(c) 2012 by comix

Chapter 1

I had known Granny Nan all my life. Now, right before my 28th birthday, we are still dear friends, as well as lesbian lovers. She was the first to introduce me to sex, both straight and lesbian, and to say I learned a lot would be an understatement.

Let me tell you a bit about myself before we go too far.

I stand at 5 feet, 3 inches, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Yes, I’m white. I’m on the thin side with small breasts and small nipples. My hips are fairly flat, at least to me they are, but I’ve still got that ‘girlish’ figure that most girls my age love to have. I keep my hair around shoulder length and straight. I couldn’t keep a curl in it if I wanted to. I’ve tried everything from perms to frizzing and teasing, but nothing lasts too long and if it’s very humid outside then you can completely forget even trying to get a curl to take, cause it won’t last 10 seconds in weather like that. I graduated college when I was 24 with a degree in Accounting and I’m due to take the tests for my CPA certificate sometime in the next 6 months and I can hardly wait.

I’ve had a lot of comments as to my living arrangements with a woman, but I don’t pay any attention to them. I’m not a racist and I have no problems with anyone, be they black or white. I’ve known Granny Nan all my life and she’s been like a mama to me for as long as I can remember.

I learned to suck a cock with her instructions, from both watching and actually participating. Learning deep throat techniques took a while to master though. For some reason I had a hard (no pun intended here) time actually taking a cock all the way into my throat. But, Granny Nan was patient with me and I soon learned to hold my breath just long enough to get that cock into my throat and to learn to breath slowly and let the breaths come by their own, and it worked.

Making love to another woman just seemed to come naturally for me. After all, I know what I’d like to have done to my body, so why wouldn’t I want to do the same thing to another woman, especially one I loved? Granny Nan was also quite helpful in that regard as well. She gave me pointers, encouraging me when I was hesitant at doing something for the first time. She showed me how to use my lips when the occasion called for them, my tongue when it was needed, and the use of my teeth, especially on her clitoris. I was taught how to use my fingers (But I’ll have to admit I just couldn’t take the fisting thing, so we never did it after I complained of the pain the first time. It hurt like hell and I knew I didn’t want to try it again, much less actually do it to another woman).

My birthday was coming up in a couple of weeks and Granny Nan told me that she had not one, but two surprises for me. All I had to do was be at her house on my birthday and she’d take care of the rest. I had an idea of what her surprise could be, but I was also hesitant to hazzard a guess, in case I was wrong.

The next two weeks were pure torture for me, for everytime I’d ask her to give me a hint as to what the surprise was, she’d put me off and change the subject, which totally frustrated me to no end. I couldn’t get angry with her, since she’d told me it would be a surprise, but it sure would’ve been nice to have gotten at least a little hint as to what they were to be. Alas, that wasn’t to happen though.

Two days before the event I got home just in time to see Granny Nan tell her yard man, Otis, that she’d require his services later and that he shouldn’t be late.

Oh yes, perhaps is now a good time to tell you that both Granny Nan and Otis are black. Granny Nan’s in her early 70s while Otis is much older, perhaps into his early 80s, but I’m not sure, as I’ve never asked him. Otis is perhaps the blackest man I’ve ever seen. Granny Nan is of a medium shade of black and doesn’t have the lips you generally see on a black person, and for that matter, neither does Otis. Granny Nan stands just over 4 feet, 6 inches, and Otis towers over her at a little over 6 feet, 3 inches, and is broad, but not fat. He works at the local concrete plant and does a lot of heavy lifting and he’s quite fit. I’ve seen him without his shirt on as he tends to the lawn every week and that man’s built alike a brick house. When he smiles his teeth seem to shine like sunshine and I’ve never seen him in a bad mood. He’s always got something nice to say to you, and the same goes for Granny Nan as well. I can’t remember ever seeing them mad at someone. Not once!

I’ve secretly had a crush of Otis for the past 2 or 3 years, and fantasized about getting him in bed on several occasions. My secret desire was to have both him and Granny Nan in my bed at the same time. But that’s just a dream right now, maybe it’ll come true one of these days, but I’m not holding my breath waiting for it to happen.

Anyway, whenever Otis is at the house he’s got his Great Dane, Simon, with him, usually tied under the shade tree in the back yard, with his bowl of water right where he can get to it. Simon’s the nicest dog I’ve ever known. He’ll sit in that shade and let you pet him as long as you want and every now and then, if you stop, he’ll nose your arm or leg until you start again. His favorite thing is to lay on his back and have someone scratch him on his stomach and when you hit the right spot his back legs will jerk around in the air and it’s so funny that I can’t help but laugh at him. Every now and then Otis will let me undo his chain and we’ll run around the yard chasing each other and generally just having a good time. It’s during these times that I almost feel like a child again and can forget all the things that are bothering me.

When I was 12 years old both my parents were killed in a car accident when a drunk driver T-Boned their car, instantly killing my mom. My dad would die on the way to the hospital and I’d be left all by myself, since I don’t have any siblings. The day before the viewing at the funeral home, Granny Nan asked me to move in with her, since I had no other relatives to take care of me. I figured that she was the only thing that even resembled a grandmother to me, so I accepted her offer and moved in that night. I’ve been there ever since and have no regrets about my decision at all.

It wasn’t until after my 22nd birthday that she and I got together in her bed one night.

For some reason I’d started have bad dreams about the accident and would end up in her bed, wrapped in her warm embrace as she would rock me back to sleep. Eventually one thing led to another and we began to feel each other. First it was just arms and legs and that touch felt so good, not only to me but to her as well. She’d tell me how much she loved to feel my touch on her skin and I had to admit that I felt the same way when she caressed me, too. One day she suddenly kissed me, and I don’t mean a ‘motherly’ kiss, either. It was as passionate a kiss as one can give, including pushing her tongue between my lips and caressing the inside of my mouth. I soon returned the gesture and we just stood there for a while, enjoying holding on to each other while we continued to kiss. Once we broke apart we looked at each other, perhaps a little embarrassed at what had just happened, but we both smiled and started giggling. Pretty soon we sat at the table and laughed harder and eventually we both got our wits together and started talking. We held each others hands as we did and it wasn’t long before we both realized how much we had both wanted to do something, like kiss, and perhaps more.

One night soon after that, as we lay in bed, we once again began to feel each other, but this time we both knew where it was going and for once we weren’t ashamed to admit our feelings for each other. We started kissing again but now, instead of our hands wondering over just our arms, we began to feel up each others legs, heading towards that one spot we each wanted to get to, our pussies. Neither one of us had worn any underwear that night, both of us anticipating what was to come. We weren’t disappointed to discover that our ‘regions’ were unblocked and we quickly started rubbing our outer lips and eventually began to push our fingers into each other. I think I was the first to pull my fingers out of her and stick them into my mouth and taste her juices for the first time. Soon after that I once again probed into her, but this time when I withdrew them, I put them to her mouth and let her taste me for the first time. Soon she was doing the same thing do me, as well as for me and from there it was only a matter of time before we turned around and planted our heads between each others legs and planted our mouths on the pussy in front of us for the very first time.

Since puberty I’ve kept my pussy shaved. All that hair irritated me and I felt so much better without any down there. I never thought about it. It just seemed natural for me and I enjoyed the feeling so much. When Granny Nan first found out my ‘condition’ she gasped and raised up to look at me.

“How long have you been doing this?” she asked me.

“For years, Gran. Why?”

“I never considered doing that to myself, but I’ve always wondered what it would feel like to not have any hair down there.”

“Well, you should try it. I love the feel of my panties on my lips and besides, all that hair just bothered me all the time and trying to keep it cut short wasn’t working for me, so I decided to shave it off and see what it would feel like. I’ve been doing it now for almost 10 years. I never thought to share that with you, but then again, we weren’t as close as we are now, were we?”

We both laughed and returned our attention to what we’d started earlier.

I put my mouth to her pussy and pushed my tongue as far into her as I could, tasting her nectur for the first time directly from her honey pot. I cupped my tongue and pulled out more, relishing the taste and savoring it as it slid down the back of my tongue and into my throat.


And then I felt her tongue for the first time on my clit and the feeling caused me to raise up my hips, wanting to drive my pussy into her mouth so she could slather that sensative spot with her tongue even more. Damn, that felt good. Until that time I’d only experienced either her finger or mine down there, never imagining a tongue could feel so good.

“HHHHHHUUUUUUUUMMMMMMM,” I moaned into her pussy, pushing my tongue onto her clitoris for the first time, eliciting the same moans of pleasure from her as well.

The rest of the evening was quite a night for me. I’ve never felt so fullfilled in my life and Granny Nan sure knew how to use her mouth, her tongue, her teeth and everything else, to make me feel good.

To make me feel loved.

To make me feel wanted and desired, at the same time.

Needless to say, I was in heaven that first night.

I never wanted it to end and I did what I could to ensure that she was getting the same sensations that I was. Whatever she did to me, I did to her. Sometime during that first night we untangled ourselves from each other and I crawled between her legs and munched on her pussy for a while and then, without even thinking about it, I pushed her legs back until her knees were pressing into her small breasts, and exposed her rosebud of an asshole and wrapped my lips around that bud and licked all over it, probing into her as far as I could get my tongue to go, eliciting many more moans of bliss form her with each swipe.

Once I finished that I returned to her sopping pussy and licked her clean and then began to move up her body, stopping at her nave and lavishing it with kisses and continuing to move upward unti I got to her tiny breasts, which were almost nonexistant. Her nipples were quite large and when they were hard would stick out almost a full inch, and would get extremely hard. Those were some great nipples to suck on, and I would do just that until she’d push me away, unable to take all the pleasure I was applying to her. Then she’d push me back onto my back and would attack my body much in the same what that I’d done hers. She even paid attention to my rosebud and did the same things to me that I’d already done to her. She also moved up my body and paid a lot of attention to my breats. As mine were only slightly larger then hers, she spent a lot of time there as well. I think she had a boob fetish though, as she’d nibble on mine, around my nipples, leaving little ‘love marks’ all over them and finally attacking my nipples. While mine never got as big as hers did when they got hard, it was still enough for her to lock her teeth on and to nibble them until they got quite sore, but the pleasure he administered to them was loved just the same. It’s a good thing I don’t have to wear a bra, since there’s not really any need for it, because if I did I don’t think I’d have been able to. They’d be so sore after a night of such attention that’d I’d never be able to get it on and fastened.

Before I go any further let me clear up some things. Granny Nan’s been in the neighborhood for as long as I can remember. I think every kid around here called her Granny Nan from the time they were first introduced to her. She’d in her mid 80’s and quite fit for a lady of her age, and well versed in sex! We had a lot of talks about her ‘love life’ and who she’s been with, as well as what she’d done and had done to her. We talk quite openly about sex and are never embarrassed by it.

Soon after we became lovers she introduced me to oral sex with one of the men from the neighborhood, a man in his late 50’s with a cock at least 7 inches long and uncircumsized. This was my first look at the male organ, which she told me we’d call a cock. I had used the word penis, and she’d laughed so hard at that remark that she cried.

“We never call it a ‘penis’, dear,” she told me. “Around here it’s always referred to as a cock, so get used to it,” she told me. Since that day I’ve never said ‘penis’ again.

Anyway, we got in bed with this gentleman, who’s name was Wilson, and she proceeded to ‘introduce’ me to his cock.

“All cocks are about the same, some are bigger and some are smaller. This one here’s a nice size for someone just getting use to one.”

I stared at her as she manipulated the limp organ. She could see the question I wanted to ask in my eyes, so she told me, “Don’t worry, dear. It does get bigger, as well as harder. It’s the only way you’ll get it into that sweet little pussy of yours.”

“Do you really think it’ll fit me down there?” I asked.

“I’m positive that it will.”

I had my doubts, but she’d never lied to me, so I decided to trust her experience with this cock of Wilson’s.

As we sat on the bed she began to manipulate that cock and I watched as she stroked it up and down, allowing the foreskin, as she called it, to move over and behind the cockhead. I watched in amazement as the cockhead would appear and disappear with each stroke. I noticed the hole at the tip of his cock and she told me that that was where he peed from, as well as from where he shot his semen when he had his orgasm. Now I was familiar with the term orgasm, since after all, both of us had had our share while we were together every night and they felt so good each and every time. I wondered how good they felt to Wilson when he ‘shot his load’, but that would have to wait until later to find out.

I watched as his cock went from limp to quite hard in only a matter of minutes. Granny Nan assured me it was because he was getting excited about what was going to happen next. I sat there and watched as she lowered her head and took his cockhead into her mouth and began to bob up and down, much the same as she’d been doing with her hand. She’d told me that working with the cock with her hand was called ‘jacking him off’, while using her mouth on him was giving him a ‘blow job’. It seemed kind of funny to me, but I realized she knew what she was talking about, and I didn’t. Up until then I’d never seen an actual cock in my whole life, so I know she had to experience to back up what she told me, and I sat there and paid rapt attention to what she was doing to Wilson.

After a while I noticed his cock was going deeper and deeper into her mouth until, eventually, her nose was brushing the coarse hairs at the base of his cock, and she didn’t appear to be struggling to get it in that far, either.

“I’ll never be able to do that!” I said to myself, but knowing that I’d love to try, just the same.

She continued to use her mouth until Wilson told her he was almost ready to shoot, at which point she pulled his cock out of her mouth and jacked it until a while fluid erupted form the hole in his cockhead. And when I say ‘erupted’, I mean just that! I reckon his shot went almost 2 feet in the air, before falling back down and landing on his belly, where Granny Nan leaned over and licked it until it was all gone. She sat up and stuck our her tongue, showing me the what was left in her mouth before she swallowed it all. The she pumped his cock until he shot no more, leaving another trail across his belly. She indicated for me to lick it up and I went right to it, savoring my first taste of man-juice, getting that salty-like taste on my tongue for the first time. It’s thickness startled me at first but she assured me that it was all right. So I continued until it was all gone and then she motioned for me to take his cock in my hand and feel it for the first time, which I did.

Since this was my first cock I was amazed at the feeling and texture of the skin. The foreskin amazed me the most. When Wilson’s cock had shrunk down to it’s limp state the foreskin completely covered his cock and bunched up over the end, almost looking like one of Granny Nan’s nipples, only this wasn’t hard and had a hole in the end of it, which was leaking some of his cum.

“When a boy is born his cock has this foreskin on it. Most of the time, especially nowadays, the doctors remove that foreskin, or circumsize the cock. That leaves a scar ring around the cock, just below the glans of the cockhead. Now a lot of older men still have their foreskin and I much prefer a cock with it’s skin still attached. It makes the cockhead much more sensitive and the man gets a lot more enjoyment out of fucking our pussies that way, as well. With each movement of his cock in to and out of our pussies, the foreskin will withdraw or cover his cockhead and cause all sorts of extreme feelings to his cock and that’s what causes the friction that allows him to cum and shoot his cum, or sperm, into the woman. It’s the sperm that gets the woman pregnant.”

“I know that, Granny Nan!” I sad a little shocked. “I learned all that in school. I’m not completely stupid you know.”

“I never said you were, child. It’s just part of what you’ll need to know, that’s all. I ain’t trying to embarrass you here, just educate you.”

“OK,” I answered.

That was my ‘formal’ introduction to a cock. While I much prefer making love to a woman, licking and sucking on her pussy, I’ve learned to enjoy a good cock or two, as well. While I’m still technically a virgin, meaning that I’ve not had a cock in my pussy just yet, it doesn’t mean that I don’t want to try one. Granny Nan tells me that while making love to a woman is great, there’s nothing like feeling a hard cock inside your body, especially once the man starts shooting his load into you. She’d told me that the favorite thing she likes to do after getting fucked is to pull out his cock and suck it dry, swallowing his remainder of cum at the same time.

The next day I made an appointment with my doctor and got on the pill.

The last thing I wanted was to end up pregnant. I didn’t want any children and was going to make sure that there would be no ‘accident’s’ in my future.


Chapter 2: Granny Nan’s Secret Stash

Tomorrow was my birthday and I still hadn’t been able to get Granny Nan to tell me what her ‘surprise’ was going to be tomorrow night!

She wouldn’t even give me a hint, only telling me that the wait would be well worth it.

My imagination went wild, and I do mean WILD!!!!

I imagined everything from another woman in our bed to a huge dildo for her to plow my pussy with. I was literally dripping from the excitement and anticipation. I spent two or three times in the privacy of our bathroom getting myself off just with the thoughts of what might happen the next night.

DAMN!!!! Why couldn’t today be my birthday!!!!

This waiting was getting on my nerves, not to mention getting my pussy quite raw from all the friction I was creating with my fingers in my pussy most of the day.

While I was waiting for my birthday surprise I decided it was time to check out some of the videos that Granny Nan kept locked up in her bedroom. She didn’t realize that I knew about them, and by all rights I shouldn’t, but it just happened to be mentioned when she thought I wasn’t around one night. She and Wilson were sitting at the kitchen table, drinking their coffee, when the subject was brought up. She didn’t know I was standing in the hallway, listening in on their conversation, hoping to learn what my ‘big surprise’ was going to be this year.

“Have you told that girl of yours about your video collection yet,” Wilson asked her.

“No! And I have no intention to, either. Right now it’s only known to you and me and I aim to keep it that way a while longer.”

“But why? I thought you wanted her to know about you and Simon!”

“And I do! But I want to wait until I think the time is right first. She’s just getting into the lesbian part of our relationship.”

“Even after all these years?” Wilson asked.

“Yes, even after all these years. I can tell when she hesitates that she’s still not quite comfortable with our relationship. Not only the lesbian part of it, either. I think she’s still a little awed about the interracial part of it as well.”

Well! That’s not true, I thought to myself. I really love Granny Nan and love each and every minute we have alone with each other. And those moments in our bed are the most beatiful moments I can think of.

I stood there for a while and continued to listen in to the conversation, wondering all the time what this ‘relationship with Simon’ could be. I’ve known Otis and Simon since I was younger and the huge Great Dane never scared me at all. I was never intimidated by him or his size. I mean, after all he’s the most gentle animal I’ve ever known. One thing was sure though, I’d have to check into this video collection Granny Nan had somewhere in her room and find out just what this relationship with the Dane entailed. Now my curosity was piqued and I was resolved to get an answer, and it would probably be without Granny Nan’s knowledge.

I was sure I could pull it off. The question was how was I going to do it and when would be the good time to get it done?


That opportunity would present itself to me in just a little over a couple of hours.

While my birthday was still a day away, I found myself thinking about those videos and how I was going to get my hands on them. It was then that Granny Nan told me she had to go out of town for a couple of hours and wouldn’t be back until sometime after midnight that night.

The lightbulb in my mind suddenly lit up! This was it! I’d get to do a little ‘investigating’ in her room during that time and would hopefully find what I was looking for.


“OK, dear. You know how to get in touch with me if you have to, right?”

“Yes, Granny Nan. I know. I’ve got your cell number right here,” I said holding up the paper on which she’d written the number, “and if I need you I’ll give you a call. I doubt that will happen though, and I know how to take care of myself while you’re gone. I’ll be just fine here. You go and do what you have to and I’ll see you when I get up in the morning, if you don’t wake me up when you get in, that is.”

We both knew that the likelyhood of that happening was almost nil. In all the time I’ve been in this house, and all her late night excursions, she’s never woken me up coming into the house any time after midnight. I’m a pretty heavy sleeper and it takes two alarm clocks, set up across the room, to get me out of bed during the week.

I watched from the back door as she got into the old Chevy truck with Otis and pulled out of the driveway, headed to the west and towards regions unknown to me. She never told me where she went on these outings, and I never asked her, either. We both cherish our privacy and we do our best to never intrude into those private spaces.

Tonight, however, I intended to break that privacy and invade the most private part of her life, the one completely unknown to me. I waited an hour before I began my search though, wanting to made sure that she didn’t pull back into the drive while I was in her room, looking for those videos.

Don’t ask me why, but I tip-toed up to her room and tried the doorknob, halfway expecting to find it locked.

It wasn’t!

I pushed the door opened and entered into the room where I’ve gotten so much pleasure from her and that talented tongue of hers. Just those thoughts got me wet between my legs and I had to reach down and scratch myself a little bit to ease that tingly feeling beginning to grow down there.

My search began in the closet and on the topmost shelf there, where I knew there were several hatboxes located that I’ve never been into before. Unfortunately they both held hats that I don’t think had been worn for perhaps decades. Both were in sealed plastic wrap though and they looked like they’ed both been purchased only recently, but I knew that I’d never seen her wearing either one of them.

I moved to the cabinets in her bathroom next. I’ve never examined those cabinets and really thought that I’d find them there, but the only thing I found were the things she used to clean up the bathroom and her own personal, feminine products. I really had no interest in those things, but as I went to put one of the boxes back in place I accidently knocked it over and the layer of feminine pads on top fell out, revealing 4 VHS tapes.

I’d found them!

The first thing I did was to make sure I could remember how the pads had been placed in the box so that they conceiled the tapes, then I took all four of them out of the box and went down to the living room, where the VCR was sitting on top of the television, just waiting for me to insert the first one to watch. Granny Nan had never thought to invest in a DVD Player, since everything she ever watched was on tape. I’d tried several times to get her to buy one, but she just refused. I didn’t push too much after that.

Should I really do this? I asked myself.

Yes! I should! I answered, again to myself. I had to find out what Granny Nan was doing that she felt she had to hide it from me.

So, with that resolved I inserted the first tape and sat on the couch opposite the TV and waited for the first images to be revealed. I didn’t have too long to wait, either.

The first person on the tape was Otis and he was talking directly into the camera lens…

” … as far as we know. Nan and I have been doing this now for just over 4 years and this is the first time she’s asked me to make a recording for her to keep. I’m really hoping that she’s doing this to show Gerri this part of her life. I know she’s not ashamed of what we’re doing here, but she is embarrassed to let the girl know of it. To me it’s only a natural part of our lives and I want to share as much of my life with Gerri as she does and I really hope that the time comes soon for us to share this part with her.” The ‘introduction’, as I came to think of it, ended there and the next location revealed on the tape was what I assumed to be Otis’ bedroom. I mean, one of the first things I saw there was a huge bed, with the covers drawn back to reveal a nice lavender shaded set of sheets, along with three or four pillows with matching pillow covers. Next Granny Nan walked into view, wearing nothing but a broad smile on her face. Seeing her nude body got my juices flowing once again and I really wished she was here to watch this with me. Good thing I’d discarded my panties before coming downstairs again, allowing me an easy access to my pussy so I could rub on my clit, which I found myself doing right now.


At first I thought I was only going to witness a union between Otis and Granny Nan. And, much to my surprise, that’s exactly what I did see, at least for the first thirty minutes of the ‘show’ they put on for me.

When Otis came into view he as also bare-ass naked and, for the first time, I saw the equipment between his legs and I have to admit, I was impressed!!! He had to be at least 3 inches longer then Wilson had been and his cock was completely covered with a very long foreskin, which completely hid his cock head from view. His cock was growing with each stride across the room and by the time he settled on the mattress next to Granny Nan, his cock was totally rigid and his cock head was just beginning to poke through all that skin.

I watched as Granny Nan took that cock into her small hands and began to jerk it up and down, revealing and hiding his cockhead, which wasn’t the pink color I’d expected to see. Instead it was just as dark as the rest of his body and then I finally noticed, he was completely shaved down there, too! There was no hair to hide his balls, which seemed to hang halfway to his knees and looked to be the size of small plumbs. I’d always imagined that the balls would reflect the size of the cock, but that wasn’t to be the case. Somehow I found that I wasn’t disappointed at all.

Pushing Otis onto his back on the bed, Granny Nan got between his legs and began to lick those balls, working over each one, gently sucking the whole sack into her mouth, where I assumed she used her tongue to massage them. I’d have done the same thing if I was in that position. I’m sure of it! After a couple of minutes of using her mouth on his sack, she pulled off and pulled his balls up, revealing that soft, erotic spot just below his balls and kept well hidden back there. She licked down his balls until she got to that spot, sucking softly as Otis moaned on the bed. Then, after a couple more minutes, she moved lower, until her mouth rested on the rosebud of his anus and she began to lick there as well, causing Otis to buck on the bed and push his butt into her face, obviously asking for her to continue what she was doing. Apparently she liked it as well, because she continued and I could see her probe that bud with her tongue.

Apparently the camera was motion-activated, cause it would zoom in or zoom out depending on what was being done. It was almost like there was someone else in the room with the complete control of the camera, making sure that not one single shot was missed.

Damn! I wished I had been the one operating that camera. It wouldn’t have been the only thing I had operated that day, and that was the truth.

My hand was busy at that moment, too. Busy probing my own pussy and rubbing my own clitoris, bring mini-orgasms to my steadily shaking body. I was loving each and every jolt, with each and every orgasm I had.

My attention returned to the screen in front of me, where I now witnessed Otis using his mouth on Granny Nan’s cunt, probing his tongue as deep into her crevasse as he could, obviously sucking out her fluids as she made them available to him. He was enjoying it too, judging from all the sounds he was also making. I watched as he turned his body, placing his cock in front of Granny Nan’s face, where she immediately took it into her hand and pulled it to her mouth, sticking out her tongue and probing into his loose skin, sucking it into her mouth at the same time. After a couple of minutes of that she pulled his cock into her mouth and swallowed it completely, until her nose was touching the skin of his lower belly, just above the root of his cock. I was once again wishing I was in her place and my fingers were now frigging my pussy, making my wants only worse. My fingers were no match for that hard cock on the television in front of me, but I still had a nice hard cum and I was sure there would be a very wet spot on the sofa once I got up. But, I would worry about that when I really had to, and that wasn’t right now, I can assure you of that.

Once they got done orally pleasing each other it was time for Otis to place himself between Granny Nan’s legs, pushing her legs back until her knees brushed against her nipples, spreading her pussy wide open and just begging for him to put his huge cock into it’s rightful place, that wet hold of her pussy. Once he was in position there was no preamble. He shoved his cock right into place, not waiting for her to get accustomed to it’s size and length. But then I realized that he’d been poking that hole for some time before this tape had actually been made, so I was quite sure she could that that girth and length with no ill effects. In fact, she just lay there and moaned quite loudly with each thrust.


“I will, Nan. I will. I intend to fuck you silly and by the time I’m done here you’ll think this black cock of mine is about to erupt right out of your throat.”

Each thrust seemed to be applied with more and more force, pushing her up the mattress until her head was at a weird angle against it. I could tell she was probably uncomfortable, but she never complained one bit. In fact, she kept begging him to fuck her harder, and he complied with each request, too.

The camera moved with each shift of their bodies, giving me a wonderful view of each thust of that cock into Granny Nan’s pussy. Each thrust seemed to go deeper into her, but I knew that that wasn’t possible, it just seemed to be that way. But I knew that both of them were deep into the moment, each movement of their bodies told the same story, they both wanted this to happen and were happy and content to let it. Then I noticed some music was beginning to sound and with each thrust of that cock the music seemed to get a little louder until the sounds of the thrusting were drowned out and then…

It just stopped!

And when it stopped, they stopped, too. They lay there, in their own sweat and heavy breathing, barely moving, resting for the first time since it all started. You could see how content they were, just lying there and enjoying the feeling of their skin against each other. After about twenty minutes Otis rolled off the top and they each lay there on their backs, staring up at the ceiling, basking in the afterglow of their union. It made me almost wish I had a cigarette I could enjoy! I felt as though I’d been there with them, as I was also exhausted from the huge orgasm I’d just had. I sank back into the sofa, feeling drained and relaxed, but still feeling as though something were missing.

About twenty minutes later the camera moved once more, indicating movement somewhere else in the room. It slowly rotated and the camera lens had to adjust to the motion as it did. By the time it stopped the object in question was in full focus and I was surprised to see Simon had entered the room. I was even more surprised when I heard what was said next…

“Come on, Simon,” I heard Granny Nan say to the Great Dane, “It’s time for you to join us up here and use that talented tongue of yours on my soaking wet pussy!”


Chapter 3: Simon Joins In

All I could do was sit there and stare at the image on the screen, and be amazed at what Granny Nan had just said. For a moment my fingers froze in place, just above my extremely aroused clitoris. I couldn’t believe that I’d just heard Granny Nan tell Simon to get up on the bed with them and lick her soaked pussy, but as I continued to watch the screen that’s just what the Dane did.

The mattress gave quite visibly when the added weight of Simon was added, but that didn’t deter him from approaching the pair of open legs in front of him and it appeared as if he’d done this on many occasions, because neither him nor Granny Nan seemed to give any notice of the change.

I watched as Simon moved in closer, until his legs were entrenched between Granny Nan’s legs, and as he extended his tongue and took that first lick.

I heard the moan escape from her lips as the initial contact was made and I saw the sheer pleasure etched there as well. She closed her eyes and seemed to sink further into the pillows supporting her position as Simon moved forward and continued with his assault on her open pussy, probing deeper with his tongue, trying to get as deep into the hole as he could.

It was then that I noticed Otis making an appearance on the screen again, as his head appeared and he attached his mouth to one of Granny Nan’s nipples, sucking it into his mouth and using one of his hands to manipulate the other, twisting and pinching it until Granny Nan moaned even louder and began to beg Simon to continue with is oral manipulations of her inner pussy lips.

“Oh, Simon!!!!!!!!!! That feels so good, boy!! Whatever you do, don’t stop…” the rest was lost in the long groan of pleasure that erupted from her mouth.


I didn’t realize it until about 20 minutes later, but my fingers were rubbing my clit in the same tempo Simon was using on Granny Nan. I found myself wishing I was in her place with that huge dog using his tongue all over and in my own soaking wet pussy. I resigned myself to never knowing what it might feel like, but I kept that wish in the back of my mind, just in case. Meanwhile, I sat there and watched that tape until it ended and then quickly got up and put in the next one, hoping for more of the same.

What I got was even better!

This one opened up with Granny Nan sucking on Otis’ uncut cock and Simon standing directly behind her, licking her dripping pussy, mingling his mouthy juices this her pussy juices, both forming a small pool on the floor underneath her. I centered my attention on the cocksucking she was administering to Otis, and almost missed the most important part of the whole tape. It wasn’t until I noticed the movement on her back that I realized Simon had jumped up on her.

Thank goodness that camera was motion-activated! As soon as the motion of Simon jumping on her back the camera rotated and focused on the scene playing out before the lens.

Simon was now up on Granny Nan’s back and he was thrusting his hips, in an attempt to get his canine cock into her pussy. There were several near-misses, and during the second such miss I got a great look at the cock that was hanging down his legs. It had to be longer then Otis’ cock and was much larger around by far. The only major difference I could see between the two, other then the color that is, is that the Dane’s cock tapered to a point and appeared as if it could easily slip into the wet pussy with hardly any effort. On his fourth effort Simon managed to get his cock into the wet hole before him and, without any effort at all, jabbed his entire length into her with one quick motion.


“OH, Simon,” I heard her moan. “If you only knew how much you fill me with that thing!!! I feel so empty without you in me, you sweet dog!”

“Ok,” I thought to myself, “just how long has this been going on?”

My fingers hadn’t stopped since the tape began and my clitoris was beginning to tell me it was time to either stop or take a break before I rubbed myself completely raw down there. With some regret I pulled out my digits and just sat there, continuing to watch the action on the screen.

Simon was now fully planted in Granny Nan’s pussy and his humping had only increased, causing her to look like one of those quarter-operated horses that young kids ride on at the local Wal-Mart!!! And, while all this was going on, she continued to suck on Otis’ cock and lick his balls! Apparently she loved to be serviced by both cocks and also enjoyed servicing at least Otis’ as well.

I’ve seen dogs mating before but I never realized that they resembled a jack-hammer while they were doing it. Maybe I was wrong in my thinking, but I wondered in they only reacted like this when there was a human bitch below them. Any way, it made me wonder what it would feel like to have that huge dog in the same position on me! I trembled with the thought and my pussy seemed to get wetter at the same time. Perhaps one of these days I’d get to find out for myself. I was sure hoping so anyway.

After what seemed like an hour I heard Granny Nan shout out, “Shoot that load into me, Simon!” And apparently he did just that. From the angle of the camera I witnessed a huge amount of doggy sperm seeping from her pussy, where she was plugged with that huge canine cock. I also noticed a knot at the base of that cock and would later learn that all dogs had that before they shot their loads. It kept their cocks firmly in place while fucking his bitch so that none of his sperm was wasted, thus assuring that the female would get pregnant with his puppies.

When the tape finally ended I was ready for the next one, but looking at my watch I realized that more time had passed then I’d first thought and if I was to get those tapes back into their hiding place before Granny Nan got home I’d have to hurry.

I never got the chance though, as I heard a voice behind me…

“Now really, Gerri, wouldn’t you really like to experience that for yourself, instead of just sitting here and using your fingers on yourself?”

Turning around I found that Granny and, Otis, and Simon were all standing in the shadows at the back of the room. I’d been so turned on watching the tapes that I never heard them come into the house, let alone hear the car pull up in the drive.

Granny Nan and Otis didn’t have on any clothes and Otis’ uncut cock was standing at attention, begging for someone to give it their attention. I could also see that huge canine cock dangling between Simon’s legs and I knew I was going to get my desire after all…


Chapter 4: Doggie Cock Heaven

I was literally caught with my hands in the ‘cookie jar’, so to speak.

“How long have you three been back there?” I asked.

“Long enough to see you bring yourself off a couple of times,” Otis answered, playing with his now full erect cock.

“When did you find the tapes?” Granny Nan asked.

I just sat there for a few moments, getting a hold of my emotions. “I heard your and Otis talking about them a couple of weeks ago but never had a chance to look for them until tonight, when you had to leave for a while.”

“See,” she turned to Otis, “I told you that they’d come in handy one of these days, didn’t I?”

“You sure did,” he answered. “One of these days I’ll learn to trust what you tell me.”

They both laughed and finally sat down on the sofa, one on either side of me.

Otis reached out and poked one of his long black fingers between my legs, inserting it into my pussy and feeling just how wet I really was.

Granny Nan stroked one of my breasts and pinched my nipple to rock hardness and then leaned in and started to suck on it. Damn it felt good to have her mouth on my body once again. I leaned back and let them work their magic on my body, enjoying the feel of a mouth on my breast and a hand in my pussy.

Soon Otis leaned forward and sucked my other nipple into his mouth and swirled his tongue around and around there, occasionally biting and nibbling as well. He wasn’t hurting me, but the thrills passing through my body only made me want more of this stimulation. I arched my back and pushed my chest out as far as I could, trying my best to get all my my small breasts into their mouths, without too much success. When you’re as small as I am there’s just not a lot to work with! I was so small in fact, that I never had to wear a bra, and no one ever noticed, either.

I opened my eyes for only the briefest of moments and there, sitting on the floor right in front of me, was Simon, his tongue hanging out of his mouth, looking at me like he literally wanted to eat me alive.

In truth, I wished he would.

As though reading my mind, Otis removed his hand and said one word.


That’s all it took for Simon to move forward and lower his head, stick out his tongue, and begin to swipe at my juicy pussy for the first time.

I almost fainted from the shock!

With all the oral experiences I’d had with both Wilson, Otis, and Granny Nan, nothing even compared to what I was now feeling for the first time in my life.

It felt as though Simon’s tongue reached all the way inside me to my cervix! The only thing that had been so far in me before was Wilson’s cock, and even then it didn’t reach as far as Simon’s tongue did. I felt it as he curled it and lapped at my insides, getting as much of my flowing juices onto that organ as he could, before withdrawing and closing his mouth, undoubtedly savoring the taste of me for the first time. I just relaxed, lying back once again and enjoyed the feeling as Simon once again assaulted my gaping hole.


It wasn’t until I noticed a shift of weight on the sofa that I once again opened my eyes and found a huge, hard cock directly in front of my face and I knew just what was wanted of me, so I opened my mouth and leaned forward just enough for my tongue to reach out and lick across the foreskin-covered cockhead, feeling the soft, velvet like texture of that hard rod. I then opened my mouth and took that entire, skin covered head into my mouth and began to probe the loose skin with my stiff tongue, pushing around the head until I gained access to the hole and drove deep into the skin and felt the hidden head, precum already soaking the enclosed space and covering my tongue for the first time.

The stimulation of my breasts and nipples, my cock-filled mouth, and the oral assault on my spread open pussy brought on the longest, hardest orgasm of my adult life. The pure rapture and pleasure almost caused me to black out, but I retained my composure and sat there and enjoyed the erotic assault I was being subjected to. I wanted it to never end. I wanted to feel that orgasm go on forever. I wanted so many things right then but what I wanted most was for it to never end!

In all the times I’d been with Granny Nan and the one time with Wilson, I’d never experienced the oral treatment I was now experiencing for the very first time. That canine tongue was reaching more areas inside of me that either of them had ever been to before. It probed deeper into me than anything else in my short life and it felt terrific! Hell, terrific’s an understatement. Right now nothing comes to mind as to just how it feels except that I want it to go on forever and to make me feel this way for a long time. My legs literally trembled from the excitement and it was all I could do to hold them open for Simon’s oral ministrations.

I hardly noticed when Granny Nan and Otis stopped their oral lappings on my nipples and breasts. I was entirely focused on the happenings between my wide-spread legs. Together both of them pulled up one leg, opening me further and exposing my rose bud to Simon for the first time and he wasted no time in assaulting that area as well. He was, though, unable to probe into me, as I was clenched so tight that I don’t think even a fart would have escaped!

When the next orgasm struck I lay there and shook for what seemed like an eternity, before the light began to fade and I passed out!


Chapter 5: Damn!

I woke up the next morning, in my own bed, covered with my blanket, but still completely naked underneath. My legs hurt like hell, as did my nipples where the sheets rubbed against them. My pussy felt like it had been boiled in water, but still it felt good, especially once I remembered what had caused that feeling. Hell, if just a licking had felt so damn good what in the hell was it going to feel like once that canine piece of meat was between them, and plowing deeply into me? I sure as hell wanted to find out!

I threw back the covers and tried to sit on the side of my bed.

Like I said, I tried.

I was so sore that I could barely move, and a moan escaped my lips when I did move.

“Sore, ain’t ya?” I heard Granny Nan say.


“Don’t worry, dear,” she said as she entered my room and sat down beside me. “It’ll pass and you’ll feel better in a couple of hours.”

“Are you sure?” I groaned.

“Yes, dear. I’m sure. I’ve been there, too. The first time Simon fucked me I was laid out in my bed for a whole day and thought I’d never be able to walk again, much less go to the bathroom without feeling like my twat was burning like hell.” She laughed at that comment, and all I could do was look into her loving face and realize she was indeed speaking from experience.

“No one ever told me it was going to hurt like it did after that first time. Sure, once he’s inside of you and pumping away the feeling is one of the greatest you’ve ever felt and you want it to never end. But eventually it does and then the body reacts like it always does, especially when something happens that it’s never before experienced. You’ve experienced a traumatic experience and right now your body’s in a state of light shock. You’ll feel better by this afternoon,” she assured me.

“What about later?” I asked.

“You mean after your first canine fucking?” she asked.


“You’ll feel the same way again, only perhaps a little worse. A woman’s body just wasn’t made for the pummeling a dog does to it when he’s fucking you for the first time. Yes, you’ll probably never hear that from anyone else, but believe me, you will hurt a lot for the first day or two and the only way to get that soreness out of your body will be to fuck him many times the first couple of days, to get your body use to both his fucking and his weight.”

“I guess I have to take your word for that, won’t I?” I asked.

“Yes, I suppose you will.” And with that she got up and left my room. I don’t know what happened after that, as I feel asleep once more.


The next time I woke up was to the smell of Granny Nan’s cooking. I knew in an instant that we were having ham, greens and corn bread for dinner and for the first time I realize just how hungry I was.

When I tried to sit up this time it was easier and I swung my legs out to the side of the bed carefully, only easing to a standing position a little bit at a time. My legs were still tired and shook a bit, but I was able to stand up and didn’t fall flat on my face. I went to my bathroom and washed up and then got dressed and retreated to the kitchen, where Granny Nan and Otis were already seated at the table, filling their plates.

“Feeling better?” Otis asked.

“Much. Thanks for asking.”

“Just sit down, dear, and enjoy your supper. I know you’re probably starved, since you’ve managed to sleep most of the day,” Granny Nan said.

“Just one question, Gran,” I said.

“Sure, dear.”

“Did you hurt like this after your first time?”

“No. Not really.”

“Really?” I was a bit surprised.

“You have to remember one thing,” she started. “Each of us reacts differently to different situations. With me, my first canine experience was with a much smaller dog and he didn’t pummel me like Simon did you. In fact, I’ve never had another other dog fuck me as hard and rough as Simon does.”

“Really?” I asked again. I had no idea that she’d had other canine experiences with dogs other than Simon.

“Yes. The first dog to fuck me as a poodle. He only weighed around 50 pounds and was actually quite slow compared to Simon. It was more like fucking Otis here than fucking a dog.”

“Are most dogs that fast when they’re fucking?” I asked.

Otis answered this time. “In all my experiences with dogs and women I’ve seen some that fuck like I do, slow and steady, while others are like jack hammers and fuck so fast that a woman has to wonder if her insides are being rearranged with all the movements. Some ladies handle it quite well, while others end up sore, like you did. Nan had a good teacher with Mrs. Willis. You don’t know her,” I guess he’d seen the question in my looks, ” but she was a good woman and trained dogs to fuck women. She was quite good at it, too. She not only worked with the dogs, but with their potential owners as well. She taught them what to expect with each dog and how to handle it. I only wish she was still around to give you pointers. She was loved by all her clients and never had a complaint about her dogs, either.”

“Was she from around here?” I asked.

“Oh no,” Granny Nan answered. “She live in Matterhorn, across the state line.”

“How long did you know her?”

“All my life,” answered both Otis and Granny, at the same time, almost as if they’d rehearsed their response. It was fully and I had to laugh.

“How did you know about her and what she did?” I asked.

“Well, the first time I heard of her was from my mama,” Otis replied.


“Yes. She used Mrs. Willis’ services most of her adult life. I accidently found her with her German Shepherd one night after getting in from a date. She didn’t realize how late it was, or that I was even hom, until she opened her eyes and caught my reflection in the mirror in her room. She was totally embarrassed to be found like that, especially by her own son, but she never shied away from anything and, after cleaning up and getting dressed, called me into her room and explained what I’d seen. She’d been fucking the damn dog ever since my father left. Her sex drive was alway high and she’d have several affairs while dad was still at home. One day he walked in on her and Roscoe, her dog. He shot the dog and threatened to shoot her, too. Then he packed his bags and walked out, and I’ve not see hide nor hair of him since. I was 13 years old at the time. When I found her that night I was then 18, so she’d been doing it for at least 5 or 6 years before I found out.”


“That was mean of your dad,” I said.

“Yes, it was, but it was the way he handled it. That was dad. He always reacted the wrong way when something wasn’t to his liking. I heard that he even shot a man once when he tried to welch on a deal he’d made with him. I never found it if it really happened or not though, and to tell the truth, I really didn’t wan to know, either.”

“I learned of Mrs. Willis many years ago myself,” said Granny Nan. “I overheard several women talking about this woman and her dogs and the fact that she’d trained them to fuck women. At first I didn’t believe it. How in the world would anyone want to fuck their dog? Anyway, the rumors persisted for several years and then one day I heard talk that the woman was actually in one of the local grocery stores. I walked over there looking for her. My curosity was aroused and I wanted to know if what I’d heard was true or not. I confronted her on the canned goods aisle. At first she ignored me but after persisting for a while she asked me to meet her outside and I told her I would. I left and waited on the bench outside the door until she left. She saw me and indicated for me to follow her to her car, which I did. Once she loaded her stuff onto the back seat she asked me to get in and she’d answer my questions while she drove me home.

“Well, that was one very interesting conversation that day. I sat there and listened as she confirmed what I’d already heard. Yes, she trained dogs to fuck women. Yes, she made good money at it. Yes, several of the well-known women in town (she wouldn’t name any) used her services. The she aske me if I was interested. I sat there shocked. I asked her whatever made her believe I’d want to learn how to have a dog fuck me. She laughed then. She then told me that I was so persistant with her that she’d figured I’d want to get a dog of my own to fuck me whenever I want it to. I almost passed out right there. The thought had never actually entered my mind. I was just curious to see if such a thing was happening. She asked me to come to her house the following day and she’d actually give me a demonstration. If I wanted to that is. I refused right then, but I guess deep down inside I did want to know. I told her no though and when she stopped at the next red light I got out of her car and ran back to my house, where I locked myself in my bedroom and piddled with myself until I came all over my underwear. I was so embarrassed by what I’d done that I laid on my bed and cried for an hour.”


“Because I really did want to know but didn’t want to admit it to myself.”

“Was it that bad?”

“Back then it was. But you know what happened?”

“You went to her house. Didn’t you?”

“You bet I did. And she had to gumption to actually be standing at her door, holding it open for me, when I got there. ‘I knew you’d come’, she told me.”

“How did you know?” I asked her.

“By the way you reacted when I invited you over. You denied it of course, but your eyes told a different tale. All I had to do was wait for you to get here. Come with me,” she said, and led me to the back of her house and down the steps into her basement. Once there I was confronted by 3 cages with dogs in each of them. The place was quite clean and well-kept, too. No undue odor or anything like that. She took care of those dogs and I’m guessing, but I’d say they lived better than I did at that time.

“Go ahead,” she told me, “Pick one out that you’d like to have.”

“I looked around for a while and then approaced the cages. The first one held a Doberman, black if I remember right. She told me he was 3 years old and fully trained for one of the ladies in my neighborhood. I never asked who, cause I somehow knew that she’d never tell me. The second one had a German Shepherd, around 2 years old. The last one had a brown Lab. She told me his training was almost completed and if I wanted him she’d teach me what to do. I hate to admit it, but I liked that dog the first time I saw him, so I said I’d love to learn.” She stopped long enough to take a drink of water.

“My lessons began that very afternoon and every day for two weeks. I never missed an appointment, either. I was hooked the first time he stuck his tongue between my legs and got his first taste of me. It’s a decision I’ve never regretted. The only thing I’ve regretted lately is keeping it al from you for all this time. I do hope you can forgive me, dear.” She looked really down and embarrassed so I got up and went around the table and gave her a big hug.

“You’re forgiven, Granny Nan,” I told her.

We never went into any of the details of her ‘training’ but I knew she’d have told me if I only asked.


Chapter 6: Now the Fucking Begins…

Two days later I was ready for my first canine fucking.

I had gone shopping earlier in the day and had completely forgotten what was going to be happening later that night. I was out buying a dress for my date later in the week and then got caught up in traffic behind a wreck that had completely closed down the local Interstate Highway. By the time I made it through the front door I was in a terrible mood and only wanted a hot bath to soak away all the upset feelings I had. No one was at home when I got there, or so I thought, and I went to my room and got undressed and slipped down the hall naked and only wanting a hot bath.

On my way to the bathroom I heard the moaning from Granny Nan’s bedroom and, against everything I wanted at that time, I went over to the door and pressed my ear against it. At first I heard nothing and was just about to turn around and head towards that much wanted bath when I heard the unmistakable sound of fucking in the room. I tried the door handle, quietly of course, and found it to be locked. That was strange, as Granny Nan never locked her bedroom door, at least not that I could remember. Once again I tried to quietly turn the knob and again, it wouldn’t budge. I gave up at that point and went on to the bathroom, ran the water just as hot as I could get it, added my Calgon Bath Beads and then slipped into the water and relaxed as much as I could.

I guess I must have fallen alseep, cause the next think I knew there was a pounding on the door and Granny Nan stuck her head into the room.

“You ok?” she asked.

I sat up in the now chilled water and answered her, “Yeah. I guess so. Just had a rough day today and the traffic was murder and then I got stuck behind a wreck that closed the highway. All I wanted to do was get home and soak in some hot water for a while. Have you been home long?”

“I’ve been here all day, child.”

“Really? I looked and didn’t see you anywhere, but I did hear some noises from your room and when I went to investigate I found your door locked!”

“Locked?” she asked.

“Locked,” I replied.

“Wasn’t me, dear. I never lock that room and you know that.”

“Maybe I was just imagining it,” I said. “Like I told you, I’m tired and was probably just hearing things.”

“Could be it,” she said, failing to hide the small smile I saw on her face as she ducked out of the room and closed the door.

“Something’s going on around here,” I thought.

I pulled the plug to drain the water and got up and began to dry myself off, hanging my wet towel on the rack next to the tub. Then I got out my moisturizing cream and began my nightly ritual of rubbing my legs and feet and then my arms and finally my chest. I applied a light covering of talcum power, opened the door and checked to see if anyone was in the hallway. Since I didn’t bring any clothes with me I just wanted to make sure that there were no surprises wating for me in the hall once I headed towards my own room. I made it there without any incidents and got dressed in my night clothes and prepared for bed.

Just as I sat on the edge of my bed Granny Nan stuck her head in the doorway.

“Before you go to sleep,” she started, “I have a surprise for you.”

“A surprise? For me?”

“Yes, for you. Who else would I have it for?” she laughed and retreated from my room and, I presumed, went to her room.

I was wrong.

She was waiting in the living room for me, along with Otis. Both had huge smiles spread across their faces.

“Ok,” I said. “What gives? You’re both sitting there with a smile a mile wide on your faces.”

They looked at each other and nodded.

“Sit down first,” Otis told me, and when I did he whistled and into the room came a huge Great Dane! He came directly to me and began to lick my face and I had to reach out and scratch his neck and head.

“Dear,” Granny Nan said, “I want you to meet Arthur! He’s your new pet!”

“For me?” I laughed.

“Yep. For you. And he’s been specially trained for you, too.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, although I probably already knew that answer.

“That noise you heard in your Granny Nan’s room earlier,” Otis said. “That was your Granny Nan trying him out for the first time.”

Then I knew for certain. Arthur was a present for me to fuck and suck as I chose.



I spread my legs, anxious to see if he was trained the way I thought he was and he immediately withdrew from licking my face and went directly to my pussy and swathed that long canine tongue between my now dampening lips. His first contact sent chills through my entire body and in only a few licks had expertly brought me to a raging climax. I pushed my legs closed and pushed Arthur back as well, gaining enough room so that I could stand up and hug the two greatest people on the whole Earth.

“I love you both,” I told them.

“We wanted to give you something special, that would be all yours, and that you could enjoy as much as I have enjoyed Simon. I had a friend of mine train Arthur, as she trained Simon, so you’re getting one of the best fucking Great Danes available anywhere.” The smile on Granny Nan’s face was like none I’d ever seen before. There were tears in her eyes and I also noticed that she and Otis were holding hands as she told me all of this. I gave her a big kiss, and also gave Otis one as well. After all, he’s a part of this ‘family’ and has been involved in all of this from the beginning.

“Just make sure that you don’t neglect us,” Otis told me, “now that you have Arthur to spend time with.”

“I could never neglect you two. You’ve taught me so much and I’m honored to be a part of this ‘family’.” Again I hugged each one of them and then turned and looked at my new pet.

Granny Nan spoke up then, “Why don’t you take him to your room and ‘get to know him better’,” she told me. “We won’t bother you for a while so you can enjoy yourself. Just be warned though, once you’ve had your share of him you can expect us to join you later to enjoy your ‘spoils’ as well.”

“That’s fine with me,” I assured them both. Then I got up and headed towards my room, for a little privacy with my new pet.


I went to my bedroom, making sure that Arthur was following right behind me. Once inside the room I closed the door and locked it, wanting to make sure my first time with my new was uninterrupted. After all, if he was mine then I was going to take full advantage of the situation and enjoy him all by myself. Perhaps later I’d let Granny Nan join me, but for right now he was MY new toy and I wanted to make sure that I broke him in right!

On my way across the room I disrobed, leaving small piles of my clothing scattered across the floor. I’d worry about picking the up later.

Arthur was unlike any Great Dane I’d ever seen. Of course he was large, as most Danes are, but he appeared to be bigger in size than any other Dane I’d ever seen. He was also jet black in color, instead of the usual grey of the breed. His tongue was hanging out of the side of his mouth and I could hardly wait to feel that thing between my legs for the first time. I knew I was going to enjoy it though.

I laid on my bed, after pulling back the covers, and spread my legs, hoping he’d get the idea. I mean, if he was so well trained then I shouldn’t have to tell him anything, right? Well, my instincts proved to be right, because he moved across the room to me and immediately stuck his head between my wide open legs and proceeded to force his tongue deep into my gash, rubbing against my clit as he did so. It was like I’d been jolted with electricity, the jolt to my senses had me sitting up on the mattress and starting at the huge canine head between my legs. I could hear the noises he was making as he continued to dine on my dripping pussy and I was sure that there’d be nothing left of my running juices once he was finished.

Pulling his tongue out of me he proceeded to lick around my mons and his slippery tongue felt good against my bare skin, which made me feel good about keeping myself well shaved down there. As he dove in again I momentarily felt his teeth against my outer lips and I prayed that he’d never bite me down there. I knew it would hurt like hell if he did, but I trusted his training and felt that he’d never do anything to harm me in any way.

Reaching down to my knees I wrapped my hands around them and pulled my legs backwards, until they were up against my chest. Once I was in the right position he had complete access to not only my pussy but also my rosebud and he immediately went to work on that part of my body as well. He lashed his tongue, that wonderful tongue, across my rosebud and gently (?) probed into me as far as he could. Now I’ve never been fucked in my ass, and I hope I never will be, so I was safe in assuming that he’d only get his oral organ only so far into me there and I was right. Each time he licked me down there I clenched my ass and made any attempt to get into there that much harder. I had no doubt that if he really wanted to though that no matter how hard I tried, I’d never be able to prevent him from gaining access.


His oral probing continued and he licked from my rosebud to my clit over and over again, digging into my soaking wet pussy with each upward stroke and I could feel him as he curled his tongue and scooped my juices out of me. I was pretty sure that I’d end up blacking out from the sheer pleasure and it took all my will power not to scream out with the intensity of each orgasm. I wanted this moment for myself and I’d be damned if I let anyone else enjoy the ecstasy I was feeling right then.

With each swipe of his tongue I pinched and pulled on my small nipples, getting them as hard as they’d ever been, perhaps harder. I pulled on my small breasts (not quite a handfull each) and groaned and moaned with each swipe over my clitoris and once he was inside and moving against my g-spot. This was so much better than Granny Nan’s tongue. Not even a close comparison, either. Arthur won the oral contest hands down. No doubt about it.

Once I guess I’d had at least 4 or 5 orgasms I had to push him back and take a breather. My legs hurt from holding them back so long and my back had a little ache as well from all the arching I’d been doing trying to get as much of that organ into me as I could, admittedly it never felt like enough of it was ever inside of me at any given time.

Arthur sat back a bit from the bed and dipped his head to his underside, where I saw his cock fully extended, with his swollen knot keeping his sheath from covering him, and began to clean himself. I noticed a small puddle on my floor directly beneath him and figured he’d been leaking his own juices while licking me out. I watched as he curled his wonderful tongue around his cock and cleaned up the mess he’d apparently made.

I got off the bed and sat down on the floor right beside him, reaching out and patting him on his huge head and then scratching him behind his ears. He liked that and would nudge my hand back into place whenever I stopped. Next I reached beneath him and stroked his furry belly, slowing sliding my hand further and further down to his cock. His knot has shrunk enough that his sheath was once again in place, completely covering that wonderful organ, but with my hands I manipulated his crotch area until the pinkish, pointed tip once again emerged and once enough was exposed I wrapped my fingers around it and felt the heat radiating from it. I’d never handled a man’s cock, other than Otis’, but I could definitely feel the differences and the most amazing thing was the tapered end and the small opening at the end of that point. It was wet from all his licking and from being inside his sheath, where I gathered his natural juices kept him well lubricated.

I sat up on my knees and managed to wrestle him onto his back, with his legs spread out before me, exposing his underbelly and that wonder cock. I reached back and felt of his balls, encased within this back-colored scrotum. They felt huge and were probably full of canine cum just waiting to be released. Well, I was planning to help with that release.

Lowering my head towards his sheath, with my hand still wrapped around his canine cock, I opened my mouth and took the tip of that organ into my warm oral cavity. Without closing my mouth I ovaled my tongue to fit against the underside of his cock and just let it stay there for a while, getting to know the texture of his piece of meat; getting to know the taste of it on my tongue for the first time; getting to know that I had the power within me to bring him to a raging climax any time I wanted to. I was dying to find out how long it would take me to get that canine sperm to shoot into my mouth for the first time and to see what he tasted like. I already knew what Simon tasted like, but this was going to be a new experience for me. For the first time I’d have something no one else had the opportunity to do – I’d be able to take the animal’s virginity tonight. Yeah, I know he’d probably fucked others in his training cycles, but to me he was a virgin and I planned to deflower him all by myself.

After tasting him for a couple of minutes I closed my mouth and moved back and forth, feeling his cock slide in and out of my lips for the first time. Once I was used to the feeling I began to move forward more and more until I eventually felt his cock against the back of my throat and without any pain or discomfort at all I finally felt it move to the very back of my tongue and into my throat, past my uvula and deeper into my throat for the first time.

Now I’ve given a number of blow jobs to Otis in the past and I’ll tell you this, his cock never just ‘slid’ into my throat without any effort! I had to get accustomed to his huge cock and slowly work back and forth for almost thirty minutes before I was able to deepthroat him. With Arthur, his cock just seemed to slip into place with no effort at all. I worked on that cock, bobbing up and down, for probably twenty minutes before I felt him tense up for the first time. I never removed my mouth, but kept on sucking and licking on him, wanting to get his load into my mouth and onto my tongue for the first time. I knew from previous experience with Simon that when a dog finally cums, it’s not like a man’s cum. The force is really there and the first shot is really strong, as well as the second and sometimes the third. Also, the cum an animal shoots is much more abundant than that of a man. A dog will flood a woman’s pussy in short order and then the remaining amounts will eventually drip out of her, creating a mess if you’re not prepared for it, and then even if you are.

I grabbed his balls and gently squeezed them a bit, and I felt him wiggle beneath me and it wasn’t long after that that he shot his first load into my throat, causing me to momentarily gag a bit. I wasn’t as prepared as I thought I’d be and immediately he shot again and it completely filled up the rest of my throat as well as my mouth and I could feel it squeezing from between my lips and creating a pool of doggie cum on his belly. I pulled back and swallowed as fast as I could and was rewarded with two shots onto my face and throat, where it then dribbled down my chin and joined the other puddle on his belly. I sat back and swallowed once again and this time I managed to get most of it into my belly, but some still trailed down my chest and across my beasts. I reached down and rubbed it into my skin, feeling the warmth against my body. Damn, it felt good, too.

In the meantime, Arthur had gotten up and crossed my room to his padding and started to clean himself once again. Once he was finished he curled up and went to sleep. I knew I’d worn him out on this first outing and realized that I was tired as well. I went to my bathroom and cleaned up a bit, washing my chest and belly of the excess cum and then brushed my teeth. Once I was finished I sat on the toilet and relieved the pressure from my bladder and then returned to my room and got into the bed, pulling up my covers, and immediately falling asleep myself.


In the meantime, Otis and Granny Nan were taking care of each other in her room.

Once they’d finished they lay there, against each other, and listened for any sign of movement in the other bedroom. There was none to be heard.

“You think she’s ok?” Granny Nan asked.

“I’m sure she is,” answered Otis. “Just let her be for now. Once she’s ready to come out she’ll open the door.”

Granny Nan jokingly punched him in the chest. “I know that, silly man. I was just wondering how much she was enjoying the experience, that’s all.”

Otis pulled her closer, pinching one of her nipples and then lowering his head and taking it into his mouth for the umteenth time.

“Oh yes!” she moaned, reaching out to grab his cock, pushing his abundant foreskin back and forth, jacking him off once again. In only a few minutes she was rewarded with yet another load of his potent cum. She let it shoot all over his chest and then pushed him off her chest and moved over to him and leaned over herself and licked up the mess, enjoying the taste yet again.

“Damn woman,” Otis told her, “I’ve never shot this many times in one day. You sure are horny tonight Old Lady,” he laughingly called her.

“Watch it, Old Man,” she laughed herself.

After cleaning him up with her mouth and tongue she laid her head on his nappy haired chest, closed her eyes and went to sleep herself. Otis joined her only a short time later.


Chapter 7: I Finally lose My K-9 Virginity

When I woke up it took me a few moments to realize where I was and what had happened earlier. I was naturally sore all over my body, but then realized that I was fine with that. It had felt good to have Arthur lick me off like he had and I’d also enjoyed sucking him to completion as well.

Arthur lay on my bed, at the foot, stretched out and looking quite comfortable. I smiled, remembering what had happened last night, recalling how good his tongue had felt as it was pushed into my hot box and then how I’d enjoyed sucking on his cock for the first time. Since I wasn’t under the covers I moved to the foot of the bed and reached out to stroke his stomach. He jumped with the first contact of my hand but then seemed to realize where he was and who I was. He shifted his body slightly, getting on his back and exposing his stomach to me, especially his sheathed cock. I immediately reached for that region and began to stroke his sheath, doing my best to coax his cock out so I could suck it one more time. Slowly it emerged, slick with his own juices, which I assumed were kind of like mine, constantly wet inside his sheath, as I was constantly wet within my own folds.

As soon as his cock was halfway exposed I leaned closer and wrapped my lips around his organ, savoring his taste once again. The texture was quite unlike Otis’, and while I could readily feel the outline of Otis’ veins along his shaft, I found that Arthur’s cock didn’t have the same feeling. It was completely smooth to the touch of my tongue and I wondered if it was different for other dogs. I made a mental note to myself to check with Granny Nan and to see if Simon’s cock was the same as Arthur’s.

As I worked on the cock in my mouth I reached down and fingered my clit, getting it as hard as it had ever been. With each stroke I was closer and closer to an orgasm and I didn’t want that. I was determined that the first orgasm of today was going to be once his cock was fully inside of me for the first time. With that in mind I pulled off his cock, which got an immediate reaction from Arthur, as he looked up at me to see if something was wrong.

“Don’t worry boy,” I told him as I patted the top of his head, “I’ve got something else planned that I’m sure you’re going to love.”

I got off the bed, with Arthur following me, and got down on the rug on the floor, kneeling down and then leaning forward, resting my head on my forearms and jutting my ass into the air.

Arthur stuck his nose into my exposed and open pussy and I felt the first swipe of the day from his masterful tongue. He pulled back a bit and licked my ass cheeks and then swabbed my rosebud for the first time, then moved lower and seemed to slurp my steadily flowing female juices. I’d already left a streak running down the inside of my leg from my excited state. I knew from my experiences with Granny Nan that I tended to flow quite heavily once I was excited. She’d picked at me often enough swearing that one day I’d actually cause her to drown while she was eating me out.

After a couple of swipes he stepped back and seemed to consider what was going to happen next. I then felt him nudge me with his nose, as if to tell me that I had to move over a bit. Looking back I realized that I was indeed too close to the bed, so I did move over a bit and as soon as I repositioned myself I felt him attempt to mount me for the first time. I’d already check his nails and was please to see that they’d been trimmed as short as they could get without hurting him. They’d also been rounded off and smoothed off so as to not scratch me too badly once he was on top of me.

I felt his weight on my back and made small adjustments to my body so that I was a bit more comfortable and then waited for him to take over. He moved closer to me, gripping my waist between his forelegs and I then felt the first probing of his sheath against my ass for the first time as he probed and pushed against me. It was only a couple of moments later that I felt his cock against my outer lips for the first time and then he pushed forward harder and I knew in that instant that he’d gotten that cock into my pussy!


His first thrust after that pushed him deeper into me and I have to tell you, that initial penetration hurt like hell! I’d never expected it to hurt like it did, but it did and it almost took my breath away. I tried not to move at all, as he adjusted himself and withdrew slightly and then jammed into me once again, just as hard. Apparently dogs aren’t too caring about how they mate with female dogs. His thrusting never stopped and it felt like someone was stabbing me with a pointed stick (and I guess that’s actually what it truly is!) and I just knew I was probably bleeding down there. I tried to reach back to see but quickly lost my balance and almost threw him off the top of me, so I quit moving and let him settle back into his steady movements.

Once he got into a pattern I began to feel better and in no time I was beginning to move back into his strokes, pushing back just as hard as he was pushing forward. His cock was definitely hitting my cervix with each stroke and while it was painful at first, it began to feel somewhat better as time moved on. At one time his probing even stopped, as his strokes got shorter and shorter and, before I even realized what was happening, he unloaded his canine spunk into me for the first time. I felt the first shot and it actually stung a bit, but with each following shot the sting went away and finally I couldn’t feel anything at all. All I knew was that he was locked into me for the first time and I’ve never even felt his knot as it slipped into my hole. I guess I was so wet that it just slid right in and then proceeded to lock me up to where none of his seed would escape his bitch. Once he was finished he tried to get down but was still locked tight in me and after a few attempts he did get down and turned around, his ass next to mine and all I could do was wait until his knot shrunk enough to withdraw from me. About ten minutes later it did just that and the flood that escaped me completely saturated the rug beneath me.

When I turned over and sat on the run his juices, as well as mine, continued to spill out of me onto the rug and I just new it would end up leaving a stain on Granny Nan’s hardwood floors.

I reached up to the bed and pulled off my comforter and sat on it, hoping it would absorb a lot of the fluids. About twenty minutes later I was able to stand up and went to my bathroom and got cleaned up. Once I was finished I went back into the room and got my comforter and threw it into the tup and filled it with hot water then wet a towel and returned to my room, rolled up the small rug, and wiped up the floor beneath it. Once I was done I picked up the rug and along with the towel returned to the bathroom and dropped both of them into the tub. I turned off the water after all the pieces were completely covered and decided to dribble a bit of my shampoo into the water to see if that would help clean them up.

I check my body in the full-length mirror on the back of the bathroom door and was glad to find no scratches anywhere on my sides or my back.

Well, I’d just finished getting fucked by a dog for the first time in my life and I had to admit to myself that I really liked it. I knew that it wouldn’t be long before I’d do it again and the next time I wanted Granny Nan and Otis to be there to witness it as well. Even though we weren’t really ‘family’ they were there for me all the time and if that’s not the definition of a ‘family’ then I don’t know what is.