his probation office could see he was strung out and order his arrest right there on the spot. I wanted him in jail on Tuesday, as this would give me a few days to finish my plan with my sister, before Albert showed up on Friday. It all fit nicely inside my head, I just hoped it would play out that way in reality. I took some time to ready myself for what I thought was going to be a hard night for me, from my sis and pig head. I had clearly gotten under his skin and thought I may have my sister’s, as well. I hoped that I did, because I had a plan for that as well.

My hopes turned out to be rewarded, as I was drug into the bedroom by my hair and pushed face down on the bed. My sister joined me on the bed and from her back, spread her legs and told me to start eating. I dove in and began licking her, while pig head just watched, egging us on, as if we needed that. I so wanted to turn and scream at him how much of a fucking child he was, but restrained myself. I licked her into a nice orgasm when pig head decided it was time. He spread my legs wide and began hitting me with his belt, across my ass. I gave him no response to even let him think he was hurting me I just stayed buried in my sisters pussy. I would occasionally stop long enough to say, don’t you wish, over and over. This pissed him off, as he knew what I meant, but my sis was clueless. This caused him to use the belt on my back and the back of my legs, but I never flinched. He finally grew tired of beating me with his belt, as he shoved his cock into my ass, which led me to say, I know you wish now. This had the desired effect and he began fucking me as hard as he could, thus making him last only a few minutes, as he blew his load. He was really pissed off and I was loving every minute of it, as he told my sister to get off the bed. He pushed me face first into the bed and lied on top of me and told me to stop saying that shit. I giggled and whispered, but you know I am the better sister, that’s what’s got you pissed off. I continued, just tell her and get it over with. That got my sisters attention, and she barked tell me what? I was rolled onto my back and slapped in the face, but I did not back down. I stared at him and repeated it, tell her, be a fucking man and tell her that you prefer me instead of her. My sister was infuriated as she looked at him and asked, is that true? He turned into a babbling idiot and tried to deny it, but he was busted. He never actually answered her, but he did not need to. She went off on him with a 10-minute war of words that would make the devil blush. I was eating this shit up, wishing so much that I could bust out laughing.

He tried to make this my fault, by yelling and screaming at me. I told him that it was his own damn fault. I said, you have been hitting on me for years, grabbing my tits and ass and telling me that you would fuck me one day. When you finally got your chance the other night, you saw what you were missing in your wife. You had your chance then to talk to her and get her to be what you wanted, but you are not man enough to know how to get it. The sad part is, I think she wants to do it, but needs to be pushed towards it. I looked at my sister who was crying and I told her to come lay down with me. He got off the bed and just stood looking pissed, like it was supposed to be a statement or something. I took her by her hand and pulled her to the bed and onto her stomach. I rubbed her back to relax her and then moved to her ass, rubbing and squeezing it. I leaned in and whispered, open your legs for Mommy. She never said anything, as her legs opened giving me access. I lowered myself to her ass and pulled her cheeks apart, licking her tiny rosebud. She moaned a little and lifted her butt for me and I wasted no time, as I pushed 2-fingers in her ass, forcefully. I had no intention of making this comfortable for her, fuck her I told myself. I was ramming my fingers in her, as I looked at pig head and pointed to the nightstand and to get me a dildo. He grabbed a 6” dildo that was decently sized and I licked it and pushed it in. She tightened her ass trying to push it out, but I gave her a light smack on the ass, as crawled up to her and whispered to her to be a good girl for Mommy, or she would get a spanking. She whimpered and said, Ok, Mommy. I worked her hard with that dildo for several minutes and noticed that pig head was stroking his cock. I looked back and said, now come over here and fuck your wife’s ass, like a man. He wasted no time and shoved his cock in, causing her to scream, as I chuckled to myself. I pretended to care about her, by reassuring her, but I knew she was pissed at him, I could see it in her eyes. I knew he would just shove it in and cause her pain, instead of working up to the hard stuff, just like an immature idiot. My plan worked, she’s pissed at him and that stake was wedged in even deeper, by his roughness with someone who just took her first dick in the ass. I walked out of the room and let them deal with the aftermath, as it’s their damn marriage anyway.

I do remember a time in my life, not so long ago, when I actually felt bad for her, choosing him. I told her over and over what a pathetic slob he was, but she would have none of it. I am sure now, that she probably thought it was jealousy from my part. I used to be a very sympathetic person, honestly. I would never resort to revenge, even when I had been the victim, but ironically the both of them changed that for me. It is now the only thing on my mind, destroying his life and by extension, her life with it. It was all set, I had her under my thumb and if Tuesday went like I hoped it would, I would have 3 full days to systematically tear her apart. I fell asleep laughing, as the arguing started in the other bedroom.

The next day turned out better than I expected to be honest. I was counting on a lot of pushback from last night, but instead it was dead quiet, most of the day. This was more than fine with me, as the attention was taken off of me and was solely between the two of them. The three of us did nothing but watch TV of course, ate and I made sure pig head had plenty to drink, spiked of course. I spent the time from lunch to dinner just going over my plan, making sure I hadn’t forgot anything or to see if I could make it worse. I couldn’t immediately come up with something new, so I left it alone confident I had thought it all the way out. It was now time to start dinner, and I couldn’t be happier. I walked to the kitchen followed by sis. I asked her what was wrong and she immediately had tears down her cheek and said, he is a dick. I held back my happiness and hugged her and said he just needs to grow up, sis. She looked up and said I want to sleep with you tonight. I paused and thought how do I capitalize on this? I calmly said, that would be nice, I think you and I need some alone time, as I squeezed her tit. She moaned and out of the kitchen she went, with me smiling the entire time. I told myself it was as if they were handing me ideas on how to fuck the both of them up.

We finished up dinner and pig head had 3 glasses of wine, all spiked. I cleaned up and did dishes and back to the living room I went, with a plan. I sat closer to pig head than usual and would randomly make comments, trying to engage a conversation. I was still drinking wine and acting, as if I was getting tipsy, by spilling some on my leg. He offered to clean it up, but I quickly did, teasing him. I could see that my sister was getting pissed at this, so I kept it up. When it was clear he wanted to fuck me, I stood up and said, I’m going to bed and looked at my sister. She was up so fast I had to smile at that. He was pissed but what else is new. We lie in bed and I was trying to get her to go to sleep, by rubbing her back and after 15-minutes or so, she was out. I listened for pig head to either go to bed or the bathroom. It was like 30-minutes later when I heard him walking in the hall I jumped out of bed and quickly opened the bedroom door, just as he was about to walk into the bathroom, I stopped and said, go ahead I can wait. He glared at me and said, bullshit get in here slut. I walked quickly into the bathroom and sat on the toilet and asked what do you want? I knew damn well what he wanted, as he pulled his cock out and told me to open up. I closed my eyes and let him piss on me and then in my mouth, swallowing it then licking my lips. I looked at him and laughed, as I asked is that something else you want your wife to do? He smacked me and then grabbed my hair and drugged me into the bedroom, and it was on. I was thrown on the bed face down, as he laid into my ass again with the belt. He screamed that he was sick and tired of those comments and that it would stop or else. I turned my head back towards him and said, then make me stop, if you can. That ignited the fire in him, as he tore into my back, legs and ass with the belt before climbing on my back and pulling my hair, as hard as he could. I was egging him on by loudly saying, yes, show me what a man is, get control of your woman. He was so focused on hurting and fucking me, he did not see or hear, the bedroom door open, but I did. I immediately said, say it, say it now. He rammed his cock into me and said, you are the better sister you fuck like a woman should fuck. That set off fireworks that the world has never seen.

She threw the lamp at him and he became very aware of her presence. He climbed off and tried to mumble his way out of it, but he sounded like the idiot he was. I buried my face in the pillow and laughed and just hoped they didn’t hear me. I got myself under control and told them I was going to bed, as they had stuff that needed to be worked out. I told myself that I was a bitch, but didn’t care. I sat in bed and just listened to the argument, while masturbating myself to an amazing orgasm, at their expense. For the next 20-minutes they were at war, screaming and yelling and calling each other names. I was soaking it all up the entire time. It was then that I heard the bedroom door slam and a few seconds later my sis walks in and jumps on the bed. I put my concerned look on and said, I’m sorry he caught me in the bathroom and forced me in there. She nodded and said, I know, he is such a fucking dick. I put my arm around her and said, don’t’ worry about him, he is emotionally very immature, I am sure he did not mean anything he said. She just nodded and rolled onto her back and threw her arms out wide.


Chapter Ten

I leaned over her and began to rub her stomach, as she slowly opened her legs. I bent down and kissed her forcing her to open her mouth, then burying my tongue in her throat. I pulled out and whispered, let Mommy show you a good time. You just lie still and be a good girl. She nodded and spread her legs as wide as they could go and shut her eyes. I started on her tits by sucking on them, making sure she was nice and wet before I started my overall plan. I rubbed her pussy, as I sucked on her tits and even fingered her a time or two. My plan was to give her an orgasm, but not by traditional means. I did this over the next several minutes when I finally made my move, biting her nipple, hard. She popped her head up and said, OUCH! I looked at her with a stern look and said, lay down! I began fingering her harder, as I worked 3 fingers in her and then 4. I eased up on the biting a bit and she was much calmer, as a result. I told her to lift her legs for me and spread them as wide as she could. I stayed on her tits with my mouth, as I pulled my 4 fingers out of her soaked pussy. I put them in shape and with some gentle pushing, slid my entire hand in her pussy, causing her to buck her hips and squirt a stream about a foot in the air. I let her calm down and catch her breath and wasted no time, biting her nipple again, this time she just lay there and made no sound. This gave me the clearance I needed and I went to work, leaving bite marks on her tits, while I fisted her pussy relentlessly. I knew this would piss him off even more, so I made sure she had plenty of my teeth marks.

It was 7am on Tuesday, the day of his demise. I was relieved that sis woke up and used the bathroom without her shirt on. I hustled out and walked in to the bathroom, as she was starting in the mirror at her breasts. I asked her if she was all right and she just nodded and said, I’m great. I stayed there talking to her, as her and I used the bathroom, as I wanted to distract her so she wouldn’t put a shirt on, as she normally did. I asked her what time was his meeting and she said, 9am. I had to get to work with his “power shot” of cocaine, so I headed off to the kitchen. I looked over my back to see her walk into the living room, shirt off. It was no more than 30s when the yelling started again, giving me a much-needed distraction. I emptied the bag of coke into the coffee maker and brewed up a pot, I guessed it would be the equivalent to at least a line of coke. I whipped up a quick breakfast and called them in, as they still were yelling at each other. I poured him a large cup of coffee, the largest cup I could find. I poured orange juice for sis and I hoping to be able to get him to drink the entire pot. It worked, as he polished off the last of the coffee and went to shower to get ready to leave for his meeting. It was now just wondering if it had worked.

It was 11am when the phone rang and my sister jumped up to answer, as I crossed my fingers. I tried to mind my business and stare at the TV and just hope it was the call. I got my answer, as she slammed the phone down and said, the dumb fuck got arrested for suspicion of drug usage. I got the classic “oh shit” look on my face and said, wait, what? She said, the dumb motherfucker showed up at his probation officer and was suspected of being under the influence, so they arrested him. I judged that she was not upset, so I continued the bashing. I just shook my head and said, who does drugs when you know you have to see your P.O., how fucking stupid can one person be? She just shook her head and said, he is being held in jail while they get the blood work back, could be 2-3 days. I asked, what the fuck happens if it’s positive? She shrugged her shoulders and said, he will be revoked and probably go to prison, as this will be his 3rd offense. I just shook my head trying not to smile and give it all away, as it was not easy let me tell you.

I made us lunch and continued to monitor her, to make sure I didn’t say the wrong things. We ate and it was clear that she was clearly pissed, not upset. I asked, when could he have taken them? She thought for a moment and said it had to be last night. The thing is, I don’t know where he would have gotten them. I just shook my head and said makes absolutely no sense. She agreed and said, fuck it. I cleaned up and did the dishes and joined her on the couch. Step 1 done, I told myself.

We sat around for a good 3 hours or so and I got the nerve to make a suggestion, still wanting to make sure I didn’t show my hand. I moved closer to her and said, why don’t you and I go out for dinner tonight and if you’re up to it, we can go have a drink, just Mommy and daughter? She gave it some thought and said, that sounds good. I said you should go shower and will be in there in a moment to join you. She jumped in the shower and I quickly called Sir, to tell him the great news and what I had planned tonight. He laughed and told me he was proud of me. I asked him if he was coming up on Friday, and he said, you know it. I joined her in the shower and took a few minutes to play with her to get her mind off of anything to do with pig head. We dried off and went into the bedroom to get dressed. I chose a short skirt for her and I and tried to overlook the panties, but she grabbed a pair and slid them on, so I did as well. We chose button up shirts and a pair of high heels, to complete the wardrobe.

We chose to have Mexican for dinner and had a few margaritas to wash it all down. We talked about everything, but pig head. I was so happy for this, as I felt confident that my plan for the night would go off without a hitch. At one point she had gotten up to use the bathroom, so I took the time to get her phone out of her purse, so I could call ahead to a friend. She returned and after a few minutes, I told her that I needed to go and that we could leave if she wanted to. I went into the restroom and found an empty stalled and called a friend that owned a local bar that I was familiar with. I told him a bullshit story about my sister and I coming over and I wanted her to get shitfaced and fucked, as she was fighting with her husband. He bought and said, I can do better, but it will cost you. I said, anything you want. He smirked as he said you both stay here after close. I said, exactly what I was hoping for, we will see you after a bit. I walked out and back to the booth and asked her if she would like to go shopping for a bit and then maybe drinks afterwards. I wanted to buy enough time, so that we got to the bar, as late as possible. I knew if we went to soon, she would want to leave at some point, before it closed.

We went to a local mall and looked at close and everything else we could find. We went into the adult toy store and I talked her into buying a strap-on, so Mommy could fuck her properly. She did not hesitate and even picked up some lingerie for herself. I kept an eye on the time and figured that if we got to the bar no earlier than 10pm, I could probably keep there until 2am, when they closed. I went back to several of the stores we had already been to, telling her I wanted to look at one more thing, over and over. I managed to kill another hour by doing this and it was now 9:30, time to head to the bar.

We arrived just after 10pm and walked in, I immediately looked at Mark, my friend and winked at him. We sat down and asked what we wanted, crown and coke for the both of us, I said. We made small talk for the most part and kept on drinking, as we did. There were only 3-4 other people in the bar, all men. I was thrilled to see this and hoped they were planning on staying. The time flew by and before I knew it was 12:30 and I could tell she was hammered and definitely not aware of her surroundings. She slurred that she needed to use the restroom and I asked her if she wanted help and she managed, yes. I took her by the hand and we walked into the bathroom and into the stall I went with her. I told her to grab the handrails and I would drop her panties for her, so I took them off and threw them over to the next stall. She flopped onto the toilet and started to piss, as I let 2 buttons loose on her shirt, without her even knowing it. We washed our hands and walked back out to the bar. As I helped her sit down, I flipped her skirt up, leaving the bottom of her ass cheeks showing, to the guys playing pool, directly behind her. We had one more drink and I could hear the guys getting worked up about her ass showing. I looked over at her and she was a mess, clearly out her mind so I capitalized. I put my arm around her and asked her if she was all right. She nodded and said, I am really hot though. I laughed and said, well take your jacket off silly you’ve been wearing it all night. She looked down and stared and started to go for her buttons and I said, here let me help you. I turned her towards me and unbuttoned her shirt and said, there throw it on the floor and you will fill better. She took her shirt off and threw it down and said, god that feels so much better. It was then that one of the guys walked over to her and started to rub her shoulders and asked if she wanted to play pool, she looked at me and I told her she should. As she started to stand up she lost her balance, but the guy caught her and got her upright, but not before he unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor as she dropped her arms.

Mark made his way over to the door and locked it and turned off the neon’s, it was time for some serious fun. Mark and I sat and watched as she was sat on the edge of the pool table, while 2 guys held one arm each while playing with her tits and one guy kept her from falling back and the guy that helped her over, was under her skirt, clearly fingering her. I turned to Mark and asked what he had given her and he smiled and said, roofies. I laughed and said, perfect. I turned my attention to him, as he was unbuttoning my shirt and I asked, so what do I owe you? He smiled and asked, did you not say anything I wanted? I nodded and said, I did. He looked at me and said, don’t worry about it then, just be quiet. I nodded as he undressed me and tore my panties off of me. He looked at me and said, don’t move I’ll be right back. I nodded and looked over to see my sister on her knees going from cock to cock, as they held her head guiding it to each cock. I heard Mark coming down the stairs from his apartment over the bar and my eyes widened with excitement, as I saw a Doberman being led by a leash. I smiled wide at Mark and he said, oh you like this. I did not answer I just dropped to my knees and motioned Mark to bring him to me.

He led him over and I wasted no time in crawling under him, stroking his cock. I wanted that in my mouth and couldn’t wait. He showed me his delicious pink torpedo and in my mouth it went. I sucked his cock like I never have before, missing my lust for animals after the night at the zoo. I wanted to swallow him so bad, but I wanted fucked by him even worse. I crawled out and faced the pool table on all fours, so I could see my sister getting raped. Mark asked me where I wanted it and I just said, I don’t care. He helped the dog up onto my back and guided his cock into my ass, causing a deep moan from me that made the guys look for a moment. The dog was going to town on my ass and Mark kneeled in front of me and said, I love the color of your ass and the marks on your back. I managed to say, add to them if you are man enough, in between moans. I turned my head sideways knowing I pissed him off and sure enough, he slapped me in the mouth, splitting my lip. I licked the blood and smiled at him and said, you are man enough, I like that. Mark waited impatiently has his dog was still fucking my ass, so we both watched my sister laying on the pool table, with her legs up and being fucked, as her mouth was around another cock. The dog finally knotted me and stayed there for 10 or so minutes and out he went. He grabbed my hair and said now bitch, I am going to show you the kind of man I am. He pulled me by my hair over to the pool table and stood me at one end. We watched as the man let his seed go inside her pussy and climbed off to let the other guy in line, have his turn. Mark spoke up and said, no drag her ass over here. They slid her to where I was standing and Mark grabbed my head and forced it into her pussy and told me to lick it clean. I did as I was told, for each and every one of those guys over the next hour. In between the waiting, I was sodomized by who ever was on deck, as they rotated from my sister to me.

He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me behind the bar and handcuffed me to the handrails. He put his arm around my throat and said, I’ll be right back. I watched as he walked out the front door of the bar, so I turned my attention to my sister. The guy that had just fucked my ass had his cock throat deep in her, while 2 guys held her legs up and the 4th guy was 2-fingers deep in her ass. I was loving the hell out of this and wished I could be over there to join in. It was then that Mark walked back in, with a switch. I smiled and lowered my head, ready for that lovely sting. He did not disappoint one bit, as he laid into my back, legs and ass for a good 20-minutes. I have no idea how many orgasms I had and I really didn’t care, I was in love with the pain and did not want it to stop. Mark finally got tired and joined in where the others had been, by fucking my ass and making me lick it clean afterwards. He un-cuffed me and asked, you done yet? I laughed and said, not even close, but I want to ask a favor of you. He asked, oh yea? I said let the dog fuck my pussy and cum in it, when he gets off I want you to carry me over to the pool table and let it drip on my sisters mouth and then make her lick my pussy. He looked at me and said, let’s do it.

We called the dog over and once again, I sucked him hard and up he went onto my back. He fucked me just as hard as the first time and knotted me in a disappointing few short minutes. The knot was released and Mark immediately picked me up, making sure my legs stayed higher than my head, so I would not lose anymore than I did. He told the guys to get her on the floor onto her back, as he walked me over towards her. They held her hands and legs, as he positioned me over her face and bent me down, covering her face with dog cum. She never blinked and started to lick as much as she could reach, swallowing it down. He then lowered me even more, as one of the guys picked her head up and planted it in my pussy. I felt her tongue start licking and even going in my hole, getting whatever dog cum was left. She finished up and Mark picked me back and told me to stand there and watch, as they sodomized my sister. They bent her over the pool table and for the next 2 hours, fucked her time and time again, in the ass. I of course was told to clean each load up, before the next started, which I happily did. The fun unfortunately had to end, as it was daylight outside. The guys helped me get my sister dressed and sat her down at a table, as I thanked each of them with a blowjob. I walked behind the bar and made out with the dog for a few minutes, thanking him for 2 wonderful fucks and then I turned to Mark. I jumped in his arms and kissed him deeply, before telling him that I really appreciated this and I would never forget it. He smiled and asked, if I would consider spending a night with him. I smiled and asked, why do you want that? He grabbed my throat and squeezed and said, because I’m not done with you. I looked at him and asked, how bad? He stared at me and said, I want to roofie you, so you won’t be aware. I dropped my head and said I would need to ask my Sir, but I don’t think it would be a problem. We kissed and out the door we went, as my sister was passed out in the front seat.

I managed to drive to the house and somehow got her inside. I undressed her and threw her on the bed, just watching over her. She was out cold and I took advantage of it. I made my way to the kitchen and got carrots and a cucumber and proceeded to fuck her with each. I spread her ass cheeks and looked at her asshole, wondering if I should try getting the cucumber in, while I worked it over with the carrot. I made the decision to go for it and with some lube and gentle pressure, she took it and never moved. I pushed about half of it in her ass and got up to get her phone and took a picture and then a bunch of random pictures so she would not see it just yet. I then got back in bed and propped her ass up with a few pillows and lowered my pussy on the other half of the cucumber and began fucking myself senseless, as my sister was passed out. I got my orgasm and pulled it out of her and put it away, then collapsed next to her on the bed, falling asleep in no time.


Chapter Eleven

It was not until 2pm when I woke up and saw that she was still out cold. I got up and used the bathroom and then made a quick sandwich. I decided to let her sleep so I could spend some time thinking of how these next few days were going to play out. I ran various scenarios and tried to think them all the way through, to make sure I didn’t overlook anything. I checked on her real quick to make sure she was still asleep, and called Sir to update him. I told him everything that happened this morning and even about Mark’s offer, which he emphatically was against. We talked for several minutes and I told him that I had better get off the phone, just in case she woke up and caught me. I turned on the TV to pass some time and decided to just wait for her to wake up.
It was almost 4pm when I heard the bedroom door open and then the bathroom door. I walked into the bathroom as she was squatting, holding her head. I asked her if she was ok and she just said that her head was killing her. I laughed and said, I guess it would be baby-girl you put on a quite show last night. She just looked at me and asked, what do you mean? I took her hand and led her to the living room, wanting to make sure she stayed naked, as it was vital to parts of my plan. I sat her down next to me and told her “my events” of last night and how she fucked a stranger on the way home from the bar. I told her that he left around noon, wanting to fuck you awake, but I took it for you baby-girl. She smiled and asked if she could lie in my lap, as her head was killing her. I told her of course and for a good hour, I just rubbed her temples, easing her headache. I asked if she would like something to eat and she nodded, so I went off to the kitchen. I made her a salad and made sure I put the carrot that was in her ass and pussy, in that salad. I enjoyed watching her take bite after bite of a carrot that was in her ass, wanting so bad to laugh. She finished up and I rinsed the bowl and joined her back on the sofa.

The rest of the evening, we just watched some movies and didn’t talk to terribly much, nothing new there. I decided I would test the waters with her, by telling her to take a shower with me. She jumped up and in the shower we went, with not as much as a look from her. Once in the shower, I told her to wash me really good and I would return the favor for her, which she did without hesitation. I then returned the favor, making sure to tease her ass just a bit, before telling her it was time to get out so she could dry me off. I watched as she dried every inch of me, with great patience, making sure I was completely dry. She then dried herself and went to put on a nightshirt, but I told her that it would no longer be necessary for her to be dressed. She never said a thing, and just walked out of the bathroom.

We went to bed and I held her and told her how much I loved her and it was great to finally have all the alone time we wanted, without interruption. She mumbled that it was nice and was looking forward to what became of it. I pulled her close and kissed her and told her goodnight.

I woke up at 8am on this glorious Thursday, with a huge smile. I had her where I wanted her and it was time to begin the demise, as Sir would be here tomorrow, to finish it off for me. I had the day planned out in my head and off I went to start it off, by cooking a delicious breakfast for her, complete with coffee. I finished off the breakfast and went into to wake her up with a soft kiss and a rub of her pussy. She opened her eyes and I said, come on baby-girl breakfast is ready. I took her by the hand and led her into the bathroom so she could pee and then to the dining room, where her breakfast was waiting. She began to eat and I let her get about 3 bites down before I asked, is there something you need to say, baby-girl, with a stern voice. She dropped her head and said, I’m sorry Mommy, thank you it’s delicious. I told her that I expect better manners from a good girl or I would have to spank her. She nodded and said, I know, Mommy. We finished up dishes and I told her to clear the table and wash them and I watched as she offered no resistance and carried out her orders.

She joined me on the couch after she finished the dishes, as I corrected her posture when sitting. I put her arms outstretched on the back of the couch and told her to spread her legs, and that they were not too close unless told to. She nodded and said, I understand Mommy. I told her that she was not to speak unless spoken to and that she needed permission to get off the couch. She again nodded, but did not speak, as she was instructed. I was loving the hell out of this, knowing that in less than 12 hours, the tables would be turned, forever. I had her believing this was real, and I couldn’t wait to see her face, when she realized she was being played just like I was.

The rest of the morning and parts of the early afternoon, she just sat there and never said a word. We watched TV and other than giving her permission to use the restroom, it was quiet. I kept an eye on the clock, knowing that after dinner it was game on. I asked her what she was cooking for dinner and she asked, what would you like, Mommy? I thought about it and said just a hamburger and fries would be fine. She agreed and immediately went quiet, waiting for her order to start cooking. It was now 3pm and I needed to get the 1st phase under way, before she started to cook dinner. I leaned over and started to kiss her passionately and rub her tits. She let out a moan and I snapped at her and told her to keep quiet. She apologized and went silent, as I continued. I started fingering her to get her really wet, while I continued to kiss her. I worked a 2nd finger in and then a 3rd, as she had bit down on her lip. I felt her start to shake, as she had an orgasm. I abruptly stopped and told her to make dinner, as she was clearly pissed for me stopping. I giggled quietly, as she walked into the kitchen, knowing I had her right where I needed her.

She served dinner and I told her that we would finish what was started, after dinner. She smiled but said nothing, until I asked Mommy wants to fuck you with that strap-on and if she was a good girl, Mommy would let her fuck her, as well. She said, oh please Mommy. I smiled and patted her on the hand and we ate our dinner. We finished up and I told her to clean up and meet me in the bedroom, when she was done. I went in and got everything setup, I put the strap-on, rope and some dildo’s on the bed and a paddle and switch on the floor beside the bed. I was set and now I just needed her in here. I walked into the kitchen just as she was finishing the dishes. I pushed her against the counter and began squeezing her ass, as I told her that Mommy wanted to make this extra special for her baby-girl, as it was our first time fucking each other. She moaned and said it will be special.

I took her hand and led her into the bedroom and turned on the light, so she could see everything on the bed. She asked what the rope was for I put my finger over her mouth and asked do you trust your Mommy? She smiled and said, yes Mommy, I do. I kissed her softly and said, then no more questions. I led her to the bed and helped her down, lying on her back. I kissed her passionately, as I extended her arms wide and opened her legs. I broke the kiss and climbed over her, grabbing the 1st rope and tying her left arm to the headboard, then her right arm with the 2nd rope. I took a few minutes to kiss and suck her tits, making sure she was still comfortable. I turned around and gave her pussy a quick lick, as I tied her legs to the footboard. I took a deep breath and turned around to face her, it was now time.

I rolled onto my side and propped myself up with my elbow, and began rubbing her tits. She had a huge smile on her face, thinking she was in for the night of her life. I looked at her and said, you know Kay for several weeks I endured pure hell at the hands of your worthless husband and you. You put me through the most humiliating things, just to prove some point. The very person I raised when Mom & Dad refused to acknowledge our existence, turned her back on me and altered my life, for no good reason. The fact that you were so pissed over the boyfriend thing, knowing that he was a shitty husband and a terrible fuck, you still used that as your excuse. You used him to set me up to intentionally destroy my life and you succeeded, almost. I watched as her eyes grew wide and tears were forming, telling me I needed to try harder. I reached down and twisted her nipples as hard as I could, finally getting those tears to fall. I laughed at her and said you need to listen. I told her that she was not the only one that could manipulate someone and ruin her life. I looked at her and asked, what do you have to say, bitch? She was crying hard and said, Karen I am so sorry, I swear to you this was your husband’s idea, once he knew you wanted a divorce. I did not want to go through with this, because I do love you more than a sister, but I had no choice. I would have been thrown out by Gary, her husband, and left with nothing. I only agreed to it, if he promised to let me control you, as I wanted to protect you from him as long as possible. I just stared at her and said you are fucking lying. You hit me and participated in the humiliation, as I was forced to fuck a dog and vegetables, then you threatened to throw me on the street nude and take me to drug row and get gang raped. That was you, I screamed at her. She tried to talk and I just slapped her across the face, as I told her to shut the fuck up.

I leaned in real close to make sure she heard the rest of this.

ME: I told you that you are not the only one that can manipulate and play games. I have been playing the both of you for the last 2 weeks, trying to drive a wedge in between you and Gary, while I thought of a way to get even and get out. It was when you introduced me to Albert that it all came together. It was Albert and I that set Gary up, as I laced his coffee and wine with cocaine, making sure he pissed dirty, knowing he would be going to jail. You see, Albert is taking me to live with him tomorrow, but not before you get what is coming too you. That starts right now and will continue through tomorrow.

I then told her in detail what happened the other night at the bar and what I did to her when I got home and showed her the picture of the cucumber in her ass. I sat there and watched her ball her eyes out, laughing at the stupid bitch the entire time. She was begging for me to not do this and I just said, I tried that several times and you just laughed, so FUCK YOU! You deserve this and I am going to enjoy the hell out of it.

It began with me slapping her several times across the face, tits and pussy. I paid special attention to her pussy, making sure she felt it each time. I spent time biting her tits and nipples and I even bit her pussy, making her scream each time. I enjoyed each scream from her and would smack or bite her harder each time she screamed. I was taunting her telling her that her sick fucking husband preferred to fuck me, because you are not woman enough to please a man, but that would change in the next 24-hours, like it did for me. She tried over and over, begging me to stop but it fell on deaf ears. I told her I was going to untie her legs, one at a time and tie them to the headboard. If she kicked me or tried to I would beat her senseless. I moved down and one by one, lifted her legs to the ceiling and tied them off at the headboard. I forced a pillow under her, lifting her hips in the air, so I could get access. I left her there for a minute, as I went into the kitchen and grabbed the cucumber and more carrots and returned, waving them at her. She begged me not too, but I just laughed and shoved the cucumber in her pussy and begin slamming it into her, as hard as I could. I then took the carrot and in her ass it went, fucking her simultaneously, in each hole. I then pulled the carrot out and told her to open her mouth, she refused at first but a smack across her face changed that attitude real quick. I told her to eat it all and watched as she ate the entire carrot. I asked her how it tasted, but she did not reply. I took the cucumber out and rubbed it against her asshole and that got her to preaching. She pleaded with me to not do it about a dozen times, but I just laughed and said sis, you enjoyed it last night. I laughed and in it went, causing her to scream in agony, as I was not patient this time. I fucked her for all I was worth with that cucumber, listening to her cry as I did. I pulled it out and decided to show her some compassion, even though she never showed me that.

I went into the kitchen and got her some water and returned to offer it to her. I leaned beside her and started to rub her cheek softly while she drank her water. She took this as me being weak apparently, as she spoke so sweet and tried to use the sister connection to her advantage. I played along for a few minutes, wanting her to gain some confidence, before I ripped it from her again. I asked her if she got enough water and she nodded and thanked me, so sweetly. I brushed the hair away from her face, looked at her sympathetically and then smacked her again, laughing at her shocked eyes. I grabbed her hair and said, get it straight nothing you can say or do is going to get you out of this. I stood up and put the strap-on around my hip and fastened it, and teased her by saying, I told you Mommy wanted to fuck you tonight. I positioned myself between her legs and in her pussy I went, as I leaned over her and started on her tits again, biting them with the intention of getting blood. By this time she finally gave up her attempts to get me to stop and just cried, as I continued to torture her body. I fucked her pussy for a good 10-minutes and then in the ass it went to for a good hard 15-minute fucking. I pulled out and told her to suck it clean, and she did without incident. I tied both of her legs to the footboard and gave her more water with a sleeping pill and kissed her goodnight.


Chapter Twelve

I woke up at 8am and checked on my sister who was still sound asleep, so I made some coffee and waited for Sir to arrive at 10am. I made myself a quick meal and took a shower, so I would be ready for Sir. I was so ready to see him, as I needed his special kind of love and I needed it badly, as I was really worked up from last night.

It was 9:45 when the knock on the door came, I jumped up and opened the door and said, Oh God Sir I have missed you. I put my hands behind my back and offered him my face and felt my pussy get soaked, as he smacked me from side to side and busted my lip for me. I thanked him, as I walked to the center of the living room, waiting for my instructions. I saw Jax, his dog, walk in and I begged Sir to let me greet him properly, which I was granted. I dropped to my knees and called him to me, while holding my arms out. He ran to me and licked my tits a couple of times before finding my open mouth waiting for him. He started kissing me, as I fell back onto the floor and let him stand over me, sticking his tongue in my mouth. I spread my legs and lifted them and told him, it’s ready for you boy. He eventually found his way down to my pussy and then my ass, and licked me to a much needed orgasm. I turned over quickly and began smacking my ass to get him to mount me. He did not disappoint and found my pussy on the 1st try, fucking me hard, as I moaned and called out his name. He tied with me and I collapsed onto my arms, as he filled my pussy with his delicious seed. He finally got loose and I quickly turned onto my back, scooping his cum out of my pussy and licking my hands clean.

I was pulled to my knees by my hair and forced to crawl into the other bedroom, and told to lie on my stomach. I did it as quickly as I could and opened my legs wide, hoping he was going to fuck me. He took his belt off and began to spank me all over my back and ass, causing me to have a very intense orgasm, I begged him to not stop and let me have one more orgasm. I finished my 2nd orgasm and thanked him for taking care of his slut in her moment of need. He climbed onto my back, pulled my head back by my hair and shoved his dick into my ass. I stayed exactly like that for 10-minutes until he pulled out of me, slid off and pulled me by my hair to his cock and I sucked him dry, licking my lips to make sure I didn’t lose a drop. I rolled onto my back and enjoyed Sir, pinching my nipples and spanking my pussy.

It was now close to noon and I thought I heard Kay stirring around. I was told to go check on her and announce his presence. I got up and walked in there and sure enough, she was just waking up. I sat beside her and asked how she slept, she didn’t say a thing, so I asked her if she was hungry and she nodded. I backed out of the bedroom, so she wouldn’t see my back and know that someone was there. I made her an egg sandwich and fed it to her and gave her a glass of orange juice to wash it down. I sat beside her and said, see it wasn’t all that bad. I saw tears form and I knew what was coming, Please Karen, she begged, let me go you proved your point. I laughed and said I wish I could sweet Kay but one night does not make up for several weeks. She broke down and cried hard for several minutes, so I just left the room and rejoined Sir, waiting for her to stop.

I walked back in about 30-minutes later and asked, you done now? She said nothing and just closed her eyes, which was fine with me. I sat on the bed and rubbed her tummy and said, you need to open your eyes and stop being rude, because someone is here to see you. She opened her eyes and saw Albert standing in the doorway. I got up and moved to the other side of the bed, as Sir said, well good afternoon Kay, you look like you had some fun. She tried her hardest to plead with Albert to untie her, he apologize and said I just can’t sweetie. He sat beside her and said, you had your chance with me, last week. I wanted you to do something and you refused, but your sister she did not hesitate and I had an amazing night with her. It’s because of your unwillingness to please your man the way you should, that you are in the predicament. He continued, it’s funny how karma works, is it not. I mean you had the first chance at carrying out your plan with your sister and have me to help you do it, but you refused and now the tables are turned. He took the needle out of his pocket, already loaded with the sedative and showed it too her. She pleaded with him and then me to not do this to her, but it did not work, as Sir injected her. I leaned over and said, sis trust me you don’t want to be awake for what is going to happen to you. I kissed her and said I love you. I said there is good news, when you wake up we will be gone, forever. We walked out of the bedroom to give the sedative time to kick in and I made Sir lunch and fed it too him.

We gave it about 45-minutes and walked in to find her out cold, game on. We untied her and flipped her over to her stomach, and I grabbed the switch from the floor. We decided to make a video for her, so she could watch it at her leisure. I offered it to Sir, but he said, no you wanted this, you go first. I thanked him and did not hesitate, laying into her ass and back, watching her skin tear open. I then went to work on her legs and even her feet, leaving trails of blood with every hit. I rolled her over onto her back and started on her tits and stomach and the front of her legs. I finally stopped with the switch and was told to fist her pussy, as I bit her tits. I did as instructed, tasting her blood and sharing it with Sir. Over the next 2-hours we tortured her sexually and beat her with the switch, belt and Sir even slapped her around, busting her lip open.

We had to leave for a bit, as we both were getting worked up and I needed some of what she got, as well as recharge the video camera. I handed the switch to Sir and walked into the other bedroom, jumping on the bed and rolling over to my back. He walked in and wasted no time, unloading on my tits tearing my skin, just like Kay’s. I moaned after each hit and pleaded with him to not stop, until he was happy. I was switched from tits to legs and I dabbed up all the blood I could get and licked it clean. I don’t know how many orgasms I had, but I knew I shot a few streams. I started begging Sir to fuck me like the dirty slut I was, and I was rewarded. He climbed on me and slammed his cock into my pussy. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him closer to me, as he pounded my pussy hard. He reached up at one point and choked me, almost to the point of passing out. He let go and I yelled, oh god, Sir please do that again. He did and my body started shaking hard, as a strong orgasm shot through me. He filled my pussy of cum and called Jax in to clean me up, as he finished I called him to me and opened my mouth hoping there was some for me, but sadly there wasn’t.

We rested up a bit and returned to the bedroom, with Kay. We turned Kay onto her stomach, freeing her from the ropes, for good. Sir helped me tighten the strap-on in place and I went to work on her ass. I fucked her like I get fucked, rough and with plenty of marks to show the proof. With each thrust into her ass, I recalled memory after memory, of what she put me through. I used that as fuel to drive my thrusts, harder and deeper. I hated her so much that I became overwhelmed with emotions, as I collapsed onto her back and started crying. I wanted to believe that when she said it was my husband’s idea, that it was the truth, but I couldn’t fully convince myself of that. I alternated from crying to biting her and screaming how much I hated her, as I gave her my last 5 thrusts, as hard as I could. I rolled over onto my back and watched, as Sir took my place and began his own anal assault coupled with more biting. He told me to go get Jax so he would be ready to clean her up and to make sure I had the camera in tight for a close up shot of him licking her ass. He jumped on the bed with us and I waited for Sir to dump his load in her, which took a good 15-minutes. He rolled off of her and Jax wasted no time, as I pulled her ass cheeks wide open, to give him all the access he needed. Sir was no more than 6” from her ass with the camera, capturing some really great footage.

Sir picked Kay up and carried her into the living room, as I set up the ottoman to bend her over, it was time she got some doggy dick. I quickly took on the responsibility of getting Jax in peak performance, as I sucked his gorgeous cock to its full 8” length, wishing I could take his load down my throat. I reluctantly pulled him out of my mouth and up on her back he went, giving her a nice long scratch down her back, as he found some traction. He found his honey hole and went to work on her for a solid 15-20-minutes, as I was trying to get as many close up shots that I could, which was not easy since I could not crawl under her. He managed to get her tied and pump her full of his delicious cum and I could not wait to clean it, after I got the footage of course. He got himself freed and I went to work, first shooting the cum dribbling out of her pussy, then with my tongue, as I licked her pussy to get all of his goodness that I could. We left her in that position, while Jax recovered, she still had one hole left and we were not going to deny Jax that. I worked Jax back to his full hardness, after his 30-minute recovery time and in her ass he went, as I filmed the entire session with commentary. He knotted her, pumped his load and got himself free, leaving me to clean it up.

It was getting to be pretty late in the afternoon and I was more than ready to get out of that house and start my new life, with my amazing Sir. She was put back in her own bed and I wanted one more thing to remind her of the hell she put me through. I inserted the cucumber into her pussy and just left it there. I put the DVD in the player and put a note on the TV, telling her to turn it on. I recorded a message to her, before we headed out.

ME: Kay, I am sorry that you felt it necessary to dismantle the life of your older sister, the only person in your life that cared about you, as a child. I did all I could to raise you and show you that it was not our fault that our parents were terrible. You are only 1.5 years younger than me, so I was learning at the same pace you were, but I still tried my best. I made sure you and I had food, made sure our clothes were clean. I helped you with your homework and even talked to you about boys. I don’t know why you never appreciated that, when you decided to go along with this plan. For you to say that Gary would have kicked you out does not make sense to me, because, as I did then, I would have taken care of you now. Did you love him that much? Did you not see, despite me telling you countless times, that he was a pathetic excuse for a human being? He told you he would kick you out, how much more proof did you need? I won’t even try and lie, you crushed me and essentially murdered my soul, I am not the person I was just 1 year ago, let alone over 10 years ago, when I slept with your boyfriend. I am very conflicted on who I am now, I don’t know if this change to my personality is a good or bad thing, if this is who I am or was forced to become. I don’t know that I will ever have that answer, if the truth was told. I wish I could say I feel bad for you, but that would be a lie. It’s likely that your husband is going to serve serious time in prison, as this is his 3rd strike. I wish I could say I was concerned for your well being moving forward, but I am not, anymore than you were with my well being, as you watched my soul leave my body. You claimed you loved me more than sisters should yet you demonstrated the complete opposite. So which is it? I hope you now feel what you put me through, when you watched this DVD. I hope you can see the damage you have done and how it’s not likely to be repaired.

I gathered my things and as I walked out the front door, I turned around to see the very place where my soul died and the new Karen was born. I shed a tear, but quickly wiped it away, the days of crying are over. I looked at Sir, ready to serve him in the way he deserves, as this is the new me and I will not disappoint. Only time will tell if this was the right choice, but for now, I love it!


Chapter Thirteen

It has been 90 days since Sir has rescued me from that place. I have a very peaceful life here at the zoo, and I am the happiest than I have ever been before. I am Sir’s slut and, as he likes to say, his experimentation. I have never told him no and I never will. I have regular sex with all the animals on the farm and welcome any new arrivals, with the same love and attention. Sir has experimented with various drugs on me, to continue to push boundaries. I have served many of the visitors that come to the Zoo and of course any staff. I have a special relationship with Tony, as he has his own version of play and I will routinely stay with him for a few days, letting him use me as the guinea pig. This may sound overbearing, but I truly could not be happier, because I know I am loved like I have never been. It’s certainly not fit for everyone, but I am not like anyone else, anymore at least.

It was approximately 30 days ago that a call came into for a rescue that changed me yet again. The call was from a frantic vet that often uses us for endangered animals. She explained that authorities had raided an illegal breeding farm and among the 30+ dogs this owner raised, he had a family of monkeys. The mother had subsequently passed during birth from malnutrition, but the father and child were in overall good health and needed a new home. Since we do not refuse animals in need, we drove the 150 miles to bring the monkeys home. I was not allowed to make the trip, as it was my responsibility to clean their new home and order any supplies that would be needed and have them overnight delivered. These would be our first monkeys to house, so we had nothing for them. We would temporarily build them a cage around some of our trees in the pasture, so they would feel somewhat at home, then build a permanent structure to really comfort them. I ordered the supplies on the list that Tony left for me and made sure they understood we needed them next day.

The rest of the day I cleaned the house and made sure the animals outside were fed and watered. I was not allowed to have sex with them, while Sir was away, this included Jax as well. I didn’t always like that, but it was not my call. I called Sir to find out what time he thought they would be back, so I could have dinner ready for him and Tony. He said that he thought it would be about 2 more hours, as they were on the way back now. I told him that dinner would be ready and if there was anything else I needed to do, before then. He told me to run up to the grocery store and get about 10# of bananas and a mixture of other fruits, as well as milk, until we get our order in. He did tell me they appeared in good health, but that they were malnourished.

I returned from the store with bags and bags of fruits and 5 Gallons of milk, making sure we had plenty for them, until we got our order in. I was excited to meet them and couldn’t wait to get them healthy and become apart of our family on the zoo. I have taken a real kinship to these animals, outside of the sex. I look at them as a part of what I have become and want them to have the best of everything, as I believe I do. The work here at the zoo is hard and requires many long hours, but we have an amazing caring staff that makes sure these animals get all they need and more. We strive to provide an environment that closely replicates what their species is most likely familiar with.

I finished up dinner, right as Tony and Sir walked in with our new family members. I greeted the both of them with a big kiss and they handed me the baby, and my heart just sank. He was so adorable, but clearly in need of food. The father was very protective of the child, naturally, and was making it clear he was not happy with me holding the child. Tony held onto him to keep him from coming after me, but he really was only voicing his objection, more than trying to become physical. We put the father in a large oversize cage and gave him some bananas and plenty of milk, which he devoured in no time. It was never told to me, but I took on the responsibility of nursing this baby to health. I fed him and made sure he was well taken care of. The 3 of us, as well as the baby ate dinner and I cleaned up the table and dishes and turned my attention back to the baby. I was sitting on the couch and feeding him from a bottle, when for some reason I asked Sir if I could nurse this child, naturally. He asked me if I produced breast milk and I told him that I did not think so, but with medication I am sure I could. He asked Tony if there was any risk to the baby, and Tony confidently said, none at all. I was told that it would be fine, but just be careful as he could bite me. I nodded and thanked him. I looked down at him, as he stared back like he knew what we had been discussing. I wanted to tear up, but fought it off and just smiled. Tony said we could find out real quick if you produce breast milk and told me to hand the baby to Sir, while he got something from the medical room. He returned with a vacuum cup and tube and told me that if this couldn’t produce the milk, that I would need medication to induce lactation. He teased me by sucking my nipple hard and said, maybe you don’t. We both laughed and he put the cup on and started the suction, with no results. I would need medication and Tony said he would get it taken care of, tomorrow.

It was decided that I would need to earn the trust of the father, if I was going to be nursing his son, so he would not be so quick to defend him. Sir told Tony to go with me to the cage and that he would look after the baby. We walked out to the cage and let him out, as Tony took his hand to make sure he stayed calm. We walked the grounds for several minutes just getting him comfortable with the surroundings. I finally got the nerve up to hold his other hand, wondering if he would be open to the idea. He looked up at me, down to our hands and never made a peep, just kept walking. We walked for another half hour or so and Tony suggested we bring him in the house and let him see his son, as he would have to get used to this new arrangement. I nodded and off we went to the house. We walked in and Sir was holding the baby, and as soon as the father saw his son, began to scream is disapproval. I led him to the couch with Tony and sat him on my lap so he could always see his son and know that he was not being mistreated. Tony sat next to me, to make sure he didn’t turn aggressive suddenly and try to bite my face off. It took him a few minutes to settle down, as I felt him shaking on my lap, clearly not comfortable. I reached down and got him a banana off of the coffee table and this seem to do the trick. He stopped shaking and became more subdued, so I started to rub his back assuring him he was in a safe place.

Tony suggested that he take the father onto his lap, while I held the baby, so he would get comfortable with seeing me nurse his son. This would help him see that his baby is being fed and loved, and warm up to me even more. I was nervous with this, as I saw his reaction the first time I held his son, but I was not going to say no. Tony assured me he would hold the father back, if he got aggressive. We moved the father over to Tony’s lap and Sir brought me his son and the bottle. It was clear immediately that the father became agitated, as he started squirming on Tony’s lap, but Tony easily held him there and got him to calm down. I held the baby in my arm and gave him the bottle, while bouncing him, much like a mother would her own child. It took some time, but the father calmed back down and just watched me with his son, looking for the 1st sign of a problem, I am sure. I extended my hand to the father, hoping he would take it and he did. I brought our hands over to the son and let his hand go, so he could touch his son if he wanted to. He held his hand there for a moment, but finally touched his knee and softly rubbed. It seems silly, but I shed a tear over this, I guess partially because I never had this affection from my own father, as a child. He just wanted his son to be taken care of and that was all that was important to him. I think this was the turning point for him and I, as I think he realized at that moment that I would raise his son and make sure he needed nothing.

I started on the medication but was told it would probably take a few weeks to show any kind of results, so the bottle-feeding would have to continue to that point. I spent the next few days, making sure Sir and Joshua, the name I chose for the son, were well taken care of. We decided to call the father, Josh to keep it simple in all honesty. The first several days Josh would always be sitting next to me, so he could see me nurse Joshua and take care of him. I wanted him to gain all the confidence that he needed, so he would have one less thing to worry about.

I had been feeding Joshua and noticed that he was dozing off in my arms, I wrapped him in his blanket and laid him on the couch next to me. I got up to use the restroom and grab something to drink and a banana for Josh. I sat back down and patted my leg and Josh climbed up and sat on my lap, as I gave him the banana. He took no time in devouring it and handed me the peel, so I tossed it onto the coffee table. I started to bounce my leg to see the kind of reaction I would get out of him, as it turned out, he just looked at his son, sleeping next to me. I put my arm around him and started to rub his back and this seem to appeal to him, as he put his arm on my shoulder for balance. I kept bouncing him and rubbing his back at the same time and out of the blue, he put his other arm on my shoulder and pulled himself into me, giving me a hug. I panicked initially and I saw Tony reach to grab him but stopped, as he saw it was just a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him in close and gave him a quick kiss on the nose. We hugged for only a few seconds, but it was enough to tell me that he trusted me now. I started to bounce my leg faster and this produced a laugh, or so I thought, it all sounded the same to me. This of course caused my tits to bounce as well and I noticed that he was now looking at them, bounce up and down. He seemed very intrigued by this, so I bounced even faster, getting them to really jump up and down. It was then that Josh stuck his finger out and gently poked my right tit and kept it up, as they bounced. He seemed to think this was a toy, as he had a smile on his face. I realized that he was trying to poke my nipple, but couldn’t time it right and this was causing him to try harder, so I stopped bouncing to see if this was what he was doing. I was right, he poked my nipple and laughed, as he would pull his finger away and then poke again. I started to bounce again then stop, then bounce and the entire time he kept trying to poke my nipple. This was a game to him, but something much more for me, as they grew harder he only poked harder.

This was clearly becoming sexual for me, as I felt the wetness form between my legs, so I parted them slightly, so I could get a hand down there. He was poking my nipple and I was rubbing my clit, when I noticed him look down at my hand, I’m guessing my scent caught his attention. I lifted my hand and opened it for him to grab, as he grabbed my hand I led it down slowly to my pussy. He never took his eyes off of our hands, even when I let go and forced his hand onto my pussy, pressing on it. I hoped he would start on his own, but he just stared at his hand. I took the lead and began to move his hand back and forth, loving the rough texture of his hand. I spread my legs as wide as I could get them, hoping he would make any kind of move towards my honey hole. I took a chance and let go of his hand long enough to grab his index finger and guide it to my honey hole. I rubbed the opening, as he just stared at me. I started to slowly push it in me, causing me to bite my lip feeling that rough texture inside my pussy. I pushed it the rest of the way in and let go of his wrist, hoping he would leave it there. He did leave it there, but never moved in and out, so I grabbed his wrist and made the motion for him for a few seconds and then let it go, as he never stopped after that. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, just loving the feeling of a monkey fingering my pussy, as the texture was nothing I have ever experienced before.

I just watched him, he seemed so content with fingering me, as I wondered if he knew what he was doing or not. I looked down to his groin and didn’t see his cock extended, so I wondered if he just thought this was a game, as well. I had no idea how to excite a monkey, but I figured he’s a man, so the old faithful should work. I slowly moved my hands to his thigh and when he didn’t react, rested my hand on his cock. This caused an immediate reaction of course and he placed his free hand on my wrist. I did not move and he did not stop fingering me or try to move my hand. I figured he was just protecting his assets or something. I took a chance and just started to rub it very softly to let him know I meant no harm. He never moved his hand from my wrist, but it accomplished what I wanted, as his penis worked it’s way out and in the open. I adjusted my hand and took a hold of it, gently. This caused yet another reaction, as he looked at me and then down to my hand holding his cock. I felt a tug initially with his off hand, but he never tried to remove it, I figured he was confused on what to do. I kept my eyes on him and slowly started to stroke his cock, hoping he would let me and not become upset or worried. His eyes never moved from his groin and unfortunately, his fingering stopped but he did not remove it, he just lost focus. I asked Tony what I should do, he said I don’t know, are you wanting to suck him or fuck him, he asked. I shrugged my shoulder and said, both. He said, I would try to see if he will fuck you first, I don’t know if he would appreciate you moving your mouth there just yet, it could be dangerous for you. I nodded and asked him to move the Joshua from the couch, so I could lie down. He moved Joshua and I lie on my back, opening and lifting my legs. I patted my stomach, as he stared at me and after a long hesitation, he made his way over to me. I extended my arms to try and get him to come up to hug me, thus causing him to have to lie on me to do this.
It did not work, so I sat up and then extended my arms for a hug and he took the invitation. I hugged him and rubbed his back to reassure him, as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I slowly started to lie back with Tony’s help to make sure I didn’t crack my head on something and Josh never moved, as he went down with me ending up on top of me.

I realized I would need to do some maneuvering of the both of us, if this was going to happen, as his cock was in my belly button, not quite the idea I had. I decided it would be easier if I could slide up and rest on the armrest of the couch, as this would be less confusing for him instead of trying to slide him down. I began to slide myself up, while holding him in the same position, and after a few minutes, I had him where I needed him. I rubbed his back for a few more minutes to make sure he was calm, then slid my hand under and started to stroke his cock again. He never once objected, so I went for it, placing his cock at my entrance and then gently pushed on his butt to slide it in. I paused to see if he would start the fucking and was just about to help him, when he started slowly. It wasn’t the biggest cock or the thickest, but I didn’t care at that point, it felt really good to be fucked by a monkey. I grabbed onto his ass and started to build up the pace and got him to the point of bucking pretty hard, this did the trick and I actually had an orgasm. He apparently came as well, because he started to climb off of me and seemed scared, I grabbed him and held him to my chest, letting him know he did nothing wrong.

This led to Josh and I becoming regular lovers, over time. He is now sleeping with me in bed and no longer needs encouragement to have sex with me. I eventually got to suck his dick, but Tony was right, the first few times I tried, Josh was not happy about it and let me know. I kept trying and he finally let me and now I suck him often. Joshua is on my breast every day now, as the medicine worked and I started producing breast milk for him and from time to time Josh will suck my tit and get some milk, which is fine with me. I am trying to get Josh to eat my pussy, but he doesn’t seem interested and I won’t force it on him, I have Sir, Tony and the other animals for that, as well as any of the staff or visitors. I have never neglected my other lovers in the zoo and make sure they get my pussy and ass, on a regular basis. Tony has become my 2nd Dominant officially, so I see more of him on a regular basis, so he can enjoy his slut as well.

I woke up on Thursday morning, at 5am to feed Joshua, before cooking for Sir and anyone else that may be over. I went downstairs to feed Joshua and start coffee, as Sir usually woke by 6am and always wanted coffee ready. I sat on the couch and began the feeding, when there was a knock at the door. This startled me, as the staff need not knock, they just walk in. I turned around to try and look out the window, but couldn’t see who it was. I got up and walked over to the door, with Joshua on my nipple and opened it.

ME: What are you doing here?!
Kay: He got 10 years and I will be homeless in less than 30 Days, as they are foreclosing on the house.
ME: very sarcastically, what are you going to do?

She extended her hand to show me a DVD, the DVD Sir and I shot of her night.

ME: What’s this?
Kay: An offering
ME: An offering of what?
Kay: I believe you once told Albert you would not say no, so I am the one saying that now.

The End