The ceremony was performed on one of the palace balconies, under the light of the three suns of a yellow and purple sky with the floating mountains visible in the background. Evana Gallaga Queen of Xanadur was performing a traditional fertility ritual. She wore purple pink high-heeled boots with matching gloves that reached past her elbow and the royal tiara with the four pointed star. she had long lilac colored hair.

Inside the auditorium that connected the balcony, were a large group of spectators, They consisted of diplomats, ambassadors, dignitaries and other important individuals from foreign planets and alliances.

The common people on Xanadur and nearby planets had to settle for watching the ceremony on a live holo-vid feed.

The queen was on her hands and knees in the middle of a circle with the royal four pointed star in the middle.

Even though her arms were straight her breasts almost reached the floor. They were like two huge, jelly filled globes with nipples the size of her face.

Her breasts were not the only huge orbs that almost touched the floor.

Behind her stood a tronkel. A tronkel is a stubby brown riding animal with black eyes and two big stubby fangs in his mouth.

It was the first of the traditional breeding animals the ceremony demanded that Queen Evana was to be mounted with.

Fertility rituals meant that the reigning queen had to be fucked by thirteen of the thirteen traditional farm animals.

In the weeks leading up to the ceremony, Evana had been nervous. This would be her first time she performed the ritual.

She had a lot of experience with having sex with all thirteen traditional types of farm animals and even more nontraditional animals.


On the planet Xanadur, where men numbered less than one percent of the planet’s population, the most common method of propagation was to artificially merge the ova of two women. But as a woman’s ova has no Y chromosome, the child would always be female.

While this solved the population problem, another problem grew. The women needed to get fucked. With fewer men, women were forced to seek sex they needed outside their species.

Bestiality was now the norm on Xanadur.

As a child, she would often watch as her mother and her aunts getting fucked with various animals.

She liked to take the maids to the royal stables and command them to fuck with one animal after another until they lay limp on the floor.

And like most girls in Xanadur, she started having sex with animals when she was old enough.

But pulling a train of one hundred sixty-nine beasts in six days and nights was a tall order, even for a queen.

If she refused, fainted from exhaustion or pleasure or did not have time to fuck all the animals before the third sun rose on the seventh day, she would lose the throne to her idiot sister.

There was also a risk that she would be fucked to death.

She had seen the holo-vids of all the queens that failed with the ritual. Her aunt, Queen Alika, died of exhaustion in the final hours of mating. A blaut-horse had not been pre-fucked enough by the fluffing girls. The horse had arrived with his cock almost limp and then spent three hours fucking Queen Alika to countless orgasms until her body went limp.

Evana’s mother, the former Queen Amilala had admitted that it was she who had sabotaged the ceremony so that she could become Queen.

She had never intended to kill Queen Alika, just to get her to give up or faint.

There were other cases, one where hipodongus had missed and rammed his cock up in Queen Ninabel ass instead of her pussy.

The shock was too much for her dainty ass and she collapsed after the beast was finished fucking her.


But Evana had forgotten her nervousness. it has been replaced by an overwhelming horniness. As part of the ritual, Evana had refrained from sex for two days, not even to masturbate. Her heart pounded in her ears. It felt like torture, never in her adult life she had gone so long without sex.

Her pussy was soaking wet.

She arched her back and spread her knees when she heard the tronkel approach. She felt frustrated that she had to start with the tronkels. It was the sort of animal that small teenage girls begin experimenting with. Their cocks were rarely more than fifteen inches long and they rarely lasted longer than an hour.

An odd murmur and gasp came from the audience when the tronkel was led forward.

Evana looked back over her shoulder to see what everyone is whispering about.

It was then that she saw the tronkel’s cock. It was a monster that was longer than blaut-horse and fatter than a dong-bull cock. It had balls the size of wapa-melons. Its brimming ball sack hung nearly down to the floor.

The beast mounted Evana, with surprising agility.

Evana gave a prolonged moan when the beast slowly but firmly pushed his cock into Evana’s dripping pussy.

He fucked her with long slow strokes.

Evana realized that something was wrong. This beast was not pre-fucked.

Normally the fluffing girls would excite beast before being led into the ceremony.

Evana wondered if this tronkel was an exceptional specimen that the priestess had chosen to make the ceremony more impressive.

It did not seem right. why?

The pleasures of the animal’s huge cock began to wash away all her worries.

The animal reminded Evana about how she lost her virginity.

She was thirteen when her four younger sisters had tricked her to go down to the royal stables where they had caught her and tied her over a bench with her ass in the air. Then they had released all the animals out of their paddocks and run away from there laughing.

The first animal that mounted her was a tronkel.

It had a twenty inch cock that stretched her tight pussy in a wonderful way. The animals in the stables began taking turns fucking her in her vulnerable position.

Her bitchy sisters had positioned palace guards outside the stables with orders not to let anyone in. It was not until late the next day when her mother Queen Amilala arrived at the stables when she was discovered.

She calmly walked up to her, while a dongdon-boar fucked her anally.

“Enjoying yourself?” she asked.

The only sound Evana could do was a series of quick “ummff” sounds, more a result of dongdon-boar cock pounding the air out of her lungs in her exhausted body than any deliberate attempt to answer.

“We must let him finish. It’s cruel not to let them finish,” said Amilala.

She sat down on a stool next to Evana and held her hand and talked to her for over an hour until the dongdon-boar finally blew his load in Evana’s over-fucked ass.

Evana felt now almost like a virgin with the tronkel’s huge cock in her pussy. she groaned in orgasm after orgasm.

The the beas let out a loud bellowing when it finally came.

Two priestesses with large gilded cups captured as much of the semen that spilled out from Queen Evana’s pussy they could.

“Accept the kingdom’s seed.” Said one priestess, holding out the cup.

Evana took the overflowing cup and drained its contents.

The second priestess repeated the procedure.

Spectators in the auditorium cheered when Evana drained the last cup.

The audience sat down at a number of long dinner tables in the hall.

Food and drinks were served while the ceremony was going on.

An animal handler led the tronkel down the aisle of the hall and offered him to the audience.

A tall blonde woman from Xanadur’s legal department signaled the animal handler quickly. She then lifted her long skirt over her waist and moved her dinner plate aside and leaned over the table.

The tronkel was not late and rushed to the proffered ass.

The whole table shook and rattled as did the cutlery and plates when the horny animal mounted the even hornier woman.

The women around the woman from the legal department began discussing who would get fucked by the beast after her.


Queen Evana Gallaga started coming down from the orgasms.

It had been exactly what she needed to get over her sexual frustrations.

Evana looked back over her shoulder past her great cum smeared ass when she heard an animal handler lead up the second of thirteen tronkels.

This also had a monster cock between his legs.

It was at least as long and even fatter than the last one.

Evana realized that something was wrong.

She looked around the ceremony site, Evana’s gaze fell on her oldest sister Hildana Gallaga. Hildana had long blue hair a narrow face and was dressed in a pink body suit with the royal star on both shoulders and a large opening in the chest, exposing her breasts.

Hildana had a wicked knowing smile on her lips.

To the right of Hildana stood her wife, a young woman with short dark pink hair. She also had a wicked knowing smile on her lips.

They knew something.

When the tronkel plunged his big fat cock into Evana’s hungry pussy she remembered that Hildana’s wife was a scientist, a geneticist.

She tried to hold on to the memory while her brain began to float away on a haze of sexual ecstasy.

Evana struggled to concentrate but the continuous orgasms were exhausting. Her mother had warned her not to indulge too much.

Many queens had lost her throne because of too much uninhibited fucking with all ceremony animals.

A fast fucking session of less than an hour with a maximum of a dozen orgasms were the best.

Evana had to fuck thirty-five animals a day to safely perform the ceremony. Even though the planet Xanadur had a forty-two hour day, this did not give her much time to recover.

After nearly an hour and a half fucking, the beast began increasing it’s pace due to it’s approaching orgasm. Evana ended up in waves of squirt orgasms, then a long multiple orgasm before the tronkel filled her pussy.

Again, Queen Evana emptied the golden cups.

But before the animal handler could lead up to the third tronkel, also with a huge monster cock, Evana stood up on shaky legs.

and went to her sister with anger in her eyes.

“You. You did this. You and your whore of a wife,” said Evana with an accusing tone.

“But of course. A small change in their genetic mass to give them more cock than even you can fuck.” Answered Hildana confidently.

“I demand that all animals should be replaced with ordinary animals.” Evana demanded of the high priestess.

The high priestess was dressed in purple high heel boots with matching gloves and a hood with a ceremonial ax in her hand.

“unfortunately my queen, the ceremony requires that we use the most virile and well equipped males, the only way for you to replace them is to find males who have larger cocks and more virile.” She replied.

Evana frowned in frustration.

“Then have the fluffing girls do a better job. Animals cannot arrive with half flabby dicks, ” hissed Evana.

“Their job is to ensure that the animals are hard enough to fuck you, Nothing more. I know that they have previously taken part of fuck load of a beloved queen. To ensure that she does not lose the throne. However, these girls are loyal to me. They will not give my transgenic beasts a hump more than what their duty requires. “said Hildana scornfully.

“You cannot do this to me,” hissed Evana. trying to hold back her anger.

“I have, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Give up now and I will let you continue living in the palace. In the stables where you belong.” Hildana said with a smile.

“Never.” Evana swore and went to back to the sperm drenched circle.

“Not even your big ass can take all the cock that awaits you. Abdicate,” pleaded Hildana.

Evana went down on all fours, and signaled the animal handler to unleash the next tronkel.

I have to change tactics. thought Evana. I have to make them come faster. More anal sex and humping back harder. It takes more energy but otherwise I will not be able to fuck all the animals before the suns comes up on the seventh day.

The third tronkel mounted her. She reached between her legs and guided his cock into her anal orifice.

Evana turned her face to her sister with a painful face expression as she groaned.

“If I … OOOUH cannot AAAAAAAHH … fuck all your, ooohh monster cocks. Then it will be your duty to perform the ceremony. AAAHH” Said Evana to Hildana. Hildana’s face paled.

Evana started humping back hard against his cock.

It was late after midnight when Queen Evana Gallaga returned to the royal bedroom.

No queen had been so brutally fucked on the first day of the ceremony. Her pussy and ass ached after an onslaught of monstrous cocks. it had started with huge cocks and continued growing ever larger. Her muscles ached of the effort of urging the beasts to fuck faster.

With tottering steps she walked over to her bed and collapsed on it.

she was just about to fall asleep when someone knocked on the door.

“Go away!” Evana groaned.

The door opened and someone stepped inside.

“I apologize for disturbing you after such a challenging day, but I think I can help you.” Said the stranger.

“Who are you?” Asked queen Evana.

“I am Ambassador John Tompson from Earth. I spoke with the other ambassadors at the ceremony. They explained the problems. You most likely will not be able to handle four days of such a brutal fucking, certainly not six days,” explained the ambassador Tompson.

“What can you do and what will it cost?” asked Evana.

“A few years ago we ‘liberated’ some technology from some of our galactic neighbors, a handheld gadget for tissue regeneration.

It cannot give you more energy, but it can restore your body to a pre-fucked state. And this night it will only cost you a fuck. ” Tompson took out a small cylindrical gadget out of his pocket as he walked over to the bed.

A light came out of the gadget. He moved the light over her swollen, red pussy. It immediately began to recover. she spread her legs so that he could reach it better. Soon her pussy was like new.

“Lie on your stomach with a pillow under your hips so I reach your ass better,” said Tompson.

Soon Evana’s ass was transformed from a red gaping, bruised hole between two slap red mountains to a perfect little pink star between two huge jelly buttocks.

“If you think you can’t fuck more tomorrow take one of these.” Tompson said and handed Evana a small pill-package.

“I may not use stimulating chemicals. The ceremony forbids it.” Explained Evana.

“It is not chemical. It is called Viragon. It is a natural extract from amazon breast milk. Pimps on Earth uses it on their whores to make them hornier. One of these pills and a whore fucks gladly ten times as many customers.” Said Tompson.

He opened his fly and produced his penis and without asking for permission, pushed it into her ass.

“I will return tomorrow to heal you again. You will need it. Believe me, I have seen the beasts, your sister has lined up for you. And tomorrow it will cost more than your ass.” whispered Tompson in Evana’s ear.

She had cocks several times bigger than his own today but her sphincter was like a vise that squeezed his cock harder than any virgin he fucked.


Queen Evana Gallaga awoke when a maid brought in her breakfast.

She got up out of bed and sat down at the breakfast table.

On the tray was a large bowl of blaut-horse cum, still warm, with dried fruit and crushed nuts, two slices of bread smeared with a thick layer hipodongus cum and a large glass with blant-elk cum.

She made a hand gesture to the maid who wordlessly crawled under the table and started licking Evana’s pussy.

She took a bit of one of the sandwiches and let out a small moan of pleasure.


Evana could not waste time enjoying her breakfast. She ate quickly and dressed herself. She picked up Tompson’s Viragon pill container and examined it. It had strange earth symbols on it and a picture of a woman in orgasm on it.

She tucked it into the sleeve of her glove and left for the ceremony.


Eighteen hours into the ceremony. Evana had fucked all thirteen dongdon-boars. All of them had dicks bigger than anything she fucked before, and now the animal handlers brought forth the first goronga, a semi-intelligent primate. A goronga male stands ten feet tall and very muscular with dark gray fur.

Evana lay on the floor covered with cum. she gasped quickly and her body quivered with after orgasms.

For the first time in Evana’s life was fucking more a burden than pleasure.

She looked back at the approaching beast and winced in fear when she saw what was hanging between his legs.

Evana realized that she could not go on.

She looked out over the ceremony hall. All of the dignitaries and ceremonial animals Evana been fucked before now were involved in an epic orgy.

The once elegant long tables were now used as breeding benches.

Rows of women stood bent over them with men and beasts pumping them from behind.

Evana was just going to call high priestess to abdicate the throne when she saw Ambassador Tompson.

With a trembling hand, she fished out the pill container out of the sleeve of the glove, she poured several in her mouth, scooped up a handful of semen and washed them down.

Nothing happened.

The goronga male grabbed her waist and lifted her off the floor.

A warm feeling began to flow through her body.

Suddenly Evana as horny as before the ceremony began, and more.

Her pussy pounded and her clitoris was now painfully hard.

The goronga male pushed her pussy down on his cock.

A large elongated bulge formed on Evana’s stomach by the enormous cock.

Any thoughts of giving up, left Evana’s head.

Now, she needed to fuck.

Evana rolled back her eyes. a brain-dead smile emerged on her lips.

Six days of brutal group fucking suddenly seemed like a cakewalk.


Evana was carried into her bedroom by her servants, she was laid gently on the bed. Ambassador Tompson followed.

The servants left the bedroom.

Tompson went over to Evana. Her body was covered with cum.

Tompson took out the tissue regeneration gadget and scanned her body.

“Hmmm. one of your lovers seemed to have cracked your pelvis,” said Tompson.

“Heal me,” demanded Evana.

“I said that the price was higher today. Endorse this.” Tompson said, holding out a contract.

“What is it?” Asked Evana.

“It gives us the rights to Xanadur technology. Faster-than-light drive, energy shields, power sources, mining rights in your outer solar systems, a two hundred woman harem at the Earth embassy on Xanadur’s expense, and the like.” said Tompson.

“Is this a joke?, I think I would rather abdicate to my sister.” Evana said after she read the contract.

“Your sister has allied herself with The Drejson Empire. They gave her the DNA she needed to modify the ceremony animals. When she becomes queen, she will let empire to use your women to breed Drejson warriors. Sign the contract. It is a cheap price to pay.” Tompson said firmly.

“My women with those slimy little needle dicked, bug fuckers. You have proof?” Evana asked angrily.

“I have a holo-vid.” Tompson said and gave her a dat crystal.

“This is blackmail.” Evana said angrily and signed the contract.

Ambassador Tompson moved the gadget over Evana’s extremely pounded holes.

When the light had healed the swollen body orifices and the crack in her pelvis, he opened his fly and took her in the missionary position. He smiled as best he could, the hatred in her eyes shown as he slowly fucked her.

Tomorrow he would come up with an even more expensive contract.

Evana’s jaw clenched angrily trying not to moan with pleasure.

The ceremony started early on the next day. Ambassador Tompson attended when Evana fucked the first two alien beasts.

He found it difficult to find a surface to sit on that was not covered in semen.

Much of it had spilled out Evana but all that was on the stage, the women in the audience had valiantly tried to keep pace with their queen and fucked all the beasts that were at the scene.


Ambassador Tompson left the ceremony and went to the royal stables. He walked through the door where Hildana and her wife waited.

The two shook in a cold sweat as if they were standing naked in a snow storm.

They went up to him on shaky legs.

“Good news, Evana believed in story about the Drejson Empire.” Said Ambassador Tompson triumphantly.

“We need more Viragon.” stammered Hildana.

“You have to make a holo-vid for me, where one of you fucks the last blaut-stallion and one where one of you will be bred with a Drejson warrior.” Tompson said with a superior tone.

“WHAT, why? There is no woman on two legs who can fuck that horse. Even a mare of the same species fainted when they bred with him. Please just give us the pills you promised.” Pleaded Hildana.

Tompson stuffed his hand in his pocket and produced a small pink pill and held it between thumb and forefinger. Hildana and her wife’s eyes fell upon it like laser beams.

“When your queen sees how brutally the last animal can fuck she will gobble these like tic-tacs to cope with the last fuck. Then she will be more addicted than you two. Whoever fucks the horse gets this pill, the other may suffer withdrawal symptoms until we have made the film.” Explained Tompson coldly.

Ambassador Tompson let the pill fall to the floor, Hildana and her wife looked at each other then they both pounced on the pill.

“I NEED IT.” “NO I NEED IT MORE,” screamed the women.

Tompson stood back and watched as the sexy women began one of the most vicious cat fights he had seen.

After two minutes of wrestling and hair pulling Hildana’s wife managed to swallow the pill. Hildana tried ramming her hand into her throat to take back the pill.

To Tompson’s surprise, Hildana managed to get halfway down to the elbow when her wife got a dreamy look in her eyes.

It was too late. the drug was already on its way out into her bloodstream.

“BITCH!, I’ll retrieve the horse.” said Hildana stood up and walked away.

Hildana’s wife went to one of fourteen fuck benches and assumed the position.

“I do not know why I was so worried. This will be wonderful.” She said with a horny dreamlike voice and spread her butt cheeks.

Hildana led forward the blaut-horse.

They were quite similar to earth horses but thicker, a little shorter and more muscular.

This specimen was a magnificent specimen, gray-black fur with thin dark-green stripes. A quarter of its slack cock dragged on the ground behind him. It’s testicles were as big as beach balls.

Tompson took out a holo-cam and started filming.

The blaut-horse’s cock began to harden when he saw the woman bent over the bench. he lifted one back leg to bring his cock around and point forward.

He pulled himself away from Hildana’s grasp and begin to mount the woman.

The horse’s cock got so fat that it looks stubby with thick veins along it.

He is positioning two hooves over her shoulders and positioned the now rock-hard cock against her pussy opening and starts pushing. She groaned when her pussy finally accepted the cock.

He pumps hard from the start. Precum lubricating her fuck tunnel.

The horse started to fuck her like he hated her, using the cock to beat her from the inside. His aggression is converted to orgasmic pleasure and ecstasy in her body. Thanks to the Viragon.


After three hours the beast fucked the groaning woman so hard, screws and rods begin to come off the bench.

Thick streams of precum, pussy juice and sweat flowing after her legs.

She lets out a last trembling orgasm then she fainted.

The horse continues to fuck her limp body, the bench creaks and rattles with each thrust.

Tompson smiled behind the camera. Xanadur will soon be a whorehouse to Earth. With all their wealth and technology available to the Earth.

The end