
Subject:     Lab 18 progress report (Confidential)
To:                  Directory Committee
From:           Dr. Tillinghast

As you all know, The Miskatonic Institute of Genetic Engineering has had a smashing success in creating a saurian duplicate from fossil DNA.  The particular species is Thescelosaurus, a warm-blooded, plant-eating dinosaur that lived in forests during the late Cretaceous period, about 77 to 65 million years ago.  To refresh your memories, Thescelosaurus had a small head, a bulky body, a long, pointed tail, and short arms. It was a hypsilophodontid and an ornithischian dinosaur about 10 to 13 feet (3-4 m) long and 3 feet (0.9 m) tall at the hips; it weighed roughly 440 pounds (200 kg). This ornithopod had a small skull, cheek pouches, cheek teeth, and a beak made of horn.

This breakthrough has yielded a treasure trove of information about the age of dinosaurs and is a milestone in the annals of science.  Biologically we have gleaned volumes of fascinating details and made monumental discoveries.  However, the study of behavioral aspects this creature is in its infancy.  To address this gap in our knowledge, my research team (Lab 18) had been assigned to study this specimen’s behavior, in particular its mating behavior.  The genetics of sexual determination had not been worked out at that point in time and only males had been produced, which placed us at a great disadvantage.

With no other recourse, we sought a sexual surrogate to coax the male into a breeding display.  It had been supposed that the seasonal development of intense coloration was a sign of sexual maturity and was used in display to females.  The animal’s compulsive mounting behavior was also an indication of his readiness for mating.  However, the mere whiff of the dinosaur’s scent sent our mammal breeding surrogates into a wild panic and no suitable mounting partner could be found to allow investigation of his copulatory behavior.

One of the undergraduate interns, a sophomore woman, had experienced the dinosaur’s many attempts to mount and was not particularly offended by his intentions.  It was eventually delicately proposed by the Senior Researcher that she allow the animal to attempt to complete his act.  To some people’s surprise the idea was not only accepted but she seemed genuinely interested in trying and not in an entirely scientific mind set.

It had been noted that the herbivorous dinosaur, although no rocket scientist, was careful about clawing anyone so there was no great concern about her being injured that way.  So, the experiment proceeded on the very next day.

She stripped naked and presented herself to the male on her hands and knees.  There was no doubt in the animal’s mind as to her intentions.  However, although he mounted her fairly gently, it took some time for him to adjust his instinctive method of mounting to the rather different anatomical arrangement of the human female.  It was mostly the lack of a sizable tail that threw off his technique.

The creature made several attempts of treating her leg like a tail that he could lift while bringing his tail under and thrusting his sex organs under her hip.  His sexual organs emerged accordingly but finding no aperture for copulation, his penile protrusion only rubbed aimlessly against her stomach.  Finally, he re-adapted his approach and came from behind.  After the initial difficulties, things went fairly smoothly.

She had been shaved in case the pubic hair might put him off, as it was extremely unlikely that female dinosaurs had any hair.  His organ was about seven centimeters thick and extended about 45 centimeters from his cloaca.  Its tip slipped against and then in between the woman’s labia slightly inserted into her vaginal orifice.  Sensing that he had the right opening for copulation he slowly thrust himself into her vagina.

The animal’s sex organs were sizable but were initially fairly soft.  Startled by his size and unusual texture, the woman gasped on penetration but did not experience any great pain.  The dinosaur was warm blooded, as had been theorized, but had a body temperature more like a bird than a mammal, at a hot 107 degrees F. (42 C) making the insertion slightly uncomfortable until she became used to it.  However, he proved to be well lubricated so there was little discomfort from friction.

As if surprised by his success the animal paused after the initial insertion.  Then with slow patient thrusts he began to copulate with the young student.  The human vagina apparently suited his natural requirements quite well.  After lodging his sex-organs securely in his surrogate mate, he encircled her hips with his hind legs while grasping her shoulders with his front claws.  Since his penile appendage seemed to have a life of its own and thrust itself in and about her vagina completely of its own accord, we theorized that his embrace was to prevent disengagement more than an aid to his copulatory motions.

This theory was strengthened by the endurance of their coitus.  From the time of insertion until he withdrew, the mating took a total of 26 minutes, 32 seconds.  The embrace must therefore be a mechanism to secure him to his mate while allowing her to feed.  As mentioned earlier, with the exception of his penile organ, he remained completely motionless for the duration.

Once settled into this position, we were able to approach the couple and observe his yet unseen sexual organs in use.  Its suppleness and dexterity were quite amazing.  The organ must be considerably sensitive especially near the tip for as he mounted our volunteer, it actually groped its way around her exposed posterior and crotch until it found her sexual opening.  The tip altered its shape from a blunt instrument into a delicate point and excreted a kind of pre-coital fluid to aid insertion.  Once it had gained entry, it snaked (please excuse the pun) its way inside to immerse as much of itself as her vagina would allow in a surge and probe assault as though searching for deeper recesses.

What remained of his penile appendage not inserted in the surrogate we observed a ruddy, scaled surface that throbbed from beneath in the same rhythm as his pulse.  At that point, what the organ was doing inside her vagina we could only guess.  Insemination began shortly after he had implanted his sex organ securely and comfortably within her vagina.  As the deposit of his semen progressed, we were to observe an abundant overflow of his ejaculate seeping out of the surrogate’s vagina and on to the floor.

We of course collected a sample and found that this seminal fluid was exceptionally thick and viscose with a high concentration of sperm but low motility.  The slow injection of his semen continued for quite some time resulting in copious quantities of his issue spilling on the floor by the time it stopped.  When his insemination finally did cease, he maintained coital contact for some 10 more minutes to, we believe, help insure conception.

Later gynecological examination of the surrogate revealed no damage or irritation to vaginal tissue, perhaps somewhat less than in typical human relations.  The most significant find was that seminal fluid had congealed into an impenetrable plug within our volunteer’s cervix.  This plug was obviously a natural barricade to block insemination from rival males.  The plug dissipated over the course of 36 hours, which we believe may shed some light on the estrus period for the female of the species.

In spite of such natural impediments, the male stayed close by his mate and was quick to take advantage of our surrogate’s prone, acquiescent position to accomplish two successive mounts.  Each of these were less thorough than the first and were most likely an added precautionary measure or perhaps an action designed to keep the female preoccupied and inaccessible to other suitors.

During his last foray into our volunteer’s charms, an overly zealous thrust of his hips caused the saurian’s member to dislodge from its anchorage, slip out from between her legs and slide up over her posterior.  This gave us an excellent opportunity for us to witness this organ in use.  We did not approach for fear of alarming him but rather we zoomed in with our cameras to examine his sex organ in detail.  His expulsion occurred during his seminal emission phase and provided us with a wealth of data.

As evidenced by the video tape, the penile appendage emerged from the male’s lower cloaca as a broad, flat, pinkish colored protrusion of about 20 cm wide and 4 cm thick.  The shape abruptly tapers to a roughly cylindrical instrument of about 7-cm in diameter.  The tip was completely transformed from what we observed when he penetrated her.  The end-most 8-cm had swollen from its original taper to a bloated, furrowed head of about 6 cm in diameter with a deep red hue.  The very end was an inwardly concave, cup with the seminal aperture in the center.  The entire head writhed and undulated as if groping for recessive purchase.  The indented end pumped inward and outward like a suction cup.  As it struggled in the open-air copious amounts of thick semen oozed out lugubriously from the center.  The remaining portion of the cylindrical shaft between the head and the cloaca was firm and rigid.  A musculature array beneath the skin’s surface rippled up and down the shaft in the same rhythm as the seminal ejection, obviously to propel the ejaculate.

He remained immobile perhaps overcome by sensory arousal.  Bent over our assistant’s prone body, the saurian stood with his organ extended outward, apparently oblivious to his interrupted coupling.  To prolong the saurian’s execution for our observation, we prompted the surrogate to face him and digitally stimulate his organ to simulate coitus.  She obliged and grasping the shaft with one hand she cupped the other over its head altering her grip in response to its undulations.  She knelt before the beast holding his extended organ, gently pumping one hand up and down his shaft while the other hand slowly squeezed the swollen head.  She worked him expertly and we witnessed large amounts of his thick emission running down her arms and onto the floor.  This was an enormous boon to the experiment providing answers to questions we had not even formulated at the time.  The creature remained still and apparently oblivious to his displacement but obviously deeply effected by her stimulation.  Our volunteer was able to manipulate him to completion at which time we watched the emissions cease, the head contract and the entire organ retract into his body.

Our intern later described how the mating felt.  As transcribed:

“I agreed to do this but when it came time to actually do it I was kind of scared.  He has always been a gentle creature but you really didn’t know how he was going to behave when he actually got a chance to mate.  His brain is pretty small and he still runs pretty much by instinct, so I was thinking that it wasn’t likely going to work at all. Although I was hesitant, I was curious to see what it would be like, so I was hoping not to be disappointed.

 “He mounted me fairly slowly and although his skin has scales they are smooth so that it wasn’t uncomfortable.  His skin felt feverishly hot to me but that was to be expected.  However, he was very clumsy at first and it was obvious that my anatomy was not well adapted to the saurian’s normal copulatory posture.  I kept trying to move forward and turn away from him so his sex organs would be in a better position relative to mine.  He would just move to my side and lift my left leg trying to slide the base of his tail under me but that brought his sex organ probing against my stomach.  I soon thought it was going to be a failure but he finally started varying his approach and soon got it right.

 “I was holding my breath when he got the tip of his organ slightly into my vagina.  I didn’t know what to expect but he proved to be a natural at this.  He was really hot with his high body temperature to the point of being uncomfortable.  Furthermore, I wasn’t sure I could handle him when I saw the size of his organ but at least it wasn’t like an ostrich’s, that would have been impossible.

 “I was surprised when he slowly thrust it into me.  It was slippery and hot, and though fairly large it was spongy, I would liken it to a smooth sponge on a stick.  He paused at that point and I think we were both surprised by our sudden success.  Then he started to copulate with me.

“At first he was spongy, as I described, but he began to firm up as he thrust himself into my vagina repeatedly.  After a while, I was getting used to the heat of his organ but I could feel myself being stretched around his shaft.  The penis would make a long slow thrust into me and then almost completely withdraw followed by another thrust.  Each thrust was punctuated by an undulation that went up the entire length of the penis followed by a kind of writhing at the tip.  I don’t know if it was to perform a copulatory function keyed to some physical trait of the female of the species or if the organ was merely looking for a way to lodge itself deeper in me. I could feel the power behind each insertion and realized just how strong he was physically; he could have seriously hurt me if he wanted to.  Eventually, the tip kind of molded itself to the shape of my cervix something like a suction cup.  It felt a lot like my diaphragm.  After it assumed that shape was about the time I could feel him start his ejaculation.  I believe he was actually trying to ensure the injection of his sperm into my uterus because I could feel the tip perform a type of push and pull action against my cervix like a piston.  Regardless, the sensation was thrilling, in fact invigorating.

“I don’t know how to describe how his organ felt.  It wasn’t like a rod but rather like a living thing all its own.  It was literally throbbing with his heartbeat.  Moreover, it was actually squirming and twitching all through coition.  Also, the flesh on it was well lubricated but it really wasn’t smooth after he began to mate with me.

“Its texture changed as it hardened.  It was like there was a layer of marbles under a soft outer sheath of skin.  I could feel each one as it entered me and slipped passed the sensitive flesh that rings my vaginal opening and again as it slipped out.  It wasn’t unpleasant at all, however, in fact, it felt wonderful.

 “Then there was how long it took.  I was on my hands and knees for over an hour and a half and the floor wasn’t all that soft in the long run.  At least he carried almost all of his weight on his back legs and only placed his front paws on my shoulders to balance himself.

“Admittedly, I have really enjoyed the many sessions in the lab since then. And in answer to your question, I will have to admit that I found the encounter physically and mentally stimulating, but as for whether or not I attained climax I prefer to reserve exposition as a personal matter.  Furthermore, I don’t mind having fellow researchers watching my sexual encounter with a non-human creature, staring at my genitals to observe his insertion into me, or how he copulates with me but certain aspects of interpersonal relations, even when it is experimental inter-species relations, should remain private… just as long as I get to be taken by him… …in the name of science, of course.”

I would point out that this is confidential report.  We would dread to see what a tabloid would do with it.  We are hoping to continue this investigation although we do now have females for research into the natural reproductive behavior of this particular saurian. However, the male in this discussion has been thoroughly imprinted on humans and only seeks to copulate with this particular lab technician and she seems more than willing to permit him.  He attempts to mount her whenever in her presence, his penis reaches for her legs whenever she is near and, though we pretend not to notice, we have found many patches of his seminal residue on the lab floor when we arrive in the morning.  We have since learned that the species mates for life and are exclusively faithful to their mates.  When the investigation into this inter-species relationship has been completed, we hope to release him into her care.  Oh, to be young again.

We hope to recoup our costs from the sale of specimens to other researchers when numbers are sufficient.  In addition when enough saurians exist that any tapes of these various copulatory sessions can no longer be traced to us specifically we hope to profit handsomely from their sale to black market sources (feasibility report to follow).  Of course, we will digitally alter them so as not to embarrass a valiant researcher who sacrificed nobly for the sake of science.

Respectfully yours,
Dr. Crawford Tillinghast