(c) 1998 by Paul Haakonsen

Doug walked down the narrow path, his pace was fast and he felt his heart beat fast. The adrenalin rushing through him, he had never done this before. He was nerveous and amazingly aroused at the same time. His cock was rockhard, and had been so for several minutes. Though it was night and very dark on this path, Doug knew where to go. The path was far from the road, so no lights illuminated the area, besides, this was a path to a secluded field, so why would there be any lights? Pinewood trees were towering on both sides of the path, making it even darker.

Surely Doug had read about bestiality, seen pictures of it, and even seen some movies, he had never tried it, but just seeing pictures of it turned him on. He had wanted to try it for a long time, and tonight would be his debut. A smile came to his lips. He quickened his pace, anxious to get to the field. He had often walked here. Often coming here to be alone, to think. He knew that two horse’s were down here.

As he came to the clearing, he sighed and looked around. When he saw the two horse’s in the dark, his heart skipped a beat, and he cleared his throat. For several minutes he stood silently watching the horse’s. He wondered if they were mare’s or stallion’s. He wished and hoped that they were stallion’s.

He moved closer to the horse’s, then stopped as they turned their heads to the sound, looking at him. He squatted, and sat silently watching them, as they approached him. One horse came up to him, obviously checking him, smelling this new scent. The horse lowered its head, and Doug petted it, stroking the mane. The horse didn’t seem to mind. The other horse stood close by, obviously lost interest and began grazing. Suddenly Doug felt something on his knee. He looked down and saw the horse nibble his knee with its lips, not biting him. Doug smiled and let the horse continue, he was frightened of startling it. He knew that a horse could bite hard, or worse yet, kick him.

For some minutes the horse continued nibbling, and something caught Doug’s attention. His eyes widened in awe. He could see the horse’s cock hanging from the sheath. It wasn’t erect, but still the size of his lower arm. He held his breath and stared at the cock. His own cock was still rockhard, and were throbbing by the sight of the massive horsecock. Doug was wondering if a stallion nibbled a mare like this to get aroused. He had no idea, but he was enjoying it. He wanted so badly to touch it, to run his fingers over the horsecock. The excitement was intense, he had never thought that this could be *so* arousing.

Slowly he moved closer to the cock. The horse stood still, raising its head, eyeing Doug. Then as he stopped, it lowered its head again, nibbling his knee once again. The thrill of being outdoors, the chance of being caught, and being this close to a horsecock was something Doug never thought he would experience. He reached for the cock. When his fingers touched the leathery skin, he felt something rush over him, excitement running through him. He slowly closed his hand around the cock, it felt so soft. He began to rub the cock, his hand going up and down. He did it slow and gentle, still scared of startling the stallion. The horse didn’t seem to mind, and Doug could feel the cock throb in his hand. The cock gradually growing bigger and harder as he stroked it.

Doug smiled as the stallion’s cock was fully extended from its sheath. The massive cock was about the length of his arm, and really fat and hard, about the same size as his upper arm. He couldn’t believe it. It was so beautiful, so hard, so warm. Doug wanted to do this forever. His eager hand stroking the giant cock, his pace had grown, and his hand was going steadily up and down, occasionally squeazing the cock. He wished that he had brought his polaroid, he wanted to take pictures of this beautiful cock. He wanted the stallion and it’s cock to be his.

The stallion had stopped nibbling Doug’s knee, and stood motionless, letting Doug caress it’s cock. Doug looked at the stallion, then turned his attention to the massive cock again. He leaned forward, noticing the musky scent from the cock. Then let his tongue brush over the fist-sized cockhead. The cock jerked in his hand, bumping against his lips. Doug leaned back, afraid that he had startled the horse, but it didn’t seem that way. Again he leaned over, kissing the cock, letting his tongue run down the shaft, down to the head. He licked that head, his tongue running over it, around it, teasing the stallion. His hand still stroking this enormous pole.

Doug took the head into his mouth, sucking on the head. It was so big. He loved having the horsecock in his mouth. Suddenly the stallion began fucking Doug’s mouth. Doug wasn’t prepared for this, and the cock thrusting down his throat, almost gagging him. He spat the cock from his mouth, drawing heavy gasps for air. The horse made two more humps, then stood still. Doug could see the stallion’s cock was softening, growing limb, and pulling back into the protective sheath. He took it in both hands, stroking it, wanting it to be hard again. But the stallion walked away from him, leaving him a bit sad and disappointed.

Doug got to his feet, hoping a horse would come to him, but none came. He waited some minutes, still the horse’s didn’t come to him. His throat was sore, it had been stretched and widened much, and it was a bit painful. He wanted to cum, his cock was still hard. Eventhough he didn’t make the stallion cum, this was a lifetime experience to Doug. He undid his jeans and took hold of his hard cock, beginning to stroke it. His hand going up and down the shaft…faster and faster. Shortly after, he felt the familiar surge in his balls, he was close. He felt his cock throb and the sperm pulsing up through the cock, shooting out in creamy globs. His cum spraying about 3 feet away, cascading down on the grass. He kept on stroking his cock as the cum splattered all about. His hand was covered in warm cum, and so was his cock. Rarely had Doug cum this hard. When he had milked the last drops from his cock, he brought his hand to his mouth, inhaling the scent of his own cum. He licked his hand clean of cum, tasting him self for the first time.

Resting for about ten minutes and admiring the horse’s, Doug was thinking about what had just happened. He knew now that he was truly into animals, never before had he enjoyed anything this much. He got his jeans back on, and looked at the horse’s one last time before heading back to the path. On his way home, Doug wondered if he should tell his friend Tim about this…


Doug and Tim was hurrying down the path they knew so well. They had walked here many times in the last months. It was humid though it was late evening, and still quite bright though the sun was setting. The two friends said little as they walked towards their destination. Tim was carrying his videocamera, and Doug was carrying a folding table under one arm, and a bag on his back. They were both anxious to get to the stallion’s, that lately seem to be theirs. Well Doug’s anyway, since Tim never got physically involved with the animals. Tim had come here every time Doug had wanted to go. Tim enjoyed filming Doug with the stallion’s, it turned him on. They had a number of videos at home that they often watched, and jacked off to.

They came to the familiar place. Doug stood looking around for a short time, while Tim moved up to a tree, undoing the zipper in his jeans. He took out his semihard cock, and emptied his bladder. The stallion, Agion, as Doug had come to call it, came up to him, recognizing his scent. Doug felt as if Agion and he shared a strong bond. He put down the table and the bag. He turned around and smiled to Tim. Tim was on his way over to Doug and Agion. He still had the videocamera in his hands. “So…are you ready?” Tim asked. Doug nodded.

Tim readied the camera and found a comfortable position and told Doug to begin. Doug turned to the stallion, his hands caressing its neck, fondling the mane. He loved the scent of Agion, it was almost intoxicating to him. He felt the warm skin on his hands. Slowly his hands moved down the neck to the back. Rubbing along Agion’s back, Doug felt his cock was slowly beginning to stir, growing semihard. On instinct his hands found way down to the belly, gently rubbing and caressing it. Doug squatted, he could see the sheath which holded the big cock that he loved dearly. The huge balls hanging between his muscular hind legs, small drops of sweat trickling down over them. Doug loved this sight, his cock grew harder. Tim has moved closer, also squatting, filming from a good ancle, exposing all of the stallion’s private parts, and Doug from the waist up.

Doug’s hand closing in on the balls, his fingers aching to caress them. When he touched them, Agion lifted his head. The balls were heavy and very soft. Doug could play and fondle with them for ages. The horseballs being cupped by warm, eager hands. The tip of the stallion’s cock peeked out from the sheath. Tim zoomed on the protruding cock, then went back to filming Doug’s hands. Agion has become used to the tender caressing of Doug, and had come to like it. Doug thought of Agion as his own stallion, his own stud.

With gentle, soft, passionate caresses, Doug moved his hands to the sheath and the protruding tip. The camera focusing now with the horsecock and Doug’s hands at the center. Slowly beginning to stroke the sheath, arousing Agion. The cock began to drop from its protective sheath under the caress of Doug’s hands. The cock was quickly fully extended, though not hard. It dangled from side to side as Doug stroked the sheath. Occasionally the cock slapped against Doug’s knee. Seeing this beautiful cock made Doug’s cock throb, growing harder still. Tim was also aroused from this, he loved seeing his friend play with the huge horsecock.

Moving his hands to the leathery cock, Doug began to stroke it, using both hands. The cock was throbbing in his hands, throbbing with each stroke. Doug could almost feel the blood rush to the hardening cock. It grew harder and harder. Agion snorted. Soon the horsecock was rockhard, about 20 inches of hard leathery cock. Doug continued to stroke the mighty cock. He loved playing with it. By now his own cock was straining against the jeans. “It is so pretty…” Doug whispered.

Doug rose and began undressing. The camera filming both him and the big horsecock. Tim’s cock was rockhard, and he wanted to stroke it. Not yet he thought and continued to film. As the last of Doug’s clothes came off, he sat down again, taking the cock back into his hands. He continued stroking it. It felt so warm in his eager hands. A drop of precum drooled from the horsecock. Doug watched it drip from the head down onto the grass. He put his head down to the cock. The scent of Agion’s cock met his face, how he’d missed this. His cheeks blushed. He extended his tongue to the tip, licking the salty drop of horse precum. It felt warm on his tongue. His tongue working around the cockhead, teasing the stallion. Slowly he worked to the underside of the massive cock, his eager tongue licking it. He ran his tongue continuously up and down the length of the underside. This sight was almost too much for Tim. Working the camera in one hand now, his other hand undid the zipper. He took out his hard cock, gently stroking it. Agion thrusted once, Doug stopped licking, teasing the stallion. His mouth came to the head, sucking it into the warmth. He sucked on the head, the tongue playing with the underside of the sensitive head. Agion slowly started humping Doug’s mouth.

The cockhead thrusting steadily in his mouth, Doug sucked and licked as good as he could. He was still stroking the big cock with both hands. From the big head, small spurts of precum coated Doug’s tongue. Doug took the cock out of his mouth, creamy strings of precum extended from his tongue to the cock. Tim was enjoying this, he was sure that this would be a good video. Agion was still thrusting gently, his cock hitting Doug in the face. The cockhead glistering with precum and saliva. Doug brought the cock closely to his face, rubbing it all over. The cock felt wonderful against his cheeks, lips, chin and forehead. Tim was stroking his cock, occasionally squeazing the head. The sight before his was amazing, almost heavenly he thought.

Slowly Doug got to his feet and quickly went to the bag. He found a tube of lubricant. He brought both the lubricant and the folding table back with him. He brought the table to a standing position and tightened the bolts, thus the table was solidly standing on all four legs. Tim just briefly filmed this, his attention was on the horsecock. Another drop of precum drooled from the head. It dropped about 4 inches, dangling gently from side to side before falling to the ground. Doug took the lubricant and applied a large glob on his hands. He went to the table, and bend over it. His belly resting on the table, it was mildly cool, refreshing in a way though. He spreaded his legs wide apart, revealing his asshole. Tim moved behind Doug, zooming in on Doug’s hole. Doug began to rub the lubricant on his hole and on the skin around it. He applied more to his hands, using two fingers to smear the lubricant on the inside of his ass. He liked having his fingers inside himself. Tim took the tube in one hand, still using the other for the camera. With some effort he got lubricant on his fingers. He slid two fingers up into Doug’s ass, the fingers went all the way up into his warm hole. Doug moaned, enjoying this tremendously.

When Doug’s asshole had been fairly stretched and had adjusted to an intrusion, they lay down the tube. They were both still rockhard, as were the stallion. Doug reached over, stroking the horsecock with one hand, using the other for balance. Tim stepped closer up behind Doug, he wasn’t sure if he should do what he wanted to do. Lust took the better of his judgement, and he pressed his cockhead into the slick asshole. Doug moaned loudly in surprise. Being inside Doug made Tim feel even more aroused. Tim’s cock slid into Doug easily and he was deep inside him. He began to fuck his friend, feeling his ass around his hard cock. It was a wonderful feeling.

After a few minutes of stroking and sucking the horsecock, and being fucked by Tim, Doug reluctantly told Tim to stop. A bit hesitant, Tim did stop, his cock still buried in Doug’s ass. Tim had filmed both his own cock fucking Doug, and Doug playing with Agion. Indeed this would be a prize-winning video. Slowly stroking Agion, Doug told Tim to pull out because he wanted the horsecock in his ass. Tim was in awe. He pulled out, then teasingly jammed the cock deep up Doug’s ass again. This sudden thrust made Doug squeaze the horsecock harder, and Agion began to hump his hand more hard. Doug saw the horsecock swell and a large gush of warm, sticky precum sprayed forth. This spurt his Doug right in the face, drenching his hair, forehead, right cheek and lips. It was warm and very arousing. He felt it run down his face, dripping to the grass.

Tim pulled out his cock and zoomed on Doug’s widened hole. He couldn’t believe how much he loved being inside his best friend. This was the first time they ever had sex together, and hopefully not the last, Tim thought. Doug rose and moved the table underneath the stallion’s belly, then he turned to Tim. When Tim saw the precum on Doug’s face he almost came. That sight was spectacular. The warm precum hanging in gooey strings from his chin, dripping to the ground below. Doug licked his lips, tasting the precum. He loved the salty taste.

As Doug positioned himself on the table, belly against the table, Tim filmed it and was noticing that Agion’s balls seemed much bigger now, it appeared as they had swollen to about twice their normal size. Tim began stroking his cock again. Doug was comfortable on the table, he reached behind grapping the huge horsecock and guided it towards his waiting asshole. Agion was beginning to occasinally thrust as his cock was lead to the waiting hole. Several globs of precum rained down upon Doug’s buttocks. He guided the rockhard 20 inch cock to his asshole, gently indicating to the stallion to go inside. He could feel the massive cock press against the lubricated hole. He felt his hole open widely to let the cock in. As the cockhead popped inside, Doug moaned loudly. Though he was in pain, he was enjoying it. He had wanted this for a long time. Doug felt the cock inside sliding slowly deeper into him.

Tim was eagerly filming this from an ancle behind them, having a really good view of the events. He could clearly see how Doug’s sphincter opened to welcome the cock, and how the cock was going up into his ass. The stallion was going up into his tight ass, inch by inch, slowly as if he knew he would hurt his mare if he did otherwise. Doug was grasping the edge of the table firmly, his knuckles turning white. “OH God. He is really inside you, Doug!” Tim uttered. Doug answered in loud moans. Most of the pain was gone, as his ass had gotten more stretched to fit the huge cock deep inside him. The stallion was slowly beginning to hump, fucking his ass. The cock was about 10 or 11 inches inside him. The stallion’s humping slowly and steadily increased, and Doug felt his ass being rammed by the enormous cock. He screamed. He’d never felt anything this good.

Stepping up infront of Doug, Tim pressed his cock into Doug’s mouth. He needed to cum. The view was fair from here, and he continued filming, shifting the camera view on the horsecock and his own cock. Doug’s lips opened around the head, and Tim’s cock went into his mouth. Immediately Doug began sucking on it, licking it, flickering his tongue all over it. One of Doug’s hands foung Tim’s balls, caressing them. Tim enjoyed this, it was so arousing. The stallion filling Doug’s ass with the enormous leather cock. Doug was bucking against the stallion’s thrusts, fucking the stallion, wanting his cock deeper inside him. The rhythm of the cock, going in and out of the warm hole, was increasing. The stallion fucking Doug more wildly. Doug felt as if he was going to die. He grapped around the horsecock with one hand, hindering the cock to go too deep. It had become a little painful when the cock went too deep. Doug could feel the massive cock deep in his ass, he was thrilled with sensual emotions. The stallion was steadily sliding back and forth in the young man’s ass. Doug was moaning to the thrusting rhythm, sweat dripping from his body.

The throbbing sensation in Tim’s balls warned him that was about to cum. He lowered the camera so it focused on his cock sliding in and out of Doug’s sucking mouth, and Doug’s face with the expression of delight. He pulled out of Doug’s mouth and as on instinct Doug took his cock in his hand, ferociously stroking it. Doug could feel the cum rush to the cockhead in throbs, Tim’s legs shaking beneath him. “Oh Doug. I’m gonna…cum!!” Tim moaned and then the first spurt of cum erupted. He had closed his eyes, but the camera was still fixed on the sight. The cum spurting out on Doug’s face. He opened his mouth, flickering his tongue trying to catch some of the creamy cum. The warm cum spurted all over his face and tongue. It was dripping from his nose, from his chin, and from his upper lip down upon his tongue. The cum tasted a bit spiffy, but otherwise quite tasty, much to Doug’s pleasure. Taking the cock into his mouth, Doug sucked out the remaining cum, draining Tim, Tim was moaning, enjoying a tremendous orgasm.

Regaining his breath, Tim withdrew from Doug’s hot mouth. Filming his cum-dripping face. It was so hot to see his own cum on his friend’s face. Moving around to get a clear view of the cock in Doug’s ass, Tim realised what a beautiful sight he beheld. Stallion deep inside Doug, amazing. He squatted behind the fucking couple, finding a good view. He stared at how deep the stallion was inside him. Doug still had his hand on the cock to control the depth of penetration.

The camera focusing on the thrusting cock and Doug’s ass. Doug’s rockhard cock was also in the picture. Tim had seen Doug’s cock hard often when they were down here, but never this hard! Doug screamed out in pleasure, moaning for a long time “Oh yes…unhh…FUCK ME…fuck me…mmmm…ohh oh God…He’s so BIG…”. Doug’s ass was growing a bit sore, his sphincter all red. Though he’d just cum, Tim’s cock was growing hard again from watching the stallion slamming his cock up in the ass of his friend. The thick, hard cock thrusting into Doug.

Agion was clearly highly aroused. He increased his thrusting, forcing Doug to tighten his hand around the cock to prevent the stallion to fully impale him with all 20 inches. The stallion fucking the mare with pure animal lust. The cock thrusting deeply in and out of the sore hole. Tim gawked at the speed and force, he was sure that he’d die if he was the one being fucked by the horse. Doug’s moaning and screaming increased with the thrusting. Tim wondered if anyone would come to investigate these cries. Both man and animal was dripping with sweat. The stallion was thrusting more wildly now, his whole hindpart bucking violently up and down. Obviously about to cum, thought Tim. And he was indeed right.

Doug felt the enormous cock throb and thrust deeper inside. The cockhead was flaring, Doug felt it clearly, a thrilling feeling. He felt a gush of warm cum erupting deep within him. Agion’s cock was as hard as ever. The creamy cum spurting deep inside his ass, flooding his insides. He felt the warm horsecum flow deep into his ass, filling him to the limit, and the stallion kept on cumming, his hindpart bucking. The cum was rapidly gushing back over Agion’s cock and out of Doug’s sticky ass. The stallion pumped and pumped. Tim was eagerly filming. The cum erupting from Doug’s ass, gushing down his inner thighs, down his legs. Big creamy, semi-elastic gobs of warm horsecum drooling directly from his asshole down on the grass, splattering in a warm pool around his feet. Doug could feel the dollops of horsecum drip from his ass. Large gobs of horsecum ran down from his asshole to his balls, running over them, coating them. Tim had never seen this much cum before.

Doug felt the hot cock began to soften inside him, feeling it withdrawing. The cock was sliding out of the cum-soaked hole. As the head withdrew, a blurping gush came from the tremendously expanded hole, and a huge gush of cum flooded out towards the ground. Doug felt a big release of pressure from his insides. Tim was filming this on close hold, the sight was incredible. The pool of cum on the ground became bigger, and Tim lead the camera’s eye from Doug’s ass, down his thighs, to the pools of cum in the grass. Then he lead the camera to the horsecock. It was dangling between Agion’s hind legs, cum coated it, still dripping from it in long dollops. The cock was retreating back into the sheath, closely followed by the camera.

Slowly Doug was gaining some sense of orientation and was softly moaning, both of pleasure and pain from his sore ass. “Tim. That…God…that was the most amazing thing…uhn…” Doug uttered through heavy sighs. “Yeah…I got it all on film…fucking amazing…It was so hot!” Tim replied. Cum ran slowly out of Doug’s ass, trickling down his legs. Doug was still rockhard, he looked down on his cock, then at Tim. Nothing was said, Tim just gave Doug the camera and sat down before him. Douh put the camera on Tim, wanting to film him sucking his hard cock. Tim took it in his hands, stroking it. It felt so hard and fat in his hands. He put the tip of the cock to his mouth, letting his tongue flick over it. His stroking was hard and fast. He took it into his mouth, sucking it hard. Tim took it deeper into his mouth, all the way until Doug’s balls pressed against his chin. He felt the head on the back of his throat.

“Oh YES…Tim…Ohh Timmmm…That feels so good. OH YES…uhn…suck my cock”. Doug was in heaven. He couldn’t take much of this before he was about to cum. “Ohh Tim…I’m cumming…” he uttered, half screaming half moaning. His fingers running through Tim’s hair, gripping tightly. Creamy cum spurted from his fat cock, drenching and coating Tim’s tongue, running down his throat. Tim gulped, swallowing as good as he could, tasting the sweet cum of his friend. Doug was moaning, squirming with each spurt. Two spurts splashing directly down Tim’s throat, making him panic. He took the cock from his mouth, it was still spurting jet after jet towards him. The cum splattered on Tim’s face, all over. Hitting his lips, nose, cheeks, chin and some in the hair. Doug was still filming and moaning “God…mmmm…yes…”. The milky-white cum running down his face. Tim squeazed the last few drops from his cock and smiled at the camera, then kissed the head. Both were spent. Doug filmed Tim’s cumsoaked face, telling him to lick his lips. Tim did as he was told, swallowing the warm cum.

Agion had moved away from them. Doug placed the camera on the table, then sat infront of it, pulling Tim down next to him. Doug smiled at the camera, “Well that’s all of the show this time” he said, reaching up, shutting off the camera. He was anxious to see the movie, to see his ass being roughly fucked by a 20 inch cock. He went to the bag, and returned with two towels. They dried themselves up while talking about what had just happened. They got decent, packed their things and headed home. Doug felt the pain in his sore ass with each step he took, but it had been worth it. As they came to the path, Tim stopped. Hushing Doug, Tim stood motionless, alert. “What?” asked Doug. “I thought I heard something.” Tim said, looking around in the trees. Not seeing anything unusual, he continued “Probably just a bird”. They continued on home.

From a shadow facing the clearing, a person was moaning as he orgasmed. He had been watching the entire event, having enjoyed every moment of it. Thoughts formed in his mind as we approached the stallion’s.

The End