(c) 2009 by mattlobo

Tamara lived in Tasmania, near the Cradle Mts. She had graduated from high school and planned to someday take a few college classes but for the moment she was content to live on her grandfather’s ranch. He raised several types of animals and the tending of them, along with several ranch hands, took most of his time. That was where Tamara and Samantha, her older sister by four years, came into play. They maintained the house for him.

Tamara also had an older brother, who was married and lived several miles away in the valley. And a younger sister that was still away at boarding school and only came home on major holidays. It was perfect as far as all of them were concerned and none would have changed anything concerning their current conditions.

Even as it was, Samantha was seeing guys off and on, but none of them really lit her fire. She had been with a few of them but after each occasion she was left frustrated and didn’t make a second date no matter how much the young gentleman begged. As far as she was concerned they were duds that were only looking out for themselves.

Tamara had a few dealings with several boys also, but none of them led to any wild sexual encounter. In fact, every guy she had been out with was also interested in only one thing; getting into her panties as quickly as possible. Now that may have seemed understandable in a way, but it was still unacceptable to the young blonde.

Tamara was BEAUTIFUL. On a scale of one to ten she easily ranked eleven, and so did Samantha her sister. That was why they constantly had so many problems with guys. Any male that came within eye-shot of them instantly had only one thing on their pointy little minds; how do I get that sweet babe in bed?

Looking at Tamara was easy; keeping from drooling all over oneself when you did so was not. Being a blonde with blue eyes and fair complexion was only the start of it all. She stood five feet eight inches and weighed in at one hundred and thirty five pounds. She had all the right curves in all the right places stacked on top of an athletically lithe frame. Adding to that the fact that she sported lovely looking 34C breasts tipped with pink nipples only enhanced things even more. And no human male had ever seen them bare but hundreds had sure dreamt about them.

When it came to Samantha’s disappointing liaisons she was very free in sharing the situations with Tamara. She didn’t want her sister to be unaware of what almost all the male populace in the area had on their minds. She was on the pill, but she was sure that her sister was not. Also, she knew how to relieve her frustrations with her favorite vibe but she doubted that Tamara was so versed just yet; she would have been surprised if she knew the truth.

Both young ladies did a very good job of taking care of things in the house and close by around the ranch’s main yard. Their grandfather never had to do anything in that area. And with everything else he did it pleased him that the girls helped him so freely. It made life for him a whole lot easier. If he ever worried about anything it was that someday some decent guys would come along and be good enough for one or both of them to finally fall in love. But for now he simply considered himself very fortunate to have them living with him.

One day, Tamara’s grandfather decided to take several of his Greyhound racing dogs to the track. It was something he always looked forward to but didn’t get to enjoy as often as he wished. He had quite a stable of animals and many of the other racers that owned such K9 envied his kennel set up; but they loathed telling him outright about their admiration. They simply kept it to themselves and tried to emulate his style as best they could. He had the best facilities and always managed to acquire some of the best stock in whatever he set his hand to.

On this particular day, everyone but Tamara went to the races and that suited her quite well. She didn’t mind being totally alone at times because it allowed her to fulfill her lusts and desires freely. Any other time she would have to have been a whole lot more discreet. It was true that some if her family members now knew of her activities and condoned it; but that did not include the hired hands. Not only that but what she did was for her own satisfaction. She didn’t feel like allowing others to watch what had become very personal to her so when she had free and easy access to her grandfather’s prized Greyhound studs she took full advantage of it.

Tamara had known about sex for quite some time now. Growing up on the ranch with its myriad of animals and also seeing the hounds mate had only peaked her curiosity about it. She remembered the first time it had happened for her as though it was yesterday. It was an occasion similar to this one. Everyone had gone to the races and she had been left alone.

She had tended to all the other dogs but left Rebel for last; he had always been her favorite. At the time she was somewhat aroused because it was that time of month and she had also had a very frustrating date with a young man earlier that week. In a way she was wondering if it was even worth trying to see anyone one because they all acted the same way and were only interested in what they could get from a young lady.

When Tamara had finally gotten around to Rebel’s padded enclosure the first thing she noticed was him laying there in the sun; soaking up the last available rays for the day. She giggled. It really was true what they said about Greyhounds; they were couch-potatoes until you got them revved up and interested in something. Then you had better stand back or you would probably get run over during their exuberant antics. Though she had to admit that the pups were the worst; it was really quite fortunate that they settled down somewhat as they grew older.

Rebel had arisen almost immediately when he saw her and it was then that she noticed his male sheath and the pink flesh that showed there. The sight of it had aroused her even more. Her thoughts had quickly become carnal and it was impossible for her not to wonder what it would be like to be mounted by such a strong and virile looking animal. After that, one thing led to another and between the two of them and they managed to mate. The only bad part about it all was the fact that in the end she found that she was also locked inside the padded double door enclosure. She wouldn’t be able to get out until her family returned and she was going to have to think of a very good excuse as to what happened. She did consider herself lucky though. She was able to be fucked by her new lover several times and she had all her clothes. It was her sister that found her later that night and when Samantha saw her she looked at her strangely but she didn’t was a word. The elder sibling simply listened to her sister’s excuse for being trapped in the pen and released her.

Tamara’s remembrance of her first time vanished as she once more neared the pens. She tended to the females and pups first and saved Rebel for last as usual. This time however when she entered the enclosure she made sure that she could still get out but have the gate securely closed. Rebel was known for his chasing anything that moved and the last thing she wanted at the moment was to have to try and pursue him until he was ready to be caught. She wanted him to save his energy for her.

Once Tamara was inside the padded pen she stripped out of her pants and panties. She also took her blouse off which left only a tight knit band around her magnificent breasts. She slipped this downward; freeing her beautiful orbs to the waning sunshine. This material she allowed to bunch up at her waste and hips. It would protect her somewhat from being scratched when Rebel mounted her.

Now that she was prepared she lay down on one of the blankets she did so and called the handsome animal to her. He had been quietly waiting for her to get ready. None of this was new to him anymore. He was well aware of what she wanted and he was willing to be patient. He moved closer to her and did what he always did; he began licking her moist slit. He managed to dig his tongue into her sweet pink cavern quite deep and it elicited a moan from her that was music to his ears.

Tamara lay back and reveled in the feel of Rebel’s tongue as it sliced into her depths. She rocked her hips upward so that he could get at her fully and he didn’t disappoint her. She had already been looking forward to this evening interlude after she learned about her grandfather’s plans to go to the races, so she was fully primed for what she was receiving now.

The young blonde cooed her approval at what Rebel was doing to her and she eventually rocked upward a bit so that she could pet and caress the loving K9 in return. She wasn’t able to keep it up too long though because her first orgasm slammed almost unexpectedly her and nearly put her light out it was that intense.

Rebel kept licking and after a bit she had to stop him. She loved what he was doing but at the moment she wanted something else. She knew what he had between his legs and she definitely wanted it inside of her as soon as possible. She gently but firmly pushed him aside, which wasn’t too easy to do since he weighed in at over seventy five pounds. Then she quickly got on her hands and knees.

Tamara didn’t have to say a word. She had barely settled in on all fours when Rebel was on her. He mounted her effortlessly and the term practice makes perfect fit easily in this situation. There was only one preemptory jab that hit her clit dead on, but the one that followed was a bulls-eye. She gasped as he entered her but then sighed pleasurable after that as several inches of his hot doggy shaft pierced her.

“Oh god yes…” moaned Tamara as Rebel set a blazing pace. It was fortunate that she was so wet and that he was continually pumping his pre-cum into her to cool her down or she would probably have been blistered by the friction that was generated. Her hanging orbs danced in time to his rapid fire thrusts and heightened her excitement. After that it wasn’t too long before her second orgasm slammed her and it was every bit as intense as the first.

Rebel had no real idea that he had pleased the young blonde so thoroughly; he just kept going. He wasn’t about to stop just yet. He hadn’t even set his knot in Tamara and that was his next task. He plowed her mercilessly until he was ready and then he let her have it.

Tamara was presently at the point that all she could do was pant and groan. She felt Rebel’s knot growing as he push it into her and then pulled it back out through her vaginal lips. At one point it simply became too much and she tried with all her might to catch it after it invaded her with one last shove. She succeeded in her effort and was rewarded by yet another orgasm as she felt him unloading his sperm deep within her reproductive system.

Rebel was her grandfather’s first class stud and lately Tamara wondered what it would be like to become pregnant by him. She knew that she only had one egg to offer him at a time but it would still be hot to find out that she was going to have one of his puppies. She had no idea how the rest of the family would handle it but it still thrilled her to imagine it.

As Tamara knelt beneath Rebel he continued to pump his seed into her she managed to reach up and caress her breasts. She imagined her K9 lover being able to do this and if anything it was the only thing she felt that she might be missing out on. But even then, she was able do it herself as she reveled in the fullness of her K9 lover’s cock imbedded so deeply within her. And she was sure that no man could ever match what she had just experienced; and the night wasn’t over just yet.


Rebel proved to Tamara that evening, exactly the kind of stud he really was. After ten minutes of being tied to her he hopped off and immediately began cleaning her up. He had barely stopped licking and she thought it was over when he mounted her again. In an instant she was refilled with his hard cock again as it sliced into her depths until it hit the bottom.

Tamara shrieked at the abrupt intrusion that slammed against the end of her vaginal chute. It was fortunate that she was still quite full of Rebel’s previous dose of sperm or the penetration could have been very uncomfortable. As it was though, it actually felt good. She had not really looked forward to him dismounting after they had mated the first time so this fit her desired scenario very well.

This time when Rebel began thrusting into her his motions were not nearly as fast-paced. Instead of the short staccato jabs his motions were longer and slower. The tip of his penis still nudged the back wall of her vagina and distended it by nearly half an inch but at least it didn’t feel as though it was a punching bag in a pugilist’s gym.

Tamara moaned her approval as Rebel’s thrusts kept coming and coming. To her it was like a body massage; only an internal one. It felt so… good you just didn’t want it to end. Increment by increment though the intensity of it grew until like a mini volcano the pressure increased and it had to erupt. Once more the dog’s knot was at the stage where it either had to enter and stay there or remain on the outside and she didn’t want that to happen.

Tamara grunted as the fair size bulge entered her again, and that was when she clamped down on it. The dog’s knot was now trapped within her and lay snugly against her G-spot. It, along with everything else, triggered her next orgasm.

Not to be outdone, Rebel also began spewing his seed into the beautiful blonde. Whether or not he knew that he would not be able to impregnate her with his sperm was unknown but that didn’t keep him from trying. Either way for the next day or so his present bitch was going to be carrying some of his DNA inside of her and any other dog she came across would know that he had been there.

Another fifteen minutes passed as Rebel’s reproductive system unloaded his essence into Tamara. The waning blasts of his semen and the receding ripples of her climax were still very euphoric. Even the weight of his still heated member trapped within her depths fed the blissful state in which she floated.

Unfortunately, all good things eventually end. But for the most part it only allows one to ponder the past get ready for the future. So it was with Tamara and Rebel. When he pulled out of her this time she knew that it was over for this particular evening but there was always the next time to look forward to.

This time when Tamara was ready to leave Rebel’s padded pen she was able to do so without having to be rescued by her sister. After the last incident her grandfather had shown her how to disable the positive locking mechanism before she entered. The gate would still be safe from the animal being able to get out but a human would have no problems. The funny part about it all was the look that he gave her when he was showing her the intricacies of the latching system. To her it seemed as though he knew more than he let on.

A few days passed before Tamara was really able to have some quality time with Rebel again. The ranch hands were gone for the day and her grandfather had business in town to take care of that would keep him occupied for several hours. Samantha was still around in a way but she was going on a date so she would ostensibly be out of the picture shortly also.

When Samantha’s guy for the evening arrived he was one that Tamara had never seen before. He was quite handsome but there was always the eternal question that immediately surfaced; how would he treat her sister: and would he only be interested in one thing like all the others?

Once Samantha hopped into the guy’s car and it was on its way down the drive Tamara wasted very little time in making her way to Rebel’s pen. It wasn’t long before she was stripping her pants and panties off and presenting herself for her lover’s inspection.

Tamara stood in Rebel’s padded pen with her legs spread. She even held the outer lips of her labia open so that he would have easy access to her vagina until even more of her juices began to flow. It all worked like a charm because in mere moments he had his tongue in her several inches and if felt wonderful. In fact it was almost a self induced torture. His oral digit stimulated her so well that it was very hard for her to stand still.

The licking session went on for several minutes before Tamara had to call it quits. After a while she just couldn’t seem to remain on her feet. Her knees wanted to buckle and she was almost on the verge of falling so she had to pull away from it all.

While Tamara caught her breath she quickly stripped her blouse off and pushed her thick tightly knitted bra strap down until it was once more around her hips. She then positioned herself on her hands and knees and wiggled her very delectable derriere in Rebel’s direction.

Rebel didn’t really need for the lovely blonde to shake her ass so invitingly; he was ready almost as soon as her knees hit the pad that was part of his living quarters. With the expertise of one who had done this several times now he mounted Tamara. His rapidly engorging phallus had no trouble what-so- ever in finding her vaginal tunnel and in mere moments he was thrusting more and more of his hot cock into her depths.

“Oh… god that feels so good,” cooed Tamara as Rebel took her. The first few jabs had been ones that found her opening and then insured that he was in her. After that the whole rhythm changed to one of outright sexual possession. The dog had her and there was no way he was going to release her until he had satisfied his needs. It was true that in the process she too would also be fulfilled, but that was only because there was so much mental and physical stimuli at the moment that it simply couldn’t happen any other way.

To Tamara it was almost a repeat of several nights before; not that she was complaining. Rebel’s cock-head was impacting the bottom of her pussy in such a way that her whole interior was being jostled. Along with that her C-cup, pink nippled, breasts were also trying to keep time with the pounding that she was receiving and in the end it simply pushed her over the edge that much faster.

Tamara’s orgasm slammed her so hard that she wasn’t even aware that Rebel had set his knot in her until it was almost over. All she knew was that the blasts of semen from his cock managed to feed into her own climax in such a way that it extended her experience. It kept her euphoric state from waning for several minutes longer.

It took a few minutes for Tamara to catch her breath but when she did she told Rebel how she felt. “Well old boy, I think you are getting better and better each time we get together. It’s no wonder that grandpa wants you to fuck all his Greyhound bitches. It does make me curious though… do they enjoy you the way I enjoy you?”

Tamara didn’t really expect an answer so when she heard a voice she was totally startled. “That is probably a million dollar question but I must say that you two definitely seemed to enjoy yourselves,” said Samantha from outside the enclosure.

Tamara immediately blushed at being discovered. At least it was her sister but to be found like this, tied to Rebel, was not the easiest of situations to overcome. She was barely able to turn her head far enough to look in Samantha’s direction and what she saw and heard was her elder sibling entering the padded pen.

“I thought you were going on a date,” stated Tamara with a bit of strain in her voice.

Samantha giggled. “I did but we didn’t get very far before he was already making plans to take me back to his apartment. The creep had a very short itinerary. Have a quick bite to eat and then go back to his place and hop between the sheets. So much for romance. I had him bring me home immediately and I’m glad I did,” she stated as she drew closer to the coupled pair. “I don’t know exactly where you started but I got here right when Rebel began to really pound you. And I have to say this… you certainly got more satisfaction out of him than I ever did from any of my dates. In fact it really makes me horny just seeing you there with his cock stuck in you pussy like a real bitch.”

“You mean you are not turned off by it?” asked Tamara.

“No,” returned Samantha huskily, “it is just the opposite. I really want you to help me take Rebel for the first time. I want to know for myself if it is better than being with a guy.”


It took a bit before Rebel was ready to pull out of Tamara and in the mean time the sisters discussed their options. What it came down to in the end was that Samantha was to strip out of her cloths and get ready to be taken for the first time by an animal.

“Are you sure he’ll be able to do it again so soon?” asked Samantha as she slid her panties over her svelte hips and her neatly trimmed brunette mound came into view.

“Oh yeah,” encouraged Tamara as she felt Rebel beginning to slip out of her. “He won’t have any trouble mounting you and making you glad that you decided to try it. It may not be quite as fast paced as what you saw him doing to me but I can assure you that you will not be disappointed.”

Tamara arose and moved closer to Samantha and noticed that she was shivering but it wasn’t because of the cold. At the moment she was so excited that she could hardly stand still. The young blonde then instructed her sister to get down on her hands and knees and spread her legs. She almost did as she was told but she needed a little assistance her knees were still too close together.

Tamara moved to her sister’s side and carefully tried to reposition her sibling’s knees until she was sure that it would be the perfect height for rebel to mount. In the process of it all her hand brushed against Samantha’s mound and even as she grazed it she noted that it was very wet. It peaked her curiosity just enough that she actually cupped the mound on the next pass. She even allowed her middle finger to gently slide through the moist slit and see what kind of reaction she would get.

Samantha moaned pleasurable as her sister’s finger gently caressed her. She had allowed a few guys to do this to her but they had not really tried to satisfy her using this technique. Before too long they were trying to move on to something else that would please them more. As it was Tamara’s middle digit remained active just long enough to trigger a mini quake and they were both amazed at how little stimulus was needed to set her off.

“Wow…” intoned Tamara, “you sure are hot and wet tonight. In fact, if you were any wetter you would probably be dripping.”

Samantha blushed at what her sister said because to the young brunette it meant that she was really looking forward to getting it on with Rebel; and Tamara knew it also. She didn’t get a chance to say anything about it herself though because a second later her grandpa’s stud dog was mounting her.

Tamara had just gotten her hand out of the way when Rebel stepped up to the plate; so to speak. There were no preemptory licks this time he simply mounted Samantha and began thrusting. It was as though he already knew that she was primed and ready. It also seemed that the young blonde’s repositioning of her sister’s knees was nearly perfect because there was only one jab that missed and it grazed his new mate’s clit. After that it was straight into paradise.

Samantha grunted in shock at having her clit impacted as it was, but the gasp that followed an instant later left little doubt as to where the second jab of Rebel’s hardening shaft went. Three inches of hot cock pushed through her outer and inner labia before entering the already moist vaginal chute beneath. It pulled out a bit from there before reentering but it never fully retreated.

“Oh my god… he’s in me,” gasped Samantha as more and more of Rebel’s thick phallus burrowed its way into her depths. “Oh… he’s big,” she continued her narrative excitedly.

Tamara stood back so that she could watch the whole spectacle without having to move her head or eyes to and fro like in a ping-pong match in order to catch all the details. What she was interested in at the moment was seeing Samantha being mounted but she also wanted to see her sister’s facial expressions as more and more of Rebel’s cock entered her.

“What do you think?” Tamara eventually asked Samantha who was now panting and moaning as Rebel continued to thrust at her sister in a slower manner that she had received.

It took a moment for Samantha to gather her thoughts but eventually she began to answer. “I can tell you very unabashedly, Sis, that Rebel is far superior than any of the guys that I have ever been with. He’s girth and length is better and he’s already had his cock in me longer than any of my previous dates,” she panted heavily.

Samantha had barely gotten those words out of her mouth when her second orgasm hit her and this was not a mini-quake. In actuality she shook quite violently. It was only the second orgasm she had ever experienced that had not been self induced. Tamara had given her a small one just before Rebel mounted her but this one was off the charts.

Tamara watched as Samantha reacted to what Rebel was doing to her. Her sister’s movements were so extreme that he stopped what he was doing and simply hung on for a few seconds. “Wow,” she murmured softly, well aware that she herself had never been shaken to the core like that. She smiled though; fully satisfied with all that she had experienced and totally delighted that she had helped her sister achieve such a release.

Samantha began to calm and after that Rebel began to thrust at her anew. “Oh god…” she moaned and began panting again. “I’m not sure how much more of this that I can take.”

“I’m think that there’s only a little bit more,” Tamara tried to assure her sister, and she hoped that she was right. After all, this was Rebel’s second time this evening and he could possibly go on for several more minutes. Especially after having to stop as he did to keep from being shaken off.

As it was, Samantha had to endure only one more minute of Rebel’s thrusting before his knot sank into her one last time and stayed there. She gasped as he did it. And her eyes, that had been shut, immediately flew open. She and forgotten about the knot and everything else that she was going to say and the shriek that had been forming caught in her throat and never made it to the audible stage. Her mouth opened in a silent wail but that was all that transpired.

Once more Samantha began trembling as though there was a huge vibrator within her very being. Spurt after spurt of Rebel’s seed entered her reproductive system but she was totally unaware of it. Her orgasm toppled her over into an seemingly endless yet peaceful black abyss and from it there was no immediate return.

Tamara was stunned at what she saw and at first she began to worry about her sister. She quickly got to her hands and knees to check on her sibling but after a few moments she relaxed. Samantha was definitely in another universe, but at least she was breathing as normally as could be expected for having her light extinguished by fucking with a dog. The pair remained tied for ten minutes before Rebel lulled away. Once he was free of her she slumped forward but her delectable rear remained vulnerable.

Tamara watched over her sister for nearly twenty minutes more and even had to keep Rebel away from mounting her again. Samantha was still on her knees with her derriere in the air and her forehead resting on her forearms. It almost came to the point where the young blonde was going to get on her own hands and knees and allow him to fuck her, but at about that time he gave up and went to his favorite padded corner and lay down.

Very slowly Samantha began to come around and it was a definite relief to Tamara. Time was running out now and very soon their grandfather would be returning from town and the meeting that he had gone to. It wasn’t like a race night where they wouldn’t return until well past midnight.

Once Tamara got Samantha to her feet she helped her don at least her outer garments. She too threw on just enough to get her past anyone that may have arrived home without lifting too many eyebrows concerning her attire. The two girls then walked side by side toward the house and didn’t stop until they were in their own little section of the ranch that their grandpa had fixed up just for them.

Samantha was still out of it somewhat and Tamara had been too busy helping her sister to notice that their grandfather’s truck was parked in one of the shadier sections of the yard. Even the moon as full as it was at the moment was unable to reveal its presence.

After the girls entered the house their grandfather stepped out of the shadows behind them. He had not gotten home in time to see Tamara and Rebel get it on, but he had definitely seen enough when Samantha tangled with his older hound. The only thing disappointing about the whole situation was that he hadn’t been able to see the old stud locked to his granddaughter close up.

“Damn…” murmured Tamara and Samantha’s grandfather as he ambled toward the house “I want to see a dog’s knot imbedded in at least one of their pussies; and hopefully both,” he continued softly. And from that point on he plotted and planned as to how he might bring that about.