Robert Montgomery stood on the porch of his mountain cabin, surveying the rolling landscape through binoculars. He was immaculate in his appearance which showed with the reflection on his well-polished boots. Handsome in his park service uniform, he enjoyed his work immensely. Robert was a game warden doing double-duty as a fire watcher, and lived year round in his isolated cabin with his wife, Kysa. She was interminably bored by their lonely life – but she had found certain interesting compensations that made the boredom more sufferable. Kysa was just seventeen years old, and seemed to have made a mistake in marrying the handsome Park Ranger. Her boredom generated extremely vile and evil thoughts deep within her loins, which she had begun to act upon.

Robert smiled when he saw the thin plume of gray smoke drifting up from Rita’s cabin. She always seemed pleased to see him and a visit to the sexy woman was always a treat. The front of his tight-fitting trousers began to swell at the prospect. Robert turned back into the house.

Kysa was reading a magazine, her shapely legs parted and a lot of creamy thigh showing under the hem of her short skirt. She had never adapted to wearing clothing more suitable for life in the wilds. She wore boots, but they were fashionable ones. She always wore a garter-belt and stockings. Robert thought it was kind of absurd – but it turned him on, too.

She glanced up from the magazine. She was a pretty girl with high cheekbones and a heavy mane of dark auburn hair, a tight, bouncy ass and unusually large tits. Robert never cared for her tits, though, having been struck by the vivacity of her face and smile when they courted. Looking at her parted thighs, Robert, who was already feeling horny, wondered if he should fuck her. Fucking his sexy wife was no hardship and they fucked frequently but, at the moment, Robert decided that he should save his cum for Rita. After all, he could fuck his young wife any day, and Rita was only available the odd weekend. Rita was an older, more experienced woman. Attractive in her own way, she was hornier than the Devil, and would do things to Robert that he could not even begin to dream about with Kysa. And even if she was willing, he was afraid to ask her.

“I saw some smoke over on the next ridge,” Robert said. “I guess I better go have a look, in case it’s a brush fire.”

“All right, darling,” Kysa said.

A flicker of a smile passed across her sensual lips. She knew perfectly well where her husband was going, and why. She had followed him one time, having become suspicious, and had seen him go into the cabin with Rita. But the knowledge that her husband was being unfaithful to her didn’t trouble Kysa in the slightest. In fact, it was handy for her purposes, since it got the man out of the way and allowed her to indulge in her own naughty inclinations.

“Are you taking the Jeep?” she asked.

“Thought I might ride the horse,” Robert said. He rather liked the image of himself in the saddle.

Kysa looked down, concealing an annoyed frown. “I really had intended to groom both Cheyenne and Charlie this afternoon, Robert. His coat is quite matted. Take the Jeep, instead, okay?”

Robert shrugged and nodded. Although his wife hated most things about life in the wilds, she had always seemed to be fond of the horse. That pleased Robert – who hadn’t the faintest idea of just how fond of that horse his wife was, and in what manner. But Kysa has dark desires and even darker fantasies. She loved horses. Oh, not neccessarily the animals themselves, but rather their cocks. She even entertained fantasies of becoming a “horse prostitute,” that is, getting people to pay her good money to come around and fuck and suck their horses for show. It was awful, but her thoughts electrified not only her mind, but her pussy.

“I’ll be back in a couple of hours,” he said.

“Take your time,” said Kysa.

But Robert never came home. He called and left a message that he was needed over at Indian Ridge where a bridge was out. Figuring he was busy fucking that whore Rita, she decided to take advantage of her time alone. After dinner, Kysa finished washing the dishes and putting everything away. Her body trembled with anticipation and fear. She gulped back her rising panic and hurried out of the house. Outside, she took a deep breath. She was glad Robert wasn’t home. There would have been questions about all the time spent in the barn. She smiled. Tomorrow, there would be no questions. She was intent on giving her ‘horse virginity’ over to Cheyenne tonight.

Having never been around horses before, she could not believe how big their cocks were. All the more so, since all her former boyfriends were all very well-endowed. Robert, however, was not. His prick seemed disappointingly tiny compared to her former lovers’, and as a result, she had never came with him. Desperate for self-entertainment out here in the middle of nowhere, her thoughts turned to the horses. She was enamored with their unbelievably huge cocks! As Roberto left for the week to do a fire-watching circuit on the other side of the Tablelands, she ran across the yard to the barn, eager to meet her new lovers.

“Here I am,” she called out as she stepped into the barn and closed the door. She looked at the two stalls and the frisky stallions. Her knees suddenly went weak. “I’m getting nervous,” she said aloud, her own voice helping to calm her. She walked toward Cheyenne’s stall. Each step brought a tremor to her stomach and a squish of pussy-juice from her pussy’s engorged lips.

Passion and panic filled her. “You ready for me, Cheyenne?”

Cheyenne bobbed his head and whinnied. He kicked back at his stall, then stretched his neck, his rubbery lips wetting Kysa’s face. Kysa sighed. The wetness of Cheyenne’s mouth made her shiver and she relaxed a little.

“You’re ready,” she said, a tremor in her voice. She unlocked the stall and led the black powerful stallion to the center of the barn. “I am too.”

Cheyenne’s tail was swishing back and forth. His eyes were wide and the muscles under his sleek coat rippled. He sensed his mistress’s anxiety and neighed. Trembling, Kysa stripped off her shirt. Her pert little 5’3 lean body capped with plump DD-cup tits flushed a bright pink and her nipples hardened. She sighed deeply, then stripped off her jeans. Naked, she swayed as Cheyenne brought his wet rubbery lips to her sensitive tits.

“Yesss,” she moaned. His mouth soaked her big tits and pulled on her fat nipples. She stroked his forehead, letting the warmth spread through her young trembling body. “Yesss.” Cheyenne feasted on the young wife’s creamy tits. He covered one pulpy mound with his mouth, his tongue pressing against her nipple. His ears flickered as her hot whimpering voice aroused him. Kysa rocked on her heels. The nibbling mouth of her pet horse was erasing her worry. She melted to the ground, her legs spread, her pussy dripping. “Eat, Cheyenne. Get me hotter. Get me hot so I won’t be afraid if Robert catches us.” She rolled her hips, then sighed as Cheyenne brought his greedy mouth to the wet ooze of her tight little cunt.

Cheyenne sloshed his tongue up through her slit and over her clit. Her body jerked, hitting his mouth and he whinnied. He jammed his thick tongue into her pussy-hole and hit the thin skin of her pussy. Another jerk of his mistress’s body clogged his nostrils with buttery cream. Kysa felt his tongue probing. She felt the pressure against her clit, and then spreading her pubis. She spasmed. “God,” she gasped. She twisted her hips, her eyes wide as she glared up at the beamed roof. “God!” Her pussy contracted. Juice flowed. Her ass rubbed into the hay as the cream from her cunt trickled down to the crack of her puckered asshole. Passion swept through her and she lifted her head, a drunken expression on her young innocent face. She couldn’t put it off any longer. She needed to be fucked. At the same time, she was afraid.

“No more,” she gasped, rolling away from the slurping stallion. “No more.”

She staggered to her feet, her head spinning. She saw the bench and sighed as she dragged it to the center of the barn. “It’s time,” she mouthed. She sprawled out on the bench, legs spread, feet firmly planted on the ground. “C’mere, Cheyenne. C’mere.” Cheyenne stepped over the twitching young wife and began slapping her flushed face with his tongue. The head of his prick poked out from its sheath and his balls started swelling as Kysa whimpered and urged him forward with her small hands. Kysa, trembling with excitement and fear, squirmed. His fat limp cock brushed across her wide breasts. She spasmed, grabbed the thick sheath and began jerking on his shaft. “Get hard,” she moaned. “I’ve got to get you hard before I chicken out.”

Cheyenne pawed the ground as the teenager fondled his prick. He snorted, his head swaying back and forth. His rump twitched, the muscles flexing under his shiny black coat. Kysa squirmed, bringing her mouth closer to his growing cock. She slapped out her tongue, swiping it across the bloated cockhead. Her fingers shifted along his prickshaft and she quaked as more of his massive prick became exposed. With Cheyenne neighing, she took the head of his cock in her mouth and sucked. She twisted, then gagged as Cheyenne’s prick turned to steel and plunged into her throat. Cheyenne hacked at her mouth, his balls whacking her chin as he ripped his prick into her gullet. He snorted, backed up, then jammed hard, driving his cock back into Kysa’s throat.

Kysa creamed. She stifled a gag and slashed his dick with her tongue. With her body shaking, she struggled until his cock popped from her mouth.

“It’s time,” she said. She inched her body back along the bench. Cheyenne’s spit-soaked prick brushed across her flesh. She spasmed. It felt like a hot poker against her skin. Cheyenne, his prick throbbing, neighed. He jerked, his balls aching as he tried to jam his prick back into her mouth. It was impossible and he snorted in frustration.

“Easy,” Kysa soothed, a tremor in her voice. “Easy.” She held his cock and rubbed it over her taut stomach. Another twisting move and his steel-beamed dick brushed through the silky blonde hair of her tight little cunt. “Ohhh, God!” Shaking like a leaf, she pushed his prick between her legs. The bloated head gouged through the entrance to her tight little pussy-hole. “It’s up to you now,” she moaned, her voice filled with panic. She steadied her shaking body.

“I can take it. I took it in my mouth.” Her own words did nothing to alleviate the fear that now gripped her. Cheyenne, his cock throbbing like a bad tooth, jerked forward. Sizzling pussy juice coated the fat spongy head of his prick as he jammed it between the folds of her cunt. He neighed, the steamy heat reaching into his balls. He jerked forward, the head of his cock now pressing menacingly against the thin skin of Kysa’s lips.

Kysa, her body stiff, felt the pressure. She reached up and stroked his flanks. “Now, Cheyenne,” she gasped. “Fuck me! Fuck me!”

Cheyenne neighed, then lurched forward. The powerful jerk drove his cock into her pussy and ripped her cunt wide and gaping. Immediately, cunt muscles grabbed at his cock. He jabbed again, stretching the girl’s tight gripping pussy.

“It hurts!” Kysa cried out as Cheyenne ripped away her ‘horse virginity. “Oh god,” she cried in tears, “it hurts! it hurts! it hurts! it hurts! it hurts! it hurts!” She thrashed on her back, her hips jerking frantically as the juices in her pussy dried up. She hyperventilated in short gasps, unable to catch her breath through the immense pain of his violent penetration.

Cheyenne, oblivious to the pain he was causing, rammed hard, driving his cock deep into the girl’s twisting body. The fit was tight, the hole dry. He snorted, lunged again, then kicked at the ground as Kysa’s shrieking voice filled the barn. Kysa was in a panic. She bucked her hips, the pain spreading. Each move of her body only helped Cheyenne to drive his cock deeper. “No,” she screamed. “No!”

Cheyenne whinnied and jabbed. The tight dry cunt enveloping his prick agitated him. The friction was making his balls ache. He stepped forward, driving his prick to the root. Kysa thrashed like a stuck pig on the horse’s giant cock. Waves of pain swept over her. Her head snapped up. She clawed his flanks, then her arms went limp. She moaned, then fainted as the unbearable pain became too much. Cheyenne wasn’t interested in his mistress’s pain. He pounded her limp body with savage jabs. His nuts whacked against her flesh and the bloated head of his cock cut deep into her cunt-hole. Kysa’s body twitched with each jab. Limp, the muscles in her cunt began to react instinctively to the pounding thrusts of the enraged stallion. Juices began seeping from the spongy walls of her cunt. The slick creamy juice coated Cheyenne’s jabbing prick and the pain began to subside.

With juice coating his throbbing cock, Cheyenne whinnied. He jabbed hard, his head bobbing as foam appeared on his rubbery lips. The muscles in his flanks heaved as his rigid cock began slicing through her now gooey cunt.

Kysa moaned, her hips began to respond to the pounding thrusts of the black stallion. Her eyelids fluttered as the pain disappeared. Exquisite pleasure brought her out of her faint.

“Cheyenne,” she gasped dreamily. “Oooo, Cheyenne!”

She brought her hands back to his heaving flanks and clawed. She humped up, meeting his jabs as he cut through her hot buttery cunt. “Ooooo, Cheyenne!” The pleasure overwhelmed her. “I can feel you throbbing.” Kysa swooned, the depth of his jabbing cock making her cream. “So deep! So fucking deep!” She arched her back, then gasped as a hard jab seemed to rip into her stomach. Cheyenne, his cock greased with the slick juices of Kysa’s cunt, battered her cunt-hole with his enormous prick. Nostrils flared, he snorted. He tossed his head, his thick mane slapped across his strained neck. His muscles rippled with power and he lunged forward, driving his prick to his balls as Kysa’s howling cries of joy made his ears flicker. Charlie, locked in his stall, neighed shrilly. The lust that filled the air agitated him. He kicked back, snorting and foaming at the mouth as Kysa’s wails of pleasure and Cheyenne’s shrill neighing filled his head.

Kysa gripped Cheyenne’s flanks. “Fuck me,” she moaned deliriously. “Fuck me, Cheyenne.” She humped up and down, her ass slapping against the rough Robert as Cheyenne slammed methodically in and out of her tight pulsing pussy. Cheyenne whinnied. His rump twitched. The spongy muscles of Kysa’s cunt made his cock swell with blood. He jabbed forward, pushing the twisting girl a few inches along the bench. Kysa, out of her mind, caught the stallion’s pace. She humped, her body arched for deep penetration. “Yes,” she cried out happily.


She felt the muscles of her cunt stretch. Each jab of his prick sent tremors caroming through her body. Each throb of his cock made her spasm.

“Fuck me!” she wailed. “Fuck me!”

With the horse pounding her pussy and neighing, Kysa lurched up, grinding her clit into his rough coat. Her eyes widened. The pleasure swept through her like a bolt of lightning. “Harder, fucker,” she gasped. “Rip me open!” Her ass came off the bench as one hard maniacal jab seemed to rip into her stomach. “Yeah, fucker … like that!” Cheyenne tore into her hot steamy cuntlips. pussy juice squished out over his swinging nuts with each thrust. He neighed, dropped his head and jabbed. The power of the thrust pushed the screaming teenager another few inches along the bench.

“Ooooo, Cheyenne!” she wailed. “You’re fucking my brains out!” She bucked like a demon beneath the pounding stallion. Each jab brought her closer to blowing her mind. “Heaven! Ooo, Cheyenne … your cock is …” She couldn’t finish her sentence as a wave of intense pleasure whipped through her cock-stuffed pussy. The blood engorging Cheyenne’s rock-hard cock boiled. His balls rumbled, the jizz ready to explode. He jabbed, neighing and snorting as he cut brutally through the spongy heat of the teenager’s pulsating pussy. Kysa felt the horse’s cock swell inside her stretched cunt. She shuddered. “Soak me, Cheyenne. Squirt your fucking cum in me!”

Knowing the raging beast was getting ready to blast his load turned Kysa into a hysterical mass of quivering, twisting flesh. She clawed his coat and humped her cunt at his spearing fuckrod. Her clit, swollen with blood, smashed into his body. “Me too!” she cried out. “I’m getting ready! Gonna cum!” With Cheyenne pounding her relentlessly, Kysa raced to the peak. Her huge tits jiggled and her body quaked as each powerful thrust brought her closer to blowing her mind. She lunged up and screamed as his jabs pushed
her further along the bench.

“Fuck me!” she screamed as she reached the peak. “Fuck me!” She hovered, her body convulsing as she waited for the jab that would take her into her orgasm. Cheyenne gave it to her. He punched his prick deep. His balls slapped against the jiggling flesh of her ass. He punched again, the power and quickness of his jabs did the trick.

“I’m cumming!” she screamed hysterically. “I’m cumming!”

The inside of Kysa’s climaxing pussy clamped around Cheyenne’s cock like a vise. “I’m creaming!” she shrieked as her cunt began milking his stabbing prick. “I’m cumming!” Milky pussy-cum washed over Cheyenne’s stabbing cock. Muscles contracted violently around his throbbing fuck shaft. He whinnied, his balls ready to bust as Kysa’s screaming voice and climaxing cunt turned him into a raging beast.

“Cum in me! Cum inside me, boy!” Kysa screeched hysterically. “Fill my womb, baby!” One orgasm after another swept through her pussy. She lunged at the pounding stallion, fucking herself blind as the horse’s balls burst. Cheyenne neighed, his head rearing. His nuts exploded and a thick river of jizz shot through his cock and squirted from his pisser. The first stringy load spurted deep as he pushed her toward the end of the bench with his powerful jabs.

“You’re cumming,” she wailed blissfully. “I feel it!” Each squirt of horse cum sent Kysa into another orgasm. “I feel your cum! It’s wonderful!” She thrashed wildly on the bench as the horse flooded her tight cunt with his thick lumpy jizz. “Fuck me! Rape me!” Out of her mind, she lifted her legs and desperately clutched his flanks. Her head dropped over the end of the bench and her eyes went wide. “Fuck me, Cheyenne. Cream me!” Cheyenne, his balls blasting, drilled his cock in and out of the teenager’s orgasming pussy. He neighed, pushing her an inch at a time off the bench. His balls, splattered with jizz and pussy-juice, whacked against her juicy flesh.

“Ooooo, Cheyenne,” Kysa screeched. She was half off the bench, her hips rotating wildly as each drilling jab of his massive prick stretched her cunt and filled it with cum. “Fuck me! I’m cumming again!”

With Kysa thrashing, the bench toppled over. She shouted, clutching the horse with her arms and legs. “Cheyenne!” Her head dropped back. Everything started spinning. “Cheyenne!” Cheyenne neighed. Tail swishing, he reared up on his hind legs and pranced. His front hooves kicked at the air as his head snapped back and forth. Kysa screamed, her body fused to his powerful frame. She ground her clit into his rough coat and climaxed again as the giant stallion dropped back to all fours. Cheyenne stepped forward. His rump jerked and his sweaty coat glistened. His flanks heaved and snorting grunts came from his flared nostrils. He jerked, his cock buried as pussy-cum and horse-jizz gushed from her cunt and soaked his erupting balls. Kysa was weakening. Her nails dragged down the animal’s flanks. She crashed to the hay-strewn floor, her pussy still impaled on the horse’s jabbing cock.

“Cheyenne!” she shrieked as he pushed her twisting body around. “Cheyenne!” She clawed the ground, her hips rotating as she milked his stabbing prick. “Cheyenne, I can’t stop cumming!”

Cheyenne pushed the screaming teenager into a pile of hay. He stabbed hard, his prick ripping deep. The squirting cum lost its power as his nuts drained. He neighed, his head bobbing as the girl clutched at his twitching rump. Kysa stiffened, then went limp. Her legs melted from his rump. Still impaled, she hung on his cock, her young body at the complete mercy of the raging horse. Cheyenne reared up again and took Lynn with him. He dropped to all fours, then jerked back, his spent prick popping from her fucked-outpussy.

Kysa’s ass crashed to the hay. She lay twitching and whimpering as Cheyenne dropped his head and began licking the cum oozing from her pussy.

“Yessss!” she sighed dreamily, her flesh still tingling from her first fuck. “Yessss!” Cheyenne finished licking the jizz oozing from her gash. He stepped back, whinnying softly as Kysa sat up.

“You were fantastic,” she panted, still trying to catch her breath. “Fantastic.”

She rubbed her cunt, then jammed a finger inside. “No cherry now for another horse.”

She licked her fingers, then plunged them back in her cunt. “Delicious,” she sighed. She finished cleaning her own cunt, then staggered to her feet. “You rest,” she said, leading him back to his stall. “Tomorrow’s another day.”

Kysa walked over and picked up her clothes. She dressed slowly. Every muscle in her body ached. “Whewwww,” she sighed, walking toward the door. “Whatta day!” She glanced back over her shoulder and looked at Charlie. “I got a surprise for you tomorrow.”

She stepped out into the moonlight, then hurried to the house. She wanted to get cleaned up before dropping her sore body into bed.

A week later, the morning came and Robert went out for work. Kysa sat in the chair, waiting until she heard the Jeep start up and drive away, bouncing over the rough road. Then a smile brightened her face. She drew the hem of her skirt higher and gazed down at her crotch. Kysa was not wearing panties. Her naked cunt bush was framed by the straps of a black garter-belt and above her stocking tops her bare thighs were smooth and soft. She had a luxurious pussy mound, the brown soft cunt hair curly and thick and the small triangle spreading perfectly from her V. Her cunt-lips were unfolded now, peeled back wide, and her slot was streaming cunt juice. She slid a hand down, cupping her soaking pussy and rubbing her fingertips against the stiff nugget of her clit. She purred, squirming against her hand.

“Daddy’s gone away for a while,” she crooned softly to her amazing little fuck hole as if it were an intelligent being. “That means you’re gonna get some real exercise.”

She rubbed her erect clit again, causing her whole body to shudder with pleasure. She slipped two fingers into her slippery hot pleasure channel and began to stroke slowly in and out. She threw her head back and her body arched with pleasure as her tight little buttocks squirmed in the chair. But then she drew her hand away. There was no way she was going to settle for a hand-job – not with the pleasure that was waiting in the barn.

Kysa stood up and removed her blouse and skirt, leaving her high boots, stockings and garter belt on. She didn’t imagine that the stallion cared about such embellishments as erotic garb, but looking sexy made her feel sexy and therefore enjoy it more. With her naked pelvis slung in the straps of her black garter belt like a juicy missile in a slingshot and her firm-globed ass swinging like a pendulum, Kysa went out of the cabin and walked down the path leading to the small barn where the horse was kept. The stallion was a buff-colored quarter horse, agile and nimble, with speed and endurance. It was just the right sort of mount to use in the thickly forested and rugged mountains, both for Robert, who rode it – and for his wife, who let the horse ride her.

When Kysa entered the barn, that stallion raised his head and nickered softly. He was growing happily accustomed to these visits from his master’s wife. His soft nostrils flared as he got a whiff of hot pussy and his dark cockhead came sliding slowly out from the leathery cock sheath. He snorted and pawed at the ground and his massive prick began to harden and lengthen. Kysa gazed at the formidable stirrings of his arousal with happy expectations. His long prick jerked up to the horizontal, the thick cockshaft sprouting out from his belly like
a slimy baseball bat. Kysa just adored that colossal horse-prick. She had only one regret – she was only able to take about two-thirds of it up her cunt and it seemed a shame to waste the other third.

She waited just inside the door, enjoying the sight of his rapidly growing prick and inflating balls. Then she moved to the side and bent down, her lush ass hiking up. There was smooth-bottomed sled in the barn, used mainly for hauling firewood for Robert across the snow, but Kysa had found a better use for it. Hauling the horse’s ashes was a lot more fun than dragging firewood for Robert. The sled was just the right height so that, when she reclined upon it, her cunt was level with the horse’s prick, and it made a perfect fucking platform. The surface of the sled was stained just under where her ass had been churning and her cunt had overflowed the last time she had used the sled, lathering the polished Robert. Reminding her, as it did, of how much she had enjoyed creaming on the cuntful of pounding stallion’s prick, the sight caused Kysa to tremble.

She took the sled by the rope lead and dragged it across the barn to the horse’s stall. The stallion eyed her and neighed, muscles rippling in his powerful haunches. Kysa pulled the sled in beside the powerful beast and his head bobbed down, mane tumbling. His tongue shot out and he nuzzled her cunt bush. She parted her thighs and his rippling nostrils flared against her steamy pussy. He lapped at her cunt, nickering softly. Kysa turned around and bent over. Placing her open palms on the cheeks of her ass, she spread them apart. The horse ran his tongue up the crack of her ass and slurped at her asshole.

She let him tongue her ass for a minute or two, then turned and sank to her knees beside him. Knowing that her husband was going to gone for some time, Kysa saw no reason to hurry and decided to enjoy some preliminary love-play before she got fucked.

“Heads or tails?” she asked the stallion, grinning.

His head went up and down like a rocking horse, just as if he were nodding his enthusiastic agreement.

Kysa cupped both hands around the stallion’s big black cockshaft, just behind the flaring slab of his cock-knob. She pumped him up and down. As her hands pushed back, his cockhead ballooned, skinned from the leathery sheath, the dark cockmeat throbbing.

The sight was making Kysa drool. She pushed her tongue out and licked at the tip of his prick. The stallion made a whoosing sound, his hindquarters stirring. He pushed his drooling cockhead against her tongue and lips. Kysa laved all over the dark wedge, lathering his hot cockmeat with her saliva. Her tongue tingled with the rich flavor of horse-prick, and the horny woman sighed and purred with the pleasure of it. She had intended only to lick the cock a little, to get the beast wildly excited before she let him fuck her, but she was savoring that tasty snack so much that now Kysa decided it would be lovely to have him shoot his first cumload into her mouth. She had given the stallion blow-jobs before and knew full well what a thrill it was to have that gigantic cock spurt cum in her mouth, to have those big balls empty their delicious slime as she sucked and swallowed. The stallion, by his very nature, was potent and Kysa knew he was capable of more than one cumming – and too, he would take longer to blow his cum-load the second time, which meant that she could enjoy a prolonged fuck on his mighty prick.

Her tongue slid all over his cockhead and pushed right up inside his parted piss-hole. The stallion bucked, tilting her head back as he shoved his cockhead against her lips. His flowing tail switched about behind his ass and his mane cascaded over his arched neck. The brute was quivering all through his muscular body, snorting and pawing at the ground. His balls swung in and out as he humped. A glob of horse cum trickled onto Kysa’s tongue. She whimpered with delight, sliding her tongue up his piss-hole again. Another slimy glob of jizz slid onto her lips. She let the cum roll around on her taste buds for a moment, then swallowed it down.

“Ummm – ummm,” she purred.

The initial flow was making Kysa ravenous for more horsecum. And she knew full well how much more was waiting in the stallion’s swollen balls. One time, as a teenager, she had sucked off the whole basketball team, one right after the other – and all of those athletic young men together had not pumped as much cum into her hungry mouth as the stallion did in one titanic ejaculation! Her tongue flipped over his prick-knob, then fluttered against the underside, where his fat ventral vein spread out. Her lips parted as she kissed the dripping tip of his cock. Then she began to slowly feed that hot, hard cockmeat into her mouth. Her lips stretched, enveloping his huge meaty prickhead. The stallion snorted and stood stiff, not humping now, letting the woman suck his cock at her own pace. Kysa whimpered and pushed down, taking all of the horse’s cockhead into her mouth. Her lips collared him around the cockstalk, pulling and twisting. His cockhead was so huge that it was pushing her cheeks out on both sides at once, and the seeping cocktip was pushed right back to the entrance of her throat. Slime oozed from his piss-hole and trickled down her gullet.

“Ooooh, yes – feed it to me,” she gasped, the words muffled around that giant mouthful. “Fuck my mouth – shoot all that sweet fuck juice into my hungry mouth!”

The stallion began to hump gently, nudging his cockhead around in the snug confines of her mouth. Kysa sucked on his prick. Her lips and cheeks pulled on his prick and her nimble tongue slid around against the underside of his cockhead. More cum poured from his prick, Kysa’s tongue was floating in the swampy stuff. She sucked and swallowed, sighing with joy, savoring that delicious horse cum. She was enjoying that mouthful enormously but she was yearning for him to shoot his wad, as well – eager to drink his first cum-load – and then get her cunt fucked to a frazzle. She began to frig his prick between her cupped hands, adding manual stimulation to her cock-sucking. As her hands pushed back, the stallion’s cockhead ballooned in her mouth, spreading her lips wide and clogging her cheeks. She gulped as he nudged back to her gullet. Her hands could barely span the great thickness of his cockshaft as she frigged him up and down, moving faster and sucking harder, going suck crazy on his delicious cockmeat and longing for his succulent fuck juice.

“Come – come – come – ” she murmured, her hands flying up and down as she jerked the beast off into her ravenous mouth.

She stroked back down his cockstalk and his balls swung in and out, heavy with his cum-load. He was humping harder now, tossing her head around on the end of his plunging prick. Her dark auburn hair cascaded over his black prick as she jammed her greedy face down and gulped as much of his cockhead in as she could. The stallion’s giant prick lurched and bucked, hammering and pounding between her hands and flaring in her mouth.

“Yeah – cum in my hungry mouth! Cum for your little whore!” she wailed.

He fed the cockmeat to her, tilting her head and shoulders back. The brute was snorting and panting, his nostrils flaring wide and his steaming breath billowing over her. His neck arched and he gazed down with wild eyes at the woman who was working this magic on his prick. Kysa’s foaming saliva poured down his iron-hard cockrod. More cum seeped onto her tongue and slid across her lips. She sucked frantically, gulping and whimpering with hunger for his cum. The stallion bucked abruptly, his haunches driving out as his balls erupted. Kysa felt his hot load coming as his cockstalk rippled between her pumping hands. She frigged back and his cockhead flared – and then he was unloading his hot, thick fuck juice into her mouth in spurt after foaming spurt. Kysa wailed with joy, drinking the stallion’s cum ravenously, gulping and gasping. Ribbons of white horse cum overflowed her lips, running down the stallion’s cockshaft and streaming from her chin. Thick drops of cum splashed on her tits. She frigged and sucked, milking more horse-spunk out each time her hands pumped back on
his prick.

Bellowing, the stallion squirted his last jet of jizz out, hosing the back of her mouth. The last slippery drops of cum trickled onto her flashing tongue. She was swallowing frantically, but his cum-load was enormous, filling her mouth and flooding out. Drained, the horse stopped humping. But Kysa kept right on sucking and frigging his prick to make sure that she had pumped every sweet drop out of his cock and balls. When she pulled her lips away, his dark cockhead popped out, coated with creamy cum. She used her tongue and lips to slurp up the cum that had run down his prick, licking all the way down to his balls and lapping at those big horse-balls. His balls had shrunk now, emptied, but his massive prick was still hard as a rock and, even as she licked at them, his balls began to expand again.

Kysa’s hungry mouth was well saturated but her creamy cunt was blazing hot, ready to be fucked full of that giant cocklance and filled with another load of horse cum.

I hope my husband is having fun fucking the bitch on the other ridge, thought Kysa. And I hope he takes his time.

More days went by and Robert mustered up enough of an erection to let Kysa suck him off. About the only sex he wanted from her was the occasional blowjob. She was sitting on the end of the couch reading a book, when he walked up beside her, and without saying a word, pulled out his semi-hard little 6.5 incher and shoved in silently in her mouth. Kysa moaned and fumbled to put the book down. She looked bored as he manipulated her head with her hair, fucking her mouth as if it were a pussy only wanting to cum as fast as possible. It didn’t take long, either. Within 6 minutes, he began squirting his seed down her throat, and Kysa choked since he was doing everything he could to choke his little prick down her gullet. Robert pulled back in disgust, slapped the cum off his prick onto Kysa’s face, then put it back in his pants and walked away. And that was almost the best sex the young wife had from her husband the entire season.

Kysa had begun to find other women online who loved sucking, jacking, or fucking horses. In fact, there was a whole newsgroup set up to discuss the topic! She gathered as many names and emails as possible of women with whom she could start a website and perhaps begin to make money. In the meantime, though, the web took a backseat to her pussy and its cravings for horse cock. She made plans and when tomorrow came and Robert was off to work, she ventured toward the barn.

Kysa greeted the beautiful horses with a song and massaged their necks and haunches. She walked over to Cheyenne and began feeling his smooth coat, drinking in his scent, as she knew he was doing to her, given that her pussy was already extremely wet to the touch. She leaned down and massaged his enormous balls in an effort to get him to extend his big cock. It worked, and as it lengthened and came out of its foreskin, Kysa ran her flattened tongue up the stallion’s big black prick, slurping his cockmeat from balls to crown and, arriving at the big cockhead flaring out from his cockshaft, she kissed, licked and sucked on it, making sure that his cock was as big and as hard as possible.

The quarter horse trembled, pushing his cock out, haunches rippling. Being only a dumb animal, the horse probably didn’t know what pleasure a woman could get out of sucking his cock and drinking his fuck juice – but then, the brute didn’t know that bestiality was naughty, either. The sturdy stallion only knew that it felt good to empty his balls into the woman, at either end, and that was that. And now those big balls were filling up again.

Kysa held the horse’s cockhead to her fat tits, rubbing against the fat slab. She dipped the cocktip into her cleavage, then levered it down and brushed the meaty slab into her cunt bush. When she released his prick, it snapped back up level with her face and she tongued it some more. His cock-knob flared and swelled and his cockshaft was so taut that she could have used it as a catapult, flinging boulders at an enemy fortress. She was enjoying mouthing his cockmeat but by this time her neglected pussy was streaming and smoldering with urgent need. Cunt juice ran down her sleek thighs in frothy ribbons. When she touched her cunt with her hand it felt scalding hot, swampy and steamy. Kysa wouldn’t have been surprised if her crotch had suddenly ignited, her thick, curly cunt hair bursting into flame.

She drew the sled over under the stallion. Well aware of what that meant, the horse snorted, his hot breath billowing over Kysa. She sat on the sled, then lay back, hiking her ass and hips up so that her body was bridged under the stallion. Her steaming cunt crater was gaping wide open, level with the animal’s jutting prick. Reaching down over her belly, she used one hand to spread her cunt-lips open even wider. Her other hand slid under the head of the stallion’s cock, massaging his cock and drawing it to her. The horse gave a tentative push, shoving his cock out, and the cocktip bumped into her groin. He humped again and Kysa, panting like a steam engine, wriggled and squirmed as she rammed her pelvis down to meet his fuck-thrust. His cockhead slipped around in her creamy crotch, not penetrating yet.

It was always difficult to get that massive load of hard cockmeat up her cunt to begin with, although once the cockhead was buried in her pliable fuck-hole, she easily adjusted to the welcome load. Kysa knew that she was a lucky girl to have such an accommodating cunthole – lucky because it allowed her to get fucked by the stallion and also because those pliable cunt walls could tighten again afterward so that, when her husband fucked her, there was no evidence of a larger cock having been there. Robert was not suspicious, anyhow. If, when eating her pussy, he happened to detect a horsy scent, he only assumed she had been riding bareback – instead of bare and being ridden by the horse.

Braced against the sled, Kysa wriggled about, jamming her cunt down on the stallion’s swollen cock-knob. Her hips twisted from side to side as she began to screw her fuck-hole onto his prick. The horse pushed the cockmeat to her, nudging and prying determinedly, knowing better than to start humping frantically before his cock was in her cunt. Her wet cunt rippled and the tip of his prick slipped into her fuck-hole. The woman moaned, her face a mask of passion. Her pelvis danced and jerked, twitched and jolted. Inch by precious inch, the big wedge of the horse’s cockhead fucked into her pussy. Muscles rippled in her smooth thighs as she hiked up higher. Then she jammed herself against his big battering ram and sighed as all of his colossal cockhead wedged into her pussy. Her wet cunt-lips collared his thick cockshaft just behind the buried cock-knob. She turned from side to side, winding her cunthole around on his prick, then jammed down again, fucking another inch or two of his long cock into her cunt.

Her pussy slickened and rippled, the cunt walls spreading out around the contours of the stallion’s formidable prick. He was plugged into her hair socket, spreading the pussy-lips out. Cunt juice trickled around the edges and ran down into the crack of her upthrust, jerking ass. The stallion bucked, feeding her another inch. Kysa moaned with lust as she felt his massive cockhead stir deeper in her fuck-hole and his thick cockrod slide into that creamy tunnel. Her cunt muscles pulsed, molding her cunt around his cock, clinging and clutching to every lovely inch. Her pussy sucked and rippled on his cockmeat. The stallion snorted again and fucked more cock up her cunt, hiking her ass higher. Each time the horny horse humped, Kysa jabbed her crotch down to meet him. His huge prick was steadily vanishing up her stretched cunthole. His cockhead was deeper in her cunt now than any human prick had ever been – and going deeper, probing those recesses that a lesser cock could never reach, fucking into the very depths of her guts. Kysa whined and whimpered as she pushed down, engorging herself on a horse-prick. It felt like she had a telephone pole fucked up her cunt, and still he fucked deeper. She felt like a pig roasting on a spit. She wondered where all the cockmeat was going, how it could stuff her so deeply. Kysa was half crazed by lust, and in that dreamy bliss she wouldn’t have been surprised if the head of the stallion’s cock had come squeezing out of her mouth, having spiked right through her writhing body.

Then the horse bottomed out in her cunthole. His prick-knob bumped at the depths and could go no deeper. A good foot of thick cockstalk was still unburied, and Kysa was suspended on the end of his prick. She gurgled with joy. The horse’s cock muscles pulsed and Kysa bobbed up and down as his prick swayed, rising and falling. They held that full penetration for a moment, with Kysa swaying up and down on his mighty prick. Cunt juice ran down the unburied segment of his throbbing cock stalk. Her cunt-lips were unpeeled around his prick, clinging to the fat cockmeat. The stallion drew back, ready to start fucking into her, but his prick was jammed so tightly up her fuck tunnel that instead of pulling out he simply hauled her along with him.

Kysa gripped the edges of the sled and braced her feet against the floor on either side, holding her body in place, eager to feel the sliding friction as the beast fucked in and out. When he pulled back again, his enormous cock dragged out of her pussy, dripping with her cunt juice. The stallion drew out until only his fat cockhead was in her pussy, paused, then fucked back into her. Her whole body jolted as he poured the prick to her. Her cunt clung to every inch, sucking and dragging on his cock. She rolled her hips from side to side, adding torque to the friction. The quarter horse’s mighty loins leaped with sinew and muscle as he fucked into her cunt again, getting into the rhythm. Kysa was already starting to cum on his massive prick, wailing and gasping in ecstasy as he fed her that great load of steaming-hot cockmeat.

Her cunt was soaking wet and yet, paradoxically, her loins felt parched – parched for the horse’s cum. Her ass churned and her hips pumped wildly as she matched the horse’s fucking rhythm, panting and moaning as she heaved her well-stuffed pussy around under the fucking animal. Kysa was fucking herself silly on the stallion’s giant prick, almost fainting with the thrill of being fucked by a horse. She threw her legs up, hooking her knees around his cockstalk, gripping his prick in a scissor lock. Her thighs tightened and relaxed as she rode that mighty horse cock. She grunted as his cockhead hit the bottom of her fuck tunnel, like a hot boulder in her belly. Then she moaned as the stallion hauled it back out again. Her cunt was squishing juicily and overflowing. His prick fucked in and his bloated balls swung in and out, slapping against her upthrust ass. Suspended on his prick, her legs wrapped around the root of his prick, Kysa rode the stallion’s gigantic fucker in wild bliss, using her thighs to cling to him as if riding at a trot. His thick prickrod was rubbing across her clit as it fucked in and out. That fleshy nugget sparked and detonated. Kysa wailed as her clit exploded, then wailed again as her cunt creamed. Her steaming juices flooded her fuck-hole and the stallion fucked his cock in faster and harder through the slippery lubrication.

She felt his cockstalk expand between her thighs and his cockhead balloon in her guts. She cried out with joy, knowing that the stallion was about to fill her pussy with his fuck juice.

“Give it to me!” the woman gasped, yearning for his hot creamy cum-load while her own orgasm poured out around his fucking cock. “Shoot your hot cum up my womb!”

His cock fucked into her, pounding and throbbing, shaking her whole body and almost rattling her bones. His haunches heaved and the stallion bellowed as his balls blew. The thick horse cum rushed up his cockshaft and hosed her cunthole. His first spurt hit her with such force that, had she not been clinging to his cock with her legs, he would have blown her right off the end of that massive cock. Her thighs tightened, hauling his prick back in and he shot another deluge of cum into her foaming fuck-hole. His hindquarters jolted back and he spurted a load on the backstroke. The steaming horse cum jetted into her cock-stuffed pussy.

Her ass swung from side to side as if she were in a hammock, riding his prick as he emptied his balls spurt by mighty spurt. Her cunt juice flooded out to mix with his fuck cum, swirling about inside her pussy in a foaming whirlpool. She could feel each spurt of cum as it shot into her, spraying and squirting into the innermost reaches of her cunthole. Cum and cunt-juice streamed out as his cock fucked in. The sled was awash with their mingled fuck fluids. Super-slick cum ran down his cockstalk and onto his balls as he fucked in, her cunt overflowing and his balls swinging in to whack against her churning ass. The stallion nickered, slowing down, his load spent. Kysa kept fucking her cunt up and down on his drained prick, working off the last of her coming. She jerked from side to side. Then she turned all the way over, throwing her leg across his prick and winding her fuck-hole around on his cock until she was face down, on her hands and knees, with his prick still stuck up her cunt.

Her ass heaved as she fucked her cunt up and down on his prick again, in the animal position, working off the last sweet waves of her creamy climax. A radiant look transfigured her face in the aftermath of her ecstasy, the joy of her satiation. The stallion stepped back. Her ass jerked higher. His long cock began to pull out of her and her cunt sucked on his cock, reluctant to feel it depart. Then the big prick-knob slipped out of her pussy and, Kysa, no longer supported, bounced on her hands and knees. A cascade of fuck juice streamed down her thighs. And insatiable Kysa smiled, wondering if she had time to get fucked again before her husband returned.

Kysa continued to give Robert the obligatory wifely blowjobs, drinking his cum so that he couldn’t complain too much. And once in a while he fucked her, but his intent was to keep fucking that slut, Rita. She didn’t care, since the more she was left alone the more she had time for her new loves, horses. Her new experiences also created great fanfare in the newsgroups as she shared photos of her horses’ cocks with the other members. Some were even beginning to compose erotic stories based on their experiences, but so far the efforts were quite poorly written.

After a long ride over the weekend through the trails, Kysa reined in her horse at the barn and dismounted. She stroked his neck. “We’re gonna have a ball,” she said, opening up the barn. She led him inside and closed the door. “A real ball.” Cheyenne bobbed his head, his mane swishing. He snorted, then nuzzled his mouth against the crook of Kysa’s neck.

“You just relax,” she purred. She stepped back and looked at Charlie locked in his stall. “You’ll get your turn tomorrow.” She swooned, thinking excitedly about the plan she had come up with on the way home.

She peeled off her top, her plump creamy tits bared. She shook them, then stepped back again as Cheyenne rumbled his lips. “Easy. Let me get my clothes off first.”

Cheyenne nudged his young mistress, knocking her to the hay-strewn floor. He dropped his head, his wet drooling mouth soaking the flesh of Kysa’s heavy, jiggling tits.

“Jesus, kill the Christ,” Kysa moaned. With the horse feasting noisily on her tits, Kysa pulled off her jeans. “Damn!”

She rolled away from his sloshing mouth and stood. “Easy. You’ll get plenty.” She leaned against his flank, quivering with excitement as his rough coat pricked her flesh like sharp tiny needles. “Oooo, it feels good.” With Kysa stroking his neck and talking in a soothing tone, Cheyenne calmed down. He pawed the ground and flicked his tail.

Kysa quivered. She mashed her big tits into his flank. “Let me get this fucking saddle off you.” Quickly, she pulled it off, throwing it to the side.

“Now, I’ll ride you the way you should be ridden. Bareback.” She grabbed his mane and pulled her naked frame onto his back. “Yesss,” she hissed as the juices from her tight little cunt immediately began flowing. “Yessss.” Cheyenne tossed his head and whinnied. He kicked at the ground as his mistress’s lust began to make his balls swell again. Charlie, locked in his stall, flared his nostrils. He picked up on the heady scent of lust that filled the barn. A short neigh and he kicked back at the stall as Kysa’s whimpering voice reached his ears. Kysa looked over at the white stallion’s stall. “You be quiet,” she moaned. “Tomorrow.” She held Cheyenne’s mane, then jerked her hips. The bristly hair of Cheyenne’s coarse coat stabbed at her cunt and she went into spasm. Juice flowed like a river, soaking Cheyenne’s back as she wrapped her arms around his powerful neck and humped.

“I’m gonna cream your back,” she mouthed throatily. “Then I’m gonna suck you off.” She rolled her hips and clutched his flanks with her slender legs. “I’m gonna suck your balls dry, baby.” Cheyenne snorted. The muscles under his coat rippled and he stepped forward as Kysa’s whimpering voice aroused him.

“I’m creaming,” she gasped. She pounded her pussy into the horse’s back and climaxed. “I’m cumming, Cheyenne! Cumming all over your back!” With the horse twitching in agitation, Kysa humped. She ground her clit into his coat and her eyes rolled in their sockets. “Oooo, it feels good! So good!” Charlie whinnied, his body quivering as he kicked against his stall. His balls were rumbling. The lust that filled the barn aroused the raging stallion. Kysa couldn’t hear the horse above her own screams of pleasure. She smashed her clit into Cheyenne’s back, then climaxed again as she clutched his flanks and neck to keep from falling. “I’m cumming. Creaming!” She swayed. Her high-pitched wails of pleasure had Cheyenne shuddering and snorting. Cheyenne tossed his head and jerked his neck. His tail swished, slapping at his rump as Kysa’s humping body caused the head of his prick to poke out from its sheath.

With Cheyenne tossing his head, Kysa screamed. The climax whipping through her virgin pussy turned her thighs to butter. Her arms lost their strength and she began slipping from the black stallion’s back.

“I’m falling,” she squealed as orgasms continued to carom through her cunt. “I’m falling!” She dropped to the ground and rolled to her stomach. Her body twitched as Cheyenne turned to attack her ass. “Christ,” Kysa moaned as she writhed on her stomach. She pushed back her ass and whimpered as tiny orgasms continued to ripple through her virgin pussy. Cheyenne tongued his way up through Kysa’s pussy-slit. He slithered his tongue up through her ass crack, then plunged his tongue into her shitter, reaming it deep as Kysa wailed with delight.

“It feels fantastic,” she gasped. Having something wiggly in her ass had Kysa climaxing all over again. She jammed her ass back against Cheyenne’s mouth and moaned. Cheyenne’s balls began aching. He jerked his tongue from the tight confines of Kysa’s asshole and neighed. His head bobbed and his mane swished across his neck. Kysa had slumped to the floor. “Okay,” she panted, hauling herself to her feet. “I’m not greedy. I’ll take care of you now.” Cheyenne snorted easily and under his mistress’s soothing voice and guidance, he finally lay on his side, his rump twitching as Kysa joined him.

“I’m gonna take real good care of you,” she purred, her wide-set blue eyes fixed on Cheyenne’s huge sheath and large balls. “Real good care.” She licked her lips and began stroking Cheyenne’s nuts. “God,” she sighed, imagining his cum squirting into her mouth. “God, this is gonna be a blast.”

Cheyenne squirmed on his side, his tail slapping at the ground. He snorted, the muscles under his black shiny coat rippling as Kysa stroked his balls and sheath.

“C’mon,” she purred, fondling his sheath. “Get hard.” Her mouth watered as the horse’s fat bloated cockhead appeared. “Oooo, yes!” Kysa moved the animal’s sheath and exposed more of his giant cock. She rubbed his balls and spasmed. Her hot tight little pussy began to pulse as hard throbbing inches of Cheyenne’s cock became visible. Cheyenne jerked his rump. His prick jabbed through Kysa’s shifting fist. He whinnied, his head coming off the ground. Eyes bulging, he looked at his mistress, then dropped his head back with a thud as Kysa squeezed his growing prick. Kysa’s head was spinning. Her mouth was open and her tongue flicked nervously across her lips. Eyes glazed, she watched Cheyenne’s prick turn to steel.

“So big,” she gasped, her face inches away from his massive cock. “So damn big and thick! God, no man is close to this!” She held his dick in both hands, shaking with excitement and awe as his prick throbbed. With his cock rigid, Cheyenne neighed. His mouth foamed, the spittle dripping to the ground. His rump jerked and his aching cock jabbed through Kysa’s massaging fingers. Kysa was mesmerized as she gawked hungrily at her stallion’s mighty cock. She felt light-headed and her cunt was all mushy. At last she was going to have a cock. All her dreams were coming true. Trembling, she brought her mouth to his balls. She flashed her tongue, slapping it over his cum-crammed nuts. The contact was electrifying. She spasmed, soaked his balls with spit, then slithered her tongue over his exposed cock. Soft whinnies came from Cheyenne’s rubbery lips as his young horny mistress lathered his prick with her spit. He squirmed, his huge frame trembling as her hot mouth made his cock throb.

Kysa was purring like a kitten as she soaked the horse’s cock. She licked to his bloated tip. A shudder of excitement swept over her as his seeping cum stained her lips. She smeared the jizz over his cockhead, then fused her lips to his throbbing shaft and sucked his fuckmeat down to his balls. Cheyenne was becoming more aroused by the second. He jerked, his long powerful legs stiff. His thick tail swished across the hay-strewn floor. Slobbering drool dripped from his mouth and formed a puddle. His ears flickered as Kysa worked her eager lips from the base of his cock to the seeping tip. Kysa was quivering in bliss. Each throb of his giant cock made her tight little pussy contract. She sloshed over his cock with her wet mouth, soaking it with spit. A tremor swept over her as she reached the tip. It was time to take him into her mouth.

Cheyenne’s huge body shuddered. He snorted, his flanks heaving as the heat of Kysa’s mouth seared the head of his cock. Kysa enveloped his cockhead. She was reeling as jizz seeped to her tongue. She squirmed. Both frightened and excited, she pushed her head forward. The heat from Kysa’s mouth reached into the stallion’s balls. He neighed, jerked his rump and jabbed at Kysa’s face. The head of his cock jammed at her throat. He jabbed again, then whinnied as she popped her mouth off his cock.

“Easy!” Kysa gulped. She blinked, her eyes wide as she stared at his prick. “You’re gonna choke me to death.” Face flushed, she caught her breath, then brought her eager mouth back to his prick. “Easy.” Cheyenne was quivering. He wanted the heat of Kysa’s mouth on his cock. He jerked and banged his cock against her lips as she teased his pisser with her tongue. Summoning all her courage, Kysa opened her mouth again. She shivered, took his prick between her lips and started to suck. She used her tongue, slapping it around and around his spongy cockhead as he jerked at her face.

Kysa sensed the power of the horse. It overwhelmed her. Cupping his massive balls, she pushed her head forward. The head of his cock squashed her tongue and brushed against the roof of her mouth. Face red, she began to panic as Cheyenne jabbed at her throat. Cheyenne, his balls on fire, lunged at Kysa’s face. The head of his cock speared her throat. He neighed as her teeth dug into his shaft, then jerked sporadically. Kysa swallowed her fear. Gagging, her eyes bulging, she relaxed her throat. Immediately, her gullet became clogged with Cheyenne’s cock. She sucked, her cheeks drawn in tight as the neighing stallion fed her his prick. Cheyenne, aroused to a feverish pitch, humped at his mistress’s mouth. He jerked his twitching rump and whinnied. Her teeth were scraping along his shaft.

Kysa thought for a moment that she was going to choke to death on her horse’s prick. She battled her fear, winning as more hard horse-cock entered her tight gullet. Cheyenne lunged hard. He snorted, his cock slamming into Kysa’s throat. He lunged again and again, driving his cock deeper with each jab until his huge nuts whacked against her chin. Kysa almost fainted. Her body began quaking and her tight little cunt turned to fire. She felt his prick throbbing deep in her throat. She gulped, her panic gone, replaced with overwhelming greed.

Like an animal, Kysa started sucking and chewing on her horse’s jabbing cock. Her head bobbed. Gurgles came from her cock-stuffed throat. Spit drooled from her clinging lips and each time Cheyenne speared her throat, she creamed.

Cheyenne, his nuts churning and his cock throbbing, hammered at Kysa’s mouth. Neck stretched out, he snorted. His nostrils were flared and eyes were wide. Hard jabs pierced the tightness of her gullet and a shrill whinny came from his mouth as his rubbery lips drew back to expose his teeth.

Kysa was in bliss. She met the powerful thrusts, allowing the stallion to hack away at her mouth. She mauled his balls, her anxious mouth waiting for the first eruption to take place.
Cheyenne, his rump jerking frantically, crammed Kysa’s mouth with his prick. Jizz seeped from his pisser and trickled down her gulping throat. He jerked, his front legs twitching as his tail slapped at the ground. His prick swelled to the bursting point as his balls began to rumble. Kysa was out of her mind. She sucked, chewed and used her tongue. Greedy for his cum, she pulled on his nuts and felt them contract in her palm. The horse was ready and she almost fainted as the anticipation of taking his horse cum in her mouth penetrated her lust-sopped brain. Cheyenne neighed as his balls burst. He lunged hard, driving his prick to the root as a hot thick river of cum shot through his cock and squirted from his pisser. He lunged again as another wad of cum shot from his cock.

Kysa climaxed as the first stringy clump of cum filled her mouth. She gulped, pushed her head forward and took the second wad in her throat. More cum followed and she swallowed frantically as his punching jabs became more powerful. With his balls bursting, Cheyenne pounded the teenager’s mouth. His neck was twisting and his mouth was foaming. His flanks heaved and his rump jerked. More cum blasted from his cock, flooding Kysa’s mouth. Kysa, her head spinning, thought she was going to drown. Cum filled her cheeks and sprayed her throat. She couldn’t swallow fast enough. She gagged, her throat gulping as the cum started oozing from her clinging lips. Cheyenne was enraged. Teeth bared, eyes bulging, he thrashed maniacally on his side. He humped, his flanks heaving as he drilled his spewing cock repeatedly in and out of Kysa’s sucking mouth.

Kysa shuddered. horse cum now gushed from her lips and flowed down her chin. Cum poured from her nose. She gagged, took him to his balls and felt a thick squirt of jizz shoot directly into her gullet. Cheyenne, his balls draining fast, lashed at the teenager’s mouth. His nuts rumbled and his cock throbbed rhythmically. He jerked, then slammed, driving his prick to his balls as cum squished from her mouth and spattered his ballsac. Kysa, gulping and choking, feasted greedily on his cock. The spurting wads were slowing and she caught his pace. Each jab flooded her mouth. She swallowed, her pussy creaming as the powerful horse’s mighty jabs began losing their strength.

Kysa, sensing he was almost through, slammed her head forward and pierced her gullet with his dick. She chewed, feeling weak squirts of cum splash in her gullet. She bobbed her head, her fingers frantically milking his balls. She wanted every drop and she didn’t intend to release his prick until she had what she wanted. Neighing, Cheyenne lunged. He sprayed her throat and filled her mouth with the last of his jizz. He jerked back, whinnying shrilly as her teeth scraped along his sensitive fuckshaft. Kysa gurgled, then gasped as the horse popped his cock from her mouth. She rolled to her back, panting and swallowing as Cheyenne staggered to his feet.

“Delicious,” she panted. “Delicious.” She stared up at his limp prick as a drop of cum dripped from his pisser and hit her tit. “Oooo, so delicious!” Cheyenne whinnied softly and lowered his head. He attacked Kysa’s cunt, chomping and licking as if to repay her for what she had done. “Yessss,” Kysa screamed as she climaxed. “Yessss!” In seconds it was over. She pulled herself up and led Cheyenne to his stall.

“Good boy,” she said, petting his neck as she locked the stall. “I’ll be back after lunch and you can have my pussy. That is, if I can handle you again!” She shuddered, walked over to Charlie’s stall. “You’re gonna get yours tomorrow,” she whispered. “I promise.” She turned away, staggered back to the center of the barn and dressed. Outside, the sun warmed her face. She felt fantastic and hungry. She quivered, anticipating the feel of Cheyenne’s cock in her tight little cunt.

“Sex sure gave me an appetite,” she giggled, hurrying back to the house before Robert got home. And if he wanted a blowjob tonight, he’d get whatever he wanted from his happy little wife!

The End