(c) 2009 by scion010

Part 1 – How it all began

My name is Tom, and I live on a small dairy farm in rural Montana with my dad. My mom ran off with her boss some seven odd years ago. My dad gets us by with his dairy farming however and we do all right by ourselves.

I was 18 and still going through the raging hormones of the time when this story begins. I was always horny, and I do mean always, though sometimes it would only be daydreaming instead of actual physical hornyness. I was almost out of high school and still hadn’t been laid. I simply didn’t know what to say to girls, I would just end up making awkward conversation and then getting too embarrassed and walk away. I didn’t give much thought to actually going about the business of getting laid, mostly because the guys at my school who had done it said it was nothing special. Certainly nothing to get worked up over, if you get lucky, then you get lucky, no need to chase it like you live for nothing else. I wasn’t so sure that was all there was to it, but I usually was satisfied getting myself off.

My dad paid me to help around the house and farm sometimes, and while some might consider that an allowance, to me it was pay. My dad respected my privacy and never inquired as to what I spent the money on. I mostly spent my money on porn sites, since I was eighteen I was eligible. I also saved up and bought a Fleshlight. For those who may not know a Fleshlight is an artificial pussy that is disguised (not very well though, it says Fleshlight on the side!) to look like a flashlight. It was advertised to look and feel just like the real thing, so I bought one thinking it looked too good to pass up.

One afternoon I was having a particularly pleasurable session with my Fleshlight in front of my computer when my dalmation, Jake, walked in the door behind me. Normally I don’t like being naked in front of anyone (modesty I guess), and that included the dog. I was so engrossed in the porn on the screen however, that I didn’t notice him come in. I would have gotten up and put him out and closed the door if I had known. I was approaching orgasm when I saw Jake out of the corner of my eye. “Damn,” I thought, “I guess he can watch, just this once, since there’s no way I’m stopping now.” Well Jake just kept coming closer and closer until he sat down directly in front of me, between my widespread legs. “He must want a front seat,” I thought, “well he’ll get his show.”

A few seconds later, I knew I was about to cum, so I pulled the Fleshlight off of my dick to shoot onto the lips of the faux pussy on the outside. Then the most unexpected and pleasurable thing happened. Jake ran his long, wide tongue from my asshole, across both of my balls, and all the way up my shaft. Seeing as how I was so close to cumming, I naturally came everywhere, with the first jet going directly onto Jake’s tongue. Jake licked his chops, as if he was deciding whether or not he liked the taste. Apparently he did, as he cleaned the rest of it off of his nose, my balls, my shaft, and the chair I was sitting on. He wasn’t satisfied though, as he began to lick the vegetable oil I had been using for lube off of my balls. I was softening, but still greatly enjoying the treatment. I realized that the oil must have soaked into my balls a bit, as Jake kept licking for quite a while longer than I thought.

Being a horny teenager, I soon stiffened again. I happen to be one of those lucky guys that can produce a veritable fountain of precum when I get very aroused. I soon started to gush precum down my shaft, and Jake paused his cleaning long enough to sniff the new substance. I tingled in pleasure when he decided to taste it, and then he began to lap up the nectar now flowing freely from my cockhead. After getting all of it off of my balls and shaft, he went for the source. My cockhead was not prepared for that determined tongue. Jake’s licking was getting me more aroused, which caused me to produce more precum, which caused Jake to lick more. It was a wondrous cycle that I didn’t want to end. I held on for several minutes of nonstop tonguing when I knew I couldn’t last. I felt pressure within my balls building, and I held in for a few more glorious seconds before burst. I shot cum all over the place, but most of it into Jake’s waiting mouth. I was surprised at the amount of cum, as I had just cum a short time ago. Jake cleaned the rest of the cum off of me, but there wasn’t much left as he got most of it in that first jet. After he got all of the cum, he resumed licking my balls, getting the rest of the oil. There must not have been much left, because he stopped licking about thirty seconds after.

I was drained from having cum twice in one session, and I knew my dad would be coming in soon, so I didn’t apply more oil to continue the fun. I began to feel guilty that there was nothing I could do for Jake to return the favor. I knew I could never bring myself to do to him what he did to me. The thought of sucking a cock, especially a dog’s cock, repulsed me. Still I knew there must be something I could do. . .


Part 2 – Payback’s a Bitch, In a way

After my discovery of Jake’s tongue, we enjoyed each other almost daily. Just about every afternoon after school I would take Jake into my room for another session. I discovered that if I used oil that had already been used for cooking, it kept Jake’s interest for longer and he made sure to get every last drop. I got into the habit of soaking my balls in oil prior to our sessions, in order to soak it in deeply. I even experimented with different sauces, like A1 sauce. That was definitely Jake’s favorite, but I couldn’t use it very often because that would definitely be something that would be noticed if it all disappeared suddenly. Besides, if for some crazy reason Jake wasn’t inclined to get it all off, it would itch like hell afterward. So I mostly stuck with the oil.

I began to wonder a bit about Jake. It had taken remarkably little training to get him to bring me to orgasm every time, and he never nicked me with his teeth, even when I used the A1. And he was remarkably eager. It got to where all I had to do was unbutton my pants in front of him and he would wag his tail and lick his chops, already anticipating his reward. One time I took off my pants, and he was so eager that he didn’t even wait for me to take off my boxers, he just shoved his head up the right leg and started licking my dick like his life depended on it. That’s when I knew that I didn’t need lube, that it was just a bonus for him now; he enjoyed my taste all on its own. I was in heaven.

Still, I was beginning to feel guilty that Jake had brought me more pleasure than I had ever known and I hadn’t done anything to return the favor. Guilt is never something you want in a relationship, even if it is with your dalmation. So I got to thinking how I could please him with minimal effort (I was lazy, but I was a teenager). I knew I couldn’t lick or suck him off, I just couldn’t bring myself to even think about it. That left fucking, which I also had no desire to let him do. Then it hit me, my Fleshlight! I sometimes still used it when I needed the sublime feeling of fucking something, when Jake’s tongue wasn’t enough. “If I can use it like that, why can’t I share it with Jake?” I thought.

So one afternoon, instead of our usual routine, I prepared the Fleshlight for Jake. I put it in an old work shoe and duct taped it to some books on top of my bed so it would stay put, the same setup I used. I used the lube that came with it, instead of oil, because Jake might be tempted to lick it instead if I used oil, and besides, he wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. Then came the tricky part, getting Jake interested in it, especially before it got cold. I considered this for a moment when I decided to just do what I used to do to warm myself up for masturbation. So I knelt down beside Jake and began to massage his balls with one hand and the base of his cock with the other. He turned his head around and gave me a look that seemed to say, “I don’t know what you’re doing, but don’t you dare stop.” So I didn’t. After several seconds, Jake’s cock began to really emerge from its sheath. I kept massaging until he reached his full size, or at least I thought it was his full size, as it had stopped growing. I was a bit surprised and awed by how big it was. It was almost as big as mine was, and I was at least twice the size of Jake. I knew from my porn viewing that my cock wasn’t huge, by any standard, but it was still a respectable seven inches. Jake’s was about six and a half inches, maybe a little more. I began to think that if I whipped mine out (I was already hard from the eroticism of the situation) and compared size, they would be equal. But I didn’t, because that might have gotten Jake interested in licking me off like he had countless other times, and today was about him, not me. Besides, in the back of my head there was the fear that in his aroused state and with me on my hands and knees, he might get the urge to mount me, and that was not something I wanted to encourage. I knew he was ready because he was practically peeing precum (he put me to shame), getting it everywhere.

So I led Jake over to the bed and put him on the ottoman in front of it, so he could reach the Fleshlight with his cock. I began to guide him with my left hand while still massaging his balls with my right. Just as I was about to actually slide him into it, he seemed to get the idea and shoved into it with all his might. He began pumping fast and furious, much faster than I could sustain. I wondered if the tape holding it in place would hold with the shear ferocity of Jake’s mating. I wondered again about Jake. It hadn’t taken much to get him to understand what the Fleshlight was for. But then again, he had seen me fuck the Fleshlight before and had even assisted me with his tongue one time while I was using it, and he was a pretty smart dog, so I thought that had to be it.

A few minutes later, Jake seemed to start fucking even faster, if that was even possible. I noticed a swelling at the base of his cock that would occasionally be bumped by his wildly swinging balls, and I was curious what it was for. Just as I was about to lean in for a closer look, Jake seemed to cum, because he thrust himself completely into the Fleshlight. He even managed to get the tennis ball sized swelling into it, how I don’t know. At this point I finally gave in to temptation and began rubbing myself, sliding my precum soaked boxers against my cock to relieve some of my tension. Jake seemed like he really enjoyed his pride and joy being buried in the Fleshlight, and I wondered if he would ever pull out. Then he seemed to pull out, but apparently his cock wasn’t ready to leave the warm confines of the Fleshlight because he pulled the Fleshlight out of the shoe and jumped off the bed with it still attached to his cock. As he stood there with the Fleshlight dangling under his belly, he seemed unconcerned about it, and started to walk out of the room. I stopped him, because I knew that if anyone found him like this, I would have some explaining to do.

Just as I closed the door and wondered how long he would be like this, the Fleshlight fell off of him, and he went and sat in the corner. Jake began to “clean” himself. “Clean! yeah right, I wish I could do that.” I thought wistfully. My gaze went to the fallen Fleshlight. I picked it up, and inspected it to see if Jake’s odd swelling had done any damage. It seemed to have gone back to its proper shape, but I needed to make sure, so I stuck my fingers inside, to see if there were any rips in the material. I was immediately struck by how incredibly warm it was in there, almost hot, and I could tell that it was very, very moist. So naturally my thoughts went to my own unsatisfied organ throbbing in my pants. “Well, today isn’t only about him,” I said, grinning. I put the Fleshlight back into the shoe, and re secured the duct tape and books, then I dropped my pants and boxers in one swift hand motion (lots of practice and sheer determination had taught me how to do this). I then slid my throbbing, precum gushing cock into the Fleshlight. I was amazed at the sensation, it was better than anything I had felt before and was definitely better than my regular sessions with the Fleshlight.

About this time, noticing my exposed cock and balls, Jake stopped pleas. . . I mean cleaning himself, and came over to investigate. As I fully gave myself over to the experience of fucking the fluid filled Fleshlight (say that five times fast), Jake began to do what I should have expected of him by now. He began tonguing my balls. I knew I wasn’t going to last long even before Jake started his treatment, and I didn’t last as long as I had hoped. Still I managed to impress myself by holding out for several minutes. When the inevitable end came, so did I. I shot forcefully deep into the Fleshlight, jet after jet. I knew that if I had pulled out, like I did when “she” was on top, I would have shot all the way across the bed and hit the headboard. I lay there, basking in the feeling of Jake’ precum, his cum, my precum, my cum, and the original lube on my now supersensitive dick. Meanwhile, Jake continued his licking as if nothing had happened. As far as he was concerned, I hadn’t cum, as he didn’t get to taste it. The pleasure was almost as great as the moment of orgasm.


Part 3 – Just when I thought things couldn’t get better

It had been about three months since I discovered the experience of Jake’s tongue. And what an experience it was! It had become so ingrained in Jake’s mind that he got excited to see me everyday after school and would bound up the stairs into my room to wait for me. We couldn’t share the Fleshlight often because I knew we would run out of lube faster than I could afford it. (for something with such a simple purpose, that stuff was expensive!) But we did it often enough that I no longer had to warm him up first, which was fine by me, less work on my part. I’m ashamed to admit it, but the main reason we did it as often as we did was because Jake’s juices made the best lube I had ever tried. And I had tried plenty of lubes in my time. Jake’s pleasure was just a nice side effect that kept me from feeling guilty about using his tongue and cum for my own needs.

But with spring coming on, that meant that my dad would be needing my help more often around the farm. I gave an inward sigh, this was going to be a disappointment, not just for myself, but for Jake. We had grown used to each other, to our mutually beneficial ritual. But I knew that if I didn’t do the work, I would be unable to pay for my needs and I would make Dad suspicious. So I resigned myself to boring drudge work for the next few weeks.

One day, about a week into the spring chores, I came home from school early, because of some stupid sporting event at the school that I didn’t care about. I cared so little about it that I hadn’t mentioned it to my dad, or gave it a second thought. I walked in, and noticed that Dad hadn’t taken the cows out to pasture yet. No surprise there, sometimes Dad liked to sleep late and did his morning chores in the early afternoon instead. So I put my stuff on the couch and changed into my work shoes and overalls, ready to use this time to finish my work so I might finally have time with Jake.

I walked over to the barn, but just before I walked inside, I heard an odd sound. It sounded like someone slurping soup. Curious, I slowly peeked into the barn through a small hole in the side. What I saw blew me away. My dad was standing up against the calf pen, overalls around his ankles, with a calf suckling on his dick. My dad was clearly enjoying himself, as he had his eyes closed and his mouth open slightly, and every so often he would moan softly.

I knew that it would be a bad idea to reveal myself just then. Not only was this scene exceedingly hot and I didn’t want to interrupt, but I wanted to see what he would do next. I don’t know why I never thought of the idea before, since I had lived on a dairy farm all my life. Calves will suck on anything when they are young enough, and frequently. And being a dairy farm, we never had a shortage of young calves.

I watched in fascination, with my hand cupping my rapidly growing dick through my overalls. Dad gave out a loud groan, gripped the fence tightly, and the slurping sounds became a bit wetter and faster. I knew he had just cum into the calf’s mouth, though it didn’t take a detective to figure that out. Then almost immediately after, he pulled back away from the fence and the still sucking calf and seemed to reorient himself. I noticed that Dad’s dick was much smaller than mine, measuring what looked like barely four inches. I guess I got my well-formed dick from my mother’s side. For the first time in years, I silently thanked my mother. Dad pulled his overalls back up (I didn’t see any underwear) and walked back over to the calf pen. He patted the calf on the head and rubbed it behind the ears. “Good boy, I think you’re my favorite,” Dad said to the calf. That’s when I realized that Dad had been doing this for quite some time now. “This explains a lot,” I thought to myself. My dad hadn’t really been into the whole dating scene since Mom left us. He seemed like it just didn’t matter to him, and he made only a couple of attempts at dating over the past few years. “Small wonder, he’s been getting regular blowjobs from the calves! And I bet that’s why he goes commando,” I thought. Dad started to walk out the opposite door, and I knew that he was getting ready to take the cows out to pasture, leaving the young calves in the barn.

I was stiff as a board at this point and thought of my predicament. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on my work without release. Then a sneaky thought came to me. One of my chores was to feed the calves while Dad was out in the pasture. Well, I would feed them all right.

I listened for the sound of hoofbeats, and I knew that Dad had taken the cows to pasture. I wasn’t really all that concerned about Dad finding me, not after what I had just seen. Still, I thought it best to be discreet. I strode into the barn, walked over to the calf pen, walked in so that my back was against the wall. I didn’t want someone to chance by and see me. Dad may have not cared, but I was still jumpy about some stranger catching me. I led one of the calves over to the wall where I was standing, and dropped my overalls and boxer shorts. I realized that going commando like Dad did would definitely make this easier. There I stood, erection in hand, when the calf licked a bit of the precum from my dick. I trembled with anticipation, but the calf didn’t start sucking. Puzzled, I tried to coax the calf into the exact same situation I had just seen with my dad. It didn’t go to well at first, and I was beginning to soften at the annoyance. But then the calf seemed to understand and latched on to my dick with a vice-like grip, and began to suck. The suction was very intense, almost as if I had stuck a vacuum hose on my cock. That by itself wasn’t what turned on my precum fountain, it was the saliva that seemed to completely coat my dick and some dripped down onto the floor. The calf seemed to take heart that its sucking was being rewarded, and sucked even harder. The pleasure was intense, and I wondered idly how long Dad lasted while being suckled, because I knew that I simply wouldn’t be able to hold out like I had trained myself to do.

I noticed that the calf was only sucking on about five of my seven inches, and I wanted to push farther into the calf’s mouth. But just as I was about to do so, the calf released my cock, and seemed to forget what it was doing. But then, as I tried to coax it back into position, it lunged, and slammed its head into my vulnerable balls. I gasped and doubled over at the completely unexpected blow. Now I knew why my dad had had the fence between him and the calf. The calf was apparently still ready to suck, because as I warily straightened, it latched on to my manhood again and resumed sucking. I kept my eye on it from then on, but soon gave in to my rapidly increasing pleasure. The precum starting really flowing from my cock, and with the calf increasing its tempo ever more, I knew I was seconds away from cumming. When I felt the pressure build, I tried my best to hold it in, but the calf seemed able to sense the reward, and sucked so hard it almost hurt. It seemed to suck the jizz right out of me, and I gave in to the sensation and shot my load straight down the calf’s throat; I doubt the calf even tasted it. The huge load apparently wasn’t enough, and the calf kept right on sucking. But in the aftermath, the harsh sucking was actually rather painful on my sensitive dick, so I tried to pull away. The calf was having none of it though, and blocked my every attempt at escape with its body. A couple minutes later, the nonstop suction caused me to harden again, and the calf resumed its prior tempo. I lasted a bit longer this time, since I had just fed the calf with my man milk. But even so, I knew that I had to get away before I came again, otherwise I wouldn’t ever be able to. So, during the fervent blowjob, I slowly started to edge my way to the door of the calf pen. Just as I got the door open and was about the back out of it, I knew that I wasn’t going to last. As a last ditch effort, I pulled backward with my hips. My cock parted reluctantly from the calf’s mouth, and as it did so, it spurted another load onto the calf’s tongue and nose.

A split-second later, I was on my ass on the floor, with my abused dick still squirting cum onto the floor. I told myself that I would have to exercise a bit more caution next time. But I knew that there definitely would be a next time.


Part 4 – Everything starts coming together

That same week that I had discovered my dad engrossed in his calf blowjob, and my own subsequent indulgence, I knew I was going to have to do it again. It was just too pleasurable to pass up. So a few days later, I decided to give it a try again, this time I would control when it ended. When I got home, I made sure Dad was already out in the pasture with the cows. I hurriedly threw my backpack on the couch and changed into overalls, going commando this time, knowing my boxers would just get in the way. During this however, I saw Jake out of the corner of my eye just as I was putting my overalls on. He had seen me, and wanted a taste, but I was too preoccupied with the prospect of another of those calf blowjobs to think anymore about it.

I walked out to the barn, double checking that Dad was gone. I knew that this time I would have to risk someone catching me, but I knew that if someone did catch me, it would most likely be Dad, and I didn’t care so much about that. I went over to the calf pen, and the nearest calf poked his head over the railing at me. I petted him, and to my pleasant surprise he tried to suck on my fingers. I knew he was ready. I dropped my overalls, leaving me naked down to my feet, and presented my semi-hard dick to him over the railing. I made sure to keep my balls on the other side of the fence, to prevent another surprise buck to the nuts. The calf wrapped his mouth around my cock and began to suckle it. This calf sucked even more eagerly than the other one did, but his mouth was softer, making it easier to handle. It was then that I noticed for the first time that this was the same calf I had seen suck my dad off a few days ago. “Now I know why you’re Dad’s favorite,” I thought to myself through the ecstasy. I gave in to the sensation and it wasn’t long before I was fully hard and gushing precum into the calf’s mouth.

About this time, Jake walked into the barn. I didn’t see him because I had my eyes closed, lost in the sublime feeling of being sucked off by someone who only wants your cum. Jake saw the calf sucking me and cocked his head a little, as if trying to figure out why I was here instead of in the house with him. He gave up trying to figure it out, and gave in to his desire. He walked over and watched the scene from between my legs a bit more then dragged his long, wet tongue across my balls. I almost came from the surprising sensation. Somehow, I managed to hold it in while I wondered how this situation came about. Here I was, having a three way, and neither of my partners were girls, or even human. I almost laughed aloud at that. “If only my friends knew about this,” I thought wistfully, “they wouldn’t be chasing after pussy the way they sometimes do.” The calf continued his nonstop sucking, and picked up the tempo, bringing me back to reality. The calf seemed to be getting impatient for my seed, while Jake was slowly, luxuriously tonguing my trapped balls. The contrast was exceedingly hot, and I knew I was close to cumming. It seemed that both of my partners knew that as well, because the calf sucked very hard, almost painfully, and Jake saw my balls pull in tight. Jake never changed tempo, and in a way that was hotter than the suction of the calf. I exercised every ounce of willpower I had to hold on for a bit longer, but it was no use. Only a few seconds later, I spurted forcefully into the calf’s mouth, moaning loudly as I did so. This calf, despite his apparent hunger, paused slightly to taste my cum before he resumed his suckling. “He must be comparing taste,” I thought, as this was the same calf that sucked my Dad. I wondered whose he liked better, but that was a moot point because he didn’t seem to show any favortism. Like the last time, in the aftermath the sucking became too painful, and I pulled back. This time I was able to get away, because of the fence, but I almost tripped over Jake, who had never stopped his licking. He stopped then, looking surprised that I had so forcefully moved. Then he saw my dick, freed from the calf’s mouth, and he began to clean the saliva off of it. Unlike the calf, he seemed to realize that I was super-sensitive, and was much more gentle.

As I stood there while Jake cleaned/pleasured me, I got to thinking about three ways that I had seen on the internet. All of those had featured a changing of partners, with no one person getting all the pleasure. I wondered how I could apply this to my impromptu three way. The calf was too immature to understand the pleasure Jake’s tongue could bring, even if I could coax Jake into licking the calf’s young cock. But the calf will suck on anything of the appropriate size (he especially seemed to like cocks), and Jake hadn’t had too much pleasure lately, as we hadn’t had a Fleshlight session in almost two weeks. I knew that Jake was due some repayment. So I reluctantly pulled up my overalls, cutting Jake’s tonguing off. He looked up at me as if to say “what’d you do that for?” But then he realized what I was up to as I began to massage his balls and sheath. He stood stock still as I brought him to erection, his dick sporadically spurting precum. After he was ready, I got a hay bale and put it next to the fence. I knew Jake would need some elevation for this, especially since his cock wasn’t as flexible as mine. I brought Jake over to the hay bale and put him on it, with his front paws over the top of the fence, so that his dick was proudly sticking through the bars. The calf had been mooing plaintively at me since we had parted, as though he wanted me back. All that changed when he saw this new thing to suckle on. It wasn’t anything like what he usually sucked on (teats, bottles, and my Dad’s cock) but it was close enough and he was still hungry. He sniffed Jake’s cock, and licked off a little of the precum, before completely engulfing it with his mouth. Jake seemed startled, and almost pulled away, but I held him in place momentarily as he got used to the sensation. After he had, he started to hump forcefully. Unfortunately, the calf was startled by the sudden movement and backed away, looking at his new pacifier curiously. After a moment of consideration he resumed sucking, but Jake now knew that if he wanted it to continue, he would need to stay still. He really was a very smart dog. The calf had a lot of motivation to continue though, as Jake pretty much constantly squirted precum when aroused.

Several minutes later, I was marveling at how long Jake was lasting against the onslaught of the calf’s mouth. But then I noticed the weird ball growing at the base of his cock, and I knew it wouldn’t be long. Jake seemed to forget his manners and began to rapidly hump the calf’s mouth. But this time the calf, sensing the end was near, wasn’t about to let go. Suddenly, Jake stopped, his dick deep in the calf’s mouth. The calf was still sucking, though there now seemed to be more throat motion. Jake had given the calf his reward. Now though, Jake pushed even further into the calf’s mouth, and to my surprise the calf didn’t pull away, but took all six and a half inches of Jake’s cock. The calf even occasionally shot its tongue out to lick Jake’s knot. I wondered, annoyed, why the calf would take all of Jake’s cock but not mine. “Well my cock is a lot thicker than Jake’s, and besides, this isn’t even the same calf,” I reminded myself. Jake and the calf remained together for some time after Jake’s orgasm, but finally Jake jumped down, and walked over to the corner to lick his dick off. After all, it was covered with calf saliva, but no cum, unlike he was used to, the calf had been thorough. The calf looked contented for the first time, and wandered away.

I pondered what had just happened, and wondered what the odds were of it happening again. But then, I was surprised yet again.

“Whoa, that was really hot!” came from the door to the barn. I whipped around to see who it was.


Part 5 – What good is a secret if you can’t share it?

I turned around to see, to my surprise, my friend Zack. He had a big grin on his face and a raging hard on in his pants that he was half-heartedly trying to hide.

Zack was one of the few friends that I had who was older than me, having graduated the year before. He was one of my friends who said that pussy is great, if a bit overrated. He spoke from a position of experience, as he had had just about every girl in town. That’s why I found it odd that he seemed to have a new girlfriend for the last several months. No one really knew her that well, as she had just moved into town, but apparently she and Zack had really hit it off.

Zack was the one who originally owned Jake, only giving him up when his family moved away. But he stayed in town, and couldn’t really keep Jake at his new place, so he gave Jake to us. All this happened about nine months ago.

So there I was, mortified that Zack had seen me indulging my desires with the calf, and with his old pal Jake. But if he was disgusted by it, it certainly didn’t show. “Now I know what you’ve been doing up here so often, and why you’ve been blowing us off all the time,” Zack said, laughing.

“How long have you been there?” I asked him, still nervous about this.

“Oh I saw everything, Tommy boy,” Zack chuckled, “I saw you getting one hell of a blowjob from that calf, and I saw Jake helping you out with his tongue.” Zack didn’t seem surprised about that, which I thought was odd.

“Then I saw the calf doing the same thing to good ole Jake, and I gotta say, that was the hottest part.”

“So what are you gonna do?” I asked, laughing nervously.

“Well first off, I got an urge that needs satisfying,” he said, gripping the sizable bulge in his pants.

“Well I happen to know just the way. . .”

Since he had already seen me, he knew what to do. He dropped his pants, (he went commando as well, I noticed) and stepped up to the fence. I was surprised to see that Zack’s dick was bigger than mine, almost nine inches long and bigger around too. Now I knew why he had had so many girlfriends, and why he viewed pussy the way he did. I called over a calf, a different calf as the one we had just “fed” was no longer hungry. Zack dangled his cock and balls over the fence at the calf. Apparently Zack didn’t realize why I had kept my balls on this side of the fence. I didn’t correct him, as I thought he rather deserved a buck to the balls for spying on me all this time. The calf came over, sniffed Zack’s package, and licked the little bead of precum from his cockhead (Zack didn’t have fountain like capabilities like I did, it seemed). But the calf didn’t latch on, didn’t give Zack what he wanted. I continued coaxing it to do what it did best, but it just wasn’t interested. I was puzzled by this, calves always suck, even when not particularly hungry. I called over a different calf, only to find that it too, wasn’t interested. Zack was starting to get frustrated, and started to shove his dick into the calf’s mouth, but the calf backed away before he could. Then it hit me, I knew why they weren’t interested in Zack’s dick, and I smiled inwardly.

“Well Zack, it looks like your cock is just too big for them, they’ll only suck things of the appropriate length,” I told him, trying not to laugh. I thought it absolutely hilarious that there was a real downside to having a big dick. Zack didn’t find it so funny, however. He got pissed, backed off of the fence, and began to stroke himself to maintain his hard on. He sat down on a bucket, resigned to having to do it himself. But then he called out to Jake, who had finished a short time ago, and had been watching with interest. Jake walked over, and Zack snapped his fingers next to his cock, and Jake obediently started licking. I was stunned. “So that’s where he learned it,” I said aloud, and Zack just grinned at me.

Jake licked Zack’s cock for a long time, though not with the gusto that I had come to expect when he licked me off. I suspect that he just didn’t like Zack’s taste as much as he liked mine, or maybe Zack had never repaid Jake the way I had. There was a more methodical, trained way to his licking that seemed to really excite Zack, and he produced another little bead of precum. Zack sat back on the bucket, legs spread wide, hands behind his head, in the traditional blowjob position. He seemed to be enjoying himself, but in a superficial, “I get this all the time” kind of way. Nevertheless, the sight of seeing Jake, my helper for so many orgasms, lending his services to another had me hardening again. I thought I might reward Zack again with the sight of me receiving another blowjob from one of the calves. “One of the blowjobs he can’t have,” I thought to myself, grinning at the irony.

I dropped my overalls again, and walked toward the pen with the calves in it. Jake saw me out of the corner of his eye, and lifted his head to look at me, wagging his tail. Zack angrily snapped his fingers at Jake, and Jake complied with the order, but with reluctance. I knew then that Jake only licked Zack because of his training, but he licked me because he wanted to. I thought it ironic that Jake liked me better than his original trainer. I positioned my hard on over the fence, and called over one of the calves, one of the same calves that had refused to please Zack, actually. The calf licked the precum dribbling out of my cockhead, then engulfed me with its mouth. To my pleasant surprise, this one took my entire length, all seven inches, into its mouth. And even more surprising, it showed no hint of releasing even a little of my cock, it wanted it all. I gave in to the sensation, allowing my natural ability to gush precum to keep the calf interested. The feeling of the suction along my entire length was divine, and I rolled my eyes back into my head at the intensity of the pleasure.

Of to the side, Jake was apparently doing his job well, because over the calf’s sucking and through the screen of my own ecstasy I heard Zack’s breathing quicken, and he let out a little gasp once. I opened my eyes and turned my head to look just in time to see Zack spurting one monster of a load all over Jake’s face. There was more cum than I had ever produced in one session before, even between multiple orgasms in the same session. What Zack lacked in precum, he made up for in cum. The sight hastened my own orgasm, and I quickly reacted to contain it, as I had trained myself to do. Jake quickly cleaned up all of Zack’s cum, causing Zack to gasp at the ferocity of Jake’s licking. He then hurried over to me, and began to ferociously lick my balls behind the fence. That was the final straw, and I exploded into the calf’s mouth, draining my balls of their contents. I groaned loudly, I just couldn’t help myself. The calf seemed to take it as if nothing happened, and continued sucking. Jake also continued licking, dragging his tongue across one ball, wrapping it completely, then the other, over and over. The combined pleasure was very great, and I hardened again almost immediately. I knew I would be able to last much longer this second (well third actually) time, and I resolved to pull out at the last second this time, to give Zack a better show. His presence was actually heightening the pleasure, instead of dampening it, as I thought it would. I turned to ask him if he was enjoying himself, and saw him beating off furiously. Apparently, the answer was yes.

This went on for a good ten minutes, each of us wanting to outlast the other. He had an unfair advantage in that regard, I was being subjected to the talented mouths of both the calf and Jake, while he could vary the tempo with his own hand. As expected, I came first, pulling out of the calf’s mouth just as the first spurt hit its tongue. This time however, I did trip over Jake, who was standing right behind me, and I fell to the floor, still shooting cum into the air. This seemed to be too much for Zack, who then exploded into another monstrous orgasm. The cum shot a good four feet away, some of it landing on me, as I lay there gasping for air. Jake then proceeded to clean all the cum off of everything, acting like a kid in a candy shop.

As we lay there, exhausted from our experience, Zack spoke up, “Now I know why you don’t even bother with girls, if you can get all this for free.” I smiled weakly at him.


Part 6 – Comparisons

About a week after sharing my discoveries with Zack, my dad told me that he had to leave town for his high school reunion. He would be staying with an old high school friend and would be gone for about three days, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. He told me to take care of things on the farm until he got back, skipping school on Friday to do so. I groaned, because this meant that I had to do all the work, and my weekend was shot. But then I realized that with Dad gone, I wouldn’t have to walk on eggshells around the house. I could indulge in my sexual fantasies as much as time allowed. I took care to hide my realization from Dad though, I wasn’t too sure how he’d react to my grinning at the prospect of three days of farm work.

I texted Zack later that day telling him the good news, that I would have the farm to myself for three days straight. He replied that he had an idea, and to meet him in the barn on Friday afternoon for a surprise. I wondered what he could have in mind, especially after what we had done the last time he was here. We had done some pretty sexual things with each other for the first time and I wondered where his mind was going. I waited half nervously, half excitedly for Friday afternoon.

When Friday afternoon came, I had been working hard all day and was rather tired, but I wanted to see Zack’s surprise, so I took a break in the barn, and waited for him. He showed up, grinning like an idiot, and then I saw why. He had a simply gorgeous girl in tow. She was fairly tall, for a girl, with long legs, long brown hair, and a scrumptious pair of breasts. “This must be the new girlfriend,” I thought, “no wonder he spends so much time with her.” He walked up to me, still grinning, and introduced me.

“This is Amy, my new girlfriend. Amy, this is Tom, the one I told you about,” Zack said.
“You’ve told her about me?” I asked nervously. “What did you tell her?”
“Oh just that you’ve got a sweet deal going on up here what with the calf blowjobs and all.”
My mouth dropped open. I couldn’t believe that he had told someone, worse, that he had told a girl, and one that I didn’t know at that, about my somewhat deviant sexual practices. “You told her. . .”
“Oh yeah, she can be quite receptive to new ideas.” He leaned in closer. “I know, we’ve tried lots of new things together.”
“So why did you bring her here?”
“Well when I told her about the calf blowjobs she was intrigued, she asked me what they felt like and if they were better than hers. I told her that the calves wouldn’t suck me, that I was too big.” He seemed to still be ticked off about that. “But she wouldn’t leave it alone, she had to know just how good these calf blowjobs were in comparison to her own.”
I still hadn’t grasped his point. “So why did you bring her here?” I asked again.
“So that you could compare, of course!” he grinned.

Amy, who still hadn’t said anything, smiled playfully at me. She seemed eager to begin. She approached me and expertly drove her hand down the front of my pants and found my still surprised cock. She gave it a few good rubs while looking me in the eyes, then dropped my pants with her other hand, never releasing my cock. I was still in shock from what was happening. Here was a gorgeous girl, whom I had never met and would never be able to talk to in other circumstances, about to blow me in front of her boyfriend. The fact that he was my best friend didn’t help matters either. So I still hadn’t hardened, not even a little, by the time she saw my manhood. I’m one of those guys whose dick more than doubles in size when I get hard, so flaccid I’m not that big, about three inches. She looked disappointed at my size, and I gotta say, that was one of the biggest turnoffs I have ever had. It certainly didn’t help me to harden for her. But she was determined to know how she compared to a calf, so she worked it with her hand some more, massaged my balls, and I soon hardened completely. She seemed pleasantly surprised by the growth. “Now that’s more like it!” she said. She had a silken, breathy voice, the kind that you just love to hear. “With a voice like that, she really should talk more,” I thought to myself.

Hardened at last, Amy took to her work with gusto, first taking just the head and swirling her tongue around it, paying particular attention to my frenulum. I gasped at the sudden, intense pleasure. Then she released me and ran her tongue up and down the length of my shaft, avoiding the head now. This just heightened my arousal and anticipation. But she didn’t resume teasing my cockhead, instead she went further south, licking over my balls, once, twice, then again for good measure before sucking each ball individually and together. The precum was now gushing from my tip, running down my shaft to meet her sensuous tongue. She slowly licked up my shaft, along the trail made by my precum, again stopping short of my cockhead. I was so hard that it hurt, and I desperately wanted her to actually start sucking. “Stop teasing the poor guy,” Zack chuckled, “and show him your stuff.” I had been so absorbed in what Amy was doing (can you blame me?) that I hadn’t noticed Zack. He was naked except for shoes, nursing his own prodigious organ a few feet behind Amy. Amy did as he said, at last bringing her soft lips back to my head. She kissed the tip, moistening her lips with my precum, before she engulfed it with her mouth. She started slow and shallow, taking only about two inches with each downstroke, but she gradually picked up the tempo, occasionally looking up at me from her vantage point. As much as her disappointment had been a turn-off, that was a massive turn-on.

Several minutes of intense pleasure passed, and I was proud of myself for lasting as long as I did. I could tell that Amy was trying to milk me for as long as possible, presumably to maximize the pleasure. Once when I was close to cumming, she abruptly slowed down to almost nothing, giving me time to recover. She seemed to know exactly what to do to prolong the experience, and it was small wonder that she felt threatened by the calves. She was very, very good, and she wanted to be the best, it seemed. The second time I was ready to blow, Amy again realized, but the time, instead of slowing down, she picked up the tempo to a feverish pace. I moaned loudly, and blew one of the biggest loads ever into her talented mouth. At least it felt like it was a huge load, I didn’t get to see it, she never let a single drop escape from her lips, she swallowed every jet as it came.

My dick was spent, so Amy slowly released it from her mouth and licked her lips for one last taste. “Thank –,” I started to say, but she cut me off with a finger over my lips. “No need sweetie, it was my pleasure, you tasted wonderful, even better than Zack. But I want to know which is better, me or the calf. You relax for a bit, build your strength back up. You still have to compare, and I want to see one of these calf blowjobs. But in the meantime, let me see to Zacky.” She glanced over at Zack, still slowly jacking himself. Her finger had had a rather large glob of my precum still on it, that she had transferred to my lips. She noticed, then gave me a long kiss that gave me a taste of my own juices. She was right, it did taste good.

She walked over to Zack, giving me a good view of her ass. It was well formed, big but not flabby, muscled but not so much that it didn’t jiggle any. She ran her fingers over Zack’s cock, then gave him a kiss like the one she gave me. She dropped her own pants, and I was turned on to notice that she was wearing no panties. She pushed him backward over a bale of hay and straddled him. She lined up Zack’s dick with her pussy, then plunged it in and moaned slightly at the penetration. I could see that her pussy was dripping wet, apparently she had gotten quite hot blowing me, and needed the relief as much as Zack did. I realized that this was the first time I had seen a human pussy in the flesh, and what a gorgeous pussy it was. Mostly shaved, just a small tuft of hair at the top that matched the hair on her head. She was facing me while she was fucking Zack, but she wasn’t really paying any attention to me, she was mostly looking at Zack, or straight up at the ceiling. I was pretty tired, so I sat down and watched the show for a while.

Believe it or not, Zack didn’t last all that long, but that was a moot point because Amy orgasmed at least once. It would seem that Zack knew how to please her, even when she was on top. I would have to ask him how he did it, for future reference. I had gotten another semi while watching them, so I encouraged myself a bit, for Amy’s benefit. Soon I was fully hard again, but I wanted to wait until Amy and Zack were ready to watch. When they were finished, Amy dismounted and sat on the hay bale facing me. Zack got up and turned around to sit beside her watching me. Neither one of them bothered to dress themselves, but I noticed that Amy had never taken her top off. I was disappointed, I wanted to see those tits, but the show must go on.

I got up and positioned myself to call over a calf. I smiled to myself when I noticed which one it was. It was the one who was mine and Dad’s favorite. “Well what better way to compare?” I thought. I dropped my cock over the fence, making sure to shield my balls behind it. As expected, the calf latched on immediately. The contrast to Amy’s earlier treatment was palpable. The calf was apparently very hungry, and sucked non-stop, never releasing my dick from the suction. I grunted at the semi-painful suction, but it still felt immensely good. “Oh wow!” Amy exclaimed, and I noticed that she was rubbing her clit and occasionally fingering herself. It was very hot that I was making her hot, and one particularly harsh gulp from the calf brought me back to my situation. I gave in to the suction, even pumping in and out a little to increase the sensation. Once the calf tasted the precum, it got even more eager, I had learned, so I braced myself when I felt it start to gush into the calf’s mouth. I tried my best to make it last as long as possible, mostly for my audience’s sake, but also to further my training. But soon the time came, and so did I. Again I shot a load into a sucking mouth, and again I never saw a single drop. The only way Amy and Zack could have known I came was the way I stiffened and the slurping sound that the calf started making. I pulled away immediately; my cock had taken enough abuse for one day.

Amy and Zack got up and walked over. “So, which is better?” they asked in unison.


Part 7 – New experiences

As I stood there, naked and still drooling cum from my cockhead, I pondered the question at some length. It was a difficult choice to make. On the one hand, Amy was an expert at pleasuring a man with her tongue, and she new exactly what to do in order to prolong the experience. On the other hand, the calf could apply an unequaled amount of suction, and didn’t release your dick even after you cum. So it was knowledge and experience versus sheer tenacity.

“I don’t know,” I told them, “it was very close.” “But I think I’ll go with you, Amy, since you know exactly what to do and how to do it.”

My newfound audience had been watching me intently as I pondered it, either not noticing or not caring about their own nakedness. Zack was completely naked except for shoes, and Amy was naked from the waist down, except for shoes. I wondered again why Amy had never taken her top off during the whole thing, or why Zack hadn’t done it. They had been fucking rather furiously just a few short minutes ago, and it just seemed odd that Amy had never liberated her tits from her cotton top. Amy was still oozing Zack’s cum from her pussy, but she didn’t seem to care. Zack still had a semi from watching me get sucked off, but he was softening as we stood there.

Now that I had answered the million dollar question, Amy beamed at me, then turned to Zack and ran her hands across his chest and kissed his ear. “I told you,” she said breathily. “Thank you Tom, you’ve made me happy.” She then kissed me and ran her fingers lightly over my package. She brought the little bead of cum up to her lips and sucked it off of her finger, then she turned again to Zack and told him that she would be in the car. She walked out of the barn, grabbing her pants on the way out.

“I love it when she does that,” Zack said once she was gone.
“It was really hot, but why didn’t she take her top off? Surely she wanted to rub her tits?” I asked him.
“She has this weird thing about not letting strangers see her tits. Hell, she didn’t even let me see her tits until about the fifth time we fucked.”
It was a little strange to me that she had no compunction about letting strangers see her fucking her boyfriend, or giving said stranger a blowjob, but she was shy about her tits. “Oh well,” I thought, “it was still heavenly. Zack’s a good friend.”
“Well I guess we’ll take off, I got a feeling Amy’s not done for the day,” he said grinning. “She’s probably fingering herself right now. Text me next time you get a chance like this and we’ll see about doing this again.” Zack turned and walked out.
My mind was already spinning at the thought. Suddenly, all of my fatigue from the day and the draining of my balls twice in rapid succession caught up with me. I was really tired, and I knew I would get some serious sleep that night.

The next day I knew I would be horny all day thinking about the day before. But I had a ton of farm work to do, not least of which was taking the cows out to pasture. I groaned at the prospect, it was so boring out there. I don’t really know why Dad spent so much time out there with the cows, maybe he just likes the silence, I thought. When I got on one of the horses to lead the cows out to pasture, the saddle rubbed against my morning wood, giving me an expected jolt of pleasure early in the morning. Damn, I’ll just have to take care of this when we get to the pasture, I thought.

The ride out to the pasture seemed like it took forever, even though it was only a few miles away. When we finally got there, I dismounted once I was sure everything was in order. I simply had to rub one out, it was driving me crazy.

That’s when I noticed it.

I did a double take to make sure I saw what I thought I saw. Yep, the mare I had ridden out there was in heat. It was so obvious that I didn’t know how I didn’t notice it before. I was very familiar and friendly to the horses, as one of my normal chores was to rub them down after Dad got back from the pasture. The mare saw me looking at her, turned her head and flared her nostrils at me. At the same time, something extraordinary happened. She flared her pussy. It was odd, and at the same time very arousing, especially at a time when I was already horny. It seemed like she just wanted to be fucked so very badly, and there was no stallion around to please her. There never was of course, since the three horses we had were all mares. My Dad had said that was because he didn’t want to have to deal with horses who wanted to mate all the time, or with birthing foals. Plus, stallions were much more aggressive and harder to control, especially when there was a mare in heat nearby. It was a recipe for disaster for a single man, he told me. Now this mare was in heat, needing a stallion, and my heart went out to her. Then, through my still semi drowsy thoughts, it hit me. I could be her stallion!

I led her over to the fence and turned her so her hind end was facing the fence. I couldn’t fuck her if I couldn’t reach her, after all. I stood on the lower brace of the fence, with my legs on the other side, since I didn’t want to fall over. She seemed to know what was going on, and lifted her tail thoughtfully. She was flaring her pussy more frequently now. Call me crazy, but it looked almost like her pussy was an eye, and it was winking at me. It was very hot, I know that much. I dropped my pants slowly, still trying to get my balance. My cock was starting to gush precum in anticipation. I lined up, and took the plunge. It was hot in there, much hotter than anything I had experienced before, and much tighter than I had expected. After all, this pussy was designed to take cocks four times the size of mine comfortably. It was incredibly wet in there too, providing enough natural lube to not even need my own copious precum. The feeling was incredible, and I picked up the tempo to the fastest I could manage in my awkward position. She was continuing to wink her pussy at me, which was simply mind-blowing. It felt almost like she was milking my cock when she did that, like she was pulling me in deeper every thrust. We got into a rhythm that whenever she winked would be on the in stroke, bumping my balls against her exposed clit and milking my cock to its fullest.

She seemed to be enjoying herself, as she would neigh softly when I got particularly deep and rub my balls against her clit. She widened her stance slightly to be more accommodating. I was quickly losing control, and I knew that I wouldn’t even last five minutes, let alone ten, which had been my average until this point. I slowed down slightly, to prolong the ecstasy, but she was having none of it. She winked even faster, pulling me in deeper and deeper, faster and faster, milking me for all I was worth. It was too much, and I buried myself to the hilt in the hot moist cavern and shot into her for a solid minute. I was somewhat surprised at the amount of cum, but I suppose I shouldn’t have been, it was the most pleasurable fucking I had ever done. I realized that I had never fucked an actual pussy before, just the Fleshlight. This mare had taken my virginity, as long as blowjobs don’t count. As I slowly, luxuriously slipped out, I wondered if my Dad had told me everything about why we only had mares. After all, the mare had known exactly what to do with me and it might help explain why Dad spent so much time out here. I thought about how deep her pussy was and how I hadn’t even come close to fully penetrating her. I didn’t know if she had orgasmed or not, I couldn’t really tell.

After I pulled out, she kept winking, with each wink pushing more and more of my load out of her pussy. Amy had gotten me curious about the taste of my cum, and I wondered if it really tasted as good as she said. Plus I wanted to please the mare some more, she didn’t seem completely satisfied. So I jumped down from the fence and brought my face closer to her pussy. She seemed remarkably clean and smelled good, like fresh hay. Good enough to eat!

I stuck my tongue out and waited for her to wink again, then swept my tongue across her clit, cleaning my cum off of it in one stroke. She made a gasping sound, like she was pleasantly surprised. I proceeded to clean my cum off of her, making sure to hit her clit with my tongue whenever she winked, regardless of whether or not it had any cum on it. Soon I had eaten my whole load out of her pussy without realizing it. It tasted much better than I had thought. She kept winking, faster and faster, and I kept tonguing her clit with each wink. Then she neighed loudly, and a good amount of fluid gushed out of her pussy, just barely missing my face. I knew that she had orgasmed, and she seemed just as surprised by that as I was. It seemed that I had given her her first orgasm, at least her first oral one.

At last she seemed satisfied, and walked away a bit and began cropping grass. I thought about the experience, and wondered how I would be able to repeat it on a regular basis. My mind wandered back to all that had happened recently, especially the day before. I thought about Zack and Amy, and how he had told me that they liked to try new things. A sneaky grin crept over my face . . .


Part 8 – Everything Starts Cumming Together

On Sunday, the last day of my extended work weekend, I knew that I wouldn’t get another chance for a long time, maybe not ever again, to put my new plan into action. I got out of bed, my morning semi already growing at the thought of the day ahead of me. I texted Zack, telling him to that I had a surprise for him, and to bring Amy later that afternoon. He responded with “sure thing tommy boy,” and a big smilie at the end. “Oh and bring the blue pills,” I replied.

As the day went on, I made sure that I maintained my hardon all day, never allowing it to shrink. I had read that the pleasure is most intense when you maintain wood for a long time. This was going to be my biggest day yet, and I wanted it to be spectacular. It was difficult for me to ignore the urge for release, but I did it, giving myself only the occasional stroke to maintain wood. It was hard for me to go about my morning chores with Jake following me around, sniffing the tent in my pants. He wanted a taste, and the thought of that turned me on even more, causing me to drool precum. It started soaking through my pants, since I had become accustomed to going commando around the farm.

By the time Zack and Amy met me in the barn with big grins on their faces, I was ready to burst at the slightest touch. Maybe I went overboard on the erection thing, I thought. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to hold in for even 5 minutes once it started. Oh well, at least it will be a big finish, I reasoned. Zack and Amy noticed Jake standing beside me, and the look on their faces changed slightly. Zack seemed to get a little worried, and Amy seemed curious. Their grins returned full force when they noticed my soaking tent in the crotch of my pants.

“Well what’s this big surprise you’ve got for us Tommy?” Zack said.
“I was thinking about what you said about you two trying new things, and I was wondering if you might want to try something new.” I replied.
“No offense Tom, but what could you possibly show us that we haven’t already done?” Zack said.
“You’ll see, but first I want to know if you are completely up for this, both of you. You have to agree to it now, no balking later. Are you prepared for this?”
The suspense was obviously killing them, and they agreed quickly.

“First, Zack, hand over the blue bombs.” Zack gave me one of the Viagra pills, and took one himself.
“This will ensure that we enjoy this to the fullest.”
“Okay, I have something in mind for each of you, myself included of course. Who wants to go first? Or do you want to go all at the same time?”
“Let’s let Amy go first,” said Zack.

I took this moment to look Amy up and down. She was stunning, as usual, with super-short, super-tight shorts showing off her long shapely legs and an equally tight shirt that pretty much only covered the bottom half of her breasts and nothing else. She looked ready to begin.

“Jake here is going to be taking care of you.”
She looked puzzled at Jake, then at me.
“Trust me.” I said.
“Take off your shorts and start pleasing yourself, you may want to sit or lie down.”
At this time, Jake was still sniffing my precum soaked crotch, giving the occasional faint whine, imploring me to lower my pants for him. Amy sat on the stool meant for hooking up the milking machines and went to town on her already wet pussy. She must be anticipating this as much as I am, I thought. Jake ignored her for almost a full minute, still gazing up at me, then he caught her scent in the air. He turned around to notice her luscious pussy for the first time, he walked toward her slowly and stuck his nose right up against her soaking slit. She gasped at the contact, but was even more surprised when his tongue snaked out and engulfed her clit. She gasped more loudly, but eased back to let him resume his work. Zack watched in rapture, and soon he was sporting a tent as well. Amy was moaning softly as Jake unrelentingly tongued her pussy, paying special attention to her clit. He seems to know exactly what he’s doing, I comtemplated. Maybe this wasn’t his first time with a woman. The thought of that, combined with the blue miracle pill kicking in, hardened me beyond anything I had ever experienced. My need was so great that it took all of my willpower not to abuse myself just then.

As Amy languished under the intense feeling of Jake’s tongue, I decided to show Zack what I had in store for him. Since Zack had given me a lot, namely access to his super-hot girlfriend, I decided it was time I returned the favor. I led him over to where the horses were, and introduced him to them. An inkling of understanding crept across his eyes, and he made fast friends with the mares. Since the three mares had synced their cycles, they were all in heat. He took particular interest in Mary, the youngest and most energetic of the three, she was also the most aggressive, as she stuck her head up against his crotch and gave a long sniff. I led him around to the back of her, and lifted her tail. His eyes widened when he saw her winking pussy. “These mares have no stallion to please them, and they need a hard cock.” I told the dumbfounded Zack. “And the best part is, since these ladies are equipped to handle stallions, you can use your full length and not hit bottom or risk hurting them.” Zack seemed to realize the implications of that, and dropped his pants as fast as he could. His proud erection at last free to do what it did best, he stood up on the fence, just as I had the day before. I backed Mary up to him, and without fanfare, he buried himself to the hilt in her dripping pussy. He fucked rapidly, and Mary gave a whinny at the ferocity of his lovemaking. I watched for a few minutes, watched her pussy pull him in deeper and deeper with each stroke, watched his swinging balls bump into her clit on nearly every stroke. I simply couldn’t watch much longer or I was going to cum from sheer arousal.

I walked back out into the barn, to discover Amy at the brink of orgasm. Her breathing was rapid, and she had her hands up her tight shirt, squeezing her nipples. “Ah, ah, ah, good doggie, yes,” was all she would say, repeatedly. If Jake acknowledged her, I couldn’t tell. He kept licking, heedless of her approaching orgasm. I knew that this view was also too hot for me to watch, I had to have release, NOW. But I didn’t want to just rub one out, not after waiting all day. So I took advantage of the only non-masturbation method not being used. I walked over to the calf pen, called over a calf, and dropped my pants. I positioned myself for the onslaught, and the calf licked the copious precum off my cock. I nearly came from the sensation, but held back at the last second. I was seconds away from the point of no return, and the real fun hadn’t even started yet. When the calf finally took me in his mouth, I moaned with relief. He started sucking with the eager anticipation that I had grown to expect. I lasted only about thirty seconds, before I shot the biggest load imaginable into the calf’s mouth, who seemed surprised and actually let a little of it escape. That was surprising, but even more surprising was the loud scream of Amy just behind me. “OH GOD I’M CUMMMIIINNNGGGG!!!!” In addition to that, I heard a loud whinny from down the hall, accompanied by Zack’s yell of “HOLY SHIT!!!” Zack, Mary, Amy, and I had all orgasmed at about the same time, something I knew we would all remember.

But none of us was satisfied yet, our day of exploration had only just begun.


Part 9 – New Experiences for All!

Despite my unloading what seemed like gallons of cum into the calf’s mouth, my cock remained rock-hard, thanks to Zack’s pilfered blue pills. Still, the sheer size of the orgasm left me winded, and I had to just stand there for a few seconds while my cock was ravaged by the insatiable calf’s mouth. But as usual, it quickly became painful to my super-sensitive cock, so I pulled away, enjoying the inches slowly sliding out of the still sucking mouth. I turned around to see Amy with her eyes closed and mouth open, a look of the most exquisite pleasure on her face as Jake continued to tongue her pussy as if nothing had happened. Every few seconds Amy would squirm and try to move her pussy away from the unrelenting tongue, but Jake was having none of it. He was determined to get every last drop from Amy’s dripping pussy, but he didn’t seem to realize that she produced more the more he licked. I don’t think Amy was at all interested in correcting his mindset.

Watching Amy being pleasured by Jake, I noticed something interesting. Jake was sporting his own hard-on. He never got a hard-on without any stimulation before, I figured it must be Amy’s uniquely female scent and taste that had him riled up. I suddenly got an idea, an idea that would have hardened me beyond belief if I hadn’t already been so. But I knew that I would definitely have to run it by Zack first. Then I suddenly remembered Zack, who I didn’t hear as loudly as I had before. I went to check on him, and run this new idea of mine by him.

I walked in on Zack to see something that surprised even me. Zack was on his knees behind Sally, the oldest mare (the same one I had pleasured the day before), with his arm almost up to his elbow in her pussy. He was fisting her, and doing an excellent job of it, it would seem, as she seemed to be enjoying it as much or more than my dedicated licking the day before. She was winking rapidly, which I suspected meant she was nearing orgasm, and Zack was expertly rubbing her clit with his other hand every so often. As I stood there, mesmerized by the scene before me, all thoughts of Amy and Jake flown from my mind, Zack finally saw me standing there (naked of course, we all were by that point, except Amy who still kept her shirt on). He smiled briefly, then returned to his fisting, picking up the tempo to the point where Sally neighed loudly in pleasure. Soon after, Sally had another gushing orgasm like the one she had the day before. Zack seemed taken aback by the magnitude of the orgasm, which completely covered his arm, his other hand still rubbing her clit, and much of his face, which had been squinted in concentration turned surprise. After she was finished cumming, Zack stood up and gave her a good rubbing as she eyed him with gratitude. He turned to me and shrugged at my gaping face. “I heard what you said about the mares being equipped to handle stallions, and when I was fucking Mary there, I got the feeling like there was much more depth that I could never hope to reach with my cock alone. I got curious as to how deep their pussies were, so I decided to see, then I found that she liked my exploring, so I just kept going, one thing led to another and you saw the rest.”

“So why didn’t you fist Mary instead of Sally?” I asked.
“Because I had already explored her pussy, and I didn’t want Sally to feel left out. She was giving me the evil eye the whole time I was fucking Mary, but I think she’s warmed to me now.” He grinned.

Suddenly I remembered why I had come to see him.
“Zack, Amy seems to really be enjoying Jake’s tongue in there”
“Yeah that dog sure knows how to lick,” he said wistfully.
“Well I noticed that Jake got a hard-on from licking her.”
I had to approach the topic carefully, after all, a blowjob to a best friend was one thing, but what I was proposing was entirely different.
“What if Amy could. . . help him out?”
Recognition dawned in his eyes, and he seemed to consider the possibilities.
“Maybe she could,” he finally said.

We walked back out into the main room to see Amy in the throes of another orgasm. She was squeezing her own tits so hard I thought she must be hurting herself, and she was buckling and writhing under Jake’s tongue. This would be the perfect time to ask her, I thought. Zack spoke up, which seemed to burst the bubble she was in. “Amy, since you’re having so much fun, maybe we could try something else.”
She didn’t look like she liked the idea of Jake’s tongue leaving her pussy for any reason, but she took in our erect cocks (they were at her eye level after all), then nodded. “What do you h-have in mind?” she stuttered as Jake continued to lavish her quivering slit. “Well Tom and I think it would be really hot if you were to let Jake here fuck you. After all, it wouldn’t be fair to use him and not give him anything in return. Besides, you’ve got to be aching for a cock after all that tonguing.”
“All right,” she said “on one condition, you have to do something for me to watch in return.”
“Okay, what do you want to see?” he asked with a lewd look in his eyes.
“Well like Tom said, if we do this you have to agree, no balking.”
“Okay,” he replied, a little less sure this time.
“I want to see you suck off Tom here.”
Zack’s smile withered, as he considered whether it was worth what he wanted to see. After all, this could change everything between us.
Seeing his hesitation, Amy said “When you make up your mind I’ll be right heeerrre.” She said the last word with a bit of a moan as she shivered in another, much smaller orgasm. Seeing her orgasm seemed to cement his resolve and he agreed to her idea.

It was with great reluctance on both parts to pull Jake away from Amy’s sopping pussy. “You’ll probably want to turn over and present your ass to him, they call it doggystyle for a reason babe.” Zack instructed. Amy obliged, and Jake seemed to realize immediately what was going on, he took one last long lick from her pussy before mounting. It took very little time at all for Jake to find the hole, and when he did he plunged in deep, just as I had seen him do with the Fleshlight. Amy gasped at the sudden penetration, but she didn’t have long to consider it because Jake began pumping furiously. Zack and I sat down to watch the show, both nursing our persistent erections as the precum started to flow. As I had thought, Jake’s mating habits were of the “fast and hard” variety, he pistoned much faster than anything a man could maintain for a good long while. About five minutes into it Amy moaned and cried through another big orgasm, and this time, Jake took the hint. He buried himself in her pussy and just kept pushing, and I realized too late that he was trying to knot her. She asked frantically “what’s he doing? oh, fuck” then he got it into her pussy as she cried out in pleasure/pain. “Oh god, I can feel him cumming, it’s so HOT, and it just keeps coming.”

I knew that Jake had reached his climax, and since he had a responsive mate, I didn’t think he would be pulling out anytime soon. Amy smiled contentedly at us as Jake continued to squirt into her pussy. “Well, your turn boys.” she told us as she looked up expectantly. Zack seemed uncertain, but he held up to his end of the bargain. As for me, I was always ready to receive another blowjob, though it would be weird for the giver to be my best friend. Ah well, I thought, no weirder than it being my dog, or a calf. I stood up and positioned myself in front of Amy, making sure to leave enough room for Zack to kneel. Zack told me to clean off the remains of the calf’s spittle (which had been a great lube up to this point) before we did this. I grabbed a towel and expertly cleaned myself, making sure to leave a good amount of precum that was flowing freely. Zack knelt, and tentatively stuck out his tongue to taste the precum. He must have liked it okay, because he cleaned it off. Then he surprised me by enveloping my cock completely. It felt amazing, surprisingly so in fact. His mouth wasn’t as soft as Amy’s, but it was softer than the calves’. He seemed a natural in fact, he ran his tongue over just the right places at the right times. He drove me to the brink very quickly, though probably not as quickly as Amy would have if she had taken this direct approach. He was hesitant at first, but seemed to really get into it later, occasionally stopping to suckle my balls. The fact that Amy (and Jake, who was still tied to her) were watching us just added to the eroticism, and I felt my orgasm building. Zack was hitting all the points that encouraged orgasm though, and I had difficulty holding it in for long. As I approached, I suddenly realized something. “Oh, here it comes,” I said in warning. Zack just looked up at me and kept on sucking, then he drove me over the edge and I came into his mouth. He seemed surprised at the taste, and the suction stopped, but he didn’t release my cock. Then he swallowed decisively, and swallowed the next couple of jets as soon as they came, then released me for the last shot to hit him in the face. “Damn, that was not what I expected,” he said to no one in particular. “Me either, you knew exactly what to do,” I said. Amy chimed in “I read that only guys know what other guys want, so they automatically know what to do, while a girl has to learn the hard way.” She seemed content for the moment to lie there with Jake’s cock buried in her pussy, occasionally rubbing her clit.

As for the two of us, we weren’t spent, we wanted to broaden our horizons even more, to make this the most memorable day of our lives.


Part 10 – Experience is the best teacher

“Damn that asshole Gary, him and his smoking hot wife and six figure job. Mister Bigshot,” I thought to myself as I left the reunion. “I don’t know why I bother going to these damn things anymore.”

It wasn’t often that I thought of Linda. At least she would have been someone there with me, even if my she was my ex-wife who ran off with that damn Dr. Carter. “What the hell has he got that I don’t?” I knew that it wasn’t wise to reopen these old wounds, to reminisce about my marriage to that bitch, but sometimes I couldn’t help it.

Of course, such thoughts inevitably turned to good ones, as I would always remember what I had begun doing to compensate for the lack of any real sex with Linda. I remember how I first discovered the joys of calves, the reason why I stayed a rural dairy farmer for all these years. . .

It was a dreary morning in September, one of the all too often fights had taken place the day before with Linda. Something about me not listening to her, I don’t know, I wasn’t really paying a lot of attention. Anyway, it ended like it always did, with me sleeping on the couch and knowing full well that I wouldn’t be getting anything remotely resembling sex for at least a week, and that was only if I didn’t do something else. That morning I was feeling particularly sorry for myself and I was exceedingly horny, something unusual for me at my age. I sighed, and knew that I would have to visit my private stash of porn magazines during the day while Linda was at work. Sooner or later I would require some release.

It turned out to be sooner rather than later. I got my magazine from my hidey-hole in the shed and walked back to the house. On the way, I realized that I hadn’t fed the calves yet that morning. I sighed, as I knew I wouldn’t be able to relax enough to jerk off if I knew I still had something that needed doing. Magazine in hand, I walked to the barn and proceeded to feed the calves with the bottle of formula (to make up for deficiencies in their diet). In my excessively horny state, the sucking sound of the calves on their bottle was very arousing. I could feel my cock hardening at the thought of a blowjob from one of these calves. “Why not?” I thought to myself. It wasn’t like anyone would know, what with Linda gone and Tom at school. The calf certainly wasn’t going to tell anyone.

I grew excited at the prospect of an actual blowjob (I hadn’t received one for quite some time, as Linda had to be in a particular mood to give them, and that mood was becoming more and more rare). I took off my jeans and briefs and stepped into the pen with the last calf to be fed. The calf looked up at me expectantly, like it wanted me to produce the bottle from thin air or something, then it caught sight of my cock, which was drooling precum copiously (something it had always done, much to my delight, as it made for great lube). It seemed to understand that its meal would be coming out of this single long teat from its human master. It licked off some of the precum, then engulfed my cock. It was a rapturous experience for my neglected cock, and I embraced the experience. Of course, I still had my magazine with me, and I whipped it out to browse the selection. It was one I never got tired of, seeing blowjobs and lickjobs performed by stunning women on lucky guys. It was great for imagining myself in their position. This was definitely a good choice for the situation. The situation at hand, while immensely pleasurable, wasn’t all that sexy, much like masturbation. So I flipped through the magazine while the calf suckled me.

Then suddenly, the calf stopped. I was engrossed in the porn and nearing orgasm, so I was quite annoyed. Then I was in extreme pain as the calf looked suspiciously at my cock and then bucked upward forcefully, hitting my exposed balls head on. I know that of the times I had been hit in the balls, usually by women’s knees, it had never hurt so much. It made my cock wither faster than if I had dunked it in ice-cold water. But then, as I buckled from the pain, the calf latched on to my cock again and resumed sucking as if nothing had happened. The sensitivity of my cock was increased dramatically by the sudden pain in my balls, and it wasn’t long before the determined sucking brought me back to full mast. A few minutes later I was shooting off into the calf’s expectant mouth in the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced in my life. Not only was it so forceful that I could probably have caught it in the face if it had been pointing upward (I had done that once, bit of a surprise when you gasp in your own cum), but it also just kept coming. With each jet, weeks of repressed anger and resentment melted away, the calf swallowing it all eagerly. I pulled away afterward, as pleasant as the aftermath felt. I had to cup my crotch with both hands to keep the still hungry calf off of me. Good memories.

Of course, it was only a week later that I discovered Linda was cheating on me with her boss, Dr. Carter. I was going to confront her with it, but the very day I found out, she just left with him, leaving all her stuff behind. I was sad, mostly for Tom, who I knew hadn’t really understood why she did it. He grew up despising her for abandoning us, and he was partly right, so I didn’t discourage him much.

Seven years later, here I am leaving this damn reunion early because I miss Linda. Funny how the mind works.

I got home about a half day early to find a truck that I didn’t recognize in the driveway. I walked toward the house to find Tom and see what was going on, since we had an agreement that he would have no one over without asking first. As I walked past the barn, I saw the absolute last thing I expected.

A girl on her hands and knees with Jake fucking her senseless. She had her eyes closed and her mouth open in ecstasy so she didn’t see me. I was so shocked to see this that I didn’t notice Tom and what looked like his friend Zack with their backs to me, naked. Then I stepped back, to look in the smallish hole a few feet from the door, conscious of what was happening and that they might see me. From this angle I could see that not only was Jake breeding this girl like his life depended on it, Tom and Zack were sitting side by side, jerking off slowly while watching Jake fuck the girl. I couldn’t help but notice their cocks, which were a good deal bigger than my own. Like mine, Tom’s cock was also oozing precum like some kind of hose. “Must have gotten that from me,” I thought, “but the size must come from his mother’s side.” I sighed inwardly, as I considered my own small cock.

A few minutes later, the girl had a very loud orgasm, and Jake seemed to follow suit. After she came back to reality, with Jake still on her and in her, she said, “well, your turn boys.” I had no idea what they were going to do. But I felt like I just couldn’t interrupt them now. . .

After I saw what happened next, I wasn’t sure what to feel. Disgusted? Jealous? Turned on? These conflicted emotions raged through me as I stood transfixed to the hole in the wall. I decided to see what happened next, before I made up my mind. I could always walk in as if had just gotten there later.


Part 11 – Revelations

As I stood there in the aftermath of Zack’s superb blowjob and Amy’s erotic mating with Jake, I wondered how I could have gotten so lucky. My best friend and his super hot girlfriend not only including me in their sex life, but also being on board with mine. Not many people would be so accepting and eager to experience new things. I wondered if Zack would behave any differently towards me now that he had sucked me off. I hoped not, I thought we had a good thing going there.

I needed to catch my breath and regain my stamina after that, and I was starting to feel slightly drained after having cum twice already. Perhaps it was because of Amy, still rubbing herself occasionally with Jake still buried in her, or perhaps it was because of the Viagra, but I was still horny. Still, I felt that I had had enough for the time being, so maybe it was someone else’s turn. Zack had only had the one orgasm today, when he fucked Mary senseless, to their mutual orgasm. I wondered what else he could get up to.

Amy, for her part, seemed to be enjoying Jake’s cock, though she didn’t look completely satisfied. Zack spoke up, “Hey babe, why don’t you let us help you out? Take your top off and let Tom and I lick you.” She looked hesitant, like she felt shy about her tits. I still had no idea why she would feel modest, especially considering her position and what we had already done together. She did it though, and I got to see her tits for the first time. They were a good D cup size, just big enough to not quite fit in my hand (I have pretty big hands) and they had some of the biggest nipples I had ever seen. And I had seen plenty in my years of jerking off to porn. Her nipples were obviously very excited, like they were just begging to be sucked. She rearranged herself so that the stool was under her stomach in order for us to reach her luscious tits in her current position as Jake’s mate. Zack took the left one, and I took the right one. I did what I thought would feel good to her, I cupped her breast in one hand and massaged the underside a bit before bringing my fingers to her big nipples and softly circling them. Zack took my lead and did the same, grinning. “Boys please don’t tease me,” Amy moaned. “Payback for all the teasing you’ve done, babe,” Zack replied with a laugh. He then did what she was practically begging for by that point, he took her nipple in his mouth and began sucking it softly. I followed suit, swirling my tongue around her nipple in a spiral, then going backwards. She liked it, and her whole body shivered in pleasure. This seemed to excite Jake, who began humping again, even though he was still completely buried inside her. This renewed pleasure combined with our tongues caused her to orgasm yet again. I wondered if this was some sort of personal record for her, since I had lost count of the number of orgasms she had had today. Jake dismounted right after his short bout of fucking, and from our viewpoint we could see what looked like a cupful of cum drip out of Amy’s pussy, in addition to her own continuously flowing juices. Jake went off into the corner to clean himself.

We took that opportunity to ease off of poor Amy, who had surely been abused enough by that point. I had regained my second wind, and Zack seemed eager to find some release of his own. We left Amy lying there quivering and went back into the other room, with the mares. I think we both needed to fuck something, and Amy was too exhausted for the moment.


Just when I thought I had seen it all, my son and his friends surprised me. Their threesome, such as it was, made me harden to the point that I knew I wouldn’t be able to watch passively much longer. I was a bit relieved to notice that Tom and Zack didn’t seem to be that into each other. I was also a little disappointed that Tom didn’t return the favor to Zack. It looked like it was a one time thing, still, it seemed like Zack knew what he was doing. I was very turned on by seeing Tom sucked off, and I felt a little ashamed of myself that I was turned on by my son and his friend. Still, when they left to go towards the mare’s room I wondered if I could still watch them without being seen. I decided to go around the barn and see if I could find another vantage point.


When Zack had been with the mares earlier, he had fucked Mary and fisted Sally, both of which had orgasmed because of him. The third mare, Belle, still hadn’t been satisfied, and seemed a little resentful that her aching pussy hadn’t been fucked. “Why don’t we see if Belle needs some lovin’,” I said. “Sounds good,” Zack replied. He went over to Belle and stroked her back while talking softly to her. She looked rather noticeably at his cock at one point, and I saw her lift her tail and flare her pussy. “Looks like she wants you,” I laughed. He led her back to the fence and mounted her like a prize stallion. She looked back at him and flared her nostrils in appreciation as he aggressively drove his cock in and out of her flaring pussy. Apparently he was more excited than he admitted, because he kept the pace up for several minutes, before slowing a bit, then fucking even faster than before. It was mesmerizing, seeing Zack’s cock blur as he drove into her again and again, his balls slapping against her clit repeatedly. Then, amazingly, Belle neighed loudly and orgasmed, spraying Zack’s crotch with love juices. Apparently Zack somehow knew exactly how to please a lady, regardless of species. This was his cue to bury himself and shoot his load deep into her. He dismounted wearily, her love juices still dripping from his cock and balls. I was curious enough to ask, “how do you always manage to bring them to orgasm first?” He grinned at me, then said, “you have to pay attention to how they react. It’s easier to make them cum when they’re as horny as you, and if you get to know their pussy first. That’s why Amy loves my cock so much, not for it’s size, or so she says, but because I know exactly what to do with it.” “But how do you know what to do with the mares?” I asked, still jealous. “Well in women it usually helps if you find their g-spot and massage that on the in-stroke as much as possible, and since mares’ pussies are upside-down, I figured they would be on the opposite side. Seems I was right.”

“I can show you how, if you want.” Zack said after several seconds. “Really, how?” I asked. “First off, second orgasms are always easier than first ones, so why don’t you give Belle here a little more lovin’,” he said. I was skeptical, but I definitely wanted this secret, and I was definitely ready to fuck something senseless. My cock had yet again begun gushing pre-cum. “Looks like you’re ready,” he said with a laugh, looking at my dripping cock. Belle’s pussy was oozing Zack’s cum out of it slowly, but there wasn’t much yet. Given the general size of Zack’s loads and the particular power of that last one, I knew that the inside of Belle’s pussy would definitely be sloppy. I mounted up.


I managed to find another peep-hole, but it was too high for me to look through without standing on something. I chose the feeder tray for the cows (it was empty right now, apparently Tom hadn’t fed them yet). The cows were mooing quite loudly, and Tom and his friends were definitely distracted, so they didn’t notice the racket I made moving it. I stood on top of it and looked through the small hole just in time to see Tom’s well hung friend Zack shoot deep into Belle’s pussy. Ah, Belle. She seemed to be the gentlest one of the mares, and the one most amenable to out-of-heat fucking. She was my favorite because of that and her charming personality. She was definitely smart enough to have one.

After listening to the intriguing conversation between Zack and Tom, I decided that I couldn’t wait on jerking off. I dropped my pants and briefs (I only went commando around the farm, since you never know what may happen in public) and begin stroking myself, taking advantage of my pre-cum as natural lubricant. Seeing Tom fuck Belle in sloppy seconds was getting me off faster than just about anything else had lately. Watching Zack teach Tom the fine points of pleasing a lady was also very hot, if educational. Through my horniness, I actually learned some things from a guy half my age!

I was approaching orgasm around the same time as Tom was when suddenly Belle neighed loudly and sprayed Tom’s balls and thighs with her juices. Odd, she’s never done that with me, I thought. I stopped jerking momentarily when I saw the girl that had been with Jake earlier walk quietly into the room. She came up behind Zack and unceremoniously stuck a finger in his ass. He stumbled on his words mid sentence, “and make sure y-ouuu,” as the girl proceeded to finger fuck his ass. He seemed to really enjoy it, and tried very hard to keep talking to Tom as if nothing had happened. Though he would occasionally punctuate his instructions with “ah” or “oh, shit.” When Tom came in what seemed an Earth-shattering orgasm, it was the hottest thing I had ever seen. I resumed jerking myself rapidly, but then was completely surprised to feel a semi-rough tongue slide across my balls. It was so surprising and felt so good that I came all over the wall in front of me. But then, the feeding trough collapsed under me, and I loudly fell backwards to the ground, cursing. I looked up into Jake’s eyes and wagging tail, then I realized that Tom and his friends must have heard me.


Part 12 – Let’s Get Everything Out in the Open

I was startled by the loud crash outside the door and what was obviously my dad cursing. I could not have been more unprepared for him, buried in Belle’s pussy as I was, with my best friend and his girlfriend with me, both naked. I pulled out of Belle quickly and turned around. Zack and Amy’s eyes were both wide with surprise, and they seemed to have frozen in the pose they were in. I noticed Amy had two fingers planted firmly in Zack’s ass and Zack had an odd cum/precum mixture oozing from his cockhead. I was curious, but my curiosity was overridden by my trepidation at facing my dad.

I hurried back into the other room and grabbed my overalls, and Zack and Amy did the same. I tried to act casual as I walked out the back door to the barn. I knew that Dad wouldn’t have any reason to be mad at me for fucking Belle, since I was almost positive he had done the same, plus I had seen him get blown by a calf in what was obviously not his first time. Still, chalk it up to him being my dad, but I still felt nervous about it.

I found him lying on the ground, naked from the waist down, with the feeding trough broken up against the wall. Then I noticed the cum dripping down the wall a few feet below a hole up on the wall. Dad seemed to have caught me in the act the very same way I had caught him, and he seemed to have had the same reaction to it that I had. I smiled at him and offered my hand to help him up. “Hey Dad,” I said stupidly, “you’re home early.”
“Yeah, I am.”
“What all did you see exactly?” I asked somewhat nervously.
“I saw plenty, plenty that I’ve done myself. I’d be hypocritical if I got mad at you for it. Still, you’re not supposed to have friends over without asking first.”
I stared dumbly at him. After what he had seen, he was nitpicking over something so insignificant? Then I noticed that he was looking at the door, where Zack and Amy were peeking out. Then it dawned on me, he didn’t want to have this conversation with me with them watching. “Why don’t you guys head on home, I’ll call you later,” I told them. They hurried away, leaving me standing there with my half-naked dad and a persistent boner. Not a situation I had ever expected myself to be in. “Tom, I don’t really mind you having your friends over, even without asking, but you really can’t just forgo your chores to have admittedly hot sex with the mares and your friends. Just make sure you do everything you need, and inform me next time you plan something like this. You never know, I might even have some ideas of my own. You probably don’t want me there with you and your friends, I know I embarrass you and it would be uncomfortable.” He had no idea. “Yeah, it probably would,” I said uncomfortably. “Let’s just talk about this tomorrow, alright? I’m really tired, all of a sudden.” And I was, as all of the day’s events caught up with me. “I’ll bet,” he said, “I’ll finish your chores, you go up to the house and make us some dinner.”


Before I fed the cows, I got to thinking about what I had seen, and what I had been through since that fateful day seven years ago when I had my first blowjob from a calf. Somehow I never thought that my son would be into the same sorts of things I was. I’d been around the block a few times when it comes to sex, even with beast sex, but he seemed to have come farther in his short time than I had in years of bestiality. Oh, the stories I could tell. Maybe I will sometime, I thought to myself.

As I watched Tom walk towards the house, I stood there, pondering what this meant. I was still half-naked, though I hardly noticed, at this point. Though someone else hadn’t forgotten. . .


I made my way into the kitchen and pulled out a frozen lasagna. I put it into the oven and sat there, still erect. I remembered Zack and Amy, and I pulled out my cell phone and gave them a call. “Hey man, how’d it go with your dad?” Zack answered.
“Better than I’d hoped, he seemed perfectly okay with it. In fact, I think he’d even gotten to know Jake a little while he was watching. I noticed Jake standing over him when I got there.”
“Good to hear,” he replied. He continued, “I bet Jake gave him something he didn’t expect.”
I could practically see him grinning as I heard him say that. “No doubt. Hey, I noticed that Jake seemed really familiar with mounting a girl, as well as licking one off. Why is that? I never trained him like that.”
“Heh, I wondered if you noticed that. I actually wasn’t his first trainer. My mom was. Before my dad got his Viagra prescription, my mom hadn’t gotten any real action in months, maybe years. I overheard him licking my mom off one day and decided to eavesdrop. She kept moaning, and saying ‘yes, just like that, mmm.’ I wondered if she was cheating on my dad, and I wanted to catch a name, so I could confront the guy later, without my mom knowing. Then she screamed, obviously the guy had brought my mom to orgasm, something I hadn’t ever had the misfortune to overhear. Then I heard her say, ‘good boy, Jake,’ and I almost gave myself away. That’s where I got the idea of training him to lick me off too. Obviously my mom had let Jake fuck her too, though I never actually saw that.”
“So how long ago was this anyway?” I asked.
“Well, I overheard them about two years ago, but I didn’t work up the courage to try it myself until about six months before I gave him to you a year ago.”
“So what did you do to start him off? He probably wasn’t to inclined to lick you off after licking your mom.”
“Well, believe it or not, what got him started was the taste of cum. . .”


As sobering as the conversation with my son had been, I hadn’t had the presence of mind to dress, or even clean myself up. That’s why it was a complete surprise when Jake poked his head between my legs from behind and licked a glob of cum off of my cockhead. I instinctively stood up straight and then looked down to see Jake’s tongue covering the bottom of my shaft as he kept licking. He hadn’t ever done anything like this before today; I wondered why he was interested in licking my cock.
I stood there for a moment, then leaned forward to give Jake better access. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I wasn’t about to pass it up. Who knew when the next time something like this would happen? Jake seemed to appreciate my stance as he continued to ravish me with his tongue, probing all the sensitive spots with expert precision. He wrapped his tongue around my cockhead (whether this was possible because of the size of his tongue or the size of my cockhead I couldn’t say, not that I cared) and lapped up the precum that was now flowing down my shaft. He momentarily shifted focus to my ass, slithering his tongue up my asshole. I was surprised at that as well, but maybe I shouldn’t have been, since he licks his own ass on occasion. Still, the stimulation was amazing, and I moaned as I received my first anal tonguing, and my first anal play of any kind in years. It was even more amazing than I remembered. Jake seemed to lose interest in my asshole, to my momentary disappointment. Then he engulfed my balls with his tongue, getting every last drop of the precum that had soaked them. I stood there for several minutes as Jake lavished my quivering balls and asshole with his tongue. Finally Jake did the completely unexpected, he plunged his whole tongue into my waiting asshole and wriggled it inside me. The sudden pleasure was so intense that I shot cum into the air in front of me. Jake continued to probe my ass for a few more seconds as I came down from my orgasm and cum started to dribble out of my cock, joining the precum that had again soaked my shaft. Then he seemed to notice for the first time the fact that I had cum and left me standing there, shaking, to lick it off of the ground. In the tender aftermath, his returning tongue sent waves of pleasure through my body as he got the last of it off of me. I couldn’t take anymore, so I retrieved my pants and briefs.

I hadn’t experienced anything like this before, and I had been sucked off by calves and fucking mares for years. Hell, I hadn’t cum from sheer anal play in I don’t know how long. This was proving to be one hell of a day of realizations, and I still had to talk with Tom in the morning.


Part 13 – Anal Adventures 1

After eating a mostly silent meal with my dad, my boner slowly subsiding after a long tiring day, I went to bed and slept like I hadn’t slept in years. I was a little uncomfortable with the idea of my dad talking to me about sex, especially beast sex. But I figured I would wait and see what he had to say. “Hell,” I thought, “it might even be pretty fun.”

I woke up late the next morning, realizing that I had forgotten to set my alarm and this was a school day. Occasionally that would happen, but my dad always got me up if I was going to be late. I wondered why he hadn’t today; it was unusual. Then I remembered the talk he was going to have with me. Well this was bound to be interesting, at least.


I went to bed thinking about Jake and the wondrous orgasm he had given me with his tongue. I wondered how he had known what to do, and why he seemed so eager to do it, especially the anal tonguing. That was simply heavenly, and I got to thinking about anal pleasures that I had explored when I was younger, things I hadn’t thought about in years. I fell asleep just as I began to wonder how I might resume those experiments.

Naturally, I had a very vivid, very wet dream, where my ass was being pounded, massaging my g-spot with every stroke, my balls swinging wildly from the furious pounding. But I didn’t remember much else about the dream when my alarm clock woke me with a blare. I had that momentary despair when you realize that it was all a dream, then noticed that I had oozed precum all over my bedsheets. Oh well, I thought, it wouldn’t be the first time these sheets have been christened.

I grabbed some pants from the dresser and groggily walked downstairs, my morning wood gradually fading as I started to make breakfast. I remembered what had happened yesterday, and my dick hardened again. I considered what I had caught Tom and his friends doing, and I knew just what I would tell him. “But first I’ll let him sleep for a bit, he’s gotta be tired from that.”


I walked into the kitchen where I discovered my dad making eggs wearing a pair of beat-up old jeans (and nothing else, since there was a hole in the ass, I could see he wasn’t wearing underwear, which didn’t surprise me). He turned around and put the steaming plate of eggs on the table and sat down, motioning for me to do the same.

I sat, and he looked hesitant, like he didn’t know where to begin. “I want you to know that I don’t mind what you do with your friends or the animals, especially since I’ve done quite a bit myself. Just be careful, don’t be overzealous with the animals, most of them need to be trained first.” He paused then, a wistful look on his face. “In fact, I think there’s someone you should know about. Her name is Jenny, Jenny Davis, and she runs the horse ranch that I got our horses from.” I knew there must be something about this woman that made him smile inwardly, from his enthusiasm in saying her name. He had my full attention. “After your mother left us, Clyde, our old gelding, remember? died, so I had to get a replacement horse. I walked up to the door of Jenny’s house and knocked, but she didn’t answer. I figured she had to be in the barn or out in the pasture with the horses.

“As I came around the corner, I saw something that shocked me. Jenny was on her knees before a big black stallion jerking and sucking him off. She turned and smiled at me, then resumed sucking, picking up the pace. I was like a deer in headlights, completely transfixed to the sight before me. Not long after that, the horse gave a loud whinny and humped his huge cock forward, and sprayed thick cum all over Jenny, who tried to catch it in her mouth. She wasn’t very successful though, since the horse was clearly excited and she ended up drenched in horse cum. She swallowed what was in her mouth then got up and gave the stallion and kiss and some kind words. Then she turned to me and smiled again, asking if there was anything she could do for me. Naturally, I didn’t know what to say, so I ended up saying something stupid like ‘I’m here for a replacement horse.’ ‘I see’ she said, ‘well, Sally here is definitely a good pick for a man like yourself.’ She winked at me, gave me the price, and then told me if I ever wanted to see more of her, all I had to do was ask. I nodded stupidly, paid, then led Sally to the trailer and drove off, still dumbfounded by what I had seen. I did eventually go back to see her, when I got Belle and Mary, and she showed me quite the time. You may want to go see her sometime. Why not today? Just tell her I sent you.”

I didn’t know what to say, the story had given me a hard-on, despite the storyteller, and I was definitely considering taking him up on the offer. “Hmm. . . I guess, give me the directions and I’ll head out there sometime,” I replied. “Well I don’t really need you here today, so go out and have fun, your own little senior skip day.” “Well, okay,” I said, “thanks.”


After Tom ate breakfast and left for the day, I couldn’t help but wonder if he would actually go and see Jenny. I had my own hard-on that I had managed to conceal from Tom while telling my story, and after he left I decided that I needed to take care of it. I went up to my bedroom and found Jake on my bed, licking the precum off the sheets. When he saw me, he looked up and his tail stared wagging. My mind went back to my dream, of being pounded in the ass, the swinging balls. Jake’s balls were very noticeable the way he was standing on the bed, and I had a thought that intrigued and disgusted me at the same time. I needed release, that was true, but my thoughts went back to my dream, and I realized how much I ached for it to come true. Given Jake’s enthusiasm for my ass, I wondered if he would do it, do me.

I decided to give in to my desires. I walked over to Jake and started rubbing his balls and massaging his furry sheath. He seemed to respond almost immediately, his pink cock emerging inch by inch over the course of a minute. I noticed with a degree of shame that he was bigger than me, but it also turned me on more. When he was fully erect, I got on the bed with him and took off my pants, completely naked once again. He saw my cock and started to lick, but I grabbed it away from him and turned around, presenting my ass to him. I held on to my cock so he would pay attention to my ass and balls. He took the hint and began to tongue my ass just as he had the day before, occasionally licking my balls one at a time. After a few minutes, I became impatient and slapped my ass as few times, hoping he would take the hint. Amazingly, he did and he mounted, stabbing me a few times with his cock trying to find my ass. One of the stabs hit me painfully in the balls, and I was beginning to think he would never find it. Then he found it and plunged home. I gasped at the deep penetration, deeper than anything I had ever experienced. I let go of my cock and held on to the bedpost as Jake rode me like a mechanical bull, pumping furiously, even more furiously than in my dream. My cock and balls were flailing wildly in the air as I was pounded from behind by my dog. Occasionally Jake’s balls would slap into my own, adding to the eroticism and ecstasy of the situation. I looked down my front to see my swinging cock and balls and Jake’s balls and tail achieving rhythm. This was by far the most erotic view, and I was soon lost in the feelings, mesmerized by the rhythm and the pleasure.

I was experiencing g-spot pleasure like never before, and I began to ooze the prostate milk that I was only barely familiar with. Jake fucked me for what seemed like hours, though it was really only a few minutes. Jake’s cock was very hot, much hotter than I had imagined it would be, but that only turned me on more. Then his cock seemed to grow, and he began fucking even faster, something I didn’t believe possible. I knew I was seconds away from orgasm, when suddenly Jake shoved what felt like a tennis ball on his cock into my willing asshole. I screamed in pain, but it was mixed with pleasure as I felt Jake pumping his super-hot load into my ass. Jake’s orgasm pushed me over the edge, as the tennis ball was pressed right up against my prostate and quivering. I moaned loudly and shot cum into my watching face, which was somehow unexpected. The next jets landed on the bed below me, in the very same spot that I had prepared earlier with my precum. I had cum from sheer anal stimulation, this time my cock wasn’t even jerked lazily, as it always had been before.

We sat there for several minutes, as Jake’s swelling continued to rub against my prostate, giving me secondary orgasms like never before. I would moan softly as more prostate milk oozed out of my cock to drip onto my bedsheets, again and again. Then he shrunk a little and pulled out of me, quite painfully. He sat down and cleaned himself then licked some of his cum out my ass. When he noticed my load mixed with my prostate milk, he cleaned it up, licking the last drop from my slowly softening cock. I lay there, ass in the air, utterly spent, and I knew that I still had work to do. But this was definitely something I would do again, ass-play was just too fun to pass up.


Part 14 – Anal Adventures 2

As I left the farm, I had no real idea what I would do during the day. My school friends were, well, at school, and Zack and Amy had jobs during the week. I wondered about this Jenny Davis my dad had told me about, wondered whether I should go see her like he suggested. I wondered what I would say to her if I did go see her. I never knew what to say to girls, and this wasn’t simply a girl, this was a woman, and one I didn’t know at that. I wanted to get Zack’s advice on it, but he was at work. “Maybe I’ll call him during his lunch break,” I thought aloud. I decided to take in a movie to pass the time until Zack could talk to me. I chose a teen type movie, with cliche characters and sex everywhere, for the laughs, mostly.

When it was about 12:30, I gave Zack a call. Luckily, Zack was eating his lunch in his car, where no one would overhear. He picked up, “Shouldn’t you be in school right now?”
“Well hello to you too,” I retorted. “Listen Zack, I need advice.”
“About what? Does this have anything to do with what your dad told you? How did that go by the way?”
“It went okay, it was kinda awkward. It does have something to do with that though.”
I told him the whole story my dad had told me. “Well Tommy, it seems your dad is completely cool with it. And I never knew Jenny was into that kind of thing, she’s always been kind of standoffish.”
“You know her?”
“She’s an old friend of the family, been running that farm out there since her parents died years ago. It’s kind of isolated out there, not many neighbors for miles. She must get lonely though, even with her old farmhand helping her out. Were you thinking about heading out there today?”
“Yeah, but I have no idea what to say to her.”
“Well the first thing you should do is tell her that your dad sent you, that should help you ease into the rest of it. After that, try to find a way to smoothly ask her about her *ahem* escapades with the horses. If she gets defensive, tell her what your dad told you. Hopefully she won’t get pissed and throw you out. I don’t know what else to tell you, this isn’t exactly the type of conversation I try with girls.”
“Oh, well thanks anyway. ” I was about to hang up, when I suddenly remembered what I had seen yesterday just after my dad caught me. “By the way, after that wild time we had yesterday, I saw Amy with her fingers in your ass, what was that about?”
“Heh, you noticed that huh? I love it when she does that, it’s such a unique form of pleasure, nothing else really compares.”
“Isn’t that a little . . . you know?”
“Gay? No more than me sucking you off, dude. It all depends on what you like about the experience. I don’t fantasize about being fucked in the ass for instance, but I can’t deny that it feels damn good to have a good prostate massage. Try it, you’ll see what I mean.”
I guess he had a point. It still felt a little weird to me though. “Okay, well, I gotta go. Tell Amy I hope she had fun yesterday.”
“Oh she did, no question. But I’ll tell her anyway. Later, dude.” He hung up.

Well I still felt nervous about visiting this Jenny Davis my dad spoke of, but I decided to try it. You only live once, right? I got there and knocked on the door. She didn’t answer, and I wondered if I would have the same type of experience my dad had. She had to be in the barn or the pasture, so I walked out there. To my disappointment, she wasn’t blowing a horse, like my dad had caught her doing, she was just grooming the horses when I walked in. I got her attention and she walked over to me. She was short, about 5’4, with wavy red hair and freckles. She was definitely mature, with her C cup breasts sagging a little and her ass a little on the jiggly side, but that wasn’t bad for someone old enough to be my mother.
“Can I help you?” she asked.
“Maybe, I was wondering if I could talk to you. My dad sent me. His name’s Jim, said that you know him.”
“Jim? Haven’t talked to him in years, how is he? Still not found a girlfriend after all these years?”
“No he hasn’t. He’s been kind of lonely on the farm. I imagine that it gets lonely out here too.”
“Sometimes,” she said warily. “What did your dad send you to see me about?”
“Well, he told me about the time he came and bought Sally. He said that you told him to come back if he wanted to see more of you. He said you two had had some fun together.”
She seemed to take all of it in slowly. Then she got a bit of a mischievous look in her eye and looked me up and down. “So what did you have in mind?”
I couldn’t believe how well this was going. “I don’t know, I just wanted to see if what he said was true. Maybe find out firsthand. I have some experience with horses too.” I tried to be suave, but I had no idea how successful I was at it.
“Well it so happens I got something I’ve been trying, something only a man can really do. I’ll let you be the tester, but first, you came to see if Jim told the truth, right?” She smiled at me and beckoned me over to a big black stallion’s stall.
“Is this the same one my dad saw you with?”
“No, Sam was sold a few years back. He was getting kind of old anyway, and much less responsive, and I’ve always liked the young studs.” She looked at me lustily. “This is his son Rod, and as you’ll see, he is well named.”

She introduced me to Rod, and he nuzzled me when I scratched behind his ears. Jenny took off her shirt and bra, presumably to keep them from getting covered in cum. She got Rod’s attention, and he began to respond just from seeing her topless. Apparently she has done this many times. His dick started to slide out, slowly, inch by inch. It only grew faster when Jenny got on her knees and started working it with her hand, tugging gently on the lengthening shaft and caressing his huge balls. It seemed like it would never stop growing when it finally did. He was indeed well named, as his rod was over two feet long and so thick I had no idea how Jenny would be able to blow him. I didn’t have to wonder long, as Jenny soon engulfed the head with her mouth. Rod wiggled his hind end a little in response. Jenny would occasionally release the head long enough for me to see her run her tongue around his strawlike pisshole, before devouring the head again with her mouth. I don’t know how she managed to fit the whole head in her mouth, given how small she was, but she must have had loads of practice. Jenny ran one hand up and down his massive dick while the other massaged his balls as she sucked his cockhead hard enough to rival a calf.

It was an incredibly arousing experience, and I quickly had a hard-on straining against the confines of my boxers and jeans. I watched, enraptured as Jenny spit into her palms and coated his shaft with it as she increased the tempo of her stroking, faster and faster, as she shoved more and more of the cock into her hungry mouth. The sound of her sucking the huge prick was hypnotic, I don’t think I would have noticed if the barn had been on fire just then. Time seemed to slow down, until it seemed like Jenny had been blowing this horse cock my entire life. My cock ached for attention, but it was barely a whisper compared to what I was seeing. Then, all at once, she released it from her unrelenting mouth as the huge cockhead flared even larger and shot off into Jenny’s open mouth. Rod whinnied and Jenny moaned, gulping cum as fast as she could, but because she had to pause and swallow, the next few jets she directed at her tits before gulping down more. She had to swallow three times, but it still seemed as though she had a gallon of hot horse cum on her tits and face. When he finally stopped cumming, she got up and gave him a kiss and told him he was a good boy.

She turned to me and smiled, as if she had just noticed I was there. Then her eyes went to the tent in my jeans, at the wet spot where my precum has soaked through. Her smile widened as she unzipped me and dropped my pants and boxers in one quick motion. Then she licked her horse cum covered lips when she saw my rock hard dripping cock. “Bigger than your dad, I see. But you still have his gift for this, it seems.” She dabbed her finger in the precum covering my cockhead and brought it to her lips, where she tasted it the way one would taste soup. She looked hungrily at my cock, despite her having just sucked off a cock several times the size of mine. “I’m almost tempted. . . but no, I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for some time.”

I stepped out of my jeans and boxers as she led me over to another stall, with another stallion, this one brown and even bigger than Rod. She walked up to him and he snaked out his tongue to lick off some of the cum from her right nipple. “Mmm. . .” she moaned, before stepping away. “This is Hal, your new best buddy. Get acquainted while I go get something.” I stepped closer to Hal, who sniffed my hard-on briefly, even daring to sample the taste of my precum. Jenny wasn’t long in coming back, and she had good sized dildo with her. I wondered what she was up to, what she needed a man for in this new experiment of hers.

“Here’s the deal,” she said. “I’ve been training Hal here for some time, and I was going to have fun with him the same way I do with Rod.” She idly ran her fingers over her cum-covered tits. “The trouble is, Hal here is even bigger than Rod, so I can’t suck him off adequately. But I know plenty of ways to please a man, and knew there was something I could do. I’ve been using this dildo here to please Hal for several months now, and just last week I got him to cum from this alone. But I know from personal experience that a dildo is no substitute for the real thing, and that’s where you come in.” She smiled widely at me.

I didn’t know what to say. Part of me was disgusted, but I was also intrigued at the proposition, especially after what Zack had told me earlier, though that seemed like years ago after what I had seen. I decided to give it a try, figuring it couldn’t be that much different from fucking a mare. “Okay, what do I do?” I asked determinedly. “Here, stand on this bale of hay while I warm him up like I always do.” I climbed on the bale of hay as Jenny showed him the dildo and let him lick off more of Rod’s cum from her tits. Then she got him to back up to me, where he lifted his tail and presented his puckered asshole to me. Jenny came over and wiped a big glob of Rod’s cum on Hal’s asshole. “You’ll need that man juice you got there for lubrication, but Rod’s cum is the lube we’ve always used. Whenever you’re ready. I know Hal is.” She laughed and went to sit on another bale of hay.

I was definitely in need of some satisfaction, and the idea of Jenny watching me just made me more ready. I held his tail to the side as I pushed into his asshole. It was very, very tight, much tighter than I had anticipated, tighter than anything I had ever experienced. Once I was inside though, he seemed to loosen, and he widened his stance to give me better access. I started off slowly, pushing against the tightness and making good use of the lube. I noticed that Jenny had taken off her pants (but I saw no panties) and had pulled out a camcorder from somewhere. “Don’t worry,” she said when she saw me looking, “it’s just for my own use later.” From what I could see, she wasn’t really aiming at me, she was aiming at Hal’s cock. She started to rub her pussy with some more of Rod’s cum (and her carpet matched her drapes, I noticed) as she filmed Hal’s reaction to my fucking. I started to pump in earnest and realized how much I liked to tightness, it seemed to hold on to my cock every inch of the way in and out. Given how ready I was and how incredibly tight Hal’s ass was, I was soon fucking like I lived for nothing else, grunting from the exertion and the pleasure.

“Oh that is so hot,” Jenny said, and I realized that Hal’s own cock must be huge by now. I positioned myself so I could lean forward and look at Hal’s flopping cock while I pumped his ass for all it was worth. After all, I didn’t want to be selfish, Hal needed to cum as much as I did. I dropped one hand to Hal’s balls and massaged them as I had seen Jenny do with Rod, kneading the fleshy sack lovingly. I looked over and saw that Jenny was fingerfucking herself almost as fast as I was fucking Hal, the camera wobbled unsteadily as Jenny pleased herself. This made me want to put on a good show in addition to pleasing myself and Hal. I picked up the tempo with both my cock and my hand, pistoning Hal’s ass and gripping his balls with both hands massaging aggressively. I kept it up for another couple of minutes before I felt an odd sensation. Jenny shouted, “Oh my god!” when I looked over at Hal’s cock to see it spurting cum all over the floor, jet after jet, just like Rod had. Only this time, I felt it too, as Hal’s ass would tighten and squeeze with every jet. That drove me over the edge, and I buried myself to the hilt in his ass and shot my own load deep inside him. He was still cumming even after I was done, as I lay atop him feeling his ass milk my cock for every drop. Jenny got up and walked over behind us. She leaned forward and swiped her tongue across my balls in a manner reminiscent of Jake, then she did the same to my own asshole, which surprised me, both in that she did it and in how good it felt. But she didn’t continue, she just cleaned herself off and deposited Rod’s leftover cum into a cup she had on hand. “Shouldn’t let this go to waste,” she told me.

When I dismounted, Jenny told me to come back anytime he wanted more, since she and the horses were always ready. As I was leaving, she called after me “I never did catch your name!” “It’s Tom,” I yelled back. I shook my head as I walked away.


Part 15 – Old Friends, New Discoveries

I am one very lucky guy, truth be told. I have a good job, good friends, an exquisite girlfriend, and a very active sex life. What more could a guy ask for? Amy and I were perfect for each other, we both wanted the same things and realized we didn’t need to be married to enjoy our time together. She is by far the horniest girl I’ve ever been with, and she wants me all the time, it seems like. Usually we fuck at least once a day, and that’s not even counting all the kinky stuff we do on the side. Rarely will there be more than one consecutive day where we can’t fuck each other’s brains out, and when that does happen, we make up for it twice over when we get the chance. She’s so horny in fact, that I almost never have to ask her for sex, she does it almost every time. Like I said, I’m a very lucky guy.

Still, there are times when I think about the times Tom and I have had together lately (with and without Amy), and I get a raging hard-on. This can be embarrassing in certain situations, especially given my size. It’s hard for people not to notice. Still, sometimes the looks on their faces is priceless, more than worth the discomfort of blue balls. But the thought of the beasty acts that I’ve engaged in is something that not even Amy’s huge libido can fully quench, so I’m often left hungering for more, despite being utterly spent. To be honest, sometimes just watching some of the beast acts is enough, I don’t even have to participate myself.

That’s why, despite myself, I got a huge hard-on when Tom called me on my lunch break to tell me about Jenny Davis. Not only was it hot to hear someone tell the story he told, but it left me wondering about Jenny. My family had known her for years, even though we hadn’t seen each other much lately. I wondered how long she had been doing her horses, and what else she did on that isolated farm. I don’t know how she kept it a secret all these years, especially from Bill, her old farmhand.

After giving Tom what little advice I could give, I hung up and was now really horny. “Damn it,” I thought, “I still have half a day of work left, too.” I rarely resorted to using my hand anymore, not when Amy’s mouth and pussy (and ass, on occasion) were so readily available. Even before meeting Amy, I rarely used my hand. Jake had a truly marvelous tongue, and had been trained well to get me off. Every time I needed release back when I had him, all I had to do was find a secluded spot and bask in the feeling of his warm tongue engulfing my cock and balls, eventually spraying him with a huge load, which he would dutifully clean up afterwards. Thinking about Jake just made my hard-on even more urgent, and I knew that I would have to go back to work with a tent in my pants. Oh well, it would be funny to see people staring at his crotch surreptitiously for the rest of the day.

When I got home, I found Amy in the kitchen having a drink. I came up behind her and gave her a hug, then moved her hand to the front of my jeans. She took the hint immediately, getting on her knees and slowly undressed me from the waist down, like unwrapping a present. I loved it when she did that, she did almost everything sexily, especially sex. When her tongue found my cockhead, I found myself thinking about what Tom had told me about Jenny, and I envisioned her lips wrapped around a huge stallion cock, sucking it with the same fervor that Amy was now sucking mine. It was rare that I would fantasize about something else when I was with Amy, but these were unusual circumstances. Suddenly, Amy deepthroated me, causing me to come back to reality with a gasp of pleasure as she tickled my cockhead with her throat. She looked up at me with a playful look in her eyes, before going back to blowing me. I guess she noticed the far-off look in my eyes and wanted me focused. Given how aroused I was and how very good Amy was, I lasted only four or five minutes before shooting off into Amy’s mouth. She swallowed, slowly, then got up and kissed me passionately. I pulled my pants up and gave Amy another kiss. “That was wonderful, as always, babe.”
“My pleasure, as always, sweetie.”

I couldn’t resist telling her what Tom had told me at lunch, and that I had a hard-on the whole rest of the day because of it. She smiled at me, “Poor baby.” But she seemed just as turned on by it as I had been, as she ran her hand down her shorts. I took the hint and got on my knees.


When I got back home from Jenny’s, I was amazed by how things in my life had changed over the last few months, ever since discovering Jake’s talent. I didn’t notice Jake when I came home, and Dad was still in the pasture with the cows. I decided to go catch up on some schoolwork until he got back. It was only fair that I tell him what I had gotten up to with Jenny, after he had told me about her. It’s funny, I never really talked to Dad about this kind of thing before, since it seemed so awkward, but now I found myself really seeing him in a new light after being with Jenny. It seems that he was quite the stud for her, at least he had been once.

Around the time Dad was coming back from the pasture, I got a call from Zack.
“Hey man, what are you doing this weekend?”
“Well, no plans really, why?” I replied.
“Well I told Amy about what you told me, and we thought we might visit Jenny. We were wondering if you might want to come along.”
“Definitely, considering what I did this afternoon with her.”
“So you went to see her?”
“Yep, and you wouldn’t believe the things that happened.”
I told him everything that happened, leaving out only the fact that Jenny had taped me.
“Wow, man, good for you. All the more reason to see her again this weekend.”
“I know, I can’t wait.”

When Dad got back, I noticed that he was walking a little bowlegged, and I wondered if I wanted to know why. I decided to postpone my talk with him until after coming back from Jenny’s this weekend.

When the weekend finally rolled around, I told Dad that Zack and I had plans, and I would be going out during the day on Saturday. He told me to have fun, and I drove off to Jenny’s. Zack and Amy met me there, and since it was still morning, I didn’t think Jenny would be up to anything yet today.

I walked up to the door and peeked inside. I could see the back of Jenny’s head on the couch. Seems like she was watching TV. I tried to get a better look of what she was watching, walking to different windows, just curious at first. Then I saw that Jenny was naked on the couch, working her pussy with a large purple dildo feverishly. This greatly heightened my desire to see what she was watching. I motioned to Zack and Amy to come up to the porch, quietly. When we finally managed to get a good look at the TV, I was shocked to see the footage of myself pounding Hal’s ass. Zack and Amy’s eyes went wide as they stood with their faces glued to the window. I’ve gotta admit, watching myself pump Hal’s asshole was very arousing, seeing oneself doing something like that is a very unique turn-on. And seeing Hal’s monster cock swaying as he got his ass pounded was making me remember the experience vividly. Apparently Jenny had done some good camera work despite fingerfucking herself silly at the time. She zoomed in on my cock going in and out of Hal’s puckered asshole, then showed Hal’s cock and balls, with my balls in the background. When the camera showed Hal’s orgasm, and the amount of cum spewing from the massive cockhead, Amy gave a little gasp. Jenny seemed to appreciate it as well, crying out in orgasm as she presumably stuffed the dildo into her pussy. I thought it was time to make our presence known. We went over to the door and rang the doorbell as if we had just gotten there. It was amusing seeing Jenny scramble to put her clothes back on without being seen.

When she answered the door, she seemed relieved that it was me, though she frowned slightly when she saw Zack and Amy. “What can I do for you, Tom? Zack?”
“Well, you did tell me that if I wanted more I should come back.”
“Yes, but I didn’t say anything about anyone else.”
“Yeah I know, but Zack and Amy here have been into this kind of thing for some time now, almost as long as me. The way I see it, the more the merrier, right?”
“I suppose,” she said, still a little suspicious.
“Don’t worry, they know what they’re doing.”
I could see that she was considering it, if only because she had just orgasmed and was extremely horny. Seems like we picked the ideal time to come.
“All right, come on in.”

I walked in and my eyes went to the dildo on the couch, still covered in Jenny’s juices. I knew that Jenny was ready for some fun, and the thought made my hard-on start to gush pre-cum, as it always did. Jenny asked Zack and Amy to sit down, but asked me to remain standing. “As you can guess, I just had a little fun, and I need a cock, badly. So the price for bringing extra people, Tom, is a good hard fucking, just like you gave Hal.” I was speechless, I hadn’t expected Jenny to be so blunt, and I wondered if she wanted Zack and Amy to watch. As if in answer, Jenny said, “Zack and his girlfriend can watch, or not, I just need that cock of yours Tom, now.”

Jenny stripped off her hastily donned clothes, then proceeded to practically rip off my jeans and boxers. She laid back on the second couch, and pulled me on top of her. I was a little anxious about performing in front of an audience, but only a little. I gave in to what Jenny wanted and guided my dripping cock into her wet pussy. She moaned a little when I pushed all the way in, and I seemed to hit bottom, but just barely. “Harder,” she said, “fuck me harder” I obeyed, losing myself in Jenny’s juicy pussy, enjoying the now familiar sensation of my cock being milked as I thrusted, again and again, occasionally eliciting a moan from Jenny as her slightly sagging tits jiggled with the motions. I brought my hands up to her tits and squeezed to nipples on every in-thrust. Eventually I picked up the pace to that which i had done with Hal, and my thoughts went back to the film that Jenny had made, and the look on Amy’s face (which was much like Jenny’s now) which seemed to look hungrily at Hal’s massive cock on the screen. Suddenly I remembered that I had an audience, so I slowed down slightly, ignoring Jenny’s cry of “don’t stop” to look around at Zack and Amy. I was unsurprised to see Amy blowing Zack, sucking his dick with a kind of hunger that I had come to expect from her. I was surprised to see that Amy had shoved Jenny’s dildo up Zack’s ass and was fucking him with it in tempo with her blowjob. The look on Zack’s face was indescribable, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything else like it, a look of exquisite pleasure, mixed with a bit of pain.

This brought me to the verge of orgasm, but I knew I couldn’t cum yet, so I clenched my muscles and fought back the urge. Then I remembered what Zack had taught me, about bringing women to orgasm. I decided to use my remaining will to bring Jenny to that summit of pleasure before I reached it. I found Jenny’s g-spot and pumped harder and faster to hit it over and over again with my cock. Jenny gave a petite little scream as I gave her what she wanted. Then she gave a shrill scream, “OH GOD I’M CUMMIIIIIIIIIINNNNNGGG!!!” as she squirted all over the couch, drenching my cock and balls. This seemed to put Zack over the edge, as I heard a loud moan from behind me, followed by gulping sounds from Amy as she swallowed what sounded like one monster of a load. This two events destroyed the last of my willpower as I shoved my cock all the way into Jenny’s still quivering pussy and shot off my own load deep inside her.

As I pulled out, Jenny sighed, “Oh, that was magnificent, Tom. But you and your friends wanted more, right?” I could only nod as she smiled at me.


Part 16 – Old Friends, New Discoveries Continued

After the hard fucking I had just given Jenny, I was a bit tired, but I still wanted Zack and Amy to see what I had seen. Jenny lay on the couch for a few more seconds, basking in the after-orgasm feeling, before standing up and motioning for us to follow her outside. “Don’t worry about Bill, he went out to repair the fences earlier, should take him most of the day,” she told us as she strutted to the barn, completely naked. Given her own nakedness, I didn’t bother to gather up my pants and boxers, and neither did Zack. Amy was still fully clothed though, if you could call what she was wearing clothes. She was wearing the kind of outfit that parents of teenagers hate their daughters to wear, the kind that shows off her body in a leaves little to the imagination kind of way. In some ways she was sexier like this than naked, which is something I think she understood.

As we walked to the barn, Zack spoke up, “how do you keep this stuff a secret from Bill?” “I don’t, he’s known for almost as long as I’ve been doing it.” That seemed to stun Zack, so I asked the obvious next question, “and how long have you been doing it exactly?”

“Oh, since before my parents died. The real trick was to keep it a secret from them, though it got easier as they got older. I was only 24 when my parents died, and I’d been doing the horses for about five years before that. You do the math, honey,” Jenny told me.
“But this Bill guy knows?” Amy chimed in.
“Oh yes, in fact, he took my virginity. After he watched me blow one of the stallions of course,” she grinned wickedly. “Of course, he doesn’t participate much anymore, except to watch on occasion. He’s gotten a little too old for this.”

When we reached the barn, Jenny went to a little fridge in the corner and got a little container out. I recognized the substance inside it immediately: horse cum. Apparently Jenny saw me looking, because she said, “It makes for great flavoring in coffee, on toast, with cereal, and so on. It also makes incredible lube, as you recall.” I did recall, and I wondered what she had in mind. She opened the container and dipped her finger in it, bringing it to her lips for a taste. “Still good,” she said with a slight smile.

“What did you have in mind?” she asked us. We looked at each other blankly for a second, before Amy spoke up. “We saw that footage of Tom fucking that stallion, and I wanted to see a hard stallion cock, maybe touch one.” “I think we can do that,” Jenny laughed. She led us over to Rod’s stall, who stiffened quickly at the sight of Jenny naked. Apparently he knew what that meant. Jenny went up to him and gave him a kiss, then squatted down to pump his rapidly hardening cock. “Come on over honey, and get a good look,” she beckoned to Amy. Amy squatted down next to her, eyes wide as she took in the massive cock swinging under the prize stallion. She reached out her hand tentatively and stroked it, then picked up the tempo. Rod snorted, though from pleasure or annoyance, I couldn’t tell. Then Amy opened her mouth, but just before she could take him into her luscious mouth Jenny interrupted. “You’ll want to take off your shirt honey, trust me.” So she did, after a moment of hesitation, freeing those rarely seen breasts whose nipples looked hard as diamond. Then she went back to work, trying to get as much of the huge horse cock into her mouth as possible, but she wasn’t very successful. “Here, let me. Try his balls, they’re delicious.” So she did, and from the way she ravished them, they must have been. Zack and I watched in disbelief as Rod received what few guys were lucky enough to get: a blowjob sandwich. Amy was licking and sucking his balls like nothing I’d ever seen, and Jenny was somehow managing to deepthroat almost 10 inches of Rod’s enormous prick. Rod gave a loud whinny, and I knew he was enjoying himself. Lucky bastard, I thought, as my own cock hardened again.

This enviable treatment went on for some time, as my own cock was oozing precum as I stroked it lazily, occasionally licking it off of my hand. Zack was no better, as he pumped his own organ feverishly. Finally, Rod neighed loudly and shot off another huge load into Jenny’s sucking mouth. Again, Jenny tried to swallow as much as possible, but she lost about a cupful onto her slightly saggy tits. Amy watched in awe, as Rod’s orgasm continued for several seconds. When Jenny pulled away, she gave a petite little burp, then licked her lips and gave Rod another kiss, telling him he was a good boy. Amy, for her part, looked unsatisfied. “That looked amazing Jenny, do they always cum like that?”
“Oh yes, most definitely. One of the reasons I love them so much.”
“I want to try!” Amy pouted.
“Well it takes a bit of practice to do it, but I’ll tell you what, you can tittyfuck Hal over there. He cums even more than Rod, but he’s too big to suck properly.”
“Better than nothing,” Amy replied, running a hand down her shorts. She then took them off and began to rub her clit in earnest.
“Let’s not forget about the boys now,” Jenny laughed. “It looks like they need some release.”

Jenny grabbed our cocks and led us over to Hal’s stall as Amy followed, still fingering herself. “Okay, let me run back inside and get Hal’s toy,” Jenny said. “Don’t start without me!” We all kept masturbating, thinking about what was about to happen and what had just happened. When Jenny came back with the dildo, she laughed at our antics, then opened the container of horse cum and let Hal lick the rest off of her tits.

“You know,” Jenny said, “Why don’t we give Hal what he’s used to in addition to this? It doesn’t seem fair that Rod got to play with two of us and Hal doesn’t. Tom, why don’t you satisfy Hal like you did last time? I know he loved it.” I didn’t consider it for long before I grabbed two bales of hay to stand on, leaving room for Amy to lie back and tittyfuck Hal’s giant dick. Jenny rubbed some of the horse cum on my dripping cock, then slapped my ass. “Whenever you’re ready, hun.” I eased my way slowly into Hal’s ass as Amy got a front row seat to watch Hal’s cock drop, ready to tittyfuck him and catch his cum when he orgasmed. I couldn’t help but notice Amy’s soaking pussy below me, unattended as she shoved her tits together. Apparently Jenny noticed too, as she got on her knees and brought her own mouth to Amy’s pussy. This surprised everyone, especially Amy, who gasped at the contact. Hal’s ass was proving to be even more accommodating than before, drawing me in with each in-stroke and holding on to my cock with each out-stroke. I do believe that stallion ass is the most exquisitely tight hole I’ve ever fucked, and Hal was quite the ass slut. As I started to really ride Hal’s asshole, Amy began to moan under Jenny’s tongue, as she continued to writhe her upper body around Hal’s hose.

Zack, seemingly forgotten, took advantage of Jenny’s position to surprise her the way she had surprised Amy. He positioned himself for a doggystyle fuck, then plowed into Jenny’s wet pussy. Jenny gasped at the penetration, but her gasp set off Amy, who screamed and bucked her hips around Jenny’s lips. Jenny took advantage of the situation to redouble her efforts on Amy’s quivering pussy as Zack rode her like the proverbial prize stallion. All this going on around me paled in comparison to what I was experiencing, and it quickly became lost in the haze of pleasure I was going through. All my thoughts were around pistoning into Hal’s accommodating ass, faster and faster, until, like last time, Hal’s cock erupted. I momentarily stopped to prolong my own experience, basking in Hal’s muscles milking my cock as he came all over Amy. She shouted, “Holy shi–” but was cut off by a spurt into her mouth. She tasted, then swallowed, then opened her mouth to catch the next jets. Meanwhile Zack was still pounding Jenny’s pussy, driving Jenny to the edge again. “Oh fuck, fuck me Zack, fuck me!!” When Hal’s cock stopped spurting, Amy released it, then grabbed Jenny’s bobbing head and shoved it to her pussy again. Despite my own inaction, I was close to cumming from what I had seen, but I knew that Hal’s ass demanded more, so I resumed pumping. Hal’s cock, which had been slowly shrinking again, stopped, then grew again as I picked up the pace once more, swaying naturally in tune with my pumping.

After a few more minutes I knew I couldn’t hold in much longer, then I heard Jenny orgasm under Zack’s fucking, though not quite as loudly as she had earlier, with me. Then Hal’s ass tightened even more, squeezing. It felt like he was orgasming, though he wasn’t really, he was just oozing a sort of runny clear liquid out of his cock. This was too much, and I rammed his ass up to the hilt and shot off my load into his tightly gripping rectum. Zack grunted behind me, and shoved Jenny forward, forcing her to sit up. When she saw my balls, she took them in her mouth, driving me crazy in the aftermath. Then she released them and moaned as Zack shot off into her abused pussy.

After I dismounted, I made sure to give Hal a good rubbing, fondling his big balls in particular. Amy was covered in Hal’s cum, since she hadn’t been able to swallow much. Jenny was leaking Zack’s cum and mine, and still dripping Rod’s cum from her tits. And Zack was panting from the exertion of fucking Jenny blind. That was when I noticed Hal’s special dildo sticking out of his ass. It had certainly been a wild day.


Part 17 – Meanwhile, Back on the Farm

After Tom had come back on his free day, the day I had let Jake fuck me, he didn’t say much about what had had done all day, though he looked like he had gotten back some time ago. I figured that Tom hadn’t taken me up on my suggestion to go see Jenny, or else he just didn’t want to talk about it, for whatever reason. I was disappointed, to be sure, but I didn’t inquire about his day. He did seem content though, in fact he seemed almost pleased with himself. I knew that boy would be up to no good soon, but they say boys will be boys.

I was still a bit sore from the hard pounding that Jake had given me, but it was a good kind of pain, one that I wouldn’t mind revisiting on occasion. I made sure to wash my sheets, since our escapades had definitely soiled them earlier. When Tom told me that he would be hanging out with Zack on Saturday, I knew that he was planning something. “Oh well,” I thought, “at least he’s having fun. Come to think of it, I could have some fun then too.” Sometimes setting a date for “fun” made it that much sweeter when the big day arrived. I decided to indulge in one of my old favorites, calf blowjobs, possibly multiple calf blowjobs, as many as I could handle. It had been some time since I’d had one, and saving up for them would make it that much better.

When Tom left with Zack on Saturday morning, I knew that they were up to something, mainly by the fact that Zack’s girlfriend was dressed in a way that stirred some lust in me. If it aroused me, I knew that Tom and Zack would notice. “The young bucks are probably already drooling over her,” I thought to myself with amusement. After they left, I waited a while to make sure that they didn’t come back for forgetting something. Then, I moseyed on over to the calf barn and looked them over. They mooed at me, and I knew they were hungry, as I hadn’t yet fed them. In addition to my spunk, whenever they blew me I rewarded them with treats in their food. Despite being generally stupid, I think they understood why they were being rewarded.

I took off my jeans and stood there nursing my semi while I considered what I was about to enjoy. Over the long years, I had gotten to where I no longer needed magazines to enjoy the calves. The act itself was kinky, and I didn’t have to fantasize about women while being sucked off anymore. I worked my cock until I was at full mast, and the calves mooed at me even louder, knowing they were about to be fed. From the tap, so to speak. I walked over to the fence and got into position, making sure to keep my balls behind the fence. The nearest calf was one that knew the drill by heart and engulfed my manhood without hesitation, applying the kind of determined suction that I had been anticipating all week. The feeling of those soft lips on my sensitive cock, the sensation of the calf wrapping its long tongue around my cock all the way as the suction continued unabated made me moan, as I always did. The sheer pleasure of a blowjob was increased by the tenacity of a calf, who didn’t release you until they were satisfied, even if you somehow manage to hold out against their onslaught. I was engrossed in the feelings, with little regard to my surroundings, since Tom was gone. Which is why I was utterly surprised by what happened next.

I was jolted out of my reverie when I felt of soft tongue, a tongue that I knew well, slide across my trapped balls. I almost jumped backwards instinctively, but then realized that Jake just wanted to participate too. I let him lavish my balls while the calf continued its unrelenting sucking. Before long however, Jake shifted his focus to my asshole, which brought me back to my previous experience with Jake. I suddenly got a very sneaky idea.

I pulled away from the calf with a slurp, who then mooed at me in annoyance. “It won’t take long. Don’t worry, you’ll get my cum,” I told him (I noticed the budding package swinging between his legs). I got a bale of hay from storage and moved it over to the fence, leaving enough room for me to stand in front of it. The cool feeling of air as the calf saliva on my cock cooled was bringing me back from the edge. Jake, however, was warming up, as his cock began to slide out of its furry sheath. As I dropped the bale of hay down, Jake returned his attention to my balls and asshole, licking some of the calf saliva from my balls. I basked in the feeling for a few moments before the calf mooed again, as my cock was just out of reach for him. I repositioned myself like before, only this time, I bent forward over the fence. The calf wasted no time and seized my cock again, sucking even harder than before, to make up for lost time I guess.

Jake kept licking my asshole for a time, until I finally had to slap my ass for him to take the hint. He jumped up onto the hay bale and mounted me, stabbing me in the balls a couple times, painfully. When he achieved entry, he shoved my forward, making me almost lose my balance. It startled the calf, who released me. As Jake started plowing my ass, my cock started bouncing up and down. The calf seemed to find this most curious, as it had never done this before. In that moment, Jake hit my prostate rather forcefully with a powerful thrust into my willing asshole, and I managed to hold in my orgasm barely. I couldn’t stop a large glob of precum from gushing from my cock tip though. This brought the calf back to its senses, as this was part of what it worked for. It once more began blowing me, drinking the precum faster than I could produce it, and that was pretty fast. This was something I had never experienced, a double-timing of ass fun and cock fun. And the best part was I didn’t have to do anything, just stand there awkwardly as my dog helped himself to my ass and one of my calves helped himself to my cock. It was unbelievable, and despite my best efforts I blew my load into the calf’s mouth with great force, as Jake hammered my prostate with every hump. Of course, as usual, the calf did not release me simply because I had cum. It kept sucking my supersensitive cock as I went through aftershocks of orgasm. Of course, always before I had pulled away when the sucking became painful. Now, that wasn’t an option with Jake on my back, humping my ass with abandon. Jake knew how to fuck, and he knew how to last. I knew I couldn’t entice him like this and then pull back now, I knew that Jake would be really upset if I made him stop now, so I had to remain there as he fucked me senseless, as the calf continued to suck my abused cock.

Of course it didn’t help that Jake was giving me a good prostate milking, causing me to occasionally drool prostate milk as I shuddered through a small orgasm. Although I never saw the milk, as the calf gulped it eagerly. Normally my cock would be withering in the aftereffects of orgasm, but I gradually hardened as Jake continued to pound my ass and the calf kept up the suction. It stopped being painful and started being pleasurable again just as Jake picked up the pace. “Oh damn, he can’t knot me again, not here!” I thought in a panic. I knew I would never be able to escape the calf’s hungry mouth if Jake knotted me. But then he shoved himself to the hilt into my asshole and shot his hot load into my squeezing ass, shoving his big knot into me as he did so. “Oh SHIT!!” I cried out as Jake penetrated me to his fullest, keeping his knot on top of my prostate as it quivered. This sent me into overload as I started to actually fuck the calf’s mouth, who continued sucking, like a machine. Within moments I shot another load into the calf’s moist mouth, as I trembled under the most earth-shattering orgasm I’d ever experienced. Mercifully, the calf let go of my cock afterwards, though Jake’s throbbing knot continued to milk me for several more minutes, before he pulled out of me again, just as painfully as last time.

I fell backward and lay atop the hay bale for ages before I could get up again, as Jake went off to the corner to clean himself. As I lay there leaking dog cum out of my ass, I knew I wouldn’t be able to pull off this kind of thing again. The after-sucking and the knotting were just too painful. Besides, I knew if I got used to that kind of pleasure, it would spoil me against anything else.

I wondered what Tom and his friends were up to, and if they were having fun. Little did I know that at almost that exact moment, they were having just that at Jenny’s.


Part 18 – Back in my day. . .

Thinking about Jenny with Tom reminded me of some of the times we had shared over the years, mostly just in the few years after Linda left Tom and I. I got up off my ass, grabbed a towel to clean myself off, then dressed myself. While I was feeding the calves (especially rewarding the one that just blew me), I couldn’t help but smile as I recalled what happened when I took Jenny up on her offer. . .

It had been some time since I had been with a woman, the only attention my cock got was the gulping mouth of the occasional calf. While that was definitely great, it couldn’t compare to the feeling of fucking pussy, and watching a woman squirm under you. Jenny’s invitation came at just the right point in my life. I gave it much consideration, as I knew any dates I went out on might upset Tom, since he still felt abandoned by his mother. Still, Jenny seemed to be interested in a very casual relationship, and God knows I needed the sex, so I decided to take her up on her offer. As a cover, I pretended like there was something wrong with Sally, so Tom wouldn’t get suspicious. So I brought Sally along with me to Jenny’s fully intending to take Jenny up on her offer.

However, when I got there, I realized that I had no idea what I was going to say to her. So I sat in the truck, wondering how to approach the subject. Then I remembered that she had made me the offer, after I had seen her blow one of her stallions. I hardened when I remembered that. Thinking with my dick, I got out of the car and strolled up to the door of the house, just before knocking I heard something unmistakable, something I had come here for.

Jenny’s moans of pleasure.

Still horny, I decided to see if I could see where it was coming from, and who the lucky bastard was. I knew it wasn’t one of the horses, since it was definitely coming from inside the house. I peaked into one of the side windows (which was open), and found what I was looking for. I saw Jenny sitting in a comfy chair, legs in the air, getting fucked senseless by what looked to be an older man, about fifteen years older than myself I guess, though it was hard to tell, since all I saw was his back. Since her lover was blocking the way, I couldn’t see Jenny’s face, and she couldn’t see me. I had a good view of the action though, and this was almost hotter than any porno could be, since I knew Jenny, and had witnessed some of her kinks before. I could see that they had apparently been going at it for some time, since the chair was covered in Jenny’s juices. I couldn’t help but look at the guy’s cock, (and subconsciously compare it with my own) and I have to say, it wasn’t what I expected, not from Jenny’s moans. It was only slightly longer than mine, maybe five and a half, six inches. What was impressive was the thickness. His cock was almost twice the thickness of mine, thicker than I thought any human cock could be. Apparently that thickness was doing wonders for Jenny, who moaned louder until the guy shoved himself into Jenny and came with a loud grunt. Jenny wasn’t completely satisfied however, as she told the guy to keep going. It seemed as though he was losing steam though, so he pulled out and got on his knees and proceeded to eat his own cum from Jenny’s sopping pussy.

As he did so, Jenny caught sight of me. When she did, a momentary shock came over her face until she realized it was me, when she smiled and winked at me. It didn’t take long for her older lover to bring her to orgasm after that, as her noisily sucked his own cum and any juices from Jenny’s pussy from the bottom up. When he reached the top, I heard what my ultimate goal had been when I left, Jenny’s screams of ecstasy.

“Oh Billy that was wonderful, just as good as the first time,” she told her lover.
“Good to hear Jen, I’m getting a bit old for this, I don’t know if I can keep up with you anymore.”
“Don’t say things like that, I’m sure you’ll be pounding me well into your nineties.”
“I hope so Jen.”
“By the way Billy, it seems we have a visitor, see?” she pointed at me.

I didn’t know what to do. Apologize? Run? Smile sheepishly? So just like before I just stared stupidly. “Come on in Jim,” Jenny said, which seemed to surprise Bill, which I now recognized as her old stablehand that I’d seen around a few times before. I went around to the front, where Jenny met me in all her naked, red-haired glory. “You brought back Sally huh?” she asked me when she saw the horse trailer. “Yes, I mean no, I mean, I came here to see you and. . .” I trailed off.
“Well I did say to come back if you wanted to see more of me, though your timing is unexpected.”
“I didn’t mean to watch you.”
“Sure you did,” she pointed to the tent in my pants.
“Well okay, yeah, I guess I did.”
She laughed, “Come on, I have just the thing for you. Go bring Sally to the barn, I’ll meet you there.”
“What about Bill?”
“Oh he’s all embarrassed that you saw us. He got dressed and left for the fields, though he might come back later.”
“Um, okay.” I had no idea what she had in mind in the barn, why couldn’t we just go at it in the house?

I went and got Sally, bringing her out to the barn she’d been raised in. Jenny was there waiting, still naked, uncaring if anyone could see. I guess that made sense, since it was just us and the horses. She took Sally from me, and led her to her old stall. She motioned for me to join her in the stall. When I did, she told me to watch carefully. I didn’t think I could be much more shocked by Jenny, but then she managed to do it. She bent over and wiped Sally’s pussy off with her hand, then brought her lips to it. Sally whinnied, and shuffled a little at the contact, but wasn’t spooked. Even though Sally clearly wasn’t in heat, Jenny’s tongue sure seemed to make Sally horny. Understandable, I guess. Any pussy is going to respond well to a good tonguing. My hard-on, which had been slowly fading during the waiting period, sprang up again. The way Jenny was standing I could see her well-formed ass and still moist pussy perfectly. I reached out to stroke her ass, but she slapped my hand away when I did, then lifted her finger in a “wait a minute” gesture, never missing a beat in licking my horse’s now winking pussy. After the winking began to quicken, Jenny stopped, and Sally snorted in annoyance at her. “Take off your pants, your pussy is waiting!” she told me. In one moment of idiocy, I still thought that she meant hers, and when I moved towards her, she pointed at Sally’s pussy. “Trust me, you’ll like it. I know Billy does, though I had to introduce him to the idea. And this is pussy you can take home!” I was too horny to really argue with it, and Sally’s pussy definitely need some loving after the teasing Jenny had just given it.

I moved a bale of hay over to her hindquarters and got up on it, wondering how crazy I was for doing this. Well, no crazier than calf blowjobs I guess, and this is pussy. I slowly eased my way into her, and the first thing I noticed was how warm it was, much warmer than a human pussy. It was also tighter than I’d expected, given that this pussy was designed to handle the monster cock that Jenny had sucked off. I gave into my temptation, and started to really hump my mare’s pussy, reveling in the long lost feeling. In my ecstasy, I almost lost the years of training myself to last while fucking and nearly came right there. I also didn’t notice that Jenny had sat down behind me to watch, while idly fondling her tits and pussy. I couldn’t see her face, or I would have seen her mischievous grin.

I kept going, and I quickly realized that Sally’s winking was really pleasurable for both of us, so I tried to time my fucking to rub her clit with my balls on the instroke. While I was only partially successful, it did seem to increase the winking rate, and it drove me into overdrive as I enjoyed the feeling of milking that her pussy gave. It was really arousing in itself, it was like her pussy wanted my cock, and didn’t want to release it, only doing so grudgingly. This was unlike anything I had ever experienced before, and I didn’t last as long as I had hoped, though longer than I’d feared. When I picked up the tempo, just as I was nearing orgasm, Jenny snuck up behind me and spread my cheeks. She swirled her tongue around my asshole in one quick swipe, and I was so surprised that I came right there, on the out stroke, spraying cum onto Sally’s still winking cunt. When Jenny kept going, I almost fell over, but she stabilized me. Then she pulled out a large green dildo and shoved it up my virgin ass. I screamed, but she shoved me forward over Sally’s back, and pumped the dildo in and out of my ass so fast that it wasn’t long before my pain gave way to pleasure and I started to drool precum out of my cock again. “Take it like a man!” she shouted, as she drilled my ass with the large green dildo. I was experiencing pleasure different than anything I’d felt before, and I scooted backward to allow Jenny better access. She laughed at that, but she started to maneuver the dildo in different ways, varying the intensity of the pleasure. Precum continued to drool from my cock and dripped to the floor, and I was a little surprised by the amount, given that I had just cum. Suddenly, the strangest feeling came over me, it was like I needed to cum, but rather than build gradually, this just gushed out with no prompting from me. When I looked down, I saw this clearish white liquid oozing from my cock as it swung back and forth from Jenny’s momentum. Just after that, a true orgasm overtook me, and I spurted cum again, all over Sally’s pussy, which was still winking.

“Well, now you know what you can do, should you ever want some. . . loving,” she told me as she pulled the dildo from my ass with a pop.
“Oh dear, it looks like Sally isn’t done yet,” she remarked. “You can try to eat her out, like I did, or you can do this.”
She stuck her index finger up to her knuckle in Sally’s pussy, then moved it up and down such that it made a squishy tapping sound when she hit the bottom. Sally seemed to really like this, and whinnied at Jenny, who picked up the pace. In under a minute, Sally whinnied loudly and sprayed a clearish liquid from her pussy, drenching Jenny’s hand and arm.

“Well, it looks like you showed him the horses, Jen,” I heard Bill chuckle from the doorway. He was looking pointedly at the green dildo in Jenny’s hand. . .

“Yeah, good times,” I thought, as I walked away from the calf barn, with Jake following.


Part 19 – Full Circle

When I had caught my breath again, after the wild orgy we had just had, I told Jenny how great that was. “No problem, Tom. I haven’t had that much fun in a long time.”

As we all recovered from our ecstasy, (and Zack pulled Hal’s green dildo out of his ass) Jenny spoke up. “You know, I’ve been wondering how you got started in all of this, Tom. And how Zack and Amy here got involved.”
“That’s a bit of a story Jenny.”
I told her in brief how Jake had started it all by licking me off one time during my Fleshlight session, and how we had become best buddies as a result. I told her of my exploits with the calves, and how Zack had caught me in the act. I told her of the orgy we had had with Amy and Jake, and how I had learned about the mares and their wonderful pussies. Amy and Zack chimed in for especially juicy parts.
“Wow, sounds like you’ve had quite the time. I’m curious about Jake, have you ever tried any interspecies with him, I mean, other than human?” She grinned at me with those last words.
“Actually yes, I had one of the calves blow him after it was done with me. Naturally, he really liked that, but I’ve never been in the situation to try that again.”
“Interesting. I’d love to have some more fun, but I’m beat, and I still have a farm to run.”
“Okay,” I said, taking the hint, “we’ll be off then.”
As I was walking out, Jenny took me aside and asked me for my number, just in case she ever wanted more. I was flattered at the idea that she wanted the occasional booty call from me, and gave it out, then kissed her goodbye.

The next day, I awoke with morning wood, as usual, and since it was Sunday, I decided to lay in bed an reminisce about old times. I thought about how Jake had loved the taste of the oil I used for lubricant, and the taste of my precum, and especially the taste of my cum. I remembered how much fun we had had over the past several months, and how Zack had told me of how Jake discovered the taste of cum in the first place. These memories hardened my cock further as I thought about how Jake’s tongue felt on my balls, on my sensitive cockhead, and how he lapped up the precum as I gushed it. My morning wood came alive, and started to ooze precum. “Damn,” I thought, “I can’t leave this unsatisfied.” But I didn’t want to just use my hand. It was still pretty early, so Dad was probably not up yet. I decided to find Jake and give him a good morning surprise treat.

I took off my boxers and put on some sweatpants, making sure to use the elastic band to hold my cock in place. It wouldn’t do for Dad to see my erection, it would completely kill the mood. I found Jake at the foot of my dad’s bed, and he woke up quickly when I walked into the room. He looked at me with his head cocked, then I showed him my hard, dripping cock and he got up with his tail wagging. Since I had piqued his interest, I brought him back to my room, took off the sweatpants and sat down on the bed, legs spread. Jake did what he loved, and went to town on my cock, licking off the precum eagerly, then lapping at my balls methodically. I laid back and basked in the feeling of Jake’s tongue caressing my manhood over and over. My cock started really gushing precum again, and Jake cleaned it off as quickly as it came.

I was fully engrossed in the pleasure when my phone rang. I decided to at least see who it was, but there was no way I was going to answer it. It was Jenny! Smiling, I answered it, with Jake still tonguing my balls. “Hey, what’s up?” I asked, slightly out of breath.
“Hey Tom, I know it’s early, but I just couldn’t sleep, and I was thinking about what you said about your dog, Jake.”
“Uh-huh,” I said, as Jake suddenly moved his attention to my asshole and I shifted to allow him access.
“Well, I have an idea. You said he loved to lick, right?”
“Yeah, he definitely does,” I replied, as Jake began to move from my ass up to my balls, cleaning the continuously dripping precum.
“What exactly does he like to lick the most?”
“Um. . .” I pondered the question, since I knew for a fact that he loved the taste of cum. But I also knew that he liked pussy almost as much. So I went with the best of both worlds.
“I would say a pussy filled with cum would be his fa-favorite,” I stumbled on the last word as Jake moved his focus to my sensitive, gushing cockhead, wrapping his tongue around it completely. I knew I wouldn’t last long, and I wondered if Jenny would overhear.
“Is this a bad time, Tom? You seem distracted.”
“You could say that,” I said as Jake continued to go for the source of the delicious precum, pushing me into overdrive.
“Well anyway, I wanted to see if you’d be willing to bring him over sometime, the sooner the better. And make sure you’re. . .ready when you come.”
Those last three words pushed me over the edge, and I gasped loudly as I came, spraying Jake with his well-earned reward. He managed to catch most of it in his mouth with each spurt, but some of it got on his nose and dribbled down my shaft.
“What was that?” she asked, and I realized that Jake was being rather loud with his slurping of my cum.
“I’ll tell you later. I see about bringing Jake over later today.” I hung up.

As I lay there, enjoying Jake’s tongue cleaning the last drops of cum from me, I knew that I was hooked on beast sex. I decided to prolong the licking as long as possible, since it would still be a couple of hours before Dad got up. After about ten minutes of determined licking, mostly of my balls and ass, I hardened again, and prepared myself for round two. This time I held out for a considerable length of time, almost thirty minutes, then spewing an even bigger reward for Jake. He didn’t seem too willing to continue for long after that, so I got up and went to see if Dad was up.

He was, and I told him that I’d be visiting Jenny again today, and I’d be taking Jake with me. “Well, that’s interesting,” was that vague disappointment I saw in his eyes when he heard about Jake? “Be sure to be back by lunchtime, you have work to do around here.” I told him I would, then I ate some breakfast and put Jake in the truck.

We were off to Jenny’s, to see how she wanted to get to know Jake.


Part 20 – Jake and Jenny

As usual, Jake loved the car ride. He always loved the car ride, didn’t matter where we were going. He even liked the ride to the vet, probably because unlike some other dogs, nothing terrible had happened to him there. If he knew what I thought about our destination, he’d be even more excited. I was curious as to what Jenny wanted with Jake, especially since she had all those horses. What was it she asked me, if I’d ever tried any interspecies with him before? I had no idea why she wanted to know that, and the suspense was killing me.

I pulled up to Jenny’s while it was still early, the dew still on the grass outside. Jenny came out to meet us, and introduced herself to Jake. He took to her immediately, and jumped out of the truck to explore his new surroundings. “What’s this about, Jenny?” “I’ll tell you Tom, but first let’s introduce Jake to the horses.” I went along as we brought Jake into the barn, where he promptly explored every stall and met all of the horses, who looked at him curiously. “Now will you tell me?” “I will, but first let me do something I’ve been wanting to do for some time.”

In an impressive quickness, she was on her knees yanking my pants down. I was caught off-guard, and almost fell over, but soon I was standing there with my cock at face level with her, only a thin layer of boxers between it and her face. She ran her hand up the leg of my boxers and found my balls, where she fondled them and massaged the base of my cock. Naturally, I got hard rapidly, as I anticipated an eager blowjob from this hot woman. Once I was fully hard, Jenny ran her other hand up the other leg of my boxers and gripped my cock, and began to slowly jack it back and forth. I wondered what she was doing, since she was clearly salivating, and I didn’t know why she kept my boxers on. Nevertheless, she handled cock like a pro, and soon I was really into what she was doing. Once I started dripping precum, she gave me a little smile and, still using both hands, she gripped the elastic band of my boxers with her teeth and yanked them down, where she abruptly stopped her jacking and fondling and pulled them down to my ankles. Now there was nothing between my glistening cock and her hungry mouth. She quickly wrapped her lips around my shaft and started sucking, soft at first, but she seemed impatient, and quickly picked up the pace. As the precum started really flowing, she sneaked her hand up underneath and found my ass, where she inserted her finger and started rubbing. It felt weird, but I wasn’t about to object in the middle of an exquisite blowjob. Soon I had an odd sensation, and I felt myself gush precum even faster than normal into Jenny’s wonderful mouth. It almost squirted out, that’s how much there was. Jenny loved it however, and soon completely engulfed me, tickling my cockhead with her throat. She seemed to love deepthroating, which should have come at no surprise, since I had seen her fervor in blowing her horses. She wanted as much cock as possible in her mouth, and soon she was practically fucking me with her throat, while her finger continued to work its magic. I wound up at the point of no return much quicker than I thought, and she seemed to notice, as she pulled back into a normal blowjob and worked her finger furiously in my ass. When I came, I moaned in ecstasy, as I shot jet after jet into Jenny’s mouth, who swallowed them as she got them. Just then, I heard a whine from across the barn.

Jake had seen our fun and wanted to play too, despite having already had me twice that morning. But I was in no shape to go again, I was drained, and Jenny got a gleam in her eye. Though she only reluctantly released my softening cock, she clearly wanted something else from me than to taste my cum. “Ready to hear my idea?” “I’m all ears.”

“I thought Jake might like some new friends for that tongue of his, other than his cock and yours, which probably compete for best friendship,” she grinned at me. “Like what?” “I thought I’d introduce him to one of my mares, she’s in heat right now and really needs some lovin’.” Despite my fatigue, I hardened slightly at the thought, then told her I think we should try it.

I pulled up my boxers and pants, then followed her to the other end of the barn, with Jake in tow. The mare was clearly in heat. It seemed like she really needed a cock, any cock, to satisfy her lust at that moment. I felt sorry for her, then remembered that she would soon be enjoying Jake’s tongue, which loved exploring the luscious folds of a pussy as much as caressing the hard shaft of a cock. Jenny walked over to the mare, gave her a hug and a soft reassurance, then moved back to her rump, where her engorged pussy screamed for attention. Jenny took two fingers and inserted them into the mare’s pussy, which responded by winking and trying to pull Jenny’s fingers in deeper. Jenny pulled them out however, and the mare snorted in protest to her teasing. Jenny put her fingers, which were covered with the mare’s juices, up to Jake’s nose, and he gave a good sniff and a careful lick. He then proceeded to clean Jenny’s hand, and Jenny laughed at his enthusiasm. I grabbed a couple of bales of hay to stack behind the mare, then put Jake on top of them. I pulled back the mare’s tail and showed Jake the source of the wonderful nectar. He picked it up immediately, and started to clean the mare’s pussy in the same systematic way that he had made me cum earlier. He started at the bottom, which made the mare whinny as his tongue made first contact with her sensitive clit, then worked his tongue to get every last bit of the mare’s juices from her folds, which would try to pull his tongue in deeper with each lick. When he returned to the bottom to catch the juices that were dripping to the floor, the mare started winking faster, making Jake’s tongue clean her clit with nearly every stroke. This pushed the mare over the edge, and soon the mare gave a loud snort and sprayed Jake’s face with more of the juices he was so eagerly lapping up. He withdrew for a while to clean his face, then finished cleaning the mare.

“Wow, I didn’t think of anything so kinky before, what made you think of it?”
“I don’t know, just horny I guess. There was one more thing I’d like to try with him though.”


Part 21 – Share and Share Alike

As Jake was cleaning up the last remnants of love juice from the mare’s pussy, I couldn’t help but notice his own cock peeking out of his sheath every so slightly. I guess it was an instinctive reaction to pussy on his part, given how horny he could be at times. I could see that Jenny noticed it too, and she was looking at my dalmation’s cock hungrily when she told me she had more planned. I could guess what she wanted to do, and I had to say, despite my weariness, I began to harden at the thought.

It took a bit of doing to get Jake away from the mare’s pussy. They both seemed to want to continue, but Jenny and I had other ideas. “Poor Angie,” Jenny said, “I’ll be sure to get one of my big dildos and give her the fucking she wants later, but now, let’s see this gorgeous dog of yours.” We put Jake back onto the floor, and went back into the barn’s aisle, where Jenny took off her shirt, to reveal her freckled tits to me once more. Her nipples had hardened, and I loved the way her tits swayed as she got down on the floor beside Jake. She brought her hand to Jake’s sheath, and began to jack him slowly, to get him started. Predictably, Jake loved the feeling, and began to respond almost immediately. His dick grew out rapidly, and soon was out, in all its pink glory. “Oh damn,” she said, “I didn’t expect it to be this big. But I want it in my mouth, I want to taste his cum!” She then laid down on her back, and pulled Jake on top of her so that his manhood pointed towards her mouth. As she had done with me, she teased him, though she used her tongue on his glistening cock. She swirled her tongue around his pointy cockhead, and soon Jake started to hump. Jenny was a little startled at first, but adjusted quickly and grabbed hold of his hindquarters with both hands while she tended to his cock with her mouth. She kept up the teasing for a good while, bringing her tongue down the shaft, back up again, occasionally tickling his furry balls. Soon he could stand it no longer, and barked loudly at her to get to it. She laughed, then seized his dripping cock with her mouth, and began to work it with expert skill. Indeed, this woman had sucked off many dicks in her lifetime. She was a penis pleasurer, a real cock connoisseur, and I wondered idly what percentage of those cocks had been human, and how many horses or other animals. It made me quite hard thinking about it.

I was brought back to the action by a determined panting by Jake. Seems he was close to giving Jenny what she wanted, a load of his cum down her throat. Jenny, who had been masterfully deepthroating my dog, pulled back and smiled at me mischievously. She then got up, which aggravated Jake, since she seemed to be giving him blue balls, and he barked at her. She laughed again, then told him to hold on a minute. She took off her pants and panties, revealing her soaking wet pussy to both myself and Jake. Jake was too aggravated to really notice at first, but I noticed. Jenny also had noticed my tent that I was packing in my jeans, and beckoned me over. “I thought you wanted his cum?” I asked her. “I did, but I got another idea just now. Get naked and come lie down on the floor, quickly now!” I did as she asked, bringing out my erection once again, which both Jenny and Jake eyed hungrily, and lied down on the floor. Without fanfare, Jenny hopped onto me and sunk my cock deep into her deliciously wet pussy. She leaned forward and began to ride my cock feverishly. Despite the intense pleasure, I couldn’t believe that she had abandoned Jake to give me a fucking. When Jake saw what we were doing, he brought his tongue to the intersection of his two favorite things to lick. He began licking his way from my balls upward into Jenny’s pussy, who moaned at the sensation. He kept this up for a while, still sporting his own hard-on, now an angry red color and dripping precum copiously. But then I realized that Jenny had not forgotten him or his needs, and she slapped her ass in invitation. Then it hit me. Jenny wanted to double-time it with Jake and me!

Jake looked at her curiously, seeing how her pussy was currently occupied by my cock. Then, perhaps because he was still so horny from Jenny “priming” him, he decided to go for her ass. Luckily for all, that’s what we wanted. Jake mounted her, stabbed her cheeks a few times in frustration, trying to find her hole. Jenny guided him into her tight little asshole, and away he went. Given Jake’s horniness, he fucked her like there was no tomorrow, picking up the speed that I often envied. Only this time, because I was still buried in Jenny’s quivering pussy, I got to feel some of that speed at work. Jenny had stopped fucking me, and hunkered down to enjoy the ride, so I picked up the slack myself, using what little leverage I had to fuck her pussy. I knew I couldn’t match Jake’s pace, but I still tried. I could feel Jake’s pounding cock through Jenny’s pussy, a kind of tickling, on top of the wonderful wetness of Jenny’s pussy, and it drove me crazy. It was obviously driving Jenny crazy as well, and soon she gasped out an orgasm, as her pussy contorted and squeezed around my cock in pleasure. She was still coming down from it when Jake got even faster somehow, and I knew he was going to try knotting her. Jenny was too high on the pleasure to care at that moment. “She has clearly never been knotted, or she would care,” I thought to myself. When Jake started to pound in short strokes, I knew he was trying. Jenny seemed to become aware at that point. “What’s he — OH SHIT!” she yelled as he sunk his knot deep into her reluctant ass. Curiously enough, I could feel the cum gushing into Jenny, and it drove me wild. But I sat there and let her become used to Jake’s knot in her ass. When she started smiling again, and began to pump once more, and Jenny moaned. I maneuvered my cock the way Zack had shown me, and sure enough, Jenny orgasmed again, this time forcefully, spraying my cock and balls with love juice. Given how drained I had been, I still had quite a bit of life left before I would cum. So I decided to see if I could make Jenny cum one more time before I did. It would be a personal best, and it was always hot to see a beautiful woman orgasming over and over. I resumed my fucking, again wriggling my cock to hit all to right places. I knew it would be close this time, since Jenny’s pussy was so incredibly wet and inviting, and Jake had begun to do small fucking motions again, tickling my cockhead when I needed to control myself most. It would be a race, and I was determined to win. Jenny would cum before me!

I kept up the pace for another couple of minutes, when I could feel Jenny start to orgasm. I knew I would have to be content with a tie, and gave myself over to the pleasure. We cried out in ecstasy as my cum flooded into her pussy, and her pussy milked my cock for all it was worth. We lay there for some time, exhausted from the pleasure, when Jake started moving. He pulled out of Jenny’s ass with a painful sounding pop, and Jenny let out a little cry when he did. Jake’s juices started to run out and down Jenny’s ass, to drip onto my balls and mix with all of the love juice Jenny had drenched me with. Jake went off to clean himself, leaving us lying there.

“Wow, I had forgotten how great DPing was, it’s been a long time since I did it,” Jenny said breathlessly.
“Well it was my first time. And won’t be the last if I have anything to say about it,” I replied. Jenny laughed lightly.
“I’ll bet,” she said.
“It looks like Jake is hungry again,” I said, noticing Jake had come back.
“Oh. . .”


Part 22 – All Good Things Must Come to an End . . . Right?

After my graduation, things changed for me and my circle of friends. I decided to work for my dad full time on the farm, doing some of the harder work that he had always put off doing himself. Life continued on the farm much the same for a time, and my libido thanked me for it. Of particular note was the time I was enjoying a calf blowjob (the calf was particularly skilled, almost like it was born for this), and I was interrupted by Dad. . .

The calf was suckling my cock in a most un-calflike way, actually moving up and down the shaft like a traditional blowjob. This coupled with the extreme suction drove me crazy, and I had difficulty holding back my orgasm. I had started to hump the calf’s gulping mouth when I heard Dad walk in behind me. “Damn,” I thought, “this is awkward, but there’s no way I’m stopping.” Dad saw me and grinned, and I smiled sheepishly back at him. “Enjoying your work I see,” Dad said with a laugh. “I can’t get on to ya too much, since I wanted the same thing.” And with that, Dad dropped his overalls and briefs, and called on another calf to suckle him. It did, willingly, as most of the calves loved being fed from the tap, so to speak. It was rather erotic, watching someone else getting blown at by a calf. It was something I hadn’t seen since he had unwittingly introduced me to the idea. Watching the calf gulp down my father’s cock was making it even more difficult to resist the urge to cum into my calf’s eager mouth. I wanted to hold out for a few more minutes, so that Dad and I would be done around the same time. I managed maybe one more minute, before I groaned in ecstasy and pumped my load into the calf’s mouth. Luckily for me, Dad didn’t seem to have my stamina, and came about fifteen seconds after me, rewarding his calf for a job well done. We both pulled back from our calves and he regarded me. “I’m kind of surprised you’re still indulging in the calves, when Jenny and your friends are probably just as willing to indulge in you.” “Well, I could say the same, Dad. Jenny has always enjoyed your. . . company, and I’ve wondered why you don’t call on her more.” Dad looked thoughtful at that.

Not long after that shared event, Jenny and Dad moved in together, leaving me in charge of the farm. Eventually, they got married and merged the two farms as one business. Now we bred cattle and horses, and there was plenty of lovin going around, not always the same species. . .

Jenny and Dad had a quiet ceremony, with a light honeymoon. They went to a hotel in town and fucked each other’s brains out. Of course, Dad shared all the details with me, including the number of times they fucked, how long it lasted, and how insatiable Jenny seemed to be. Before, it would have made me uncomfortable to talk about such things with Dad, but now it seemed almost like he was just a friend. All his talk about Jenny left me hard, and more than a little jealous. I knew how hot Jenny was, from personal experience.

One day, when I went up to Jenny’s farm on business (honest!), I caught Jenny masturbating with the very same purple dildo that I’d seen her use before. Not only that, but she seemed to be using a bottle of horse cum as lube for the thing. I knocked on the door, and she saw it was me and waved me in. She didn’t stop doing herself, and I could only stand there awkwardly as I completely forgot why I was there. I quickly hardened at the sight of Jenny impaling herself with the horse cum-soaked dildo. Jenny had her eyes closed and mouth open, and was clearly close to orgasm. When she opened her eyes and saw my erection forming a tent at her eye level, she smiled at me. Then she did something unexpected. “Jim, Tom’s here and he clearly wants to fuck my brains out. Is that okay?” I was mortified. But then something even more unexpected happened. “Sure, have fun. I think I’ll go have fun with one of the mares.” I was still reeling from this exchange when Jenny grabbed my tent and pulled me over to her. She dropped my pants and boxers and out sprung my cock. She pulled me closer and wrapped her lips around my dick, and caressed my cockhead with her tongue.

She continued fucking herself with the dildo, and as she neared orgasm, she picked up the pace of her blowjob as well. Soon I was dribbling precum from my cockhead and she was slurping it down as she began to deep-throat me. Suddenly she reached her own orgasm and moaned around my cock. When she came down from her high, she pulled back from me and asked, “You want sloppy seconds, Tom?” I have to admit, I certainly did. I moved around and began to fuck her very sloppy pussy. I began to see why she used horse cum as her lube. It glided along my cock, sploshing when I pushed all the way in, and squirting out a bit when I pulled back. There was no resistance at all, just one hot love tunnel filled with another male’s sperm, begging for my own cum. Naturally, given how close I had been during Jenny’s blowjob, I didn’t last too terribly long in these wonderful conditions. I shot my load deep into Jenny’s cum-filled pussy, joining the load that was already there. When we had recovered, we decided to see what Dad was up to in the barn. We got out there to discover that he was fucking, not a mare, but a stallion. Hal was thoroughly enjoying being plowed by my father, as his own mighty erection was swinging back and forth a bit with Dad’s determined, rhythmic fucking. We arrived just in time to see Hal’s huge cock shoot off a huge, horse sized load onto the hay beneath him, jet after jet spraying from it as Dad continued to fuck his tight asshole. After seeing this, Jenny cried, “Jim! What did I tell you about wasting that?” She pointed at Hal’s dripping cock and the huge load on the floor. Dad stopped fucking momentarily and looked sheepish. “Sorry,” he said, “I forgot to attach the bag.” I knew he was referring to the sperm collection bag on the end of the artificial mare vagina. Of course, by this point, none of this surprised me in the slightest. I certainly had a cool Dad, and a really hot, horny step-mom. Things couldn’t be better on that end.

Zack and Amy continued living together for years afterward, enjoying each other’s bodies very frequently. Every once and a while, we’d plan a threesome or foursome out and add to everyone’s fun. For years we’d share our experiences with each other, sometimes making the “middle” of the threesome be myself or Zack. Those were some kinky times. . .

We had it all planned out, Zack and Amy would come over to the farm, just like old times, and we’d begin our long night of debauchery. The first thing they did upon getting in the house was to remove their clothes. I suppose it shouldn’t surprise me that they enjoyed being nude so much, considering how much they got up to. I decided to join them and undressed as well. We broke out the wine and told each other some kinky stories and jokes. It was erotic to see everyone’s reactions as I noticed Zack’s cock start to twitch and grow, Amy’s nipples get hard and pointy, and her pussy moist. These are things that are normally covered up by clothes, and I couldn’t help but be aroused myself, causing my own cock to grow as Amy told one particularly hot story and I watched her and Zack’s reactions. After a couple of hours of the verbal foreplay, we decided to start the real fun. Amy moved over to Zack and started to stroke his growing cock until it was full size, then she patted the couch on the other side of her for me to sit down. I did, and she grabbed my dick in her other hand, and began stroking us both simultaneously. We leaned over and sucked on her nipples as she pumped our cocks, gradually speeding up. My cock was oozing a veritable fountain of precum, covering Jenny’s hand, while Zack had only a small bead of the stuff. Meanwhile, our careful tonguing of her nipples had left Jenny’s pussy very wet. This did not go unnoticed.

Jake walked in, sniffing the air, clearly smelling the sex in the room. We noticed him and chuckled to each other. We all spread our legs and continued our foreplay. Jake had two sets of cocks-and-balls to choose from or one sopping wet pussy. He sampled each of us, tonguing my balls and ass first, but being unable to move up to my cock, he moved on. Then he moved over to Zack, and went straight for his dangling balls, and gave his balls a thorough workover before moving south to his asshole, but again, he was stopped from moving further north by Amy’s still pumping hand. He finally went for Jenny’s dripping pussy, and dove right in. Amy’s gasped at the sudden attention, and spread her legs further. In spite of the immense pleasure at the moment, I couldn’t help but notice Jake’s own cock slowly sliding out of its sheath, and I smiled inwardly, knowing that this would just make things better. After a minute or so of this, Amy gasped in orgasm and we both cried out “One down!” Then Amy stopped her stroking and got down on all fours. Jake took his cue and buried his cock into Amy and furiously began pumping away. Zack and I were left on the couch, nursing our cocks, when Zack grabbed my cock and started to stroke it, up and down, like a pro. I decided it was only fair to reciprocate, and I grabbed Zack’s larger cock and began to pump it the same way I had learned to pump my own cock. As Zack’s hand got more and more sticky, and Amy began to gasp out again, we both laughed and shouted, “Two down!” At this point, Amy said, “Go on, suck each other off!” Since we were both a little tipsy and very horny, we decided to do it. We got down on the floor beside Amy and Jake and positioned ourselves to where our cocks were at mouth level to each other. We noticed then that Jake was not in Amy’s pussy, but her ass, and this made things even kinkier as her dripping pussy was now unattended. As I lowered my mouth onto Zack’s member, and he onto mine, I reached out my hand and fondled Amy’s pussy, fingering her.

She appreciated the fingering, and Zack appreciated the workover I was giving his cock, slowly swirling my tongue around his cockhead and stuffing as much of his big dick into my mouth as I could. Meanwhile, I was nearing orgasm, as Zack was as much a natural at cock-sucking as I seemed to be. I determined to outlast him, and began to vigorously suck his cock, trying to force him to orgasm first, while trying to hold in my own for as long as possible. Amy came first (or rather, for the third time), and drenched my hand with a powerful squirt. We both took the cocks out of our mouths to yell “Three down!” then went back to ravenously sucking each other off. This time, I brought my hand that was covered in Amy’s juices to Zack’s unsuspecting ass, and stuffed my fingers down inside and wriggled them. This sent Zack over the edge, and he came without warning into my mouth, and I had to pull back in order to not choke on the powerful blasts of cum. It had an odd taste, like flour and egg-whites, but not bad. Jake seemed to reach the end of his fucking, and shoved himself completely into Amy’s ass, and judging by Amy’s moans, he was cumming, though he had not knotted her. This sight sent me over the edge, and I blasted my own cum into Zack’s mouth, and this time it was his turn to not choke, and he caught the last few jets on his face.

Yeah, those times were great, and we had many more like them. Jake was a frequent partner; he got more cock than a henhouse, and more pussy than a pair of panties. I knew I had some of the best circumstances I could hope for, and was blissfully happy.