Chapter One

Catherine was eighteen and had just graduated from high school. She was a fox in any man’s book; young or old. She had long blonde hair and brown eyes. She stood 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighed in at 125 pounds. She had C+ size breasts that were crowned with small brown areolas but there wasn’t a man alive that truly knew the color of her nipples because no one had ever gotten that close to her. Many had tried but not a single one of them ever made even half way to first base.

Megan was Cat’s older sister. She had become pregnant during her last year of school and had barely graduated. As it was she never did go to her school’s closing ceremony, she had simply received the diploma in the mail. She ended up marrying the guy that had knocked her up but through the years it was easy for the younger blond to see that her sister was anything but happy in her domestic situation.

As it was, Megan and Catherine were very much alike in every way. They almost looked like twins. After the baby was born Megan walked out of the hospital looking as though she had never even been pregnant. The only telltale feature to it all were her slightly engorged breasts. And after a year, they too were back to near normal.

Through it all though, Cat had learned a very valuable lesson. She would never allow any guy so close to her that such a thing would be able to happen to her. She knew what her sister went through with her parents, the boy’s parents, and even the boy. And yeah… the cretin may have fathered a child and married her sister but in her books he was millions of miles from being any kind of a real man; even if he was over twenty one years old.

It was Friday, the first weekend after graduation. She had no plans for the evening and she didn’t mind that she wasn’t going out partying either; it wasn’t her style. As it was, Megan had called and asked her to watch over Chloe while she and Derek went to some kind of promotional dinner.

As Cat prepared to go to her sister’s house she thought about the way things had transpired. Lately, Megan seemed far more at ease but it was an enigma to her as to why. Nothing had really changed. Derek was as lackluster at loving his wife as ever. The only thing that he had going for him was that his father was president of a very successful business. He had been brought into the company with very little training, and now he was being given a job that had been created for him.

Cat sighed as she got a few more things together that she wanted to take to her sister’s house. She was happy Megan only in the fact that at least she was financially being taken care of; and so was little Chloe: but that was the extent of it. Derek, in her books was still an unloving ass-hole that did not really deserve her fantastic sister as a wife. And in a way, she wondered how long they would really stay together. She was truly glad that she had never allowed herself to get into that kind of situation.

When Cat arrived at her sister’s house she parked her graduation present, a brand new candy white VW with beige interior next to her sister’s slightly older model. Her new car would be very good on gas for her when she went away to college. She really liked it, which was fortunate, because her father owned the town’s VW dealership and it was a very successful business in its own right.

Cat didn’t bother to knock when she got to the door of the house, she simply entered. Megan always made it a point for her to know that she didn’t have to announce her arrival, but that she should just come in and make herself at home. It sometimes irked Derek when this happened but neither of the sisters gave it a second thought.

As it was, Cat didn’t enter too far into the house before she called out to her sister. She got an immediate response from her slightly older sibling. “I’ll be down in a minute,” shouted Megan.

Cat set the books and papers that she had bought to read on the kitchen counter. She then went to the refrigerator and opened it. While she was looking for something to drink, a hand slid around her waist and cupped her flat belly just inches above her vaginal mound. At the same time a second hand had come up under her arm and grabbed her left breast and she shrieked as she was pulled backward a few inches. Her movement stopped when her young athletic yet shapely ass touched the person behind her and there was no mistaking the bulge that pressed against her backside.

“Derek,” yelled Catherine as she fought to extricate herself from his grasp, “what are you doing? Let me go.”

It took a moment, but Derek eventually released her. “Hey… I’m sorry Cat, I thought you were your sister.” He said with a lecherous grin.

“Really,” replied Cat in a tone that dripped with disbelief. In all the time that she had seen Megan and Derek together she had never once seen him embrace her sister in any kind of way that would suggest intimacy. She knew that he was only trying to toy with her. Further discourse between them was curtailed as her sister entered the kitchen but she did vow to watch him more closely; she hated the feel of his hands on her.

Megan had heard Cat’s shriek and looked questioningly at Derek. She also sensed the tenseness in the room. “What happened?” she asked.

“Nothing happened,” offered Derek quickly, making sure that his explanation of things was the first to be heard. “I just came in from the garage and tried to play around with you while you were looking in the refrigerator. Only it turned out to be your sister instead of you. It was just a case of mistaken identity. I didn’t even know that she was here yet.”

“Oh,” acknowledged Megan as she nodded slightly; but she didn’t really believe him. Derek never played with her as he put it. They rarely even made love any more. It was almost as though they had been married for decades and she was old and frumpy. And when they did manage to get together it was the usual slam-bam thank you Maam kind of sex.

Megan flashed a half smile toward her husband and then began ushering Cat out of the room. “I’ll be back shortly,” she tossed over her shoulder toward him, “I just want to talk to my sister about Chloe for a moment.”

“Yeah… okay,” he mumbled, “but don’t be too long. I don’t want to be late.”

Derek had no idea what Megan had to fill Cat in about Chloe about, and he didn’t really care. He did wondered if they would talk about him and what had just happened and yet he wasn’t really concerned about that either. He had hoped that he would get a better rise out of his sister-in-law than he did but at least he was able to feel her up a little bit. She was a total prude and he was very certain that she was still a virgin. He would love to tap into her sweet body but he seriously doubted that he would ever be able to pull that one off without serious repercussions.

When the two young blondes got to Chloe’s room they found her busy playing with several stuffed toys. The door gate served its purpose well and kept the little girl well within her bounds. “She will probably go to bed fairly early,” whispered Megan, “she’s had a busy day and I didn’t let her nap too long so that she would go to bed shortly after we leave.”

“You didn’t have to do that Megan,” said Cat softly, “you know that I love playing with Chloe.”

“Well, I didn’t want it to be too hard for you,” explained Megan. “I know you don’t like being here anymore than you have to.”

“Yeah, but that’s not because of you or Chloe,” said Cat, “its Derek that I can’t stand. In fact, I’m surprised that you can even put up with living in this seemingly loveless situation.”

“Oh, there are ways,” Megan confided in her sister softly, “and someday I’ll tell you about it. When the time is right Chloe and I will be leaving. Derek is orchestrating this quasi nightmare but I’m not really participating in it. One of these days he’ll wake up and we’ll be gone. He’ll think he’s won but that will only last until he realizes how much we’ve taken with us.”

Cat nodded and then added softly. “Just be careful, I wouldn’t put it past Derek to hurt either of you if he thought he was going to lose too much.”

Megan hugged her sister. “I’ll be careful,” she murmured, “I just want you to know that I’m not the victim that I seem to be.” She then released Cat and stepped over the barrier into Chloe’s room. She wanted to hug and kiss her one more time before she had to go to the dinner.

It wasn’t long after that before Cat was seeing her sister to the door while she carried little Chloe. She wanted to make sure that the little girl was aware that her parents were leaving. The tot usually handled such good-bys very well. Megan always returned so there were no separation anxieties.

“Oh, one last thing,” said Megan as Derek beeped the car’s horn impatiently only a few yards away, “Charlie is in the back yard and I wouldn’t let him in unless you want a possible mess to clean up.”

“I thought he was already potty trained?” asked Cat thinking about the huge German Shepherd that Derek owned.

“He is,” yelled Megan over her shoulder, “but he’s gotten into a few things lately and is a bit unpredictable.”

Cat nodded but didn’t add anything else to the conversation. She simply waved her sibling good-by and watched as Chloe did the same; it was so cute. The smaller version of both her and her sister could melt just about any heart. It seemed to work on everyone but her own father.

Chloe stayed awake for only about half an hour after Megan left and Cat had no problems in putting her to bed. She then went down stairs and once more rummaged through the refrigerator; this time for something to eat and drink.

Cat had found some turkey and Swiss cheese slices that she put between two pieces of whole-wheat bread and butter. That along with the freshly brewed and chilled ice tea that her sister usually had in the refrigerator, filled the void within her belly and slaked her thirst.

Cat was just about to put the food away when she heard Charlie barking in the back yard. “Silly mutt,” she murmured as she went to the sliding door that led to the back patio. She opened it slightly and was about to yell out to him to be quiet when he slipped through the narrow crack. He was very animated, casting about as though he was looking for something but unable to find it.

Charlie eventually settled down and sat on the tile floor of the kitchen. Cat looked at him and then talked baby talk to him. “What’s the matter, Baby; you miss your Mommy and Daddy?”

Charlie of course said nothing but his nose began twitching as the aroma of the turkey pervaded his senses. “Oh, you want something to eat,” said Cat as she watched him, “they must have forgotten to feed you before they left.”

Cat found Charlie’s bowl and put some of his dry food in it. As a treat, she also threw a few shreds of turkey on top of it. “There you go Buddy Boy,” she cooed as she walked away to let him eat.

After that, Cat figured that it was time to relax a little. She tried reading, but after covering the same paragraph several times she knew that her heart wasn’t into studying. She knew what the problem was though, it had happened before. She was close to ovulating and she was sexually aroused. If she was home she knew what she would do; she had a small soft ice-blue dildo that usually handled these situations. Basically she was still a virgin but that didn’t mean that she didn’t know how to pleasure herself.

Cat decided to watch some TV. She turned on the unit and began flipping through the channels. Most of them were totally uninteresting. She did however come across several movies that depicted explicit sexual encounters. It was enough to ramp up her desires another notch. When the hottest scene ended she moved on.

The young blonde ran through some more channels. This time she found one of the PPV movies hi-lighted and it was an all day pass. She clicked on it and was soon watching two girls pleasure each other and one of them was using a dildo on the other.

A groan escaped Cat’s lips and she slid lower on the couch. She looked at the clock and knew that she had plenty of time so she loosened her shorts and pushed then down to her ankles so that she could have access to her neatly trimmed mound. With her legs spread she watched the characters in the movie and slid her hand into her panties until she was able to stroke her clit.

The groans issuing from Cats sweet lips increased as her excitement arose. She closed her eyes and continued to manipulate her little button. She was almost there when she felt someone’s presents and her eyes snapped open. “God, Charlie, you nearly scared the crap out of me,” she groaned.

Cat removed her hand from her panties and was about to pull her shorts back into place when Charlie zeroed in on her vaginal mound and made a direct hit. The first swipe of his tongue felt like a shock to her system, but it was a pleasant one. “Oh Charlie, what are you doing?” she murmured softly.

She was momentarily stunned and it was just long enough for him to lick her several more times. After that she reached out to push him away but it was hard for her to refuse the rest of what he wanted. After all, he was only doing what she had been trying to do all along. She then pulled her panty gusset aside to give him freer access to her charms. It worked and within a minute she was cumming stronger than she ever had before in her teenaged life.

As Cat orgasmed she did push Charlie away and close her legs. It kept him from having further access to her quivering mound. She moaned pleasurably and remembered the feel of what had just happened. She had used her fingers or her favorite ice blue dildo on herself many times but none of them compared to what Charlie had just done to her. The touch of his tongue, something alive and warm and beyond her control, invading her depths felt so… good.

It was several minutes before Cat finally sat up and began to compose herself. She started to pull her shorts into place but the feel of her wet panties was very uncomfortable. She decided to take them off and then remembered that her sister probably had a drawer full of them up stairs in her dresser. She knew that her sibling would not mind if she borrowed one.

Cat removed her shorts and panties and made her way up the steps to the master bedroom. She knew that no one was home but she still entered the room stealthily. She was so busy with what she was doing she didn’t even pay attention to the fact that Charlie was right behind her.

The young blonde moved across the room toward the dresser that she was sure belonged to Megan. She was suddenly tackled from behind and if it hadn’t been for the feel of the fur on her skin she would have thought it was a burglar that had been waiting for her in the room. “Charlie,” Shrieked Cat as she fell hard. She did manage to catch herself and keep her head from hitting the floor by getting her hands in front of her but it wasn’t easy.

“Stupid dog,” hissed Cat, and then she felt him grab her from behind again. At first she didn’t understand what was happening; she thought that he was just trying to doggy wrestle with her. It didn’t really dawn on her what his intent was until she felt his hot cock brush against her leg and very close to its proposed target.

“Oh shit,” hissed Cat as she tried to extricate herself from Charlie’s powerful grip. She was just about to simply let herself drop to the floor and see if she could get away from him that way when his jaws closed on her neck and she immediately stiffened.

“Charlie, what are you doing,” gurgled Cat and the answer came to her in the form of a hot phallus being shoved into her pussy. Luckily, his precum lubed the way for the abrupt intrusion because it entered her over four inches deep on that particular thrust. It was also fortunate that she had used a dildo on herself several times before or he would have really hurt her; he was every bit as thick as her ice blue companion at home.

“Oh god,” she hissed, “I shouldn’t have let him lick me. I knew I should have pushed him away and now he’s really taken my virginity. My god, I’m being raped by my sister’s dog,” she moaned.

After the initial entry it took a moment for Charlie to get his footing. When he did he released her neck and began thrusting into Cat in a way that only a dog can do. Her cries and pleas for him to stop grew weaker and weaker and very soon all she could do was pant and hang on for the ride. Slowly, her groans of protest turned to moans of pleasure. She even found herself arching her back a bit to see if Charlie could get a little deeper. “Oh god, I’m such a slut,” she hissed as she thought about what she was doing and what was happening to her.

She wasn’t sure how long Charlie humped his hot cock into her body but before she really realized it an orgasm slammed her. The only problem was in the fact that the dog didn’t stop and allow her to bask in the climactic event. He simply kept plowing her as though he had a different agenda.

Before too much longer Cat became aware of a growing bulge that continually bullied its way through her vaginal lips as Charlie fucked her silly. It was quickly becoming painful and then suddenly it was lodged in her vagina. She felt it even more now as it grew bigger and rubbed against her G-spot.

Charlie’s thrusting slowed and for that Cat was thankful. She knew that there was far more stuffed into her little cunny than she had ever experienced before. The dog’s cock was crammed against the bottom of her vaginal chute and she could only imagine what a cut-away view of it all would look like.

She thought it was over, but then she felt Charlie’s hot burning fluids invade her system. He was cumming in her and she knew what that meant; he was trying to make her pregnant. The thought of it shamed her. She remembered what her sister had gone through during her pregnancy. Could it happen to her? What could she do? How would she explain that the father of her baby was a dog?

The doggy/human tie lasted for several minutes and even though Cat tried to pull away from Charlie several times she couldn’t do it; it hurt too much. She had to continue kneeling there as he squirted more and more of his sperm into her. She couldn’t even rush to the bathroom and try to flush his seed from her pussy. Time seemed to stand still and she knew that his fluids were rushing through her in an effort to get at her one egg and there was nothing that she could do about it.

Cat had plenty of time to think about what had happened as she knelt there. She had to admit that there were a few positive aspects to being raped by a dog instead of a boy. Charlie would never blab secretly to others what he had done. And he had really made her feel good. If it wasn’t for the pregnancy thing it might not have been too bad.

Eventually, Charlie was finally done with Cat. When his knot shrank enough to pull out of her he went to one of the far corners and began licking himself clean. The young blonde sighed in relief when the dog moved away from her. She immediately ran to the bathroom to find one of Megan’s douche kits.

Cat’s frantic search was rewarded when she found several of the small bottles. It puzzled her because she did expect to find some, but there were far more here than she anticipated. She could have sworn that Megan had confided in her and told her that Derek and herself were rarely together. But that when it did happen she made him wear a condom and then she would still immediately clean herself; she didn’t want the chance of his fluids being in her any longer than possible even if she was on the pill. And she definitely did not want another baby by him.

Once Cat was cleaned up, she finally snagged a clean pair of white cotton panties from her sister’s drawer. She had several of them so the younger blonde was sure that she would not miss just one. She then cleaned herself up until it looked as though nothing had happened and returned downstairs to watch TV until her sister returned.

She did plan to check on what to do if she became pregnant, but she would do that at home on her computer. She knew her system and she knew that she could erase the websites that she had visited if she needed to. She then noticed Charlie coming down the steps and shook her head.

“Come on you little rapist,” she murmured lowly as she grabbed his collar and began leading toward the back sliding door. “I ought to tell my sister what you did. She’d probably have you neutered. Just the same, don’t think that you can ever do it again. Next time I won’t make the mistake of taking my panties off. I blame myself for that and it’s probably the only reason I don’t kick you in the ball myself,” she added jokingly. She shooed him out the door and then closed it.

Cat watched the huge mutt for several moments. A strange feeling came over her and her tummy quivered. She had never had real sex before and she wasn’t sure if she could count what happened earlier in that category but she knew one thing, she would probably try it again once she knew she was protected. It had felt very good after the initial surprise. And it was far more satisfying than using a dildo.


Chapter Two

After a bit, Cat sat down to watch TV but this time she turned it to the discovery channel. A documentary on the African plains animal migrations was just beginning when Megan and Derek arrived home. She noticed immediately that something was wrong when they entered the door. Her sister smiled at her but it was an empty gesture.

Cat wanted to ask what was wrong but she didn’t want to do it when Derek was there. She simply began giving her sister a very generic rendition of what had transpired after they had left. A few minutes passed and Megan’s husband finally mumbled something about going to bed and then disappeared up stairs.

When Derek was gone, Cat immediately changed the subject. She talked in a much lower voice but remained where she was so that she could be certain that Derek did not sneak back down the steps. “What happened?” she asked of her sister.

Megan glanced toward the steps and then whispered softly to her sister. “I almost caught him in a very compromising position. I would bet a thousand dollars that if I had entered the ante-room off the main dining hall just a few minutes later Derek would have had his pants down and been fucking one of the girls that works in his office.

“Really…” said Cat. “What did you see then?”

“Well, when I entered the room he spun around quickly and faced the door. He was really agitated when he saw that it was me. It was very dark where he stood but I could have sworn that I saw movement behind him. I asked him what was wrong and he told me that he had simply come into the room to get out of the noise of the band in the main room. He remained where he was for a moment and then began walking toward me. I noticed that there were several tables with long covers that reached all the way to the floor right where he stood. I didn’t press it but and he made sure that I left with him when he went out the door.”

“So you think that someone had ducked under the table in the darkness,” surmised Cat.

“Oh yeah, I’m sure of it,” offered Megan. “I didn’t make anything of it to him, but I watched the ante-room door as best I could afterward. It took five minutes but eventually I saw a girl leave the room; and no one had gone in there since we had left: I’m sure of it.”

“Does Derek know that you saw the girl leave the room?” asked Cat.

Megan said nothing but the gentle shake of her head said it all.

Cat sighed. “I’m sorry Megan,” she offered and then she hugged her sister.

Megan chuckles slightly. “It’s nothing that I haven’t already suspected,” she told Cat. “It’s why I’ve done the things I’ve done and am planning for a future without him.”

Cat pulled away from her sister and looked at her. “What have you done?” she asked.

Megan smiled. “I can’t tell you just now, but eventually it will all work out I’m sure.”

Cat nodded and then hugged her sister again before wishing her a good evening. Megan walked her to the door and soon the younger version of herself was hopping into her new VW and driving away. She locked the doors, checked on Charlie and then went up the stairs to Chloe’s room. Once she was satisfied that everything was fine with her daughter she went to the bathroom and prepared for bed. When she entered the Master bedroom, Derek was already asleep and snoring on his side of the bed.

When Megan climbed into her side of the king-sized bed she didn’t disturb Derek in the least. His snoring never faltered and she was certain that he wasn’t merely acting as if he was asleep. She shook her head and was soon nodding off herself. Her last thoughts were centered on Charlie and a smile crossed her lips.

Megan slept well and in the morning she got Chloe out of bed and prepared to go through her normal morning routine. She fixed some ham and eggs for everyone but when Derek entered the kitchen he made some excuse about having to be to work early and was soon out the door. There was no good-morning kiss and he didn’t even acknowledge the presence of his little daughter.

Megan shook her head and then looked at her daughter. “Don’t worry, Chloe, we’ll be in a better home soon. It might not be as lavish as this one, but it will be filled with love.” Chloe had no idea what her mother had said but she smiled at her mother anyway.

By eleven in the morning, Chloe was ready for her nap. It was then that Megan went looking for Charlie. “Sorry, Lover-boy, I didn’t mean to leave you all to yourself for so long but we do have to be careful,” she cooed as she let him into the house from the back yard. Almost immediately he tried to stick his nose into her crotch. “We really need to continue your training so that you don’t somehow embarrass me in front of anyone.”

Megan took Charlie into the family’s rec. room and closed all of the window shades and doors. She then locked the entryways so that no one could simply barge in on her. She had everything set up and if she was somehow interrupted by anyone knocking on the door she could use the excuse that she hadn’t heard them because she was exercising. There were several workout units in the room and she had one of them set up to use at a moment’s notice.

Once everything was ready she slipped her shorts and panties downward. She left one of the legs in one of the holes and then knelt to pet Charlie. “Here I am Boy,” she said softly as she scratched his head and ears. “I know that Derek is screwing one of the girls at work. And he’s been doing it a lot longer than we have. But I’ll tell you this right now; you’re a lot better lover than he will ever be.”

Megan knew that Charlie did not understand what she had said, but his low woof and the excited wag of his tail sure made it seem that way. The blonde chuckled and then presented herself doggy style to her lover. He spent several moments licking her vaginal mound from clit to rose bud and she almost orgasmed. She groaned when the licking stopped but the pleasure of his tongue was soon replaced by his hard cock as he shoved it into her warm depths.

With his hot shaft nestled several inches inside Megan, Charlie shuffled his feet a bit to get a better angle on things. When he was ready he shoved the rest of himself into the girl and though he didn’t seem to understand human speech the moan that escaped from his lover’s mouth seemed to strike a chord within him that pleased him.

“Oh god, Charlie,” moaned Megan as the animal’s hot muscle slide back and forth within her, “it feels so good to have you cock so deep inside of me. Every time we make love I still marvel at how many places you manage to touch with your magic wand.”

Charlie gripped Megan’s hips and began to pummel her at a pace that only a dog could set. It wasn’t long before the kneeling blonde was panting as the huge phallus was rammed repeatedly against the bottom of her vaginal vault. The wall gave way to accommodate the intruder and everything that lay beyond it was jostled a little also.

Megan could feel Charlie’s cock doing a bit of rearranging of her internal organs but it wasn’t painful, it was somehow pleasurable and it would remain so as long as he didn’t go any deeper. She felt his knot beginning to form and debated as to whether she should allow him to lock her up, but the stimulation of it plowing through her vaginal lips felt too good to restrict so she didn’t tighten her pussy muscles in an attempt to deny him his rights. She even encouraged him. “Put your knot into me, Baby,” she hissed softly.

Charlie did exactly as Megan desired and soon his knot slipped past her vaginal lips one last time. He felt the pussy muscles contract and then he was locked within his female. He thrust slower now, just enough to keep the stimulation up and soon he was pouring his seed into the girl over and over again. It was a glorious release.

Megan had orgasmed several times as Charlie fucked her and still he kept going. It was like a rollercoaster with several peaks and valleys. The car never stops until the final massive drop. This ride was much the same. The last summit was the highest and as she dropped over the edge her lover stopped moving and she could feel his seed emptying into her. The heat was tremendous and added to everything to else put the icing on the cake; she had never felt so well fucked in all of her very short life. The dog easily made up for all of Derek’s shortcomings.

For the next ten minutes Charlie rested on Megan’s back and she didn’t mind. Her orgasm was waning but the feel of the huge K9 cock that was still stuffed within her pussy was satisfying also. Even as she thought about it she wondered if she would ever be truly satisfied with only a man any more. She knew what it was like with Derek. And although she was sure she shouldn’t judge other guys by his actions she just couldn’t imagine a man stimulating her like her four-footed lover was doing at the moment.

All too quickly, Charlie’s knot shrank and he pulled from his mistress. Gobs of his cum spurted out and ran down her inner thigh. She caught it with the towel that she had there for the occasion and then pulled her panties and shorts into place to catch the rest until she could get to the bathroom and clean up properly. She then walked over to where her lover was licking himself and hugged him. “Thank you, Darling,” she whispered softly as she scratched him between the ears. “You always make Mama feel better.”

With her exercises complete for the day, Megan reorganized the room to its previous condition. She then scampered up the steps to check on Chloe. Her little girl was still napping so she quickly went into the bathroom and prepared to take a shower. She opened the cabinet that held her feminine products and reached for one of the douche kits. Her hand stopped short of taking any because she sensed that something was out of place.

Megan looked at the box that held her feminine products and shook her head. She thought it had been almost full the last time she had seen it. She tried to remember the day before when she had been with Charlie and used one but she was uncertain as to how many kits had remained. She always tried to keep a certain number in the container so that it looked as though it was rarely used. She sighed and then chided herself for not replacing the bottles immediately.

It wasn’t too much longer before Megan was cleaned up and ready to check on Chloe again. She felt content; her need for sexual satisfaction was slaked for the moment. When this had all started and she had become aware that Derek was cheating on her with another woman she had been nearly devastated. Her life with him had never been very romantic or close to begin with but she had hoped that it would change.

It was both her parents and his that had insisted that they get married. The two prestigious families in the small town had orchestrated the whole thing when her pregnancy was discovered. The adults never even asked their children if it was what they wanted; they simply set everything in motion for them and figured that their two offspring would make a go of it from there. An excellent job was created for Derek and a very nice home was provided for Megan: and a new dysfunctional family was born.

Two years had passed and both sets of grandparents doted on their first grandchild but they still had no idea what festered below the surface of Derek and Megan’s marriage. The two never fought about anything, they simply co-existed together in as comfortable a manner as they could. She took care of the home and he did whatever he wanted elsewhere; usually with the boys hunting, fishing and whatever else they could dream up.

It was a year after Chloe’s birth that Megan found out about Derek seeing other women. She was sure that it had been happening for a lot longer than that because even though she was a beauty in any man’s book he very rarely touched her. She was uncertain as to what to do but little by little she began forming a plan.

Megan bided her time and at first she felt alone. Then, Charlie came into the picture; he was a gift from one of Derek’s uncles. He was to be a guard dog for the house and he really did a fair job of it. One look at the huge mostly German Shepherd mutt or the sound of his deep bark was more than enough to intimidate and scare off anyone with the wrong intentions. In fact, ever since other things had transpired he was an even better watchdog than before.


Chapter Three

Catherine had been tired by the time she got home the previous night. Her sexual bout with Charlie was still fresh in her mind and her body remembered it very well. As she gave it more thought she was fairly certain that women could not get pregnant by having sex with animals. She was sure that she would have heard about it more before this if they could. She began chiding herself for even thinking that it was possible and yet there had been something… stimulating about it. The thought of being impregnated by a dog had become heady to her in a way.

Cat had slept well and in her dreams she had even had sex with Charlie again, but it had not been a night-mare. This time she had initiated everything and even when her sister walked in on her and the dog as they were tied she hadn’t flinched at the discovery or been embarrassed in any way.

The young blonde did get on the web in the morning, but it wasn’t spurred on by her fear of being pregnant. What she wanted to know was if any other women had experienced sex between themselves and an animal. What she found amazed her; it was far more prevalent than she realized.

Cat managed to navigate the web and find a whole lot more about women and animals than she ever expected. She even found one site that had pictures of girls and beasts and short video clips also. She had to sign up for a free account on one particular forum but when she did she also had access to a few movies. She watched these with great interest.

Cat managed to view a few of the free teaser clips on the site called Beast Forum. What she saw actually made her anxious to see if she could manage to have Charlie at least lick her to orgasm again; and perhaps even mount her. She knew one thing though; her sister’s dog had fucked her a lot better than most of the animals that she had just seen in the short videos. It was amazing how good he had been at it the very first time.

By the time Cat was done surfing the internet she knew a whole lot more about sex with animals than she did when she had first started. She also knew that even though she wanted to experience a dog again that she would never consider taking on a horse. She wasn’t into having anything that big inside of her. Besides, she wanted an animal she could get close to and K9s to her seemed to be the perfect companion.

Cat lay back on her bed and stroked her t-shirt covered breasts and ran her hand over her panty clad mound. Her thoughts turned to Charlie and how exciting it would be to have him with her now or even at college in the fall. But she also came to a sobering conclusion. The German Shepherd was her sister’s guard dog and she doubted that she would simply give him to her. He was really a very well mannered animal even if he did semi-rape her. She had started it by watching the movie, fingering herself and then allowing him to continue to lick her. And when she had taken most of her clothes off in front of him he did what any male would do; he took advantage of the situation.

It was nearly noon before Cat finally left the house but then she didn’t really have any plans anyway. She had gathered her swimsuit and towel and decided to go to the nearby lake. A lot of her high school friends usually hung out there in the summer and on this particularly hot day she was sure that someone would be there to pal around with and talk to.

When Cat pulled into the parking lot near the huge reservoir the area was nearly full. It was a weekday and with that being the case, there were quite a few people out picnicking and enjoying the fresh air and lake view. She got her things out of the VW and carried them to the sandy beach. There was plenty of room for her there as many of the groups had set their things up in the available covered pavilions.

Cat had a small c-shaped unit that looked like half of an umbrella with a long flap extending out the top. It was easy to set up as long as there wasn’t much of a breeze. Two metal poles were thrust into the sand in front of the unit and held the flap in a way that created shade if you had the unit set up properly.

Cat put everything in her small shelter and then headed for the water. She swam for a while and tried to locate any of her friends that might be there but she found none. There were plenty of unknown guys that ogled her and tried to get her attention in one way or another by showing off but she ignored them. She eventually returned to her shelter and moved her towel into the sunshine. She tanned herself for a few minutes on each side before finally moving into the shade.

The young blonde relaxed for several minutes longer before becoming restless. She eventually packed most of her things up and put them in her car. She looked to her right and noticed the shaded lake trail so she decided to go for a short hike and then come back and see if any of her friends had arrived.

Cat was still wearing her bikini, but she had also donned a semi sheer cover-up that looked like a smock and extended to mid-thigh. She had on a fairly comfortable pair of sandals in which she could walk for several miles without hurting her feet, so she was all set.

The smell of the woods around the lake was a mixture of things and one of them was a very aromatic pine. The area was beautiful and serene. Birds sang and the slight whisper of a breeze was just audible enough to be heard. The reservoir itself came into view and that was when she heard something fairly large running through the forest and it was headed in her direction.

Cat only caught a glimpse of what was making the noise, but she recognized what it was and it was enough to momentarily scare her. The animal was a dog and he was bigger than Charlie: it was a Great Dane to be exact. She wasn’t sure if it was a pure blood but if it wasn’t it carried most of the traits for that type of K9.

The young blonde didn’t have much time to decide what to do. She thought about running toward the water but even that slight hesitation was enough to cause her undoing. Before she was even able to judge the merits of running toward the lake and diving in the huge dog was at her side.

Cat had no idea what kind of demeanor the K9 possessed but she hoped that it was a benign one. The animal was all over her as soon as he got close enough. He was gentle, but he was also a big ox. The young blonde was picking herself up off the ground more than she was standing but none of his actions were meant to hurt her.

After a bit, Cat simply stayed on the ground and tried petting the bruit. It took a while for him to settle down but all the while she was stroking him she began realizing how handsome he really was. Everything about him was appealing and as she became more familiar with him she also noticed his penis was beginning to emerge.

“Oh… you naughty boy,” cooed Cat as several thick inches of phallus came into view. The tease stopped there, but it was enough for the young blonde to make up her mind as to what she wanted to try. ”Let’s see if we can find someplace a little more private,” she added as she stood and began leading the Dane into the deeper woods and away from the trail.

Cat led the huge Dane into the dense foliage and he followed her willingly. She had no idea what he thought that she was up to but her desires were already rising. Even now she could feel herself becoming wet and it was beginning to chafe her that she couldn’t simply remove her bikini bottoms and spread her legs for the dog and see what he would do.

As it was, it took Cat a full five minutes to locate a place that she considered safe for her upcoming experiment. She had no idea how any of this would turn out but she was sure that she wanted to try. Eventually, Cat led the dog into a secluded enough nook within the woods that she began taking her bikini bottoms off.

Once Cat had the bottom half of her swimsuit off, she found a way to lean back against the tilted bole of a downed tree. She then spread her legs and offered her neatly trimmed mound for his inspection. She gently patted her tummy and urged him to partake of what she was offering. “Come here, Boy, come and look at what Cat has for you.”

The huge Dane liked his new companion. He hadn’t drawn any conclusions as to whether it was male or female at first; all he knew was that it had played with him. Now however, he was beginning to smell and sense other things. Things that aroused his basic instincts and informed him that his new friend was a female.

The dog watched as the girl patted her flat belly and the cloying scent of her became even stronger. He was drawn to it and he moved closer to check it out. He sniffed at it tentatively at first but then he tested it with is tongue. As soon as his taste-buds analyzed what was there he became more energized and really began licking.

Cat felt the first few licks and they thrilled her but what followed almost made her cry out in ecstasy. Several of the Dane’s tongue thrusts swiped her from rosebud to clit but they were heavy on the exit and the little clitoris got some extra attention.

The young blonde thought that the last few flicks of The Dane’s tongue were wonderful. But when he began drilling her vaginal chute to depths that hit her G-spot, she really moaned. She even clenched her teeth to keep from crying out.

Catherine experienced two orgasms almost back to back. After the last one she pushed the huge Dane away from her so that she could recover for a few moments. The animal backed off a bit but he didn’t go too far from this unexpected prize. He remained ready at a moment’s notice to begin all over again.

After Cat caught her breath she smiled at the huge animal and then craned her head to the right just a bit and gauged the length of his legs. The Dane was a bit taller than Charlie so she knew that getting on her knees to have him mount her was totally out of the question. This was going to be new and totally different from before. She was going to have to be semi-standing when she tried to let this K9 take her. She wasn’t sure that she could pull it off but she sure wanted to try.

The memory of being fucked by Charlie was still fresh in her mind and now she had a chance to try it with a different dog. She was sure that this animal was every bit as big as her sister’s K9 was in the cock department and that was what she wanted. The only problem was that she should have looked a little closer.

Cat took a deep breath and then turned around. She used the semi-dead bole of the leaning tree to give her support and then bent over in a way that she estimated would present her feminine charms to the huge Dane. It seemed to work beautifully because within moments the dog began licking her again.

The Dane watched as the female in front of him acted like other bitches that he had taken in the past. This one was different, but there were enough semblances for his instincts to tell him how to handle the situation. He took a few more licks and then mounted the light haired girl.

Cat thought that the Dane might lick her into another orgasm and if that was the case, it was fine with her. As it was though she barely received three good lashings when the animal reared up and landed on her back. He grabbed her hips immediately and was soon pulling her toward his pistoning hind quarters. Her breath caught in her throat for a second because she knew that momentarily she was going to be fucked again.

“That’s it Doggy,” urged Cat as she felt the first warm nudges of the K9’s cock as it brushed close to her woman hood, “get closer and stick your hot little wiener in me.”

Within two more thrusts, Cat got some of what she wished for and she was very pleased with the outcome of it all. She wasn’t too stressed in her efforts to align herself with the huge animal so she was beginning to enjoy it all. It remained that way for several seconds after her initial evaluation; and then the Dane began shoving more of his very respectable cock into her tight confines.

“Oh god, oh god… he’s bigger that I first thought,” groaned Cat as the Dane’s massive penis jammed against the bottom of her vaginal chute and then tried to keep going. “Oh my god,” she continued, “this big boy is going to fuck me to death right here. His cock is going to rip me apart and I’m going to die.”

Cat tried to get away, but the Dane had her pinned against the tree now. Her breasts were pressed on either side of the leaning bole and there was nowhere for her to go. She was stuck there for the duration of this animal’s lust and she was going to have to take whatever it was that he dished out. Not only that, but she was going to have to suffer in silence also. She could yell for help… but then someone might find her being fucked to death by the dog and neither prospect seemed pleasant to her at the moment.

The young blonde felt her insides being jostled about in ways that she never imagined possible. The Dane’s huge cock was really doing a number on her. It was a mixture of pain and pleasure and fortunately for her there was more good than bad. She thought she could handle it and was going to make it but then she felt the knot beginning to form. Even in her pre-delirium she had forgotten about it.

Cat was panting as the knot began to form. And even as it plowed through her vaginal lips several time she knew that she had to do something to keep the Dane from locking the huge ball in her body. She tried to squeeze pussy muscles shut, but they were already stretched to their limit in simply trying to keep her from being ripped apart.

The huge Dane was having a hard time getting his knot into the bitch one last time. He gave a few extra thrusts with his hips in quick repeated motions and was finally rewarded with what he had wanted. The female beneath him shrieked but then became still. Evidentially she had finally accepted what he wanted to do to her so he kept going. His pace slowed dramatically and he began pumping load after load into the bitch that was going to be the mother of his puppies.

Cat tried her hardest to keep the Dane from locking his knot in her but in the end she failed. She finally screamed out for help but it was too late. Her entire bodily system seemed to go into overload as she felt the dog’s bulbous node finally plow through her outer defenses and it was the last that she remembered for a while.

The huge Dane panted as he waited for his knot to subside. It took about ten minutes. He became agitated though when he heard his name being called and as soon as he could he pulled free of the female that he had just mated. It wasn’t an easy pull out and the effort caused the bitch to slump from where she semi-stood and crumple to the ground at the foot of the tree bole.

The dense ferns and other prevalent planes hid Catherine’s body from anyone who did not come within thirty feet of her; so she went undiscovered by the owners of the huge Dane. “There you are, Oscar, you bad boy,” said the female owner as the dog bounced playfully toward her. “You had me worried there. I’ve been looking for you for almost an hour.”

The woman turned and began walking toward the campground where they were staying for a week. As her dog walked beside her she finally looked down and noticed that Oscar’s cock was sticking out a bit and that there was quite a bit of fluid around it. “Oh… I see what you were up to now,” she chided the Dane, “you found some willing female to fuck, didn’t you?” She chuckled at the thought of that and then added. “Next time though I want to be there when you nail your next bitch. I want to see my boy putting his puppies in the little tramp.”

The huge dog and thirty year old owner were soon gone from the area and the very attractive brunette had no idea that the tramp that she had mentioned had only two legs. Truth-be-told she would have been just as happy to see that kind of show as the one that she had assumed had happened. She had heard of women and animals getting it on, but she had never witnessed it. And she was too scared of Oscar’s size to ever try it herself. However, in the coming weeks that would change. Her K9 would remember his first strange bitch and eventually try her on for size.

Cat had no idea how long she lay at the base of the dead tree but she was fairly certain that it was over an hour. She looked around quickly for the dog but he was gone. She inspected herself next and was totally relieved to see that there was no blood. Her belly was sure bloated though and her brutalized pussy oozed his sperm. The huge Dane had definitely fucked her royally and then put her lights out. To a point she chided herself for doing what she did with a dog she hardly knew but it didn’t quell her desire to try it again with a smaller partner.

Cat found her Bikini bottoms and put them on. The crotch was almost immediately soaked with the dog’s leaking cum. She couldn’t really see it because of the darkness of the material but she could definitely feel it. She looked at her normally flat belly and was surprised to see that she had a slight bulge there; she actually looked as though see was several months pregnant.

The young blonde decided to head toward the lake and see if she could clean herself up a bit. Her sheer cover-up helped to conceal almost everything completely: but she began noticing a few minor abrasions here and there on her normally blemish free skin. The Dane had pinned her against the tree and the rough bark had chaffed her in several places. All in all though, she felt good about it all.

Cat arrived at the lake’s edge and waded into the water. Her current location was not considered a normal swimming area. The trees almost came up to the shoreline and there was very little beach. By the time she did step into water that was deep enough to allow her to flush her vaginal mound it had begun leaking so profusely that it was almost running down her legs.

Looking around carefully to be certain that there were no spectator to what she was about to do, Cat cupped her one hand rammed the clear fluid of the lake against the crotch of her bikini bottoms. She did this several times until she was satisfied that it was free of the doggy residue. She then carefully pulled her bottoms down far enough to free one foot and give her access to her neatly trimmed mound.

By now, Cat was in water up to her hips and just deep enough that it was impossible to tell that she had her bikini down to her one ankle unless you were standing very close to her. Once more she slowly sloshed water against her feminine mound in order to clean it out. She felt the cooler water enter her warmer interior. She even pushed on her tummy several times was not too surprised when a viscous substance spurted out of her and mixed with the lake.

Cat continued to flush herself out until she was satisfied that most of the Dane’s seed was out of her. Her belly was already beginning to flatten out again as she re-donned her bikini bottoms. “Sorry to disappoint you doggy,” she whispered softly as she waded ashore, “but this is one bitch that you are not going to have any puppies with. I must say though that you sure gave it a good try. God… I didn’t realize that your cock was so big or I probably wouldn’t have offered myself to you.”

By the time Cat got back to the parking area her cover-up was almost dry. She didn’t even bother to see if any of her friends had finally arrived. She got her beach towel out and covered her seat with it; making sure that there were at least four layers of material on the bottom. She had leather seats in the VW but she still wanted to protect them in case there was any more drainage from her recent lover.


Chapter Four

Several days passed before Cat managed to see her sister again. She hadn’t tried out any new four-footed lovers since the lake incident; her poor little pussy had been sore for almost that length of time. She hadn’t even been able to get a dildo inside of her battered kitty until just that morning.

Cat figured that Derek would be gone at this time of day and his automobile was not here so she didn’t hesitate to go to the front door and try to enter. It was locked so she wrapped on the door lightly so that her sister would hear her and yet she would not disturb Chloe if she was sleeping. When she received no response it puzzled her but then she figured that her sister might be on the back patio.

The young blonde went around the side of the house and entered the gate to the back yard. She was soon standing on the back deck and staring at an empty yard: the puzzlement returned. She was sure that Megan was home and she began to worry. What if Derek had done something to her sister? What if???

Cat tried the huge sliding door and when it opened, she entered. The cool quietness of the house sent shivers up her spine. She called her sisters name softly at first; but the longer she received no response the more she increased the volume of her voice until she was nearly yelling in panic. Her anxiety didn’t stop until her slightly older carbon copy suddenly emerged from the rec. room.

“Cat, what’s the matter?” exclaimed Megan as she and Charlie left the game and exercise room. The slightly older blonde looked as though she had truly been working out. But the truth was that she and huge Shepherd had just finished making love. They had still been tied when she heard her sister yelling her name. She had been forced to separate from him prematurely and it had stung a little to accomplish the task. “I was using the exercise machines and didn’t hear you at first,” she added almost breathlessly.

Catherine sighed with relief when she saw her sister. “I’m sorry, Megan, I didn’t mean to scare you but I was a little frightened myself. When you didn’t answer your front door I went to the back because I knew that you were here. I found the slider unlocked and entered, but the house was as quiet as a tomb. I called out to you and eventually began yelling because I thought that you might be hurt or something.”

Megan looked at her sister quizzically. “Why would I be hurt?” she asked.

Cat didn’t beat around the bush when it came to her sister. “Because, I don’t trust Derek! Especially after what you told me the other night. I’ve seen the way he looks at you when your back is turned. I don’t think he realizes that I have noticed it but I did. He’s like a snake watching his prey and simply waiting for the most opportune moment to strike.”

Megan chuckled. “I know I told you some of my plans because of Derek running around on me with some other woman but I doubt that he would try to outright hurt me,” she stated.

The look of disbelief on Cat’s face was very evident. “Just be careful,” she warned her sister.

“I’ll be careful,” said Megan in a voice that tried to allay her sister’s fears, “now, let’s get something to drink,” she added. “I’m parched after the work out that I just had.”

Cat had been watching her sister closely as she spoke; trying to judge how seriously she was really taking the warning about Derek. What the young blonde saw though was something different; especially when Megan mentioned the work out. She also glanced at Charlie because she hoped that he would not do anything embarrass like try to sniff at her crotch. What she saw surprised her though. The huge Shepherd was in the corner and licking himself; just like he had when he had fucked her a few days earlier.

Dawn came swiftly to Cat’s understanding of things. When Charlie had molested her the other night it was because he was already familiar with the human female form. She was sure that she probably smelled differently than her sister but they still looked a whole lot alike. He probably thought that she was Megan at first. It was no wonder that he fucked her so well and made her cum so many times.

The grin on Cat’s face broadened as she thought about her sister kneeling under Charlie as he mated her. It would almost be like looking in a mirror as it happened but there would be no sensation of being made love to. Still… just the likelihood of someday seeing it happen made her desire it even more.

Megan didn’t really ask Cat what she wanted to drink. She assumed that it would be tea and she wasn’t wrong. Her sister took the offered beverage with a smile and a thank you. But she too knew her sibling quite well. The smile on Cat’s face denoted more than the younger blonde was outwardly saying. “What’s with the Cheshire Cat grin?” the young mother finally asked.

Cat was somewhat caught off-guard but she tried to recover. “Oh, I was just thinking how cool it was to have a sister like you,” she said as she raised her glass of tea in the form of a toast. And then she added. “To us!”

Megan smiled but didn’t press her sister any further. She was certain that there was a whole lot more to the Cheshire Grin than pure sisterly love. They had always had a very close relationship, even when she had become pregnant. She wracked her brain as to what the smirk really meant but she was nowhere close to the truth. She wouldn’t learn what it was all about for several days yet.

After Cat had a nice visit with her sister she said her good-bys and left. She hadn’t driven too far before the thoughts of Megan offering herself to Charlie resurfaced again. She felt her pussy twitch as images of dogs mounting women flooded her musings. In the end she knew that she had to do something about it.

Even as Cat drove, her eyes cast about the immediate area for a perspective four-footed lover. She saw a lot of smaller K9s but nothing that matched Charlie’s size. In the end she pulled into her driveway with an unfulfilled yearning.

When Cat walked into the kitchen area, her mother noticed that something was bothering her daughter almost immediately. “What’s the matter, Honey, you have been moping about the house for several days now?”

Cat looked at her mother and sighed. “I was just thinking about when I go away to college. And I was wondering how safe it will be. I’ve heard a lot of stories lately concerning girls being away at school and guys trying to take advantage of them.”

Jessica Carter looked at her daughter. She knew that Catherine was very cautious when it came to boys; especially since the incident with Megan. “Are you really that worried about it?” she asked.

Cat said nothing but her nodding head and solemn look was answer enough.

Jessica nodded then also. “Alright,” she responded, “I think I have the answer to your dilemma. I’ve noticed that ever since your sister got that Shepherd from Derek’s uncle that she seems a lot more at ease. And I’m sure that it has to do with feeling safer around the house while her husband is away. Do you think that having a dog would make you feel more secure?”

Cat brightened immediately but she tried to curb her excitement. “Uhhh… yeah, I think that an animal like Charlie would definitely make me feel more at ease when I’m away at shcool.”

“Well, In that case I think I’ll call Ellen,” said Jessica.

“Who’s Ellen?” asked Cat.

“Oh, you probably don’t know her,” replied Jessica, “but she’s a good friend of mine from my school days. Her family runs a huge kennel. If I remember right she told me that they specialize in the larger breed of dogs.

After one quick call, Jessica and Catherine were on their way to the Berkshire Kennels. They were impressed with what they saw. The place was huge and well kept. The animal pens were spacious and there was an obvious training facility in conjunction with everything else.

Jessica had barely parked the car when she saw Ellen walking toward her and Catherine. Her friend was the same age as she was but was definitely several pounds slimmer. She looked almost like she did when they had graduated from high school. As the kennel owner drew closer it became a little more obvious that she had aged a bit but she was still in excellent shape.

Ellen greeted Jessica in a manner that was reminiscent of a long term friendship; and it had been. Before the girls had graduated they had spent many years together. They had even been cheerleaders from the same school. It was how they had met their respective mates; but it was also why they had not seen each other in several years. Once they had married and had children they became too busy in their immediate lives to stay in close contact.

After the introductions and apologies for not getting together sooner were over, Ellen began showing them around. She asked what they were looking for in a dog. After hearing Catherine explain what she hoped for without mentioning a certain breed, the lithe brunette kennel owner nodded. “I think that I have the exact K9 that you need,” she said.

Catherine’s excitement began to escalate. She smiled as they walked toward where the German Shepherds were quartered. Her elation vanished though when they passed the last pen that housed that breed of dog and moved on. She was just about to ask Ellen where they were going when a sign answered her question. Belgian Malinois, what in the world was that?

Ellen led Jessica and Catherine into a large enclosure. Inside separate pens were several male Belgian Malinois that watched them intently. The young blonde did a double take. As far as she was concerned these animals looked just like Shepherds; but she would soon learn the difference.

“Usually,” began the kennel owner, “I like to pair younger animals to their potential owners. But after listening to what you told me that you were looking for I thought of the Belgians. I’m sure that Catherine does not want to train a puppy, so I offer you the choice of one of these first. If none of them please you, then we’ll move on.

Ellen then told Catherine to move close to the pens and walk slowly in front of them. When she did, most of the dogs did absolutely nothing. One of them however arose and strode forward to check her out in more detail. When he did, the young blonde noticed his distinct colorization and it appealed to her.

The kennel owner smiled as she saw the interaction between Catherine and the Malinois. She stepped closer to the door and asked the young blonde the obvious question. “Would you like to really meet him?” asked Ellen.

Cat was nearly beaming as she told Ellen that she wanted to see more of the fair sized K9. As the gate was opened she was told by the kennel owner that this particular dog had not yet reached his full potential in size, but that he was exceptionally intelligent; even to the point of problem solving.

The Belgian Malinois moved close to Cat and when she knelt beside him he sniffed her a few times and then licked her hand and cheek. The quick kiss on the cheek caught her by surprise but it was also meaningful. It was easy to see that this particular animal had chosen her and she was equally impressed. “I want him,” whispered the young blond softly, “I think he’ll be perfect for what I need,” she added.

While Cat stroked the large animal’s head and shoulders, Ellen told her about that particular breed of K9. “The Belgian Malinois is a striking dog, wearing a short fawn to mahogany coat with a black overlay. It has prick ears, dark eyes and a keen expression that mark it as an intelligent working dog. It bears some resemblance to the German Shepherd but they are quite different when you see them side by side. Its grooming needs are minimal, requiring only a weekly brushing. The Mal stands up to 26 inches at the shoulder and is best suited to a large home with a yard. They are loyal and trustworthy and make ideal family pets in situations where it can receive a moderate amount of exercise. And they are also excellent watchdogs.”

“Oh, I should be able to give him plenty of exercise,” Murmured Cat thinking of not only the in-home activities that she had planned; but also being able to take him where ever she went. She was enthralled with this animal. She didn’t simply want to use him for her satisfaction; she wanted to provide him with the best home possible.

“So… what are you going to call him?” asked Ellen, fairly certain that Jessica was going to buy the Malinois for her daughter.

“He looks like a Prince to me,” offered Jessica.

Cat looked at her mother and then back at the Malinois. “Yeah, he does look like a Prince,” she added. “But Prince is too short for a pedigreed name. I think it should be more like Prince Caspian,” she intoned with finality.

There wasn’t really any haggling over the price of the animal. Ellen gave them a very good deal simply for the fact that Jessica had been an old but very special friend. They even made plans to get back together again now that they had more time on their hands. The two of them had actually been a lot closer than anyone ever knew, and in seeing each other again it had brought back many fond memories.

When Jessica and Catherine brought Prince Caspian home, it was a shock to Mr. Carter. For the most part though it had to be said that Jason handled it all very well. Cass, as Cat had already nicknamed him, although large, was very well behaved. He made no messes in the house and when he needed to go out he let them know. It all worked very well from the very first day.

Cat was true to the promises that she made to her mother concerning Caspian. Except for the fact that he was a very visible member of the household at the moment, Jessica didn’t have to lift a finger to do anything for the animal. His food, water, and grooming were completely taken care of. The transition to having this particular animal in the house was insignificant.

Cat allowed Cass to get acclimated to his new surroundings before she initiated anything. It wasn’t easy having an animal that was such a fine looking stud, and considered her pet, and not be able to do anything with him. She hungered for the moment that she and her K9 would be alone long enough for her to see how truly compatible they were.

The time for lusty exploration finally arrived a few days after Caspian became a member of the household. Mr. and Mrs. Carter left one morning to go to a city wide fundraiser. They didn’t expect to return until later that evening. Cat was thrilled at the news and it was all she could do to keep from ushering her parents out the door and slamming it shut behind them.

By now it had been well over a week since the incident at the lake with the Dane and Catherine was very hot to trot. She only worried about one thing as she finally led Caspian to her bedroom and shut the door; would he be a good lover? Would he be interested in her or would she have to coax him to do everything.

Cat locked her bedroom door just in case. You could never be too careful when it came to making love to an animal; especially if you wanted it to remain a secret. She knew that no one would understand her feelings on the subject; except maybe her sister: and with that thought a huge smile played across her lips. They truly were two of a kind separated only by time.

Cat began removing her clothes. She had done it many times in front of Cass already, but this time she planned to call his attention to it. She was going to be totally naked in front of him and then arouse herself in a way that would hopefully intrigue him. She wanted her heated scent to draw them together and spark an intimacy between then that would culminate in intercourse.

Once Cat was naked she called Cass to her and proceeded to rub as much of her bare flesh against him as possible. As she did it she had no idea whether or not he was getting turned on, but she sure was. She could feel her pussy becoming wet with excitement.

Eventually, Cat got up and sat at the very edge of her bed. She kept her feet sped and she leaned back slightly. She allowed the fingers of her left hand to play across her taut brown nipples while the fingertips of her right hand sought out her clitoris.

Cat gently stroked the crease of her vagina and allowed her finger to barely touch the sensitive nub. Her eyes closed at the blissful feel of it all. Her breathing became deeper and she was just about to see if she could get Cass interested in what she was doing when she was startled and her eyes snapped open.

“Good Boy,” cooed Cat as she realized that Cass had smelled her heated scent and decided to join in. “Lick me Darling, make me cum and then I’ll show you something that will bring us closer together than ever.”

Caspian didn’t really need an instructor when it came to where to lick. He was truly new to this type of behavior but what he tasted coming from his mistress was more than enough to lead him onward. As for the rest, he simply tried to get every delicious drop that he could from the beautiful blonde and he heard no complaints from her.

Cat was ecstatic as she felt Caspian’s tongue delving into her depths in a way that blasted her to her first orgasm a whole lot sooner than she expected. She writhed on the edge of the bed and finally had to slip off the mattress and hold her new found lover’s neck until she could gather her wits about her.

When Cat was finally able to move again she began caressing the large K9. She then got on her knees and hugged him and even kissed him. She looked into his eyes and told him exactly what she was going to do next. He really didn’t understand her either, but when he saw her present herself to him so basic instinct took over and allowed him to do exactly the right thing.

“Come on Cass…” was all the further Cat got in her plea before she felt the K9 mount her. The large Belgian Malinois grabbed her hips and pulled them together in a way that aligned them perfectly. The first hot strike of his phallus missed by mere fragments of an inch; but the next one was dead on. She hadn’t even really seen his cock during the previous days but when it entered her she knew that she had a winner.

Cat moaned pleasurably as Caspian’s heated cock sank deeper into her depths with each thrust of his hips. She wasn’t entirely sure about its size but she guessed that it was every bit as big as Charlie’s, and perhaps bigger. But at least it wasn’t as big as the Dane’s at the lake. This she could savor and enjoy without risking the plight of being fucked to death.

Caspian didn’t seem to mindlessly ram her like she had seen in several of the movies. His thrusts were more meaningful. His cock slid in and out of her several inches at a time and it nudged her interior in a way that pleased her. Could it be that this was not just sex to him either? Was it already possible that they could be paired together in a way that was inexplicable?

In a way, Cat really hoped that this was the case. It was true that Cass wasn’t her first, but now that they had found each other she didn’t plan on looking elsewhere ever again. As she savored the feel of his cock rutting in her depths she thought about everything that had drawn them together and she pledged to be faithful to him. It was true that she had never been with a guy, but even now as her loving K9 set his knot in her she didn’t plan to even look. Caspian was her chosen mate and that would never change.

Cat felt Caspian’s hot seed spurt into her deepest recesses. Shot after shot caromed against the back wall of her vaginal chute and she was able to count at least eight distinct eruptions. The continued filling of her reproductive system receiving his sperm sent her over the edge repeatedly. It was like a cascade of orgasms and they were set off and enhanced by the thought that Cass was trying to impregnate her. He was holding her tight, and his head was resting on her right shoulder in an intimate way. She could even feel his hot breath on her cheek as he panted and it totally turned her on.

“Oh Caspian,” she murmured as he held her, “fuck your puppies into me Darling. Fuck me so good that your seed never sees the light of day ever again.”

Who knows what words Caspian really understood? One thing seemed certain though, he understood Catherine’s body language; and later her deepest desires and feelings. As they were tied there was a joining of thoughts and emotions that words could not express.

Cat knew immediately that other bouts with Charlie and the Dane were purely of a sexual nature. But this… this was so different. She had hoped to find a competent lover but what she was experiencing as she and Caspian made love already reached far beyond that. “Oh, Cass…,” she whispered intimately, “I really do wish that I could have your puppies.”


Chapter Five

Catherine had no idea how much time passed as she knelt beneath Caspian, and in a way it didn’t really matter. All she knew was that she was enjoying the feel of his hot K9 cock nestled deep within her. She felt full and it was pleasant. She ducked her head a bit and looked between her hanging mounds to see her lover’s balls pressed firmly against her vaginal mound and she relished the thought that his doggy-hood was buried to the hilt inside her body.

She moaned pleasurably and then noticed that several small drips of his and her fluids were beginning to form near her clit. It was both exciting and yet sad to see it. His sperm was in her as evident by the seepage, but it was also about ready to come back out of her.

Cat tried to clench her pussy muscles and keep as much of his seed in her as possible but when Caspian’s knot shrank to a certain point there was no stopping the ultimate outcome. Within moments, his still respectably sized cock pulled from her and an instant emptiness set in.

Catherine groaned again but this time it was with a mixture of both pleasure and regret. The feel of Caspian’s cock moving in her was what triggered the blissful feelings, but the loss of his hot muscle within her core triggered the longing to be filled again as soon as possible. This had been their first time together and already the young blonde wanted her K9 lover to mount her anew.

Once Caspian had extracted himself from his mate he began immediately to clean her up. It was almost more than she could withstand as his tongue bathed her sensitive vaginal tissues. Eventually she had to push him away but she did it in a manner that was gentle. She praised him for his thoughtfulness and hugged him close.

It took a while for the euphoria to ebb to a point that she felt like moving. Cat eventually got off the thickly padded floor and stood. She watched as Cass began cleaning himself and it amazed her that he was still so big. She was sure that he had diminished in size in order to pull out of her but just the thought that his cock, even the size that it was now, had been in her, sent lustful shivers through her.

Cat went to Caspian’s side once more and knelt beside him. She hugged him and caressed his shoulders, belly and flank. “I really do love you, Cass. And I hope that you know it,” she said softly as she gazed into his eyes.

Before Cat could do anything else, Caspian leaned forward and kissed her in a way that seemed uncommon for a mere dog. He didn’t just lick her face, it was s distinct kiss and there was no other way to interpret what it was. And it both pleased and surprised the young blonde because it was totally appropriate for what she had just said to him.

Languidly, Cat finally got up and took a shower. She bathed slowly, allowing the water to flow over her and caress her skin. She looked through the frosty glass door that enclosed the unit and saw Caspian sitting there, waiting for her, guarding her. When she was done she stepped from the shower stall and as she dried herself off she noted how her protector watched her. It didn’t seem to be the disinterested gaze of an ordinary dog; there was more, she was sure of it.

Cat reached out and caressed Caspian’s head as she strode by him on the way to her bedroom. She noted that after she passed him that he fell in behind her and followed as closely as the semi-narrow hallway would allow.

Even as Cat dressed to go to her sister’s, Caspian was vigilant. It was like he never let his guard down. He sat like a sentinel near her door and his very demeanor was one that exuded the fact that she was his and he was her protector. No harm would ever come to her as long as he was around.

Cat finally made it out of the house, but she also made sure that she took some of Caspian’s food with her. Her sister knew that they were coming for a visit but she had no idea exactly how long she would be there. She wanted to be sure that all was in order just in case it turned out to be hours. She even took her swimsuit. She was sure that her sister would offer her the use of one of hers but there was no real need if she went prepared.

Cat had Caspian in the back seat of the VW. She would have loved to have him in the passenger seat but he was too big to safely drive with him there. Even the thought of him becoming hurt in a minor mishap sent shivers through her being. She did roll the windows down though and watch as he enjoyed the air as it rushed by the speeding car.

When Cat got to her sister’s house it was almost like déjà-vu all over again; only the K9’s presence changed anything. Derek’s car was gone but Megan’s VW was there. The front door was locked and there was no response to the light to medium tapping she did on the door’s knocker plate. She sighed heavily and then headed for the side gate to the back yard; Caspian followed right beside her.

Once more the yard back yard and pool area was empty of any living thing except one frisky red squirrel that seemed to ignore them completely as he scampered about. They were too far away for him to be unduly concerned with them at the moment but he was wary of their presence; especially the large four-footed one.

Cat tried the sliding glass door and to her relief she found that it was open. As she entered the cooler interior of the house she found that it was impossible to disassociate this time with the last time she had been there. On this occasion however she was not fearful. What she felt instead was a naughty sexual hunger. She had never really thought of herself as a voyeur, but the image of her sister making love to Charlie came to mind and she wanted to see it.

The young blonde turned to Caspian and put her right index finger to her lip as though he would completely understand the gesture. She then stealthy walked toward the game room where Megan had been last time. She pressed her right ear to the door and listened intently. She distinctly heard the sounds of her sister moaning in pleasure even over the radio music that was playing in the background. Her sibling’s voice was barely audible but she was sure that she heard something about Charlie’s licking expertise. It was then that she quickly formulated a plan.

Catherine moved quickly from the door and re-entered the kitchen area near the back sliding door. She then called out to her sister in a voice that she was sure would be heard. “Megan, I’m here, and I have someone I want you to meet.”

While Cat waited for her sister to come out to the game room; she got a bowl out of the cupboard for Caspian and filled it with water. She then helped herself to some of her sister’s ever-present tea. She was in the process of pouring two glasses full of the liquid when Megan entered the room.

“Having a good work-out?” asked Cat as she handed her obviously flustered sister a glass of tea.

“Uhhh… yeah,” responded Megan.

“Cool, because I really want you to show me what you do. I know that when I go to school that I’ll need to keep in shape like you do so I could really use some pointers as to how to get started,” teased Cat, very aware that her sister was on pins and needles at the moment. “But first, I want you to meet Prince Caspian. I sure that mom already filled you in on a few things about him.”

“Uhhh, yeah… she did,” responded Megan in a slightly calmer voice. “She said that he wasn’t a Shepherd but at first glance he sure looks like one.”

“Where’s Charlie, we’ll have them sit side by side and then you’ll notice the difference.” Offered Cat.

Megan looked at Cat warily. “Are you sure that it will be okay? I mean… they are both big animals. I left Charlie in the game room because I was fairly certain that you were bringing your dog over here to show me.”

Catherine really wanted the meeting between the animals to go well; her future plans hinged on it. “Charlie’s a big pussy cat and Caspian is very gentle. You go in and hold your dog, and I’ll hold mine. I really want to see how they interact.”

Megan entered the game room carefully, leaving just enough space for herself to squeeze through the doorway. She then got a hold of Charlie’s collar and held it tight. When she was ready she called out to Catherine and her sister entered the room with Caspian in tow. The dogs were a bit anxious and did the usual sniffing of each other but beyond that their interest in their fellow K9 dwindled quickly.

“Wow, that’s cool,” said Cat as she released Caspian’s collar.

Both dogs settled in easily. Charlie meandered off to one of the corners and lay down but Caspian sat almost at attention at his mistress’ side. The stance that he took was not missed by either of the sisters. “Talk about cool,” offered Megan, “when you go away to school this fall you won’t have to worry about guys getting any wrong ideas about getting close to you. Not with him beside you!”

A little more small talk ensued and then Cat asked her sister about her work-out regimen. It was easy to see that the older sister had semi-dreaded this particular moment. The truth was that Megan had no routines of any sort. She should have been more careful and planned better but she never thought that anyone would really call her on this particular detail.

Cat finally smiled at her sister and was honest with her. “I… have a very good idea how you accomplish your… exercise,” she began. “I’ve known about it since the last time I was here.”

Megan’s intake of her next breath was audible to say the least and her natural hue became a whole lot redder. “I can explain,” she finally began weakly as she realized that her secret was out. She remembered to look on her sisters face when she last visited and now she knew why the look was there.

“Megan, there is nothing to explain,” interrupted Catherine. “There is no way in the world that I would ever judge you for it. In fact, I’ll hopefully ease your guilt by saying that Caspian and I have also been together; and I love it.”

Megan looked somewhat relieved. “You mean you don’t think I’m some depraved slut…”

“Not at all!” interrupted Catherine once more. Like I said, I’ve been with Cass, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I might not broadcast it to others but I sure have no intention of stopping.” She didn’t add the fact that Charlie had initiated her hunger, or that she tried on a Dane that nearly tore her up. All Megan had to know was that her sister was on her side.

Once Megan was breathing normally again she began to open up about how it had all started. She told Catherine about how she was trying to relive an especially stressful day. The day she found out that Derek was truly cheating on her. She didn’t realize that Charlie would play such a significant roll, but he did and it had been that way ever since. She then turned to her sister and asked her what started it for her.

Catherine hated to lie, but this was one time that she did. It was more an omission than anything; she simply erased Charlie and the Dane from the picture; after all, neither of them would tell on her. That was the beauty of having a dog for a lover. I had heard about women and animals having sex before from some idle talk with the other girls in school. And when I saw you several days ago after your exercise, I put it all together. It began to intrigued me so I looked it up on line. And then when mom proposed getting a dog for me for when I went to school jumped at it.

“Wow, I guess we are still alike then,” opined Megan.

“More than ever,” added Cat, “in fact, I know that I interrupted your daily exercise routine so I was wondering if you might like to exercise together this time.”

“Really?” asked Megan at the thought of seeing her younger sister being fucked by her dog. It would be perfect actually; almost like watching yourself in the mirror because they were so alike.

“Oh yeah,” intoned Cat as she walked to the room door and closed it. The sound of the lock snapping into place came next and then she began shedding her clothes. “We might want to hurry it along a bit though so that we are not disturbed by Chloe waking up from her nap.”

Megan joined Catherine in a quick striptease and in moments both sisters stood naked. They moved toward the center of the room and called their dogs to them. There was little hesitation on the K9’s part and Charlie went to the elder sister as he was supposed to. He was smart enough to know which female truly belonged to him.


Chapter Six

The two young blonds made a striking pair as the knelt almost facing each other. Their positions were now perfect for them to look into each other’s eyes as they were being mated; and yet they would also be able to see a semi-profile of their sister mounted by a dog and being screwed royally. It didn’t get much hotter than this.

Both Catherine and Megan coaxed their K9s into position by patting their sleek derrieres a few times. It was all the encouragement the boys needed and almost in unison the girls were mounted. Charlie was actually the first to stab his hot shaft into his mate, but Caspian was not far behind.

Both girls groaned their pleasure as they were seemingly ravaged by the two animals. In a way it almost seemed like a contest between the boys as to which of them would be able to make their female cum first. The Dogs slammed the girls mercilessly and although Megan and Cat shrieked as they were being fucked they would not have wanted it to be any other way. At least not this time.

Over and over both girls used the same terms to describe how their dog was taking them. They were so deep, so hot, and so magnificently virile. It didn’t change until Cat moaned her desire to become pregnant and carry Caspian’s puppies in her belly.

Megan looked over at Cat instantly and what she saw was her sister arching back in a way that would allow Caspian the fullest penetration possible. Her sister’s eyes were closed at the moment but the look on her face left little doubt that what she had said was coming from her heart. If it were possible she was sure that Catherine would become pregnant by her dog and carry the litter to term.

“Whoa,” murmured Megan as she thought about it, “that is so hot,” she continued as she thought about it. She had never felt that way about Charlie; he was simply a means to an end. She really liked him and cared about him or she wouldn’t have allowed him to keep screwing her. But to desire his offspring was something different.

Further thought along that line were short-circuited for Megan as another orgasm claimed her attention. She blasted through it and was on her way to another when Charlie’s knot finally became too big to allow it to continue bullying its way through her pussy lips. She clamped down on him with her lower muscles and captured him. All he could do now was rock into her gently but that was still sufficient enough to disturb her inner core.

Megan orgasmed again as Charlie’s seed poured into her. The thought of somehow being impregnated by him began to germinate and make what she was feeling even better. “It would serve Derek right if I got pregnant by you,” she cooed softly as his cock continued to twitch within her. “You make me feel more like a woman than he ever did.”

Catherine didn’t hear everything that Megan was whispering to Charlie; she had been too busy letting Caspian know how much she appreciated what he was doing to her. Once his knot got big enough to lodge within her the last time she was in orgasm city; many miles from anything earthly. All she knew was that her chosen mate was filling her with his seed in an attempt to make her pregnant and that was all that mattered to her.

She felt every spurt of his precious life giving fluid as it blasted out of his hot cock and entered her depths. She willed it to enter her uterus and find its way to her fallopian tubes. She could even sense it as it did this and she prayed that there would be an egg there for it to fertilize. She wanted to bear Caspian a puppy if at all possible.

The two sisters finally looked over at each other as they knelt there beneath their respective mates. “God, that looks so sexy seeing Charlie mounted on you like that,” muttered Catherine lowly.

“Mmmmm… same here, Sis,” agreed Megan, “I wish I could take pictures of you and Caspian together like you are now. I’d love to photograph your little blonde trimmed pussy with his knot stuck in you.”

Yeah… well I’d like to have a photo of Charlie’s knot stuck in you hot little cunt also,” jibed Cat, “but I’m afraid that someone else might get their hands on them and then blackmail us.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean, Cat,” added Megan. “We’ll just have to satisfy our desires the way we are now. And keep the memories within us.”

Both girls remained tied to their dogs for another ten minutes. They were released by the boys at almost the same time. Charlie however ran to his favorite corner and began cleaning himself up but Caspian began licking Cat’s pussy. It was an act that did not go unnoticed by Megan.

“Boy, I wish Charlie would do that for me,” commented the elder sister as she held a handy towel close to her pussy in an attempt to catch the fluids that were oozing from her feminine slit.

“Caspian seems to do it automatically,” said Cat but then she added. “Have you attempted to train Charlie to do it for you?”

“No, but next time I’m sure going to try,” responded Megan, and then she got her first real look at Caspian’s cock. “Wow…” she exclaimed, “I think you dog’s bone is a bit bigger than Charlie’s.”

“Really,” returned Catherine in as innocent a voice as possible.

“Oh yeah, he’s bigger,” exclaimed Megan. “I’m surprised that you can even take all of him in you.”

“Well. It isn’t easy,” said Cat as she gently rubbed her tummy. “He really crams it into me but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

After that, Catherine grabbed one of the near-by towels. They finished cleaning themselves up and then they carefully opened the room back up. Once they were sure that Derek had not returned home they began talking about their shared experience more freely.

After a bit, Chloe awoke and the two sisters adjourned to the pool area. They had fixed a few snacks and as they lounged in the sun they ate and talked some more. Megan mentioned that she wished she had a safer place to make love to Charlie in but that she couldn’t think of any right off hand.

“Do you have any friends that might feel the same way about their pets as you do?” asked Cat.

“No, none that I can think of,” replied Megan glumly.


Chapter Seven

For slightly over an hour the two young blondes’ and Chloe munched on the snacks, sun-bathed, swam, and then lounged in the shade. Eventually they cleaned everything up and went inside. Once the young tot got back into the house she began playing with her other toys. She hadn’t wanted to leave the pool area but Megan didn’t want to expose her to too much sunshine at any one time; especially this early in the season

Catherine said her good-bys as she hugged her sister and her little niece. She felt bad for them because she knew that everything they currently had was very tenuous. While Chloe continued to play, Megan walked with her sibling to her car. They hugged once more and then Cat hopped into her VW with Caspian once more residing in the back seat. She drove off, waving one last time before disappearing from view.

As Cat drove home she pondered all that had happened at her sister’s house. They both knew that the more Megan made love to Charlie in the game room the greater the chances that she would someday be caught by Derek. It was true at the moment that he never came home early but there was always the chance. What if he decided to return home on a whim and found her sister making love to or even tied to Charlie? There would be no end to the shame he would try to heap on her. And it wouldn’t matter that she had allowed it to happen because of his ongoing extra-marital affairs. The whole situation was totally frustrating.

While the girls tried to find better ways for Megan to have the privacy and safety she needed when she was going to be with Charlie; time passed. A week flew by before they even realized it. In that time, Cat still made love to Caspian daily; but for the young mother it was not as easy any more.

Just the fact that Catherine had found out about herself and Charlie caused Megan a lot of concern. And it didn’t matter that her sister was like mined on the human/animal sexual subject. What if it had been Derek that had come home early and put two and two together as her sister had? It became very evident to the young mother that she had to find a way to alert herself to the fact that someone had even come into the driveway.

Megan searched for an easy to install alarm system that would accomplish what she needed and not cost too much. She was eventually rewarded in her efforts after several days of searching. She then invited her sister over to see what she might think of it. Neither of the girls had any idea how sinister that afternoon would turn out to be.

Catherine had gotten a call from her sister very early in the morning. It seemed than Derek had left for work even earlier than usual and Megan had wanted to be sure that she did not make plans to go anywhere else. With the way things were going on with the married couple her sister was really desiring her company.

Catherine had made plans to do other things that day with Caspian over by the reservoir. The memory of being taken in the woods was still fresh in her mind even though the rest of her had healed. And now that she had a suitable lover she wanted to erase the past and replace it with something better. She could hardly wait to be naked in the forest again and have Cass mount her. However, when Megan called she put most of her itinerary on hold.

Cat rearranged her plans for her sister’s sake, but there was one thing that she would not give up. Her liaison with Caspian was still going to happen; only in a different location. In a way what she had planned would be risky. Her mother would be right down stairs. The young blonde would let her K9 lover have his way with her and she would have to remain silent through all of it; and in a way it would add excitement to their love session.

The young blonde and Caspian both ate breakfast as quickly as possible; it was as if he knew what was to happen next. When her mother asked her what the rush was all about Cat filled her in on her plans for the day. She told her that she had to do some research on the computer for a little while, and then she was going to Megan’s to visit.

Catherin’s mom had merely commented how nice that sounded and then briefly told her that she had plans also. She was going to see Ellen at the kennel again. She did let one thing slip from her lips in almost a whisper. “I never knew how… interesting dogs could be until now.”

Catherine didn’t say anything, but the way her mother sounded and acted at the moment was anything but typical. Usually she didn’t care for animals so this was very puzzling. She made a mental note of it but didn’t ask any questions. She really didn’t want to get tied up in any kind of discussion at the moment. However she did notice one other thing and this she did mention. “Mom, have you been dieting? You look as though you’ve lost a few pounds.”

Jessica smiled and in a way even blushed a bit. “Why, yes I have and thank you for noticing, dear. I have been dieting, but I have also been working out at the kennels with Ellen. It’s very interesting how she trains some of the dogs out there.

It was difficult for Cat to imagine her mother helping Ellen to train the dogs and really loving it; but then so many strange things had happened lately: why not that. In her mind she tried to picture her mother running the animals through the obstacle course. The whole thought lacked something but in a way it did seem very interesting to her. She decided to go back to the kennel soon and see how her mother was handling things first hand.

Once breakfast was over and the dishes were stacked in the washer Cat and Caspian headed back up stairs. As soon as he was through the door she closed it and set the lock. She wasted very little time in stripping off her clothes and was soon sitting at the edge of the bed. She didn’t even have to call the K9 to her; he was there almost s soon as she had settled in.

Cat planned to let Caspian lick her to orgasm first and then slide down to the doggy position. What she didn’t realize was that her K9 lover had other plans. He did lick her for a short time, but then he rose up over her and kissed her.

Catherine chuckled lowly at first and thought how cute it was that he had kissed her. It wasn’t until she felt his hot shaft nudging her vaginal lips that she realized that he had ulterior motives. The first touch had surprised her but the second one made her gasp as several inches of his cock sliced neatly into her depths. “Oh my god that feels good.”

Caspian began thrusting slowly and inch after inch of his phallus slid deeper and deeper into his mate’s heated core. Catherine knew that people made love this way but she had never really thought about it for a woman and a dog. Even the few movies that she had seen had not depicted it this way. She loved it. She looked up at him as he moved within her and the very thought that they were one brought about her first orgasm.

Catherine brought her legs up and over Caspian’s back as she entered the throws of passion. Her mouth opened in a silent scream as she held him tight to her. Their hearts seemed to beat as one and it was almost as though he knew what she desired most because he stopped moving and allowed her to savor the moment.

“Oh Caspian,” Catherine eventually moaned, “I love you, and I don’t ever want to have anyone else. I swear, Sweetheart, if it was possible to have your babies I’d do whatever it took to accomplish it.”

Once the tremors had ebbed, Cat released her legs a bit and Caspian began thrusting into her again. His knot was already set, it had happened when the young blonde beneath him had pulled them so close together. He didn’t move much now and it was more than enough. Jammed against the back wall of her vaginal chute every thrust he made jostled her insides in a way that sent shockwaves through her. And when he began spurting his seed into her she felt every fiery blast.

The exceedingly warm sperm flowing into Catherine’s female reproductive system triggered another orgasm. There was nothing she could do but clutch him close to her again and ride it out. Through squinted eyes she looked up at him and found him looking at her. “You better have made me pregnant this time Caspian,” she hissed softly,” or you are going to have to start fucking me twice a day until you do,”

Both woman and dog seemed frozen in time as his fluids flowed exactly where they were supposed to go. And in the end they found the egg that they were designated to penetrate. Unfortunately for the two lovers though, their DNA did not match and the attempt was futile. But there was a bright side. All in all the delivery had been exquisite and it was something that both of them would remember forever.

The two lovers did not part for nearly fifteen minutes after Caspian had unloaded several ounces of fluid into Cat. When He finally did pull out of her she was pleased to see that her belly was bulging slightly from his seed. She giggled and pretended that what he had done was put an actual baby within her but she knew that it would not last long and that saddened her a bit also.

Catherine took her time in getting up and moving around. Caspian did his usual cleanup but she didn’t try to do anything until his fluids really began to flow out of her. Then she cupped her hand over her mound and made her way to the bathroom. She washed up and sighed sadly as more and more of his seed spilled out of her.

It took several more hours before Catherine was ready to go to her sister’s house but eventually she was on her way. She pulled into driveway and parked in her usual spot. Megan’s car was in the closed garage so only one vehicle was visible to alert anyone that someone was home. She got Caspian out of the car and walked to the front door. She found that her sister was already there to greet her.

“I just put Chloe down for a nap,” offered Megan as she hugged her sister. “I was coming down the steps when I saw you pull in.”

After the hug, Cat was beaming. “Cool,” she returned, “let’s go get something to drink and you can tell me all about the new security system that you found.”

Megan began filling Cat in on what she found. “I should be able to get enough money for the system from what I have saved without drawing Derek’s attention. Not only that, but when Chloe and I leave I’ll also be able to take it with me. I’m fairly certain that I’ll need it where ever I go.”

Cat smiled sympathetically at her sister and then offered. “Hey, when I’m away at college you can always come and visit me. Dad has already set me up with an apartment that is way bigger than I really need. I saw pictures of it on the web. I’m sure we would be able to fit all of you in there too.”

Megan chuckled at her sister’s offer. “You know I just might take you up on that,” she said sincerely. “It’s not like Derek would really care. In fact I’d be surprised if he didn’t take it as an opportunity to throw several parties and invite his current girlfriend over. I can almost picture them now screwing in the master bedroom as though it were and every day occurrence for them to be there.”

“Speaking of romping,” asked Cat, “how have you and Charlie been doing?”

Megan frowned as she looked around furtively. “I’m as horny as a female bitch in season,” she confessed. “Derek hasn’t touched me since before the night you babysat. And lately I’ve become paranoid about using the game room for my sessions with Charlie.”

Cat moved to where her sister stood and put an arm around her shoulder. “In that case I graciously offer you my services. Caspian and I have already been together earlier this morning so we will stand guard for you. I will watch the driveway and if anyone approaches I will warn you immediately.


Chapter Eight

Megan hugged Cat. “You are the best sister that anyone could ever want,” she stated.

Cat smiled. “Well, I can easily say the same thing about you too Sis,” she said meaningfully.

Megan didn’t waste much time after that and very soon she and Charlie were ensconced in the game room. All the shades were still pulled and the door was locked but at least if anyone came by she would save a minute or two to recover.

Megan shucked her garments carefully. She placed them and the towels so that she would be able to get to them quickly if she needed. She then got on her knees and patted her derriere temptingly. “Come on Charlie, Mama needs some loving. I’m sure that Cat and Caspian wish they could be in here also. They are sacrificing their togetherness for us so let’s make it special. We need to fuck each other silly in as short a time as possible.

It was impossible to tell how much of what Megan said was understood by Charlie but in an instant he was on her. He battered her nether region with several hard jabs and she grunted with each impact. She was just about ready to reach back and guide him into her when he connected. The gasp that issued from her than was heard even where Cat and Caspian were sitting.

“Ohhh… it sounds like Charlie found Megan’s pussy that time,” chuckled Cat as she caressed Caspian while watching the driveway. “I wish we could join them even though we made love just a few hours ago. I promise you this though; well do it again tonight even if we have to sneak out of the house and do it in the back yard.”

Megan’s house sat back from the road several hundred feet. While she listened to her sister’s occasional groan of pleasure she stiffened when she saw a dark blue or black vehicle stop near the driveway but then pull away. It wasn’t Derek’s car though so her uneasiness went away to a certain point.

In the game room, Charlie pounded Megan as though he knew they had some kind of time constraints. He rode her through two orgasms before she clamped down on him and locked his knot within her; she couldn’t take any more. Even so, when her K9 lover spewed his sperm into her depths she climaxed one last time.

“That’s it Charlie, fill me with your seed,” cooed Megan. “My husband won’t do it so it’s up to you to satisfy my needs. And I can tell you now that you do a better job of it than he ever did,” she added with a slight bitterness to her voice.

Megan finally sighed contentedly as Charlie sprayed her insides with his hot seed. She could feel the seemingly molten fluids enter her cervix and rush toward her fallopian tubes. She could picture in her mind the squiggly microscopic sperm looking for her egg to fertilize. They would try so hard to break through but she knew that the DNA barrier would deny them the pleasure. It did make her wonder though if anyone was working on a way to cross the species divide. Could they make something that would allow impregnation to happen? She would have to look it up on line the next time she had the chance.

For the next ten minutes, Megan knelt beneath Charlie as he continued to hold her to him. It was strange to the young mother how it felt so much better to be in her K9 lover’s arms than it did to be in her husband’s. More and more she was realizing that it was truly over between her and Derek. There would be no turning back.

Megan could feel Charlie’s knot diminishing to a point that it would soon slip out of her. She hated the realization of it because while he was in her she felt so full, and in some strange way it comforted her. It was like he cared about her and she was a part of him. She was so tempted to begin rocking back on his semi-stiff phallus and see if she could revive it for another round. However, she didn’t want to make Catherine and Caspian to pull guard duty any more than they already had.

Once Charlie had released her, Megan cleaned herself up and made sure that the room was presentable also. She wished that her K9 lover had stopped to lick her mound before he took care of himself, but that would be something to teach him in the future. For now, she would leave not tell-tale clues to the fact that anything but exercise had ever transpired here.

After Megan and Charlie emerged from the game room, the girls began preparing some light sandwiches and snacks for out by the pool. When they were ready they changed into their bikinis donned their terry cover-ups and then roused Chloe. The tot was a bit cranky at first because she had not napped very long. She eventually settled down when she realized that they were going to go swimming.

When the girls entered the back pool area with all their goodies and the tot in tow, the both K9s headed for the rearmost section of the eight foot tall fenced in yard. The two young blonds were just about to remove their cover-ups when movement near the entry gate side of the house caught their attention. Some of the shrubbery partially blocked their view as to who it might be but when the person finally stepped into view it chilled both of the young women immediately; the newcomer was hooded and carrying a gun.

When the hooded person realized that the occupants of the house were by the pool he turned and headed in that direction. The assailant hadn’t really pointed his weapon at the girls yet but both young ladies knew that it would only be a matter of time. “We don’t really have any money or valuables with us or even in the house,” yelled Megan nervously.

“I’ll be the judge of that,” the hooded figure spat out as he continued moving toward the girls.

In that moment both of the girls at least knew that the masked person was a man; they doubted that a woman would ever be able to imitate that gravely a voice. “Please, just go away,” yelled Catherine, “my sister has nothing of value honestly.”

The man chuckled as he drew even closer and began to bring his gun up. His attention was momentarily drawn to other movement in the yard and he swore. “Damn, I forgot that the asshole told me that they had a dog.”

Even as the masked intruder tried to get a bead on the charging Shepherd he heard a deep growl to his right. The disguise hindered his vision and he wheeled in the direction of the sound. As fast as he was, Caspian was faster. His first bite clamped down on the gun arm so hard that in a split second the ulna was broken. And it wasn’t a simple fracture.

The hooded man screamed in agony as the K9 tore into him. His arm was broken and still the animal did not release him. The gun fell from his fingers and luckily landed with the muzzle pointed toward the ground so not shots were fired due to impact. He knew he was in trouble but he didn’t realize how bad it was until Charlie hit him.

Charlie’s aim was a little farther south. Caspian had disarmed the villain and the Shepherd put him down and out of commission as he clamped down on the unprotected groin. The anguished cry of the man as his arm was snapped was bad enough but when his balls were torn into and ravaged his scream was heard almost a block away. It was a merciful thing when the guy fainted because of the pain.

It wasn’t too long after the man fell to the ground that the girls ran to where the dogs had him pinned. After being certain that the hooded figure was not faking the fact that he had swooned they carefully called the dogs off. It took a bit but the animals eventually released their hold on the would-be thief.

Megan and Catherine had both left their cell phones in the house. The young mother ran to get hers and as she returned she was already talking to the police. She told them what she could of the incident and even as she drew closer to her sister and the dogs she could hear an approaching siren.

When the police arrived on the scene they approached with guns drawn. The girls backed away from the hooded man and pulled the dogs with them. Catherine had been stepping on the gun until then so that if the robber did awaken that he would not be able to find his weapon. Caspian and Charlie could have dealt with him easily then.

The police did not move the man other than to check him for other weapons and any form of ID. What they found were a set of written instructions that led them to believe that the burglarization of the house was only a ruse. The hooded figure had more on his mind than stealing a bit of jewelry or snatching a little cash. He had really come to murder the home’s occupant. Mrs. Derek Stilton and her daughter had been the true targets.

An ambulance arrived shortly after that and the unconscious culprit was hauled away; chained and shackled to the gurney upon which he lay. He would be taken to the hospital and patched up but after that he would be headed to jail.

Once the man was gone, Catherine and her sister learned what was on the paper that the police had found. The young mother was asked bluntly if she knew who would want to try and kill her. Megan trembled beyond the ability to answer so Cat responded. “I would check on Derek first if I were you,” she offered bluntly.

“And why is that?” asked one of the policemen.

“Because Derek has been running around on my sister, and he has the most to benefit if something happened to her,” replied Catherine vehemently.

The policeman nodded, the young woman made total sense. It was also what he and his partner already thought; they simply wanted to see if Mrs. Stilton had any other views on the subject. One of the officers stayed with the girls and suggested that they retire to the house. The other man went out to their cruiser where his computer was. An APB was put out on Derek as a person of interest.

Everything took shape quickly and Derek rightly became the main suspect to what had happened. The girls dressed as soon as they got into the house and the officer that had accompanied them stood guard. He doubted that the woman’s husband would be foolish enough to come home immediately but he was watchful none the less. Besides, the two young blondes were worth looking after. He wondered why anyone would ever want to hurt either of them.

Once the girls and Chloe were dressed they prepared to leave. “Where are you going,” asked the policeman that had watched over then when they changed.

“To our parent’s house,” replied Catherine, “I’m sure that we will be safer there than here until this is all straightened out.”

The other policeman had just returned as Catherine replied and he agreed with her. “No problem, Miss,” he returned, “but my partner and I will have to go with you. We have been assigned to watch over you until other officers arrive.”

The girls had no idea why this was all happening but they really couldn’t argue against it as long as they got to go where they wanted. Word had traveled fast through the most innocuous of channels. The girls’ father who was a member of more than one board or another in the small town found out about the attack shortly after the injured thug arrived at the hospital.


Chapter Nine

By the time the girls returned to their parent’s house, both Jason and Jessica were already there. They were totally aghast at what had happened. Megan was still very shaken and it was really surprising that she even managed to drive herself and Chloe to her old home. The police were kind enough to bring Charlie with them and the Carter household suddenly found themselves with two large dogs on their hands.

Not to be unkind to Charlie in any way, Jessica did put the large Shepherd in the back yard. She had asked her daughter first and when she learned that he had recently been growling at Derek whenever he saw him they thought it would probably be an excellent idea for him to guard the back yard.

By now it was getting on toward evening, all the police questions and details had taken a lot longer than either of the girls really liked. Megan took Chloe to what had once been her bedroom and cuddled with her there. In the end both girls fell asleep but for the young mother rest did not come before she had nearly soaked the one side of her pillow.

Once Megan had disappeared upstairs with Chloe, Jason confronted his youngest daughter. “I’ve heard what the police have said, but I would really like to hear it from you,” he said softly. “I waited to ask until your sister was gone because I can see that this is really bothering her.”

Catherine sighed and then told her mother and father about what had happened. She started her narrative just after Megan had left the game room. From there she painted them a picture so vivid that it was impossible for them not to almost see it firsthand.

“And you think that this hooded person was there to harm Megan and the baby?” asked Jason in an anguished tone as he thought not only of his beloved daughter but his first grandchild. And it didn’t matter to him how his first born became pregnant… what mattered to him was that little Chloe was his flesh and blood.

“I’m very certain that all of us would have been murdered if the dogs had not intervened,” offered Catherine. “I didn’t get to hold the note and the officer barely gripping it by its edges but I am sure that it was a set of instructions as to what to do. I know I saw one thing that was very shocking and I’m sure that Megan saw it also. It said… leave no witnesses!”

A chill settled over Jason and Jessica as though someone had suddenly thrown them into a deep freeze. “And you are certain that Derek is behind all of this?” asked Catherine’s father.

“I’m ninety five percent sure,” responded Catherine. “Derek has been running around on Megan for quite a while now.” At saying this, Cat noticed the shock on her parents faces.

“But Megan never said anything to me,” gasped her mom.

“I’m not sure why she didn’t say anything,” offered Catherine. “I’m almost sure that I would have. In a way I think that she thought she could still salvage her marriage at first, and that Derek would eventually love her again. But then that hope wore out too. She began planning on leaving and she was going to make sure that she and Chloe were properly taken care of. Who knows, maybe he found out about her plans.

“You said that you were only ninety five percent sure about Derek’s guilt,” asked Jason.

“Yeah, and that is really enough for me in a way,” she responded, “but it would sure be nice to find Derek’s prints on that paper, or somehow match the handwriting to his usual style.”

Jason smiled at his daughter. “You are quite the little sleuth,” he said in praise.

Nothing more happened that night and Derek was missing. The police had the note that they found on the assailant and they wasted no time in analyzing it. The paper was too smudged to determine if his prints were on it, but when it came to matching the hand writing it was a ringer. Even the most astute of persons could not debunk the fact that Megan’s husband had written the missive.

In the morning, a Detective came and tried to talk to Megan alone but she didn’t want to hear anything unless the rest of the family was present. Once they were all there, they heard how Derek was still missing. And so was one of the secretaries that some of the employees of the company claimed that he had been associating with lately. It was also determined that the letter was definitely his handwriting.

After the Detective was finished with what little they did know Jason asked a question. “So who was the man that tried to attack the girls?”

“He’s no one we really know,” replied the Detective, “he has no police record except for a few minor speeding tickets. He lives about a hundred miles away over by Wixom Lake.”

“At the mention of the lake’s name, Megan perked up. “I remember Derek saying that one of his friends had a cottage near there somewhere. They would go there to hunt and fish. He told me that his buddy had a strict policy that no wives were allowed; it was a guy’s getaway only sort of thing.”

“Really,” said the Detective with great interest “you wouldn’t happen to know the address of the cottage would you?”

Megan shook her head. All I remember is that Derek once said that you could never sleep too late at the cabin. The rising sun glinted off the lake and would shine into the windows.”

The Detective smiled. “Well, that’s a start. Thank you for your time, Mrs. Stilton.”

The young mother cringed when the man called her by that name and he noted it immediately. “Sorry,” he corrected quickly, “I meant, Megan.” He then excused himself from the family’s presence in order to follow up on the lead that she had just given him. He knew why she had reacted to what he had said and he couldn’t blame her. What he didn’t understand was why Derek had tried to have his wife and daughter murdered in the first place; the young blonde was an outright fox in any man’s book and she didn’t seem to a shrew either.

No one in the Carter family went anywhere that day. None of the ladies felt like it and Jason simply would not leave his family’s side at this particular moment in time. Everyone was safe where they were, especially with the dogs around. It would have been suicide for Derek or anyone to show his face anywhere near Megan or Catherine with malice on their mind. And what the dogs and Jason didn’t have covered the police had the rest.

As it was, by later that evening the same Detective came around again. In a way he looked glum, yet relieved. He gathered the family together because it was the way he was sure that Megan would want it. “I am sorry to inform you that your husband is deceased,” he intoned flatly. “We went looking for the house on Wixom Lake that matched the description you gave us and we found him. He and a woman co-worker were in the cabin and both dead. It looks like there was a very heated argument between them and neither of them won.”

The whole event was tragic, but at least there was closure and no one that was truly innocent was injured physically. It was doubted that the woman that had died in the cabin knew about the contract put out by Derek to get rid of Megan, but she had known that her boyfriend was married and had a child. And she knew that she was going to be responsible for breaking up the already fragile marriage. In the end though it cost her dearly.

Derek had been a person who rarely took responsibility for anything negative. When everything began to fall apart he blamed Kara, his girlfriend of the moment. She was a real hot dish, and she had gotten under his skin. One way or another she had convinced him to dump Megan and marry her. She said that she had it all planned out and it sounded good to him also. Unfortunately, that was when he began checking on some of his investments and found out that he stood to lose nearly two thirds of what he owned if he continued on with his plan to divorce his wife.

He ranted and raved about it one time at the bar by the lake. A guy he had seen several times but never really got to know, sidled up to him and made him an offer that he found hard to refuse. The weasely character convinced him that he could take care of the problem that was bothering him if the price was right. In the end, Derek agreed and he wrote down exactly what he wanted to see happen. Everything was to look like a robbery, and there were to be no witnesses left alive.

In the end, everything worked out for Megan and Chloe. She even moved back home and put her house up for sale. She couldn’t bring herself to live there; she had too many bad memories about the place.

It took several days for things to settle in and begin to look like normal around the Carter household. By then, both Catherine and Megan were a pair of horny little vixens. Their father finally went back to work at the dealership and their mother went to see her friend at the kennel. It was then that the younger sister showed her older sibling a new way to make love to her dog.

Once the house was free of their parents and Chloe was taking her usual nap, the girls adjourned to Catherine’s room. “I found this out quite by accident,” said Cat, “and I’m sure that you will love it.”

After saying that, Cat stripped out of her cloths in almost record time. She sat at the edge of the bed, patted her flat tummy and called to Caspian. He was there in an instant because he had already anticipated what his mate was going to do. He quickly moved between her wide spread legs and began licking her to her first orgasm.

Catherine reached down and scratched the top of Caspian’s head and any other part of him that she could reach as her licked her and reached places with his tongue that made her wild with desire. She loved what he was doing but what she really wanted was for him to rise up and shove his sizable cock into her quivering sheath. She wanted him in her and although the licking felt wonderful, she wanted to be filled with his meat.

Cat endured the pleasant torture and eventually orgasmed. From there it was like a gong that alerted Caspian that he could go further. He rose up over her as she scooted down a bit to match his height and they soon had what they both wanted. Several inches of his K9 cock sliced neatly into her depths and her moan of pleasure could not be mistaken for anything but exactly what it was.

Megan watched in awe as her sister was licked to orgasm and then mounted missionary style. At first she had expected Cat to quickly slip to the floor and present herself doggy style but this… Ohhh… this was nothing short of the hottest thing she had ever seen. She began stripping her clothes of also. She had to try out this particular method with Charlie also.

Megan did exactly what Cat had done. She patted her flat tummy and Charlie was equally as eager as Caspian had been. His tongue dug deeply into her core and in almost record time she was flying through her first orgasm also. After that she simply slid off the edge of the bed a bit more until her lover realized what she wanted and then he mounted her missionary style.

The young mother gasped as Charlie jammed his hot cock into her warm core. It was a bit of a shock at first because at least six full inches was buried in her in less than a second. “Ohhh… my god, this is wonderful,” she moaned above Catherine’s mutterings. “I don’t know why I never thought to do it the missionary way before.”

“It’s probably… because you… didn’t really… have any… padding to… lay on… that was… the right… height,” gasped Catherine as she tried to answer her sister. She was just about to be pushed over the climactic top again and when she slid over the precipice she clamped Caspian to her until she was able to catch her breath. He seemed to anticipate her move because he didn’t try to break free. He simply stood there on his hind legs and watched her. It was as though he knew that he had given her pleasure and that was his ultimate goal.

Once Catherine’s orgasm passed enough for her to breathe freely again she released her tight hold on her beloved Belgian Malinois. In moments however, she began the usual panting anew as he shoved his phallus so deep within her. He didn’t move fast like a trip-hammer, his thrusts were slow and meaningful. He jostled her insides as he always did and the sympathetic movement that it caused stirred her entire being. It was as though he was touching every single organ she had within her body.

Catherine slipped a bit and tried to compensate. She had to momentarily put her feet down and she loathed doing that. She loved the feel of Caspian’s fur touching as much of her body as possible. She tried to push upward a bit and when she did the angle of her pelvis shifted a little also. For a moment the hot shaft within her retreated but when it came back she felt something she had never experienced before.

Cat shrieked loudly but then toned it down. She quickly informed her sister as to what had happened. “Ohhh… god, Megan. Caspian has just entered the neck on my cervix. I swear… his pointy cock is trying to burrow its way into my womb right now. I have no idea how far it will go in,” she panted, “but when he cumms, his sperm is going to shoot right into me in a way that it never has before,” she groaned.

“Mmmmm…” moaned Megan as Charlie continued to thrust into her at a much slower pace than usual. “That sounds interesting, how did it happen?” she panted in time to his lunging.

“I’m not sure, Sis, but I can tell you one thing,” groaned Cat pleasurably. “I will definitely try to repeat it in the future. I guess I tipped my pelvis at just the right time…”

Catherine fell silent as Caspian managed to squeeze more of himself into her. She felt his knot enter one last time and she tried to clamp down on him so that he could not move. She had reached the threshold between pain and pleasure and did not want the delicate teeter-totter to tip the wrong way.

She could only try to imagine in her mind what his massive cock must look like within her vaginal vault and crushed against her uterus. She would be willing to swear that he had several inches of his phallus imbedded in the neck of her womb but there was no way to know for sure.

Further thoughts about how deep he was within her disappeared in the blink of an eye as his molten fluids flowed directly into her womb. “He’s got me,” she managed to mumble, “his seed is going to have direct access to my egg. God… I hope he impregnates me this time if he hasn’t already,” she gasped as she clung to him. They were one, and it felt so good to nestle against his fur. Once more their hearts seemed to follow the same beat and it was impossible to tell them apart.

Megan heard her sister’s plea to be impregnated once more and it struck a sympathetic chord within her. She remembered how she felt when she was carrying Chloe and it had been beautiful despite the circumstances. Deep within she hoped that Catherine would get her wish and be able to carry Caspian’s puppy inside her otherwise flat tummy.

Megan’s own thoughts about her sister came to a screeching halt as Charlie plowed his knot into her one last time. She groaned pleasurable and clamped her pussy muscles as tightly as possible. The last intrusion was all she could take without hurting and she too wanted to feel hot K9 seed erupting into her like a small volcano.

Pleasant moans from the slightly older sister momentarily overwhelmed everything else as Charlie filled her belly with his seed. Now it was her turn to express her desires and as his sperm sought out her egg she too wondered what it would be like to have a puppy within her. She knew the gestation period was around sixty three days and to her that sounded a whole lot better than nine months. She chuckled at the thought of birthing a small pup and watching it grow. She wouldn’t even have to tell anyone, but she would know; and the thought of feeding the small K9 from her own breasts turned her on even more.

Catherine and Megan rested on their back at the edge of the bed as they waited for their lovers’ knots to subside. They were in no real hurry. They didn’t want Caspian or Charlie to pull their cocks out of them any sooner than necessary. It was beautiful to feel so full and the knot moving against their G-spot ever so gently was an added bonus.


Chapter Ten

Catherine was tempted after a bit to begin thrusting upward into Caspian’s groin and see if she couldn’t awaken him anew. She was just about ready to try it when she heard Chloe’s muffled cry; and so did Megan. It took a few moments longer for either of the two young women to be released by their respective lovers but eventually they managed and they were soon checking on the little girl.

Chloe was awake now so the girls had to take turns cleaning themselves up. After that they adjourned to the kitchen. While they fixed lunch, they talked. “What do you think of Mom’s new enthusiasm about her job at the kennel?” asked Megan.

“It seems to be doing her good,” offered Catherine, ”look at how much weight she has lost; she’s beginning to look almost like she did when she was in school: but with a little age thrown in of course. It’s the same with Ellen Berkshire, the co-owner of the kennel; she’s in excellent shape too. Running those dogs seems to be giving Mom all the exercise she has been lacking for several years.”

“Yeah, it does seem to have done that,” added Megan, “but I still get the sense that there is something more.”

“You… don’t think that she met some guy out there and is using it all as an excuse to see him do you?” asked Catherine hesitantly.

Megan shook her head. “No, I don’t think that Mom would run around on Dad like that. But I still feel that there is something going on. To me it is almost like it was in my situation. Derek rarely touched me and I was really lonely. But then Charlie came into my life and things changed. It’s like that. Mom has suddenly become more alive and I wonder what’s driving it.”

“You don’t think…” began Catherine, but then she stopped. Her sister’s nodding head was already answering her question. And then Megan filled it all in for her verbally.

“Yeah, I do,” offered Megan. “We both know that Dad has been having problems with high blood pressure and all its related maladies. Well, erectile dysfunction is one of them and I know for a fact that he and Mom have been hard pressed to be really intimate for over a year.”

“So you think that Mom might have found another outlet?” asked Catherine. “One that doesn’t need batteries and has four legs.”

Megan just smiled at first but then added. “We’ll never know for sure until you go and check it out for us will we?” And both girls looked at each other slyly.

This particular day was already shot as far as either of the girls was concerned; so they decided to put their little fact finding expedition on hold until the next time their mother went to the kennel. In the mean time, they lounged by their parent’s pool and planned their little intrigues.

The girls bantered about several different scenarios as to what breed of animal their Mother might be using at the kennels but eventually their thoughts turned to their father. “You know, who I really feel sorry for is Dad,” offered Megan, “I honestly don’t consider what Mom may be doing at Berkshire as cheating as long as there is no man involved, but what can our Father really gain from it then?”

“Mmmmm…” responded Catherine ponderingly, “I know what you mean. Mom’s needs are being met but what about Dad’s? He’s really worked hard for all of us and now this. You don’t suppose that there is anything that we could do to help him do you?”

Megan looked at her sister with embarrassment written all over her countenance. “I love Dad as much as you do, but you aren’t suggesting that we try and seduce him are you?” in a sickly voice that matched her facial expression.

“Of course not you silly twit,” chided Catherine. “What I’m trying to suggest is something far sexier. It will involve us, but he will only be a voyeur. I’ve read several stories on the Forum that I told you about. Several of them mentioned about older guys that were having sexual arousal problems. It said that often times when a guy was having erectile problems that seeing something really sexy and out of the ordinary that it would usual help with the situation.”

“Really…” responded Megan So you think that if Dad happened to somehow see one of us making love to our dog that it would help him with his problem?”

“Not entirely,” answered Catherine, “but it would be a start. After that it would be a matter of him seeing Mom doing it at the kennel and then, he could join in.”

“You are assuming one very big IF,” warned Megan.

“Yeah, I know,” responded Catherine. “This all hinges on whether or not Mom is screwing with a dog at the kennel of not.”

“So you think that if we put on a show for Dad he might like it and be enticed to see what Mom was up to?” opined Megan.

“Yes, and we do have one other thing to throw into the mix,” added Catherine. “With the weight that Mom has dropped lately she looks as good as ever. He might just wonder how she has been able to accomplish it. So if her doggy liaisons are happening, it will show Dad how good it has been for her.”

Megan smiled at her sister. “Alright, I’m up to it if you are. But know this… if Dad exiles me from the house, you are going to have a roommate with a small girl bunking in with you while you are away at college.”

“Sounds good to me,” responded Catherine. “All I have to do now is spy on Mom the next time she’s at the kennel. We’ll be ready to roll then if she is doing what we hope that she is doing.”

With the plot planned, the two young ladies enjoyed the rest of the afternoon by the pool; refining their plan as best they could. They were sure that it would still take a bit of tweaking to make it all work but they were committed in their effort to bring it all about.

Two days passed before Jessica once more made plans to go to the kennel. She really did love running the different dogs through their paces as they trained them for different police agencies; or anyone else in need of an animal with special abilities. She had lost a considerable amount of weight just as Ellen said she would and she knew that Jason had begun to notice. She was hooked on what she was doing and she never wanted to have to give it up; and her oldest and dearest friend assured her that she would never have to.”

When Jessica went to the kennels the next time, she was in her own little world. Her thoughts were on what she and Ellen were going to be doing that day. The first several hours were going to be hectic as they ran several animals through their paces and actually began training two new German Shepherds. The real fun would not begin until after the noon break.

Catherine followed her mother to the kennels at a respectable distance. She hadn’t memorized the way to the training facility on the previous trip and maps frustrated her. Her father had promised to get her a GPS system for her car before she went to college but she didn’t have it just yet so she had to play super sleuth again and shadow her mother without being seen.

When Catherine’s mother pulled into the Berkshire Kennels, the young blonde breathed a sigh of relief. She knew where the place was now because she had driven to it. She did chide herself though for not watching where they were going when she was a passenger in her mother’s car. Her only excuse had been that she was so excited about simply going to see about a dog that she had been lax in watching her surroundings.

Catherine had actually done a very good job at tailing her mother. Her parent never knew that she was being followed. She parked her VW down the road a bit in a safe place and walked back to the facility. She really regretted having to leave Caspian at home, but Megan had convinced her that having him there would probably be harder and the other dogs might smell him and begin barking. Even though he had come from the kennel, he was really no longer a true part of it.

Catherine had no trouble entering the Berkshire Kennels unseen. There were no alarm systems on the perimeter of the place and while there was some security around the pens, none of them were active at the moment. It was daytime, and a few workers were out and about but none of them even paid the young blonde the slightest bit of attention. In a way she moved about the place as though she too belonged there so she was ignored.

The young blonde finally managed to get close enough to the K9 training compound. She found a place to hide and set about watching the proceedings. What she saw was both her Mom and Ellen and they were doing exactly what her mother had said they always did at the training facility. They were running the dogs through their paces; and the emphasis was on the running. The women did not exactly keep up with the animals as they ran the course but it was definitely enough for both of them to get a very good work out.

Catherine was proud of her mother as she watched an older version of herself and her sister training the well muscled animals. She was in awe of what she saw but unfortunately it was not what she had hoped that she would find. It really put a kink in her and Megan’s’ plans concerning their father.

While she sat in the small shaded cul-de-sac, she became tired. It was warm out and after a little more observing on her part she decided to leave. Her exit was hindered however by other women workers taking a break from their chores right outside her hide-out. There was no way she could get out of her little hideout without causing a few questions so she sat down and bided her time.

Catherine didn’t remember falling asleep, but when she awoke, the women were gone, and so were her mother and Ellen. “Damn,” she muttered to herself lowly and then she looked at her watch. Over an hour and a half had passed.

Stealthily, Catherine peeked out of her hiding place. The coast was clear so she moved. She was going to leave, assuming that her mother had already left also. When she got close enough to the parking area though she found that her Mom’s car was still there; but other vehicles that had been there were missing. She looked around quickly but saw no-one and when she happened to glance toward the main road she noticed that the gate had been closed. There was no way anyone could just drive in. They would now have to use the phone that was by the barrier and announce their presence ahead of time.

Cat’s curiosity began to peek and she very quietly began walking around the huge kennel. She stayed close to the buildings and her efforts were soon rewarded. She heard women’s voices and as she edged closer what she could make out became even more intriguing.

When Catherine moved closer to where she heard the voices, she didn’t hear the banter of two women talking about the weather. The next distinct words she comprehended brought a smile to her lips. “Arch you back Jessica,” came Ellen’s voice, “arch your back and let him really get his cock into you.”

The young blonde heard her mother gasp and she could imagine what was happening. The problem was that she wanted to see it for herself. What breed of dog was mounting her Mom and what did it look like as she was being screwed by the K9. Cat looked desperately for a way to peek into the building and eventually she found a window that was not quite covered as those inside might have wished.

Catherine scanned her surroundings furtively and was pleased with what she saw. She was on the back side of the building; away from all the other sheds, compounds and the main house that comprised the Berkshire Kennels. She was very careful as she move to where she could finally look in and what she saw was exactly as she suspected. She herself moaned softly with desire and wished that Caspian was there to satisfy her desires of the moment.

The young blonde clearly saw her mother kneeling on a padded mat. And on her Mom’s back was a Bullmastiff. He was every bit as big as Caspian, but not nearly as handsome as far as Catherine was concerned. She watched intently and once more wished that her K9 lover was present to take care of her needs.

Jessica was moaning pleasurably as the huge animal on her back pounded her. His cock was nudging the bottom of her vaginal chute more and more and she could feel his knot forming as it continued to plow through her outer pussy lips. She knew that very soon she would have to decide as to whether or not she would allow the beast to lock his knot in her belly or try to grab it and keep it on the outside as she had done in the past.

“Come on, Jessica,” urged Ellen, “let him have you this time. Let him make you his bitch and I’ll give him to you. He’ll never disappoint you and he’ll be the best burglar deterrent you’ve ever seen. Catherine and Megan will eventually move out again but Bull will always be faithful to you and stay by your side.”

Jessica knew that what Ellen said was true. The girls would eventually move out completely and then she would be alone; for the most part. She loved Jason and she still hoped that he would find a way to overcome his problem but she needed a way of sexual release now. She would never consider going out with another man, and her vibrator just wasn’t enough anymore. She made up her mind and arched her back a little more and waited. “Take me you big stud,” she coaxed, “stick your knot in me and make me your bitch.”

Bull fucked the woman under him at a speed that left her nearly breathless. He had been with this particular female several times and he had not been able to set his knot in her yet. This time was going to be different though. This time he was going to wear her out and she would have no choice but to take what he had for her.

Jessica knew that this time with Bull was not the same as others. He was screwing her royally. Every other occasion that they had been together he had thrust into her a lot slower. This session however he seemed bent on only one thing; wearing her down and truly claiming her as his.

More and more the knot grew until it was all Jessica could stand. She clamped down with her pussy muscles then and captured her lover. The orgasm that swept over her coincided with the fluids that Bull was pumping into her. It was very satisfying and she actually had several sets of tremors claim her but each was a little smaller than the previous one.

By now, Catherine had seen enough. She arose from the window carefully and made her way back to her parked car. As she walked through the wooded area there was only one thing on her mind. She wanted to get home and have Caspian fuck her light out. She was already hot from watching mother being screwed by the Bullmastiff and the only thing that could quench her fire was Cass’ sperm flowing into her depths.


Chapter Eleven

When Catherine got home she didn’t even bother checking in with her sister as to what she had found. She simply went to her room with Caspian. He walked right beside her as usual and as soon as they were in the door she shut it. She shed her clothes quickly and was soon sitting on the edge of her bed. Her K9 lover sensed her desires; her heated feminine odor was all he needed.

Caspian did give Catherine’s vaginal mound a few preemptory licks, but that was not what either of them truly wanted at the moment so he didn’t waste too much time bathing the area with his tongue. It wasn’t long before he rose up over his chosen mate and began searching for her in earnest. His second stroke found her and he thrust several inches of his hot phallus into her. Her guttural groan of pleasure was music to his ears and he kept driving himself into her deeper and deeper.

Catherine held herself open for Caspian but once he was in her she brought her legs up and allowed him even easier access to her charms. Now that she had his body to grasp she did so with fervor. She wanted to feel as much of him against her as she could while his hot shaft sliced into her depths repeatedly. His hairy chest rubbed against her smooth hairless one and her breasts tingled as they were brushed by his fur covered torso.

Even as the Caspian and Catherine thrust themselves at each other they looked into each other’s eyes. They may not have spoken the same language orally, but what they shared then and there was nothing short of phenomenal. It was a meeting of the minds that transcended all known barriers. Cat knew that her K9 lover wanted to have a relationship with her that included offspring. And Cass sensed that the female beneath him wanted everything he had to offer; including becoming pregnant.

“Fuck me Darling,” murmured Cat, “give me your seed and knock me up. I want your puppy moving in my belly so bad that I’d do anything to accomplish it.”

From that point on the two lovers simply writhed against each other in such a sensuous way that where one ended the other began; and in effect they were one. Neither of them heard the door to the bedroom door open but it didn’t really matter. Megan had seen it before but as she watched she too became hot.

Megan did not see or hear her sister arrive home, but she did eventually realize that Caspian was missing. She went looking for him and her search eventually brought her to Catherine’s bedroom. She heard muffled noises within and when she opened the door to be sure that the dog had not somehow gotten trapped inside she finally realized what was happening.

The older sister smiled and mound tingled as she watched the woman and her beast mate fervently. She had missed entirely what Catherine had said so far but it didn’t matter. It was very obvious to her that the only thing the pair had on their mind was procreation. They were not just having sex; they were breeding with total intent focused on her becoming pregnant.

Megan heard her sister and Caspian pant with exertion. They were hot both physically and mentally and Megan wasn’t too far behind them. If it were possible she would had summoned Charlie and stripped her close off right then and there. She would have presented herself to him and allowed him to fuck her lights out. She continued to play the voyeur for a few moments more but then she backed out of the doorway and closed it quietly.

“Damn,” muttered Megan softly as she ambled down the steps, “if Dad ever saw that he’d get a hard-on for sure. I just hope that it wouldn’t give him a heart attack too on top of it all.” She then headed for the kitchen to begin preparing the evening meal. It wasn’t what she really wanted to do but she didn’t figure she had enough time to find Charlie and have him fuck her. She would have to wait until that night to satisfy her needs.

Catherine felt Caspian’s knot as it grew and eventually it expanded to a point that she didn’t want it to leave her body. She clamped down on it with her vaginal muscles to be sure and his thrusting slowed. She knew that it would probably be too late to try and get his pointed cock to center on her cervix but she still tried as he continued to nudge her.

Catherine continued to pant as she moved her pelvic region in an attempt to get Caspian’s cock to align with the entrance to her cervix. It had become nearly impossible for her to speak coherently but when she finally achieved what she wanted a hissed “Yes…” escaped her lips.

The anatomical alignment between Catherine and Caspian occurred just in time. Her hissed delight was mere moments before his climax sent jolt after jolt of sperm directly into her uterus. The effect of it all was to push her over the top once more. All the other times he had continued thrusting but this time he was locked within her and still. Only his gonads pumped his essence into her.

“Give it to me, Caspian,” Cat managed weakly, “fuck your baby into me, Darling.”

The mixed human/animal couple lay in orgasmic bliss for over fifteen minutes before they grudgingly separated. Caspian could say nothing about how he felt but within he was already counting the moments until he could mount his mate again. He knew her signals by now, and he also relied on her scent to tell him that she was in a receptive mood. He could sense that she did not want to part but something else was driving her. He didn’t understand it all but he followed her lead.

Catherine moaned in both pleasure and pain as she felt Caspian’s cock retreat from her depths. His large penile appendage had barely pulled from her hot body when she desired to jump on him and put it right back inside of her. Even as he licked her vaginal slit and sent shivers of pleasure coursing through her she contemplated tackling him and sitting astride him so that she could shove his impressive prong back where it belonged. It was emptiness that caused her ache and she knew the remedy but she also knew that she would have to wait until later.

When Catherine and Caspian finally arrived in the kitchen to help with the evening meal, Megan smiled. “Enjoy your late… afternoon delight?” she asked teasingly.

Catherine blushed slightly even though her sister already knew about and had even seen her and Caspian screwing on her bed. This was supposed to have been a semi-sneaky spur of the moment encounter. She had been so hot after seeing her mother getting it on with a Bullmastiff that she could hardly think of anything but getting home and fucking her four-footed lover.

“Hey,” muttered Megan as she saw her younger sister turn red, “don’t feel bad. I just happened to see you and Caspian making love again because I was wondering where he had gone. What I saw was so hot that it would have melted the polar ice caps if we had been closer to them. I even wanted to call Charlie to me and have him hump me right in your door way. I know one thing for sure; if Dad had seen it even he would have gotten a hard-on.”

Catherine joined her sister as she prepared the evening meal. “Once she and Caspian were no longer the topic of discussion, she opened up about their mother. “Well, I learned what we needed to know about Mom,” and then she paused, leaving her sister wondering about what she had found. It was a calculated moment of silence to keep Megan in suspense just a little longer.

Megan’s ears immediately perked up. “So tell me, already,” she groaned at the momentary hush.

Cat smiled. “Mom is into dogs just like we are,” she finally informed her sister. “And you should have seen the Bullmastiff that was fucking her. I even heard Ellen tell her that she would give the animal to her if she took the knot this time.” And once more she ceased her narrative.

“And…” urged Megan, frustrated at Cat’s teasing antics.

The smile never left Cat’s face. “I would suspect that Caspian and Charlie now have a new K9 relative named Bull.”

The girls continued to discuss the situation at hand as they prepared supper. At Megan’s request, Catherine was just about to fill her in on exactly what she saw in as much detail as possible. The first words didn’t get beyond her lips before the two sisters heard distinct footsteps that could belong only to their mother.

“Mmmmm, what you are preparing smells so good,” complimented Jessica. “I thank you both for helping as you do.”

Catherine and Megan greeted their mother after she entered the room; but their eyes also darted about as though they were searching for something. Their antics, although small were not missed by their maternal parent.

“What are you two looking for?” asked Jessica.

Both of the girls knew the answer to that but to say anything would have left the cat out of the bag, so to speak. The young blonds had expected to see their mother leading a Bullmastiff into the room, but no hulking animal was there. Megan made an almost instant excuse that she thought that she had heard something and Catherine quickly followed suit.

Jessica accepted their explanation and said nothing more about it. She too then pitched in to help with the rest of the evening’s meal preparation. Jason would be home soon and she wanted everything to be perfect. He knew about part of her job at the Berkshire Kennel but he wasn’t aware about all of it. She simply wanted to be sure that he didn’t ask too many questions about how much time she was beginning to spend there.


Chapter Twelve

Several days passed, and so did the weekend. During this time all three women in the Carter household managed to keep their relationships with their K9 lovers as hot as usual. Jessica of course had to go to the Berkshire Kennel to accomplish it but the younger ladies simply sequestered themselves in their rooms and enjoyed the liaisons.

Through it all, the thought of allowing their farther to find one of them in a compromised situation never left the younger girls’ mind. It wasn’t until Jason happened to return home early to retrieve some important paperwork that he managed to stumble onto it all by himself quite by accident.

When Jason entered the house he noticed immediately that the place was fairly quiet. Chloe’s usual babbling, crying or banging about with her toys was absent. He didn’t really think too much about it; he simply assumed that the tot was probably taking a nap. After all, both of his daughters’ cars were still in the driveway.

Jason found what he wanted quickly and was just about to leave again when he heard a loud moan that caught his attention speedily. The sound had a slight tinge of pain mixed with something else and he just couldn’t put his finger on it.

Very quietly, Jason crept up the stairs to where his daughters were quartered. He wasn’t sure what to expect at first but half way up the incline he heard even more muffled voices and sounds. What he heard shocked him. Both of his girls were evidently in the room that Catherine was using and there was no mistaking the sexual nature of what they were saying. In fact, he never even knew that the girls used the words they were spouting at the moment.

Jason crept to the door of Catherine’s room and tried to look in. At first he suspected that they had two guys in the room with them but some of the things that they were saying made absolutely no sense to him. Eventually he had no choice but to carefully grab the door handle and slowly open it. His curiosity simply got the better of him and he had to know what was going on.

For being a novice at trying to be stealthy, he actually did a very good job at it. He managed to turn the door handle without making a noise. He then slowly opened the heavy six paneled oak barricade several inches without alerting either the human or K9 occupants of the room. However, his jaw did drop open and his eyes widened when he beheld the spectacle in front of him; but neither of those actions drew anyone’s attention in his direction.

Jason could hardly believe his eyes. What he saw was both shocking and erotic at the same time. Catherine and Megan, whom he had not seen naked since they were tots and he had changed their diapers, were kneeling on the bedroom floor. Their dogs, Caspian and Charlie were mounting them as though they were bitches and humping the living daylights out of them.

Jason watched with interest as his daughters were mated by the large animals on their backs. It was quite obvious to him that what was happening was not the first time. Moreover, the girls were thoroughly enjoying the fucking that they were getting as they knelt submissively beneath their K9 lovers. Even the words that poured out of the two young females somehow excited him despite the fact of who they were in relationship to him.

A few minutes passed and Jason eventually tried to move away from the erotic scene. Unfortunately he found it impossible to turn away from what he was seeing. And to top it all off, he finally realized that he was sporting a hard-on that was actually usable. If his wife was in front of him at this very moment he would have bent her over and shoved his manhood into her as hard as possible. He would have tried to emulate the dogs and their energetic movements.

As Jason continued to watch the girls he didn’t really feel bad that he was ogling his daughters. It wasn’t them that he truly desired; it was his wife. The beautiful young blonds in front of him were simply a catalyst at the moment and he only hoped that later this evening he would be able to remember this segment of time and capitalize on it.

Jason watched as the girls thrust back at the dogs almost as hard as the animals were thrusting into them. He wished that he could sneak around behind them and see the K9 cocks as they entered his daughters but that would have exposed the fact that he knew of their sexual bout with the dogs.

The elder Carter reached to his groin area and gently stroked the pole that was standing there in a very erect fashion. His pants hindered most of the motion but he didn’t dare unbuckle his belt and drop his drawers. He opted to keep it the way it was in case he had to move in a hurry.

Another minute passed and suddenly both girls grunted almost simultaneously. He had no idea what had just happened but the dogs immediately slowed their thrusting and seemed to hover over the girls. Catherine was the first to say anything audible; before this it had been a mixture of panting, gasps, groans and moans. “Oh, god,” we’re aligned again and he’s pumping his sperm right into my uterus,” she hissed.

“Oh, Charlie’s doing the same, but we’re not lined up like you and Caspian are,” panted Megan. “I wish I knew how you do that. I’d love to feel what’s it’s like for myself.”

There was a moment of silence and then Catherine really expressed her feelings. “Fuck your seed into, Darling. I want you to make me pregnant so that I can carry your puppy in my belly. I want to show you how much I care about you.”

Jason was momentarily stunned at what he heard. He knew than Catherine shied away from guys because of what had happened to Megan, but he never suspected that she would ever go this far. He figured that she would one day find someone that pleased her. However, as he watched his daughter writhe beneath the animal and proclaim her love for him he realized that she had.

It was strange and yet very erotic the way things were working out. When he had first found out that Megan was pregnant he had been angry, but with a little coercion Derek and his daughter had eventually married. At the time he thought that they, the parents, had done what was right in pushing the two young people together; but later they all learned to regret it.

Now, both Catherine and Megan were involved with animals. He wasn’t incensed about it; nor did he condemn them for it. He had heard about things like this before and he had wondered what it would be like to see it, and now he was witnessing it firsthand. It was very erotic and sexy and for the first time in more months that he could remember he had an erection that was still standing after several minutes.

Jason could tell that things between his daughters and the dogs were winding down. He knew that he had to leave now while they were still fairly occupied with their personal feelings to be totally alert. Very carefully he pulled the door shut far enough that no one could see in or out but he didn’t close it completely. He wasn’t sure that he could silently repeat the same trick twice.

Very slowly Jason made it down the steps and was soon slipping quietly out the door to his car. He started it and was soon motoring out of the yard; thoroughly relieved that his vehicle was muffled well unless he stomped the gas pedal to the floor. The two young blonds were still recovering from their latest mating with the animals by the time their father was several blocks away.

“Oh god…” moaned Megan as she reveled in the feel of hot throbbing cock that was imbedded within her, “I think I could let Charlie fuck me three times a day and I’d still want more.”

“Yeah, I agree with you completely,” murmured Catherine as she gently rocked back into Caspian’s groin. “I can’t seem to get enough of Lover Boy here either. I just hope that when I’m away at school that I’ll be able to keep my mind on my studies long enough to actually learn something.”

Eventually, both girls finally broke away from the knots that had held them for several minutes. Caspian immediately turned and began to clean Catherine’s mound but Charlie had to be coaxed into doing it for Megan. Once he started though he did keep it up until she was satisfied.

When the girls arose and went to the door Catherine reached for the knob. As soon as she touched it the heavy six panel oak slab moved slightly and she became instantly aware that the entryway to her room had not been shut. And yet, she could have sworn that it was closed before she and her sister began making love to Caspian and Charlie. “What’s the matter?” came Megan’s voice over her shoulder.

Catherine took a moment to respond as she tried to recall the exact turn of events. She eventually answered her sister. “I distinctly remember shutting this door before we started messing with the dogs, but now I find that it is open.”

“How far open?” asked Megan. “Could anyone look in?”

“No, but that would not matter,” responded Catherine. “I’m sure that it was shut so that would mean that someone was here.”

Both girls were standing naked by the wooden barricade and beginning to drip sperm from their recently ravaged slits. They moved to the bathroom to get cleaned up and discussed the situation further. It was determined that either their mother or father had been watching them from behind the door. They also figured that if it had been their mom that she would have confronted them. Ergo, it had to be their dad.

“Well, we did want him to see us doing it with the dogs,” offered Megan.

“Yeah, but I was hoping that it would be slightly more controlled,” replied Catherine. “We have no idea as to whether he liked it or not. What if he was turned off by what he saw?”

Megan was shaking her head. “I don’t think he disliked what we were doing. He would have stormed into the room and tried to stop it if he did. I think he might have been shocked a bit by it all but my guess is that he’s hoping to see more of it again in the future.”

Both girls smiled at each other. Without really trying they figured that they had managed to accomplish what they had been planning to do all along. The only problem now was to ascertain for sure whether or not they were correct in their assumption.

The girls had decided to watch their father as closely as possible that evening and see if they could notice a change in the way he looked at them. They even planned on playing with the dogs in front of him in a suggestive way to gauge his reaction to that if they deemed it necessary.

Time for the girls seemed to pass slowly as they prepared the evening meal and plotted their actions. All their preparation finally culminated when their father arrived home and they were able to greet him as he entered the dining area to eat. They didn’t really have to guess then as to who had been watching them. Their mother had arrived home as usual and acted as she usually did, but their dad was another story entirely.

When Jason got home he tried his best to act normally. And as far as he was concerned he was doing a good job at it. What he didn’t realize was that he didn’t come to the supper table with some tale about how his day went. Instead he was the slightest bit withdrawn and he occasionally glanced at the girls and then their dogs. It was all his daughters needed to assume that he was the one that had been spying on them. The funny part came when his wife said something.

“You’re awful quiet tonight, Dear,” said Jessica. “Did you have a particularly bad day at the lot?”

Jason had been sipping his tea when his wife made her astute observation and it caused him to catch a bit of it the wrong way. He ended up in a slight coughing jag to get the fluid out of the wrong pipes. When it was over he tried to be as nonchalant as possible when he answered. “Nah… it was… business as usual. In fact, I actually managed to make a deal with one of the local companies to sell them ten vehicles. We’ll even have the right to maintain them for a very profitable fee.”

Once the girls heard this, they knew for sure. If the furtive glances at them and the dogs were not enough; this was the final brush stroke they needed to complete the picture. There was no way their father would not have mentioned the deal earlier if his mind had not been on other things. Both Catherine and Megan slyly looked at each other and smiled.


Chapter Thirteen

The next morning, Jason was off to work as usual with a very satisfactory smile on his face. Their mother however, was a little later in getting around to the breakfast table than normal. It was obvious by the look on Catherine’s face that she was about to ask her mom what had kept her when her sister stopped her by touching her arm and giving her a quick gesture of silence once she had her attention.

Megan had been about ready to tease her mom about being late also, but then it dawned on her what the big smile on her father’s face signified. Jessica too had a smile on her lips that the eldest daughter had not seen in quite a while but she knew what it all meant. Her parents had made love the night before and as far as she was concerned it was all due to her and her Catherine; and she wasn’t wrong.

As soon as Megan was sure that her mother was busy enough getting a plate of food and something to drink she whispered to Catherine about her suspicions. Cat nearly grinned from ear to ear at what she was told and her thumbs up actions drew their Mom’s attention.

“What’s up with you two this morning,” asked Jessica after seeing what looked like a mini celebration out of the corner of her eye.

Catherine and Megan were caught off guard but they recovered quickly. They didn’t want to simply blurt out that both dad and she looked very cheery this morning so Cat made something up. “I’ve convinced my dear sister to go shopping with me this morning. I’m hoping to get her opinion on a few nice things to take with me to college when I go.”

Jessica nodded her head. “That’s nice,” she commented. “I wish I had a sister when I was younger. I love my brother, but I’m sure I would have enjoyed a sister a whole lot more.”

Both girls chuckled. Their elation had come from the fact that they were sure that their father had been so inspired by what he saw the previous afternoon that he was able to act upon it later that evening. However, they were still able to relate to what their mother had said also. They had no idea what it was like to have a brother but they definitely knew what having a sister had meant to them. And neither of them would have changed anything when it came to that.

After their mother finally left to participate in her new diversion the girls planned on what they were going to do. In a way it wasn’t too bold or ostentatious. They were simply going to carefully watch the driveway and main doors. They were not sure which entryway their father had used so they would try to cover them all as best possible.

It really wasn’t too hard to figure out when their Dad would probably show up. He was well aware by now that Megan put Chloe down for her afternoon nap at about eleven A.M. And that had been the time that he showed up the previous day. They would wait until they saw him coming and then scramble to Catherine’s room. They would be partially unclothed to start with so it wouldn’t take long to somewhat assume the same positions as yesterday.

Next, they determined that the bedroom door should be left ajar, at least to a point where all their father had to do was nudge it open a little more to be able to see inside. After they were sure of what they were going to do it was only a matter of waiting. Time seemed to pass slower as the eleventh hour approached.

Eventually it became time for Chloe’s nap and once the tot was asleep, the girls prepared. They stripped most of their clothes off, leaving only their bra and panties on. They didn’t want to become naked too soon because Caspian and Charlie would have become too excited. As it was the K9s already knew that something was afoot.

The girls didn’t have to wait too long after Chloe was tucked away in her room. Once they were ready they stood on the upper floor of their parent’s home and watched. There was one particular spot that would allow anyone positioned there to see the main driveway and a portion of the parking apron. True to their prediction, their father’s car came into view and then stopped after pulling into the shade of a large maple.

The two girls looked at each other and smiled. “Show time,” they both murmured in near unison, and it made them chuckle as they turned and walked into Catherine’s room. In a way all of this was a bit unnerving. They were certain that their father had watched them the previous day but being ninety nine percent sure as compared to being a hundred percent sure still left room for doubt.

The girls shed their few garments easily and tossed them in the pile with the rest of their clothes. They then began engaging Caspian and Charlie who were more than eager to join in. They started by licking the girls as they sat on the edge of the bed and went from there. The positions that Catherine and Megan took were directly broadside of the bedroom opening. With the slightest glance they would be able to see that the door was further ajar than what they planned to leave it.

In effect, everything worked like clockwork. The girls noticed that the door was now open several inches further than it had been at the beginning; right at the point where they were experiencing their first tongue induced orgasms. The hard part after this would be in making sure that the boys didn’t get interested in anything other than what Catherine and Megan were offering them. They didn’t want the animals to run toward the door and greet their father just yet.

As soon as the young blonds were ready for the next part of their show, Megan arose and got on her hands and knees. It was not easy at this point to keep Charlie close to her. And keeping her attention on what she was doing and not glancing at the entryway was even harder. She accomplished both tasks admirably though and very soon her K9 companion was mounting her. Not only that but when she positioned herself this time, her derriere was pointed at about a forty five degree angle compared to where her father was hiding.

Jason was in heaven. His daughters were once again evolved with the dogs and to him it looked as though they had just started. He didn’t figure he could get any luckier than that. He stood behind the wall and peeked around the corner of it just enough to give him a view of what was happening. He could see the entire bottom of the bed as both girls lay on either side of it and it was very revealing. Even as he was standing there and watching he realized that his own cock was already getting stiff and he had to adjust it slightly to remain comfortable.

The only near hitch to what Jason was doing was shortly after he reached down to reorganize things in his pants. His attention was averted for only a few moments but it was enough for him to lose track of the proceedings. When he looked up again Megan was moving in the room and at first he was afraid that she would come his way. Not only that, but Charlie was looking right at him. His almost bolted for the steps, but then he saw that she was merely repositioning herself on her hands and knees.

Jason sighed in relief. All of this was just too good to lose and he was certain that if the girls found out that he was watching them that they would cease their activities here. They probably wouldn’t stop making love to their animal s as he was sure that they were really into what they were doing: but they would definitely find someplace else to go.

He continued to watch as Megan coaxed Charlie onto her back; thankful that the animal could not tell his partner that they were being watched. He saw his daughter’s form as she knelt there and he once more thought of his wife. He wondered if she could ever be enticed into doing anything like this. He daydreamed about it even as he watched the dog mount and begin humping. He watched closely and was soon rewarded by seeing the beast stab several inches of his cock into her exposed pussy; and he heard her moan in pleasure.

Megan hoped that her father was enjoying the show that she and Catherine were putting on. She thought about it all right up until Charlie slammed four hot inches of cock into her slit; then she didn’t ponder it any further. She was too busy with other things at the moment.

Charlie was in a rapid humping mood. He pounded Megan so hard that Jason wondered how his daughter could even withstand the onslaught. He watched as she was reduced to a mere whimpering, murmuring piece of girl flesh. And yet, she wasn’t trying to get away from him. In fact, it was evident to him that she was arching her back so that the animal could have even freer access to her body.

Jason could barely tear his eyes from where Megan and Charlie were but he managed. He toward the bed where Catherine lay with Caspian now mounted to her in the missionary position and he could hardly believe his eyes. His youngest daughter was being fucked like most humans fuck. The dog was thrusting into her at a very slow pace and it was as though he knew exactly what he was doing. It wasn’t quantity that this animal was after; it was quality.

Catherine’s legs were up and encircling her lover and she wasn’t moaning incoherently like Megan was. His youngest daughter was well in control of herself and that made what she was saying even more meaningful. She was murmuring encouragement to Caspian and letting him know exactly what she wanted. Very distinctly Jason heard her urging the dog to fuck his puppies into her and make her pregnant. This was the second time he heard her plead for this to happen; and in a way he wished that it would. He would help her if it ever did come about.

Catherine knew that her father was watching everything, but there was no way she could stifle her true feelings. As she felt Caspian shoving himself into her depths and now just screwing her but making love to her she could only desire one thing; she wanted to bear his offspring. She loved him and she wanted to give him what almost every male wants; children from the woman they love.

“Fuck me Caspian,” urged Catherine plainly, “put your seed in me and make me pregnant. I want to be the mother of your puppies. And I don’t care if anyone else ever found out. I love you.”

Jason watched as Catherine and Caspian writhed on the bed. What he saw was so sensual that the fact that she was making love to a dog never even entered into the equation when he judged how sexy it all was. It didn’t matter to him that his daughter’s lover was a K9. All he saw was two lovers embracing and it was absolutely beautiful.

It was at this point that Jason decided to confront his daughters with what he had already seen. He wouldn’t do it while they were still engaged with the animals. He would wait until they were done. He wanted to be honest with them and he hoped that they would understand. He considered what they were doing to be okay. The rest of the world might have other opinions by in his home it didn’t matter. And he hope that they would allow him to watch occasionally; especially because it seemed to help him with his E.D.

It was another fifteen minutes before the dogs finally managed to pull their knots from the girls. As the young ladies arose they drew closer to one another and whispered as they faced the foot of the bed. “I think he’s still out there.” offered the eldest.

“Yeah, I think you’re right,” agreed Catherine as she nodded slightly.

Megan sighed softly and then turned to face the door. “You can come in now Father,” she spoke aloud.

For a moment, nothing happened. Jason was shocked that he had been found out. I took several seconds for it to register in him brain that neither of his daughters looked or seemed upset in the least. They weren’t trying to hide anything. Slowly he pushed the door open and stepped into the room. He tried to keep his eyes on the girl’s faces but it wasn’t easy. “How long have you known that I was watching you?” he asked.

“Since yesterday,” offered Catherine. And she watched as he became embarrassed and apologetic.

“I’m sorry…” began Jason. “I had to come home yesterday to get some papers that I forgot and I…”

“It’s all right, Father,” said Megan, interrupting his apology. “Catherine and I have been planning on letting you see us in action. We were hoping that it would help you with your problem…” and she let the rest of the sentence hang; figuring that he would know what she meant.

“You mean that you know about my E.D?” he asked. “How?”

Catherine chuckled. “We live here Father, and we have ears.”

Jason remembered having several discussions about his Erectile Dysfunction with Jessica. He had tried pills but they had not really worked. The possibility of getting a penile implant was even mentioned but he didn’t think that he and his wife had been too loud when they talked about such things.

Jason blushed a bit but then added. “Well… I can tell you one thing. The show yesterday and today that you two put on sure seems to have cured some of my problem. I’m still stiff and hopefully tonight I’ll be able to recall all of this and put it to good use. I just wish your mother was here so I could use it now. All of this just makes me wonder if your mom would ever be interested in trying it.”

Catherine and Megan just looked at each other and chuckled. They had one more surprise for their father. The only problem was in letting him know about it in a way that wouldn’t blow his mind.


Chapter Fourteen

Jason excused himself from Catherine’s room now that all the festivities were finally over. His daughters were still naked and it wasn’t easy for him to keep his eyes off all of their charms; especially when they reminded him so much of his darling wife. After all, they were spitting images of woman he had married over twenty plus years ago. And now that Jessica had dropped the extra poundage that she had been carrying she and the girls almost looked like triplets from a distance.

While the girls dressed he waited for them in the kitchen. When they finally came down they talked for a short time. He had to get back to work but they made plans to meet again in a few days. He knew that it would be when Jessica was scheduled to work at the Berkshire Kennels but other than the fact that it allowed to girls to engage in their sexual bouts with the dogs he didn’t think anything else of it.

The rest of the day for Jason was quite anticlimactic. It remained that way until later that evening when he and his wife went to bed. Once more he called upon his memory and what he saw earlier that afternoon. Then, just like the night before, he and his wife made love vigorously. It was beautiful but it did leave Jessica wondering what kind of magical elixir her husband had found.

The next few days crept by. Jason and the girls couldn’t wait until the planned date arrived; and it didn’t matter that Catherine and Megan were able to make love to Caspian and Charlie after the rest of the family went to bed. What was foremost in the trio’s minds was different. The father wanted to see his daughters making love to the animals again but the girls wanted to enlighten their male parent as to what their mother was doing. They had come to the conclusion that everything would mesh perfectly once their mother and father knew of each other’s sexual desires.

When Jason arrived home on that fateful day he didn’t expect to find his daughters in Megan’s car. He pulled into the drive and was almost ready to park when Catherine rolled down her window and yelled out to him. “Follow us,” was all he heard before her window was rolled back into the closed position.

Jason pulled around the small circular drive quickly. Even as his daughters turned onto the roadway he was right behind them. The drive took them less than twenty minutes and once more he was surprised as the girls parked by the side of the lane several yard beyond the closed gates that led to the Berkshire Kennels.

“What are we doing here?” asked Jason, “and where is Chloe?”

“I hired a baby sitter to watch over Chloe,” offered Megan as she and Catherine drew closer to their father. “And as to what we are doing here I have it on good authority from Cat that you will definitely want to see what Mom has been up to for the last few weeks.”

Jason looked at Catherine quizzically but then followed his daughters as they led the way onto the Berkshire Kennel property by means other than the gated drive. They moved slowly as they approached one of the outbuildings and as they drew closer he was more or less certain as to what they would find. Everything was beginning to fall into place now.

Jason and the girls moved close to the same window that Catherine had used to look into the building over a week ago. Unfortunately, it was properly closed this time and the only thing they could glean from any of this was what they heard from within.

Jessica’s unmistakable voice came to her husband’s ears and the things she was saying now assured him as to what was happening inside. He shook his head, unsatisfied with the current condition of things. He had to see what was happening with his own eyes.

Jason strode around the building in a clockwise manner and was soon standing in front of the door. It was wishful thinking to hope that the wooden barrier was unlocked but he carefully tried the handle anyway. To everyone’s surprise the metal object turned in his hand and he gently pushed on the wooden panel.

With their father in the lead, the girls entered the building. There was a very small ante chamber before the main room but as soon as they move through it their eyes fell on not only their mother, but Ellen also. And both of them were being vigorously fucked by two large K9s.

When Jason and the girls quietly entered the room, only the dogs turned their heads slightly to look at them. The animals didn’t even break stride and the human females were luckily looking away from the doorway at the moment so they didn’t notice the intrusion until several minutes later.

Jason’s eyes roved over the two women in front of him eagerly. This was not like finding his daughters in a compromised position and feeling bad at ogling them because they were his offspring. This was totally different. His wife was engaged in sexual intercourse with a dog, which he really didn’t mind, but that should give him a few privileges also. As far as he was concerned he should at least be able to enjoy watching both Jessica and Ellen as they were being fucked royally.

The trio that had entered the room stood quietly and watched. They were all fascinated by what they saw and were taking pleasure in the scene completely. Truth be told, if Catherine and Megan had Caspian and Charlie with them they would have shucked their clothes right on the spot and allowed their animals to mate with them just inside the entryway. Both young women were hot as they watched the sensual spectacle before them. They knew exactly what they were going to do when they got home if at all possible.

The lusty murmurs and panting that came from both women filled the room. Bull was mounted on Jessica’s back and a Malinois named George was currently plowing Ellen. The knots of the animals were still being pushed and pulled through the vaginal openings of their mates but that would end in only a few more seconds. The growing bulges entered one last time…

Ellen’s shriek escaped from her mouth only a few moments before Jessica’s did. They both clamped their nether muscles as tightly as possible to keep from being ripped open. They then basked in the feeling of having what seemed like eight plus inches of sausage stuffed into a six inch, somewhat expandable, container.

“Oh god… this feels so good,” murmured Jessica as Bull’s cock shot load after load of hot doggy sperm into her vaginal vault. She was about to add how wonderful it felt to have the dog’s knot rubbing against her G-spot but a loud gasp escaped her lips instead. She had finally turned her head in an effort to see Ellen when she realized that she and her friend were no longer alone.

Jason moved quickly to Jessica’s side even as his wife’s eyes registered fear and anguish. She had been discovered by her husband and daughters in the most compromising of positions. If they ever intended to use it against her she would have no recourse but to give in and accede to their wishes or demands. At this vulnerable moment she realized that she could lose almost everything. There was very little that she could do during this segment of time however because Bull was knotted to her firmly. And she knew that he would not come loose for at least another fifteen minutes without severe pain ensuing at any attempt of rapid extraction.

Jessica watched her husband closely. He was not acting as she had thought he would and the first words out of his mouth shocked her. “I love you, Darling,” he said as he reached out to caress her face. “And I love what I see happening here.”

Jason moved away from his wife slightly. Giving him just enough room to expose his rock hard phallus for her to see. “As soon as Junior is done there I want my turn,” he offered with a smile. “And I don’t mind seconds as long as it’s a dog that I’m following.”

Jessica felt a wave of relief sweep over her. Jason was going to accept her new life style, but what about the girls. She looked in the direction of the doorway but they were not there. For a moment she began to despair once more. Did her daughters run out of the building because they couldn’t stand what they were seeing? Her renewed anguish was snuffed our quickly when she listened to what her husband had to say.

Jason began filling Jessica in on everything that had transpired while he patiently waited his turn. His eyes once more roved over not only his wife but Ellen also. He even began strolling around the room checking out the two beautiful ladies mounted to their dogs from every angle he wanted. He even lifted the tails of the animals to check on the knots and how they were imbedded in the women but he received no static from either female for what he did.

Jason left nothing out in his narrative; including Megan and Catherine and how they loved their animals. By the time he was done Bull and George were finally able to dismount. He then moved to Jessica and helped her stand; he didn’t plan on kneeling when he pumped his cock into her pussy.

Jessica followed her husband’s lead and she was soon bent over at the waste with her hands holding the back of a chair for support. She felt him position his cock at the entrance to her pussy and then push into her. She knew that Bull had stretched her a bit so she tried to clamp down on Jason’s shaft as much as possible. For the most part it worked but the dog’s fluids were still in her vaginal vault also and creating so slick a path that it was hard to build up any friction.

Jason began pounding Jessica as speedily as possible but the feel just wasn’t right. There was too much doggy fluid in her. He smiled as he got an idea and he went with it. He pulled out of the extremely slippery chute and entered the one just above it. He and his wife had participated in anal sex in the past, but it had been a while.

Jessica shrieked and tried to stand upright as Jason prodded her derriere but he had been ready for her. His hand on her back kept her in place as he slowly entered her. He was well lubed as he entered this road less traveled but he still went slow. It wasn’t until he was fully imbedded in her that she stopped struggling.

Once Jason was spooned against his wife’s delectable ass he began moving within her. He started his retrieval and thrusting at a pace that was slightly faster than when he entered and eventually Jessica began moaning pleasurably.

Jason was enjoying himself. It had been years since he felt this virile. He thrust himself into his wife repeatedly ignoring everything else until Ellen came into view. He looked at her and they exchanged eye contact. She licked her lips slightly and then moved closer. Without asking she began caressing Jessica’s back and then moved to her stomach and breasts. She inserted herself into the situation and the whole affair suddenly became a Ménage à Trois.


Chapter Fifteen

Jason thought that Ellen was a very beautiful and sexy woman but he had never imagined what happened next. He had just had one of the strongest orgasms that he had ever experienced. He gently pulled himself free of his wife and she turned to face him. They kissed and shortly after that they parted. He was about to go and clean up when he was stopped in his tracks by the co-owner of the kennel.

Ellen had a washcloth in her hand and she knelt in front of Jason. She took his flagging cock and bathed it thoroughly. As she did this his phallus began to stir again. He looked quickly toward his wife but all he saw was a smile on her face. When the lithe brunette was done she stood and smiled also before turning around and assumed the position that Jessica had just vacated.

Jason looked at his wife quizzically. “Ellen and I have decided that we want to share everything again,” responded Jessica. “And that includes you now that you seem to have found the answer to your Erectile Dysfunction.”

Jason didn’t know what to say but as long as he had his wife’s blessing he wasn’t about to turn an opportunity like this down. He hadn’t been with anyone but Jessica since he had begun dating her over two decades ago. He grabbed his staff and began rubbing Ellen’s slit. Her pleasured moans let him know that what he was doing was exactly what she wanted. He entered her and then placed his hands on her hips so that he could really ram her when the time was right.

Ellen had seen firsthand how big Jason was and it pleased her that Jessica had not exaggerated in the least about her husband’s size. He wasn’t quite as long as her Malinois George, and he was shaped differently, but his length was over seven inches and his girth as on par with her K9 lover.

When Jason began thrusting into Ellen it definitely pleased her. Her vaginal chute had already returned to normal after George’s onslaught and most of his fluids had leaked out also. She had been tempted at first to ask him to fuck her the same way he had his wife, but the proper friction was back. She could tell that he was enjoying himself inside of her pussy as much as she was she was enjoying him being there.

While Jason and Ellen thrust at each other Jessica was not idle. She led Bull to a point that was right in front of the chair that they were using and assumed the doggy position. It didn’t take her K9 lover long to get the hint as to what his new female wanted. He had already rested for nearly twenty minutes and he was ready and willing to go another round.

Even as Ellen and Jason watched, Bull mounted Jessica and began thrusting at her. He missed the first few lunges but there was no mistaking when he connected. The kneeling blond let out a deep groan as she was pierced by the animal’s phallus.

Jason kept thrusting into Ellen as Bull reached his depth and plowed into Jessica. It was impossible for the man to keep up with the animal but he tried and the brunette he was pumping had no complaints. She had been with a few men but for the most part she had given up on them. Most of the guys she had been with were only out to please themselves but she quickly realized that her friend’s husband was very different.

She had heard that Jason had been a real stud from Jessica but until she experienced it she simply figured that her friend was embellishing on things a bit. Now however, she was getting a taste of what her gal pal had claimed first hand and she had to admit that her old schoolmate had not exaggerated. This man was as eager to please her as he was in pleasing himself.

Once Bull had mounted Jessica, she gave up trying to watch what Ellen and her husband were doing. She now had a cock in her that would satisfy her every bit as much as Jason’s would; and perhaps a little more. As far as she was concerned if it took allowing her friend access to the man she was married to then she would do it. It seemed to be a fair trade in her eyes. And, if they managed this right they would probably form a very bonding human trio; mixed with at least two dogs and perhaps more. Who really knew what the future held.

Jessica reveled in the feel of Bull’s cock as it pounded her mercilessly. She had been ravaged by him once already just a little earlier. Then her husband had plowed her ass really well. And now she was getting it again from what would very soon be the family pet. Yes… she was very pleased with the way things were turning out.

Jason and Ellen watched Jessica as Bull fucked her. They saw her arch her back in an effort to allow him even greater penetration if that were at all possible. The kennel owner then attempted to look over her shoulder and catch a glimpse of her lover. She then arched her back in the same manner as her friend had. Her gesture was not lost by the man and he accommodated her by trying to reach even greater depths than ever before.

Jason felt a stirring within him. One that was far more than sexual. He had never thought it possible to love anyone as a mate other than Jessica. However, it was quickly dawning on him that he wanted this Ménage à Trois to definitely continue. He wouldn’t destroy his marriage for Ellen, but he hoped that everything would fall into place and that it would all work out.

Bull had set a blistering pace, one that Jason could not keep up with. He may have slowed down a bit but he was still in the running. Both Jessica and Ellen had been ridden through several orgasms and within they were wondering who would last the longest; the man or the animal.

The grand finale almost came to a photo finish. Both Jessica and Ellen orgasmed one last time as the males that were fucking them poured their seed into them. The blonde received another load of K9 sperm but the Brunette was flooded with human essence; something she had not received in over fifteen years.

The room and building in which all of this had taken place suddenly became far more quiet than before. Only the panting of the animal and humans broke the silence for several minutes. When Ellen and Jason finally parted she turned immediately and kissed him; and it wasn’t a kiss that told him that she only wanted to be friends. Their eyes met also and although no other words were spoken the message still got across. There was a new commitment here.

Jason and Ellen finally cleaned up a bit while they waited for Jessica and Bull. When they were done they stood side by side and watched as the dog began pulling his still respectable knot out of his female lover.

Jason and Ellen were not idle as they stood there; their hands explored each other casually. She allowed her hand to roam across his back and buttock and he did the same. They slowly became even more familiar with their new partner as the waited there.

Eventually Jessica was free to move and when she was Jason helped her to her feet. Soon the trio was standing side by side, facing each other, as naked as the day they were born. Ellen was the first to speak. “Are we going to try and make this work,” she asked hopefully.

“Yes… we are,” confirmed Jessica. “I don’t see why we can’t. I have my husband, whom I won’t mind sharing with my dearest friend. And I have my K9 lover who pleases me quite well also.”

“And I will have my dearest friend and her husband,” added Ellen, “along with my K9 lover.”

“And I will have the two of you,” said Jason finally.

The trio smiled at each other and then closed the gap between them until they formed a triangle. Each of them had their arms around the others and then they kissed. Here again they formed a perfect threesome. Their lips touched and one kiss instantly served two people. It was like a seal that brought it all together and made it indestructible. In the end though they did wonder how they were going to break the news of their relationship to the girls.

The girls had left long before any of this had ever formed. They themselves had only one thing on their minds; getting home, getting naked, and allowing their K9 lover fuck them silly. They pulled into the driveway, parked the car and hurried into the house. They considered it lucky that the babysitter lived close by because all she had to do was walk home.

When Megan and Catherine entered the house it was as quiet as usual for about this time of day. They found the babysitter in the living room watching TV but she seemed very disheveled for someone who was merely watching something on the tube. In a way each of the sisters wondered if the young brunette hadn’t smuggled a boyfriend into their house while they were away.

Annette was Catherine’s age, but they had not gone to the same school. They were friends but Ann lived one block on the other side of an invisible line that separated the two academic districts. When she arose from the sofa she tried to neaten herself up a bit and hoped that neither of the blonds asked her about her condition. There was no way she wanted to explain to them that she had been masturbating and then jumped by Charlie. In a way it had been rape but she still blamed herself also.

Annette took the money that Megan offered and quickly left the house. She was sure that the sisters suspected something but she doubted that they would have guessed that their German Shepherd had fucked her silly. She knew that she had precipitate it all by slipping her panties down and frigging her clit. When the dog surprised her and began licking her she should have stopped him but it felt too good. In the end he bullied her into a kneeling position and then mounted her.

At first, Annette did not really think that Charlie would be able to get his cock in her but after several missed jabs he succeeded. She tried to get away, but he grabbed her neck and all she could do after that was submit. The whole thing shocked her at first but after a while it felt pretty good. In fact, even now as she walked home she wondered when and where she would try it again.

Back at the Carter home Megan and Catherine looked at each other quizzically after Annette left. “Something happened here but I’m not exactly sure what it was,” offered the eldest sister.

Catherine shrugged her shoulder. “I’ve known Annette for years. She’s a good sitter or I wouldn’t have suggested her. I do know though that she has a boyfriend that she is seriously involved with.”

“We did ask her to watch Chloe on very short notice,” surmised Megan, “do you think they already had plans to get together? He could have followed her over here and then she let him in after we left. We probably got here just after they got done. That’s why she looked as though she just threw her clothes back on.”

Once more Catherine shrugged her shoulder. “She could have had her boyfriend here, but to tell you the truth it really doesn’t matter. Just as long as someone was here in case of an emergency it’s all that matters.

The girls dropped the subject after that and were in the process of rounding up their four legged lovers when Chloe awoke. They both gave a frustrated sigh and headed instead toward Megan’s bedroom. They knew now that they would have to wait until later that night to get their relief. As it was, they never saw Charlie licking his genitals as he finished cleaning himself after his last exploit.



Several hours passed before Jason, Jessica and Ellen returned to the Carter household. The girls were a little surprised at this turn of events but as long as their parents were cool with it who were they to question their choices. Little by little over an evening meal everything was explained and proposed. The household seemed to grow exponentially that day but it all worked out.

Now that almost everyone in the house knew everything about each other, life within the Carter family changed somewhat. For a while it was a bit crowded with three dogs running about the premises, but they all got along so it wasn’t too much of a problem; especially after Catherine left for college.

Megan eventually managed to sell her house and buy a smaller one; it filled her needs. It was all hers and it had a fair sized fenced in and private back yard with a pool. None of it reminded her of Derek and that was what she wanted. She also shied away from men now; just like her sister did. There would be no repeat of the past.

In the mean time however both girls easily became accustomed to seeing Ellen and their parents cavorting in a way that let them know that they had managed to form a close alliance. And it didn’t matter to either young blonde what they did as long as it didn’t cause her mother and father to break up. All in all it became a very loving and fulfilled home.

The End