
Kim Cummings silicone enhanced EEE-cups bounced majestically in rhythm with the clicking of her high heels on the sidewalk. Her long, thick, blond hair and expensive manicured nail testified to her uppercrust taste. The designer dress and jewelry emphasized her taste for the good things in life.

Kim wouldn’t call her self a gold digger. Sure, she had married a few elderly rich men and inherited a lot of money, But she meant no harm and she had only done it five times.

You also couldn’t expect her work for a living. That was for common ‘non-beautiful’ people. She respected working people, or at least she meant them no harm, and if her new plan would work she wouldn’t have to marry any old geezer again.

She stopped and compared the address on the building to the one on the pamphlet.

She smiled and entered Delta-City’s newest fertility clinic. As she stepped into the reception area she saw a banner of the advertisement that was going to make her rich.

‘Pregnancy guaranteed or you get ten million dollars in compensation.’

Kim had spent the last week reading up on various birth control methods. She had doubled up on her birth control pills and she had three kinds of ‘morning after’ pills waiting at home.

She could almost taste the money as she walked up to the nurse behind the desk.

“Hi. I have an appointment at seven.” Kim said giving her warmest smile to the nurse.

“What’s your name, please?” She asked not taking her eyes of her computer.

“Cummings. Kim Cummings.” Kim said.

“And how will you pay.” She asked.

“Can I pay half with a check and half by credit card.” Kim asked. The procedure was expensive. Fifty-thousand dollars. She had begged, borrowed and scraped together the last of her inheritance to raise the money. but it was a small price for ten million dollars.

“Please fill in this form and wait over there.” She said handing her a form and nodding to a waiting area.

Kim sat down and started filling in the form.

She admitted to her self that she liked to trick people, to out smart people.

However, if Kim had been as smart as she thought. She would have wondered why all questions on the form was of her potential meta human status and said nothing of sperm donors or why she had trouble conceiving. Instead, all she could see were dollar signs.

“Kim Cummings?” A perky brunette nurse said.

“Yes, that’s me.” Kim said.

“I’m Nurse Lang. we’re ready for you now. If you would follow me.” She said smiling like sunrise.

They walked through a pair of double doors.

“So, they must feel pretty confident promising ten million dollars if they fail.” Kim asked probing.

“Aha. We never fail.” Nurse Lang said.

“Do they really have ten millions?” Kim asked more bluntly.

“Oh yes. The compensation is guaranteed by the First Bank of Delta City. But it’s never been claimed.” Nurse Lang said with pride.

They entered a private room. The room looked like a typical doctor’s examination rooms. Everything was white and sterile, except for a device in the middle of the room.

“Please remove all of your clothes and sit there.” Lang said pointing at a chair.

Kim complied as Nurse Lang filled a syringe from a vial marked Mix Master 2.0.

“Will this take long?” Kim asked as Lang injected the compound in her arm.

“Yes. It will take the better part of the day.” Lang said apologetically.

“Please enter the Trojan.” Lana said pointing to the device in the middle of the room.

Kim examined the device. It was white and padded and had the words Trojan horse on the side. It was obvious that she should stand bent over the device.

At the front end there was a small LCD screen and headphones, and the name was strange, She knew Trojan was a brand of condoms. But horse?

She realized that if the top was folded down it would looked like a horse.

“Is This really necessary?” Kim asked hesitatingly.

“Yes. The insemination device is pretty big and bulky.” Lang said apologetically.

“Oh. Ok.” Kim said and bent over the Trojan. She noticed something strange.

While the Trojan looked new. It had loose bolts and it was dented like it had been damaged badly.

“Put on the headphones and you can watch TV and movies on the screen during the procedure.” Lang explained helpfully.

Kim found the controls for the TV under a pair of thick rubber hand grips. The handles seamed to be there for her to brace her self against.

Both handles had claw marks on them and one was bent, like someone had pulled on it with all her might and the leather pad at her face had some very deep bite marks in it.

She was about to ask nurse Lang about it. When the lid clicked shut.

“Just relax. I’m going to apply some lube.” Nurse Lang said and squeezed a whole tube of KY-jelly up Kim’s cunt.

“Wow. Isn’t that a bit much.” Kim said in a surprised high pitch voice.

“Half the time it’s not enough. You dumb whore.” Nurse Lang said silently under her breath.

“What did you say?” Kim asked.

“Mr. Ed will be with you soon.” Nurse Lang said cheerfully and left.

“Is he the doctor?” Kim asked but got no reply.

Kim turned her attention to the TV. She used the controls to flip through the various video streams. She found that it was all porn.

She was never really in to porn. But she found on movie she liked. It was starring Ms. Americana. It was one where Ms. Americana had been caught, tamed and forced to work in the porn industry. It was one of the old one’s among her fifty-first zoo porno’s there she got gang banged various barnyard animals.

Kim didn’t get off sexually. She just liked seeing those dumb super whore’s getting humiliated.

Kim had been watching for a while when she heard a strange clip clop sound.

She realized that the source of the sound had entered the room.

She felt a hot breath on her ass.

She could not see what was going on around her from inside the Trojan and now she felt a bit claustrophobic.

“Hello? Who is there?” She asked and got no reply.

She heard something heavy mount the Trojan. Then she felt something big, warm, fleshy and slimy press against her cunt.

She heard what could only be a horse whinny above her. She made a desperate attempt to wiggle free, but the lid of the Trojan held her hips firmly in place.

The horse pushed forward and Kim’s pussy stretched more then ever before.

Kim gripped the handles so hard her knuckles whitened. She bit into the leather cushion so hard her jaw ached. As two feet of horse cock started raping her cunt.

Kim screamed in to the cushion for over twenty minutes. Then the horse started cumming.

Kim felt her womb inflated with cum. she gasped deeply in relief when the horse pulled out and wandered off.

The to her horror she heard the sound of new hooves approach.

She tried desperately to find some relies switch so she could escape.

Then her eyes fell on the LCD screen. The porno was gone and was replaced by a strange swirling light. It was as if all her thoughts just melted away.

She was aware of the new cock plowing in to her cunt, but when a voice in the headphones told her to relax and enjoy, she did.

Kim spent the next six hours having the time of her life. All the while a voice in the headphones whispered new suggestions in to her soft suggestible brain.


Ms. Mexicana and Donkey Dong

Esmeralda Lopez AKA Ms. Mexicana was on her hands and knees on the bed. The warm sun peeked in through the blinds. Her husband the talking donkey named Donkey Dong was fucking her doggy style.

They where fucking very quietly. Hoping not to awaken the kids.

Esmeralda gripped the headboard with one hand keeping her fingers between it and the wall. That way the headboard wouldn’t be slamming against the wall. Dong was fucking her with quick short thrusts to keep the bed from squeaking.

Sweat dripped from her face as she grit her teeth.

“Hurry up.” She hissed quietly between her teeth.

“I’m almost there.” Dong whispered in her ear.

“That’s what you said half an hour ago.” Esmeralda said a bit to loudly.

“OK. I’ll try.” Dong said and started fucking faster. Sending his lover in to a series of orgasms.

Esmeralda felt her self losing control. With every orgasm moaned a little louder. Then she gave up and started moaning loud.

“AAAHH… Just fuck me hard. OH GOD YES!” Esmeralda screamed.

It was the same almost every morning. She and Dong started the morning with a little ‘morning delight’. They tried to be quiet not to wake the kids. But it always ended in a mad dash for the orgasmic finish line.

Many years had passed since Esmeralda had gone up against the super villain Mix Master. He had tried to create an army of human animal hybrids. Esmeralda had been dosed with a compound that allows human animal DNA to mix. Afterwards her lover Donkey Dong had done his damned best to knock her up and succeeded. Nine months later she had birthed three donkey human hybrid boys. Named Lucky, Dusty and Ned AKA The !Three amigos!

Esmeralda was coming down from her orgasm when she heard the sound of three pairs of hooves rush down the stairs. (All the boys had inherited human bipedal locomotion.)

“Brace yourself. The boys are coming.” Dong said with a smile.

Esmeralda lay down on her back and spread her legs.

Her boys had hit puberty early like most animals thanks to their father and hard making them oversexed, thanks to their mother’s amazon heritage. The result was three super horny boys that would try to fuck just about anything with a pussy.

The bed room door flew open and Lucky was the first one in. He leaped in to the bed and buried his cock in her cunt and his face between her MMM cup mega melons.

Dusty and Ned climbed up on either side of her. She grabbed their cocks and started jacking them off.

“Give it to her good boys. Make daddy proud.” Dong said.

“OK. You only have time for one fuck each.” Esmeralda said panting.

“Oh. Come on mom. Yesterday you let us fuck all day.” Ned whined.

“Yes. Come on.” Dusty chimed in.

Lucky’s comment was mostly lost between Esmeralda’s awesome tits, but there was no doubt that it would mirror his brothers.

“Sorry boys, but that was a Sunday. Today is Monday and mommy and daddy have to go to work.” Dong said.

“What if we do it fast?” Dusty asked.

“Yes. If we hurry. We can do it four times each.” Ned said.

“If you’re fast. You can do it twice.” Dong relented.

“Three times.” Dusty said.

“Fine. If you’re fast.” Dong said finally.

Lucky started humping so fast his ass looked like blur.

Esmeralda started cumming loudly. She dropped Ned and Dusty’s cocks and wrapped her arms around Lucky’s head and pushed his head deeper between her tits.

Dong left the bedroom and started on breakfast for the family. A clumsy and time consuming task. with only his mouth to lift and carry with. The house was filled with the sound of Esmeralda’s orgasm serenade. He loved the sound of a woman cumming. The sound of his wife Esmeralda cumming was magic to his ears. He preferred to be the one making her cum, but he didn’t begrudge anyone the opportunity to make her cum. So when the boys was old enough he had encouraged them discretely to join the fun.

After Dong set the breakfast table Esmeralda and the boys moved there orgy to the kitchen. She stood bent over the table eating her breakfast cereals as Ned fucked her from behind. It was a messy affair. The boys had made a sport of seeing who could make her spill the most by fucking her hard and fast.

Then they moved to the shower, where the fucking continued. The shower was roomy with hand rails for Esmeralda to hold on to when the boys fucked her in there. After they finished showering they packed the clothes they where going to wear and headed naked for the garage.

They got into the minivan. It had been converted to let Dong drive it despite his four legged status.

Esmeralda sat in the middle seat in the back. Ned and Dusty sat on either side of her, licking her tits and holding up her legs as Lucky was having another go at her pussy.

The van’s constant rocking even when standing still at the red lights and drew a lot of attention from other cars. The sight of a beautiful Latina woman with huge tits getting fucked by three donkey-human hybrids almost caused several accidents on the way.

They finally stopped in front of the Delta-City’s school for young meta humans.

A small crowd of young meta-human students gathered around the van and peered into the van, watching as the boys took their final turn fucking there mother.

They were well past there allotted three turns.

Finally with only minutes to spare, Ned came and they got dressed just as the bell rang. The boys left and went into the school.

Esmeralda was panting like a marathon runner that just crossed the line.

“I think we need to start getting up earlier in the morning. Their stamina is improving.” Dong said with pride.

“I’ll reset the alarm tonight.” Esmeralda said between heavy breaths as they headed of to the office.


At the office

The sound of squeaking bed springs filled the office. Esmeralda was in the back room with the landlord and the janitor working of the building maintenance bill and rent.

Donkey Dong was at his desk of Esmeralda and his detective agency when a woman walked in through the door. She was a stunning red head with long legs and DDD cup tits. She reminded Dong of Jessica Rabbit from that cartoon.

“Welcome to Ms. Mexicana and Donkey Dong’s detective agency. How can I help you today. My name is Dong.” Dong said with his best ‘car salesman’ smile.

“Mr. Dong. It’s awful. My name is Emilia Williams and my friend Molly Hathaway is missing.” She said.

“How long has she been missing and where was she last seen?” Dong asked.

“Three weeks. She was last seen at that new fertility Clinic. The one on Wade Boulevard. This is the police report and a picture of her.” Emilia said handing over a folder.

“And was her husband angry about there infertility?” Dong asked.

“No, she wasn’t married. The clinic had this ten million dollar guarantee. She was trying to scam them.” Emilia explained.

“Ah, one of those places. Let me guess. She loaded up on contraceptives. Thinking she wouldn’t get knocked up. So she could cash out big time.” Dong said with a tone suggesting that he had heard that story many times before.

“This has happened before?” She asked.

“Well I’ve never heard of anyone disappearing there. But we’ve had a lot of cases where women went there and ended up with what you might call an ‘alternative’ pregnancy.” Dong said biting back a snicker.

“Do you think you can find Molly?” Emilia said trying to get the conversation back on track.

“Yes. We specialize in missing persons cases. Now I have to ask, how will you pay?” Dong said.

“I’ve recently invested my savings in a plan to make some easy money. If you could give me some credit. I stand to gain ten millions.” She said pleading him to believe her.

Oh you dumb bimbo. You are heading in the same trap as your friend. Dong thought.

“Well I’m going to insist on a down payment. But it doesn’t have to be in money.” Dong said wiggling his eyebrow suggestively.

“I’m sorry. But I’m not into animals. Nothing personal. It’s just….” She trailed of not finding a polite way finish the sentence.

“I’m not asking you to like it. Just lube up, close your eyes and think of England. And if you happen to like it, Bonus.” Dong said. Feeling his cock stiffen.

She paused thinking.

“Well, even if a wanted. I’m not an amazon. I don’t think it would work.” She said. But there was a look in her eyes that implied that she was willing.

“Sure it will work. I do it all the time. The woman’s body is amazing and you’re capacity for pleasure is endless.” Dong said.

“I suppose I could try.” She said cautiously.

“Great. Stand up and take off your dress. Slowly.” Dong said with his smoothest voice.

Emilia stood up. She started unzipping her tight red dress. She was giving him a good show. She bent over to undo the straps on her high heels when Dong stopped her.

“Leave them on.” He whispered softly and she gave him wicked smile.

“Sit on the desk and spread you’re legs wide.” Dong said eyes fixed on her great body.

She walked around the desk slowly swinging her hips seductively. Then she sat down on the desk and parted her legs. Her red pussy hair was shaved in to a small heart.

Dong licked his lips on anticipation. Then he started licking her. First her inner thighs moving slowly toward her cunt.

He then started penetrating her pussy with his thick long tongue.

His tongue was tunneling deeper and deeper in to her pussy. He was exploring her sweet spots, trying to figure out what would set her off.

He kept her on the edge of orgasm for about fifteen minutes. Then he stopped.

“Lie back on the desk.” Dong said firmly.

She complied and Dong mounted her. She reached down and grabbed his cock to guide it her pussy.

“WOW. No it’s to big.” Emilia said with genuine distress in her voice.

“Don’t worry. I’ll go slow.” Dong said with may be a little too much excitement in his voice.

His cock found the entrance of her pussy and he pushed forward. He struggled for over a minute without success.

“NO. STOP. It wont fit. You’re to big. AAAIIIH” Emilia said finishing with a shriek of pain. As Dong’s cock finally found it’s way in her tight cunt.

“I told you it would work.” Dong said. As he buried over a foot of cock in her.

He started fucking her. He tried to be gentle.

But Ms. Mexicana’s orgasmic bedspring symphony in the back room had him so worked up that he couldn’t hold back, so he started fucking her fast and hard. Even though he hadn’t given her time to adjust to his big cock.

He aimed for the sweet spots he’d located with his tongue and hammered them hard.

He was hopping that it would let her to start enjoying it faster, but for a long while she seemed to be in agony.

A short time later, as she started taking the full length of his cock. She started moaning softly and humping back.

Before too long, the desk was rocking hard. Dong was fucking her like a pro and she was firing on all cylinders.

Her body was glistening with sweat and her once perfect red hair had become a wet mess.

Between orgasms she looked up at Dong. She was amazed that such small shabby animal could fuck her better then any man she had ever slept with.

The came together and Dong collapsed exhausted on top of her.

She grabbed his head and kissed him hard.

“Wow. You’re amazing. I didn’t know it could be that good.” She said after capturing her breath.

“You Where good to. Though this was only a part of the down payment.” Dong said.

“Oh. You want more?” she asked biting her lip hiding a smile.

“Come to our house later. You will see.” Dong said.

Emilia left the detective agency. Her long legs where somewhat shaky and a dreamy smile on her face.

Dong walked to the back room. The landlord and the janitor had left while Dong had been humping Emilia.

Esmeralda was lying on the old bed naked.

“We got a case, Honey.” Dong said.

“Where do we start?” She asked.

“We need to take a look at some of the new fertility clinic’s and we need to talk to your contacts in the police and find out if other women have been disappearing.” Dong said.

“I’ll get dressed.” She said and reached for her hat.


The Police Station

Esmeralda in her full Ms. Mexicana outfit was walking through the police station, followed by Dong.

They walked up to the door that said “Chief of Police” and stepped in side.

Police chief Nina Valentine looked up from a case folder on her desk. She was a stunning hazel eyed brunette. She wore a white man shirt unbuttoned half way down revealing a generous cleavage. Her badge was pined just above her left melon.

“Well, well. If it isn’t everybody’s favorite PI Esmeralda Lopez AKA Ms. Mexicana and her pet donkey. What brings your hot ass to our humble abode?” Valentine asked smiling like a cat looking at a feast.

“I’m not a pet. I’m a partner.” Dong said with mock indignation.

“We’re working the Molly Hathaway case. I need information on her and any similar cases.” Mexicana said cutting to the point.

“I cant just hand over classified information to a civilian. Maybe if you could persuade me and the department somehow.” Valentine said hinting for a bribe.

Ms. Mexicana reached over the desk and gripped Valentine by the collar of her shirt and pulled her over the desk and kissed her hard.

Dong walked quickly around the desk and shoved Valentine’s chair aside.

Mexicana pulled Valentine forward and down so the chief stood bent over the desk. While Ms. Mexicana still held her locked in a kiss, Dong bit in to Valentine’s pants tearing a big hole and exposing her ass.

He mounted her and started fucking the police chief.

Dong knew how Valentine liked it. He fucked her plenty of times in this office before. He fucked her fast and hard.

Valentine’s moans of orgasm was muffled against Mexicana’s kissing lips.


45 minutes later

Valentine leaned back in her chair and lit a cigarette. She took a deep pull on the cigarette and let it out in one big satisfied breath.

“OK. Why don’t you hit the slut room and let the guys have go on your ass. While Dong and I look over the case files.” Valentine said pointing to the door.

Ms. Mexicana left the room. Dong and Valentine started going through files of similar cases.

They could hear the Hispanic woman enter the next room and heard a mild commotion as the police officers formed an orderly line to fuck the busty PI.

Dong managed to find three more cases matching the Molly Hathaway case.

Drew Ryan, Kim Cummings and Jennifer Adams had all disappeared at the Delta City’s ‘New family beginnings’ fertility clinic.

Dong walked over to the next room. It was an office supply closet with a mattress in the corner.

A long line of cops waited to have their turn on Ms. Mexicana.

A big black man was fucking her as Dong walked in. On the wall over the mattress where old Polaroid photos of other super heroines in pairs. They where organized in smiling before and cum crusted after gang bang images.

Ms. Americana, Got Gal, Wolf Woman, Amazing Babe and Lady Midnight all had repeat performances on the wall.

“Sweet heart. I’m off to pick up the kids from school. We’ll talk about the case after you’re done playing cops and slut.” Dong said.

“OK. I think I’m going to be late. These guy’s seem unusually horny to day.” Ms. Mexicana replied between orgasmic moans.

At home.


Back at the house

Dong pulled up the family van on the driveway at his house. The boys was sitting in the back. They had stopped at a drive-through and the boys where hopped up on sugar and junk food.

They where acting up, teasing one another. Until they saw the stunning red head waiting by the door. Silence fell over the van.

“Who is she?” Ned asked with a hint awe in his voice.

“Her name is Emilia Williams and she has come to play with you tonight.” Dong said.

The van erupted with a cheer.

“Emilia. Glad you could come.” Dong said as he exited the van.

“You said something about an additional down payment.” She said with a hint of confusion as her gaze feel on the three young donkey human hybrids coming out of the van.

“Oh. How rude of me. These are my son’s Lucky, Dusty and Ned. Boys this is Emilia ” Dong said. “Let’s go inside.”

Dong let her in and led her up stairs to the boys room. The boys followed. Eyes fixed on her great apple shaped ass, their pants bulging very noticeably.

They entered the boys room. The room was cluttered with old toys, comics and porno magazines. There was three beds in the room and Dong began nudging Emilia toward the middle bed. Lucky started unzipping her dress.

Soon she was sitting naked on the bed, legs spread wide. Dong was giving her cunt a licking while Dusty and Lucky where licking and sucking her tits. Ned was standing on the bed with his cock in her mouth.

Ned came at the same time as Dong licked Emilia to her first orgasm.

She lay down so Dong could fuck her pussy. This time he didn’t hold back like he did at the office. He fucked her fast and hard. The boys was waited impatiently for their turn.

All eyes followed Emilia’s huge bouncing tits.

Dong came in her cunt and pulled out. Her cunt didn’t stay empty long. The boys moved her on to the bed fully so Lucky could fuck her missionary position.

Dong left Emilia with the boys and they started tag teaming her. One of them would fuck her until he almost came then he pulled out so another could fuck her. Giving Emilia one seemingly never ending fuck.


Six hours later

Dong was down stairs to prepare a late snack while going over the case files he gotten from the police.

He was listening to the fucking up stairs. He could still hear the boys and the squeaking of the bed but Emilia had gone quiet more then an hour ago.

That’s when a taxi pulled up outside and Ms. Mexicana stepped out.

She walked in on shaky legs, smelling of sweat and cum.

“Hey Esmeralda sweetheart. Did you have a good time at the station?” Dong asked.

“It was great as always. Did you find something in the files?” Esmeralda replied.

“Yes. Delta City’s ‘New Family Beginnings’ fertility clinic. Tomorrow you and I will go undercover. You as a dumb slut trying to swindle them out of the ten mill and I’m going as a new breeding stud.” Dong said confidently.

“Great. I’m going to bed early. I’m exhausted.” Esmeralda said holding back a yawn.

“Hey baby. You got one more fuck in you?” Dong asked with his best puppy dog smile.

“You know I never turn you down.” Esmeralda said with a tired smile.

They walked into the bedroom.

Esmeralda lay down on the bed face down. She piled up all the pillow’s under her hip, putting her ass in perfect fucking position.

Dong mounted her from behind as Esmeralda feel asleep with Dong still fucking her ass.


Early next morning

Dong and Esmeralda awoke to the sound of a woman’s orgasm from up stairs.

“What was that?” Esmeralda asked.

“Oh. I forgot. Emilia is working of her bill ‘baby siting’ the boys.” Dong said.

“Maybe we should call the school and say the boys will be home sick today. That way the boys can ‘play’ with her all day.” Esmeralda said with a wicked smile.


Later that day

Dong was in the alley behind Delta City’s ‘New Family Beginnings’ fertility clinic.

The door said ’employees only.’ He knocked hard with his hoof.

A woman in a nurse’s uniform opened.

“What do you want?” she asked.

“Hi my name is Dong. I heard this is great place for guy to score some free pussy.” Dong said putting a dumb smile on his face.

“You mean that you want to become a donor?” she said enunciating every word like she was talking to a tape recorder.

“Sure, if that’s what you wanna call it. I know the game I used to do this last year at the ‘New Family Hope’ clinic.” Dong said.

“Come inside and follow me. My name is Laura Gillian by the way.” She said after looking around suspiciously.

They walked through a corridor. Past rooms where you could hear women getting violated by various barn yard animals.

They entered a small examination room.

“So, What do you think is going on at this clinic?” Nurse Gillian asked giving him a serious look.

“Officially you are very successful fertility clinic. Giving hope to parents unable to conceive. In reality you trick dumb bimbos into coughing up a heap of money. Thinking they will get the ten million dollars in compensation money. They think that birth control pills is going to protect them. But you hit them with some form of Mix Master. Rendering there pill useless. Then you pump a few gallons of super potent animal sperm up there cunts. And it’s all legal. Since they signed all the donor origin and rape waivers.” Dong resisted like it was just another day at the office.

“Very well. I’m still going to need a sperm sample from you.” The nurse said.

She walked over to a fake mare used for semen harvesting at stud farms.

She’s not expecting me to fuck some fake plastic cunt. Dong thought.

She attached a seamen collector under it.

Then she bent over to lube up the fake cunt giving Dong a view up her skirt of a very real cunt.

Bingo! Dong thought. I’ll give you a sperm sample, all right.

He jumped her from behind. Pining her against the fake mare.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Nurse Gillian asked in shock and anger.

“Giving you a sperm sample. And I’m not using that thing when there is a real cunt to be had.” Dong said and started stabbing his cock towards her cunt.

“Get off me or I’ll scream!” She threatened.

“Go ahead. You think someone is going to notice another woman screaming ‘NO STOP!’ in this place.” Dong said. His cock missed her cunt but hit her ass and he forced it inside.

She put up a good fight at first. But soon she was humping back. As Dong went balls deep in her ass.

He managed to make her cum twice before he came.

After a moments recovery she gathered some of Dong’s cum. She put some on a glass slide and put it under a microscope.

“Oh my. This is very good. I have never seen a sperm count that high and healthy.” She said with a hint of amazement.

“So, Are you going to hook me up with some free pussy or are you volunteering you’re own ass for another go? ” Dong said with a proud smile.

“Follow me.” Nurse Gillian said with a wicked smile.

They walked into an insemination room. There was a contraption like the fake mare from the examination room but there was a distinct difference. It had a human woman’s ass sticking out from it.

It was big, black and jiggled when she moved.

“This is The Trojan. It keeps the breeding subject immobilized for the breeding.” Nurse Gillian explained.

“Who’s out there? I’m stuck in here.” A voice interrupted from inside the Trojan.

“These two pedals will let you lower or raise her to an easy fucking height.” She went on ignoring the other woman.

“What do you mean ‘fucking height’ no one said anything about fucking.” The woman in the device said in an angry high pitch voice.

“When you’re done. Push the green button by the door and it will summon the next breeder.” Nurse Gillian went on.

“What do I do if she gets loose?” Dong asked eager to get started.

“Just press one of the red button’s and a group of orderlies will come and put her back in. Oh. And if the Trojan is opened, don’t look at the LCD screen.” Nurse Gillian said.

“Why?” Dong asked frowning with genuine curiosity and suspicions.

“It’s nothing sinister. As you said most women who come her are only after the money and when they end up with a baby instead. They don’t react well. So we use a little hypnotic suggestion to trigger there maternal instincts and keep them from complaining.” Nurse Gillian explained reassuringly.

“So. You are hypnotizing them in to becoming Good mommy’s and nothing else?” Dong asked.

“That’s right. I’ll leave you two alone.” She said and walked out.

Dong looked around the room temporary lost in thought. Distracted by the implications of the hypnosis device in the Trojan.

Then his eyes fell on the big round butt sticking out of the Trojan.

Oh. Pussy. He thought as a smile rose on his face.

“Hi. What’s your name?” Dong said as he slowly walked up to her.

“Mary. Who the hell are you? Are you the doctor? And why are you making that funny sound when you walk? Are you wearing tap shoes? ” She snapped in a shrill irritating voice.

“No. I’m not a doctor and no I’m not wearing tap shoes.” Dong said and mounted the woman.

He took his time. Slowly working his cock inside her. He loved the feeling of tight wetness squeezing his cock. Mary cursed and protested as her cunt gave way for the huge cock.

Dong’s cock hit the bottom of her cunt less then half way in but the Trojan had two bars that gave his front legs an excellent brace point.

Mary’s protesting was relapsed by grunts and groans as Dong started stretching her cunt deeper and deeper.

He fucked her slow, grinding his hips against her big ass. Her butt felt like two mounds of warm jelly against his crotch.

Soon her protests faded away and was relapsed by sounds of pleasure.

Dong fucked her relentlessly. The thought of her getting knocked up made the sex better. It was like he was aiming for something.

After Dong had reduced Mary to a quivering wreck. Having sent multiple loads his super sperm to her ova. He walked over to a computer on a desk at the far end of the room.

The computer was password protected. Dong recognized the encryption. It was a top of the line software. Impossible to hack. Dong also recognized the little yellow ‘post-it’ on the corner of the screen. It reed ‘User name- Admin Password- QWERTY.

Dong snickered as he typed in the password.

Then he pulled up the files on Molly Hathaway, Drew Ryan, Kim Cummings and Jennifer Adams.

At first sight they had nothing in common. The information was extensive, but then he realized that they all had huge tits.

Accordingly to the files Molly had a GG-cup pair of melons, Drew had a pair of KKK-cup jug’s, Kim’s fun bags where EEE-cup’s and Jennifer had a awesome XXX-cups.

The other women ranged from A-cup’s to C-cup’s.

He picked up the phone next to the computer and phoned his partner.

“Ms. Mexicana PI.” Esmeralda answered.

“What are wearing?” Dong said making heavy breathing noises.

“Dong, be serious.” Esmeralda scolded.

“Huge tits!” Dong exclaimed.

“Dong!” Esmeralda said. Her tone expressing her frustration with his unprofessional attitude.

“The four women. They all had huge tits. Put on that red dress. The one that shows of your cans and well see if we can bait the villain. Oh, Don’t forget the homing beacon.” Dong lay down his plan.

One and a half hour later.

Esmeralda entered the Delta City’s ‘New Family Beginnings’ fertility clinic. She was dressed in a red dress, the cleavage left most of her tits bare. It was also short, leaving the last inch of her ass naked. The slightest hint of leaning forward would give someone a perfect view of her braless jugs or pantyless ass.

She also wearing a pair of matching red high heals and big sunglasses.

Dong had used the computer to get her an appointment under the name Lynda Tickler.

She walked up to the reception desk.

“I have an appointment. I really need to get knocked up.” Esmeralda said in a mock obnoxious upper-class voice.

“Name?” The nurse behind the desk asked.

“Um? Tickler. Lynda Tickler.” Esmeralda said almost forgetting her new alterego.

“I see that you have already paid. Fill in this form.” She said.

Esmeralda went through the same procedure as all the other women and soon she was locked in to a Trojan.

What was the plan for not getting me pregnant? Esmeralda wondered. Before she knew it someone was mounting her. She relaxed when she recognized the feel of Dong’s cock. She was having a good time when she noticed strange swirling colors on the little LCD screen in front of her. A soothing voice in the headphones started talking to her. The first message didn’t have any effect on her. She was already enjoying her breeding and she had every intention to be a good mom to the kids.

But then a second voice started talking and her mind went blank.


That afternoon

Esmeralda awoke from her trance. She was in large room which looked like a studio apartment, It was decorated to look like an old Transylvanian castle, there was thick tapestries, old statues and a fake fire place. It gave an overall tacky look.

She was in a cage. There was other cages with naked women in them.

A short boy in a tacky super villain outfit stood at the door to the cage.

He wore an avocado green and black star trek uniform with what looked like a lightsaber in a Badman utility belt and thick black rimmed glasses.

Nerd Boy, that means Lactarella the milk vampire is near by. Esmeralda thought.

“Mistress. We have a new one.” Nerd Boy called out.

A woman in a long black dress came floating through the air. She had raven black hair, paper white skin, blood red lips and the biggest tits Esmeralda ever seen on a woman. Lactarella’s tits would have been crippling to a normal human, making it impossible to move. But the magic power that let her float through the air did the same for her tits.

Esmeralda wanted to move, to speak. But wasn’t able. The trance had lifted from her mind but not her body.

By what seemed like magic, Lactarella’s dress parted revealing the nipples on her Titanic tits. She floated forward pushing her nipples through the bars.

“Get down on you’re knees and drink of my magnificent breast’s and become one of my little cow’s” Lactarella commanded in a thick Transylvanian accent.

Esmeralda tried to defy her. She tried to say no, but instead she knelt and put her lips to one of her breasts and started drinking.

She knew what would happen if she drank to much, she would become one of Lacterella’s slaves, addicted and compliant.

She felt a warmth flow through her and her own tits swelling

Esmeralda drank of the thick creamy liquid until she could not drink more.

“Your breasts are growing fast. You will make an excellent milk cow.” Lactarella said.

“Mistress, I am glad to see you so pleased with my find. May I play with her while her udders ripen?” Nerd Boy asked rubbing his hands in anticipation.

“I suppose you deserve it.” Lacterella said patting the boy on the head.

She opened one of the cages and ordered one of the other women to follow her.

The woman struggled to her feet, encumbered by her enormous tits. Then they walked away.

“Well, I suppose you’re wondering why you are here and how you got here?” Nerd Boy started his evil villain monologue With a smug smile.

“I got the idea when my mistress subcontracted me to a company who wanted to make the dumb bimbos they scammed more complaint. That’s where you and the other bimbos that wouldn’t give me time of day comes in. You see, my Mistress Lacterella, requires women with big tits to give her the milk she requires to live. I added a small, but brilliant subroutine to clinic’s data network. It detected the bra size on the applicants and added an addition to the hypnotic message. And your pregnancy will make you’re milk more potent and add to her power. Soon my artifactual control will loose it’s grip on you’re mind. But before that happens my mistress will have you addicted to her. Now take off you’re clothes and start sucking my dick.” Nerd Boy finished with a superior smile.

He dropped his pants revealing his spider-man boxer-shorts.

Esmeralda wanted to shout, move, point out that his plan was unnecessarily complicated, or disobey in any way.

Instead she started to undress. Her growing tits had already split her dress down the front and the dress slipped off easily.

She got down on her knees and wrapped her lips around Nerd Boy’s cock.


At the clinic

Dong couldn’t believe a pussy could so tight.

He had just finished fucking Esmeralda. At least, he thought it was Esmeralda. He wanted to make sure it was he who got his wife knocked up. He was going to hang around her insemination room to see what happened. That’s when he saw one of the prettiest women he had ever seen. She was a petite brunette with big brown eyes and a peach shaped butt. He decided there was time for quick fuck. He had lost track of time and was now fucking her for the third time.

He was taking his time. Enjoying the sound of her squealing orgasms. She was exhausted and it was getting harder to make her cum. So he was giving it all he got. Yet still her pussy was tight like a vise.

He listening to her breathing and realized she was going to cum again. He concentrated trying not to cum too soon. This was probably the last orgasm he could coax out of her before she passed out of exhaustion.

They came together. Dong dismounted and started contemplating having another go at the petite ass. Then it hit him.

Esmeralda. This was supposed to be a quickie. I lost track of time. Dong thought.

Dong headed out the door. Only pausing to press the green button summoning the next breeder. Then he left the room. There was no reason for her fun to stop.

He rounded a corner and bumped in to Nurse Gillian.

“Did you see that woman? Esme…. Umm.. Lynda Tickler?” Dong asked.

“She left over an hour ago. Why?” Nurse Gillian replayed.

“No reason. I got to go.” Dong said and ran.

Dong entered his van and switched on the homing beacon locator. To his relief he saw that it was transmuting. He turned the ignition key and drove off.

He stopped outside an abandoned apartment building. All the windows where boarded shut. Dong found an old fire escape ladder in an alley on the building’s left side. The metal was rusted and broken in many places. He started up the rigidity stairs peering into every window as he climbed. It was hard to see inside. The cracks between the boards where small. At the top floor he saw something.

A pale woman with impossible huge boobs where sitting on a couch, legs spread wide.

Another woman was on her knees licking her cunt.

At the far end of the room he saw Esmeralda on her hands and knees. A young boy in avocado green and black was fucking her from behind.

Lacterella and Nerd Boy. Those dastardly fiends. Dong thought

He climbed the stairs to the roof and found a door leading to a staircase leading down.

He found a door that looked like it led to the room where he had seen Esmeralda. He opened I quietly. It was a smaller room filled with Nerd Boys equipment.

Having dealt super villains professionally for many years Dong recognized a hypnotic transducer when he saw one.

He started up the computer and started creating a new hypnotic program. He saved it as an .avi file. Then he accessed the buildings media entertainment system.

Lacterella sat on the red satin couch, she had one of her slaves on her knees licking her cunt. Her slave had been down there for almost an hour trying to earn a taste of her mistress’ milk by pleasing her. The withdrawal was getting bad.

Lacterella was heading for another orgasm when the LCD screen with the fake fire in it disappeared and new image appeared. It was like a swirling rainbow. She felt her mind relax and become susceptible to change.



A week later.

Dong awoke in his bed. Esmeralda was laying next to him. Lacterella was kneeling next to the bed.

“Does master desire his morning blow job?” She asked.

Dong could hear the boys upstairs fucking the women from Lacterella’s lair.

“Today your master desires that you ride his cock.” Dong said with great satisfaction.

“You know you can’t keep all these women for ever.” Esmeralda said in a sleepy voice.

“I know. Another week, six months at most.” Dong said in a dismissing tone.

Lacterella got up on the bed straddling Dong’s cock.

The end