(c) by unkown

I live in a rural area, where there are mountains, rivers, ranches and farms. My house is an old ranch house on 20 acres. I live alone now, but at the time of my story, I had a boyfriend who lived with me. One day (about three years ago) when I was working in my garden, and Patrick (my boyfriend) was working on his truck, a couple came by on horseback. It is common for people to pass through on horse’s around here. But this time they passed close to the house, and the wife stopped to ask about the vegetables I was growing, saying she wasn’t having much success with her garden. They live on a ranch that is about 12 miles away. She introduced herself and her husband as Linda and Chuck. They were both around 30 at that time, but looked looked much closer to my age of 24. Chuck is tall, nice looking, and quite muscular from working on his ranch. Linda is very pretty, with long blond hair, and a very trim figure. They both looked very sensual, sitting astride their large, powerful horse’s.

After talking for a couple minutes, I offered them something cool to drink. Patrick had come over from his truck and was deep in conversation with Chuck about motors, or whatever guys talk about when around their pickups. They dismounted, and Linda followed me into the house, while the guys headed for the the truck. I suggested a cold beer, and Linda said that was good for both of them.

Linda led the way as we carried the bottles out to the men, and I had the opportunity to watch her from behind. She has the most exquisite bottom, and long legs, squeezed tightly into her jeans. I’ve always considered my butt to be nearly perfect, but her’s is better yet. I felt like I wanted to touch it as she walked. When we got to the truck, Pat said that Chuck had suggested that we visit them at their ranch sometime. Just then Linda said that was a wonderful idea, and asked if we were busy the next afternoon. We all agreed.

When we arrived at Linda & Chuck’s ranch, I was surprised at how big and beautiful it was. It’s probably a mile from their gate to the house. The gate was electrically controlled. We announced ourselves into an intercom, and the gate opened, then closed behind us. There are a lot of large ranches around here, but they mostly are working ranches, with very few amenities.

This ranch is over 1400 acres, with cattle and horse’s. But it was the ranch house that impressed me most. It was huge, built in the shape of a horse’shoe, surrounding a large courtyard with a pool and gardens. The inside of the house was decorated in the western style, with a fireplace so large that I could walk into it standing up. Linda gave the guys each a beer, and poured a glass of white wine for me, then herself.

We walked around the property nearest the house, passed a fruit orchard, then we came to the barn and a corral. There were two horse’s in the corral; one female and one male. As we leaned on the fence talking, the male was following the female horse, rubbing his long neck against her’s. Soon, a massive cock appeared under him and he move around behind her. In an instant, he mounted her from behind and began thrusting that huge thing into her. Patrick and I were transfixed by what we were watching. Pat put his arm on my shoulder, and I embarrassingly looked at Linda and Chuck to see if they noticed that Patrick was obviously aroused by this scene. I could hardly believe my eyes… Linda was gripping the fence with one hand, and had the other behind her, holding onto Chuck’s side. Chuck was holding the fence with both hands, and was pressed up against Linda’s behind. I think they were moving slightly, with a rhythm similar to the two horse’s in the corral. A moment later, the male horse dismounted, and the two of them galloped around the corral.

I looked at Patrick, and he was so excited that he couldn’t say anything. Linda and Chuck had a glow on their faces. I noticed little drops of perspiration along the sides of my own neck, and my breathing was shallow, but faster. Linda and Chuck just started walking back to the house, hand in hand. We followed without saying a word. As they walked in front of us I looked at Chuck’s strong ass moving, and wondered if his cock was stiff in those tight jeans. I’m sure Patrick’s was. I was certainly a lot more moist then I was a few moments ago. My mind kept flashing back at the horse’s huge cock, and how he was ramming into the female from behind, and imagined Patrick AND Chuck taking turns doing the same to me.

At the house Linda refreshed our drinks and suggested we head out by the pool. We sat in the lounge chairs, almost quietly. Then Pat said: “That was incredible. Those animals just did their thing, without the least concern for anyone watching.” Then Linda replied: “Yes. Sometimes it is so powerful we rip each other’s clothes off right there along side the corral. I would have done it then if we didn’t have company.” Then I jokingly said: “I think Pat was about to do that to me when he grabbed my shoulder. But we just stood there breaking out in a sweat instead.” With that, Linda said: “Oh, yes… I always break out in a sweat at those times. In fact, I feel soaking wet under these clothes now. I’m going into the pool.” To my surprise, right there she kicked off her boots, unbuttoned her blouse and threw it aside, unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them off, unhooked her bra and let it fall, then slipped her panties down and kicked them aside, and started walking to the edge of the pool. As she dove into the water, Chuck said: “If you two don’t mind, that’s exactly what I’m going to do, and you’re welcome to do the same, or whatever you like.” With that, he tore off his boots, stood up and began stripping. When he pulled down his jeans and underpants together, the largest half-erect cock I ever saw on a man swung from side to side.

The horse came immediately to my mind. Two steps later and he dove into the water. I turned to Pat and said: “That water sure looks good about now. What do you think?” Pat smiled and said: “I’m game, if it’s OK with you.” I slipped off my shoes and stood up to undress, as Pat started doing the same.

I hesitated for a moment before dropping my panties, but then thought ‘what the heck,’ and kicked them off and in an instant dove into the water, coming up about three feet from Linda and Chuck. Just then I heard Patrick hit the water, and before I could turn around he quickly came up under me, and when he put his hands out to keep from crashing into me it pushed me forward, where I came into the arms of both Linda and Chuck. They had their arms around each other, and when I came crashing into them, they opened their arms and we collided tightly together. As their arms wrapped around me, I immediately felt Chuck’s huge cock, which was no longer hanging idle, rub against the side of my tummy, and Linda’s breast pressed against mine.

We all laughed at this scene as Patrick moved in and put his arms around my waist. We were at a point in the pool where both Chuck and Pat could stand with their heads out of the water, but Linda and I had to either struggle to stay afloat, or hang onto to something. As we were all in a tangle, I’m not sure who had a hold on whom, but at once I felt Linda’s breasts, and both chuck and Pat’s hard cocks brushing against me. Thinking I was being clever, I reached down for Chucks big cock, while reaching behind me to get a hold of Pat’s hard-on. To my surprise, my hands met Linda’s, who had a hold on both cocks already. Linda and I both laughed again, and I said; “My, my. I’m going to have to be faster if I want one of these things for myself.” She replied: “Choose the one you want, Honey, and we can always trade them later. And if they don’t perform like they’re ‘sposed to, we’ll just trade them off for better one’s elsewhere, right?” Both men immediately protested: “Hey… there aren’t any better ones. This is as good as it gets!” Linda replied: “Talk, talk, talk. We require proof.” “No problem,” came the response. At that, I felt a male hand take a hold of my pussy and squeeze, then felt a large finger probe in between the lips. Thinking it was Pat’s hand, my eyes went a little dreamy, and I moaned while squeezing my cunt lips down on it.

Then Chuck said: “Huummmmmm. You sure have a strong grip there, little lady.” I was shocked to learn it was Chuck’s hand. Just then, Linda’s said: “Ohhh? Let me see.” And in an instant, Chuck’s hand was replaced by Linda’s smaller, but more knowing touch. I felt her finger enter me, and being unsure how to respond, I instictively made my cunt grip her finger as tightly as I could. Linda said: “Wow, Sweetie. Maybe I shouldn’t let Chuckie in there. You might not let him back out.” I said: “Well, if I was ever lucky enough to have the pleasure of that gorgeous thing your hubby has there, I promise to give it back to you just as soon as he’s through doing whatever he pleases.” Linda moved around to Pat and put her arms around his neck, bringing her legs around his waist as she climbed up onto him, and said to me: “Ok, Sweetie. And when you want this one back, just let me know.” Almost as soon as she said that, she was bouncing up and down, and beginning to moan out loud. I knew Pat was already inside her, because his face was glowing and his eyes were wide as saucers.

I gripped Chuck’s stiffening cock, and he said: “hold onto that,” and swam backwards toward the shallow end of the pool. When we got there he stood up, and his now very hard and freighteningly huge cock was just out of the water. When I stood, he turned me around to face the edge of the pool and said: “Remember the horse’s?” That thought ran a shudder through me, and he pressed on my back, bending me over the edge of the pool. Chuck moved up behind, and I felt the head of his cock nudging at my cunt. I spread my legs as wide as I could, hoping that would help. His fingers explored for just as long as it took for me to get wet inside, about three seconds, and then the most massive thing I ever felt pushed its way into me. First just a probe with the head of his dick, then, a massive thrust that I wasn’t prepared for, which I thought was going to split me wide open. I screamed out loud at the pain of being forced wider than I had ever been.

Each muscular thrust caused another scream, until after about a dozen steady bumps against my ass the most delicious feeling I had ever felt replaced the sharp pains. My screams turned to loud moans, and I was becoming delirious with the sensation of his huge log moving rythmically in and out. The feeling of sexual fullness pushing hard against my body, then nearly pulling me back with each of his movements backwards… followed by another thrust that drove deep in me. With my mouth wide open, emitting uncontrollable guttural sounds, I closed my eyes tightly, and the vision of the horse mounted and pounding the mare with his enormous ram rod came to my mind. I went crazy with release.

The waves of orgasms washed over me several times. Then Chuck let out a deep cry and rammed me extra hard, and I could feel his large cock explode wide open. There were several strong bursts that quickly filled me, then began running out because it was just too full in there. His thrusts slowed to a gentle movement, then came to a stop, as he rested his chest down onto my back. He was breathing as hard as I was. We had both spent everything we had. He whispered in my ear: “That was wonderful. I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone so tight before. It felt virgin-like. I nuzzled my ass back at him and replied: “Uuummmm. You can fuck this little girl anytime.” I could feel a slight shudder run through his body, and a stirring in his cock inside me.

We looked over at Linda and Patrick, and they were exhausted too, barely having the energy to hang onto each other. They looked at us, and we all just smiled. After a few moments, Chuck withdrew his diminishing cock from me. What a big hole he left. I wanted him back in there, but I knew I’d have to wait for that. Then Linda said: “I would love another glass of wine. How about you, Sweetie?” With a thoroughly satisfied look on my face, I just nodded my head up and down. She said: “Let’s go get it, then,” and started for the pool ladder. I sat up onto the edge of the pool, and reached out for Chuck and pulled him toward me and kissed him deeply, and said: “I meant it.

I meant what I said. Your little girl would love to have this big guy fuck her again. Real soon.” He replied: “I promise, real soon. I promise.” We all began walking into the house, not bothering to put any clothes back on. The men got themselves a beer, and sat on the large sofa in front of the fireplace. I took my glass and sat on the floor in front of Chuck. He spread his legs, and I took the hint. I nestled up between them and rested my head against his thigh. Linda sat in front of Pat, and he opened his legs for her too.

I put my arm along side Chuck’s thigh, and my hand behind his back, and tugged a little at him. He got the message, and slid his hips forward until they were near the edge of the sofa. My eyes left his for a moment to look at Linda, and was almost surprised to see that she already had Pat’s cock in her mouth. A big grin came to my face. I look back at Chuck and said in my most innocent voice: “Can your little girls taste it? Can she? Please?” His cock started moving even before I touched it, and before he even had the chance to respond, I opened my mouth and closed it over the head of his rapidly growing muscle. He was so big that I only held the head in my mouth and sucked and ran my tongue all over it. His head laid back against the sofa, and he gently held my head in his hands and closed his eyes. At the urging of his hands, my head moved up and down steadily going lower and lower.

I was so glad he was going slow, because I was about to gag on the hugeness of this muscle moving in my wide-forced mouth. Soon he was completely hard and ready for me. I said: “Ohhhh, I need this thing in me so bad.” His eyes opened wide, and before he could move, I stood up and straddled him, and very, very slowly lowered myself downward onto his throbbing mass… which soon was throbbing within me. I began riding up and down as his hands rubbed my ass and squeezed my titties. I held onto his strong shoulders and rode him, harder and harder, feeling that big thing finding its way deeper and deeper.

My attentions were drawn to the sounds right next to me and I looked at Linda, who was now riding Pat, as I was riding Chuck. Linda reached over and put her hand over my butt, stroking the soft roundness. Her fingers played with my butt hole, then snuck around and reached down to where her husbands cock was disappearing inside me. Her fingers began massaging my clit, and it was driving me out of my mind. I reached over and held her clit between my fingers, stroking it as I had done to myself so many times before… only this time, I felt a familiar cock rubbing past it too. Her wetness matched my own, and we all began getting very close to exploding together. Linda leaned slightly towards me and out lips met in a passionate, tongue-probing kiss. We were moving up and down on our partners at the same pace, as in a coordinated dance. When we got to the point where we were both just about to burst, our lips parted and I looked down. I was shocked and excited to see that Chuck’s hand was wrapped around the base of Pat’s hard cock. My eyes widened and I smiled at Pat. His confused look changed to a smile, and his hand went around Chuck’s enormous cock, and in an instant we all screamed together several times. The tremendous surge that ran through me came to a crashing flow at my cunt, and I couldn’t believe the orgasm that I had.

After a long time of staying there without moving, Linda and I rolled off our men and collapsed onto the sofa beside them. We all sipped a few sips of our drinks, and then Linda said: “I think I need something else more substantial to drink.” I thought she was going to go get a drink of whiskey or something as she began to move. Instead, she just slipped off the sofa, and moved over to between my legs, them pulled my hips forward. She took hold of my knees and pulled them apart, and buried her face between them, and began giving me the most exquisite cunt licking I had ever experienced.

She had definitely done this before. Just then, Chuck’s hand reached over and took hold of Pat’s cock and began massaging it. I was sure Pat would protest, but the protest didn’t come. As I looked into Pat’s eyes, he looked a bit unsure, even confused. I smiled at him again, and then noticed that his cock was a little stiffer now. Chuck moved off the sofa and sat in front of Pat, as his wife was in front of me, and his head moved down to Pat’s fast growing cock. Before Pat knew what was happening, his near-full hardness disappeared into Chuck’s mouth. As these new friends sucked away at the juices still lingering from our fucking, Pat leaned toward me, and we kissed and played with each other’s tongues. Incredibly, I came again… then Pat moaned and stiffened, and he came into Chuck’s devouring mouth. After awhile, Linda rested her head on my thigh and watched her husband gently suck on the slowly diminishing cock of my boyfriend. Pat never said a word, but obviously enjoyed every moment. Soon we were all collapsed in a heap of bodies, lightly touching whatever we took a fancy to. Kissing whomever was closest, and holding one another where ever we felt like holding.

Within two months of that day, Pat and I were separated. I didn’t miss the companionship, because I made weekly trips to Linda and Chuck’s house for an overnight stay. And nearly every week, Linda visited me. Sometimes for an afternoon, sometimes to join me early in the morning while I was still in my bed. And every time Chuck was out of town on business, Linda came to stay with me. I met a lot of Linda and Chuck’s friends at sex parties they held at the ranch, so I was more than satisfied physically. Life was good, and I was enjoying every moment of it.