Caprice Fuentes AKA Sweet Candy Justice, AKA candy Ass, was standing at the curb in front of her house, looking like a perfect piece of jail bait. She was dressed in the traditional amazon high school uniform. A thin white silk blouse that seemed to go transparent when slightly damp, a short pink and white plaid skirt that covered her perfect apple shaped ass. She had hazel brown hair and doe eyes with a permanent glimmer of mischief in them. She also had a small matching pink backpack.

Caprice had the body of a petite and pretty girl but the sex-drive of a full size amazon woman.

She knew that she was not as voluptuous as most amazons but she had a girly beauty and she knew it.

“Good morning Miss Fuentes.” it was Reverend Johnson her next door neighbor walking his dog.

“Hi Reverend Johnson. Hi Rover.” She said with a sparkling smile. She arched her back letting her skirt rise revealing the absence of panties.

Caprice smiled at the sound of clang and thud from Reverend Johnson walking into a lamppost.

“Reverend Johnson are you OK? You must watch where your going.” She said biting her lip not to smile as her school bus rolled up.

It looked like an ordinary black and yellow school bus except the windows where fogged up like limousine on prom night.

Caprice walked into the bus. The air inside was thick as syrup with the scent of sex.

The bus was full of teen amazons and their cunts where boiling with hormones.

She sat down next to a black busty amazon and kissed her deeply. They spent the whole bus ride to school making out, hands working one another’s pussies.

Every amazon on the bus was engaged in sex, a desperate attempt to relieve their sexual frustrations.


The bus ride did little to relieve her frustrations and concentrating in power belt maintenance class was near impossible. The whole school felt like it was covered by pink sex fog, every girl squirming in there seats soaking in pussy juice except for one.

Bethany Benz AKA Queen Amber was sitting next to Caprice, she was in a wheelchair not because of any injury, but because she was pregnant and not a usual pregnancy either. Her belly was huge even on her busty frame it looked huge.

She had been a part of an experiment by the super villain Mix Master the geneticist who combined animal and human DNA. The pregnancy seamed to grant a serenity that seemed to radiate from her.

Caprice was a bit jealous she had asked Bethany where she could find some of the mix master compound, but Bethany didn’t know where to find it.


The bell rang and everybody left the class room.

Caprice walked over to a vending machine, she put some money in the machine and pressed the donkey/strawberry tab and a bottle rolled out. She opened the bottle and drank. The strawberry flavored donkey com was thick and cold. It helped her foggy brain lifted slightly.

She turned her head and looked at the girl standing next to her.

It was Mindy an angel with blond girl as petite as Caprice. She was standing in front of another vending machine staring forward blankly, mumbling silently to her self and there were several empty bottles of flavored cum on the floor.

“Hi Mindy. Thirsty?” Caprice asked mockingly.

“Cock, Cock, cock, cock, cock,,,” was all Mindy could say.

Caprice looked in Mindy’s eyes. Her pupils huge and unfocused,

“Oh no! You are cunt-steaming. Aren’t you?” Caprice exclaimed.

She knew the symptoms, when an amazon was young her sex drive can over heat her brain, the effects can be permanent and there is only one known cure. Sex, real sex with a real cock and lots of it.

“Someone help me carry Mindy to the stables.” She said and busty blond amazon replied.

They carried Mindy rapidly away who still mumbled her mantra of cock.


The stables smelled like sawdust, horse, sweat and sex.

The sound of horses neighing and whinnying, young amazons squealing and cumming sat Caprice’s hormones in overdrive. Scarlet Scream was manning the entrance, an adult amazon was always present when the stables where available to the students.

It was a place where amazon students could blow off steam when the had free period, there where also classes held here, the curriculum on amazon high involved a lot of training in all forms of sex they may encounter in the line duty.

“Quick. She needs sex. Fast!” Caprice said impatiently.

“what’s your rating?” Scarlet Scream asked with a nonchalant attitude.

Caprice fished out Mindy’s school ID.

“She is rated O06-V03-A02 .” Caprice replied. Reading the ID tag around the girl’s neck.

Scarlet Scream flipped through a list on a clip board.

“Sorry, A V03 pussy and A02 ass is too tight. Come back in an hour,” She finally answered.

“YOU FUCKING BITCH, her brain I boiling over now. You have to help her.” Caprice screamed.

Scarlet Scream finally looked up and saw Mindy’s near catatonic face.

“Oh fuck. All I got is Thumper. He’s got a level 7 cock. We cant put a level 7 cock in a level 3 cunt.”

“We got to try before her brain comes pouring out her pussy.” Caprice said.

The carried Mindy to a stall. They laid her down on her back on a scissors lift table with her legs spread wide.

Scarlet Scream led in a large donkey in to the stall.

“COCK!” Mindy exclaimed with girlish glee realizing that relief was on the way.

The donkey began to mount the girl, his fat cock bounced against her tight cunt.

“COCK!” Mindy screamed in frustration and despair as relief invaded her drooling pussy.

Caprice grabbed the donkey cock and guided it to Mindy’s pussy.

Mindy squealed in delight when the huge cock finally penetrated her tight pussy.

Caprice watched in envy as the donkey began pumping the soaping wet pussy.

Mindy’s body begun spamming in orgasm. The angel haired blonde was in orgasm heaven.

Caprice was about to lean down and start licking the cock and pussy when Scarlet Scream chimed in.

“Aren’t you supposed to be in class?” she asked.

“I thought I would stay and help.” Caprice said hoping she could haw a go at Thumper.

“Go. I’ll look after her,” Scarlet Scream insisted.

“But….?” Caprice said, unconsciously rubbing her pussy.

“Piss off! This isn’t a peepshow,” Scarlet Scream said hard.

Caprice walked back to class, her heart pounding with lust, frustration and jealousy at the sound of Mindy and all the others indulging in savage sex going on all around her.

She thought about Bethany Benz and how her super pregnancy seemed to let her to hover above the turbulent hormones amazon teens suffered from.

I have to find some mix master and get knocked up, she thought.


She arrived at the class room just in time, with Mindy’s cheerful orgasms still ringing in her ears. It was super-villain 101.

Major Wonder was at the blackboard “villain’s and consequences.” was written on it in large letters.

“Today we’re going to watch a movie about what can happen when a villain defeats a heroine. And why we must struggle to stretch our cunts and asses ever wider,” Major Wonder proclaimed. “And after that, we have a guest speaker.” She said and pressed a button.

The movie was more or less a porno. It was a compilation of super-heroines getting raped, gang raped, gangbanged, enslaved as sex slaves, used and exploited.

For what seemed like an eternity Caprice watched the cum soaked porno.

The air in the classroom seemed thick and hot as soup. The groans weren’t just coming from the movie. All the girls in the classroom was now masturbating openly.

Caprice groaned loudly, the muscles in her right arm ached with the effort of masturbating, sweat glued her hair and clothes to her body. But it was like pissing on a forest fire. Her left hand gripped the edge of her desk so tightly the wood creaked and the desk rumbled and shook from the effort she put into her masturbating.

Then the movie stopped.

“And now our guest speaker. Mr. Porkum,” Major Wonder said happily.

The classroom door opened and a behemoth sized pig-man stepped in led by two female prison guards.

He stood in front of the black board and begun to speak. Caprice didn’t hear a word, her eyes was on the huge cock that hung almost to the ground, and his huge balls.

The cock swung like a tail wafting it’s scent to her. She groaned through her teeth when the greasy, salty smell hit her.

“… a rape volunteer.” Caprice realized that someone had asked for a volunteer to get fucked by the huge man-beast and her arm flew up.

A forest of arms waved in the classroom.

“Oh! Oh! Oh! Me! Me! Me! Me!” Chorus through the room.

Caprice wanted it, she needed it.

Major Wonder looked over the classroom tapping her lip thoughtfully.

“Whom should I choose? Hmm… Candy Ass Caprice? Are you up to the task?” she finally asked.

Caprice squealed in delight jumping up from her chair.

She walked up to him and began licking his cock up and down savoring the slimy, salty flavor. There was also the flavor of pussy and Caprice realized why the guards had been walking so bowlegged.

“Oh my, What a petite, eager thing you are,” he said musingly.

He garbed her head and began forcing his cock down her throat.

Caprice couldn’t believe his cock, it wiggled like prehensile tail, working it’s way down her throat.

Porkum started fucking her hard.

“Don’t kill her,” she heard Major Wonder say as she began to slowly faint.

Darkness was almost upon her when Porkum pulled out and sprayed gallons of cum over her.

He lifted her and sat her down on her desk she spread her legs wide exposing her eager cunt.

Porkum’s cock entered her cunt like a spear plowing deeper then ever before and stretching her like the god of sex.

He fucked her long and hard while all the other girls looked on like a pack of hungry wolves at his heap of meat.

His strangely ribbed cock wiggled and stimulated sensitive spots Caprice didn’t know she had. His powerful hands gripped her hips tight as he pounded her hard sending her into the most powerful orgasms of her life.

Caprice couldn’t believe her eyes as her stomach began to expand. Porkum bellowed as he came inside the little girl. Caprice’s squeal cut through his roar like a knife.

A river of cum poured out of her pussy when he pulled out and Caprice gasped in relief.

He flipped her over putting her ass in the air.

She felt his cock bursting through her sphincter and advancing up her bowels as she passed out.


Caprice awoke some time later she felt someone licking her pussy. It was one of Porkum’s guards trying to lick the delicious cum out of her pussy. She was snuggled up against Porkum and the classroom was empty except for him, her and the guards.

The other guard was busy licking the last of the cum in the folds of Porkum’s hairy ball sack.

For the first time in what seemed like eons she was not horny as she lay there amazed by the feeling of satisfaction. It lasted for almost 30 seconds then her cunt began to burn for more sex. There was only one way to get lasting peace of her hormones. To get knocked up like Bethany Benz.

She looked at Porkum and realized her opportunity.

“Mr. Porkum. You’re a villain, I mean, hum… do you know where I can find or buy some mix master?” She asked in a hushed voice.

“Are you trying to put a mutant baby in that pretty body of yours? ” he asked.

“Something like that,” she replied.

“Ha! Go to the alley at 506 Brothel Street behind the Pumping Pony Club. A reformed super villain by the name of Zoo Master has a veterinary and fertility clinic there,” Porkum said with a chuckle.

Caprice got up on her unsteady legs. She couldn’t bring her knees more then a foot together.

“I’m impressed. The first time I raped Ms. Americana she couldn’t stand for two days,” Porkum said. “Maybe I’m losing my touch.”

“OH. No, we practice with horses these days. You where amazing,” Caprice said with a smile and began to walk out the door.


Caprice waddled in to the recuperation room next to the school nurses office. The room had several beds full of amazon teens, some groaning in pain after having taken a cock too big or one cock too many, or ten.

She found Mindy in one bed, she crept in to Mindy’s bed and kissed her deeply.


Caprice was in her Sweet Candy Justice outfit a skin tight red and white leotard with an image of a candy wrapper with SCJ printed on it when she walked through the alley behind the Pumping Pony Club. The alley was filthy, covered in trash, spent condoms and equally spent whores. She walked past a gang of thugs standing around a police car. Two police women stood bent over the car hood getting gangbanged.

Caprice could see the drug patches on there asses with the ‘Amazon Heat’ markings on them turning them into sex mad sluts.

The drug was originally intended only for women with severe sexual inhibitions or other equally severe mental disorders.

Today the drug was available in vending machines on every street corner in the city.

Caprice sometimes felt like the city was sticky with cum and pussy juice, it gave her a good warm feeling.


She arrived at a door in the alley and entered.

The room inside looked like an old hospital reception with last year’s magazines and flickering fluorescent lights. The sound of a woman getting a royal fucking came through the wall.

Behind the desk sat a busty blonde with full red lips in a nurses uniform.

Once she would have been a ten point beauty but now she seemed rundown, not old but overworked and spent like an over fucked whore.

Caprice walked over to the desk and saw her huge pregnant belly.

‘ This must be the place, ‘ Caprice thought.


“Hi I’m trying to find some Mix Master. Is this the…?” She left the question unspoken.

“Yes. We’re specializing in cross-species impregnation. It’s legal you know. We don’t want some wannabe super heroine coming in here making trouble,” the nurse said.

“No. No. It’s for me. I think it’s going to help with my hormones,” Caprice replied.

“Oh. It’s great for that. You’re not the first teen amazon who got knocked up to dampen their sex drives,” The nurse said more enthusiastically.

“Is it expensive?” Caprice asked.

“Well, it depends if you’re willing to give my boys first shot at knocking you up it’s free, If you fuck all of them, else it’s five thousand.” She said with a smile.

“Ok. I’ll let them try,” Caprice said.

“Great, Fill this out and read this,” she said and handed Caprice a clip board with a form and pamphlet.


As Caprice sat down she could hear the sound of fucking stop with a groan in the next room. The woman was panting loudly like someone who just escaped from drowning. Then as soon as it stopped it started again.

She found it almost impossible to fill in the form as her mind was filed with thoughts of sex when she heard the loud fucking.

Caprice rushed through the paper work finished by signing the gang rape waiver and handed over the papers to the nurse.

“You wanna watch?” the nurse said pointing to a small monitor on her desk.

Caprice leaned over the desk and looked at the monitor.

The monitor showed a medical room. A woman lay on a bed with two stirrups spreading her legs. A huge hulking bull-human hybrid was pumping a monster cock in her cunt.

“That’s Bobby my eighth son,” she said.

“Eighth, how many boys do you have?” Caprice asked.

“More then you can handle,” she said with a smile.


They watched for two and a half hours as one beast man after another took turns fucking the woman.

Then a man in a doctor’s lab coat entered the reception. He was a scruffy locking old man with bushy gray hair and eyebrows over his thick glasses.

“Hi daddy. Good news we have another volunteer,” the nurse said to the old man.

“Oh. That is good news. Hello I’m Dr. Zoo formerly known as Zoo Master. Follow me,” Dr. Zoo said and led her to an examination room and gesturing for her to sit in a gynecological chair. She opened the easy cunt access flap on her uniform.

“Before we continue I need to ask a few questions. Are you allergic to mango or cat hair?” He asked.

“Mango! No, no allergies,” Caprice replied.

“What about sex lube? You are going to need a lot of sex lube,” He insisted.

“No. I’ll be fine.” She said.

“Excellent.” He said and injected her with a needle. “This is Mix Master 2.0 Bear in mind, Its permanent.”

“You mean I’m going to get pregnant every time a dog or a pony cums in me.” Caprice asked.

“I’m afraid so. The first of my grandsons will be with you soon,” he said and left.

Caprice began rubbing her pussy in anticipation when a small bear man stepped into the room.

Caprice gave an “Oh” in delight at the sight of the teddy-bear like creature about to fuck her. She realized he had to be the youngest of them.

He pushed a small footstool to her so he could get up to her pussy.

“Oh. Pretty pussy. Bobo like.” He said and positioned his cock at the opening of her cunt. His cock shaped like dog’s cock. It was shorter then Caprice preferred, barely over a foot long but it was thick with an even thicker knot at the base of it.

Bobo began fucking her, his thick cock fucking her tenderly at first then hard.

She was fondling and petting the cute beast-boy until they came together.

His knot swelled inside her trapping all his cum inside her.

She could almost feel his sperm racing for her ready ovum.

A huge rhino-man followed he had a nice three foot cock thicker then a thermos.

Bobo had stretched her wide enough but the beast had to work hard to get its full length inside her.

He fucked her long and hard sending her into a wave of orgasms.

She was howling in orgasm, hands gripping hard to the chair then it became too much and she passed out.


Slowly consciousness returned the first thing she noticed was her body shaking then the feeling of a cock pumping her pussy. Her first thought was that she was at school being used to demonstrate some rape technique, but then she remembered the breeding clinic.

Her eyes opened and she saw a horse-man fucking her. He was on the last lap sprinting toward the orgasm finish. He started pumping even faster caprice began to orgasm over and over until the came together.

The horse-man stepped aside and fat hippo-man took his place. His cock was amazingly fat and stretched Caprice in a wonderful way.

Soon she was in orgasm heaven.

She was bred over and over all night long and long into the next day.


Two months later

Caprice entered the class room, her belly more fitting a woman who was nine months pregnant.

The amazon teens was almost vibrating with sexual frustration. The sent of pussy begging to be fucked hung in the air like a mist. Everywhere she could see girls licking there lips, rubbing their pussies and pinching there nipples in sexual frustration but Caprice floated over it. She sat down in her seat in a state of perfect harmony.

Smiling at the notion that she had faced her hormones and won.

The end