(c) 2011 by Coyote666

Beth was working in her yard, she was sweating so much that even her headband was soaked. She stood up and wiped the sweat from her brow, then took her T-shirt and flapped it to cool her breasts. She started for the door, then stopped to turn to call Jackson. He was stretched out under the shade of the Oleanders…He knew how hot it was and Beth thought ” he isn’t stupid like I am”.

Then she called him and he started to rise, slowly because his legs wouldn’t lift him that well. He was finally able to get his hips under him and able to walk with his limp due to the arthritis was now beginning to affect his right front leg.

Beth walked over to him, gently rubbing his back and hindquarters. “I know it hurts Baby, but common, we’ll make it” She was also thinking of what the Vet had told her months ago. “Bethany, it’s not going to get any better. Someday soon, you will have to accept the fact and you will have to let him go”. Bethany quickly wiped that thought from her head as she wondered many times if Jackson could hear her thoughts as well as her words.

Entering the Backdoor to the kitchen, she stopped to get a beer from the fridge, she looked down and saw Jackson with his head inside the fridge. No, there’s not anything to eat! She chuckled as she actually had to push him away so she could close the door. She went into the living room and she literally plopped onto the couch as she watched Jackson make a few circles and try to ease himself into a comfortable position. She kicked off her tennies, then leaned back taking a large gulp of the beer and relishing in its cold, then the burning feeling as she finished the swallow. Sipping her beer she began to realize how sweat was running between her breasts. She quickly raised up enough to pull her T-shirt over her head, exposing her small but firm breasts. The sweat glistened and she started to dry herself with her T then realized it was too soaked to do any good. She just leaned back and began to rub her breasts. The colder air of the air conditioner had made her nipples stand our hard and she began to rub and pull at them. She moved her hand down her stomach and inside her shorts. Her pussy was wet, and not all from sweat!! She began to play with her hard clit and feel the tension rising in her groin. She moved her hand faster up and down her clit, then dipping one finger into her wetness. Finally she began to tremble a little as the climax started to build. Suddenly she began to moan aaahhhh, then even louder AAAAHHHHH YYeeeesss. !!!! She arched her back and still having the beer in the other hand she shook so hard she spilled some of the cold beer on her breasts. That cold shock brought her back to reality and as she relaxed back onto the couch, she noticed Jackson standing in front of her, his big tail was wagging furiously.

His hips had recovered enough (or maybe he forced himself) to get his front feet on the couch with her. She held out the hand with her cum for him to lick, then he began to lick the sweat and beer from her breasts, she trembled again. He then licked her face and gently gave her a nibble on her ear. That was the signal she had taught him long ago that he wanted to Fuck … “OK … OK … but let me at least finish my beer.” With that he got down and started pacing the floor in anticipation. Beth finished her beer quickly, as she too was now feeling a lot of anticipation. “Yesss, I need a good Fuck” as she walked to the bedroom.

Jackson was already in the bedroom doing a little dance in circles. Beth put her thumbs in her waistband and quickly pulled them down, kicking them to the corner. Once again, Jackson had waited to approach her. He had been taught well, that the only time he was going to be able to Fuck a woman, she was to be completely naked. Quickly he moved to her, forcing his nose into her crotch. Beth shuttered at the suddenness, but recovered as he began to lick her pussy. He kept licking, even getting his tongue into her to lick her juices. She began to cum again and as she did her knees turned to jelly and she collapsed on the floor. Jackson moved in … nudging her legs apart and began licking the sweat from her inner thigh, then plunging his tongue once again into her pussy to get at her juice. She grabbed his head and held him tight against her, feeling his nose on her clit as he licked deep inside her. Suddenly she stopped and rolled over to where she was on all fours. She wanted him deeper inside her.

She took one hand and slapped her ass, also saying “NOW … UP” Jackson knew that was his command to now mount her, and he quickly jumped her. Maybe it was his anxiety, maybe it was his back legs, but he as mounted his weight almost pushed her to the floor. Both recovered and with so many years of being together they quickly positioned to the best position for Jackson to enter.

Beth felt the tip of his Cock enter a few inches …. “Yes Jackson that’s it … Push !!!”
It was then that he grabbed her with his front legs and thrust himself while pulling her backwards to get the full length of his Cock into her.. she could feel his sliding easily up and into her well lubed hole. “Yes Jackson… FUCK ME…hard ….harder” she was beginning to cum herself as she went from her elbows down to where her face was now resting on the carpet. While he was pumping, she took one hand and began to play with her clit.. AAAAaaaaahhhh. she was crying out as he kept his motion. “Jackson … I want all of you…. push your knot in me ….”

Beth knew he was trying, but he didn’t have the strength in his legs, so she began to rock with his thrusting motion … pushing against his Cock. Reaching back with one hand she grabbed him and with one great pull and push against each other she felt his knot finally enter……”OOOhhhh Gawdddd…. YYyeessss” she screamed. Once completely inside her, his warm cum began to flow, and she once again relaxed with her head on the carpet. She moved her ass a little and that made Jackson cum even more. Then after a few minutes he turned and they were ass to ass as his knot was still inside her. With each movement Jackson let out more and Beth shuddered again as small climaxes gripped at her loins. She would tighten her muscles, draining him even more. After about ten minutes Jackson had shrank enough that with a slight lunge he pulled himself out. There was a loud POP as his knot exited her pussy and released the vacuum, and his cum began to flow out of her and down her legs. Jackson turned and began to clean her. First licking her thighs and then her pussy to clean all their cum. While he was cleaning her pussy, his tongue would go deep inside her and she would have another quick orgasm. When he had finished cleaning his Mistress, he retreated to her bedside and began to clean himself. Beth then collapsed on the carpet. Totally spend and extremely satisfied she just lay there for a few minutes.

Finally Beth raised herself to her knees and was starting to get up when she looked at Jackson stretched out on the floor She crawled over to him and began petting him. Looking at his graying muzzle and the grey hair in his groin. She laughed aloud as she gently stroked his graying eyebrows. “Oh, my Baby” she was saying aloud “how long we have been together. Twelve years now. I’ve been through two husbands, but you’re still with me.” and with that she curled up next to him. When she closed her eyes, the memories began to flood her mind.

Twelve Years … Two Husbands …. and Jackson. Beth thought, twelve years ago, I had just graduated from Nursing School. I wanted a house, not an apartment. I had saved some money and Dad helped me with the last of the down payment. It was a small two bedroom, with a small front yard, and a large backyard that I could have my flowers and even a vegetable garden. It was about three months later that I began to want a dog. My parents had always had a dog, my first was Major a big Black Chow. It seemed that to be a happy home it had to have a dog. That was just the way it had to be.

I kept looking in the newspaper, but nothing. Then one day at the grocery store, something told me to go to the bulletin board. There was a small index card that read. “Please, take me home. I’m an 18 month old Male, Black Lab and my owner has to go away.” There was a phone number, but at the moment I didn’t have anything to write with, so I tore the card from the Board and stuffed in my pocket. All the way home, my Psyche kept telling me “This is the One”. When I got home I didn’t take time to put away the groceries. I went straight to the phone and called the number. A gentleman answered quietly. I could tell he was an older man from his voice. “Do you still have the Black Lab?”, I bluntly asked without even introducing myself. “Oh, yes I do” Even more quickly “where do you live?” After he told me, I replied “Good, I’ll be there in ten minutes”. I didn’t even say Good-bye, I just hung up the phone, rushed into the kitchen to put the milk in the fridge, grabbed my keys and left.

It was less than ten minutes when Beth stopped in front of the house. I surveyed the house, it was larger than mine, the yard was neatly kept and green. When I got to the door, a man opened it before I could ring. “That was Quick,” he exclaimed, “you are anxious” I replied “Hello, I’m Bethany Miller, I called….” ” Yes, I thought it had to be the same person, I’m Dan Wingfield.” as he put out his hand to shake mine. “Jackson is in the back yard right now … ” as he started to lead the way.

Ummm, “Jackson” I thought. Seeing us come out the door, Jackson came bounding up to us. He was a beautiful silky Black, and Mr. Wingfield had a Red Bandana tied around his neck!!! I kneeled down to greet him, and he began to lick my face. Not wanting to be obvious about what I was going to train him to be, I casually peeked to see if he was neutered. Wow, I exclaimed, as I was caught looking at his Balls hanging down in all their Glory!! “No, he hasn’t been fixed yet, I haven’t had time. He isn’t too old to have it done, if that is what you want.” Blushing, I answered, “yeah… I can have that done.” I certainly didn’t want him to know what MY plans were for this beautiful Stud!!!

We sat in his lawn chairs. Mr. Wingfield started … ” My wife has been gone for about three years, the Children are all grown and have a life of their own, as well as live far away in other states. I thought a dog would be good company, but I’m getting too old.”
“Mr. Wingfield … I started to protest…”
“Now, now … he continued. Lately I have been very forgetful. I’ve left things on the stove, I have forgot to feed Jackson … so many other things.” ” I have decided it is time, and best for me to go into an Assisted Living home, Mountain Cove, I’ve already made arrangements. Finding someone right for Jackson was about the last thing for me to do.” While we were talking, Jackson came to me twice and put his head on my lap, as I scratched his ears, he slowly lowered his head between my legs to get a good whiff. I hoped Mr. Wingfield hadn’t caught that moment.

“I think he wants you,” Mr. Wingfield started saying “and you definitely seem to like him.” He started to rise to go back inside. “If you do want him, I’ll get his leash.” “Oh, Mr. Wingfield, I’m already in love” I exclaimed.” We were inside and Jackson was right behind us, “Mr. Wingfield, about his name, Jackson…?” “Oh, that … Jackson was the name of an old hunting Buddy, he’s gone now too” I looked into the old man’s eyes, and a few tears started to come down his cheek. ” Well, in His Honor and Yours, I wont’ try to change it. Besides I think it fits him too.” We were almost at the door, Mr. Wingfield held out his hand with the leash, after I had put it around Jackson’s neck, I looked up and could again see tears beginning to well up in his eyes. I took his hand once more to thank him, but then leaned into him and kissed him on his cheek. Once out the door, I thought of something and turned, “Mr. Wingfield, I could bring Jackson by Mountain Cove once in a while if you would like that” “Oh, I would love to see the two of you again.”

Jackson, easily jumped in the seat of the truck and immediately had his head out the window. On the way home, he would bounce back and forth between the window, or licking my cheek, as well as smelling my crotch!!! I felt my crotch, it was wet and as I felt it too, I had a climax and turned the wheels almost hitting the curb. “Damn, I told myself to hold it until we got home!!!!” Once in the driveway, I jumped out with Jackson following, and quickly opened the door. Inside I started walking to the bedroom, kicking off my shoes, it was a good thing my shirt was a Western style with snap buttons, as I ripped open exposing my Bra. (How I hated them). I was unhooking my Bra as I was going into the bedroom, and dropped it on the floor as well. “I have to have his Cherry … NOW… as I was unzipping my jeans … “, remembering her thoughts. Taking my thumbs and pulling down Jeans and panties at the same time, I was trying to get them off my feet. I had momentarily forgotten where Jackson was. Suddenly, I felt this cold nose and tongue licking my pussy. In shock, I stood up and he continued to lick at me, my buttocks, my asshole. I kicked my foot and the Jeans and panties went flying into the corner. I bent over again in extacy, as I felt his tongue lick form clit to asshole. “Well at least this part is not going to take any training” I thought. Since I was now free of my restraints of pants and panties, I spread my legs even wider so his tongue could get into my lips, then pass up to where he had his nose … poking my asshole!!! My knees were starting to buckle!!!

I stopped and stood straight, then she thought again “I wonder if this is going to take some training, or MAYBE he’s a natural”. Turning and seeing the look in his eyes, I said to him, “OK, it’s time to break each other’s Cherry”. Remembering how I had always stopped at this point of just licking with a friends dog, I knew I had to go all the way and feel this cock in my pussy. I went to the edge of the bed and again spread my legs. Jackson was immediately between them licking and delving his tongue into my soaking fold. I raised myself to a sitting position after a few minutes of joy and climax. Then I reached down and touched his shoulder. He knew immediately what to do. “HE IS A NATURAL” I yelled. We were both amateurs at this point, so his Cock was not finding the perfect spot and his pre-cum was getting on my thighs and pussy, but we definitely knew what each wanted. I slid my hips down off the bed to give him a better angle, and as I was about to reach for his Cock to help, he found my sweet spot!!!

“Ohhhhhhhhhhh MY Gooodddddd !!!!!” I screamed aloud as he entered me. First an inch or two, then he took his front legs and gripped me to pull himself into me even more. I felt rush of pain as his Dew Claws sunk into my waist, but in seconds I felt more joy as he began pumping his Cock deeper and even deeper. I was having brief climaxes as he was pounding, then I started to hear a slap, slap, and I knew his knot was just outside my pussy. Suddenly I felt the knot enter, and I yelped as if I was his Bitch in heat … NO … I was his Bitch in heat !!! “OOHhhh GGGooodddd” I yelled, as I took him with my arms and buried my face into his Black fur with my mouth open I could only bite him as he continued to move his Dick and Knot inside me. I gripped him even tighter as I could feel his warm cum flowing into my tube, meanwhile I could also feel his knot getting even larger. He moved a little, pressing his knot against my G Spot, and I again screamed, when he stopped, I moved a little, and his knot pressured my G Spot again, and I again screamed “OHH YYYEEessss. Jackson, I Love you!!!” He gently got down and turned. I raised myself onto one elbow to see myself with his Cock still inside me. I touched my hard Clit, and immediately had another orgasm, causing him to also move and press his knot against my G Spot, causing another Big O. That is when I thought, “I have got to stay still … I can’t take another …..” and I laid back only feeling his hard Cock inside me, with his warm cum still flowing. After about ten or maybe fifteen minutes, Jackson gave a slight tug, and pulled his knot out. There was a loud pop as that broke what seemed to me was a vacuum, Jackson turned and began to lick all the cum that had started to run out of my swollen pussy and down my legs. His tongue cleaned my inner thighs, and then he began to lick my pussy clean. This gave me even more mini-climaxes. Finally Jackson moved to lie down and began to clean himself. That is when I felt the pain on my sides again. I stood up and looked at where Jackson had sunk his Dew Claws into my waist, and thinking “I’ll have to do something about that. I hope they don’t leave scars.”

The next week we were at the Vet’s office. She was about to give him his shots, as I didn’t know what Mr. Wingfield had done for him. Oh, and Doctor, I want to have his Dew Claws removed.” She stopped with her hand in the air looking at me. “Why? she asked, “I … I don’t want him getting hurt if he runs through some brush.” She looked at me, I was unconsciously rubbing my waist where Jackson had scratched me so hard. She smiled slyly and said with a grin “I can take care of that problem”. Then she finished the shot. We were walking out together when she stopped and told the receptionist to schedule Jackson for minor surgery next week.

“That’s when I can take care of your … er… His problem” she smiled slyly again and left. “Oh God, She knows why!” I quickly paid the Bill and left, but I did make sure to have him back the next Tuesday.

That is when Bethany woke from her type of slumber / mini dream. She was still curled up next to Jackson, and thinking of the memory, she looked at her waist, then felt the small scar from that first time together. She got up from the floor and headed toward the shower, noticing that she had been next to Jackson long enough their cum was dry and not sticky. Turning on the shower, her mind repeated her statement “Twelve years, Two Husbands, but I still have you.”

Two husbands …. My God I don’t want to think about those stupid fiascos !!!” Then quickly they did in fact come to her memory. One Bad Boy, I thought I could change, but the drugs were worth more to him than I was. The next was very good, until I accidentally called out Jackson’s name instead of his while he was taking me doggy style. She briefly chuckled at that memory, and the look on his face when he stopped to realize that she was Fucking Jackson more than him. End of that Marriage !!! Luckily he was so embarrassed that he just left town and didn’t say anything to anyone!!!

The warm water felt good as she started to lather herself. Her mind was still working overtime, though. Stop, she told herself … only the good memories, and there had been so many. The many times she and Jackson had gone into the desert, or in the mountains for walks. The wonderful Fucking under the stars far away from civilization or even the Backyard. Suddenly her friend Sue popped into her head, and another wonderful memory began to form.

We had been jogging with Jackson that afternoon. She started to form the thoughts in her head. Sitting on the couch together with a beer and trying to cool off. I had my shoes off and one foot resting on the coffee table. Sue was leaning back trying to catch her breath. Suddenly Jackson came to me and put his front feet on the couch, licking my face and then a gentle nibble on my earlobe. I had trained him that this was his way to ask !!!
“NO” is said as I pushed him away. Sue looked at me wondering … then Jackson came at me again to nibble my ear !!! “NO … not now” and again pushed him away. That was when Sue sat up and looked at me … “What’s going on???”

I sighed, and said “He wants … a treat”
“Well, give it to him, he’s been a good boy hasn’t he?”
“Sue, it’s a special treat.”
“OK. he’s a special kind of Dog !!” I could tell she was getting irritated at me for putting him off, especially when he had been so good jogging with us.
“Just what is this Special Treat you won’t give him right now?
Irritated at her also, I blurted out “He wants to Fuck” …. Ohhhh Shit I said it !!!

I looked at Sue, she was staring at me, her mouth was wide open. When she could speak it was “What … How … When??? !!!”
I sat my beer on the table and took a big sigh. “OK, Sue we have been best friends since what … Junior High?” It wasn’t really a question, but a statement. I was talking and looking down at the table.
“Hell yes, but what does that have to do with …”

“I guess that’s why I’m really not embarrassed about this. You have always been my best friend. You stood by me through two divorces, and now this. Please just try to understand. There, now you know all my deep dark secrets !!!” I actually was relieved that I had finally told somebody. I took another big gulp of beer, sat the bottle on the table and slowly turned to look at Sue again. She was holding her beer with both hands, they were shaking a little. Then she looked at me “now let me get this straight. You and Jackson are actually having Sex with each other? When did this start?”

“When I was in College, between work and school, I had very little time for dates. At nights after studying I would relieve myself because I didn’t have a steady Boyfriend, and I didn’t want to jump just any Man that just came along. Then one night I accidentally hit a Porn site on the internet. There were pictures of Women with dogs and horses.

Later after one frustrating experience of not being able to make myself climax with my hand or even a dildo, curiosity about those pictures got the best of me. I Googled and found some websites and articles. That really got my curiosity going, but I couldn’t do anything because I was living in a Dorm. I did had a good friend that lived off campus with his dog and he would ask me to dog sit while he went out of town for a weekend. His dog was neutered and would only lick a little, but even that gave me a thrill and rolling climaxes. I just had to wait, but as you know, after graduation, I got this house and soon after found Jackson.

Just then Jackson came at me again, licking my face and giving me a nibble on my ear. I looked at Sue, and shrugged my shoulders.

“Bethany, can I…. could I watch?” Sue was hesitant, but I saw her sly grin.
“Hell Sue” as I stood up, “you are going to do more than watch !” With that I started to strip my Tank Top off while starting to the bedroom. I looked back at her still sitting on the couch. “Come on Sue, Strip !! … you are going to find out what a K-9 Fuck is all about”. “COME …. Jackson, you’re going to have a double dip tonight!!! Then I saw her jump to her feet, stripping off her clothes as we ran down the hallway, laughing as we entered the bedroom. We stopped laughing and looked at each other. It had been many years since we had been naked together. I stepped forward and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around me and started to kiss my breasts while I fingered her clit. Suddenly Sue jerked, Jackson had his nose up her ass.

Sue looked at me … still a little hesitant … she asked “can I be first … will you help?”
“Of course, Silly. First we have to get you good and wet, Jackson is a Big Boy !!!” Sue’s eyes lit up as she began to really look at his dick. I pushed her onto the edge of the bed, and kneeled down to suck on her clit. It was starting to get hard, then I stood over her with one knee on the bed to kiss and fondle her big tits. That was when Jackson took over between her legs. In seconds Sue began to spasm, bucking her hips and rubbing her pussy into Jackson. “OOOoooohhh, Beth, that feels so gooooooddd! “You ain’t felt nothing yet” as I stood up taking Jackson’s head from between her legs.

I looked at him, “NOW … UP” while touching his shoulder for him to get up with his front feet on the bed. As he did I called to Sue, “Sue move your ass more to the edge of the bed.” Then Jackson was close enough that he just penetrated her about two inches. I watched her face as Jackson grabbed her waist and pulled her more while taking a lunge forward. “AAAaahhhh, Bethany….. IIIiimmmmmm …. YYYEEEESSSSSS” Her face was contorted and she was biting her lip as Jackson plunged all the way into her. She was gripping the sheets, and gyrating her hips trying to match Jackson’s motion. I moved up a little and began sucking her breasts, then suddenly with a sly grin I moved my hand under Jackson and found her hard clit. Rubbing her clit made her Climax even harder if that was possible. Sue was still bucking .. moaning … and calling Jackson’s name. Then I could feel it about to happen … Jackson gave one strong lunge and forced his knot into her !!! When that happened, Sue almost passed out.

Looking at me “Beth … I’ve never had something that big. What is it?” I started to explain, but then she said “My God … I can feel him cumming inside me, Oh Beth … his load … ” “Sue … just enjoy … I’ll explain after we’re finished” Then Jackson began to turn, putting pressure on Sue’s G-Spot and she screamed!!! Sue lay there trying to stop ventilating, when she moved her hips and his knot hit her G-Spot again “OOooooooooGGGGoooooddddd!’ After about ten minutes of this Sue was panting harder then Jackson. That is when he gave a lunge and pulled his knot out. The cum started to pour from her pussy, and Jackson dived between her legs to start to lick her dry. Sue pulled her butt onto the edge of the bed, and raised her legs. Grabbing them with both hands, Jackson then started licking from asshole to clit, as he did, I moved up to Sue and gave her a long sloppy French kiss with my tongue. Sue muffled a little and gently pushed me away trying to get her breath. Then Jackson stopped and started to lie down.

“MY TURN” I yelled as I got off the bed and dropped to all fours.

Sue sat up to watch. Once in position, I slapped my ass and said “NOW … UP..” With that, Jackson knew what to do, as I positioned my ass for him to have better entry. With me, we knew from experience just the right position to hit my sweet spot. He did the first try, and didn’t stop until he was in me completely. He too was all worked up !!! Sue sat watching as Jackson humped me furiously as I was yelling “Harder Jackson, More! OOOoooohhhhh More!” By now my face was on the carpet, rocking, and bucking with Jackson’s thrusting.

Sue had almost unconsciously started to dip her fingers in her pussy, wanting to taste Jackson’s cum. Then she remembered the little trick I had played on her. On her knees beside me, she reached underneath and started pulling my nipples. Then she took the fingers that were wet with cum and slid it under Jackson to find my Rosebud. She plunged two fingers all the way up to her knuckles!!! “My God … Sue…Oh My Gawd..”
Sue began to keep time with Jackson, and watched his face when he gripped me tighter to plunge his knot into me. I felt Jackson’ cum starting to flow, and Sue could feel his knot inside me. She kept her fingers working and with each plunge, and she would rub Jackson’s knot. This was something that was new for Jackson as well. It made him whimper and squirt even more. When Jackson turned, Sue looked in amazement at the two of us …asshole to asshole…tied together with his Cock. That didn’t keep her from continuing to plunge her fingers into my asshole, and rubbing his knot. Each time she hit his knot, he would move and hit my G-Spot, sending waves of Big O’s through me as if I was in a small boat in an Ocean Storm.

Finally, Jackson pulled out of me, and Sue found my pussy first, as she wanted to taste Jackson’s cum. She licked a little and then let him finish the job, as she leaned back on an elbow to watch. Jackson cleaned me well, and moved to clean himself. I rolled over on my back and gazed into Sue’s face. She bent over and kissed me softly, then passionately. I sat up and we both started getting to our feet. We were wasted, and so we held each other as we walked to the bed.

The sheets were cool and soothing to our sweaty, and cum covered bodies. I was on my side with my head propped up with my hand, looking at her on her back with her eyes closed, breathing easier now.
“How was it?” I asked.
“Bethany, I …. Never .. I have never had such feelings, been so high, and definitely never had as many Orgasms in my life”
“Yeah … I know” as I chuckled.
“I’ve missed out time together …” Sue continued “it’s just that with Mike … there hasn’t been time. That’s got to change”
“It will, as of now.” I answered.
“Bethy … I love my husband… You know that. Please Don’t ever te…”
I quickly put my finger on her lips …”Sushhhh, I would never do that. This is now our Dark Little Secret..”, as I said that I was starting to lay completely on my side next to her when she took an arm and drew me close.
“Just don’t make the same mistake I did” I said without looking at her.
“Oh… What was that?” she turned her face to mine.
“Yell Jackson’s name when Mike is Fucking you Doggy Style !!!”
“Oh, God …” Sue yelled loudly. We were both laughing as we settled down for a nap.

The water was starting to get cold. This snapped Bethany back to reality. She got out of the shower and toweled off. Then put on a robe to go watch some TV, and Jackson followed dutifully. Halfway down the hall, she heard a loud Yelp! Turning quickly she saw Jackson on the floor, his legs were splayed outward in an un-natural position. Beth rushed to him and kneeled. He was looking at her, his eyes were glazed. It was easy to tell he was asking her for help. Bethany stroked his head, then his back while speaking gently “it’s OK Jackson. Just relax and I’ll help you. She continued to stroke his back then gently put her hands under his belly. “OK, now let’s try to get you up.” He still weighed almost 100 pounds, but Beth, with Jackson also trying, was able to get him on his feet. Then she slowly walked beside him to the Living Room, where he flopped, instead of lying down. Beth turned on the TV and curled up on the couch, but she wasn’t thinking about the TV, she was remembering the Vet’s words, “Let him Go”……….

The next morning, Jackson seemed fine. She was making Breakfast, then Jackson turned, and his back legs, tangled. He went down again with a thud. She stopped, to go to him. Looking into his eyes, she could see the pain. She moved his legs where he was lying somewhat natural, then sat at the kitchen table. “I can’t leave him alone like this” she thought, “what if he falls while I’m at work and can’t get up??” Her Cell phone was on the table … she stared at it for a long time. Then she called work, to take two days off. Then she picked up the phone, and called her Vet. Luckily, she wasn’t with one of her patients, and the Receptionist got her on the phone. “Doctor. … I may hate myself for this, but I now know what you meant when you said “Let him Go” … He is just in so much pain and now can hardly walk.”

The Doctor knowing from past experience what Bethany was going through, she was gentle. “I don’t have time left today, can you bring him first thing tomorrow, 8:00 AM?” “Yes… I … We’ll be there ….” That realization hit her, the tears started … she put her head on the table and began so sob uncontrollably!!! Then she called her best friend Sue … “Sue” …she started to cry again “Beth …. What’s wrong?”

Beth got up to go the Living Room, she didn’t want Jackson to hear. “Sue … I realized it is time to let him go … I called his Vet … I’ve got an appointment tomorrow morning….” again Bethany broke down and sat on the couch sobbing.

“I’ll be right there.” Sue didn’t even say Good-Bye. She hung up the phone and left.

Sue only knocked once, then just opened the door with her key. Entering she saw Beth curled on the couch, still sobbing, but where was Jackson? Then she went to the Kitchen and saw him on the floor, his tail was pounding the floor, and he was trying to get up, but his feet kept slipping on the tile. Sue reached down and stroked him gently, “Here Baby, let me help you. She kneeled down and put her arms under him to lift. With him trying as well she was able to get his legs under him. They slowly walked to the couch where Bethany lay still sobbing. Jackson went to her and licked her face. She stopped and sat up, looking at him. He looked at her as if to say “It’s OK, I know it’s time too.”

Jackson again tried to lay down, but instead just flopped with a groan. Sue sat next to Bethany. gently stroking her hair as she continued to sob. Soon the sobbing stopped and Bethany sat up, Sue took her into her arms. Holding her tight she said ” Please Beth, calm yourself, or you will get sick.” Beth looked at her, and Sue slowly began to kiss the tears away. It was then that Bethany started to smile at the face of her Best Friend. Then Bethany relaxed a little and sat back starting to tell Sue about the last few days. Then how she realized how she was keeping Jackson while he was in pain, not being able to move, simply because she didn’t want to let him go. “What am I going to do without Him?” she asked Sue.

“Your World is not going to end” Sue said as she was getting up to go get the a Beer. “I know it’s only 10:00 AM, but we both need this.” she said handing Beth a cold one. Sitting down, they began to talk, about anything other than the task at hand. Finally Beth looked at Sue ” I’m going to need your help tomorrow, I can’t get him in my Truck … ”
Sue took her hand and said “Don’t worry, I can even stay the night with you if you want.”
“OH… can you … would you???” Beth was excited of having someone there to be with her. They kept talking … more Beer … a quick sandwich, and soon the sun was starting to set. Sue had called Mike and told him a little about what was happening, and she wanted to be with Bethany this night. He was very understanding, and told her to stay, he would talk to her tomorrow. Little did he know what else might happen…..!!!

The two … no the three of them stayed there for a long time. Sue began to reminisce. Talking about her shock when she found out about Beth and Jackson, her first time with Jackson, and the many times since. Finally “and Yes, I have had to bite my tongue a couple of times, as I started to Blurt out Jackson’s name when Mike was pounding me!!”

Beth laughed hard and almost choked on her Beer at that.

It was about 8 or maybe 9 O’clock. Sue looked at Bethany and said slowly ” look Beth…. I know it is your last night with Him … but do you think … would you mind … if…?”
Beth took her hand, “No I don’t mind, I’ve had his pleasure much more than you … but I just don’t know if he is strong enough. I would definitely have to help!!!”

Sue jumped to her feet taking Beth’s hands. “Ohhh, thank you!!! and I can help Him with you one last time !!!” Beth stood and dropped her robe, “OK Jackson, Let’s have one good Fucking time tonight !!” With that Sue was already beginning to strip as she walked to the Bedroom.

Sue sat on the bed, Beth began to suck her and finger her to get her wet. Then Jackson nudged her out of the way as he was also excited and stuck his nose in Sue’s twat. While he was licking her, Beth began to kiss and fondle her tits and nipples. Soon Sue was having mini climaxes, and moved her hips off the bed for Jackson. Beth stood by her and said “Jackson, NOW..” Jackson tried, but stopped when he realized his legs would not let him get on the bed. Beth straddled Jackson to help lift him. She reached down with both arms and clasped them under his chest. Helping him rise to the bed she then reached under him for his stiff Cock, guiding it into Sue.
“Sue, come to him while I help support his back legs”

This time Sue slid onto him instead of Jackson entering her. She began to use her feet against the side of the bed, humping him while Bethany slid her hand along his Cock. Then she felt his knot. Beth knew she could not be able to force his knot into Sue’s pussy, so she just held him behind his knot and slid him into Sue as far as she could. Soon with Sue’s humping motion and with Beth’s fingers around and behind his Cock, Jackson started to cum. When he came, Sue let out a loud scream and jerked her hips. Then Jackson’s’ legs jerked, he had come in her a little, then his Cock came out and he squirted over her thighs and pussy. Within seconds he started to let out a slight whimper and Beth knew his legs were giving out even though she was holding Him up, she let him down gently and he stood and began to clean Sue even though he was weak, after all, it was something he not only enjoyed, but he felt it was his duty.

Hearing him whine. Sue sat up. Reaching down, she took his head and pulled it into her crotch. “That’s OK, I ‘m satisfied, then she laid back letting Him take her with his tongue. She raised her legs and held them as with the first time. He began to lick her from asshole to clit, it wasn’t the same as His penetration, but she was screaming in Glory …. “YYyyyeeeeessss”
Beth was kneeling and watching, but soon she found she wanted some of Sue. She nudged Jackson out of the way and began to lick Sue’s lips, then suck on her Clit and finally plunge her tongue into her sweet spot. Meanwhile Jackson had moved behind Bethany, and while she was down on all fours, began licking her in upward strokes, asshole to clit.

Soon Sue recovered enough that she rose to sitting, she held Beth’s head between her legs, but began to notice Jackson’s Long John almost completely out of His pouch. Taking Beth by the hair and pulling her from her crotch she got down from the bed and crawled next to Jackson. Beth was still getting a good licking and didn’t notice because she was getting all she could take, gripping the edge of the bed, shaking with a Rolling Climax.

Sue took Jackson’s shaft in her hands and murmured, “Poor Baby, you didn’t get to finish”. Sue started to lick Him! Then she slowly put his shaft into her mouth and rolled her tongue to begin to suck him off. She took all of him, sucking and moving her hand up and down his Cock, finally getting him to let his knot out of his pouch again. When she was working him this way, he stopped licking Bethany, and began to hump Sue’s hand. Beth caught her breath and turned to see what was happening.

She sat in awe as Sue was deep throating Jackson, while her hand was behind his knot and stroking him there. Beth looked at Jackson’s face … his tongue was out and he was panting hard. He began to cum. Sue had him completely in her throat as he began to Cum. His Cum started to gag her, then spilled out of her mouth and down between her breasts. Still holding him behind his knot she milked him, sending even more of his Cum squirting between her large tits and down her stomach. Exhausted, Sue laid back and slowly released her grip on Jackson. Bethany crawled over to Sue, and began to Kiss her open mouth. She rolled her tongue around inside Sue’s mouth to get what may be one last taste of Jackson’s Cum. She swallowed it, then she began to lick Sue clean and Jackson joined her. This caused to Sue to begin to have more, almost convulsing O’s.

Finally, Sue began to calm her breathing, she sat up looking at Beth and Jackson. He had finished, and had gone over to clean himself. Beth was still breathing hard pressing on her hands trying to get on her feet. Sue rose to her feet, ever so slowly as her legs still felt like jelly. Helping Beth up, they again walked slowly to the bed and collapsed. They were curled up in each others arms, Sue spoke first ” Beth, I know it was to be your night … but …”
“Shut up …,dammit … you needed Him as much if not more than I did”
With that they both fell into a deep sleep.

The Sun began to shine between the drapes, Bethany rose first and took a quick shower, then only wearing a robe, began to fix breakfast. Sue took a slow warm shower, and dressed. Walking into the Kitchen, she noticed Beth was fixing Bacon and Eggs. “My what a treat” … then she realized the Eggs and Bacon were not a treat for her.
“It’s Jackson’s favorite and now his last”. Beth placed his plate on the floor and then theirs on the table. The tears were beginning to stream down her face. She wiped her nose, and sat down to eat. Sue just hung her head and ate a little, not knowing what to say. Jackson was through first and came over to each of them nudging for another bite.

Sue looked at the clock. “Beth, It’s time … go get dressed, I’ll take care of the dishes.” Bethany looked at Sue, tears still in her eyes, but knowing this had to be done. She rose to get dressed. Sue took the plates, and put them in the sink, while talking to Jackson about nothing. When Beth was dressed she came to the Kitchen, looking at both Jackson and Sue “OK, let’s go before I break down completely”

Jackson followed them to Sue’s car, Sue opened the back door and Beth gently helped him in. The drive was silent, but thankfully only took a few minutes. Beth got out, and with Jackson on a leash started walking him to the door. Sue quietly followed. Once inside, the Receptionist quietly greeted them, knowing what was to happen. The Doctor came out, and looked at Bethany, “Would you like to be with Him?” she asked. Without answering Beth got up and began to lead Him to the room. “Wait”… Sue called …..”Can I come too?” Not waiting for an answer, and without saying a word, Sue ran to take Bethany’s hand.

Once in the room, the Doctor commented that it would be easier if Jackson just lay on the floor. Beth and Sue surrounded Him, gently getting Him down. The Doctor, even with all her professionalism, began to shed tears, as she trimmed the hair from his leg where the needle would go. “Dammit, she thought, why does it have to be this way.” But she knew better … it was for the sake of the animal and their Pain. Slowly she found a vein, and pushed the needle gently into Him, as the Doctor began to slowly put the fluid into him, Jackson looked up at Bethany, raised his head and nibbled on her ear.

Bethany looked at Him in his eyes, “NO Jackson, not now.”

“I’ll have to meet with you in another Lifetime”