It was a dark and stormy night, and it was that way for a reason. Several unsettling weather patterns merged together and when they did the results were anything but pleasant; a tornado formed.

The F3 that contained wind speeds between 158 and 206 MPH was quite devastating. The heavily wooded property around the well hidden experimental lab was torn up. The trees that were uprooted were thrown against the building in ways that caused a lot of structural damage.

Dr Xavier and Dr. Emus had a hard time even getting to their facility in the morning, but when they finally managed to cross all the debris on foot they didn’t like what they found.

James Xavier and Carl Emus were geneticists, and they were attempting to improve on both man and animal in any way they saw fit; though many of their colleagues disagreed with what the men were attempting to do; which was why they had established their secret lab hidden away in the woods to begin with. Even from the air it had been nearly invisible.

Until after the storm no one really realized that the heavily built and nearly windowless structure was even there; other things had been done in the open on the property, while the lab was constructed, so no one questioned as to what was really being built, and the few handpicked men that built it were paid well to remain mum about it all.

It was strange the way tornados act; leaving one building mostly untouched while devastating another. It was the same here also. The decoy structure had only a few shingles blown off it where as the real lab had the back wall shattered by the bole of a tree that acted like a lance. The two foot diameter twenty foot long piece of wood plowed through the concrete blocks like a knife through butter.

Climbing over several downed trees, James and Carl were finally able to enter their lab’s heavy front door. Things didn’t look too bad on this side; except for the devastated forest; they hadn’t noticed the back wall of the structure and the damage that had been done to it.

The two men were actually feeling rather lucky about it all; nothing that a few lumberjacks couldn’t handle. That assumption lasted until they entered the facility and got past the second door. It was then that they discovered the real damage that had been done to the building, and they both groaned.

Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon were all safely ensconced within their cages, but Zeta was missing. The confining blocks along the back wall was gone, and so was he; only the heavy front bars and gateway remained.

“Maybe the tornado sucked him out of the facility when the tree smashed into it,” James offered as he examined the area as closely as possible.

“We can only hope that the storm killed him,” returned Carl as he too peered into the cage, “but I don’t see any blood to indicate that he was injured in any way. Of all the animals that we have here he has to be the worst one to have gotten loose,”

“I told you that we should put tracking devices on them. At least then we would be able to find where he was, and whether he was dead or alive,” groused James, “He was fully developed and far superior to any of his brothers.”

“He has to be dead!” said Carl. “Once the bole of that tree penetrated the wall, the storm would have sucked him right out. His bed and even the food and water bowls are all gone. The storm will have terminated his particular elements of the experiment!”

“I hope you’re right!” returned James, but he honestly doubted it and the look on Carl’s face denoted the same feeling. The Zeta unit may have looked like any ordinary dog, but that was far from the truth.


Chapter 2

At the moment, Angela wanted nothing more than to get away from Greg. This was only their second date and already he was all over her; despite the fact that she had told him that she would not simply sleep with him.

Angels was twenty years old and for the most part a virgin. She had never been with anyone yet; not even her prom date, though they had petted heavily, but she managed to get away from him before anything else happened.

The restaurant in which she found herself was crowded, and for that she was somewhat thankful. She had excused herself on the pretense that she was going to the bathroom, and then headed in that direction.

Angela could feel Greg’s eyes on her as she walked away; it was an unpleasant feeling. She did go to the girl’s bathroom and take care of her needs, but then carefully exited the room and decided to slink away into the night.

Surreptitiously, Angela peered around the corner of the wall; she saw that Greg was watching the bathroom area carefully, as though she was a prize that he didn’t want to slip away. She groaned, but as two other girls passed by her she tried to hide herself behind them and get out the door unnoticed.

Angela’s effort to get away from Greg seemed to have worked. She made it outside the establishment and quickly scurried into the dark alcove between the buildings. She was sure that there was a back exit to alleyway and it was her intent to use it and then find a taxi to take her home.

The svelte young blonde, with nicely shaped breasts, was halfway through the alleyway when she heard a noise; the footsteps behind her became unmistakable as they drew closer and she picked up her pace to get away; nearly running and risking everything to do it; she could not see the ground in front of her.

Angela had just cleared the alleyway and was about to turn to her right when she was grabbed from behind. “Where do you think you’re going?” Greg growled. “I have plans for tonight, and you are a big part of them. And since you don’t seem to be hungry, we might as well go to my place right now and have some fun.” He then grabbed her by the back of the neck harshly and began guiding her toward the parking lot.

Greg’s harsh guidance of Angela lasted only a few steps before he screamed in agony; something had bitten his leg and before he could react it had happened several times. He even pushed the young blonde to the ground since the attack seemed to come from between them.

Greg hobbled away from where Angela unceremoniously fell to the ground. Between him and her stood a large German Shepherd; growling at him with its teeth bared. There was no mistaking the animal’s intent if he tried to get close to the girl so he continued to back away, and the beast did not follow.

Angela had landed on the concrete roadway very hard. She was just beginning to pick herself up when she heard growling. She then saw Greg limp away in the opposite direction, but she didn’t necessarily see it as a positive thing at the moment; not with the huge dog that was now standing in front of her.

Once Greg was nearly out of sight, the demeanor of the huge German Shepherd changed dramatically. The growling stopped and he then pivoted to face the young blonde; she was still sprawled on the ground.

When the Shepherd turned to face her, Angela was startled at first, but then she finally realized that she wasn’t facing some angry beast; he was nothing more than a huge playful puppy of sorts, and he had probably saved her from being raped by Greg.

Angela finally stood and the Shepherd somewhat assisted her as she used him for support while she got to her feet; at least he didn’t shy away from her.

The young blonde was soon making her way toward one of the main roads; hoping to get a taxi, and the dog walked quietly beside her. She didn’t really realize that he had followed her until they emerged into an area that was better lit.


Chapter 3

Several taxis slowed as they saw Angela frantically waving her hand in the air to get their attention, but once they realized how big the German Shepherd that stood beside her really was… they sped away. It wasn’t until the fifth cabbie arrived that she felt some relief and hoped that even that bubble hold not burst.

When Angela opened the taxi door she saw apprehension written on the cabbie’s face as the huge dog entered first. “He’s big, but he won’t cause you any problems, I promise,” she offered, hoping that what she was saying was the truth because he had actually squeezed past her; it seemed as though he understood that he could be left behind if he didn’t.

The ride to Angela’s apartment was a quiet affair; just as she had promised. The only problem was that she was uncertain as to what she was going to do with the animal once she got there. There was nothing in her least that forbid her to have a dog; just that if a pet caused any damage that it would have to be paid for.

Angela paid the taxi driver and then got out of the vehicle; followed closely by the dog. She shut the sedan’s door and the man sped away; leaving her with the rather large animal standing at her side and looking at her questioningly.

The young blonde sighed resignedly. “Well, I haven’t eaten yet, and I’m getting hungry,” she mused. “I guess I could find something for you to eat as well; especially since you probably saved me from being mauled and probably raped by that creep Greg.”

After saying that; Angela led the way to her apartment and the dog followed closely by her side. She eyed him speculatively, he was a handsome specimen, and she wondered where he had come from. She never equated the storm that passed through the neighboring state over a day ago, and over fifty miles away, as a possible answer.

Once Angela got inside her apartment with the dog, she finally took the time to acquaint herself with the animal; he was beautiful. His coat seemed immaculately clean and even when she knelt beside him he didn’t smell like she expected; he was almost intoxicating.

Angela reached out and petted his neck; somewhat wondering if she would feel a collar that she hadn’t previously noticed, but there was none. She looked into his eyes then and addressed him. “So… what am I going to call you? Most of the common names just won’t fit,” she opined, and then she had an inspiration. “Your name is going to be Champion because you saved me from Greg.”


Chapter 4

With the naming ceremony over, Angela went to the kitchen to see what she could gather for them to eat. She soon had some left over steak that she gave to him, while she cooked herself an egg with cheese and toast.

“Sorry, Champion, I’ll have to get some better food for you tomorrow,” she said as she put the few bits of meat on a plate for him.

Angela didn’t realize it at first, but Champion didn’t begin eating the steak that she had offered him. She didn’t notice that he had waited for her to get her food until she sat at the table and he pushed his plate close to her before dining along with her.

“Why, Champion, you are such a gentleman,” Angela cooed, and then they ate their meager meal together.

After they ate, she washed the few dishes that they had used, but she noted that he didn’t move far from her presence. Her apartment wasn’t huge, but he didn’t explore it like she thought hi might be prone to do.

From the kitchen area they moved to the living room and she turned on the TV. The movie ‘Blue Lagoon’ was playing; it was one of her favorites. It was during a commercial break that she quickly scampered into her bedroom and changed what she normally wore before bed… just her panties and a semi-long night shirt.

As she had undressed she noticed that Champion had followed her, but she didn’t feel the least bit concerned that the beautiful Shepherd would see her strip down to her panties, but she did comment about how he was watching her. “Do you like what you see, Boy? Do I look as good as good as all those female doggies that you have probably chased around?” she giggled, almost picturing the nice sized animal mounted to a girl canine of his own species, and for some reason the thought stuck with her.

It wasn’t long before they were back out in the living room and watching the movie once more. When it came to the more explicit parts of the kids running naked around the island and then becoming more intimate she was really turned on.

Angela didn’t realize how close Champion was too her, or the fact that she had been running her left hand over her own body while rubbing the dog’s neck and shoulders.

While Angela had caressed her flat stomach, and upward to the valley between her perky breasts her other hand marveled at the feel of the soft hairs of the canine next to her. She soon realized that he was looking at her in what she could only describe as a loving manner.

Angela chuckled. “You know, Honey, if you were a guy, it would be so easy for you to seduce me right now,” she offered with a sigh.

The young blonde didn’t expect to get any kind of response, but she did. Champion slowly moved forward until he could kiss her, and she didn’t move away in shock or revulsion.

Angela was surprised at what had happened, and yet there was something about it that seemed so natural. Like a tiny voice urging her to go further and explore the possibilities of a relationship like this compared to all the failures she had already experienced.

Without really thinking about it, Angela spread her legs, and her nightshirt pulled back to a point where her cotton panties were plainly visible. She hadn’t realized it but when she did it she felt her heat emanating from that area as cooler air could reach it.

Champion wasn’t slow in responding to her perceived invitation. He backed away for a moment and then repositioned himself right where he needed to be. He then ducked his head and gently licked her offering; her panties may have been in the way at the moment, but if things went as he hoped that they would the thin obstruction wouldn’t remain there very long.

Angela watched as the large Shepherd gave her a few light licks that felt very good, but they soon got even better and she realized that she wanted the full measure of what his tongue might be capable of. She reached forward and caressed his head but then pushed him gently away, and he allowed it. “Hold that thought,” she intoned softly as she looked into his eyes and could almost read what he was thinking. It was surprising, and yet she wanted it without reservation.

Angela quickly hooked her thumbs into the elastic band of her panties and stripped them off of her. She then did the same with her night shirt, tossing them aside before laying back on the couch as she had been previously.

Champion moved forward again, but this time there was nothing there to impede his progress. Angela was wet with her own salty secretions and she tasted very good as his tongue curled slightly upward and easily entered she slick trench.

Angela moaned pleasurably as Champion administered to her needs. She felt every exciting lick of his tongue. Sometimes he would plunge it into her depths and she swore that he had raked across her G-spot and other times he would just catch her anal ring before heading upward and then sweeping across her sensitive clit also; she was soon close to coming and yet leaning forward at her waist to lovingly embrace his head in a way that still allowed him to move, but it did hamper his ability slightly.

It wasn’t long after that before Angela had an orgasm so intense that all she could do was groan and twitch slightly as she clung to her lover that had delivered something so beautiful to her. It took her several minutes to even catch her breath properly and be able to lie back against the upright portion of the couch once more.

“Oh, Honey, you have a very talented tongue,” she offered as she caressed his neck and anything else she could reach. His warmth felt good to her and as he moved forward he began licking her stomach and breasts. She began to realize that their make-out session wasn’t over just yet and she wasn’t put off by it in the least; especially when he began working on her sensitive nipples.

Champion eventually got to a point where he covered her completely and he kissed her once more. Again she wasn’t put off by his actions so he continued on, as she commented on his action thus far.

“Honey, I wish you were human, and yet as far as I can see you are the best date I’ve ever had. I’ve done more with you than anyone else,” she giggled softly, but then she stopped abruptly as something very warm nudged her most sensitive area below. She looked into his eyes once more, and then nodded slightly. “Do it, Darling, I want to feel you inside me,” she confessed softly as she became aware of the hot probe that waited just beyond her slick gate.

Angela moaned pleasantly as she felt Champion’s hot probe enter her pussy at least an inch; it felt so different from the toys that she had experimented with; it was very warm and alive. She caught his eye once more as she raised her legs over his back and really opened herself to him. “I want more,” she nearly whispered, but he heard her.

Far gentler than she expected, Champion’s cock burrowed deeper into her being, and she marveled at the feel of it. At the moment it didn’t matter that she wasn’t with a man; what mattered was that she honestly felt loved… and she really couldn’t explain it if she tried; she just accepted it.

Champion, as Angela was wont to call him, began thrusting and with each nudge he entered the female that he had come to see as his mate deeper and deeper. He listened as she groaned and moaned her satisfaction, and that was what he was after; he was smart and he knew that a satisfied woman would want him far more readily than one that wasn’t; and it didn’t matter that he was a different species if he met her needs.

Angela had no idea when she had ever felt so good; even her most intense orgasm had not matched what she experienced when Champion had licked her and this felt hundreds of times better. Even now she could feel him going deeper than anything she ever had within her before; it was wonderful.

Once Champion felt that he was into Angela up to his knot he let loose. His thrusting sped up to a more than human pace, and despite the shortness of the stroke he had her panting and moaning anew in no time. Her next orgasm slammed her like a freight train, and as it did he slowed, allowing her to savor the moment without overriding it.

Angela did savor her orgasm and she was truly relieved that Champion did not add anything to it, but allowed her to experience it without too much external stimuli other the fullness that she felt as he rested within her.

After Champion was certain that Angela was ready to receive more stimulation he began to introduce his knot into the equation. She moaned anew and then increased the pressure between them; she knew what was knocking at her door, and she wanted it.

At the moment, it felt as though Champion had at least seven inches ensconced within her, touching places her smaller probes had never ventured. She wanted his knot because she then knew that he would orgasm within her, and she wanted to feel him shoot his sperm into her. It would really allow her to become a part of him.

“Give me your knot, Honey,” she moaned lowly as she pressed upward and he thrust downward. They held the dual effort as they gazed into each other’s eyes and then she gasped as the fleshy bulb slipped past the mouth of her vagina and seemed to lock them together.

Even as Champion’s tapered tip lunged deeper into Angela it settled into as perfect an alignment as nature could have ever orchestrated. Both of them knew that when he did orgasm that his essence would shoot right into her womb. There would be few if any of his sperm cells lost to the deep side recesses of her vaginal vault.

After they were locked together, Angela and Champion thrust at each slowly, still gazing into each other’s eyes. “I think that I ovulated just yesterday, Darling,” she intoned dreamily. “When you give me your sperm you will have a good chance of fertilizing it; I just wish that we were compatible enough for it to live. I really wouldn’t mind carrying your puppy in my belly,” she added honestly.

Even as Angela confessed her feelings, she knew that it was the truth, and she hoped that he did also. They continued to thrust slowly at each other and the intensity within the both of them grew stronger until it finally reached its peak… and within another minute they both blew.

Champion marveled at what he felt, but so did Angela. The entry of his sperm into her uterus was all that she had hoped that it would be. She flew over the top once more, but then she lost it entirely.

Champion just stood there, shooting load after load of volatile fluids into his mate. He bent forward and kissed her gently, and then he awaited the moment that she would reawaken.

Angela began to stir after five minutes. She lifted her arms immediately and embraced Champion as best possible. “Wow, you sure know how to make a woman feel good, Darling,” she said softly as she luxuriated in what she had just experienced and the fact that he was still deep within her and that they were one… was not missed.

The pair stayed together for another five minutes; she could feel that his knot was slowly diminishing. She knew that their coupling had to end, but she wasn’t eager to get his weight off of her. His whole body felt good snuggled against her.

When the two finally parted, Angela felt an emptiness, and it would have shocked her a day ago to think of it, but she was already hoping that Champion would take her again and make love to her… because that was exactly how she looked at it, and her desire for a return engagement surfaced even stronger as he began licking her.

Champion didn’t just slink into a corner and lick himself clean, he administered to her first. He gently cleaned her bare mound; not trying to excite her. Once he was done there he then cleaned himself.

Angela watched as Champion licked himself. She moaned softly as she saw his semi-inflated weapon. It wasn’t overly huge, but then she really wouldn’t have wanted any more stuffed into pussy. What she had felt had been perfect. She arose and went to where he sat and cuddled with him. Once more his hairs felt good against her flesh.

“At first I thought yesterday was going to be a total bust, and the way Greg began acting I thought I had made a mistake in seeing him again, but now I’m glad I did,” Angela mused softly as she stroked Champions neck. “Now, however, I realize that if I hadn’t been where I was when you rescued me that we wouldn’t have shared what we just did. I know I’m just talking to a dog here, but I still hope that you can understand.”

Angela did expect a response, but she got one. Champion stopped what he was doing, and then reached out and gently kissed her before following it with a soft “woof.” It surprised her because she was sure that it was meant to show her that he did understand.

By the time all of that was accomplished it was late, and time for bed. She took him to the shared back yard of the apartment and let him out to do his thing, but assured him that she would wait for him until he was done. It was dark out there and all she saw was a vague shadow as he quickly relieved himself against nothing in particular and let loose as he relieved himself.

Angela was surprised at what she saw. She was sure that he would hunt out several things to pee on in an attempt to mark his territory, but he didn’t; he simply did his business and quickly returned.

When Angela was finally ready to hop into bed she pulled the sheets back and offered him a place right beside her. She covered herself… and him slightly; unsure as to whether a dog really liked sheets over them. She then snuggled against him again; noticing his scent once more; he didn’t smell like any mangy mutt that she had ever known. She was soon asleep, and her dreams were very pleasant.


Chapter 5

When Angela awoke in the morning she was refreshed and ready to face the world once more. She remembered the previous night completely and felt no remorse at having been made love to by a dog; because that was exactly what it had been. What she had shared with Champion hadn’t been a quickie to fulfill some immediate need; it had blossomed into a whole lot more.

Even now, Champion lay beside her and as she stirred, so did he. Their eyes locked once more and it was as though she could read his thoughts as well as he could read hers. He was as satisfied with last evening’s events also and was looking forward to more. She then closed the gap between them and kissed his nose. “Hold that thought, Babe,” she urged him, “there is a lot I need to do this morning.”

After say that, Champion “woofed” softly in reply and she chuckled as she climbed out of bed and headed for the shower.

Angela made it a quick rinse, as she stood beneath the shower’s sharp spray. Applying soap and then allowing the water to cascade off of her, but even as it did she noticed how good it felt for the finely tuned jet to hit her pink nipples and then flow downward to ripple over her sensitive clit also; it was as though she was already excited.

The shower felt very good this morning, but she knew she had other things to do. Nothing that couldn’t be put off a bit, but still things that she was determined to get done and out of the way before they did become an issue.

Angela reluctantly shut the water off and stepped out of the shower stall and onto the spongy bath mat. She reached for her towel and as she was drying she caught sight of Champion watching her, admiring her, as he stood near the door to the bathroom. “Do you like what you see, Darling?” and he responded with a slight nod and a soft “woof,” and there was no mistaking the fact that he had answered her query.

The young blonde chuckled and continued to dry herself off. With her upper body at least 95% dry she bent slightly to catch the lower portion. She spread her slightly to facilitate the use of the towel and as she got to her ankles she got a surprise.

Champion had seen his opportunity developing and took complete advantage of it. When his mistress bent at the waist he moved. His tongue shot out and scored a direct hit on Angela’s already sensitive clit. His oral digit then swept upward, parting her labia and making it warm presence known in a way that made her reach out and catch herself as she pitched forward slightly.

Angela gasped as she dropped her towel and grabbed the vanity in an effort to keep from falling forward. She had no sooner gotten control of her ungainly move when the cause of it returned with a vengeance. She gasped again, and she felt like scolding Champion for surprising her as he did, but then the feel of his sweet tongue on her lower anatomy just quelled her anxiety and she allowed him to continue; at least for a few moments longer.

As much as Angela wanted Champion to continue she managed the strength to straighten herself up and stand; forcing him to cease what he had been doing. She turned and looked at him as if she would scold him, but she couldn’t. “Later, Darling,” was all she said and then she finished what she had been doing and entered her bedroom.

Without thinking about it too much, Angela sat on the edge of her bed and lay back, allowing herself to air dry the rest of the way as she usually did after a shower. She soon found out that she had company once more as Champion resumed what he had started in the bathroom.

She didn’t try to stop him however because what he was doing felt good, and she was still accomplishing the evaporation process also; it was a win/win situation until she began to flush a bit as a massive orgasm approached and then slammed her senses; causing her to rise up and cradle Champion’s snout deep within her sensitive triangle.

As the throes of the intense orgasm ebbed she began to caress the creator of it. She noticed however that he seemed to want something different, and he wasn’t trying to climb between her legs to get it. “What?” she inquired softly as he nudged her to the side slightly, and then it dawned on her; he wanted her to turn over onto her stomach.

Angela looked at her bedside clock and realized that it was a bit earlier than she had first supposed. “Okay, I’ll turn over and let you lick me a bit more, but then I do have to get things done,” she intoned as she moved to accommodate him.

Once Angela was on her knees, with her upper torso supported by the bed he began to lick her once more, and it felt good. It wasn’t long before she was close to having another orgasm again when all of a sudden his warm tongue vanished from the scene.

Angela was about to protest the fact that he had left her high and dry when one warm digit was replaced by a fur blanket that covered her perfectly and felt good, but the hot probe that followed and needed no guidance entered her several inches. It slipped easily inside her awaiting vaginal tube it completed the connection that was needed to push the right buttons. Her second orgasm hit her as Champion pushed his cock into her up to his knot.

Angela’s breath left her as she trembled in exotic pleasure. This was only her second time she had orgasmed twice in one session; usually with her small plastic assistant it had only been once, and yet she was fairly certain that it was not over just yet. She felt his hot weight within her and she knew that he hadn’t cum just yet.

As her last orgasm began to ebb, Champion took over; it was as though he could feel the small clutching of her vaginal walls and knew that it was time to stimulate them anew. He began to thrust slowly, but very soon his pace quickened.

Angela could feel some of the precum spurting from the tip of Champion’s cock and thought at first that it was him spraying his seed within her already. She bemoaned the loss of the precious fluid; unaware that it was simply lubrication as it squirted into her depths and then flowed outward and down her legs, but she was also glad that it kept her from being chaffed as her lover thrust in and out of her so fast that he took her breath from her and had her panting.

Angela attained her third orgasm and nearly fainted as she quivered in her lover’s hairy forelegs. She doubted that she could honestly stand any more, but as the waves of pleasure settled once more she felt Champion shifting a bit within her; moving left, right, up and down until he found what he was searching for; the opening to her womb; the tip of his cock was again in line with her cervix.

The pressure of his knot against the mouth of her vagina increased, and she suddenly realized that she wanted it. She arched her back and their two sexes merged even more until his bulge popped into her. She felt a slight twinge of pain, but it ebbed immediately to be replaced with even greater pleasure.

Together the two of them thrust at each other, and at the deepest penetration her insides were jostled just enough to create pleasure, but not pain. “I hope you saved enough of yourself for now, Darling,” she intoned as she could feel her orgasm building once more, “because I want your sperm to get my egg; even if I probably wouldn’t be able to nurture it within me. Just the thought that I was impregnated by you for even a day or two would be both sweet and yet bitter at the loss.”

The interspecies pair continued their lovemaking; with Angela pleading for him to fill her until they both attained what they had been trying to do. He shot load after load into her uterus, and she orgasmed intensely as she accepted his offering. She sighed contentedly as he filled her, but once again passed out from the experience.

Champion held steady, knowing that his mistress had passed beyond coconsciousness once more; he waited patiently to reawaken, and within three minutes she did so. “Oh, Darling, you sent me right over the top again,” she murmured contentedly.

Angela just lay where she was; covered by Champion and feeling his warmth around her and inside of her. She managed to look at her clock, and what she saw didn’t really displease her. She could still get a few things done and to hell with the rest until a later time.


Chapter 6

Once Angela and Champion parted he immediately gave a few good licks and then he tended to himself. She went quickly to the bathroom to wash her legs, but other than she did nothing else except to apply a panty shield to her undergarment; when he his sperm did begin to seep out of her she didn’t want it to run down her legs, but until then… she would be walking about with some of him inside of her, and that thought alone was very erotic.

Angela disliked only one thing out of her morning interlude with Champion and that was the fact that she did have certain commitments that she had to attend to and it would not allow her to cuddle with him.

She eventually got dressed, found a bit of food for him tended to his other needs and then apologized anew that she couldn’t stick around. The only thing that she did do however was add a note to her list of chores that she needed to get Champion some proper food; as far as she was now concerned they were a pair and she wanted to meet his needs in every way.

Angela managed to meet all the things she had to do without reservation, and several others that she had hoped to do; she was surprised at how well her day fell into place despite her supposed late start.

With everything on her list completed by early afternoon except for a stop at the grocers she headed in that direction. She was caught at a particularly long light; which she usually hated, when she noticed that she was next to a doggy park; something she had miss prior to this, but now things were different.

Even as she waited for the annoying light to turn, she caught sight of several young women within the park. Each of them was playing with a fairly large breed of dog; one even larger than Champion; a Dane.

Angela smirked; wondering if any of these lovely young women submitted to their canine charges as she had. She could almost picture them getting on their hands and knees and allowing their pet access to them. She wondered what it would look like, but then her thoughts were interrupted by the toot of a horn, and she snapped out of her revelry as she realized that the light had turned green.

Angela stepped on the gas, breathed heavily and then sighed. The thought of another woman being fucked by her pet remained, and yet she did refine the idea a bit. Perhaps other young ladies loved their four-footed lover as intensely as she did. She wondered then if they wanted to be impregnated like herself, and be able to carry the pup to term the thought was intriguing.

Her imagination was still stuck on the same scenario as she arrived at the grocer that she usually frequented. As though she was on auto-pilot she began getting the food items that she needed. She was on the last one, dog food, when a familiar voice greeted her.

“Angela, what are you doing in the pet section?” asked Jill.

Angela turned to face her very close friend and they hugged. The young brunette before her was a student in the local college just like she was, but unlike her, the willowy young babe already knew the course studies that were needed to become a veterinarian, where she was still unsure of what she wanted to be.

“I managed to find a very nice German Shepherd,” answered Angela after their hug, but then she rephrased it a bit. “Maybe I should really say that he found me. I was out with Ray, giving the creep one last chance at being nice, but he crashed almost immediately. He came on too strong and I ran. He caught though, and I was certain that he was going to shove me into a dark corner somewhere and rape me. He was thwarted in his efforts though when Champion bit him. My rescuer chased him away, and the rest is history,”

“Champion?” repeated Jill, and although she hadn’t seen the dog she couldn’t deny that it was an appropriate name considering the fact that he had chased Greg away and kept Angela from being hurt.

“That’s what I’ve decided to call him,” returned Angela. “To me he seems bigger and stronger than other Shepherds I’ve seen. I’ve decided to keep him as long as he’ll stay and no previous owner shows up to claim him; he’s very well behaved.”

“Wow, I’d really like to meet him, Angela,” commented Jill. “I could check him over and let you know if he has any of the usual problems with purebred species. I actually need to accomplish a task like that for my classes,” added the young brunette somewhat falsely. She didn’t really need it right now; not for a while yet, but she also had an ulterior motive; she really liked her friend and she wanted them to grow closer if possible.

Angela felt a moment of panic; wondering if Champion would somehow embarrass her when Jill was around, and yet she didn’t want to disappoint her best friend either. “Okay,” she finally agreed, “but I need your help with something. Hypothetically, it you were buying food for your German Shepherd, what would you get?”

Both young ladies soon had what they had come for and then parted; at least for an hour or so. Jill would take her groceries home, clean up a bit, and then drive to Angela’s place as soon as possible.

Angela scrambled to get home. She wanted to be sure that everything was in order and then give Champion a good run outside. She prayed over and over the he wouldn’t embarrass her by trying to sniff her at an inappropriate moment.


Chapter 7

Jill arrived at Angela’s apartment about a half hour after the young blonde got home. She had had a busy day and wanted to be fresh and clean when she visited her friend; she was just glad that it wasn’t a few days later. She was fairly certain that she was ovulating, but that in itself wouldn’t cause her any problems; not for a few days yet.

As soon as Angela opened the door for her, Jill met Champion, and although he was bigger than breeders like to see when it came to German Shepherds she had to admit that he was impressive.

The two young ladies hugged, and then Jill greeted Champion. She found a beautifully marked tan, gold and sable Shepherd that stood nearly thirty inches in height and had to weigh in at slightly over a hundred pounds. He had a straight back, and although he might not have gotten off a starting line very fast, she wouldn’t want to meet him in a dark alley, or anywhere for that matter; especially if this particular canine was angry.

Angela offered something to drink to Jill and the two girls were soon sitting at the dining room table sipping on ice tea. She actually wished that she had some wine, but it was hard to come by since she wasn’t twenty-one just yet.

While the two girls chatted, they also decided to have supper together, and between the two of them they began cooking. It didn’t amount to too much, but it was enough for them.

The subject of what Angela wanted to be by the time she graduated from college arose, and Jill slowly touted what becoming a veterinarian would entail. She even went as far as suggesting that they could go into business together; especially since they had always hit it off so well as teenagers.

While the two girls cooked, and then ate, they drew closer; they were equally attracted to each other and they didn’t try to hide it after a while. They eventually retired to Angela’s meager living room and settled there.

“You are really looking good, Angela,” offered Jill as she gazed at her friend. “You may have had trouble with Greg, but it doesn’t seem to have bothered you too much, you look… satisfied, with your life at least.”

Angela blushed slightly. “Well… one can get by alone; especially if you have a battery operated buddy,” she said somewhat shyly, but she was also very certain that Jill pleasured herself also.

Jill chuckled. “Yeah, I know what you mean. I have one too,” she offered as she confirmed her friend’s suspicions, “but it’s not quite the same; especially if you have to use it on yourself.”

“Really!” returned Angela, “in that case fill me in a bit. What have you been doing since high school?”

“Well, I’ll tell you about me if you tell me about you, Angela?” offered Jill.

Angela bit at her lip slightly, contemplating how much of her past she would divulge, but then she accepted her friend’s challenge. “Okay,” she returned.

Jill began her tale; starting with how she lost her virginity to a fellow senior in high school; who she left unnamed; she didn’t want to really give him credit for anything, especially because of how unsatisfying it was. She went home that night and finished herself off; vowing that she would never have sex with another guy unless she was certain that he had her satisfaction in mind above his; which she somehow doubted was possible.

“So… you haven’t been with anyone else since?” asked Angela.

“Of course I have silly, but not with a guy,” responded Jill softly. “I’ve been with another girl, and what we shared was very satisfying, but then she was killed in a terrible automobile accident. We were good together, and I miss her, but we all have to move on,” she added somewhat tearfully.

Angela hugged her friend, and they held the embrace for quite some time. “I’m sorry about your loss,” she offered truthfully. After they parted a bit, but they were still closer than before.

After a bit, Jill spoke up. “So tell me your story, what have you experienced,” she asked, and even as she posed her question she noticed a look of hesitation, “and be truthful about it… please, because I have been honest with you.”

“Well, I have never been with a guy, but I was almost raped, I’m sure. Other than that I guess you could say that I have been experimenting with other things,” offered Angela, and she was about to say more, but Champion chose that moment to step closer to the girls with his nose taking in every scent it could. The girls may not have realized it, but they were both excited; fairly certain that this evening would lead to something special between them.

“Champion, what are you doing?” asked Angela as she interrupted her confession.

“Oh, don’t mind him,” offered Jill in the dog’s defense, “I’m fairly certain that I’m ovulating and he probably smells it; I understand that some animals are very sensitive to the odor of a ripe female; no matter what species they were. He’d probably jump me if he had the chance, wouldn’t you, Boy?” she continued and she saw Angela blush so she decided find out why.

“Have you ever seen dogs mate, Angela, it’s really quite exciting,” offered Jill, “I get hot just thinking about it. I’ve even heard that some girls will entice a dog to mount them,” she continued and looked for a reaction and saw it. “How about you, how would you like to have a Shepherd as big as Champion making love to you, or have you already tried it?”

Angela didn’t say a word at first, but she didn’t have to; Jill had already guessed her secret. “Yeah, I’ve been with Champion, and he’s good. If it bothers you I’m sorry, I just hope you’ll be discrete and not say anything to anyone.”

“Bother me, Angela, why would it bother me?” returned Jill. “If anything, I’m jealous. I’d love to see it and experience it first hand,” she confessed.

“Really?” said Angela as she began to realize that Jill wasn’t being judgmental.

“Really!” stressed Jill as she moved closer to Angela and they embraced anew. “I would love to have Champion take me, but if it would bother you then I won’t ask it of you. If that is the case I, however, I would like to see him take you; it doesn’t matter to me, but I do hope that you and I can get together also.”

The girls began to ignore Champion, and though they both smelled interesting he simply sat back and watched them. They began disrobing and even to him, that was a good thing.


Chapter 8

Angela and Jill were not shy; they had been friends a long time, they simply hadn’t acted on their previous feelings for one another. Before too long they were both naked and they slipped to the floor with the young blonde on the bottom.

For Jill this wasn’t something entirely new; except for the person that she was with. For Angela it was another beginning, but it wasn’t something she didn’t want to try; especially with her close friend.

The girls were currently in a sixty-nine configuration and just beginning to explore their new partner. They were both reveling in it when there was a bit extra added to the mix. “Oh, Angela, your tongue feels so good,” moaned Jill, “are you sure you haven’t done this before?”

Angela chuckled. “Jill, it’s not me that’s licking you,” she clarified, “its Champion, and if I’m reading things right, I’d guess that very soon he’ll mount you. After all, you’re doing me… so he’s going to do you!”

Jill tried to continue licking Angela, but she was having a hard time concentrating, and the young blonde chuckled at her friend’s predicament. She even went so far as to scoot out from in under the young brunette so that there would be no other distractions as Champion worked his magic, and she wasn’t jealous in the least; in fact, she had the distinct feeling that things were looking up for all of them.

Angela sat back a bit and watched; she was interested in what was developing. She wanted more than ever to see Champion make love to Jill, and observe how the young brunette reacted to the dog’s cock buried deep in her friend’s body, and then she had an inspiration.

Without making too much of the fact that she left the room, she quickly found her hard disk drive video unit and turned it on; pleased that she had sense enough to keep it charged up.

There was plenty of light and the first thing she focused on was Jill’s face. They could blur the facial features later, or even erase the recording, but she had a feeling that her friend would want to see what others saw as Champion took her.

Jill was moaning and shaking in no time as Champion administered to her. His tongue caught her clit, and then swept upward and parted her labia before brushing across her sensitive pink rosebud, and then she orgasmed.

Angela was getting hot from simply watching the dog tongue Jill to orgasm. She observed as the young brunette trembled for a while but then slowed to a point where her friend was breathing somewhat normally.

Normality didn’t last long as Champion began to step forward and begin his mount. Angela caught it all for posterity and Jill could only anticipate what was next. His hair seemed to caress her thighs, derriere, back and shoulders. It felt good, and then she experienced the sensation of something very hot drawing close to her slit.

The first gentle thrust still took her breath away as at least an inch of his penis entered her. Her head was hung slightly and she quickly looked between her legs. She saw Champion’s cock then, and although it wasn’t what she would consider huge… it was still substantial; bigger than any dildo she and her dearly departed lover had ever used.

She didn’t have long to contemplate its size however as the hairy haunches began to inch forward and the hot vein lined phallus disappeared inside her; it made her vaginal cavity feel full, and very good.

Once Champion’s knot; which wasn’t quite fully inflated yet, touched the outer lips of her labia the huge Shepherd began thrusting. It started slow, but it didn’t remain that way. Very quickly it got to a point where she just brought her head up slightly and accepted the intense pounding that she was getting.

Jill panted as she orgasmed, and she almost passed out. She had never felt anything so intense, and yet she had a feeling that this was not the end of the line.

Jill’s vaginal vault twitched, and tried to milk Champion of his essence, but he hadn’t been ready just yet. He waited until she had calmed a bit and then she felt him moving within her once more… as though he was searching for something.

It wasn’t long after that before he began pressing into her earnestly; forcing his knot against her. Angela’s soft voice came to her then and told her to arch her back and let him in.

The euphoric haze that Jill was in caused her to react slowly, but she finally began to arch her back and allow Champion to cram the knot into her. She yelped, but the twinge of pain quickly vanished and a whole new sensation enveloped her. She knew that she had an egg available for insemination, and he was doing everything he could to bring that about… no matter how impossible the odds of it happening were.

The interspecies couple rocked back or forward into each other. She felt his heat within her core and although she was nearly sweating she wouldn’t have wanted what was happening to her to be any different. It wasn’t long before she had attained the orgasmic threshold anew and felt her lover filling her with his potent sperm. “Yes…” she managed to moan, but then she fell silent as she was pushed over the top.

Angela had caught the entire act with her video camera, and had actually done a very good job of it. They probably could have sold the movie and made thousands on it, but that had not been the intent. All she wanted to be able to do was show Jill what it had all looked like. It had been very sexy and she could hardly wait until her friend did the same for her.

Several minutes passed before Jill awoke. Her first words were, “Wow.”

“Quite intense isn’t it?” asked Angela as she finally shut the camera off, despite the fact that Champion and Jill had yet to separate. The young brunette was still attached to the huge Shepherd and she could feel his sperm still squirting into her womb.

“Intense, is definitely one word that I would use,” returned Jill as she looked at her friend, “and addictive is another. Champion isn’t even out of me yet and I’m already thinking about how and where he’ll take me again. I hope that it is at least once a day and hopefully more.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean, Jill, Champion is going to be a very busy boy,” she smirked.

It wasn’t too much longer before the interspecies couple finally parted. Champion did his usual clean up duties, catching the precum runoff and then taking care of himself. When he was done he looked at the girls and smiled as though he was privy to something that they were not.


Chapter 9

Both girls were comfortable as they were; naked and sitting side by side. They were close as they held the video unit between them and played back what had been recorded.

“Wow, you did a good job of catching the moment,” said Jill as they perused the small screen.

Each assisted in holding the recording device with one hand, but that left the other to explore their new partner, and that was exactly what they did; even as one of the other of them commented on certain aspects of the video; like the knot that was stuck in Jill’s vagina and how hot it looked.

By the time the clip was almost done the girls didn’t mind, they had suddenly become more interested in each other. They shut the device off and set it aside. They were soon walking hand in hand into the bedroom; unaware of how close Angela had come to being licked and then mounted by Champion as they were sitting on the sofa.

The large Shepherd smiled and held back as he watched the girls interact. He didn’t stop them but watched them closely. When they entered the bedroom he wasn’t far behind, but for the moment he chose to remain a spectator. After all, with what he had already done… this particular action between the girls pleased him. He wanted the two females to remain close; it suited his purposes.

Champion found a place within the sleeping room that was out of the way but afforded him a nice view of the proceeding that transpired between the two girls.

Jill and Angela were on the bed and cavorting around like playful puppies as they wrestled one another for some form of dominant position. Their hands were all over each other and the young brunette had just cupped her hand over her friend’s mound when a question was asked.

“You said that you a dildo, where is it?” asked Jill as her center finger pierced Angela’s slit slightly; causing the young blonde to moan softly at the intrusion, but not because she didn’t like what she was feeling; if anything… she wanted more.

“It’s in the top drawer of the night stand to your left,” responded Angela, hoping that the request meant what she hoped that it did. She had used the device on herself many times, and it wasn’t bad, but she had always wondered what it would be like if someone had used the unit on her and she wasn’t in control of its movement.

Jill found the cream colored tube and the lube that went with it. She applied the oily liquid somewhat sparingly and then turned to face her friend once more. “Spread you legs,” she said softly and when Angela complied she moved forward a bit more until the device was exactly where she wanted it.

“I have you now, Darling,” Jill cooed as she ducked her head until she could capture Angela’s left breast in her mouth. She began sucking on the warm flesh, but she didn’t stop there; she also began shoving the dildo into her friend in short thrusts.

For Angela the response to the stimuli was immediate. She cradled her friend’s head against her chest and rocked her pelvis upward as she moaned her pleasure.

Once Jill felt as though she had the fake cock deep enough she began to slowly thrust it in and out of her lover. For a while she kept it slow-paced and moved from tit to tit, but that didn’t last for too long. She was soon thrusting the plastic device faster and faster while kissing Angela on the lips; it was the closest she could come to actually having a penis or strap-on unit to fulfill the required actions.

Angela orgasmed and as she did Jill kissed her until the tremors were just about gone. “I got you, Babe, and now its time for you to see how well you can do,” she whispered into her friend’s ear. just before gently extracting the plastic tube and handing it to her partner.

Champion watched the girls switch places, but he didn’t join in; all of this meshed with what he thought would be good for the two females. The blond and the brunette switched places and he sat back and relaxed.

Angela kissed Jill. “I’ve never done anything like this, but I’ll try. I know what I like and I’ll see if it will work for you also.”

Without further preamble, Angela brought the already slick probe to her friend’s slit and slowly thrust it in and out of the vaginal tube, increasing its depth slowly as they continued to kiss.

It wasn’t too long before Angela had Jill panting as they kissed and rubbed their bodies together as best possible while increasing the speed at which she thrust the probe into her friend. She was fairly certain that she was close and when she felt the young brunette begin to quiver she shoved the dildo home and held it there; buried deep and snug against the deep interior wall; nothing remained outside the fleshy folds and she cupped her hand over the opening to trap the device in place.

Jill was beginning a very pleasant orgasm when it seemed to be suddenly thrown into overdrive. The dildo thudded against her interior and she could feel it; it felt good and pushed her so high she almost passed out. Only having Champion fuck her had ever felt any better than what she was experiencing at the moment.

Jill writhed in pleasure, knowing that Angela had pushed all the right buttons for her. Even now as her friend lay close to her and cuddled with her she was certain that she wanted this relationship to continue.

It was several minutes before she felt the dildo slip from her vaginal chute, but when it did, Jill was all over Angela and telling her exactly how she felt about what they had shared. The girls remained cuddled together, and fell asleep in each other’s arms that night.


Chapter 10

In the morning, the girls managed to arise and take care of the bathroom essentials, but that was all the further that Champion allowed Angela to go before he moved in; she had been sitting on the edge of the bed; beginning to make plans with Jill when it all happened. The huge Shepherd simply stepped forward and began taking what he wanted; much like the day before.

Jill had her back turned at first; pawing through her clothes to get her panties; the girls had slept nude in each other’s arms. She heard Angela saying something about getting some garments ready to go with them when the words suddenly became garbled.

When Jill turned around to see what was happening she chuckled. “I guess Champion awoke horney this morning,” she murmured as she watched the dog lick Angela enthusiastically and her new lover spread a set of very lovely legs to allow him access. There was no recrimination, only total surrender to what he wanted.

Angela was soon moaning and beginning to pant; she had just enough lingual power left to urge Jill to go and get the video camera that had been left in the living room. The young brunette squawked as she realized that she was shirking her duty to film the event and quickly went to get the device.

By the time Jill arrived the video unit was ready for action, but she had already missed Angela’s first orgasm. She did however catch Champion as reared up, stepped forward between the blonde’s legs and then began kissing her as his haunches began to thrust and his cock seek a warm reception.

Jill didn’t catch the initial entry at the point of contact, but she did witness Angela’s reaction to it for posterity in another way. The young blonde’s facial expression left no doubt that she had been penetrated; her lust filled moan said volumes, and they continued; there was no mistaking that they were anything but joyful.

Once Jill was certain that she had captured Angela’s blissful look, she slowly moved to where most of the action truly was. She got there just in time to catch the beginning of the mad thrusting that caused her friend to do nothing but babble as the dog’s sizable ramrod thrust in and out of her in a near blur; it made her wonder if there was a slow-mo setting on the unit, and what it would look like when it was played back.

For nearly five minutes Angela was pounded into near oblivion, and Jill felt a bit envious; despite the fact that she had been on the receiving end of the dog’s meaty shaft less than twelve hours earlier. If it had been at all possible she would have exchanged places with the blonde even now. Just seeing the interspecies couple reacting to each other was beginning to make her wet and she wanted to feel Champion’s cock ramming her as vigorously as he was giving it to her new lover.

Jill managed to catch Angela as the young blonde orgasmed; clutching Champion and drawing him close so that nearly their entire body length touched; reveling in the feel of their sexual partner’s warmth.

Jill didn’t necessarily realize it but as she recorded the event she was also busy caressing herself; it was easy because she was still naked also. As she ran her finger through her slit it came away wetter than she ever remembered for simply watching a bout of lovemaking.

Angela was just descending from her high when she felt the familiar probing. “He getting ready to set his knot, Jill… see if you can catch its entry into my pussy,” she asked of her friend.

Jill got to the back of Champion just in time to watch as Angela rocked upward and he thrust downward. The puffy vaginal lips slowly parted and within ten seconds the large knot disappeared from view; punctuated by the young blonde as she gasped loudly.

Once the knot had vanished from view the pair thrust slowly at each other, causing Angela’s more than familiar moans and groans as the hot battering ram nudged her cervical opening at the end of each lunge.

This much slower dance was every bit as intense as anything else but it did allow a bit of conversation between the lovers or anyone else that was nearby. “I’m almost there,” panted Angela; while hoping that Champion was ready to cum also. Give me you puppy, Darling, fertilize my egg… don’t let it go to waste,” she pleaded and there was no mistaking the earnestness of the request by the sound of her voice and the look in her eyes.

“Now…” groaned Angela as she began to quiver, feeling his hot seed shoot into her in an attempt to do as she had requested. She tried to ride the wave without going over the edge, but she missed as she had twice before.

Jill caught the intense moment. “Oh, Angela, I can’t wait for you to see this when you awaken. She did pause the recording a bit, but began anew as soon as she saw her friend begin to revive.

“Oh… he makes me feel so good,” cooed Angela as she looked toward Jill while hugging Champion close to her. “He causes mini-quakes to continue with each and every spurt of his sperm that he shoots into my womb.”

“Tell me again, Angela,” asked Jill as she refocused on her friend’s face what is it that you want him to do to you?”

“I want him to make me pregnant,” she averred strongly. “He has his doggy cock buried in my pussy and aligned with my uterus. He’s pumping his hot sperm into me even now, and I want him to knock me up so that I can bear a puppy for him; I think it would be so… cool after all he did for me and saving me from being raped.”

Jill smiled, and then carefully shifted around until she had a good view of where Angels and Champion were locked together. She got there just in time to catch his hefty piece of doggy meat as it began slipping from within her blonde lover. Some fluids slurped out, but not nearly as much as she had thought there would be. She then surmised that it would eventually seep out later as it drained from the uterus.

Jill chuckled as Champion began cleaning Angela’s bare mound and then turned to clean himself. “You are going to have to put a pad on when we go to my place, Sweetheart,”

“Yeah, I know, I had to wear one yesterday also,” returned Angela, “he fucked me good just before I went out the door, but just like then… I wouldn’t change a thing.”

The girls continued to talk about what had just happened as they dressed. They threw Angela’s clothes into suitcases, and even a few clean garbage bags; anything that would keep them clean as they moved her few things to Jill’s place.

Within two hours the girls managed to pack and load everything that belonged to the young blonde into the two cars, but there were also some things she just left behind or simply threw out; she even called her land lord, and the guy wasn’t happy, but he smoothed it over by letting her know that he would keep her deposit if there was any new damage or the fact that he couldn’t rent it again within the days that remained of her term.

Jill led the way to her house; she was glad that her parents were going to be gone for at least another week; it fit her agenda completely. They had known about her previous lover and although they still hoped that she would someday find a guy to become involved with… they accepted what she wanted for the moment.


Chapter 11

The girls had just left the rental premises behind by five minutes, when a large dark SUV pulled to a stop across the street. The heavily tinted windows didn’t allow other drivers or the police to look into the interior of the vehicle, but the driver was unobstructed in being able to look out; it was as close to being illegally tinted as it could be and still get away with it.

Jason Baxter had a bad feeling about this particular contract. The intuitive itch began nearly the moment that he decided to take it on. He knew very few people willing to fork out two hundred thousand dollars for a simple stud dog; despite the fact that he thought that the German Shepherd was well built and beautifully marked; he wasn’t a pedigree specialist.

Jason had gotten this first good lead at a bar as some guy complained about being bitten. The place was over fifty miles south of where the dog had somehow escaped unharmed; after the cage had been broken open during a terrible storm that had killed ten people.

Jason had sat back at first and simply listened as the drinker grumbled to the bartender, and anyone else who would listen that a big German Shepherd had bitten him for no reason.

Jason had waited until the guy’s mug was just about empty, and them he approached the guy and introduced himself. He told the barkeep to refill the mug and then sat down close to his new friend and started asking questions.

It wasn’t too long before he had a far more accurate story, told somewhat surreptitiously so that others would not hear the exact details, but even then his rough handling of Angela was toned way down despite the fact that the anger toward both girl and dog remained.

“So you think that she took the dog home?” asked had Jason.

Greg had grimaced. He wasn’t sure, but the damn mutt was with her for several minutes after the incident. It had taken him a while to get back to my car and when he drove away fifteen minutes after the incident he saw the Shepherd sitting next to her as obedient as some show dog.

Greg had thought for a moment. He remembered that Angela had a soft spot for animals. If the dog was still with her it would probably hurt her if she lost it to its original owners. He told Jason where the girl lived, and that she was also a student at a particular local college.

Jason left the bar knowing that the animal could be the dog that he was hunting for. He had gotten the address to where the girl lived and was now looking at it across the street. He would have to watch it for a while to see what developed.


Chapter 12

The trip to Jill’s parent’s place was only a half hour drive. The semi-rich debutante punched in the gate code and they were soon driving the two hundred yards under the canopy of trees that it required to get to the circular drive and parking area.

Jill was the first out of her vehicle and she greeted Angela the young blonde emerged from the other car. “Welcome to your new home, Darling,” she offered and then they kissed. “I’ll make sure that you have the gate code before you go anywhere.”

Angela had been a bit apprehensive about the move, but Jill assured her that there would be no problems with the parents when they eventually returned.

The girls got most of the baggage squared away first, but then they took a break. It was hot out already, and Jill assured Angela that there was a pool out back that was beckoning to them.

Once the girls got to Jill’s room they quickly shed their clothes and Angela began looking for her swimsuit. She was stopped almost immediately as the young brunette handed her a thin terry robe. “All you’ll need is this while Mom and Dad are away.”

The girls were soon in the pool and cavorting around like water nymphs. They did swim, but they also teased each mercilessly. Caressing breasts, but also seeing how long they could hold their breath as they jammed a finger within each other’s warm depths and tantalizing the clit with their tongues at the same time. By the time they hopped out of the pool a little while later they were ready to really jump each other’s bones.

The girls didn’t get very far with what they had planned, someone else usurped their wills. They had gotten into a very comfortable 69 arrangement when Champion decided to join in, but Jill nixed the idea quickly; she didn’t care if someone managed to catch her and her lover together, but she still wanted to keep her new appetite of doggy a secret.

Champion wanted Jill, but when she told him to wait, he backed off, and the girls parted. “We need to take this inside where we can be sure that we can really enjoy it fully,” she explained.

Angela agreed, but she did mention that she thought that it might be a bit of a thrill to be taken out side at some point in the future. Jill had agreed… just as long as it wasn’t where they would be immediately known if they were seen.

The girls ended up going to Jill’s bedroom, and they were just about ready to go at it again when Champion took over. He pushed the young brunette backwards until she fell onto her back on the bed and then he went to work on her.

Jill squawked a bit as she was bowled over by Champion, but then she realized how he had maneuvered her into that particular arrangement, and she was impressed. He was between her legs and licking her even before her feet really touched the floor.

Champion had Jill moaning in no time and Angela debated as to whether or not she should video the event, but she opted not to. Her own hands went to her own perky tits, and slid through her valley as she began to stimulate herself; wishing that she was at the receiving end of the dog’s talented tongue.

Jill became even more animated and loud as her orgasm approached. She was soon quivering and attempting to hold Champion closer as she spasmed over and over.

Champion had good timing and sensed when to move on. He gently broke away from Jill’s grasp and began licking her clit and then continued upward. He was soon bathing one firm brown tipped breast or the other with his hot tongue.

He continued even higher after that and he began licking her mouth in a way that was more of a kiss than anything else, and it was while she was chuckling about him being such a semi-slobbering lover boy that she realized that she was also being invaded.

Jill’s comments about his oral lovemaking ceased as her eyes grew slightly wider and moaned at the arrival and entry of his hot shaft. Two inches slipped into easily, because of her previous orgasm and his precum, but it was quickly followed by the rest of his cock until only the beginning of his knot remained outside.

Champion’s hot seven inches began to move within her core; slowly at first, but eventually picking up speed that was unattainable by human partners. Jill was soon moaning pleasurably and gasping. She barely had breath to say anything but a few bits and pieces of encouragement did pass her lips as she urged her lover to keep doing what he was doing.

If you had asked Jill how long Champion had pounded her baby cradle as she held him close she would have guessed about thirty minutes, but it was actually more ten before her second orgasmic wave hit her.

Sticking to his game plan, Champion waited for his lover to settle a bit and then he began searching for just the right angle of alignment. Jill felt it within her core, and Angela witnessed it also as she ran her slick fingers through her slit.

Within moments Champion had what he wanted and Jill was now coherent enough to realize what was happening also. He hunched forward and she lifted upward. The young brunette felt the sizable ball of flesh split her labial lips and Angela saw the results of it all. One moment the knot was seeking entry and the next it vanished and the young woman and the dog were tied together for the duration.

Within Jill, Champion’s pointed cock nudged into her cervical opening perfectly and the knot came to rest against her G-spot. Through it all the clit was not abandoned either; as they began rocking each other’s world once more his penile sheath excited the external nub with very satisfying results.

For five slow-motion minutes the interspecies couple ground themselves at each other where they were blissfully joined. As Angela saw the look on Jill’s face she began to wish she had gotten the video camera. The determination to draw Champion’s life giving sperm from his body was quite evident, and her whispered words of encouragement matched her efforts.

Champion, being more than an average dog did not necessarily understand all of Jill’s words, but what he lacked in vocabulary understanding he more than made up for in sensing the moment. He could feel her craving and hunger for what he had; just as it had been with the light haired babe. Both of them wanted his puppies so he endeavored to do just that.

When the time was right he unloaded what he had; right into the brunette’s womb. His sperm would not have to search hard for any eggs that lay within the hallowed halls of her incubator. She had begun her third orgasm as he began his first, and it was perfect.

Jill felt the first three jet-like eruptions of Champion’s sperm as the hot essence was shot into her uterus, but after that she was once more able to remain completely coherent and she passed out. She hadn’t wanted to pass on into semi-oblivion, but she couldn’t stop it.

“Wow,” was all Angela muttered softly as she watched her friend pass out. She knew what had happened and she only hoped that the next time that she faced the same point that she would be able to hang on and not do the same thing. She didn’t want to miss a moment of the incredible feeling.

Jill awoke five minutes later, and she did get to revel in the feel of Champion’s cock still buried deep within her, but it was still ebbing away and ten minutes after that he pulled out of her. She was quick to sit up and hug him as best she could as he cleaned her, but then he turned away and took care of himself. She saw him than and she knew that he had shrunk down considerably by that time but she still marveled that she had had his sizable cock inside her, and it sent a twinge of excitement through her; wanting him again even now.


Chapter 13

Angela had managed to get a little satisfaction out of all that had happened, but she too was definitely looking forward to having Champion mount her and fuck her silly. She knew that she would never consider sharing a man with another woman, but in this instance it just seemed to be the thing to do.

She was contemplating trying to get Champion to mount her even now, but things were interrupted as her cell phone rang. It turned out to be a return call from her landlord and he was irate; screaming about the things written on the walls of her apartment and that it was going to cost her more than her next month’s rent and the security deposit.

Both girls were perplexed, they had no idea what the landlord was talking about but it became evident that they had to go and check it out; the man would be waiting for them.

What no one realized was that Jason had gotten tired of waiting for the girl’s to return so he decided to do a little bit of illegal entry activity to see if the mutt had come home with her and was still around if it had.

Jason was good at getting into places, and he hadn’t had to break anything to gain entry in over ten years. He walked up to the apartment door in question and quicker than most people use their keys, he was inside; almost as though he belonged there.

Jason wasn’t in the apartment for more than a minute before he was cursing under his breath. It was very evident to him that the girl had recently vacated the place, but more importantly it also looked as though she had an animal with her. It wasn’t much to go on but he did find a few dark hairs that would match the canine that he was looking for.

On a whim, Jason decided to stir things up a bit and got a marker out of his pocket. He began doodling on the wall with very disparaging remarks about the landlord; he was fairly certain that it would cause a confrontation between the concerned parties, and he might just be able to find out where she went.

He had no idea how well it would all work until he had to quickly vacate the place via the back door as the man in question arrived to check on the recently vacated premises. He was even able to hear some of the loud conversation that took place between the old tenant and the landlord.

At Jill’s place two very unhappy young ladies hurriedly got cleaned up and then dressed. In the process the young brunette asked if she could borrow one of her lover’s panty liners; fairly certain that she would need it after the hot filling that Champion had given her.

Angela smiled and pulled a small box of the items out of her suitcase. She had no sooner given her friend the requested item when she picked up her own panties. She reached to strip the old liner from them, certain that there would be dried residue there and she wanted to get rid of it before she tossed them into the wash. What she found however amazed her.

Angela looked at her undergarment closely, noting that there was very little stain anywhere on the pad. It puzzled her because she was certain that several ounces of Champion’s sperm should have drained out of her after their bout the previous day but there was none that she could see. It was as though her body had absorbed everything that he had pumped into her.

The phenomena puzzled her and she thought back even further to when Champion had mated with her the very first time, and then she had gone to bed. It dawned on her now that nothing had leaked from her during the night; her bed had been dry. She mentioned nothing of her observation, but as she watched Jill use the pad and then put the panties on she tried to remind herself to check later to see if her friend experienced the same thing.

When the girl’s got to Angela’s apartment they were both surprised and angry at what they found. The denied everything, and yet the landlord demanded an accounting; which they could not give. The walls had been clean when they left, and except for a bit of the usual cleanup, it should not have taken much to get ready for the next tenants.

The landlord was still a bit peeved about the markings, but he had to admit that the girls were either consummate actresses as they denied writing on the walls… or totally innocent. That however left it to the fact that someone had entered their place and then tried to get them in trouble on purpose, or was simply trying to piss him off at their expense. He didn’t know which, but he had always thought he had a good relationship with his renters; it was all very puzzling.

The girls left the old apartment once more about twenty minutes after arriving. What they didn’t realize was that they now had a shadow, and it followed them all the way home.

When Jill entered the gate at her parent’s home she did what she always did, sped through the opening and never looked back. As she parked her Mercedes ML 420 CDI she never realized that another vehicle was not far behind her.

Even as the girls got out of Jill’s car another dark vehicle pulled in behind them. The young brunette saw the other as an intrusion and immediately challenged the driver as he emerged; she even had her finger on the police strength pepper spray that she carried; it was the good stuff.

“Who are you and what are you doing on my property. I insist that you leave immediately or I’ll call the police and have you removed,” Jill threatened as she moved toward Angela so that they could both be protected.

“Cool you jets, Honey, I’m not looking to hurt anyone, but I am looking for a certain dog that I think that you have in your possession. It got away from its owner during a bad storm that did a lot of damage, and he’s looking for it,” Jason responded as he reached for a piece of paper that had a color photograph of the animal in question.

Very slowly Jason stepped toward the girls with the paper out in front of him as far as his arm would reach. The young women looked at the picture and he could see immediately that they recognized the mutt, but then they tried to hide it. “Uh… no, we haven’t seen this dog,” lied Angela.

“Really, then you wouldn’t mind if I looked around,” added Jason quickly.

“We would definitely mind,” returned Jill, but before she could say much more the guy grabbed her and had the keys to the house out of her grasp, and the pepper spray went with it.

Before either girl could really react after that, he had both of the girls by the scruff of the neck and was ushering them toward the door. He released the blonde just long enough to unlock the entryway and then pushed them inside.

The girls half expected to meet up with Champion as the door opened, but it didn’t happen. They felt a bit of relief, but not much more; they were certain that the dog that they had was the one in the picture, but they didn’t want this guy to get his hands on their four footed lover.

Jill tried to get to her cell phone, but he stopped her. Sorry little lady, but no outgoing calls at the moment, and thank you for not setting your alarm system. He then continued to move them about like puppets and squeezed their neck harshly if they resisted.

The girls had no idea where Champion was, but a somewhat thorough search of the premises failed to locate him; only the fact that he had possibly been there remained. His food bowl and watering dish were still sitting there. Jill hadn’t set the alarm because she was afraid the he would set it off somehow, and she hadn’t wanted the hassle with the security people.

“Like I said before,” growled Jill, the dog isn’t here she managed as the creep continued to manhandle them.

“But he was here,” said Jason angrily, unsure as to where the mutt had vanished too, but certain that the dog had been here not too long ago.

Jason didn’t turn loose of the girls just yet, but ushered them out to the front of the house. He wouldn’t release them until he was ready to leave; at least that was his plan. It all changed when he got to his vehicle and saw that he had a flat tire. Something had chewed a hole in the sidewall, of the front driver’s wheel; which had not been an easy thing to do.

Jason unceremoniously released the girls in a way that sent them sprawling to the ground and ordered them to stay there. He then pulled a small but powerful two shot pistol from his pants pocket and searched for a viable target, but he found none; he had a feeling that the dog was no longer there, but it had been.

Jason changed the tire on his vehicle in near record time, Wondering as he looked at the damage that had been done to the wheel just what kind of animal he was really looking for. He had never heard of a dog flattening a tire as this one seemed to have done; he definitely had a few questions to ask the doctors.


Chapter 14

With the tire changed Jason quickly got out his cell phone and punched in Dr. Xavier’s number. It wasn’t long before he was speaking to the man and filling him in on all that he had found so far. He also told the scientist that as far as he was concerned that the search was off; the prospect of receiving two hundred thousand dollars with the return of the animal was tempting, but the hunt was lingering on, and he didn’t like lengthy engagements with only the golden pot at the end of the rainbow.

It was at that point that Dr. Xavier offered him a hundred dollars a day, plus normal living expenses; which Jason accepted for at least a little longer; he had been close.

It was then that he asked about the dog’s strengths in particular and learned that the doctors were uncertain as to how strong the animal might be, they were just about to begin running tests when the storm struck. What Dr Xavier didn’t add however was the fact that all the other lab experiments showed greatly heightened abilities; strength, eyesight, speed, intelligence, and that Zeta contained all of them.

Jason was just about to end the call when Dr Xavier asked one last question; which was very provocative, but yet as he looked at the two girls that sat on the short trimmed grass in front of him he smirked; anything to get a rise out of this pair of hot looking babes.

Jason moved closer to the girls and looked down at them. “The owner of the doggy you two took in for a few days wants to know if you had sex with the animal?”

Both girls looked aghast and then indignant. They did it so well that Jason, who could usually tell if someone was lying, was totally fooled. He had thought that it was a stupid question to begin with but he couldn’t resist tweaking the girls with it.

Jason informed the Dr. that the girls had had no interaction with the dog in that manner, and assured the man that he was very certain that they were telling the truth. He then finished his call and bid the babes farewell; throwing the key chain several feet away before driving off in search of the huge Shepherd once more; wishing for the umpteenth time that the scientists had put some kind of a tracking device on the mutt.

When Jason pulled away the girls finally arose from the grass, and Jill went to get her keys. She ached, and so did Angela; there were small bruises forming around their neck areas where the man had held them tight, but at least he hadn’t tried anything else.

The girls then went inside, angry about what had happened and yet pleased that Champion had gotten away. They were going to miss him, but even as they entered the house they began planning on getting another dog; one that they could train to do certain things and one that no one would come looking for; they had no idea that two such animals would arrive shortly and they wouldn’t even have to go looking for them.


Chapter 15

Zeta was long gone, and he had hated to leave, but he was fairly certain that the strange vehicle that had pulled up behind the girl’s car was not friendly and would do anything to put him back in the cage he had been fortunate to escape from. He went with that assumption immediately.

He had unlocked the deadbolt on the back door and then quietly exited the place; even as the trio was entering the front. He ran around to where the cars were parked and then took a bit out of the front sidewall of the tire; it would give him a better head start.

Zeta knew when to injure slightly; as he had when he rescued the blonde babe. He wanted the guy to be able to run away; it was why he hadn’t bitten the man’s leg so hard that the Tibia or Fibula had broken. There was a time to injure, a time to do great bodily harm and a time to kill… and he knew know when those times were called for.

After flattening the tire Zeta made a beeline for the front gate. The metal fence and brickwork that surrounded the place was eight foot high and barbwire strewn at the top. He could have jumped it, but he really didn’t need to; he simply activated the opener like any other thinking person would do.

He had no real idea where he was at the moment, but he planned to rectify that situation as quickly as possible. He would head toward civilization at first, and then once he had his bearings he would begin anew. He had headed south the first time, but he would go in a different direction next.

Even as Zeta went looking for a map of sorts, Jason set out to begin his hunt anew also, trying to figure out where a dog would go next, and definitely not giving his quarry the intelligence that was due this particular animal. That however, was Dr. Xavier’s fault for not letting him know exactly what he would be up against.

It wasn’t long before Zeta found a roadside rest stop. He waited until as much of the path was clear as possible; it was a very busy area. He quickly ran up to the glass covered map and perused it; noting the ‘you are here’ red dot along the Interstate corridor.

He memorized it quickly and was just about to leave the area when a young girl yelled out “Look, mommy, the doggy’s trying to read the map.”

Zeta didn’t stick around after that, but he smiled within, knowing that he had thrilled someone that day. He headed west form the rest stop, but where most travelers would remain on the roadway, he took the shortcut; through the woods.

To most it made no difference which way the animal went, but to one who was already lost and in trouble it did. Jenna was that person, and although she considered herself to be self-sufficient in many ways she suddenly found that she knew absolutely nothing when it came to the outdoors.

Jenna was beautiful, and smart in school, but she had no practical learning when it came to much else. She wanted to visit her father since her parents were divorced and she hadn’t seen him in two years; though they did have a good relationship; it was just that he was always busy, but he promised to make time for them when she arrived.

Instead of listening to her mother and flying the six hundred miles, she wanted independence and opted to drive. After all, she had a GPS and felt empowered to do anything she wanted.

Things were going good until Jenna made one wrong turn, and then as she tried to correct it she opted for a path less traveled, and yet to her it seemed evident that it was the shorter of the two routes available. She was soon so deep into the countryside that everything was miles apart.

For Jenna, things went from… not so good, to bad and then to worse. What she didn’t realize was that she would soon be in dire straits.

The weather turned bad, and even though Jenna thought she was following the right path she made another wrong turn; it was raining fairly heavy and she was concentrating on the thin two lane road she was driving on. She didn’t realize her mistake until the taunting voice of the GPS system blared out “recalculating.”

Jenna stopped immediately… or at least tried to; her vehicle slid several feet despite the antilock braking system. It was semi-dark, and visibility was terrible but she realized that she had somehow gotten onto a dirt road.

With none of the vents in the car really set up to keep her windows clear it was hard for her to see anything. She decided to go forward until she could find a place to turn around.

After going farther than she liked, Jenna thought that she had finally found a place for her to make a u-turn of sorts. Her front wheels just missed dropping off the hard part of the gravel roadway, but when she backed up… she went too far.

One moment Jenna thought that she had succeeded in getting out of the lost debacle and the next she found that her vehicle was being sucked into a deep culvert, and it was already half full of water.

Before Jenna realized it her small compact was on it’s side in a deep ditch that she could barely see the top of. Water was running into the vehicle from the passenger side, and it was getting very close to her by the time she determined that she had to get out or possibly drown.

Jenna barely had enough light to see what she was doing. She was smart enough to realize that she would never be able to open her car door, so she rolled the window down and then shut off the engine to her car and removed the keys; the thing wasn’t going anywhere soon, but she still wanted to maintain possession of the thing that assured her that she was the owner of the stuck vehicle.

Jenna got out of her seatbelt and in the dim light even managed to find her purse, but it was full of water, and her cell phone was at the bottom of it and already dead.

Frustrated at the loss of her phone, Jenna managed to get out of the vehicle via the open window. She didn’t worry about the rain that would enter it; the car was already half full of water and probably be worthless of anything but scrap metal before the night was over. What irked her was that she was unable to get to either one of her two bags, but at least she had found her purse and it’s wet contents.

Jenna was no athlete. If anything she was waifish looking with long dark hair and ample breasts, despite her thinness. It was a gift from her mother, where her high metabolism came from her father.

Knowing that she wasn’t too strong, she tossed her purse onto the road and attempted the upward six foot leap that it would require to get her out of the deepening water culvert. She set her eyes on what looked to be a broken metal post and went for it.

Everything was slippery, but she got lucky, the broken tube sticking from the ground was small enough in diameter to assist her. She landed flat on her stomach and it knocked the wind out her for a moment, but she held on.

Jenna was afraid that if she missed her attempt the first time that she might not get another. She pulled with all her might and eventually managed to get a toe hold also. She was soon lying on her back on the dirt roadway above; she was safe for the moment at least.

Jenna heard a noise, and sat up. She thought she saw a huge dog, but then another noise caught her attention and when she realized what it was she arose; there was a car approaching.

Jenna breathed a sigh of relief as she saw the pickup truck’s lights. She waved her arms frantically, but it really wouldn’t have been necessary, not on the small road on which she stood.

The two young men within the pickup could hardly believe what they were seeing. They were just wondering what they were going to do for the rest of the night when fate delivered the answer right into their lap. They quickly got out of their truck and offered their assistance, but even as they did; Jenna became leery of their intentions; precipitated by the way they looked at her.

Jenna declined their offer and told them that she already had a tow truck called, and that it was on it’s way, but they laughed at her. They then tried to get her to enter the pickup. She began to resist but they were far stronger than she was.

One of the guys eventually grabbed her right breast and was in the process of squeezing it in an effort to get her to submit. He suddenly let go of her and began screaming. Something had a hold of his leg, and was tearing it to shreds.

The guy on the driver’s side had no idea what had happened to his partner, but he didn’t want to lose the girl and suddenly she had managed to slip away from him. He quickly jumped out his door and tried to cut her off, but in the process he ran straight into the jaws the largest German Shepherd he had ever seen.

Where his partner was now nursing a broken leg, he found that it was his upper extremity that suffered the abuse. He saw the jaws of the dog clamp onto his left arm, and the next thing he realized was the fact that his forearm was broken. Wham-bam and it was over; all he could think of after that was to get out of there.

The girl was running away, but the boys were in no condition to give chase. It took them a while to get into the truck, but they knew even then where they would be spending the rest of their night; the driver headed for the closest hospital; thinking up a plausible story for their injuries, and none of it contained a girl that they had tried to rape.

Jenna was glad to see that the pickup truck was leaving, and although she had no idea the true extent of the guys’ injuries she knew that her freedom, despite its lousy conditions at the moment was because some huge dog had intervened on her part.

When Jenna first saw the huge dog trotting her way she shied away from it at first, but she soon realized that it meant her no harm; in fact, it seemed to be doing everything short of talking to get her to follow him, so she complied.

After a few minutes, Jenna and the dog came to a small shack. There were no cars outside the rundown building, but at least it did seem to offer some escape from the rain which was still coming down quite heavy. The only redeeming quality to her wet conditions was the fact that it wasn’t too cold outside at the moment.

Following the dog’s urging Jenna followed the huge canine into the shack. Inside she had a hard time finding anything, but she eventually stumbled upon a light, and an old oil type lantern; which she managed to get lit.

Using the meager light that the lamp offered Jenna was soon able to find a glass that wasn’t too dirty looking and a blanket that was dry and didn’t smell too bad. She was soon getting out of her wet things and hanging them to dry as best possible; draping the cloths on anything available and still watching the water run from them after wringing them out.

Jenna was sitting in a morose looking lump, huddled under the small blanket when the Shepherd began getting playful; at least that was what she thought it was. Right up to the point where he dropped a bar of soap in her lap, and then she began to understand his antics a whole lot more.

Hearing the heavy downpour outside and finding the soap in her lap finally got her to thinking. Her clothes were still mud encrusted and dirty, and so was she. If she acted fast enough she would be able to take advantage of the rain, clean up, and then await the sun’s arrival in the morning.

Jenna carefully laid the blanket aside and then gathered her things. She took it all outside and then began to work up a soapy lather on everything, herself included, and she suddenly felt as though she had been cast into the past, but it felt good; even a bit sexy.

Jenna was uncertain as to how long she washed her clothes and then herself, but in the end everything was clean, and the rain was still coming down heavily; he could not remember the last time she had seen it rain so hard.

When Jenna stepped into the shack this time she was clean, and so were her clothes. She wrung them out again and soon had them hanging once more; she doubted that they would get dry, but at least they would be clean, and damp at the most.

Once the clothes were hung to dry, Jenna tried to sit again, but there wasn’t much to use except a rundown looking bed. She plopped herself on it at its edge.

When the rain-washed young lady re-seated herself on the bed she felt clean, but she was still frustrated. Before much else could happen she found the dog in front of her, and before she realized it his nose was under the small blanket.

Zeta took the young brunette’s seated stance as a bit of an offering. After all, from where he had been sitting he could see her bald mound, and it looked good. His tongue made contact and the girl squawked with surprise, but she didn’t try to push him away; she was too stunned.

Jenna felt the first exploratory lick and was surprised at the sensation. The one that quickly followed was even deeper, but this time she did react. She grabbed the dog’s head and lifted it to where she could look it right in the face; hoping that it didn’t bite her as she suddenly recalled that putting your face directly in front of a canine’s mouth was not really a good thing to do.

As Jenna began to catch her breath, she looked deep into the Shepherd’s eyes. “You really surprised me a moment ago, and I can’t say that it wasn’t a nice one. I had a friend that let her dog lick her to orgasm; I saw them do it about a month ago, and I was tempted to try it, but we were interrupted. Maybe this time I can find out what it’s all about,” she continued as she rubbed his head and caressed his ears.

After her small confession she pulled the blanked back completely and spread her legs slightly. “I have a lot to thank you for; you saved me from those creeps and then brought me here to this shack. It might not be much, but it’s better than the alternative. Not only that, but I have a good idea that you will be very discrete and never kiss and tell,” she giggled.

Seeing that the young brunette was now offering herself to him he moved in once more. He started slowly and stepped it up from there. It wasn’t too long before the girl was lifting her legs and spreading them even wider; cooing and moaning her delight as he not only scarfed her cookie’s center but tantalized her delicate rosebud also.

Jenna was no stranger to self-pleasure; it was all she had ever really experienced; managing to get a hold of one of her mother’s forgotten smaller toys. She had cleaned it up, and then used it on herself. It hurt the first time, but she had expected it, and after that what she felt was heavenly.

The orgasm that hit Jenna was more intense than anything she had ever experienced. She became short of breath and was barely aware of the fact the things had changed until the dog was standing over her as she lay back.

“Oh, Baby, you sure know how to lick a girl into submission,” Jenna cooed as she reached up, caressed his neck and looked into his eyes. It wasn’t until she felt a hot probe enter her slick lower lips that her eyes widened and she realized that the love session was far from over. “Oh my god…”

Jenna’s breath was expelled in surprise once more as inch after inch invaded her depths, but she didn’t shy away from it. “You better not kiss and tell about this,” she managed to groan, but those were her last coherent words for a while.

Zeta began thrusting into her in earnest; far faster than she had ever tried to do on herself; she had never imagined anything like this. His hot cock felt so good as it pistoned in and out of her. She hugged him to her and even though he was damp he was warm and it didn’t take away from of what she was feeling.

Jenna’s next orgasm washed over her and she noted that the dog slowed what he was doing. Her pussy spasms were almost gone when he began moving again. She felt him shift around inside of her and then it was as though something slipped into place perfectly.

Jenna felt her lover jam his cock ball against her pussy mouth anew, and she responded by doing the same; thrusting against him as hard as possible. There was a slight twinge of pain, but it vanished quickly; to be followed by pure euphoria.

“Ohhh… Loverboy, you can have me like this any time you want,” offered Jenna, as they slowly crushed their pelvic regions into each other over and over. Once more she could feel her orgasm building but she felt the dog ejaculate first; it finished her off and she orgasmed also; unfortunately it was so intense that she passed out.

Zeta nuzzled the girl below him as his maleness twitched; sending his sperm deep within his dark-haired lover. She didn’t smell like the others had, but he knew that if they were together long enough that she would; he would stick with her for as long as it was safe to do so.

Jenna had no idea how long she had been passed out, but the fact that she still had Loverboy deep inside her pussy led her to believe that it hadn’t been too long; she could still feel her own pussy twinges as he continued to squirt his essence into her.

The interspecies couple stayed attached for another ten minutes, and Jenna kissed and hugged him almost the entire time. “Oh…, Loverboy, if my egg was available to you, you would probably be impregnating me even now. The funny thing is that although I don’t want any children for a while yet… I don’t think that I would mind carrying your puppy in my belly,” she confessed as she also made eye contact with him.

Jenna didn’t expect a response, but he kissed her doggy style and then he woofed twice in quick succession, and she could have sworn she heard ‘thank you,’ as though he was pleased that she wanted him make her pregnant with his puppy.

When the time came for them to finally part and she was able to see what had been inside her she gasped. Loverboy was nearly twice the length and girth of the plastic dildo, and the fact that all that meat had been in her body made her shudder, but it also made her hungry for it anew; she definitely had plans to be with him again in the very near future. Suddenly getting back on the road and to her father’s house was secondary.

Jenna had managed to get a glimpse of Lovergoy, but then he surprised her by cleaning up her vaginal mound, and the fact that he had licked her clean and had just cum inside her did not send her outside into the rain to wash once more she left it as it was.

The young brunette suddenly found that she was tired, but when she realized that Loverboy would not fit on the small cot within the shack she looked for another means by which they could snuggle to together and sleep.

Jenna got a moment’s inspiration and took the mattress of the small bed and put it on the floor. She still used it for herself, but it did allow Loverboy to move close to her and be almost at her same level and it worked for them, she was able to drape an arm or leg over his body and they slept in as close proximity as possible.


Chapter 16

When Jenna finally awoke in the morning, Loverboy was right beside her. She had to go to the bathroom and since there was nothing inside she had to see what was outside. It wasn’t too hard to find the outhouse, but the smell of it in the heavy morning air caused her to wrinkle her nose at it; she opted to just squat in the grass to do her business and she noticed that Loverboy joined her; only he used the sidewall of the outhouse as his target of opportunity.

When Jenna went back inside, it shack still wasn’t much, but it did offer a bit of warmth compared to the outside; but then she was still entirely naked, but she didn’t feel subconscious about it. After all, mo one but Loverboy was around and her clothes were still a bit damp.

Jenna began snooping around the shack, wondering who and where the owner of the place was; unaware that the place was only used as a hunting or fishing location once or twice a month.

The young brunette managed to find a can of soup, and some spam. She ate the chicken noodle concoction full strength while offering the mixed meat to Loverboy; cutting it into smaller manageable pieces for him because she had heard that it was important that a dog had just the right size cuts of meat or they might choke on it; and she did want that to happen to him; if at all possible, she planned to keep him for a while; despite what her father or mother might say.

With breakfast out of the way Jenna gathered her clothes and took them outside. She would lay them in the sun and see if they could dry a bit more. It was then that she heard the sound of running water and went to investigate. What she found was a stream, and it fed a fairly large lake; there was even an old aluminum boat pulled ashore nearby.

Jenna tested the water with her foot, but found it a bit cold. It would have been refreshing to a certain point in the later heat of the day, but not just now. It was also very beautiful and pristine looking and that was when Loverboy reminded her of his presence.

Zeta semi-goosed the lovely brunette and she squawked, but then she turned and stooped until she could hug him. “Well good morning to you too,” she chuckled and then she was bowled over slightly and landed on her butt in the cool grass near the lip of the lake.

Zeta started right in after that, and with only a few swipes of his tongue had Jenna moaning once more. She lay back, propped up on her one elbow and reached out to stroke Loverboy’s neck. “This is almost like a honeymoon,” she opined, thinking of how it would be to make love before bed and then again when you arose.

Jenna’s first orgasm claimed her fast; the setting and how she was being seduced was perfect and lent to the ability to climax quickly.

Jenna was just beginning to wonder how she would be able to lift her mid-section up and give Loverboy the access to her that he would need next when he began to gently nudge her side. It wasn’t long after that before she got the picture; he wanted to take her like he would any other female doggy.

Jenna smiled and got to her knees quickly; thinking about what he was going to do to her next. She remembered seeing two dogs fucking, and now she was going to feel what it was like for the female to be submissive to the male. “I’m ready for you, Darling,” she cooed, “come and get me, give me you hot cock and put your puppies into me,” she offered as she wiggled her butt temptingly.

The young brunette’s offer was not refused and within moments Loverboy was covering her back and searching for her pussy with his hot rocket. There were two gentle probes, and then success as he found the target that she had provided him.

Loverboy’s cock entered her several inches and it felt good, but what followed was even better despite the fact that it momentarily robbed her of her breath. The dog’s hot meat was soon seated within her vaginal vault and beginning to move, and the sensations it created within her were wonderful; so much better than the borrowed dildo; she doubted that the plastic tube would ever satisfy her needs again.

Jenna was covered by the huge Shepherd and she loved the feel of his dominance; she had no idea she would revel in such a thing because she liked her independence, and yet this was obviously different; she doubted that she would want some guy treating her this way.

Loverboy started thrusting into her with increased speed and urgency and she was soon panting and moaning her pleasure. She began quaking as her orgasm claimed her and she barely noticed that he was holding still as her vaginal tube squeezed her hot rod; trying to milk it of its essence already.

As Jenna’s orgasm subsided she felt his cock probing within her anew and she arched her back even more to give her Loverboy the access to her that he needed.

Jenna felt the tip of the dog’s penis edge into her cervical opening and when it did his knot began to squeeze its way into her. She pushed back in an effort to take it in and within moments he had passed beyond her labia and settled within her vault itself; even to the point where it rubbed against her G-spot.

Jenna lost her ability to speak at first but she regained it eventually and then began urging Loverboy to fill her with his puppies. She knew that it was now that he would deliver his life-giving sperm into her depths and she was ready for it; at least to a point; she only wished that she had recently ovulated to really give it all a chance for the miracle to take place.

Jenna felt the beginning jets of sperm and her orgasm claimed her as she reveled in the feel of his fluids entering her. She didn’t want it to happen, she wanted to remember everything, but it didn’t happen that way; her forearms collapsed and her head landed on top of them; the only reason she didn’t slump to the ground completely was that he held her in place with his forelegs and the hot shaft that was still within her depths.

Only two minutes passed, but Jenna still regretted the loss of all that had happened. She was pleased however to feel that he was still deep within her, and that he was still sending spurts of his essence into her.

Jenna was glad that the grass and soil beneath her knees was soft. She remained with Loverboy’s thick cock within her for another ten minutes. She hated the empty feeling as he pulled out of her, but it was quickly followed by a good clean up of her vaginal mound.

Once Loverboy was done cleaning her up he went to work on himself, but he was hampered slightly as she hugged him to her and rubbed her breasts against his fur. She loved the feel of it, and she also noticed his smell, it was not doggy like as she would have expected; it puzzled her.


Chapter 17

Jenna groaned and sighed, but it wasn’t because she felt marooned or tired; it was because she knew that she had to get dressed and then leave this pristine ideal setting; her father would be worrying about her.

Jenna finally managed to get to her feet and as she walked toward her clothes she noted that Loverboy was right by her side. She reached down to pet him, which wasn’t hard to do; she didn’t even have to extend her arm completely or even stoop to accomplish the task; his head was right where she could reach it easily.

When Jenna began checking on her garments she found that they were almost dry, and warm from the sun. She put her bra on and then picked up her panties and had a bit of a mental battle with herself. She had first thought to leave them off; just in case Loverboy wanted her again, but then she remembered that she had shorts to put on, and it would be just as easy to take both garments off at the same time; besides, it would keep the coarser material of the outer garment from possibly rubbing her the wrong way and making it hard to enjoy his next mounting; and she was looking forward to that.

Once Jenna was dressed she entered the shack one more time. She straightened it up a bit, found a piece of paper and wrote a hasty note of thanks; explaining the predicament she had found herself in; minus the sexual side with Loverboy, and then left ten dollars for the food they had eaten.

Jenna had no idea which way to go, but as soon as she and Loverboy set out, he seemed to take the lead, and she simply followed. It wasn’t too long before they passed by her vehicle. It was now totally submerged, with the driver door several inches underwater; it was a complete loss. The only thing that bothered her however, was that her clothes were in the trunk; she couldn’t get at them, but at least there were no other valuables in the suitcase.

As for the Car, it was paid off long ago, and her father had promised her that he would get her a better one… when she really needed it; which seemed to be right about now.

Jenna and Champion walked for several hours, but she didn’t mind; she was in good company, and she didn’t worry about anyone bothering her the wrong way; not with the huge Shepherd by her side.

It was nearly mid-day before she finally got to a place where she could call her father. She told him what had happened… including the mess with the guys and how a huge dog had saved her, but she didn’t go beyond that. He told her to find a decent motel and stay there because he would be on his way within the hour. Jenna complied, but she made sure that he understood that the German Shepherd that had saved her was still with her, and that she intended to keep him.

Jenna managed to find a motel room that allowed pets. It wasn’t the best of places, but she didn’t care as long as Loverboy could stay with her. She paid a bit extra, but even that was okay as far as she was concerned.

Jenna called her father once more and told him exactly where she was and he assured her that he would be there by eight o’clock in the morning, so she settled in for the night early… after making sure that she and Loverboy had a light supper.

Jenna was pleased with the way things were working out, and was in her room for the night by 4:00 PM. She undressed to get a bath, removing her pants and panties to set them aside, and it was then that she noticed how clean it all was.

Jenna took a closer look at her panties, but there was nothing there in the crotch; at least not what she had expected, and then she remembered that even as she had walked to where they were currently staying she had not felt any discharge from when Loverboy had unloaded inside her uterus at the lake; it puzzled her.

Jenna bathed and then entered the main room where she lay back on the bed to air-dry the rest of the way. It wasn’t long however before she found that she wasn’t alone; Loverboy had been napping on the sofa, but he was awake now… and interested in her once more.

The young brunette did not hesitate to open her legs to him; she was almost instantly ready. It wasn’t too long before she experienced her first orgasm and then Loverboy mounted her in the missionary position; which she had come to like very easily; it allowed her to hug him as they moved together; even looking into his eyes and seeing things there that surprised her.

She had no idea where Loverboy came from, but the fact that he was no normal canine was very evident. Even as he thrust into her depths at locomotive speed there was more than a connection of their genitals; it was a meeting of the mind also, and she began to understand just how smart this particular animal was.

Jenna orgasmed and hugged her lover tight to her as she did; once more realizing that he was waiting for her to enjoy the fullness of the excitement that he had generated within her.

Once Jenna’s pulses died down she felt him probing anew and she encouraged it, in a husky whisper; knowing that she could not be too loud; she had already heard the female occupant to her left having an argument with about a guy about him… looking at some waitress with big boobs; she heard the whole thing, and eventually he had told her that she was nuts, and that he had eyes only for her. After that it was a whole new set of noises, and the girl was not very quiet when she finally came and then they must have passed out because it was the last she heard, but it was all she needed to know to alert her to the fact that she would have to watch what she did.

Jenna spurred Loverboy on, moving gently and giving supposed directions as to how to complete their union… and then the alignment was completed as the tip popped into place.”Yes…” she hissed, “you got me now, Darling; now give it to me completely. I can see it in your eyes that you want to give me your puppy, and it’s what I want also,” she confirmed as they pressed their groins together until he popped his knot into her.

The contented moan that followed the setting of the knot said it all, and yet each whispered murmur that followed set the tempo for the fact that there was an eruption on the horizon, and that it would be massive. The only thing Jenna hoped was that she wouldn’t faint again as she had previously, and miss even a second of the rapturous feeling of him trying to impregnate her.

Jenna and Loverboy rocked together in a coordinated effort; with her feeling the tip of his cock nudging her cervical opening perfectly; not splitting her open, but allowing the two mated pieces stimulate each other until the breaking point was achieved for the both of them.

Jenna passed over the top of the crest into a freefall of sorts, but at the last moment, she felt a glorious nudge; one that she desperately desired. Loverboy’s hot seed shot into her and made her soar even higher, and it wasn’t as though there were terrible consequences below that she had to worry about; the experience was nothing but glorious.

Jenna saw all kinds of bright colorful lights for a moment, but then they winked out of existence for several moments, and although she still felt euphoric, she sensed that she was missing out on something.

When Jenna awoke two minutes later, the brightest of the lights was gone, and so was the most intense feeling concerning the mating experience, but at least Loverboy’s thick cock was still buried within her hot chamber and she could still feel the weaker pulses as he continued to unload the last of his sperm into her uterus.

Jenna bemoaned the loss of consciousness, but she consoled herself by gently thrusting her pussy at Loverboy and enjoying the feel of his knot as it seemed to massage her G-spot. She managed to orgasm again and shortly after that they parted.

True to form, Loverboy cleaned her up, and then himself. After that they fell asleep together on top of the bed sheets. She slept contentedly, cuddled against him for warmth in one way or another.


Chapter 18

Jenna awoke at 7:30 in the morning, unsure as to why, until she noticed that Loverboy was awake. His hind legs were on the floor but his right paw was close to her, and had probably even nudged her.

Jenna sat up and swung her legs off the bed and onto the floor. Her actions put her close to where Loverboy stood, so he reached out and doggy kissed her.

“Mmmm, aren’t we affectionate this morning,” Jenna returned as she hugged him, remembering how well he had made love to her before she had fallen asleep.

Jenna arose and quickly to use the bathroom before dressing, but as she went to sit down on the toilet seat, she realized that it was up, like at home before her father left; it hadn’t been that way the night before… she was certain of it. She turned to face the room’s only other occupant. “Did you use the bathroom?”

Loverboy woofed softly and then looked away as though he was guilty, and had forgotten to redo the seat the way it was supposed to be for a girl. He flipped his tail quickly and the first part of the lid fell into place for her use.

Jenna chuckled and then finished what she needed to do. She suddenly remembered that her father was supposed to be there early; around 8:00 o’clock, and she was fairly certain that he would be there he was usually very punctual.

Jenna managed to snag a bowl of cereal and a little milk, but not much more before she saw her father pull into the motel’s parking lot; it was 8:05 AM. She also noted one other thing; her parent had noticed Loverboy where the large German Shepherd sat near the entrance to the office.

Alex Morrison did indeed notice the Shepherd and where it sat near the motel’s office. He had a feeling that it was the animal that his daughter had told him about the previous night. He got out of the car carefully and walked in that direction, but was totally surprised when the large canine laid down, as though it was showing how docile it could be.

Before Alex got too close to the doorway, Jenna emerged and was soon hugging him. “Thank you for coming to get me,” she offered. “There was a pretty bad storm in the area when I tried to pass through and I got mixed up. Before I knew it I was in a ditch full of water…”

“You already told me,” Alex cut her short. “Let’s just see if we can get this mess taken care of and be on our way. I really don’t want to spend my vacation time here in Timbuktu. As it is I’m still having qualms about taking the mutt with us,” he added as he nodded toward where the dog lay.

“Oh you don’t have to worry about… him, he’s a big sweetie, you’ll see,” Jenna assured her father.

It took several hours to get the situation with Jenna’s wrecked vehicle straightened out; it couldn’t be left lying in the watery ditch. In the end Alex did manage to get five hundred dollars for it, and considered that a fair amount after what he saw.

Before noon, Alex, his daughter and the large German Shepherd were on their way to his place which was about a three hundred mile drive. He had planned to go to a very nice lake and a cabin that he knew of, but he wasn’t sure about having the mutt along with them.

When the trio arrived at Alex’s home, Jenna found a surprise; her father had a new girlfriend, and the young lady in question was only ten years older than she was.

Annette was surprised by the size of the German Shepherd, but not put off by it. “He’s beautiful,” she commented immediately, “what’s his name?”

“I… just call him Boy,” Jenna returned, unwilling to add the Lover part… as even this caused her to envision him mounting her and making her orgasm wildly. She could already feel herself wanting him to take her again, and she knew that she was going to have to be very careful; for the next week or so… until she returned to her mother’s house where she would have a bit more freedom.

The plans to go to the lake were not canceled; Annette did a bit of checking and found that well behaved pets were welcome, but that they did have to be on a leash in certain areas of the park. She did it because she hoped to make a good impression on Jenna, and it worked to some extent.

Even as Alex, Annette, Jenna and Zeta were on the way to the campground, Jason was arriving in the small berg where two young men claimed that they had been attacked by a huge animal, and that it had broken one of their legs and the other’s arm.

Jason was good with computers and knew how to search out information. When he saw the report of an animal attack that some blogger posted he was on it immediately. It didn’t say what kind of beast attacked the guys, but he was fairly certain that it had to be one that had an agenda, like the big Shepherd, or the attack would not have ended the way it did; the two backwoods boys would have been dead.


Chapter 19

It took a while, but Jason eventually located the two young men that had been attacked by the mystery animal. He was brusque with them, and he demanded that they tell him the true tale, leaving nothing out of the narrative. The fact that they were in their own home, miles from anyone and had a small but powerful looking pistol pointed at them freed their tongues considerably.

Within thirty minutes Jason was sure that he had the true tale about what had happened. He assured the young men that he wouldn’t say a word about their attempted rape of the girl if they forgot his visit to them completely, and they were very willing to agree to those conditions.

From the miscreants’ rundown abode, Jason made his way to the town closest to where the accident happened. It was a small place with barely a thousand residences. It didn’t take him long to find out that a large, well behaved, German Shepherd had been at one of the motels, and that a girl named Jenna Morrison was its supposed owner.

From the small berg, it took a few days and a bit of bribery to get Alex Morrison’s home address. He was soon headed in that direction, but when he got there he found an empty residence. A helpful neighbor helped him there however; he was told that the owner and others went on a vacation somewhere unknown, but that they would return in a week.

As Jason awaited the return of Alex and Jenna, the man and daughter in question began sharing a cabin in the woods, beside a picturesque lake with Annette and Bo; as the girlfriend began to call him; she didn’t think that ‘Boy’ was an appropriate name for the Shepherd.

The first few days for Jenna were murder, she could hardly get away from either her father or Annette long enough to be with Loverboy, or Bo as he was now called by the others.

It was the fourth day when she got a break, and she made use of it; she and Bo snuck off into the woods to be alone. She was quick about her business and stripped her bikini bottoms off quickly and then sat back on the downed log and allowed her lover to satisfy her.

Jenna and Bo went to town with utter abandonment; she may not have realized it yet, but the young brunette was moments away from shedding an egg and having it enter her fallopian tubes.

Jenna orgasmed as Bo licked her, and then as the pleasant ripples receded, they were replaced by the hot probing of her lover as he sought to enter her. She looked upward and embraced him, encouraging him but shifting around just enough to aid his entry into her depths.

“Oh… Bo, it feels so good to have you inside me again,” cooed Jenna as she began thrusting as him as he began to do the same to her. She wanted him in her so bad she could taste it so to speak.

The two interspecies beings went wild, as they pounded into each other, and it wasn’t easy for Jenna to remain quiet, but she managed to a point. She felt Bo bottom out within her and his growing knot slip in and out of her nether lips; something she hadn’t experienced before.

When Jenna climaxed the second time she was gasping for breath, and could barely speak. She felt Bo do his little dance and she encouraged him. They were soon pressing their gentiles together and she moaned as he popped into her; she swore that he was bigger than the previous times.

Jenna and Bo began their slow dance but it only lasted for three minutes, and through it all she let him know exactly what she hoped would happen as they made love to each other. She wanted to carry one of his puppies and prove to him that she could be a good mother.

Unknown to Jenna, shortly after her father and Annette left, they returned; Alex had gotten a call and had to go and straighten a few things out at work; it would take at least a day.

Annette had simply hopped out and Alex had been on his way; he trusted his girlfriend to watch over Jenna for a day at least, almost forgetting that his daughter was eighteen and really capable of fending for herself in most situations.

Annette waved goodbye to Alex and entered the cabin. She called out to Jenna after that and heard nothing, but movement out the back window caught her attention and just the way she saw the younger brunette look around before entering the woods puzzled her; she decided to follow.

Annette didn’t take the same path that Jenna had taken, but one that was a little less obvious. She lost sight of the girl and the dog for a few minutes, but as she moved about the woods cautiously she finally heard something… and carefully homed in on it.

When Annette finally found the girl and the dog her eyes went wide. The big Shepherd was licking Jenna’s pussy and it was very obvious that the younger brunette was enjoying it.

Annette watched as Jenna orgasmed; obviously straining to keep from being too loud. She thought for a moment that they sex-play would end there but then her eyes widened even more as the large dog moved forward and began thrusting at his love interest, and the young brunette thrust back eagerly in return; she was sure that this was not the first time that the mixed pair had been together.

As Jenna and the dog became more animated Annette carefully crept around until she could come up right behind the animal. She moved stealthfully and was soon able to see close up what was happening.

Even as Annette watched she touched her own breasts and caressed her own hot mound. She saw the dog pounding Jenna and heard the girl craving more. The red phallus was thrusting in and out of the young brunette’s pussy so fast, and seeping copious amounts of fluid as it did so; it was exciting.

Annette saw Jenna orgasm, and thought the act was over then, but it wasn’t; within a minute it began anew, but at a slower, more intense, pace. It was then she heard her perspective daughter beg to receive the animal’s sperm so that a puppy could be conceived.

It wasn’t until the mating session was complete and Bo pulled from Jenna’s vaginal canal that the young brunette realized that she and her lover had company. She was absolutely embarrassed and scared that her father was there also, but she didn’t see him and Annette tried to calm her as quickly as possible; even hugging her and telling her that she wasn’t mad or angry at what she had found them doing.

It was a few minutes before Jenna was able to say anything. “Are you going to tell my Dad what you saw me and Bo doing?” she asked weakly.

“He doesn’t need to know a thing, Jenna,” Annette assured her future daughter, “but I would like to know how it all began,” and then she looked around conspiratorially. “In fact, I would love to know what it’s like first hand. I had a friend once that told me about her escapades with her mutt, but before I could really find out more about it we were all graduating and I never saw her again.”

“You’re interested in having sex with a dog too?” Jenna asked bluntly.

“I sure am, and there is no reason for you father to ever know. It will be our secret forever!” Annette assured Jenna, and the younger brunette knew that if her father’s girlfriend was involved with Bo also that the subject would never arise in his presence.


Chapter 20

Even as Jenna and Annette planned on a hot evening with Bo, several hundred miles away two college students were totally baffled by the fact that they had missed their periods.

“I haven’t been with anyone since my high school days and that creep raped me,” confessed Jill. “I should have reported it but I didn’t want that kind of publicity. At least nothing came of it or I’d have been forced to admit that something had happened. I wasn’t a virgin anymore… but most of the time that doesn’t even matter anymore anyway,”

“Well, I haven’t been with anyone either,” blurted Angela, and then she offered another explanation; one she hoped hadn’t happened. “You haven’t had any other girls over that may have tried to sabotage our relationship have you?”

“Of course not, Angela, you are all I have and I want it to remain that way unless we get a couple of dogs, and by that I mean the four legged kind. Besides, how would anyone do what you are suggesting anyway?” asked Jill.

“Maybe they found a way to put some guy’s sperm on our dildo collection,” Angela opined with a shrug.

Jill sighed wearily. “I don’t think that a man’s seed would live like that, Angela, and the only sperm we have had in us in the past week belonged to… Champion” and her voice trailed off and weakened.

“Are you suggesting that Champion might have actually found a way to impregnate us?” asked Angela.

Jill shrugged her shoulders. “I really don’t know, but we need to find out about what happened as carefully as possible if he did.”

Angela suddenly became agitated. “Remember that guy that asked us if we had sex with Champion, and how we successfully lied about it?” and she saw her friend nod. “I wonder if he knew something more about the dog than he was letting on?”

“I’d almost bet on it,” sighed Jill as she got her purse and prepared to leave.

“Where are we going?” asked Angela as she snagged her purse also and followed.

“To a few corner drug stores,” returned Jill, “we need to find out whether we are truly pregnant or not,” and then they were on their way.

For Angela and Jill, the night was very revealing; they learned from several types of pregnancy testers that they were definitely carrying babies in their wombs; it was only uncertain as to what the species would be and how long it would remain within them unless they aborted it, but they weren’t even contemplating that at all.

The normal gestation period for a puppy was anywhere from 60 to 63 days and they were fairly certain that at least seven of those days had already passed. If there was only one egg available, which was easy to assume because they were not on fertility drugs; then a small 16 ounce pup could be expected within seven to eight weeks. Not only that but their pregnancy would not even be realized if they wore the right clothes and didn’t cavort around in their Bikinis.

Both girls were still only clad in their undergarments and a light robe after using the testing strips. Jill was the first; she arose and shrugged off the cover-up just before standing in front of a full length mirror.

“What do you think?” Jill asked, as she pooched out her normally flat stomach to imitate a pregnancy.

Angela giggled and joined her lover. “I don’t think that it will be quite that big,” and then she attempted her version of it, and even rubbed it gently. “Can you imagine though, having a puppy inside you right now, growing, and looking to you to keep it alive,” she continued in awe.

Jill then caressed her own stomach; right over where her uterus lay within. “I hope they look just like their father,” she offered in awe.

Angela gasped as she thought of something. “If they’re male puppies, I wonder if they will be able to impregnate human females like their father seems to be able to do?”

“I would suspect they would,” returned Jill.

“Well, I’m hoping to be able to have sex with a dog again in the future. We were already talking about getting one, but I sure don’t want it to be with my own son,” Angela opined.

“You won’t need to,” offered Jill with an immediate solution. “We can trade the pups after they have grown a bit; assuming that they are males, but I think we had better get on some form of birth control just in case these little rascals are as potent as their father. At least until we are certain as to whether we want more puppies,” and they both agreed to that.

At the lake, Jenna and Annette bathed together as they prepared for their evening of exploration. “I’ve never done anything like this,” the younger brunette confessed.

“Neither have I,” returned Annette, “but I’ve always wondered what it would be like. I’m into guys okay… or I wouldn’t be with your father, but I have always been a bit curious about being with another woman also… and I hope that doesn’t creep you out.”

“Not at all,” returned Jenna, “I’ve wondered the same thing also. We’ll just take it slow and go on from there and be honest about it.”

With the ground rules set, the two brunettes bathed each other, but didn’t go much further than kissing each other’s breasts and running a finger very shallow between the shaved lips of the labia.

When they did get out of the shower and managed to dry off, they found that they had company and didn’t get to explore each other too far anyway, but neither of them complained about it.

Just as Annette had seen Jenna doing in the woods, she soon found herself lying back on the bed somewhat with her feet on the floor and her pussy at the very edge of the mattress.

Bo was between her legs and scarfing at her anus and labial lips as though there was no tomorrow. She was totally surprised at how deep the dog’s tongue could delve into her depths; she was fairly certain that he had hit her G-spot several times and it wasn’t too long before she was experiencing her first animal inspired orgasm.

As Annette’s pussy rhythmically pulsed she arose enough to hug Bo for giving her so much pleasure. “Oh, god, that feel so good,” she moaned, and she tried to keep her voice semi-muted despite the fact that the next nearest cabin was over fifty yards away. You just never knew when some other camper might be walking by, and she was only glad that the curtains in the place were such that it would be impossible to peek inside.

After Annette’s first orgasm began to subside Bo began to become animated. “I think he wants you to turn over,” offered Jenna as she watched over the proceedings, remembering exactly what he had done to her the second time they had mode love, but she had been outside, and it seemed a lot wilder when he took her.

Annette turned and supported herself with the low lying bed under her head and arms. Once she was in position it wasn’t long before she felt Bo beginning to cover her; his fur felt good on her back and thighs.

Annette was just wondering if she was going to have to help Bo find her ready entrance when she felt something very hot bump against her lower lips and then enter her by several inches.

“Oh, god, that feels good,” she hissed, and then the invader pushed even deeper and touched places that only her favorite long dildo had bumped against. But even that felt nothing like this.

Slowly at first, and then picking up the pace somewhat rapidly the hot veiny bundle of dog flesh began to move within Annette’s depths and before she realized it she was panting and nearing her second orgasm; she loved it.

Even as Bo began to really move within Annette, Jenna watched and was amazed. She could imagine what her new friend was feeling, and now she was seeing it happen first hand; watching as the dog’s precum lubed the area and dripped from the bare labial lips. She wished that it was her that was on the receiving end of the hot phallus. It was nearly a blur as it stimulated its mating female part.

Annette moaned her pleasure. “Oh, Jenna, I don’t know how you managed to be so quiet in the forest when Bo was fucking you,” she exclaimed. “I hate to say it but he makes me feel even better than your father does, and that’s saying quite a bit.”

Annette fell silent after that, at least coherently… she began to orgasm again and couldn’t say anything recognizable for several seconds.

After the second orgasm, Annette felt Bo moving within her, but he wasn’t really pushing as he had before. “What’s he doing,” she managed to groan weakly.

“I think he’s lining his cock up with your uterus so that when he cums his seed will shoot right into you and not get lost within you vaginal vault,” offered Jenna, but she didn’t add the part about possibly seeing stars and passing out; she wanted to see how Annette handled it all.

Within moments, both Bo and Annette were pushing against each other; she was no stranger to doggy anatomy and she knew what being tied to the German Shepherd would mean; she wanted it.

After the knot entered Annette and the pair began slowly thrusting at each other thoughts of what were about to happen flooded her human mind. She had ovulated a day ago and now sperm was about to flood her and surround her egg; something that had never happened before.

“Oh, Jenna, I can feel why you wanted to have Bo’s puppy, he’s moving within me in a way I’ve never felt before; he’s about to spray my egg with his sperm, and that is another first,” confessed Annette as the moment approached. “Even your father has never had unrestricted access to impregnating me… he always wears a rubber; we haven’t decided if we want other children yet; he wanted to see how you might feel about it.”

After that confession Annette quit worrying about anything else except what Bo was doing to her. She began urging him to fuck a puppy into her; especially as she thought of the egg within her fallopian tubes; it was at the perfect place within her body to accept what he would offer.

Even as Annette envisioned her egg being swarmed by Bo’s seed she began to quake. It almost consumed her, but she managed to feel hot jets of sperm enter her and warm her. As that happened it became like the fourth of July at the finally of the fireworks. She was utterly overwhelmed and passed out.

Bo stood still as his balls twitched, unloading ounce after ounce of his essence into Annette’s womb, and Jenna saw it all happening and chuckled. “Well, Loverboy, I guess I’m not the only one you can screw into oblivion. I guess I don’t need to feel bad about it anymore,” she added as she stroked his neck lovingly. “You can even make a more experienced woman swoon.”

It was several minutes before Annette began to stir once more and she couldn’t believe that she had lost it like she did. “How long was I out?” she asked of Jenna softly, feeling Bo’s cock still pumping his fluid into her, as his phallus lay trapped within her.

“Off hand, I’d have to say that you were totally out of it for slightly over two minutes,” offered Jenna. “How did you like the ride?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t mind a quick break, but then I’d like to see what it’s like to take his cock in me missionary style,” responded Annette honestly. I’m really hoping that I can get Bo to fuck me again before your father returns tomorrow afternoon.”

“Well have to see what we can do,” offered Jenna, knowing that she had already had Bo in the missionary position twice, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t want it again.


Chapter 21

It was about six o’clock in the morning when Annette began dreaming that Alex was performing cunnilingus on her. She moaned her pleasure and reached down to caress his head and encourage him, but the stiffer hair and ears didn’t match her perceived idea as to what she would truly feel. She began to awaken, but the licking continued.

When Annette finally realized what was happening she quickly removed her wet panties, and then spread her legs wider and gave Bo the room that he needed to get at her completely. The hard part lay ahead however, she really didn’t want Jenna to know that the dog was about to give her another wild ride.

Annette orgasmed quickly, but sacrificed some of the euphoria as she scooted her rear to the edge of the bed so that Bo could have access to her in the missionary position.

The brunette’s actions were rewarded almost as soon as she got into position. Bo had jumped off the bed and reared up between her legs; planting his on either side of her upper torso.

Bo licked her nipples and then moved upward to catch her neck and then her mouth, but she didn’t turn away and within moments she felt his hot missile begin to push her labial lips apart and enter her.

“Yes…” hissed Annette as the dog’s cock pushed into her core and kept going. He didn’t stop until the beginning of his forming knot was almost within her also, and then Bo began thrusting.

Annette lifted her legs and cradled the large Shepherd between them; even bringing her feet together in a way that they locked above the canine, but didn’t restrict his movement.

Within a few minutes Annette orgasmed again and panted as she passed through it, semi-pleased that she wasn’t screaming her lungs off. It was torturous, to remain quiet as the dog pounded himself into her, but she somehow managed.

As her vaginal muscles began to slow their rhythmic twitch Annette felt Bo aligning himself with her cervical opening. She felt it slip into place and then they pressed their groins together; squeezing his now inflated knot into her.

She looked up and caught him looking at her; their eyes locked. “There’s an egg there, just waiting for you to fertilize it,” offered Annette softly as they began to slowly press into each other.

Over and over, Annette’s insides were jostled enough to feel good, but not enough to be hurt and have trouble later. “Fuck me, Bo, give me your seed, Darling,” she murmured, aware that she hadn’t even though to ask the same thing of Alex. This was totally different, and her desires were utterly wild as she gazed into the Shepherd’s eyes.

Little by little Annette could feel the big crescendo approaching, it was akin to a tidal wave, and though she was somewhat sure she would be blown away by the first massive in-pouring, she knew that she would survive; it was pure unadulterated pleasure.

Annette still hoped that she would be able to ride the crest of the wave, but as she felt the first three jets of sperm enter her there was nothing she could do to stop from slipping over the edge into oblivion.

Annette lay in Bo’s arms for several minutes until she finally became aware that he was still on top of her, and within her; still feeding her smaller portions of his seed into her depths.

Annette lifted her arms and hugged the large shepherd to her as she gently thrust her pussy upward, forcing even more movement within her. She felt so euphoric. She had never tried drugs, but she could imagine that what she felt at the moment was even better than any of the highs that the chemicals could offer, and although this was probably habit forming also, there would be no detrimental side effects.

It was several more minutes before the lovers separated and Bo did his customary cleanup of their extremities. Annette threw her wet panties into her small laundry basket and then took care of business in the bathroom.

When Annette went to put on clean panties she also added a bit of padding to it. She wanted to catch anything that leaked so that it wouldn’t get onto the bed, and then lay down to rest a bit longer; tired and yet fulfilled from her session with Bo.


Chapter 22

When the girls arose several hours later, they got breakfast. Annette asked Jenna if she had taken Bo out for a run yet, and the reply was ‘no,’ because he usually took care of himself.

Annette was puzzled. “Are you saying that he lets himself out to do his business?” she asked.

“Yeah… he does. Or… if he can’t get out, he’ll use the toilet, but you have to be careful… he might forget and leave the seat up,” Jenna offered.

“Are you serious?” Annette asked incredulously.

Jenna nodded, but still saw the look of skepticism on Annette’s countenance. “Bo, show us how you go to the bathroom.”

Jenna wasn’t sure if just asking the dog to do something like that would work, or if he had to feel the urge to go in order to accomplish it, but Annette didn’t expect to see what they were shown next.

Bo went to the front door of the cabin, unlocked it and then opened the portal. He then closed it and relocked it. After that he trotted off to the bathroom, lifted the lower seat and proceeded to urinate into the porcelain bowl; aiming better than most men do; before letting the seat back down and flushing the device.

“Who in the hell taught him all that?” asked Annette in awe of what she had just seen.

“Your guess is as good as mine, Annette,” returned Jenna, “but I would almost bet that Bo doesn’t really see himself as a dog, and that he’s quite intelligent for his species.”

“Yeah, I’m noticing that more and more,” said Annette as she remembered the sweet morning interlude that she had already shared with him. She recalled saying how she wanted to have him again, but in the missionary position before Alex returned, and Bo had made it happen. She began to wonder about how smart and understanding the animal really was; his sperm would have plenty of time to leave her body before another male might become interested in her; had he really planned it that way?

Those thoughts had just crossed Annette’s mind when she got a call on her cell phone; it was Alex, confirming the fact that he would probably be back to the cabin by noon, and that he hoped to make up for the night that they had missed.

The girls decided on an early morning swim; it was warm and humid out, and the lake water was invigorating. They swam to a raft and cavorted about like two otter for a while before returning to shore.

It was nearly noon when Alex returned to the cabin and by that time Jenna and Bo had eaten. She and the dog decided to take a stroll; fairly certain that Annette and her father would want a bit of quiet time together; she had even told the slightly older brunette that she would be away for at least ninety minutes, and for them to make the best of it, because she sure planned to.

As soon as Jenna was certain that she and Bo were alone, and in a place where they would not be discovered, she quickly removed her Shorts and panties. She left her t-shirt on for some protection against his dewclaws, but although she had felt them in the past, they hadn’t really scratched her too hard just yet.

Jenna lay back at first and allowed Bo to excite her in the usual manner, but once she orgasmed, she scrambled to get on her hands and knees.

The view wasn’t as scenic this time in this particular position, but she still felt like she was in the wild, and about ready to be taken by her mate in a primal setting, and she didn’t have to wait long to feel him begin to cover her.

With a few gentle exploratory thrusts, Bo found what he was looking for and Jenna groaned her satisfaction as he entered her. Her wet labia parted easily and he slid into her; a few inches at first, but the rest was quick to follow until he was touching her where she wanted him.

The thrusting was slow at first, but Bo picked up the pace quickly and very soon all Jenna could do was pant and accept what her four-footed lover was doing to her. She was his and the mental picture that formed with her submitting to him completely didn’t bother her in the least.

Jenna felt her next orgasm approaching rapidly and the image of her accepting his cock into her was easy to envision. She had seen Annette in this same position so it was easy imagine what she looked like.

The approaching wave of ecstasy claimed her, and Jenna reveled in it; awaiting its abatement and what would follow next. She lowered the upper part of her body, supporting herself on her elbows, offering Bo even greater access to her sexual treasures.

Jenna felt the usual shifting of Bo’s feet and within moments they were aligned properly. They pushed against each other and she endeavored to maintain a steady breath; she didn’t want to miss even a second of what he was doing to her.

Thrust after mutual thrust ensued and the orgasmic wave drew closer. Jenna was almost there and she was certain that she could hold on this time, but just as before when Bo began pouring his essence into her she gasped, and lost it; the yearning to be impregnated by him was strong and the thought of carrying his progeny took her over the top.

Back in the cabin, as Jenna and Bo began their sex play in the forest, Alex and Annette began theirs. He licked and kissed his fiancée’s pussy; applying a condom to his own manhood as soon as he was firm enough, but he failed to continue in exciting her until she had orgasmed.

Alex was too anxious, and soon he was above Annette, and thrusting into her. She accepted it, and even spread her legs for him, but even as she did she was comparing him to Bo.

Annette felt bad at first; judging her human lover actions by what her four-footed lover had accomplished, but as they continued to cavort around on the bed she couldn’t help it.

Alex did manage to make her cum just before he did, but despite the fact that his sperm did not enter her vagina, there was a lot missing; there were no fireworks, or her wishing that he would shuck the condom so that he would give her a baby; there was some pleasure and release, but not much. They soon rolled over on the bed, and he fell asleep easily, but she did fitfully so.


Chapter 23

For the next week, Jenna managed to mate with Bo every day, but Annette only managed it twice; it was while Alex went fishing, and the younger brunette stood guard. She felt bad that it worked out that way, but it couldn’t be helped.

On the day that the foursome returned home, Alex pulled into the local gas station, it was only a block from where they lived, and since the vehicle was breathing fumes by then he decided to fill up immediately.

Even as Alex pulled to a stop the large Shepherd became agitated as he was watching out the front window. “What’s the matter, Bo?” asked Jenna, but even as she voiced her concern he activated the window and it slid downward before any of the doors were opened.

“Damn, I didn’t know that he knew how to do that,” commented Alex as he opened his door and got out of the extended cab truck.

Even as Alex’s foot touched the cement of the gas station’s apron, Bo slid out the window and ran toward the back of the facility. As the girls looked on in bewilderment, he disappeared behind the building.

“What the heck just happened?” asked Jenna as she got out of the truck and tried to follow, but Bo was long gone, and it was impossible to tell in which direction he had run.

Alex filled the truck as quickly as possible, and then awaited his daughter’s return. She arrived back at the vehicle in tears, and three very bewildered people continued on to the abode that Jenna’s father considered home.

The three occupants of the extended cab pickup were still trying to understand what happened when another dark truck pulled into the driveway behind them. They got out of their vehicle to confront the newcomer, but he greeted them first.

“Good afternoon,” said Jason as he got out of his vehicle; his long surveillance of the house finally paying off, but he didn’t see his objective. It could still be hidden by the darkened rear windows of the truck. The dark tint could easily obscure the fact that the dog was there. “I’m looking for the large German Shepherd that I am sure came home with Miss Morrison about a week ago.”

The trio was shocked into silence for a moment; realizing that Bo had somehow known that this man was awaiting them there. “We don’t have the dog anymore,” offered Jenna honestly, “he ran away.”

“When and where,” growled Jason.

Jenna didn’t like Jason’s attitude, but before she could even answer his question evasively, there was the distinct sound of air hissing. It was hard to tell where it was coming from at first, but then the newcomer whirled and ran to the back of his vehicle. The most obscene cursing erupted from his mouth after that, and Bo’s parentage was questioned over and over.

It wasn’t long before Alex, Annette and Jenna were observing what had happened, but uncertain as to how it had occurred. “You had that damn dog with you up until a few minutes ago, didn’t you?” accused Jason as he began getting ready to change another tire.

There was no use in denying the truth. “Yeah, he jumped out of the window of the truck and ran away,” offered Alex. “We wondered why he did it, but now it seems somewhat obvious; he must have seen you sitting up the road from our place.”

The trio left Jason to his misery, chuckling at his predicament. The man hardly ceased from swearing the whole time he changed the tire and then drove away. He knew that he would have to begin all over again; the damn dog knew that it was being hunted and it was smarter than the scientists let on, or possibly gave it credit for.

Both Jenna and Annette knew that Bo was gone, and they knew that they were going to miss him, but at least they knew why he had run away. They were also certain that the guy called Jason would stick around for a while just to see if the German Shepherd returned, so it was with mixed feelings that they hoped he stayed away.


Chapter 24

A week passed as Zeta lay low. He was a smart dog, but he didn’t understand the internet just yet and some people’s penchant to blog about anything that happens; especially involving a large animal that may have attacked someone, or even rescued a person; it was all noteworthy to some.

While Zeta tried to remain hidden for a while other things progressed. Angela and Jill were still trying to find out more about their pregnancies, and Jenna and Annette were just beginning to suspect that something strange had happened to them at the lake; their monthly cycle was late.

Jill had a slightly older friend that was already a veterinarian, and one of the reasons that she wanted to get into the business herself. She decided to pay Christine a visit and talk to her; making sure that both her and Angela’s school schedule was clear so that her lover could go along.

Christine greeted Jill and Angela warmly. “Hey, how’s the schooling going?” she asked cordially.

“It’s great,” returned Jill, “Angela and I are taking our classes together now, and eventually we hope to open our own business, but don’t worry, it will be miles from here.”

“Well, I did kind of hope that you might someday join me, and I’m sure that I could find room for the both of you as long as your grades are up to par; it will help you get started,” offered Christine.

“We’ll definitely take your offer into consideration, Christine,” said Angela as she joined in on the conversation.

Christine nodded. “Good, I could use a couple a hot looking younger ladies around here. You would be surprised at how some guys choose who they will take their animals to when it comes time for a checkup,” chuckled the blonde vet. “I’m very knowledgeable, but I know for a fact that my expertise is not always the deciding factor for why I was chosen, and I don’t have to even have to act sexy to maintain returning clientele.”

“I’d didn’t think you were really interested in guys at all, Christine,” returned Jill, “or have you changed since I last saw you.”

“Oh… no, Sweetie, I haven’t changed,” responded Christine with a winsome smile. “I still prefer the company of a well mannered dog and beautiful girls… to guys; especially after the debacle I went through just before I graduated from veterinary school.”

“What happened,” asked Angela softly, “if you don’t mind my asking.”

“I don’t mind,” responded Christine, “Jill already knows about some of it,” continued the vet, and then she retold her story anew.

Christine was gifted when it came to being a vet, and she even managed to do in four years what it took most others six or more years. One of her male professors, however tried to take advantage of her, and almost succeeded in raping her; only the timely arrival of the janitor helped her thwart the guy, and the repercussions of it all were not good for the teacher. He didn’t get any jail time but he did lose his teaching credentials.

“So how’s Jeffery doing?” asked Jill as Christine prepared to close up for the night.

“Oh, he’s still very affectionate.” Responded Christine as she completed what needed to be done before she went home for the evening, and then she chuckled because she saw the confused look on Angela’s face. “Jeffery is my dog,” she explained, sure that the younger blonde had thought that she was talking about a guy after confessing that she wanted nothing to do with them, and she had been right.

Jill asked Christine if she had plans, and that if she didn’t, that they would like to take her out to dinner with them. The older blonde quickly accepted, and suddenly felt as though the arrival of the two younger women was more that simply trying to get reacquainted again.

It wasn’t until the three girls were seated in the steakhouse that Christine finally broached her suspicions. “So to what do I really owe this visit, Jill? I’m totally thrilled to see the both of you, but I think it has more to do with something else than simply seeing an old friend.”

Jill began her explanation, stating with the fact that they were friends, and that Christine’s being a vet was an integral part of it all. The added bonus that the young brunette also knew that her veterinary buddy was also active with Jeffery was also important.

Christine looked at Jill coldly at first, unsure if she really wanted too much information like that to surface so quickly, but then the young brunette continued with a confession of her own. Angela and I are pregnant, and we are very sure that the father of our babies is a dog.”

Christine waited for the food to be set before them and for the waitress to leave. “I find that scenario a bit hard to believe, Jill, but I must say that there are times that I wish Jeffery would knock me up. I’d love to carry his puppy in my tummy, but it’s not possible. Even if I fertilized an egg harvested from a bitch and implanted it in my womb, it wouldn’t live.”

Jill finished the small morsel of meat that she had in her mouth and then began again. “Christine, as I said, Angela and I are pregnant, and I swear that the only male that we have been with is a dog called Champion, a rather large German Shepherd. We both had an available egg when we made love to him and… we are sure that he knocked us up.”

Christine was still skeptical, but she decided to humor her friend. “Okay, how far along do you think that the two of you are?”

“Three weeks,” offered Jill quickly, hoping to get a more positive response from her friend. She realized that the claim was really wild, and that a vet might have definite preconceived ideas due to training, but she couldn’t help what the facts were.

“Alright, I’ll have a look at the both of you in one week, if you still believe that the cause of your pregnancy is doggy related, but I sincerely hope that you aren’t trying to play some trick on me.”

“There is no trick involved, Christine,” offered Angela seriously. “I have never slept with a guy, but I have had sex with a very big German Shepherd, and he was good at what he did. I’d let him screw his cock into me anytime he wanted if he was still around, but some guy scared him off. I am very regular when it comes to my period, but now I’m late, and so is Jill. We are one hundred percent certain that he got us pregnant, and we need your help!” she said; nearly in tears.

“Okay, I’ll see you two in one week at my clinic; I’ll have things set up, and ready,” offered Christine, still puzzled, but willing to check it out.

Miles away, Jenna and Annette were sitting at the table and discussing things also. What made it easy for them was the fact that Alex was already in bed since he had to go to work early the following day.

“What’s the matter Jenna, you seem a bit distraught lately?” asked Annette, who herself was feeling a bit anxious for reasons of her own. “Is the fact that Bo ran away still troubling you?”

Jenna looked at Annette eye to eye. “Yes and no. I honestly miss having him screw me silly, and I think that you do too, but I’m also concerned about something else. I missed my period, and ever since I started having them I have been very regular. I can’t explain it, unless it’s just something that happens to girls when they’re cut off from a loving sex partner… or are pregnant, and the last one can’t be, I’ve never had anything to do with a guy.”

Annette chuckled. “Well, it has everything to do with a guy and not the absence of a lover, I can assure you, but it also brings up something on my side of the fence. I missed my period too, and it worries me. Your father and I always use condoms, and I’m very sure that nothing happened to allow his sperm into my pussy just yet, but something’s wrong I can feel it.”

“Did you try one of those test things yet?” asked Jenna.

Annette shook her head and sighed, knowing that she would have to get one, and yet dreading it. “No, I haven’t done that yet.”


Chapter 25

Zeta finally came out of hiding after two weeks; allowing people to see him once more as he looked for a new home; hopefully one that was more permanent; even he got tired of running and hiding, but at least he didn’t have the police or the army after him; not yet anyway; they didn’t know that he existed yet.

He had managed to put hundreds of miles between himself and where Jenna and Annette lived, but it wasn’t by choice; it was survival. He knew if the scientists that created him got their hands on him again, that he wouldn’t survive their testing, and even now he wondered how his earlier brothers were fairing.

In his wake Zeta left behind many angry, avid, backyard grillers and picnic enthusiast. The type that usually boasted about their prowess with an open flame of any sort. Cooking on an outdoor grill was actually a rather irresistible invitation to him; he could smell the savory offerings miles away, and he managed to snag enough of them to keep him going.

Jill and Angela were on Christine list of things to do, wondering if the girls would actually show up; which they did, right after the last of her assistants left for that particular day.

Christine locked all the doors and made sure that everything was secure, even from her own staff; it was how she assured complete privacy when she really needed it at the office.

“Okay you two, strip out of all your clothes,” requested Christine; testing to see how well the girls would obey, and how serious they were about what was taking place.

Jill and Angela thought that the request was a bit much, but they did it, and they were soon lying naked on a table belly up and nearly butt cheek to butt cheek; though Christine did have support for their legs so it wasn’t too hard to accomplish.

Christine liked women as well as dogs, and definitely took advantage of the situation. She had her gloved hands all over them, poking and prodding places that had little to do with seeing if they were pregnant with puppies as they supposed.

“Are you sure you really needed to inspect our asses as well as you did?” asked Jill eventually of her friend.

“No!, I didn’t, but I figured that I might as well take advantage of it,” she offered with a smile. “Besides, from the response that I got out of the both of you I’m sure you really didn’t mind the extra probing and stimulation.”

“It did feel good,” confirmed Angela but with all that you’ve done, I think that you only managed to light the burners.

“Good, because I’m not done yet,” returned Christine, “but I will also add this… you are both pregnant as you suspect. It only remains now to see what species the father was since you claim that only a dog has managed to put his cock in you and fill you with his seed.”

While Christine was talking she was also getting the ultrasound machine set up for use. She applied some of the lubricant to the probe and began with Jill whose expectant uterus was barely visible.

Christine pressed hard enough to get a reading but didn’t go at it as strongly as normal; not until she began seeing a very familiar shape; one she was use to seeing in some bitch that was pregnant. “Son of a b… you do have a puppy in you.” She confirmed, and she quickly took stills of the phenomena.

Once she was done with Jill, Christine moved on to Angela. It wasn’t long before she was taking stills of the younger blonde’s pregnant uterus also. Both girls were going to bear puppies within five weeks; it was a miracle. “I want one,” she whispered as she began to put the equipment away.

Once the machine was clean and returned to the corner of the room, Christine confronted the girls. “Where is the father to these pups?”

“We don’t know,” Jill sighed as she replied, rubbing the tiny bulge that barely showed. “Some guy was trying to recapture him, and Champion ran away.”

Christine looked at both girls meaningfully. “Do not talk to anyone about this, and be careful what you eat and drink. I will assist you complete from here on in, and all I ask for my services is that if one of the puppies is a male that you will let him mate with me until I become pregnant. Do we have a deal?”

Jill looked at Angela and both girls nodded their agreement. “We should be able to do that. We’re actually hoping that the puppies are male, because we plan to swap with each other after they get big enough. We both think it might be a bit gross to mess with our own sons,” offered the young brunette.

“Oh… I hadn’t thought of that, but I think you have the right idea. However, I also think that you should go on the pill or have your tubes tied, unless you want to begin your own kennel with some very special dogs,” offered Christine.

“That’s another thing we planned to do,” returned Angela. “We don’t want too many of these special boys running wild.”

“Especially if they have the same abilities as their father has,” added Jill.

With the verification of their pregnancy confirmed, and the fact that they had puppies in their womb, the girls decided to enjoy themselves a bit; relieved that they weren’t crazy despite the unusual circumstances.

Christine’s examination had definitely lit everyone’s fire, and it was time to stoke them a bit and get some relief. The girls dressed quickly, and then went to the vet’s home where they also met with Jeffery.

Christine was every bit as excited as Angela and Jill. The two girls who were pregnant were looking forward to delivery now, but the vet was hoping that within a year at the most that she would have her own puppy within her womb.

Christine didn’t plan to get rid of Jeffery, but the mere fact that she could become pregnant by a dog was very heady; though she did wonder if she could get another young associate interested and involved in the act; then they could swap sons and keep the process going; without too many other weird moral dilemmas.

In Christine’s home, Jeffery greeted them eagerly, it was as though he knew that something was brewing, and he was right. It wasn’t long before his master of sorts was beginning to strip, and the way in which she was doing it he knew what lay ahead.

Jill and Angela stripped also, but they were more interested in each other; finding a strap-on harness and a decent phallus to attach to it. This one was actually a bit special because it had a sizable stud that entered the wearer also.

“Ohhh… this is different,” commented Jill as she shoved the stud into her own slit and then strapped it into place.

“Wow, it is different,” commented Angela as she attached the dildo that would be used on her, and made sure she stimulated her lover in the process. She pushed against it several times until Jill groaned with pleasure.

The two lovers kissed and stroked each other while watching Christine get ready to be mated to Jeffery. She offered herself to him, and he took advantage of it, but it was nowhere like what Champion had done with them.

Long before Christine even got close to her first orgasm, Jeffery was trying to mount her. It was as though he was some eighteen year old and this was his first time; they said nothing, but to them the dog was totally inept.

Angela was on her knees, and Jill was behind her, giving it to her slowly as they watched Jeffery finally manage to make contact with Christine. She screamed her pleasure. But it was still way shy of what they had experienced.

Jill managed to make Angela orgasm, and the stud within her stimulated her enough to accomplish the same task at the same time; They actually felt more fulfilled that Christine did, but they hoped to remedy that if the puppies were male and were anywhere as good as Champion had been.


Chapter 27

Hundreds of miles to the west of the girls; Zeta was relaxing on a nice slab of rock that was in the shade; the hot afternoon sun had just passed its zenith.

He had eaten well the night before, but he was sure that he left some angry campers behind. He had snagged the largest steak off the picnic table. In retrospect, however, the portly man and woman that he had borrowed it from really shouldn’t have missed the large hunk of meat, there were five others that he didn’t touch, and there was only the two of them; no others arrived to share in any of it; he had watched, curious of their reaction and wanting to learn.

As Zeta watched the rapids below, he saw one large tube loaded with six occupants; for the life of him he couldn’t quite fathom the fun of being bounced around so abruptly if it wasn’t absolutely necessary; the roiling streams one boon as far as he was concerned was that it tasted good.

Even as he watched, the six boaters got caught in an eddy that pulled them back against the semi-blocking boulder. They were just about to begin paddling to get out of water trap when another four man raft approached.

The four man team consisted of a guide and three strong paddlers, and they were out to show others how the rapids should be navigated. The only problem was that they did not see the first raft caught in the eddy.

When the four man team seemingly sailed over the precipice, it was somewhat inspiring, and it would have remained that way if they didn’t land squarely on top of the floundering craft. The two inflatable boats hit so hard that within moments there were ten people in the water, and most of them began scrambling to get onboard once more, or for the side of the watercourse.

Zeta watched for a moment longer, and then began to move. Most of the vested rafters began moving on their own accord, but there was one that did not. She had gotten her bell rung the wrong way and was unconscious.

Zeta ran across the top of the rocks faster than a body in the water being swept downstream. He was soon abreast of the unmoving facedown floater and he leapt into the river.

Zeta could do nothing more at the moment except make sure that the floater’s face was at least turned upward, and then he began swimming ashore with his burden.

Many of the others managed to get back aboard the rafts; they had been tied to at least one member of the crew. They eventually got all but one; Samantha Evers.

The next two hundred yards downstream were torturous for all the rafters as they searched for Samantha. They were beginning to think that it was a tragedy in the making until they rounded a bend and saw a sight that few of them would ever forget.

At the edge of the water lay a body; the floatation device had been torn away over the chest area. A large dog was pouncing on the breast bone of the girl. It did this several times, and then quit as the young woman in question spit up water and rolled over; gasping as she did so.

Even before one of the rafts hit the shoreline, two of it’s members were jumping out into the shallower water and running toward the girl. They were not concerned about the large German Shepherd, but the family member that they had almost lost.

Steve Evers was the oldest, and in his fourth year of college; while Adam would only be starting the twelfth grade. Samantha, their sister would be in her second year at the university that she attended, but it was the eldest that had organized this rafting outing and he felt responsible for his siblings’ safety.

While Steve helped Samantha sit up, Adam looked over at the dog. “Was that mutt trying to do CPR or something,” he asked in amazement.

“I don’t think so,” offered Steve. “I think he was just trying to stimulate her enough to get her to begin breathing on her own again and from the looks of it, it seems to have worked.

Samantha was still sputtering a bit as she sat up. “What happened? I remember being hit from behind by something, but then everything went black and suddenly I find myself her spitting up water,” she offered weakly.

Steve explained how they got caught in the eddy, and Samantha remembered that, but then he went on with the explanation. He did a good job of filling her in on what happened, but exactly how the dog became a part of the rescue remained sketchy. They did however know that he played a part in it, or she probably would not have lived.

When the rafters looked at the large Shepherd, he was still completely wet; something that would not have happened if he had merely pulled her ashore; he had obviously gone into the river, stopped her downstream travel and then dragged her to safety.

“We think that mutt saved your life,” Adam gleefully offered; knowing that his sister was not a big fan of dogs; especially large ones.

What Samantha’s brothers didn’t know was that she was indeed familiar with large dogs. She had a friend a year previous; a fellow female student that had shown her what a mutt named Brutus could do. The animal could easily pleasure a young woman that didn’t want to get involved with guys, and although it involved only a good licking she had loved it so much that it scared her.

The rafters had another mile to go downstream, and once Samantha was ready to travel they left; managing to tie her flotation device on her in a way that would allow it to work; but the major of the worst rapids were behind them so they didn’t worry about it too much.

When Steve, Adam and Samantha got to camp that night they celebrated a successful run down the river; with the eldest and his wife who was expectant doing the cooking.

It was while they were dolling out the hamburgers that Adam called out gleefully once more. “Hey, look over there,” he said as he pointed, and it was then that they noticed the large Shepherd sitting fifteen yards away; watching them as they got ready to eat.

Being the tease that he was toward his bigger sister, Adam quickly grabbed a few hamburgers and put them on a paper plate. “Hey, Hero, we didn’t see you sitting over here at first. You should have just come over and joined us,” and then he got an inspiration. He waved the food in front of the dog’s face, but then slowly walked back toward the others, tempting the animal to follow.

Zeta recognized an invitation when he saw it, and he hadn’t eaten yet that evening. He moved closer to the trio; aware that the female was apprehensive of him, but that it wasn’t necessarily fear driven.

As Zeta drew closer to where the food was placed on the seat of the picnic table closest to the girl, he saw her watching him with some amount of interest.

“Come on Samantha, you really should pet Hero, and not be afraid of him because he’s a big dog… he seems tame enough,” taunted Adam, “We may not have seen everything that he did, but he probably saved your life.”

“Don’t push her too hard,” admonished Steve of his younger brother, we have no idea why she’s suddenly afraid of dogs.”

“I’m not afraid of dogs!” blurted Samantha, as she took a deep breath and moved closer to the large German Shepherd, determined to flatten her younger brother’s further attempts to tease her. Besides, she wasn’t alone with this animal where other desires might arise. Now was the time to face her dilemma.

Samantha reached out and picked up one of the hamburgers. “Here you go, Hero,” she cooed softly as she extended the morsel toward the animal, realizing as she did so just how big and handsome the Shepherd really was. This was no mutt like her friend had.

Zeta knew that these people were referring to him as Hero; though the exact reasoning for it escaped him. Since he couldn’t tell them his real name however, he just accepted it… along with the juicy offering of meat.

Hero was soon accepted into the group, sitting by the campfire and enjoying its warmth; it was summer, but it still cooled down at night to where open flames felt good as long as you didn’t get too close.

When everyone turned in for the night it was getting late, but the outing was just about over and all that they needed to do in the morning was pack up and leave; each of them going their own direction; Steve and his expectant wife going to their home after dropping Adam off at their parents’ residence, and Samantha returning to school and getting back to work before she was replaced by someone else; she relied on her part time job to supply her with mad money during her stay away from home.

Everyone had their own tent, some bigger than others. Samantha’s and Adams were one man units that barely gave them room to turn around, but they did afford them a bit of privacy. The younger Evers used his to fantasize about a girl he had seen within the encampment, and she had noticed him also; he hoped to get her phone number before they left in the morning; her Bikini had been very revealing, and he was sure that she had flashed him on purpose.

For Samantha, her night was a bit restless. She did manage to fall asleep, but then she dreamt of Hero, and wondered if all dogs liked to lick pussy, or if they had to be trained to do so.

Samantha awoke, and realized that she had to go to the bathroom; dreading the hundred yard trip to the cinderblock facility, but at least it was clean and well maintained.

The area for the most part was well lit, and Samantha didn’t worry about necessarily running into a problem. What she didn’t know however was that she was being watched, and she didn’t really find out about it until she emerged from the bathroom; it was then that she met up with Hero.

Samantha was a bit startled at first as she saw that the large Shepherd was standing only fifteen feet away, and watching her. “Geez… Hero, you scared me,” she began, but then she walked toward him; he was standing right in the path that led back to her tent.

As Samantha got close to the dog she reached out and petted his head. “I guess I didn’t really thank you for what you did for me earlier today,” she said and then she stooped and really scruffed his neck hairs, feeling the softness which was much different than she had expected.

Hero “woofed” softly and then quickly reached out and kissed her. His actions surprised her completely, but so did the series of soft noises that he made; she would have sworn that he said… “You’re welcome.”

Samantha’s startled state as she exited the bathroom had totally awakened her. She arose and looked up at the sky; the stars were beautiful. She decided to move toward the darkened area of the encampment; she had always loved to gaze at the myriad constellations, but could rarely find a place dark enough where she currently resided.

Samantha found a picnic table that was totally enshrouded in darkness. She noted that Hero followed her as she moved to the far side of it, and then she lay back on the seat; feeling her semi-long night shirt ride higher, but she wasn’t concerned about it; no one else was out here.

“Ohhh… Hero,” she sighed, “I wonder if dogs just look at the stars and gaze at them like we do. She was about to say more, but she suddenly sat up as the large Shepherd stimulated her in another very familiar way.

“Wow,” exclaimed Samantha softly, “Either you have been taking lessons from Brutus, or I have to assume that a lot of dogs know about licking human females,” and then he swiped his strong tongue through the area again.

Samantha groaned her pleasure. “Damn, I was afraid of this,” she hissed, but then she quickly hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and pulled them off to give Hero unobstructed access to her mound.

Hero lived up to his name as he pleasured Samantha; if there was any problem at all with what was happening it was the fact that she had to stifle her gasps and groans of unadulterated bliss.

Samantha orgasmed and held Hero’s head firmly to her mound, but he didn’t mind. She lay back as the tremors subsided, and was surprised as the dog managed to come up over her, licking her sensitive breasts and then kissing her again.

Damn, Hero, you are way… better at licking than Brutus was,” she sighed, but then she gasped as she realized that her enjoyment wasn’t over, and that she was about to break new ground… or actually already had because the a dog’s hot cock was already several inches into her and there was no way she could stop it from entering farther.

Samantha felt Hero gently thrust more of himself into her and resigned herself to the fact that she was going to find out what it was like to get fucked by a dog; there was no way she was going to scream out for help and have all the campers gather around as she got humped.

“Okay, Hero, you got your reward for saving me, just fuck me and get it over with,” Samantha somewhat growled.

Samantha didn’t really expect much; nothing like the licking that really stimulated her clit. She soon found out otherwise as Hero began thrusting into her farther than any of her toys ever did, and it felt wonderful. She was soon panting; trying to remain quiet as she did so, but wishing she could express what she was feeling more verbally.

Samantha’s second orgasm hit her hard and she reached up and pulled Hero to her so that he wouldn’t move as the pleasure waves rolled over her.

“I have no idea what it’s like to have a guy fuck me, but I swear it couldn’t be any better than this,” she offered softly to her furry, four-footed lover.”

Samantha sighed, sure that it was over; after all, she had felt plenty of fluid flowing between her butt-cheeks and either wetting the table seat or falling to the ground.

It wasn’t until Hero began prodding gently that she felt something funny within her. She was unsure as to what it was, but then she felt something else and she knew exactly what it was; she knew about knots on dogs, and she wondered if they worked the same on human females as they did on bitches.

Samantha felt Hero’s sizable knot pressing her for entry and decided to assist; since resistance seemed futile. As the dog pushed into her she pushed back and the pair was soon tied together; she could feel the fleshy ball touching her G-spot.

Once everything was in place Hero began to gently thrust into her once more, and she returned the favor; it felt so good to feel the dog’s hot flesh touching her so deep, and the fact that the cock within her was not human didn’t really bother her; it actually made it all more erotic; she wondered if Mandy had ever let Brutus do more; she’s have to ask.

As Samantha’s next orgasm drew closer, she couldn’t help but cling to Hero and look him squarely in the eyes. “Give me your seed lover. You are my first, I’ve never had anyone else’s sperm inside me,” she hissed.

Samantha felt something she had never experienced before, and it pushed her over the top as jet after jet of heated sperm entered her. “Oh…god…” was all she managed to mutter as a barrage of stars exploded before her eyes, and then she fainted, but this was much more pleasurable than the last time she had lost unconsciousness.

It was several minutes before Samantha awoke with a start, and realized what had happened, and the fact that Hero was still inside her. “Wow,” she muttered softly that was intense, and then she carefully looked around to be sure that no one was stirring; grateful that the Shepherd didn’t howl as he unloaded his essence into her.

It was several minutes before Hero pulled his sizable knot and cock out of Samantha, and they were tense moments, but when it was over she didn’t miss seeing what the dog had stuffed into her vaginal vault. She whistled softly because it amazed her. “I can’t believe I had all of that in me,” she whispered to the night sky.

Before she could do much more Hero approached her, and began licking her. “Oh… Baby, I can’t take any more right now,” she begged, and then he quit what he was doing and she realized that he had only cleaned her up a bit, and that the lovemaking was over; at least for a few hours.

Samantha quickly slipped her panties on and then hugged Hero. “Thank you, Darling, you were wonderful,” she said softly, and then she returned to her tent.

Hero watched the girl go to the erected shelter and crawl within it. He would have followed if the thing had been big enough to accommodate him, but it wasn’t, he decided to sleep on top of the table, it was clean, and he loved the cool air; he’s be up and about before the campers arose.


Chapter 27

When morning finally arrived, the Evers family had breakfast together. Shortly after that they began putting all the camping gear away. Samantha lagged behind on purpose; she wasn’t riding with the others anyway. They wouldn’t even be traveling in the same direction.

As soon as Steve had all his gear packed up he approached his sister. “Is everything okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine; my stomach’s a little upset from something. I’m just trying to give it time to settle… you know… before I take off and find that I need to make a pit stop right away.” Samantha offered, as she wrinkled her nose a bit to show distaste for that sort of event.

Steve nodded his understanding, and then carefully hugged his sister. “Okay, Samantha, we are going to be on our way. We have a bit farther to go than you do. I hope you liked the whitewater rafting… despite what happened,” he offered.

“Oh… I wouldn’t mind trying it again,” chuckled Samantha, “just not this summer.

With the first goodbyes said, the others soon joined in and it wasn’t long before Steve’s van pulled out of the parking lot and turned to the north.

As soon as Steve’s vehicle entered the road out of the area, Samantha got busy with her camping gear. Within five minutes she herself was ready to depart. She walked toward the main office, and as soon as she could corner one of the employees she asked the question that was foremost on her mind; whether or not the large German Shepherd on the grounds belonged to anyone.

“He doesn’t belong to anyone that we know of; I’ve heard some of the other guys wondering the same thing,” offered one of the guides. “He’s only been around here for three days and he’s quite a dog, but I hope he moves on soon; I heard one of the owners debating about calling animal control.”

Samantha thanked the man, and then left; walking toward Hero who was still hanging close to where her tent had been pitched. As soon as she got close enough she began speaking to him gently, coaxing him toward her vehicle by patting her thigh.

“Come on, Hero, they really don’t want you around her, but I sure wouldn’t mind you coming to live with me; especially if you remain loving and well behaved,” said Samantha softly, and then she smiled and opened the rear passenger door, when she saw him coming toward her.

Samantha looked at Hero askance, “Something tells me that you understand a lot more than most people realize,” she opined, and he woofed his agreement.

Samantha smiled, and shut the door of her vehicle after Hero lay down on the back seat and relaxed. She then walked around the vehicle, aware that he was watching her as she did. “Well, I hope you like it in my apartment. It isn’t too big, but I’m sure that we can make it work if we try.”

It wasn’t too late by the time they reached Samantha’s home of the moment; she only had a five minute drive to school where she was currently situated. She liked this a lot better than having to live on campus, and yet she was still close to her classes.

Samantha made sure that Hero had a good run, and then apologized for having to leave him in her apartment. She needed to go to the grocery store, and he wasn’t a guide dog so she couldn’t take him in with her. She walked up to him and caressed his head, ears and the side of his neck. “Don’t worry, Darling; one of the reasons I have to go is to get you some decent food also. I promise I won’t be long,” she offered and then she left to fulfill what needed to be done.

When Samantha returned, she had some high quality dog food for him, and a collar. She apologized for strapping it to his neck, but she did it so loosely that he could easily slip out of it if needed. “Sorry, Darling, but there are leash laws around here, and I want to take you every place that I can,” she explained.

After saying that, Samantha stripped and took a shower as she prepared to turn in for the night. She wouldn’t go to bed immediately; she liked to read and had a sci-fi story that she was half way through.

When Samantha exited the bathroom, naked and trying to dry her hair with a towel she entirely forgot that she had a new house guest.

Samantha wrapped the towel around her head and then opened one of the lower drawers of her dresser in search of a particular pair of shorts that she wanted to wear the following day. She only got as far as beginning to pick up the item when she was reminded that she had a dog in the house, and that to him she smelled very good.

The first swipe of Hero’s tongue was right down the middle, and couldn’t have been any better aimed if he had sat there for at least a minute, but his shot had only taken milliseconds.

Samantha gasped and turned. “Oh… I forgot for a second that I had you here, but I can see that you aren’t about to let me forget are you,” she commented.

Thinking back on it, Samantha realized that it had been nearly twenty hours since their last sweet interlude, and that he was evidently ready to go again. “All right, I guess we could enjoy a bit of fun together,” she opined as she felt some of her juices already flowing. It was one of the reasons she was fearful of dogs; she had found that they turned her on, but she didn’t have an animal to play with so it would have been very hard to satisfy her desires. Now however, things had changed.

Samantha scratched the top of Hero’s head, and then went to her somewhat low-lying bed; every time she saw it she thought about getting elevators for it, but she kept forgetting.

Samantha sat on the bed and then lay back slightly; keeping her upper torso elevated just enough to see what Hero would do. She remembered the previous night and hoped that this would be a repeat performance.

Hero accepted Samantha’s offer and was soon edging between her legs, actually spreading them a bit farther until he could get at what he wanted, but once the licking started the young brunette opened her legs even wider.

Hero’s pace wasn’t fast with short jab after jab that barely broke the surface; his lingual actions were just right… and very intrusive at times; piercing Samantha’s vaginal slit deep enough to reach her G-spot; a pleasure center that she had just discovered with a dildo that was slightly curved at the tip of it.

Samantha’s excitement grew with each stroke of Hero’s tongue. It wasn’t too long before her first orgasm had her sitting upright and hugging the large shepherd’s head as best possible. Her knees clamped him in place also so that he couldn’t back away as her spasms rippled through her excited vaginal mound.

For a solid ninety second she held him, once more experiencing feelings within her that she couldn’t possibly ignite by simply using her toys. Her self induced tremors were like a quake registering two on the Richter scale at the most.

Even with Brutus, Mandy’s dog, it had only registered three on the prestigious scale, but that wasn’t the case with Hero. He was different and aroused feelings within her to at least eight on the Richter scale, like now, and yet like last evening she was sure that she had gone all the way to ten; it was the only explanation for the fireworks and the fact that she had passed out.

As Samantha’s tremors calmed, she began to release her hold on Hero, but he hadn’t seemed to mind what she had done. She did however find him gently pawing at her next, and it puzzled her for a moment until she realized what he wanted.

“So… you want to take me like a female doggy this time,” said Samantha as she scratched his head momentarily, but then she turned over and presented her back side to him. “Here you go, Hero, let’s see what this feels like.”

Samantha was soon on her knees and Hero was moving over her. His fur felt good against her skin. It was like someone taking a soft hairy glove and caressing her back, buttock and thighs.

Only Samantha’s arms and head really rested on the mattress; the rest of her was accessible for Hero to embrace, and he did just that. In his grasp he pulled her to where he needed her; without making her collapse to the floor.

Samantha felt herself being pulled to suit her lover and the feeling of being dominated by him surfaced. She was where he wanted her, barely able to move and yet she didn’t mind the way it felt to be somewhat manipulated. He was rough, but he was firm, and she was his to use; she could feel his heat approaching her.

Samantha knew that at any moment that Hero’s hot shaft would find her opening, but even though she was ready, she still gasped as he entered her by several inches, and then went even deeper in quick retrievals and thrusts.

Samantha groaned her pleasure and knew that she could not have escaped his entry even if she had wanted to, and that in itself was another high; she was his to do with as he pleased.

Hero began thrusting in earnest after that, and she could feel his precum gushing around inside her and then dripping or splashing onto her legs. It was a bit messy, but with the pace at which he was pounding her pussy she was glad that the lubrication was there.

Before she even realized it Samantha was orgasming for the second time, and she noted that Hero had stopped to allow her the ability enjoy the moment.

As the ripples receded Samantha felt the familiar repositioning of the night before. She had wondered what it was then, but she knew what it was now. The tip of Hero’s pointed penis seated itself at her cervical opening; when he came… his sperm would go right into her womb.

“Oh, Hero, you got me now,” she cooed, and then she pushed back to take him all into her. She wanted his knot to keep them from coming apart.

As Hero’s knot entered Samantha he not only felt it but heard her response to it, and it was something she wanted; not something she was trying to escape from.

The mixed pair began rocking together. He had started first, but she was quick to join in as soon as she realized what he was going to do. She loved the feel the action generated and her third orgasm was only moments away.

Samantha tried to forestall the orgasm, but she couldn’t, and as Hero spewed his essence into her she was totally blown; there was nothing that she could do about it. The fireworks returned and she blissfully passed out.

Hero held Samantha from tumbling to the floor. She was out of it for several minutes, but when she came to she felt safe and warm in his hairy arms. She also enjoyed the feel of him still pumping his sperm into her; only the second batch of male essence that had ever been inside of her body.

Samantha felt her own orgasm beginning to subside. But the full feeling within her belly remained. Hero’s substantial maleness and the fluids he had pumped into her uterus were very noticeable to her.

It was as Hero’s knot began to shrink, and he was about to pull out that Samantha reached back and caressed his flank, or upward to scratch his chest as best possible. “You fucked me really good, Darling; you made me want to have your puppies if I could,” she confessed, “just don’t expect it to happen; from what the doctors have told me, I can’t have babies; it has something to do with messed up fallopian tubes,” offered Samantha sadly.

When the two did part, Samantha held still just long enough for Hero to clean her up, and he did a very good job of it. She eventually turned and sat near the edge of the bed and once more reached out to caress him as he took care of himself.

Samantha watched Hero and was amazed once more that he had had so much of himself inside her body; yet she was very aware also that what she presently saw had shrunk a bit as the blood flowed in different directions now that their lovemaking was over, and yeah… it was exactly that… lovemaking.

Samantha did go to the bathroom and clean up a bit more, but it wasn’t much. She was soon back in her bedroom and patting the mattress beside her; wanting Hero beside her as she slept.

The young brunette rested well; dreaming of actually becoming pregnant against the ninety-nine percent odds that the doctors had given her that she would never conceive, and it had everything to do with Hero.


Chapter 26

Many miles away, Annette and Jenna were finally going to test themselves with one of the many different types of pregnancy sticks. Alex had just left and would be away for several days. Neither of them had started their periods yet, and they were now three weeks late.

Annette went first, she had done it before when she was younger; after only two days of being late, and it had come up negative, but she had worried about it since the day she allowed her boyfriend at the time have unprotected sex with her; it was a lesson well learned, and yet here she was again, but the situation was slightly different; it should have been safe to finally feel a male’s sperm really shooting into her depths.

Jenna followed Annette’s example, unabashed at the fact that her father’s fiancée was standing there; after all, the slightly older brunette had already watched her making love to Bo, so this was really nothing.

Annette sighed wearily as she looked at her test strip; it showed positive. She was pregnant, and although she didn’t necessarily want it to be because of some leakage when she was with Alex, she shuddered to think of what it could mean; despite the fact that she had encouraged Bo to put a puppy in her; it was all something that had occurred in the heat of the moment.

Jenna saw the plus on Annette’s stick, but it didn’t really mean too much to her just yet; if the tester was right, the results could have been caused because of involvement with her father.

Jenna then took a deep breath and brought her test stick up to where they could both see it; she gasped when she saw the plus sign. “How can this be… male dogs can’t make human females pregnant. I know that every time he was in me I thought about having his puppies, but that was because he made me feel so good that I wanted to do something for him also.”

“We both did,” Annette offered in agreement, “and from the looks of it I would guess that he found a way to do it.”

“You mean that he’s some kind of mutated animal that can get human females pregnant?”

“In a way, but I have a hunch that it wasn’t because Bo was naturally born that way,” opined Annette. “I have a feeling that he is someone’s wild experiment that happened to escape.”

“You think that Bo is some kind of experiment by someone just to see if he can get girls pregnant!” exclaimed Jenna.

“No… not necessarily just to see if they could produce an animal that could procreate with human females… I think that that aspect is simply and off-shoot of something else,” said Annette.

“The guy that was looking for Loverboy, do you think he knows what the large German Shepherd is capable of?” asked Jenna, as she held her stick out.

Annette shook her head. “It’s hard to tell, but he sure didn’t like the animal; especially after Bo flattened the tire on the truck; from what I heard it was the second time the dog did such a thing,” and then she changed the subject a bit. “Did you say Loverboy?”

“Yeah, that was what I called him before my father picked us up,” returned Jenna, “but I was afraid that my Dad might just put two and two together and come up with the fact that I was somewhat intimate with him… so I changed it to ‘Boy.”

“But I didn’t like ‘Boy,” commented Annette, “so he became Bo.”

“Exactly,” returned Jenna, “but in getting back to what we were talking about; what in the world are we going to do? We’re both pregnant; at least from the looks of it, and it was Bo that got the both of us. I just hope that we don’t end up with some hybrid being that defies the senses.”

“Well, whatever it is we’ll go through it together,” offered Annette. “Your father works a lot, which we will use to our benefit. You will be here for the whole summer before you have to return home and go off to college. I have a very close friend that happens to be in the medical field, and has access to all kinds of equipment. I’m sure she will help us, but I might come with a slight price tag.”

“What do you mean by that?” Jenna asked.

“Patricia loves girls, and made it very obvious to me months ago that she would love to share some intimate time together,” explained Annette. “If we seek her help, I’m sure that she will be discrete about what’s happening, but she would also want to have some fun-time… if you get my drift!”

Jenna said nothing; only nodded before Annette sprang into action. The slightly older brunette picked up her cell phone and looked through the contacts list. She was soon punching the call button.

The conversation that ensued between Annette and Patricia was like two long lost friends getting together after an extended period of time apart, but it had only been a month at the most. The predicament was explained… omitting Jenna and the dog. Plans were made and solidified.

The examination would take a week to organize in a very private setting, and in the meantime; the young ladies tried to comfort each other, but they couldn’t help coming up with several different scenarios as to what might happen. Only one of them was close to the truth however, the rest were aberrations and fear driven.


Chapter 28

In the morning, Samantha had to be on her way to the small part-time job she had or lose it to someone else; which she didn’t want to happen. The hours were somewhat sporadic, but at least her employer would work around her class schedule once the sessions resumed in a few weeks.

The smell of coffee brewing, bacon in the microwave and eggs soon permeated Samantha’s apartment as she rushed about the small kitchen area. It was then that she heard the toilet flush, and the sound of it made her turn and look in that direction immediately.

Even as Samantha looked toward the small cubicle in question Hero walked out of the bathroom, and she realized that she hadn’t even thought of taking him for a run that morning; she wasn’t use to having an animal that she had to watch over.

Samantha shook her head; it couldn’t be what she thought it was, but she wasn’t sure. She decided to let Hero out into the small fenced in back yard while she ate, and then got his food ready for him. She didn’t watch what he did as he inspected the property, so she assumed that he took care of business while she did other things.

Within thirty minutes Samantha was out the door, and hoping that she didn’t come home to a mess. She didn’t realize that Hero unlocked and opened the back door at his leisure; sat in the sun or shade, depending on his desire of the moment, or the fact that when he had his fill of the outdoors that he went back inside and turned on the TV.

Hero even managed to find the discovery channel in the process. He loved the show, it was one of the things he had been able to do before he escaped, but he had never been given the control to do it himself, and where other dogs saw things in black and white, his creators had managed to all him to see colors.

At work, Samantha got a bit of a surprise; Mandy dropped in just before her hours were over, and they were both pleased to see each other; much for the same reason; they both like dogs.

“When did you get back into town?” asked Samantha as she began getting ready to leave since her hours had been served.

“I just got back three days ago,” Mandy returned. “I need to get a job, and I thought I’d get here a little early and see what I could find before everyone starts returning.”

Samantha chuckled. “I just got back too,” she offered, “I met my brothers about two hundred miles away and we went on a white-water rafting trip. It was wild; I got clobbered by another boat and fell into the water. I didn’t even wake up until I was about three hundred yards downstream.”

“Wow… that sounds like more than wild… you could have been really injure… or worst,” Mandy offered without wanting to go into any specific detail as to how bad it could have been.

“Yeah, it could have been very bad,” agreed Samantha, “but I was saved by this big German Shepherd. He pulled me out of the water and I’m fairly certain that he kept me from drowning.”

“Oh my god!” exclaimed Mandy as the girls walked out of the store. “Was the animal trained to do that by the river people?”

“No… in fact… the dog was a stray that had been hanging around there for a few days and the owners of the place were thinking of calling the animal control people to come and get it,” Samantha added.

“Wow, what’s wrong with them,” opined Mandy, “the animal sounds like something that they need to keep around their facility. Damn, let me know where it’s at and I go and get it and give it a home,” She offered.

Samantha chuckled once more and then stopped beside her vehicle. “Don’t you think Brutus might get a bit jealous? I didn’t mention it but it was a male dog,” omitting the fact that she had already given him a home… at least a temporary one.

Mandy grimaced a bit. “I don’t have Brutus anymore,” she said softly. “He got loose and went chasing after some stupid cat. Before I could even do anything about it the cat ran across the busy road in front of my apartment and he was killed… it was horrible!”

Samantha went to her friend’s side immediately and hugged her. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know,” and she offered her condolences to Mandy.

The girls decided to grab something to eat together and talk a bit more. “So where did you say this place was that had the stray,” asked Mandy eventually. “Maybe I’ll go over there and help them get rid of it, from the little bit that you already told me about it the dog seems well behaved.”

Samantha had a hard time to keep from laughing as she thought about what she and Hero had done on the picnic table, and then again the following day; after she had gotten him home. “Actually… I brought him back with me,” she finally confessed, “I came to the same conclusion that you did. If the owners of the place were going to call animal control, and the workers there hadn’t already taken and given the dog a new home with them… I decided that I would see how things went if I had him.”

“Really…” returned Mandy meaningfully, and then she looked around them carefully before she said anything more. “Did you manage to let him lick you yet? I know you liked what Brutus did to you. Is that why you decided to rescue him; beside the fact that you told me that the river people were looking to get rid of him anyway.”

Samantha felt bombarded with questions about her actions by her friend, and hadn’t been too sure how much she was willing to confess… but Mandy seemed to already know that something had happened.

“Yeah, we had a little interaction,” she returned softly, allowing Mandy to assume that she only meant licking.

Mandy made sure that no one was within easy listening distance once more. “Was he as good as Brutus was?” she asked and then she saw a look of apprehension cross Samantha’s countenance.

“No disrespect to Brutus, Mandy, but Hero is a lot better,” said Samantha softly.

“Really…” returned Mandy, “that is something I would love to see.”

Samantha sighed heavily. “Okay, come over for supper tonight, and I’ll show you how good he is,” she offered.

“I’ll be there at five,” said Mandy quickly, and then she left before Samantha could change her mind. She wasn’t even sure who the one being licked would be, but she was sure that she would still get off on it somehow, and that was all that mattered to her.

Samantha did a quick bit of grocery shopping before going home. She knew that spaghetti was one of Mandy’s favorite meals, and hers also. She got all the fixings that she would need and then went to see how Hero was handling being cooped up in her apartment, but she also called her boss and asked him a few pertinent questions.

Even as Samantha opened the front door she heard the television and it surprised her; she didn’t remember turning it on. She didn’t have far to go before she could look into the room in question and what she saw amazed her. Hero was lying on the couch and watching the discovery channel. He even had the remote in front of him.

Hero knew that the Samantha was home, but he did nothing until she entered the room and stopped to stare at him as he watched the TV.
He woofed slightly, sat up and then carefully extended his paw until his center nail touched the off button of the device and punched it.

Once the TV was off, Hero even put the controller on the coffee table where it could easily be found and then he went to greet Samantha who was still standing, holding a bag full of groceries, just inside the doorway. She didn’t come out of her mesmerized stare until he was right in front of her and woofed again to get her attention.

Samantha shook her head slightly, and then began walking toward her small kitchen. “I’m beginning to wonder what I really brought home with me from the White Water River,” she opined softly before setting the groceries on the counter.

After Samantha sat her small bag of groceries on the counter she turned toward Hero and hugged him. “You are one weird puppy,” she chuckled as she scruffed his heck a bit and then headed for her bedroom to change into something a bit more comfortable.

Samantha shed her outer garments quickly. She was trying to decide how casual she wanted to be when Hero intruded in her thought process. He reared up on his hind legs and with great dexterity placed his paws on her shoulders.

Samantha felt some of Hero’s weight, but not a whole lot, and definitely not enough to bowl her over and make her fall. He then kissed her, before releasing her; still not knocking her off balance.

“Awww… did you miss your Mommy,” she cooed, and then she knelt in front of him and hugged him again.

When Samantha was down at his level he did push against her a bit and she landed gently on her butt and slightly off balance; just enough to all him time to lick her a couple of times and hopefully entice her into more.

“Ohhh… I see you did miss you Mommy,” she cooed and she allowed him to continue for a bit, even hooking her finger into the leg band of her panties and clearing the way for him to get at her pussy a little better.

Hero licked her for almost a minute before she sighed, looked at the time and then allowed her panties to snap back into place. “Hold that thought,” she moaned as she arose, and then she stripped of her undergarments completely.

Samantha saw that Mandy wouldn’t be there for another hour and a half, so she decided she and Hero would have some fun. She stripped her bra off also, and then sat at the very edge of her bed before reclining slightly.

The young brunette didn’t have to say a word, her actions said it all. Within moments, Hero was between her legs once more. His tongue hit all the right spots, and within a few more minutes she was experiencing her first orgasm of the day, but she knew that it would not be her last, and for that she was very grateful.

Samantha’s first climax was beautiful, and as it began to subside Hero began to come up over her slowly, licking her as he progressed. She felt his fur on her naked body as he did so and it tantalized her all the more, knowing that very soon she would feel his hot cock within her, and she could barely wait; she was almost tempted to grab him by his new collar and pull him into place.

When Hero’s sizable shaft did begin nudging her excited slit and began to part her labia she sighed, and then gasped as several inches of the hot phallus invaded her. “Oh, yes…” she murmured as she lifted her legs up and over her four-footed lover.

Hero began moving into Samantha more fully, and then really kicked it into gear as soon as his knot was at her entrance. Several times his ball of growing flesh parted her lower lips to a point where they might become tied, but it must have missed by mere segments of an inch from happening.

Samantha was gasping and panting as hero’s hot shaft battered her depths with just enough force to feel good but not hurt. Her legs were now clamped around him and she lifted her arms to hug him to her as her second orgasm claimed her.

The young brunette didn’t let up on her solid embrace until she began feeling him try to align himself with her uterus. She felt the two pieces of the puzzle meet and then he pressed into her… and she pushed back; wanting his knot inside of her vaginal vault and locking them together.

“Oh… Hero, you have me were you need me,” she whispered softly, “I just wish that your sperm could do what it’s supposed to do and give me your puppy. I sure wouldn’t mind that,” she added as they began rocking together to complete what they had started; with her arms caressing his hairy shoulders above her.

Samantha got hotter and hotter thinking about what she was doing. She was about to have male sperm shot into her womb, and if it was at all possible she wanted to conceive. It was all she thought about and she whispered her desire to her lover. They crushed their sex organs into each other with intensity, stimulating one another until neither of them could take any more.

The young brunette began to orgasm, and at first she thought she wouldn’t lose it like the previous times, but she was wrong… she had only arrived at her peak a few moments before Hero hit his. As soon as she felt his contribution to the equation she lasted only another three seconds and then she lost it completely; feeling the jet-like injections entering her uterus was just too much stimulation when combined with certain intense desires to provide him what he was after. Her arms dropped to her side.

Samantha slowly resurfaced. When she did she looked right into Hero’s face and smiled. She didn’t care how long she had been out of it. She wasn’t even concerned that her friend might arrive at any moment; all she really cared about was the face that she and Hero were still tied together and she could feel the last spurts of his male essence entering her.

With a moan of pleasure Samantha lifted her arms once more and embraced Hero. “You make me feel so good, Darling, and I’m sure that I do the same for you or you wouldn’t shoot all your cum into me, but I’m hoping and praying that I can give you what you are after when we are like this. “I would love to prove the doctors wrong! Even if it is only one time in my entire life,” she offered softly; knowing that within two or three days she would ovulate once more.

The united pair remained together for another five minutes, and then they parted. Hero immediately began cleaning her up, and she relished the feelings that it created, but she also sat just enough to get a look at his equipment again for the third time, and she loved what she saw; knowing that his cock, that hung proudly below his sheath, had been stuffed inside her pussy only moments earlier, and that the glistening wetness was a combination of his precum and hers.

Once Hero was done licking her clean she headed for the bathroom to complete the cleanup. She got dressed and was soon in her small kitchen area cooking the meat for the spaghetti and noting that her friend would be there at any moment; Mandy was usually early; especially when it came to occasions like this. On other things like school… she was usually a minute or two late.

Samantha had just added the sauce to the browned meat when Hero’s ears perked up, and she noted his action. Nearly a minute more passed, and then there was a light knocking at her door… followed by the doorbell being rung; Mandy had arrived.


Chapter 29

When Samantha opened the door Mandy didn’t waste any time but immediately hugged her friend, and the embrace was immediately returned. “Thank you for inviting me over,” she offered as they parted. “I hate the dorm; I need to find some place to live, but I also need to get a job so that I can afford to move,” and she saw a Cheshire like smile grace her friend’s face.

When Samantha didn’t offer an explanation for the smile, Mandy asked about, but she also made a big fuss about the large German Shepherd she saw sitting calmly in the center of the living room floor after getting a good look at him. She approached him carefully and gently extended her hand so that he could smell it; while trying to calm herself in the process. He didn’t look skittish, or high strung, but she didn’t want to get close to him too fast and get bitten; she had seen situations like that happen on TV.

“He won’t bite,” assured Samantha as she watched how carefully Mandy approached Hero, “will you, Darling,”

Hero woofed softly and then arose and carefully approached the newcomer so as not to scare her; the girl was evidentially a friend of his current mistress. He was soon standing next to the female and allowing her to pet him.

Mandy took full advantage of the dog’s friendliness to get better acquainted with him, and then ask Samantha about the smile at the door and the term of endearment that was used when addressing the canine; to her it sounded a bit intimate.

Samantha opted to answer the question about the smile first. She told her friend that she had called her boss, and that there could be a job there if Mandy wanted it, and the hugging returned immediately.

Added to the job offer, she also mentioned that although the current apartment wasn’t real big… that she wouldn’t mind Mandy living there also; with the stipulation that they shared the bills, and she knew her fellow student well enough that a verbal agreement was all that was needed.

The two girls had a lot to talk about as they finished fixing their evening meal, and Hero just went about his own business. He even turned on the television with the sound down to where it could barely be heard by others, and it wasn’t until later that Mandy realized what he was doing. Even that followed the fact that she heard the toilet flush and her eyes were drawn that way immediately because she and Samantha were at the small kitchen table eating.

When Mandy turned to look in the direction of the bathroom she saw Hero emerging from the room in question. “Please tell me that he wasn’t drinking out of the toilet bowl,” she asked as she turned back to her close friend.

“Nope, he has his bowl… though I did catch him turning on the tap and getting a drink that way when he thought that I wasn’t looking,” offered Samantha.

Mandy snorted. “You’re kidding… right?” she asked skeptically.

“No!” returned Samantha easily. “Hero will drink from his bowl if its fresh enough, or use the tap; catching the water mid-stream until he’s satisfied, and then he’ll turn it off. As for the bathroom… he uses the toilet just like we do, and don’t ask me who taught him to do it because I haven’t the faintest idea.”

Mandy looked at Hero again, and noted his markings. “He’s beautiful,” she opined. “He’s a bit bigger than most Shepherds,” she continued, and then he looked at her as though he knew that she was talking about him. She turned back toward her friend and shook her head slightly. “Don’t get too attached to him, Samantha,” she offered. “He may have been a stray according to the people by the river… but I have a feeling that someone is probably looking for him. He’s no ordinary dog.”

“Oh… he’s definitely not ordinary,” offered Samantha dreamily.

Mandy was quick to pick up on the fact that her friend meant what was said… in a way other than his size, beautiful marking and well mannered habits. “Really, Samantha, tell me more,” she coaxed.

Samantha nodded but then stipulated that proof of his difference would follow after they had taken care of the supper dishes and were ready to relax. It spurred both of them on and soon it was time.

It wasn’t long before Samantha was checking the doors to be sure that they were secure, the curtains were properly in place, and the TV was off.

“Take off your clothes,” Samantha told her friend, and then she did the same so that Mandy wouldn’t be self conscious about being the only one naked.

Hero watched the girls closely, and once they were bare he approached Samantha, but he was turned away by her. “We were together earlier, Sweetheart, Mandy is the one that needs you attention.”

Hero looked at the second girl, the one that had been addressed as Mandy. “Sit down on the couch and spread your legs,” said Samantha.

Mandy smiled, having no idea what she was in for beyond what she hoped would be a good licking. She did exactly as Samantha asked her to do. She sat on the couch and then spread her legs to allow Hero access to her pussy slit.

Hero accepter her offer and was soon licking Mandy from rosebud to clit, and delving deep within her labial lips on several occasions. She was sure that he even hit her g-spot several times and it wasn’t long before she was on the precipice of a very pleasant orgasm.

Mandy managed to sit up just enough to engulf Hero’s head in her arms as her orgasm hit her. She hated to compare what Brutus did to what she was experiencing now, but it was definitely better; it was as though this dog knew a girl’s anatomy completely and knew exactly how to manipulate it and make her feel good.

Mandy sighed, contentedly and then lay back, reveling in the feel of the ebbing tide. She suddenly realized that Hero was coming up over her, but she thought nothing of it, he was kissing her stomach, nipples and then her neck and chin.

It wasn’t until he got to her lips and kissed her there also that she felt it. There was warmth, and then the labial lips that had been parted by his tongue was pierced several inches by something else that was equally as hot but a lot thicker.

“Oh my god, he has his cock in me,” Mandy managed to his, and then more of it slid into her and she gasped and brought her legs up and around his lower body; she didn’t want him to pull back out.

This was not the first time that Mandy had a doggy dick in her pussy, but with Brutus, it had always been a few shallow jabs, and then he would retreat. He would do it a few times that way, but she had never been able to keep him in her for more than ten seconds at a time at the most.

“Oh… god, he feels good,” Mandy cooed, and then she nearly lost her ability to remain coherent as Hero began to thrust within her at a rapid pace. What followed was mere whimpers of pleasure until she orgasmed a second time, and by then she was cling to him and holding him close.

Mandy finally released Hero as her orgasm subsided somewhat, she thought that their lovemaking was over, but she found out otherwise as he began a short series of prods, before really pressing into her once more.

Push you pussy up at him Samantha urged, and she was pleased as her friend seemed coherent enough to do as she asked. She heard another gasp after that and knew that the knot was set, and fairly certain that the two mated organs were in alignment. She could hardly wait to see what happened next.

“Give it to him Mandy,” Samantha urged as she saw the mated pair thrusting slowly at each other, “let him know that you are there for him.”

Mandy did just that. “Oh Samantha, he is so deep in me. He’s going to cream any egg that I have there easily. It’s beautiful, he might even be able to fertilize my egg… it only a pity that it wouldn’t plant itself in my womb and grow. Oh… oh… he’s squirting…” and that was all the further she got before she passed out.

Mandy was out of it for over two minutes, and then she slowly resurfaced. “Oh, Hero, your cock feels so good in my pussy, I’m glad that you’re still in me,” she offered weakly

“He really knows how to give a girl a wild ride, doesn’t he?” commented Samantha.

“Yeah, he sure does, Samantha, and thank you for sharing him with me,” said Mandy who laid there limply; right up the point that Hero pulled from her vaginal vault, and then she squawked a bit as his sizable phallus was removed from her pussy.

“Oops, we probably should have held him in you a bit longer,” said Samantha as her friend experienced a bit of pain.

“Oh, it wasn’t too bad… whoa… he had all of that in me!” exclaimed Mandy in awe as she sat up a bit and finally got a look at Hero’s cock for the first time. “Gees, no wonder he hit bottom and I felt so full,”

Mandy’s treatment wasn’t over quite yet, and soon she found Hero gently licking her as he had in the beginning, but although it felt wonderful, everything remained topical. He didn’t delve deeply into her pussy as he had before; it was strictly a cleanup.

Mandy still cooed about how good it felt but after Hero was done he retreated a bit and did a bit of self cleanup, and the girls watched him. “That is a very special dog,” Mandy reiterated.

“Yeah, I’m beginning to realize that more and more,” returned Samantha.

“You were at the river with your brothers, what did they think of Hero,” asked Mandy as the girls continued to talk.

“Oh, they thought he was great, but they have no idea that I brought him home with me,” responded Samantha. “They didn’t know that he fucked me on a picnic bench while they were sleeping, and that I decided to bring him home; especially after finding out that no one at the river camp owned him.”

“Cool move, I’d have done the same if he had nailed me like he just did and then I found out that he was an orphan of sorts,” offered Mandy.

“You said something about a previous owner possible looking for him, do you think that it will be hard for that person to track him to here?” asked Samantha, somewhat resigned to the fact that someone could be looking for her new pet.

“I don’t know,” returned Mandy, but I have a vet friend that might be able to help us with that question.”

“What do you mean?” Samantha asked.

“Well, an animal like Hero might have one of those locator things implanted in his skin, or at least some form of identification as to who he belongs to,” said Mandy.

“I’m not sure that I really want to find out,” Samantha offered softly.

“Yeah, I know what you mean, but if you lost an animal like Hero, wouldn’t you want someone to return him to you?” asked Mandy.

“Yeah, I would… and yet I’m beginning to wonder,” opined Samantha. “With Hero seeming to be as smart as he is… don’t you think that he would know the way home if he really wanted to return there?”

“Possibly, Sam, but maybe we’re assuming that he’s smarter than he really is,” offered Mandy and she was about to say more, but the look that she got from Hero made her stop what she was about to say next; she swore that he knew exactly what she was talking about.

Mandy changed the subject after that and it moved to what the two girls planned to do next between them. In very short order they decided to begin living together, and it escalated quickly after that.


Chapter 30

It was quickly decided that Mandy would spend the night, and then they would get her few things to Samantha’s apartment and they would share what they had. It would be easier for them that way.

Samantha gave Mandy one of her oversize night shirts to use for when it came time to sleep, but even though they put the garments on they didn’t stay there completely. They also began sharing other intimate feelings and before they realized it they had a lot more in common than they realized.

I didn’t know that you were into girls, Samantha,” offered Mandy as they began to cuddle on the sofa while watching TV. “I haven’t been with a female either, at least not beyond a somewhat intimate kiss, and even that only was in parting.”

“Well, I’m thinking about what you said earlier; when you mentioned that you didn’t want to get tied up with some guy at the moment, and I feel the same way,” offered Samantha. “We have Hero, and I’m fairly certain that he’ll meet most of our male needs for as long as we can keep him, and we won’t have to worry about getting pregnant… though I must say that I sure wouldn’t mind him knocking me up and giving me one of his puppies.”

Mandy giggled at that. “Same here, Sam! When he was pumping his seed into me, it was all that I could think of. It was what made me lose it there for a while. The thought of his sperm inside my womb and swarming my egg was so hot,” agreed Mandy. “I wouldn’t mind him getting me pregnant.”

“Do you think that it’s always that way when some guy is making love to you?” asked Samantha. “Do all women want to get pregnant by the guy that’s making love to them?”

“I don’t think so,” responded Mandy. “I’m fairly certain that you can’t go by porno movies; it’s only sex for the sake of sex, but I’ve seen some that were made by boyfriends and girlfriends and maybe the guy was trying to knock the lady up, but I didn’t hear any words of encouragement about having a baby pumped into them by the girl. Not only that, but I have never seen a woman respond to a guy the way I responded to Hero. Damn… I could barely make myself understood when he was fucking me before or after he shoved his knot into me.”

Yeah, I know what you mean; I have felt the same way when he nailed me good. All I could seem to do was babble,” confirmed Samantha.

“Speaking of babbling,” said Mandy, “I want to see if I can make you ramble a bit,” and then she quickly got to her knees in front of Samantha and pushed her friend’s legs apart.

Before the girls did anything else, they both shucked their panties, fairly certain that they wouldn’t need them for a while and not wanting to take the time to remove them later. Mandy was soon between Samantha’s legs once more.

Mandy had access to her friend’s pussy as Samantha lay back with lifted legs. What she didn’t know was that their actions had spurred someone else’s interest, and he was creeping closer as the seconds passed by.

Samantha saw Hero about three seconds before he reared up over Mandy and grabbed the kneeling girl around her waist with his legs; she really didn’t even have time to warn her friend what was coming, and it was different; he hadn’t started by licking this time. It really didn’t leave room for her so she got out of the way.

Mandy felt Hero mount her, and it was a surprise to her; he had already been in her only an hour previous, and yet this time it would be different. This time he was taking her from behind and it was somewhat primal because she could do nothing about it but ask for Samantha’s help in getting the dog off of her, and yet she really didn’t want to so that either.

Mandy felt one exploratory poke, and even that one split her lower lips like a preemptory kiss of what was to follow. Only seconds passed after that and the heat she felt moments earlier returned with a vengeance and four solid inches of cock entered her and stayed.

Mandy remembered how she and Samantha had mentioned about the inability to be very coherent when they were really being pounded, and the same situation returned even now. She got to mention once how good his hot shaft felt as it entered her, and then the rest was near gibberish as Hero began to pound her and possess her.

It was different this time, though it was only her second experience with Hero. She attained her first orgasm, and expected him to stop, but he didn’t; he continued to slam his cock into her until she experienced a near overload of sensory input and orgasmed again… and then he let her coast for a bit.

Hero could feel the girl’s vaginal contractions and he waited for them to abate to nearly nothing before he began again. A few quick probes followed after that and then he set his knot. She didn’t have to do a thing. She was trapped between him and the sofa and had nowhere to go; it popped right in.

Mandy squawked, and Samantha knew what happened. She had seen Hero hunch his hips forward meaningfully, and she could picture his knot plundering her friend’s pussy lips.

Even as Samantha watched, Mandy moaned as Hero lunged into her forcefully. She could almost feel the dogs hot phallus pushing against all the feminine reproductive parts of her friend and stimulating them until the slightly smaller brunette was ready to orgasm once more.

Hero wasn’t far behind when it came time to reach mutual culmination of the mating event. Mandy was utterly speechless; reduced to murmurs and panting. It was doubtful that her friend could have uttered a sensible sentence at the moment.

As for Mandy, she had never quite experienced anything like this ever before. Brutus had poked her a bit, but he had never really stayed inside her for more than a few seconds. Also, from the videos that she had perused, she had never seen anyone getting screwed as well as she was at the moment.

When the mated pair finally erupted together, Mandy did manage a few somewhat disjointed and faint words that reached Samantha’s ears. Puppy, knocked up, his bitch anytime was the gist of it and then she fainted.

Mandy didn’t reawaken for several minutes, and when she did she was still floating in a blissful fog. Even when Hero finally dismounted she barely moved.

Samantha began to worry, but eventually Mandy awoke enough to be led to the bedroom. The smaller brunette managed to crawl onto the right side of the mattress and was soon fast asleep.

Once Mandy was abed, Samantha returned to the living room and faced Hero. “You really fucked her hard, darling. What did she do… say something to upset you?” she asked, never expecting an answer.

Hero woofed softly and unmistakably shook his head.

Samantha was shocked and looked at him askance. “Did you just screw Mandy like that for a reason?”

Hero woofed in response again only this time his head had a slight nod to it.

Samantha gasped, she was talking to a dog… she was almost certain of it… though his responses seemed limited so she decided to try more; sticking to questions that could be answered with a simple yes or no.

In the end, Samantha found out several things. Hero was owned by others, but he had managed to escape, and he didn’t want to return. He would stay with them for as long as he could, but in the end he would probably have to leave.

She tried to think of a lot of various questions, and was surprised with one response. He knew about women’s ovulation cycles, and he was definitely trying to impregnate them. He was fairly certain that he had gotten Mandy knocked up, and he would be trying for her as soon as her body released its next egg.

Samantha was amazed at what she thought she learned, and she was very tired by the time she was done with the extensive questioning; she had doubts about herself… wondering if she hadn’t read too much into what had happened; she was the only one that had witnessed it, and was afraid that it was more wishful thinking than anything.

When Samantha went to bed that night she carefully crawled in beside Mandy so as not to awaken her. She slept well, and when the morning came she awoke refreshed, but uncertain as to how much of what she thought she had learned about Hero she wanted to relay to her friend.

She went so far as to face Hero and ask him if she should say something to Mandy about the previous night, and she got a response; he really didn’t want her to say anything to her friend; what he had told her was to remain between them.

When Mandy finally came out of the bedroom she was very animated about how well Hero had fucked her, and then she asked Samantha what had been missed.

Samantha told her exactly what had happened; minus the conversation with Hero as she had promised him. Her friend listened carefully, and then confirmed a few things.

“Hero is amazing, Samantha, but I think you already know that. If he could knock me up, I’d be on my knees or back every time he looked at me in a way that suggested that he wanted to take me, and I wouldn’t care who saw us,” Mandy confessed. “I would love to have one of his puppies in my belly.”

Samantha smiled. “Yeah, I know exactly what you mean,” she concurred, agreeing to everything that Mandy said; feeling exactly the same way and hoping that it was all possible.


Chapter 31

Days passed, and as Samantha and Mandy enjoyed their time with each other and Hero; sinister things were afoot hundreds of miles away. The brunette’s rescue on the river was finally noticed. A blogger had written a story about a heroic dog. The animal was credited for saving a girl’s life after a weird accident involving two rafts, and there was even a photo of the animal; taken hastily with a cell phone, but it was still good enough to allow anyone interested to see that the German Shepherd in question was slightly larger than normal.

Jason was on it immediately, and headed for the white water rafting campsite. It took days to accomplish but in the end he had the basic story and a name to go with it.

The Latter had cost him a hundred dollars to obtain from one of the needier of the office people that should not have given out addresses of their clients, but he managed in the end. Jason was soon headed off to a college town and hoping that the information he had received was accurate.

Samantha, Mandy and Hero were happy; everything was working well for them. Both girls now worked at the same place, and their boss was pleased with them; beyond being very beautiful, they never caused him any grief when it came to honesty with the money that came into the shop.

Samantha had finally ovulated, but as usual, she doubted that the egg would manage to descent her tubes and reach her uterus. She was surprised however when Hero paid particular attention to her that night. After all, he had mated with her earlier that morning, and it should have been Mandy’s turn.

“Silly dog,” grumbled Samantha as Hero began pushing her around playfully instead of going for Mandy who was already naked and sitting on the bed with legs spread wide in an open invitation.

Mandy giggled about it and got on the floor with her friend and began wrestling with Hero; simply enjoying the feel of his hair on her breasts and inner thighs. “Hey, Samantha, just take your clothes off and give him what he wants. Remember the other day when he took me the very first time and then did it again only an hour or so later.”

Samantha nodded and then hurriedly stripped out of the few garments she had on and sat where Mandy had been sitting. “Okay you silly dog, we’ll do it your way,” and as soon as she opened her legs he was there to take advantage of it.

“Damn, Samantha, he sure wants you tonight,” Mandy chuckled. “What did you do put a little peanut butter on your pussy, or rub a little of the beef hotdogs along your hot slit,” she offered as she thought back to what they had for supper.

“I didn’t do anything, Mandy, honest,” returned Samantha with quickened breath as Hero’s tongue took that moment to really dig into her depths and hit her g-spot. “I have no idea why he’s after me so heatedly.”

Mandy watched Hero go at Samantha more aggressively than usual; it almost reminded her of the second time that he had taken her, and it wasn’t long before he had his chosen mate orgasming. He then began gently pawing at her to turn over. “You better flip onto your knees, Honey, or he might scratch you,” she offered.

Even as Mandy appraised her as to what Hero wanted, Samantha realized it also and was soon on her knees with her upper torso barely supported by the mattress.

Samantha wasn’t in position long before Hero was on her, and the feel of his hairs on her back, thighs and buttock felt good. It was only a moment longer before she felt the heat of his engorged cock, and then it pierced her lower lips; pushing its way into her at least four inches, and it took her breath away; yet it was pleasant.

Samantha groaned her pleasure as she felt the rest of her lover enter her quickly. Hero was soon thrusting at her at an increasing rate of speed, and within moments she was panting and murmuring her encouragement concerning their mating. It was barely audible and somewhat disjointed, but he heard it, and he was trying his best to make it happen.

Mandy had been sitting on the floor and watching as Hero shoved his cock into Samantha from behind; it seemed to need very little guidance, though she would have gladly assisted if it had.

The young brunette watched the mated couple, and began running at least one finger through her own slit, but then she went quickly to the night stand and got one of the toys that they used on each other occasionally.

The stimulator that Mandy chose was not excessively long, but the curved forward egg-shaped tip on a thin shaft was made for stimulating the g-spot mainly, and it did a very good job of it in the right hands.

Mandy watched as Hero pounded Samantha into a panting, blithering, totally exhausted female at the seeming mercy of a dominant lover, and she remembered well the feeling. It was why she was jamming the shaped wand within herself in a way that somewhat matched what the dog was doing to her friend.

With eyes mere slits, Mandy pictured herself on the receiving end of Hero’s shaft, and the probe helped, but it wasn’t perfect. When Samantha did orgasm and the Shepherd kept going she managed to trigger a response within her own body. Unfortunately she lost control a bit and ended up jamming the stimulator into her almost its full depth as she landed on her rump and the device was trapped between her and the floor.

Mandy’s eyes opened wide as the unyielding plastic phallus impacted the depth of her vaginal slot. It hurt, and yet it also felt good. She did end up curling into a fetal ball for nearly two minutes, but then she reached back and gently began to move the object within her just a bit, and slowly the ache subsided and the blissful feelings returned completely.

While Mandy recovered from the mishap, Samantha was ridden to two intense orgasms before Hero slowed his pace. It was as the kneeling brunette finally managed to catch her breath that she felt her lover getting ready to finalize their union, and she was all for it.

Samantha shifted a bit also and was pleased when she felt Hero’s cock tip seat itself in the proper place. They thrust at each other then and she hissed her acceptance with a soft “Yes…”

Once Hero was aligned properly and seated within his lovely mate he began his gentle thrusting, and he felt her press into him also. It wasn’t long before they were at the top of the mountain and ready to soar.

Hero released his seed into Samantha as he felt her vaginal contractions begin anew. She quaked beneath him for only seconds, and then lay still as more and more of his sperm entered her womb. He had done what he needed to do… only time would now tell if it had all been successful.

It was several minutes before Mandy got back to her knees carefully; mindful of the device that was still imbedded within her core, and yet even as she sat somewhat on the calves of her legs she allowed the butt end of the toy to touch the floor, and she felt it.

Hero and Samantha were still pressing into each other; she was just in time to catch the culmination of it all. On a whim, Mandy began to move slightly and the bumping action that followed as the toy was pushed into her created pleasure as long as she didn’t do it too hard. She kept it up and as she saw and heard her friend gasp at receiving the dog’s sperm, she managed to orgasm also, and once more was able to picture herself on the receiving end of it all. She didn’t pass out, but wave after wave of euphoric bliss washed over her.

Mandy’s removal of the removal of the toy coincided with Hero finally dismounting Samantha, but the young brunette stayed in her kneeling position, and even when he had cleaned her up, she didn’t move.

“Turnabout is fair play I guess,” Mandy murmured softly as she finally arose herself and then helped Samantha plop onto the soft mattress, glad that she didn’t have to assist her friend too far in getting to where the young brunette would spend the rest of the night.

There wasn’t too much of a size difference between the two girls, but it made it far easier to simply get Samantha into bed because she was so close to the platform, than to try and get her there from the living room. Her friend was like a limp noodle at the moment.

Mandy didn’t remain awake much longer herself, pleased that she didn’t really have to worry about Hero, since he was so good at taking care of his own needs.


Chapter 32

The girls slept later than usual, not really stirring until nine in the morning, but then they didn’t have to be to work until noon. Samantha still felt euphoric about what she had experienced the previous night; despite the fact that she barely remembered any of it after Hero began pumping his seed into her… she did remember the beginning of it and it was memorable also.

For Mandy, it was a good morning also, she was pleasantly satisfied despite the fact that the back wall of her vaginal vault felt tender from slipping and jamming the toy against that area so abruptly.

When they crawled out of bed naked, Hero was there to greet them. He gave them a few kisses, but he didn’t try anything more at the moment; he didn’t sense that the girls would be receptive. He wasn’t selfish, wanting to please only himself… even if he was a dog. He knew a lot more than his creators ever planned on him knowing or being able to learn and retain.

The girls put bras and panties on and then slipped into robes, before finally ambling out to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. Mandy did go to the coffee pot and set it up to begin brewing at least eight cups of the wakeup juice, and then she noticed that Hero was watching her.

“You know, darling, if you were a perfect doggy, you would have had coffee waiting for us when we awoke,” she chuckled, and yet she could have swore that he knew what she was saying because of how intently he was observing her.

Mandy pushed the coffeemaker into place and punched the start button, but then realized that Hero was no longer watching her. His head was turned toward the front door and he was growling softly as he did so.

Both Samantha and Mandy noted his action because of the low angry sounding rumble that came from him; they hadn’t known him too long, but he had never acted like this before.

The girls were still wondering about Hero’s actions when the front door bell sounded, causing both young women to be startled slightly. They were just beginning to wonder if they really wanted to answer the door when the next sound they heard was a heavy fist being pounded against the wooden barrier in a way that made it sound as though it would be beaten open if they didn’t respond to it.

Mandy took the initiative then and yelled out. “Hold on a minute, and quit beating on the door or I’ll call the cops!” She reached for the pepper spray that she had close by and usually carried before leading the way to the front entrance.

As the girls slowly approached the door, they were not paying attention to what Hero was doing, but they did hear a muffled voice asking to see a Miss Samantha Evers. Unsure as to what it was all about they carefully unlocked the portal and opened it with Mandy ready to use the pepper spray if needed.

When Jason heard the door being opened he stood close, the screen was already out of the way so all he had to do was push his way in if he felt the need. What greeted him were two girls, and they looked a bit frightened, but then he considered it a bit normal with the way he had slammed his fist against the wooden barrier moments earlier.

Jason introduced himself, using only his first name, and that he represented persons that were looking for their lost German Shepherd. He mentioned that he was fairly certain that Miss Evers had returned from her recent camping trip with the animal as he had seen pictures of the dog on the internet.

Neither girl really turned to look at each other, but their eyes quickly darted to the side to see how their friend was handling the information. Unfortunately, the side glance and hesitation was not missed by Jason.

“Where’s the dog,” he growled, and then he tried to barge past the girls; which he succeeded in doing, but in passing… Mandy managed to hit him in the face with the pepper spray.

As Jason tried to recover from the duly warranted pepper attack from the young ladies, he also got another surprise. He finally got to see the dog he knew as Zeta up close and personal, and it wasn’t a pleasant meeting.

Zeta bit Jason’s leg several times in quick succession, but not enough to break it; just tear it up a bit and hopefully make the man rethink efforts to find him in the future. Besides, he didn’t want the girls to have trouble getting the creep out of their house after he was gone.

After puncturing Jason’s right lower leg in several places Zeta ran out the door; much to the consternation of Samantha and Mandy, but they did understand his actions seeing as there was someone hunting for him, and it was now obvious to them that Hero didn’t want to go back, but then one young brunette already knew that.

As soon as Jason could stand he found one girl armed with the pepper spray that he was still trying to clear from his eyes and nose; it had taken his breath away. While the other was armed with a knife; which against his gun wouldn’t have really meant much, but at least he was man enough to cede to their demands that he leave; after all, they had only been protection themselves… his injuries had come from the dog; which he was really beginning to hate with a passion.

“I was only after the dog… nothing else!” he yelled as he managed to hobble out of the apartment; trailing small droplets of blood.

The girls quickly closed the door behind him when they could and relocked the entryway; hoping that Hero would manage to get away, and that the man would not return.

Both girls hugged each other for a while; comforting each other; knowing that they would miss Hero, and yet very aware that they knew that something like this could happen. The German Shepherd was just too perfect to not be hunted by its original owner. They were just about to return to the kitchen when they heard cursing and screaming, but they ignored it and went about their own business.

Jason had hobbled out to his SUV and gotten into it. Zeta had bitten him at least four times; just hard enough to tear his pants and break the skin to a depth where it was painful and leaking small amounts of blood; it was nothing critical, but it was definitely going to hurt for a while. He started his engine and threw the transmission into reverse, and that was when he noticed how sluggish the vehicle felt.

Jason got out of the truck and hobbled to the rear; going to the passenger side, and that was when he saw it; another flat tire; a hole bitten into the sidewall just like the other times. It was then that the man screamed obscenities, and definitely cursed Zeta’s pedigree; he was going to have to talk to Dr. Xavier again. There was no way the two scientists were paying him enough to continue the hunt as far as he was concerned.

Inside the apartment, the girls bemoaned the fact that they had lost their loving Shepherd. They began hoping that Hero would return because they knew that it would be impossible to find another canine as smart as he had been. Even so however, Samantha recalled a lot of things that she had never told Mandy and she wondered about them.


Chapter 33

Zeta was on the run again. Crippling his hunter and then putting a hole in the man’s chosen form of transportation assured him that he would have a good half hour head start, and he did not plan on taking any of the normal roads. He knew where he was and his sense of direction was perfect as he trotted overland.

While Zeta was once more on the run, Angela and Jill were on their way to see Christine again. Everyone else that worked at the clinic was gone. The girls were now figured to be at least five weeks along, and the puppy bump hadn’t gotten too big, but then the vet didn’t really expect it to be.

Christine had the girls strip again, enjoying the sight before her. Both girls shaved their mounds, and had only a small landing strip of hairs pointing to the goodies below.

As usual, Christine checked the girls rectally, making sure she stimulated them better than she had before and in the end she had them close to orgasm, but then she hadn’t wanted to send them over the top just yet.

After the rectal came the vaginal exam, and this time she didn’t stop until she triggered a complete response and she felt the Angela and Jill climax on her fingers as she stimulated their g-spot.

From there, the girls finally got to look at their babies once more, and they were pleased; Christine was fairly certain that the puppies would be male, and plans began to form rapidly after that. They estimated that they only had a little over three weeks to go before history, that would never be known to others except those in the room would be made; the first animal born of a woman, and yet there would be no fanfare made of it; not if they didn’t want to lose the two that were born to others.

Many miles away, Jenna and Annette managed a ladies night out, and Alex didn’t mind, he was tired. The girls were soon on their way to the birthing clinic, and met with Patricia; Annette’s friend.

When Patricia saw that Annette had another girl with her, she was a bit hesitant, but things were quickly explained that Jenna needed help also; although the origin of the fathers was still omitted; they didn’t feel that it was pertinent just yet.

Patricia had the girls strip and then began to examine them. She wasn’t into inspecting them rectally but she did a good job exciting their vaginas, but she didn’t allow them to orgasm just yet.

“Well, you are definitely pregnant,” Patricia offered as she prepared the ultrasound. “We won’t be able to see much just yet, but we should be able to find something.”

Patricia started with her old friend first. “Okay, Annette, let’s see what we have cooking here,” she said as she lubed the wand up and began running it around the young woman’s fairly flat tummy.

Patricia was all smiles for a moment, and then she did a double take of where she was running the wand and the screen. “What the hell…” she exclaimed, and then she looked Annette in the eye. “Who did you say the father of your baby is?”

“I didn’t, Patricia, and that is why I’m here,” offered Annette. “I’m engaged to Jenna’s father, but while we were camping a while ago I uh… I also got a bit amorous with this very beautiful German Shepherd.”

“That’s impossible!” stated Patricia, “dogs can’t make humans pregnant.”

“Really, then tell me what you just saw with the ultrasound,” challenged Annette softly so as not to seem too contentious, “because I just saw the same thing, and it wasn’t human… it was canine. I’ve seen examinations done on bitches before. A different friend of mine decided to raise a litter of pups with her female Retriever.”

Patricia quickly looked at Jenna. “Did the same German Shepherd mate with you too?” she asked.

“Yes, he did, Patricia, and he is the only male that I have ever been with, so I am very certain as to who made me pregnant. Even if you do think that it’s impossible.”

Patricia had Jenna get on the table next, and within a few moments saw the same thing growing within this girl, and it was definitely a puppy. “Well… I’ve seen it all now,” she finally admitted.

“It’s why we came here to you, Patricia,” offered Annette, “there is no one else I could come to with something this different. I’m trusting in you to help us and remain mum about it all.”

Patricia sighed, nodded, and then smiled. “I’ll take care of the both of you; I promise, and no one will know anything, but I will ask one favor, Annette. If one of the puppies is a male, I want to be able to mate with him. I have a feeling that the ability of the father will also transfer to any son that is born.”

Annette looked at Jenna and they both nodded. It was okay with them as long as long as Patricia helped them as she said she would. An agreement was made and the parties concerned were pleased with it. Now… all they had to do was keep their condition hidden from Alex until the puppies were born; slightly more than a month from that very night.

Angela and Jill went home with Christine that night, and it was almost a repeat of the previous week. Jenna and Annette got better acquainted with Patricia, and were pleased with their decision to allow the Annette’s old friend the chance to have a puppy of her own if the conditions were right. They did make it home in the wee hours of the morning, but Alex never awoke so he had no idea what was really developing.

Zeta ran, putting distance between him and the east coast where he had been doing most of his travels to this point. He was very creative, and aware of where he was. He would use flat-bed semis loaded with heavy equipment to get him down the road if it was headed in the right direction; he simply hid from the view of most people; only occasionally being spotted my so child which would then try to get their parent’s attention and usually fail.

On several occasions he also rode the rails, finding a train that was headed west. These were not too bad, but he had a harder time hiding among the things that the rail system carried. Eventually however, he found himself in the lower part of the state of Wyoming.

Traveling, hiding out, finding things to eat that agreed with him was a timely matter. Nearly two weeks to the day he began running from Jason this time, he finally decided to see if he could settle down once more. He chose a rural setting; hoping that he would be harder to track; still unsure as to how the man had accomplished it before, but he was still learning more each day.


Chapter 34

By the time Zeta got to Wyoming, Angela and Jill were seven weeks. Their baby bumps were barely visible unless they wore the wrong clothes like Bikinis at the moment; which they were very careful not to do. They loved what had happened to them but they were not ready to broadcast it to the world.

Christine examined them every week, and they got use to her play, and joined in somewhat, but what was important to them was what was growing within them and they were careful so as not to do anything that might jeopardize it.

Jenna and Annette had much the same feelings as the other girls, and yet neither group knew that the other existed. What was exciting for them was the fact that they were very certain that the puppies within their uterus were male, and by the sixth week they were very sure of that fact. They missed Bo, but at least they had one of his offspring, and they hoped and prayed that the babies would be every bit as smart as their father.

For Mandy and Samantha, their situation was just coming to light. The smaller of the two college students was just beginning to realize that she was late with her period, but she didn’t say anything; fairly certain that it was all stress related, and the other was expecting her cramps to start any day.

Zeta had finally found a place to rest for a while. There was a beautiful pristine spring fed lake, and plenty of wooded and open areas. He didn’t necessarily like having to chase his food in order to eat, but he really didn’t have much choice; there were no picnic areas here from which to snatch steaks or burgers from, and he didn’t care for the snakes; he left them alone as long as they didn’t get too close to him.

Zeta was by the lake, when he saw the horse and rider. He remained where he was in the shade of a tree, unwilling to move and let the duo know of his presence. The pair rode by only a hundred yards away, and he didn’t pay too much attention to the human other than to know that it was a female and that she was riding toward two small crescent shaped outcroppings of rocks that seemed to be infested with snakes.

Even as Zeta watched, the horse and rider entered between the outcroppings and the inevitable happened. The animal became spooked, reared up, and unceremoniously dumped its human cargo very close to the middle of it all.

It had been a long day for Kelly, and the only thing on her mind at the moment was to get to the small shack and rest; even the spring fed lake to her left didn’t interest her at the moment.

Kelly had never really approached the outbuilding from this direction before, so she had no idea what lay in the shallow depression between the two crescent shaped rock piles; that were at least twenty feet apart.

One moment Kelly’s horse Shadow was ambling along nicely with her sitting loosely in the saddle; counting the seconds that she would be at the shack and able to dismount after a long day of riding, and the next her trusty mount reared up and caused her slide off the back end of the animal.

Kelly’s feet did manage to touch the ground first, but then her lower extremities buckled; they were half numb from the long ride, and she hit the hard packed soil with enough force to knock the wind out of her. She was puzzled at first as to what had happened and then she heard it. The distinctive sound of a Prairie Rattler, but it didn’t come from only one direction, it was all around her.

Kelly moved slowly and managed to get to her knees, but even as she did she saw several of the slithering reptiles seem to close the only opening that she had noticed in which she could walk out of the depression without coming within three feet of the seemingly irritated rattlers; it was as though they had been as tired as she and Shadow had been until they all met in the hollow between the rocks.

About the only good thing that Kelly could see at the moment was that Shadow was out of the depression, and seemingly out of danger of being bitten, but she wasn’t; she was surrounded by the slithering reptiles; it wasn’t a good feeling.

Even as Kelly began sizing up her situation she heard something else transpiring behind her. There was a malevolent growl, and her head whipped around to see what else she had to put up with when she saw a huge dog lunge at one of the snakes, catch it right behind the reptile’s head and shake it violently before allowing it to fly away lifeless.

Some of the snakes closest to the dog turned toward the new enemy, almost as though they had to defend their territory. At first she was afraid that her rescuer would have to back off or be bitten, but it didn’t happen. The huge canine simply moved slowly until the last moment… and then he had another of the rattlers in his jaws and he killed that one the same way, shaking it violently, before tossing it aside.

Kelly watched the snakes that were closest to her, but away from where the dog was whittling away at their numbers. If these had been cobras, the canine would have been like a mongoose. She had never seen an animal move as fast as or with more determination than this one did.

Within a few minutes the tide had turned, and Kelly could get out of what had once been a tight circle of the slithering hoard. Seven rattle snakes lay dead where the dog had tossed them and she was free.

Kelly breathed a sigh of relief, uncertain as to how it had all happened, but glad that it was over. She backed away from the depression and she noted that the dog did also; while looking to its side to be certain that the area between the crescent rocks was the only place the snakes had congregated in such masses. Even now she could see that there had to be at least three dozen of the reptiles lying about the shallow hole; she had never seen so many gathered rattlers in one place at one time.

Kelly slowly moved toward the large German Shepherd; uncertain as to whether it was a purebred or not, she wasn’t very familiar with dogs. Her father disliked them intensely for some reason and didn’t really want them around the ranch; which she thought was strange. Almost every other spread that she knew had at least one canine on the premises.

Kelly reached out slowly, allowing the dog to get use to her smell, and yet he didn’t look agitated or unfriendly now that the incident with the snakes was over, but she remembered vividly how he had moved to help her. If it hadn’t been for him she was sure that she would have bitten at least once.

“Thank you for getting me out of that mess with the snakes,” she offered softly, fairly certain that he would not understand what she said, but uttering it anyway.

In return, the large German Shepherd woofed kind of funny and Kelly chuckled because it sounded as though he had muttered ‘welcome’, but it couldn’t have been; dogs couldn’t talk.

Kelly petted the animal’s large head, and even got down on one knee to really look at the dog that had helped her out a bad situation. His markings were beautiful, and although she knew very little about the canine species she sensed that he was something special; ergo, he probably belonged to somebody; somebody that might be looking for him.

Kelly scruffed the dog’s neck a bit more and then arose. “Okay… Rover,” she offered, unable to come up with anything better in the spur of the moment. After all, he was here alone… roving the area at his leisure it seemed, but his timing had been impeccable in getting her out of a tight situation, “follow me to the shack and I’ll see what I can cook up for supper for us.”

Kelly headed for the small shack, somewhat visible along the far tree line to the northwest of where they stood. She noticed that Shadow had stopped half way to the building, so she was pleased that she didn’t have to chase him down in order to get her things from her saddlebags.

Along with being pleased that she didn’t have to run after her horse, was the fact that Rover was following her; almost as though she was in some kind of dog show and he was supposed to walk right at her side. She chuckled and wondered if he had understood her about her food comment.

As Kelly and her animal entourage neared the small shack she sighed wearily. She was grateful that her father had seen fit to put the structure there, but she hadn’t really wanted to spend the night in the luxury extended stay apartment. Things just hadn’t worked as she had planned and time ran out for her to get back home before dark.

The shack, as she and her twin sister Karen referred to it was actually a very well constructed apartment on the far edge of their family’s vast spread. It had everything a person might want for a week’s stay if they desired, or were forced to due to bad weather.

The building had everything; even a hot tub. It was very secure, and watched over by electronic means. It was also serviced by one of the maids on a weekly basis to be sure that everything remained clean unless someone used the place. Then it was taken care of immediately; the Kandless family was rich, and they lived well, but they didn’t flaunt it about too much.

Kelly got situated in the shack; overriding some of the security measures, and then took care of Shadow; all the time aware that Rover remained right by her side, or at least not too far from her. “Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten the promise of food,” she chuckled as she tended to her horse in the small side enclosure made especially to house three animals if needed, and also maintained weekly.

After taking care of the horse, Kelly and Rover went back inside the shack. Even as she did so however she noticed something. She had seen Laura’s dog many times, and he was forever peeing on everything; marking his territory, but that wasn’t the case with this animal, he didn’t seem interested in making sure that other male dogs knew that he was here; it puzzled her.

By then the sun was about an hour from setting. She managed to find them some food easily. There was plenty of beef in many forms in the freezer, but she chose some of the ground stuff; cooking it up to make Sloppy Joes, but a good portion of it she didn’t add the spices to it and gave it to Rover plain.

Once supper was out of the way she stripped out of her clothes, never even worrying that Rover was a male. She was soon throwing them in the small washer unit so that she could begin the following day in clean attire.

From there, Kelly got a shower, continuing to walk about the shack naked and thinking nothing of it; after all, she was alone. Once she was clean and semi-dry she plopped herself onto the bed and picked up the TV remote.

Kelly tried to find something interesting on the boob tube, but for the most part it eluded her until she finally got to some more adult channels, and she finally accessed one of them. It wasn’t too explicit; however, it was enough to make her wish that she had brought one of her toys along, but then she hadn’t planned to stay out over night.

Kelly was just looking around the room for anything friendly that when might be able to use when the phone rang, and she knew who it would be. She turned the volume on the TV way down and answered it. “Hello, Daddy,” she said; very certain that it would be him.

“So it is you that’s in the shack,” returned Adam Kandless, Kelly’s father. “I thought it would be; you are usually the only one that turns off the security cameras, and the boys were quick to inform me of that.”

“I did it because I had to wash my clothes, Dad; which is usually the case when I get stuck out here,” offered Kelly. “I didn’t expect to have to use the place.”

“Well… as long as you are safe, that is all that matters,” said Adam.

“I’m safe, the place is locked up tight, and I know where the guns are… so you don’t have to worry about that,” returned Kelly, and then she thought of something. “However, Father, I think we need to get someone who is good with snakes out here. I ran across a big nest of them,” she added; omitting how close she actually got to the slithering reptiles.

“Are you okay?” her father asked with concern.

“Oh, yeah, no problem here,” she said as she caught a glimpse of Rover sitting close by and noticed how he was watching her, and then she mentioned how tired she was, and the phone call was soon ended.

Kelly hung up the phone, and then grabbed the TV controller. She turned the volume back to normal and then backed the movie up a bit to one of the spicier parts that she wanted to be able to listen to. She then sat down on the edge of the bed; wondering when she and Karen would be able to get out and find nice guys to fall in love with.

Kelly’s father was very protective of them. Being rich, he was very careful about who he allowed around his daughters. They were six months beyond their eighteenth birthday, and they could honestly say that they had never been kissed.

It didn’t mean that they didn’t know about sex however… just not with a male. There was Connie, their personal maid who was two years older than they were, and when she was asked by them about certain sexual things… she indulged them by helping them understand their bodies better. They were very careful and private about it and for the last four months had learned a lot.

Kelly sighed wistfully as she sat watching the video. She was so mesmerized by it that even when Rover moved closer to her the only thing she did was reach out and pet him. She continued to do this up until she felt his hot tongue swipe along her semi-wet slit and glide over her clit, and then she jumped to attention.

“Damn, Rover,” she exclaimed, but even as she said it he managed to hit the area again as she stood there with her feet slightly parted.

“Oh my god, that feels good,” she groaned, but then she pushed Rover away; totally confused by what had just happened. “Damn, I want to meet some hot guy and I end up with a frisky dog instead… but wow, what a rush.”

Rover didn’t press toward her as long as he felt that she was trying to keep him away, but once she let go of him again and she sat on the edge of the bed he went after her the third time.

Kelly had wanted relief, and what Rover had just done simply stoked her fires. The problem was… she wasn’t sure that she wanted her first experience with a male to be with a dog, and her thoughts once more turned to Laura and the mutt that her friend owned.

She had talked to her friend intimately within the past few months to see how Laura was handling things; she knew that the girl was in the same situation as she was; they both had very protective father that kept guys away.

Kelly had noticed however that Laura didn’t seem anxious about the absence of guys, and she had asked her why, and it wasn’t until now that her friend’s comment made sense. “Prince helps me get through it all,” suddenly she was fairly certain as to how the animal aided in the situation.

Even as Kelly pondered the thought Rover hit her sensitive areas anew with his hot oral digit. It dug into her slick crease and set it afire. She groaned as she felt it and then spread her legs a bit more while leaning forward to hug the head of the beast that was beginning to satisfy her desires as no other ever had.

Kelly continued to groan pleasurably as Rover licked her, and she no longer concerned herself with the fact that her partner was not human. What she was feeling was just too good to worry about such things.

When Kelly’s first orgasm hit her she glommed onto Rover’s head tightly for a few moments, and then she lay back on the bed, enjoying the feeling even though it was beginning to ebb.

Kelly had her eyes closed, and they remained that way even as Rover rose up between her legs. She felt his hairs on her inner thighs, and her flat stomach. It progressed upward, and she felt his fur caress her breasts before he kissed her.

The young brunette opened her eyes then, and giggled “Well, I guess I’ve finally been kissed by a male,” but it didn’t end there as she supposed it would. She felt something hot touch her below. It felt similar to Rover’s tongue, but it couldn’t be because he was above her and not crouched between her legs as before.

Kelly’s eyes opened wide after that, because the hot probe was continuing to enter her, and she knew what it was now. Several inches were already in her, she was about to experience her first cock, and it wasn’t human in origin either. “Oh god,” she murmured.

Kelly looked up at Rover, and was surprised to see him looking back at her intently, just as she thought a human lover would do. He knew what he was doing to her as he continued to press more of himself into her until she felt something else block its advance.

The hot phallus that was inside Kelly felt so much better than the toys and other objects that she had used. It was flesh and blood in origin, and that made all the difference.

Kelly was just beginning to get use to the fullness she felt when things began to change. Rover began to thrust himself in and out of her, and she was finally aware of what it was to be fucked like the girls in some of the videos that she had seen; even though her partner wasn’t human.

The thrusting increased, and very soon she was panting, and marveling in what she felt. Her legs lifted and she locked them around her lover; despite never having done it before, but she didn’t do it so tight that she hindered his hip movement; she didn’t want that to stop.

She also lifted her arms and hugged Rover, but she didn’t break her eye contact with him for more than a few seconds. She loved the way he was looking at her, almost speaking words of love as he caused feeling within her to climb to heights she had never known before.

Kelly remembered the times she had shared with her sister and Connie, and it had never been like this either. It had felt good at the moment, but nothing like this. It was like comparing some kiddy ride at a local fair to the newest super coaster at a named park.

When Kelly’s orgasm hit her she could do nothing but babble about how it felt and the fact that she wanted more; though she did notice that Rover had slowed and she liked it; it allowed her to feel the rhythmic contractions of her vaginal muscles.

Kelly was just beginning to catch her breath when she felt Rover beginning to move once more, and within she was glad that their lovemaking wasn’t over. She felt the shifting inside her vaginal vault and moaned pleasurably.

The slow heavy movement of the dog’s hot shaft within her began her excitement to climb anew, but then she felt something else seemingly pop into place and she had no idea as to what had happened.

With his cock aligned properly, Rover pressed into her once more. Kelly did nothing but to begin gasping anew as something larger than what she was already experiencing began to push her labial lips aside and enter her.

Her eyes became saucers and she tried to get away, but couldn’t. She was just about to scream out to Rover that he was hurting her when something popped through her lower opening, and the worst of pain ceased.

“Oh god… what did you put in me,” she asked softly as they looked at each other, but she didn’t get an answer. Instead, he began to slowly thrust into her once more, and soon the pain from moments earlier were forgotten as new and more intense pleasures pushed them aside.

Kelly did nothing, she didn’t have to, but she thoroughly enjoyed what Rover was doing to her. The pleasurable feelings began to climb and were soon washing over everything else. Other thoughts came to mind, images of her becoming pregnant, and the aspect of it all shocked her, but then she remembered her biology from school and how it was impossible for cross breeding to occur, and yet the thought persisted, but she wasn’t repulsed by it; it actually excited her.

As her excitement grew, Kelly finally began her own small thrusts toward Rovers lower anatomy where they were joined together. She didn’t know about dogs very well, but she did know animals in general, and she knew he was about to pump his seed into her in greater quantities than he already had; she mistakenly thought that the earlier fluids that had gushed out of her were his sperm also, and not something to pave the way for more pleasurable movement.

Kelly was close to another orgasm, she could feel it. She thought it would be very nice if Rover began to really pump his seed into her as she came the third time, and it was close.

Rover’s own climax arrived and his hot essence entering Kelly’s womb, slammed her like a pleasurable tidal wave. “Yes…” she managed to moan as the intense feeling overtook her and her vagina clamped rhythmically around the hot phallus within her. It was as though she was trying to milk every last liquid ounce out of it, and then she fainted.

When Kelly’s senses resurfaced, she was glad that her experience with Rover wasn’t over, and that he was still fully imbedded within her. It felt good to feel his fur against her, and know that they were still mated together; she had seen the bulls with cows, and even the videos of guys and girls; they always parted after the act was over and she wondered about it. Surely something so intimate should be held at least for a bit; especially in the higher order of animals.

Kelly and Rover lay together for several minutes and she talked to him; not that she could finally speak coherently once more. She praised him for how he had made her feel and she even offered herself to him again as long as they were alone. She even went as far as to mention his ability to impregnate her, and how she wished that he might be able to make it happen. She wanted as much of him as possible.

When Kelly and Rover finally parted she could feel that he had been slowly shrinking in size; obviously in order to be able to pull his cock out of her without hurting her too much, but when it finally happened she was shocked at what she saw. “Oh my god… you had all of that stuffed inside my pussy! Wow… it doesn’t seem possible,” she continued, but then she lost sight of it as he moved close to her and began to clean her up.

At first Kelly was both thrilled and yet apprehensive at the thought that Rover was going to mount her again, but then it ended after most of their combined juices were bathed away. His tongue actually made her feel quite clean.

Once most of the excitement began to die down, Kelly began to realize how tired she was. She got into bed naked and was soon joined by Rover, and she didn’t mind. She lay close to him, feeling his fur against her once more and liking it very much.


Chapter 35

Kelly awoke just after seven in the morning. She got up, went to the bathroom, and then emerged smiling as she recalled all that had happened the previous night. Even as she left the lavatory area however, Rover entered it, and it puzzled her.

“Yuck,” she intoned soft, thinking that Rover was going into the area to get a drink of water. However, when she heard the somewhat unmistakable sound of pee splashing in the toilet, her curiosity got the best of her; she peeked around the corner to see what was happening.

What Kelly saw amazed her. Rover was doing his morning thing; just as she had. He had lifted the seat, gotten close to the porcelain bowl and then lifted his leg and let loose a stream of urine that went right where it was supposed to.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” Kelly offered in wonderment, but it wasn’t over yet. Once he was done with the toilet, he put the seat down and then flushed it.

Once Rover was done in the bathroom he left the area, but noticed that the girl was watching him. He went to the kitchen area next and helped himself there also. He pushed the lever that would turn the water on, got himself a drink; catching the flow mid-stream, and then turned it off again.

Kelly laughed as she saw it. “No one would ever believe what I just saw,” she offered as she shook her head slightly. She then went to check on her clothes.

When Kelly got to the small washer and dryer she groaned; she had forgotten to move her clothes into the second unit and they were still wet. She sighed heavily and then did what she should have done the previous night.

“You know, Rover, it’s your fault that I forgot to dry my clothes last night,” offered Kelly. “After what you did to me I was so tired that I forgot everything except going to bed,” and even as she said it she could have swore that he was very pleased with what he had done.

With her clothes in the dryer, Kelly began moving about the apartment naked; deciding that she would just be a nudist for a bit, as her wet things became dry.

Kelly went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. As she bent over slightly to look in however, she got a surprise. Rover goosed her with his nose, and his tongue hit her perfectly. It swiped through part of her slit and over her rosebud.

Kelly’s surprised reaction caused her to pull away slightly, but not enough to keep Rover from being able to hit her one more, and once she knew what was happening she realized how good it felt, and memories of the previous night quickly resurfaced.

The young Brunette stood after that and turned around. “Okay, if you want that kind of breakfast, I guess I can accommodate you, but it has to be done properly,” she commented, and then she went to the bed and spread her legs. “I’ll be a gracious host and feed you first. Then I’ll get something for myself,” she added with a smirk.

Rover dug in eagerly and had Kelly moaning in a very short time. Her eyes were closed and she stroked his head contentedly. She was on the verge of her first orgasm when he stopped. She didn’t understand why until she felt him nudging her slightly; urging her to turn over onto her knees.

Kelly obliged her lover, remembering how his tongue had felt by the refrigerator, and assuming that he wanted to do it again that way. She was soon on her knees with her upper body semi-resting on the bed.

The young brunette expected Rover to continue licking her, but he didn’t; he changed tactics completely. He was soon mounting her, and the fur on his chest tickled her back, buttock, and thighs, but to her it felt good, but it was not the only pleasant sensation that she felt.

Even as Rover grabbed her with his legs his cock met with her slit, and the two were once more united. She groaned as several inches of hot flesh were pushed into her, and it advanced until she felt the ball bottom out against her labia.

“Oh my god that feels so good, Rover,” she hissed, and then they began moving together.

Rover began taking the brunette beneath him more vigorously, and it wasn’t long before she could do nothing but pant, and hang on for the ride. Even as he was taking her all she could try to envision was how she must look being submissive to him. She was totally his at the moment, and she couldn’t stop him from fucking her even if she wanted to… but that was the last thing on her mind; she wanted him to take her and make her his.

Rover drove Kelly through her first orgasm, and didn’t stop until she had her second. He waited for it to abate a bit and then thrust a bit to get them properly aligned once more before he finally set his knot in her.

Kelly had felt the small thrusts, and then the tip of his cock as it nudged her uterus. She did now human anatomy, and she could imagine what he had just done. She groaned anew however, as he pushed the rest of himself into her, and she definitely felt full then.

Rover began to thrust into Kelly once more, and she finally began to push back. This action was much slower than what preceded it, but it was none the less intense.

Kelly managed to encourage him in what he was doing, it felt wonderful as his hard shaft jostled her about within her depths just enough to make her know that she was being taken by a live male, and not just a plastic lifeless phallus.

“Fuck me, Rover,” offered Kelly contentedly, very aware that she was approaching another orgasm. “Put you seed in me, darling, make me pregnant if you can… I wouldn’t mind carrying your baby in my belly for nine months,” she offered, unaware that the gestation period for a puppy was much less than that; yet supposing that what she carried within her would be smaller, and therefore she would be able to hide it under lose fitting clothing until it was born.

Kelly’s third orgasm hit her and with it came the hot injections from Rover, and it slammed her senses. She trembled all over, and the thought of having his puppy in her finished it; she passed out.

As Kelly lay there in a contented stupor, Rover heard the sound of a vehicle approaching, but he did nothing but stay crouched behind the female he was mated to. He would react only if the need arose.

The vehicle outside stopped close to the glorified shack, and the occupant of the unit approached the building, put a key in the lock and carefully opened the door; not wanting to disturb the girl within if she was still sleeping.”

Light footsteps approached the bedroom and stopped in the doorway. “Oh my god,” exclaimed Connie as she saw Kelly kneeling there and a huge German Shepherd mounted behind the brunette. She knew exactly what was happening, and she was immediately turned on about it.

Connie knew about girls and animals. She had never tried it, but she had heard stories. She even certain as to why Kelly and Karen’s father didn’t like dogs on the ranch, and it had to do with the girl’s mother that had passed away over ten years previous. He was a busy man, building a family empire, and he had also been away from home a lot.

The blond maid also knew about a friend of the girls’ whose name was Laura. She had inadvertently heard Karen talking on the phone one day; it was very revealing. She doubted that Kelly’s sister had tried anything just yet, but she was sure that it would happen sooner or later, and now this; it was going to get a whole lot wilder around the Kandless spread, but they would have to be very careful about it all; considering what had happened in the past.

Connie was watching the mated couple closely, trying to see exactly what it looked like. She even managed to move the dog’s tail slightly without upsetting the animal and she got a very good glimpse of it all. The canine had his knot sunk into Kelly’s pussy, and it didn’t seem as though it would come out any time soon.

Even as Connie viewed the sexy union of the two in front of her she was becoming hotter by the moment. She caressed her own breasts for a moment, but then shoved her hand into her shorts and panties.

Connie’s hand went lower until she could feel the lips of her own sex, and they were wet. Her middle finger curled and slipped into her slit, causing her to moan at the thought of having the dog on top of her and his cock buried to the hilt within her as it was in Kelly. She stroked herself slowly, pretending it was her that was attached to the animal, and that was when the young brunette finally began to stir.

Kelly finally came around and began to praise Rover for how hot he felt within her. She had just mentioned how wonderful it would be to get pregnant and have his puppy when she realized that she was no longer alone, and she nearly died of shame until she saw who it was, but even then she was a bit apprehensive about the situation.

“Relax, Kelly, your secret is completely safe with me,” offered Connie quickly as she stepped forward and then pulled her hand from her slit; her finger was nearly dripping with female essence. “See, I’m wet, and I think what I see here is so hot, I really want to try it myself if you will allow me to.”

Kelly relaxed after hearing that, and it wasn’t too long before she and Rover parted. It was then that Connie got a good look at what the dog had stuffed in the young brunette and she commented about it. “My god, girl, he had all of that inside your hot box… wow!”

Kelly rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed, and Rover was quick to advance and begin licking her clean. Even this brought a comment from Connie, and she was very tempted to strip her pants off and see if the dog would lick her also.

Once Rover was done cleaning Kelly and then busy taking care of himself, the young brunette addressed the young blonde. “What are you doing out here, Connie,” she asked in a manner that didn’t sound too accusatory.

Connie smiled. “I heard that you were out her, so I thought I’d wake you up proper, but then I saw that you managed to achieve a pleasant start to your morning all by yourself. I even planned to make us breakfast, and then clean the place as per your father’s instructions whenever the shack is used for any purpose.”

“Well you sure gave me a start alright,” confessed Kelly. “I’m just glad that it was you and no one else… except maybe Karen, I’d love to see what she thought about all this.”

“Oh, you really didn’t have too much to worry about it being anyone else,” offered Connie, “your father is on another one of his business trips, but I honestly think he adds in a bit of hanky-panky into the mix, and as to Karen, I think that she would like what happened here very much,” she added. “I accidently overheard her and your friend Laura talking about dogs, and I’m fairly certain that she wants to do something along that line, but you seem to have beaten her to it.”


Chapter 36

Connie didn’t get to try anything with Rover, as Kelly was calling her new companion, but the young blonde was promised that if it could be worked out that thing would happen later that night, and they would try to include Karen also.

The two girls had breakfast, and then Kelly had to be on her way. She had to ride her horse back to the main ranch area, where as Connie would drive the same vehicle that she had come to the shack with; besides, the young maid did have to straighten up the place a bit. It was her job, and she did it well; plus, she was well paid, and she never talked to anyone besides the two girls about what she saw or heard during her time on the ranch.

Once Kelly left the shack she rode toward where the snakes had congregated. They were still there, and so were some of the dead ones from the previous day. She carefully dismounted and went to the three remaining bodies. As she drew her knife she saw claw marks on the ground and assumed that the other reptiles and been taken by large birds.

Kelly was careful at what she did, but in fairly short order she had three rattles cut from the deceased snakes. She wasn’t sure what she would do with them just yet, but at least she had them.

Once Kelly had the tails she noted Rover’s stance; it was one of protection. He was watching her, but he was also watching toward the depression where the reptiles had come from; it was as though he was standing guard over her to make sure no snakes approached her.

When Kelly finally arrived at the ranch house, she wasn’t too surprised to see that Connie was already there, but she also found that Karen was moping about and moody. “What’s the matter?” she asked of her sibling.

“Oh… I was going to go over to Laura’s, but something came up and we had to change the plans that we made,” offered Karen, and then she was startled a bit as she realized that her sister was not alone; there was a huge German Shepherd in the house also.

Having a dog within the domicile was something she had never really experienced; though she knew at one time… many years ago… that there had been a canine around, but she never knew why they never got another one after her mother’s death. Her father just didn’t want them around.

“You better hope that dad doesn’t see the dog when he gets back from his trip in a few days,” offered Karen as she looked at the animal and yet admired it. It was the reason she had been going to go over to Laura’s, and visit, but she didn’t want to tell Kelly about it just yet.

“Honestly, Karen, I don’t care what father thinks about Rover, I’m going to keep him if at all possible,” responded Kelly. “You and I will be starting college after a whole year of sitting idle, and with our grades, and the family name at dad’s old alma-matter, I’m hoping to get an apartment off campus. One that will accept animals, and he will be our bodyguard.”

Karen sighed heavily. “Well he sure looks like he could protect his master… or mistresses in our case,” she offered while looking at the dog, and pondering what she would have been able to see or do at Laura’s house, but then getting back to the subject at hand. “However, getting dad to approve of it will definitely be the hard part.”

“Then We’ll just have to convince him that it is the right thing to do,” she returned as she thought of all the times she and her sister could be together with Rover during the winter months; she could almost feel his hot shaft entering her and warming her up on a cold night or a chilly morning.

Things settled in for a bit after that but eventually Kelly saw Karen go upstairs. She waited a while and then quietly went to the upper lever of the home also while making sure that Rover was with her.

When Kelly got up stairs she carefully went to her sister’s door and listened. She was very certain as to what she heard and she carefully inserted the key into the lock that would open the beddoor; the key that her sister did not know that she had.

Kelly and Rover entered the room and relocked the door so quietly that her sister didn’t hear them, but then her sibling was busy in the bathroom, trying to scratch an itch that had begun to form earlier that day; when the girl had planned to go to Laura’s.

Kelly got close to her sister and watched as her sibling used a semisoft purple phallus. Her twin was slowly pumping it in and out of the vaginal slit. “It’s better if you let someone else do it,” she offered softly, but even that startled Karen so much that the girl whipped the toy out of its warm hiding place and clamp the legs shut.

“Are you crazy, Kelly? Damn, you nearly gave me a heart attack,” huffed Karen, and then she suddenly thought of something because she was sure that she had locked the door… she remembered doing it. “How did you get in here anyway?”

Kelly sighed, but then decided to tell the truth. “Several years ago I was snooping around, and I found keys to all the rooms. I quickly took them to a locksmith and had copies made. I can get into any room I want,” she bragged.

“Really, well unless you want me to tell dad about it, you had better get a set made for me too,” threatened Karen. “Remember, we are twins, and we share everything!”

Kelly smiled. “You’re right, Karen,” she said as she moved closer to her sister, and then took the purple phallus. “We do need to share everything. So… let’s go into your bedroom where we can be more comfortable and we’ll share.”

As Kelly entered the bedroom, Karen wasn’t far behind. What her sister proposed actually sounded very good to her considering the fact that previous plans with Laura had fallen through.

When Karen entered the bedroom behind Kelly the eldest of the two girls, by several minutes, took over the situation. “Since you already had this nice looking cock in your pussy, sister, I want you to kneel on the floor by your bed… I want to try something that I think that you will like a whole lot.”

Karen looked at her sister askance, but then complied as she saw Kelly beginning to strip; after all, they both loved each other and would never do anything to harm their twin.

Kelly came up close behind Karen and began rubbing her sister’s back at the same time she played the phallus around her sibling’s already wet lower lips, but she didn’t push it in; she teased her twin; making sure the purple invader brushed over the tip of her sister’s clit.

Karen enjoyed Kelly’s touch, and she could hardly wait for her sister to shove the fake cock into her and fuck her with it. Until she could experience the real thing, she figured that this was the next best thing; she soon found out that she was wrong.

Kelly allowed the teasing to continue until she saw that Rover seemed very interested in what was happening. He actually looked as though he was ready to mount Karen if she got out of the way… so that was exactly what she did.

Karen noticed the absence of her sister’s caress, and the toy that had threatened to enter her pussy and she was just about to ask what was happening when something new took its place.

With her eyes closed as she thought of some guy taking her, Karen felt a warm blanket of sorts being thrown over her back, but when she felt fur on her thighs, and the side of her rib cage she realized that something was very different. She was once more going to ask about it when something very hot plunged into her pussy and didn’t stop until it was at least four inches into her; it took her breath away.

Even before Karen could catch her breath or gather her wits the hot intruder slipped even deeper, and then she knew what it was. Rover was on top of her, and he was about to make her his bitch; she had heard about such things; it was why she had wanted to go to Laura’s, but now it was happening right here in her own bedroom. “Yes…” she finally managed to hiss, and her acceptance of it all was not missed but her sister.

“How do you like it, Sis,” asked Kelly as she saw Rover begin to move within her sibling. She didn’t really wait for the answer, but backed up a bit so that she could see it better. In effect, it was actually like watching a movie of herself and the animal this morning. After all, her sister and her were identical… she could almost feel the dog thrusting into her all over again.

Karen managed to say a little before nothing but grunts and groans claimed the majority of her vocabulary. It did feel good; it was all she had hoped that it would be from her explicit talks with Laura. She had thought she had lost out on the experience, but now she found that it had come home to her in her own bedroom.

Karen had been driven through two orgasms, and now she was finally coming down a bit. “Oh my god, Kelly, Rover fucked me so good. I love it,” she managed to express to her sister, and then the dog started to do something more.

Kelly quickly moved close to Karen. “It’s not over yet, dear sister,” she intoned, “wait until you see what comes next.”

“Mmm… how can there be more,” asked Karen dreamily.

Kelly moved even closer so that she could whisper into her sister’s ear. “He’s going to jam his knot into you, darling, and then he’s try his hardest to make you pregnant. He’s going to shoot his sperm into you so… deep that it will find your egg and make a puppy in you.”

“Are you serious!” exclaimed Karen as she felt Rover doing something within her. “I didn’t know dogs could screw women and make them pregnant; Laura never said anything about that,” and then she groaned as the knot that her sister had mentioned was shoved into her; she couldn’t have gotten away from it if she had tried.

Rover began his slower thrusting, and with each internal impact Karen’s next orgasm approached. All she could think about was what was going to happen momentarily as the dog’s orgasm hit him. His seed was going to fertilize the egg she had just ovulated. A male animal was not only her first real sexual experience, but the first male to put his seed into her, and possibly make her pregnant if it was possible; this canine had just claimed two of three goals in a girl’s life, but could he really claim the last one also.

Kelly chuckled as she saw her sibling weighing all the possibilities of what she had just said, and then the moment arrived. Karen began trembling and within moments she passed out. “Wow, just like me,” she opined. “He probably found her egg. I know that mine’s not due for a few more days, but I think her cycle is just ahead of mine.”

Karen felt Rover jetting his essence into her and it pushed her over the top completely. She trembled for a short time in his furry arms, but then her systems were totally over loaded and she slipped into the most peaceful oblivion she had ever known.

Minutes passed before Karen began to stir, and Kelly stayed by her sister’s side the entire time, Petting Rover and telling him how good he was, and even checking out where the two were joined, and marveling at what she saw; it looked as though they were being held together by a nice sized orange at least three and a half inches in diameter; and she was sure that it had been larger at the peak of the orgasm.

Karen murmured softly, and the things she was saying were very interesting; Kelly listen as closely as possible so that she would be able to tell her sibling about it a little later.

It took Karen eight minutes to finally rise to the surface and begin moving slightly; she couldn’t go too far because Rover was still in her and pinning her to the bed; which was an observation she noted and commented on.

“Mmmm… I’m glad he’s still in me,” said Karen, I feel warm and wonderful, but I was afraid that he would pull out of me before I could really enjoy him just resting inside me. He’s big, and hot, and his knot is touching me just right…” she offered dreamily; experiencing a mini quake from simply thinking about it.

“Oh, he’s still in you, Sis,” commented Kelly, “In fact, I would have to guess that the ball or knot, as you call it, is still about three inches in diameter now, and it had been bigger. He’ll probably pull out of you soon though.”

“Wow, that knot sounds pretty big, Kelly, but you say that it was even bigger a few minutes ago?” asked Karen.

“Oh yeah, and he still has you sealed up pretty good,” offered Kelly, “I really like what I see because now I know what I looked like when he took me.”

“Mmmm… I can’t wait to see that,” returned Karen, “I had planned to go to Laura’s place and see her and her dog go at it, but something happened and she had to back out of our date. I’m glad now that it happened; I doubt that I would have gotten to experience it like this.”

“Well, we should be able to make this happen when ever we want, but we will have to be careful,” opined Kelly, “you know how daddy dislikes dogs for some reason. We will have to be sure that no one can simply walk in by using a spare key… if you know what I mean?”

After that it wasn’t too long before Rover began to move, and then he finally extricated himself from Karen’s pussy, at which she squawked a bit. She didn’t move too far, but she did manage to see what had been in her. “Oh my god, he had all of that in me?”

“Oh yeah,” giggled Kelly as she leaned over a bit and inspected the wet equipment that Rover had just pulled from her sister. “All of that was in you, Sis, including the ball to the back, and that was the one that I told you looked to be at least three and a half inches when I first saw it.”

Rover moved in after that and cleaned Karen’s lower anatomy before she finally managed to get up on the bed and at least sit and look up at her sister. “That was intense,” she sighed, “I don’t think that I would be up to it again within the next few minutes, but I sure want it again before too long.”

“Oh, I know what you mean, Sis, he’s had me twice, and it was wonderful,” mused Kelly. “I loved it so much that I wouldn’t mind if he made me pregnant. I’d love to carry his baby in my belly for nine months, and from the sounds of what I heard, you wouldn’t mind it either.”

“Mmmm… no, I wouldn’t mind if he could make me pregnant either, not by the way he made me feel, but I don’t know about the nine month thing.” Karen Offered. “I don’t think the gestation period for a dog is much more than two or three months, but I’d have to look it up on line to be sure.”

“Are you sure about that?” asked Kelly, “It only takes two to three months to have puppies?”

Karen shrugged her shoulder. “Like I said, I’d have to look it up, but I’m fairly certain that it isn’t nine months.”

“Wow, that’s cool,” said Kelly, “It must be nice to not have to be pregnant so long; though I would if I had to for him.”

The girls began talking about a lot of things after that; including as to how Rover came to be with Kelly in the first place and Karen was amazed at the story. She thought that her sister embellished the numbers a bit, but when she saw the three rattles that her sibling did have she was impressed and gave the tale a lot more credence.


Chapter 37

The day passed and before the girls knew it they had eaten supper and were planning other thing. Kelly invited Connie to join them as they had agreed upon earlier, and Karen wasn’t jealous about it in the least. In fact, it actually looked like it would work out better with the three of them and the dog involved.

The three girls and Rover went to Kelly’s bedroom where the young ladies quickly stripped; tossing their clothes onto the armchair that sat in the corner.

The girls used the bathroom, and when Rover entered the lavatory and used the toilet properly it shocked Karen and Connie, but not the first born twin; she had seen it already at the shack.

“I don’t believe what I just saw,” commented Karen in awe.

“He’s one smart doggie,” offered Kelly, “and he sure knows how to please a woman.”

“Oh… that’s what I want to see,” said Connie. “From what I understand you two already found out, so I hope that you don’t mind if I do the same.”

“Be our guest,” offered Kelly, “but don’t mind if we try and find some way to join in.”

“I hope that you do, Kelly,” returned Connie. “I will finally get to feel what it’s like to be taken by a real animal, but I still love looking at you two lovely ladies when you’re naked and remembering the things that we’ve done together too.”

Once Connie was naked she lay back on Kelly’s bed with her very shapely derriere barely positioned on its surface. Her back and bent legs with feet on the floor kept her from slipping off the mattress. She then spread her legs in an inviting vee and offered her goodies to Rover.

Rover was ready when Connie was. When she opened herself for his use he didn’t refuse her. He was soon licking her slit in different ways, managing to enter her pussy by several inches, and also sweep across her clit in a way that excited it completely and got plenty of response from her as he did.

Connie began murmuring how good it felt almost instantly, and then ended up scooting back just enough to keep from falling to the floor as she arose to a sitting position. She hugged Rover’s head as her first orgasm claimed her. She cooed and told him how good he had made her feel as the waves of pleasure slowed.

Sighing deeply, Connie lay back on the bed once more; wanting to rest for a moment before getting on her knees for him to take her like she had seen all female dogs being bred. She thought nothing of it when he rose up over her and began licking other parts of her now sensitive anatomy.

“Ohhh, Rover, you sure know how to lick a girl. I hate to say it but even I could probably take lessons from you,” she commented as he settled over her and his chest hairs and other parts on his anatomy meshed with hers; allowing her to know that she wasn’t dealing with a man; not unless he was wearing a full fur suit.

Connie was just beginning to feel all the places Rover’s fur was caressing her when she also felt something very warm bump her slick lower lips. She was fairly certain as to what it was, but she was still assuming that she would have to get on her knees for things to progress further.

“Mmm… I can’t wait to feel you in me…” Connie began, and then she got her wish as several inches of hot animal muscle sank into her depths in two quick thrusts and it took her breath away.

“Oh my god, he’s fucking her missionary style right on your bed, Kelly,” offered Karen who had been expecting Connie and Rover to get onto the floor before they really went at it.

“That is how he first took me,” offered Kelly dreamily as she watched Connie and the dog and enjoying the sight as she caressed her breasts and occasionally stroked her slit as it became wetter.

The twins stood mesmerized for a few moments as Rover began thrusting into Connie faster than humanly possible and turning their maid into a babbling young woman that only managed to make every fifth word or so make sense.

Even as the twins watched, Kelly still managed to go to her bedside light stand and retrieve a fairly long purple phallus and the lube that she kept there. She then told her sister to kneel on the floor in a position where they could still see all the action.

Karen more of less followed her sister’s lead, unaware that the toys had been broken into; she was too enthralled by what she was seeing to even register anything else, and even as she got on her hands and knees she only thought that Kelly wanted them to be able to see how Rover was thrusting his cock into Connie a little better.

Karen got on the floor and crawled close to where the action was, still not aware of what her sister was up to as they brushed against each other in an effort to see Connie’s pussy receive Rover’s hot shafting; amazed at the speed of it all and even seeing the forming knot plunge in and out of the labial lips.

“That is so hot…” she exclaimed, but then she began to feel what her sister was up to as something almost as big, but definitely not as hot as Rover’s shaft, began pushing its way into her pussy causing her to gasp. She shied away from it at first, but she had nowhere to go and very soon the phallus was buried deep within her.

“Relax,” cooed Kelly softly, “pretend that it’s Rover’s cock that’s fucking you,” she added as she began to move the purple toy in and out of her Karen, trying to keep pace with what the dog was doing but failing miserably.

Karen did begin to enjoy the movement she felt within her pussy as her sister tried to please her, but it was nothing like Rover, and it was too hard to pretend otherwise; especially after having him earlier that day and having an excellent example of what to expect.

As for Connie, she was panting and barely able to catch her breath as Rover brought on her second orgasm and kept going. She really would have preferred that he stopped, but when he didn’t the let-off between peaks was not as steep and in no time at all she was right back at the top; only a little higher.

When Connie reached the third precipice and slid over the crest this time… that was when the driving force abated. She could now enjoy the ride down; quaking as she had never done before from the intensity of it all.

On the floor not too far away, Karen orgasmed also, but her ride wasn’t nearly as intense; even when Kelly surprised her and jammed the purple phallus into her so deep that it bottomed out against the end of her vaginal tube it was nowhere near as good as what Rover had done for her; there were no real comparisons between the two.

Connie sighed contentedly; almost certain that her first mating session was over. She began to feel Rover moving, shifting; sure that he was about to hop off her when she suddenly felt something different inside and then his knot pressing against her vaginal lips with intent.

Connie squawked as the fleshy knot passed through her lower lips to become trapped within her. She suddenly remembered the few times that she had seen dogs mating, and how the male would get locked to the bitch; that way his seed would go where it was supposed to and not be wasted, and she was about to find out what it was like.

The thrusting began anew, but much slower this time. It was then that Connie was coherent enough to lift her legs and encircle her lover with them over his back. She also noticed how he was looking at her and she began looking into his eyes also. It made things different; as though they were now able to really see what the other was longing for as they made love.

For Connie, it had been pure lust at first; wanting to see what it was like to be taken by an animal and that desire still remained, but now there was a bit more. She also wanted to please him, as though he was not just a dog, but a male with feelings also.

For Rover, it was to please and satisfy his mate, and it didn’t matter that this particular one was number nine; he loved them all and wanted to satisfy them completely; which he seemed to be able to do quite well judging by their responses.

Rover continued to thrust into Connie and she felt each subtle impact as his actions began to push her up the hill once more. “Fuck me, darling, give me what you have,” she cooed, as she looked into his eyes; knowing his ultimate goal now was to put his seed in her womb and try to make her pregnant; which she thought was very wild and sexy as she pondered it.

Connie began to gently thrust back at Rover, attempting to bring their hot union to its culmination; not to just get it over with, but to finally feel him put his sperm into her and satisfy his needs as he had satisfied hers. “Give me your seed, darling, let’s see if we can defy nature and make this work between us,” she added; yet aware that she would not ovulate for at least two days yet. In effect this would be a practice run for when her egg was truly available.

Kelly had pulled the purple phallus from her sister and had started using it on herself. She hadn’t managed to orgasm yet, but she was close as she heard Connie nearly begging Rover to be impregnated by him. She thought it was so hot to hear that sentiment spoken by their maid. It was exactly the way she felt when he had mated with her.

Kelly watched closely as the mated pair finally reached their zenith. Rover stood still but Connie trembled for a moment and then passed out. It was then that she jammed the purple shaft into her own body as far as it would go and it triggered her own wave of pleasure; though not as intense as it had been with the dog, it was enough for the moment.

Karen and Kelly arose as the awaited Connie’s reentry into the coherent world once more. Both twins had heard their maid’s murmurs about getting pregnant and it struck a chord within them as they remembered wanting the same thing as Rover filled them with his seed.

Once Connie awoke she sighed with pleasure. “Wow… I had no idea how intense it would be, Kelly,” she offered as she addressed the twin that was standing the closest to her. “No wonder I found you passed out the first time I saw you and Rover in the shack.”

“So you like it, huh?” asked Kelly.

Connie chuckled as she lay beneath Rover; content in feeling his hot shaft still within her. “Like is not nearly the word that I would use,” she mused. “I love it, and I want it as often as possible. I wish that all four of us could find a nice deserted island, and then be able to run around naked all day. Then any time Loverboy here wanted to screw our brains out he could.”

“Mmm… that does sound appealing,” returned Karen. She began to wonder how many times Rover could mate and cum with a female in any given twenty-four hour time period. She was fairly certain that he had already had Kelly to begin with, then her a bit later and now Connie. Just how much more could he do, and she voiced her question aloud to the girls, unaware as to how much their canine companion was listening.


Chapter 38

After Rover pulled from Connie and cleaned her up he did a quick number on himself before burying his nose in Kelly’s hotly scented crotch. She giggled approvingly, and quickly seated herself next to where the young blond still lay.

Rover licked Kelly to her first orgasm quickly, she was already warmed up from the purple dong that had made her cum but not really satisfied her. She was soon hugging him to her and not really expecting much more until he pushed her to her back.

Kelly chuckled anew as Rover came up over her, still not aware of how far he was going to go. He had already mated three times that day and she didn’t really think that he could do too much more, but then she got a surprise; a hot one.

“Oh god,” Kelly exclaimed as he entered her and then began to thrust into her like a locomotive.

“Damn,” exclaimed Connie as she arose and watched the pair next to her. She had just been taken in the missionary position herself, and now Kelly was on the receiving end of it. “Wow, look at him go,” she continued, surprised at the animal’s stamina as she listened to the young brunette pant; just as she had done not too long ago, and she remembered exactly how it felt; she still tingled within.

Even as they watched both non-participating girls caressed themselves, and ran at least one finger through their slits. Even now they both wished it was them that Rover was fucking so vigorously.

Kelly was a babbling mess as Rover drove her through two orgasms. She sighed contentedly when he stopped and allowed her to ride the wave with his hot phallus imbedded deep within her. She still felt pleased even as he pulled out of her, but also a bit confused until she saw what he planned next.

Once Rover was done with Kelly he moved to where Karen was standing and herded her toward the bed. She squawked at first about being pushed around until she realized what he was after and then she went to the far side of the bed and lay back; fairly certain as to what was going to happen next.

Rover started licking Karen just as he had done with Kelly and it advanced from there until she attained her first orgasm. He was soon mounting her and she too became a babbling babe as he thrust into her; pushing her through two more orgasms before leaving her to enjoy the feeling as he had the first twin.

With the two young brunettes momentarily satisfied, Rover went to Connie again. She was sure what he was after and remained where she sat on the bed, but she soon found out otherwise; he began nudging her thigh until she turned over.

Rover began licking her from behind and Connie cooed contentedly. She orgasmed, and then she felt Rover mount her. “Oh yes… take me again, but this time like a bitch, darling,” she offered, using a word that she didn’t particularly like, but in this instance it fit completely.

Rover began to fuck her mercilessly, but she didn’t care, she wanted it. She had never been so satisfied at any time in her entire life. She was slammed repeatedly and nearly lost consciousness again, but managed to hang on as she plummeted over the top of the cliff, but it was a pleasant sensation that engulfed her, not a scary one.

When Rover finally pulled from the young blond she missed the full feeling that his hot cock represented, but she was still content. The other girls had managed to position themselves on the bed and lay there as they recuperated from the excellent screwing they had just received. With a bit of effort she joined them.

None of them had necessarily planned to fall asleep, but that was what happened. All of them had orgasmed six or seven times that day and they were pleasantly tired. They were totally unaware of how Rover placed his front paws on the bottom of the bed and perused their sleeping forms; smiling, and totally pleased with himself at what he had done. This may not be the island that the young blond had mentioned, but at the moment it didn’t really matter; he had managed to satisfy all three girls and that was all that mattered to him.

In the morning the girls awoke and chuckled at how Rover had made love to each of them; surprised at his prowess. They shared the shower, and it was a snug fit but they managed; not minding the soapy wondering hands of the others as they returned the favor to whomever was closest.

When the girls emerged from the bathroom, Rover was waiting for them. “Hold that thought, darling,” Kelly chuckled; almost certain that if they had offered themselves to him… that he would have mounted them again; after all it had been eight hours since he last screwed them into oblivion.

The girls finished drying and then began looking for their clothes. At the start of the previous evening, most of their garments had been tossed quickly into the armchair in the corner of her room, but at the moment, most of them lay in three distinct piles on the bedspread at the foot of the queen-sized mattress.

“Did either of you sort out our clothes?” asked Connie quizzically of the twins. She knew that she hadn’t.

Both Kandless girls shook their heads, and then three pair of eyes slowly swung toward where Rover sat, and they could swear they saw a smile on his face.

“That is no ordinary German Shepherd,” commented Connie.

“I think that aspect of Rover is fairly obvious after just the little bit that we have already seen,” added Karen, “but that leaves only one other thing… where the hell did he come from?”

“I found Rover, as I call him, out on the east end of our property,” said Kelly. “He must have been by the spring fed pond that isn’t too far from the shack, it was the only place he could have been that I didn’t see him right away. Shadow and I were tired from riding all day, and of all things we ran into a nest of Prairie Rattlers. I was unexpectedly dumped in the middle of it all and was beginning to think that I was going to be bitten when he showed up and killed at least seven of the slithering reptiles; he made a way for me to get out of the area. I have never seen a dog move as fast as he does,” she explained to the others; who she had not yet confided the whole story to before now; though her sister did know a bit more than the maid did.

“Kelly, someone is bound to be looking for this German Shepherd,” offered Connie. “He’s too good to be something that was born in the wild, and even as he sits there you can see that he’s had some kind of training.”

“Yeah, I’m beginning to realize that more and more,” returned Kelly softly, “but even now I really don’t want to lose him.”

The other girls nodded in agreement with Kelly’s sentiment, but it wasn’t the end of the topic. They began to don their clothes and then went down stairs to the kitchen where they all prepared different food items for their breakfast; making sure that there was plenty for Rover also, especially on the protein side of it with very few spices added.

While the girls prepared the food and then ate; they also talked about Rover in low tones, but that didn’t keep him from hearing what was said. It was finally agreed upon that Kelly should post something on the web. She would find the dog section and put the pertinent information in the lost and found about the German Shepherd, and possibly add a photo of him with it. They would then hope for the best that there were no responses; it was the only fair and honest thing to do, and that was how they had been raised.

The girls then tried to get a decent picture of Rover, but after ten attempts they still had nothing very clear; he always seemed to move at the last possible second and be nothing more than a tan, gold and sable blur; especially his head.

After the ten uneventful tries the twins then sat on either side of him to see what they could accomplish. The results were only minutely better; his larger than average body was evident, but his face was still blurred a bit. They decided to go with the best of what they had after nearly an hour of trying to get the perfect photo.

The Kandless girls were very good on the computer, it was within all that they had learned, and also how they took a lot of their classes beyond the personal tutoring that their father paid for. It allowed him to keep them somewhat free of outside male influences.

Kelly sat at the keyboard and found a section dedicated to dogs; German Shepherds in particular. It was noted by the three young ladies that there was no mention of a lost animal fitting Rover’s description and it raised their hopes, but they still continued on to the found section.

Kelly morosely entered the information that she thought was pertinent and then added the best of the photos. She was just about to hit enter when she was totally surprised by Rover. He reared up and pounced on the computer keyboard heavily; managing to hit a key that wiped out the post just before it could be sent.

“What the hell was that?” queried Connie, as they all looked on in amazement, but their astonishment wasn’t complete just yet; they turned to look at the animal that had caused the disruption.

Kelly and the others were shocked as they saw Rover shake his head ever so slightly. “I don’t think he wants us to post anything about him on the web,” she offered, “and I’m beginning to think that he knew exactly what he was doing when he moved during the photo session.”

“That’s crazy,” offered Connie, “how could he possibly understand what we were doing?”

“Who knows, but that is what it seems,” returned Kelly, “it’s the only explanation for what he just did,”

Connie sighed deeply. “Okay, Kelly, hop out of the chair and we’ll try an experiment,” she said.

Kelly did as Connie requested and the two exchanged places. The maid was not as good with the computer as the first born twin was, but she knew how to get back to where the younger brunette had been within the system. She placed her hands on the keys however, and that was as far as she got.

Rover sensed that this was a test, but he didn’t let it go too far. He reared up again and his paws landed squarely on the keyboard as he turned slightly to face the blonde and then growl somewhat menacingly.

Connie pushed away from the computer keyboard immediately and put her hands up at about shoulder height in surrender. “Okay, Rover, we just wanted to see if you really understood what was happening here, and it seems very evident that you do, but it’s beyond my reasoning as to how you know,” and neither of the twins added anything to the observation, but they fully agreed with their blonde companion.

With the possible threat of exposure extinguished at the moment, Rover quit growling and hopped down from the computer keyboard also; the device none the worse for wear for what he had done.

“Just how smart do you think Rover is?” asked Karen; musing about something that the other girls were already pondering.

“Let’s see if he understands verbal orders,” began Connie, and then she asked Rover to do certain normal doggy tricks; which he did flawlessly.

“That’s too easy!” offered Kelly. “Everyone teaches their dog to sit, roll over and turn around. He can probably even fetch fairly easy.”

“Just as long as it isn’t like items with just a variance of color,” offered Karen. “It’s my understanding that dogs are completely colorblind, at least that is what Laura told me.”

“Whoa… I don’t know where you heard that, darling, but I wouldn’t spread it too far,” countered Connie. “Dogs can see color, but they do have trouble with certain hues if my veterinary friend is right… and I’m fairly certain that she is.”

“Wow, I didn’t know either aspect,” offered Kelly.

It was then that Karen came up with her version of a test to see how much the dog understood; especially in light of the fact that they had already seen him use the bathroom correctly in Kelly’s room. She then rattled off a list of five things that she wanted him to do; barely giving him time even hear then all, and then motioned for him to go and do them.

Each of the young ladies was fairly certain that Rover would fail this; even Connie and Kelly barely caught all of the tasks that were given to him by Karen. They watched as he ambled off. He did everything; exactly as she had requested and when he was done he nodded slightly, went to the living room, got the TV remote and turned it on; he was done with the testing. He soon had the 60” flat screen tuned into “Animal Planet” and was watching a documentary on several different Australian marsupials.

“No way,” commented Connie. “I don’t believe what I just saw.”

Both twins chuckled, but Kelly spoke first. “He’s a male, what else do you expect,” and they all laughed at the comment, but it only made them wonder even more as to how much of what he was seeing that he truly understood. They would have been totally floored by how much he was truly learning every day.


Chapter 39

After seeing all that the dog could do, Connie got with the girls as he continued to watch TV. “I have a veterinary friend that I think we should take Rover to go and see; just to check him out. She will be able to tell us if he has any of those pet tracking devices on him.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I don’t want to lose Rover,” exclaimed Kelly, “and it seems fairly obvious that he doesn’t want to be found by anyone who might have owned him earlier. Whoever it was they must have been very abusive. He’s an intelligent animal, and it’s easy to see that he doesn’t want to go back to where ever he came from.”

“I understand, Kelly, and what I am suggesting is not for his possible return, but to keep it from happening,” offered Connie. “The girl I’m talking about is a very trusted friend of mine. If Rover does have one of those pet tags we need to get rid of it in light of what we have seen here, and our understanding of the situation is accurate. I doubt however, that all of us could be wrong in assuming that he definitely doesn’t want to be found.

Connie ended up getting in contact with her veterinary friend; a girl named Dana. It was determined that they would take him the following day to where the young lady worked, and then the trio went about what they usually did for the rest of the day. For the twins, it was simply lounging around, and for the maid she did her duties in record time and was soon in the company of the slightly younger brunettes by shortly after noon.

By the time Connie rejoined the twins, they were out by the pool. She donned her bikini and joined them; she was always welcomed to be close to Kelly and Karen by the girls themselves.

When Connie joined her friends outside she also brought refreshments out to the pool house on the far side of the 82’ by 40’ swimming pool; nearly a quarter the size of an Olympic unit. She had seen that their glasses were empty, and that they had nothing to snack on so she fixed it for them. She even got enough to feed Rover also; particularly some of the nicer cuts of beef and chicken that she had found. She shredded it and then added a bit of gravy just for him.

The twins had been out in the sun earlier, and were now resting in the shade; enjoying the warm breeze that wafted by. They thanked Connie for bringing the refreshments and then settled back to relax once more.

Rover ate what was offered to him, but then began to move even closer to where the girls lay. He was soon urging Kelly toward the pool house, and she didn’t refuse him; remembering how she and the others had basically told him that he could have them any time he desired if it was feasible, and this looked like the perfect moment to get together once more.

Karen and Connie chuckled as Kelly and Rover entered the pool house, but they didn’t plan to be left out of it. The younger twin immediately ran to fetch a few toys for the both of them to use on each other.

The pool house had already been serviced that day, so there was very little likeliness that any of the other maids would come around; especially when they saw that the small outbuilding was in use by Kelly and Karen or any other member of the family.

Kelly didn’t waste much time; as soon as she was inside the slightly air-conditioned pool-house she shed her bikini quickly and plopped down on the bed that sat in the corner. She spread her legs wide and in no time she had Rover right where she wanted him; licking her slit as though there were no tomorrow.

Kelly hugged Rover’s head, and ran her hands down his back and front legs as he licked her to her first orgasm. She thanked him and then lay back, wanting to take him missionary style, and even saying so as she coaxed him to mount her.

Rover had no qualms about taking Kelly where she lay; he saw that she had positioned herself perfectly to be taken that way. He came up over her and moved forward until his cock felt the warmth of her slit, and then he began to thrust into her as he watched her reaction to it all.

Kelly gasped, but didn’t pull away as more than half of Rover’s hot shaft entered her. “Oh… yes, that’s what I want, darling, give it to me,” she encouraged him as she lifted her legs over his back to give him even better access to her, and even the thought of how she was opening herself to this lovely dog thrilled her.

Rover didn’t really need encouragement, but he recognized it when he heard it, and it pleased him. He thrust himself into Kelly deeper and continued to watch as she reacted to it.

Once Rover was into her to his knot he began the thrust in earnest, even plunging his slowly growing seal into her at times and watching her eyes as he did. She was speechless in moments, but the babbling that she did utter was music to his ears.

Kelly already had her legs up and over Rover, but now she also lifted her arms and caressed him as best possible as he slammed into her. Murmurs were all she could offer as to how wonderful she felt as he moved within her. She knew that her next orgasm was only moments away. She tried to hold it off but she couldn’t and it slammed her, nearly pushing her into oblivion as she thought about becoming pregnant once more.

Kelly rode the pleasure wave, aware that Rover had stopped most of his movement within her as it allowed her to concentrate on one single pleasure at a time. She looked into his eyes and murmured about wanting his puppy, and she was serious. She would love to conceive by him if at all possible.

Kelly was just beginning to catch her breath when Rover began moving into better position and then adding his growing knot into the equation. She gasped, but then made an effort to thrust up at him to let him know that it was exactly what she wanted.

Kelly and Rover began thrusting at each slowly, intent on only one thing. It was then however that she realized that Karen and Connie were in the pool-house also, and not only watching her get mated to the dog but playing with each other.

Karen and Connie had entered the pool-house just as Rover thrust his knot into Kelly. They shed their own suits quickly and were soon going at each other hot and heavy as they tried to maintain visual contact of what was happening with the first twin and the dog.

There was no mistaking what Kelly wanted to happen, it was about eighty percent of the audible pleas that came from her mouth. The first twin wanted to have Rover’s puppy if at all possible, and that was what she was endeavoring to attain.

Karen and Connie watched as Kelly and Rover thrust at each other, and then it happened. The first twin began to shake, and the dog’s balls began to twitch. There was a pleased groan that emanated from the young brunette beneath her canine lover and then she fainted.

“Wow, I wish that was me,” said Karen, and then she gasped too as Connie jammed the purple phallus that the maid was using on her as deep as it would go. It too triggered an orgasm. It made her collapse to the floor and curl into a fetal ball, but it wasn’t enough to make her pass out.

Karen had lost contact with the phallus that was being used on Connie. The maid had been close to attaining her own orgasm so she helped herself. She jammed the orange device into her own hot hole and managed to acquire some satisfaction, but she was also hopeful that this particular session between the four of them wasn’t over just yet.


Chapter 40

The pool-house was quiet for a few minutes while everyone recovered from their individual orgasms. When Kelly’s eyes finally fluttered open, and she joined the others who were cognizant of where they were, she hugged Rover anew. She then thrust her pussy up at him to increase the fullness within her that she already felt and cooed contentedly.

“Oh, god… I can’t wait until I ovulate in a day or two,” murmured Kelly softly, yet loud enough for the others in the pool-house to hear. “He may not be able to impregnate me, but just the thought that my egg will be there for his sperm to swarm excites me.”

“That will be hot,” added Connie as she thought about the fact that her ovulation cycle was due any time also. The mere consideration that Rover’s sperm might actually impregnate her egg as it came through her tube, and then try to survive within her uterus was still heady, and she knew that she would be praying for some miracle that would allow it to live.

Those thoughts had no sooner run through Kelly and Connie’s minds when Karen offered a deliberation of her own. “Well, if Rover is special enough to get us all pregnant, my baby will be born first,” she teased. “I already have an egg for him to fertilize, and it should be on its way to my uterus as we speak; she bragged a bit; knowing that both her sister and the maid were older, but at least she would be first in something.

Both Kelly and Connie chuckled at hearing Karen’s declaration, but then the eldest twin squawked a bit as Rover pulled his knot and cock out of her previously stuffed pussy.

Once Rover was free of Kelly he wasted no time in cleaning her up, but even as he did the other girls admired his equipment. “Damn, I can’t wait to get that in me again,” said Connie, and Karen agreed with her friend whole heartedly.

After Rover was done with Kelly he bathed himself quickly and then cornered Karen; remembering the order in which he had taken them the previous night and sticking with it.

Karen knew what Rover wanted and acceded to his wishes readily. He soon had her on her hands and knees and was licking her from clit to rosebud. Several times he dug into her slit as deep as his tongue would allow and it felt good, but not as good as what she knew would soon follow.

Karen arrived at her first orgasm with Rover in record time, but then she had already been primed by Connie. “Yes…” she hissed as she felt him mount her; because as far as she had been concerned he could have taken her immediately.

Karen soon lost her ability to utter much more than single syllable terms with no more than two words attached at any one time and, “fuck me…” was heard the most by Kelly and Connie who were also busy with each other as they watched the youngest twin get pulverized; it actually seemed to be the hardest he had mated with any of them at the moment.

Karen blew through two orgasms and the third was on its way. It was intense; all she could do was hang on for the ride. The next wave hit her and that was when he crammed all of himself into her. His knot snuggled against her g-spot and she could do nothing but tremble as her arms collapsed and her forehead came to rest against them.

Karen would not have been able to arise from her position even if she had wanted to. In fact, the only thing that kept her from toppling over even further was the fact that Rover held her and his knot was imbedded deeply within her. She didn’t remember him cumming in her pussy, but it didn’t matter at the moment; she had been royally fucked and she was very satisfied with how she felt.

Connie and Kelly managed to bring each other to another small orgasm, but it in no matched what Rover had done to Karen. They may have experienced a 3.0 on the Richter scale, but the youngest twin had just experienced a 7.0 if they were any judge of what they saw.

It was several minutes before Rover was finally able to pull his knot out of Karen without causing her too much pain. She did groan as his cock slid out of her but at least she didn’t scream. She did however manage to crawl up onto the small cot that was there and slowly regain her strength.

Rover didn’t even get a chance to lick Karen as he usually did, but if the young brunette was satisfied at the moment then he was too. He cleaned himself and then turned toward the blonde. “Ohhh… it looks like you’re next,” teased Kelly

Connie smiled as she got on her hands and knees and presented herself to Rover. He looked at her for a moment and then moved in. He was going to take her from the front, but if she wanted to be mated this way… he could do that too.

Rover gave Connie a few licks, but then he heard her mutter that she was ready to be screwed, and that she didn’t need any other foreplay, so he mounted her. He began edging forward and as soon as he found the sweet-spot he thrust forward completely.

“Oh my god,” gasped Connie as nearly seven inches of hot doggy phallus slid into her in one thrust. Those were nearly the last coherent words she spoke for a while as Rover took her in exactly the same manner as he had taken Karen, and the blonde loved it completely. She was at his mercy and she knew it.

Kelly grabbed the orange phallus and used it on herself. She didn’t feel too left out. Her sister was still recovering on the cot; their blonde companion was getting screwed royally, and she knew that the day wasn’t over yet. She definitely hoped for Rover to fuck her like she was now witnessing; only later that night. In the meantime however, she would savor that thought.

Connie was ridden through two orgasms that were far better than what she had attained earlier. She tried to encourage Rover in his efforts, but it was hard to do when all she could manage was gibberish, and yet he seemed to know.

Just like Karen, Connie was pushed over the top of her first two orgasms and was well on her way to her third. It was then that she lowered her upper body to the floor and gave him even freer access to her charms.

Rover saw what the blonde did and changed tactics a bit. He set his knot and slowed a bit. He was soon thrusting into her so deep that the tip of his cock impacted the deepest part of her vaginal chute. If anyone had looked at the young maids belly they would have seen his shaft’s movement exhibited there.

When Connie finally orgasmed, Rover did also, but for once it did not flood her uterus. The young maid still saw stars, and she knew that he had put his seed into her. She loved the feel of it, and she didn’t pass out, but then she was also able to feel his weighty mass within her for far longer.

Even as Connie and Rover enjoyed their bliss, Kelly jammed the orange phallus into herself and managed to orgasm. It wasn’t the best, but it would suffice until she could get him to push all the right buttons for her once more; hopefully later that night.


Chapter 41

The girls eventually got their bikinis on and returned to the pool. Rover even joined them then and they were once more duly impressed with what he could do. He swam faster than most dogs they had seen and even in the deep end he managed a ladder with very little effort.

The day was fairly well shot after the prolonged swimming session, and the girls did have other things that they needed to accomplish. Most of it dealt with getting ready for college, and they wanted nothing to get in their way when they were supposed to be on their way the institute of higher learning.

When Kelly was ready to go to bed that night she claimed the right to have Rover with her. Karen pouted a bit, but then the first born twin assured her sister that they would split the nights between them, and everything remained cool after that.

When Kelly went to bed she took care of her bathroom needs and then allowed Rover to do the same. She was awaiting him when he emerged and it was very evident as to what was on her mind. She was on her knees with her very shapely ass pointed toward the lavatory. No one could have mistaken her intensions.

Rover didn’t waste time after that, and he barely warmed her up after the first few licks; she was totally wet already. He mounted her as she posed on her hands and knees He was very certain as to what she wanted of him.

Kelly felt the first licks and was just about to say something when she felt Rover mount her, and then a murmured “yes…’ slipped from her lips. It was followed shortly by a gasp as he took her, and he wasn’t exactly gentle, but then… it was what she had wanted.

Behind the mated pair, Kelly’s door opened quietly, the lever type openers were very stylish and heavy, but also well maintained; as were the hinges. The first twin had no idea that her sister was spying on her, but Rover did, and as long as the watcher was not threatening in any way he didn’t care.

Kelly was soon panting as Rover drove into her fully; his knot not yet formed completely he tried to control it so that they would not be tied too quickly.

Kelly knew that she was in for a ride as Rover’s shaft thudded against the bottom on her vaginal chute. There was just enough impact to vibrate several things within her, and she groaned her pleasure. She was his and he was taking her.

Kelly could do nothing but pant, but when she flew into her first orgasm, Rover waited for her as her vaginal muscles tried to milk his essence from him. He didn’t begin anew until the ripples died down, and then he began again.

From the doorway, Karen watched her sister being screwed royally, and she loved it; yet wished that it was her that was being ridden so hard. Her only compensation was her orange colored phallus that she had. She tried to excite herself with it as well as she could, but it in no way matched what she was seeing her sister getting; even as she shoved it deep.

Kelly had just managed to catch her breath and comment about how good it felt when she lost it all again. Her panting grew even deeper; interspersed with few recognizable words, but most of them were exclamations about how she was being totally screwed into oblivion.

By the time Kelly arrived at her second orgasm, Karen managed to hit her first. She watched as Rover held still and allowed her sister to enjoy the moment, and then it was off to the races once more.

Kelly had no idea what was happening. Rover’s knot was usually big enough to enter her and stay locked inside her vaginal lips, and it wasn’t happening. Instead, something slightly larger than a golf ball kept plowing in and out of her and it was wreaking havoc with her clit. She never remembered when it had ever been so energized.

When Kelly hit her third orgasm she shook so much and was so tired that she just wanted to slump to the floor and fall asleep, but she couldn’t she was being held in place and a very hot piece of doggy meat was still deep inside her.

Karen managed another orgasm as her sister hit number three. It felt better as she squinted her eyes and concentrated on what Rover was doing and pretending that it was her that he was mounted to.

When Kelly’s third orgasm began to wane Rover restarted her efforts to push her up the hill once more, but even as he did he heard her weak plea to stop, and he slowed his pace until all that remained was his shaft buried within her hot body.

“Thank you, Rover,” Kelly panted; loud enough to be heard, “I can’t take any more right now,” and even as she said it he carefully withdrew from her.

Karen ceased what she was doing also, but momentarily left the orange phallus within her; she hadn’t reached the peak she sought just yet, and though that Kelly was only going to shift positions, but then she saw her sister give up entirely and barely manage to crawl into bed. “Damn, he screwed her until she couldn’t take it anymore,” she murmured softly. “It almost makes me wonder how much I could take,” she continued, and then she pulled her toy out of her own hot slit and ambled back to her own room.

Kelly fell asleep almost immediately; she was exhausted. She never heard Rover leave the room, and even shut the door behind him. He was soon entering another room to see just how much this twin could withstand.

Karen was just about to crawl into bed and try and create one more satisfying orgasm when she realized that she wasn’t alone. She turned, and was a bit surprised to see Rover, but that was only due to the fact that she had shut her door, but she hadn’t locked it.

Karen took one look at Rover and knew exactly why he was there. “You heard me wondering about how much of your wonderful cock I could take didn’t you, darling?” and his response was a soft woof and a slight nod of his head.

Karen looked at the orange phallus that she had been about to use again and set it aside. “I guess I won’t need this,” she intoned softly and then she got on her hands and knees just as Kelly had been to make it fair.

Rover knew that Karen was already warmed up. He mounted her immediately; determined to keep his knot from expanding too far as he attempted the same thing with this girl as he had with the other.

Karen felt the first light touch of Rover’s cock and it was right where it was supposed to be. It didn’t remain outside very long before it was rammed into her and she gasped. “Oh shit…” and she knew that the challenge was on.

Just as Rover had done to Kelly he did to Karen. He plowed her as deep as possible with his stunted knot attaining no more than golf ball size. He had her panting immediately and her insides jostled just enough for her to feel it throughout her entire being without hurting her.

Karen hit her first orgasm with Rover and was already tired, but then she had been playing with herself earlier, and she knew that she was in trouble. Especially with the way the dog’s ball of flesh strummed across her clit so perfectly; it was what she had not been able to see from outside Kelly’s room.

Karen tried to catch her breath as her orgasm waned, and she got close, but not quite. Rover started thrusting again and in no time she was hearing the top once more and it was a very steep drop-off ahead of her.

“Oh shit…” Karen exclaimed softly and then she passed over the top. She felt Rover cease his movement and hold her tight. She slumped forward and she knew for a fact that if the dog was inside her and holding her upright that she would have toppled over.

As Karen’s orgasm faded this time she tried to catcher breath once more, almost certain that Rover was going to begin anew at any moment, and that happened only seconds later.

Karen tried to hang on as Rover regained full speed, but she couldn’t. She tried to tell her lover that she couldn’t take any more, and she couldn’t quite get it out of her mouth, but then she realized that he was slowing once more.

Karen slowly regained her breath and after she did she felt Rover pull out of her carefully; it was as though he could sense exactly what she needed, and at the moment it was tenderness. He had fucked her well, and she loved him for what he had done for her without going too far.

Karen managed to climb into bed; just as Kelly had done, and for a bit it was like déjà vu, and she could now totally relate to how her sister had to have felt, and it was exhausted, yet wonderful.


Chapter 42

When the twins awoke in the morning they felt wonderful. They remembered completely what had happened. The first thing they did after going to the bathroom was look for Rover. They found him at the same time in the living room; watching the TV, and within moments they both knew what he had done; though Karen had been a part of it all along.

It wasn’t long before the girls had breakfast with Connie and Rover. They even got a frozen steak out; cooked it, deboned it and diced it. They then put it on a plate for him. They had done all of this first so that he could eat when they did.

“It a good thing we have a van,” commented Karen as they all piled into the conveyance; with Rover making himself comfortable in the back. It was his first time in such a vehicle, but by the way he acted the girls never knew it.

The meeting with Connie’s veterinary friend wasn’t until noon. The rest of the staff would be out to lunch by then and the group could have the privacy that the young maid had requested of her Dana.

As soon as Connie and the others entered the veterinary building, and Dana saw the German Shepherd, she knew that he was different. “Wow he’s bigger than normal,” she offered and then she began looking him over more carefully.

As Dana inspected Rover she marveled at his form. Except for his larger size he was absolutely beautiful. “Where did you get him,” she finally asked, and she saw Connie glance at one of the two twins; it was impossible to miss that they were notably siblings.

“I found him on the east end of our property a few days ago,” offered Kelly. “He had no collar on him or any kind of identification that I could see. I’m also very certain that he kept me from being bitten by some Prairie Rattlers. I was really tired and rode right into a huge nest of them. He killed seven of them and cleared a path for me to get away.”

“Well, there is usually very little love lost between a snake and a dog, but the dog doesn’t always win; especially in the numbers that you just told me about,” offered Dana.

He’s fast,” returned Kelly, “I’ve never seen another dog move with the speed or accuracy that he does. He would lung forward at just the right moment; like some mongoose against a cobra. Rock steady… and then bam… he had the snake in his jaws right behind the head; biting it, shaking it and then tossing it away dead.”

“What we were wondering, Dana, was whether or not the Rover has some kind of microchip implant,” asked Connie.

“You’re planning on keeping him then, I take it?” asked Dana as she readied the equipment that she needed to find an implant.

“Absolutely!” returned Kelly boldly. “Unless he’s tagged with one of those things they use on animals,” she added softly.

Dana took her reader and ran it around where the implant should be, but found nothing. She then extended her search a bit but stopped when she saw how Rover was looking at her. It shocked her a bit because it was a look of disdain; as though he knew exactly what she was doing and not only mocking her effort but unhappy with it; she pulled away from him quickly and put the device away

“Nope, he has no identifying microchips implanted in him,” offered Dana; fifty percent sure of her conclusion as there would really be no reason for anyone to tag an animal in any other location except in the fleshy folds of the neck.

“Good!” returned Kelly with a sigh of relief.

“There is one other thing, Dana” said Connie before anyone could consider the meeting at a close. “We’ve seen this dog use the toilet properly, and then flush it, control a TV using the remote, and hindering us from getting a photo of him and posting it on the web. Are there any tests that you know of to see how much he really understands?”

Dana thought for a moment and then hurriedly got several things together; the majority of them being doggy treats. She then placed one of them under a low table where the Shepherd could not get at it with his mouth. “Get the treat, Rover,” she urged and then watched.

Rover wasted no time in retrieving the tasty goody and soon had the bite sized morsel. He had used his right paw to reach for the item, and Dana saw it. “He’s right pawed, much like many of us are right handed; he understands quite a bit.”

Kelly chuckled softly; thinking to herself, ‘tell us something we don’t already know, doc.’

Dana then got a ball and put it under a can, allowing him to see her as she did it. “Get the toy, Rover.”

Rover had the ball in record time; tipping the tin can over to assess what was hidden below. He hadn’t lost sight of the fact that it was there simply because she had covered it. He even returned it to her.

Dana then did a few other tests with treats that he passed with flying colors. He went around a barrier instead of trying to reach it with his paws; it was beyond where he could have gotten it, and he didn’t even try. He even used a string to pull something toward him, realizing that the two items were attached after watching her tie then together.

When Dana was done with the treats she then gave Rover several verbal commands, and of the twenty-five she issued he didn’t miss any of them.

Dana had never had a dog do what this one was doing, but she tried one more thing. She hid a treat under a seat cushion and then had Kelly take him out of the room.

Once the door was closed, Dana quietly moved the chair to another location in the room, and then hid four more treats in various places before calling for Kelly and Rover to reenter the area.

As soon as Kelly and the dog had entered, Dana spoke. “Rover, find the five treats.”

Rover looked at Dana for the briefest of moments and then looked around the room. He didn’t go toward a chair that looked similar to the one that the treat had been hidden in; he went to where that particular seat had been moved to, and soon had the biscuit to enjoy.

He didn’t stop there however; one after another without flaw he soon had the other four and devoured them as he got them before returning to Kelly’s side and then looking at Dana slightly askance; as though asking ‘what else?’

Dana chuckled. “I have no idea what you have her, Connie, but I can tell you this much… he absolutely the smartest dog I have ever run into.” She commented and then she turned and opened a drawer. She pulled out a needle and prepped it for use. “I would like to get a sample of his blood,” and it was more a request than anything, but she got an immediate response, and it wasn’t from any of the girls; it was from Rover himself; he immediately bared his fangs and growled menacingly.

“Or… maybe not!” offered Dana quickly as she hurriedly threw the needle away.

Once the offending item was gone, Rover reverted to his normal self. “I think chucking the needle into the trash was a good idea,” said Connie to her friend as they all breathed a small sigh of relief.

“Yeah, so do I, Connie, but what happened possibly sheds light on something else; I think that Rover was some kind of lab animal,” Dana finally offered.

“Lab animal?” asked Kelly, “You mean for testing things on him?”

“Yeah,” returned Dana softly, “an animal specially raised for or in a lab for someone’s unique purposes; possible even an experiment by someone attempting to manipulate how smart a canine is or how fast or strong they are; he could have been developed for a number of reasons from what I see here.”

“How horrible,” offered Karen.

“Well, from what I see here, he wasn’t experimented on for diabolical purposes… only manipulated so that he would possibly be a better dog concerning the reasons I mentioned before.”

“Have you heard of any lab losing such an animal?” asked Connie; hoping that the answer would be now, and then planning to ask a lot more from her close friend.

“No, I haven’t,” returned Dana, “but then the persons involved might not want others to know that they were developing such a unique animal; let alone try to explain that it somehow managed to escape.”

“Please do us a favor then and don’t look for such a thing,” requested Connie; while to her side Rover nodded slightly; and his actions were not missed by the vet.

“Ah… no, I won’t,” offered Dana to her friend honestly; knowing full well that the animal was understanding what was being said; which made him far smarter than she first thought after the battery of tests that she had put him through. “Off-hand I think that you have a very intelligent canine on your hands, and I see no reason why you shouldn’t be able to keep him. Just don’t enter him in any contests dealing with his kind or he’ll stick out like a sore thumb, and others will learn of his existence and whereabouts.”

“We don’t plan to put him into any canine competitions,” offered Kelly. “He’s just going to be a part of our family.”

“Okay, but I will ask one thing,” said Dana. “Please allow me to check him over once in a while for you, and keep his immunizations up to date. I promise I will do nothing to reveal what we have learned and talked about here today.”

Kelly hesitated slightly, but Rover responded for her. He sensed that he could trust Dana. He woofed softly to get everyone’s attention and nodded his head in agreement.

“Wow,” exclaimed Karen, “he knows exactly what we’re talking about,” and she only expressed aloud what all the others were already thinking.

The session with Dana ended after that, and the girls began their return home. They all viewed Rover differently after that, and little by little tried talking to him more frequently. He couldn’t speak to them outright, but they quickly learned that if they asked questions the right way that they would get a viable answer.


Chapter 43

The day had not necessarily been totally busy and tiresome, just time consuming. When the girls got back to the ranch it was early evening. They would have stopped at a restaurant but had opted for takeout instead, and ate it in the van. Since Rover was with then they got him an all beef sandwich with cheese on it, but held all the other sauces.

“I can’t believe the way Rover ate that beef sandwich,” offered Connie who had been in the back with him. “I’ve seen guys who done eat as neatly as he did.”

“Yeah, he did eat it very well, but then he managed to have a bit of dessert, and he did very well eating that also,” added Karen softly as they entered the house. She had watched Rover lick Connie into more than one orgasm and was damp; wishing that she had asked to switch places with the blonde after the first cum.

“Yeah, well I wish we had more room back there. With the shades that are on this vehicle I’d have let him mount me after the first orgasm,” countered Connie equally as soft; not wanting the ribald conversation to go beyond their ears.

“Maybe we should take the van with us when we go to college, Kelly,” opined Karen. “I doubt that dad would mine; I hardly ever see him using it. We could have the back seat removed and then there would be plenty of room for all kinds of things.”

“That might be doable,” agreed Kelly; aware that their father usually left the van for them to use whenever they went to the small lake to the north end of their property.

With a few plans in the works the trio made sure of what was happening around the house and then went up stairs to Kelly’s room once more. When they got there they found a note where either of them would be sure to see it. It was s message from their father, things were going well with the project that he was working on, but he would still be gone for several more days; possibly a week yet.

The twins giggled at that because it actually played into their own plans better, but Connie asked a question after they entered the bedroom and closed the door. “What kind of project is your father working on? I could have sworn that he said that it was only going to take two weeks, and that would have ended this coming Friday.”

“Dad has that condo building company, and he really likes to keep his fingers on top of it until he’s sure that there will be no major snags with any deadlines,” offered Kelly who was more aware of what their father did than Karen was.

“I always thought he just took care of the ranch stuff,” said Connie.

“Oh, he does things for that too,” returned Kelly, “but for the most part it somewhat runs itself with my father’s friend Oscar overseeing most of the stuff here, so dad went looking for other interesting projects and got into building luxury condos; which are still doing well for him despite the economy.”

“Your dad must really trust Oscar to let him run things here,” continued Connie.

“Oscar is one of dad’s military buddies, and yeah, they trust each other,” explained Kelly. “I guess they went through a lot together, and when his friend and the man’s family needed help our father took him and he hasn’t regretted it.”

“Wow, that sure worked well for you father,” said Connie as the girls began to undress now that they were in the bedroom and alone.

“Well, the guy and his wife are honest hardworking people, and it doesn’t hurt that my father pays them very well. They have a few shares in what the ranch puts out which doesn’t hurt,” she added as she summed it all up. “The more profitable our ranch is the more they make also.”

By then the girls were naked and beginning to think of things within the room. Other subjects were forgotten, but Karen did streak to her room quickly and retrieve her favorite orange toy.

When things began, Rover was the one to really start it. He nudged Connie closer to the bed and once she realized what he was after she sat down with her pussy easily accessible to him; he was about to finish what he had started in the van several hours earlier.

“Oh, baby, I’m ready for you,” Connie cooed, and within moments he came up over her and accepted her offer. He did give her a few quick licks as moved upward, but it wasn’t long before his hot cock was nudging her labial lips, and then parting them as he slid into her. She groaned her pleasure as his precum paved the way for easier entry. She was soon enjoying it even more as he began to thrust in and out of her and she lifted her legs over his back.

Rover didn’t try anything new, he simply satisfied the blonde beneath him; bring her to several babbling orgasms before setting his knot in her firmly. She still hadn’t ovulated; he could smell that she wasn’t quite ready yet, but then neither was Kelly. Only the second twin was presently on her way to finding out that things were going to be different for the next few months.

As rover began to slow his thrusting into Connie, opting for depth over speed, Kelly and Karen did the same for each other. They made sure that the toy they were using bottomed out within their sibling; causing both of them to groan pleasurably because of it.

Disjointed comments from Connie about becoming pregnant could be heard by the twins as they strived to pleasure each other. The blonde was looking into Rover’s eyes as usual as she lay on her back and took him into her. She could think of no greater endeavor to show him how much she cared than to offer him a way to have puppies through her sacrificial efforts.

Both twins took up the subject of impregnation also. “If Rover makes Connie pregnant, do you think the puppy will be dark or have a bit more blonde in its coloration?” asked Kelly.

“Mmm… that’s a tough one,” returned Karen, “but I’m betting that she would be just like us. She wouldn’t care as long as she could suckle that puppy on her tits.”

“Oh… wow, that’s something I hadn’t thought about,” returned Kelly. “Can you just imagine feeding the puppy you birthed at your breasts?”

“Yes I can,” groaned Karen as a small orgasm claimed her at simply think about it.

On the bed, Connie and Rover were close to their ultimate goal. “God… I wish there was an egg there for you to impregnate,” she cooed, and then her orgasm hit; spurred on by the release of millions of her lover’s sperm into her womb. She shook hard for several seconds but then went limp as she passed out from the intensity of it all.

Connie awoke multiple minutes later; just before Rover extricated himself from her, but she didn’t say a word. She kissed the top of his head after he cleaned her up, and then she crawled onto the bed further and tried to recuperate the rest of the way.

After Rover was done with Connie he moved on to Karen. At first Kelly felt slighted, but then she chided herself for feeling that way. She would be last, but she was certain that she would receive as much attention as the others.

Rover took Karen from behind once more, and she loved it. He licked her to her first orgasm; delving deep with his tongue, but still managing to stimulate her clit more than anything. She shook with pleasure, and as her first waves of pleasure waned he mounted her.

Karen widened her legs a bit and arched her back to present Rover with the perfect target. She soon felt his heat as it split her lower lips and she cooed her pleasure as he entered her.

Within moments, Karen was murmuring incoherently as Rover rode her hard, but she didn’t mine, she wanted to feel him dominate her. Her second orgasm hit her and her lover slowed as she tried in vain to mile his sperm from him.

Rover did his customary dance and was soon shoving his knot into Karen and she willing thrust back at him until his fleshy bulb was locked into her treasure vault.

“Fuck me, darling,” she encouraged him as they once more pushed against each other. “Put your seed in me and make sure they flood my egg, baby. I want your puppy in my belly,” she confessed, and in almost record time she attained her third orgasm and her arms gave way.

Karen’s head plunked down onto her arms, and her c-cupped breasts just touched the floor where the carpeting was just able to touch them; adding a small amount of stimulation that barely registered as she became oblivious to anything for several minutes.

Like Connie, Karen was just beginning to awaken when he pulled out of her, and she squawked slightly, but then Kelly was there to assist her in getting onto the bed and she didn’t resist her sister’s help.

Once Karen was out of the way, Kelly sat at the edge of the bed and looked at Rover as he drew closer to her. “I want you to fuck me this way, darling. I want to be looking right into your eyes as you screw me silly and fill me with your cum. I want to see what you’re thinking while it all happens,” and she was fairly certain that the slight nod that she saw was his approval.

Kelly spread her legs and gave Rover access to her slit. She hugged him, cooing her pleasure, and telling him outright how much she wanted him whenever possible. “I really do love you, and what you do to me, darling,” she murmured softly as her first orgasm claimed her.

As soon as Rover pulled away a bit, Kelly lay back and awaited his arrival. She was soon hugging him and lifting her legs over his back. His shaft nudged her gently and pried her lower lips open a few inches; he then thrust himself into her completely; hitting the back of her vaginal vault as his golf ball sized knot blew through her opening; stimulating her clit as it did.

Rover concentrated on what he was doing and began to thrust faster and faster into his lovely dark-haired mate. His knot remained small for the moment, and he soon had Kelly panting and murmuring small words of either encouragement or desire until she lost it and began to orgasm, and then it was nothing but gibberish for more than a minute.

Near the end of it all, Rover quit trying to control his knot and allowed it to do what it was made to do. He thrust it into her and she groaned, but she was still too out of it to have helped anyway.

As Kelly became a bit more aware of what was happening she found Rover beginning to thrust into her anew. “I can only go one more time, darling, so make it count,” she offered weakly.

Rover planned to do just that; aware of what Kelly needed next; though he had pushed it a bit the previous night. They were soon thrusting at each other gently and scaling the ladder to the top. He could have gone at a moment’s notice, but he managed to hold it until he felt her third reaction kick in, and then he let go.

Kelly passed out once more. She didn’t get to do everything she had planned, as she and Rover thrust at each other; he had plowed her so hard after a very satisfying licking. She knew however that there would be other times; especially after she ovulated. She would definitely strive to watch closer then.

Kelly resurfaced several minutes later and soon Rover was pulling his hot shaft out of her. She squawked a bit as usual, but there was no harm done. She was soon crawling up toward the head of the bed and fell asleep shortly after that; just like the night before.

Rover stood poised at the foot of the bed as he had the night before. He was satisfied, and he sensed that the girls were also. He hopped onto the raised platform himself and found a place to rest there at their feet.


Chapter 44

Rover awoke long before the young ladies ever began to stir. He used the bathroom and then went down stairs. He was watching TV even as some of the other household staff arrived to begin what they usually did around the large estate.

Claire was a young woman in her early twenties; was of Irish descent and had red hair. She entered the living room to clean it; not that it really needed much of anything, but she did a good job of catching any dust that might have settled there and straighten anything that might be out of place, but that was very rare.

She saw that the TV was on and began looking for the remote. That was when she finally met with the huge dog that others had told her about; the fact that the device for the huge flat-screen unit was resting between the large paws of the animal didn’t escape Claire’s first search.

Claire thought that it was funny for the remote to be there, but she wasn’t about to go and retrieve it; despite how tame she had heard the animal was; his size alone frightened her.

She decided to take care of the fact that the TV was on in a different way; assuming that no one was here to watch it. Claire looked on the front panel and once she saw the power icon she touched it. The flat screen went black, and she began to walk away.

Claire had only taken two steps before the TV came on again, and she thought that she must have turned it off improperly. She went back and hit the power icon again; being careful to do it only once. She even waited a few seconds this time, and it didn’t come on as she stood there.

Sure that she had gotten it this time, Claire walked away once more; taking two steps before the TV was on again and playing the animal channel. “What the hell’s going on here,” she murmured softly, and she then turned to try and shut the bewitched device off one more time. She only moved one step however, before she heard a soft growl, but it didn’t sound menacing; just something that would draw her attention.

Claire turned toward where she had seen the dog sitting and noticed where his paw was, it rested on the remote and she decided that she would rather not deal with what she was seeing and beginning to think; the animal seemed to be watching the TV. She shook her head and walked out of the room; opting to get some coffee and do something else until the strange acting canine was no longer in front of the flat-screen and holding the remote.

When the trio in Kelly’s bed finally stirred, two of them noted something different within them, but they said nothing. As they washed up that morning they noticed that they had a slightly sticky discharge and it meant only one thing to the pair of them; they had finally ovulated; now at least, Rover’s sperm would be able to reach a viable egg, and it would make their next mating session even more personal to them; even if they were certain that nothing would come of it, that chance was still there.

The girls washed, dressed, and then headed toward the kitchen. They were not surprised to find Rover watching TV, but even as he saw them he turned the flat-screen off and joined them.

On the way to the kitchen area, the girls met Claire as she dusted and waxed things in the dining area. When she saw them she immediately called out to the first twin; it was her understanding that the animal belonged to the oldest girl. “Miss Kelly, that dog of yours is very… strange,”

Kelly was apprehensive at first because she was unsure of what the slightly older red-haired maid was referring to. “What do you mean by strange, Claire?”

“Well… I found him in the living room this morning, and he was watching the TV. I’m sure of it because I tried to turn it off, but he knows how to use the remote and he turned it back on,” she offered in explanation. “There is something different about that animal… I can feel it.”

“Yeah, we know that he’s different, Claire,” returned Kelly; hoping that the convoluted tale that followed would fly well with the maid. “That’s why we had him checked out by a veterinary friend of Connie’s. She explained to us that Rover was highly intelligent, and has had been specially trained to do all kinds of things.”

“Well… it’s really weird to see him doing things like that, but it’s also very cool too; once you know about the special training part of it all,” Claire offered now that she understood that the animal had special training.

“Yeah, that’s the way we felt about it too,” agreed Kelly, and then she headed toward the kitchen once more; hoping that the other maid didn’t run into some other strange situation at one time or another; she would be glad when she and her sister were off to school.

Even as the girls walked away, Claire watched them for a moment longer and then got back to work. She was wondering about how high tensions would get once Mr. Kandless returned home. She knew that he did not like dogs for some reason, so there was bound to be some fireworks over the animal’s presence on the ranch.

For Kelly, she was simply relieved that although Rover was sexually active with them, it didn’t seem to go beyond that point. The girls talked about it carefully around the table as they ate, and then the first twin looked at the German Shepherd and got his attention.

“You won’t mate with anyone in this household… will you, Rover!” she stipulated softly.

The girls had no idea as to how he would respond to what was said, but they got an immediate answer. Rover woofed softly while shaking his head. He also went to each of the girls and kissed their cheek. It was enough for them to realize that he understood fully what they were talking about, but it still surprised them.

All three girls wanted to enjoy Rover’s company again as soon as possible, but that didn’t happen until much later that evening. Going away to college was going to happen again very soon, and they still weren’t really ready for it. Even Connie wasn’t exempt from doing a bit of preparation; it was decided by the twins that she would go with them, and she didn’t hesitate to accept their offer, but she would have to definitely get on the computer that evening.

The twins may have been homeschooled and tutored but that didn’t mean that they had been able to slack off on anything when it came to most subjects, only things about dogs in general had been conspicuously left out of their studies.

It wasn’t until after supper that the girls actually got a break. They did manage a short swim in which they were able to cool off, but then they headed for Kelly’s bedroom once more.

“Well, we better enjoy tonight,” offered Karen somewhat glumly. “The recorded call we got from dad while we were in the pool mentioned that he would be home tomorrow, and that he would have a big surprise for us also, and honestly… I don’t necessarily like daddy’s surprises.”

“Ditto,” agreed Kelly; thinking about the trip to Hawaii they had taken. The place they had stayed at had been utterly beautiful, and also very isolated. They didn’t get to do anything except swim, ride horses, and tan; which was generally what they did now… with a little other work for the ranch thrown into the mix. They hadn’t been able to get out and go shopping, or even see any other sites around the island that they were on. There had been no freedom for them to do anything they wanted.

“You don’t think that your father will mind me going with you to college as your housekeeper,” asked Connie.

“No, I’m sure that he won’t, Connie,” offered Kelly. “In fact, it was he who mentioned it in the first place before he went on this last trip, but we weren’t sure until this event with Rover as to whether you would even want to go along.”

Connie chuckled. “Well, being with Rover will be a bonus, but even if he hadn’t been a part of the mix I would have gone with you if you two if you wanted me.”

“Oh, we definitely want you with us,” agreed Karen; just before they arrived at Kelly’s bedroom with Rover close by their side. “Also, it will be more as a trusted friend than a maid sort of thing.”

As soon as the trio arrived and shut the bedroom door behind them, the bikinis didn’t remain on the girls’ bodies very long. They were soon naked, and Kelly was the first to offer herself to Rover as she sat at the edge of her bed.

Rover had three objectives that night, and two of them were more critical than the third, but he didn’t plan on shortchanging that particular person either.

Rover began by licking Kelly into her first orgasm. He hit her lower valley from rosebud to clitoris; even delving a bit into the tender nether opening and making her squirm but it was too intense for her. She eventually sat up, and that hid the lower portal a bit, so he concentrated his efforts elsewhere; seeking to please her.

Kelly purred her pleasure as Rover’s tongue dug into her vaginal depths and managed to hit her g-spot several times. It was one of these particular probes, along with plenty of clitoral stimulation, which finally set off the first of the fireworks and caused her to hug him to her even tighter.

As the pleasure waves receded Kelly lay back and coaxed Rover to mount her. She was ready, but then she wasn’t really telling him from her actions something that he didn’t already know.

Rover covered Kelly’s body with his own, and she loved how his fur felt against her flesh. She brought her legs up over his back immediately, opening herself to him and his further advance. Her efforts did not go unrewarded as his heat was soon nudging her feminine opening in a very familiar way.

“Come into me, darling,” Kelly cooed as she looked into his eyes and saw him looking back. “Don’t keep me waiting. I have an egg that wants to meet with your sperm and be given a chance to live.”

Rover woofed softly and the next thing he heard from Kelly was a gasp of pleasure as he entered her, and then he thrust more and more until he was into her hot vault as deep as nature would allow without hurting her; even his knot was inside, but he was once more attempting to hold it back until a bit later.

Within moments, Rover began moving in earnest, and Kelly was on the receiving end of it. Her grunted words were not necessarily babble, but there were plenty of pauses in between them and you had to be listening to hear what was being said.

Rover heard all of her pleas; whole Karen and Connie caught some of them. The gist of it all had to do with her becoming pregnant, and being able to carry his baby in her belly. She wanted this so bad that she could taste it. The egg was there now; she was sure of it.

Rover drove Kelly to another orgasm, and then he slowed as he usually did. For his efforts, he heard his lover encouraging him to find the sweet spot and screw her until she couldn’t take it anymore; which she was fairly certain would not be very long, but if it released his sperm into her womb… it was all she could really hope for, and then his knot pushed into her and stayed.

Kelly gasped, and then she and Rover rocked together for several minutes. During that time he continued to watch his mate, but he didn’t miss what was being said by the other girls either as they warmed each other up for when he could be with them.

Karen was commenting about how she wanted it from behind again, but Connie wanted it just like Kelly was getting it. The human pair then began thrusting their toys into each other and as usual jamming them as deep as possible during their sex play.

The slower dance continued, but the music intensified; just like in a movie… you know something is about to happen even if there is no dialogue. You could feel the crescendo coming and this pair was right in the middle of it all.

“Oh god… now… now…” gasped Kelly, and she wanted to say more, she wanted to tell him to knock her up and plant his seed within her… but her voice failed her. The results were there, she was milking his shaft with her vaginal muscles, and then she felt him force-feed her womb with his sperm.

Kelly knew that his essence would find her egg… they had succeeded in their mutual efforts. Unfortunately, even as he gave her what she wanted she shuddered intensely and passed out, something she hadn’t wanted to happen, but was fairly certain that it might.

Both girls gasped in near unison as they once more jammed their toys deep into their partner, simulating what was happening with Kelly and Rover as he shot his sperm into the first twin.

Both girls parted from each other just a bit after that. Their own smaller orgasms rippled through their reproductive organs and created some satisfaction, but not as much as what they were sure still lay ahead with Rover.

“Damn, he sure put her lights out,” Karen chuckled as she looked at her sister, passed out and still lying beneath the large Shepherd; it made her shiver with anticipation.

“Yeah, just like all of us,” offered Connie. “Once he lines up his cock with your womb and shoots a load of hot sperm into you I don’t think that there is any way to avoid it, but then I’m not sure that I would really want to.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right, Connie, but it makes me wonder why he isn’t doing it with me like that lately… or haven’t you noticed.”

Connie shook her head. “I’m not sure Karen, but maybe it has to do with the fact that your egg has already passed through and he senses it. It’s my understanding that dogs can sense when a bitch is in heat as well as smell them… or something like that. I’d have to ask Dana about that again.”

Karen nodded. “Yeah, that must be the case, but I sort of wish he’d fuck my light out again like he just did with Kelly. I mean… he really nailed me good the other day… pushing me to three orgasms in a row, but it still wasn’t quite like my sister just experienced.”

Karen and Connie didn’t get a chance to continue with their conversation as Kelly finally joined the coherent world and they moved closer to her. “Well, did you get what you wanted?” asked the young blonde.

“Oh yeah, he blasted me good,” cooed Kelly dreamily. “His sperm should be swarming my egg soon if it isn’t already,” she continued, and then she squawked as he dismounted. She surprised everyone then by immediately flipping over and crawling toward the head of the bed.

Kelly didn’t move fast, but she managed to unintentionally keep Rover from cleaning her up as usual. She was soon on her back once more with a pillow under her hips to keep her vaginal slit tipped upward; she didn’t want to lose any of Rover’s precious load.


Chapter 45

Karen chuckled as she watched her sister, but her observance was cut short as Rover began paying attention to her. She knelt and kissed the large Shepherd and then addressed him. “I want you to fuck me from behind, darling, and I also want you to put my lights out like you did with Kelly.”

Rover woofed one time softly, and then Karen got onto her hands and knees and present herself to him. “Give it to me, darling, I’m already primed for you,” she urged once more.

Rover had every intention of doing as Karen asked, but he wouldn’t be pumping his sperm into her womb; he didn’t wish to disturb what was already forming there. He would push all her other buttons though, and he could still put her light out that way ir that was what she wished.

Rover mounted Karen. He heard her whispered comment about how good his fur felt against all the parts of her body that touched him. A hissed ‘yes…’ followed as he nudged his hot cock against the opening of her slit and pushed her engorged labial lips apart slightly.

“Feed it to me, darling,” Karen managed softly a split second before he entered her, and then she groaned louder as he slid into her completely.

Rover gave Karen a moment to adjust to his thick invasion, and then he began to move within her. He picked up the pace quickly once he was sure that she was ready and he didn’t back off. He concentrated on keeping his knot small, and plowed her mercilessly.

Karen was on the receiving end of Rover’s cock once more, and she loved it. She couldn’t manage anything too coherent, only single words that might have been strung together if all of them had been audible, but at the moment it was hard for her to tell which uttered remarks were even loud enough to be heard, or whether she had simply imagined that she had said something.

Kelly chuckled as she watched her sister getting fucked so vigorously. In a way she was glad that her sibling wasn’t a screamer, or her twin would have probably been heard at the far end of their very spacious home.

Connie had much the same feelings as she watched Rover plow the youngest twin. She could see that his cock was entering the girl fully; the knot blowing through Karen’s outer pussy’s lips without slowing.

As Connie used the purple toy on herself she could only imagine the stimulation that Karen’s clit was receiving; she would have needed a sturdy shaft with three golf ball sized nodes on it and then jammed it in and out of herself as fast as possible to emulate the stimulation she was seeing.

Karen felt the hot shaft within her not only pleasantly banging against the end of her vaginal vault, but the not yet fully formed knot stimulating her clit with each and every thrust and retreat, but especially on the way in.

When Karen hit her first orgasm and Rover didn’t stop she knew that he was doing the same thing as last time he mated her. It felt good, and yet it disappointed her; she wanted his sperm shooting into her uterus to send her over the top as it had done to Kelly.

Karen didn’t have too much time to pout about it however because the dip between orgasms was very shallow. She was still panting and very soon at the top once more and again contemplating the fact that he would stop then to readjust his position, but once more it didn’t happen as she surmised.

Karen could do nothing but pant and her senses became overwhelmed to a point where she quit worrying about how Rover had fucked Kelly and she then concentrated on what was happening within her own body.

Her second orgasm passed and still there was no letting up on how she was being taken. She was no longer in control, and it wasn’t her way that was important… it was her lover’s desires for her that were being fulfilled.

The third orgasm hit Karen and her arms collapsed. Her forehead rested on top of them and the tips of her breasts began rubbing on the carpet without being excessively abused by the action; it only added to the stimulation in a way that was pleasant.

Karen was sure that Rover would stop then, and she tried to tell him that she surrendered, but her words could not find a way to be heard. The last thought she had was that she was about to be screwed to death, and then she passed out as her forth orgasm slammed her so hard that she got what she had asked for. It was pleasant, and yet strange at the same time. The surge of lustful pleasure radiated outward from her core and it engulfed her completely.

Rover held Karen tight as he felt her vaginal muscles try to coax his essence from him. He would have allowed it if he wasn’t trying to save it for Connie.

It was several minutes before Karen began to stir, and even that was not by much. Connie had managed to orgasm as she watched the united pair go at it, but she wanted more. It was then that she saw Rover turn toward her slightly and woof softly, and she could almost understand what he wanted.

Connie went to where Karen still knelt submissively beneath Rover. She held the girl and assisted him as he pulled out of her; not allowing her to topple over. She then guided the dazed twin toward the bed and Kelly helped then also.

Kelly chuckled as she and Connie managed to position Karen comfortably on the mattress. “Well, it looks like my sister got what she wanted,” and then they both heard the youngest twin coo contentedly before falling asleep.

Once Karen was taken care of, Connie turned to face Rover. “I sure hope that you saved some of your energy for me, darling, because I’m in no way satisfied with the few orgasms that I managed to have so far.”

Connie then went to the other side of the bed and sat down. “I don’t need any warming up, sweetheart, I just want you in me as deep as possible. I have an egg with your sperm’s name on it, and I want to see how well you can fulfill its desire to be fertilized,” and then she lay back and waited for him.

Connie’s wait wasn’t a long one. Rover was soon on her and nudging his hot phallus into her slit. As soon as she felt its presence she lifted her legs over his back and opened herself to him even more.

Once Rover was where he needed to be he pushed forward and entered Connie. She wasn’t nearly as warm as he was, but as he sank to her depths the slight chill that his cock had felt outside her silky tunnel went away.

“Fuck me, darling,” cooed Connie. “I want your puppy in my belly just like the others do,” she offered quickly before he began thrusting into her so fast that her words would be inaudible or pure gibberish.

Within thirty seconds Connie could do nothing but pant, and murmur. She was glad she had immediately spoken her desires. He thrust into her faster and faster and before she realized it she was pushed through her first orgasm, but he didn’t stop.

At first Connie was afraid that he was going to do the same thing to her as he had done to Karen; only in the missionary position. She looked into his eyes and tried to tell him that she wanted him differently. Her second orgasm hit her and she quivered pleasurably, but then she noticed that Rover had also stopped his movements, and was allowing her to enjoy the moment.

As the quakes waned, Connie felt Rover repositioning himself within her and she sighed in relief. “Yes… that’s what I want, darling. I want your seed in my womb. I don’t even want it to have to search for the opening.”

Rover knew exactly what Connie wanted, and he planned to give it to her. When the moment was right he pressed his growing knot against her vaginal lips and slipped into her with some effort, but it didn’t hurt that she assisted him by pushing back.

Very soon Rover and Connie were tied together and they began thrusting at each other slowly. “Give it to me, darling, I want your seed to swarm the egg my body finally produced,” she said softly after finally finding her voice once more. She loved when he rode her hard and had her panting and half crazed, but she also liked when she could look into his eyes as she was doing now and see his intent for her also.

The words lab dog that her veterinary friend Dana had uttered rang in her ears, and it actually spurred her on. What if Rover was some kind of special anomaly in the animal world? She and the twins, and now Dana, knew how smart he was, and that he was bigger than the average German Shepherd, but what if it didn’t end there? What if his creator had done other things?

Connie smiled and picked up the pace of her thrusting just a bit. She suddenly wanted his seed in her even more, if that were at all possible. It might just be a dream or wishful thinking, but she wanted it that very moment.”Fuck your puppy into me, Rover,” she whispered lustfully. “I want to feel it growing in me, darling,” and then she got her wish.

Connie’s next orgasm began as she pleaded for his seed, but it wasn’t in vain. She felt his release into her also and gasped. She began shaking and hot ecstasy felt as though it was spreading from where they were joined. It rippled like a huge wave going in every direction from the center. It finally reached her brain, and when it did she had the merriest of moments to express anything. “Yes…” was all she managed before she passed out.

Kelly managed to hear some of Connie’s utterances, and for the most part they followed along with her desires also. She too wanted to have one of Rover’s puppies growing inside her otherwise flat belly. It would be so hot knowing that you and possibly a few others, like her sister and their maid that was more friend than hired help, held a secret and accomplished what others could not.

Connie began to stir after a few minutes, and as soon as Rover pulled out of her she too moved as quickly as possible to the top of the bed and managed to find a pillow to put under her hips as Kelly had done.

All three girls were once more on Kelly’s bed and peacefully content after being with Rover. They didn’t even attempt to cover themselves, but fell asleep naked and didn’t stir until morning.

Rover looked at the three girls; pleased at what he had accomplished with them once more. If his senses were correct, one of them was pregnant already, and as long as nature did its thing the others would only be a few days behind when it came to gestational timing.


Chapter 46

Rover awoke first; he rarely slept too late. He managed to do the things he usually did without freaking one of the other young maids out of their gourds. He was soon down stairs learning more about the world around him as he watched news items on the television; he would shift over to the animal channel later.

When Claire arrived at the ranch she began as she usually did, but she shied away from the living room. The big dog was in there again, and as far as she was concerned its actions were a bit creepy to her. It bothered her that an animal should be so interested in watching TV and moving around the channels as though he understood what he was seeing. There was something weird about this canine… she could sense it.

On the upper level of the house, the girls finally began to stir. Rover had been gone for several hours by then, but they didn’t worry about him. He took care of his own needs, except for food.

When they arose they all got into the shower once more and bathed each other. They enjoyed the time together, since they were already so intimately involved with Rover. He was the binding force and what they shared with him and one another was something they wanted to continue as long as possible; it was why Connie was going to school with them very soon; they didn’t want what they had to end.

The girls were out of the shower and getting dressed when Kelly’s phone rang. “It’s dad, “she said softly before picking up the device and answering it. She wanted Karen and Connie to be somewhat quiet and not necessarily say anything too loudly; especially about Rover. “Good morning, Father, to what do I owe a call so early in the morning, is everything okay?”

For the next minute, Kelly could do nothing but listen to her father rant about the dog that he had finally heard about, and how it had to go. It was followed up by something about a surprise that he had hoped would be good news, and the fact that he would be home within a few hours.

The girls were devastated at their father’s adamant urging that the dog had to go and that he wouldn’t even let Kelly explain why they wanted to keep him. As a precaution they immediately loaded the van with everything they already had packed for college and prepared to leave it things became intolerable for them at the ranch.

The girls each had their own bank accounts, and their schooling was already paid for. Some of it had even been scholarships that they had applied for and won, so they knew that they could make things work no matter how angry their father might be about the dog.

Four hours passed swiftly and the girls were ready by the time their father arrived home; what surprised them however, was the fact that he wasn’t alone. There was a young woman with him that looked to be about ten years older than they were and it was easy to see that the pair was very intimate.

There was a very brief introduction made between the twins and Silvia, the woman eleven years their senior and newly engaged to their father. They didn’t begrudge him the fact that he suddenly had a fiancée, but they did mind his strong stand against Rover; even when he saw the dog and how well mannered the animal was in their presence.

“Sorry, father, but we are not going to get rid of Rover no matter what you say,” offered Kelly after their parent stressed once more that the canine had to go. “You don’t have to worry about the flea ridden mutt, as you put it, even being around here. He’s going to school with Karen and I. He’s going to be our watch dog, and believe me when I say he will do a very good job of keeping us safe.”

“And how the hell do you know that?” growled Robert.

“Because he saved me from getting bitten by the rattlers that I told you about, that’s how,” explained. “Shadow and I were really tired by the time we got to that area of the ranch. We walked right into the nest before we knew it; even he didn’t smell the snakes at first. He got spooked when he did however, and he dumped me right in the center of it all. If it hadn’t been for Rover killing seven of the slithering little beasts I’m sure I’d have been hurt.”

Robert Kandless sighed heavily, he still didn’t like dogs; it was a personal thing. It had been ten years ago that he had returned home to find his wife being fucked by her canine companion and it had shocked him. He found out that she and the animal had been together hundreds of times, and his prolonged absences were to blame for it.

Maria had gone so far as to tell him that even if he wasn’t gone all the time that the liaison between her and the K9 would still continue; she loved Pasqual, and that was when he got upset, but he tried not to show it.

Robert’s ‘upset’ turned to ‘anger’ and then ‘madness.’ He got a hold of the dog shortly after that and shot it; leaving it to die as he walked away.

He had no idea how Maria did it, but she managed to get Pasqual into her little car that she loved to drive. She raced to the vets in an attempt to save the animal’s life. An hour later he was hearing from the police that there had been an unfortunate accident involving her and a huge cattle hauler. She and the dog had died in the wreck; no one ever found out the true story due to the injuries sustained by the devastating collision that did extensive damage to every living within her small vehicle.

“I still don’t like the dog,” Robert finally told his daughter, “but if you want to get it out of here and take it to school with you I guess that’s your prerogative.” He told his daughters, and although he seemed to let the incident slide, he had other plans.

“How did you find out that I found this dog out on the range anyway?” asked Kelly.

“Well, when you told me about the snakes did you think that I wouldn’t try to take care of it immediately?” Robert returned. “I called Oscar right away; he’s the one that mentioned about the dog later, but in the meantime he got a snake wrangler out there. Biggest haul of its type in years according to the guy; he even paid us a few bucks for the privilege of catching them; the guy will sell the reptiles to different zoos or facilities that milk them for their venom and make snakebite serum out of it,” and Kelly nodded before she and the other girls turned and walked away.

Robert watched them as they left and noted how closely the German Shepherd followed the girls. He had to admit that the canine was a very good looking specimen, and it caused him to wonder where it had originated. Dogs like this one and cattle of notable stature didn’t just happen, and then suddenly pop up out of nowhere. Someone might be looking for the mutt, and he would secretly help the original owner find the animal while seemingly remaining neutral about it all.

With the signs of any big confrontation gone, the girls and everyone else relaxed. The twins and Connie still planned to leave the following day for school, but in the mean time they were later able to get to know Sylvia a little better.

As all the members or the family managed to converse without the stress of their father’s hatred of Rover boiling over they found that their dad’s fiancée was actually very nice and easily to get along with; they didn’t resent his becoming involved with another woman.

Most of the day was somewhat uneventful, and the girls were pleased that Rover was so well behaved, but then they remembered that he knew and understood a lot more than most gave him credit for, and for that they were very thankful.

For the twins and Connie, it was a quiet night. They didn’t press their luck with Rover, and he seemed to understand the situation completely. He didn’t bother them at all that night, but when they went to bed, he quietly prowled the premises.

Rover’s keen ears and nose smelled more than two other of the home’s occupants probably wished. He didn’t get too nosy or too close to the bedroom door from where the faint sounds and scent emanated from, but then he didn’t have to in order to know that the man called ‘Father’ and the girl called ‘Sylvia’ were busy sexually; he could hear them moving and her moans of pleasure easily. He himself would have loved to be with Kelly, Karen and Connie, but he was smart enough to know when things were appropriate and when it was better to bide one’s time.

After Robert and his fiancée were satisfied for the second time that night, they did manage a bit of pillow talk. “I’m glad that weren’t too hard on Kelly about the dog,” offered Sylvia, he does look like a very healthy specimen of a German Shepherd.”

“Robert sighed; pleased that he had fooled everyone about his intentions, and he planned to keep it that way. “Well, I don’t care for male dogs because they always pee on everything, and try to mark their territories. But I guess I can’t complain about things if she taking the mutt with her,” he offered, and that was the end of it all for that night.

Rover was up early as usual, but he wasn’t able to do as much as he usually did. He heard someone else moving about also. When he went to check he padded quietly to where the action was, his heightened sense of smell alerted him to who he would fine long before he peeked around the door opening and looked into the smaller room.

Robert was typing madly on his private computer, and chuckling softly as he did so. “There’s more than one way to get rid a damn dog without being a villain,” he murmured as he posted a ‘found’ notice on the German Shepherd website. The board had other such entries from all over the states. He had already looked on the lost section, but it had no mention of an animal that matched Rover’s description.

Once Robert was done with the entry he made sure that he would be able to modify it later. He planned to take a picture of the girls before they left for school in the morning, and he’d get one or more of Rover also. He was still certain that someone had to be looking for an animal like the Shepherd that his daughters had glommed on to as a pet.

Rover backed away from the door quietly and returned to Kelly’s bedroom where all the girls were congregated once more. He lay down and waited for them to awaken, determined to be very careful of what their father might try to do.

Several hours passed before the girls began to stir, and then they became as busy with a determined mission. Head for college, get settled into their new apartment and make sure they had time to play with Rover; they missed being with him and were determined to make up for it.

Breakfast was a hurried event, and the last of the girl’s items to take to school were finally loaded; leaving just enough room for four passengers. Without being too obvious, rover stayed away from the girl’s father, especially when he saw that the man was carrying a camera.

Rover did it very well, and even though their father tried several times to catch him he was sure that he had thwarted the efforts to get an un-blurred digital photo; he heard the man swearing after checking the results each time.

It wasn’t until they were just about ready to leave that it really got rough. Several photos were taken of Kelly, and Karen; then Connie joined them. It was after those pictures were taken that Robert mentioned that Rover should be a part of it all also.

Kelly thought that having Rover in the picture was a good idea also until she finally realized how crafty he was being in trying to stay out of the photo session in the first place.

Usually he was right beside her or Karen, but that wasn’t the case at the moment, and she could only contribute it to the fact that her father had a camera, and she did remember him pointing it strictly at the Shepherd on more than one occasion; she began to wonder what he was up to but didn’t necessarily want to challenge him about it now in case she was wrong.

It was then that she hastily looked at her watch and mentioned about how late it was; although it really wasn’t. “We really don’t have time for any more pictures now,” she offered lightly, and then she went to hug her father, and after that she did the same with Sylvia.

Karen followed suit; hugging her father and then his fiancée. Connie and Rover had boarded the van and shut the passenger door by then so further attempts to get a picture to the dog were thwarted.

The girls all waved as they pulled away, but they weren’t even off their father’s property before Karen spoke up. “What the hell was that all about, Kelly? Why did you say we were running late when from what I can see we have plenty of time?”

“Well, I hope I’m wrong,” sighed Kelly, “but I don’t think that our father necessarily likes the fact that we have a dog; even though he seemed to give in to the idea.”

Karen chuckled. “Well… if he knew that Rover was fucking all of us silly he probably wouldn’t like it at all, but that’s our choice, not his. Besides, he’s the one that kept us away from meeting guys; afraid that we’d fall for a boy that only wanted sex, or was looking to score with us because we have a boatload of money.”

“Yeah, I know for a fact that Father has always worried that someone who knew what we were worth would come along, and then get us to fall in love with them strictly to get at our money.”

“Oh, there are more benefits than that,” added Connie. “You two girls are beautiful, well studied, smart and definitely not snobbish. It would be very easy for a guy to love you along with your money. However, it would be better if they cared for you before they knew how much cash you had in the bank. I think that’s what you father really cared about… but he might not have necessarily have gone about it the right way, and now you two are out on your own.”

“Yeah, our dad wasn’t really happy about us going where were going, but he couldn’t really stop us either,” opined Karen.

“Well at least we have Rover to keep us safe, and if we play this right, we’ll hopefully meet nice guys that want us and not our family’s money,” said Kelly, but we will have to be very careful about what we do.”

“I’ll help you with that as much as you let me,” offered Connie. “I’m no expert when it comes to guys, but I can help you weed out the bad ones; the ones that only want sex or money, but you will have to trust me,” and both twins agreed that they would listen to her and heed her advice.

The girls were quiet for a few minutes and then Kelly started up again. “Getting back to why I wanted us to get going so quickly,” she began. “I’m afraid that our father might try something concerning Rover.”

“You mean you think that Father would try to hurt Rover?” gasped Karen.

“I don’t think that Father would hurt Rover personally,” speculated Kelly, “but he might try to do what we did and check on lost Shepherds, or list our boy as one that was found and try to give as good a description as possible.”

“Do you really think that he would do that?” asked Connie.

“I don’t know… I hope not, but I didn’t like what I saw as he tried to get a picture of Rover, and our boy evaded him,” returned Kelly. “I heard our dad swearing softly with each failed attempt.”

“Do you think he would post a picture of Rover if he had a good one?” asked Karen with concern.

“Yeah, he might, but I hope I’m wrong,” said Kelly.

“Well, we’ll only know how bad it is after we get there,” offered Connie, and the rest of the trip to Casper, Wyoming was completed in near silence.


Chapter 47

The girls arrived at their small one thousand two hundred square foot rental home in Casper. It was a cozy three bedroom, two full bath affair with everything that they might have liked except for a heated pool in the back fenced in yard with eight foot fence.

The young ladies worked feverishly to get everything put away, and their new home stocked with food. They would begin college officially in two days and they wanted to be ready.

Connie would take care of the place after classes started for the most part, but even she planned to take a few select courses to broaden her knowledge base. She had sixty credits that she wanted to build on, and even though she didn’t plan to leave the Kandless’ employ any time too soon, she was fairly certain that the day would arise in the future and she wanted to be ready.

By nine o’clock in the evening, the girls had everything where they wanted it. Kelly and Karen would have the bedrooms that were attached to either side of the largest bath; while Connie would have the one attached to the smaller full bath that was also accessible from the kitchen area.

Kelly was soon leading Rover into her bedroom, and the other girls followed them. She hurriedly stripped out of her clothes and was soon sitting on her queen sized mattress.

As Rover began licking Kelly she cooed contentedly; arching her back so that he could still get at her and she was able to hug him. She couldn’t explain it but tonight she didn’t feel as needy, and she chalked it up to being tired; not some other desire that had already been fulfilled and be unknown to her just yet.

“You don’t have to fuck me into oblivion tonight, Rover,” she commented softly as she hugged him and her first orgasm swept through her. “I’m already exhausted, darling.”

Once Kelly’s first orgasm began to wane, she slipped from the bed and onto her knees. She supported the upper portion of her body on top of the mattress; it was low, just like she wanted it to be. Her upper torso was level to the floor.

Kelly didn’t have long to wait before Rover was covering her back. She purred as she felt his hairs against her body in a way that let her know that he was close, and then she felt his heat; it nudged against her pussy lips and then split them gently about an inch.

Rover heard Kelly’s response to his minor invasion, and then he added a whole lot more to it. The rest of his shaft stole her breath away as it didn’t stop until it bottomed out against her soft interior.

The adjustment time didn’t last long, and soon Kelly was on the receiving end of a speedy battering ram that jostled her and shoved her into the mattress in a way that let her know that she was not her own at the moment. Rover possessed her, and she loved it.

Kelly managed to let Rover know that she was all his. “Fuck me, darling,” was heard by all within the room, but then she fell silent as he did just that and the rest of her verbal pleas were not much more than gasps and disjointed murmurs.

Rover drove Kelly through two more orgasms and she was approaching her fourth when he slowed and began thrusting at a slower pace, but his shaft was deep and touching her just right; despite the fact that he wasn’t aligned with her uterus; it didn’t matter at the moment.

Kelly gasped a few more times as Rover’s cock jostled her interior sweetly; as though it was a full reproductive massage from the inside out. Her fourth orgasm washed over her so pleasurably. She shook, but she didn’t pass out. She felt the weight and fullness of him within her, and she equated it to how she might feel if she was pregnant with his puppy and it kept the tremors rippling through her body twice as long as usual. “Beautiful,” was all she managed to whisper for all to hear.

Even as Karen watched her sister respond to Rover’s pounding, she knew that she wanted the same. She and Connie hadn’t even gotten the toys out and stimulated each other with them, they had only stripped and then caressed themselves as they watched and listened to Kelly react to what was happening.

When Rover gently dismounted from Kelly he managed to clean her up a bit before she began to move. She moaned pleasurably, but there were no copious amounts of fluid other than his precum and her orgasmic fluids. She then clambered onto her bed and lay down; totally fulfilled and exhausted.

Karen was quick to take her sister’s place, but she went right to her knees and allowed Rover to pleasure her from that angle. He did a good job of it, but she did arch her back to give him a little better access to her core.

Rover caught Karen’s clit on just about each swipe of his tongue. He then allowed the tip of it to delve as deeply as possible into her slit before exiting and sweeping across her tender rosebud. He had her squirming almost immediately and she orgasmed after only two minutes of the oral stimulation.

Karen hadn’t even come down from her first pleasurable orgasm when Rover mounted her; just as he had done with Kelly but a little sooner as the second twin was already in position. She too gasped as he sank his hot shaft into her, but there was no inch… and then more; the heat approached, and then it was shoved deep within her.

Rover had Karen panting quickly after that. He controlled his knot and allowed his entire length to plow into her at a pace that left her nearly breathless; especially as his fleshy bulb entered and left her tight opening and blew by her clit. It wasn’t quite like putting a vibrator against the sensitive female organ, but the next best thing.

Connie watched as Rover dominated Karen, and she shivered as she heard the youngest twin moan and mutter barely recognizable words of encouragement for her lover to keep going or even amazement at how he was making her feel, and she knew that she would be next.

Rover didn’t stop his rapid thrusting until Karen was mere moments from her fourth orgasm of the night. Then he slowed and made each and every forward motion a like a battering ram with an exclamation point behind it.

Karen knew that Rover was not nudged against her uterus opening as he had been the first few times he had mated with her and she missed it, but what he was doing to her was still very good. It did have her puzzled as to why, but then the next wave of canine induced pleasure hit her and she quit pondering it for the moment.

Waves of pleasure radiated outward from her core and she reveled in the feel of all of it. She was still aware of where she was beneath her canine lover and that he was deep within her; just outside her birthing chamber. His heated member and even his whole body pressed against her upper and lower back and thighs were not missed as she trembled pleasurably in his grasp.

There was plenty of fluid leaking from Karen’s pussy where she was joined to Rover. Most of it was running down her leg, but there were a few drops that fell onto the towel that Connie had thoughtfully placed there; after all, she would have to clean the place, so she opted to keep it from getting too messy while they had their fun.

Eventually, Rover pulled his waning yet still sizable phallus from Karen’s pussy and right away began cleaning her up. When he was done, she too moved up onto the bed next to her sister who was languidly watching the previous mating session with a smile. They then watched as Connie got into position.

Connie took Karen’s place, and the fact that she was third in line didn’t faze her. If anything she felt good about it. Rover hadn’t really locked into either of the twins, but she was hoping that he would do it to her since she was last and he didn’t need to worry about satisfying someone else after her.

Rover began licking her and it felt good, but she murmured ‘just fuck me, darling’ unsure if he even heard her at first until he suddenly covered her and nudged up against her. Within moments his hot cock found her and she murmured again ‘that’s what I need.’

Rover began doing the same thing to Connie that he had to the others; riding her hard through several orgasms before slowing and making each thrust be felt; holding the moment of impact and then doing it again.

Rover had Connie completely; even bringing his head down over her right shoulder to where she could look to her side and see who was making love to her; there was no mistaking the fact that a dog was giving her the pleasure that she was feeling in her feminine depths. His knot was set and she was full of him.

Connie’s fourth orgasm washed over her, and she too reveled in every aspect of what she was feeling. The mind numbing climax as he shot his load into her uterus was missed a bit, but she had to admit that not passing out and being able to sense everything that was happening was very sensual and pleasurable also.

At the moment she belonged to Rover, and she loved it. He had her where he wanted her and she had to agree that it was very blissful. She could feel his fur everywhere. She also felt his heat and weight within her, and his sperm as it shot against her back wall of her vaginal tube.

His knot sealed most of it within her outer chamber but it didn’t bother her that it wasn’t shot directly into her uterus. It was as though her body assured her that it wasn’t needed that deep at the moment. It was still hot; his essence was in her. She felt fulfilled and content as she trembled pleasurably.

It was several minutes before Rover was able to pull out of her safely, and Connie still squawked as usual, but she was satisfied; at least for the moment. She knew that drugs were addictive, and she wanted no part of them, but what she was sharing with this canine also created a hunger within her that she knew would arise again very shortly, but it wasn’t destructive to her body and that was what mattered to her.

Once Rover had cleaned Connie’s pussy mound as he had the others, she joined the twins on the bed and they welcomed her. Once more they all huddled together, turning the light out and talking softly as they discussed how they felt.

Karen and Kelly both mentioned how Rover had loved them differently than usual, and it became a topic of discussion as they all compared feelings concerning what had happened. It wasn’t until Connie murmured about how she felt fulfilled that things began to click. “Maybe he assumes that he has filled our uteruses with enough sperm to make us pregnant, and we don’t need any more,” she finally giggled, and the others chuckled also, but the thought stuck, and it was the last words uttered as they fell asleep.


Chapter 48

When the girls awoke in the morning they were still feeling the effects of the previous night; they were content. They arose and bathed together; which wasn’t as easy to accomplish here, but they managed. The outwardly curving shower curtain rod afforded them a bit more room, where as a glass enclosure would have kept it from happening altogether.

The girls giggled and chatted as they planned their day, making sure that they also had time to spend with Rover before school really got underway the following day.

That was when Karen recalled the last of the previous night’s dialog. “Connie, do you really think that it’s possible that a canine lover can sense whether a bitch can become pregnant or not?” she asked as they dried off.

“Yeah, I think they can,” offered Connie, “but I didn’t necessarily mean as to whether they can become pregnant, but also as to whether they are already expectant, and have several little buns in the oven.”

“But the two of you didn’t have an egg ready for him at first, only I did,” opined Karen, “and he tried to mate with you just as he did with me in the beginning.”

“Yeah… we may not have had an egg for him to fertilize, but we weren’t pregnant either,” continued Connie.

“So that leaves us with what?” asked Karen as she pondered it all. “You and Kelly just produced an egg only a day or two ago, Connie; it should still be there. Why isn’t he trying to fertilize it?”

Connie shook her head, and yet once more what Dana had said about Rover being a lab dog resurfaced once more and it wouldn’t go away. “I don’t know. Rover is so different than other dogs. Maybe he thinks that he already got us pregnant. Maybe he doesn’t want to disturb what he thinks is happening in our uterus by pumping more of his sperm into it. Who knows what’s going on in that K9 brain of his?”

“Well, I guess if you put it that way I guess you could think that he’s only being protective of his supposed progeny,” offered Karen, “but I for one would love him to connect with my uterus again; despite how well he fucked me last night.”

Connie chuckled at that. “I’m afraid we might have to wait until we’re close to our next cycle before he realizes the error, but I have to say that he did perform very well last night considering the fact that he had three of us to deal with.”

“Yeah, I guess I didn’t really consider that,” agreed Karen, as she began to realize that her sister wasn’t really a part of the conversation. She was about to ask her Kelly what she had noticed about it all when her sibling began swearing, and calling then to where she was in the area that they had set up as a study for their school work.

Karen and Connie found Kelly sitting at her computer. “What’s the matter, sis, you sound upset?”

I just got an e-mail from Dana,” returned Kelly angrily. “She sent one to all of us in case we didn’t check our incoming messages regularly. She had been monitoring the German Shepherd website and found a listing that we might be interested in. She sent me a link and I punched it up. Our dear father may have seemed as though he let our possession of Rover slide, but it was only a ruse; he’s betrayed us,” she added and then she let them read the posting on the ‘Found’ section of the board.

Both Karen and Connie swore softly at what they were reading. Robert Kandless had posted a complete tale about how an over-sized Shepherd had been found. He listed as many details as possible and even had a picture of their dog on the site also. It was somewhat blurred, but it was easy to see what was meant by larger than average as a description.

“Damn it, how could he do that to us?” yelled Karen as she shook her head.

“There’s no way someone who’s looking for a dog like Rover is going to miss this,” agreed Kelly, “but it really pisses me off that he lied to us.”

“I guess he really hates dogs more than anyone realizes,” said Connie. “I can only presume that he didn’t want a big fight over it; especially since he was bringing a fiancée home with him.”

“That still doesn’t make it right,” groused Karen.

“True,” agreed Connie, “he did lie, but he’s still your father and you know that he loves you two; it just that he evidently hates dogs with a passion also, but no one knows why,” and she could see that neither of the twins knew what caused the intense animosity either.

“Yeah, he’s our father, but he’s going to get a whole lot less for Christmas this year; especially if we end up losing Rover over this fiasco,” opined Kelly. “We can be just as adamant about things as he can be.”

Kelly sent a quick thank you e-mail to Dana for alerting them to the situation. She then turned the computer off; there was no way to tell if anyone took note of the posted message; only their father would know that, and they didn’t wish for him to be aware that they knew about anything that he had done; they could be sneaky also.

The girls had breakfast then, and they fed Rover well as usual. They got what they needed done as quickly as possible, but in the process they also passed a very nice doggy park. They stopped and let him loose to see what he would do.

For the most part, Rover ignored the other dogs, even when they came to sniff at him, he didn’t return the gesture, and the fact that he didn’t try to pee on everything and mark his territory was noted by the girls, but he did exercise and run, even vaulting over a five foot barrier and tearing through a gauntlet of obstacles at a very fast pace.

In the area also were two female Shepherds, but he ignored them completely; something that the owners of the canines noticed because they thought he would be interested in his own kind.

One of the women owners finally approached the three girls; uncertain as to whom the owner of the male Shepherd really was. “That is one very handsome boy you got there,” commented Muriel, a woman in her late forties. He’s a bit big, but he’s also beautiful. I wouldn’t mind seeing him and Honey tied together when she gets in heat. If you think you might be interested in it please let me know. I’m here every Monday, Wednesday and Friday… weather permitting.”

“We’ll keep that in mind,” returned Kelly as she tried to be cordial and keep from laughing; she honestly doubted that Rover would be interested in a real bitch; he was so different.

After a good run in the park they headed home. Already making plans on something easy to prepare to eat that evening; it would allow them more time with Rover before they had to turn in early and be ready for school in the morning.

As the girls and Rover ate supper, several hundred miles away Robert Kandless finally began answering several e-mails he received concerning the dog that his daughters had found.

Many of the e-mails were people seeking to simply take the animal off his hands, and he wouldn’t have minded that, but he was certain that his daughters would not release the dog without proof that the person truly owned the mutt.

Robert was on the tenth missive when he suddenly got a very detailed message about where the animal really came from, minus the lab part, and how far Jason Baxter had already run. He was fairly certain that he was talking to the real owner and told the man where the dog could be found.

Once supper was over and the house tidied up, the girls got ready to play. Rover began with Karen this time, and he did lick her to one orgasm as she lay on her back. She then flipped over and offered herself to him that way and he didn’t mind; all he wanted to do was satisfy her as usual.

Rover was soon covering Karen and moving up behind her. He was good at judging where all the girls were and his second probe sank several inches of hot veiny shaft into her awaiting pussy. She gasped once, and then again, as even more of him followed swiftly until he was nudging the back of her tunnel.

Rover was soon thrusting in and out of Karen at a very fast pace, and she could do nothing but pant as his heft plum-sized knot was pushed into her and then pulled out of her female opening. Her clit was once more on the front line of the swift assault, and it took her breath away.

Kelly and Connie were not idle as they watched Karen being taken by Rover so vigorously. They warmed each other up, but even as they did it was impossible to keep pace with what he was doing to the second twin. They just couldn’t jam the purple or orange dildo into one another fast enough.

Karen gave up worrying about how Rover was going to take her and just accepted it. He held her tight as he screwed her. She was his for the moment and she knew it. The only other thought that crossed her mind, before she orgasmed for the third time that evening, was if she would ever really be satisfied with some guy in the future.

Kelly and Connie managed to make each other orgasm, but it was nothing like Rover was capable of, and they knew it. They were only biding their time until he would mount them.

Even as the two un-mounted young ladies’ orgasms subsided, Karen hit her third set of intense tremors for the evening, and it wasn’t until then that Rover slowed. She thought he would align himself with her uterus then, but he didn’t. He set his knot and slowly began rocking her world that way.

Karen approached her fourth orgasm quickly despite the fact that they were moving together slowly; it was still intense. The thought that she would have to wait until she produced another egg to feel him spewing his seed into her ultimate depths saddened her, but as she passed over the crest of the hill, it ceased to be a concern of the moment.

Within Karen’s pleasure centers the tremors began and they were nearly as strong as the ones she felt when Rover fed her uterus directly. She felt everything for several moments longer and the thought that he was taking her differently for a reason surfaced; it was to keep that which was within her safe, and the thought puzzled her, but then she lost it and fainted.

The only thing that kept Karen from collapsing to the ground completely was the fact that Rover held her in position. He heard the other girls commenting about what he had done to her, and they were chuckling about it, but it wasn’t in ridicule; it was complete approval, and wanting the same.

Once Karen awoke, she groaned as she felt Rover hot shaft still moving within her. She loved it; she wished that she could simply crawl up onto the bed and go to sleep with him inside her. She sighed contentedly, but then groaned once more as she felt him pull from her; and yet the thought that something remained within her stayed.

Karen was exhausted by then however, and only managed to get on the mattress and make herself comfortable before she fell asleep. She never even heard the other girls take their lover.

Kelly was going to let Connie go next since she seemed to usually be the first, but the young blonde insisted that the first twin take her turn; it would be an early day tomorrow, and it was the Kandless girls that would have to begin first.

Kelly hugged her friend and then seated herself at the edge of the bed before laying back. “Just mount me and fuck me Rover,” she instructed him softly as he approached her. “I’m already warmed up, darling, and I want to feel you inside me.”

Rover did as requested and was soon covering Kelly who immediately embraced him and lifted her legs to accommodate her lover. His hot shaft was soon nuzzled against the pouty lips of her femininity and progressing inward at a slower pace than usual. She could feel every segment of it as it inched forward, and despite its slow advance it still took her breath away.

Kelly gasped as his hot flesh entered her slowly, and it didn’t stop until it bottomed out within her sensitive tunnel. She felt full, and the heat from his thick member radiated outward pleasantly; filling a hunger that had been there since their last mating together.

Their eyes met, and he began to thrust at her, but she didn’t just lay back and take it. She rocked her feminine mound upward and endeavored to get as much of him in her as possible; despite the fact that he was already impacting the end of her inner core; she knew that it would give way at least a bit; she wanted him deeper than ever before.

There was no fast paced blur of motion this time. It was only the steady intense thrusting and mixing of minds and desires that transpired. She had one orgasm before they came together, but the one that was building at the moment was going to dwarf that one and many others by ten to a hundred fold; even the ones when he had been perfectly aligned with her uterus.

Kelly had no idea where the thought came from as she and Rover gazed intently at her, but suddenly she saw into her own birthing chamber, and it wasn’t empty, there was something there, and it was forming rapidly.

With each and every thrust between the two of them, it was as though the image that she was seeing became clearer. She was pregnant, there was a fetus within her, and it was not human, it was a puppy and it formed to look just like its father.

Kelly’s orgasm arrived at that moment. “Yes…” she wailed, but it wasn’t from just the ecstatic bliss that was washing through her, it was also the realization of why he wasn’t screwing them the same way as he had before; he didn’t want to disturb what was already there.

Kelly’s tremors shook her pleasurably, and she tried to hold the moment of realization without passing out, but it was too much for her to fathom on this side of reality. She slipped over the edge into a blissful rest.

Connie had been watching Kelly and Rover closely, and she was amazed at what she saw. He hadn’t plowed her into submission; they had simply joined and rocked each other’s worlds, or at least he had rocked hers because she wasn’t even sure if he had cum inside the young brunette, and yet the fact that something had happened was very obvious.

Even as she continued to watch, Rover turned his head to look at her and woofed softly. He may not have uttered the word ‘help’ perfectly, but that was what she heard. As he slowly extricated himself from the comatose Kelly she assisted him.

Connie managed to pull Kelly onto the bed fully, but he had assisted with his nose, and there was definitely enough force behind what he did to move the blissfully resting first twin around until she was on the mattress properly.

Once Connie and Rover got Kelly into place she covered both girls and chuckled at what she saw. Their canine lover had screwed both of them into oblivion, but he had done it in two different ways, and that was what amazed her; she was really wondering what the first twin had experienced.

After a moment, Connie spoke to Rover. “Let’s go to my room, and you can do the same thing to me as you did to Kelly. The only problem is that after you fuck my lights out… how I’m going to get into bed?” and she could have sworn that she saw him grin at her.

Less than a minute passed before Connie was in her own room. She sat at the edge of the bed, making sure that she was positioned so that Rover would have complete access to her; she didn’t want him coming against the mattress before he was fully seated between her legs.

Rover began by licking Connie, and it felt good to her, but it wasn’t long before she lay back and urged him to mount her before she even came from his delicious lingual activities. She too wanted him inside her as Kelly had wanted him.

Rover was soon standing over Connie, and although he didn’t have some play book to go by, he was fairly certain as to what she wanted. He understood her mood and her verbal pleas completely.

Just as he had done with the Kelly, he began with Connie. His introduction and entry into her depths were slow and deliberate. She soon felt exactly what the first twin had felt as his hot veiny muscle sank into her core slowly, and it didn’t stop until it bottomed out and she was full of his weighty presence.

“Yes…” gasped Connie, as he did to her what she had seen him do to Kelly, and the fact that she was sharing him with the other girls didn’t matter. He evidently had what it took to satisfy all of them, and although she would be the last that evening she was also sure that they were all equal in his eyes.

Connie looked up and saw Rover gazing at her intently, even before they began to thrust at each other. They were solidly connected below, and now they intertwined above also as they meshed their minds through the portals of their eyes. It was as though they no longer spoke two different languages, but a common one.

Almost in unison the mixed pair began moving together, thrusting at each other to attain a union better than they had ever shared before. Little by little they drew closer to the top of the hill, and when they got there she saw it all.

Connie could feel him inside her better than ever before, despite the fact that he wasn’t totally stimulating her clit by pushing his still forming knot through her opening over and over at a fast pace. He didn’t need to; this was something totally different.

Connie and Rover rocked each other’s world, but it was just enough to keep her at the peak and not push her over the top instantly; which was something that she didn’t want to happen immediately; she wanted them to linger where they were.

Just like Kelly, Connie began to see things. She too saw within herself, and the fetus that was growing there. She watched it develop, and saw that it was a puppy, but what amazed her was that it wasn’t just some hope or dream of something impossible. It was real, it was inside her uterus; it was why he wasn’t plugging into them as he had before, and the realization of it all caused her to slip over the top; her bliss could no longer be restrained.

Connie lost it just as Kelly had when she realized what she was seeing, and that it wasn’t some enigmatic wish that could not be attained. They were all carrying Rover’s progeny within them; no matter how impossible it seemed.

Connie never fully awoke; even when he carefully pulled himself from her depths. She did move dreamily however, and it was enough to get her on her bed in a way that supported her completely. He then found a blanket and covered her as best possible.

When Rover was satisfied that she wouldn’t somehow roll over and fall off the bed he gazed at her for a moment longer and then left the room. He was hungry and thirsty. He had done everything to satisfy the girls, but he hadn’t even cum himself. He licked himself clean and then went to see what he could find in the refrigerator; getting his own food from such a device would be a first for him, but he had seen the girls do it all the time.

When Rover got to the kitchen, he managed to open the magnetically sealed door of the refrigerator without too much trouble. He soon snagged a full container of plastic wrapped lunchmeat. It was beef, but he could still smell it.

Rover tore the wrapped beef open with his teeth, being careful that he didn’t swallow any of the plastic in the process. It wasn’t the neatest way to open a sealed container, but he managed, and in the end he had the sixteen ounces of lunchmeat devoured and was getting a drink from the faucet.

With his hunger and thirst satisfied for the moment, Rover turned the water off, put the plastic wrapper in the sink, turned off the kitchen light and went to lie down in the living room; between where the girls were sleeping.


Chapter 49

It was a blaring alarm clock that awoke the girls in the morning. The twins began to stir easily in Kelly’s room, but even Connie heard it in the other room; all the bedroom doors were open and she was well rested.

None of the girls felt lethargic, but were completely energized. They arose and bathed as usual, but before long thoughts of the previous night resurfaced and they began to talk about it.

One of the first things mentioned was why Rover was mating with them differently, and it amazed them that they had all come to the same conclusion; they were pregnant and each of them had a puppy forming within them.

“Are we just being delusional here,” opined Karen, “or is this really happening?”

“What I envisioned was so real,” offered Kelly softly. “I mean… I know we all talked about it, and desired for it to happen, but I think that what we are experiencing is beyond just hoping that he would knock us up. I think that he is able to do it, and we are already carrying a puppy within each of us.”

“Well, you have to admit that he’s different,” agreed Karen. “I wasn’t even facing him like you two were from what you told me. I was fretting the fact that he wasn’t nudged against my uterus, but I still had the feeling that he wasn’t in that position for a reason, and now it all makes sense.”

“Why don’t we get a pregnancy test kit and see for sure,” added Kelly hopefully.

Karen was quick to agree, but Connie threw a bit of cold water on their enthusiasm; at least a little bit. “It may not show just yet,” she offered. “It’s unfortunate, but from what I understand the test could read negative until shortly after we should be experiencing our next period.”

“That means that mine should show up first, and it’s due in about a week,” offered Karen.

“That would be a safe assumption,” returned Connie, but I will pick up several test kits for us today while you two are in school. We can still try them out and see what happens.”

The girls finally made it into the kitchen and it was then that they noticed the empty lunchmeat container in the sink. “It looks like Rover got hungry after entertaining us last night,” chuckled Karen as she held up the semi-shredded container.

“Mmmm, well I can’t fault him for getting hungry and helping himself after how he took care of us last night,” said Kelly.

“That’s for sure,” added Connie, “and I must say that he was very neat about it all. I remember a friend of mine when I was younger. I spent the night at her house. Her mother forgot to put a pot roast away before everyone eventually went to bed. In the morning the dog had bits and pieces of the thing all over the place. It was a greasy mess, so I would have to say that if our boy can do as well as he did with the lunchmeat as he did… he can help himself any time he wants to.”

“Agreed,” added Kelly, but I hope that it isn’t too often, I would hate to think that we’re not taking care of his needs properly; especially after all he’s done for us.”

The others agreed to that also, and then their day began in earnest. Everyone ate and then the twins were off to their first classes. The only unfortunate part about any of it was that it left Connie with no transportation, but they planned to rectify that later.

Connie was just beginning to clean up in the kitchen when she saw Rover suddenly take interest in something out front. She followed him and when she looked out the window she saw a strange vehicle sitting in the driveway, and a chill suddenly ran down her spine; its very appearance outside their rental residence was ominous.

Even as Connie continued to watch out the window, she saw a guy emerge from the dark SUV. What really scared her however was the fact that she also got a glimpse of what looked to be a pistol trapped under the guy’s belt. She immediately snatched up her cell phone and punched in 911.

Connie made sure that the door was locked and moved to the closest bedroom that allowed her to still see the front entry; it was Kelly’s room. She was soon giving pertinent information to the person that had answered her call and told them that a guy with a gun was at her apartment, and that she had no idea who the man was; what she didn’t realize in all the excitement was that Rover was no longer there.

Jason had driven all night to get to the address that he had been given by a guy named Kandless. The man had assured him that the animal was with three girls in Casper, Wyoming, and that two of the young ladies were just starting school there.

The large German Shepherd that they were calling Rover was in their possession, but it had been found on the east end of the property that the Kandless family owned.

The fact that there was no vehicle in the driveway didn’t make Jason too happy, but Kandless did say that two of the girls at the residence would be starting school. He looked around at the place; noting the size of it and the high eight foot fences to the side of it; he chuckled, this was quite the place to rent for a couple of college chicks.

What Jason missed during the quick perusal or the grounds was the dark shadow, low to the ground, at the corner of the tall privacy fence. There was just enough there to allow Zeta to peer around the corner and ascertain what his nemesis was up to. He recognized his hunter immediately.

Zeta had not hesitated once he saw the dark vehicle in the driveway. He was very certain that the person that drove the conveyance was after him, and not the girls. If he was gone, Connie and the others would be safe, and so would his progeny.

Zeta moved quickly to the back door, unlocked it, and was soon exiting the home as quietly as possible. He didn’t even want Connie to know that he was gone. He ran toward the back of the property and was soon airborne, jumping over the eight foot wall and clearing several inches.

It hadn’t been easy, but Zeta already knew the best way for him to escape over the privacy fence if needed. The pool in the back yard of the neighbor on the other side didn’t hurt; it was why he chose that particular place to make his leap.

The splash as Zeta hit the water sounded loud, but it drew no one’s attention to what he had done; the owners of the pool were already at work. He was soon out of the water and shaking himself as dry as possible before leaving the yard and returning to where he could see what was happening at the apartment.

Jason limped toward the front door of the home and rang the bell. He waited a few moments and then tried again. He was just beginning to fret about the fact that no one was answering. He even moved to the side a bit so that he could peer into one of the side windows. That was when two cop cars came speeding toward him, and then came to a screeching halt behind his SUV.

The two police were quick to exit their vehicles and approach Jason, and the fact that they had their hands very close to the butt of the weapons that they possessed was not missed by him he immediately put his hands up a bit, stood still, and awaited their approach.

It was quickly established as to why Jason was at the residence, and once he produced all the credentials that he possessed; even the one for his gun and the Tazer, the police then knocked on the door.

Connie answered the door now that the police were there and it was established what Jason’s presence was all about. She had somewhat expected it, but she didn’t like it so she had forestalled the event as much as possible; especially after seeing the gun… that turned out to be a Tazer; he had purchased it after his last run in with the German Shepherd.

Connie just stood near the front door as Jason went looking for Rover; she wasn’t going to help the man capture her lover, and she was feeling very angry at Robert Kandless at the moment; it was because of him that this was happening. One of the policemen stayed with her, but the other one accompanied the bounty hunter.

Movement out the front door caught Connie’s attention, but her casual glance in that direction did not draw the policeman’s attention in that direction despite the fact that he was watching her; he was more interested in her beauty than anything else that was happening around him.

Connie suppressed her surprise very well when she saw Rover dash behind the SUV that the bounty hunter had arrived in. She only hoped that he would keep going because she didn’t want anyone to capture him.

When Jason and the policeman emerged from the kitchen area he faced Connie. “Where is the damn dog? You said that he was here.” He growled.

Connie shrugged her shoulders. “Rover was here when you arrived, he saw you and alerted me to the fact that someone was in the driveway. I looked out and saw your gun and called the police. I had no idea why you were coming to my door. If you can’t find the animal it’s your fault, he must know that you are after him, and he took off.”

“Did you let him out of the back door?” questioned Jason.

“No, and if he’s not in the house then he got out of the house on his own; but then I’m fairly certain that this man already knows how hard it is to capture the dog; especially after admitting that the canine escaped months ago. The fact that he’s also armed with both a gun and a Tazer says a bit too; though I must say that Rover was very well behaved with our family so it has to be because he was abused elsewhere,” offered Connie.

Jason scowled at Connie and then handed her his business card. “It’s been established that the dog belongs to my clients, and if it returns I expect you to do the right thing and call me.” He said before he hobbled out the door.

The one policeman followed Jason, but the one that had stayed with her held back for a moment. He handed her a card also. “If you need any help concerning the dog, or anything else for that matter… just give me a call.” He said with a smile before following the others.

Connie didn’t necessarily return his smile, but she didn’t completely rebuff the policeman either; the guy was kind of cute for a cop. She was soon closing the door and then watched out the window to see what else was happening; hoping that Rover had kept going; she hadn’t seen where he had gone to after going behind Jason’s vehicle.

One of the cops left immediately, but the one that had given Connie the card hung around and looked as though he was attending to some paperwork. Jason scowled at the house one more time and then entered his own vehicle.

Jason growled, wondering where the mutt had run off to again; he was beginning to think that he needed help; at least someone who could cover the back door while he went in the front.

This German Shepherd was very resourceful, and the only thing that kept Jason on the hunt was that the Doctors had increased the bounty from two hundred thousand to four hundred thousand. They also upped his daily rate to a hundred fifty a day plus expenses. There was more to this mutt than they wanted to admit; he was sure of it.

Jason hardly knew the half of it. Dr. Xavier and Dr. Emus had been running continual tests on the other canines since Zeta escaped after the storm. Each of the animals were superior examples for what they had been developed for, and the traits grew stronger each time they were analyzed. They could only assume that the one that got away was the same, and he had all the enhancements; they had no idea how smart the last Shepherd could really get; it all depended on how much information was available for the dog to assimilate.

Jason started his SUV and began to back out of the driveway. He didn’t far however before he began screaming and yelling. He slammed the shift lever into park and got out, hobbling to the rear passenger side of the truck; already fairly certain as to what he would fine.

Connie was still watching out the window, and the last cop was still parked nearby. They both watched as the bounty hunter got out of the SUV and hobbled to the rear of the vehicle. They then saw Jason slam his fist against the side of the fender with enough force to dent it as he looked down at another flat tire; there was a hole in the sidewall, and he knew how it had gotten there.

Connie went outside to see what was happening, she felt safe because the policeman was still there; he had left his vehicle also. Form opposite directions they approached Jason’s position; he had calmed a bit, but he was still swearing softly at Zeta’s heritage.

Connie was soon able to see what was happening, and she couldn’t help but laugh at Jason’s discomfort; she even commented aloud about it. “I don’t think Rover likes you very much, Mr. and it’s obvious that he sure knows how to slow you down so you can’t follow him.”

Jason glared at Connie, but reigned in his attitude a bit since the cop was standing close by also. “Yeah… he does, but when I get my hands on him he’ll pay for what he’s done to me. I only have to return the mutt’s carcass to get my fee of two hundred thousand,” he gloated.

Connie was aghast at what she heard, but said nothing more. She hurried into the house and closed the door; pondering why Rover was worth so much, but then the answer presented itself. If she and the girls were right, he had made love to them and knocked them up. He had been a lab dog, and someone had altered his DNA. The same people were now trying to retrieve their property in any way they could.

Zeta was once more on the run, but he also had a plan. He decided that he would eventually leave the country completely; possibly head for South America, but not before he managed to do a bit of backtracking.

Jason cursed Zeta’s pedigree anew for nearly thirty minutes as he changed the tire on his SUV for the fourth time. He then threw the ruined wheel and tools into the back of his vehicle; glad that he had a deal with the Dr’s for expenses now; he had personally paid for the other three black-walls out of his own pocket.

The bounty hunter finally pulled out of the driveway and motored down the road a bit; he would get a bite to eat and weigh his options. He would hang around a bit just to be certain that the dog did not return, but that had not been the animal’s actions in the past.

Zeta had always headed west, so Jason was fairly certain that the mutt would do the same thing again. The canine was crafty, but also lucky, and luck was fleeting; he was already thinking about who he would get to join him in this crazy hunt.

Zeta knew where each and every girl he had mated with resided, and he planned to begin with the first and move on from there. He would not be able to stay long, but he did want the young women and his progeny to realize that they were not alone; they would be stronger and better able to survive if they knew they had canines like themselves to mingle with.

It took several weeks for Zeta to return to the beginning, but when he did he was pleased with what he found. Angela and Jill were right where he left them.


Chapter 50

Sixty-two days after impregnation both Angela and Jill had each delivered a healthy, male, German Shepherd puppy, and their coloration was very similar to their sire, Champion. The birth of the young canines had been easy; Christine had assisted them. They were even able to feed their sons from their own, milk filled breasts.

The girls planned to keep their promise to Christine that she could mate with one of the males when they were old enough, but that would be a while yet, and the vet knew it; it was the only thing that chaffed her about the deal, but she wasn’t about to blab it to anyone; it simply frustrated her a bit.

Angela and Jill were doing well with their young sons. Their friends that saw the pups thought that the animals were utterly adorable, and in many instances asked about where they could get one of their own. The girls hated to lie about it, but they eventually made up a story where their boys were the only two that survived a tragic accident to the mother of the pair.

College was going well for Angela and Jill. Christine assisted them whenever they needed someone to watch over the boys. It was the end of the week and they were looking forward to two days of rest from scheduled activities. They had just finished supper when the doorbell rang.

“Were you expecting anyone?” asked Jill of Angela.

Angela shook her head. “Maybe Christine forgot something,” she responded as she turned to go and answer the door.

Angela looked out of the small peephole first, but saw no one. She heard Jill behind her, so she opened the door cautiously; after which she still saw no one. She turned to look at her companion quizzically, but then heard a soft woof.

Angela looked into the deeper shadows then and saw an animal, and it was somewhat evident that the dog was purposely remaining hidden somewhat from the porch light above. “Champion?” she finally voiced softly.

Zeta woofed again and then moved into the light, but he didn’t stop until he was in the house. Angela had stepped out of his way quickly, but then returned to the opening and glanced out cautiously; she wanted to see if anyone had taken note that Champion had entered their abode.

Once Angela saw no suspicious movement around the neighborhood she carefully closed the door and locked it. She then spun around quickly and went to embrace Champion as Jill was already doing.

“Oh, you sneaky bugger you!” chided Angela, and yet it was in anything but an angry tone of voice. They had been totally shocked and amazed to find out that Champion had impregnated them when they made love, but they would not have wanted to change what happened in the least.

“I think we should show Champion his offspring,” offered Jill excitedly.

The girls were soon showing Champion his two sons, and he immediately went to them and licked them affectionately. They had never seen him before but they too responded by being close to him showing their own acceptance of his presence.

After Zeta had been there for a while with his sons he woofed softly. The boys turned to look at their sire and then scampered off to their bed. They got comfortable and then fell asleep.

Even as the puppies were on their way to their bed, Rover walked over to where Angela and Jill had their computer. What he was mainly interested in was the paper that was in the printer.

Angela and Jill had watched the entire interaction between Champion and his pups, and they loved it. When he seemingly sent them to bed by woofing at them they were amazed, and saw it as nothing less that their old lover actually communication with his sons.

Angela and Jill watched as Champion went to the computer printer next. He reached up and pawed gently at the stack of paper that could be seen in the tray. “I think he wants some paper?” offered the young blonde hesitantly.

Zeta woofed softly after Angela mentioned paper, and she was soon stripping a single sheet from the holder. He actually wanted more than that, but he was certain that they would realize that after they saw what he wanted to do.

Angela put the paper on the floor and backed away slightly; puzzled as to why Champion wanted the sheet of white parchment in the first place.

Zeta looked around the room quickly and espied a number of writing instruments in a container. The ends of them were sticking up. He managed to snag a wooden pencil and carried it to the paper on the floor.

Zeta’s penmanship left a lot to be desired, but then when was the last time anyone really tried to write a letter of the alphabet, on a sheet of paper, with the pen or pencil stuck in one’s mouth.

Zeta managed to make a recognizable letter ‘A’ after his third attempt. The girls were not quite sure as to what he was after at first, but they eventually guessed at it, surprised at how much Champion seemed to have learned from the time they first knew him.

Jill quickly got a whole ream of paper from under the desk and then she and Angela began making twenty-six individual prints; each one holding a large letter of the alphabet. They then set them on the floor and watched in utter amazement as Champion began spelling out what he wanted them to know.

With another sheet of paper on one of their larger tablets and a pen in hand, Jill began writing down each letter that Champion placed his foot on. At first they both doubted that what they had done was what the father of their sons wanted but as things progressed they ended up with a chain of words that made sense, and it increased their awe of all that had already happened.

Little by little Zeta told them about what had happened after he was forced to run from Jason. The fact that he interacted with other young women didn’t surprise them, it was somewhat inevitable as he tried to spread his seed around so that he would have smart descendents like himself; it was geared to the survival of his new species more than anything.

The whole process took hours, but to the girls it was important also. Being one or two of a kind as they were, mothers of highly intelligent canines, would be a lonely vigil. However, knowing that they were not entirely by themselves did give them strength.

Zeta asked the Angela and Jill to prepare a special paper for him. It would hold all the names and addresses of where the other expectant mothers were located. It would also explain that if the alphabet was made available to him that he would be able to communicate with them better.

The process of it all took a few days, because the girls didn’t do it all haphazardly, they also made him a small waterproof pouch to put around his neck; one he could slip out of easily if the need arose.

During this time, Angela and Jill also began contacting the other young ladies. It wasn’t too hard to prove that they were genuine; Champion, who they finally came to know as Zeta, gave them plenty of details about Jenna and Annette, Mandy and Samantha, and then Kelly, Karen and Connie.

In the end however, they had two more names to add to the growing list of Zeta’s consorts. They got a hold of Christine and her friend Penny; another young woman in the veterinary field. They gave them the opportunity to be impregnated by their son’s father and the pair accepted eagerly.

It was fortunate for all involved that both Christine and Penny were where they needed to be within their feminine cycle. It allowed two days worth of coupling to fulfill their desires.

Two days after Zeta arrived on Angela and Jill’s doorstep, he was introduced to Christine and Penny. The young blonde and redhead were beautiful and totally into animals, just none that had ever been able to impregnate them; which was something they both desired.

For safety sake, Christine and Penny took Zeta to the young redhead’s place; it was situated in the woods. Her parents really owned it, but they rarely visited the cabin unless they called her first and let her know that they were coming.

The first time that Christine and Zeta got together, Jeffry was conspicuously absent, and she had an audience of three other young women. They watched her and pleasured each other as the larger than normal Shepherd took her.

It was a beautiful afternoon by the time all the participants got together at the Penny’s cabin. They all stripped out of their clothes, and the sight of four very beautiful and naked women was enough to get any male excited; even if he was there to mate with only two of them.

Zeta began with Christine. She sat at the edge of the bed as instructed by Jill, and then he moved in. It wasn’t long before he had her gasping as his tongue slid over her rosebud and continued upward to delve into her slit of caress her clit.

“Oh… my god, he sure knows his way around female anatomy,” Christine barely managed to utter as she was on the verge of her first orgasm. “I wish that he could give instructions to Jeffry,” she added and then the tremors within her precluded further conversation for the moment.

Zeta allowed Christine to come down from her first orgasm, and then he came up over her; his fur caressing the entire length at which they touched. It felt wonderful to her and she soon felt his heat at her slit. It was there for the briefest of moments and then it was entering her.

Christine gasped anew. Zeta was bigger than Jeffry was, and he was taking her missionary style; something she had been mostly unable to do with her canine companion. He might get it in her for a moment or two but that was the extent of it; they had always had to switch to doggy style to finish.

When Zeta bottomed out within Christine she looked over at her friends. “Damn, he’s big,” and then she lifted her legs and brought them over the top of her canine lover. “Fuck me, darling, give it to me good,” she pleaded, and that was exactly what he planned to do.

Zeta began moving in earnest within the hot blonde vet. It wasn’t long before the only words out of her mouth were short and somewhat disjointed. The only thing that was totally obvious was that she was being screwed royally.

“Wow, he’s really fucking her good,” whispered Penny; very cognizant of the fact that she would be next to experience what she was seeing.

Penny didn’t have any help warming herself up to what was coming, but she didn’t mind; she was use to self stimulation as she awaited her turn with Jeffry at other times. She ran the softly humming vibrator around her pussy lips and close to her clit; it would suffice until Christine was done.

She bided her time by simply fantasized about what it would feel like until she could have the real thing, and yet what she was seeing here was totally different. This animal was bigger, very experienced, and capable of impregnating her and Christine; it was the foremost thought in her mind.

Angela and Jill were semi-busy with each other; using a strap-on with small smooth but lengthy dildos attached to it. The young blond was kneeling and her friend was supplying most of the motion as they watched Christine finally get what they had promised her, and they were glad that it was Zeta that was giving it to their vet friend now; as compared to waiting until their sons grew up to accomplish it all.

Christine had been with only two men, and it had been years earlier; during her freshmen year at college. It had all been very unfulfilling, and then her roommate introduced her to a lot of things; girls, toys, and eventually animals, but none of it had ever been this good.

Zeta had Christine panting as he thrust into her at a fast pace. His knot was still only the size of a golf-ball; plunging through her lower lips and across her clit in a way that left her utterly speechless. He kept at her until he pushed her over the top for the second time that evening, and then he slowed to a stop.

Christine’s vaginal muscles tried to milk Zeta’s essence from him, and yet the unsuccessful attempt didn’t diminish they euphoric splendor that she felt. This was totally different than what Jeffry had ever done for her.

As Christine’s orgasm waned, Zeta began to reposition himself. She felt his cock shifting within her as he moved and its heat and weight felt wonderful. She wondered what he was trying to do, but then things came together perfectly, and she knew.

As soon as Zeta had the tip of his cock positioned at the door of her uterus, his knot began knocking at her outer door in earnest. It pressed against her for entry and there was no denying it; not that she really wanted to. She wanted as much of him in her as possible.

As the growing ball of flesh entered her, Christine gasped anew and finally realized how Zeta was looking at her. He wasn’t just staring off into space, thinking his own thoughts; he was staring at her with intent; like a lover, not just a casual sex partner out for their own pleasure.

Christine and Zeta locked eyes, as he began to thrust into her gently. The animalistic side of it all was gone. The wild ride had been wonderful, but this new venue was equally as exciting. This was meaningful and in the end she knew exactly what he was going to do to her. She was going to receive his sperm, and it would find a home within her. She would become pregnant… just as Angela and Jill had been.

“Fuck me, darling, give your hot cock and all that you have in it,” urged Christine as she gently thrust back at Zeta; uncertain as to how well they were plugged into each other and afraid that she would dislodge the alignment that she felt.

They thrust at each other a bit harder each time; crushing their pelvic areas together as completely as possible. Little by little the intensity of it all grew to a point where it could no longer be held back. Christine’s orgasm began, and then Zeta reached his peak also.

Christine had never felt so wonderfully fulfilled. It was utterly intense, and then it became even more so as she felt his sperm being shot directly into her. It was so different; his seed would not have to search for her cervical opening, it was already there.

Christine’s whole body quaked. She began to slide into her own orgasmic abyss, but then a greater wave engulfed her from behind and lifted her even higher; beyond anything she could ever imagine, but it also came at a price; she lost it completely.

Christine blacked out as she lost the visible world and yet it wasn’t frightening. She floated blissfully along; sensing that she had accomplished what she had come there for. She could see in the swirl of colors her egg, and around it were millions of sperm seeking entry. It wasn’t long before one of them succeeded and she sighed contentedly.

“Wow, Christine’s really out of it,” commented Penny, as she watched her friend take Zeta’s load, and yet she didn’t worry about it, she could see the blonde breathing and still murmuring very softly about an egg and his sperm. She was in awe of all that she had seen.

It was several minutes before Christine rejoined the cognizant world. She sighed contentedly, pleased that Zeta was still within her depths; his heat and fullness felt good, and even his weight and hair touching her flesh was pleasant. He hadn’t simply cum in her and then pulled out; they remained cuddled together and she loved it.

Christine hugged Zeta to her and told him how wonderful he had made her feel. She was very specific about all of it; from how hot he was to how she had never had anything deeper within her than he had been. She also added that she would carry his puppy proudly and love it always.

When Zeta and Christine finally parted she immediately scrambled onto the bed further and lay back once more; placing a pillow under her hips to elevate them slightly; unaware that such actions in this case were unwarranted. His sperm was already where it needed to be and would leave her body normally until much later.

Zeta didn’t even have time to clean the outer portion of Christine’s vaginal area, so he attended to himself. It was then that she and Penny finally got to see his cock and somewhat diminished knot.

It amazed the young blonde vet that she had so much dog anatomy stuffed into her hot receptacle and the young brunette vet shivered at the thought of what was to come, but to her credit she was soon sitting where her friend had recently been and about ready to receive the same fucking.

“Do you think that Zeta will be able to do it again so soon after being with Christine,” Penny asked somewhat hesitantly; judging by how it had been with Jeffry who never shagged her friend as long as she had just seen and then be ready to go again.

Angela and Jill didn’t even have time to really answer. Zeta stepped forward and began licking Penny to her first dog inspired orgasm for the evening. It didn’t really take too long as the young brunette was already warmed up for the occasion.

As Zeta applied his talented tongue to Penny’s anatomy she lay back completely and lifted her legs. He had complete access to her then and he took complete advantage of it. He caught her good from rosebud to slit and upward.

Penny gasped as Zeta licked her well. Her anal opening tingled and she felt him as his tongue entered her and touched her g-spot. Her clit was next and the combination of different sensations had her gasping for breath and orgasming quite quickly. It was wonderful, and yet when it was over she didn’t mind entirely because she knew that something even better would follow.

Penny’s first orgasm was waning when she felt Zeta approach her. He was soon covering her; his hair caressing every inch of her that it touched, and something very hot nudging her slit and seeking entry.

Penny had only the merest of moments to anticipate how she was going to take Zeta’s sizable cock when the thought ceased to be an issue. He was in her several inches and a moment later the rest of him followed with the next thrust. She gasped and managed one word, “so big…” before her breath was gone.

Penny’s legs were already up, but she brought them around her lover’s back and locked them slightly; yet not enough to hinder his movement. She had just managed to catch her breath when Zeta began thrusting; it was slow at first, but it picked up quickly after that.

It wasn’t long before Penny was whimpering mostly single syllable words to express her feelings. They dealt what how she thought and felt about what she was experiencing in the arms of Zeta.

She had never been engaged with a sexual partner that was in her so deep, or one who had ever screwed her so vigorously, not even Jeffry was this fast, or had ridden her for any great length of time, and he had never touched the places that she felt Zeta reaching over and over again.

Penny was soon a gasping, babbling young woman, but if it had suddenly ended she would have wanted it to happen all over again. She had enjoyed a small taste of it with Jeffry, but this was hundreds of times better, and it came with a promise; one that she wanted fulfilled completely.

Penny’s second orgasm washed over her, and when Zeta slowed to a stop, she hissed, “yes,” once she caught her breath.

As before with Christine, it wasn’t until the second orgasm waned that Zeta began to reposition himself, and Penny was well aware of what that meant. Very soon they would cross over the top together and she would receive a load of his sperm within her uterus.

Like Christine, She had an egg available. They both thought that it was fortuitous that they were very close to the same cycle, and that the ovum was available when Jill had called about a surprise that she had awaiting them.

Penny swore she could feel the small point of Zeta’s cock find the dimpled entrance to her uterus, and then his growing Knot pushed against her pussy lips with determination.

Zeta’s fleshy ball had blown through her labial lips several hundred times much smaller diameter and wreaked havoc on her clit and g-spot; it and his sizable but pleasant penile girth were what had her gasping and nearly speechless as he pounded her.

As Penny felt Zeta press into her, she pushed back and very soon his knot popped into her; past the labial lips where she could grasp it with her lower muscles, and she did just that. He wouldn’t be leaving her body accidentally, and that was what mattered to her at the moment.

This was the best sex that Penny had ever experienced by far. She didn’t have a lot of experience but she did need it to somewhat figure out what good lovemaking would be like. Only her sessions with Christine had come anywhere close to this, but the difference was still like swimming in a kiddy pool as compared to an Olympic sized one.

To top this experience off, she knew that it also came with a prize. She was here to be made love to, but also become impregnated by Zeta and eventually have a partner for years to come. Like Angela and Jill, she would trade sons with Christine, at least that was the plan, but they also had their friend’s males to rely on if the babies turned out to be female, and that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing either. Not after hearing all the things that her current lover could do.

“It’s time, darling,” cooed Penny as she peered into Zeta’s eyes, and she felt her heart beat a bit faster. She knew from the look that he was giving her that impregnating her was exactly what he planned to do. He had found will participants in continuing his bloodline; ones who wanted it and would keep it safe.

Zeta began thrusting anew and Penny’s hissed “yes…” could be heard by Angela and Jill, but Christine had fallen asleep; hips still elevated a bit, but comfortable in the fact that she had a load of Zeta’s seed within her womb.

Penny became very explicit about what she wanted from Zeta; yet none of it sounded vulgar as she moved with him and plead for him to give her what Angela and Jill already possessed. She wanted desperately to play a part of this new species arrival and existence.

Angela and Jill used toys and tongues on each other as best possible as they watched Penny and Zeta thrusting slowly at each other. They thought that it was one of the most beautiful things they could experience short of taking him themselves.

They could feel their own orgasms approaching and they were working each other to a point so that when Zeta poured his cum into Penny that they would be at their peak also, and it worked.

Penny began to orgasm; her clutching vaginal muscles informed Zeta that she was there. He had been ready also, and was pleased to let it pour out into her. Spurt after spurt of his seed entered the hallowed halls and sought out the awaiting egg.

The young redheaded recipient felt so overjoyed as wave after wave of pleasure slammed her senses. She remembered what had happened to Christine and she tried to hang on, but in the end she lost; though it wasn’t an entire failure. She floated blissfully in a darkened background with beautiful vibrant images coming before her.

The feel of her lover’s hot shaft within her faded, as did his fullness in her and his warmth that covered her. It was replaced with a dreamy vision of her egg, and it was being swarmed by her lover’s seed. She watched intently as one of the sperm penetrated the ovum, and she felt contentment.

Angela and Jill managed to reach their climax at the same moment as the lovers that they were watching. In their excitement they jammed their toys deep into each other. It was fortunate that the devices were somewhat flexible and not too lengthy. The dildos disappeared and remained vibrating; causing both young ladies to orgasm several times before their bodies finally expelled the unit, and they could uncurl from the fetal circle that they had assumed when it began.

About the same time that Penny resurfaced a bit; Angela and Jill groggily arose. They waited until the redhead and Zeta parted and then they assisted her onto the bed with Christine. They covered the pair with a sheet and then retired to another bedroom within the cabin. They all slept very well until morning.


Chapter 51

Christine was the first to awaken, yet it was quite early; the sky was just beginning to lighten outside. She felt wonderful, but still tired. Feeling the need to empty her bladder she was soon shuffling off to go to the bathroom. She didn’t even notice Zeta watching TV.

Christine intended to go back to bed, but when she reentered the bedroom she found someone waiting for her. He really didn’t give her much of a choice and she was soon on her hands and knees close to what she thought she wanted most.

“Silly dog,” she mumbled, unaccustomed to an animal who was more cognizant of things. She was still sexually aroused, and it didn’t take much from him to ignite it even further; though she was glad that the rug next to the bed was so thick and plush.

Zeta didn’t waste too much time warming her up by licking her, she was wet already; her thoughts had immediately returned to the previous night when she had reentered the bedroom and saw him there.

Zeta was soon mounting Christine, and his hot shaft began nudging her slit. “Fuck me,” she murmured softly and then she gasped as she got her wish.

Several inches of hot flesh entered her, and it took her breath away. She managed a shallow breath; just enough to replenish some of the air within her lungs, but then the rest of Zeta’s cock followed and stole it away once more as he bottomed out within her.

Christine had thought that Zeta was big before, but even now he felt even more substantial, and she was very aware of the fact that his member would engorge a bit more as they made love.

To begin with, Zeta started out slow, but it didn’t remain that way for too long; it was however a beginning that she liked, feeling his hot shaft within her and pressing the point at maximum depth each time.

Zeta’s slower cadence was what he sensed that she wanted, and he kept it that way for nearly two minutes, but then he kicked it into a higher gear. For the first hundred and twenty seconds Christine murmured pleasurable, and her words made sense about how deep he was, but that all changed as the pace quickened.

Christine was soon panting and the few uttered words were totally disjointed, but they still made sense to some degree when considering how she was getting pounded.

The young blonde vet was soon caught within a maelstrom of sensations. The sheer amount of stimulation as Zeta bottomed out within her, or his golf-ball sized knot remaining that perfect dimention and strumming her clit once a second was intense.

When added to the fact that her g-spot was also being stroked, and thoughts of who was causing it all it was very overwhelming.

After the first two minutes three more followed before Christine achieved her first orgasm, but it didn’t end there, and he didn’t stop. It was still very pleasurable, but there was no respite between peaks.

The slide down into the valley wasn’t as deep either, and she was soon being lifted toward another precipice, only this one was several degrees higher than the first.

After the second orgasm Christine thought for sure that he would slow or stop, but he didn’t and her panting continued. She tried to be quiet as she was screwed into ecstasy, but she was louder than she thought; only something stuffed on her mouth would have stifled her oral exclamations.

Penny awoke to sounds that were somewhat familiar, but far more intense sounding. When she found the reason for it she gasped softly. She thought she had seen Christine getting fucked senseless last night, but this had to be the best. She wondered if Zeta would have the strength to screw her when he was done with her blonde friend; she sure hoped so.

Christine was unaware of the fact that she now had an audience as she experienced the best sex ever, but she really wouldn’t have minded. What did hold however was the fact that Zeta was aware of it and he kept his knot from growing and locking him to his current lover for a reason.

Christine finally approached her third orgasm, and it was a long way to the bottom. When it hit Zeta felt her trying to milk his essence from him a third time, and some of his seed did spurt into her, but he still had plenty left.

The young blonde vet trembled in ecstasy and it was beautiful. She could feel everything; from the fullness within her to the greater heat that was injected into her core. It was added to the soft yet firm grip of her lover as he held her, covered her, and nuzzled the side of her neck.

The fact that he had been in her earlier and deposited his sperm into her baby vault was there also. It all added to something that was very satisfying.

It was several minutes more before Zeta finally released Christine completely and pulled his cock from her depths, but even then she sighed contentedly. She was ready once more to climb into bed and rest.

Penny assisted Christine as her friend climbed back into bed, wanting to clear the stage so that she could take it… and hoping that the other actor was still interested in playing a bit more.

Penny found Zeta still standing where he had been after dismounting from Christine; he was waiting for her, and her heart began beating faster. She got down on her hands and knees and crawled before him; offering herself to him; almost positioning herself in the same imprints in the rug that her friend had made moments earlier.

“Just fuck me, darling,” she cooed softly, and within moments she got her wish as Zeta mounted her.

Penny arched her back a bit, just enough to give Zeta a better target; not that his aim wasn’t already impeccable. She gasped as he entered her, and then lost it all as he sank into her depths completely.

With Penny, Zeta didn’t start out slowly. He didn’t necessarily slam it to her full bore, but there was very little build up before she was panting and he was stroking her fast yet deep. He had her, she was in his grasp and he took her; just as she had hoped that he would.

Zeta had sensed what Penny wanted; she was different than Christine who liked the slower beginning. He comprehended more with each partner he was with. He did have a mission of sorts; to spread his seed and assure his progeny’s survival through numbers, but although his offspring would be far smarter than average, he also wanted them to be loved, desired as mates of companions and well treated.

For the most part, every young woman he had come in contact with fit his needs completely, or he would not have mated with them. He did not want his children mishandles until they could finally escape as he had that fateful stormy night.

Penny loved how Zeta held her and took her. She was his to do with as he pleased, and yet she knew that he wouldn’t abuse her. She might have been able to get out of his clutches, but she didn’t want to, despite her breathlessness at the moment.

Zeta drove Penny through her first orgasm and didn’t stop. She barely felt the dip after she passed over the peak. Her second set of body wracking spasms hit, and the scenario remained the same. It was nearly impossible to tell where one ended and the second one began.

Penny approached her third orgasm quickly. She felt as though Zeta had been fucking her for nearly half an hour, and yet barely six minutes had passed. She was just at the point where she was going to have to scream for him to stop when she orgasmed the third time and she was allowed crest the wave, and enjoy the ride; like a surfer hitting the perfect wave.

“Yes…” hissed Penny as she felt hypersensitive to all that was around her. Her insides quaked pleasantly and milked some of Zeta’s essence from him; she could feel the heat of it as it entered her vaginal tube and spattered against the deepest recesses of her female organ.

Then too there was the hold that he had on her. It was firm, yet soft and comfortably warm. He was in her deep; an integral part of her at the moment. They were not two entities, but one, and yet when they parted she would still retain the precious essence of him within her.

At the moment, Penny and Zeta were locked together, but it had happened at the exact moment she had orgasmed the third time. His golf ball sized knot expanded quickly after that point in the process which also pleased her; she had felt its effect plenty before that and didn’t need it to detract from her experience as it lodged the last moment and sealed the entryway.

Although the thrusting seemed to be the most extensive part of their union, it was actually the knot that kept them together the longest, but she didn’t mind, and it seemed faster than it was.

All that she experienced as she waited for him to pull from her was utterly beautiful; akin to cuddling after sex, and even when she was with Christine they rarely remained as close for as long or at least it seemed that way.

When Zeta and Penny finally parted, he did manage to lick her clean as she knelt there a bit longer, and then she slowly clambered back onto the bed. She was soon in her original sleeping position; covered with the sheet and resting euphorically; it was the best morning sex she had ever experienced.



As Christine and Penny still rested, Angela and Jill arose and prepared breakfast for themselves and Zeta. Afterward they were not too surprised to see him approach the cabin door and open it fairly deftly with his mouth. He returned to their side quickly after that and kissed them; just before he left.

Zeta had spelled out his plans to head south, and the fact that he wouldn’t stop until he felt that he was well away from where Jason would ever search for him. Even without being chased he would still roam. He would find suitable mothers for his children among some of the more affluent young ladies in Mexico and other nationalities; he didn’t plan to stop until he had visited hundreds of countries and spread his seed so far afield that it could never be eradicated.

As it was it wouldn’t be until months later that his eleven American lovers began to realize that he seemed to be capable of siring only male offspring; something that he himself was unaware of. It had been Dr. Emus that engineered that aspect of it all, but then Zeta’s release into the world had not been a part of the plan, but nature found a way and a hidden, secretive, experiment slowly became global reality.