(c) 2019 by Just24Fun

Mary and Joe had been home from their Vegas vacation now for almost 6 months. It had truly been a great experience and had brought them even closer together. Their love for each other still grew every time they saw each other, and the experience opened their minds to new ideas and role playing in the bedroom. They often fantasized and role played about Marvin and his basketball players at the Red Rooster. Mary and Joe loved the added sensual experiences.

Things could not be any better between them!

Recently, Joe had started a new job about a month ago, which required a lot of traveling. Some times he would be gone for almost a week at a time. It would not always be this way, but as he was in training, the time away seemed worth it for now, and would pay off in the long run.

Their love life suffered a little, and they depended on phone sex to keep each other satisfied while he was gone. They were used to making love almost every night they were together, and multiple times on weekends. It kept them young and in shape. Joe really liked phone sex. Especially when Mary began using dirty words to describe a certain scenario in a fantasy role-play act. It seemed Joe could get off quite easily, often being able to satisfy himself all alone. He had the stamina and sex drive of an eighteen year old! Mary on the other hand found it more difficult to reach an orgasm alone, even with Joe whispering sexual things in her ear. And he had some pretty juicy sex stories that often left Mary wondering how he came up with some of his ideas. He almost always got off, but Mary seldom did, but still happy her lover miles away was satisfied.

Joe felt bad that Mary had to be alone all the time. He was concerned not only with her safety, but the lack of companionship too. So, knowing she loved dogs, he decided to surprise her with one.

He found Max at the local rescue shelter. He was a mutt of sorts. Part Rottweiler and poodle, plus maybe a few other breeds mixed in. The shelter told him the groomed dog was only three years old. And with the poodle mix, the dog did not shed like other breeds. He was also a very big dog, weighing around 120 pounds and stood very tall, having the longer legs of a large breed poodle. His snout was a bit longer too than the normal nose of a rottie. And being of a poodle breed, it meant they would have to take him to the groomer to have his fur cut from time to time. But thats where the poodle traits stopped. Max looked more like a full Rottweiler, with all the markings and color of a champion breed. But he was also a gentle giant and melt Joe’s heart the second he saw him in the holding cage. He was so excited to get out, and licked his hand in friendship. He also knew commands and obeyed Joes instructions, showing he was well trained. Max could sit, lay down, roll over, and walked close to Joe’s side without a leash. The shelter said he was just brought in by an older woman who was moving down south and could not bring her prized pet with her. The dog had been trained at the finest boarding kennel in the state, and it showed! Poodles were extremely smart dogs, and easy to train. He was lucky Max was still available for adoption. There was a trial month period that Joe signed up for, just in case things did not work out with him. And Mary had to agree to the adoption as well. It had been a while since they had a dog in the house, but Joe knew she loved them.

Max jumped into the truck with a gentle “up” command from Joe. He rode on the floor of the passenger side as though he had done it a thousand times before with Joe. He could not wait to show Mary this beautiful animal!

Arriving at home, Joe was concerned about where Max would call his ‘bathroom’. They had a gorgeous fenced in back yard, and he did not look forward to holes and “land mines”, or dead spots everywhere the big dog did his duty. But within a week, Joe had Max trained to one small spot behind a few pine trees where his droppings would not be seen or smelt. He also trained him to wipe his feet on a big piece of carpet before coming into the house through the two installed doggie doors.

And when Joe got to the house, Max jumped from the truck and actually stayed on the driveway, making the need to leash him unnecessary. What a perfect dog! He seemed almost human the way the brute followed and learned commands. Max just had to pass Mary’s OK for them to keep him.

Mary was out in the back yard when Joe got home from the shelter. She loved working on her gardens, and was dressed in her usual ‘yard’ clothing. A pair of shorts, t shirt, and sandals with her ladies work gloves on. The ones with pretty flowers printed on them. Gloves that always gave a chuckle to Joe. They would never be mistaken for his leather work gloves in the tool box.

Mary looked so cute no matter what she wore. Even before Vegas she had been working out on a regular basis, and it showed. Her thin frame was in tip-top shape, especially for a woman of her older years. The younger women of these days, even in their 20’s had more flab and baby fat still on their bodies than the older generation ever did. Mary’s flat toned tummy, sleek legs, fine ass, and perky breasts always had Joe telling her she had the body of an eighteen year old. Add in the mature, sensual and sexy way she teased Joe, there was no one else he’d rather be with. They were a team, lovers, confidants, and best of friends. They have yet to have bad words between them, and seemed to agree with everything from religion, politics, and common sense. Soul mates was what they were, and grew deeper in love every day!

As Joe entered through the side gate to the back yard, Mary had her back to him, diligently working on her rose bushes when he let Max into the back yard. Max saw the small woman and bounded up to her as though he’d known her for years. He stopped just short of her, making sure he did not knock her over and licked the side of her arm saying ‘hello’. Mary spun around, shocked to see such a large dog in her fenced back yard. He was like a small horse next to the tiny woman’s frame. How did he get in, and was he going to attack her, became the startled woman’s first reaction. But she soon figured out the dog was very friendly, and relaxed as she saw Joe walking up to her too.

“Oh my! Where did he come from baby?”, she asked petting the gentle giant.

“Surprise!”, he answered, happy the two of them got along so well.

Joe explained where he had gotten the dog. Also everything about Max. His breed, schooling, and temperament, and the trial period they would have to go through before adopting him permanently.

He knew Mary loved dogs, and from the way her and Max seemed to bond immediately, he knew Max had found a good home.

They made a bed up for Max off the living room, but Joe knew Mary loved it when he slept on the bed with her. But she and Max knew it was only when Joe was not home. Joe had his limits, and sleeping with a dog, or any animal on his feet drew the line. But with Mary, it had a calming and safe effect for her when he was away at work on his long schedule. And Joe also loved it when they were cooking or eating, Max stayed out of the kitchen. He was not raised to beg for table scraps or worry he would snatch food from the counter.

The month flew by quickly as the three of them bonded like family.

But soon, Joe was again off on another week long work detail. Mary always missed him when he left, and Joe knew the longing for his sexy lady would be hard as usual. But with Max there, he at least knew she was safer while he was gone on extended work runs.

As usual, the couples love-making that night was intense, knowing it would have to hold them until his return. Joe at times looked forward to his long trips, just for the sex before he left, and specially when he returned!

Early the next morning Joe drove off waving goodbye as Mary stood on the driveway, with Max sitting obediently by her side.

It had already been a few days since Joe had left. They communicated often by phone and face-chat, Joe seeing his beautiful lady as they talked. They sometimes had phone sex looking at each other, adding spice to their encounters. They seemed to never dull when it came to pleasing each other.

Mary woke early the following morning, stretching out below the soft silk sheets. Her and Joe had an awesome phone sex session the night before. She could still feel her pussy throbbing from her orgasm hours ago, and her nipples were still rock hard. She was really starting to get into their ‘love making’ sessions by phone. She was warming up to the role-playing more every time they would call each other at night, just before sleep.

Mary looked into the back yard. Max was already up and running around the yard exercising. It reminded her she also wanted to work out that morning before heading out on errands. It was hard work staying in such great shape, but well worth the return she got from Joe. As she stood in front of the full length mirror, she gazed over her sleek body. She still had terrific legs, a great ass, flat tummy, and perky breasts. And the untanned ‘V’ between her legs stood out slightly from her still swollen mound from last nights phone ordeal with Joe. Mary kept her pussy hair trimmed neatly, the short curls running down alongside her full lips to her ass. Joe loved the soft fine hair she had, and always loved feeling it with his wandering fingers. It still had him feeling like a teenager, and he constantly complimented her on how beautiful and sexy she was. It was tough keeping his hands off her beautiful body.

Waking from her slight trance, Mary turned and began dressing for her workout. A pair of black shorts and matching sports bra topped off with her Nike tennis shoes and she was ready to get started.

They had an exercise room in the basement with an assortment of machines. A treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical machine, and universal gym with a full bench and weights up to 300 pounds. It was quite the assortment and kept the fit couple in tip top shape.

Mary started her warmup on the treadmill before tackling the weights. She had her normal routine she went through rotating from machine to machine for an all over workout.

The first half hour had the slim woman sweating and heart pumping, her ear buds sending vibrant music through her ears keeping her pace going.

Next was some free weights on the universal gym.

They had a few small dumbbells perfect for her size. She started with the 8 pounds weights, laying on her back across the full length of the soft padded seat. The music spurred her on, eyes closed, oblivious to her surroundings.

Suddenly the feel of a wet tennis ball startled her as it plopped onto her flat tummy.

Looking down between her legs she saw Max, wanting to play fetch with his favorite ball.

She grabbed the saliva soaked ball and tossed it further into the basement family room just beyond the exercise doorway.

The big dog turned to chase the green ball, Mary laughing at his playfulness. He sure had a lot of spunk in him lately. She thought his morning run out in the back yard would have calmed him down a little. But the gentle giant had energy to spare as he quickly returned placing the ball back on her tummy.

“Ewwww”, she laughed at the perplexed dog. Her bare stomach had his saliva all over it, and she did not have her usual workout towel to wipe it off.

“Look at this mess”, she teased the happy dog pointing to the wet spot just above her black shorts. Max stepped forward and licked her tummy, removing the slobber in one flick of his big tongue. The surprised woman was amazed how smart he was, almost knowing exactly what she meant by a mere pointed finger at her.

She grabbed the ball again and teased the huge pup by pretending to toss the ball over his head. But Max was not that easy to fool, and kept a keen eye on his prized toy.

Mary tried to hide the ball from him behind her head as she lay flat on the bench, looking down the length of her torso at the playful dog. Max just stood between her partially opened legs, anxious for her to throw it again.

Impatiently, the tall animal just walked over the prone woman trying to get to the ball in her hands.

It turned into a funny game as Mary teased the gentle giant with the ball. Max was now fully over her tiny flat body, easily hovering over her with his huge size, getting closer to his prize. But she was determined to win, not allowing him to see the object in her hands. She lifted her legs and wrapped them tightly around his thick hairy body above her, trying to hold him back.

His fur started to tickle her bare tummy as Max tried in vane to reach the ball. Mary glanced over at the mirrors on the wall, laughing at the silly game. Max was much bigger than her, and towered over her slim body, his long lengthy frame completely covering her up. She laughed out loud at the spectacle.

Suddenly she saw “it”! The bright crimson pointed object just inches from her crotch poking forward from his playful advances. It had snaked out of his hairy sheath only a few inches, but appeared to be very thick and rapidly growing. Mary was not ignorant, and knew right away that the big mutt was getting excited with their play, and his doggie penis reacted accordingly.

Still startled at his arousal, Mary dropped the ball on the floor just under her head. Max surged forward after the loose ball, throwing his body between her open legs smashing his red cock into her body below. She could feel the hardening point push into the stretchy fabric of her tight shorts right where the opening to her pussy was.

“Oh my!”, she gasped as the hard point burrowed into her pouting pussy lips. She could even feel the heat of his penis through the clothes she wore. Max continued to surge forward anxious to grab the ball below her head, as his red tipped cock pushed even harder against her sex. If she had no clothes on, his doggie prick would have gone into her at the perfect angle. Looking into the mirror, Mary watched as Max began to instinctually, softly hump his haunched into her, obviously feeling her female heat too. His bright red cock seemed to grow even more, sliding between her spread thighs, still hitting her right where her pussy opening was.

Suddenly realizing what was was really happening, and coming to her senses, she quickly rolled off the flat bench onto her knees, escaping the awkward position. Standing aside from the bench, she kicked at the sloppy ball, allowing Max to chase the ball as it rolled across the carpet. Victorious, he scampered out of the room with his ball, leaving the bewildered woman standing there holding her crotch in an awkward attempt to prevent any further contact. Looking at her black shorts, she noticed what appeared to be a little liquid right at the opening to where her vagina was. He had cum that quickly? Did the big dog really know, or try to make sexual contact with her?

But Max did not have a clue and was off and running, getting back outside through the doggie doors as though nothing had happened.

Mary was confused at the incident. How could a dog find a human arousing? She had seen his red tip before when he sometimes sat. But never this much of it. Now looking through the basement window, she realized just how endowed he really was. His fur covered sheath was almost as big as Joe’s cock, half erect. The red tip had disappeared now, making Mary wonder just how big his cock would get to be full extended.

Embarrassed, she shut the notion from her head. This was wrong in so many ways! But her curiosity in his behavior made her look it up on the internet. She wanted to know all she could on the dogs habits and if this was just a fluke of nature. As intelligent as the big dog was, she was concerned the incident might alter his obedience in some matter. That would not be good!

What she found was very interesting. Canines were actually much cleaner than the human mammals. People ate so much unhealthy crap, especially these days. Lard, sugar, sodas, preservatives, additives, and a variety of foods that helped in the spread of virus’s and communal diseases. Simple coughs put people in hospitals near death. She read that a canines saliva was actually hundreds of times cleaner than a humans. In early times, dogs were taught to lick the wounds of injured soldiers to prevent infections and gangrene. They carried no sexual transmittable diseases, obviously could not make a human pregnant, and overall so much cleaner than humans by far.

Mary knew a little about dogs, but reading even deeper she looked into their sexual habits. Their anatomy was quite similar as a humans. The females had ovaries, fallopian tubes, menstruated like a female woman, had live birth through their wombs, and fed milk through their breasts.

The males were also just like a human male. The penis, like a humans, filled with blood when aroused. Size was credited to the animals overall size too. Unlike a human, Mary giggled, recalling a man she dated who was very short, but possessed a massive cock. Unlike a human though, she continued, the canines cock would usually develop a bulb or knot at the base when ejaculating to assure his sperm reached the females ovaries. The size of the knot was not noted, but appeared to be not much bigger than the width of the engorged penis when erect. Also, the canine male would spray pre-cum from the tip of his cock to help in penetration, sometimes actually more than his full sperm load when they came.

Very interesting Mary concluded. It was not sperm on her crotch, rather his pre-cum. Looking back the whole ordeal was quite harmless. No harm, no foul she thought. The internet arctic was very insightful into the days ordeal with Max.

Well, she figured her workout was done for the day, and needed to take a quick shower before heading out to do errands. Stripping out of her work out clothes, Mary looked closer at the dried on liquid on her pants crotch. It reminded of when she and Joe had sex, and the dried up ‘pecker’ tracks left from him leaking on the sheets.

Enough examinations and information for today, she thought, she was getting behind schedule and jumped into the warm shower. As she washed her body, paying attention to her nipples, now hard again, she realized all her curiosity made her a little turned on. Reaching down between her legs, her pussy confirmed her thoughts. After all, she was a very sexy female, and he was a magnificent male specimen. And seemed to possess a very nice sized cock.

Mary tried to imagine his red flared cock at its full aroused state. How big could the 120 pound dog’s cock really get? She’s never seen an erect dogs cock before, and the notion of it started to make her swoon a little.

“Oh stop this nonsense”, she thought to herself. What a ridiculous idea! Max was just an average dog, nothing more, nothing less. Not a lover, nor a sexual partner, especially in this house!

Mary went about her errands for the day, but could not stop thinking about Max’s bright red cock. Even that night when Joe called for the usual phone sex, Max came to mind. In no time, Mary had her orgasm before Joe. That was rare, and even Joe commented she must really miss him. She actually really did miss his companionship. Not only for the sex, but in everything they did together. Being apart for any length of time was hard on them. Especially Joe, who became moody over her absence. It had been almost two weeks now, and she was getting tired of using her same old vibrators. It was more fun when she used them with Joe.

And then that night, Joe told her the bad news. They were sending him over to the coast to put out business ‘fires’. The usual guy that handled that territory had just quit, leaving them to count on Joe alone. Though this meant another two weeks from home and his dear Mary, it would be a great feather in his cap and help towards a quick promotion. Maybe to regional rep. Which meant less travel, and higher pay in the future. It would be a huge boost to his career to remain out there another few weeks. Mary knew this was the best for both of them, even though she knew it would put a burden on them for a few weeks longer. Phone sex would have to do for now.

Mary kept herself busy around the house. It was the start of fall and there were many chores she would have to do that Joe usually handled. The garden needed to be harvested, lawn still cut, flowers to be cut back, leaves raked, and the list went on. Better to be busy, than lay around thinking about Joe, making the time pass slower.

She still kept up on her exercise program, with the door shut these days of course. She did not want Max to barge in and have a repeat session like last time. With Joe being gone, she also made a goal of losing a few extra pounds and firming up her tummy and legs. He would really like her ‘new’ figure when he came home. She anticipated and dreamt of their encounter when he returned. She was guaranteed it would be a spicy one indeed!

And they still tried to have phone sex as much as possible. But Joe was now working extra long hours, and when he did get to his hotel, he was wiped out. They had not talked sex on the phone for almost a week now, and Mary realized she really missed it. Sure they had other conversions, and even talked and texted each other with playful sexual teasing.

But it was not the same and Mary turned again to her vibrators. She still fought with her mind recalling the dogs big cock as it pushed into her crotch. She felt a little guilty thinking about it, sort of like cheating on Joe. But the speed in which she had orgasms thinking about the perverted act and the dogs red cock, were so quick it surprised her. So what harm was being done she thought. It was better than leaving the house, which she would never do, no matter how horned up and lonely she became.

So, life went on. Chores were done. And she put more effort into her workouts to relieve stress.

Mary woke to a very cloudy, warm day. Without the sun shinning in to wake her, she had slept longer than intended. She had planned on meeting a friend for brunch, and it was already past nine. She had missed working out yesterday, and knew if she did not exercise today, it would be harder to get back into her routine the more she put it off.

She quickly determined a quick hard bout on the weights would be just what she needed. She had done cardio her last workout, so the weights needed her attention today.

Max was out in the back yard as usual. It looked like it could rain in a few hours, so she let him play while he could. She did not have time to get her workout clothes on, and opted to just wear what she had on. It was in the privacy of their own home, so running downstairs in her silky bra and lacy panties would be just fine for now. On the way past the garage door, she made sure to flip the switch to the doggie doors so Max would not find her in the skimpy clothing as she worked out. She did not want a repeat of the last workout encounter again.

First she started on the leg weights. From this point on, Mary was working out as hard as possible to ‘muscle fatigue’. Thats where whatever part of her body she worked with weights, got so tired, it was difficult to move at all. Her legs felt like lead after the heavy repetitions of the larger weights. She could hardly lift them to walk, but they looked terrific as the training built strong muscle. She knew in a few minutes they would feel normal again. So she went on to the next part of her body. Her arms. Laying down on her back on the padded bench, she started with chest presses. The weights became heavier the longer she pushed herself. Then she rotated the chest presses with side curls. Her arms went lower to the ground with every rep. The muscles in her forearms and shoulders burned with the intense workout. She pushed onward until she thought they would burst in flame. She had the ear buds in as usual, her favorite music blasting in her head. It helped her concentrate on the task at hand and she closed her eyes tightly as she pushed out the last reps grunting in pain as her muscles finally gave out. She dropped the heavy weights to the ground at her sides, opening her clenched eyes.

“Oh my, where did you come from?”, she asked the big dog as he stood at her feet. Evidently, she had not thrown the switch hard enough. Max had gotten in. And now he stood just inside her splayed legs, his tongue hanging out from his romp in the back yard.

Mary was too fatigued to scold him, besides it was her fault for not turning the switch off. She just lay there as Max looked at her nearly naked body with a cocked head.

The lacy panties were sweat soaked and had worked their way deeper into the folds of her pussy, and the silky bra was also damp with the sweat she had built up. Max began to sniff the air, catching her scent. His cold nose came closer to Mary’s inner thigh just below her pussy lips. With her legs spread, he had an open invitation to her body.

Mary just let the big dog get it out of his system. Surely he would tire of this human. She was not anything close to his canine female bitch, thats for sure, Mary figured. The big dog had seen her in less clothing before when she came out of the shower and dressed. Plus, deep inside, Mary was curious what the huge dog would do.

So, a simple look is what Mary figured all Max would do, but he was more curious in the musky woman’s scent. With an unexpected move, the big dog licked her inner thigh tasting the salt mixed sweat on her. It sent electric waves up her spine and her thighs automatically spread wider apart.

“Oh, stop it Max”, she blurted out between clenched teeth. Max looked back up at the prone woman giving him attention, and began coming towards her face for forgiveness. He easily stepped over the small lady just like last time, soon trying to playfully lick her face.

“Good boy Max”, she assured the happy pup.

Max was trying to lick her face more. He tasted the salty sweat, and continued at this game. He really was a loving pet, and adored attention.

Mary could not really stop the huge dog from his advances, her arms still shot from the grueling weights. Her legs were the only limbs she could finally move, and raised them to try and hold the persistent dog back. She tried to press her thighs together, but the muscles still ached from her heavy workout. All she managed to do was lock her small feet together above the brutes back trying to hold him back a little.

But Max still thought this was a fun game with his tiny master. He tried to wiggle forward to get closer to her face again.

Suddenly Mary remembered the last encounter of the same sort earlier. With a concerned look into the wall mirror, her fears were confirmed. Once again the bright red tip of the big dogs cock was showing from his fury sheath. But this time, all she had between her and his pointed cock was a thin pair of sheer lacy panties. She was almost defenseless as her arms still hung at her sides, unable to push the strong animal away. Plus his front legs helped pin them tight to the bench as he stood towering above her.

Mary was not afraid of an actual insertion of the animals penis. Her panties, though sheer and of the bikini type, fully covered any chance of that happening. The thin sheer crotch of the white garment was more than enough to hold him back. Besides, was intercourse between a woman and canine even possible? She did not even think the parts lined up. Like a square peg, round hole scenario.

As Max seemed to dance above her nearly naked body, his curly fur began to tickle her exposed flesh. It brought goose-bumps to her skin, and gave her a little chill as the sweat cooled her body.

Mary glanced once again into the mirror. With her feet locked above the dogs hairy back, she had an unobstructed view of the scene at the end of the bench.

She began to zero in on the dogs bright red cock as it danced between her spread thighs. It had gotten even bigger! She was confused why he would get aroused over a humans scent and body. Mary did acknowledge she had not taken a shower yet that morning, and her and Joe had great phone sex the night before. She had cum three times in a row, adding her womanly musk to the mix. Was the smell of her cum adding to the dogs excitement? He appeared to keep growing as he stood above her, the red tip now almost three inches out of the thick hairy sheath. The girth of his cock also seemed to widen out, now just as big around as Joe’s human cock.

With curiosity, Mary further wondered just how big the Rottweiler’s cock would actually grow to. Surely he was not any bigger than a humans appendage? She figured pound for pound, a man of Max’s weight of 120 pounds would be a small man, with most likely a small penis.

Mary relaxed her grip on the big dogs back with her legs giving him more room to move around. With the added mobility, the huge dog moved forward again, closer to Mary’s face looking for attention. But she was glued to the sight between her legs. Max’s deep veined cock was almost toughing the sheer panties between her spread thighs. Less than an inch away, it was bouncing all around, slapping the insides of her spread thighs, and continued to grow out from the furry sheath. It did not take long for the crimson cock to begin to touch the outside edges her vagina. Mary sighed a low gasp as the hot tip made light contact with her pussy lips just beneath her panties.

Max also felt the heat from the prone woman’s sex, and his animal instincts took over. Pussy was pussy to him. And the unmistakable warmth of a vagina was now at the tip of his growing cock.

His hips automatically began to buck ever so lightly, pushing his hot cock into the woman’s warm folds.

Mary was starting to get turned on by Max’s interest in her pussy. She still wanted to see just how big his doggy cock would get. She had gone this far, why stop now. He could not penetrate her anyway, even if it was remotely possible. After all, they were different species, right? Mary’s mind was all mixed up as her body’s natural instincts also took over.

Concentrating on the humping dogs cock hitting her outer pussy lips, Mary watched in the mirror as the dark red cock kept growing. It was now over 7” long, and getting thicker by the second as blood pumped into the veined organ. The big dog was really thrusting forwards now, pushing his thick doggie cock into her crotch wildly. Sometimes he would hit her covered pussy opening square on, the next drive would be up around her sensitive clit, then hitting lower on her anus. Either spot effected the beautiful woman as she began to move her hips trying to keep rhythm with the huge humping dog above her. She was actually becoming turned on by the dirty beastly act!

The dog seemed huge above her looking into the full length mirrors. His furry body completely covered hers up with his mass. His curly soft fur still rubbed gently over her near naked body sending chills down her spine.

She gazed in amazement as his cock still grew, now over 8” long and very thick! The bright red tip was very pointed, and dark red veins covered his shaft. She could see his pre-cum as small jets sprayed onto her covered pussy. Mary spread her legs wider for the huge dog, giving him more freedom to move. With her legs relaxed on his back, not confining him as much, Max took advantage of the extra space and began to hump forward harder trying to bury his huge cock into the tiny woman’s pussy below him. The speed of his thrusts amazed Mary. He was like a rocket, stopping her own hips from moving, knowing she could never dream of keeping up with his jack-hammering hips.

Every time his cock smashed into her pussy, Mary’s own juices increased it’s flow. She was getting very wet herself, her womanly nectar mixing with the canines pre-cum. Soon her crotch dripped with both their fluids, it began to run down between the cheeks of her ass below. The beasts cock slammed into the tiny woman pussy, each time pushing her closer to an orgasm.

The dogs cock was now massive! It was a good 9” long, and thicker than a cucumber. His heavy cum laden balls swung back and forth beneath him anxious to unload his seed into the pussy below heating his cock to a fever state.

Mary was awe struck at the big brutes power. He slammed his mighty cock forward hard into her body, the tip trying desperately to gain entrance into her depths. His pre-cum was now spurting wildly all over her pussy and thighs, even landing on the flat tummy of the excited woman. It all looked so erotic as the beast churned between her open thighs. Her poor pussy lips took his jabbing cock full on, sending her into a state of lust.

Her body was building into a huge orgasm, the walls of her pussy beginning to open and close in preparation of intercourse. She could not stop the natural changes her body went through as a turned on female. Her thighs parted further apart with the gut instinct of a woman in heat.

She was glad the panties, even as sheer and low cut as they were, still prevented the huge dogs cock from any actual penetration. Her mind and morals were not completely abandoned. But they were enough to help open up her inhibitions, let loose, and enjoy the encounter just the same.

She was so turned on, her head began to get light headed. Looking into the mirror, Max continued to pound his big cock forward, trying desperately to gain entrance to the warm tunnel below him. His constant jerking thrusts were causing the thin panty material seemingly to stretch out somewhat, plastering the lips of her pussy like a wet wrapper, conforming to the shape of her wet vagina.

Bang, bang, bang, the huge dog jerked forward pushing harder and harder into her covered pussy hole. The attack with his hard pointed cock was gaining ground a little. The sheer panties were so loose over Mary’s pussy and lips from all the rubbing, the material swished all over her pussy. The hard pointed tip was actually pushing the material into her open vagina just a little. Mary could see this in the mirror. It was only an inch or so, but the hot tipped cock began to send the beautiful woman over the edge. She spread her legs as far apart as she could, giving the beast above her full access to her pussy. She wanted to cum so badly now, she was almost begging for it.

The huge dogs cock slammed wildly all over her vagina and clit, never in the same place more than a few jabs. And the attention that spread across her whole womanly sex, had Mary squirming in raw sexual urge.

So close, so ready to explode, Mary closed her eyes tightly as her body convulsed from sheer pleasure. Suddenly she tensed up, unable to move as her body let loose. Mary froze as her pussy gushed forth adding her secretions to the big dogs pre-cum. She came for what seemed like forever, as the beast continued to batter her numb pussy to a pulp with jarring thrusts that pushed her back further on the soft bench from the force of his huge body.

With a low whine, Max began to cum onto his masters vagina. Mary could feel the hot seed pour from his furry balls as it spurt in hard jets around her entire pussy area. Max gripped her sides even harder as his huge cock erupted between her open thighs.

Mary did not miss a single jet of cum as she looked at the sight in the mirror. The hot sperm landed on her sheer panties, and even felt as though some seeped through to flow between her swollen pussy lips. She looked at the stretched out, and much thinner band of sheer panties that just barely kept the huge cock from entering her open pussy hole.

How he did not get past what she thought was more than enough protection, Mary did not know. Maybe it was because of his massive size, or the wild jabbing all over the place, she concluded.

Either way, both of them were well spent, heaving from the sexual act regaining their breaths.

Mary continued to stare at the huge red cock. The dark veins had grown as the beast came, and he seemed to expand and lengthen just a little more as his cum erupted. Maybe an inch or so. But it was enough to make his massive cock even larger than she would ever believe possible.

But she never saw the knot, or big bulge the articles had mentioned. Was he ‘fixed’ or unable to have such a thing? Or was it because there was no penetration? It was a little confusing, but Mary had hoped to be able to see what the books had described.

Slowly Max backed away from her sweating body as she lowered her shaking thighs. She looked as his cock was already shrinking rapidly back into his fur covered sheath. Even as it shrunk, Mary was still impressed by the unbelievable sheer size and hardness of the canines cock. It was the largest cock she had ever seen.

Well, she had to back that statement up a little. The three black men’s cocks in Vegas were actually bigger. But not by much as she remembered the fun she and Joe had in the glitter city.

Mary crawled off the padded bench as Max lay in the corner licking the wet cum off his red tip and furry sheath. His cock was all but gone now, with the crimson tip finally disappearing.

She looked at the mess between her legs. Her pussy still convulsed from the encounter, and the mixed juices from the two dripped onto the carpet in a big puddle between her feet.

Feeling her sheer pantied crotch, Mary was amazed at how her vagina still hung open. She easily pushed her finger into the sloppy hole almost a full inch, her walls trying to grasp onto the thin digit. If the dogs cock had been a thin one, maybe things would have turned out differently she thought. It was a good thing he was much too big for any kind of penetration she sighed!

Mary got up feverishly, and started towards the bathroom. A hot shower is what she needed now. It would be a welcomed ending to her ‘extreme’ workout today.

Max just watched as the small woman walked away. His attention centered on another run outside and quickly disappeared through the open doggie door. She envied the playful dog with so much energy. Did he not ever rest?

In the shower, Mary carefully washed the drying cum from between her legs. Her swollen pussy still glowed from the beasts attention it received. She lightly opened up the soft petals of her throbbing vagina, the warm spray washing the mixture from her weak thighs. She could have easily had another quick orgasm as sensitive as she was down there. Even her little anus hummed with the aftermath of the sexual bout with the large dog. She remembered how the red hot pointed tip tried to push into the small opening, stretching out her nether opening a little. A little cum dripped from the aroused opening as she directed the spray towards her bottom. Dam, she was still horny as hell, but quickly finished with her shower. She would never get her things done at this pace.

All through the day, Mary kept thinking about her morning with Max. It was so very wrong with what happened, in so many ways. She tried to reason with the act in her mind and rationalize why, or how it ever happened. And what were the real consequences she would have to face going forward. What if Joe found out, or the dog somehow gave her away. The dog? Max give her away? She giggled to herself. Now how could he do that? And as far as Joe, well, he probably would encourage the beastly act – he was so perverted! Heck, maybe thats why he got her the big dog in the first place, she thought.

Either way, Mary thought about the act itself. It was pure sex, nothing more. No head games, waking up with a stranger, rumors being spread because a guy could not be quiet, or drama associated with it. It was just sex, fucking – as Joe would call it. Just another way to please one’s self, and move on. It was definitely better than having an affair or cheating with another person. Not that Mary ever had the notion to look outside the relationship she and Joe had. They were completely in love and had an awesome sex life. So, what was the real harm done with her and Max? Besides, there was no penetration or actual sex done. It was more of a play time, than actual sex, right?, she thought, trying to reason with the act.

Either way, no foul, no harm, she thought. Enough said! And she had to get rolling as the morning slipped away. She quickly dressed and was out the door in record time.

Mary kept herself busy throughout the day, hardly thinking about the mornings activities. Though, her pussy did feel different. It was very sensitive, and her little clit seemed to be on fire at times. Later that night she found her cotton panties crusted over with the cum that had drained through the day. And her vagina and pussy lips still throbbing slightly. Wow, it was going to be a great phone sex night when Joe called. It would not take her long at all getting off tonight!

And true to the fact, she came multiple times when she and Joe did ‘mess around’ over the phone. She would never tell Joe why she came so many times, or why she was so aroused that night. He just figured she missed him so much. Which she really did, and could not wait for his return. And he still would not be home for another 12 days yet. The time would just drag by, Mary thought. She missed him terribly.

Mary went about her life as usual. Get togethers with friends, working out at the club, gardening, and trying to forget the episode from her ‘workout’ with Max. It was not that she was oversexed, or needed to get laid every night. There had to be feelings, love, and sensual touch and especially kissing to easily put her in the mood. She and Joe had just that.

Sure, if she really needed release, there was an assortment of gadgets they had acquired that contained a variety of items that would more than help her through the lonely times. She flashed back to Vegas, and the big black cock Joe had used on her. It was so real looking, and felt very natural. But being alone, she really did not have the notion of taking it out. Besides, Joe really knew how to work that big cock into her. And if she used it all the time, the chance she would get used to it, or lose interest was not worth it. The vibrating insertable egg she really loved, but again, she rather use it around Joe. She did have a few external vibrators she could use, and on a few occasions did.

Maybe those would help till Joe returned. She loved to think about the time in Vegas as the pointed vibrator worked over her sensitive clit. Dreaming about all those big black cocks that she rubbed all over her pussy and ass. Yes, that usually got her off quite easily!

The days dragged on, one by one, till Joe would return. Mary stopped using any sexual toys, knowing Joe’s time back together would be better if she waited. Even the phone sex had been calm, Joe also wanting to save it until they could physically be together.

The first couple days were very easy not to get excited about his return. But as the days passed, Mary became hornier, thinking about finally having his cock back in her warm pussy. Only 4 days to go, and Mary had a hard time staying away from the sex toys. She even often caught herself and changed the thoughts in her head of what he would do to her when he got back.

The time waiting was difficult, and her body fought her all the way. Her soft vagina often fluttered uncontrollably, even when grocery shopping. Looking at all the big cucumbers even had an effect on her so much, they were omitted from her salads. It seemed to be a constant battle with her natural body’s instinct, and the want to hold off till Joe was home. She often leaked secretions from her aroused pussy, needing to wear a pad now all day and night. And even trying to keep the act between her and Max completely from her mind was the most difficult. She kept remembering the dark red pointed cock as it had banged relentlessly into her pussy. The sheer size of the massive cock had Mary dripping wet on many occasions, and keeping her hands from groping her aroused pussy very difficult.

But she was proud of her determination and power to keep herself strong during the last few days of waiting. All she could think about was poor Joe’s cock when he returned. He had better be ready to fuck the hell out of her is all she thought!

It was a beautiful Thursday morning. Summer was in full swing, and the temperatures in the 80’s every day. The cool morning breeze blew through the big bedroom windows over her exposed skin. Mary crawled out of bed, the sunlight streaming through the window warming up her naked body. She always slept in the nude these days, and she loved the soft feeling of the silk sheets as they touched her skin. Of course, Max was not allowed anymore to sleep with her. It was too much of a temptation, especially if the big dog would become aroused around her.

‘Up and at ‘em’, she said to herself. Joe would be home tomorrow, Friday night. She had a lot of cleaning up to do, and jumped out of bed to face the sunny day.

Mary had kept up her exercise routine, and had pushed herself harder than ever the last month or so. And the results were very evident as she stood in front of the full length mirror before her. She had also been suntanning, the golden bronze tan lines very noticeable on her slim body. She was so dark, it appeared she wore a white bra and panties. The contrast made her perky breasts look bigger as the dark nipples stood out in the crisp morning air. Her flat toned tummy, and sleek legs added to the beautiful woman’s sexy body, the white panty area making a perfect triangle around her pouting pussy lips. Joe would go absolutely crazy over her gorgeous body!

She looked into the back fenced in yard. Max was busy running around getting his endless energy out of him. What a magnificent animal she thought. The sexual thoughts quickly wiped from her wicked mind, concentrating on her morning chores.

She wanted to work out as soon as possible, getting the task done with. Putting on her workout clothes, Mary started for the basement exercise room. Turning on her heels, she made double sure the doggie doors were locked. She even went out to make sure they would not open. She did not want to even think about him coming into where she would be working out. She did not need the temptation or thought this close to Joe’s return.

Her work was a good one, using almost all the machines they had in the basement room. For over 1 1/2 hours, the sleek woman worked on her sexy body. Her legs, arms, flat tummy, and overall small frame showed the hard work she had adamantly pushed forward accomplishing the past few weeks. Joe would love how she looked. And the added golden tan highlighted her sexy curves even more. She could not wait until tomorrow night!

Now on to her house chores. Her muscles ached from the hard work out she just did, but keeping active doing her chores would keep her limber. As she got upstairs, she saw Max out in the hot sun. He had been out there without water now for almost two hours. Mary flipped the doggie doors switch so he could come in for a drink. Sure enough, he was soon at his water dish, lapping away at the fresh cool water. She had to refill his dish, he was that thirsty. “Good boy”, she said patting his large head as he continued to quench his thirst.

Mary started her chores. The house needed vacuuming, dusting, dishes done, and a few loads of laundry. She was soon engrossed in the tasks at hand, a busy bee running all over the house in a whirlwind. By dinner time, all her chores were done! She was always very particulate in her cleaning, being very through and detailed when it came to cleanliness.

Mary was proud and felt accomplished when she finally came to a rest. The house sparkled from wall to wall. A glass of wine was due to celebrate her fine work. After all, she deserved it!

A light dinner, her first, and only meal of the day, was accompanied by a dark red wine. The time had flown by so fast, she had not stopped to eat anything, nor drink anything besides a quick cup of coffee early that morning. The small portion of salad and a six ounce piece of left over steak did nothing to dilute the two glasses of wine she drank. And being thirsty, the wine went down a lot faster than it should have. Mary was usually a very light drinker, with only a few drinks being her limit. With her small 5’3” frame at about 112 pounds, liquor effected her a lot more than it did Joe. It seemed he could drink multiple strong drinks, and feel perfectly normal.

Trying to remember if she had just finished two drinks, Mary looked at the remaining red wine still in the bottle she had just opened half an hour earlier. There was less than a few ounces remaining at the bottom of the bottle! “Oh my”, she gasped with a light laugh. She had never drank that much in a single sitting. ‘What the hell’, she giggled to herself, might as well finish the bottle since the remaining liquid was not worth saving. She just gulped the last ounce or so right from the bottle, swallowing the fruity wine as it passed over her inviting tongue. It really was a good bottle of wine. Not too expensive, but one she knew would not give her a headache later.

Getting up from the couch, she soon realized just how much she had drank. Giggling, she swayed towards the bedroom, the wine making her a lot more tipsy than she remembered ever being before. She still had on her workout clothes, and needed a shower. The cool water should help bring her out of her drunken state as well as wash the days chores from her small frame.

Mary sat on the edge of the big queen sized bed, trying to slip off her shoes, finally kicking them off with a laugh. Next were her tight fitting sports bra and form fitting shorts. With the added remaining sweat from the days work, they stuck to her like glue. The damp clothes were not coming off so easy, and Mary found herself falling off the bed onto the floor wrestling with the tight garments. She finally pulled the sports bra over her head and threw it towards the hamper in a heap on the floor. Next were her black shorts. She rolled from side to side, working the tight shorts down over her womanly thighs, and then her rounded ass cheeks, laughing at herself along the way. She must have been quite the sight, rolling around on the soft carpet wrestling with the black outfit. Finally the shorts came loose from her ass cheeks and began to get easier as they traveled down her toned thighs and legs. She kicked them off with her legs, tossing them with her left foot to land by the sports bra near the hamper. She lay there, naked except for the white bikini panties which were also still glued to her like the damp clothes beforehand. She reached for the low waistband when she noticed Max watching her with a cocked head. “Quit laughing at me”, she giggled at the quizzical animal as it sat there looking on. In her state, she had forgotten about what happened the last time she was in her panties with the big dog. Since then, she had dressed behind closed doors, and was always aware not to get into that same predicament again. But here she was, in her white bikini panties, which were actually a lot smaller cut than the sheer ones she had on a few weeks ago with Max. The low waistband just cleared her pussy hair in the front of her flat tummy, and the back was low enough to show a little of her ass crack. Far less protection that her sheer ones, thats for sure!

Mary lay flat on her back as she watched the big dog sitting next to her. His big tongue hung from his mouth as he panted softly. Her eyes drifted to his heaving chest, and then downward towards his fur covered haunches. With a forbidden curiosity, she could not resist looking further down his huge body. There it was again! The bright red tip as it peered out of his hairy sheath an inch or so. It seemed to be growing, the tapered tip emerging even more, followed by his wide cock. Again she remembered the dark crimson cock, filled with angry veins as it slipped out of his furry sheath.

She finally looked away as more than three inches began to show. She had been there before, and the results played in her head making it difficult to breath. She knew she had to get up and away from this beast as her body began to betray her.

Mary’s pussy began to vibrate with its excitement, the look of a hard cock before it. Soon her juices started to ease from between the pouting lips making them glisten in the soft light. She slowly rolled onto her knees preparing to push herself up and run into the bathroom. But Max was up from his sitting position too, watching the small woman as she tried to get to her feet.

The wine was really hitting her now, and she was too tipsy to try and stand, So Mary began to walk on her hands and knees towards the safety of the bathroom. Slowly she lifted one sleek leg moving her knee forward, her round ass cheeks separating and swaying with her movements. Max was right behind her, his snout right between the spreading thighs of the small woman. She could feel his hot breath on her ass as she brought her other knee forward even further than the last one, stretching out to make the journey to the bathroom tile quicker.

Then she felt it! The rough tongue of the big dog lapped right between the sweaty legs of the sexy woman. Her scent drove him on, as he took another big swipe of his thick tongue through her partially open things.

“No, please don’t Max”, she said with a shaky voice.

The rough tongue kept up between her shapely legs, getting closer to her tight pussy lips just under the small panties. again and again his rough tongue swept between her shaking thighs. Soon his big tongue was slipping under the loose openings in her panties, trying desperately to reach the nectar between her pouting lips. Trying to move forward, Mary lifted another knee, only to spread her legs wider allowing the huge dog better access to her inner thighs. His wet tongue washed over her full vagina sending an electric jolt through her bones. The sensation had the tiny woman reeling. Her mind was going numb as the dirty thoughts ran through her mind of the last time with the huge dog. She was quickly losing the battle to resist his advances, as the mighty tongue began working into her wet tunnel. Her body betrayed her, as her ass pushed back at the lapping tongue. Soon her legs began to widen, giving the beast better access to her private parts.

The wine was not helping the small sexy woman’s predicament. It helped loosened her morals, and in turn turned the tiny woman into a sex hungry cougar. She slowly dropped to her elbows, raising her ass even higher to the lapping dog. She was offering herself to the beast, overwhelmed in sexual abandon.

The feeling between her splayed legs grew into a dull ache, her flat tummy moving in and out while the slippery tongue worked its way even deeper into her open pussy. Her orgasm built between her shaking thighs making her painted toes curl in excitement.

So close, so hot, so crude, she thought as small waves of enjoyment swept over her. The walls of her pussy grasped the slick tongue as it surged in and out between the lips of her wet hole. He was really getting in there deep, she squealed, as her vagina opened up for him even more.

Then it hit her hard, a climax that had been denied for over two weeks. She thrust her hips back into the snout of the big animals rough tongue as it slurped the nectar from her clenching hole.

Suddenly, the rough tongue pulled from her open hole as air rushed into the empty void.

‘Oh, please don’t stop yet’, she mumbled to herself. She was right in the middle of a wonderful cum. Just a little more…

She soon felt the weight on her small back as the dogs fur ticked her spine. His powerful legs wrapped around her thin waist, pulling her small frame back on her knees. Mary tried to crawl forwards, in an attempt to escape his tight grip. But it was fruitless. He out weighed her, and was much stronger than she was by far. She was trapped with the huge dog above her locked in his embrace.

Soon she could feel the beast above her start to move his rear haunches, thrusting his furry hips closer to her ass cheeks. Then she felt what she knew was coming. The hard pointed red tip of the big dogs cock as it began to dance between her thighs. She looked over at the full length mirror next to the rutting couple. She was amazed once again at the sheer size of the beasts cock, the dark red pointed tip, and wide girth aimed right at her ass. His cum laden hairy balls swung with his movements as Max humped forward. His excited cock was spurting his pre-cum all over her white panties as he jerked forward. The big canine’s cock hit all over between her thighs, never hitting the same spot more than twice in a row. But the constant banging began to work on the small kneeling woman, just as it had last time he had tried to fuck her. Her pussy began to leak her juices which ran between her toned thighs mixing with the big dogs pre-cum. His pure size made the tiny woman seem even smaller. Her sexy body all but disappearing under his huge hairy body as he crouched above her.

Looking between her spread thighs below her heaving flat tummy, Mary could see the frantic red tip as it flew all over her pantied crotch. The small white panties clung to her sex, as his fluids sprayed onto her covered pussy lips. Looking at his growing red cock from this position, she could really see the true girth of his massive cock. The pointed tip was aimed right at her womb, the larger blue veins pumping more blood into the growing member.

She also noticed her panties were not pulled tight against her exposed pussy hole. As she had wrestled with her tight shorts earlier, they had come down just enough to leave a wide opening under the normally tight leg holes. Thats how Max had been able to get his wide tongue into her pussy she determined. In a frantic move to protect her pussy from the pointed cock, Mary fell to her chest, reaching back between her wide spread thighs trying to grasp the waistband of her loosening panties. The move put her pussy up at a different angle, perfectly aligned with the thrusting dogs cock. In a hard jolt, the pointed tip made perfect contact, zeroing in on the wet tunnel. The white panties began to enter her, pushed by the strong engorged cock.

Max felt the tight pussy below him grasp his raging prick, and he thrust forward even harder trying to bury his doggie cock in the small woman trapped below him.

In vain, Mary tried to pull the panties into her crotch, but all she did was make the material much thinner between her spread legs, and they actually slipped between her pouting lips out of sight.

Max withdrew his hard cock and prepared for another thrust forward. Mary knew it was coming and hoped the thin band of panty between her pussy would be enough to hold him back.

But his next thrust slammed into her small frame, almost knocking the wind from her. His cock flew forward, burrowing into her pussy as though the panties were not even there.

Mary froze as she felt the walls of her vagina spread wide apart as the dogs huge red cock sunk deeper into her. She looked to the mirror again, watching as the beast pulled back for another hard thrust forward.

Her jaw dropped when she saw the full size of the big dogs cock preparing to impound her again. With just barely the tip at the entrance to her puffy lips, she could see the true size of the cock that was headed into her tiny body. It appeared much bigger than she remembered the last time, being a good 10” long now, and a lot wider around. The tapered red tip spurt his fine pre-cum into the folds of her open pussy preparing for his huge red cock. Max tightened his grip on the small woman’s waist pulling her ass up at the same time. Her head dragged on the carpet as he pulled her up, right off her knees. Mary’s ass cheeks were forced to flare wider apart, as well as her pussy making the perfect angle for the mighty dogs next thrust.

She watched as he burrowed forward in a mighty lurch. His massive red cock flew into her vagina separating the tight walls as never before. She saw his huge cock disappear between her thighs as it sunk into her to his furry balls. She had taken every inch of the massive beasts cock to his furry balls.

Mary’s pussy exploded uncontrollably, her orgasm hitting her like a freight train. Her tunnel grasped the big dogs cock in a tight grip making him howl above her. He could hardly move as her pussy closed onto his swelling cock. Max tried to hump in and out of the small woman’s tight pussy, but all his movements did was to pull the tiny woman back and forth like a rag doll. Her knees were off the floor as she hung by the huge dogs cock alone. The extra pressure within her vagina added to her delight. Her g-spot was smashed against his widening cock as the friction rubbed it into another wild orgasm.

Slowly her pussy began to open up and loosened to take his enormous dog cock. Soon Max could saw his huge cock in and out of the excited woman’s pussy in ever lengthening strokes. Her tight pussy walls clung to his thick red cock as it withdrew from her depths, dragging them along its veined girth.

Mary reached back as her knees finally touched the carpet. With her head and chest planted firmly on the carpet, her ass and pussy thrust upwards at the pistoning dogs cock above her. She grabbed her tight ass cheeks and spread them wide apart as possible. She opened her pussy up for the great beast to take completely. She was ready to finally be fucked by the huge beast, and wanted Max to ravage her tiny body. And Max did just that, renewing his efforts to bury the full hard length of his doggie cock in the tiny woman below him over and over again.

Mary watched in the mirror as he thrust forward, burying his huge cock fully within her open thighs. Again and again the massive cock flew into her small body, her pussy widening out to easily take his cock now. She could feel the huge red cock bottom out in her small pussy, hitting her cervix in every thrust. The slightly painful pressure was gone, and replaced by pure pleasure as the hot red cock surged in and out of her pussy in lightening speed. She could not ever imagine keeping up with his fast strokes. Her next orgasm began to build from her toes up. This was going to be a big one from the way her toes curled into tight knots. Pushing back to accept all Max had, she waited for the moment her pussy would empty her fluids out.

Max tightened his grip on the small woman’s waist, pulling her tighter to his hairy stomach. He thrust forward with a mighty lunge, burying the full length of his massive cock to his cum laden balls. There he held the tiny woman, as she suddenly felt the walls of her vagina stretch even wider apart just within the lips of her pussy. Tighter and tighter the walls became as his cock swelled to its maximum size. ‘The knot’, Mary thought. She did not see it on their first encounter, maybe because there was no insertion. Regardless, it was now expanding within the walls of her already full pussy. The huge knot pressed hard into her g-spot, and spread her vagina open so much her engorged clit rubbed on the outside of his hot cock. It was enough to send her completely over the edge, throwing her into the strongest orgasm she had ever had in her life. Her pussy gripped the massive buried cock within her tight tunnel, milking his cum in huge spurts that washed over her open cervix and into her womb. Their cum mixed together, unable to escape past the tight bond between them. Max held still as his cock pumped strong jets of his seed into her receptive tunnel over and over again. She could feel the hot cum as it filled any remaining void within her small vagina.

For what seemed like 10 minutes, they stayed locked together until the huge dogs cock began to shrink. His massive knot was finally small enough to pass through her battered pussy lips, and slipped out of her with a loud ‘pop’. Mary watched as the gigantic cock came out of her. She could now see the huge knot, still shrinking. It was even still as big as an apple, and wondered just how big it had been at full size. Checking her used vagina, Mary felt between her wide thighs. The fluid poured from her open pussy like a small river. She gingerly put her fingers up to her pussy lips to survey the damage Max may have done. Her once small pussy now hung open, easily taking all her fingers up to her palm. She probably could have put her small fist into her gaping hole, she was that stretched out.

Once again Max walked off without a care in the world, his huge cock dangling from his heaving belly. The cum still spurting in small jets as the red tip shrunk back into his furry sheath.

Mary tried to get up, and with shaky legs made it into the bathroom. She sat on the toilet as more and more sperm ran from her vagina. He really came a lot, as the clear stuff ran from her abused open hole. Soon she was in the shower, washing the traces of her second bout off with the huge dog.

Finally laying in bed, Mary relived the encounter with the massive dog cock. It was truly a magnificent appendage, filling her up probably more than Joe’s big black extension did.

She could feel her pussy shrink more into its normal shape, still damp from the cum leaking out of her. She wore a pad so as not to stain the sheets, as her pussy still vibrated from the raw sexual act.

Would she ever try it again? Should she tell Joe about the incident? They did not keep secrets between them, and how would he react?

She knew the love they shared was very strong, and this would most likely bring them closer. And who knows, Joe did have a very sexual and perverted mind.

Mary fell asleep, dreaming of tomorrow night when she would be with Joe. With the way her pussy still leaked cum, he would enjoy the wet hole to fuck. And hopefully use the big black extension on her too. He did love it when her pussy opened up for him…

The beginning!