(c) 2018 by beastgirl77 and/or Riley

Chapter 1 ~ “Good Girl”

I was always known as the shy girl. My friends were a little more daring than I was. I was the girl who would arrive at a party once everyone else was already there. I’d quietly slip in unnoticed and find a nice quiet corner somewhere. It’s not that I was unattractive or anything like that. It was just that I hated to be the centre of attention. I was what you would call pretty but not gorgeous. I was 5’5” or 165cm tall which was moderately tall for most girls in my school. I had curly blond-brown hair that fell to my shoulder blades, hazel eyes and slightly puffy dark-pink lips. My C-cup breasts were still perky at 20 years old but smaller than I would have liked. On the other side, my hips and butt were a little fuller regardless how much I tried to slim them down at the gym. I was almost excited when the Kardashians came on the scene because my butt, while not as big as Kim’s, became more acceptable. Almost excited…

My friend Danni was having a party to celebrate the end of our second year at university. As in America, the end of Australian school terms coincided with summer but ours ended in December instead of around May-June. I was studying law and was very dedicated to my studies. In fact, I was top of my class and on an advanced education track. That’s one of the benefits of being shy – you get to spend more time studying and get to finish your degree faster. Danni was studying the arts, theatre mostly determined to become a famous actress.

When Danni suggested the party be at her house or mini-mansion, everyone jumped at the chance. We met when I was 14 years old at a state school camp and became instant best friends. Danni was a year older than I was and so very different to any of my other friends. Her house was huge to us as most of the students came from upper middle class homes in the suburbs. Her house overlooked the harbour in one of the richest neighbourhoods in Sydney. A ‘neighbour’ a few streets over was even the latest Prime Minister for the 10-minutes or so he was in office. The mansion had nine bedrooms, ten bathrooms, a home theatre, six indoor and three outdoor entertainment areas, a heated rock-pool spa, a huge landscaped pool on the lawn and a six car garage. It even had few of servants to cook and clean who lived in quarters on the back of the ground floor behind the garage.

Danni was the wild one of the bunch and as an only child having grown up with privilege, she was used to getting whatever she wanted. Even occasionally served to her on a literal silver platter. Her father was always away on business and her mother went with him occasionally. Danni travelled a lot, dated constantly and flirted with everyone regardless of gender. She didn’t mind having holiday flings and once let a man film her giving him and a mate blowjobs on her fathers yacht under The Harbour Bridge! In broad daylight! On the top deck! When she showed me the video I blushed to the roots of my hair and my breathing got shorter. She just giggled and said that this should be our new tourism video.

My parents didn’t really approve of my friendship with Danni. My mother always said that I needed to keep my wits about me and not follow in her footsteps. I was the responsible one. The good girl. My older brother was the one who got in trouble in the family. He used to cause trouble as a kid, tried drugs occasionally and had a heap of short-term girlfriends. I’m even fairly certain he’s had sex with Danni before though I’d never ask him to confirm. He was also invited to the party.

Danni asked me to stay over the day before the party to help her set it all up. Danni decided that we needed a theme and so it would be a masquerade party. I didn’t need an outfit for the party because Danni said she had the perfect one for me. I didn’t know what I was supposed to help her with but I was willing to do what I could. The servants would do most of the work cleaning the house. She had decorators and caterers coming to take care of the set up, food and alcohol. A local DJ ‘friend’ was providing the music so it all seemed covered to me. But I didn’t mind helping out.

As I packed my bag to stay the weekend, my mother came to my room and sat on the edge of my bed. She looked like she had something to say but didn’t want to start. I already knew what she was going to say because she said it before almost every party at Danni’s place so I waited.

“Honey, you need to be careful at the party. There will be a lot of boys there and if they’ve had experiences with Danni, they might paint you with the same brush.”

Internally I rolled my eyes and kept packing. She made it seem like I was still a little girl instead of a legal adult. I may have been shy but I was not a virgin. My former boyfriend Jessie and I had started having sex after our Year 12 or senior formal and it was nice. I didn’t get the fuss people made about sex. It felt fine but nothing spectacular. I figured I could take it or leave it personally.

“Mum, I’ll be fine. I’m really going to help her run it anyway so I’ll be too busy to worry about guys. Besides Jamie will be there anyway so if I need help, I’ll find him.”

My mother seemed partially reassured by my brothers’ presence at the party, kissed my cheek and told me to have fun. I finished packing, kissed my parents goodbye and dashed out the door.


Chapter 2 ~ “The Night Before (Life Goes On)”

The drive to Danni’s place usually took 45-minutes from my house but since it was a Friday night, it took quite a bit longer. My brain was running through scenarios of what the party would look like or how it would turn out. I’d never been to a masquerade party before but I’d seen them in movies. From what I could remember, they were either portrayed as chaste dignified balls or raunchy random fuck fests. If I knew Danni at all, I’m sure it was to be more like the latter. I figured the real reason she wanted me there was to release her of her hosting duties meaning I would be busy. I didn’t mind though. It was better than sitting around watching everyone else have fun and hook up. I wasn’t much of a drinker so I was usually on designated driver duty but since I was staying over, I didn’t even have to do that this time.

I finally arrived at Danni’s place and was buzzed in the gate. She told me to park in the garage to keep the entrance clear for the caterers. I parked and got out grabbing my bag from the back seat. The kitchen door opened and Danni jumped through it to hug me.

“Oh I’m so glad you’re here! This is going to be my best party ever! Even you’re gonna have a great time. I promise!”

I smiled at her excitement and hugged her back with one arm. When she stepped back she clasped my hand and pulled me through the door before trotting to the front formal stairs. Sweet old Vincent, the cook, smiled and waved as I breezed through the room. I giggled and nodded back as my hands were full.

The whole way through the house, Danni didn’t stop talking. I was beginning to think she didn’t need breathe!

“I’m so excited! Mum and Dad left yesterday and will be gone for about a month. It’s a second second honeymoon but in Geneva this time. Everyone will be arriving at 8am tomorrow to set up. Oh did I tell you that Tammy and Lacey are coming too! Angie said she couldn’t make it but Patrick is bringing the boys from footy. Don’t let me forget to lock up Dad’s den. The pool and spa got cleaned today. Henry’s at the vet and will be back tomorrow. He’s having a spa day! Did you bring your suit? Doesn’t matter! Use one of mine. The decorator is bringing the lights and all this fabric to make little booths like in those harem movies!”…… she kept talking but I was having a hard time keeping up so I just let her go.

We got to the room I like to use and she finally let my hand go to grab me in another hug. I couldn’t help laughing. She was out of her mind this time and I had never seen her so excited. I dropped the bag and hugged her back. As she prattled on in my ear, I figured I better stop her before she passed out from lack of oxygen. I pulled back, grabbed the top of her arms, gave her a little shake and said to calm down. She gulped a breath and blew the air out of her pursed lips into my face. It smelled like she’d just eaten strawberries.

Now that I had her attention and silence, I let her go and picked up my bag before dropping it on the bed to unpack. She flounced onto the bed and her big tits wobbled before she settled. She was clearly not wearing a bra and truth be told, hardly ever did. I told her about my day as she watched me. I asked her about the outfit for the party and just like that, she was off again! She gasped and threw herself off the bed. As she ran out of the room she yelled that she’d be right back. I shook my head smiling and walked to the bathroom with my toiletries before stowing my bag in the closet.

This was always my favourite room of the house. It had a balcony overlooking the backyard pool area and a great view of the city. I would always leave the balcony doors and curtains open at night to see the twinkling city lights from the bed and it let in the cool harbour breeze as I slept. The room was more like a hotel but had some delicate feminine touches of paintings, lamps, cushions and throw rugs in pastel watercolour blues, pinks and greens. The bathroom was one of the few with a long deep spa bath. I could stretch out and still be completely covered by water. My bath at home was shorter and shallower so my knees or tits would always be exposed no matter how I laid.

I had just opened the balcony doors and curtains when Danni skipped back into the room with a short garment bag. I walked back towards her a little puzzled with how that bag could contain an outfit “perfect for me”. She handed it to me dancing on the balls of her feet in excitement. I laid the bag on the bed and unzipped as she squealed in delight. My breath caught in my throat when I saw what was in the bag. It was gorgeous. It was a black lacy mini dress with a silky black body suit underneath to cover my important areas. There was a lacy black and silver mask with sequins and feathers that would cover half my face. It was absolutely amazing and would have been perfect if it wasn’t for me.

I looked at it in shock and slowly started to shake my head. I was way too shy to ever even put this on let alone wear it in public. I didn’t know what to say. This dress was something you might see at a BDSM club like Hellfire in Sydney. A few of the girls in my class went there once and you need to dress up or really dress down to get in. The girls that went there wore super slutty risqué clothing or even just strings with stickers over their nipples. They showed me photos and said it was the ultimate fun night but to me it just looked so slutty.

I turned to Danni and opened my mouth to protest. She held out her hands to me stopping the words forming on my tongue.

“I know what you’re gonna say hon! But you have to trust me! You can pull this off. Plus with the mask nobody would ever know it isn’t you. That’s why we’re having a masquerade party. So we can do something different and daring. Just try it on. Please? For me?”

I looked back at the dress and held it up against me. It looked too small to fit me, which meant it would be very very tight. Danni turned me towards the bathroom and pushed me to the door before closing it behind me.

I sat on the padded chair in front of the dressing table and just held the dress in my hands with my fingers rubbing the fabric gently. I honestly didn’t think I could do this. After about five minutes of doubts chasing one another in my mind, I sighed, stood up and took of my jean shorts and shirt prepared to try it on just for Danni.

The body suit was solid silk on the bra and panty sections but had a see through mesh portion around the midriff. I was glad that the panties covered my entire ass even if it was cut higher on the hips. I half expected it to be a G-string and was glad it wasn’t. Looking at myself in the mirror, I have to admit that it looked hot. My tits were pushed up a bit in the bra making me appear to have fuller cleavage than I really did. I looked at my ass in the mirror to see that the tightness of the suit made my ass pop up and out. If I wore heels it would pop more. I adjusted the material a little more to sit properly before putting the dress on.

The dress was extremely tight and showed off every curve of my body. I have to admit that once it was on, it looked incredible. The lace was thicker than it seemed so it was clearly a dress and not lingerie. There were small lace sleeves that capped over the tops of my arms in a boat neck shape from the bodice. The dress ended on the upper mid-thigh area showing off my toned tanned legs. The back was low but covered the top of the body suit as designed. I completed the look with the mask and it was like looking at another person. A stranger looked back at me. A hot, incredibly sexy stranger. The darkness of the mask made my hazel eyes look almost green somehow. My hands smoothed over my breasts, down my stomach and over my hips. The lace had a slight velvet texture to it and I loved the feel under my palms. I still couldn’t believe it was me. I turned away from the mirror and opened the door.

Danni was laying on her side on the bed facing the bathroom door and texting someone. Her eyes flicked up at me and back to her phone before she froze. Her phone tumbled from her fingers as she jerked upright on the bed with an expression of absolute shock on her face. Her mouth hung open as her eyes caressed my body from top to bottom and back up. She seemed to be moving in slow motion as she wriggled towards the edge of the bed and stood up. Each step towards me was exaggerated like you see in a movie. She stopped just in front of me and I glanced down at the opening of her tank top to see her chest was flushed and heaving as her breathing shortened.

She saw me look down and smiled a gentle smile before resting her hands on my hips. She waited until my eyes met hers before she moved her right hand up to cup my breast. My eyes widened and my mouth opened in surprise. She toyed with my breast while caressing my hip, slowly moving her hand around to rest on the top of my ass.

Her soft voice startled me in the silence of the room as she said, “I always knew you were pretty but now I think you might be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” I blushed in both embarrassment and pleasure.

If you’ve never had an out of body experience, I could tell you what it feels like. I watched her head coming closer before she closed her eyes and her lips touched mine as gently as the touch of butterfly wings. She pulled her head back slightly and looked back into my eyes as though she was looking for something before she kissed me again. Her tongue flicked out to lick my suddenly dry lips then she kissed me again tentatively darting her tongue just inside my lips to tap the tip of my tongue.

I’ve never had any desire for women. In fact, I always hated the cliché of men being attracted to lesbians who have no interest in them. If I was to say how it felt in that moment though, I really couldn’t define it. I felt so hot and was starting to sweat. The blood was rushing so loudly in my ears that it was like being in the ocean. Danni’s lips were teasing mine to respond and inviting my tongue to dance with hers. Her fingernails were lightly scratching my suddenly hard nipple. Her other fingers were alternating between twirling over my lower spine and cupping upper ass cheek.

Danni leaned back slightly and whispered against my lips, “Riley, have you ever been with a woman?”
I shook my head slightly.
She smiled looking in my eyes and asked, “Do you want to?”
In that moment, I wanted nothing more so I nodded once.

Danni smiled and kissed me softly again before deepening the kiss and slanting her head to the side as her tongue slithered into my mouth. Her fingers on my breast cupped and squeezed gently. She moved both hands to the hem of my dress and slid it up my body. She leaned back and slipped it over my head. I lifted my arms to help her then realising I was only in a body suit, I self-consciously wrapped my arms around my stomach in a hug as the cool air from the balcony blew over my heated skin. Danni dropped the dress to the floor and shook her head as she unwrapped my arms before linking her fingers with mine.

“No sweetie. You don’t need to do that. You’re beautiful. Trust me.” She smiled and whispered sensuously into my ear, “I’ll show you.”

With that she let my hands go and her fingers moved to the zipper of the body suit and slowly lowered it one link at a time. My hands were nervously flapping at my sides as the suit loosened with each movement. My pussy was so hot and wet and almost aching. I’d never felt anything like this before and was starting to understand why people loved sex so much.

When it was undone completely she moved her hands to my breasts and slipped inside to cup me. Her thumbs rubbed over my nipples as she whispered, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this to you Riles.” Her head bent down and took one in her mouth nibbling gently. My knees suddenly went weak and I grabbed her shoulders for support. A low moan from deep within wormed it’s way out of me. She chuckled and sucked deep distracting me as her hands pushed the body suit down my stomach, over my hips to fall in a pool around my feet. My nipples vibrated as Danni moaned into my chest.

Danni stood upright, cupped my head and kissed me urgently. Her control was starting to slip as her passion took over. She backed me towards the bed kissing deeply and running her hands over my skin in what seemed like a thousand places. The bed hit the backs of my legs and I instinctively sat down. Danni looked down at me with half closed eyes taking in the scene before her. My lips were puffy from her kisses and my skin was pink from arousal. My naked chest heaved as I sucked in desperate breaths. My legs were open as she stood between them and she could just make out a small tuft of curly brown pubic hair in the shadowy depths. It was only at this moment that I realised Danni was still fully dressed. I wanted to see her.

My fingers moved towards the button on her shorts then stopped. Danni took my hands and led them the rest of the way. I unbuttoned the three buttons holding the shorts closed and pushed them down her hips. Her tiny pink G-string was all that hid her pussy from my hungry gaze. I ran a finger over the scrap of fabric and smiled hearing Danni’s breath catch in her throat. Feeling suddenly daring, I slipped a finger beneath the edge to touch her wet slit gently. Danni threw her head back and moaned when my finger circled her clit slowly.

She let me explore slowly as this was the first pussy I’d ever touched other than my own. I looked up at her tank top and wanted to see her breasts. I asked her to take her top off and she instantly obeyed ripping it off and dropping it to the floor. She wasn’t wearing a bra so her huge tits bounced and jiggled right in front of my face. I wanted to suck on one so while my finger circled Danni’s clit under her panties, I leaned forward and sucked one nipple into my mouth. Danni stepped closer and held my head to her chest looking down at me. I opened my eyes and our gazes locked as I slipped my finger into her warm wet hole. Her hands grasped my head tightly when my finger moved back and forth softly.

She couldn’t take it anymore and tore her G-string off her body snapping the small straps holding it in place. My thumb was free to rub her clit before I slipped a second finger into her pussy. Danni’s legs trembled and shook. Her juices were running down my fingers and pooling in my cupped hand. I leaned forward to suck her tit again while pinching the other nipple. Danni’s hips rocked on my hand so I pushed a third finger into her and mashed her clit at the same time. She screamed and trembled as she came violently. Her hands slammed my head against her chest as I finger fucked her savagely. My fingers felt her contractions before her cum squirted over my forearm.

Watching her cum on my fingers was the most exhilarating feeling I’d ever had. I may not be a lesbian in the technical sense but I had never felt as powerful as in that moment.


Chapter 3 ~ “Play On”

When Danni had enough she reached down and pulled my hand from her tortured pussy. She stepped back slightly breathing heavily and let me get my first full look at her. She put her arms above her head in a stretch then lifted her blonde hair off her sweaty neck.

I had seen most of her body before in her skimpy bikinis but to see it completely naked was like seeing it for the first time. Danni was an inch or so taller than I was but her body was far more curvy. Her tits were at least a DD-cup size if not bigger and her nipples were darker and more prominent. Her waist and hips were smaller than mine but very defined. Unlike my own body, there was not one tan line on her anywhere, which told me she must have given her servants a show every time she bathed by the pool. Her legs were longer than mine but our feet were about the same size.

Catching my gaze on her she turned in a circle and bent over at the waist with her legs spread showing me her pussy and ass. She pretended she was picking up our clothes wiggling around sensuously. The juices I felt pouring out of her coated her thighs in a sticky shiny mess. Her swollen pussy lips were red from my fingers and her clit pushed out proudly. When she finished her show of putting the clothes over the rack by the balcony doors, she sashayed her way back to me stopping in front of me.

Now that we were calming down, I was feeling nervous again and wasn’t sure what would happen next. Danni bent down and kissed me softly then tweaked my nipple suddenly causing me to gasp. Her tongue darted in my open mouth and stroked my tongue.

She stood back up and cupped my cheek softly before she started to speak quietly.

“Riley, I know you’re nervous but you don’t need to be. I just want to make you feel as good as you made me.”

She kissed me again and using pressure with her lips and tongue, pushed back on me until I was lying back on the bed. She leaned over me on the bed ran her fingers lightly down my throat and over my collarbone. I never thought a collarbone could be sensual but it absolutely is! My skin tingled wherever her fingers trailed. Danni’s kisses went deeper as her hand cupped my breast. My back arched it further into her hand and she chuckled into my mouth. I thought I heard a noise near the door and lifted my head but Danni kissed harder and squeezed my breast roughly making me forget about it.

Her mouth left my lips and trailed sucking kisses across my jaw before nibbling at my earlobe. One particularly hard bite coincided with a sharp tweak on my nipple almost making me cum on the spot. My pussy flooded with juice and I cried out in pleasure. Danni sucked her way down my neck to lick my other nipple.

Danni’s hot breath on my wet nipple was almost torture and she knew it. She knew it was time to take charge, to tease me.

“Riley baby, what do you want? Tell me what you want me to do to you.”

Her hand left my nipple and trailed down my stomach to rest just above my mound. My eyes were closed as I moaned softly.

“Come on baby, tell me.”

My thoughts wouldn’t organise themselves. My body was on fire and the flames all led to my pussy. I couldn’t say what I wanted her to do.

“Mmmm… tell me Riley. Say it.”

“I… uhhh… I need you to… oh… please… Danni… please…” I moaned as my head thrashed back and forth on the bed.

Danni smiled against my skin nuzzling my nipple with her lips. Her fingers hovering above my mound gently tickled my hair making me squirm and spread my legs open.

“Riley, tell me now”, her voice was suddenly more demanding, as were her teeth on my nipple.

I gasped and jumped before the words forced their way out of me, “Touch me Danni. Please! Please touch me!”

She giggled and lowed her hand to push through my pubes and feel the heat of my pussy. One finger traced the outside of the lips from top to bottom before slipping into the wetness between. My pussy clenched and my body ached from holding so tense.

Danni licked her way down my stomach to circle my belly button and her fingers moved up and down my slit slowly, maddeningly.

“Danni please… please touch me,” I begged desperately trying to push my clit closer to her fingers. She stayed just out of reach and nibbled my sensitive flesh while my stomach muscles quivered.

Danni pushed in deeper circling my clit making me cry out. I spread my legs wide and pushed up with my heels on the edge of the bed to get her hand closer. I needed her deeper and harder. I wanted her fingers in me. I looked down my body to watch her descent.

Danni slid her head lower and I knew she was close enough to see and smell my pussy. I was nervous and tried to shut my legs but she pushed my knees back down opening me to her gaze. I was hoping she’d lick me. Nobody had ever done that to me before and I’d heard it was amazing. She stopped moving completely and looked up at me. She raised an eyebrow in demand and I knew what she wanted me to say.

I took a deep breath making my tits shake and watching her eyes said, “Danni, please lick me. I want to cum.”

She smiled what can only be called a wicked smile and poised her mouth above my steaming pussy. She took a deep breath and sighed. Her breath tickled my hot flesh and I whimpered quietly. Her head lowered slowly and finally her lips kissed my pussy. I cried out in ecstasy and she moaned licking my lips and clit softly. Her tongue was getting harder as she licked and sucked my clit. I was almost out of my mind from the pleasure. My hands grabbed my own nipples and I pulled and twisted them savagely.

Danni moved her hand lower and circled a finger at my opening teasingly. I felt her finger slip in slightly then back out. I cried out when it left me then moaned when she pushed it back in again. Her tongue slipped lower and licked along side her finger. I writhed on the bed feeling my first tongue in my pussy. Danni realised this was what I wanted and pulled her finger out repositioning herself between my legs to mash her face into my sensitive flesh. Her tongue licked and her teeth nipped before she stiffened her tongue to insert it deep into me. The deeper she went the more her nose would rub my clit and it was like I was coming undone. Every nerve in my body tingled as I thrashed on the bed pushing my pussy closer to that maddening tongue lashing me.

She put one hand on my stomach to hold me down and got to work licking and sucking harder. She inserted two fingers into me when she moved her mouth back to my clit. I humped her fingers and almost screamed her name getting closer to my moment.

She knew I was close so she inserted a third finger and bit my clit. I screamed and came in a white hot flash. I think I squirted on her fingers because she replaced her fingers with her mouth to drink my juice and rubbed my clit with her hand to keep me going. I couldn’t stop cumming. The feeling was so intense I could feel myself almost passing out. I screamed more as my orgasm rolled from first to the second without warning. My nipples were killing me where I was almost tearing them from my chest. The pleasure became almost painful and my cries changed pitch so Danni knew to slow down. She licked me clean while I tried to get my breath back.

When I settled down more, Danni climbed up my sweaty body and hugged me before kissing me with my juices on her tongue. I felt my cum drip into my mouth and grabbed her head to kiss her back. She smiled and said, “That’s my girl” before stroking my sweaty body and letting me drop off to sleep in her arms.


Chapter 4 ~ “Twisted”

When Danni was sure that I was asleep she climbed off the bed, covered me with a light blanket and slipped naked out of the door, flicking off the light.

In the hallway she met Luke, her father’s gardener and Ben, her father’s cleaner. The both had their cocks in their hands and had been watching her ravage me. Both men were very hard and leered at her naked body as she was closing the door behind her. She put her finger to her lips telling them to be quiet then crooked her finger so they followed her to her room. Once safely inside, she dropped to her knees and took Luke into her mouth as she fisted Ben’s hard cock. Luke’s 7” cock was smaller than Ben’s 8” beast but he was thicker and came more. Luke pulled Danni to her feet and the men sandwiched her between them running their hands over her hot sweaty body. Luke kissed Danni and could taste my juices on her tongue.

Danni knew what her boys wanted so the three of them walked to the bed groping and kissing each other the whole way. Luke laid on his back on the edge of the bed and Danni straddled his body before grabbing his cock and guiding it to her sopping wet hole. Ben helped speed up the process by pushing her shoulders down so Luke slid into her harder and faster than she expected. Once she was seated, Luke ground into her to reach as deep as he could. Danni began bouncing up and down on his cock while Ben played with her nipples from behind. If I had been awake, I would have heard Danni’s cries as she was fucked hard and deep.

Luke met Ben’s eyes and both of them smiled wickedly, ready to do what came next. Luke reached up and hugged Danni to his chest in a kiss while opening her ass to Ben’s view. Ben wasted no time in getting to his knees and licking the join where Luke’s cock slipped in and out of Danni’s pussy. Luke felt Ben’s tongue on his cock and his groan rumbled deeply through Danni’s heaving body. Ben felt Danni shudder and moved up to lick and tongue her tiny tight asshole. Danni moved her hands back to Ben’s head and tried to push him away. She had never been fucked in the ass before and didn’t want to try it with another cock in her pussy. Ben grasped her wrists and held them together on her lower back while his tongue licked and sucked her. Luke slowly pumped in and out of her pussy while twisting his tongue in her mouth.

Ben stiffened his tongue and managed to breach the tiny opening. Danni moaned on Luke’s tongue and tried to move her hands out of Ben’s grip. Ben wiggled his tongue around opening her up a little more before bringing his free hand to slip a finger into her ass. Danni ripped her mouth off Luke’s and gasped.

“Please don’t Ben. Not there. I’ve never done it there,” she begged softly.

Ben was busy so Luke chuckled and said, “Well after tonight you won’t be able to say that again. Just relax honey and you’ll like it.”

Danni was nervous and it was taking some of the buzz off her excitement so Luke squeezed and pulled at her nipples to distract her. Ben meanwhile was slowly pumping his finger in and out of Danni’s ass stretching it open more. Her ass was starting to loosen up so he added another finger. Danni’s head flew up and she hissed with the sudden pain of being opened further. Her arms were still held behind her back so she didn’t have any leverage to escape the torment. Ben twisted his fingers around and around inside her like an eel.

Despite her reservations, the constant pressure of a cock in her pussy plugging her, her nipples being pulled and twisted and the fullness of fingers in her ass was having an effect on her. She moaned and gasped in shock when Ben added another finger but she didn’t protest when he finger fucked her ass with more force.

Luke was watching the emotions chase each other across Danni’s face and knew that he would need to start moving soon or he’d cum before Ben was even in her. Luke tapped Ben with his foot to give the signal of ‘it’s now or never’.

Ben released Danni’s arms and pulled his fingers out. Danni collapsed in relief on Luke’s chest. Luke pumped a few times while Ben grabbed a small tube of lube from his pants pocket and coated his big cock with a decent amount of the product. He didn’t want to use too much because he believed a little pain never hurt anyone.

Luke felt Ben step back between his legs so he ran his hands down Danni’s arms linking his fingers in hers and effectively trapping her on him. Ben stroked her ass softly before positioning his cock head at her puckered slightly loosened ass hole. Danni felt his cock and tried to jerk herself away from the invader.

Ben stroked her back softly running his cock up and down her crack occasionally bumping into Luke’s cock in her pussy. Every time his cock passed her hole he would push slightly before moving on. Luke told her to relax and licked her nipples as she poised above him.

Ben felt her back relax a little and figured it was time. He pushed gently and with little pressure, the head popped past her sphincter muscle and into her hot virgin cavity. Danni cried out in pain and begged him to take it out.

Ben just remained still and stroked her hips and back until she got used to the feeling of being impaled. Danni’s breath was heavy and Luke loved the view of her heaving tits right above is face. Her pussy was twitching on his cock and with Ben’s cock head in her ass, her pussy got a whole lot tighter. Her face was screwed up in a grimace but by the way her thighs were relaxing around him, the pain seemed to be lessening. Luke nodded to Ben with a smile. Ben smiled back and shuffled his legs to get better leverage. He grabbed her hips and pushed an inch at a time into the prone girl and back out but never letting the head pop out of her ass. After a few strokes he finally seated his cock to his pubes in her ass. Luke groaned every time Ben pushed in. He could feel his cock through the thin membrane between the two chambers and it was the tightest pussy he had ever been in.

Danni wasn’t having such a good time and would have liked more lube on Ben’s cock but he was in now and she concentrated on relaxing to make herself feel better. She had never felt this full and despite the discomfort was starting to slightly enjoy the feeling.

Danni’s pussy clutched at Luke’s cock and he knew it was time to start ploughing into her. Ben felt Luke’s cock inside against his moving faster and the boys got into a rhythm pumping in and out of Danni. Danni began moaning so Luke let her hands go and squeezed her tits roughly. When he pulled and twisted her nipples, Danni shuddered and moaned loudly. Ben and Luke sped up with each of them now slamming into her forcefully. Danni’s nipples ached and her body felt torn but it was getting so good. She could feel her clit rubbing against Luke’s pubes and slipped a hand between their bodies to rub her sensitive nubbin roughly.

The boys were close to cumming when she jerked and convulsed on them. Luke felt her pussy shudder and pumped a few more times twisting her nipples as he came. Ben felt Danni and Luke cumming and let go depositing a load in Danni’s rectum. It was an intense orgasm for all of them and Ben fell backwards tearing his cock from Danni’s ass shooting cum on her back as he moved away.

Danni collapsed onto Luke completely exhausted but thankfully almost empty again. Luke’s shrinking cock was slowly slithering out of her when she heard a snapping noise. She lifted her head to look behind her and found Ben taking pictures of her gaping hole dripping his cum. He managed to get her shocked face in the picture so everyone would know who’s ass it was. Danni jerked her face back to Luke and he smiled and said he can’t wait to see the video before kissing her and sliding the rest of the way out.

Both men chuckled and left the exhausted girl on the bed covered in cum biting her lip wondering what in the world would happen if anyone saw that video. Danni was too tired to shower so she curled up in bed and dropped off to sleep.


Chapter 5 ~ “Just A Dream” (Vincent’s POV)

Vincent heard Luke and Ben congratulating each other on their DP on the way down the back servant stairs. Vincent was older than the other two men and looked upon Miss Danni and her friends in more of a fatherly way. He was concerned about both girls so he made his way up the stairs to check on them.

He quietly opened Miss Danni’s door and was almost relieved that the smell of sweat and fresh cum came from her room. Miss Riley was such a sweet shy young thing that he was worried that the men may have taken advantage of her. Whilst he was still worried about Miss Danni, she was quite experienced with sex and he was certain she could handle it. She didn’t seem to be in any pain or danger as she snored softly beneath the covers so he slipped back to the hall and closed the door with a soft click.

Still concerned, Vincent opened Miss Riley’s door only to freeze in shock. The girl was still laying where Danni had left her on the edge of the bed with her feet resting on the floor, legs splayed open. The light blanket Danni had placed on her was only across her stomach leaving her wet juicy pussy and perky breasts on show in the dim light from the hallway.

Vincent traced every line of her body with his eyes from her sweet angelic face to her beautiful breasts and down to the moist vee between her thighs. It had been some time since his lovely wife had passed away and living in a house with such rampant sexuality was difficult for him at times.

However seeing such an exquisite view presented so innocently to him made his cock stir in his pyjamas. Vincent checked the hall behind him to ensure he was indeed alone and away from prying eyes. Hearing nothing but silence, he slipped into the dark room and closing out the hall light. He quietly walked into the bathroom to turn on a small lamp and half closed the door so the edge of the bed was the only thing illuminated by the light.

Vincent approached the prone girl and looked down at her sweet face. Miss Riley was always Vincent’s favourite. She would sometimes sit with him in the kitchen munching on a cookie or sweet while Miss Danni was off on one of her usual pursuits. He had a tender fondness for the girl, which is what made this scenario so difficult for him to bear.

Vincent wrestled with his decision to touch the girl without permission or to simply leave and finish his business alone in his room. His mind answered for him as he felt his fingers grasping the waist of his pants pushing them down to expose his now hard angry red cock. Divesting himself of his clothing, he knelt between the girl’s legs and inhaled her fragrance. There was something so pure about the scent of a fresh pussy that he simply spent time breathing in her essence.

When he breathed out, he saw the skin of her thighs prickle under the breeze. He blew a stream of air directly on clit and watched as her pussy mouth squeezed shut and back open again. He did it again but aside from that movement, Miss Riley didn’t react.

Vincent tentatively touched the tip of one finger to her opening to feel the moisture. The heat had cooled some since her lovemaking session earlier but she was still warm and moist. Vincent raised the finger to his tongue to taste the juice and grasped his cock in an iron grip. The girl tasted divine. Her juice was sweet and salty at the same time.

Vincent leaned forward and ever so gently licked up the slit watching Miss Riley for any signs of waking. Seeing no reaction, Vincent dipped his tongue deeper into the sleeping girl savouring this once in a lifetime moment. Vincent’s tongue lapped at her pussy in a manner both greedy and gently so as to not end this moment. He had no idea what he would do if she were to awaken so he took great pains to ensure that didn’t happen.

Pulling back he looked up at Miss Riley’s breasts. He stood and after licking a finger, ran it around the puckered nipple watching it react to his touch. A woman’s body is so responsive when touched the right way, he thought tenderly. His hand stroked his cock slowly and a drop of pre-cum formed on the tip. Vincent looked down and had a devilish idea. He gathered the drop on the tip of his finger and moistened the girls open lips with his juice. Miss Riley’s tongue flicked out licking off the juice instinctively and Vincent moaned at the sight. He wanted so much to put his cock in that mouth and have her suck him to completion but that was not to be. He did lean over her from the side of the bed and rub his cock on her lips. Her tongue again darted out and licked his slit softly almost causing him to cum right away.

Vincent reluctantly took a step back and gulped several deep breaths to calm himself. His death grip on the base of his cock prevented his eruption.

Not wanting to tempt fate, Vincent went back to the girl’s pussy and knelt between her legs. He leaned in licking her gently feeling her pussy juices start to flow on to his tongue. Miss Riley sighed gently in her sleep and Vincent froze with his tongue half way up her hole. When she didn’t move again, he resumed this oral assault of the girl and was rewarded in more fresh sweet nectar on his tongue.

Vincent released his tight grip on the cock and slowly pumped up and down his shaft in time to his licks imagining his cock sliding through those folds into the girl. His tongue was feeling every ridge and bump in the sensitive canal and he imagined those feelings on the head of his cock as he pumped the organ.

Vincent could feel the juices on his tongue flow freely and knew it was time to do what he needed before he aroused her awake. Vincent straightened up and positioned his cock at her opening. He inserted the very tip of his cock just inside her entrance and took a chance by slipping it a fraction further into her. He was surprised himself when the entire head popped inside the girl and froze when she stirred.

She whispered Miss Danni’s name softly but remained still. Vincent breathed a sigh of relief and pushed ever so gently into the girl. He only had a thin 6” cock so it wasn’t difficult to move the cock up the moist canal. When he was half way up, Miss Riley moved again and he backed out to the head swiftly before freezing in place.

Realising now was not the time to take chances, he left his cock head in the girl and pumped his shaft slowly. Relishing in the feeling of a woman’s pussy around his cock head, he fantasised about all he wanted to do to the girl while stroking his shaft faster.

Miss Riley moved ever so slightly but Vincent was beyond stopping. He felt his desperate balls contract and felt a blast of cum shooting up his shaft, through the head and firing into the unprotected pussy of the girl in front of him. He stroked as blast after blast poured into the girl and leaked around the incomplete seal at the entrance.

Vincent took another chance as his cock was spewing it’s final blasts to push into the girl imbedding his cum deeper into her welcoming pussy. Vincent held in place while his cock shrank then fell out of the girl.

He leaned back on his heels to view his handy work. White globs of his cum were dripping out of the relaxed pussy of the sleeping girl. Her pussy was open and warmer than when he started after his gentle assault. He knew this would be a picture forever imprinted on his brain and there would be many a time that he would replay this scene when working on his throbbing organ. He would mentally refer to her as ‘his’ girl from now on. He knew he should clean her up to prevent anyone from knowing what had happened but the thought of her sleeping with his cum inside her pussy was just too much for him to resist.

He took the blanket from across her stomach and covered the girl before dressing and slipping quietly into the hall and back to his room finally content after many lonely months.


Chapter 6 ~ “We’re Young And Beautiful”

The next day was incredibly busy. Danni burst into my room early in the morning waking me from a very hot erotic dream. In the morning light, I couldn’t believe what Danni and I had done the night before was real but Danni kissing me awake with her tongue swirling in my mouth assured me it wasn’t a fantasy. The dream of a cock in my mouth and pussy obviously was a dream after she went to bed.

Danni herself didn’t seem any worse for wear after her own romp with the staff but she didn’t tell me about that event until many days later.

Danni rushed about telling me to get dressed because there was so much to do. I looked at the clock and saw it was just before 7am and groaned. I could have done with more sleep but there was no time. Danni dashed out of the room to get ready leaving me alone.

I put my hand down to my pussy feeling the moisture and when I looked at it, I was surprised to see a few white globs sticking to my fingers. My brow furrowed in confusion. I didn’t realise I had cum that hard I thought to myself as I stood from the bed and walked naked to the bathroom to shower.

The hot water felt good on my body and if I had more time, I would have used the showerhead for a quick release but that was not to be. I ended up having a quick wash wiping away the outer juices only before drying myself and throwing on panties, cropped shorts and a short loose tank top.

I met Danni in the hall dressed in a similar fashion before she kissed me again and linked arms walking down the hall. I smiled thinking that kissing was likely to become a thing with us now but it didn’t bother me much.

We made it to the kitchen to find Vincent had breakfast all ready for us. He had prepared a fluffy ham omelette with a fresh summer fruit platter and strong coffee. I took a sip of the coffee first and sighed. They had the best barista style coffee at Danni’s place. Mr Hemsworth insisted on it! We sat at the counter to chat with him while we ate. I found it strange that the lovely older man kept blushing when he looked at me until I realised he must have heard Danni and I last night making out last night. Then it was my turn to blush. Eating the food he prepared was a bit harder after that.

Danni jumped out of her skin when the intercom buzzed letting her know the decorator had arrived at the gate. She threw her arms around me with a squeal and dashed to the panel to let them in. Vincent shyly looked at my face as I sat there quietly. He asked me in his soft manner if I slept well and I blushed and said that I had. He smiled and I thought I saw him looking at my lips but a moment later he was turning to the stove again.

Luke and Ben walked in from outside at that moment and froze when they saw me. I looked down to see what could be so shocking but seeing nothing amiss, I smiled and said good morning. They looked at each other for a moment before they came in and sat on either side of me at the counter to have their own breakfast.

I finished my food and turned around on the stool waiting for Danni to come back in. Ben was behind me and accidently stroked my ass when he slipped off the stool. He instantly apologised and I assured him it was fine. Luke choked on his orange juice at that moment so I leaned over to pat his back checking on him. I didn’t realise that leaning over to pat Luke’s back was pulling my loose shorts tighter up my crack and showing the curve of my ass to Ben and Vincent who both watched the jiggling with interest.

Danni walked in then and stopped sizing up the situation. She grabbed my arm and said that she needed me outside. I could have sworn that the men groaned when I left the room.

The decorator was a moderately handsome man in his mid-thirties. He was not gay as many assumed a decorator would be. This was evident by the way he watched Danni and I run across the yard to his truck with tits bouncing. A boy I assumed was his son was helping another employee unload the supplies. They both froze watching us get closer before shuffling their feet and putting boxes on the ground.

Once the truck was unloaded, the rest of the day was a blur. Danni and I were kept busy by both her staff and the contractors though usually not together. The caterers arrived an hour or so later. The DJ wasn’t expected until late in the afternoon. I figured by the time the party started, we would be too exhausted to have fun because of all the work we did. We climbed ladders to put up decorations as the men looked up from below steading the ladder. We bent over the balcony edges to string lights with the men holding our hips from behind so we didn’t fall over. We crawled under tables to find outlets for the electrical leads that the men couldn’t reach. There seemed to always be something the men needed help with. Occasionally as we helped them, they would brush against us ‘accidently’ but we just shook our heads thinking “dirty old men.”

One time, Danni and I were helping to move a table from the lawn near the edge of the pool. Danni and I were on one side and two of the men on the other. They pushed the table and kept saying “a little more, a little more” to get away from a chord of some sort. Danni and I took a final step back once the table was placed and screamed as we fell backwards into the pool.

The men of course thought it was hilarious and we giggled and splashed at them in mock anger. The day was hot and with all of the extra work and flirting, we needed to cool down. Danni and I swam to the edge and climbed out. We both looked at each other’s chest at the same time and burst out laughing. Neither of us had put on bras this morning and our loose white tanks were sticking to every curve and showing off our erect nipples from the water.

Not one of the men was working when we turned around. Every eye was on us. Danni smiled, leaned in to me and kissed me full and deep on the mouth with her tongue wiggling around. I was shocked and embarrassed but she grabbed my tit and squeezed it so I shrugged and thought “Why not?” and kissed her right back. When we separated the men all had tents in their pants making us giggle again.

I suggested we change but Luke said that the day was so hot that we’d dry in a few minutes so it was a waste of time. We ended up agreeing and got back to work. The accidental touches were more frequent and noticeable then as the men took a few more liberties with us. I swear I felt a hard cock at my ass when Ben and I were decorating one of Danni’s harem booths with pillows. I turned around quickly but he was facing the other direction placing a pillow so I thought I must have imagined it. All of the attention was turning me on and my crotch was getting wetter every time.

Around 3pm Vincent let in another visitor who turned out to be Danni’s vet dropping off the dog. Her dog had spend last night at his clinic getting pampered with a wash, nail clip etc. Danni had a huge gorgeous Great Dane called Henry and he was the sweetest dog ever. He was about 3 years old but still acted like a puppy.

Henry bounded over to us and slathered our face with doggy kisses no matter how we squirmed away from him. When he got his tongue in Danni’s mouth all of the men laughed at his antics. She coughed and spluttered while we all laughed. I was on my knees hugging Henry around the neck when I heard Danni gasp. I followed her eyes to see what shocked her and saw a huge pink cock dangling beneath Henry. I gasped and froze as well which gave him time to swipe his tongue fully inside my mouth. It felt like he licked down my throat in one swipe. I jerked away to my hands and knees and coughed and spat his saliva on the grass.

Danni was still watching his cock swing proudly out of his sheath. I looked over my shoulder to see the men all standing in a line behind us watching quietly. Henry put his head down and licked my wet crotch in one long stroke while I watched them. I accidently moaned at the feeling and arched my back presenting my ass before I realised what I was doing. Henry licked a couple more times before I jerked away from the offending tongue shocked at what I had done and in front of people! Danni had moved around the front of me by this time and took my shoulders firmly holding me in place. I looked up at her confused when Henry licked again this time catching my clit perfectly. My mouth opened silently as I sucked in air. Danni’s face was so aroused and her chest was heaving.

The feelings in my crotch were so intense. I wanted to feel more! Last night was the first night I had been licked by anyone and it felt so good that I wanted to feel it again. I remembered the globs of white on my fingers this morning and moaned as Henry took another swipe across my thin cotton shorts. The crotch was soaking wet from a combination of pool water, dog saliva and pussy juice.

I tried to move away again but Danni stopped me and whispered, “Wait, I just want to see what he’ll do.” Trapped between her and her dog, I contemplated moving away but I mentally shrugged thinking that I wanted to see what he’d do too. So I dropped my head submissively and widened my knees tilting my pussy up. Danni reached over me and stroked my ass saying, “Good boy Henry, good boy.”

Henry took this encouragement and licked me eagerly. I moaned and pushed back on his tongue as he flicked over my clit again and again. Danni reached over me and moved the crotch of my shorts and panties to the side. Henry smelled my juices and dove in licking my clit, over my puckered ass hole and slithering up my pussy. I cried out and pushed against him begging for more as Danni’s stomach against my shoulders held me in place. Danni stroked my back and kept repeating, “Good girl, there’s a good girl Riley” like I was a dog too! It turned me on more and I focussed on Henry licking my pussy deep and long.

A dog’s tongue was nothing I’d ever thought about before. I can’t stop thinking about it now. It is wide and flat and rough. Each swipe had a friction that nothing else can match and the eagerness to please beat anything a human could do. I felt myself approaching an intense orgasm when Henry moved away. I moaned in protest and tried to turn around. Danni held me in place and I felt my shorts and panties being pulled from my body. I had forgotten anyone else was there but clearly everyone was watching me intently. One of my legs were lifted and the clothes removed off one side then the other. The breeze off the harbour tickled my wet horny pussy as I posed in the hot afternoon sun. Danni leaned back and took off my tank so I was now naked and shaking waiting for her dog to bring me to my orgasm.

Danni watched every man in her back yard either watching my pussy or staring at Henry’s cock. The decorator’s son pulled out his phone and started to record while his hand slipped inside his pants jacking his cock. Danni nodded and soon most of the men were filming me without my knowledge.

Danni stepped back into her leadership roll from last night. My leader, my tormentor, my boss. I slipped back into my subservient role of doing what she wanted.

Danni looked into the nearest camera filming up my crotch and still holding my shoulders asked, “Riley, what do you want to happen now? What do you want baby?”

With my head bowed down and my pussy on fire, I whispered, “I want Henry to lick me and make me cum.”

Danni lightly smacked my ass and demanded, “Louder please!”

I took a deep breath and with an unsteady voice said loudly, “I want Henry to lick me and make me cum!”

The men all went to cheer but Danni shook her head keeping them quiet. She knew I had forgotten about them again and didn’t want me to ruin this moment.

“Call him then Riley. Call your lover and tell him what you want.”

“Henry, here boy. Good boy. Come lick Riley’s pussy,” I called loudly with my eyes closed.

One of the men walked Henry to my face and Danni said, “Well kiss him then Riley. Kiss your lovers tongue.”

I lifted my head and Henry’s giant body obscured the sun. I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue. Henry wasted no time swiping his beautiful tongue into my mouth and all over my face. I sucked on his tongue like a woman possessed. It was beautiful to me by then. Every time I tried to speak, that tongue would wiggle around my mouth under my tongue, over my tongue, over my teeth, the back of my throat so I stooped talking and just took what he had for me.

The men all stepped closer and zoomed in closer on my clutching pussy and swaying tits as I made out with the dog. They were all careful to stand behind me so I wouldn’t see them and it presented them with the best view anyway.

The man holding the dog slipped to the other side of me and walked Henry over me. I was now under the massive dog. When I opened my eyes, I was staring at his bobbing red veiny cock coming closer to my face. That cock was huge. It had a strange pointed tip, a wider body and then a ball at the bottom. I assumed that was a dogs testicles having never seen one like it before.

Danni moved to the side and held my head and said, “Suck his cock Riley. He licked you so you need to return the favour.”

As hot as I was, I wasn’t ready to give a dog a blowjob outside on the harbour where anyone on a boat might go passed and see me so I tried to shrink back from her. She held my head firmly and pulled me forwards, towards that huge tool.

“Riley! You let my dog lick you and now you won’t do it to him! Do it now bitch!” she demanded.

I think it was her calling me a bitch that did it. Looking back, that one little word and the vision of me posed on all fours under a horny dog made me feel like a real bitch. A bitch in heat and I wanted my lovers cock in my mouth at that moment.

I walked forward half a step and opened my mouth. Danni held his cock still for me and I took a moment to just look at it. Liquid was dripping from the tip just like a man’s does but much more freely. I extended my tongue and licked the tip softly. The taste was like nothing I’d ever had before. It was coppery or rusty sort of. It wasn’t something I’d taste for pleasure but I was in the moment and opened my mouth taking just the tip in. Once they had me this far, the boys knew there was no backing out so they walked Henry further down my body pushing more doggy cock into my mouth. I could now feel his cock hitting the back of my throat and I gagged. Feeling my warm mouth around his cock, Henry started thrusting forcefully fucking my mouth relentlessly. I tried to move my head to dislodge his cock but Danni held me in place.

A dog can fuck like nothing else. They are like jack hammers when in the spot and that’s what it felt like Henry was doing to my mouth. He hammered away and with one final tug of his lead, his cock was fully in my mouth to the knot. I struggled to breathe as his cock sank down my throat. I wiggled and moved what I could but all the men could see was my tits and ass shaking under a face-raping dog. Danni let my head go and stood back to watch.

Henry’s ass was hunching as he pumped his tool in my mouth. I shouted as best I could but there was no stopping him. He found a nice warm hole to put his tool and nothing was preventing him from mating his bitch.

Henry’s movements changed slightly then. He pushed in as deep as he could with this knot pursing my lips around the base of his cock and started shorter jerking motions. Then the first jet of doggie cum blasted down my throat almost choking me. I spluttered and jerked under him as he let his hose full of cum blast me time and time again. I had no hope of swallowing it so cum leaked out of my mouth and nose and dripped off my chin onto my swaying breasts. The feel of that cum soaking my mouth and throat triggered something primal deep inside and I growled at the intensity. I reached a hand back between my legs and fingered my clit desperately but had to put it back on the ground to support me. I was desperate for someone to touch me and shook my hips in a humping motion using my pussy lips to speak for me.

I was beginning to think that he would never stop when he pulled back and I felt the last few jets blast my tongue and teeth. I coughed around the tool still in my mouth and swallowed as a reflex action.

Henry finally stopped and his cock shrank from my lips with a wet plop. I was still trapped under him when he leaned his head down and swiped his head across my puckered ass hole, grasping pussy and finally my flaming clit. I shuddered and was so hot I begged him to lick me harder and faster.

Henry was pulled over me and turned around to lick my hot pussy as I shook on the ground. I spread my legs open as far as I could and arched my back presenting myself to him. When his tongue thrust up my canal, I dropped my head to rest on my folded arms on the ground.

It took only a few licks of my inflamed clit to send me into an earth shattering orgasm. My body shook and quivered as I screamed out Henry’s name in my pleasure. My juices coated his tongue and he licked deep in side to get more. My shaking body couldn’t take any more. I shuddered a few more times before collapsing unconscious onto the grass with that tongue still embedded in my pussy.


Chapter 7 ~ “Lessons Learned”

When I came too, I was laying on a small glass table that used to be in the formal lounge room. It took me a while to get my bearings and comprehend what was happening. I tried to sit up but my arms and legs were tied to the legs of the table and a strap was around my stomach. My tits poked over the front edge obscenely while my ass poked up and out due to a pillow under my pelvis. I looked around in confusion. I was still outside but not in the sun. I was now lying inside one of the harem booths. In front and to the side of me was nothing but material, low chairs and pillows. I could hear voices in the distance but not close enough to ask what was happening.

After some time, perhaps thirty minutes, Danni walked in behind me, tickling my pussy and running her hand up my back before patting me on the head. She had Henry’s vet with her and they were talking to each other and ignoring me like I was a real dog. Danni mentioned something to the vet about shots and being terrified of needles I screamed and struggled against my bonds.

Danni reached down and slapped me on my open pussy with what felt like a padded belt. I jerked to a halt in shock. It didn’t hurt so much as startle me. Danni smiled at me and told me to behave before she continued talking to the vet and patting my head. I was beginning to get a little nervous. Now that my senses were returning, I remembered the other people in the backyard while I was there with Henry. Knowing that none of them would have left before the end of the show, I estimated that about ten or twelve people had seen my little performance. I flushed in mortification realising what I had done. It wasn’t intentional, it wasn’t even fantasised about but it happened.

Danni walked the vet to my face where he looked very seriously into my eyes. He cupped my face and tilted my head up to look in my mouth. I tried to jerk my head away but he softly jerked me back and said, “Stay!” He poked his fingers into my mouth around the inside of my lips and along the roof of my mouth. I looked in his eyes and saw a twinkle of amusement and relaxed slightly. It was just part of the game or fantasy.

He let my head go and ran his hand down my back before stopping at my exposed pussy and ass. Using the same rough technique he opened my pussy with this thumbs and pushed two fingers inside. He wiggled them around and added a third finger stretching me open abruptly. His other hand mashed my clit. It almost felt like a real exam from a gynaecologist except for the table and the fact that he was a vet. It was strangely turning me on. I think knowing that I was being treated like an animal heightened my arousal in a way I couldn’t have expected.

I couldn’t stop getting wet and moaned softly when he rubbed his fingers into me. He kept fingering me and moved the hand on my clit to my puckered asshole. He pushed at it and I felt it spring back at him. He slipped a finger into my pussy along side the other three fingers getting it very wet then moved back to my ass. He pushed the tip of his finger into my ass and wiggled it around. It wasn’t sexual. It was more procedural than anything else. Clinical like it was a duty.

He added a second finger and I whimpered slightly somehow knowing not to speak in this game. He pulled the fingers out and I thought he intended to shove his whole hand up my ass but he inserted a harder smooth object instead. It was a butt plug of some sort. It seemed long and thin but didn’t hurt like the fingers had until it reached the widest point but then it was in and my hole closed once more. My head sagged down gratefully until I felt someone wiggle the plug in my ass.

It was attached to something furry. I managed to look back and to my horror, I was staring at a dogs tail extending out of my ass. When I wiggled my legs or ass, I was literally wagging a tail around like a real dog.

I could not believe what was happening. I was a human girl being made into an animal. I was being made into a horny bitch. I had no idea what to do. I couldn’t move or escape. I was at the mercy of people who thought on a different wavelength to me. I was a good girl alright but I never wanted to be a good girl dog! Knowing that it wasn’t my choice however freed me from some of the guilt.

They left me like that talking amongst themselves and I heard the voices disappear inside the house. My brain frantically tried to think of a way out of my predicament. I knew I couldn’t call for help. I knew I couldn’t get out of my bonds. I certainly didn’t want to be in this position when the party began! I didn’t know what to do.

Somewhere along the way, my isolation and the silence lulled me to sleep and I let my head drop down as I drifted off.

Some time later, I awoke to someone licking at my pussy. They were doing a good job. A really good job. I looked under the table past my dangling titties and saw a pair of furry legs. A dog was again licking me but it wasn’t Henry. It was smaller, possibly a mixed breed. I had no idea where it had come from. Though I was relieved. It wasn’t like this hadn’t happened before. I heard footsteps and in the late afternoon sun saw several legs walk into the booth. Looking up I saw Ben, Luke and to my shock, Vincent watching me. Ben was holding a small device like a garage door opener. I moaned as the dog licked me deeply, his rough fur chin scratching over my clit.

Ben knelt down next to me and tweaked a nipple. He pulled his cock out of his pants and pushed to my mouth. I shook my head away so he pinched my nipple and I gasped. He thrust his cock in my mouth while it was open. I thought about biting it but mentally shrugged as I figured it wasn’t any worse than the dog I’d sucked earlier. My attention was back to the dog so I let Ben stroke his cock in and out of my mouth. I sucked him as best I could and ran my tongue down the veiny bottom of his cock. It’s surprisingly difficult to make a man cum without using your hands.

Ben pressed a button on the device and my tail started to vibrate. I jerked up in shock. The tail wasn’t just a plug, it was a thin long dong that stirred my innards with each vibration. I moaned around his cock and shook my ass. He pushed another button and the vibrations became more intense. The dog licked my pussy pushing me over the edge. I came shuddering and moaning around the cock in my mouth. Ben pushed in and out of my throat a few times gagging me slightly before pulling out completely and cumming all over my face. I felt globs of cum dripping off my eyebrow and nose before he used his cock to rub it into my skin. I licked the tip of his tongue as it passed in front of my lips and saw him smile before he moved to the side.

A few moments later, the dog was licking me to another orgasm when Luke knelt down to take Ben’s place. Luke was more vocal. He patted my head and spoke to me like a dog.

“Who’s a good girl then? Who’s a good little bitch, hmm? Who wants to get a cum drink from old Uncle Luke. You do, don’t you puppy. Yes you do…” he kept saying as he stroked his cock across my lips.

It was strangely arousing as the dog lapped me from behind. I whined like the dog he wanted me to be and opened my mouth letting him tease me into chasing his hard cock with my tongue. He kept just out of my reach and I whined pitifully before he shoved it in my mouth forcefully almost choking me. I coughed and spluttered a little around his cock as he pulled back slightly before he fucked my face forcefully. I was shocked at the roughness but was turned on at the same time. The tail was buzzing and the dogs tongue was reaching several inches inside me while his jaw roughly mashed my clit.

“Take it bitch. Take my cock. Choke on my cock slut,” he whispered as he banged into me. I shook as my orgasm washed over me without warning. Luke slammed in deep and held there pumping his cum down my throat as I thrashed beneath him. Luke seemed to have gallons of cum and I swallowed repeatedly but it kept coming.

Luke threw himself back suddenly and I breathed in blessed air. Ben stood up and left the tent taking dog with him.

Luke slap-tapped my face slightly and smiled as he said, “I always knew you were a cum slut. It’s always the quiet ones.” I chuckled softly and licked a drop of cum from the bottom of my lip.

Then he stood up and left me alone with Vincent. I started to hang my head in shame knowing what Vincent had seen me get off on all afternoon. He sat down next to me and gently ran his hand down my back patting me as the suns dipped below the horizon.

“Now Miss Riley, I know what you’re thinking. There’s no need to worry. You are still a good girl.”

I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes suddenly and wanted so much to hide my face and cry. Vincent kept patting me before turning off the tail vibrator with the control Ben had left behind. I sighed in relief.

Vincent patted me for a few more seconds calming me before saying, “You will always be a good girl. I knew that from the moment I first saw you. I just never knew how good.”

I looked up at him and smiled gently and was instantly relaxed. He smiled back then with one long pat down my back, rested his hand on my ass cheek. My smile faltered just a little and then disappeared completely when he reached back and stroked my pussy lips.

“Do you know how beautiful you look right now my dear? It’s been some time since I’ve taken a woman in this position and I hope you won’t begrudge me the opportunity.”

With that he moved behind me and I heard his zipper before he dropped his pants. He knelt down behind me and stroked his cock up and down my slit. My eyes opened wider when I realised what was happening. This sweet older man was about to fuck me. He was about to bury himself in my pussy. Considering all the attention I was given in the past 24 hours, this was the first cock to want to enter my pussy and it was attached to sweet old Vincent?

“Oh Riley, I’ve wanted to bury myself completely in you for some time. You don’t know how close I came to taking you before. You were so open and warm. I’m sorry but I just can’t resist now,” he said as he slid his cock inside me. I was in a state of confusion feeling his cock push into me. This almost felt familiar somehow and I couldn’t figure out why.

Vincent gently grabbed my hips and took his time. He wanted to make this last. He pumped into me so many times, I couldn’t possibly count them. It was a slow sensual fuck and his fingers ran down the bumps of my spine and into the dips at the base. In spite of myself, I began to enjoy it. I had never really got off on sex with my boyfriend but this was feeling really good. His balls would bang against my clit on each stroke and after a while I began to moan like the whore I felt like.

Vincent groaned when I moaned and increased his strokes. He was talking nonsense so I figured he was fantasising.

“Mmmm, just like I remember. Just like before. You’ve got such a tight fresh pussy. It’s wrapping around me like a warm wet glove. I’m going to cum in you again Miss Riley. I’m going to fill you with my seed and make you mine. My girl. My good sweet girl.”

The more he talked the faster he stroked and I could feel myself getting close to cumming. I moaned and thrashed my head while trying to push back on him, to get more of him inside me. I built to the top of the mountain before crashing down the other side and shuddering on him, my pussy milking his cock like a wave.

“That’s it my girl, milk my cock. Cum on my cock Miss Riley. Flood your juices on me. That’s it my dear, do it for old Vincent.”

He pumped a bit harder during his dirty talk before burying deep and cumming inside me. I cried out with pleasure when I felt his cum shoot into me. Again I couldn’t shake the feeling of familiarity but it felt good and right. I made mewling sounds of delight as he stroked the last of his erection into me before slipping out and disappearing off in the twilight.


Chapter 8 ~ “Somethin’ Bad”

The sun set while I was recovering. In the silence surrounding me, I could just make out the sound of grass crunching as someone walked towards my booth. The footsteps slowed before becoming what I could only guess was someone creeping into the booth cautiously. The exterior light had not been turned on yet and in my vulnerable position, I was becoming very nervous feeling an unknown presence.

“Who’s there?” I asked quietly but even that sounded deafening in the dark. There was no response, which only heightened my anxiety.

The figure knelt beside me quietly and sat very still.

I almost jumped out of my skin when a tentative fingertip touched my right nipple. The finger moved to the other nipple before softly rolling it between two fingers. A second hand took hold of my other breast and gently lifted my tit almost weighing it in the palm. I tried to see who the person was but all I could make out was the silhouette.

The fingers became bolder and rolled my nipples harder making me whimper slightly. The pressure on my nipples built steadily until my mystery assailant was squeezing them tightly. I whimpered in pain this time and tried to shake my chest free, which only made him rougher with my sensitive flesh.

“Please! Not so hard. It hurts,” I begged quietly. To my surprise, he let them go completely and I sagged in relief. Then a sudden bright flash illuminated the booth. I jerked my head up in time to be blinded by a second flash. I was being photographed bound in this position. My eyes had adjusted to the dark somewhat but I now found myself completely blind.

I heard the figure moving around behind me. Another tentative exploring finger touched my pussy lips before tracing a tickling line to my clit. The finger circled my clit and moved back up to my wet opening still leaking Vincent’s cum.

I jumped when a tongue flicked out to taste my pussy. I couldn’t help feeling like I was being examined for the first time. Like I was someone’s homework or lab assignment. The tongue flicked down to my clit and circled it before moving back up and sliding just inside my lips, his nose brushing my tail as he leaned in. I moaned softly. It wasn’t the feeling of the tongue that was turning me on. It was the experimentation. I had a feeling that the person licking me was the decorator’s son. When I met him earlier, he looked to be just a few years younger than I was and as a tall lanky kid probably hadn’t been with a woman yet. Another flash went off and I knew he took a photo of his tongue inside me. I smiled slightly and moaned louder to give him a thrill. He groaned back and licked me with more intensity actually doing quite a good job based on my limited experience. I wondered if he realised that he was eating another mans cum from me and my juices flowed at the delicious thought.

He felt the extra wetness coat his tongue and groaned at the taste. He pushed a finger inside me a couple of times before adding a second and quickly a third before moving up to lick the tail as it disappeared in my ass. I would be lying if I said that this wasn’t having some effect on me. I humped his fingers as best I could and bit my lip in a moan.

The hand left my pussy just as I was building to my orgasm and I cried out in frustration lifting my hips. He actually giggled and slapped my ass gently. His hand moved up to my tail and wiggled it slowly. He took hold of it and gave it an experimental pull opening my ass to the widest point of the plug and holding it there. I whimpered again as he moved it in and out not really fucking me with it but almost testing how loose my ass was. Another bright flash startled me. The hand pulled the plug from my ass in a long smooth pull. I felt the dong sliding through my ass hole and moaned at the feeling. My ass was finally empty.

My relief was not to be for long. I heard a zipper and the rustle of clothing just as a cock pushed at my hole. I had never been fucked in the ass before and didn’t want to be now. However, it was not my decision and he was already pushing the head of his dry cock against my ass.

“Stop please! Wet it first. In my pussy, please!” I begged desperately.

He pushed a few more times and my poor hole burned from the pressure. While my ass had been opened a bit by the plug and the dong, it wasn’t exactly stretched to his size. He still couldn’t get in as dry as he was and I was thankful.

He seemed frustrated and blew out a blast of angry air when he pulled back. A moment later his cock slammed up my pussy to the pubes without warning making me scream in shock. He grunted in satisfaction and held himself in deep. He had a decent sized cock, which was at least a few inches longer than Vincent’s and considerably thicker.

I worried about what a cock that size would do to my ass considering the stretching it was doing to my pussy. He pumped full long strokes about a half a dozen times before pulling out. He placed his thumbs at either side of my asshole and pulled me open before placing the head in the gap.

I mentally told myself to relax. I mentally said I could take it. I mentally reassured myself that it was something women did all the time. I was mentally lying to myself.

He pushed his pelvis forward in determination and I whimpered as my ass was stretched beyond anything it had felt before. I dropped my head and kept telling myself to relax.

His cock head popped inside me and he stopped for a moment. My ass was burning and the pain was more than I expected. I was gasping through my open mouth like I had run a marathon and he had only just started.

He pushed in a bit at a time before backing up to the head, pulling out and pushing back in over again. I would have preferred him to just stay in and move but he seemed to enjoy the feeling of my ass opening under the pressure and his cock popping inside. He hadn’t even been half way in yet but had entered and exited almost a dozen times.

Repeated flashes of his phone blinded me again as he took many photos of his progress. Some were of his cock outside my ass, some as he pushed the tip in and others as the head popped inside. I still wasn’t able to breathe properly but I was beyond thankful that the pain wasn’t as bad. All off the popping in and out had stretched me a bit more so it was slightly easier to take but in no way pleasurable.

He must have had enough of the phone because I heard it drop to the grass before he grabbed both of my hips and pushed steadily in. I groaned the deeper he went in. The breeze must have dried my pussy juices because he was not lubed very much at all apart from the head.

The friction was bringing a bit of pain but he seemed to enjoy it. I had always heard that men prefer moisture to slide easier but he seemed to like the grunts and gasps I made as he pushed to a particularly dry spot. His cock seemed to get stuck for a moment and he pushed his hips forward but wasn’t really moving.

He reached one hand down and pushed 3 fingers into my pussy roughly. He opened his fingers inside and curled them to try to gather up the juices. His fingernails scratched me as he did so and I yelled out. He removed his fingers, pulled his cock back out slightly and coated it with my juice.

This time there would be no stopping. I braced myself and took a deep breath. His fingers dug painfully into my hips as he shuffled on his knees to get better leverage. I bowed my head when I heard him take a deep breath because I knew what was coming. He pulled back to the head, paused then slammed all the way inside me in one stroke. I screamed in pain as my head jerked back.

“Ow ow ow… stop, please stop. I can’t take it!” I cried painfully.

His only response was to scoff at me and pull back before slamming in again. I kept crying out and asking him to stop but he had what he wanted and I wasn’t getting away. If I wasn’t tied, I could have widened my stance helping to take the pressure off or even fingered my own clit to make me relax but I was at his mercy and he was not in a mood to grant leniency.

He banged into me over and over. It seemed to go on for hours but in reality was only a few minutes. Thankfully as a young eager kid, he didn’t last very long.

Just before he started to cum, he began to speak. “Cum slut. Take it all slut. It hurts don’t it. Take my cock up your ass bitch. You like it huh. You love my cock rippin’ you open. Dumb slut. Stupid whore…” and so on. I didn’t listen any more. He was speeding up and I was hoping that he would finish and leave me be.

He panted a few times and slammed in deep before I felt his hot cum blast my insides. He shot off like a hose and spewed into me many times. When he was finished, I expected him to take his cock out and leave but he collapsed over me instead with his cock inside slowly deflating. He licked my back and the side of my neck, which felt more degrading than his treatment of my ass. Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse, he spat at the back of my head a few times. It was too much for me and I stared to cry quietly. I lowered my head and closed my eyes.

He leaned back up and moved to the side to try to find his phone. Once he had it, he took more photos of my shining back and his spit in my hair and then my gaping ass as he pulled out. I knew I had bled some and he was excited to see it. Many photos and exclamations of “Cool!” were heard in the tent.

After he stood, he slapped my ass hard enough to leave a raised handprint and walked away. In that moment, I feared any woman unlucky enough to be his girlfriend in the future. I continued to cry and wonder what on earth could happen to me next. This had stopped being fun.


Chapter 9 ~ “Smoke Break”

Behind my puffy closed eyes, I saw lights. I opened them to see that my little booth was now lit with twinkling fairy lights that were sewn into the fabric. The exterior party lights had also been turned on. I could now see everything around me again. The DJ had arrived and was playing some music testing the sound and repositioning the speakers.

I heard soft feet running towards me and I knew it was Danni. She burst through the tent opening before slamming to a stop and gasping in horror. I knew she was looking at my ass. I kept my head down and continued to cry. She walked around me slowly taking in the raised handprint, the blood and cum leaking from my gaping ass then up my wet back to the globs of spit in my hair. She was stunned that what was meant to be a bit of harmless fun had actually caused me harm.

She dropped to her knees next to me and grabbed me in a hug. It only made me sob harder.

“Oh honey, I’m so sorry! Nothing like this was meant to happen. I’ll make it up to you. I’m so so sorry!” I felt her tears drop on my shoulder as she hugged me.

She jerked up suddenly and undid the ties on my wrists then across my stomach and finally my legs. She helped me sit up on the table, which put pain on my poor ass so I leaned over to the side. She rubbed my sore legs and ankles as I massaged my wrists. She didn’t ask who did it and I didn’t say. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway as she was partly responsible for putting me in this position to begin with. I was also partly responsible for participating when my conscious brain knew better.

“I was coming to tell you people would be arriving soon and take you in to get ready. Maybe I should just cancel the party. Do you want me to take you home? Should I call your Mum?” She seemed desperate to make this better.

My brain couldn’t seem to form words. I just shook my head no to each of her questions and tried to calm myself. I gulped in a few deep breaths and blew the air out of my pursed lips. The heavy steps of a couple of people alerted us to people coming. The curtains opened to Vincent and Luke. Both men had been talking softly to each other before entering the tent. They both stopped with their jaws dropped when they saw me. Unfortunately the side I was leaning on gave them a perfect view of my tortured ass. Vincent’s face went very red and Luke’s hands clenched into tight fists. They really were good men and would never tolerate any thing like this. If I had told them to stop, even strapped to the table as I was, we all knew they would have stopped.

Luke turned and stormed from the tent, his stride determined and angry. I jumped to my feet with a cry as the pins and needles tortured my feet. I stumbled passed Vincent in my rush to stop Luke. I grabbed Luke’s arm and turned him to face me. To my surprise, there were tears in his eyes as he looked at me and shook his head sadly. I didn’t have words to make this go away so I did the only thing I could do. I gave him a small hug before lifting my face and giving him a soft kiss on his tight drawn lips. His head jerked back and he looked down at me startled. I leaned up and kissed him again, my naked body pressed against his clothes. His arms circled around me and he kissed me back softly for a few moments. Our tongues danced delicately together as he rubbed his fingertips down my spine.

Now, I know what some people reading this are going to say. You’re all thinking “Bullshit! She was just raped by some horny teenager and she’s kissing one of her captors!”

Well, yes, that was exactly what I was doing. He honestly cared about me. He was angry at the role he played in my downfall. He was determined to do something possibly violent and definitely foolish to defend my ‘honour’ or what was left of it. So yes, I kissed him. When I stepped back and looked behind me, Vincent had his arm around the distraught Danni and I knew everyone was waiting for me to tell them what to do.

Remembering a line from an old musical my Mum and I watched, I shrugged and thought ‘the show must go on’ before I held a hand out to Danni and said, “Lets get me ready for the party.” She smiled shakily and took my hand for a moment. The men supported me on either side back to the house where Vincent dashed ahead to start filling up the spa in my room.


Chapter 10 ~ “Undo It”

As I stepped into the room, I felt like a delicate flower. Vincent and Luke were supporting my arm and lower back. Danni did everything but throw rose petals at my feet to make me feel better. Once I was in the bathroom, Vincent ushered Luke out of the room.

Danni checked the water temperature and helped me step into the bath as it continued to fill. Sitting down was not easy and I hissed as the water touched first the outer edges of my ass then slipped into the still slightly gaping cavern. I paused for a few moments to get used to the pain then laid back against the edge to rest my head on the little padded pillow with a sigh. Danni used a wash cloth to smooth the water over my face, arms and chest. She pulled my hair out of the elastic and told me to scoot forward. She turned the bath off when it was high enough then used the hand held shower head to rinse my hair to remove the final remnants of spit from my hair. She washed my hair carefully and I sat there bemused because it’s the first time I’d been bathed by someone else since I was a child.

After she finished washing and conditioning my hair, I leaned back, closed my eyes and just rested in the warm soapy water. Danni sat on the dressing table chair quietly. “Too quietly”, I thought to myself and opened one eye to look at her. Her teeth were gnawing at her bottom lip and she was twisting her fingers. She met my eyes when she saw me watching her. I raised a single eyebrow in question and her thoughts spilled out of her in a rush.

“I AM SO SORRY RILES! I can’t BELIEVE I let this happen! You’re like a sister to me and I let you get hurt. I know you probably hate me. I hate me right now. It’s so stupid! I’m so stupid! I didn’t know the contractors today and should NEVER have left you like that! It was meant to just a bit of fun, you know? Like helping you live a fantasy. I mean you don’t date much. Well not really since Jessie anyway. I wanted to feel excited and like let your hair down or something, you know. Like to feel something thrilling. Plus! You looked like you wanted to do it! I mean but not get hurt. I’m so stupid Riles. I’m really sorry.” And with that, she put her face in her hands and sobbed her heart out.

Mentally I groaned. I wasn’t ready to leave my bath but she needed me and I really was starting to feel better. The female body can handle a lot and being young, my flesh was still pretty resilient. Emotionally, I was doing alright. I wouldn’t want to repeat it but now that I was safe and cared for, I was feeling much better. I sat up and held out a hand to her.

“Hey. Come here,” I said. She came over crying still covering her face and dropped to her knees on the floor.

“Hey. Hey Danni. Come on. Look at me hon,” I said and waited until her tear stained eyes met mine. “I’m fine. Really! Yes I’m a bit sore but no, I don’t hate you. I could have told you I didn’t want to play but I went along with most of it too. OK? Don’t hate yourself.”

I pulled her to me and kissed her lips softly. Her eyes flicked back and forth searching mine to see if I was being honest and seeing nothing there but love, she relaxed. She sniffed and wiped her nose with her hand. I told her to get a tissue and leaned back into the bath smiling at the blast of her blowing her nose.

She left me to fix her make up and I finally felt the last of the tension and most of the pain drain from me. I knew that anal would most likely be something I wouldn’t try again or at least not for a good long while but the other parts were thrilling and quite pleasurable. I reached for the washcloth and ran it over each leg and foot luxuriating in the wonderful bath. After putting fresh soap on the cloth, I cleaned my tender asshole relieved that it had closed up again now and aside from a bit of tenderness, seemed fine. I washed my vagina clean and diddled with my clit just a little amazed that I can still be turned on after what happened.

I stifled a groan and got out of the bath to wrap myself a thick fluffy bath sheet. I loved how rich everything was here. I wrapped my hair in a smaller towel and walked back to the room to dress. I saw the outfit Danni had chosen for me on the rack near the balcony and smiled. I was not so shy anymore, that’s for sure so I took it and laid it on the bed to dress.

I had just sat down to dry my hair when someone knocked at my door. I told them to come in and was surprised to see a very contrite and downcast Ben at the door. He walked in hesitantly and wouldn’t meet my eyes. I figured Luke or Vincent must have told him what happened but he was wrestling with a different type of guilt.

“Riley, I need to apologise. It was my idea to give you the tail and to tie you to the table,” he began while still examining the carpet at my feet. “I love anal sex with women. It’s one of my favourite things to do. I bought the tail a couple of years ago to try with a girlfriend but she wouldn’t do it. When I saw you getting off from Henry, I just wanted to see you play a horny bitch in heat and I told them we should do it.”

I was shocked. It was only now that I realised that the tail had to come from somewhere. I had thought it belonged to the vet but obviously not.

“When Luke told me what happened and that you got hurt, I felt so bad. We wouldn’t have hurt you Riley. We all love you around here. You’re good for Danni. So I’m really sorry. Can you forgive me?” he asked.

I was feeling pretty good after my bath and I felt bad for him. That struck me as ironic but I was a caring person and his apology was real. Besides the tail didn’t hurt me and actually felt pretty good. I didn’t mind that part. I stood up, walked to him and wrapped him in hug that he returned.

I rested my head on his shoulder and decided to lighten the mood. It was getting far too depressing around here and a party was supposed to start soon. So I joked with him.

“So you wanted to see me with a tail as a horny bitch huh? I swear, if you start feeding me doggie treats, I’ll bite your balls off,” I said.

His reaction was hilarious, he jerked away with his mouth open before doubling over in hysterical laughter. We both laughed for a while before my stomach muscles hurt too much and I collapsed onto the bed. It felt good to finally be free enough to laugh.

Once we settled, with a few remaining giggles, Ben handed me a small container. He said it was an ointment that can help after anal sex to soothe the flesh. Since he loved asses so much, I asked if he’d rub it in for me.

I dropped the towel and climbed onto the bed doggie style, spread my legs wide and looked back at him over my shoulder. After admiring the view for a few minutes, he shook himself and stepped up to rub it in for me. He was so gentle that it was almost pleasurable when he inserted only the tip of his smallest finger just inside the rim to put the ointment in. It tingled and was warm but not painful and I moaned a little surprising even myself.

Ben didn’t take advantage though and was just finishing his ministrations when Danni chose that moment to walk in. She literally had a fit when she saw me on the bed with Ben’s finger in my ass. Ben sputtered out an explanation as Danni read him the riot act, whacking him on the arms repeatedly. I collapsed on the bed in fits of laughter holding my stomach unable to correct the situation.

Once everyone calmed down and all was well, Ben left and Danni offering to help me get ready. We made short work of getting me into the outfit, doing my hair and make up before I put on the mask. Finally, I slipped into a pair of Danni’s Christian Louboutin matte black with diamond accent 5” stiletto heels. If you think that brand names don’t matter with women’s shoes, trust me, these ones matter! The shoes cost more than my first car did and the incredibly sexy iconic red soles looked so hot when I twirled in front of the mirror.

Danni looked incredible in a slinky red figure hugging dress that looked like it was painted on her. Her hair was piled on her head with silky tendrils sliding down her sexy neck. Her mask was pearl and gold with red ribbon weaved into it and a small red feather headdress over her right eyebrow. Her heels were also Christian Louboutin but hers were shiny red with straps that zigzagged across the tops of her feet with a buckle at the ankle. I think I could have fucked her again right there just because of the shoes! But it was time to go as the Vincent announced that the first guests had just come through the front gates.


Chapter 11 ~ “Nobody Ever Told You”

On the way to Danni’s house, I had wondered whether this party would be more like a ball or an orgy. It was absolutely an orgy. The little harem booths Danni made turned into little fuck rooms where people exchanged partners and doubled sometimes tripled up. The men loved the masquerade party. Most of the girls were dressed in very skimpy and almost slutty costumes and the masks meant that they didn’t have to worry about feeling up a mate’s girlfriend. The men put very little effort into even attempting a costume. Most just came in jeans and button-down shirts.

Even with today’s events, I was still very inexperienced in the ways of sex. It took me months, if not years to develop trust, which is why I had only ever had a single boyfriend. Jessie and I dated for years before I finally let him touch me. The first time he fingered me was in a cinema while watching some loud action flick. We were making out and before I knew it, he had his hand up my skirt and under my panties. I let him do it a few more times after that. He always knew when he was ‘allowed’ because those were the days I would wear skirts or dresses. So today was a real eye opener.

I walked passed a booth and was educated on the definition of DP. My friend Lacey had lost her mask hours ago and was moaning like a whore as she sat on the cock up her ass while another ploughed up her pussy. The man beneath her grabbed her titties to give leverage to thrust into her. She saw me watching her and her fingers on the guy’s shoulders gave me a little wave. She gave me a slack jawed smile before her eyes rolled back and she moaned again.

Another booth taught me about making a woman “air tight”. A girl in a mask with a pink baby doll dress was filled in all of her holes. Each man was pumping into her grunting away as she shrieked in ecstasy. Each of her hands were jacking off the cocks of yet another two men. She was a tiny woman who I think was studying ballet in Danni’s dance class. From the line of men milling around outside, it looked like there would be several rounds for her before the night was through.

It wasn’t just straight people having fun though. A couple of booths had just men or women fucking each other. There was one booth with half a dozen women sucking, kissing and scissoring each other. Men stood in the archway watching them and jacking off, They would occasionally spewed their cum over the women. Another booth a little louder than the others had several men fucking each other in the ass while sucking off other cocks. I recognised a few men who I would have thought were incredibly straight either getting sucked by another classmate or pumping into a gaping ass while pulling the cock of the man he was fucking.

All of this sex was making me feel so incredibly horny. I supposed to be helping Danni keep the party on track but couldn’t find her. So many men had kissed me or felt me up with some even going so far as to push my body suit up between my pussy lips and ass crack. After pulling it out a few times, I just left it there giving better access to my ass cheeks and trapping my engorged clit in the material.

I walked by the pool on my rounds and saw an orgy of naked people. I would estimate as many as twelve to twenty people all in a group fucking, sucking or groping each other in the water. One man had his back to me with his fingers up the pussies of two women. They were kissing as he fingered them eagerly. He looked vaguely familiar but that wasn’t surprising in this mass. I felt someone’s eyes on me and turned around to see who it was. There were dozens of people around the pool watching the action. A few people were chatting or dancing and one man was sitting in a lawn chair drinking a beer. I couldn’t figure out who might have been watching me so I shook my head and walked away. I didn’t notice when the man with the beer got up and followed me.

I had just checked in with one of the caterers manning a barbeque down on the lawn near the pool and was on my way back to the house. I walked passed the spa and heard someone grunting that sounded like Danni so I changed directions to check. I walked through the crowd getting felt up along the way and was greeted by the fucking ass of a tall man. His partner was Danni. She was laying on the edge of the spa with her head hanging over the edge. Her legs were being held open up in the air by two men, one of whom was rubbing his hand over her clit at incredible speed. The man fucking her ferociously had a cock substantial size. I made my way around the spa to see who her partner was.

I nearly died when I recognised my brother Jamie! I had always suspected that he had fucked Danni before but this was practiced and she was loving it. She saw me as I approached and smiled at the look of disbelief in my eyes. I was turned on watching my own brother fucking my best friend. She crooked her finger to me and I got closer. She pulled me down and kissed me while my brother’s thrusts jerked her body.

Leaning over her as I was opened my pussy up to the hands of the eager men already hot watching the show. A man pushed my dress up and grabbed the crotch of my body suit. I tried to straighten and move away, but Danni held my head to hers and kissed me deeper. My brother groaned watching me kissing the woman he was fucking.

My partner pulled the body suit to the side and thrust his cock up my pussy eagerly. I knew this one wouldn’t last long. He was too hot and hard to show restraint once inside. He grabbed my hips and fired away like a piston pumping me deeply. I dimly heard someone tell him not to mess me up. I opened my legs wider and reached forward to grab Danni’s tits. It was only a few seconds later when my partner pulled out and fired cum all over my legs.

I tried again to straighten but a hand on my lower back held me down. Again a hand grabbed the gusset of my body suit and another hard cock was thrust into me. This partner also was incredibly horny and wouldn’t last long. I was essentially being used as a wanking glove. A dozen or so thrusts got him to the end and another round of cum was shot onto my legs.

I spent the next half an hour taking on all who wanted me. My brother in the meantime finished with Danni and climbed out of the spa with his cock dangling down between his thighs. He tilted my head to the side and grabbed my mouth in a hot wet kiss. I jerked back but he held on tight. I don’t think he knew who I was. I think he was just taking what was in front of him. However, I knew who he was. I felt my control slip and I kissed him back, tangling with his tongue before I felt him reach between my legs to play with my clit.

That was it for me. My brother was kissing me and rubbing my clit while a man was fucking my pussy. I felt my legs start to shake and I came twisting my tongue with my brothers. The man inside me thought he got me off and cheered before he came inside me with a deep groan.

Once I had finished cumming and the cock was removed from my pussy, I quickly stood up and dashed around the spa to the chorus of groans from half a dozen men all waiting for their turn.


Chapter 12 ~ “Quitter”


I stopped in the middle of the lawn when Danni called my name. I watched her running naked across the lawn with her tits bouncing. Henry was running beside her.

She grabbed me in a hug and spun me around in a circle squealing.

“OH MY GOSH! That was so fucking hot! Your brother just made you CUM!! It was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. Could you imagine if he fucked you?” She panted.

She tilted her head sideways watching my face flush at the thought.

“Oh fuck! You actually WANTED him to fuck you, didn’t you? WOW! You’re a dirty dirty girl!” she giggled.

“NO! I didn’t want that. I mean it was just, like in heat of the moment, you know?” I protested very unconvincingly.

“No you wanted it. Riles, he has such a great cock. You wouldn’t believe the feeling when Jamie rubs it on your clit. Oh and when he slides it inside you, ooohhh. It’s so good,” she oozed grabbing her breasts.

I knew what she was doing. She was pulling me further down the rabbit hole. As much as I was hot from earlier, there was absolutely no way I was going to fuck my own brother!

At that moment, Henry having found the still wet globs of cum sliding down my legs decided to lick them up.

I froze with a gasp as his gorgeous rough tongue licked the backs of my legs from ankles to hips. He lingered at the sensitive flesh behind my knees and I had to grab Danni to support myself.

She smiled a wicked half smile and said, “No, I know who you REALLY want to fuck Riley. Look at you! You’re practically panting for Henry.”

I shook my head then moaned shuddering as Henry reached my pussy and licked across my body suit and naked ass cheeks a few times.

Danni leaned in and held me in a tight hug before whispering in my ear.

“Remember that cock sliding in your lips Riley, hmmm? Remember how hard he fucked and how deep it went? You could have that up your pussy, pumping you, filling you with hot doggy cum. You want it don’t you baby? Hmmm? Tell me Riley,” she whispered hotly into my ear before she ran her tongue around the rim. Henry used that time to swipe across my crotch from front to back swiping my covered clit and making me shiver and gasp.

Danni nibbled on my earlobe and cupped my breasts as Henry kept licking my pussy through my clothes. I moaned and shook my head before taking every ounce of strength I had left as I jerked out of her arms and away from Henry’s tongue. He looked up at me, licking his lips and I swear his eyes were saying ‘soon’.

Danni giggled watching me quivering in the middle of her lawn after her dog had just almost licked me into cumming. She looked around and saw quite a few eyes on us. Most people were watching with their mouths hanging open.

I turned away shaking, mumbling something about getting a drink before half running to the patio. She giggled at my hasty escape and patted Henry on the head. Just then she had a wicked idea and turned away with a smile.

A man who had seen my little weakness, nudged his mate in the ribs and crooked his head in my direction. They both smiled and followed me.

Further back, the man with the beer also followed.


Chapter 13 ~ “Blown Away”

I got to the patio without further incident and dashed to the outside bar. The bartender had just poured a line of tequila shots so I grabbed one downing it in one gulp. I grimaced as it burned the whole way down. I had only been drinking red wine earlier so this was my first hard shot of the night.

The bartender smiled and lifted two more shots. He handed one to me before raising his in a toast. I smiled softly, I returned the toast and drank the second shot. I coughed and turned away to look around the party for a few minutes. The alcohol was already starting to go to my head.

My conscious mind realised that this was getting really out of hand. I really felt like Alice in Wonderland. I was so far down the rabbit hole that nothing made sense. Just over 24 hours ago, I had only ever had sex with Jessie and I knew him practically my entire life. In the past day I’d had sex with Danni, Vincent, the decorator’s son and countless men next to the spa. I’d blown a Ben, Luke and Henry! A freaking dog! I didn’t know how to come back from that.

As I wandered over the patio area, I saw more classmates hooking up with each other on lawn chairs. Most of them had ditched the masks. Some of them even though being in committed relationships, were not with their partners. It was almost like they had a hall pass or a Vegas rule. I expected a few people to be using the motto ‘what happened at the party, stayed at the party’. I wasn’t sure if that would actually work but I sincerely hoped it would for my sake.

Two men I didn’t recognise, each with a drink in their hand walked over to me. I smiled and tried to slip away but one of them grabbed my hand as I slipped passed and said, “Hey, where are you going baby?”

I mumbled about checking on something and backed away with him still holding my hand. He pulled me towards him gently while his friend came up behind me and leaned into my back.

I looked between the two of them slightly uneasy. The one in front of me with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and looked like he should be in a boy band. I nicknamed him Backstreet for obvious reasons. The one behind me looked like Backstreet’s groupie. He had brown hair cut in a similar style, brown eyes but he didn’t seem too bright. I nicknamed him Earl.

The alcohol was making my brain go fuzzy and a little sleepy. Backstreet walked closer to me and backed me up against Earl’s chest. Earl downed his drink quickly and dropped the glass to the large glass table next to us. His big hands came up and gently took hold of my upper arms. His thumbs rubbed under the sleeves of my dress.

Backstreet swirled the drink in his glass and took a mouthful. He put his hand into his pocket and quickly slipped a finger into his mouth. He leaned forward and cupped my face before leaning forward to kiss me deeply. As his tongue opened my mouth, I felt his drink pouring into my mouth along with what felt like a tablet. Even as fuzzy as I was, I realised that it was a drug of some sort. He kissed me until I swallowed some of the drink. He pulled back before tilting my head back slightly and pouring the remainder of his scotch into my mouth. I swallowed again as a reflex and felt the drink scorched down my throat. I still to this day don’t know what I took that day however I believe it was ecstasy.

Backstreet smiled having delivered his gift. He took hold of my hand and pulled me towards him. I was sandwiched between both men as they started to dance with me. As we swayed together, their hands roamed over my body or dipping their heads down to kiss or nibble at my skin. After having the pill, I was uneasy wondering what was going to happen but relaxed somewhat when all they seemed to want to do was dance.

We danced for almost a half an hour. It was great feeling like I was the centre of attention of two men who wanted to dance with me. My body was getting warmer and more receptive as their hands got bolder. My dress had been bunched around my waist for a while and it wasn’t long before they slipped it off me completely.

Earl slid his hands around my torso and found the zipper for the body suit under my arm. Backstreet kissed me deeply while Earl slid the zipper down allowing him access to my breasts. Backstreet stepped back slightly and slid my body suit down my body until it pooled at my feet. He stepped back up to me and licked my nipples as his fingers slid down my body into my pussy lips.

I was getting hot all over and eager to feel more. I don’t think I realised that I was naked in the backyard as yet but I was too hot to care even if I did. I clutched his head to my breast and opened my legs wider. Earl wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled off my feet up against his chest. Backstreet spread my legs and bent down to taste me. The moment his tongue made contact I fell apart. My thighs clenched on Backstreet’s head and my arms grabbed Earl’s arms.

Backstreet stood back up and moving to the table next to us, he swept the glasses, plates and bottles onto the ground. Earl picked me up and laid me flat on the table. The clutter of glasses breaking got the attention of people making out around the patio. The bartender chatting to one of the caterers looked up. The caterer smiled and after saying something to the bartender, he ran away.

The cold glass of the table momentarily startled me to my senses but a second later, Backstreet buried his face between my thighs and I was off again. Whatever he had given me was heightening my arousal. Everything felt pleasurable. The coldness of the table. The breeze off the water. The hot hands on my flesh. I felt like I was melting into a pot of pleasure.

Backstreet licked around my clit and into my dripping hole. He moaned with pleasure at how wet I was. Earl pulled my head to the edge of the table and pushed his cock between my lips. My lips opened eagerly and I licked the head like a lollipop. Earl groaned and grabbed my tits before thrusting harder. When I started to shake, I knew I was about to cum. My moans were getting louder and my breath shorter. Backstreet pulled back and I cried out in protest around Earl’s cock. My cries turned to squeals when Backstreet rested his cock at my pussy lips. I opened my legs wider and humped against the head.

Backstreet wasted no time and slowly pushed into me. A second later burst apart as I came. He held my thrashing legs open and pumped into me repeatedly. Earl thrust a few more times before he bottomed out and came in my mouth. I was shaking all over the table almost like I was convulsing. A few sets of hands belonging to unknown people held me down. Backstreet kept fucking me deeper and harder as his orgasm built. A hand rubbed my clit throwing me into spasms. I shook over the table screaming uncontrollably.

Backstreet finally slammed in one more time and came deep within me. He pulled out slowly and before I had time to register it, another cock was slammed up my wet pussy. I couldn’t stop cumming. The hands and cocks wouldn’t let me. I felt my muscles beginning to ache from the tension and whimpered a few times.

The hand on my clit finally stopped rubbing and I sighed as I took my first real full breath in a while. I collapsed on the table as my unknown partner fucked me.

At that moment, the caterer who had run away earlier returned with a tray of food. I probably wouldn’t have noticed except I could smell chocolate and I was hungry. The man in my pussy finished up and also came deep inside me.

For a moment I was on the table untouched and unfucked. I opened my eyes but before I could ask someone to fuck me, I felt something on my stomach.

I looked down and watched the caterer cover my body with food. He put whipped cream, melted chocolate, fresh fruit, pretzels and even popcorn all over me. Peanut butter was rubbed inside my pussy and chocolate was dribbled inside the lips. The finishing touch was to put fresh cherries on each nipple and at the top of my mound. Apparently, I was dessert.

The thought of people licking this food from me was incredible. I shivered with anticipation as I watched every single space around the table’s edge be taken by a body. Most were male but some surprisingly were female. The half dressed people staring down at my smeared flesh blocking out the view of anything else. It actually made me think of being in a coffin with everyone watching me down the hole. The thought was amusing to me but I was too hot to giggle.

The caterer clapped his hands and that must have been the cue for people to dig in. Every head bowed. Every mouth opened. Every tongue shot out. Then every nerve in my body jerked. I moaned feeling a dozen or so mouths licking and sucking my already heated flesh. People were licking up my legs and in the join for my elbows. I could hear the groans as people ate the food from my flesh. I could hear the crunch as people ate the pretzels or popcorn. I could hear the sucking noises as the mouths devoured me. Nobody was licking my tits or pussy yet obviously keeping this part for the finale.

It felt like I was the main course at a vampire feast. The thought of vampires came to me moments before the first teeth lightly bit my flesh. I gasped and jumped. Seeing my reaction, others joined in biting and nibbling on me. Nobody bit to hurt me but the feel of teeth scraping against my flesh was so erotic that I knew it was only moments before I came again.

The feast began to slow once the food was gone. One by one I felt the mouths lift off me but nobody moved away. The eyes just watched me writhing below them on the table. Finally the last mouth was lifted from me and I looked up almost desperate for someone to touch me so I could cum.

Someone I couldn’t see gently spread my legs open wide and people at the end of the table took hold of them. They pulled me down and lined my pussy up with the table’s edge. Seconds later, I felt a huge rough tongue ferociously lick the chocolate and peanut butter off my thighs. I jumped and arched my back at the feeling. The tongue moved into my groin and then pussy lips. I writhed and moaned uncontrollably. Two other people took hold of my arms ensuring I didn’t sit up.

The tongue was huge and it licked over me so well. The tongue slipped up inside me and twisted deep inside my pussy. The cum from earlier was added to the dessert when the tongue licked deeper and more ferociously. I heard a whine I recognised and finally placed the owner of the tongue. It was Henry! As much as I was embarrassed before, I was aroused now. This was what I wanted.

Two heads from the people next to me lowered and started to eat the cherries and cream from my tits. Teeth scraped my nipples as they licked the food before they sucked them deeply. The teeth nibbled on my nipples and the tongues flicked across the tip. They were moving in unison like they had prepared beforehand.

I moaned Henry’s name and felt my pussy begin to quiver. Henry’s nose rubbed against my clit and I shivered. When Henry pushed deeper into me, his teeth scraped my clit and I exploded into an orgasm. I shook and quivered over the table screaming hysterically. The people around me all clapped and cheered. It didn’t matter to me. I felt like a fire that started in my pussy was finally being eased. It wasn’t gone but it was not as excruciating.

The orgasm continued for a while before I heard someone clap their hands and I sank back on to the table to catch my breath. For the moment.


Chapter 14 ~ “The Girl You Think I Am”

Someone was talking. I think it was Danni but I couldn’t have told you who it was if you’d have paid me. The voice stopped talking when all of the people around me erupted in laughter and cheers.

I felt someone pull my arm to sit upright. I was weak and still quaking. A strong tall man picked me up and threw me over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold. I squealed as he walked me into the house. Everything was upside down but a crowd appeared to be following us into the house.

The man carrying me lifted a hand and fingered my pussy as we walked. Other people stroked or pinched me as he walked. I squealed when someone slapped my upturned ass.

Being upside down was making me dizzy so I closed my eyes to hide the view of swaying legs. I still had my mask on so in my hazy mind felt like people wouldn’t know who I was. This was a fact I held onto with tenacity even as some people following kept saying my name in conversation. With my mask on, I had the illusion of being hidden.

When the man stopped walking, I looked around and saw that I was in the home theatre room. There was a huge screen on one wall that had a video of Danni’s back yard on pause. You couldn’t see anything but the lawn, the pool and then the harbour.

I was placed on my feet and walked to the front of the room in front of the screen. The theatre chairs had been cleared out and plastic party chairs arranged in a ring in their place. In front of me was a padded bench from the gym. I looked around confused as the room started to fill up.

Danni bounced in to the room, this time dressed in someone’s shirt. She came over to me and took my hand leading me naked to the front of the room.

She pulled me into a hug before leaning back to look seriously into my eyes.

“Riley, we are planning to let Henry fuck you,” she began watching my face. My eyes widened and my first thought was to leave but whatever I had taken earlier had me torn. My body flushed with desire and I remembered the times I’d been lucky enough to engage with Henry today.

Danni watched my face and saw it change from fear to excitement. She smiled and said, “I was hoping you’d say that!” even though I hadn’t said anything.

She turned to the audience and held up her hand. The room began to quieten down. Chair space was scarce but nobody minded as that meant most of the girls had to be seated on a man’s lap. I think this might have been intentional.

I looked around the room with my chest heaving as I sucked in nervous air. I was searching for any familiar faces like my brother’s. I recognised some people but no one too concerning. There were around thirty or so people sitting in the room or lining the walls. Part of me just wished Danni would get to it and not do a big speech but she was a theatre major so she had to make it a big show. I noticed Ben and Luke walk in with handheld video cameras.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending my masquerade party and ‘participating’ so kindly,” she paused as laughter swept the room.

“We have decided at this time to provide you with a very special, once-in-a-lifetime performance. Some of you outside may have been privy to the preview. Well, now it’s time for the pièce de résistance. Our willing subject Annie here will be performing a risqué and taboo act for your viewing pleasure. Please be aware that this show may not be suitable for some viewers and those people should leave the room while they still have the chance.”

Danni paused to let people leave. Nobody left. While we waited, I mused that I was pleased that Danni had called me Annie. At least my real name wasn’t on film. I adjusted the mask to sit perfectly over my face just in case. She took a deep breath and concluded her speech.

“We now onto the main event! Let’s meet our other performer. Please welcome Henry!” she said as she threw her arms out with flair.

Vincent entered the room with Henry on a leash. The sudden cheers that exploded through the room startled Henry as they walked through the chairs. Danni rushed forward and took hold of the leash leading him to the front. She patted him to calm him down while Vincent urged the room to quieten down. The room settled down.

Danni led Henry to me and I took hold of what would soon be my lover’s leash. He swiped a lick up my leg and I shivered. Danni kissed my cheek and whispered, “Good luck!” before dashing off to sit on someone’s lap.

I looked down at Henry unsure of what to do next. Vincent was still at the front of the room and asked me to sit on the bench and watch the screen. I sat down with Henry poised next to me as Vincent moved to the side.

The lights in the room went out as the video on the screen in front of me began to play. I was watching the snips of the video that was taken today. There was no sound but the size of the screen showed everyone exactly what happened. I was extremely thankful that most of the video was shot from either beside or behind me or with my face obscured by Henry. Any parts that showed my full face were edited out.

Gasps broke out around the room as people who had not seen me on the table realised what they were there to watch. I heard the door open as a couple of girls slipped out back into the party but everyone else stayed. The silence in the room was deafening. I watched my body on the screen flush with desire as Henry licked me. I panted a little when I saw Henry’s cock led to my face and actually moaned when it slipped between my lips.

I remembered the feeling of that cock and shook with anticipation of what would be coming as soon as the video ended. I couldn’t look away and started when Henry licked my hand. I patted him absently as whispered moans began sounding throughout the room. People were getting off on my video as much as I was.

When Henry’s cock on the screen began spewing his cum, I heard gasps as people saw my throat moving. They saw me swallowing the doggie cum and loving it.

The gasps turned to moans when a little later, they saw Henry’s tongue licking me and turning me on. There was moaning and a few people panted so I knew some people were already having sex just from watching me! I knew it wouldn’t be long before it was time for the real thing and I felt my pussy ooze with fresh fluid.

Girls all around the room gasped when I collapsed unconscious on the ground. I knew each of them were wondering what could have felt good enough to knock me out. I smiled thinking that a few of those girls were going to be giving their own dogs a try when they went home.

The clip ended and the player turned off. The room was completely dark for a moment before the lights just above where Henry and I sat slowly illuminated the bench.

It was time to get this show on the road.


Chapter 15 ~ “The More Boys I Meet…”

My nerves returned as the lights got brighter. The only sounds in the room were of slapping flesh or soft grunts as people fucked or masturbated around me.

I slowly stood to my feet and removed the leash from Henry. Vincent stepped forward from the wings and took it from my trembling hand. I looked down at Henry as he watched me with expectation.

I figured that like all sexual encounters, you started at the beginning so I pretended Henry and I were alone and started to make out with him in my own way.

I bent over at the waist showing my pussy to the room and kissed Henry on his nose. I squatted down in front of him with my knees wide apart and kissed his nose again. Henry’s tongue snaked out of his mouth and he licked my face. I moaned softly then opened my mouth for him to kiss me with that tongue.

Girls around the room all gasped in shock as I let that tongue slide inside my lips. I sucked on it and put my arms around his neck kissing him back. My tongue tangled with his and I let people see my mouth open showing that I was enjoying making out with my lover.

I leaned back and pushed my chest towards Henry moaning as he licked my sensitive aroused nipples. I patted him on the head and murmured loving encouragement to him. He dipped his head and licked down my body to between my legs. I let him lick for a moment with my head thrown back before I stood and turned around.

I bent at the waist and rested my elbows on the gym bench. I stood with my legs straight and called Henry. He immediately licked my pussy and clit as I moaned deeply. I leaned up slightly so my body was in the same position but my hands were free. I reached back and took hold of the flesh around my pussy and stretched my hole open to his tongue. He dove in deeper licking and twisting the tongue deep into me. I shuddered as he licked deep inside me. My breasts were swaying as I rocked onto his tongue trying to push deeper.

Henry licked me like a dog possessed. My mouth dropped open as my cries got louder and more intense. Everyone in the room knew I was having the time of my life. I felt my pussy start to quiver and pulled my lips open as wide as I could.

My orgasm hit me when Henry swiped a long hard swipe over my clit before diving back inside. I shook and groaned through the orgasm. His tongue licked faster and deeper to get all of my juices. I finally had to let my pussy lips to go grab hold of the bench.

When I finished, I stood panting before patting him on the head. I laid down on my back on the bench and Henry danced around excitedly. That was when people finally noticed the size of the tool dangling between his legs. Exclamations of “Fuck!” or “Oh my!” or “Damn” rang quietly through the room.

I called Henry to me and he came back to my face and licked inside my mouth again. I could taste myself and moaned. I pulled Henry over me until his cock was near my mouth. Henry and I were now in the 69 position with me on the bench and his legs either side of my body. I dropped my head back over the end of the bench and licked the tip of his cock upside down.

I reached a hand back and took hold of him from the base. His movements stilled except for a slight humping motion in my hand. Using his cock, I pulled him closer to my mouth until I could lick that strangely shaped cock. I ran my tongue around the head in a circle before sucking it into my mouth. Henry stepped forward pushing more cock in my mouth I opened my mouth wide to show the people the cock inside. Some people left their chairs and stepped closer to the bench even going so far as to stand on the other side.

I sucked his cock and ran my tongue over it while still holding the base. Henry punched his hips forward feeling the warm mouth around his cock. His hips curled as he humped in my mouth. His panting tongue was dropping drool all over my open pussy.

I moved my hands away from his cock to his hind legs and just held on while he pumped in the willing open mouth. His cock reached my throat and in the position I was in, slipped in without too much fuss. He lowered his head and licked the open pussy directly below him. I moaned and thrust against his tongue. I was now being mouth fucked by a horny dog. His thrusts hammered the cock deeper in my throat and I gagged a little.

As good as this was, I didn’t want Henry to cum in my mouth again. I wanted that cock cumming in my pussy this time. Danni was right. I wanted to be fucked like an animal so badly.

I twisted out from under him until I was on my knees next to him with his cock still in my mouth. He whined a little and I thought ‘just like a man’ before I mentally prepared myself for what would come next.

I pulled off his cock with a sucking plop. His precum was all over my face and dripping freely from the tip of his cock. I looked over at Vincent and nodded. He nodded back and stepped forward. I wanted him to help place Henry in my pussy. In the vulnerable position I was about to get into, I wanted to make certain it was my pussy and not accidently my ass.

I crawled around Henry on my hands and knees with my back bowed and my pussy ‘presented’ to him. He swiped at it a few times with his tongue and tried to chase me around the bench. I made a game of it. I let him lick me a little then would crawl away with my tits hanging and swaying freely. He would follow me with his tongue hanging out and his red veiny cock dangling. Everyone got a chance to see that beautiful tool up close and personal.

I finally crawled back to the bench and positioned myself across it. My hands were on one side and my knees on the other. I lowered my head in what I thought would be a submissive pose and widened my knees to show Henry his prize.

He shot forward and licked a couple of times before climbing over me. His cock pocked around stabbing my clit, pussy lips, ass and thighs before Vincent took hold of the tool and pointed the tip at my clutching hole.

Henry felt the moist opening on the tip and nature took over. He thrust his hips forward impaling me in one thrust. I screamed as his cock filed me and he hammered away. Men usually let you get used to it first. Not a dog! Once their in, they fire away like their afraid you’ll get away.

Henry’s front paws grasped for my hips but thankfully caught the bench instead. Using it for leverage he pulled himself in deeper constantly firing his piston into my hole as only a dog can. I was cumming by this time, groaning and shaking on him. ‘

Henry put almost every man in that room to shame with his stamina. He kept going and going and going just like the Energizer Bunny. I never thought he would stop.

I felt something huge hit my lips and remembered the ball at the base of his cock. I felt his thrust become more powerful and demanding as he tried to shove that thing in me. I wasn’t sure I was ready for that but there was no going back now. People started exclaiming over his knot and how my lips were stretching open for it.

One particularly forceful thrust slammed the knot into my pussy and I screamed from under the huge dog. I don’t remember what anyone said but I felt my lips close over the base and knew I had taken it.

Henry’s thrusts became shorter and more determined once the knot was in. He panted drool over my head as his cock started to twitch. I knew it was time to be hosed on the inside.

Henry started to cum and I began to scream. I shouted, “HE’S CUMMING” repeatedly as I came with him. I moaned and shook on his cock as the fiery jets shot through him like a cannon into me. I couldn’t hold it all inside and some of the cum leaked around the seal and dribbled down my legs.

After a few minutes of Henry cumming he stilled and externally just stood there. Internally he was shaking and quivering. His tool was locked inside of me due to his knot.

People used this time to get under my trapped body squeeze and pinch my nipples or clit. Every so often someone would rub my clit making me cum all over again. They moved Henry’s tail aside and took photographs of his cock inside me with the lips closed at the base. A few girls on a dare kissed Henry letting him lick inside their mouths.

After about thirty minutes or so, I could feel Henry get smaller and he become looser inside of me. I couldn’t really speak at this stage so I wiggled my fingers to get someone’s attention. Danni came over and I whispered that he was coming out.

Danni got everyone’s attention and told them to get their camera’s ready. Vincent helped Henry dismount so we were locked ass to ass. I shuddered and moaned at the knot twisting inside me and came again. My tits were grabbed and the nipples tweaked while I came.

Not long afterwards, I felt Henry tug at the seal and I gasped. He was still very large inside me so that tug almost felt like he was pulling my insides out. He tried it again in a few minutes and again couldn’t get out.

Finally he gave a strong tug and his cock flew out of me along with a massive shower of doggie cum. I knew I was gaping and everyone had their phones out watching the liquid pour out of me freely. A few fingers were inserted inside me to see how loose I was and more come trickled out as they opened my lips.

I was thankful for the bench because my arms and legs couldn’t hold me up any more. As the show ended, people started to file from the room excitedly talking about ‘Annie’ and Henry. A handful of people remained, mostly men. Danni patted my head and said, “Good girl!” while Ben and Luke finished filming.

Once the cameras were off, Ben dropped to his knees behind me and slammed his cock inside fucking me. It wasn’t very tight as stretched as I was from the knot but it was enough for him and he fucked me deep and forcefully. He reached around to my tits and pulled on them to get him in deeper.

Luke dropped to his knees at my face and I sucked him into my mouth with glee. He fucked my mouth as forcefully as Ben fucked my pussy. They were both desperate to get off after having filmed the show. When they both blew, another man took their place and then another and then another.

When all of the men were finished with me, I sagged to the bench panting and exhausted. I was covered in cum so nobody was eager to help me. After a while, I turned around sit up and straddle the bench. The room cleared of everyone but Danni and her staff. I smiled tiredly at them.

“Did I give a good show?” I asked.

Everyone started talking at once and I laughed at their excitement. As they helped me to my unsteady feet and up to my room, I thought to myself, “I couldn’t wait to see the video”.


Chapter 16 ~ “What I Never Knew I Always Wanted”

As I got to my room, I told everyone I could take it from there. They were all needed elsewhere and I was desperate to take a much-needed shower. Danni handed me my dress but said she couldn’t find the body suit anywhere. I shrugged and took it from her. The body suit provided modesty and I figured I didn’t need that anymore.

I flicked on the bedroom light and walked unsteadily to the bathroom. I pulled off my mask and tossed it on the dressing table as I turned on the water. I figured I didn’t need it after I’d done just about everything I could do tonight. Feeling around in my crotch area, I could feel all of the cum still pouring out of me from a mixture of man and beast.

I stepped into the shower and sighed. All of this work out had me feeling sore and hot water was wonderful on my tired muscles. I took hold of the hand held showerhead and put it on the hard setting before leaning against the wall with my leg raised on the bench. I held it to my hole and let the water jet into me to clean me out. An unbelievable amount of cum poured out onto the shower floor and my jaw dropped at just how much fit inside me. I even squatted down and pushed on my slightly distended lower stomach to try to squeeze every bit out of my body. I held it there until I finally felt clean again.

After I had finished, I sat on the bench and let the water wash over my body reliving every moment I could remember of my night. I essentially became a porn star today and idly thought of names I could call myself that would work with ‘Annie’. My hysterics were starting to get the best of me because the names started to have double meaning. There was Annie BodyCanHaveMe, Annie Wan WannaDoMe, Annie DoggieBitch etc. They weren’t creative but they were amusing in my weakened state.

I finally stepped out of the shower and sat on the chair to redo my hair and make up. I tried an easier hairstyle this time and just left my hair in a ponytail. I picked up the dress and tried to get back into it. The body suit must have made it slide easier or maybe my shower was too hot and I was sweaty but no matter what I tried, I couldn’t get the darn thing on. It got caught under my armpits and rolled into a tight band. I cursed at it and pulled but was worried about ripping it. It was starting to make me giggle. I decided that I would go to the mirror in my room, take it off, wait until I cooled down and try again.

Halfway to the bed, I bumped into a random wall. Looking up confused, I saw a shocked man watching me with his mouth hanging open. He was very tall, possibly 6’3” and well built with broad shoulders and well-defined arms. I had a thing for arms and his were gorgeous. He was wearing a short-sleeved red and blue chequered shirt, blue jeans and dark tan boots. He looked like he was fresh from the country or stepped straight off of a farm. All that was missing was a ten gallon hat and a piece of straw hanging from his lips. The vision made me giggle and he smiled down to me before cupping my arms and stroking my shoulders with his thumbs.

“Well now! Howdy little lady. What do we have here?” he said with an honest to goodness Texan drawl. I moaned slightly and juices flooded to my pussy as he spoke. I had no idea who he was but I’m a sucker for an accent or a cowboy for that matter. He stood smiling down at me and stroking my arms with his fingertips under the sleeves of my dress but otherwise not moving.

“I… uh… um shower, you know and… too hot… sweat and rolled… couldn’t get it on. Who are you?” I slurred slightly. He paused and tilted his head watching me before answering.

“Uh uh sweet lil thing. There ain’t no names tonight darlin’,” he drawled before lowing his head with his lips hovering just above mine. I looked at them then into his eyes before I closed the distance to initiate the kiss. My tongue darted out to lick his lips and he opened his mouth letting me explore. His warm hands felt huge on my shoulders. His tongue slid into my mouth as he deepened the kiss pulling me closer and wrapping his arms around my body. I moaned and melted against him. The man really knew how to kiss. He was sweet and tender and demanding and giving all at the same time.

His hands roamed my body from upper back to mid thigh over and over. With my dress gathered under my arms, my sweaty body was naked and open to the harbour breeze blowing in my balcony doors. The air felt good on my hot flesh.

He stepped back slightly without breaking the kiss and slipped a hand between our bodies. The hand smoothed around my hips before sliding down to cup my mound. I spread my legs when his hand reached my lips and he covered my pussy. He didn’t do anything but cup me with his big hand and hold it there. The heat and anticipation was making me crazy.

I twisted my face away from his kiss and threw my head back. He watched my face intently then he lowered his head and his lips sucked down my jaw and the side of my neck. He licked my earlobe and gummed it between his lips as I moaned. I held onto his arms to stay upright. Oh those arms were a thing of beauty. The muscles rippled beneath my fingers but I had the feeling he had never spent a single day at the gym. I was sure those muscles were from good honest hard work and I was hooked.

He nuzzled at my throat while his hand remained infuriatingly still between my legs. I wiggled against his hand and moaned desperate for him to touch me. I bent my legs slightly pushing on his hand but he just moved with me. His chest shook with silent laughter at my desperation.

“Touch me dammit! Come on,” I said frustrated and wiggled again. I used my hand to try to push his fingers inside my pussy lips.

His hand moved from my pussy, grabbed my wrist and turned me around in one smooth move. He pulled me back against his chest and kissed my shoulder. His slight stubble rubbed enticingly on my skin and I wanted more. He reached for the bunched dress gathered under my armpits and pulled it up my body. I lifted my arms so he could pull it over my head and off. The breeze tickled my skin and I shivered. He tossed my dress to the floor and pulled me back against him. I could feel his erection digging into my back through his jeans and gently ground against it. I slipped my hand behind me to trace the line with my fingers and he groaned softly into my shoulder.

“Take off your shirt please,” I muttered. He whispered “Yes ma’am” into my ear and his breath tickled the tiny hairs there. He leaned back, grabbed the back of the collar and pulled it over his head before dropping it off his arms onto the floor.

I leaned back into his chest and my breath caught in my throat when I felt just how hard his muscles were. He didn’t have much hair thankfully but there was enough to crinkle against my skin. I moved against him grinding slowly with my eyes closed when his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer. His hands explored my body almost lovingly while his lips kissed and his tongue licked my skin. Little moans of enjoyment would rumble through his chest as he touched me. I put my hands on his and followed the path they took over my body.

He spun me back around and devoured my mouth in a hot wet kiss. My legs shook at the intensity and I looped my arms around his neck holding his head to mine. He cupped my ass and lifted me from the floor. My legs wrapped instinctively around his waist. His cock strained against the zipper of his jeans and I ground myself against it. One of his hands reached up and cupped my tit. My nipple dug into his palm. I had never felt such unbridled passion. It was like a fire had been lit inside me and it destroyed all in its path. I was dizzy from his kisses and enjoying the feel of grinding my clit on his hidden cock. He groaned into my mouth as my pussy juice soaked his jeans.

He put me back onto the floor and rested his forehead against mine both of us breathing heavily. I think he was fighting for control but I wanted everything he had to give me. He kissed me again in a slower but no less intense way. Both of his hands cupped my breasts and I ran my hands up and down the strong muscles in his arms. We both began to regain our breath to some extent and the kisses slowed.

I wondered who he was and why I had never met him before. My brain didn’t care as long as he planned on staying in the room with me tonight. Now that he was here, we weren’t going anywhere!


Chapter 17 ~ “Cowboy Casanova”

The music the DJ was playing at the party below drifted through the balcony doors and he turned me around to pull me back against him. He rested his chin on the top of my head in a hug as he swayed with me while running his hands over my naked body. He dipped his head and sucked on the flesh behind my ear making me moan. He nibbled my earlobe and my eyelids fluttered closed as I sighed. He cupped my breasts, rubbed my stomach and caressed my thighs as he slowly shuffle danced with me using his hips to propel me forward. The curtains from the balcony brushed against my legs in the breeze.

My brain was foggy and distracted but I finally registered that I shouldn’t be feeling curtains from the centre of the room. I opened my eyes and was looking out at the dark harbour. During the slow dancing, he had moved me across the room to the open balcony doors. My room was above the party and with the light on, I knew the people below would be able to see my silhouette without my mask if they looked up. It was one thing have people ogle at my naked body in small groups but it was quite another to have hundreds of people watching me. I struggled to free myself so I could hide away. He held me tight against him and spoke.

“Now hold on there lil filly. Now, you’re as sexy as all git out. There ain’t a single gal at this here shindig that can hold a candle to you and I’m fixin’ to show em. There ain’t a one of em’ down there worth your spit and that goes for the roosters too.” he murmured into my neck.

His hands, hard chest and that damn sexy drawl made me so hot and I suddenly wanted to know how he planned to give them this lesson. I put up little resistance as he dance shuffled me down the step onto the balcony. A moment later the cold steel balustrade was against my stomach. I rested my hands on it nervously as I looked down to see if anyone had noticed yet but couldn’t really make out faces in the gloom. I was now only in heels in front of an unknown number of people.

Continuing to nuzzle my neck, he moved his hands up to cup my titties and gently tweak my nipples. I was breathing quickly from nerves and arousal. My hands clutched the balustrade tightly. He stepped back and tapped my legs open with his boots. He kissed my neck and whispered to trust him. I swallowed and nodded before he gave me one final kiss on the cheek and stepped back.

He dropped to his knees behind me and bent me forward slightly over the edge. I felt his breath on my ass and shivered with anticipation. His first touch was to kiss my ass cheek and cup my hip. I opened my legs wider and pushed my ass back towards his face. His hands spread my ass cheeks open and his tongue licked my puckered ass hole. I moaned softly but after today’s experiences wasn’t willing to try anal again so soon.

I shuffled my feet a little and attempted to close my legs. He shook his head in a negative motion and I stilled. He pulled my flesh open further and moved his tongue down to my pussy. He breathed in my scent before blowing air out of his lips onto my hot wet skin. I shivered and moaned again bending further over the balcony rail to give him better access. I didn’t care what anyone below thought anymore. I was in his zone.

His tongue rubbed the delicate flesh between my holes while his nose pushed into my crack. It was extremely erotic. His tongue licked the inside of my pussy lips for a few moments before it entered my canal. I moaned loudly. He shuffled back a step pulling my ass with him. My titties were now resting just over the bar and I was bent over eagerly awaiting his tongue.

He paused and looked at my open pussy where the light from the bedroom illuminated me before he pushed his tongue inside me again. My hand moved between my legs to stroke my clit. He thrust his tongue into me and curled and twisted it around. My cries were beginning to echo and I was certain that I could hear people just below the balcony calling up to me.

My pressure on my clit was building, as was my orgasm. I rocked back onto his tongue fucking myself with it. He inserted a finger into my pussy and if I thought his hands were huge before, they felt gigantic now. A single finger was bigger than the vibrator I once used as a teen. The finger was rough with calluses and every bump and ridge rubbed against my moist inflamed tissues.

When he added a second finger I cried out and dropped my hand from my clit to clutch the railing again. My legs were beginning to shake and I felt myself getting close to cumming. He stroked his fingers in and out and his knuckle took my place on my clit. His tongue licked my ass hole and ever so gently slipped inside.

His third finger had me feeling fuller than I had ever felt in my life and I came screaming and squirting on his fingers. My whole body shook as he kept thrusting into me with his fingers and tongue. I continued screaming and thrashing my head as the waves crashed over me repeatedly. The pleasure was incredible and little pinpricks of light danced behind my closed eyelids. My knees were giving way on me so I grasped the balustrade with white knuckle grip to stay standing.

As the orgasm died out, I dimly heard people clapping and shouting. My forehead rested on the bar and I felt him stand up behind me. He unzipped his jeans and dropped them to his knees before stepping up behind me and lining his massive cock up with my wet pussy.

“Alright darlin’, now here’s the kicker. This’ll take you to a whole ‘nuther level so hold on tight,” he warned.

The size of the cock head kissing my pussy lips made my jaw drop. If I could have seen it, I probably wouldn’t have let it near me. It was enormous. His hand grabbed my hips tighter as he pushed his cock forward and it popped inside my lips. A deep throaty moan tore it’s way out of my open mouth. I was so tight on him that it took a while for him to be all of the way in. His grunts on each thrust and the feeling of incredible fullness tipped me over to a second orgasm with my screams echoing into the night.

This time I heard the catcalls and whistles and even saw some flashes from cameras but couldn’t have cared less. The only thing in my world that mattered was this enormous cock ploughing deep inside of me and the balls slapping my clit. His cock butted up against my cervix on his deepest strokes, which I had never felt before. He was so big that as he pulled out, it felt like he was turning my vagina inside out. It was almost like my pussy didn’t want him to leave and was sticking to him in a desperate plea to remain joined. Each thrust back in bought a relief of him returning.

He moved his hands to my chest cupped my titties using them as leverage for a few strong full strokes. My nipples were trapped between two fingers on each hand giving me glorious little pinches on each thrust. He pulled me to stand up straight against him. I was leaning against his chest with my arms raised to grab his neck when his hands moved to my thighs and he lifted me into the air. I gasped and for a moment was scared. My legs were spread wide open and everyone below could see all I had to offer. My titties bounced on each thrust and I grunted with each stroke. When I felt him supporting my weight easily, I relaxed and finally focussed on the massive tool plugging my pussy. I can’t begin to tell you what the feeling of having your whole body impaled on a giant cock feels like. No words can ever describe that feeling. His chest and stomach muscles rippled against my back as I writhed like a woman possessed.

The girls in class always complained that the guys with the biggest cocks can’t go as long as guys with smaller ones but my lover was proving them wrong. We had to have been fucking for at least a half an hour by now and he wasn’t slowing down. I was cumming on an almost constant basis by this time and couldn’t have told you my name if you’d held a gun to my head.

After an eternity, he grunt whispered between thrusts into my ear, “Let’s show em darlin’. I’m gonna cum in your mouth so when I put you down, drop down alright?” I nodded dumbly in response partly disappointed that the ride wouldn’t be going all night long.

He very kindly waited for me to cum shuddering one final time before he lowering my feet to the ground. My unsteady legs quivered as I dropped to squat with my legs wide open in front of him. I got my first look at his monster and my breath caught in my throat. It was even bigger than Henry’s and I instantly fell in love. I opened my mouth, eagerly extended my tongue while stroking his hard thighs above where his legs met his jeans.

He jacked his cock off while looking intently at my flushed face. He stroked my hair and cupped my cheek. He tapped the head against my lips and chasing tongue. I could taste myself on him and twirled my tongue around the head a few times before he popped it in my mouth. I reached a hand up to cup and massage his hairy hanging ball sack. A dozen or so strokes later and his hips thrust more forcefully as his cock slipped deeper into my mouth. I couldn’t take the whole thing. When the cock bumped the back of my throat and slipped down it slightly, my lips stretched almost painfully only about three quarters the way down his cock. His legs tensed and his first jet of cum shot down my throat straight to my stomach.

He pulled back and a second jet landed on my tongue. It tasted delicious. I wouldn’t mind drinking it every day for the rest of my life to be honest. He pulled out completely and the next few jets landed on my cheeks and chin where they dribbled off to land on my heaving chest.

Our admirers were screaming and hollering as his final spurts oozed from the tip and he wiped them across my face. I swallowed whatever he had to give me and sucked his still hard cock milking the last drops before it started to shrink. He gathered the cum from my titties and fed it to me. I sucked his fingers like they were tiny cocks while looking into his eyes.

Finally he pulled me to my feet and ravaged my mouth in a passionate possessing kiss. My arms flew around his neck and I mashed my body against his as his hands massaged my ass cheeks lifting me just off my feet.

We broke off the kiss and he turned me around to face the audience. His eyes seemed to be searching the faces below for someone before he shrugged. He pulled up his pants tucking himself in but not bothering with the zipper. He turned to me with a smile and jerked his chin to the people below before we both bowed. I giggled at the cheers as we stepped back into my room with his hand resting on the small of my back.


Chapter 18 ~ “Cupid’s Got A Shotgun”

Once in the room, my awkwardness returned. I walked hesitantly to the middle of the room and turned to look at him not knowing what to do or say next. I expected him to do what everyone else so far had done which was to disappear into the night but he followed me and pulled me back into a kiss while trailing his fingertips up and down my back. I hugged his neck and desperately wracked my brain to figure out a way that this wouldn’t be the last time I saw him. There was actually lump in my throat that surprised me. He pulled back from the kiss and ran the backs of his fingers down my cheek while smiling gently into my eyes. He must have seen the emotions chasing each other across my face because he smiled and rested his forehead against mine. His arms wrapped around me like a cocoon and I felt precious. It was an intimate and loving gesture and I appreciated it.

“Well I guess we showed em, huh Riley?” he asked.

My head snapped back and I looked searchingly into his eyes. My brain kept asking, “How does he know my name?” over and over.

He gave me a half smile and surprised me by saying, “I’ve been watching you for a damn long time darlin’. All night I kept tryin’ to find a way to talk to you. I’m Jessie’s cousin. My name’s Austin.”

My eyes widened as recognition set in. Jessie was my first boyfriend and only previous lover. We had been dating through school and I was a regular fixture at his house with the family. His father had been from America and he met Jessie’s Mum when he was over here consulting with the Australian Navy. He was some sort of special forces trainer with the US Navy. When he met her, they fell in love and he never returned back home. Family visited from time to time but I would stake my life that I’d never met Austin.

Jessie always talked about his American family and idolised his cousin Austin. Austin was a few years older and could do no wrong. He was next in line to own the family ranch when his father retired. He was a singer and guitarist who played gigs at local bars but never took it further. He was what Jessie always dreamed of being.

My mind was blown and reeling. Regardless of what I had done tonight, I always had the thought of anonymity. Having him know who I was shattered all of that. Would he tell Jessie or worse Jessie’s family? Would they tell my family that I’d essentially become an exhibitionist whore tonight? I’d been fucked three ways from Sunday by men, women and dogs and now here was someone who knew who I was and could destroy my weekend of experimentation. I couldn’t piece together what I thought about all this.

I started to panic and struggled in his arms. My mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water and tears rolled down my cheeks. I pushed at his arms and shook my head in terror. How could I let this happen? I was stupid to think that nobody would find out. I was Danni’s best friend and of course I was helping her with this party. People had to know who I was. I felt like my life as I knew it at that moment was over. All I wanted to do was run. I didn’t know where to run to but I wanted to run regardless.

It took me a while to realise he was talking to me and telling me to calm down. He held me reassuring me that I was fine and he wasn’t going to hurt me. I rested my forehead on his chest sobbing, my tears fell on his chest and slowly ran down. He hugged me tenderly resting his chin on my head and rocking me back and forth until I calmed down enough to listen to him.

“Riley sweetie, don’t worry. I’m not gonna hurt you darlin’. You’re fine. C’mon baby girl, trust me. Just listen OK? I need to tell you somethin’. Don’t worry.”

I nodded against his chest pitifully and tried to calm down. After a few minutes I managed to stop crying. I took a deep shuddering breath and let the air out slowly. After a few more minutes I whispered, “OK. What do you need to talk to me about?”

“Well, that Jessie’s a damn fool to let someone like you go. His Mama’s been at me to give ‘im a talkin’ to to get you back but that boys dumber than a box o’ hammers.” I chuckled softly.

“He told me ‘bout the party t’night and I figured I’d tag along and talk to you myself. Well, I saw this right pretty girl with more curves than a barrel o’ snakes helpin’ out so I asked a girl if she knew you. I damn near dropped my beer when she said your name was Riley.”

The compliments were making me blush and feel warm all over. I peeked up at him. He wiped my tears away with his thumb and kissed my nose before continuing.

“Jessie’s at the party somewhere darlin’. I can’t lie about that,” he said softly.

My eyes widened at the implications of that. Jessie had been with me here many times and knew that this was always my room. He also knew my body physically and would not need a mask to hide my identity. I felt so stupid. It was like the ridiculousness of Lois Lane not knowing that Clark Kent was Superman because he wore a pair of glasses!

“I don’t know if he saw you or left already. He was chasing a couple of lil fillies swimming naked in the pool hours ago and might’a been occupied.” He eyes searched my face as I said this and I knew why. He wanted to know my feelings about Jessie. He wanted to know if I still loved him. Austin almost seemed vulnerable in that moment.

If truth be told though, I don’t think I ever loved Jessie. We were teenagers when we got together and it was natural for him to be my first but it wasn’t good. He wouldn’t go down on me but expected me to suck him. He also had a smallish cock and finished well before I ever got going. Most of the time he would be asleep minutes after cumming leaving me to stare at the ceiling all night. I broke up with him over a year ago when I realised I deserved better. So I wasn’t jealous of other women at all. I realised why the man in the pool seemed familiar. I was watching Jessie finger two girls earlier. I smiled up at Austin. He saw the smile and slowly lowered his head to kiss me tenderly.

“When you left the room downstairs and followed you up to talk. I were havin’ your shower so I waited for you t’come out. Then you were cursin’ and gigglin’ at your clothes in the bathroom and I was gonna come in to check on you. You could’a knocked me over with a feather when I saw your pussy plain as day when walked outta that room. I thought about confessin’ but I couldn’t pass up an opportunity like that.”

I tensed at the mention of the room downstairs. I searched his eyes to see if he had seen me in that room. One side of his mouth lifted in a wry smile and he nodded softly. I closed my eyes and put my head back down. He hooked a finger beneath my chin and lifted my face to look at him before he shook his head slightly.

“No darlin’. Don’t you go gettin’ embarrassed about that. It was as hot as hell. If I laid all my cards on the table, I’d have to say that I saw most of what you did t’night. I was followin’ you round. I wanted t’take you myself but not without talkin’ to you first. Then I saw you in here and well…”

Knowing he had already seen me and that I didn’t have to worry or explain myself was freeing. I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I sighed happily and pushed up to kiss him.

“So, now what? What happens now?” I asked.

“Well darlin’, I reckon you and I go out on a date cause I as crazy as this sounds, I wanna see you with your clothes on,” he said before we both laughed.


Chapter 19 ~ “One Way Ticket”

He pulled me close again and kissed me. The kiss deepened and our arms wound around each other. Our tongues stroked each other. Austin grabbed my hips and picked me back up. I wrapped my legs wrapped around his waist again. We kissed passionately and he back up taking me with him towards the bed. He sank down on the edge and I settled onto his lap. He moved his hands up my back and around to cup my breasts. I moaned into his mouth as he moulded them in his palms. He groaned back and flexed his hips. This cock was swelling just below the opening in his jeans and I ground down on him.

He pulled his head back and groaned before licking down my neck. I leaned back to give him access to my breasts. Moving back gave me better leverage to rub my pussy against his cock and I ground down on him while clutching his shoulders. He captured my nipple between his lips and licked the tip before sucking it into his warm mouth. My head fell back as pleasure shot through me. He sucked my nipple harder and squeezed my other breast. My grinding had moved the opening of his jeans down and his head was peeking out.

He stood up, turned around and laid me on the bed before he leaned over and kissed me. He stood up and looked down at me on the bed with my legs spread open either side of him. I smiled up at him and grabbed my breasts tweaking the nipples. He stepped back and dropped his pants over his hips. His cock popped out of this pants to proudly bounce against his stomach.

My breath caught in my throat watching it wiggle. My mouth watered and I wanted to taste him again. I slowly sat up staring at his beautiful cock. Austin watched my face and stepped closer to the bed. I licked my lips and reached for his hips to pull him closer. I looked up into his eyes with my mouth open ready to take him in. He was breathing heavily watching me. His hand moved to stroke my hair as I slowly closed the distance to breathe on the hot flesh. His thighs shook slightly under my hands as I hovered scant millimetres from the tip. I watched him, examining that gorgeous tool in the light for the first time, and a small drop of precum oozed from the tip.

If you’ve never examined a hard cock up close, you really should give it a go. Men are always thought of as big and strong but there is this vulnerable part of them that just shivers when you get close. The veins throb up the sides and the head darkens when aroused. Austin’s was bigger than most I would assume. At least he was larger than I had had today. I would estimate around 9” but it looked maybe even 10” from this close. It was quite thick and when I held it outside, my fingers didn’t quite meet. It was exciting to have time with it now to eyeball it one on one so to speak.

Leaning forward I let the precum wet my lips. I rubbed my head back and forth coating my lips with his juices. I looked up into his eyes in time to see them flutter closed slowly. I smiled and opened my mouth a bit to slide over the very tip. My hands stroked up his legs and over the front of his pelvis to stroke through his hair at the base. I wrapped my hands around the base and opened my mouth to suck his head in deeper. As my lips closed behind the back of the head I hummed in pleasure.

Austin’s legs quivered so I pulled off him and stood up. I gave him a kiss and turned him to the bed and pushed him down. He sat on the edge and his hands stroked up the back of my thighs to pull me closer. I think he expected me to climb on and ride him but I wasn’t done exploring. I pushed at his chest and he slid up higher on the bed. I climbed up beside him and knelt next to his shoulders. His hand ran down my back and rested on my ass.

I leaned over him and held his cock at the base. I sucked the head back into my mouth and ran my tongue around it. He groaned and stroked the backs of my legs as I knelt over him. I lowered my head further down his cock and sucked deeply. My cheeks hollowed a little as I sucked a quarter of his beautiful cock in. My hand pumped him from base to my lips and back again. He groaned and his hips tensed pushing further into my mouth. I almost wished I could see his face at that moment. I wished I could see his pleasure.

His hands grabbed at my thighs the harder and deeper I sucked. He relaxed his hand as I pulled back out. It became a game for me to see if I could make his hands clench tighter. I pushed deeper taking him as far as my mouth could and was still a hands breadth away from the base. I pulled up higher on my knees and positioned my mouth directly over his cock determined to take him all the way in.

On my knees, my pussy was presented to Austin’s face. He slid his hand up to stroke my wet lips. I moaned over his cock at the touch while working my head up and down. The head butted up against the back of my throat and I gagged slightly.

He tapped my head when I gagged. I took it to mean that it was fine that I couldn’t take him all the way. I wanted to give him the perfect blowjob so I kept going. I lowered my head opening my mouth to let my drool pour down his shaft and wet my hand. I concentrated on relaxing my throat and after a few tries managed to take him into my throat a little. I heard him gasp and his hand tensed on my pussy. I was so proud. I pulled back up to the tip, gasped a breath of air then lowered myself head over him again. My tongue stroked on the way down. I got to the base and relaxed again swallowing him down. He slipped a little further this time and Austin gasped a groan. His other hand came to rest on my head stroking my hair.

Not wanting to lose momentum, I repeated my actions taking him deeper and deeper each time. I wasn’t sure I could get the whole cock down my throat but I was determined to get as much as I could. Austin gasped each time I made it down his shaft. His hand quivered on my pussy and he slipped a finger inside me. I moaned as I sucked back up to the tip. I circled him with my tongue and sucked on the head for a few moments. Austin’s legs bucked so I sucked back down his length to the base.

I took a breath through my nose, closed my eyes and relaxed. I pushed down and his cock slid over my tongue and down my throat until my lips rested on his pubes. I finally did it! Austin’s hand flew out of my pussy and both hands landed on the back of my head holding me on him. His hips bucked a few times pushing a little further down. I was struggling to breathe by now but didn’t want to disappoint him. I held a few more seconds before tapping his thigh.

He moved his hands off my head and I slipped off him gasping in air. He patted my shoulder in apology but once I recovered I went down on him again. His hips thrust up and his hands grabbed at the back of my head while he fucked my mouth. Now that I knew I could do it, every few strokes I would take him the whole way, let him hold me in place then move back off. I moved a hand to his balls tickling and rolling them in my fingers. He sped up his strokes and I let him take control pushing me down when he wanted me to take his whole cock.

I felt his balls tense in my hand and braced myself to be plunged down his cock to the hilt. He thrust up and pushed me down at the same and his cock slammed down my throat. My stretched lips were mashed against his pubes and his hands clenched in my hair a little painfully. I relaxed as best I could and waited for him to cum. It took seconds for him to shoot the first hot blasts of cum down my throat straight into my stomach. His body shook with the force of it slamming through him. His groans echoed around the room. His cock convulsed in my mouth and throat and his toes curled at the intensity. I began to see stars but wouldn’t move until he was finished. I could feel his cock pulse as the jets tore through him into me.

A second before I couldn’t take anymore, he loosened his grip and I pulled up off him coughing a little. My throat was sore and my lips were chafed but I was proud. He grabbed my arm and pulled me on top of him to kiss him. His mouth devoured mine in the most intense kiss I’d ever experienced. Whatever breath I regained was torn from me as the emotions slamming through him showed themselves with his lips on mine. He rolled me under him and settled between my legs pushing me deep into the mattress kissing the life from me. We were both panting when he let up and he rested his forehead on mine trying to calm down. I placed my hand over his heart and felt the beats slamming out of his chest almost vibrating my fingers.

I kissed him again and his arms closed around me pulling me closer. His breathing shuddered and he gulped air like a drowning man. I smiled knowing that I did that to him. I had reduced this big strong handsome man to a quivering mess. It gave me a thrill to be responsible for his condition.

While he recovered, I took stock. My throat will be raspy for a while and my jaw and even teeth hurt from the workout. My legs were splayed open wide with his body pushed between them. His softening cock was bunched at my pussy opening. I stroked his sweaty face and smoothed his hair where thick black strands stuck to his forehead. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He closed it and put his head down to my shoulder. A few moments later, he swallowed, cleared his throat and tried again.

“Never,” he began. “That has never happened to me darlin’. Not a single girl could take me the whole way. Thank you baby. I can’t thank you enough,” he whispered between breathes. I smiled proudly and kissed him softly on the lips.

He slid to the side to recover and I closed my eyes content to still have him on me. One leg still rested between mine and his arm pulled me closer to him. I enjoyed his weight pressing me into the bed and listened to his breathing as I dropped off to sleep.


Chapter 20 ~ “Inside Your Heaven”

Some time later I awoke to the feeling of a tongue in my pussy. My legs were open wide resting on either side of my chest with his hands holding them in place. My pelvis was tilted up giving him complete access. I moaned and looked down between my breasts but could see only black hair and part of his face. His eyes watched me and crinkled in a smile when he saw me awake. He licked up to my clit and gummed it between his lips.

I rested my head against the bed and moaned at his mouth on me. Earlier he had licked me from behind and didn’t reach that far but this time it was so different. He was reaching a lot further being tilted the way I was, I was stretched open. His tongue forced its way in along each ridge and bump of my wet canal. My hands flew up and held my head like it was going to explode. I thrashed and clutched my face.

He tapped my leg with his hand and I raised my head to look down. He nodded to my legs and I took hold of them pulling them tighter to me. I was essentially folded in half but now his hands would be free. He raised his head and gave me that crooked half smile I was starting to love before dropping his head back down.

I let my head fall back when his tongue licked my clit. I gasped for air when his thumbs pulled my hole open wide. He stiffened his tongue and thrust it up into me like a tiny cock fucking me. My back stiffened and my chest lifted off the bed.

He pulled his tongue out to move down and circle my puckered clenching ass. He licked around in circles before stiffening to insert into me. I tensed up a little and he went back to circling the hole until I relaxed. He moved back up to my clit and flicked his tongue over it again and again. Soon I was writhing on the bed almost screaming. My orgasm tore through me and I felt juice squirt out of me like I was pissing on his face. I knew the juices would be all over him and my head rocked from side to side at the vision. Austin’s tongue kept flicking extending my pleasure and his lips gummed the engorged clit.

When he slowed I started to come down panting with my chest heaving. He licked back into my hole before moving back down to my ass. Again he circled my hole and I felt liquid pour onto it. It was my cum dribbling from his mouth. I groaned and tried to relax. His tongue stiffened and he pushed at the opening. I clenched a little then relaxed and his tongue slipped inside. My eyes flew open and I lost my breath.

He licked in and out many times until I relaxed. He placed the head of a finger at my pussy and slipped it inside me slowly timing the speed with his tongue. He backed the finger and tongue out and in unison pushed both into me again. I moaned and pulled my legs tighter to my chest. I lost count of how many times he did this routine.

Eventually he added a second finger to my pussy. My ass was loosening and it was actually enjoyable having both holes pumped at the same time and speed. He put a finger into my pussy with the others and I groaned straining down to push them deeper. The third finger was removed and he replaced his tongue with it. I raised my head to meet his eyes as he extended his tongue to my clit. His face was covered in juice and he licked it as the finger poised at my ass.

I gulped and nodded and he again smiled before he slid the tip into me at the same time as fucking me with his other hand. My head fell back to the bed and I groaned deeply. He pushed his fingers into me again in unison like before. Before I knew it, I felt his knuckles against the opening. I had taken the finger and was enjoying it. He fucked me that way while his tongue worked my clit and I built to another orgasm.

Waves of pleasure washed over me as he pumped those deliciously large callused fingers into me. I made little mewling sounds as I got closer then tensed crying out when it hit me. He pumped his fingers and licked my clit forcefully while I writhed before him. When he groaned at the sight, his tongue tickled my clit sending shivers through my body.

As I calmed down, I watched as he removed his fingers and sucked them one at a time including the one that had been in my ass. My eyes were half opened and my chest heaved to suck in much needed air. I can’t imagine the picture I made laying there open and flushed from multiple orgasms.

He leaned his arms on either side of me and crawled up my body. I let my legs go as he settled between them. His hard cock butted at my sensitive clit making me jerk at the feeling. He lowered over me to his elbows and stared into my face. His fingers twirled in my hair as he gazed almost lovingly down at me. I lifted my face to kiss him and smelled my own scent before I tasted it on his lips and tongue. It was a soft sweet kiss, more tender than passionate. He pulled his face back and his eyes looked like they were memorising my features. He lowered his head to kiss first my forehead then my eyebrows and eyes. He kissed then licked the tip of my nose before kissing both cheeks. Then he kissed my chin and finally my mouth. I felt loved and cherished.

While he kissed me, Austin lifted his pelvis and his cock positioned itself at the entrance of my pussy. He lowered his hips so tantalisingly slowly sinking in to me a bit at a time. He kissed me tenderly until his cock hit home and could go no further. He rested there not moving as my body adjusted to his size. His kisses melted my heart as did the tender fingers twirling my hair.

He began to move slowly drawing out each moment. Our eyes locked and I couldn’t look away. This did not feel like sex. It actually felt like the definition of making love. His gaze swept me into a world where nothing existed but the two of us and this moment.

He slowly increased the speed of his thrusts. He lowered his head and nuzzled my shoulder placing little kisses over my flesh. My arms clutched at his back feeling the muscles rippling beneath the skin. His hips pushed me deeper into the bed with each thrust. I moaned softly and grabbed his hips tighter with my thighs.

Austin looked back into my eyes before kissing me deeply and thrusting faster. His cock slid in and out of my wet canal filling me completely. I moaned into his mouth as our tongues tangled. He rested on one arm and cupped my breast gently. I arched my back pushing it deeper into his palm. He groaned and the kiss got sloppier and more passionate.

He pumped his hips harder into me. I dug my nails into his back and gasped. He broke the kiss to lick my open lips. He rested his forehead on mine and looked into my eyes before his hips pumped him deeply into me. My mouth opened and I grunted on each stroke. His pubes crinkled against my clit as his body rubbed it every time he moved.

I started gasping for air. I ran my hands up and down his back, clutching his ass pulling him deeper. I lifted my legs tilting my pelvis to sink him further. I was close. His intense eyes watched every motion my face made.

“Cum for me Riley. Let it go darlin’,” he muttered hotly.

I nodded a jerking motion in time with his thrusts and felt my eyes fluttering closed.

“No baby. Look at me. Let me see you cum,” he asked softly.

I forced my eyes open but they were unfocussed. I gasped in time to his thrusts feeling every muscle in my body starting to tense. I finally met his eyes and couldn’t look away. He trapped me in his gaze and I saw his eyes darken as he watched my pleasure.

I bit my lip and lifted my chin hissing in a breath but not breaking our eye contact. I was almost there and he could see it. He watched me pant. I sucked in a breath as my body tensed and I fell apart. He groaned as my pussy clenched on his cock. I shuddered beneath him with my nails digging into his back. I groaned and sucked in tiny breaths while he kept thrusting into me.

He sped up his thrusts and grunted. He whispered little things to me that I couldn’t understand in my extended orgasm. His movements pushed me from one orgasm almost into the next. I felt his back tense up and his movements become more forceful as he reached his peak. My mouth kept opening and jerking as I sucked in air. Through it all, his eyes never left mine.

“Cum with me Riley. Meet me darlin’,” he muttered between thrusts.

My jaw tensed and I lifted my pelvis the little I could and a few thrusts later we came. His cum fired into me, deep into my most intimate places filling my womb with his baby juice. He pumped deeply into me and groaned deeply as my pussy milked him. I’d never had an internal orgasm before but I did then. It took my breath away and I couldn’t take another one. I shuddered and shook under him. He pushed in and held there as what can only be called a growl rumbled up his throat. His eyes still held me mesmerised.

As we came down, I did something I’d never done after sex before. I cried. It was beautiful and intense and I finally felt like a woman loved by a man. We didn’t know each other much at all but at the risk of sounding cheesy, we had a connection. He understood and kissed my tears away. He stayed inside of me and cradled me in his arms as the emotions swept through me. I wasn’t sure how but I knew that he felt the same way. I knew right then that I was Austin’s and would be forever. He eventually slipped out of me but we remained tangled as sleep claimed us both for the remainder of the night.


Epilogue ~ “All American Girl”

So here we are, it’s about two and a half years later and I’m writing this story as I sit on a plane to America. I’ve finished my degree now and at the top of my class. Having an overseas boyfriend left me with a lot of time to devote to my studies. Yes, that’s right. Austin and I have been dating since the party. We take turns to travel to see each other. Thankfully I only need to pay for airfare because I stay with him on the ranch when I visit. We usually live at Danni’s place when he’s in town because my mother doesn’t approve of sex before marriage. I know right, if only she knew what her darling girl had done!

However, all of that is moot now because I’m moving to America to live with Austin. He asked me to move in with him the same day he asked me to marry him! I’m engaged! My mother is thrilled with my relationship but not so happy with losing her baby girl to another country so I’m expecting a lot of Skype and many visits.

Unfortunately, Jessie isn’t really speaking to Austin anymore. He is jealous that I’m dating his cousin. I think he always believed that I would just be waiting for him when he finished sowing his wild oats. I was upset that I had come between them but Austin assured me that once Jessie did a bit of growing up, he’d come round. Jessie thankfully didn’t see most of what I had done and nobody knew who the Annie girl was so my identity was pretty safe.

Danni and I are still best friends. She has settled down considerably. She met guy in class and became a one-man kind of girl. They’ve been dating for about two years and I wouldn’t be surprised if he asked her to marry him soon. Don’t get me wrong, they are both hot and heavy with each other but they also have all of the lovey-dovey stuff down pat!

I found out later that my brother was in the room when I fucked Henry but he also took the ruse of a girl called Annie performing and didn’t suspect me. I do however think he might have been one of the anonymous partners who took me after Henry finished although I could never ask him without revealing my secret identity.

Speaking of Henry, he and I are now officially porn stars! Ben and Luke got together to edit the footage they took of us at the party and sold it to a very select clientele. Obviously they can’t sell it at the local porn shop so they made contact with the right people on the black market and we now have a huge following waiting for the next “Doggie Cum Slut” movie. I’ve even had some ‘guest stars’ from Danni’s vet come in to do me. The most popular movie was on the lawn at Danni’s with Henry in my pussy and Zorro in my mouth and two puppies biting on my nipples. But that’s another story.

So here I sit on my way to move in with the man I love and start our lives together. Austin’s father has been talking about retiring or at least stepping back some so he and Austin’s Mum can travel. Austin has his own house on the ranch far enough away from the main house to give us privacy and let out my wild side. Austin has been talking about expanding my range with some of his other animals.

One of the first things Austin wants us to do is to go and buy me a dog. You know for protection only. Austin also likes it when I walk around the house naked in the evenings so I assume I’ll be kept pretty busy at night in one way or another. But again, that would be another story.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my tale. Looking back, I am proud of my accomplishments but if I knew beforehand what I was in for, I would possibly not gone to Danni’s house that weekend.

Hindsight is an amazing thing because now that I’m here, I wouldn’t change a thing.

~ The End ~