(c) by Shadow X.

Terra and Jenny had only known each other a short while (sense the beginning of their senior year) but they had already bec ome more than good friends. Jenny had been very nervous the first time it happened. Terra has invited her over for the weekend. She had said that her parents were out of town and they didn’t have a lock on the liquor cabinet. When Jenny arrived Friday night she detected something odd about the way Terra was acting. After they had had a little dinner Terra went to the liquor cabinet and got out some vodka and made some screwdrivers.

Jenny had never drank before and it didn’t take long before Jenny was feeling loosened up. That was when Terra suggested the put in a video. When Jenny asked what movie Terra was putting in she just smiled her mischievous little smile. When the TV came on Jenny was surprised as on the screen a woman was moaning loudly as a huge jet of cum splashed on her ample chest. Maybe it was the vodka or maybe it was the fact the she had broken up with her boyfriend last week (not that they ever did anything a fact that was a source of constant frustration for her) but the site of the cum drenched tits on the screen was really turning her on. The video continued as another woman came into the scene and began to lick clean the first girl. At this Terra spoke up. She leaned over and whispered into Jenny’s ear.

“Is this turning you on as much as it is me?”

Jenny couldn’t take her eyes off the screen so she just nodded.

“What are we going to do about this?” asked Terra.

When Jenny didn’t answer she reached over and put her hand on Jenny’s breast. Jenny began to move away but something stopped her. Terra’s hand felt so good on her long neglected breast. When her advance was met with no resistance Terra decided to see how far she could take it. The reached over with her other hand and began to unbutton Jenny’s blouse. At this Jenny turned her attention from the television and looked at her friend. She had always admired Terra’s body and now she decided to get a better look.&n bsp; She reached out and took hold of the bottom of Terra’s T-shirt and bega n to lift it over her head. It was then that she noticed that her fri end wasn’t wearing a bra. The sight of her friends naked breasts in f ront of her the nipples hard as erasers made Jenny even hornier. She dec ided that she would not be satisfied just putting her hands on them so she ben t down and gently cupping Terra’s left breast in her hands stuck out her tongue and teased the nipple. The feeling of Jenny’s tongue on her breast sent waves of pleasure through her. Jenny felt her friend’ s body tense as she took the nipple into her mouth and began to suck on it. She was so concentrating on the breast in her mouth she hadn’t noticed Terra put her hand up her skirt until she felt the hand press against her soaked panties. At this she took a cue from her friend and slipped a hand inside the waist of Terra’s pants and going further inside her panties. Jenny felt the moisture seeping from her friend’s cunt. Feeling more adventurous Jenny decided to slip one finger into her friend’s pussy. When Terra felt this she decided to slip a finger under Jenny’s panties and pull them down. Once Jenny’s panties were down around her knees Terra began to reach up and touch her friends pussy. When she started to slip a finger inside Jenny jerked away. Terra was afraid that she has pushed things too far. Seeing that her friend was confused by her actions Jenny spoke up.

“I like what we are doing but you know I am a virgin. I don’t even use a dildo when I masturbate and I just don’t want anything in me until my wedding night.”

At this Terra decided to try something else and bent over and kissed Jenny lightly at the top of her mound. She slowly began to lick at Jenny’s pussy. It was like nothing Jenny has ever felt. She slid her fingers back into Terra’s cunt and slowly began to finger fuck her. As the speed increased both girls began to get very excited. Jenny began to cum and the taste of her friend’s orgasm sent Terra over the top. The both lay there both several minutes their pussies twitching in the afterglow of orgasm. After they had caught their breath again Jenny said that she was still horny and wanted to do something new. Terra said that she had an idea. She told Jenny to take off all of her clothes except her shoes. Jenny started to undress and Terra did the same. Jenny asked what she planned to do. Terra asked if Jenny had ever ridden a horse. Jenny replied that she had but not in the buff. Terra said that the farmer down the road never locked his barn and that she had snuck over late at night to go riding before. The Idea of walking half a mile down a country in nothing but her sneakers excited Jenny in a way she had never felt before. The girls didn’t talk much on the way to the barn. Once they got there Terra tacked up both the horse’s. They mounted the horse’s and began their ride. The Feel of the leather on their bare cunts and the rhythmic movement of the animals between their legs caused them both to cum several times before the ride was over. When they finally got back to the barn they untacked the horse’s and started to put away the tack when a figure appeared at the door of the barn. The figure called out for them to put down the saddles. The two girls where both startled but Terra also felt excited at being caught. The figure reached out and flicked on the barn light exposing the girls fully. Jenny tried unsuccessfully to cover herse lf with her hands but Terra just stood there to be stared at. Now that the lights where on the girls could see that the figure was the owner of the farm GregAnderson. They could also see that in his hand he held videotape. Terra spoke first.

“What’s on that?” she ask ed nodding at the tape.

“Just something I shot tonight. I noticed some one had been taking late night rides on my horse’s so I bought a video camera in the hope of getting enough evidence that I could press charges if they ever came back. When I saw someone going into the barn I got my cam era and snuck out here. Imagine my surprise when I saw the two of you. I decided to follow you on your ride. You two seemed to REALLY enjoy your ride. I also noticed that the two of you have been drinking. That won’t be good when the cops arrive.”

At this both the girl’s stood there speechless. Then Greg turned away from them and said over his shoulder.

“If you two will come with me into the house to wait around while I call the cops?”

At that Jenny looked at Terra and said “My folks are going to kill me. I can’t be arrested like this.”

Terra replied: “Yeah no shit! Like it will be any better for me after what happened last month.”

Then she turned to Gregand pleaded with him “Please don’t call the cops. We’ll do anything just don’t call the cops.”

To that Gregpaused and turned back to the girls.

“Anything?” he asked.

Terra looked at Jenny questioningly. Jenny nodded slightly and turned to Jack.


He seemed to consider for a moment and then said, “Ok but if at any point you refuse to do something the cops get the tape.”

The girls agreed and prepared for what the thought would come. They expected that Jenny would suck his dick and Terra would fuck him and everybody would go home. That was not what Greg had in mind. He first got some bails of hay and placed them in the middle of the barn. Next he told the girls to lay down on their backs on the hay. They started to object to having to lay on the prickly hay but when Greg started to head back to the house they both laid down without complaint. As soon as they were in position Gregpicked up some ropes. First he tied Terra’s right hand to Jenny’s left. Then he wrapped another rope under the hay and tied the ends to the remaining hand of each girl. He then used another rope to tie Terra’s right ankle to Jenny’s left. Then he got two more ropes then tied one end of one to a rail and the other end to Terra’s left ankle. He then did the same thing on the other side to Jenny. He then pulled on the ends of the rope pulling both girls legs apart fully exposing their pussies. This left the two girls lying about two feet apart each on their own bail of hay with one arm and one leg tied to each other, their legs spread wide. They where completely vulnerable to whatever Gregwanted to do to them. The girls where a little frightened by their situation, but more than that they were getting turned on. Once he had secured the ends of the ropes Gregmoved over to the girls. He reached down and ran his hand over both girls’ cunts and even slid one into Terra. He then turned and walked out of the barn and went into his house. Just as the girls where getting really worried he reemerged caring a video camera and a tripod. He set the camera up so as to get a good view of the girls wet pussies. Next he walked around to the girls heads and pulled three pieces of cloth out of his pockets. He used two of them to gag the girls and then used the remaining one to blindfold Jenny. Now that the girls were properly prepared he walked over to the stall that the horse Jenny rode was in. He led it out and over towards the girls.

“You two had a good time at the expense of me and my horse’s. Now its time to pay for what you did.”

He then led the horse over so that he was positioned directly over Jenny. He tied the horse to a rail in that position and then turned his attention to Terra. He walked around so that he could get at her pussy. He reached down and slid first one finger then two into her. As he began to finger fuck the girl she began to get wetter and wetter. After a few minuets he slid a third finger into her. Jenny had no Idea what was going on. Her only clues were Terra’s jerks at the rope and the loud squishing so und that Gregwas making. Terra could not believe what was going on as she felt Gregslide a forth finger into her. She could feel herself stretching to sizes she didn’t think possible. The feeling was like nothing she had ever experienced before. It was amazing. She thought she had reached her limit when she felt him slide his whole hand into her. When he had his hand in her he stopped pumping and started wiggling his fingers inside of her. That was too much for Terra she let out a scream muffled by the gag as she started the most intense organism she had ever had. When he felt her begin to cum he balled his hand into a fist and began pumping her with his fist. The sensation almost caused Terra to pass out. When finally he pulled his fist from her sopping cunt he moved over in front of the horse and held his hand in front of the horse’s nose. The smell of fresh quem caused the horse to begin to get excited. Gregreached under the horse and took hold of his huge dick and began to rub the tip against Jenny’s pussy. Jenny had been so intend on figuring out what was happening to Terra that when she felt skin rubbing against her exposed cunt it startled her. She started to jerk away but it felt so good that she couldn’t. As Greg rubbed the horse’s dick against Jenny faster she began to get really wet and it was having it’s effect on the horse too. His dick was enlarging to massive proportions. Once Gregthought that Jenny was wet enough and the horse was hard enough he began to slide the tip into her. When Jenny realized that something was going into her virgin pussy she began to struggle but there was nothing she could do about it. As this huge thing ground into her pussy the combination of pain and pleasure was almost too much for Jenny. Before long she felt the intruding object stop going in and start to slide out. Just when she thought it would go all the way out it began to thrust back in. As the horse began to thrust with increasing speed and force Jenny began to enjoy the feeling. Soon she was straining against the ropes impaling her self onto this object. As she began to build towards orgasm one thought crossed in the back of jenny’s mind. She knew that no man could be this big but she could tell that the thing in her was flesh so what could it be? But the thought was gone before it could completely form. Terra could not believe what she was seeing. Her friend that earlier has balked when she tried to finger her now had a horse dick plunging into her. Jen ny could feel her orgasm building as she jammed herself onto this object. Gregcould see that Jenny was just on the edge of orgasm so he moved up to her head and just as she began to cum he removed her blind fold. Jenny was instantly presented with her true situation. She realized she was in the process of loosing her virginity to a horse. She was disgusted by the thought but the feeling was so good that she couldn’t make herself stop. As she came she could feel the horse begin to blast his cum into her. The feeling was so intense that she balked and the horse slipped out of her. The horse was still cumming and sprayed his seaman all over her. It splashed on her exposed breasts and all over her face. When the horse finished cumming Greglead him back to his stall. He then went to the girls and took the gags out of their mouths. Terra was the first to speak.

“Can we go now?” Greg just looked down at them and smiled and said “No.”

“Then what are we supposed to do now?” Jenny asked.

Greg replied: “Well first we have to clean you up.”

Then Greg moved to the girl’s feet. He untied their ankles from one another but then tied Jenny’s ankle to a rail leaving her even more spread than she had been. He then did the same thing with their hands. Once Terra was no longer tied to Jenny, Greguntied her from the rail but retied her hands behind her. Gregthen said to Terra

“Now lick all the cum off your little friend you must swallow all of it and that includes sucking all the horse cum out of her sopping pussy. And if you pause to do any thing but clean her you will be punished.”

Terra just stood there for a second but then she moved over to Jenny, bent down and started to lick the horse cum off of her stomach. She slowly worked her way up. By the time she got to Jenny’s breasts they where both getting turned on again. She stopped her progress to suck on her nipples for a second but when Greg took his finger and rammed it into her rectum she quickly started to move on up and licked all of the animals cum off her face. By the time she finished she had forgotten about having to clean Jenny’s pussy too. She started to back away as if finished when Greg grabbed her roughly by the breast with one hand and jammed his finger into her ass again. She immediately remembered and moved down Jenny’s cunt. It was slightly oozing horse cum. Terra bent down and took a lick of her friend’s cum covered and filled cunt. She started with the cum on the outside of Jenny’s pussy. Then when the outside was clean she began to suck the cum out of her. For Jenny the feeling was amazing. She had had her snatch licked before but no one had actually sucked something out of her. When Terra thought she had all of the cum out of her friend she backed away. Greg said that he was going to check and see if there was any left but if there was that they would both be in trouble . He moved to Jenny’s pussy and put two fingers from each hand in her and pulled her wide open and looked inside. When he didn’t see anythi ng he removed one hand and jammed the remaining two fingers deep into her and swept around feeling for any residue. When he finally pulled his fingers out of her there was a little speck of cum on one of them. He turned to Terra and said,

“I told you you had to swallow all of it. This means that I will have to think of something new.”

He stood considering for a moment. Then a gleam came to his eye. He told Terra to bend over one of the rails. She did as she was told.& nbsp; She moved over to the rail and bent over it. When she did this Greg came over and tied her feet to two posts. Then he untied her hands from behind her back and retied them together in front of her then tied them to another rail so that she was completely bent over the rail. This exposed her pussy and ass completely to anyone behind her and her breasts dangled from her chest bouncing slightly. Greglooked around the barn searching for just the right thing. He saw a crop hanging on the wall, he went over and got it. Seeing him do this she braced herself for the impact she knew was coming she closed her eyes and waited but the sting of the crop across her exposed ass never came just as she was beginning to relax Gregtook the handle of the crop and rammed it up her ass. She now expected him to start pumping it in and out of her but once again she was surprised. He simply left her there bent over the rail with the crop sticking out of her ass. He then moved around the front of her and unzipped his pants. Terra didn’t have to be told what to do she knew what was expected of her. She took his semi soft dick into her warm mouth. She could feel him getting harder in her mouth. She started to suck and bob her head up and down on him. She ran her tongue around his swollen member while she ran her lips up and down on his dick. Before long she could tell that he was getting ready to cum just as she expected him to jam his dick down her throat he pulled away from her. He then moved around behind her. He took the crop in his hand and yanked out of her ass. Then he lined up behind her took his dick in his hand and rammed it into her waiting ass. As he began to pump her ass he reached around her and took hold of her dangling breasts. He started using her breasts to pull him self up on her. As he rammed into her faster and harder she felt him squeeze her aching breasts even harder she felt him tense and then from deep with in her ass she felt him start to cum. She felt him shoot two squirts of hot jizz into her ass and then he quickly pulled out of her ass and jammed himself into her pussy. She then felt him shoot three shots in her cunt before he pulled out of that and shot his last on the outside of her pussy and her crack. He then moved quickly back over to Jenny and said,

“Clean me off.”

She took him into her mouth and sucked the last of the cum out of him along with the juices still on him from Terra. He then stood up and untied Jenny from the rails and tied her hands behind her back. He then said to her

“Remember how nice your friend was when my horse made a mess on you? Well it’s time for you to return the favor. And don’t forget all that is in both her holes.”

Jenny stood up and moved over and knelt behind Terra.

She like her friend started by licking clean the out side. She started with that that was running down Terra’s crack and then moved down to her dripping cunt. Greg watched her closely and when he noticed her pause to tongue Terra’s clit reached down and squeezes her breasts so hard that she let out a little yelp.

“Remember you are just cleaning up.”

He scolded her. She quickly went back to the task at hand. She had finished cleaning the outside of her friend she proceeded to suck the cum from inside her friends pussy. After several minutes of sucking on Terra’s twat Jenny was convinced that that part of her friend was clean she moved up to her ass. She started by burrowing her tongue into Terra’s ass and once she had an opening she started to suck with all her might. The sensation was unbelievable to Terra. It took sever al minuets of this before Jenny felt confident that her friend was all clean she leaned back and looked to Gregfor his approval. He repeated the process he had preformed on Jenny with her pussy. When he removed his fingers this time however they where clean. When he was satisfied that her cunt was clean he moved on to her ass. He then gave it the same treatment that he had given to both girls pussies. Unfortunately for the friends the result was not the same when he pulled his fingers from her ass they had traces of his cum on them.

“You know whatt his means don’t you?”

He asked the girls. They both nodded. He untied Terra from the rail and tied her hands behind her back. He then tied Jenny’s hands to a post so that she was standing facing the middle of the barn. Next he had Terra sit down on one of the bails of hay. When she did this he untied her hands and told her to lay face down on the bail. He then arranged her so that her knees were on the floor and then tied her hands and ankles back to the posts just as they had started only instead of her back she has the hay poking her tender breasts. Once he had her secured he went to the stall of the horse she had ridden earlier. As he led the horse to a position straddling her he said,

“Your friend has paid back the horse she rode now it’s your turn.”

He tied the horse to a rail and then turned his attention back to Jenny. She didn’t know what was going to happen. Unlike with Terra he didn’t bother to start with one finger and work his way up. He just put his finger tips together to make his hand into a point and jammed his whole hand into her cunt. She gasped as her over used, until recently virgin, pussy was suddenly filled by his hand. He quickly made a fist and began pumping her now dripping twat. She began to moan with pleasure as his fist plunged in and out of her. He even brought up his other hand and began to rub her clit. He kept getting faster and faster until she was just on the edge of orgasm and pulled out leaving Jenny moaning for him to finish. To this he just said

“That’s for not getting your friend all the way clean.”

And then he turned as if just remembering something he bent over picked up the discarded crop and rammed it into Jenny’s ass. He then moved back to the horse and held his dripping hand in front of the horse. This had the same affect as on the first horse. Now that the horse has begun to get hard he took it in his hand and began to rub the head over Terra’s exposed cunt and ass. As both the horse and the girl got more excited Greg took the horse’s now fully erect cock and shoved it into the girl’s ass. This took a minute but as soon as the horse began to thrust heard Greg once more turned to Jenny. First he took hold of the crop and took a few strokes in and out of her ass with it, but as soon as she started to enjoy it he pulled it out and dropped it on the floor. He then untied her and told her to start licking the horse’s dick as it rammed in and out of her friend. Jenny did as she was told. She got down on her knees and took hold of the horse dick as it pumped in and out of Terra’s ass and began licking for all she was worth. Jenny was so intent on what she was doing that she didn’t notice as Greg positioned himself behind her. He took his dick in his hand and with out warning jammed it into her ass. She stopped licking the horse and began ramming her ass against his throbbing cock. When she did this he yelled at her to keep licking the horse. She did as she was told. He reached around and under her and took hold of her breasts using them to repeatedly pull her backward on to his dick. He could feel his orgasm building. He pulled out of her yanked her away from the horse by her breasts and flipped her on to her back on the floor. He immediately straddled her chest put his dick between her breasts and started thrusting. She reached up and pressed her breasts together pressing his dick in-between. His hands now free he began to fist fuck Terra’s cunt. Just as he began to cum all over Jenny’s face he saw Terra tense as she came and at the same time the horse began pumping its cum into her. The horse produced so much cum that it began to ooze out around its cock and down her crack and into her cunt that was still gaping from the fisting it had just received from Jack. Jenny didn’t have to be prompted she quickly took Jack’s softening dick into her mouth and cleaned it completely. He stood up and motioned to Jenny. She followed his gaze and saw what he expected the horse was now free of Terra’s ass and was covered in it’s own jizz. She quickly moved under the horse being careful not to spill any of Jacks cum from her breasts and face. She then began diligently licking up the cum coating the horse cock. Once all of the cum was gone from the out side of the horse, she took the head into her mouth and sucked the last remaining drops from inside. Once she had done this Gregtold the girls that all they had to do is clean each other one more time using only their mouths. He warned that if they miss even one drop they would be in trouble. At that he took the horse and returned it to its stall. Jenny slowly moved over and untied her friend being careful not to spill any of the cum. Once untied, Terra quickly began lapping up the cum from her friends face and breasts for the second time that night. She was especially careful not to linger on her nipples. As soon as she felt the last of the cum licked from her body Jenny moved down to her friends dripping cunt and ass. She just as before started with that that was on the outside and once that was all lapped up she moved on to the now gapping and sore pussy she very gently sucked the cum from inside her friend. She the then moved on to the abused ass and gently sucked the massive amounts of animal cum from within. She made the mistake for just a moment of gently brushing her hand along Terra’s cunt and was rewarded with the sharp feeling of the crop being rammed into her ass. When she finished she looked to Gregand he came over to examine her work. Leaving the crop protruding from her ass Gregthis time didn’t bother to carefully examine the cunt and instead started by jamm ing his fist in and rubbing it around the inside when he removed it, it was covered in nothing but Terra’s juices. He held the hand in front of Jenny who quickly licked it clean. He then repeated the process on her ass with the same result. He then told the girls to stand with their legs spread for one last thing. They did as they were told. He kneeled behind them balled his fists and rammed a hand into each girls’ cunt. He removed his hands and told the girls that he would see them again next weekend. The girls started to object but he rammed his hands into the girls aching asses and reminded them of the video camera standing on a tripod in the corner of the barn and asked the m if they wanted their families to see what they had done. The both said no. He removed his hands and told the girls to get going as the sun was coming up and that had left their clothes at home. The girls hurried out the door. They didn’t say anything most of the way home until finally as the neared Terra’s house when Jenny turned to her friend and said in a soft voice:

“What are we going to do?”

Terra turned and looked at her friend and said,

“What ever he wants.”