
The cavern was black stone. The roof and floor was covered with stalagmites and stalactites. Like menacing teeth. A pool of magma cast the cavern in an ominous red glow.

The smell of brimstone lay heavy in the air. As Hellen Vess performed the summoning ritual. She was a red head, wearing purple and black. Her high black boots and long black gloves were decorated with small skulls. Her huge tits jiggled with every move.

Her hell hound named Höund was sitting at the outer edge of the pentagram. The pentagram was a five pointed star within a circle pointed downward. The edges of the star penetrated out of the circle sending the ethereal power outward creating a protecting barrier. There was a second pentagram. It had it’s energy focused inward.

Hellen Vess was poring her dark energy in to it’s center. A form was slowly congealing in there. There was a bright flash and a demon assumed corporal form in the center of the second pentagram.

It was a lower order of demon. It’s name was Azzhos. He had red skin black claws and two curved horns on it head. Azzhos moved like a gorilla walking on his knuckles.

With a loud roar he threw himself at Hellen Vess only to be stopped bye the black magic barrier. This infuriated the simpleminded hell-beast and it repeated its futile assault.

Hellen smiled at the beast as she picked up the whip she had brought. There were easier ways to subdue a demon. Spells that would bind it’s soft mind to her but this was more fun. The whip was made of six strands of skin from six virgins that had been violated by six unholy beasts for six days then she had woven it under the light of a blood red moon. The pain the whip imparted was in proportion to the defiance of the victim.

She swung the whip at Azzhos with a crack. The beast wailed in pain as the whip hit with a green flash.

“Kneel and obey.” She screamed with a noticeable German accent.

The beast repeated it’s assault and Hellen whipped it again.

It took less then teen minutes to whip the beast to submission. Hellen wiped the sweat from her forehead. She smiled looking at the kneeling beast.

“And you make number thirteen.” She said to herself.

She led the demon to the far end of the cavern. Where twelve other demons stood. They all cowered at her presence.

“Soon you will be called to work for me. To breed for me. You will help me plant a seed of evil on Earth for me.” Hellen said raising her hands starting to cast a spell.

The cowering demons straightened up and started smiling as she mentioned breeding.

She cast an illusion on the demons. Making them look like thirteen donkeys. She cast another spell on herself. The illusion wrapped around her making her look like an old nun. With a soft friendly face.

She created a portal that looked like a big green swirl and stepped through.

On the other side was a small office. In the back of a church.

She walked through the door and heeded to the chancel with the altar and looked out of the nave.

It looked like a magnificent church. With shiny marble floor and pillars. The golden inlay added to the spender. Someone with a less suggestive mind would notice the hints of evil. Golden crucifixes hanging upside down. Some of the saints depicted in the motive windows held pitchforks.

A single woman sat in the first bench.

Sarah Palin former governor of Alaska was waiting for her. She was wearing her red silk blouse with black skirt and matching high heels.

Hellen had been ‘counseling’ Sarah Palin spiritually for several months and using her powers to give her the impression that God was talking to her.

“Sister Stephanie Oskowski I’m so glad to see you.” Palin said.

“Mrs. Palin, how are you on this glorious day?” Hellen said in her warmest friendliest voice.

“I’m good. Thank you for asking. God has spoken to me again. That tea you gave me really made His voice clearer.” Palin said with excitement in her voice.

“Yes. He has a great plan for you. I think that soon, you will lead the world to its salvation. What did God ask of you today?” Hellen asked knowing the answer.

“He asked me to come here. So you would help me. That I would be anointed by the holy twelve. Do you know what he means?” Palin asked.

“Oh Yes. They are waiting for you. Do you trust me?” Hellen asked looking her in the eyes. Emphasizing the seriousness of the situation.

“Yes. Show them to me.” She replied excitedly.

“First you must remove you’re earthly coverings. As you stand naked before God. You must stand naked before them and receive them all on the holy altar. Are you reedy too do God’s will?” Hellen said in a preaching voice.

“Yes I’m willing.” Palin said. She stood up and started to undress. As she walked to the altar.

Hellen opened the door she came from and opened a portal to her lair out of sight and summoned the thirteen demons she had cast the donkey illusions on. She then led them to the altar. Where Sarah Palin stood naked.

She looked at the donkeys. They didn’t look like ordinary animals. They seemed bathed in a divine golden light.

“Are these the holy twelve? I thought they where people.” Said Palin with a hint of doubt in her voice. Not bothering to count the animals.

“These holy animals are descendent of the noble animal that carried the holy virgin Mary to Jerusalem. As they carried the holy seed of God, you will carry their seed.” Hellen proclaimed.

“What do I do?” Palin asked.

“This is a trial of faith. You must lay with them each six times a day, six days a week fore six weeks.” Hellen said in a sermonizing tone with thespian gestures.

“I don’t know if I can.” Palin said.

“Put you’re faith in God and God will give you the strength to do it! Lay down on the altar and believe! Give yourself to God and he will bestow all his power to you!” Hellen said. Almost shouting, spit flying with every sharp vowel.

“YES, I believe!” Palin said bewitched by the promise of power.

The first demon steeped forward and started mounting the woman.

Sarah Palin swallowed hard at the sight of the huge cock hanging between it’s legs.

She closed her eyes and imagined herself in the white house. Leading the world in to a new Christian republican paradise.

Her daydreaming was cut short. As the first demon penetrated her. The huge cock stretched her to the breaking point.

“AAAHH…” She let out a deep grown as the cock knocked the air out of her, like a punch to the stomach. It started fucking her fast and hard.

She looked up at the donkey standing over her. The golden light emanating from it was almost blinding.

It was a beautiful creature and it looked really holy but it fucked her so brutally.

She thought she could see it give her an evil grin. Every time she cried out in pain.

As the demon in donkey disguise was fucking the dumb woman Hellen garbed an unholy chalice. She poured a white powder in to chalice. The powder was nothing magical. It was a rather large dose of amphetamine.

As the demon came. She caught some of the cum that spurted out of Palin’s cunt and stirred it in the powder.

Hellen offered the chalice to Pailn.

“Drink and receive God’s strength.” Hellen said. She was struggling not to laughing maliciously.

Palin drank greedily. Her pupils widened and she started smiling.

“Oh! Wow! I can feel it. It is amazing.” She said as the drug took effect.

“I will leave you now. Just let these holy beasts have there way and God’s will is done.” Hellen said and walked away.

She stood at the door and looked for a while. The dumb woman would either fuck herself to death or survive and birth an evil demon half breed. In perfect family position to get in to the white house.


Hellen was about to open a portal to her lair. When she saw a soft green light at the corner of her eye.

A figure was sneaking into her unholy church. It was Victoria Valiant.

She was wearing her shiny red high heel boots that went up to her thighs With gold stars. Her red, white, gold and blue suit covered her waist. But it only had two wedges going over her boobs but didn’t quite cover her nipples. She has long black hair and full red lips.

The green light came from the golden rod in her hand.

She is going to make a great fuck toy for my pet, Höund. Hellen thought with a smile.

Ms. Valiant was heading for the altar where Palin was getting fucked.

There wasn’t time for something clever. Hellen let her Sister Stephanie Oskowski illusion fall, exposing her true identity and then she opened a portal to her lair. The light from the portal drew Ms. Valiant’s eye and she saw Hellen Vess standing there.

When Hellen was certain that Valiant had swallowed the bait, she went through the portal leaving it open for her to follow.

Ms. Valiant went through the portal. She entered the cavern but she didn’t see Hellen Vess. She heard a whip crack from behind. A blinding pain exploded across her back and she fell to her knees. She raised her golden rod to protect herself. As she turned to face Hellen, Hellen had hidden behind the portal.

She heard the witch call a command in German to her pet hell hound.

“Höund. Holen der Goldstange. (Fetch the golden rod.)” Hellen said.

The big hell hound leapt at the heroine with a roar.

Ms. Valiant was about to curse Hellen’s attack as the huge dog yanked the rod from her hand. Hellen swung her whip one more time. The tip of the whip touched Ms. Valiant’s golden headband right between her eyes.

The heroine had no defense against the black magic that flowed through Hellen’s whip and she passed out.


Ms. Valiant awoke. She felt weak and was naked. Except her long boots and golden headband. In front of her stood Hellen and Her hell hound sat next to her.

“Victoria Valiant. Super-heroine. Freedom star. Prisoner.” Hellen said the last word with a wicked smile.

“Hellen Vess, Witch, Sadist and general evil bitch. Who is that? You’re boyfriend or you’re son.” Ms. Valiant snapped back. Pointing at the hell hound.

“A little bit of both, actually. But you will call him master. Now, beg you’re master to fuck you.” Hellen replied.

Ms Valiant looked in to the witch’s eyes. They had shifted from a stone cold ice to a burning heat. Valiant thought she could see a flickering flame at the back of Hellen’s eyes. She swallowed hard.

“Never.” She replied.

Hellen swung her whip with a cracked. Tiny green lightning bolts danced over Valiant’s skin as the whip hit her. The pain was like molten lead flowing over her.

“Beg him!” Hellen demanded with fire in her voice.

“No.” Valiant said. But with less conviction.

Hellen whipped the woman over and over. As Valiant refused to submit.

Then slowly the pain bolts lessened as Ms. Valiant’s defines faltered.

Then, suddenly, she gave in.

“Fuck me.” she said silently.

“Louder and better.” Hellen roared.

“Fuck me! Please!” She said louder.

The Hell-hound turned his head and sniffed.

“Not good enough. You must address him properly.” Hellen said.

“Master, Fuck me. Please.” Ms. Valiant said slowly and clearly.

The Hell-hound stood up and walked around Ms. Valiant, giving her a good view of his huge cock. She swallowed hard, suppressing feelings of panic at the sight of the monsterous cock. As a superheroine she was able to take cocks that would kill a normal woman, but this cock was bigger than anything she ever fucked. It was red and thick, well over two feet long and had a huge knot at the base.

She wanted to run and hide. But the fear of Hellen’s whip kept her from moving.

She felt the hell-hounds powerful paws wrap around her waist. Sharp claws scratched her skin. His breath coming over her shoulder was disgusting, like sulfur and wet dog.

The Hell-hound’s cock found her pussy easily. At first it didn’t fit. The huge cock wouldn’t go in. Except the head of the cock that had a tiny point that aided the penetration.

Ms. Valiant bit her lower lip hard, trying not to scream as the huge cock was slowly tearing her apart.

Then suddenly her pussy gave way, Ms Valiant screamed in pain as the huge cock penetrated all the way to the massive knot.


Höund fucked his new bitch fact and hard. He was hellbent to show who was her new master and he knew it was important to break her in right away.

He pumped her so fast and hard it made her screams reverberate. His cock bulge hit her cunt as hard as the punch of a prize fighter and with the speed of a machine gun.

He took great delight in the super woman’s screams.

After half an hour of hard fucking she started fucking back. Höund realized that this bitch was starting to enjoy herself.

He knew the ‘cure’ for her pleasure. He started working to get his cock knot inside her.

It was hard work. But her screams of pain was a delight to his ears.

Then he succeeded. The bulge penetrated. His cock started to swell. Making it hard to pump in and out. Despite the added friction he managed to go on with the fucking. Almost until his cock and knot was fully inflated.

Victoria Valiant was in agony. The dog beast’s relentless pounding had been bad enough and when she finally gotten used to the huge cock. He had rammed that huge knot at the base of his cock inside her. It felt like a bowling ball had been pushed into her and now it was swelling. The growing cock stretched her and made it hard to move it in and out. The dog beast compensated with brute force.

Ms. Valiant felt like her insides were being torn apart.

Then the beast stopped the fucking. He had rammed his cock as deep as it could go.

“OH MY FUCKING GOD! AAAAAHHH!” Her throat was sore from screaming. But now screeched out.

As burning hot cum spilled in to her. It felt like she was going to explode. It felt like she was boiling from the inside.

She saw stars flickering in her eyes. Then all went black and she fainted.


Hellen Vess looked at her pet. Höund was knotted with the super slut. He had turned around and he and the super slut was now end to end. She was passed out.

Hellen walked over to the hell hound and petted him on the head.

“God boy. When she comes to, you can play with her again.” She said with a smile.

She left them and headed back to the unholy church where she had left Palin and her pack of demons.

The end?

[email protected]