(c) 2011 by intempo111

Chapter One

Lucy’s eighteenth birthday was coming up. Certain traditions had to be observed in the family.

“Now don’t forget honey, always clean the cock after a man has fucked you, it’s good manners” said mom taking the dildo from my pussy to lick and suck clean.

“Now turn around honey and I will give your ass one more fuck, make you a bit looser there”.

I turned over and mom pushed the dildo up my already lubed ass, all the preparations over the last few months were now ready to be out into operation.

“Okay honey time to go”. I was led into the next room where my daddy and twin brother Frank were waiting along with my elder brother Leroy were seated.

My elder sister Luann rose and hugged me as I took her place on my knees in the middle of the three men. Taking daddy’s cock in my mouth I stroked the other two cocks with my hands.

My name is Lucy, we live on a farm in Tennessee where the custom among families was to let brothers and daddies get the first fuck from daughters in the family on their eighteenth birthday. Daddy was always the first followed by the brothers according to age, today was my eighteenth birthday.

Mom and my two elder sisters had prepared me by fucking my ass and allowing me to suck off my cousin so I could get used to swallowing sperm. I wasn’t allowed to have a cock inside me until daddy had first penetrated my pussy, then my brothers, then any cousin who wanted me, male or female.

Lucy sucked deep on the hard prick of her daddy before being told to move to her elder brother Leroy. He had a massive cock, the biggest one in all the family. Lucy sucked as best she could, getting it into her mouth was proving hard.

“Don’t worry Lucy, mom or your sisters couldn’t get it in either, just lick it up and down. Lucy stroked and licked the shaft till she was again moved to her twin brother. He was much smaller than Leroy and easier to suck.

After sucking all three for about ten minutes she was ordered up on the couch with her ass pointing up.

Mom and her daughters looked on proudly as daddy pushed his prick in his daughters tight cunt for her first cock fuck. Lucy felt it go in and was surprised how much nicer it felt than a dildo. Daddy was gentle at first and then more forceful strokes. Lucy had been near to cumming many times but either her sister or her mom would stop.

“You must have your first cum with daddy”, they would say, “that’s the way it’s always been, I had my first cum with my daddy” mom would say.

Lucy felt her first orgasm building, the feeling was like a thunderbolt in her loins, whoosh, something was flowing from her in copious amounts, she was in heaven as her pussy spewed out more cum all over her daddy’s cock.

Lucy was out of breath now as daddy pushed his now wet cock against her tight ass hole. Aaron, her daddy pushed against the little brown hole to see it open slightly. Pushing harder the hole opened a little more to take the tip of his cock inside. Now it was disappearing up her ass Aaron pushed a little harder and the whole length was inside her eighteen year old ass.

Frank and Leroy were stroking their cocks trying hard not to cum, the sight of their daddy with his cock all the way up their sisters little ass hole nearly sent them over the top. Lucy was enjoying the ass fuck, she could feel the friction against her skin as he pushed in and out. Daddy suddenly stiffened and Lucy felt warn liquid being pumped into her belly.

Aaron was pumping furiously now, he enjoyed taking his daughters, he wished he had more than three. Finished he pulled out for Lucy to turn round and take his glistening cock in her mouth licking all the way up and down the shaft and then sucking it clean.

“Good girl Lucy, you remembered your manners, always clean the cock after being fucked”, clapped mom.

Lucy’s sister Marybeth came over and wiped her pussy and ass clean pushing the cloth in her ass with her fingers to clean out the cum.

Leroy was next, he pushed his cock towards her mouth. “Better wet it little sister, this is going to fill that sweet cunt of yours”.

Lucy licked it and then spat on it as her brother went behind her. “What a lovely pussy you have Lucy, this is the first time I’ve seen it, won’t be the last now though will it Lucy”.

“I hope not big brother, be a shame to waste that big cock of yours”, replied Lucy.

Leroy pushed towards the still wet pussy. Lucy gasped as the massive dick slid into her. “Take it easy Leroy, I’ve never had anything so big in there”.

Leroy pulled out and then pushed back again to get a bit more in.

Her mom could see she was struggling so she got up to hold her hand. “It’s okay honey, you’ll soon get used to it, first time he fucked me it was the same, now I can’t get enough of his beautiful cock”.

“Okay mom, I’ll be alright”, said Lucy holding her mom’s hand tight.

“Go on Leroy, your sister can take your cock, I’m not going to let the family down”.

Leroy pushed again and this time Lucy pushed back to take it all inside her.

Lucy was sweating, this monstrosity was filling her cunt like nothing else ever had. The feeling of pain was subsiding and now it was replaced by a feeling of pleasure as Leroy pumped her pussy. Mom was squeezing her tits and soon the cum was ready to flow again. Leroy felt the cum on his cock and decide now was the best time to try her ass.

Looking at the little hole he thought there was no way he would ever get his prick in there. He stuck his finger in and then two to try and loosen it. Now or never he thought as he pushed towards her hole. He had to keep the family tradition going, every daughter had to have both pussy and ass fucked first time by brothers and daddy’s. It opened slightly so he pushed a little bit farther. Lucy was squeezing her mom’s hand tightly as she felt the huge cock violate her back passage. She was determined not to let herself down, both her sisters had taken her brother up their ass, she was not going to be beaten.

“Go Leroy, let’s get it over with”, she said as Leroy pushed harder and harder.

At last his prick was all the way up her ass as Lucy lay panting feeling absolutely filled. Now Leroy was pushing in and out, Lucy was finding it a bit easier now just as Leroy started cumming. If she thought her daddy had spurted a lot of cum in her ass she was in for a shock. Leroy’s huge dick was pumping wave after wave of hot sperm into her.

At last he pulled out and Lucy could feel her ass close as cum ran from her down her legs. As Lucy got her breath back mom reminded her to clean her brothers cock. Lucy licked the still hard cock clean from hers and her brother’s cum.

“Can I fuck you later Lucy, see if we can loosen that as of yours a bit”.

“Of course you can Leroy, I need to get it loose if you’re gonna want to fuck it with that monster every day”, laughed Lucy.

Her pussy and ass were cleaned again as she bent over to take her twin brother. Frank said he wanted it missionary style so Lucy lay down and opened her legs wide. Frank had never seen a pussy, his sisters looked so nice, he had seen his brother putting his tongue into his mom and sisters pussies, he wanted to try it.

“Is it alright mom if I lick her pussy first, I’ve seen Leroy do it to you and my sisters”.

“Of course honey, you can do what you want with any of your sisters or me now, this is your initiation, after this you can fuck any of us , anytime, anywhere, you can lick pussy or anything else you want son”.

Frank dived into his sisters pussy, he could smell the sex from her. His tongue was darting in and out making Lucy feel good. The fact it was her twin brother licking her cunt made it feel more sexy. She couldn’t help herself, it happened so suddenly, poor Frank got a mouthful of cum before he could pull away.

Mom pushed his head back down. “It’s your sisters cum, don’t be afraid to swallow, it won’t hurt you, Leroy swallows all the time, isn’t that right girls”.

The other two sisters shouted yes, well one did, the other had her daddy’s cock in her mouth sucking him. Frank swallowed the liquid, not bad he thought, I could get used to this licking her pussy clean. Frank knew he wouldn’t last long, his brother had told him the first time always lasted for a minute or so. He had told him to fuck his sisters ass first before he came.

Frank pushed his cock in for his first fuck, he had to wait as well till he was eighteen because of his sister. He marvelled at the ease his cock disappeared up that little hole so easily. Leroy was right, after a few strokes he started cumming, he tried to hold back but it was no use, cum spurted into Lucy’s ass as he pumped as hard as he could.

Lucy cleaned his cock and smiled at him. “You’ll get better with practice brother, you can practice on me as much as you like”.

Leroy wanted to fuck her ass again but mom forbid it.

“Tomorrow Lucy has to entertain her cousins and uncles and anyone else for two hours, then we all know what she has to do”.

“The animals”, they shouted, fuck as many animals as she can, that should be fun”.

“Have you decide which animal you’re going to fuck first Lucy”.

“Yep, I’m going to fuck ole hound dog, he’s been kinda looking at me funny as if he knows, so I’m going to fuck hound dog”.
Marybeth spoke up. “Hey, don’t let that look fool you, last time he fucked me he damn near crippled me, I was sore for two days”.

Lucy lay in bed feeling her ass and pussy. It had been a strange birthday, tomorrow she would get to fuck her cousin Thomas, he had made her promise he could be the first cousin to fuck her, she liked Thomas. The thought made her push her finger s deeper into her pussy.

“What are you doing Lucy”, asked Marybeth who was laying beside her lifting the clothes.

“Here let me do that”, said Marybeth sliding down the bed to push her tongue into her sisters pussy.


Chapter two

Lucy woke up as the sun started to shine through the windows. People woke early around here, she looked at the clock, six thirty. She gently felt her ass, it was still a little sore from the fucking by Leroy, her elder brother, that prick of his was massive. She lay there thinking, I shall have to get used to it now, I’m eighteen, my brothers can fuck me anytime they want, so can daddy.

Her reverie was broken by a hand on her pussy. Marybeth had woken up.

“Good morning Marybeth, how are you this morning”. Marybeth yawned, “I’m fine how are you, your ass sore?, I know mine was when Leroy fucked me with that monstrosity on my eighteenth”.

“It’s not too bad, It’ll be alright later”, said Lucy as Marybeth’s hand stroked her pussy again. “Would you like me to lick you again, you enjoyed it last night”.

Marybeth was sliding down the bed when daddy walked in. “Just came to see how my newest recruit is, hope you’re not too sore Lucy, that cock of Leroy’s sure is big”.

“I’m alright daddy, I should be ready for my cousins later, I hope they don’t all want to fuck me”.

“She says her ass is a bit sore daddy, maybe we should tell them to leave it alone today”, said Marybeth.

“You know we can’t do that Marybeth, all holes must be available on cousins day, we can’t break with custom”.

“I’ll be alright daddy, I can give my ass a rest tomorrow”.

Aaron pulled the clothes off the bed. “Let me see your ass, if it is too sore maybe we could postpone it for a couple of hours or so, give you more time to recover”.

Lucy turned over and presented her ass for her daddy to inspect. He gently massaged the small hole with his finger. “Maybe if we put some cream on it will help, Marybeth get some cream”. Marybeth came back with the cream to find her daddy massaging her sisters pussy.

“That’s not her ass daddy, don’t you know the difference yet”, she laughed.

“You mind your own business sister, daddy knows what he’s doing”, said Lucy in mock anger.

Marybeth climbed on the bed on her knees. “Why waste the other hand daddy, my ass is sore too”.

“Aw, you poor thing”, said daddy rubbing her pussy, “there does that feel better honey”.

“Oh yes daddy, my ass feels much better now”, said Marybeth laying her head on the bed.

Lucy was enjoying the massage on her pussy and clit, after the fucking she got yesterday it was nice and gentle. The stirrings started again and soon her daddy’s finger were covered in cum from her pussy.

“Pure nectar honey”, said daddy as he licked his hands and fingers. Putting his fingers deep in his daughter’s pussy he gave them to Marybeth to suck.

“I don’t suppose this is your first taste of your sisters cum Marybeth, I’d like to bet you’ve had that tongue of yours inside her pussy more than once”, said daddy as Marybeth licked at his fingers. Marybeth was close to cumming now and soon daddy’s other hand was covered in cum. Again he licked his hand clean and plunged his hand back in Marybeths pussy for Lucy to taste.

“Is this your first taste Lucy”. Lucy nodded as she licked the sticky cum from her daddy’s hand and fingers.

“On your knees again Marybeth, I want to fuck that ass and pussy of yours before I get ready to meet your cousins”.

“Oh yes please daddy”, said Marybeth pointing her ass towards him.

Aaron had got quite worked up fingering his daughters pussies, he knew he wouldn’t last long. He wanted to come in her ass, he just loved fucking his daughters asses, they were so tight and cute, he never tired of fucking them. Aaron fucked her ass with hard thrusts and then too soon he shot his sperm into her.. Pulling out Marybeth turned to clean his cock but daddy said Lucy should clean it this time.

Turning to Lucy he offered his cock as she opened her mouth and sucked ass juice and cum from his dick. Marybeth turned and said, “thank you daddy, you’re the best daddy in the world”.

“Why thank you girls”, he said bending down and kissing both daughters ass cheeks.

“Now put that cream on your sisters ass, her cousins will be here later”.

In the other bedroom Leeann, mom, was laying with legs spread wide as Frank played with his hard cock. He had a thing about his mom, he had masturbated about her when she had washed him in the shower and now he was about fulfil his dream and fuck her.

Luann and Leroy sat nearby, Luann was stroking his massive cock as they waited for Frank to mount his mother. Frank moved forward with his cock in his hand and edged towards his mother’s cunt. Leeann waited patiently, she wanted her son to fuck her, she had wanted to fuck him for ages, but because of the custom she couldn’t.

Frank pushed his hard dick inside her as she wrapped her legs around him tightly. Pulling him down she kissed him with open mouth as their tongues sought out each others. Frank was now pumping hard at his mother, Luann had Leroy on his back grinding her wet pussy into his face almost choking him.

The sight of her brother fucking his mom really turned her on and soon soaked her brothers face with a load of cum. Frank was enjoying the feel of his cock inside his mother as she too started to cum. Frank felt the liquid coat his cock and made him fuck harder to his mother’s delight. She bucked up against him with her pussy as she felt his young cock inside her.

All this bucking was too much for Frank, he spurted his sperm into her waiting pussy as his mom came again.

Frank rolled off and lay on the bed. “Aren’t you forgetting something Frank”, said his mother. “What?”, said Frank looking puzzled.

“Your cock Frank, you haven’t given me your cock to clean”.

“Sorry mom”, getting up and pushing his dripping cock into his mom’s open mouth.

Luann ahd come again and Leroy had turned her on her knees now with his massive cock rammed inside her. Luann grunted as he pumped her hard, she loved her brother’s cock, only problem was, it spoiled every other fuck she had, they could never measure up to her brothers cock.

Leroy finished fucking his sister shooting his load in her pussy. Pulling out Luann asked her mother to help clean his cock.

“I can never get it all in my mouth to suck”, she told her mom as both of slurped and licked the shaft.

Breakfast had been served and Lucy and her sisters had showered and made up their faces ready for the rest of the family to come over.

One by one they arrived, Lucy had a lot of cousins, everyone had large families around here. For all anyone knew, they could be anyone’s daughters or sons. No one ever refused anyone sex, if a husband came home to find his brother fucking his wife he would just close the door till they had finished. Aaron had fucked his sister and his sister in law many times as had his brother fucked his wife.

Everyone gathered in the yard, the weather was hot and there would have been no room for everyone in the house. A mattress was brought out and laid on the ground to followed by Lucy, completely naked, and placed on the mattress.

“Who had first promise on your pussy Lucy”, asked daddy.

“Thomas, he made me promise he could fuck me first after you and my brothers daddy”.

Thomas stepped forward to a round of applause from the gathered ensemble.

Stripping off he offered his cock to Lucy who promptly opened her mouth to suck it. Lucy was on her knees as the crowd watched.
Hand were wandering now, skirts were being lifted and fingers inserted in pussies, any one’s pussies. Tits were being uncovered and felt by hands. Cocks were being pulled out and stroked. It didn’t matter by whom, as long as there was a pussy or tit to feel that was fine.

Lucy was told to get on her knees now by Thomas. He was a big lad, six two and very well built, it was obvious why Lucy liked him.
Thomas pushed his cock into her pussy to another round of applause and saw it disappear inside her. Thomas always liked Lucy, she was very pretty, more pretty than her sisters, although they were pretty as well, maybe he was biased.

He pumped as hard as he could determined not to cum till he had fucked her ass as well. Lucy felt him pull out and knew what was coming. She tried to relax her ass muscles to let him enter easily, Thomas was very gentle with her, he knew the drill, she must have been fucked hard by her brothers huge dick yesterday. Anyone who took that in their as would be sore.

“It’s alright Lucy, I know you must be a bit sore there, I’ll be very gentle”, he said pushing his cock slowly into her ass.

Now the women spectators were on their knees with cocks of all sizes down their throats, even Lucy’s grandma was sucking one of her grandchildren off.

Lucy loved Thomas for being so considerate, ‘I think I might marry him’ she thought as Thomas pushed in and out of her ass. Luan and Marybeth were on their knees with some uncle or other’s dick in their mouth. They knew it would turn into a full scale orgy later when they started drinking. The cousins and uncles had brought their animals. There was goats, dogs, pet ponies, and even a horse, Luan had tried a horse once, she remembered geting so much in her pussy, this time she would try and get it all in Marybeth had also tried a horse, she had sucked his cock till he covered her in cum almost choking her.

Lucy had all this to look forward to as Thomas was getting ready to shoot his load in her ass. She felt the hot cum hit her insides as he shot spurt after spurt into her ass. Thomas turned her round and Lucy opened her mouth to take the cum soaked cock in her mouth. ‘I hope you last longer than that next time you fuck me’, thought Lucy.

Several more cousins, uncles and god knows who else followed each filling her with cum in either pussy or ass, Lucy lost count.
The rest of the day was spent drinking and eating till the evening time when the animals were brought into the yard.

Lucy had recovered now, her pussy or ass wasn’t as sore as she thought it might be, she reckoned she could handle hound dog, as long as he didn’t stick that cock in her ass she would get through, the horse was a different matter.


Chapter  Three

Again Lucy was brought into the yard. It was a long summer evening and still warm. The mattress was still there as Lucy walked over to it and lay down with legs spread. Hound dog was also brought in on his lead. Although he was called hound dog, he was in fact a beautiful golden retriever.

Hound dog, that’s all he had ever been called had done this before. He started licking Lucy all over, her young firm tits stood proud as hound dog licked her nipples and then her face. Lucy put her tongue out as hound dog licked at her. His cock was beginning to show at the end of his sheath getting bigger all the time.


Lucy put her hand out and stroked the tip with her fingers. The cock started to grow even more till all of it showed. Lucy wasn’t surprised by the size of it, she had seen it many times, her sisters had fucked hound dog as had her mother as she watched.

She had also seen them suck on it so she did the same. This was the first time she had tasted dog cock, she had sucked her daddy and a cousin off, this tasted different. It was sticky to start with but her tongue soon cleaned that off as she sucked.

Leroy’s cock had been brought out by his seventeen year old twin cousins, there were a lot of twins in the families around here. It was said that because so many people fucked each other they could have different fathers, no one worried abut that, if there was a pussy to fuck, fuck it.

The twins were giggling and measuring his cock with their hands, they had all four hands on his cock and it still did not cover it. Joanie and Nicola were now trying to get his cock in their mouths but with no luck so just licked it all the way up and down. Lucy was still sucking, cum was dripping from her chin and down her cheeks as hound dog continued to spurt cum al the time. Lucy had enough sucking, getting on her knees she pushed her young ass up in the air for hound dog to mount her.

Strong paws grabbed her waist scratching her slightly as he pushed forward looking for a hole to push his cock in. Lucy took a deep breath as the cock entered her in one stroke, ‘fucking hell’, she thought, ‘you don’t give a girl much chance to get ready’ as hound dogs cock pistoned in and out of her pussy.

Lucy forgot it was a dog, hound dog was part of the family, if the rest of the family had access to her pussy, why not hound dog, it was only fair. She began to push back enjoying the hard thrusts from him and soon the throes of ecstasy overcame her to shoot a load of pussy juices and cum over hound dogs cock. Hound dog gripped her more tightly now as he started to pump cum into her wet cunt. Lucy knew it took dogs a long time to cum, she had seen her mother have to stay on the floor for twenty minutes once as hound dog emptied his sperm into her.

Cum was splashing inside her as hound dog took his time with his human fuck.

At last Lucy felt him pull out and cum run from her open cunt. Hound dog licked it up sending Lucy into more rapture as the rough tongue lapped over her tender clit. Remembering what mom had said she slid under him and took his cock in her mouth cleaning any cum and pussy juice that was left.

A round of applause was heard as Lucy looked over to see both men and women on their knees with mouthfuls of pussy or cunt.
She had been so taken with fucking hound dog she had forgotten all about her initiations, now she remembered what came next. One of her cousins pet ponies was led to the mattress along with a small table.

First Lucy dropped to her knees beside the horse. His front and back legs had been tied so he couldn’t kick. Lucy stroked his balls and up and down his sheath till a little bit of his cock showed. She stroked ti till it grew to at least a foot long. Taking it in her hand she brought the tip to her mouth. With a lot of struggle she managed to get the head of the cock inside her mouth as she caressed and stroked it. It hurt her mouth after a bit to suck, it reminded her of her brother Leroy’s cock.

She licked and stroked the shaft as the horse whinnied his approval. The table was brought in and Marybeth came over to assist. She was wheeled under the horse in line with her pussy.

Marybeth took the horse cock and lined it up to go inside her sister. “Don’t worry Lucy, you can take this, if you can take Leroy, you can take this”.

Marybeth opened her cunt up as much as she could with one hand and pushed the head of the cock in. Lucy grabbed the side of the table expecting a lot of pain. What she did get was a pleasant feeling in her pussy, the horse was filling her for sure, but it was very pleasant.

“More Marybeth, push it in more, I love it”, said Lucy trying to push onto it.

Marybeth pushed more and more of the horse cock in till almost three quarters was in her pussy. Lucy pushed back and forth as her sister pushed and pulled the massive cock.

“I’m going to cum Marybeth, push it in some more”, as she came again with ferocity. Marybeth could see the cum leaking past the horse cock.

“Fucking hell Lucy, you are enjoying this as Lucy lay back breathless.

“He’s ready to cum Lucy, do you want him to cum in you”.

“No, pull him out”, as Lucy jumped off the table and knelt down by her sister.

“Let him cum over both of us, let him shower us with horse cum”, as cum shot everywhere over the two sisters heads and faces.
The crowd were clapping loudly now as the sisters took their bow.

“I’m so proud of you darling”, said mom as she hugged her oblivious to the horse cum as it stuck to her face and hair.

The twins were still licking and sucking on Uncle Leroy’s cock when Hettie approached them. Everyone was naked now including the twins whose pert little breasts were being enjoyed by many of the men who were staring at them.

“How about mommy having some of that cock now girls, are you going to give aunty Hetty some of that big cock again Leroy”.

“You know I always like to fuck you aunty Hetty”, said Leroy.

“You are sweet Leroy, now give me that cock”, she said bending over in front of him.

“Would you like to put my cock in your mommy’s pussy girls”, he asked the twins.

Hetty, who was his father’s sister wiggled her ass. “Go on girls, put that cock in me”.

The twins giggled as they each pulled at the lips of their mothers cunt to open it ready for Leroy’s massive prick. They guided it towards the opening and gasped as it disappeared right up inside.

“Are you alright mom, does it hurt”, said Leone, one of the twins.

“No It’s fine honey, your mommy loves this cock, It’s been up there many times, he’s going to put in my ass after, he always does”.

Leroy fucked his aunty hard, he had fucked her many times, in fact he and his daddy had fucked her all night on the noght she stayed at their house. Her husband had been fucking his sisters and his mom.

“Will you promise to fuck us first after daddy and out brothers fucks us on our eighteenth uncle Leroy”, said Lonnie, the other twin

“Without a doubt Lonnie, I should be honoured to fuck you both, now spread your mom’s ass cheeks, I’m going to fuck her ass”.
Both girls again spread their mom’s ass as Leroy’s cock once again disappeared up the hole.

“Wow mom, you sire can take it in the ass, will you teach me to take it like that”, said Lonnie. “And me”, said Leone.

“We’ll start tomorrow girls, you’ll soon be eighteen anyway and then you’ll have to let daddy fuck you in the ass, then your brothers”.

“Thank you mom”, they said in unison.

Lucy and Marybeth had washed the horse cum from them and were now feeling good. “Shall we put on a show Marybeth, I want to lick your pussy, why not let everyone see it”.

“I’m game, come on”, and lay on the mattress. Lucy straddled her in the sixty nine position and buried her tongue into her sisters pussy.

This got the men’s attention, nothing arouses a man more than seeing a woman lick another woman’s pussy, especially when they’re sisters. Lucy and Marybeth were going at it hammer and tongs when Luann joined in. Grabbing Lucy’s ass cheeks she put her tongue into the crack. Lucy jumped, not from fright, from pleasure, she stuck her tongue deeper into her sister and then decided to follow suit and tongue Marybeth’s ass. Now it was Marybeth’s turn to jump, how sweet she thought, my little sister is licking my ass and drove her tongue in deeper.

Aaron was stroking his cock, those were his three daughters, he had every right to fuck them and he was going to. Going behind Lucy he pushed his cock towards her ass for Luann to suck first. Luann opened her mouth to suck her daddy’s cock. He aimed it at his young daughter’s pussy already wet from Marybeth’s tongue. It slipped in easily as Marybeth continued to lick on her sisters clitty.

“Oh my god, I’m going to cum already”, shouted Lucy as she came all over her daddy’s cock and Marybeth’s face.

Daddy kept pumping at her as she rode him as well. Marybeth’s tongue was still working wonders on her clit as she started to cum again.

After she calmed down from her second cum she asked daddy if maybe now he should fuck one of her sisters. Luann was down on her knees in a shot in front of him as he pushed his cock into her. Marybeth was still licking tasting the cum dripping from Lucy’s cunt when she too started.

It wa slow at first but then ended up in a crescendo as Lucy kept her tongue and teeth firmly locked on her clit. Lucy had only tasted Marybeth’s cum once when her daddy fed it to her from her cunt. Now she could swallow it as it came from her pussy. She drank the liquid freely savouring the taste as it flowed from her.

Luan was cumming as her daddy fucked her hard, she had been fucked a lot that day, most of them had just made it a quick fuck, somewhere to dump their cum, daddy was giving her a real fuck.

“I’m cumming daddy, fuck me harder, fuck your little girl harder daddy”, as she too exploded with a massive orgasm.

Marybeth heard her and said now it was her turn as she got to her hands and knees. Daddy switched easily, her cunt was soaking wet as he rammed it into his daughter s pussy. Lucy was now licking Luann’s cunt savouring the taste of her cum.

“You taste different from Marybeth Luann, still very nice though”, as she licked drops coming from her pussy.

Daddy was near to cumming himself as he fucked Marybeth hard, he had fucked all three daughters, now he was going to cum just as Marybeth shuddered and began to cum at the same time, Cum was being pumped into her cunt as cum was being propelled form her cunt.
Daddy finished cumming as all three cleaned his cock and then Luann and Lucy cleaned Marybeth’s pussy of cum. It was a mixture of daddys cum and Marybeth’s as both sisters lapped it up.
Another round of applause came as Aaaron took a bow. Hettie to was cumming, she loved the feel of her nephews huge cock in her ass, she loved anal and Leroy never disappointed her as she spewed cum from her pussy. Leroy knew she had cum and was now cumming himself.

“Give it to the twins Leroy, thye have to start learning now”, shouted Hettie.

“Whatever you say aunty Hettie”, said Leroy pulling out and covering the young twins faces with salty cum.

“Clean it off each other”, said Hetty as Leone went to wipe her sisters face.

“She means with your tongues girls”, said Leroy, lick it off each other. Both girls giggled again as tongues came out and they started licking cum from each other’s face.

Later when everyone had gone and the rest of the food and moonshine had gone Aaaron and his family sat in the front room.

“We’re all very proud of you Lucy, today you proved you’re a woman, you took a horse cock and you fucked old hound dog, well done”, and everyone clapped.

“Can I sleep with you tonight mom, I’ve only fucked you once, I’d like to fuck you again tonight”.

“Sure you can honey, you can fuck your mom anytime you want”, she said.

Truth was, her pussy was sore, she had four brothers and each one had fucked her mercilessly all day, but she wasn’t going to turn down a fuck with her youngest son. Lucy was thinking of all the animals on the farm, she could have fun with them she thought as she went to bed.


Part Four

“You have to keep it in your ass Joanie, how you gonna fit your daddys and brother’s cocks in there if you don’t stretch it, now come on, hold still and I’ll stick some duck tape to hold it in”.

Lucy was in the bedroom with her twin cousins, it would be their eighteenth in a month or so. Their asses were so tight they would never fit a cock in there on their birthday. Lucy wound the tape around Joanie, or Lonnie as her Uncle Leroy called her. He could never say her name properly when he was little so the name Lonnie stuck.

Joanie walked around the room. “Feels funny in there”, she said as she wiggled her bum. “Now remember I will put a bigger one in three days or so, is your butt plug okay Nicky”.

“I think so”, said Nicky pushing her ass out so Lucy could inspect her ass.

Lucy tried the but plug and it seemed firm. “Do you want me to tape it in Nicky like Joanie’s”.

“Go on Nicky, have yours taped as well, I won’t feel so bad then”.

Nicky and Joanie were two gorgeous seventeen year olds, their ass cheeks were a thing of beauty their tits were just beginning to blossom with nipples as hard as a rock.

Lucy was preparing them for their eighteenth birthday fuck, their daady would fuck her first, then her brothers. The following day was her uncles and cousins and anyone else who the twins wanted to fuck. The evening was give over to an animal, the twins could name which animal they wanted tom fuck.

Frank, Lucy’s twin brother walked into the room, he had been designated to let the twins suck his cock so they could learn how to swallow sperm. He was not allowed to touch their pussies in any way. Frank longed to, the sight of those two beautiful naked twins on their knees sucking him drove him mad.

He would jerk off at every opportunity thinking about them, he wanted to book first fuck after their daddy and brothers but Leroy his elder brother had already been chosen. Frank got his already hard cock out as the twins fell to their knees to suck it. Frank wasn’t that well endowed, he wasn’tt small either, but compared to his brother Leroy, he was average. There wasn’t a lady member of the family who hadn’t fucked Leroy, even his grandmother had insisted he fuck her. Frank was looking down at the two shiny face slurping and sucking his cock, he didn’t want it to ever end, he tried to think of something awful to take his mind off these beautiful teenagers but couldn’t.

Lucy was on her knees watching them suck, she was trying to help them as much as she could. Frank couldn’t hold on any longer. “Open wide girls, I’m cumming”.

Nicky and Joanie opened their mouth as Frank shared his cum with both of them.

“Swallow it girls, It’s considered bad manners not to swallow, let me see it on your tongues”. The twins opened their mouths to show Lucy the white cum on their tongues. “Good, now swallow it”.

Both girls pulled their tongues back and swallowed the salty sperm.

“Now you two, you have to learn how to lick pussy, I think mom is the best for that, Frank, send mom in will you”.

Frank went off to fetch his mom. “Hi honey, what do you want”, said mom taking her dress off.

“I want you to show the twins how to lick pussy mom, you’re more experienced than me, if you lick my pussy, they can watch and learn, okay”.

“Sure honey, anything to teach these two”.

Lucy lay down and spread her legs as Frank walked back into the room.

“Can I watch”, he asked. “It’s okay by me, what about you three”, said mom.

“Sure, let him watch, he might pick up a tip or two”, laughed Lucy.

Mom told the twins to come close as she opened her daughters pussy lips and showed the twins what the inside of a pussy looked like.

Next she spread her clit to show them the little bud. “This is the most sensitive part of a woman’s cunt, you can suck on it and bite it, but not too hard, just enough, like this”.

Mom sucked on the clit and bit it gently as Lucy grabbed her mom’s head and pulled her tight. “See, it feels wonderful when you do it right, now you try”.

Joanie was first, she found and sucked on the little bud she found and then bit tenderly on it. Lucy was loving it, Nicky was next to try, she had seen her mom have her pussy licked by Uncle Aaron when she peeped through the door.

Biting gently she felt Lucy move as she did, thinking she had hurt her she pulled away quickly. “Sorry”, said Nicky “No Nicky, carry on, you’re doing great, bite my clit again”, said Lucy getting breathless.

“Now inside the pussy”, said mom opening her daughters pussy lips again. She pushed her tongue deep into the pink flesh and wiggled it about. Lifting Lucy’s legs up in the air she then dragged her tongue down to lick the small hole that was Lucy’s ass.

That was it for Lucy, “I’m cumming mom, make the twins taste my cum, they’ll have to get used to it”

Mom pushed both heads over Lucy’s cunt as she spewed cum out. Nicky and Joanie tasted the liquid coming from their cousins pussy.

“Much nicer than men’s cum, don’t you think Nicky”, said Joanie licking at the wet pussy. Nicky agreed resuming her licking.

“Now you two can try and make Lucy cum again, if you can I’ve taught you well, don’t forget to lick her ass as well”.

Frank had been playing with his cock and was now hard as a rock. Moving over her put his arms around his mom preventing her getting up. He squeezed her tits hard pulling on her nipples as he pushed his cock up and down her back.

“What’s the matter Frank, you get horny watching your cousins lick your sisters pussy, do you want to fuck your mom now, is that it”.

Frank didn’t answer, he just pushed his cock towards his mom’s mouth whom opened it right away and sucked on it.’
“Can I fuck your ass mom please”. “You don’t have to ask son, my holes are your holes now, so are your sisters, just take them, anytime you want”.

Frank wasted no time, going behind his mom he rammed his cock straight up her asshole.

“Yes son, go on, fuck your mom’s asshole, fuck her harder, fuck her son”. Frank had no trouble fucking her, watching his cousins and mom licking pussy had got him going. He had nearly jerked off twice watching them, all too soon, he shot his load up inside his mom’s ass.

“Why don’t you lick this off”, he motioned to the twins who momentarily left Lucy’s cunt to lick cum from their Auntie’s ass.

Nicky pushed her tongue in as cum still came out, “your turn Joanie”, as she moved away with a mouthful of cum. Joanie licked the crack clean as no more cum was coming out and went back to licking Lucy’s pussy with Nicky.

Mom was sucking her son’s cock clean as hound dog walked in. He could smell all the sex going on, he had been fucking female members of this family since he was a puppy, he knew when there was a fuck for him.

Joanie felt a cold nose on the crack of her ass as she was bent over Lucy. She yelped and jumped up quickly. Mom was laughing out loud, “it’s only hound dog, he just want’s a sniff of your pussy, open your legs a bit wider”. Joanie opened her legs to let hound dog lick her. This was the first time a dog had ever licked her cunt, a couple of her brothers had one night when her mom and daddy were out, but never a dog. She had seen her mom Hettie fucked by their big dog, but she had never been allowed to.

Hounds dogs tongue was almost washing her pussy and ass as she bent over to give him better access. ‘Fucking hell, this is good”, she thought as she bent over farther and farther to let the tongue do his job.

“Nicky, come and try this, it’s fantastic, come here and let hound dog lick your pussy”.

Nicky took her place as the tongue went all over her, it was rough and the feeling on her virgin pussy was the best feeling she ever had.

Hound dog tried to mount her but was pulled off by Frank. ”Sorry hound dog, that pussy belongs to daddy till she’s eighteen, hey mom, would it be alright for the twins to suck hound dogs cock”.

“I don’t see why not, come on girls, on your back”. The twins lay down and hound dog was led over them with his cock sticking out.

“I’ll go first”, said Nicky opening her mouth and sucking on the dog cock.

“It doesn’t taste like yours Frank, it’s kinda sticky”, said Nicky resuming the licking.

A couple of minutes passed and Joanie took over. Frank was getting hard again, the sight of his seventeen year old twin cousins laying naked on the floor sucking dog cock was more than he could bear.

”Suck this Lucy, he said shoving his cock in her mouth.

The twins were now sucking hard, they had licked the sticky stuff off and now it was quite pleasant. Cum was splattering their cheeks as hound dog spurted every so often, Some was hanging from Nicky’s chin as she sucked on him. Joanie took over and soon her cheek was glistening with dog cum.

Frank had now mounted his sister and was fucking her from behind, as he fucked her he stuck his finger in her ass ready.

Hound dog was geting close to cumming, his thrusts were getting more forceful as the twins carried on sucking. It was Nicky who was unfortunate enough to have his cock in her mouth as he exploded. Dogs can cum more than humans, a huge gush of dog cum landed in Nicky’s mouth as she tries to spit it out. There was too much, a large portion of it went down her throat as she grimaced.

Sliding out she started spitting and coughing to try and get rid of the taste.

“Uggggh, that was horrible, dog cum does not taste as good as women’s cum, or men for that matter”

“It’s not funny auntie, it’s horrible”, said Nicky as mom was doubled up with laughter.

Joanie too was laughing as she slid out from under hound dog, everyone thought it was funny even Nicky who was now smiling.
“You can catch it next time Joanie, see how you like it”, she laughed.

Frank had now entered his sisters ass and was pumping furiously at her hole. Lucy was enjoying it, after Leroy, Frank seemed to fit her ass quite snugly, she felt the first splash of cum hit the walls of her ass as her brother emptied his sac into her.

“Why don’t you two clean his cock for me, good practice”, said Lucy.

“After the taste of that dog cum, anything will taste better”, laughed Nicky taking her cousins cock deep in her mouth.


Chapter Five

“Where are we going Sally?”, asked Lucy as she sat in the battered old pick up truck.

“I’m taking you to meet my boyfriend Jimmy, he lives on a farm about ten miles away, you’ll like him”.

Sally was another of Lucy’s cousins, she was her daddy’s brothers girl, Lucy and Sally had always been close although Sally was twenty one. They used to sneak off and feel each other’s tits and lick each other’s pussies when they were younger, all part of growing up.

They drove on along bumpy roads talking about boys mainly, and their eighteenth birthday fucks. They reached a farm somewhere that Lucy did not recognise.

A young man came towards them and called out to Sally. “Hi honey, good to see you”, as he kissed her, he put his hands behind her and lifted her dress to put his finger in her ass.

They parted and Lucy walked forward, “you must be Jimmy”, she said and held out her hand. “No, I’m Billy, Jimmy’s brother, he’ll be along in a minute”.

“Oh, I see”, said Lucy thinking about the finger in her cousins ass hole.

Just then an old tractor drove up and another young man jumped off. “Hi honey, how are you”, he said kissing her and pulling up her dress as well showing Sally’s bare ass.

“Who’s this then”, he said coming to Lucy. “This is my cousin Lucy, Lucy, Jimmy”.

“Hi honey”, grabbing Lucy and squeezing her tight, “does everyone in your family have big tits”, squeezing Lucy’s.

“I guess so, never thought about it much”, said Sally not in the least bothered that her boyfriend had just felt her cousins tits.

“Come in and meet mother, she should be in the house somewhere. They followed the two men into the house where a woman of about thirty five greeted them. She was slim and very attractive and greeted the boys as they came in.

“Have you remembered what we told you mother, no underwear at all”.

“I’ve remembered, don’t worry”. “Show us mother, we have to see for ourselves”.

Lurancy, their mother, sighed and lifted up, her dress to reveal a perfect shaven pussy. Jimmy went over and cupped it with his hand.

“Isn’t that a beautiful pussy”, he said putting his middle finger inside.

“And the top mother, come on lift it”. Mother lifted up her top to reveal a firm set of quite large tits which Jimmy started to fondle.

“Now you honey”, he said to Sally. Sally lifted up her dress to reveal no panties.

“And you Lucy, come on let’s see, we don’t allow women to wear underwear in this house. Lucy stood up and lifted her dress to show she had frilly panties on.

“Fraid those will have to come off honey, go on take them off”. Lucy shrugged her shoulders and hooked her fingers into the waistband and pulled them down and stepped out of them.

Billy came over and rubbed her pussy, “you have a very pretty pussy honey, maybe I’ll get to put my tongue in there before you go”.

Lucy shrugged again, maybe he would. “ Dinners ready, everyone wash their hands and we’ll eat”, said mother

Dinner was a meal of potatoes and beef and vegetables. “That was very nice Mrs, I’m sorry I don’t know your second name”, said Lucy.

“Oh just call me mother, everyone around here does, by the way boys have you seen your sister, she should have been home by now”.

“You know her mother, she’s probably fucking something or someone”.

“That’s no way to talk about your sister Billy, she’s a good girl”.

Billy and Jimmy exchanged glances when their mother wasn’t looking. Roseanne, their sister was a nympho, she couldn’t get enough, both brothers had fucked her, usually two at a time, either with a cock in her mouth, and one in her pussy or DP. The boys started drinking beer after dinner as Sally rose from her chair.

“I’m just going to take Lucy to meet buster”, said Sally.

Lucy saw the knowing glances between the brothers, something was going on. Sally led Lucy round to an enclosure where a large ram was kept.

“Meet Buster, Buster is everyone’s friend, aren’t you buster”, holding out her hand for the ram to nuzzle.

Lucy too stroked the ram’s head as Sally opened the gate and stepped in.

“Where are you going Sally, he looks dangerous”, said Lucy holding back.

“Come on he won’t hurt you, I want to show you something”.

Lucy stepped in hesitantly, “are you sure he’s safe, I don’t trust him”, said Lucy edging past him.

Sally reached underneath him to stroke his cock, almost immediately a huge rod appeared. “Fucking hell Sally, look at that, he’s as big as a horse”.

“I know, isn’t it lovely, look at the size of it, you can hardly get it in your mouth”.

“You mean you’ve sucked on that monstrosity, no way, it would never fit into your mouth”. “I can actually get it into my mouth, it’s a struggle, but I can do it”.

“What about mother and your boyfriend, have they caught you with him”.

“I’ve a confession to make, he’s not really my boyfriend, I come over here to fuck both of them, and Buster”, said Sally looking sheepish, (pardon the pun).

“You mean you’ve fucked Buster as well, you’re a dark horse Sally”.

Sally was now kneeling down stroking Buster’s prick, he must have been used to it because he stood perfectly still as she did. Sitting underneath him she took what cock she could in her mouth. Lucy was amazes to see the massive head go into Sally’s open mouth as she sucked on it. Lucy knelt down to get a closer look, she wondered if she could get that cock in her mouth.

Sally took her mouth off out of breath. “It’s hard to breathe when you’re sucking on it, it fills your whole mouth, want to try while I get my breath back”.

Lucy took her place and sucked on the huge cock. She somehow managed to get the head into her mouth, and then realised what Sally meant, in a few minutes she was out of breath.

“I think she needs more practice Billy don’t you”. Lucy looked up to see mother, and her two sons who were feeling her tits and rubbing her pussy, all three were completely naked.

“Show her how it’s done mother, no one can suck old Buster like you”.

“Thank you boys” she said letting go of their cocks she had been holding.

Mother entered the pen and took Lucy’s place. Lucy watched as mother opened her mouth and took about six inches of Busters cock in her mouth. Lucy was amazed, she must have total muscle control to do that. Buster was still standing still as Sally told Lucy to get undressed. She only had a dress on now as she had been told to take her knickers off inside. Jimmy took her by the hand and led her out. Pushing gently on her shoulders he pushed her down to face his cock. Lucy opened wide and licked his shaft all the way up and down before putting it her mouth and sucking. Sally was kneeling beside her with Billy’s cock in her mouth. Mother was still sucking on Buster’s cock who looked totally contented, who wouldn’t be.

Lucy kept sucking Jimmy’s cock when Sally said switch if you like. Billy and Jimmy changed places as Lucy now sucked Billy’s cock. Both Lucy and Sally were lifted up and bent over to give the boys access to their cunts and asses. “Your cousin has taken it in the ass before Sally”, asked Billy as he pushed his cock into Lucy’s pussy.

“Yes no problem, you can fuck her ass”, said Sally taking Jimmy’s cock into her pussy. ‘I t would have been nice to answer for myself’, thought Lucy as Billy rammed her harder. After a few minutes a switch was suggested again and Jimmy stuck his cock in Lucy’s pussy. Jimmy pushed his finger inside her cunt as he fucked her and then pushed it into her ass.

“Here it comes baby”, said Jimmy as he penetrated her ass. After Leroy anyone was easy to take in her ass, she pushed backward as Jimmy held her ass cheeks tightly.

“Ready honey”, said Billy as he pushed his cock against Sally’s hole. Sally was like her Auntie Hetty, she loved anal sex, the feeling in her ass walls as the cock went in and out drove her crazy. Lucy was cumming now, it was the thought of being taken in the middle of a farmyard with her cousin by her side, somehow it felt kinky.

Jimmy felt the tremble and knew what was coming, squeezing her as cheeks tighter he pushed hard as Lucy cried out and spewed cum form her pussy. Jimmy too was cumming, he emptied his sperm into the young girls ass pumping hard. Sally had already cum, anything in her ass made her cum, her daddy loved licking her ass and making her cum before he fucked her. Billy emptied his load into Sally as she backed onto him. “Switch again”, said Billy as Lucy was offered his cock to clean from Sally’s asshole. Sally was sucking Jimmy clean when mother emerged from the pen leading Buster.

“Well done boys, I think they’re wet enough now to take Buster”.

Lucy looked at her, “you mean you want Buster to fuck me now, okay, I’ll give it a try, where do you want me”.

Billy brought a blanket they had already brought our and asked Lucy to kneel on it.

“He’s a bit bigger than a dog honey, so try and keep your ass higher in the air so he can get it in”, explained mother.

“Okay, is this alright”, she said kneeling and pushing her ass as high as she could in the air.

“Perfect honey, he’s got a good view of that wet pussy now, he may lick you first”.

Mother led Buster over to Lucy’s upturned ass as Buster stuck out his tongue and licked all around her ass and pussy. Lucy jumped forward a little with the force of Busters tongue in her ass. Mother led him forward a little till his cock was right over Lucy’s waiting pussy. Mother guide his cock till it felt the open pussy and then Buster pushed. Lucy screamed as the massive cock went into her, this thing made Leroy’s look average.

After the initial shock she calmed down to find it wasn’t too bad. Her pussy was being stretched to it’s fullest, but the friction on her pussy walls were making her quite horny. Now she was pushing back amazing herself that she was taking this huge dong and enjoying it. She started to cum again as Buster increased his strokes into her. In out, in out, the long pole invaded her pussy hole, Lucy was ready to cum again, she knew in her heart that she would fuck Buster again.

Lucy cried out as she came again cum flowing from her. She felt herself being pulled out from under him. What are you doing, I haven’t finished yet”, said Lucy resisting.

“Honey, Buster will rip your insides out if you’re not used to him, best to take it easy first time, your little cunt will be sore later, relax a bit”.

Lucy scrambled out as mother took her place, this time Sally placed his cock over her pussy as Buster shoved again into another pussy. Mother was used to Buster, she had fucked him many times, as far as she knew Buster had never fucked a sheep, he had fucked many of her friends and family.

Buster was fucking mother hard now, she was crying out for him to fuck her hard as she started cumming almost immediately. Buster speeded up his strokes and mother cried out again as he emptied his cum in her pussy. Buster pulled out of her and what seemd like a gallon of cum flowed form mothers cunt. She was spreading her pussy hole to try and get all of the cum out, Still it came, it seemed never ending. Finally mother said she thought that was all and got out from under him.

“Aren’t you going to let him fuck you Sally?”, asked Lucy.

“No, he fucked me yesterday, you have to be careful not to overfuck Buster, he could ruin your pussy forever”, replied Sally. Buster was led back to his pen and the five of them returned to the house.

“Do you think you’ll be coming again Lucy”, said Billy who was sitting beside her fondling her tits”.

“What do you think, I can’t let that cock of Busters go to waste completely now can I”, she laughed.

“Did you enjoy your day out Lucy, you will be able to take Leroy’s cock easily now, I took it yesterday, compared to Buster, a piece of cake”, laughed Sally.

Back at mothers house she was sitting astride Jimmy as Billy prepared to enter her ass. “That’s it boys, you know what mother likes”, as her son stuck his hard cock deep in her asshole.

Polly, the sister who was missing walked in. “When you’ve recovered brothers, I’m next”, she said taking of her clothes.


Chapter  Six

“How are you Harry”, said Aaron as his brother walked in. “Fine, how are you”.

“Oh I’m good thanks, would you like a beer”, Aaron got the beer and both men sat down talking about this and that.

“I suppose you’re looking forward to fucking your twins on their eighteenth”, said Aaron.

“Aaron you wouldn’t believe it, I’m sure they’re trying to drive me mad, they’re walking about naked, those pretty tight little asses and those shaven pussies, I tell you I don’t know how I hold myself back”.

“I can imagine Harry, they sure have cute butts and tits”, said Aaron.

“When I see them like that I have to either get one of my other daughters to suck me off or fuck them, I wish they were eighteen today Aaron”, he said sighing.

Aaron’s cock had got hard thinking about his young nieces walking around naked, he would get his chance with them on their eighteenth after their daddy and brothers.

Luann walked into the room. “Oh hi uncle Harry, how are you”, she said.

Harry too was hard thinking about his young daughters naked asses. Both men took out their hard cocks to show Luann. Luann was a dutiful daughter, she knew what she had to do. Stepping out of her dress, that was all she wore, she stood naked in front of the two men before dropping to her knees and taking a cock in each hand stroked them. Daddy’s cock went in her mouth first as she sucked, she stroked her Uncle Harry’s cock with her hand before switching to suck his.

“You have a very obedient daughter there Aaron, and she’s a good cocksucker too”, said Uncle Harry taking another drink from his beer.

“We could do with another beer honey, would you mind”.

“Okay daddy, I’ll fetch them”. Getting up both men watched as Luann walked away from them. They admired her twenty one year old ass as it wiggled.

Both men looked at each other and squeezed their cocks tight in anticipation of fucking that tight ass. Luann returned with the beers and dropped to her knees again to resume sucking and stroking. “Uncle Harry was commenting on how good your ass looks honey, he may want to fuck it after you’ve finished sucking our cocks”.

“Sure Uncle Harry, my ass is always there for members of the family, and my other two holes as well”, said Luann, pausing for a minute from her duty.

Luan went from one cock to another till daddy and Uncle Harry had finished their beer. Aaron lay full stretch on the couch and told Luann to get on top of him.

“Wait a minute Aaron, I just gotta lick that ass first, the sight of it has got me going”.

Luann positioned herself on the couch so Uncle Harry could get at her ass hole. Her daddy sat by her so she could carry on sucking while her ass was being licked. Harry licked all around the little hole, he imagined it was his twin daughters he was licking, god, he couldn’t wait to fuck those two asses. His tongue penetrated about an inch into her ass as the little hole opened. Stretching her cheeks open he managed to get nearly all of his tongue inside her. Luann wiggled, she loved having her ass licked, her sister Marybeth and her would often lick each other’s asses while in a sixty nine position. Harry couldn’t get enough, he was trying to force more of his tongue in her ass and then kissing and licking it all over.

“Okay honey, mount you daddy now, I want to fuck that ass”. “Okay Uncle Harry, said Luann as she climbed onto her daddy’s cock. Harry pointed his hard cock towards the little brown hole and then pushed. Luann’s ass opened to receive his cock as he pushed all the way in.

Harry pumped into his nieces ass, the walls closed in around his cock as he grabbed her ass cheeks and pushed hard into her. Daddy was riding his daughter from underneath, he could feel his brother’s cock rub against his as he fucked his daughter’s ass. Luan was cumming now, both cocks were having the desired effect on her. Cum started to leak from her pussy, daddy felt it as it coated his cock. Luan bucked backwards and forwards as the cum came in spurts from her pussy.

“Having fun honey”, said mom as she walked in the door with Marybeth, “I can see you’re having fun Luann, lucky girl, two cocks inside you, don’t forget to clean them after”.

“I won’t mom”, said Luann getting a bit breathless. Marybeth went over to her and played with her tits as both men carried on fucking Luann. She was cumming again, Marybeth playing with her tits and the more hurried strokes of her daddy and Uncle made her cum again. Both men were ready to cum themselves as they felt more cum on their cocks from Luann’s pussy.

Harry was first, she could feel the hot cum in her ass as Uncle Harry shot his load into her. Daddy was next, he pulled his daughter tight to him and squeezed her tits as he too exploded inside her pussy. Luann lay there for a minute or two to get her breath back. Getting off she took first her uncle’s cock in her mouth cleaning it and then her daddys, sucking one cock after the other.

Uncle Harry was squeezing her tits and complimenting her on what a great fuck she was. “Thank you Uncle Harry, I do try to please my family”.

Cum was dripping from Luann’s as Marybeth bent down to lick it up from her ass and pussy.

“No point in wasting it”, she said as she licked at Luann’s ass crack and then her pussy. Straightening up she kissed her sister transferring the cum from one mouth to the other.

“This family really does share everything”, laughed Uncle Harry.

“What do we share?”, asked Lucy who had just come back having stayed at her cousin Sally’s last night.

“Looks like someone’s been having fun”, said Lucy holding two limp cocks in her hands.

Lucy took Luann and Marybeth to one side to tell them all about Buster.

“He was massive, Sally managed to get his cock in her mouth but it was all I could do to get the head in”

“Did you fuck him Lucy”, asked Luann getting excited.

“Yea, he made me come twice, but then they pulled me off him, said it would rip my pussy to pieces if I fucked him too much”.

“What about the boys who were there, are they fit”, asked Marybeth.

“Oh yes, they’re fit, they fucked both Sally and me in our ass and pussy before Buster fucked me”.

“You’ll have to take us Lucy, you can’t keep Buster to yourself, we have to try him”, pleaded the two girls.

“I’ll have a word with cousin Sally, she’s the one who knows them best, one more thing, the boys fuck their mother as well, and, if we do go, don’t wear any underwear, the boys don’t allow it”

“All this talk of fucking has made me horny, It’s alright for you Luann, you’ve just had your ass and pussy fucked, what about us, Frank and Leroy have gone for the day”.

“There’s always Jasper, you haven’t fucked him for a while”, said Lucy.

“Yea, where is he, let’s find him”. The three girls walked towards the meadow where Jasper was grazing peacefully.

Catching him they brought him back to the barn. His front and back feet were tied and Marybeth and Lucy dropped to their knees. Jasper was Luann’s pet pony, she had him for her fourteenth birthday. Lucy and Marybeth stroked his sheath till the cock started to appear. Still stroking with both hands the cock began to grow.

Luann who was still naked from her fuck before pushed her hands up into her wet pussy trying to get some of her daddy’s cum. She pulled her fingers out and walked around to the horse to let him sniff her fingers. That seemed to do the trick. His cock got bigger and bigger as Marybeth and Lucy licked up and down the long shaft.

It wasn’t actually as big as Busters cock, so Lucy and Marybeth had no problem getting it their mouths to suck. First Marybeth sucked as Lucy licked all the way up and down. Luann was behind feeling and stroking the horses balls.

“It’s time you two got naked”, said Luann as she took the cock in her mouth.

Lucy and Marybeth removed their dresses, Lucy had left her knickers at Billy and Jimmy’s house last night. Now all three were licking and sucking on Jaspers cock. Luann’s pussy was getting wet again and she wanted to fuck first, only to be told in no uncertain terms, NO.

A barrel was pushed under Jasper as Marybeth lay on it with legs open Lucy opened her pussy lips as Luann tried to push the horse cock in. It took a bit of effort but at last about six inches of horse cock was in her cunt. Marybeth was pushing forward trying to get more cock in. Luann and Lucy pulled the horse forward a bit as more disappeared up her cunt. There was now about ten inches of hard horse cock inside Marybeth’s cunt. She was starting to cum with a ferocity she hadn’t had just lately. Luann was squeezing her tits while Lucy was rubbing her clit and pinching it.

Marybeth shouted out as she was cumming, “Fuck me Jasper, fuck me with your horse cock”, as she spurted more and more cum from her pussy.

The effort drained her in more ways than one, she lay on the barrel only to be told to get off as it was Lucy’s turn.

Lucy lay down and spread her legs wide, Luann stuck two fingers in her pussy and rubbed her clit. Marybeth had now recovered and spread her cunt open so Luann could push the cock into the open pussy. After Buster Jasper’s cock went in without any problems. First six inches, then ten inches, a final push and almost all of the horse cock went into the eighteen year old pussy.

Lucy closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of a cock stretching her pussy wide open. Until her daddy had fucked her on her birthday, she had no idea her pussy would stretch so much. Her sisters had played with her from the age of fifteen, but that was only fingers and stuff, this was awesome.

She knew the feeling now, cum was beginning to flow, Jaspers cock was coated with her cum as she rode the horse cock. Luann was next finally, after having to drag Lucy off the barrel. Luann would have no problem, her pussy was wet with pussy juice and daddy’s cum. Spreading her legs as wide as she could Marybeth pushed the still hard cock in as Lucy spread it open. Luann was right, the head slid in easily followed by almost the length of the cock.

Luann had already cum but he size of this thing in her cunt was making her ready to flow again. Unfortunately so was Jasper, Luann felt a huge gush go in her belly as Jasper unloaded his horse sperm inside her. Horse cum was now flowing out of her pussy in a torrent as Lucy and Marybeth fell about laughing. Standing up cum was running down her leg causing a puddle at her feet.

“Good job he didn’t do that when we were sucking him, we would have drowned for sure, I’ve never seen so much cum, poor old Jasper must have been dying for a fuck”, said Lucy.

“I think it’s only fair we give Jasper a good fuck at least once a week from now on, don’t you agree”, said Marybeth.

“Definitely, at least once a week, maybe more”, said Luann

All three washed off the cum from them and walked back to the house.
Daddy and Uncle Harry had recovered because now mom was on top of daddy and Uncle Harry had his cock buried in his sister in laws ass.

“You two guys sure are horny today, that’s the second ass fuck in a couple of hours Uncle Harry”, said Marybeth.

“She was jealous of us fucking you, said I hadn’t fucked her in ages, I said how about now, that’s how it happened”, said Uncle Harry pumping away in mom’s ass.


Chapter  Seven

“Daddy, you really will have to stop thinking about fucking the twins asses. , it’s only another twenty four hours to go, every time you see them naked you run to me or Lindy to suck or fuck you”, admonished Melanie as she stopped sucking her daddy’s cock for a moment.

Melanie was the twins sister, Lindy was her other sister. She was twenty two, Lindy twenty. It was not till next day that daddy could fuck his twin daughters pussies and asses, but every time he saw them he got hard and asked one or other of his other daughters to suck or fuck him.

Nicky and Joanie, the twins in question were teasing their daddy, they knew he couldn’t fuck them till tomorrow, so they would walk about naked, or sit with legs wide open so he could see their pussies.

“I know honey, but they have such cute little asses, I can’t wait to poke my cock in them”, said daddy as Melanie took his cock back in her mouth.

Stopping again she asked her daddy if he thought her ass was cute on her birthday.

“You know I did honey, I loved your ass, I licked it for ages before fucking you”.

“Yea, I remember, you followed me around for a fortnight bending me over anywhere you found me, I remember taking your lunch out to the fields and you fucked my ass in the middle of the field”.

“Yea, I remember that, you were my first daughter, I sure loved your ass too”.

Melanie carried on sucking till daddy started to cum down her throat as she swallowed the salty liquid.

“There, now stop thinking about fucking the twins, fuck mom or something, or jerk off”, said Melanie licking the cum from her lips.

Melanie walked off tasting her daddy’s cum. She pitied her twin sisters, she remembered when she was eighteen, her daddy and her brothers had fucked her at every opportunity. She would wake up in the morning with either her daddy or a brother standing over her with his cock in his hand ready for her to suck, then they would fuck her.

This went on for about three weeks till he novelty of her eighteen year old ass wore off a bit. They still fucked her often, but not with the same intensity as before.

She would have to warn the twins what they were in for. Her sister Lindy had gone through the same thing. She had two older brothers who loved to take her together, they revelled in it, one in her pussy and one in her ass, they would do the same to the twins.

Melanie walked into the room where the twins were being prepared. Nicky and Joanie were on their knees as Lindy and Hettie, their mom were pushing dildos in and out of their asses.Melanie could see why her daddy loved their asses so much, they were cute little ass cheeks, daddy was going to enjoy himself with the twins. At least they’ll leave me and LIndy alone for a couple of weeks thought Melanie.

“Nicky, Joanie, will you please stop letting daddy see you naked and spreading your legs open on the couch, I’ve just had to suck daddy off again, Lindy and I are getting fed up, you give him a hard cock, and we have to relieve him, stop it”.

The twins looked at each other and giggled

“Now remember girls, when daddy pushes his cock in your ass, relax, just like you’re doing with the dildo, let your ass open and daddy’s cock will slip in easily”, said Hettie.

“Okay mom, we’ll remember that, let our ass open for daddy’s cock”.

“I think your asses should be okay now, we can stretch them a bit more in the morning before daddy fucks you, now Melanie will see if you have learned to lick pussy properly”.

Hettie and Lindy lay down and spread their legs open as the twins got their heads in between their legs. Melanie opened her mom’s pussy as Nicky stuck her tongue inside. Hettie sighed as her daughter’s tongue entered her pussy, she had been teaching her to lick her pussy for the last month. She knew they could lick pussy as good as anyone, she just wanted to feel her tongue in her cunt again.

“How does that feel mom, is she doing it right”, asked Melanie.

”Oh yes darling, she’s doing it perfectly”, sighed mom.

Joanie had her tongue in Lindy’s cunt, she had it in there many times, Lindy would make her lick her pussy when she was fifteen, her mother never knew. Harry had a sleepless night, his cock was hard all night, he wanted to fuck Lindy or Melanie but decide against it. He would save it for the twins in the morning.

The two brothers didn’t sleep very well either, they too were thinking about those as cheeks on their sisters. Rory, the elder brother couldn’t last the night. Going to Melanie and Lindy’s room he pulled the bedclothes back. Both girls were laying naked, Melanie opened her eyes to see Rory standing there with his cock in his hand.

Memories of her birthday came back, “Rory, do you know what time it is”.

“Come on sis, just suck this off for me, I can’t stop thinking about the twins”.

“Not you and all, I’ve had to fuck and suck daddy god knows how many times because of the twins, now you, come here”.

Melanie opened her mouth to receive her brothers cock just as Lindy woke up.

“Help me make him cum Lindy, suck his balls or something”, said Melanie.

“He’s thinking of the twins, right”, said Lindy. “Right”, said Melanie.

Melanie sucked as Lindy played and sucked his balls, she ran her tongue over his ass and down into the crack. Rory had been close to cumming and Lindy’s tongue in his ass did the trick.

Holding Melanie’s head he started to cum down her throat. ‘I’ve become a cum dumpster today’, thought Melanie as her brother held her head till he had finished cumming.

Melanie opened her mouth to show a load of white foamy cum on her tongue, she was damned if she was going to swallow it all. Holding Lindy’s head she let some drip into her sisters mouth and swallowed the rest. Lindy swallowed her share and then told Rory to fuck off now and get some sleep.

Morning came and the twins were up early, today was their big day, daddy was going to fuck them first and then their two brothers. After that they would have to give themselves to any member of the family who wished to fuck them. Melanie had warned them about daddy and brothers, how they would be bent over anywhere and fucked for the first few weeks.

Mom was pushing dildos up both asses to loosen them.

“This is it girls, daddy will be waiting to fuck those little pussies as well as your asses, make the family proud, don’t scream or pull away, and don’t forget to clean the cocks after you’ve been fucked in either hole”.

“We’ll remember mom”, they said. “Good girls, now go and present yourselves to daddy and your brothers”.

Lindy and Melanie were between daddy and their brothers legs on their knees. I t was supposed to be their jobs to make sure the men were hard when they had to fuck. They needn’t have bothered, all of them were rock hard, it was all they could do to not jerk off.

Mom brought the twins in to stand in front of daddy. He looked at his beautiful daughters with firm hard tits, nipples just beginning to grow and their shaved pussies. He got up and felt both girls tits, rubbing and playing with them before moving down to their cunts. He cupped each one loving the silky feel of the bare pussy.

“Bend over girls, let me touch those asses at last”. Both girls bent down as daddy rubbed his hands over the twin globes of their asses.

He bent down and pushed his tongue into the tiny hole he had admired for so long. He licked and kissed it, in fact he worshipped it. Moving across he did the same to the other ass, his two daughters were bent in front of him to do with as he wished. Nicky’s hole opened a little as he forced his tongue in. Seizing the moment he pushed harder and his tongue went inside her asshole.

Swirling his tongue around he felt his young daughter move with him. ‘So she likes her ass licked’, he thought, ‘you’re going to be sitting on my face a lot over the next few weeks’.

Moving his tongue down he found her pussy. Holding it open with his fingers he gazed in awe at the pink flesh that was his daughters pussy. He could hardly breathe as he took in the beauty of her opening, putting his tongue in he licked slowly, first around the edges then inside. The taste was heavenly, he licked his lips as pussy juice began to appear in her pussy. He couldn’t hold himself any longer, he had to stick his tongue in that pink opening as far as he could.

His nose was buried in her ass as he pushed as far as he could with his tongue. Pussy juice was cumming more now as revelled in her taste. Nicky was feeling funny, had she known she was heading for an orgasm. She had never been allowed to before, dildo’s or tongues, or whatever was in her pussy at the time were pulled out when they thought she was going to cum.

Now there was no such obstacle, daddy’s tongue licking around her ass and pussy was really making her feel funny, but good. Before she knew what was happening, the most wonderful feeling she ever had came over her and liquid flowed from her cunt. Nicky was crying out as daddy lapped and licked at her pussy tasting and swallowing his daughters very first cum.

Rory and Charlie, the twins brothers were getting impatient, they had seen their daddy open that little pink pussy. Mel and Lindy were still sucking on their cocks, but every so often they would be stopped, the brothers didn’t want to cum just yet. Daddy licked all around Nicky’s pussy making sure he got every drop of her cum. Next was Joanie, daddy’s tongue was licking her ass and trying to insert it inside her. Joanie remembered what her mom had said and relaxed her ass muscles.

Her hole opened a little as daddy pushed harder and harder, trying to enter her. Bit by bit his tongue went farther in as her hole got wetter and more open. Daddy now moved down to Joanie’s cunt, he parted the fleshy folds to reveal another sea of pink before him. Her eighteen year old pussy was glistening with pussy juice as he stuck his tongue in as far as it would go. He never wanted to take his tongue from that glorious pussy hole. He twirled and twisted his tongue all around as Joanie got ready to cum as well.

Nectar juice was flowing from his daughter’s pussy as he held his mouth wide open over her pussy determined not to lose a single drop. Joanie was wiggling her ass into his face as the wonderful feeling she had overcame her. Daddy was licking everywhere around her ass and pussy cleaning her cum. At last as far as Rory and Charlie were concerned he stood up and pushed his cock against her pussy. Joanie knew it was time for her first cock.

Daddy pushed gently as she felt it go all the way in. ‘This feels much better than a dildo’, she thought as her daddy quickened his strokes in her pussy. Joanie was moving in time with her daddy now, she liked the smooth feeling of his cock as he pushed in and out. Joanie’s cunt was slippery as daddy started to fuck her harder and she felt the funny feeling come back.

She pushed back even harder on daddy’s cock as cum once again flowed from her pussy, coating the cock that was inside her. Daddy felt her cum and pulled out, he had to fuck Nicky as well, and he had to fuck both asses. Nicky too remembered her mom’s words as the hard cock pressed against her tiny ass hole.

Daddy never understood how such a little hole could open to receive a cock. Pushing gently he saw the little puckered hole slowly spread open and his cock slowly disappear inside her tight ass. Nicky was glad she had been prepared for ass fucking, even with the preparation, daddy’s cock still felt tight in her ass. Aaron didn’t want to come before he fucked his other daughter, pulling out he offered his cock to Nicky who promptly opened her mouth wide and cleaned it off.

Grabbing Joanie’s ass cheeks now he pointed his cock towards her pussy. She was still wet from her cum so slipping it inside was no problem. She too loved the feel of a cock in her pussy, she felt the head stimulate her as daddy pushed it in and out. Aaron was close to cumming, he pulled out much to Joanie’s disappointment.

Daddy knew she probably was. “Sorry honey, I’m almost ready to cum and it’s my duty to fuck your ass first, one of your brothers will make you cum, okay”

“Okay daddy”, said Joanie as her daddy prepared to enter her ass hole.

Joanie relaxed her ass as daddy pushed his cock against her hole. Slowly he entered her till all of his cock was in her ass. Aaron was ready to cum, he was thinking he would have to fuck her ass again later, this was not going to last.

Cum was shooting up his daughter’s ass as Aaron exploded with relief, his cock had been aching to cum for ages. Slowly he pulled out as Joanie turned around to take his wet cock in her mouth to clean it. Cum was seeping from her ass Mel came over with a towel to wipe it clean. Putting her finger in her sisters ass and pushed the towel in cleaning any cum left in there.

The twins backs were aching from bending over so the brothers motioned them up on the couch on their knees. They would both have loved to lick those pussies, but thought better of it as their daddy had just had his cock in both holes.

Rory took Nicky, as Charlie took Joanie. Their pussies were soaking as both men pushed their cocks into both sisters pussies. Joanie had still to cum for the second time, she was still quite horny from her first fucking and the feel of her brothers cock in her was stimulating her. Charlie was pumping hard, he had watched his daddy fuck those glorious holes and now it was his turn.

Grabbing her ass tightly he pushed hard into her pussy with long strokes. Joanie was now going with him. Pushing back she tried to keep time with her brother as he fucked her hard. Cum was ready to coat his cock now as he fucked ever harder, he had waited for this fuck for so long.

Joanie was cumming now, cum was leaking past her brothers cock as she cried out in ecstasy. Once Charlie knew she had cum he put his cock in her ass. The tightness of her ass made Charlie cum almost immediately as he shot his sperm into her. Rory was also ready to cum, his sisters sucking and watching his daddy fuck his sisters had made him ready long before now. He wanted to cum in her ass as he pumped hard. Nicky wanted him to carry on in her pussy, she wanted to relive that feeling again, Rory didn’t know that, all he wanted was that tight ass of his sister. Pushing his cock in as hard as he could he felt his seed pumping into her ass as he pushed harder.

“Fucking hell sis, you’ve got a lovely tight ass there”, said Rory as he took his dripping cock from her ass.

“Thank you, I’m glad you liked my ass”, said Nicky as she cleaned her brothers cock.

“Well done girls, I’m proud of you”, said mom hugging her daughters. “Now you have the freedom to fuck anyone you want, Isn’t that nice”.

“Don’t forget girls, its uncles and cousins this afternoon, your pussies might be sore tonight, then you have to fuck an animal before your initiation is complete”, said mom.

“I’m going to fuck hound dog, he’s already cum in my mouth the bastard”, said Nicky.

“Now now Nicky, you know we don’t like swearing in this family”, said mom.

“Sorry mom”, said Nicky.


Chapter Eight

Bruno, the twins family dog was standing alongside hound dog. Both dogs had their cocks behind them as Joanie and Nicky sucked on them. Hetty was holding one cock while Mel was holding the other. Both girls faces were coated with cum as the dogs spurted cum from their cocks. The crowd was watching to see if the twins could perform this last task on their eighteenth birthday.

Nicky was sucking hound dog, Joanie was sucking Bruno with deep strokes. Rory and Charlie were behind them as they sucked licking ass and pussy.

“Okay girls, time for dog cock, turn around now”, said Hetty.

Both girls turned so their asses were facing the dogs as both were mounted from behind. Mel and Hetty grabbed the dog cocks and pointed them towards the pussies of both girls. The dog cocks were the right way round now as it took a little probing to find a hole. Finally both dogs were in and pumping with a speed that neither girl expected.

Cries of ‘ahhhhh’ were coming from both twins as the dogs fucked them harder than they had ever been fucked. Nicky was being moved forward with the force of hound dogs fucking. She laid her head on the floor as instructed by Hettie.

She had gone through it all, Bruno had fucked her pussy and ass more than a few times. She warned the girls that the dogs would try and knot them, it would be painful at first, but wonderful afterwards.Joanie too was now bent over laying her head on the floor, she wasn’t sure why, mom had told her to she did it. Bruno was still fucking hard and pushing farther and farther in when something large was trying to get into her pussy.

Nicky was the first to shout out as hound dog pushed his knot into her. Her cunt felt as though it would open and split. Strong dog legs wrapped around her waist to trap her there. Joanie realised why Nicky had shouted out. A football was being inserted inside her, sweat was forming on her brow as them thing kept going in farther and farther till hound dog stopped moving and a splash hit her insides.

Hound dog had her trapped as well, Hettie was warning them not to move, just let them fill with their cum, then they’ll stop, she told them. Joanie and Nicky lay very still as cum was pumped into them in copious amounts.

Both girls were now beginning to enjoy the thing in their cunts, the reason being that mom and Mel were massaging their clits. The pinching and rubbing was having an effect. The thing inside them was forgotten as the pleasure overrode that and cum was starting to ooze from both pussies. Soon the cum flow became a crescendo as the orgasm got more and more concentrated.

Hound dog and Bruno were still happily pumping their cum into their bellies as the twins expelled theirs. The sound of a horn outside made everyone look. Harry went outside and came rushing back in. “Fucking hell, it’s your sister Donnamarie, she’s with the kids, what shall I do”.

“Keep them out there, they can’t see the twins with dog cocks stuck in their cunts, we have to wait till they’re finished before we can separate them”.

A few went outside on the pretence of welcoming them, truth was few people liked her. She had married a city boy when she was sixteen. She had moved to the city and lived a gracious life. Her husband had a good job with the bank, problem was he was defrauding the bank, was caught, and was now doing twenty years in the pen. She had snubbed her family but now had to come running back home as the state had seized everything they owned.

Harry remembered her, he had actually wanted to fuck her instead of Hettie at the time, but city boy got in first. Joanie and Nicky were still waiting for the dogs to finish cumming, Nicky was sure she could feel it sloshing about inside her, there was so much.

Mom too was willing the dogs to finish, the last thing she wanted her sister to see was her twins with a dog cock in each pussy.
At last hound dog relaxed and pulled his knot out very slowly followed by Bruno. Normally the twins would be asked to suck the dogs clean, this time they were shooed off to clean up leaving two pools of cum on the floor from their pussies. At last her sister was allowed in to the house. Hugging her sister Donna, she didn’t like Donnamarie, she remarked how pleased everyone was to see her, if only she knew the truth.

Donna had three children, Barry, nineteen, Caroline, eighteen, and Marylou, seventeen. Barry was a muscular young man, it was obvious he worked out in a gym. Caroline was one of those girls you see a lot of today. Tall slim and elegant with legs that went on forever. Men would remark that those legs would look best wrapped around their neck. Indeed they would, the treasure that lay between those legs would make any man want to.

Marylou was just starting to blossom, blonde hair and tanned skin made her a very desirable young woman, a lot of uncles would want to adopt these two just for their eighteenth birthday fuck.

Introductions were made with all the family, Rory and Charlie could just about remember Donna, the others had never met her.
The twins came back into the room, they had never even heard of Donna. More introductions and then the twins spotted Barry. Both made a beeline for him sitting either side of him flirting madly.

Rory and Charlie were sitting close to Caroline who seemed a little embarrassed by it all. Barry had no such inhibitions, he loved the attention and had his hands on the twins knees. Caroline and Mel also had designs on Barry, it had been a long time since she had fucked anyone new, it had always been the family.

“Why don’t we all go for a walk, let the grownups talk, It’s a lovely evening”, suggested Mel.

The four of them got up to go but Caroline and Marylou said they would come with them. The twins or Mel didn’t want the girls to go with them, they would cramp their style, they had intentions of fucking Barry.

“Sure”, they said half heartedly as the two girls joined them. They walked out to the woods where they sat down in a clearing. Joanie and Nicky positioned themselves so that Barry could see some of their pussies, not all of it.

Mel too made sure Barry could see what she wanted him to see.

Caroline was the first to speak shocking the twins and Mel. “Is there any fucking life around here, I’ve had to leave my boyfriend to come to this God forsaken place, what am I going to do for a good fucking when I need it.

“What’s wrong with your brother, he looks like he could give you a good fuck, he can give me one anytime”, said Mel looking at Barrry.

“He’s my brother, I can’t fuck him”, retorted Caroline.

“Why not, he’s got a cock hasn’t he, you’re not gay are you Barry?”, asked Mel.

“Certainly not”, said Barry indignantly, “I’m as straight as the next man, I’ll show you”, and dived on Mel kissing her lips hard and squeezing her tits.

Mel squashed his lips back pressing herself against his hard cock. Mel pulled her dress over her head and revealed her naked body, Barry dived between her legs and licked her pussy. The twins were pulling off his shorts and soon had their mouths around his cock sucking hard. Barry had a decent sized cock, nowhere as big as Leroy’s but very acceptable.

Caroline was watching the whole scenario with a pussy that was getting wet as she watched the twins suck her brother. She had seen her brothers cock before, she was quite impressed with its size, bigger than her ex boyfriends. She got wetter and wetter as she watched her brother getting his cock sucked. Barry had now pulled Nicky towards him and was pulling her dress off before spreading her legs and licking her pussy. ‘Strange taste” he thought as he tasted dig cum, he didn’t know of course.

Caroline had her hand hovering around her pussy, she so wanted to plunge her fingers inside her cunt. Mel noticed her and put her hand towards her crotch before she could stop her. As soon as Mel cupped her pussy Caroline lost it, a quiet cry escaped her lips as her legs widened enough for Mel to really get a hold.

Mel was trying to pull Caroline’s shorts off, she was half heartedly trying to stop her. Mel won as shorts and knickers came off revealing a well shaved pussy.

Mel guessed she waxed to wear those skimpy swim suits they wore on the beach. Mel bent down and licked gently at her pussy. Caroline let out a loud gasp, no woman had ever licked her pussy, boys had, but this was different. Electric shocks ran through her as Mel’s tongue licked her clit biting her gently.

Caroline lay back and opened those long legs wide for Mel. Her pussy was on fire as her tongue explored every inch of her pussy. Caroline jumped as Mel pushed her tongue into her ass and moved it around. Caroline was about to come, she had never had an orgasm, her boyfriend fucked her well enough but never lasted until she climaxed herself. She just thought it was normal, everyone fucked like that.

A feeling like no other came over her, her legs tightened around Mel’s head as Caroline started shouting. All she could shout was ‘agggggggggggggh’, over and over again as a feeling of pure ecstasy overcame her.

Mel was struggling to breathe as Caroline’s legs closed around her more and more tightly. Cum was streaming into her mouth, she couldn’t escape, she had to swallow or choke to death, she swallowed as much as she could before Caroline relaxed her grip as Mel came up for air.

Getting her breath back she clambered up to Caroline and kissed her lips letting her taste her own cum. She responded by kissing her back opening her mouth to put her tongue in Mel’s mouth. Nicky was sitting on Barry’s face as Joanie sucked his cock. Barry had licked a few women’s cunts, but he couldn’t place the taste coming from the twins pussies.

“Your daddy, you mean uncle Harry’s fucked his daughter”, said Caroline as Mel explained what happened on their eighteenth birthday.

“Sure, and the twins, and my other sister Lindy, on our eighteenth birthday, daddy and my brothers get to fuck me, then any member of the family who wants to fuck me can, it’s a custom in our family, gone on for ages, your granddaddy would probably have fucked your mom on her eighteenth had she not been married before that”.

Caroline looked totally shocked. “I don’t believe you, you can’t be serious”.

Joanie, Nicky, today is your eighteenth, what happened today”, asked Mel.

Taking her mouth from Barry’s cock Nicky answered, “Daddy and my brother’s fucked me, then my cousins, and then the dogs”.
Suddenly Barry realised what the taste was. Pushing Nicky off he spluttered and spat out.

“Fucking dog cum, that was fucking dog cum, you could have told me before I sucked your cunt”.

Joanie kept on fucking ready to cum herself. “It won’t hurt you, just think of it as an initation, now fuck me and shut up”.
Barry lifted himself up and began in earnest to fuck his cousin as Nicky licked at her pussy. Pulling his cock from her she sucked it tasting her sisters pussy juice and dog cum.

Mel was pulling Caroline towards her own cunt. “I can’t, I’ve never licked a woman’s pussy before”, cried Caroline.

“Good time to start then”, said Mel pulling her head down to her waiting wet cunt.

Caroline bent her head, her cousin had just licked her pussy and made her cum, she felt she should reciprocate by licking her pussy.

Caroline licked cautiously at the wet pussy not knowing what to expect. She was surprised at the silky feel of a pussy, undaunted she licked the clitty to feel Mel push her head closer to her cunt. Caroline was now licking more freely when she thought ‘I’ve never seen a pussy before’ as she opened her pussy lips to see a vision in pink. Pushing her tongue farter in Mel was getting aroused and ready to cum. The licking continued with Caroline getting more and more brave.

‘I’m actually enjoying this, I’m sucking and licking a woman’s cunt and I’m enjoying it’ as she now licked with abandon.

Mel held her head tight with her legs like Caroline before her as cum shot all over Caroline’s face and hair. Not sure what to do she swallowed some without really realising what it was. Mel kept cumming, for her first time Caroline was a very good cunt licker.

At last Mel lay down satisfied as she pulled her cousin down to kiss her mouth. Joanie was cumming herself now, she was bobbing up and down on Barry’s hard cock as she coated it with her cum. Sliding off Nicky sucked on his cock tasting her sister’s cum and then climbing on top of him herself. Impaling herself on his cock she too was bobbing up and down.

Barry was a stayer if nothing else, he had brought Joanie to a climax and now her twin sister was riding him. Both he and Caroline had dreaded the thought of coming to this place, now, it had its compensations. Caroline was watching her brother fuck Nicky, she saw the wet cock go in and out of Nicky’s pussy. She hated to think it but a little jealousy crept into her mind.

‘Ridiculous’, she thought, he’s my brother, but the more she saw his cock disappear in and out of Nicky’s cunt she realised she had to fuck him.

Nicky was close to cumming as she rode herself to an orgasm. Normally it was her daddy, her brothers or even the dog who controlled her pussy, well now she did. The feeling of control edged her closer and then it came. Barry felt the warm cum envelop his dick as Nicky showered him with it. Nicky shuddered and got off him ready to lick his cock clean when she was pushed away. Caroline had her legs astride him with cock in hand ready to shove it in her cunt.

Barry looked up to see his sister mount him and put his prick into her cunt and start to ride him. Barry had spied on his sister in the shower. In fact a few of his friends had spied on her as they masturbated. Caroline was a very sexy girl with those long legs and firm tits.

Caroline let all inhibitions go as she rode the cock. She wondered how she could change so quickly, who cares she thought, as she too bobbed up and down. Barry had other ideas, pushing her off he got her on her hands and knees so he could lick her pussy. Opening the lips he invited Mel to join him and lick her ass. Mel accepted, licking Caroline’s ass she would kiss Barry to let each other taste her.

Rising up on his knees Barry entered his sisters pussy for the first time. Caroline felt the cock go in and pushed back. It felt dirty fucking her brother, but that made it better, she fucked in time with him, every so often Barry would pull out to let one of his cousins clean his cock.

Barry looked at his sister’s ass, he wondered if he could stick his cock in there. He stuck his thumb in slightly to gauge the effect it would have on her. To his surprise she didn’t really object. He tried a little farther, still no objections.

“Caroline, has Ronnie fucked your ass, you don’t seem to mind me putting my thumb in”.

“A few times, I quite like it, his cocks not as big as yours though, yours might hurt”.

“We’ll try it later, let me fuck your pussy first”. Barry pumped harder and harder into Caroline, she kept thinking this si my brother and the thought made her start to cum. Soon she was exploding for the second time that evening as cum flowed from her cunt again.

Now Barry could fuck her ass, telling Mel to lube her ass with her cum he prepard to enter his sister’s ass. Mel twirled her fingers around Caroline’s pussy and then smeared her ass pushing her finger in. Barry pushed hid cock back in and then pulling it out pushed against her ass hole. To his surprise it opened quite easily, his shaft went up inside quickly as he pumped. Ronnie hadn’t fucked her ass that much as it was still quite tight. The tightness brought Barry to a climax, holding Caroline’s ass cheeks he shot his sperm right up her ass.

Pulling put Nicky and Joanie sucked his cock as Mel tasted some cum from Caroline’s ass.

Marylou had been watching all this unfold. “I can’t wait till I’m eighteen, will you fuck me then Barry”.

“Of course I will little sister, no probs”, he said hugging her.

Walking back Caroline was enthusing about the place. “One day and I’ve fucked my brother, licked a cunt, had my cunt licked, and my ass fucked, I think I’m going to like it here”, she said as they walked back to the house.

“Would your brother’s like to fuck me, they were coming on to me at the house, they’re quite hadsome”.

“Of course they would, sleep with me tonight, I’ll invite them over later, we can lick each other’s pussies till they come, would you like that”.

Caroline hugged her, “I’d like that very much”, she n said.


Chapter Nine

Caroline was loving her new life. She realised how boring sex had been with Ronnie, her ex boyfriend. She had her ass licked, she had her cunt licked, she had licked another woman’s cunt, and loved it. Her two cousins had fucked her and Mel together. She had become more daring, she started to wear little cotton shorts and no bra or underwear at all. She would drive her Uncle Harry mad by kneeling before him every chance she had. Her shorts were so tight that Harry could see the outline of her cunt. Caroline would giggle like a schoolgirl as Uncle Harry would cross his legs and put his hands on his lap to hide the bulge.

Every time that happened, Mom, Lindy or Mel would have to fuck him or suck him off. One of these times was now as Mel sucked on his cock.

“Daddy, can’t you jerk off or something, first it was the twins, now it’s cousin Caroline”, and resumed her sucking.

“I know honey, but she keeps showing me her pussy through them shorts, It’s driving me mad, ask her if I can fuck her honey”.

“Too soon daddy, maybe later”, said Mel as cum started to flow into her mouth.

Caroline thought about Barry her brother, he was fucking her as well now. Caroline was being led out to the woods by her two cousins Rory and Charlie. The twins., Mel and Lindy were also going.

“Where are you taking me, I hope you’re not kidnapping me”, laughed Caroline.

They reached the clearing where she had first fucked her brother and was laid down on the ground. Her dress was removed and lips began to caress her nipples and cunt. Her legs were lifted in the air as more tongues began to invade her ass and pussy. A cock was pushed into her mouth and she was told to suck.

All the attention was making her ready to cum. Her pussy moistened as cum started to flow. The tongues never stopped, she was cumming like a stream and the tongues kept on licking and sucking.

“Okay girls, it’s time”, said Rory. Rory lay on his back and caroline was impaled on his cock and bent forward. Wet fingers were being inserted into her ass followed by more wet fingers. “That should do girls” said Charlie as he pushed his hard cock towards Caroline’s ass. He could feel Rory’s cock through the thin membrane between cunt and ass.

Caroline let out a shout as she realised what was happening, this was to her first DP. She relaxed her ass muscles as Charlie went all the way up inside her ass. Why hadn’t she done this before, the pleasure was overwhelming her. Two cocks were pummelling both holes and she was loving it. Lindy had sneaked back to the house and was hiding behind some bushes watching the proceedings, she had brought back Bruno who was now licking her pussy.

Caroline was cumming again, the feel of two cocks inside her made her feel dirty and used, that added to the ecstasy that was coursing through her body. Rory’s cock was wet from her cum as she rode him and his brother.

“I want her ass now, come on let me fuck her ass”, said Rory pushing Caroline off.

Charlie lay down as Caroline mounted him and then Rory introduced his cock to her ass. The short interlude between changing holes had not diminished Caroline’s lust. She was still as horny as hell as she enjoyed the other brothers cock in her ass. She was cumming again, she had never cum when Ronnie fucked her, it was wham bam thank you m’am.

This was different, total abandonment, no hang ups, fuck if you want to, who cares. She was riding Rory’s cock with renewed vigour as cum flowed form her cunt. All the movement caused both Rory and Charlie to cum together, flooding her and pussy with white cum.

Caroline rolled off exhausted from her double cum. “Now you have to clean their cocks Caroline, those are the rules if you want to join the club. Caroline grabbed Rory’s cock and stuffed it in her mouth sucking off a mixture of hers and Rory’s cum. Charlie pulled her head away and offered his cock for her to do the same, she opened her mouth to receive it and sucked it clean.

“Well done Caroline, can I call you Carrie, Caroline is a mouthful, you have two more tests to pass before you can really join the family.

“What now, what have I got to do now?”, asked Carrie.

“You have to suck and fuck Bruno, then you have to fuck daddy”.

“Uncle Harry I don’t mind, that should be fun, but the dog, I’ve never been with a dog”.

“Well now’s your chance, come here Lindy”. Lindy walked from her hiding place pulling her dress down. Bruno walked beside her towards the group.

“Do you think you can do it Carrie, all you have to do is suck the dogs cock and then let him fuck you in either hole”.

“Come on Carrie, I’ll show you how to get his cock out”, said Lindy.

Both girls lay down and Bruno was stood over them. Lindy pushed back Bruno’s sheath bit by bit till a thick red veiny cock was visible.

“It will taste a bit sticky at first, but that will disappear with sucking”, said Lindy putting the dog cock in her mouth.

Lindy sucked on it for a while and then asked Carrie to suck. Very tentatively, Carrie put the cock in her mouth, Lindy had sucked the stickiness of so it wasn’t too bad. In fact it wasn’t a lot different from a man’s cock. Drops of clear liquid were landing on Carrie’s cheeks and tongue. Stopping for a moment she asked what they were.

“It’s a sort of dog pre-cum, it’s quite safe to swallow, we do it all the time”.

Carrie seemed satisfied with this answer and carried on sucking. Rory and Charlie were watching with interest, this was hot, Carrie was laying with her legs spread wide open showing a beautiful shaved pussy. Both men would love to have licked that pussy but cum was still seeping from her pussy lips.

Mel was grabbed and stripped, quite easily as she was only wearing a dress. Charlie dived between her legs as Rory stuffed his cock in her mouth. Carrie was still sucking, this was another new experience for her, she had learned so much in the last few weeks. Mel had been plonked on Charlie’s dick as Rory prepared to fuck his sisters ass.

“Wet my ass hole Rory, I’m too dry, stick your tongue or something in”. Rory knelt between Carrie’s legs and pushed his fingers as far up as he could bringing cum back down with him. Sticking his fingers into Mel’s ass he lubricated her that way.

“Okay now sis, can I fuck your asshole now”. “That’s okay, now you can put your cock in”, said Mel.

Carrie was being put on her hands and knees now and Bruno behind her with cock at the ready. “He may try to knot you Carrie, if he does, just lay still, he only wants to cum in you”, said Lindy. Carrie flinched as the dog mounted her scratching her slightly. She felt two legs being wrapped around her waist and a cock being inserted without any foreplay straight into her cunt.

It was good job she still had cum in there to make an easier entry, dry, that could have hurt. Carrie had never been fucked like this, piston like drives were going in and out of her pussy at a fantastic speed. Carrie forgot it was a dog, her pussy was being fucked, it didn’t matter who or what, she was loving it.

She screamed as she started cumming and felt the knot try to enter her. She did as Lindy told her and stayed very still. The knot was sipping in easily as she was wet from cumming, her pussy was filled with dog cock. If Ronnie could see her now, on her knees in a wood with a dog cock and knot stuffed inside her waiting to be filled with cum. Carrie laid her head on the ground as instructed as Bruno started to splash her insides with dog cum. Carrie didn’t know why, but feeling dirty made her feel sexy, used, abused, it turned her on and she started cumming again.

Mel was still being fucked by her brothers, she too was cumming, she loved DP, her daddy and Rory had introduced her to DP not long after her eighteenth birthday, the two cocks causing friction as they went in and out of her holes turned her on right away. She was cumming, Rory was ready to fill her as with cum and Charlie was increasing his stroke under her, a sure sign he was going to fill her pussy. At last all three were finished and as Mel dutifully cleaned their cocks, they turned to Carrie.

Mel bent down to her head on the ground. “Are you alright Carrie, do you like it”.

Carrie had a smile on her face. “I can feel him pumping me full of cum, there’s going to be a puddle when he’s finished”.

It took about fifteen to twenty minutes till Bruno had emptied his load into Carrie’s belly. Pulling out with a plop cum ran down her legs in rivulets as Bruno licked them up. Bruno was licking her pussy now sending Carrie into more fits of ecstasy.

She could hardly stand when they tried to get her up. Cum was still trickling down her legs as Bruno tried to get at it. Rory and Charlie helped her to her feet and held her up.

“Do you guys do this every day out here, fuck your brothers and sisters and dogs, I’ll tell you what, It’s tiring, but fucking good”, laughed Carrrie.

“Well done Carrie, you’re nearly a fully fledged family member, you’ve just got daddy to fuck, we’ll set it up for you, save us sucking or fucking every time you wear those tight shorts, you drive him mad”.

“Sorry about that Mel and Lindy, I didn’t know you had to fuck or suck him after, when I’ve fucked him, I’ll do it myself”, said Carrie.

They walked back to the house, Carrie was still a bit unsteady on her feet so Rory gave her his arm, ever the gentleman. “I hope you’re not expecting me to fuck Uncle Harry tonight, I don’t think I could”.

“No we’re not that cruel, we’ll give you half an hour to rest first”.

“What, you’re kidding”, said Carrie stopping walking. “Of course we are”, laughed Mel

They got back and showered in the yard rather than go in the house, Carrrie was sure her mother would know what she had been doing.

They washed themselves down with a hose in the yard. The weather was quite warm so the shower was refreshing.

“Now we have to arrange for daddy to fuck you Carrie, that’s the last hurdle, then you can fuck anyone you want, just ask”, said Mel and Lindy as they hugged Carrie.

“I want to meet your cousin Leroy, after what you told me about him I would love to see that cock of his”.

“It’s fucking massive Carrie, come with me and I’ll show you”.

They led Carrie to the stable where a pony was standing. Mel got on her knees with Lindy and started stroking the pony’s cock. Carrie had seen horses from a distance and was a little bit wary of him.

“Don’t be scared, Billy boy is a big softie, he wouldn’t hurt a fly, bend down here, come on”.

Carrie bent down to see the sisters stroking his sheath and eventually a head appeared. Carrrie was amazed, the cock didn’t seem to come out of the sheath, it was like a telescope, just extended. Mel took the head in her mouth and started sucking. “When he gets really hard that’s what Leroy’s cock is like”, said Lindy before taking her turn to suck on the horse cock. Billy boys cock started to grow larger making it difficult to suck anymore. Lindy and Mel were stroking it and invited Carrie to stroke her first horse cock.

“Oh, feels smooth, I expected it to be rough, hey this is nice, I like stroking him, can I try and suck him”.

“Be my guest Carrie, I told you, you’re basically part of the family now, if you want to fuck him any time, do so, he’s used to it”.

“Do you mean you two have fucked him”.

“Oh more than us, our cousins, mom, aunties, friends, you name it, Billy boy’s fucked them all”.

“Aunty Hetty’s fucked him, really?, I’d love to see mom fuck him, that would be fun wouldn’t it”, laughed Carrie resuming her sucking, well trying to.

“So that’s the size of Leroy’s cock, fucking hell, have you two tried it”.

“Oh yes, Leroy’s fucked us many times, he’s even fucked us in the ass with it”.

Now Carrie was open mouthed. “You never, you had something like that up your ass, didn’t it hurt”.

“A little at first, Uncle Aaron and daddy fucked us first to stretch and lubricate us, then Leroy fucked us”, explained Mel.

“Come on we had better go, supper will be ready soon, I’m starving”.

Supper was indeed ready. “Where have you three been”, asked mom winking. Rory had already told her what went on in the woods.

“Welcome to the family Caroline, I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself”, said mom making Carrie blush.

The rest of the evening was taken up by Donna telling them all about Jon defrauding the bank saying she had no idea what was going on. Beer and whisky was drunk by everyone and were now a bit tipsy. Mom whispered something to Mel who nodded her head in agreement. Everyone started to head off to their respective beds when Mel asked Carrie to stay for a bit. After every one had gone Mel led Carrie to her parents’ bedroom. Walking in they found daddy and mom naked on the bed. Daddy was stroking his cock which stood straight up in the air.

Closing the door Mel explained that her mom wanted to be a part of her final test. “Do you mind Carrie if I join in”, asked aunty Hettie.

Carrie didn’t answer, she lifted her dress up over her head, jumped on the bed and sat on her auntie’s face.

“I’m going to bed now, have fun you three”, said Mel closing the door.

Hetty was devouring her nieces pussy, she tasted dog cum still in there, that didn’t bother her, she had swallowed Bruno’s cum many times. Uncle Harry was behind her with his hands around her tits squeezing and pinching her nipples with his hard cock pressed against her back.

“Turn her over on her back honey, we can lick a hole each”, said mom.

Carrie was laid on her back and legs lifted in the air as two tongues entered her holes.. Her legs were pushed right back and she was told to hold them back. A finger was inserted into her ass and then pushed in her mouth to suck. Then two fingers in her cunt as Hetty bit her clit.

Carrie was going to cum again, she couldn’t believe she was going to cum so many times in a day. She was cumming now as Harrry and Hettie both tried to lick it from her pussy at the same time. Licking their lips they continued their tongue assault on Carries ass and cunt before they both kissed Carrie with open mouths letting her taste her cum.

Hetty lay on her back as Carrie was put in the sixty nine position. Harry knelt behind her and shoved his cock into her soaking wet pussy. At last he thought as his shaft disappeared up his nieces’ cunt. Hetty was licking her clit as Carrie pushed her tongue into her auntie’s pussy. Carrie spread Hettie’s cunt with her fingers, she saw the pink inside and tried to get her tongue farther inside.
Harry pulled his cock out for his wife to taste. Hetty sucked the juice of her nineteen year old niece off his cock, she wanted to keep it there but Harry had other ideas. Pushing it back once more to wet his cock in her pussy he took it out to fuck her ass. Carrie was still licking and sucking aunties pussy when she felt the cock go in her ass. In the last few weeks she had come to enjoy anal sex, with Ronnie it was more of a chore to keep him happy, these new people made it feel as normal as conventional fucking.

Pushing back she made sure she got all his cock inside her as auntie Hetty started to shudder. Placing her mouth over her cunt she felt the first drops of cum in her mouth followed by a push upwards and then a mouthful of cum. Carrie wanted to be part of this family, she could have spat it out. ‘That’s not what Mel or Lindy would do’ she thought as she swallowed a full mouthful of cum. Harry was pumping hard in between letting his wife suck his cock. Carrie’s ass was still relatively tight, she was still a newcomer to ass fucking really.

Hety was licking and sucking on Carrie’s cunt, she was looking forward to licking it many more times now Carrie had joined the ‘family’.

Carrie couldn’t believe it, she was going to cum again, Hetty’s persistent licking and biting on her clit was sending her over the edge. Hetty licked and sucked as cum splattered her face and hair. Harry was close to cumming as well, he didn’t want to cum in her ass, pulling out he shot his sperm over Hetty’s face.

“Last test Carrie, come and clean my face with your tongue”, said Hetty.

Carrie turned around and licked aunties face sharing Harry’s cum with her. Carrie was exhausted now, all that cumming had left her shattered, After a brief rest Carrie said she would go back to her bed as she needed the bathroom anyway. She kissed Uncle Harry letting him taste his own cum and then auntie Hetty.

“Now It’s really welcome to the family, any member of the family is now available to you Carrie, by the same token, you can’t refuse either”.

“Okay, I understand”, said Carrie saying goodnight.

She came out of the bathroom and was walking back to her own bed when she heard a noise from her mom’s bedroom. The door was slightly open as she quietly peered round the door. She nearly gasped out loud at what she saw. Her mom was on her knees on the bed and her brother Barry was knelt behind her with his cock buried in her ass.

‘So mother, you haven’t forgotten all the customs of this family’, she thought as she walked back to her own bed.
She couldn’t resist, she had to tell someone. She woke Marylou with whom she was sharing a bed and told her what she had seen.

Marylou was ecstatic. “You know what this means don’t you Caroline?”.

“No, what”. “It means I can fuck Barry on my eighteenth birthday, and I will nominate someone to be my daddy, I can’t wait till I’m eighteen”, said Marylou hugging her sister.


Chapter Ten

Carrie lay on the bed playing with her pussy. She couldn’t get the vision of her mother on hands and knees with her brothers cock buried in her ass. She wondered how long this had been going on. Had she told him about the custom of daddies and brothers fucking their daughters on their eighteenth. Rather than let him fuck her had she volunteered herself to be fucked, and Barry had taken her up on her offer.

Marylou woke up. “What are you doing Caroline, are you playing with yourself again”.

“Yea, I can’t get the picture of mom and Barry out of my head, it was so hot Marylou, he had his cock all the way up her ass, I wonder how long they’ve been fucking”.

People were getting up for breakfast as Marylou and Carrie got dressed. Carrie just put a dress on, she had a feeling that while she was here, underwear was not an option. After a shower they made their way to breakfast. Rory passed them, not before he put his hand up Carrie’s dress to have a feel of her pussy. Reaching the breakfast table she found her mom was already there with Barry. The twins and her sisters were also there. Marylou saw her mother and started giggling as Carrie kicked her leg under the table.

“What’s so funny Marylou”, asked Donna. Marylou just shook her head and said “nothing”.

Carrie kept looking at her mom and Barry, cum was leaking from her pussy, she wished she had put on some underwear now, the chair would be soaked when she got up.

“Did you sleep well Caroline”, asked her mother. Carrie cast a glance at Uncle Harry and Aunt Hetty, “very well thank you, when I finally got to sleep”.

Now it was Harry and Hetty who exchanged glances. There was a stunned silence as Carrie asked her mom if she knew about the custom in this family. Donna went bright red and spluttered on her breakfast.

“What custom is that Caroline”, but everyone around the table could see that she already knew.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, what custom”, said Donna clearly flustered. “You know the one where daddies and brothers fuck their daughters on their eighteenth birthday, why didn’t you let Barry fuck me on my eighteenth”.

Caroline was shouting at Carrie now. Caroline, how dare you, leave the table at once”. Carrie carried on eating, “I don’t think so mom, why don’t you tell everyone what you and Barry were doing last night”.

Now Barry went bright red, “what do you mean Caroline, what mom and I were doing”, trying to sound forceful.

“Shall I tell them mom, you or Barry obviously don’t want to, I looked in on mom last night, Barry had his cock buried deep in my mom’s ass, didn’t you Barry”.

There was complete silence for a minute or so. Hetty clapped her hands, “I’m proud of you sis, you haven’t forgotten the custom after all, well done”.

Barry and Donna breathed a sigh of relief, they didn’t know how they were going to get out of this, Hetty just did it for them.

“Why didn’t you let him fuck Caroline when she was eighteen Donna”, asked Hetty.

“I couldn’t, I had told Barry all about it, he wanted to fuck Caroline, I offered him my pussy instead, we’ve been fucking ever since”.

Hetty got up and hugged her, “ you did the right thing, Barry is a lucky man”.

Marylou spoke next, “can Barrry fuck me when I’m eighteen mom, it’s only fair”.

“Of course he can darling, he can fuck you too Caroline if you want him to”.

“Too late mom, been there, done that, he fucked me yesterday, so did Rory, Charlie, I licked Mel and Lindy’s pussy, I fucked Uncle Harry and Aunt Hetty, oh, and I fucked Bruno the dog”.

“My, you have been a busy girl, seems I have a lot of catching up to do, fuck wise”. Harry came behind her and pulled out her ample tits, then he put his hand on her pussy, “seems like we might be using these soon folks, what do you reckon”, everyone shouted ‘yea’.

Carrie went to her mother and fondled her tits which were still hanging loose.

“Now you can fuck Barry anytime, anywhere, you don’t have to hide anymore, by the way, try Bruno, he’s a great fuck”.

“I will darling, thank you”.

Harry sat beside Donna. “You know Donna I wanted to fuck you on your eighteenth, I was so looking forward to it, you used to wear those tight shorts that showed off your pussy and your ass, you were such a tease”.

“I know, I used to see you looking at me with a bulge at the front, you used to put your hand over it to cover it”, laughed Donna.

“I was dying to see that pussy of yours at eighteen, then you went off, do you think I could see your pussy now Donna”, pleaded Harry.

Donna looked into his pleading eyes, “Of course you can Harry, is that all you’re going to do, look at it”, said Donna with a sly smile.

Donna got up and slid off the brief lace panties down to her ankles before stepping out of them. Sitting on the table she opened her legs to show Harry a perfectly shaved pussy.

Harry gazes at it, “I knew it would look like this, beautiful”, before bending his head down to sniff her pussy.

He licked all around enjoying the aroma of her pussy before spreading the lips and licking inside and out. Rory and Charlie were hovering around Donna wanting a piece of her. Harry was having none of it, he told them to get out to their work, he had waited nineteen years to fuck this pussy. Charlie and Rory went off in a huff as Harry went back to his licking on Donna’s cunt. Carrie was watching all this along with Marylou who had her hands between her legs. Carrie was stroking her clit getting wetter and wetter.
She couldn’t stand it any more. Rising from her seat she got on the table, pulled her dress off and sat on her mom’s face opening her pussy lips as she did.

Donna opened her mouth and pushed her tongue into the open cunt. Secretly Donna had wanted to lick her daughters pussy for ages. The times she had sat in front of her after a shower with legs open, it was all she could do not to dive between her legs and devour her young cunt.

Harry’s tongue was delving deeper and deeper into Donna’s open pussy, the pink flesh was glistening from pussy juice as he eagerly lapped it up. Hetty was on her knees as well, her nephews cock was sliding in and out between her lips as she sucked on it.

Mel Lindy and the twins had gone out to do their respective chores leaving just Marylou watching the proceedings. ‘How I wish I was eighteen’, she thought as she watched her mom lick her sisters pussy and her brother getting sucked by his auntie.

Donna was ready, pushing her hips up into Harry’s face she shot forth a stream of cum into it. Harrry licked as hard as he could, he didn’t want to lose any of this nectar from her wonderful pussy. Carrie on top knew her mother had cum, it was so hot, her astride her mother’s face as her uncle licked and sucked her pussy.

Donna felt the first drops of cum in her mouth followed by a pressing down of her daughter on her face followed by a shout from Carrie and a flood of cum to follow. Donna had no choice but to swallow, even if she hadn’t wanted to, she would have had to, she wanted to. Cum was coming out of the sides of her mouth as she tried to swallow it all. Harry now had his cock inside Donna, he was pinching her clit as he fucked her making Donna moan with pleasure as her daughter pressed on her face.

Carrie lifted up and moved forward till her ass crack was above her mom’s face and tongue. Carrie loved having her ass licked, Mel had introduced her to this particular pleasure, and what a pleasure it was. Donna licked into the ass crack feeling the puckered hole as Carrie purred with pleasure. Hetty was on her knees now as Barry fucked her cunt. Marylou was still watching her brother fucking not being able to wait till her eighteenth so she could have her brothers cock in her.

As her birthday was only a couple of months away she would soon have to be prepared although she didn’t know it yet.

Harry was in dreamland, the cunt he wanted to fuck all those years ago was now getting ready to receive a load of cum from him. Donna had her tongue deep in Carrie’s ass as she squirmed on her mom’s face. Harry started to cum just as Donna pushed up at the same time. Cum was going in different directions as her pussy was flooded. Carrie jumped off the table and prepared to taste her mother’s cum as Harry pulled out of her. She could taste both sets of cum as she first licked Donnas cunt and then sucked Harry’s cock clean.

Hetty had already cum once and was now getting ready to cum again as the young cock pummelled her ass. Barry liked ass fucking, ever since he had persuaded his mother to let him fuck her ass he loved the tight feeling it gave his cock. Gripping his auntie’s ass cheeks he unloaded his sperm deep in her ass hole.

Hetty got her breath back for a moment and then took her nephews cock in her mouth and sucked the cum off it. Donna stood up and kissed her daughter. “Now that’s what I call a breakfast treat”, she laughed.

Going over to Marylou who still had her hand between her legs she put her arm around her. “Would you like to keep the custom going honey, if you do, you will have to be prepared, your ass will have to be stretched to accommodate a cock, and your pussy”.

“I can’t wait mom, when can we start”.

“How shall we go about this Hetty, you have more experience than me in these matters”.

“Well I think Mel, Carrie, and Lucy, her cousin should work on her ass and pussy, I think cousin Frank should be the one to supply a cock to learn to suck properly, his cock isn’t as large as the others”, replied Hetty.

“Okay that’s settled, now remember honey, although you can suck cousin Frank’s cock, under no circumstances can he fuck you, your brother and whoever you nominate as your daddy must have first use of your pussy, understand”.

“Thank you mommy, I’ll remember”, hugging her.

Carrie put her dress back on and Donna and her two daughters strolled outside feeling really close to each other now.

Marylou was excited about the preparation. “When can we start mom, I can’t wait”.

“It’s up to Caroline and the others, they can start right away as far as I’m concerned, what do you think Caroline”.

Carrie looked at her mom. “We can start right away if you like, but please call me Carrie, Caroline seems so formal”.

“Ok, Carrie it is then, how do you propose to start”.

“Well, we could start by letting her feel how good it is to have her pussy licked, ease her into it gently”, replied Carrie.

“Good idea, where can we go to do that though out here”.

“Follow us, Marylou and I have been there before, we know just the place”.

They walked till they came to the clearing where Carrie had first fucked her brother and had her first DP. Removing Marylou’s dress they laid her on the ground and opened her legs wide.

“Do you want to go first mom, I think you should have first lick of her pussy”.

Donna bent down to her young daughter, Marylou’s pussy was still hairy, she would have to be shaved before the other girls and Frank saw her. Parting the hair she gently licked the small clit that was underneath. Marylou jumped as her mom’s tongue hit the spot.

“Wow, you can carry on doing that mom”, gasped Marylou.

“I will honey , I will”, said Donna burying her face in the mass of hair licking her pussy.

Carrie had her mouth on Marylou’s telling he r to open so they could use tongues.

“You will have many female members of family who will want to lick your pussy and kiss you like this, you have to learn”.

Marylou opened her mouth as Carrie pushed her tongue in and kissed her. Marylou forgot it was her sister and started to kiss her back with a frenzy. Mom was still working on her pussy, Marylou started to have funny feelings down there. The tongue was relentless, her clitty felt on fire, the feeling got more and more distinct as something flowed from her young pussy. Marylou shouted out as her mom licked even harder biting her clit.

Carrie pulled her mouth away, “you’ve just had your first cum honey, did you enjoy that”. Marylou was out of breath kissing and cumming.

“That was the bestest feeling in the world, if that is sex, bring it on, I’m ready for it”.

“Don’t forget honey, you will still have to an ass plug inserted, that may hurt a little, turn over and I’ll show you”, said Carrie.

Marylou turned over on her hands and knees, Carrie licked her ass to make it wet. Sticking her finger in her mouth she then stuck it gently into her sisters ass.

Marylou squirmed as the finger went in. “You have to learn to relax your ass muscles Marylou, it won’t hurt if you do, just relax”.

Carrie pushed a little farther into her virgin ass, soon it was in to her knuckle as she pressed a little harder Marylou’s little tiny hole opened a little more. Donna was trying to take her mind of it by squeezing her tits, They weren’t small, but they weren’t as big as Donna’s or Carrie’s, someone once said more than a mouthful was a waste anyway, so perhaps they were right. Carrie’s finger was now fitted quite nicely inside Marylou’s ass. She had stopped squirming and was enjoying the fingering in her ass.

“Will I have to fuck and suck Bruno mom on my eighteenth”.

“I’m afraid so honey, to become a full member you have to fuck an animal as well”.

“But you haven’t mom, you haven’t fucked Bruno yet, are you going to suck and fuck him”.

“Yes of course Marylou, you don’t think I would ask you to do it and not myself, I’ve already fucked my son and Uncle Harry, I’ve licked your sweet pussy, now I have to fuck Bruno”.

“Does that mean you can fuck any member of the family then, when you’ve passed the test I mean”, asked Marylou.

“Yes, anyone can fuck you within the family, but you can’t refuse anyone a fuck either”.

“So that was why cousin Rory could feel your pussy this morning and you didn’t say anything Carrie”.

“That’s right Marylou, I can feel any cock I like, and anyone can feel my cunt”.

“I’m looking forward to that, having anyone who likes feel my pussy, cool”.

Carrie and Donna just laughed, “come on, we’d better be getting back”.

Mel and Lucy had been given the news they were to be Marylou’s mentors in her preparation. Lucy hugged Marylou cupping her pussy as she kissed her.

“I can’t wait to see your pussy and lick it”, said Lucy hugging her. Mel hugged her as well. “Looking forward to having my tongue in there”, she said cupping her pussy.

The evening came and there was quite a gathering. Word had spread that Donna was back. Before she ran off with city boy Jon there were many young men who were looking forward to her eighteenth birthday, and not just to wish her happy birthday. Donna had been a stunner, now those same young men were lining up to get a second chance to fuck her. First Donna had to pass the test of fucking an animal.

She had chosen Bruno because her daughter had already fucked him and told her what a good fuck he was. Donna was still a little nervous as she stripped and lay on the floor with her legs open wide. The men were looking at what they had missed nineteen years ago. Wives and girlfriends were on their knees sucking a cock, it didn’t matter who it belonged to, the men wanted a blowjob watching Donna.

Bruno was led over to her and stood over her face. Donna, who obviously had never sucked or fucked a dog was lost. She was supposed to suck his cock, where was it?.

Carrie could see her mom’s discomfort, laying down beside her she showed her how to pull his sheath back and reveal hid cock. “Go on mom, take it in your mouth, it’s not so bad, here I’ll show you”.

Carrie opened her mouth and took Bruno’s cock inside her mouth. As she sucked Bruno grew and spurts of cum landed on her tongue.

“Okay mom, It’s your turn now, just suck like you would Barry’s”.

Donna closed her eyes and opened her mouth. The cock tasted different, she had sucked and swallowed her son’s cum, now there was cum landing on her tongue tasting different.

“Don’t spit it out mom, you have to swallow to pass the test, I did, just swallow”, whispered Carrie.

Donna swallowed her first dog cum, there was so little of it she didn’t really taste anything. She kept her eyes closed and sucked harder, the cock was growing, to her surprise the cock inside her mouth was growing bigger all the time.

“It’s getting bigger”, she whispered to Carrie as cum landed on her cheek dripping down her chin.

“I know mom, it does, keep sucking”. Carrie opened her eyes and took out the dog cock to look at it. It had grown massive with veins running all through it.

‘What the hell, I’ve gone this far, what have I got to lose’, she thought as she plunged the cock back in her mouth sucking voraciously. More and more cum was going down her throat now as she struggled to swallow.

Carrie had left her on her own now and was sucking her brothers cock.

Hetty approached Donna, “time to let him fuck you now Donna, on your hands and knees”.

Donna slid out from underneath Bruno and got on her hands and knees.

“Do you want me to lubricate your ass Donna, he may stick it in there, once he’s in it’s dangerous to pull him back out, he might bite, he thinks you’re his bitch by then”.

“Okay, you had better put something up there just in case”.

Hetty got some cream and pushing her fingers in her sisters ass managed to make it more accessible to Bruno. Bruno was mounting her, his legs scratched her slightly as he encircled her waist with his strong front legs. Stabbing a few times he finally found a hole, it was her cunt. Donna gasped as Bruno fucked her with a ferocity she had never encountered before. She was crying out with every stroke, Bruno was almost knocking her over with each stroke. ‘Carrie was right, Bruno is one hell of a fuck’, though Donna as she got ready to cum. Something big was trying to get inside her pussy.

“What’s that Hetty, what is trying to fuck me”. “He’s trying to knot you, it’s his way of trapping you, don’t move and you’ll be fine”.

Donna’s cunt was stretched to the limit, the thing was inside her, she was trapped with a dog stuck inside her. She felt the first spurt f cum hit her insides, more followed, now it was quite rapid, blast after blast of cum was going into her belly. Donna lay still for what seemed an eternity before Bruno relaxed his grip on her and slid out. She could feel dog cum running down her legs as Bruno licked it up.

Bruno was led around to face her, “last test, you have to clean his cock Donna”.

Donna had gone this far, she had sucked and fucked the dog, why not clean his cock. Laying under him again she sucked what cum was left off his cock. Donna was allowed to have a shower before she was again paraded before the assembled crowd along with Carrie.

Both mother and daughter knelt in the middle of the floor as many men fucked their asses and pussies. Mel had taken Marylou away to the bathroom. “Let’s get this pussy of yours shaved, we have to get you prepared, do you think you can suck and fuck Bruno Marylou, that’s what you’ll have to do on your eighteenth”.

Marylou opened her legs as Mel applied the shaving cream. “I’m looking forward to it, can’t wait for my first fuck”.

“Good, tonight we’ll insert your first butt plug, it will only be small, then we’ll put a bigger one in stages, then your as should be ready to fuck”.

“Thanks Mel, you’re so good to me, kiss me”. Mel grabbed her young cousin and pushed her tongue into her mouth only for Marylou to do the same to her.


Chapter Eleven

Donna and Carrie were sore, very sore, their mouths ached from sucking so much cock, they felt sick from swallowing so much cum. Carrie put her hand to her tender ass and gently rubbed it.

Donna was doing the same, she had no idea so many people wanted to fuck her and Carrie. She exercised her jaws which had become stiff, how many cocks had she sucked, how many cocks had entered her ass and pussy, both she and Carrie had lost count. She put her hand on her cunt, her lips were still swollen, she felt her ass, she would have to have at least a few hours rest before anything else entered in there.

Both she and Carrie had slept together last night, mainly to keep away from any more cock. “ I suppose we had better make an appearance at breakfast then, I hope everyone had enough last night, I don’t want another cock anywhere near me for hours”. “I agree with you, my cunt is aching and so are my jaws, how many cocks did we suck last night mom”.

“Hundreds by the feel of it, my jaws are aching as well”.

They staggered out of bed barely walking, and made it to the shower. The shower revived them a little as they stood under it letting the warm flow soothe their cunts and asses. Mel and Lucy were in the bedroom with Marylou admiring her newly shaven pussy.

“I think your mom should be first to put a dildo in there, my mom was first with me, she was ever so gentle”, said Lucy.

Stroking her shaven pussy again she said “you really do have a sweet pussy, I look forward to putting my tongue deep inside there”.

“Me too”, said Marylou.

Lucy, Mel, and Carrie did some chores when Sally came by. Sally was another cousin whom had taken Lucy to meet Billy and Jimmy, and Buster.

Sally had been a couple of times since then to get fucked by the brothers., and Buster the ram. As the three cousins were talking, Polly Jameson, sister of the two brothers whom Sally was fucking, was sitting on the couch with a cock in each hand stroking them.

Polly was a nymphomaniac, she knew she was, she fucked her brothers all the time, she fucked the farmer and his son on the next farm and anyone else who came by.

Today she was talking, “Sally told me about her cousin Leroy, she says he’s got a cock as big as Busters, I want to try it, I want you guys to drive me to Leroy’s place, you know I can’t drive”.

Polly was pushed onto the floor where she took one cock in her mouth and carried on stroking the other.

Polly’s mother came in, “Will you ever stop fucking your brothers Polly, why can’t you find a young man of your own”.

“You can talk mom, every time I come back either Jimmy or Billy has his cock stuck in your ass or your pussy”.

“Okay, fair enough, but you’re young, I need fucking, I’m not going to meet anyone else, your daddy was all I needed, you should know, he fucked you often enough”.

It was true, Polly and her daddy had fucked ever since she was eighteen, she was the eldest of the three, when her brothers were old enough they too had fucked her. It wasn’t enough, Polly had an enormous sex drive, if she wasn’t sucking cock or being fucked in her ass or cunt she wasn’t happy. She was sitting astride Jimmy on the floor as Billy was entering her ass. Mom watched as they fucked their sister hoping they would recover enough to fuck her later.

The four cousins were talking about sex as usual, Carrie was complaining about her mother not letting her brother fuck her on her eighteenth, instead fucking him herself. Sally asked Carrie if she had ever been with a horse, Carrie said no there wasn’t many horses in the city as everyone laughed.

“Why don’t we all go to our farm, we can visit Lucky, my horse, he’s just about got the right size of cock for you Carrie, if you’re not used to horses”.

Informing everyone where they were going they set out with Sally in her beat up pickup truck to her home. Arriving at the farm they went straight to the stables where Lucky was stabled. Sally took off her dress to reveal no panties and rubbed herself up against Lucky’s nose. Right away his cock appeared, long and thick, but not so thick it wouldn’t go in Lucy’s mouth as she knelt underneath. With a bit of effort Lucy got the head in her mouth and was sucking on Lucky’s cock.

“Come on Lucy, you’ve sucked a horse cock before, this is for Carrie, go on Carrie, try it”. Carrie whipped off her dress and knelt under the horse. She finally got the head of his cock in her mouth and sucked. It felt dry on her tongue, she licked the long haft up and down feeling the prick get harder. Mel had joined her on the other side licking as well and stroking with both hands. Sally was stroking his balls.

“He likes that, makes him come quicker”, said Sally. “Just like any man”, laughed Mel.

“Have all you girls fucked a horse then?”, asked Carrie. They all answered yes they had. “So that only leaves me, I’m not having that, I want to fuck Lucky, now”.

The table that Sally used when she was on her own was brought in and put underneath Lucky. Carrie lay on her back legs wide open as Mel held the cock and Sally opened Carrrie’s cunt up. Mel rubbed the horse cock against Carries pussy and pushed it in a little.

“Is that ok Carrie”. “Yea, push a bit more in, push till I tell you to stop”, replied Carrie.

As Mel pushed Carrie was pushed up the table a bit to accommodate lucky’s cock.

At least eight inches was now inside Carries cunt as she panted in deep breaths.

Carrie thought this was the most wonderful feeling in her cunt ever, she was filled with horse cock, that was really being used and abused. The thought of that made her start to cum. Lucky’s cock was covered in her cum as she cried out in ecstasy.

Mel pulled the cock out and licked the end, a mixture of horse cock and female cum tasted different from anything she had tasted before. Lucy and Sally were licking as well now as Lucky exploded. Mel who had him in her mouth tasted horse cum for the first time as it went down her throat.

Sally obviously had tasted it before, she was licking the head clean and swallowing it all.

“Well done girls”, said a voice behind them and the sound of clapping.

Billy, Jimmy and their sister Polly stood there. “Very impressive, not a patch on buster though , eh Sally and Lucy”. Mel and Carrie wanted to know who Buster was, Sally said she would tell them later.

The brothers had come into the stable now, as was their habit they didn’t stand on ceremony. Carrie had a hand cupped around her cunt and was having her tits squeezed with another. The brothers felt all the pussies and tits on display before telling them why they were here.

“My slut sister wants to meet Leroy, she’s heard about his cock and want’s to try it for size”, said Billy still fondling Carrie and stroking her ass.

“He’s not here at the moment, but you’re welcome to hang around till I get word to him to come over”, said Sally.

They all went to the house where everyone had a beer or something stronger. Sally’s mom was there, her daddy was out in the fields.

“So you’re the two brothers who’s fucking my Sally, seems you’re keeping her satisfied, she looks happy enough”.

Sally’s mom was a good looking woman, her and Lucy’s mom were sisters. She sat with her legs partly open to show a great pair of thighs. Billy and Jimmy noticed and crossed their legs. Jeanette, Sally’s mom noticed and smiled to herself, she would have to try out these two handsome men, Sally wouldn’t mind, it wouldn’t be the first time. She opened her legs a little more to reveal no underwear, just a shaven cunt. Billy and Jimmy were uncomfortable now, their pricks were as hard as a rock.

Sally was laughing inwardly, she had seen it all before. “Do you like mom’s pussy boys, you both seem to be staring at it, if you were gentlemen, you would be on your knees with my mom’s legs spread and licking her pussy”.

Jimmy and Billy were off their seats in a flash, Jeanette’s legs were lifted in the air and two tongues devoured her ass and pussy.

“Boys, boys, at least take your clothes off when you lick pussy”, said Sally.

Both young men had stripped in a matter of seconds to show two hard cocks sticking up in the air. Carrie was the first to move, before the others thought about it Jimmy’s cock was in her mouth followed by Mel. Billy and Jimmy were licking Jeanette’s pussy with vigour, Billy had his tongue in her ass as Jimmy stuck his in as far as he could in her cunt.

Jeanette was a lady who loved sex, she was soon flooding the two young men and the two girls as she squirted cum from her cunt. Jeanette was a squirter, she could shoot cum quite a distance from her pussy. Mel and Carrie carried on sucking as cum went in their hair and on their faces. Puling the cocks from their mouths they pulled Jeanette to the floor. Billy lay down and Jeanette was placed on his cock as Jimmy entered her ass.

Sally was having her pussy licked by Polly, she licked up and down to her ass and back, pausing at her ass to give it an extra lick. Sally was cumming now, grabbing Polly’s head she spurted cum into her face. Word had got through to Leroy that his services were required. He was on his way when he met Sam, Sally’s daddy who gave him a lift to his place. Sam walked through the door to find his wife on the floor with two men, one in her as and one in her cunt.

Two of his nieces were there, Carrie he hadn’t met before so introductions were made. “So you’re Donna’s daughter, I hear you’re now a fully fledged member of the family, welcome” and hugged her putting his hands on her tight young ass

“Thank you uncle Sam”, she said staying there as she felt his cock harden.

“Who’s this then”, as he spotted Polly with cum in her hair. More introductions were made as Sam waited for the brothers to finish fucking his wife.

Leroy was introduced to Carrie and Polly. Polly wasted no time in checking out Leroy’s cock. “I hear you have the biggest cock in the family”, she said fumbling with the buttons of his fly.

“That’s what they say, I really don’t know”, replied Leroy.

Polly and Carrie gasped as Polly finally managed to get his cock out. It was getting bigger all the time as Polly and Carrie stroked it. Carrie was on her knees first trying to get the huge member inside her mouth. Polly was licking the side as Carrie struggled. Carrie gave up as Polly took it in her mouth. To Carrie’s surprise she got all of the head and some more in her mouth.

“How do you do that Polly, that thing is massive”, said Carrie licking with long strokes.

“I’m used to sucking Buster, our pet Ram, his cock is about the same size as this, it’s lovely, you’ll have to meet him sometime”, said Polly as she stuffed the cock back in her mouth.

Jimmy and Billy had finished fucking Jeanette, cum was leaking from her ass and pussy running down her legs. Introductions were made to her husband as they shook hands. Mel was sucking her uncle Sam as Lucy knelt behind her playing with her tits and pussy.

Billy’s cock was going limp as he offered it to Lucy to suck. She opened her mouth and sucked. The taste of her aunt’s cum and Billy’s cum was fresh in her mouth. Billy had already fucked Lucy on the farm that night, he wanted to fuck Carrie, she was new. Unfortunately Jimmy had the same idea and was at this moment sinking his cock into Carries mouth.

Carrie could taste cum and ass juice from his cock. It didn’t bother her, she sucked deep on his cock as he got harder and harder.
Lucy to was getting Billy hard. “Hey Jimmy, does she fancy a DP, I fancy another one, but this time I want the ass”.

“Do you fancy a DP Carrie, we’d love to if you would”. Carrie didn’t answer, she just nodded her head as she kept on sucking.

“She’s okay with that brother, you can have her ass then, I’ll bet it’s a tight ass”.

Carrie loved the way they were talking about her, as though she was an object, her pussy was wet already by the thought of being used by these two hill billie’s. Jimmy lay on the floor, his cock now standing straight up. Sally sat down on sliding it into her cunt and leaned forward. Billy spat on his hand and rubbed her ass, he spat again and rubbed his cock.

“Okay honey, here it comes, straight up your ass hole”, and pushed towards her sphincter. Carrie took it easily, since she had been here her ass had been stretched by dogs and humans.

Polly was on her knees in front of Leroy. “You sure you want me to fuck your ass Polly”. “Of course, only after you’ve fucked my cunt though, I f I can take Buster in my ass, I can take yours”.

Leroy had never heard of Buster, he thought it must be another guy with a big cock. Polly took his cock easily, not many people could. Polly was squirming, Busters cock was alright, but it didn’t have a mind of its own.

She pushed back as far as she could to get the whole cock in her. She was riding Leroy now moving with him. Her first orgasm started, she knew she would have many with this cock inside her. She shouted out for Leroy to fuck her harder as cum poured from her pussy.

Uncle Sam had Mel in the missionary position fucking her as Lucy was having her pussy licked by aunt Jeanette. Carrie was being pummelled in both ends by the brothers. She was cumming too, she was being abused, it turned her on. She was fucking furiously herself now as cum coated Jimmy’s cock.

The cock in her ass was trying to get his balls and all in by feel of it. She could feel them slapping her ass as he fucked her.She was having another orgasm almost right away. Jimmy felt her cum again as he pushed harder and Carrie pushed back screaming. Polly had enough cock in her pussy now, she’d already had three orgasms, now it was time to have her ass fucked.

“Stick it in my ass Leroy, push that big cock all the way up my ass hole”.

“You got it honey”, and rubbing his wet cock to lubricate her stuck his monster in her ass.

Polly winced just a little as the huge cock entered her ass. This was better than Buster, she had to fuck Buster, now she was being fucked. Another orgasm was building up as he pushed his cock in and out of her ass hole. Even though Polly had many things up her ass the size of Leroy’s cock made it tight around his cock. Just as Polly was having her fourth orgasm Leroy was pumping cum into her ass sticking his nails into her fleshy cheeks as he did.

Polly lay down exhausted, that was one of the best fucks she had ever had, she would fuck this man regularly from now on”.
Taking his cock in her hand she licked and sucked it till it was clean.

“That was fantastic Leroy, will you fuck me again soon”. “Anytime honey, not many girls can take it in the ass like you”.

“Why thank you Leroy, that’s quite a compliment”, she said kissing his cock once more.

Lucy was cumming for the second time, her aunt was a great cunt licker, no one had ever licked her cunt like this.Carrie was breathing heavily, three orgasms in a short space of time had taken its toll. “I’ll clean your cocks in a minute boys, let me get my breath back.

“I’ll do it for you honey”, said Polly taking both her brothers cocks and sucking them clean.

Uncle Sam had just unloaded his sperm in Mel’s pussy and she was now on her knees sucking his cock clean.Everyone had settle down now, Polly was still stroking Leroy’s cock. The brother’s had cornered Lucy as she stroked their cocks sitting between them.
Carrie was now sucking Sam’s cock and Mel and Jeanette were in a sixty nine position licking and slurping. Leroy hadn’t fucked Carrie yet, he had been away on the night of her initiation and not had the pleasure.

“Sam would you mind if I borrowed Carrie to fuck, I haven’t had the pleasure yet, Polly will fuck you, won’t you Polly”.

“Of course, It’ll be a pleasure Sam, give me that cock of yours”, and stuffed it deep in her mouth.

Carrie went to Leroy grabbing his cock as she did. “I don’t mind you fucking me Leroy, but take it easy with that monstrosity, especially in my ass”.

“I’ll take it easy honey”, said Leroy biting her nipples as he put his hand between her legs and cupped her young cunt.

Leroy finished sucking on he r tits and Carrie dropped to the floor once again trying to get his cock in her mouth. She gave up and just licked up and down the shaft.

“Lubricate my ass well before you put your cock in please, I don’t want splitting in half”, laughed Carrie.

Leroy pushed his cock towards her pussy, it was already puffy from the fucking from the brothers. Slowly he entered her as she braced herself. ‘This thing is as big as Lucky’s’, she thought as the cock went into her pussy hole.

Carrie felt filled, this was wonderful, once again she was being used. She was wet from the time she was told she was going to be fucked, not can I please fuck you, just I’m going to fuck you.

‘This is good, very good’, thought Carrie as the huge cock pulled her pussy walls in and out with it. Orgasm number five was starting, she was going to be so tired tonight, but what a way to be tired, fucked senseless by this big cock. Leroy felt the cum coat his cock and decided now would be a good time to fuck her ass.

“I’m going to stick it in your ass now honey, just relax your ass muscles and you’ll be fine”. Ever so gently he pushed his massive cock head into her tiny hole. Amazingly he saw it open to take just a bit of his cock.

A little more pushing and the whole head went in. Another push and a wince from Carrie and some more disappeared in her hole.

“Are you alright Carrie, I can stop for a bit if you like”.

“No, don’t take it out, the worst is over, push a little more, I can take it”.

Leroy pushed in more slowly but surely she was taking his whole length up her ass hole. At last Leroy felt his balls hit Carrie’s ass, “It’s in all the way Carrie, you okay”.

“Actually I feel like someone’s shoved a baseball bat up my ass, but it’s okay, you can fuck me now”.

Leroy pulled it out and then in again, the friction on her ass hole was causing her a little pain but Carrie kept quiet. She would have to get Leroy to fuck her mother, serve her right for not letting Barry fuck her on her eighteenth birthday. Sam had finished fucking Polly now and was watching Leroy fuck Carrie’s ass as were the others. Leroy was fucking her quite fast now, she was tight and soon he began to cum. Leroy always came a lot, Carrie felt the cum hit the walls of her belly as spurt after spurt went in.

“That was great Carrie, a few more ass fucks and you’ll take my cock easily”, said Leroy pulling out and offering her his cock to clean.

“Well that was fun, you boys must come round again sometime, anytime”, she said winking at them.

Everyone got dressed and ready to leave. Sally said she would drop everyone off in her pickup. Carrie felt her ass, it was a little tender from Leroy’s cock, she still vowed to try it again soon.

“Oh by the way, Polly said I’m as big as Buster, who’s Buster?”, asked Leroy.

All the girls laughed. “Buster is her pet Ram”, they shrieked.

“So I’ve still got the biggest cock then”, said Leroy fondling it.


Part Twelve

“Come on Nicky, you can do better than that”, laughed Lucy at her cousin Nicky. They were at Lucy’s place having a competition to see who could deep throat hound dog, the family dog. It was Joanie’s turn now, she slid underneath and sucked as deep as she could. She came up coughing as it went down too far.

Carrie, the newest member of the clan was next, she tried to get it all down but Hound dog was just too big and too long.

Joanie and Lucy tried as well but reckoned Joanie might have won. Lucy’s mom, Leeann looked in on them. “Having fun girls”, she said as she saw the dog cock sticking out.

Walking outside she saw her brothers coming in their pickup. ‘I’m going to have a sore cunt tonight ‘ she thought. Her brothers fucked her at every opportunity, she was an only sister, her younger brothers had fucked her ever since she could remember. It didn’t matter to them that she got married, she was at home on the day of her wedding when all four had fucked her before the ceremony.

They bundled out of the pickup and hugged Leeann squeezing her tits and feeling her pussy, hands were all over her, truth was she loved the fact that her brothers still wanted to fuck her, she just wished they wouldn’t do it together.

Then they spotted the other cousins. “Hi girls”, they cried as the girls got the same treatment as Leeann. Zeke lifted Lucy up as he pulled her dress up to feel her ass cheeks. Noah picked up Nicky lifting her dress up as well. Matt was next with Joanie going farther by sticking his fingers in her cunt. Carrie was less well known. “Is she a member of the family”, asked the last brother Luke.

Leeann answered, “yes she’s a full member of the family”, as Luke picked her up with a feel of her pussy.

“What game are you playing girls, ole hound dog looks like he’s been having fun noticing his cock sticking out.

“We were seeing who could deep throat him the most”, said Lucy, “Joanie won”.

“Very good Joanie, now deep throat this”, said Zeke the eldest one whipping out his cock. “Oh yes please”, said Joanie falling to her knees and taking the cock in her mouth. Three more cocks appeared as Lucy, Carrie and Nicky fell to their knees as well. Leeann was watching the whole thing, her pussy was getting wet watching them sucking her brothers’ cocks.

She went back inside, she knew for sure that all four of them would fuck her silly later, they always did.The four girls came back into the house leading the brothers by their cocks where they continued sucking. Lucy invited her mother to join her sucking Noah as mother and daughter shared his cock.

Everyone was still dressed as Zeke suggested all getting naked. Clothes were removed very quickly and tits and pussies were fondled and cupped and fingered.

“I want to see some pussy now girls, on the floor with legs spread, show your pussies”.

All lay down with legs spread as the four knelt before them. Noah put Lucy on top of her mother so he could lick both pussies, (greedy bastard). Carrie, Nicky, and Joanie were moaning as tongues licked their pussies.

“Switch brothers”, called Noah as they moved across to the next cunt.

The switch was made a few times till everyone had a lick of every pussy available. Aaron, Luann and Marybeth walked through the door as all this was going on. Five women on the floor with legs spread and four strong young men between them.

“Can we join in”, shouted Luann already pulling off the tee shirt and shorts she was wearing followed by Marybeth.

Now there were seven pussies and only five cocks between them.

“We’ll have to switch again, on your knees girls with asses in the air”, said Noah.

The girls were giggling as mother and the six girls turned over on to their hands and knees. The four brothers and Aaron were stroking their cocks in anticipation of fucking those pussies on view Aaron looked at them all, three daughters and his wife were splayed in front of him for these four brothers in law and him to fuck.Noah took his sister first as the others fucked what was in front of them.

This time it was Lucy and Nicky who missed out as the others had cocks stuffed in their cunts. Then it was their turn, their already wet pussies took them in easy as they were fucked. Each man went along the line till every pussy had been fucked in turn. Noah was the first to cum, he spread it over Nicky’s ass as Leeann who wasn’t being fucked at the time licked it up. This went on along the line as all the girls had tasted cum.

It was early afternoon on a hot summer Saturday as they all lay around drinking coffee and beer for a couple of hours. Zeke and Noah were playing with their sisters tits and fingering her pussy, they could never leave her alone.

“What have you girls been up to today then”, asked Aaron. “Not much daddy, we had a bit of fun with hound dog, see who could deep throat him the most, we say Joanie won”.

“Well done Joanie, you’ll make a great deep throat cocksucker with more practice”. “Why thank you Uncle Aaron, I’ll keep practicing all the time”, she laughed.

“Your aunt Leeann can take it all down her throat, mind you she’s had more practice than you, why don’t you show her how to do it honey”.

“Sure, why not”, said Leeann extricating herself from her two brothers.
Hound dog was brought in and Leeann lay down on the floor. “Let me get his cock for you mom”, said Marybeth bending down to pull his sheath back.

“Thank you darling “, as she pulled the cock towards her. A little bit of expert sucking and Hound dogs cock was growing steadily in her mouth as cum spurts landed on her tongue. Everyone was looking now as Leeann sucked on the cock to get it as big as possible. There was a round of applause as hound dogs cock went right in till his knot was on Leeann’s lips.

“Bloody hell mom, how long did it take you to do that”, asked Lucy.

“I’ve been sucking dogs of all sizes for a long time honey, and horses and once even a bull”, replied mom, “all it takes is practice”.

“You sucked a bull mom?”, asked Marybeth.

“She sure did honey, it was on our honeymoon, you won quite a lot of money on that one didn’t you Lee, there was a bet on that one, she won”, said Aaron proudly.

“I’d love to try that”, said Carrie, the thought of everyone watching as she sucked a bull turned her on.

“Then why don’t we, our bull is in the meadow, he’s a gentle soul, we can bring him into the barn, we can all try”, said Leeann getting excited. The men were sent to fetch the bull and put it in the barn. Carrie had never seen a bull up close, she had no idea how big a bulls cock was, she was about to find out.

The men came back into the house. “Ferdinand is all tethered now if you all want to come to the barn.

Seven naked women and five naked men traipsed across the yard towards the barn. Leeann as usual was having her ass stroked by two of her brothers while Lucy was stroking her daddy’s cock as they walked along. Reaching the barn they asked who wanted to get him hard first. Leeann volunteered getting on her knees to stroke him. It took a little while, whether Ferdy, the bull, was not in the mood or what, it took a good twenty minutes for Leeann to get his cock to show.

The other girls had seen a bull’s cock before when they serviced the cows. It had never been close up though and the size surprised them. Carrie had never seen a bull’s cock, she stood wide eyed as Leeann stroked the huge cock.

“Who’s first then, come on girls, one of you”, said Aaron.

“As it was my idea I think I should go first”, said Carrie stepping hesitantly forward. Getting down on her knees she stroked the cock with both hands rubbing the whole length up and down.

Ferdy gave a little snort as if to say I like that. Carrie put her lips on Ferdy’s cock and put out her tongue. Looking at the size of it she wished that maybe she would have been better keeping quiet. She couldn’t back out now, she licked the shaft up and down a few times not really knowing what to make of the taste. She opened her mouth as wide as possible and tried to take it in. It took a bit of moving around but she finally got part of his cock in her mouth and sucked.

Lucy was still stroking her daddy’s cock, Leeann was bent over with Zeke’s cock in her cunt and Noah’s in her mouth. Nicky and Marybeth were on their knees sucking Matt and Joanie was sucking Luke the youngest brother. Carrie was trying hard to get more cock in her mouth, her jaws ached from holding her mouth open so wide as she gave herself a rest by licking his shaft again.

The twins wanted to try next, they both got on their knees and stroked Ferdy’s cock. Try as they might the cock would not fit into their mouth. They loved the feel of it and both stroked it up and down the length of the shaft. Joanie was licking and kissing the end of it still trying to get it into her mouth.

Lucy let go of her daddy’s cock and tried next. She had almost sucked Buster, the ram with the large cock, she managed to get part in her mouth as she used her tongue to try and suck it. Marybeth came to join her licking the side as Lucy sucked. Lucy gave Marybeth the cock to try but she too couldn’t quite manage it.

Leeann came over with cum running down her legs. As usual two of the brothers had fucked her, both cumming in her ass. She knew the other two would fuck her before long, that was guaranteed.

“Let me show you young whippersnappers how to suck a bull”, she said dropping to her knees. Everyone watched in amazement as somehow Leeann got the cock in her mouth and sucked. A ripple of applause went up as Aaron watched proudly, his wife was probably the best goddamn cock sucker in Tennessee.

Ferdy was standing still when Marybeth suddenly said, “can I try and fuck him mom, please let me try”.

“What do you think daddy, should we let our little girl try and fuck the bull”, asked Leeann.

“I don’t see why not honey, if she can take that big cock of her brother Leroy, don’t see why she can’t take this, go ahead honey, you fuck him”.

A small table was brought and put underneath Ferdy near his massive cock. Marybeth lay on it with legs splayed as wide as they would go. Luann and Lucy were rubbing her pussy getting it as wet as possible. Lucy bent over licking her clit as Luann fingered her with four fingers. Carrie got in on the act biting and kissing her nipples.

“If we can make you cum Marybeth your cunt will be nice and wet to receive Ferdy”, said Luann increasing the speed of her fingering. With Carrie biting her nipples, Lucy licking her clit an Luan fingering her it didn’t take long for Marybeth to start to cum.

This was the signal for Luann and Lucy to guide Ferdy’s cock into her pussy. After a lot of manoeuvring they finally got his head in pushing it farther and farther in.

About six inches were now inside Marybeth’s cunt, Ferdy’s cock was at least three inches across. Marybeth felt filled her cunt was being stretched as never before. Luan and Lucy were pushing it in and out of her. She could feel it on the walls of her pussy, she wanted more and edged forward. The constant friction on her cunt walls started her off again, she pushed forward shouting she was cumming again as cum covered Ferdy’s cock.

Lucy and Luann were finding it easy now to fuck Marybeth with the cock. Her cum had totally lubricated her pussy and sliding it in and out was easy. Problem was Ferdy was feeling it too, before the girls realised Ferdy was shooting his bull cum into Marybeth’s cunt. Cum was streaming from her pussy as Ferdy kept cumming. Leeann was watching her daughter being filled with cum, she and Aaron had fucked the bull many times, Aaron only helped, but he had never cum in her, she would have to try that, get a load of bull cum in her cunt, she made a mental note. Ferdy finished cumming at last as Marybeth stood up. A pool of cum was at her feet and still dripping from her pussy.

The other girls hugged Marybeth. “That was awesome Marybeth, totally awesome, well done”, they all agreed.

“You’ve got to let me and Lucy fuck Ferdy mom, after that we gotta fuck him”.

The other girls chorused as well. “And us”.

Leeann was on top of one of the other two brothers, she was sitting on his cock as the other prepared to enter her asshole. Daddy had Lucy bent over fucking her cunt and no doubt her ass after. The twins weren’t left out, they too had cocks stuck in their cunts for the moment, that would change soon.

After everyone had been well fucked they walked back to the house. Cum was still dripping from Marybeth as she walked, god knows how long that would take to come out. Leeann too was dripping cum, both her brothers had cum in her ass, that was their favourite place to cum in her ever since they started fucking her.

“Well that was a pleasant way to spend a Saturday afternoon”, said daddy as his daughter Luann stroked his cock.


Chapter Thirteen

“No, she can’t come here, I can’t fucking stand her”, shouted Donna. “Carrie, Marylou, where are you, Maisie is coming”. Donna walked into the room where Carrie was licking her sisters cunt in preparation for her upcoming eighteenth birthday.

“Did you hear what I said, Maisie is coming, and she’s bringing your great Aunt Dorothy and Aunt Glenda”.

Carrie took her mouth away from Marylou’s pussy to ask her mom what all the fuss was about. “It’s only Grandma and two Aunties, so what”.

Maisie was her husband’s mother, she didn’t like Donna and the feeling was mutual. Maisie used to call her a hillbilly. Her sister Dorothy was a much kinder soul, she had always been kind to Donna when she first moved to the city. Glenda was on of those snobs who thought she was better than anyone else, but now her brother was in jail she couldn’t be that snob.

Marylou had been disappointed when Carrie had stopped licking her. She was playing with her clit now. “Mmmm, your pussy looks nice Marylou”.

“Thank you mom, would you like to see it”, and opened her pussy lips to show a beautiful sea of deep pink.

Donna pushed her back on the bed and ran her lips over the open pussy of her daughter Her tongue was now licking and probing as Marylou lay back on the bed. Carrie was pinching her clit and rubbing it. It didn’t take long for Marylou to start cumming, she had cum a few times now and reckoned there was no better feeling in the world. Donna kept licking as her daughter’s cum ran from her pussy.

Donna cleaned her up and went back to what he was saying.

“What are we going to do about Grandma and Aunties, they can’t stay here”.

“Why not?, there’s plenty of room”, said Carrie.

“But what if they find out about the custom, what if they find out we’ve been fucking dogs, and each other”.

“Too bad, they can take it or leave it, they’re on our terms, we call the shots”.

“I don’t know, Maisie can be a bastard when she likes”, replied Donna.

“Is that Grandma Maisie you’re talking about mom”, said Barry her son as he walked through the door.

“Yes, she says she’s coming here for a while, what are we going to do, she might find out about the custom”.

“Ahhh, she might already know mom”, said Barry.

Donna stood up ”what have you told her Barry, come on what have you told her”.

“Well, one night you were out and Maisie was there, we had a few drinks, it was after I had first fucked you, I’m afraid I told her about the custom”.

“Fucking thank you Barry, we’ll have to move, I’m not having her throwing that back in my face”.

“You don’t understand mom, she wasn’t angry, as a matter of fact she was turned on”.

Now Donna was getting interested. “Go on, what happened Barry”.

“She got worked up and because I was drunk I told her about the custom, she asked if you and I had carried it out and I said yes we had”.

“Thanks a lot Barry, now my precious mother in law knows you’re fucking your mother”.

“I haven’t finished yet mom, she was so worked up she started feeling my cock, she sucked it and then we fucked”.

Donna was wide eyed. “You fucked your grandma, you really fucked her”.

“Hey, way to go brother”, said Carrie giving him a high five.

“What about Glenda and Dorothy, have you fucked them as well”.

“No, grandma was trying to get me to fuck them but then dad went to jail and we had to move”.

“Did you tell her about fucking the dogs and animals, I’ll bet she was disgusted if you did”.

“On the contrary mom, she couldn’t stop talking about it, made me play with her pussy as she did”.

Now Donna really was bug eyed. “She didn’t mind that we fucked animals”.

“No, she gave me the impression that she would love to try it, do you think she might mom, I’d love to see that”.

“Well, this puts a different perspective on things, if she knows, then she’s coming here for one thing only, to get fucked by something or someone, she daren’t do it in the city”.

Barry was looking at his sister Marylou’s pussy, he wanted to lick it so badly. Carrie noticed and told him no, the first man was to be the man she nominated.

“But I want to nominate Barry to be first”, said Marylou.

“You can’t honey, Barry is your brother, he gets to fuck you anyway, you have to nominate someone else, don’t say Leroy, he’ll tear you in half”, said mom.

Maisie was fifty three years old, still a stunning looking woman, she had come from a wealthy family and had the best of everything. Glenda was her daughter, she was thirty three, divorced, suspected lesbian. Dorothy was younger than Maisie at fifty one, never married. The story was she had been jilted and never found anyone else.

“Well, we’ll just have to wait and see, why didn’t you tell me you fucked grandma Barry”.

“I had just started fucking you, I thought you might get jealous, actually mom, looking at Marylou’s pussy has made me horny, could I fuck one of you or both”.

“Of course you can son, would you like to clean his cock when he’s finished Marylou, it will be good practice for you”.

“Sure mom, no problem, I’ll suck it clean”.

“Good girl”, said Donna getting on the bed with Carrie her other daughter.

Barry was rock hard now, the sight of his mom and sister presenting their ass and pussy for him to fuck was awesome. He decide to fuck his mom first, she was wet, she was probably wet all the time since she moved here. The amount of times he had seen her with a cock in her ass or pussy was unbelievable.

Now it was his turn, pushing all the way in, he fucked her hard slapping his balls against her ass hole. Carrie his sister was next, she too had been fucked everywhere around the farm. Sliding his cock in he fucked her hard as well before pushing it into her ass and fucking her.

Donna had her fingers in her ass preparing herself. Barry obliged by shoving his hard cock all the way up in one push. Another fuck with Carrie then back to his mom he was ready to cum. Mom felt the cum shoot in her ass hole as Barry pumped what was left.

Marylou already had her face on her mom’s ass ready for her brothers cock. She sucked it all the way up and down until it was perfectly clean. Donna pulled her dress down, “I must find out where he newcomers are sleeping”, she said before kissing Barry and then leaving.

“Lick my pussy again Carrie, I love it when you lick it, I can’t wait till a man licks it”, said Marylou opening her cunt up for Carrie’s tongue.

Donna went to see Hetty to tell her all about her mother in law and co. coming to stay. “We have plenty of room here Donna, but how will they feel about us fucking each other, do they know”.

“Sort of, Barry has told her about the custom, and the horny little bastard has fucked her”, laughed Donna.

Hetty clapped her hands, “That’s my nephew, keep it in the family”.

“He’s certainly horny, he’s just fucked me and Carrie”, said Donna.

A few days passed, Marylou was learning to suck her cousin Frank’s cock well.

Her aunt Hetty had been teaching her to deep throat, said she would be a good cocksucker as Marylou beamed with pride. Her birthday was now only a couple of weeks away, she still hadn’t sucked Bruno the family dog yet. Donna said she would have to start today. Before all that could happen a car pulled up. Maisie, Glenda and Dorothy alighted.

“I thought you weren’t coming till tomorrow, but glad to see you anyway”, said Donna hugging Dorothy first. A less firm hug for Maisie and Glenda.

Harry and Hetty were introduced as were Rory and Charlie. The three were hardly dressed for a country farm. Maisie had a two piece tweed suit on, Dorothy had a long dress, and Glenda a skirt and blouse with a jumper.

“You must be roasting in those clothes, why don’t you go and change into something more appropriate, did you all bring shorts”. All three answered in the affirmative.

All three came downstairs after being shown their room and changing. Harry, Rory and Charlie’s eyes lit up when they saw. Maisie had the most fantastic pair of legs, perfect shape and long, her breasts, although she was fifty three stuck out showing a great pair of nipples.

Glenda and Dorothy didn’t come far behind in the leg stakes, although not quite as good as Maisie, they were very acceptable.
‘Maisie is showing a lot more flesh than I ever seen her do before’, thought Donna, ‘maybe she is coming here to be fucked, maybe Barry’s tale has awakened her sexuality’.

“But what about Glenda and Dorothy, as far as she knew Dorothy hadn’t had a man in years. As for Glenda, she just didn’t know, she had heard rumours that she was a lesbian, but they were just rumours.

Donna decided to tell Maisie that she knew Barry had fucked her, it would melt the tension there seemed to be between the two of them. Maisie was in hillbilly country now, she couldn’t call her names anymore. Maisie went bright red when Donna told her she knew. Donna calmed her down, telling her it was fine, she didn’t mind her son fucking her, as a matter of fact he should fuck her when she was here, no one would care.

Maisie grabbed her arm. “Do you mean that Donna, I can fuck Barry if I want to”.

Donna stopped and looked at her. “Maisie, you can fuck anyone you like here, male or female, just take out their cock and suck it, you’ll soon get fucked”.

“And no one minds, I mean wives, boyfriends, husbands, no one”, said Maisie clearly shocked.

Donna decided to see which way this could go. “There’s just one thing, if you want to get accepted fully into the family you have to fuck an animal, you choose the animal”.

“Are you serious, fuck an animal, have you Donna?”.

“Of course, I fucked the dog, he’s a great fuck, made me cum twice, but I warn you, he will knot you and first time it does hurt a little, but once that’s over, WOW”

Donna looked down to see a wet patch forming on Maisie’s crotch.

“Looks like it’s turned you on Maisie”, said Donna as she rubbed Maisies’s crotch.

She expected her to jump back, she was surprised when she stood still and moaned slightly. Donne took the initiative, she rubbed and squeezed as Maisie pushed her crotch into her hand. The barn was close, Donna led her to the door and walked in. Laying Maisie down she pulled off her shorts to reveal a sodden pair of panties that Donna pulled off as well.

Maisie was clean shaven, I suppose it’s the health clubs she goes to, thought Donna as she licked around her mother in laws cunt.
Maisie arched her body up to meet Donna’s probing tongue. Moaning and pushing it was only a minute or so when cum gushed from her pussy all over Donna.

Maisie was beside herself, she couldn’t apologise enough about cumming on Donna’s face. Donna pushed her back and kissed her with her tongue deep in her mouth. It was now or never, if she was going to fit in here she had to take male or female to fuck.
Maisie pulled her arms around Donna’s neck and pulled her close kissing her back with fervour as Donna ground her own pussy into Maisie’s wet crotch.

“Can I lick you pussy Donna”, whispered Maisie. “Of course you can, I’ve told you, and you don’t have to whisper, if anyone hears, they don’t care”, said Donna pulling off her shorts, she never wore underwear.

Maisie pushed her tongue into Donna waiting pussy. ‘She very skilful’, thought Donna, ‘this is not her first time as Maisie brought her nearer and nearer to a climax.

Donna held her head close to her pussy as she erupted over Maisies face. Maisie just licked up the cum and slid towards Donna sharing ti with her and then kissing her deeply.

“Well that’s one way to break the ice Maisie”, said Donna pulling on her shorts and telling Maisie not to bother with her wet panties.

They walked back to the house now apparently the best of friends. “How did it feel sucking a dog cock Donna and then getting fucked by him, was it really good”, asked Maisie.

“It’s really good Maisie, if you like we can slip away tomorrow and you can try it, but it would be better if people saw it, then you’d be part of the family”.

“What does that mean, part of the family”.

“Well at the moment you could only fuck members of my family, if you were part of the ‘family’ you could fuck any one of my cousins, uncles aunts, anyone, but you have to be seen fucking the men in my family and the dog, or animal of your choosing”.

“What if they refuse, what then”, asked Maisie. “It is considered very bad manners to refuse someone a fuck, some sort of action would be taken against them I suppose, it hasn’t happened yet”.

“I hear you tried to get Barry to fuck Glenda and Dorothy”, said Donna.

“I think Dorothy’s cunt must be healed up by now, she certainly never uses it, as for my daughter, I think she’s frustrated, she needs a good fuck”.

“Well she’s come to the right place, she’ll be fucked, of that I have no doubt”.
Donna went on. “Tell Dorothy and Glenda what you propose to do, it might make them want to join in Maisie”.

“I’ll try and persuade them”,

Donna told Carrie to get aunt Dorothy alone in the barn, see if maybe she could be cajoled into licking her pussy, if she could her and Barry would come in just as she was doing it. Donna herself would try Glenda later when Carrie and Barry would come in. Carrie asked aunt Dorothy to go with her to the barn to see Spike the pony. Carrie knew exactly what to do, she had seen her cousin Sally do it to Rusty.

She rubbed her crotch against his nose and a cock began to appear. Longer and longer it became as Carrie gyrated against him. Dorothy was looking at the horse cock. Being a city girl all her life she had never seen many horses, never mind a cock this size. Carrie bent down and stroked it much to Dorothy’s surprise. “Come on aunt Dorothy, you know you want to stroke it”, said Carrie opening her mouth to lick all around the massive head.

Carrie could see a wet patch appearing on Dorothy’s crotch, she was aroused alright. “Come on, stroke it, he doesn’t mind”, said Carrie sucking it again.

Dorothy moved forward and very gingerly touched the cock. She closed her hand around it amazed by it’s size. Slowly she started to stroke it getting braver by the minute. Soon she had two hands around it stroking furiously. Carrie decided now or never. She cupped aunt Dorothy’s cunt and ran her finger over the middle. She just moaned and stroked harder.

“Try and suck it aunt Dorothy, go on try it”.

Dorothy leaned forward and kissed the horse cock. She stuck her tongue out and licked it a little. Carrie was rubbing her clit now through the shorts, she was getting wetter and wetter.

“Why don’t we take these shorts off aunt Dorothy, I can reach your pussy better without them”.

Dorothy stood up and Carrie pulled shorts and wet panties down so she could step out of them. Not once did she let go of the cock in her hand. She resumed her licking and sucking as Carrie lay underneath her and licked her pussy. It was as though an electric shock had passed through her, she screamed and jumped up only to sit back down again very quickly onto Carries face. Carrie licked the wet pussy, pussy juice was beginning to drop from her, Dorothy was really turned on now. Donna and Barry were watching from one of the stalls. Barry had his cock out as his mother stroked it. Moving silently forward Barry put his cock where the horse cock was. Dorothy looked up for a second and then took it in her mouth.

Donna rubbed Dorothy’s clit as Carrie licked underneath her. This was far too much for Dorothy, she literally almost drowned Carrie as her unused pussy gushed forth. Dorothy was pressing down on Carrie without realising, she had to tell Donna with her hands to get her off.

Dorothy was sucking Barry and stroking the horse cock at the same time.

Carrie slid out and fetched the small table that the family used to fuck Spike. Moving Dorothy she lay down as Donna pushed Spike’s cock towards her pussy an entered her. Carrie was pushing forward, she hadn’t meant to fuck the horse but events overtook her.

Barry had pushed Dorothy onto the floor and was in the act of pushing his cock in her cunt. It had been a long time for Dorothy, the feel of a cock in her was magical. She closed her legs around her young nephew as to never let him go.

Carrie loved the full feeling in her cunt, she was stretched, a horse was abusing her, she loved it. Before long the familiar stirrings came in her loins and then, whoosh, a stream of cum covered Spike’s cock. Dorothy was in seventh heaven, she had a young cock inside her making her feel good, for the second time that day cum flowed from her cunt. She remembered all those years ago when she was young, she would get fucked regularly. She had not tasted cum for years, she wanted this young boy’s cum in her mouth.

She knew Barry would not be long, his strokes were getting quicker. “Cum in my mouth Barry, I want to taste your cum”, she almost shouted.

Donna was taking her turn with Spike, Carrrie pushed the cock into her mother’s cunt as she lay back. Carrie pushed some more till six inches of horse cock was inside her. Barry jumped off his aunt and offered her his cock as cum shot down her throat as she swallowed greedily licking her lips. Dorothy got up to watch Donna with a horse cock in her cunt fucking it in ecstasy.

Spike snorted and then a deluge of cum came out of Donna’s pussy. Carrie pulled it out as cum ran from her mother. What happened next surprised them all. Dorothy was licking Donna cleaning the cum from her cunt and swallowing some. Dorothy cleaned her thoroughly before letting her get up and then kissing her on the lips sharing the horse cum.

“That was quite an experience”, said Donna wiping her pussy as a small drop of cum leaked out again

“I didn’t realise how much I missed a cock in my cunt, or my mouth”, said Dorothy.

Donna hugged her tightly. “You know I love you Dorothy, I can guarantee you will have as much cock as you can handle, and more”.

Glenda was in her room brooding. She hadn’t really wanted to come here, but since her brother had ruined her life she had no choice. She was not to know that Jon had misappropriated funds from the bank to buy their house, now the bank wanted it back.
She was feeling sorry for herself when Donna knocked the door. “Come in”, she said sullenly.

“Hi Glenda, what’s up, you don’t look very happy”.

“Would you, moving all the way out here to this hick place”.

“Oh, It’s not so bad, It has it’s compensations, you’ll find out soon enough”. ”I fucking doubt it Donna, there’s fuck all here to see”.

“I think your mom and Dorothy like it, I’m sure they do, why don’t you talk to them now”.

“I don’t believe you, but I’ll talk to them anyway” said Glenda.

Donna decided not to pursue Glenda, maybe her mother and aunt would convince her.

“You’re going to do what mother!, exclaimed Glenda, “are you fucking mad, you’re going to fuck a dog and others with people watching”.

She looked at her aunt, “You tell her Dorothy, tell her to stop this nonsense”.

“On the contrary Glenda, I think it’s brilliant, actually I might join her, I’ve been living like a nun for far too long”, replied Dorothy.

“Good for you sis, I like your thinking, as for you Glenda, I think it’s time that cunt of yours had a good stretching”.

“Mother, how can you say that” and stormed off.

Dorothy looked at Maisie. “I have something to tell you Maisie, I have fucked Barry today, and swallowed his cum”.

Maisie hugged her, “well done, although I’ve beaten you to it, I didn’t swallow cum though, what was it like”.

“Nectar Maisie, pure nectar”, said Dorothy licking her lips.

Maisie and Dorothy met Donna and Carrie who was with Marylou.

“We’ve decided to it Donna, we’re going to fuck Bruno and someone else in fornt of everyone, I’m so looking forward to it”.

“And me”, said Dorothy.

Marylou still had no panties on, her little pink pussy was on show for everyone to see.

“Would you like to lick your grand daughters pussy Maisie”, asked Donna.

“Oh yes”, and dived in to lick at the young pussy.

“Why don’t you join her Dorothy”, said Carrie pushing her towards Marylou.

“I’ve got a great idea, why don’t we teach you how to suck and fuck the dog now, then you can do it at Marylou’s eighteenth birthday, we could keep it a secret till the day, you two will be fucked silly”.

Maiaie mumbled something that sounded like yes. She couldn’t answer because Marylou was holding her head tight against her cunt.

“That’s a wonderful idea Donna, sort of surprise party, I like it”, said Dorothy.

“Why don’t we start now then, we can take Bruno out to the woods where no one can see us, you can learn there”, said Donna. Maisie was licking for all she was worth at Marylou’s pussy. She soon brought her to a climax swallowing and choking at the same time.

“Are you coming Marylou, Bruno can fuck you as well, you’re going to have to learn, now’s as good a time as any”, said Donna.

Glenda appeared and started on her mother again. “Mother, are you really going to go through with this, I have never heard anything so ridiculous in my life”.

“Oh shut up Glenda, It’ s time you had something stuck up that cunt of yours, for god’s sake use it, come on girls let’s go”.

“Where are you going?”, asked Glenda.

“If you really must know, Dorothy and I are going to learn how to fuck Bruno, you’re welcome to come along, but no more preaching, okay”.

“Okay”, she said They reached the clearing where Carrie Mel and the others brought Bruno when they wanted a quick fuck from him. Donna told everyone to strip, if this was going to be a dress rehearsal then they might as well do it right.

Carrie offered to show the newcomers how to get this sheath back and his cock out. Maisie wanted to try first, laying down she slid under Bruno and stroked his cock. Bruno was getting bigger with each stroke.

“I didn’t know dogs were so big”, said Maisie gently licking the bud on Bruno’s cock. She was rewarded with a spurt of clear liquid on her tongue.

“What’s that” she said tasting the liquid

“Don’t worry, it’s just a sort of precum, he’ll do that all the time”, said Carrie.

Glenda was standing with her hand to her mouth wide eyed. She was shouting. “Mother you’re sucking a dogs cock, are you mad, get up from there now”.

Maisie didn’t even answer, she was sucking the cock for real now. It was a strange sensation, not unlike a human cock but it felt dirty doing it, that turned her on. Was this where Carrie got the same feelings from?. Maisie was enjoying herself now, she told Glenda to shut the fuck up, and leave her alone.

“Your turn next Dorothy, do you think you can do it”.

“If you think I’m going to let Maisie beat me you don’t know me very well, and please call me Dot, I prefer it”.

Maisie sucked for all she was worth on Bruno’s cock, she was feeling dirty. Donna decided to help her along by playing with her pussy as she sucked. Taking Dot’s hand she placed it on her sisters pussy making her finger it. Maisie felt the fingers in her cunt but hadn’t a clue whose they were, she didn’t care. The cum was getting more regular now, should she spit or swallow, she decided to swallow.

Dot was itching to have a suck. “Come on Maisie, my turn now”, she begged her sister.

Maisie slid out from underneath Bruno, face glistening with dog cum. Dot was under in a flash taking Bruno’s cock deep in her mouth. Donna took Maisies hand and placed it on Dot’s cunt as she fingered her sister as well. Glenda was watching all this going on, she was getting more and more aroused.

To watch her mother and aunt sucking on a dog cock was revolting, it was also stimulating. She didn’t know why but she was getting moist between her legs. In her head she wanted to join her mother and aunt but her heart said this was all wrong, a woman should not be sucking a dogs cock. Her head was beginning to rule her heart, her aunt looked so happy sucking on that red and purple cock. She had heard the rumours about her being a lesbian, it wa s true she did like female pussy, she also liked male cock, she was, to use the parlance, a swinger.

Donna edged closer to her, she had noticed the stain in front of Glenda’s crotch. If the rumours were true it was now or never. Grabbing her head she kissed her on the lips forcing her mouth open to stick her tongue down her throat. Glenda reciprocated by pushing her own tongue back into Donna’s mouth. Donna was naked, all the women had taken their clothes of except Glenda who was now squeezing Donna’s tits. Donna dropped her hand to feel her sodden cunt as Glenda smashed her mouth harder against Donna.

Donna put her hands inside Glenda’s shorts as she moaned and pushed her crotch into her hand. “Take then off”, she whispered, “take them off and lick my cunt Donna”.

Donna slid the shorts down and put her head between Glenda’s legs. She was almost cumming already, her pussy was absolutely soaking, tasting her pusy juice for the first time she sucked on her sister in laws cunt. It had been quite a while since Glenda had been with anyone, her mother was right, she did need something stuffed up her cunt, Donna’s tongue would do for now.

Donna pushed her tongue in as Glenda bucked forward, she didn’t really have a chance to do any more as Glenda closed her legs around her neck and showered her with cum. The flood gates opened in Glenda’s cunt, she had suppressed her feelings for too long, all the pent up emotions came pouring out, she felt more freedom here than she ever did in the city as cum poured from her open pussy.

Donna was almost choking, she had never known anyone cum so much, she guessed why. Marylou was now underneath Bruno having her first doggy suck. She didn’t think it was a lot different from her cousin Frank who she had been practising on, just a lot bigger. Marylou sucked as deep as she could, she could almost take Frank’s cock down her throat, this one was thicker and longer, she was struggling to take it.

Marylou felt someone lick her pussy, she couldn’t see for Bruno’s legs in the way. Whoever it was she was very good at cunt licking, she was pulling her cunt lips wide open and licking inside her pink. It was her grandma who was licking, she couldn’t resist that fresh young pussy any more than she could resist her grandson Barry’s young cock.

Glenda had stripped off now, she didn’t want to be seen as a party pooper, she had to do something. She decided if you can’t beat them join them, she would suck Bruno’s cock as well. Waiting till Marylou had finished she slid underneath to a clap from her mother and sucked on Bruno’s cock.

“Are you going to join the family Glenda, you will have to fuck Bruno or some other animal and then fuck someone you nominate in front of the rest of the family”.

Glenda took her mouth from the dog cock as cum landed on her cheeks, “I might as well, I’ve gone this far now”, she said resuming her cock sucking.

“I think we should let Marylou have first fuck from Bruno, after all, she has to learn how to fuck him”, said Donna pulling her fingers from her young daughter’s pussy and licking them.

Glenda was stopped from sucking much to her disappointment as Marylou got on her hands and knees to take Bruno’s cock. Her ass had been plugged for the last few weeks, her mother and sister had been shoving a dildo up there, but a dog cock might be different.

Donna decide she wouldn’t let Bruno fuck her ass, she wasn’t ready yet, he would stick it straight up her ass and might hurt her.
Bruno mounted her stabbing wildly to find a hole. Donna grabbed his cock and guided it towards her daughter’s pussy hole. Marylou gasped as the cock went into her cunt, a dildo was smooth, this dog cock was a lot rougher. She enjoyed the feeling as the friction made her pussy sort of itch, a really nice itch.

Before she realised it she was pouring cum from her pussy, she loved this, she wondered what a real human cock was like, probably like this she thought as Bruno humped her cunt. The others wanted to fuck Bruno. Donna tried to pull him off but he growled and showed his teeth. He liked this young bitch, she was tight and she was his. Marylou screamed as she felt Bruno’s knot go in to her pussy. Donna tried again to pull Bruno off but got the same response, this is my bitch, fuck off he was saying in doggy language.

Marylou was told to lay still. “Push your ass up in the air Marylou, it will give him more access”, said Carrie holding her sisters hand.

Marylou’s young pussy was being stretched to the limit now. It felt like a huge melon had been inserted inside her. “You have to stay still now Marylou, Bruno will cum inside you, you won’t be able to move till he has finished cumming”, Carrie told her.

The young girl did as she was told feeling splash after splash of dog cum hit her belly. Maisie had wanted to fuck Bruno, now she realised she would have to wait. She wondered how long it took a dog to get hard again, not too long she hoped. Marylou was laying with her head on the ground as instructed. The feeling in her pussy was increasing now, the thought of a dog stuck in her pussy was turning her on. What was it with this family, her sister was the same.

She was ready to cum again, she was cumming on Bruno’s cock as he was cumming inside her pussy. It took Bruno twenty minutes to finish cumming as he plopped out cum leaked from Marylou’s cunt. Dot leaned forward and licked it from her, she waited till some more appeared and then did the same swallowing it.

Maisie got on her hand and knees ready. “How long will it take for him to get hard again Carrie, I need him to fuck me”.

“Suck him again grandma, he won’t take long”. Maisie got back on the ground and grabbed Bruno’s cock stuffing it into her mouth tasting her granddaughters cum as well as Bruno’s.

She sucked as deep as she could taking almost all of it till Bruno started to harden again. She was stroking his balls and knot in a bid to hurry him up. Her pussy was soaking wet now, she needed this big dog cock inside her.

“I think he’s ready to fuck you now grandma”, said Carrie who had been fingering her while she sucked.

In a flash Maisie was on her hands and knees again ready to be fucked by Bruno who didn’t disappoint. His cock went straight into her waiting hole first time. Maisie cried out, not in pain, in pure joy. This huge cock was filling her cunt as never before, she felt wonderful. She felt dirty and used, the more she thought about that the more aroused she became. Bruno was fucking her at a speed she had never known, something was trying to get into her cunt now. She had learned enough by now to know it was a knot.

She started to cum violently as Bruno wrapped his furry legs around her more tightly. She was in heaven, why hadn’t she tried this years ago, fucked by a dog, fantastic.

Now something else was happening, splashes were hitting her insides. ‘Oh my god, he filling me with his cum, how exciting, he’s giving me his cum”, as her own cum flowed again.

Glenda had taken Marylou’s hand and put it on her pussy. She only wanted the young girl to finger her. Instead Marylou put her head between her legs and licked at her pussy. Glenda opened wide as she could holding Marylou’s head in her cunt. Her young niece was getting prolific at cunt licking. Her tongue was all over her clit as she pulled her cunt open and pushed her tongue inside.

Marylou tasted the cum from before, although young she liked to suck cock and lick pussy. It didn’t take her long to make Glenda cum again as her face was held tightly by Glenda almost choking her with cum. Bruno was still pumping in Maisie as she lay with a contented look on her face. At last Bruno stopped and wriggled his knot free from Maisies cunt. Dot licked at her sister lapping up any cum that leaked from her pussy. Poor old Bruno was laying licking his own cock as Dot lay beside him and licked it as well, she was well and truly becoming a total dog slut.

“So that’s settled then, we don’t tell anyone, Maisie, Glenda and Dot will be there for the custom”, said Donna.

“Who can we nominate to fuck us though?”, asked Glenda.

“Anyone you like, said Carrie, “my cousin Leroy has one of the biggest cocks you have ever seen, the only problem is, you have to be ass fucked as well, if you’re not used to it, it’ll feel like you’re being split in two”.

“I’d like to see it first before I make my mind up”, said Dot, “sounds good though, do you think you can find anyone to ass fuck me before the custom ceremony Donna, get me more used to it, I’m not an ass virgin, but it’s been quite a while”.

Donna and Carrie laughed out loud. “You needn’t worry on that score Dot, everyone loves to fuck ass round here, just ask my brother in law Harry when we get back, I’m sure he’ll accommodate you”.

“Thanks, I’ll do that, but what about his wife?”, asked Dot.

“Oh my sister will probably make you lick her cunt as he’s ass fucking you, don’t worry about that”.

Everyone got dressed and headed back to the house. Maisie and Marylou were still leaking cum down their legs as they walked, Bruno had certainly filled them up.


Chapter Fourteen

Back at the farm Harry and Hetty were siting on the porch having a drink. “What have you lot been up to then”, asked Hetty. Marylou piped up, “I sucked Bruno’s cock aunt Hetty”.

“That’s good darling, you’ll soon be ready for your birthday, did you enjoy it”.

“It’s just like cousin Frank’s, only bigger”. Everyone laughed at that.

“Harry, aunt Dot wants you to do her a favour”, said Donna.

“If I can I certainly will Donna, your family are our family now”, said Harry.

“Would you fuck her in the ass, she wants to be fucked in her ass hole”.

“Of course honey, do you want me to fuck you now, no problem”, replied Harry.

“Why not, are you sure you don’t mind Hetty”, said Dot starting to take off her shorts.

“Not at all honey, he can fuck whoever he likes, in any hole he likes, I don’t mind”.

“I told her that Hetty, I said you would probably get her to lick your cunt while she was being fucked”, said Donna.

“What a wonderful idea, thank you Donna”, and started to pull her flimsy dress over her head.

“I think we should suck him first Dot, don’t you, get him nice and hard as the rest lubricate your ass hole ready for him”.

Dot and Hetty dropped to their knees and started to suck on Harry’s cock as Carrie and Maisie put cream on and up her ass hole. When they had finished Hetty lay in front of Dot with legs wide open, as she knelt on her hands and knees to put her head between Hettys open legs licking her pussy.

Harry entered Dot’s pussy first, she was surprised how wet she was as it slipped in easily. It had been a long time since a real cock was inside there, plenty of dildos, but you can’t beat a real cock. Hetty opened her legs wider as Dot licked her from top to bottom biting her clit. Harry felt her push back and knew the signs, she would soon cum all over his cock, that’s when he would shove it in her ass.

Dot came again for the third time that day, since she had come here she enjoyed more sexual freedom than at any time in her life. The cock slid up her ass as Harry pushed harder, the cream had done it’s work. His cock slid in and out as he fucked her hard in her ass. The first thing Leroy saw as he drove up was his uncle Harry with his cock in a woman’s ass and his aunt Hetty having her pussy licked by the same woman. Introductions were made, even Dot managed to say hello from her kneeling position. Glenda’s eyes lit up, she liked the look of this young man Leroy and made a beeline for him.

“Hi, my name is Glenda, how are you”.

“I’m fine Glenda, how are you enjoying your stay here”, replied Leroy.

“Getting better all the time Leroy”, she said shamelessly.

“Glenda, can I talk to you a minute please”, said Donna.

Donna and Glenda walked a little way away. “I should warn you Glenda, I or anyone else has no problem what you do with Leroy, but can you take his cock, It’s as big as a horses cock”.

“He’s cute though isn’t he, have you fucked him Donna”.

“Of course I have he’s my cousin, I’ve fucked them all nearly”, replied Donna.

“Did you manage to take his cock in your ass then”.

“It was a struggle, but I finally took it up my ass, once I got used to it, it was fantastic, but you haven’t been fucked as much as me”.

“I’m still going to go for it Donna, do you mind”.

“Not at all Glenda, I just thought I should warn you, that’s all”.

“Thanks Donna, I owe you one”.

Glenda walked back to Leroy as her mother was talking to him. She was more forthcoming than Glenda.

“I hear you have a big cock Leroy”, said Maisie.

“The biggest in the county I’d say”, said Leroy proudly, “would you like to see it”.

“Oh yes please, I’d love to see that big cock of yours”, enthused Maisie.

Glenda came up behind her, “mother what are you doing, behave yourself, I’m sorry Leroy”. She wasn’t really bothered that her mother wanted to see Leroy’s cock. She wanted him first.

“Aw that’s alright honey, I don’t mind showing her my cock, I’m proud of my cock”, and pulled it from his pants.

“Holy fuck”, said the two women almost in unison as they saw his monster.

Maisie was the first to recover as she reached out and grasped his cock followed by Glenda’s hand.

“Donna wasn’t kidding about your cock, did she really take that up her ass”, asked Glenda stroking his cock.

“She sure did, it was a bit tight at first but she took it all, she’s some girl isn’t she, oh, your granddaughter Carrie took it as well”.
Maisie was surprised, “my granddaughter took this cock up her ass, I don’t believe you, really?”

“Why don’t you ask her”, said Leroy.

“Carrie, did you take this cock up your ass?”.

“Yea I did eventually, took some doing though, you should try it grandma, I think you could do it”.

“I might just do that Carrie”, and went back to licking and stroking Leroy’s cock.

Dot was still being fucked in her ass hole, she had cum again as Harry fucked her. Hetty had cum all over her, her hair was matted and her face shiny with cum. Donna was sitting watching the proceedings as Carrie and Marylou ate her cunt. Glenda was opening her mouth as wide as she could to try and suck Leroy’s cock, she wanted him to fuck her, but she had never ever had something like that up her cunt.

Maisie was made of sterner stuff, she was going to try it. “Glenda, get that cream and lubricate your mother’s ass, if my granddaughter can do it, then I can”.

“Do you mind fucking my ass Lero, you can fuck my cunt as well first, I want to feel that thing inside me”.

“It’ll be my pleasure m’am, just tell me when you’re ready”, said Leroy as Glenda applied liberal amounts of cream on and up her mom’s ass.

“Ok Leroy, do your stuff, I’m ready”.

Leroy walked behind her and rubbed his cock up and down her pussy before entering her. Maisie gasped as the huge organ penetrated her insides. This was more like it, Bruno had filled her cunt, but this was something different. She was cumming in a couple of minutes, why hadn’t she moved out here years ago.

Leroy decided now was a good time to fuck her ass. He was a considerate young man, his daddy had taught him to respect women and never refuse any of them a fuck, no matter how old they were.

He had fucked his own mother enough times in the ass to know not to ram it in, his cock would hurt them. Gently he pushed at the tiny hole, the cream was making it slippery and soon it began to open. Bit by bit the hole opened wider as his cock went farther in.

Maisie was gritting her teeth, it was a nice feeling but it was painful as well, but she wasn’t going to have her granddaughter tell her she did it and she couldn’t. Slowly his cock was disappearing as the hole opened wider, one final push and his balls slapped her ass, it was in all the way.

“You alright honey”, asked Leroy as he kept his cock all the way in.

Maisie could hardly speak, her asshole felt six inches wide, “I’m fine Leroy, just keep your cock there a while till I get used to it will you”

“Sure Maisie, you just tell me when to fuck your ass, I’ll be ready”.

Maisie stayed still with the cock all the way up her ass. The pain wa s easing now and a feeling of contentment came over her. She had taken Leroy’s cock in her ass. Now she was confident of taking part in the custom, if she could take Leroy’s in her ass, she could take anyone’s.

“Okay Leroy, fuck that ass boy”, as she laid her head on the floor and the cock went in and out of her ass.

Harry was cumming now in Dot’s ass hole, she had been a lovely tight fuck, maybe he could do it again sometime he thought as he pumped cum into her ass hole.

Hetty was on the verge of cumming again as her husband filled this woman’s ass. She gripped Dot by her head and held her tight as once again she was soaked in cum. Dot turned around and took Harry’s cock in her mouth sucking the cum off it and licking it clean.

“Thank you Harry, maybe we can do this again sometime if you like”, said Dot.

“Anytime honey, when you want that ass drilled, you just tell me”, answered Harry.

Donna had already cum twice and was now licking Carrie’s cunt along with Marylou. Marylou loved the silky feel of a woman’s cunt, she opened the lips and pushed her tongue in as her mother ran her tongue around her daughter’s ass hole.Carrie loved that, her mother was licking her ass, that feeling of being used came to her again, cum was on its way as Donna kept licking her ass. Marylou tasted it first, her tongue was inside Carrie’s cunt when cum spurted from her straight down her throat.

Glenda was feeling left out, mother and aunt Dot both had their ass fucked. The others ha d licked and sucked each other till they cum. She was still feeling sorry for herself when Melanie, Rory and Charlie, plus hound dog, drove up to the house Everyone was still naked from their exertions before.

“Looks like we missed an orgy brother”, said Rory. “Sure does”, said Charlie.

“Glenda hasn’t had a fuck yet if you’re horny”, said Donna.

The brothers held Glenda playing with her tits and cupping her pussy. “We can’t have that now can we Glenda, everyone has to have a fuck”, as hands went all over her ass and body.

Glenda was pushed gently to the ground on her knees as two cocks were presented to her.

“Let me help you out here”, said Mel taking her brother’s cock in her mouth.

The others watched as Glenda sucked Rory’s cock and Mel sucked her brother Charlie’s cock. Glenda wasn’t really used to sucking cock, she did he r best to take ti down as far as she could. She had watched Donna and Carrie, they seemed to take it all the way down.

Hound dog was sniffing all the cunt on display, Carrie, Donna, Marylou, Maisie, Dot and Hetty were all still naked. Hetty opened her legs to give hound dog access to her pussy but he wandered among them sniffing and licking. Marylou opened wide as he licked her cunt, she held his head as he licked. She bent down to cuddle him when he licked he r mouth. Marylou opened her mouth and took his tongue like a French kiss.

Dot was watching her, she wanted to try that, it looked so hot. Hound dog moved in between the different cunts and as he got to Dot she grabbed his head and held it up to her mouth. Hound dog licked her as Dot opened wide licking his tongue back at him. Holding him she saw his cock was out, she wasn’t going to miss this opportunity. Sliding under him she quickly put his red cock in her mouth.

Hound dog had been sucked enough to know to stand still when this happened. Dot was sucking greedily on the dog cock when Marylou joined her. Dot was a little irked, she had wanted this cock to herself but shared anyway. Glenda and Mel had finished sucking, both cocks were as hard as rocks.

“I think we’ll give her a DP, she deserves it after this lot have all had a fuck and left her out”, said Rory. Charlie agreed.

Glenda had never had a DP, she did have a cock in her ass many times, but not recently. Again there was an argument about who was having her ass till Harry found a coin and tossed it, Charlie won. Glenda was getting a bit worried about getting her ass fucked, she didn’t want to appear as though she didn’t want to.

“Mel, can you lube my ass please, I haven’t had anything up there for a couple of months”.

Mel applied the cream in and around her ass making sure her fingers went right inside her ass. Rory lay on the floor as she mounted him, Charlie came behind and rubbed his cock in her ass crack to lube his cock. Glenda relaxed as Rory entered her from beneath and leaned forward to give Charlie access to her ass hole. Charlie didn’t have to push very hard, the cream had done the job, soon hee was all the way into her as she moaned and fucked them both back.

Charlie was squeezing her tits and fucking her ass hard as Rory pumped from underneath. Glenda was overjoyed, why hadn’t she tried this before, it was a wonderful feeling. Cum was already leaking from her cunt as she fucked them both back.

“Can I fuck him now Marylou please”, said Dot as she took her mouth from the dog cock as precum landed on her cheek.

“Of course you can, shall I put it in for you”, asked Marylou.

“I want him to fuck my pussy first, then my ass if you can”, said Dot.

Hetty overheard her, “sometimes you can’t stop them Dot, once he mounts you, you’re his bitch, his property, try and stop them they tend to growl, so have it in your ass first if you want it there”.

Dot liked the sound of that, ‘his bitch’, she was going to be a dogs bitch. The thought made her wet so on second thoughts she would have it up her cunt and then maybe he would knot her.

She loved the splash the cum made as it hit her insides, yes, she would have it in her cunt. Marylou guide hound dog towards her already sodden pussy and pushed it in as he fucked her madly. Dot was crying out as the dog fucked her at speed trying to get his knot in her. Dot kept he r head low as he tried, she wanted his knot, cum was flowing from her cunt making it easier for the knot to go in.

Dot sighed with pleasure as she felt the first splashes of cum hit her belly, she was going to enjoy being a dog slut, she was going to fuck every dog she saw if she could. Glenda had cum again, now the brothers were arguing that they should share her ass. Glenda agreed and said so.

“Come on Charlie, give your brother a turn with my ass hole”, she managed to say between breaths.

Glenda got off as Charlie lay on the floor for her to mount. Rory got behind her, this time she didn’t need lubing, her ass was already slippery from Charlie’s fucking. Rory slipped his cock into her ass and fucked her hard, she was quite tight, nothing like his sisters when he fucked their asses on their birthday, but quite tight. Dot was still laying still with a smile on her face, she loved the thought of dog cum filling her, if she could she would keep it in her cunt all day and night.

Rory was getting ready to cum into Glenda’s ass, he gripped her ass cheeks tightly as sperm filled her hole. Charlie was cumming too, Glenda felt herself cummimg again with the two men cumming inside her in both holes. All three lay exhausted for a minute as they recovered and got their breath back.

Glenda’s first DP was a resounding success, when she joined the ‘family’, she would have the men give her DP whenever they could. Mel wanted to help her clean the cocks but Glenda insisted on doing it alone.

“They both fucked me, so I shall clean both cocks”, she said taking one of them deep in her mouth and sucking it clean.

Dot was still smiling, it had been almost twenty minutes now and hound dog was still pumping sperm into her.

“I wish I could keep it inside my cunt Marylou”, she said. Marylou said nothing but got a butt plug a big one, when hound dog had finished she would push it into her cunt and stop the cum escaping.

Hound dog finished at last as his knot shrank and he pulled out with a plop. Marylou immediately pushed the butt plug into Dot’s cum laden pussy and blocked any cum from leaking out.

“What was that Marylou”, said Dot as she felt the plug go in.

“It’s just a plug Dot, it’ll keep the cum inside you for as long as you want”

“Thank you darling”, said Dot struggling to stand up with a but plug inside her cunt.

Later as all the girls got together to talk about the custom ceremony Glenda was the happiest. She had succumbed to this way of life and enjoyed it. She was going to enjoy sucking lots of men off and being fucked and double fucked, she had no fear now. Dot was wriggling her belly trying feeling the cum swish inside her.

Marylou’s birthday was going to be some party, these women would make sure of that.


Chapter Fifteen

“Do you think my tits are getting bigger Frank”, said the young naked girl to her cousin Frank as she held out her tits.

“I suppose so, you are getting older so they must be getting bigger”, said Frank squeezing them.

Frank had been assigned to Marylou to help her learn to suck cock for her upcoming birthday. She could suck him easily now and deep throat him. She wished they had given her someone with a bigger cock, like her cousin Leroy, Frank’s brother.

“Have you designated anyone to fuck you on your birthday yet Marylou”, said Frank still playing with her tits.

“My daddy wants to fuck you if he can, he says you have a cute little ass and he’d love to fuck it”.

“That’s very sweet of him to say that Frank, but uncle Harry has been good to us here, so I think I’ll let him fuck me first, sorry”.

“No that’s ok, it was just a thought, I’ll tell daddy”.

“No Frank, don’t tell him yet, I haven’t told uncle Harry yet, I might change my mind, I’ve still got a week, do you want me to suck you off again”.

“Jesus Christ Marylou, you’ve already sucked me off three times, I can’t cum again”, replied Frank, “suck Bruno off if you want a cock to suck”.

“Good idea, can you fetch him for me Frank, I’ll suck that big cock till he cums in my mouth”.

Frank went off to fetch the dogs and met Carrie and the twins Joanie and Nicky who were visiting. After talking for a minute Frank said he had to go and get Bruno for Marylou.

“She’s sucked me dry, now she wants to practice on Bruno”.

The three girls headed for Marylou’s room. “Hi Marylou, what you up to, I saw Frank, says you want to practice sucking on Bruno’s cock”.

“I’m fed up, I can only suck Frank’s, he cums too quickly and then there’s nothing to do, I’m not allowed to suck another man till after my eighteenth, It’s not fair”.

“It’s only a week till your birthday Marylou, then you can fuck and suck anyone you want”, said Carrie.

Frank returned with the dog and left them to it. Marylou was stroking Bruno waiting for his cock to appear. As soon as the red tip appeared she had it in her mouth sucking to make it bigger. Soon Bruno was full size as Marylou slurped greedily on it. The other three were watching beginning to feel horny. Panties were removed and pussies stroked as they lay on the bed licking and fingering each other. Marylou was still sucking Bruno but was getting horny herself.

She got on her knees and presented he r young pussy for Bruno to fuck. He had done this many times, this was his bitch. Strong legs circled her slim waist as she felt his cock stabbing at her holes. Finally he found the entrance to her cunt and went straight in. Marylou gasped at the ferocity of his push as his cock went all the way in. A car horn sounded outside, the three girls on the bed stopped and looked out the window. Marylou wanted a look but was held in place by strong legs. The girls ran downstairs to see who had arrived. Carrie could see her mother hugging someone. She could see it was her Daddy, she went to run but Joanie pulled her back.

“We’re all naked, you can’t meet him naked, let’s put some clothes on”.

Finding their dresses they went back outside to meet him.

“Daddy”, she cried running to jump into his arms. “I thought you were doing twenty years, what happened, you haven’t escaped have you, you’re not on the run”.

“Wow, calm down, no I’m not on the run, I’ll tell you all about it later, now where’s Marylou, let’s go and find her”.

Carrie and the twins looked at each other. “No, you must be tired Daddy, go and sit down and we’ll find her, she’s around somewhere”.

He didn’t know what they actually meant was she was in her room with a dog cock stuck in her young cunt. They hurried to the room where Bruno had knotted Marylou and was pumping cum into her. They couldn’t pull him off, he might bite, or Marylou would be hurt. They decide not to tell her yet that her Daddy was downstairs, she might try to get free, best to let Bruno finish cumming. They say a watched kettle never boils, well a dog fucking Marylou never cums. It seemed like an eternity before Bruno slid his knot and cock from Marylous cunt.

“Marylou, you’ll have to clean yourself up, Daddy’s here, don’t as how yet, just get cleaned up, we can’t have cum running down your legs when you meet him”.

Marylou wanted to run downstairs but Carrie was right, she cleaned herself up squeezing what cum she could out of her then went downstairs.

“Daddy”, she shouted running into his arms hugging him tightly.

Jon explained that he had been freed on a technicality, he would still lose the house and everything because the bank wanted that back, but he was free. Later in the day the realisation hit them. Donna and her whole family had embraced the sex life out here, now her husband was here that would have to end.

Maisie was disappointed, she loved her son dearly, but she couldn’t be seen kneeling while a dog or a cock like Leroy’s fucked her.
Glenda, Donna, Marylou, Barry and Dot were wondering what they would do. The ceremony was coming up soon, would Marylou have to give up her dream of sucking and fucking any member of the family.

Jon was tired, he had done a lot of travelling to get here and decided to have a nap. A family conference was called for. “How are we going to have the custom now, he won’t want to see Marylou with a dog cock in her cunt, or sucking Bruno”, said Harry.

Maisie spoke next, “Donna you’ll have to talk him round, he’ll want to fuck you later when he’s woke up, try then”.

“I doubt anything would make him change his mind, unless he’s changed, he was very old fashioned about sex”.

“Maybe I could change his mind mom”, said Carrie, “he will want to fuck you later, he’s been in prison, he’ll be as horny as fuck, what if I fuck him and you take a photo without him knowing, he’d have to go along with whatever we say”.

“Blackmail him you mean”, said Harry, “it might work, it’s either that or you have to give up everything here and move away Donna and the rest of you”.

Glenda, Dot and Maisie all said they didn’t want to leave.

“But are you sure you can get him to fuck you Carrrie, he might just walk off”, said Donna.

Carrrie pulled her dress off and stood there. “Would you refuse this if you had just come out of prison Harry”, she said spreading her legs wide .

“Are you sure you don’t mind me fucking Daddy mom”. Donna shook her head, she couldn’t really mind after all the fucking she had done lately.

Marylou spoke up. “Does that mean Daddy can fuck me on my birthday then”.

“If we can change his mind darling, yes of course he can”, said Donna.

“I’ll go and slip into bed with him now before he wakes up, I’ll get his cock hard before I let him see me, It’ll be too late then, I’ll leave the door open a little so you can see”, said Carrie.

Carrie slipped into her Daddy’s bed and pulled the clothes up. Putting her hand down she felt his cock. Stroking it gently Jon stirred but slept on. His cock was getting harder now, Carrie stroked it some more and then slid under the covers. She opened her mouth and closed her lips over her Daddy’s cock sucking it deeply. Jon opened his eyes, something felt good, it had been quite a while since he had his cock sucked, Donne was looking after him well, he would fuck her soon.

Carrie was sucking him as deep as she could, she wanted him to be so far gone he couldn’t refuse to fuck her. She turned her back and grabbed his cock guiding it towards her cunt. Jon pushed in feeling the soft insides of a cunt again around his cock. Carrie got on her knees keeping her face and hair hidden as much as possible. Jon was fucking hard now at this cunt in front of him. Donna threw of the bed clothes from her head. Jon was so engrossed in fucking her he didn’t even notice it was his daughter’s cunt he was fucking.

Donna clicked the camera time and time again as Carrie made sure her face was seen on the photo. Jon was cumming now, he had masturbated a lot in prison but this was different, cum was spurting from his cock as his eyes closed in ecstasy.

Carrie turned around and sucked his cock. “Did you enjoy that Daddy, I did, you have a nice cock”, said Carrie laying down.

Jon jumped out of bed in shock. “Caroline, what have you done, you have just committed incest with me”.

“Oh stop being a fuddy duddy Daddy, what’s a fucking between Daddy and daughter, they do it all the time around here”.

“Well I’m not going to do it I can tell you that”, said Jon.

“Why not, you’ve just fucked her now, why stop”, said Donna walking into the room followed by the rest.

“Daddy, have you just fucked Carrie, now you can fuck me next week on my birthday”, said Marylou.

“Donna, can you hear your daughter, where has she learned to talk like that”.

Maisie his mother walked into the room. “Well are you going to fuck her on her birthday, it’s the custom around here, Daddy gets the first fuck with his daughter when she’s eighteen”.

Jon looked around at them all. “You are either drunk or fucking mad, what’s the matter with you”, and stopped as his sister grabbed his cock and stroked it. She dropped to her knees and put it in her mouth tasting her brother’s cum. He tried to pull away but the mouth held him tightly. He tried again but the sucking felt so good he stayed still. Glenda was getting his cock hard again. “Who want’s it this time then, mother I think you should fuck your son, don’t you?”.

“Definitely Glenda, you’ve sucked his cock, now he should fuck me”, she said laying on the bed pulling her dress up and opening her legs.

Glenda pushed her brother down towards his mother guiding his cock towards her cunt. Jon’s head was spinning, he wanted sex, but with his own mother. He couldn’t help himself, he buried his cock inside her as she clasped her legs around him tightly.

“That’s it son, fuck your mom, fuck her good”, as she bucked underneath him.

‘My son is fucking me’, thought Maisie as she pushed her cunt harder against him.

Now she was cumming, the thought of her son fucking her brought her quickly to a climax. Jon had only just cum so he was okay. He carried on fucking his mother forgetting she was his mother, rather a place to put his cock. Glenda was fingering herself, it was so hot watching her brother fuck their mom.

“Fuck her ass Jon, go on fuck her ass, she can take it, she’s had Leroy’s up there, fuck her”, shouted Glenda.

Jon lifted his mother’s legs up and pushed his cock in her ass. His sister was right, it went up her ass easily as he pushed it all the way inside her. Maisie was cumming again, she was surprised herself at the slut she had become, she loved it. Jon was cumming in her ass, mother and son were cumming together in a frenzy. Jon held his cock in her ass after he had finished cumming, he realised what he had done after the high of fucking her had gone. He had just fucked his mother, ‘oh my god, I have just fucked my mother’ he thought.

The others clapped him as he pulled out as cum dripped from his mom’s ass.

“Well done Jon, join the club”, said Donna as she kissed him. Marylou hugged him as well. “I can’t wait for next week daddy when you’ll fuck me”.

Jon was regaining his composure now. “What is this, fucking you next week, why should I fuck my own daughter next week”.
“It’s the custom round here Jon, on their eighteenth birthday a daddy get’s to fuck his daughter before anyone else, it’s been going on for years”.

“Has anyone fucked you Marylou”, asked Jon. “Only Bruno daddy, and he doesn’t count”, replied Marylou.

Donna put her hands to her face, she had wanted to break that part to him later.

“Who’s this Bruno, one of your cousins”, asked Jon.

“Oh no daddy, Bruno’s the dog, he’s lovely, I’ve sucked his cock and he’s fucked me, that’s why I didn’t see you till later today, Bruno had his knot in me, I couldn’t get away”.

Jon was sitting on the bed with eyes wide open. “I can’t believe what I’m hearing, everyone fucks everyone else, my youngest daughter sucks and fucks a dog, and I’ve got to fuck her on her eighteenth birthday, I’m dreaming, that’s what it is, it’s a dream, I’ll wake up in a minute” and lay back on the bed.

Maisie lay beside him, “It’s no dream son, we’ve changed since we came here, we’re not the same, we’ve all fucked the dog, Donna, Carrie, Glenda, me and your aunt Dot”.

Jon just lay there, ‘this can’t be real, I can’t have fucked my mother and my daughter’.

Hands were playing with his cock again. He looked up and saw two beautiful young girls stroking his cock. They were the twins, Joanie and Nicky, “don’t worry Jon, you’ll get used to things around here”, said Joanie as Nicky clasped her lips around his shaft. Jon lay there as they sucked his cock, he would have to accept this way of life or lose his family. Next week he would fuck his daughter on her eighteenth birthday.

How could that be bad.


Chapter Sixteen

It was now only a few days till Marylou’s birthday. She was a very happy girl, her daddy had come home and was now able to fuck her on her birthday. Her brother Barry was looking forward to fucking his sister, he had seen her little cunt often enough. He had seen the pink flesh inside her cunt as his mother and sister licked and opened it.

In a few days he would enter that forbidden hole once and for all. Jon, her daddy had come round now, he had seen his younger daughter’s cunt, it did look delicious, he was looking forward to putting his tongue in there. Maisie had to find someone to fuck her, there was only one candidate, Leroy, one of the cousins. His prick was enormous, she already had it in her cunt and ass, she wanted it again.

“Are you sure you want Leroy, you know what a cock he has”, said Luann who was arranging the secret fucking of Maisie, her daughter Glenda and Maisie’s sister Dot at the custom ceremony.

“Now what animal are you going to fuck Maisie, Marylou has already booked Bruno, you can have our dog ‘hound dog’ if you like”, said Luann.

“I want something bigger than ‘hound dog’, after Leroy, anything small would not be appropriate, I doubt if I would feel Bruno or ‘hound dog’ in my cunt”.

“Well there’s always Buster, Sally’s ram”, said Luann.

“Is he big, he has to be big”, said Maisie.

“Oh he’s big Maisie, he is sooooo big”, answered Luann.

“I’ll take Buster then if I can”.

“I’ll talk to Sally, see if we can borrow him to fuck you that day”.

“Now Dot, what about you, who do you want to fuck you on the day”.

“Would Hetty mind if I had Harry again, I like the way he fucked my ass last time”, said Hetty.

“No, aunt Hetty won’t mind, you can nominate anyone you like, they have to fuck you on the day”.

“What about the animal fuck, who have you got in mind for that”.

Dot answered right away, “Spike, I want Spike the pony to fuck me on the day”.

Luann shrugged her shoulders, “Spike it is, have you fucked him before”.

“No but I’ve sucked his cock, I want that thing inside me so bad”, replied Dot.

“Glenda, what about you, who do you want to fuck you”.

“That’s easy, I want Rory and Charlie to DP me on that day, I loved the last one, is that okay to do that, have two men”, asked Glenda.

“Sure, you can have as many men as you want, by the way, have you told your brother yet what you and your mom are doing”.

“Hell no, I want to see his face when we’re brought out to be fucked after Marylou, it will be priceless, I’m looking forward to it”.

“Okay, I think that’s it, Dot, if I were you I would go and practice with Spike, you want to make sure his cock goes inside your cunt, you don’t want to be embarrassed now do you”, said Luann.

“Good idea, I think I’ll start now, I’ll go and see Spike”.

“We’ll come with you Dot”, said Maisie and Glenda.

All three made their way to the stable where Spike was tied.

“All three knelt by his side as hands caressed Spikes horse cock. Spike was an old hand at this, he had been used ever since he was a young colt. It was as though he had been trained to do it.

His long cock came slowly out as eager hands grasped it stroking and kissing it.

“I think I should be first”, said Dot closing he r lips around the head of Spikes ever hardening cock.

While all this was going on in the stable Donna and her husband Jon were sitting talking.

“It was just so easy to fall into this lifestyle Jon, before I knew it my brother in law was fucking me and then everyone else, I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it because I did”

Jon was sitting with his arm around Marylou, his younger daughter when Carrie his elder daughter walked in.

“What are you all talking about then”, said Carrie, “I suppose it’s about the custom ceremony on Saturday, I can’t wait to see you fuck Marylou, just thinking about it makes me wet”.

“You’re always wet Carrie”, said her mom cupping Carrries cunt in her hand.

“I know, I love being able to fuck anybody you like and no one bothers, that’s how it should be”, said Carrie.

“Can I suck your cock daddy and then you can fuck me if you want”, said Carrie starting to pull her daddy’s pants down.

“I want to suck it as well”, said Marylou bending down towards her daddy’s cock.

“No Marylou, you cannot touch any cock only what you’ve been nominated to suck, that’s Frank and he’s not here”, said Donna.

“It’s not fair, I want to suck daddy’s cock”, pouted Marylou.

Donna put her arms around her young daughter. “Tell you what, after daddy and the others have fucked you on Saturday, if that little cunt of yours isn’t too sore, you can sleep with daddy on your own, how’s that”.

“Really, I can sleep with daddy, do anything I want with him, honest”.

“Anything you want to do you can do, I promise”, said Donna hugging her.

“Thank you mom, you’re the best”, said Marylou hugging her mother.

Jon was laying back feeling his daughters tongue lick up and down his shaft before closing those young fresh lips around it. Carrie slurped on it and got it wet as she sucked deeply on her daddy’s cock. Jon had heard the conversation between mother and daughter, he would get to sleep and fuck this delightful young girl all night if he wished.

“Why don’t you show me what I’m getting on your eighteenth Marylou, take of your dress and show me”.

Marylou took off the flimsy dress, no underwear, and bent over in front of him.

“Spread your pussy Marylou, I want to see inside it, I want to see the pink”, said Jon getting hornier and hornier.

Marylou bent over with her ass towards her daddy and pulled her cunt lips apart. A vision of pink confronted Jon as his elder daughter sucked on his cock. He had enough, grabbing Carrie he got her on the couch with her ass in the air and plunged his cock into her open pussy. Jon was so horny having seen Marylou’s young pussy he shot his load almost as soon as he started fucking her.

“Aw daddy, that was no good, I wanted a good fucking, that was hopeless, I’m still horny as fuck”,

Donna got up and walked down the corridor till she found Harry her brother in law.

Taking him by the arm she led him back to Carrie who was still on the couch with her ass in the air.

“All yours, fuck it”, said Donna pointing towards Carrie’s upturned ass.

Harry needed no further bidding, his clothes were off in a flash and his cock deep in Carrie’s cunt. Carrie didn’t care who was fucking her, she wanted a cock in her pussy and her ass and this was one. She pushed back as her uncle Harry fucked her with gusto.

Carrie was cumming, Harry was fucking her well. “Fuck my ass uncle Harry, fuck my ass please”.

Harry did, he put his cock in her hole and pushed, it opened wide as his cock disappeared up the little hole. Carrie pushed back, she liked anal, she liked the feel of a cock in her ass hole. Soon she was cumming again, as uncle Harry shot his load into her ass gripping her ass cheeks tightly.

Cum ws now pouring from her ass and pussy. Donna told Marylou to get some practice in and lick the cum from her sisters ass and pussy. Marylou didn’t need telling twice, licking her sisters ass she licked uncle Harrys cum from deep in the crack then going down to her cunt and licking her sisters cum.

“Well done Marylou, share that with your mom”, said Donna kissing her daughter with open mouth and tongues tasting both sets of cum.

Luann got in touch with Sally. “Can we borrow Buster for a day Sally, do you think Jimmy and Billy would agree”.

“I’ll ask them. They can only say no”.

“Okay Sally thanks, are they both still fucking you”.

“Oh yes, I’m still having both their cocks”, replied Sally.

“What about your daddy and your brothers, aren’t you fucking them any more then”.

“Of course I am silly, you know we can’t refuse any member of the family if they want a fuck or anything else, I just like to be fucked”, laughed Sally.

Luann gave Maisie the news when she finally found them in the stable with Spike, They were still sucking and fucking the poor animal.

There’s a bull at our farm, why don’t you try him if you like, I’ll take you over later when I go back home”.

“Oooooh, lovely, does he have a big cock”’ asked Maisie.

“Certainly bigger then Spikes”, she said to Maisie who was jus t getting off the table with Spikes cum running from her cunt.

Marylou was in her room, she had just watched her sister fuck their daddy, she felt jealous, she so wanted her daddy’s cock inside her.

Now it was all set, Jon would fuck his daughter Marylou first followed by Barry her brother. Maisie wanted Leroy first then anyone who wanted. Glenda wanted Rory and Charlie to DP her and then anyone else. Dot wanted Hetty’s husband Harry to fuck her in the ass, she liked how he done it the last time.

Sally was bringing Buster the ram and her two lovers plus their mother, Buster was to fuck Maisie. Dot was having Spike the horse fuck her, and Glenda was having hound dog to fuck her after. Luann was almost ready to go home, she went to the stable where Dot was sucking on Spikes cock. Maisie was fingering her daughter on the floor.

“Right girls, let’s go and meet Ferdinand the bull, my mom is the only one who has managed tom suck his cock yet, I don’t mean lick, I mean suck it in her mouth”.

“I’ll have a good go”, said Dot followed by the same comment from the others.

They reached the house as Aaron came out of the house. “Hello, what are you lot doing here?”, he asked.

“They want to try and suck Ferdinand’s cock daddy, is that ok”, asked Luann.

“Fine by me honey, I’m sure old Ferdy will love it as well”, he laughed, he’s in the barn”.

Luan and the others made their way to the barn where Ferdy was tied up. Maisie immediately stripped and knelt underneath Ferdy stroking his balls and rubbing the spot where his cock would come from. The other two had stripped as well and were now alongside Maisie stroking all around the bull. His tip began to appear as Maisie kept stroking his balls. There was enough out now to start sucking, Maisie tried but couldn’t quite get it in her mouth.

Glenda had taken over ball stroking duties now as Maisie’s mouth went into contortions trying to suck the bull. Ferdy’s cock was longer and thicker now, no matter how they tried not one could get it into their mouth.

“I have to fuck him”, said Dot who was now a complete animal slut, she would fuck any animal that came near her.

The table that Leeann and the rest of the family used when they wanted to fuck Ferdy was brought forward. Dot lay down on as Ferdy’s cock was aimed at her wet cunt. Two pair of hand guided Ferdy towards Dot as Glenda her her pussy open as much as she could.

Dot let out a sigh as the cock slowly entered her hole, “more give me more, I want to feel it right inside my cunt, push it in please”, her voice getting higher as her orgasm hit her. It wa s easier now, her pussy was soaking wet, the hands pushed even more as Ferdy’s cock got smaller and smaller on the outside.

Luan and Maisie were pumping the bulls cock in and out of Dot as she moaned and shouted for more. She was cumming again, the feeling in her cunt was nothing like she had ever experienced before, she should have been doing this for twenty years or more.

Maisie thought it was time she had a go. Dot was dragged of the table and Maise took her place. Dot insisted she should lick her cum off the Ferdy before he fucked Maisie. With long strokes of her tongue she cleaned the bulls huge cock. Glenda and Luan pushed it into Maisie, her cunt had become so stretched just lately there was no problem inserting it into her. She tried to move forward to get as much as possible as Glenda and Luann fucked her with it.

Dot was bent over licking it as it went in and out of her sister. Glenda suddenly gave the cock to Dot. “Here, work this in and out of her cunt”, and hurried off.

She had spotted Leroy watching the whole show. In a flash she was on her knees in front of him taking his huge cock out to suck.
Maisie was having her first orgasm, she promised herself two like her sister before her. Her pussy wa absolutely soaking as Luan and Dot pumped her as hard as they could with Ferdy’s cock.

With a cock that size it didn’t take long for her second orgasm as Dot kept licking. Ferdy had enough now, all the stroking and fucking was about to make him cum. A torrent of cum shot into Maisies cunt as Ferdy exploded. Dot wa s licking his cum like it was honey, she swallowed huge mouthfuls of the stuff as Maisie was helped down from the table wit cum running down her legs. Glenda was having a ball, literally, she was sucking one of Leroy’s balls in her mouth as she stroked his massive cock.

“I’m ready Leroy, fuck me with that monster, I don’t think I can take it my ass, you can try if you want, jus t lubricate it first”.

“You’re the boss honey” as Glenda bent over spreading her pussy for him to enter.

Luann wished she had seen her brother first, she was feeling horny watching the women, first with Spike and now Ferdy. She could have done with her brother’s cock in her cunt right now as she watched Glenda get pummelled.

”Can I try your ass now honey, Luann give me some of that cream we put on the horses, that should do”.

Luan said she would put the cream on as fucked her if he wanted. Puting some cream on her fingers, three of them she pushed them up Glenda’s ass hole. She liberally spread it all over her ass, she doubted that Glenda would take it in her ass anyway. Leroy pushed gently as he tried to enter her, he made a little headway as the head went in opening her ass up.

“You okay honey, shall I push some more in”.

Glenda managed to say yes as Leroy got another couple of inches in. Glenda said nothing so Leroy pushed some more, now it was halfway in. He ass was stretched wide open as Leroy went for broke. Gripping her ass ckeeks he pushed all the way in as Glenda let out a loud shout.

“Fucking hell, you’ll split me in two with that dick”, she shouted but made no attempt to move away from it.

Leroy started gently pushing slowly in and out till he was able to go a bit faster. Glenda had got over the initial shock now and was enjoying it immensely. She was pleased she had taken Leroy’s cock in her ass, according to many others she was in a select band. Leroy fucked her ass, compared to some of his family this one was tight, he knew that he was going to cum.

“Do you want me to cum in your ass honey or your mouth”, asked Leroy.

“I want to taste your cum Leroy, in my mouth as she turned round to face him as Leroy shoved his cock in her mouth. Leroy was proud of his ability to cum in large amounts. Glenda was choking as spurt after spurt went down her throat. It was impossible to swallow it all, cum was running from the side of her mouth and down her chin in strands.

Dot, never one to miss any cum was licking what she could from Glenda’s face and chin. Glenda stood up and then buckled again, her ass was on fire, she put her hand around to feel it. It still hadn’t closed properly as she tried to walk with Leroy holding her upright.

“Oh I forgot Leroy, you’re the designated person to fuck Maisie on Marylou’s birthday”, said Luann. “Don’t say anything yet, Donna or Marylou don’t know that these three want to join the family”.

“I hope you don’t mind Leroy, I had to have that big cock in me again”.

Leroy took her hand, “it will be my pleasure m’am”, he said with southern charm.

“I hope your ass will be back to normal on Saturday Glenda, it’s only a couple of days away”.

“I’ll be fine by then, I wouldn’t miss this for the world”.

Luann dropped them back at her Aunt Hetty’s telling Glenda not to have any more anal sex till Saturday. Saturday morning came and Marylou was awake full of excitement. Today her daddy was going to give her a first fuck in her pussy and her ass, and she would get to suck his lovely cock, she couldn’t wait. Sally arrived with Buster and the rest of the family, Buster was hidden away for now although Luann couldn’t resist stroking his cock as they did.

Donna was preparing her youngest daughter for the custom ceremony. Her hair was made up, lipstick was applied to make her even more beautiful. All was prepared, the twins, Nicky and Joanie were on their knees sucking Jon and Barry to keep them hard.
Marylou was led into the room and made to kneel in the middle. Her daddy was first to be led to her, Marylou opened he r mouth and had her frist taste of her daddy’s cock she had yearned for.

It was much bigger then Franks as she sucked trying to deep throat as deep as possible. Jon pulled his cock from her mouth and told her to get on the couch. Now he could see what he wanted to see, her cunt and ass were his for the taking. Spreading her small ass cheks he pushed his tongue into the tiny crevice making Marylou squirm and giggle.

“I like that daddy, do that some more please”.

Jon pressed his tongue harder as her ass hole opened a little to take his tongue in. Marylou leaned on the back of the couch totally happy. At last She was feeling her daddy’s tongue in her holes. Jon moved down to her cunt, he opened her lips apart to gaze at the pink flesh that appeared before him. I fit was possible his cock got even harder as he looked. Pushing his tongue in so far his nose was embedded in her ass he licked and slurped as Marylou‘s pussy leaked pussy juice.

Marylou was about to have her first cum with her daddy. Daddy licked as deep as he could tasting the juice that was cumming from his daughter’s young cunt.

“Okay darling, are you ready for daddy to fuck you now”.

“Yes please daddy”, said Marylou pushing her ass a little farther towards him in anticipation.

Jon pushed the head of his cock into her wet pussy, two months ago he had ben languishing in jail, now he was about to fuck his youngest daughter in both holes, how times change. Her cunt was so wet he had no problem getting his cock all the way in as he fucked her hard. Marylou was thoroughly enjoying herself, she had waited patiently for this day. She pushed back as she felt herself cumming again, this was the most wonderful feeling she had ever had in her cunt. Donna had been called over to put gel on her daughter’s ass ready for her husband to fuck Marylou.

“I’m going to put in your ass now Marylou, are you ready”.

“As ready as I’ll ever be daddy, put your cock in my ass now”.

Jon gently eased his cock into the tiny hole, all the dildos had prepared her well, her hole opened slightly and then even more as her daddy’s cock went ever deeper and deeper up into her ass hole. Jon fucked his daughter hard, he was trying to slow down, he wanted to kep his cock in there for hours. Unfortunately he couldn’t, cum was shooting up her ass hole. Disappointed he couldn’t have lasted longer he pulled his cock out.

“You have to clean his cock now honey, those are the rules of the custom.

“No problem”, said Marylou sucking on her daddy’s cock cleaning his cum and her ass juice.

She was given time to get her breath back before she was led back to the middle of the room. Joanie stopped sucking Barry’s cock and led him to Marylou kneeling on the floor. Donna took hold of his cock and offered it to her daughter to suck. Marylou had wanted to suck her brother ever since she saw him fuck her sister Carrie in the woods.

She stroked his balls as she sucked, Barry stood with his eyes closed as his sister deep throated him. He wanted to fuck her, like his daddy he got her on the cocuch and literally rammed his cock into her still wet cunt. Marylou pushed back on her brother, today was a fantastic day, she had been fucked by her daddy, and now her brother was sticking his cock up her cunt. He’ll be fucking my ass soon as well, thought Marylou.

As if by telepathy Barry pulled his cock out and aimed it at her ass hole, his daddy’s fucking had made her receptive and his cock went straight into her hole. Marylou was disappointed her brother hadn’t fucked her cunt more, she was on the verge m of cumming when he pulled out to fuck her ass.

She tried to make herself cum but it wasn’t the same, Barry was fucking her ass hard but was soon shooting more cum up her ass.
Barry pulled out to allow Marylou to clean his cock, Marylou vowed to fuck him again soon, but he would have to make her cum next time.

“Are you ready to fuck Bruno now darling”, asked Donna.

“Of course I am, bring him on”, laughed Marylou.

Bruno was led into the room where he was stationed over Marylou who was laying flat on the floor. She reached up to take Bruno’s cock from his sheath and take it into her mouth.

Marylou had sucked the family dog many times, she actually liked the taste of his cock. She had never been allowed to fuck him, she had watched as he knotted her sister and she had to lay still as he filled her with cum, she was looking forward to that. Bruno’s cock was huge now, her face was dripping with dog cum as Bruno spurted cum all over her face.

“Time now Darling”, said Donna as Marylou got to her knees.

Bruno knew the drill, he had fucked every member of this family and many more as well. He mounted her quickly and found her cunt hole without any trouble. Marylou gasped as the huge cock went in all in one thrust. Her cunt was filled to capacity, it was a wonderful feeling.

“I’m going to cum”, shouted Marylou as Bruno fucked her like a pneumatic drill. Cum was covering Bruno’s cock as he pushed harder to get his knot in. Marylou hadn’t realised how big a dog knot was, it was like a balloon going into her cunt. She tried to relax as Bruno pushed hard determined to knot her. At last his knot was in as Marylou as she laid her head on the floor as she had seen her grandmother and sister do.

Dog cum was splashing into her belly as Bruno filled his bitch. His legs tightened around Marylou’s middle as he spurted more and more cum into her. Marylou was cumming again, the realisation that a dog was fucking her made her even more horny, it was dirty, it was sexy she thought as her cunt unloaded her cum for the fourth time that day. It took twenty minutes for Bruno’s knot to shrink, Marylou could feel his cum splashing about inside her, she wanted to keep it there for a while.

At last Bruno pulled his knot out as cum ran from Marylou’s cunt. She reached back and scopped some up with her finger s and tasted it, not bad, she thought. She remembered her manners just in time, reaching under Bruno she sucked his still dripping cock and leaned it off.

Donna hugged her daughter, “I’m so proud of you darling, that was wonderful, and you cleaned all the cocks, well done”.
Luann walked to the middle of the floor.

“Tonight the other members of the family get to fuck you Marylou, but I have a surprise for you, your Grandmother, your aunt, and your great aunt have agreed to join the family, so tonight they are going to be fucked by designated people and animals, I’ll keep that a surprise till tonight though”.

There was a cheer from the rest of the crowd who were watching as they realised there was going to be another custom fuck tonight. Maisie, Glenda and Dot were being hugged by everyone congratulating them. There was another great party to look forward to when all of the families would attend.

“Now you can fuck anyone you want darling, including daddy”, said Donna as she hugged her young daughter.


Chapter Seventeen

The afternoon was spent drinking and waiting for all the remaining members of the family and all their friends to turn up. Glenda, Maisie, and Dot were excited, tonight they were going to get fucked, but not only that, after tonight they could ask anyone to fuck them and never be refused.

Around five o clock people started turning up eager to have a fuck with the youngest member of the ‘family’.

Maisie, Marylou’s grandmother was waiting for the party to start. Her cunt was soaking wet as she played with herself. Bruno was laying licking himself in the corner of the room. Maisie had to do something, kneeling beside Bruno she took his cock and sucked it as her daughter Glenda walked in.

“Can’t you wait till later mother, you are going to be sucking cocks till you’re filled with cum, animal and human”.

“I’m just a little nervous Glenda, it’s the waiting, I wish we were doing it now, I can’t wait to get fucked”.

“You’ve become a right slut since we got her mother”, said Glenda laughing.

“You can talk, you and Dot are just as bad, no wait, I think Dot is worse then us”.

“Worse that what?”, asked Dot as she walked in.

“We were saying you have become the biggest slut since we got here”, said Glenda.

“I’m not ashamed of it, I love being fucked, I don’t care who or what puts a cock in my cunt, I just love it”, said Dot.

Luann came looking for them. “Everything is arranged, Buster will be brought in when you’re ready, you’ll have to fuck anyone who wants to fuck you first though after your designated fucks”.

All three nodded their approval. “Okay, I’ll come back later after Marylou lets the family fuck her, make sure your all naked”.

Luann fetched Marylou and led her out naked to the large room where everyone was either standing or seated. Some of the men were having their cocks sucked by whoever was closest to them. Luann’s grandmother was sucking off her father Aaron, her son as various other members of any family sucked on a cock.

Marylou was placed on her knees in the middle of the room, at once several men came forward with cocks in their hand towards Marylou who opened her mouth and sucked on them one at a time. The first one to be sucked moved around behind her and rubbed his cock against her pussy. Luann had already lubricated her ass hole beforehand.

A cock was pushed into her pussy as she sucked on the second man making Marylou flinch a little, he was fucking her now hard as she sucked a third man who had held his cock out for her to suck. He must have been sucked before by someone else because all of a sudden he emptied his load down her throat.

Marylou wasn’t expecting it so quickly, she struggled to swallow it all as cum ran down her chin to hang in strands from her. The man in her cunt had pulle d out now and was probing her ass, Marylou stopped for a bit to let him enter her ass. The cock went in as another cock was pushed into her mouth. She looked upwards as much as she could to see it was her daddy’s cock.

Marylou was pleased, she liked sucking her daddy’s cock and fucking him, she tried not to make him cum, she wanted his cock in her pussy and ass first. The man fucking her ass had just cum in her, she could feel the cum run down her leg from her ass hole.
Taking he r mouth from his cock she said, “fuck me daddy, fuck me in both holes daddy”.

Jon walked around to her pussy and pushed his cock all the way into his eighteen year old daughter’s cunt as another cock was pushed into her mouth. Marylou’s jaws were beginning to ache a little from sucking cock, this man had hold of her head and was fucking her mouth rather than her sucking him.

It didn’t take long fill her mouth with another load of cum as Marylou choked and swallowed at the same time. Her daddy had pulled out of her cunt now and was sticking his cock into her ass hole. She pushed backwards to get as much as she could as her daddy gripped her ass cheeks and fucked her hard before cumming in her ass.

Her uncle Harry was next to put his cock in her mouth to suck while someone else was putting his cock into her pussy. She couldn’t see who it was but he had a big cock, she knew it wasn’t Leroy, any girl would know when he fucked them. Whoever it was he was pumping her hard, all this fucking had made her eready for her first orgasm. No one had fucked he r for long so she didn’t have time to cum.

Now she was, she sucked harder on her uncle Harry’s cock as she soaked whoever’s cock was in her pussy. Much to her disappointment he pulled his cock out and pushed it into her ass before she had finished cumming. She could feel him cumming in her ass as well, later she would get Barry her brother to give her a really good fucking in her pussy. Many men came and went as Marylou’s jaws ached from sucking and swallowing, she reckoned she swallowed a pint of cum in all.

Luann could see she was struggling and much to Marylou’s relief called a halt to proceedings. There were still many men who hadn’t had a fuck, Luann told them not to worry, there was plenty more pussy coming up soon to fuck. Maisie, Glenda and Dot were led out next and told to get on their knees. Almost immediately three mouths had cocks stuffed into them to suck.

Rory and Charlie were sharing Glenda’s mouth, Leroy was having his cock sucked by Maisie, with difficulty, while Harry was having his cock sucked for a second time that day by Dot. As usual Hetty, his wife was behind the crowd being fucked by her brothers. Ever since they were old enough to fuck her they had fucked her at every opportunity, normally all together. At this moment she was straddling one brother while another had his cock in her ass and another in her mouth as she tried to stroke the other with her hand.

As usual Rory and Charlie had an argument about who should get Glenda’s ass and who should get her pussy, as both were naked they had to have someone toss a coin for them. Rory won as Charlie lay on the ground for Glenda to sit on his cock as Rory got behind her to stick his cock in her ass. Maisie was getting prepared to let Leroy stick his massive cock into her pussy, he would have to fuck her ass later, that was part of the custom, she knew that.

Harry was preparing to fuck Dot, she was on her knees anticipating the fuck she was about to get. Glenda was enjoying herself, she had never known the joys of DP before, her ex husband would never have gone for it, he was a prude. She could feel both cocks as the passed by the membrane between her ass and her cunt. She was cumming already egging the brothers to fuck her harder.

Maisie,s cunt was filled like never before, she should have been like this in the city, all those fit men at her gym, she could have fucked them all, now she regretted it, all that cock and she missed it. Maisie was cumming now, the huge cock was pummelling her cunt as she orgasmed, she would probably cum again and again.

Dot had already cum, she was waiting for Harry to fuck her in the ass, she had got to love anal in the past few weeks. At last Harry pulled his cock out and pushed it into her ass hole. Dot smiled to herself, two months ago she was a frustrated spinster in a large town, now she was getting regularly fucked by any and everyone, life here was much better.

Glenda had cum multiple times now, the feeling of those two cocks in and out of her ass and pussy was driving her wild. She was cumming again as she felt Charlie cum in her pussy, Rory had quickened his speed so she knew he was on the verge of cumming as well. Charlie had just finished shooting his load into her as Rory spurted into her ass hole squeezing her ass cheeks tightly.

Glenda got off Charlie and cleaned both cocks that were offered to her. Harry was cumming in Dot’s ass, much too soon for Dot’s liking, but there was still Spike the horse to come. Maisie was still fucking Leroy, that boy had some stamina, he hadn’t even tried to fuck her ass yet. Now he was, Maisie felt her ass stretch open as he pushed his huge dick into it.

Maisie steeled herself, if she wanted to be accepted as part of the ‘family’ here she would have to let him fuck her ass hole. Maisie gritted her teeth as Leroy pushed his monster farther into her ass, she had never ever had anything so big up there. She began to feel a little more comfortable as she got used to it. Leroy was a perfect gentleman, he knew from the first time he fucked his mom’s ass how it would hurt if he wasn’t careful.

He was all the way in now as Maisie started to fuck him back. There was no pain now, just pleasure as Leroy fucked her ass. He was making her cum again, she had lost times of the times she had cum tonight as it flowed from her pussy. Leroy was about to cum, he gripped her ass cheeks and pushed all the way in as Maisie felt the first splash in her ass followed by many more.

Leroy finally pulled out to a round of applause from the assembled crowd as Maisie tried to suck his cock clean but finished up licking it clean. Maisie, Glenda and Dot looked at each other as they knelt side by side. They had passed the first obstacle, now there was just Bruno, Buster and Spike to fuck and suck. They would have to fuck the animals one at a time so Glenda said she would go first. She lay on the floor as Bruno was led in and stood over her. She pulled his sheath back till all his veiny cock was visible to the crowd.

Reaching up she took it into her mouth sucking as Bruno started to spurt precum in her mouth. Glenda felt the cock get bigger and bigger as she sucked, more and more cum was spurting from him now, she couldn’t spit it out on front of everyone so she swallowed whatever came her way.

The crowd were getting impatient, they wanted to see Bruno’s cock in her cunt, plus they could fuck her after this. Glenda got onto her knees as Bruno licked her ass and pussy nearly making her cum again. His front legs wrapped around her waist as he stabbed a few times till he found a hole. This time it was her ass hole, as Rory had just fucked her in there it was no problem to Glenda as his cock went straight in.

Bruno was like a piston, he was fucking her at full speed as Glenda cried out. Bruno was trying to knot her, surely his knot wouldn’t go in her ass she thought. Bruno was doing his best to prove her wrong, he was pushing hard and finally her ass opened enough to push the last bit in. Glenda’s ass felt on fire she was stretched to her limit, she didn’t want to appear a bit of a cry baby to those people watching so she put her head down on her arms on the floor.

Bruno had his bitch trapped, now he was going to fill her with his cum, splash after splash hit the inside of Glenda as she lay still to receive it. The pain ha d gone now, there was just a sort of numbness in her ass as the football, that’s how big it felt, stayed in her ass. The crowd were shouting to Bruno to fill her ass up to the hilt with cum. Glenda thought he already had by the amount going into her ass hole. At last he slowed down and she waited patiently for his knot to shrink.

It had been about twenty minutes since he entered her ass when he pulled out with a plop as cum ran from Glenda’s ass. She waited while Bruno licked the cum from her and then took his cock in her mouth and cleaned it, at last, now she was part of the family. She tried to stand up but her ass was still sore as Luann helped he r to her feet hugging her. “Welcome to the family Glenda”, as others hugged her as well.

Polly brought Buster the ram in to gasps from the crowd. Polly ha d already been sucking and stroking Busters cock before she led him in. His cock stood out as people stared at the size of it. Maisie who had never seen it before began to have doubts, this was fucking big, that thing was going to stretch her cunt far more than Leroy’s cock but first she had to suck it.

Polly and her two brothers, Billy and Jimmy held Buster as Maisie knelt by him. Pulling his cock out to the side she tried to get it into her mouth. After a little manipulation she managed to get about four inches into her stretched mouth and sucked. Every so often she would have to take it out because her mouth ached.

She got on her knees signifying she was ready for Buster to fuck her. Polly led him round to Maisies rear and pushed his head towards her cunt. Buster licked making Maisie cry out, he had a rough tongue that nearly drove her wild. Buster was moved forward as Polly grabbed his cock and placed it by Maisie’s waiting pussy. A loud scream rent the air as Buster drove straight into her cunt.

It’s a good job she had been having sex for many years, that thrust would have split Marylou in two. The pain subsided and Maisie began to enjoy it, Buster was thrusting hard now pushing that large cock all the way in making Maisie cum again for god knows how many times that day.

Problem with rams is what the name says, a quick ram into a pussy and then flood them with cum. Maisie felt a huge gush in her belly as Buster shot his cum inside her. He pulled out as a river of ram cum leaked from her pussy onto the floor. Miaise knew she had to lick him clean in order to pass the test so she knelt down and licked that huge cock clean. A round of applause and cheers greeted Maisie as she rose to her feet a little unsteady helped by her daughter Glenda.

“That was awesome mom, how did you manage to take that monstrosity up your pussy”.

“With great difficulty, but I am going to do it again, soon”, she said.

Dot was led to the middle now as Spike was led in with his cock already hard thanks to Marylou, she had insisted she be allowed to suck Spike’s cock before he was led in. Dot looked longingly at Spikes cock, it wasn’t too thick but very long, she was going to enjoy sucking it and taking it all the way up her cunt. She stroked it lovingly with both hands as she opened her mouth and sucked. She loved the silky feel of the horse cock and got as much in as possible sucking all the way up and down. She adored it, she licked it all the way up and down all the time stroking it with her hands.

Dot needed it inside her now, she nodded to Luann who was holding Spike and knelt down on her knees. Luann told someone to fetch a chair instead and told Dot to lean over the back. Spike was only a small pony so he was able to mount her as the chair held her from falling over. Luann grabbed his cock and pushed it into Dots wet pussy as the horse whinnied. He showed no mercy, his long cock went almost all the way up into her as Dot cried out. She wasn’t crying from pain, it was ecstasy she was feeling, she loved fucking animals, now she would be a member of the family, she could fuck all the animals she wanted and no one would bat an eyelid, heaven.

Spike was fucking her hard, his cock was pistoning in and out of her cunt as Dot moaned loudly. A horse is like a ram, he just wants to fill whatever hole he’s in, that’s what he did. Dot felt the whoosh as a quart of cum was deposited in her belly. A pool was forming at her feet as cum ran from her pussy when she bent down to lick Spikes cock clean. She could ahve sucked it for hours but Luann led him away much to her disappointment.

There were hugs all around as the three were welcomed into the family. It was getting late so everybody was invited back tomorrow night to fuck the three new recruits.

Glenda, Maisie and Dot smiled, they couldn’t wait.


Chapter Eighteen

Mel came in with the news that she and Michael Winters were going to get married. Mike was a distant cousin who lived about fifty miles away on another farm. Mike was the only son, he had three sisters, Daisy, Violet and Rose. Mel had been seeing Mike for a few months now and decided it was time to settle down, she was twenty three now, an old maid in some parts of this county.

“Congratulations Mel”, everyone was saying as they hugged her and kissed her.

“I suppose that means no more fucks from my little girl then”, said Harry playfully squeezing her tits.

“Of course not daddy, you know you can fuck me any time you want, Mike won’t mind, I shall tell him, after all you’re family”.

“Thank you darling”, said her daddy putting his hand under her dress to cup her pussy.

The word spread and soon people were coming from all around to congratulate Mel. They decided to have a party the next night to celebrate inviting Mike and his family. Mel set out next day for Mikes farm to tell Mike about the party. They arrived at the farm early and walked in to the house. Rose the eldest sister at twenty two greeted them.

“Come in”, she said as Mel followed her in to the kitchen.

“Oh hi honey, be with you in a moment, just got to finish this”, said Mike.

“Okay honey, you carry on, I’ll just talk with Rose”.

Mike carried on, his mother was bent over the kitchen table with her dress lifted over her ass and he had his cock buried deep in her ass hole pumping her hard.

“Momma likes a fuck in the morning, daddy’s always away early so Mike has to step in for him, you don’t mind do you”.

“No I don’t mind, as long as it’s family I’m ok with that, if it’s a stranger then we have to have each other’s permission”.

“I’m going to like you as a sister in law”, said Rose hugging her.

Mike was cumming in his Momma’s ass as Rose got up.

“Excuse me, unless you want to join me, I love cum, I always suck it out of whatever hole Mike’s fucked, Momma or my sisters”.
Not wanting to be seen to be different Mel got up. “Sure, I don’t mind”.

Mel and Rose knelt behind Momma and sucked Mike’s cum from her ass as she cleaned her sons cock with her tongue.

When they ha d finished Momma got up, pulled down her dress and hugged Mel. “How are you honey, good to see you”, she said kissing her on the lips tasting her son’s cum. Momma was Angelina, a part Italian, part American woman of about forty. She was a striking looking woman with black hair and flashing eyes. Her blouse still hung open and showed a great pair of tits. Mel was staring at them as Momma, noticed.

“Would you like to feel them honey, they’re all yours, you’re joining the family, anything you want now is yours, you don’t have to ask”.

Mel squeezed her tits, for a woman of her age they were very firm.

“Let’s welcome you properly honey, take off those clothes”.

Mel stripped as Momma called out to her other two daughter’s upstairs to come down. Daisy and Violet came downstairs naked. “Have you two been licking each other girls, I can see cum on the inside of your legs, clean it off Rose before we start”.

Rose dropped to her knees in front of her younger sisters and licked the cum from their legs.

Mel found herself being laid down on the floor with her kegs up in the air and wide apart. A tongue was being inserted in her pussy as other lips clamped on her nipples. Now there was a tongue in her ass hole trying to enter, Mel closed her eyes and the then looked up, as someone sat on her face. A pussy was coming down on her as she put out her tongue to taste it. Her nipples were being bitten and pulled, and Mel exploded as eager mouths licked and swallowed her cum. Still the onslaught continued, tongues were being pushed in every hole, her legs were spread ever wider as everyone of them wanted to put a tongue in any hole they could find.

Mel couldn’t stop cumming, again she felt her cum being licked up almost before it left her pussy. Again and again the cum flowed from her, it was incessant, her holes were being assaulted like never before, she was going to enjoy joining this family.

“I see you’re all enjoying yourselves then”, said a voice.

“Oh hi Papa, we’re just welcoming Mel into the family”, said Rose.

The tongues stopped as everyone looked at Papa, he was a rugged six feet three man, Mel thought he was very handsome and was looking forward to sucking that cock of his on her wedding eve. As a last fling if both partners agree the father in law to be may fuck the bride the night before his son get’s married. The groom may fuck his future mother in law if he wishes, or a sister of the bride. Ray had his cock out now as Rose and Daisy knelt before him sucking it. Mel was a little jealous, she wanted to taste that cock in her mouth now but knew she would have to wait.

“Let’s see what Mike’s getting then, stand up Mel, let’s have a look at you”, said Ray.

Mel struggled to her feet, all that cumming had made her weak.

“I’m sorry, I must look a mess”, said Mel.

She had cum running down her legs, her face and hair were soaking from the cunt on her face that had cum all over her. Mel walked over to Ray who squeezed her tits and cupped her pussy putting a couple of fingers in making Mel squirm a little. Ray pulled his fingers out and tasted them.

“Very nice dear, I ‘m looking forward to tasting some more soon”.

“I’m looking forward to tasting yours too Ray”, said Mel blushing slightly.

“Why wait, I’m going to cum now”, he said as Mel knelt down.

Cum was spurted all over the three girls as Ray moaned out loud. Mel was licking Rose and Daisy’s face as she swallowed some of her future father in laws cum.

Mel had a quick wash down and got ready to go home. “Oh, I almost forgot why I came, we’re having a party tomorrow and you’re all invited”.

Arriving back home Mel told her mom and dad all about what happened.

Harry was rubbing his cock through his trousers as he listened. “You say they have three daughters, maybe I can get to fuck one of them”.

“Daddy, the way those three are I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t fuck them all”, said Mel.

Lindy her sister walked through the door. “Hey sis, can I fuck Mike on the wedding eve”.

Hetty spoke up, “hang on Lindy, the bride’s mother get’s first choice, I like Mike, I’ve been looking forward to fucking him”.

“Why don’t you both fuck him, I’m sure Mike won’t mind”, said Mel.

“I’m game if you are mom”, said Lindy.

“Should be fun, why not”, said Hetty hugging he r daughter.

“All this talk has made me hard, I have to go to work, can someone suck me off before I go mad here”, said Harry taking his cock out.

“Sorry daddy”, said both girls as they knelt before their daddy to suck his cock.

Harry was worked up listening to his daughters talking about fucking Mike so it wasn’t long before he was pumping cum into both girls mouths.

“Come on share girls”, said Hetty as Mel and Lindy snowballed their mother.

“I’m feeling horny now”, said Lindy, “I’ll have to find Bruno, I need a fuck”.

Bruno was laying in the yard sleeping as Lindy approached him. “Hi Bruno”, she said as she lay beside him pulling his sheath back.

Lindy removed he r clothes and resumed her stroking of Bruno’s cock and then put it in her mouth.

“You’re always here for me Bruno”, she said between sucks.

Lindy took the cock deeper into her mouth tasting the drops of cum that were spurting from him. She had been sucking Bruno’s cock for ages and really enjoyed the taste as she licked the shaft all the way up and down.

“Come on Bruno, time for you to fuck me”, said Lindy getting on her knees and patting her ass.

Bruno had done this many times, he got up and licked all around her ass and pussy making Lindy moan out loud. Bruno’s legs wrapped around her as his cock found her hole. He was pumping her hard as he fucked her almost knocking Lindy over. It had been over a week since Bruno had fucked any of his bitches around here with the custom going on so he was really fucking Lindy.
LIndy felt the usual push of his knot as he entered her, she needed his knot in her, she was as horny as hell.

“Good boy Bruno, stick your knot in and fill your bitch full of cum”, panted lindy as she orgasmed wildly.

Bruno was fully embedded in her cunt now, she was his bitch now as Lindy pushed her ass up in the air and laid her head on the floor.

“I swear that girl is getting hornier every day”, said Hetty as she watched her daughter fuck the family dog.

Bruno was pumping cum into Lindy’s belly at a furious rate. Splash after splash was hitting he r insides as she started to cum herself. It was a good job they lived deep in the country, what anyone passing by would have said would be unbelievable. To see a young naked girl with her ass in the air and a dog cock stuck in her cunt, no one would have believed them.

Lindy was having her second cum, Bruno’s knot inside her pumping cum only made her more hornier. At last Bruno pulled out and licked the cum from her dripping pussy as Lindy waited to clean his dripping cock taking it deep into her mouth and sucking.
Lindy got dressed and went back in the house to help her mother and Mel prepare for the party later. People started arriving soon after, Aaron and his family, some more cousins and others. Ray arrived with his family and the party started.

Mel was in her room talking to her soon to be new sisters in law, she wanted to know if Mike, her boyfriend had fucked them all.
She wanted to find out his preferences for fucking. Rose the eldest who had been fucking him the longest said he loved to lick ass. The others all agreed, Violet who was the youngest at eighteen said she remembered the first time he fucked her.

When he licked her ass she started to cum right away, she loved having her ass licked. Mel grabbed her and turned her over lifting her dress up over her ass, no surprises there, she didn’t wear underwear. Actually very few young single girls around here wore any underwear, quite a few married ones didn’t either. Mel buried her tongue into Violets ass hole making her squirm and moan. Daisy saw he r chance and spread her legs open pulling Violets young head towards her cunt.

“Lick my pussy Violet, I made you cum last night, you nearly drowned me you bitch”, she laughed as her young sisters tongue went into her wet pussy.

“Has Mike had his cock in here”, said Mel licking her finger and sticking it into Violet’s ass. “It’s just that she has such a small ass and a tiny hole”, working her finger in and out.

Violet couldn’t answer, Rose had he r mouth pressed hard against her cunt so she answered for her.

“Yeah, Mike’s had his cock in there, it was tight the first time but she’s used to it now”.

“You don’t mind do you?”, asked Rose.

“Not at all, as long as it’s family I don’t mind, by the way you’ll have to try my cousin Leroy’s cock, it’s huge, like a horse cock”, said Mel resuming her licking of Violets ass hole.

Violet certainly did like having her ass licked, as Mel moved down to her pussy she was engulfed in a shower of cum.

“I see what you mean Rose about her drowning you, she certainly does cum a lot, tastes nice though, an eighteen year olds cum, they should bottle this stuff, make a fortune”, laughed Mel licking he r lips. Rose couldn’t hear her, she was busy filling her young sisters mouth with her own cum. She let Violet go as she finished, “bloody hell sis, you nearly choked me”, she spluttered.

“Serves you right, you did the same to me last night”, slapping her ass playfully.

All this time Daisy had been sitting fingering herself watching.

“Sorry Daisy, let me lick that clit of yours, turn sideways and Rose or Violet can lick your ass at the same time. Violet got there first and pushed he r tongue into her sisters as hole as Mel licked he r pussy. After her fingering it didn’t take long for Daisy to shower Mel with her second load of cum, her hair was matted and stuck and cum ran down her chin. They pulled their dresses down and went downstairs. The party was in full swing, drink was being drunk in copious amounts, cocks were being sucked and pussies licked, not all the pussies were being licked by men.

Mel’s mother Hetty was licking Momma’s pussy kneeling in front of her as Ray was having his cock sucked by the twins, Nicky and Joanie. Rose whispered to Mel to point out Leroy. Mel couldn’t see him so went to the kitchen looking for him. A typical man he was with some more males in there talking about football.

“Hi Leroy, this is Rose my future sister in law, I’ve been telling her about your cock, would you mind if she played with it for a while”, said Mel.

“Be my guest”, said Leroy turning to face her. Rose opened his pants and took out his cock. Her eyes went wide as she looked at it.

“Oh my sweet lord, that is the biggest cock I have ever seen on a human being, it’s fucking huge, I must let Momma see this, don’t move”.

Mel took her chance to stroke Leroy’s cock when she had gone making it even bigger when she returned with her Moma.

“Look at this Momma, when I get married you can have this cock anytime you want”, she said as Momma dropped to her knees and took Leroy’s cock into her mouth.

“Hey Momma, I wanted to do that”, said Rose.

“There’s enough for both of you, and you don’t have to wait till you’re married Momma, you can fuck it any time you want”, said Leroy.

Momma got up and pulled her skirt over her ass, “no time like the present, fuck me now”, she said spreading her pussy lips wide open. As the rest of the men watched Leroy pushed his huge cock into Momma’s waiting cunt, she gasped out loud as Leroy went all the way in. Momma was shouting in Italian now as Leroy fucked her bringing Ray into the kitchen to see what all the fuss was about.

“Holy shit, what is that you got stuck in your pussy Moma”, as he saw Leroy’s massive dick disappearing up his wife’s cunt.

“It’s wonderful darling, that’s what it is, this young cock in my pussy makes me feel so good, I’m cumming again AHHHHHHHHHHH, she shouted as she pushed back to ride Leroy’s huge cock. Hetty had come to see what all the commotion was about. She looked proudly on as her son fucked this woman with his massive cock. She felt like telling everyone that’s my son and I’ve been fucked by that cock. Momma was cumming again, she couldn’t help herself, she hadn’t had a cock like this since………,, she had never had a cock like this.

“Would you like me to fuck your ass Momma”, asked Leroy politely.

“Oh would you, I’d like that please”, said Momma out of breath.

“No problem ma’am”, said Leroy in his best southern drawl pushing his cock into Momma’s ass hole. There was a cheer as Momma took the cock in her ass so easily, not many people could take Leroy’s cock like that. Moma was having another orgasm as Leroy got ready to cum in her ass. Grabbing her cheeks he pushed his cock all the way in spurting his load deep into her ass hole. Momma was almost out of breath as he pulled out of her. In between breaths Momma thanked him and grabbed his cock to suck and lick it clean. Rose felt put out, she had wanted Leroy’s cock herself, her Momma was only supposed to look.

“Don’t worry Rose, come with me, I can show you just as big a cock if you like”, said Luann seeing the disappointment on her face.

Luann led he r to the stables where Spike was tethered, Rose looked around, “well where’s this big cock then”.

“There it is”, said Luann pointing to the horse.

“But I can only see a horse, where’s the big cock”, asked Rose again.

“On the horse silly, where do you think”, said Luann

Rose looked at her with wide open eyes, “you mean fuck the horse”, she said looking bewildered.

“What, you mean you’ve never fucked an animal, never, not even a dog”, asked Luann, not believing what she had heard.

“No, don’t tell me you’ve fucked the horse”, said Rose.

“Of course, and a dog, and a bull and a ram, it’s wonderful, they fill your cunt like never before, all my sisters and cousins have fucked animals, it’s quite natural to us”.

“Really, you’ve really fucked this horse”, asked Rose beginning to get wet between her legs.

“Spike has fucked every female in our family and all my cousins have had a fuck with Spike, he’s used to it, come, I’ll show you”.

Both girls knelt down as Luan stroked Spike’s balls with one hand and stroked his cock with the other. “I don’t think Spike would get a hard cock if he didn’t have his balls stroked, would you Spike”, laughed Luann.

Spike’s cock began to appear as Luann stroked it. Rose couldn’t resist putting her hand out and stroking it with her. Luann leaned forward and took the head in her mouth slurping on it. The cock began to grow some more and harder as Luann sucked as deep as she could.

“Wanna try, here, it’s quite nice really once you get used to it”, said Luann handing the horse cock over to Rose.

Rose put her tongue out not really knowing whether she wanted to suck it or not.

“Put it in your mouth Rose, it’s still only a cock even if it is a horses cock”, urged Luann. Rose opened her mouth and had her first taste of an animal cock. Strangely she found it quite nice, she sucked hard on it as Spike got harder.

“Why don’t we strip off Rose, Spike can smell our sex better that way, keep him harder”, said Luann.

“Okay”, said Rose pulling off her dress, neither wore underwear, as was said before very few young women wore underwear around here, there was always some male or female waiting to fuck them. They resumed their sucking of Spike’s dick, Rose was soaking now, although she ha d never fucked an animal the thought was making her very wet between her legs.

“How do you fuck him then, you just can’t bend for him, he’d crush you”, asked Rose.

“No, we keep this little table here for anyone who wants to fuck him, slide it under him and lay down with your legs open, I’ll do the rest”.

Rose got under the horse and spread her legs wide, Luann stroked the horse cock before entering it into Rose’s open cunt. Rose was so horny by now she started cumming as soon Spike’s cock touched her pussy making it easier for Luann to shove it all the way in.

“Oh fuck that’s good, fuck me with it Luann, fuck me hard”.

Luann pushed and pulled the cock in and out of her wet cunt as Rose started to cum again. Giggling was heard from somewhere, “who’s there, come on show yourself”, shouted Luann.

“No, don’t let them come in, I’ve got a horse cock in my cunt Luann, I don’t want anyone to see me like this”, said Rose out of breath.

“Oh don’t worry about that, we jus t fuck Spike no matter who’s about, no one takes any notice”, replied Luann. Rose’s sisters accompanied by the twins walked out to the middle of the barn.

“That looks good Rose, is it nice, I’ve always wanted to fuck our dog, but was afraid to, now you’re fucking a horse”, said Violet.

“Would you like to fuck a dog Vi, I can fetch Bruno, he loves to fuck pussy, Nicky, go and fetch Bruno”, said Luann.

Nicky went of and returned with Bruno the dog. “Nicky and Joanie will show you what to do to get him hard”, said Luann as she carried on fucking Rose with Spike’s cock. Rose was cumming again, this was brilliant, why hadn’t she tried it years ago, she would have to get Moma to try this with her.

“Here pull his sheath back like this, when you see the red tip put it in your mouth and suck”.

“You’re joking aren’t you, suck a dog cock, come on, you don’t do that do you”, said the sisters together.

To answer them Nicky opened he r mouth and sucked on Bruno’s ever hardening cock.

“Oh my god, she’s sucking a dog cock”, said Daisy.

Rose who was almost out of breath told her to shut the fuck up and suck on the dog cock. “You’ve just seen me suck a horse cock, it was nice, I’m going to do it again and again, so just suck it for fucks sake”.

Daisy shrugged he r shoulders, she didn’t want to be seen as a wimp, she knelt down as Nicky pulled Bruno’s cock to one side for Daisy to suck.

“Ughhh, what’s that”, said Daisy as some cum landed on her tongue.

“It’s only a taste of dog cum, just swallow it, won’t hurt you, we do it all the time”, said Joanie.

Daisy and Vi swapped on the dog cock sucking as cum landed on their tongues. Nicky was looking at Daisy’s young pussy as she lay with her legs spread open sucking the dogs cock.

“Can I lick your pussy Daisy, it looks so nice and you’re getting wet, I can see it leaking from your pussy”.

“Yes please, lick my pussy as much as you like”, said Daisy opening her legs even wider.

“And mine”, shouted Vi.

Rose was cumming again, the huge horse cock in her cunt was making her cum time after time as Luann fucked her with it. She felt a gush of cum in her belly as Spike unloaded his sperm inside her. Cum was running from her open cunt where it had been stretched wide by the size of the cock.

Slowly it got back to normal as she stood up shakily, so many cums had left her weak. Horse cum was running down her legs leaving a puddle on the floor.

“She hugged Luann, “that was the best fuck I have ever had in my life, thank you, can I do it again sometime”.

“Spike will always be available to you, don’t worry if anyone catches you, they won’t take any notice”, replied Luann.

“Is that so”, said a voice. The girls looked up to see Ray, Rose, Violet and Daisy’s daddy standing there.

“Looks like you girls are enjoying yourself, don’t stop now, old Bruno’s got a very satisfied look on his face”, he laughed.

“Aren’t you pretty”, he said to Luann feeling her tits and cupping her pussy, they were still naked from before.

Luan opened her legs wider as Ray began to finger her pussy. “Would you like me to suck your cock Sir, I don’t mind”, said Luann.

“I would love that honey, but call me Ray”, he said as Luann dropped to her knees taking his cock out and sucking on it.

“Do you mind if I join you Luann, I love sucking Daddy’s cock”, asked Rose dropping to her knees as well.

Violet and Daisy were jus t about to cum for the first time as Nicky and Joanie slurped on their pussies. The twins licked the cum from them swallowing what they could as the two young girls gushed it out.

“Who’s going to fuck Bruno then, he will only fuck one of you”, asked the twins as both girls carried on sucking on Bruno’s cock.

“Both of get on your hands and knees, he will lick you first and then he might move from pussy to pussy fucking you, try it”, said Luann taking time out from Ray’s hard cock.

Vi and Daisy knelt on their hands and knees as Bruno licked all around both pussies and ass. He mounted Vi first finding her cunt hole first time. Vi let out a shout, “take it easy Bruno, haven’t you ever heard of foreplay”.

Bruno wasn’t listening, he was in and out of this little tight cunt like a piston engine. Vi was shouting for him to fuck her, “this is good, fuck me Bruno fuck me”, she shouted cumming again as Bruno fucked he r hard. Both Nicky and Joanie knew it might be dangerous to try and pull Bruno off but they tried. To their surprise he pulled out of Vi much to her disappointment and then pushed towards Daisy waiting cunt. Bruno wrapped his legs around her waist and jabbed a few times till he found her hole and went right in. This time it was Dasiy’s turn to shout as the dog cock went straight into her.

“Oh fuck yes Bruno, fuck yes, fuck your bitch Bruno”, she was shouting as she started to cum in buckets.

“What’s he doing now”, shouted Daisy as Bruno forced his knot into her tight pussy.

“It’s his knot Daisy, put your head on the floor, it will give him better access, he want’s to trap you while he fills you with his cum”.

Daisy laid he r head on the floor, the pain had subsided now and she was ready to cum again as she felt the first splashes of cum in her belly.

Rose and Luann were still sucking on Ray’s cock. “I think it’s time you fucked Luann now Daddy, come on Luann, bend over”.

Luann bent over as Rose spread her pussy lips for her Daddy’s cock to enter her. Luann let out a little moan as Rays cock went into her pussy. Watching the twins and the two sisters along with fucking Rose with the horse cock had made her very horny.

She was cuming as soon as his cock went in, “my you needed this didn’t you honey”, said Ray as he felt the cum coat his cock. Ray fucked he r pussy for a while making Luann cum again.

“Honey, I love the look of your ass, would you mind if I stuck my cock in there”, asked Ray.

“Of course not Ray, any hole you like, it’s all yours”, answered Luann.

Ray pulled out of her cunt as his daughter spit on Luann’s as pushing he r finger in to get it ready for her Daddy to fuck. Ray pushed towards the little hole and pushed to see his cock go slowly in. He always marvelled at how a cock that big could go into such a cute little hole. The first time he had fucked his daughters ass holes he was almost frightened to push his cock in for fear of hurting them. Luan ‘s ass was nice and tight as he pumped his cock in and out of her.

Daisy still had her head on the floor as Bruno pumped cum into her. She lay still as splash after splash hit her insides. Vi was sulking, she was jealous of Daisy, she wanted to be where her sister was having dog cum pumped into her.

“When Bruno has recovered you can have him all to yourself Daisy, I promise”, said Nicky putting her arm around her.

Vi’s face cheered up immediately, “can I really, can I have him all to myself”.

“Promise is a promise”, said Nicky.

Luann had cum for the third time as Ray was getting ready to cum.

“Can I have your cum Daddy, you know how I love your cum”, asked Rose.

“You don’t mind if I give my cum to Rose do you honey”, he asked Luann.

Luann answered no, that was fine by her as Ray pulled out and shot his cum all over Luann’s ass. Rose immediately started to slurp it up taking long sucks as it disappeared down her throat.

“Thank you Daddy, I love your cum”, she said licking her lips.

Bruno had finally finished and pulled out of Daisy as cum ran from her cunt.

“That was fantastic, I never knew dogs made such good fucks, Samson is going to be busy from now on Daddy”, she said as Ray laughed.

“Samson is our dog, he said noticing Luann’s look.

“Let’s go back to the party, see who’s fucking who, I can’t wait to tell Moma all about our animal fucks, I know she’ll want to try it”, said Rose as they headed back to the house all naked.


Chapter Nineteen

The party was in full swing, Luann’s Grandma was on her knees sucking a cock as Leeann, her mother was being fucked by one of Hetty’s sons, Frank, her nephew.

Hetty as usual was being fucked by her brothers, she had four of them and every time they met up for something like this they would all fuck her. It had been like this since everyone was old enough. As soon a s she was eighteen the two older brothers fucked her regularly and then the younger ones when they reached eighteen.

Mike told Mel, his wife to be he had never fucked twins before, would it be alright if they all went upstairs to fuck with the twins.
Mel had no problem with that, the twins were her cousins so they were in the family. She told Mike they didn’t have to go upstairs, he could fuck them here where they were.

Mel found the twins and told them her fiancé wanted to fuck them together. Joanie and Nicky were more than willing, both dropped to their knees and started sucking on Mike’s cock. Mel made her way through intertwined bodies till she found Rose and her sisters excitedly telling their Moma all about the dog and the horse.

“It was brilliant Moma, that big horse cock in my pussy made me cum so many times, you’ll have to try it”.

“And Bruno Moma, he is such a good dog fuck, can we fuck Samson when we get back home Moma”.

“It seems like you’re going to anyway, so why not, litle did they know Moma had been fucking Samson for a long time now. Moma’s fingers wandered down to her pussy, she gently stroked it as she remembered her first time with a dog. She had been playing with the dog cock with her younger sister in their room. Both were naked as the stroked the dog to full size and then couldn’t resist tasting him.

While her sister was laying down sucking his cock he suddenly broke away and mounted her. Her sister tried to pull him off but he growled menacingly, no one was taking his bitch. It took a few jabs before he found her pussy hole but then everything went blank.

She could still remember that wonderful feeling as the dog cock entered her pussy, no matter how she had tried she could never replicate that feeling again. It was pure joy, she came almost immediately as he fucked her like she had never been fucked. When he pushed his knot in she nearly passed out from the ecstasy that ran through her.

Unknown to her and her sister who was a year older, her only brother was filming their antics. He promised to show the film to their parents if he didn’t get what he wanted, which was to fuck both of them. From then on they were his sex slaves, he would have them suck his cock at any time, he would fuck them when and where he wanted. One time he brought his best friend over and they both had to suck and fuck him. It was their brother who first took both their virgin asses, the first time had been a little painful, but after a few times she began to really enjoy anal sex.

She would pretend to be angry with him as would her sister, fact was they were enjoying every minute of it, although they never told him that. She hadn’t seen them for a few years, why not invite them to the wedding she thought. Her brother was married with two daughters, her sister was divorced with one son, it’ll be nice to see them again thought Moma.

The party went on all night and morning came when everyone drifted away with hangovers. The twins and Luann and a few other close cousins stayed behind to help Leeann clear up the mess. Mel was helping to clear away when she realised that she was so busy organising everything she didn’t have a single fuck all night. The very thought made her horny, she looked around at the men, they were in no state to fuck anyone. She went looking for hound dog, Hetty had taken Bruno home. She found him laying in the yard asleep.

“Come on boy, time to earn your keep, time for you to fuck Auntie Mel”, she said kneeling beside him and pulling his sheath back.

Hound dog lay still as his mistress played with his cock till it was hard and then put it into her mouth. Hound dog started to spurt little drops of cum from his cock as Mel carried on sucking. Hound dog grew more and more as Mel kept up her sucking on his cock before getting on her hands and knees.

She patted her ass and said “come on boy, get that cock in my cunt”.

Hound do had done this many times, rising he got behind his mistress and mounted her. Mel felt his cock go into her in one go, she would have to train him to take it easy first time as he pummelled her cunt at a rate of knots. Cum was flowing from her as she released her emotions, Hound dog was fucking her like only he could.

“Get your knot in, I have to feel your knot hound dog”, she was saying. Hound dog had already started to push it in as Mel orgasmed again.

The knot was fully in now and Mel was slightly out of breath from cumming. She loved to feel his cum inside her, made her feel good to know she was his bitch as cum shot after cum shot hit her belly. She was cumming for the third time now as Hound dog kept shooting his sperm into her. She sighed contentedly as she laid her head on he r arms and waited for the dog to fill her with his sperm. Hound dog finally slowed down and pulled his knot out leaving a pool of cum both from him and Mel’s dripping cunt.

“Thanks hound dog, I needed that”, she said taking his dripping cock and cleaning it in her mouth.

Mel stood a little shakily, three cums had made her feel a little woozy as she walked back to the house with dog cum running down her inside legs. Moma’s brother and sister had arrived for the wedding a week early. Myra and Moma hugged each other, they had always got on well since she found out about her husband Vince, short for Vincente, was fucking her. It had turned her on to see her then boyfriend fucking his sisters as they licked her pussy and ass hole. It was Moma who had persuaded her to try anal for the first time, now she couldn’t get enough.

Moma’s older sister Maria arrived with her son, a strapping six footer with good looks. All three women got together for a good gossip and soon the conversation turned to sex.

“Is Vince giving you enough Myra, you always were a sex slut”, laughed Moma.

“He tries, but it’s not enough, he has a friend who comes around sometimes, I usually end up having both of them after a few drinks”, laughed Myra.

“What about you Maria, how are you getting on now you’re divorced”.

“You’ve seen my son, big lad isn’t he, him and a few of his friends keep me very happy thank you, I’m doing alright in that direction”.

“What about you”, they asked Moma.

“Oh, I’ve got Mike and my husband, between them they keep me happy, plus sometimes I play with my daughters, you know, dildos and things like that”.

“I must tell you about a guy I met at the party for Mike and Mel, Leroy his name is, he has the biggest cock you have ever seen, he fucked me in the ass and pussy that night with it, you have to see it to believe it girls”.

“Must try him before we go”, said the both of them.

“What about your daughters Myra, are they broad minded like us”.

“Oh sure, your brother has kept the family tradition going, as soon as they were eighteen he was up their cunts like a gopher down a hole”.

“Are the men like that around here, are they virile, please don’t tell me they’re country gentlemen, shy and well mannered”, pleaded Maria.

“Oh they are well mannered, shy they are not, within half an hour of the party starting everyone was naked”, said Moma.

“I have something else to tell you, my three girls are all fucking the dog just like we used to Maria, Samson our dog is an Irish wolfhound, the girls can literally sit underneath him and suck his cock”.

The mental picture of their nieces sitting under the dogs with a cock in their mouths made them feel wet between their legs.

“You’re making me horny, stop it”, said Maria. “And me”, said Myra.

“Would you like to meet Samson, I can bring him in here if you wish”, said Moma.

“Looks like Samson is in for some fun”, said Rose as she watched her mother take Sampson in to meet her sister and sister in law. Rose and her sisters were sitting with Eric, Marilyn and Kylie, their cousins.

The subject soon turned to sex with them as well. “You’re not virgins are you?”, asked Rose.

“Good god no, dad….”, and then she stopped. She wasn’t sure how her cousins would take it if they knew they were fucking their Daddy.

Rose, Violet and Daisy all looked at each other, “so you’re fucking your Daddy, I see, what about you Eric, are you fucking your Mom”.

Eric’s red face was enough to tell them yes.

“That’s okay, we all fuck our Daddy, and our brother, we reckon as long as it stays in the family it’s okay”.

The other three breathed a sigh of relief, “thank god for that, we were afraid we might say something out of place if you didn’t fuck them as well”.

“Daddy and Mike have been fucking us since we were eighteen”, said Violet getting up and kneeling in front of Eric.

“Let’s see what cousin Eric has got then”, she said unzipping his pants and pulling his cock out. Violet wrapped he r lips around his shaft and started to suck on it.

Rose and Daisy knelt before Marilyn and Kylie lifting up their dresses.

“No one wears underwear around here Marilyn”, said Rose as she pulled them off to bury her head in her pussy.

Marilyn loved the feel of a woman’s tongue on her cunt, she grabbed her cousins hair and pulled her closer. Daisy had pulled off Kylie’s knickers telling her the same before putting her tongue into her wet cunt. In the other room Maria was holding Samson’s cock in her hand.

“This is fucking huge, I can’t wait to get this inside me”, she said as Myra leant over to suck on it.

Samson’s cock was getting bigger, Myra’s mouth was stretched as she sucked on it, Maria was licking the sides before taking it into her mouth.

“My daughter’s had never fucked a dog before they went to the party, now poor Samson has to fuck them all the time, don’t think he minds though”, laughed Moma.

Maria swallowed the liquid down her throat, Samson was spurting more and more as she passed the cock back to Myra to suck.

“Problem here is who’s going to fuck him, once he knots whoever he’s fucking, that’s it, he won’t get off till he’s empty”.

“Let’s toss a coin, you call Maria”, said Moma tossing a coin.

Maria called correctly as Myra swore at her in jest. Maria knelt on her hands and knees as Sampson licked her already wet cunt making her jump as the long tongue almost went inside her. Samson could smell the sex from her and mounted her pushing his still spurting cock towards her waiting cunt. He found it and with one thrust was inside her fucking furiously. Maria was crying out at the onslaught on her pussy.

“Good boy Samson, come on fuck me hard,, get all that cock inside me.

Samson was more than obliging, his cock was all the way in as he pummelled her pussy. It was time for his knot to go in now, Maria laid her head on the floor as Sampson pushed hard and the knot was in her. Maria had already cum when the dog started fucking her, now with the knot in she was moaning loudly as she started to cum again.

Maria was panting heavily as Samson shot his sperm into her belly. She could feel every spurt as it hit her insides. Moma and Myra were fingering each other, horny as hell from watching Maria get dog fucked. Both of them had cum by the time Samson had slipped his knot from Maria’s cunt, cum running from her as Samson licked it up.

Maria was still on the floor out of breath, “your dog is one hell of a fuck Moma, that was awesome”, she said struggling to her feet.

In the other room Rose had made Marilyn cum and was licking her pussy tasting her cum. Daisy was on the verge of making Kylie cum when Vince walked in, the girls father.

“It didn’t take you two horny sluts long”, he laughed taking his cock from his pants. Offering it to his daughter Kylie she opened her mouth and sucked deep on it as Daisy bit gently on her clit making her cum. She stroked her Daddy’s cock as she showered Daisy with her cum before resuming her sucking on the cock.

Eric already had Violet on her knees as he licked her ass sticking his tongue in deep as he could. Licking all the way down he came back up over her pussy and then to her ass hole again. Violet shook her ass as he licked her, she was ready to cum as he pushed two fingers into her cunt and licked her ass at the same time.

It was too much for her, she pushed right back against Eric’s face as she exploded spurting cum all over him. Vince had moved to his other daughter Marilyn now as she sucked his cock.

“Would you girls mind if I fucked your cousins this time, I can always fuck you two anytime, is that okay”.

“Sure Daddy, we don’t mind, but you haven’t asked the girls yet, that’s very rude, you should at least ask”, said Marilyn.

“You’re quite right, Daisy, Rose, may I please fuck both of you”.

“Of course you can Uncle Vince, we don’t mind at all, you can fuck us in the ass as well if you want to, it’s up to you”, said Rose. Both girls got on their hands and knees as Vince rubbed his cock against their pussies.

“Put it in for me honey, put my cock into one of those sweet cunts”.

Marilyn grabbed his cock and pushed it into Rose first, Vince fucked her for a while and then pulled out offering his cock to Kylie to suck clean before plunging it into Daisy’s cunt.

“Would you like me to get Rose’s ass ready for you to fuck Daddy, I can get it nice and wet if you like”, said Marilyn sticking he r tongue into Roses ass hole.

“Thank you honey, that’s very good of you, you make it nice and wet for me, Kylie can get Daisy’s ready when I’ve finished fucking her, can’t you Kylie”.

“Sure Daddy, no problem”, said Kylie as her Daddy pulled out and let Marilyn suck his cock clean before moving to Rose’s ass hole.

Marilyn had done a good job in opening up Roses ass hole, Vince’s cock slid in quite easily as he pushed it all the way in. Rose’s ass wasn’t as tight as his two daughters, they ha d only been ass fucked for a short while, but nevertheless she had a great ass.

“Have you got Daisy’s ass ready for me Kylie”, asked Vince.

“I think so Daddy, it’s a little bit open now, you should be able to get your cock in okay”.

Marilyn sucked his cock clean as he moved over to Daisy. Kylie spread her ass cheeks open as he entered her tight ass hole. Daisy was much tighter than Rose being younger, he wished he could have fucked Violet in her ass hole but his son was now fucking her ass. Kylie kept her as cheeks spread as he fucked Daisy with long strokes in and out.

“Finger her pussy Kylie while I’m fucking her ass, I’m sure she’d like that, wouldn’t you Daisy”, said Vince.

“Oh yes please, put your fingers in my cunt Kylie while your Daddy fucks my ass hole”.

Daisy was cumming again, the fingers in her pussy and the cock in her ass sent her over the top as her cum covered Kylies fingers. She pulled them out and she and Marilyn licked them clean enjoying the taste of Daisy’s cum.

Vince was cumming himself now, he didn’t know where to shoot his load, give it to his daughters or shoot it up her ass. The decision was taken away from him as Kylie pulled his cock out of her ass as he was cumming and put it into her mouth to swallow the creamy liquid.

Eric had already cum, his semen was oozing from Violet’s young ass hole as Marilyn leaned over to lick it up. In the other room Maria and Myra were pestering Moma to take them to see Bruno, Spike the horse and most of all Leroy.

“Come on, it’s still early afternoon, I’m dying to see Leroy’s cock, I don’t believe it’s as big as you say Moma”, said Myra.

“You’ll soon find out when he sticks all the way up your ass hole Myra, you’ll be begging him to stop”.

“Stop it, you’re making me all wet, I’m going to suck Samson hard again, I need him to fuck me”, said Myra.

Samson was laying down licking his balls and cock as Myra knelt beside him. Pushing his head away she pulled his sheath right back and took his cock into her mouth. Almost right away Samson started spurting into her mouth as she tasted the liquid.

“When she’s finished with Samson I’ll take you all to meet Mel’s folks, she said it would be alright to use the horse for fucking any time we wanted, so we can try him as well, just hope Leroy is there as well Maria”.

Maria just nodded, she was too busy taking Samson’s ever growing cock down her throat.


Chapter Twenty

“Pleased to meet you all”, said Hetty as they all shook hands and sat down.

Coffee was served and the talk turned to the wedding ceremony. Hetty wasn’t sure how au fait the others were about fucking in the family, she knew Moma had no problems in that area, Leroy was testament to that, she had taken his huge dong all the way up her ass hole, not many women could say that.

It was Moma who broached the subject first, “I hope you don’t mind Leeann, my sister and sister in law want to meet Leroy, I told them all about him fucking my ass, they think I’m exaggerating”.

“Believe me, she is not exaggerating, that thing in your cunt or ass fills you completely, I know, I’m his mother”, said Leeann.

“You fuck your son as well Leeann, that’s nice, I think it’s only fair you fuck my son if I’m going to fuck yours”, said Maria.

“I look forward to it” said Leeann

“I don’t know how to say this Leeann, Mel said we could use Spike anytime we wanted to, Maria and Myra want to try him, they’ve never fucked a horse before, would that be ok”.

Leeann laughed, “I’m sure Spike won’t mind and I certainly don’t, come and I’ll show you where he is, he’s crafty, he doesn’t get hard now unless someone licks his balls, as soon as you do his cock appears”.

“Leroy and my husband Harry are out in the fields, my other son Frank is there as well, he’s not quite as well endowed as Harry or Leroy, still gives you a decent fuck though”, added Leeann.

“Would you mind if we tried them all Leeann”, asked Maria.

“I shall be annoyed if you don’t, you’ll soon be family, you have to fuck them all”, said Leeann.

They made their way to the barn where Spike stood in his stall. His ears pricked up at the sound of Leeann’s voice, he ha d fucked her so often he knew when she came he was going to fuck again.

“Well here he is, Spike meet your new bitches, first time horse fuckers, make sure you fuck them well”, said Leeann.

Maria and Myra fell to their knees beside Spike, “who’s going to lick his balls then, you or me Myra”, said Maria.

“I don’t mind licking his balls, I’ve licked enough in my time, a horses won’t make a lot of difference” as she grabbed the sac and licked all around it.

Maria was stroking his cock, she saw a tip appear and then get bigger with every stroke and lick till it was over a foot long. Maria opened he r mouth to take the head in and suck as Myra was still licking his balls. She stopped licking and stroked his cock as Maria sucked.

“If you want to fuck him, use that table there, lay on your back and one of can feed his cock into the other’s cunt”, said Leeann.

“Come with me Moma, let’s leave these two for now, I want to show you something, call it a wedding gift for now”, said Leeann leading Moma out of the barn towards another one.

“Meet Ferdinand”, said Leeann pointing to a huge bull tethered in one of the stalls, if you can suck him you join me, I’m the only one who has managed to suck his cock properly”, said Leeann proudly.

Moma looked at her, “honey, if you can suck his cock, I’m sure I can suck it, if I can take Leroy’s cock up my ass I can do anything”, she laughed, “now lead me to this cock you want sucking”.

Moma knelt down and played with Ferdinand till his cock started to appear.

“Holy shit it is big, are you sure you got this in your mouth and sucked it”, she said.

“Witnesses to prove it”, said Leeann smugly.

Moma was stroking Ferdy’s cock as it grew and grew, Leeann stood watching and wondering if this waoman was going to match her. Moma opened her mouth as wide as she could but couldn’t quite get the cock in. She tried again but not quite. “I’ll get this cock in my mouth and suck it if it kills me”, said Moma.

Again she pushed Ferdy’s cock into her mouth till at last some of it was in. A few more contortions with her lips and mouth and she was sucking the bull’s cock.

Leeann clapped her hands, “well done Moma, welcome to the club and the family”, she said as Moma carried on sucking the bull.
Outside the other girls had arrived with Vince , Rose, Daisy, Violet , Marilyn, Mel and Eric had all come over to meet Mel’s family. Mel went to the house but no one was in, “I bet I know what they’re doing”, said Mel, “follow me, but be quiet”, as she led them to the barn where Maria and Myra were with Spike.

Myra was laying on her back as Maria was feeding a horse cock into her cunt. Vince stood transfixed as he saw his wife take more and more into her cunt. He was getting hard watching plus the fact his daughter Marilyn was fingering he r pussy as she too watched he r mother take more and more of the huge horse cock.

Maria was trying to push all of it into Myra’s cunt, cum was running from it as she pumped it in and out till almost all of it was in.
Myra was moaning loudly which was a good job, it meant she couldn’t see her daughter cumming with three fingers in her soaking wet pussy.

Myra was cumming again, she couldn’t stop, this was the best feeling she ever had in her cunt, Samson had been good but this cock filled her. Maria was still pumping her with Spikes cock as she started to cum again. Spike chose this moment to unload his sperm as Myra felt a laod of cum go inside her as if from a fireman’s hose.

Cum was running from her cunt as Maria pulled the cock gently from her sister in law. There was a sound of clapping from the door way as their daughters and kin moved forward. Vince was the first to speak, “that was so hot Myra, seeing that horse cum in you like that, fucking hell, I nearly blew my load just watching”, said her husband.

“Where’s Moma”, asked Rose, “not sure, they were here a while ago”, said Maria. “Follow me”, said Mel raising her finger to her mouth to be quiet. They followed her to another barn wher Moma was still sucking on Ferdinands cock.

She must have been ready to fuck him because she was totally naked as was Leeann. The table was brought over and Moma leaned over it so her cunt was facing the bull’s cock.

Leeann got hold of it and pointed it towards Moma’s open cunt, “are you ready Moma, I’m going to push it in now, prepare yourself, he may push quite hard into you”.

Ferdy gave a snort as his cock felt the soft sides of a pussy hole and lunged forward into her. Moma gave a squeal as the bulls huge dick drove into her. Leeann quickly asked he if she wanted he r to try and pull it out again. “don’t you dare, you leave that cock where it is”, she said slightly out of breath. Moma was fucking the bull back, this cock was making her cum as she lubricated the cock with it.

Her three daughters looked on as their mother was fucked by a bull, Eric and Vince had their cocks out, Marilyn was sucking he r Daddy’s cock while Daisy was sucking on Eric’s. Kylie, Rose, Mel and Violet had fingers in each of their soaking wet pussies.

Moma was cumming again as her sister and sister in law watched, even they couldn’t resist, although Myra had just been fucked by a horse she was still randy as she and Maria fingered themselves.

The huge cock was filling Moma’s cunt to capacity, Leeann was doing he r best to get as much in to her as possible as Moma moaned while cumming again. The cock was rubbing against the sides of her pussy it was so thick keeping her in a perpetual state of arousal.

Too soon for Moma it was over, she felt a gush of cum go into her belly as Ferdy emptied the contents of his balls into her wet cunt. Moma lay still for a while out of breath, it was fully two minutes before she moved.

“That was one hell of a fuck Leeann, you sure are a lucky girl to have this animal on tap to fuck, I would fuck him every day if I had him”, she said crawling out from underneath the bull.

“That was great Moma, we saw the whole thing, how on earth did you take that in your cunt”, asked Rose, her eldest daughter.

“What a day, my wife fucks a horse and my sister fucks a bull, are we dysfunctional or what in this family, I for one am fucking glad we are, otherwise how could I fuck these beautiful girls and no one says I can’t”, said Vince bending his daughter Marilyn over and sticking his cock into her pussy hole.

Vince only took a couple of minutes to cum, watching his sisters antics with the bull plus the sucking he was getting had made him close to cumming anyway, so it didn’t take long to shoot his sperm into his daughters pussy. All of them made their way back to the house, Moma, her pussy lips red and swollen with bull cum running down the onside of her thighs as she walked. Everyone ha d drinks as Harry, Frank and Leroy came home. Introductions were made and everyone had a drink as the three men went off for a shower and clean up.

Later as they sat around drinking Leeann brought up the subject of her sons cock. Moving to sit beside him she put her hands inside his shorts and stroked it for a while. She was proud of her son’s huge cock and wanted to show it off in all its glory, hard as a rock.

Leeann pulled her sons cock out from his shorts as a gasp came from Myra and Maria. In a flash they were kneeling in front of Leroy begging to be able to stroke and suck it. Leeann looked on proudly as the women swapped his cock back and forth struggling to get it into their mouths. She loved fucking her son but didn’t mind sharing him with others, it would be criminal if other women couldn’t feel this cock inside their warm pussies.

Myra and Maria were still naked from their earlier exploits in the barn as Leroy fondled both sets of tits as they sucked.

Marilyn had sat beside Harry and was getting his cock out and stroking it, Hary was already hard as Marilyn bent down and swallowed his cock into her mouth. Kylie and Violet were taking Frank’s cock out and one was licking his balls while the other sucked on it. Vince had Daisy and Rose who were doing the same to him, Rose had all of his cock in her mouth while Daisy had one of his balls in her mouth swirling it around.

All eyes were on Myra and Daisy though as Moma sat beside Leeann fondling her tits and sucking on them while pushing a finger into her very wet pussy. Taking time off from sucking Leeann’s tits Moma proudly announced that she had taken Leroy’s cock up her ass hole and doubted that either her sister or sister in law would be able to.

Maria responded with, “anything you can do, I can do just as well”, and went back to licking and sucking Leroy’s cock.

“I want to lick your ass and your pussy honey, do you mind”, asked Harry as Marilyn sucked his cock.

“Not at all Harry, you can lick me anytime, do you want me on my knees or on my back”, asked Marilyn taking her mouth away from his hard cock.

“On your knees honey, I want to stick my tongue as deep as I can into that lovely hole”, answered Harry. Marilyn got on he r knes on the chair as Harry bent down to lick her little hole. Spreading her cheeks he pushed his tongue in and saw her hole open slightly. Wetting his finger he gently pushed it in and then two fingers till he got a slight gape. Pushing his tongue in as deep as he could Marilyn moaned softly, this was one of her favourite things, her Daddy often licked her as she watched TV before fucking her with his hard cock.

Maria stood up, “time to fuck this cock now, how do you want me Leroy”.

“Bend her over the table like you did when you fucked me”, said Moma.

Leroy pushed her down over the table and moved behind her, “are you ready m’am, here it comes”, said Leroy as he pushed his massive cock against her pussy lips before gently pushing it into her. When he was satisfied that he wasn’t going to hurt her Leroy gave her the fucking of her life. Maria was screaming in ecstasy as he pummelled her cunt.

Cum was leaking from her as she kept cumming and cumming. She had never been fucked like this, not even the big dog had fucked her like this. She was so jealous of Leeann, she had a son with a cock like this to fuck he r everyday if she wished, lucky bastard, she thought as Leroy shoved his cock all the way in.

“Your turn now Myra”, said Moma, “he still has to fuck both of you in the ass after”, she said as she licked the remaining cum from Leeann’s cunt where she had just taken her tongue from.

Myra leaned over the table as Leroy took his place behind her. Myra gasped as the cock went in, this was going to be good as Leroy pumped her hard. Marilyn was cumming hard, Harry’s tongue had made her cum quite quickly as Harry swallowed and tasted the young girls cum. He stood up and asked if it was alright to fuck her pussy and her ass hole.

Marilyn replied he could fuck her in any hole, just hurry up and do it. Harry complied, he shoved his cock into her pink pussy. Leeann was returning the licking to Moma, she could taste Ferdinand the bull’s cum as she licked inside her swollen cunt. Moma was enjoying this, after the stretching by the bull it was nice to get a little tenderness around her pussy. Leeann’s skill at pussy licking soon brought her to a climax as she held Leeann’s head close and showered her with cum.

Vince and Frank were alternately fucking Kylie, Violet, Daisy and Rose. They had lined them up on the floor and were moving from one to another fucking both ass and pussy. Harry had pulled out of Marilyn as she covered his cock with cum, sticking his fingers in he r pussy he pulled them out and rubbed them into her ass hole before slipping his cock in. He marvelled at the tightness of her ass as he pumped her hard, pulling out he saw a perfectly round little hole where his cock had been.

He couldn’t resist, he bent down and licked around the rim before pushing his tongue almost all the way in. Marilyn moaned and pushed her ass hole back as Harry continued to rim her before shoving his cock back in. Harry did this a few more times unable to stop himself from licking around the perfect round gape.

Leroy was ready now to fuck the two ladies in their ass. He advised them to put some cream in there first which they did. Maria and Leeann were finished licking each other as they watched Leroy prepare to fuck.

Maria was first, she gripped the edge of the table as Leroy entered her ass hole, it was hard to take but he was not going to let Moma beat her, she would take this cock up her ass if it half killed her. Leroy was fucking her hard and as her ass muscles relaxed Maria actually began to enjoy it. H e fucked her for a few minutes until it was time to fuck Myra’s ass, Maria’s ass was a huge gape as Leroy pulled out.

“Look at that, I can see inside her ass, that is some gape Maria”, said Moma as Myra took her place at the table. Myra had already lubed her ass as Leroy pushed his cock against her hole. Myra flinched as Leroy pushed harder, this was one hell of a cock inside her as it went in all the way. Myra’s as was stretched like never before, Vince’s cock was nowhere near this big, nor his friends, she too like Maria was not going to let Moma win, she had to take this cock all the way into her ass and enjoy it.

Harry was rimming Marilyn again as she started to cum for the fifth time, Harry was fascinated by her ass for some unknown reason. He had licked his daughters and his nieces and friend s of Leeann’s but this ass got to him and he didn’t know why as he ran his tongue around it again and again.

Vince and Frank had finished fucking the girls on the floor who were now sucking both cocks clean as Leroy was about to cum as well.

“Do you want me to cum in your as Ma’m or somewhere else”, asked Leroy.

“No I want to taste your cum, if it’s anything like your cock I’m sure it will taste wonderful”, said Myra.

Leroy pulled out as Myra turned around to take his cum and was joined by Maria and Moma. “Don’t think you’re getting all this cum you greedy bitch” as all three mouths opened to receive what cum they could. Harry was ready to cum, he wished he wasn’t, he had never enjoyed fucking an ass hole as much as this one as sperm was shot into it. Marilyn turned around and took his cock into her mouth sucking any remaining cum off it and cleaning it thoroughly.

“Can I fuck you again before you go please, I really enjoyed that”, asked Harry.

“Of course you can, that was fantastic”, said Marilyn kissing him as Harry tasted his own cum.


Chapter Twentyone

The wedding was getting close, Moma, Maria, Myra, and their families had all got on well with the other family. I suppose if you call fucking each other’s brains out getting on well, then they got on well. Mel was busy making preparations for the wedding, she hadn’t seen much of Mike in the last few weeks.

She had told him if he was feeling horny he could fuck any of the girls. Mike was, Marilyn and Kylie were fucked regularly by Mike, he knew they would be leaving after the wedding so he wanted as much pussy and ass as he could before they did. His Uncle Ray wasn’t going short either, he had three sisters to choose from, Violet Rose and Daisy the youngest. As Mel helped her mother Hetty choose different things Ray, Mike, Vince and Eric were having a whisky relaxing in the warm evening.

Daisy had Mike’s cock in her mouth as she knelt with her sister Rose, cousin Marilyn and Kylie. Rose was sucking on her Uncle Vince’s’s cock while Kylie was sucking Eric and Marilyn was sucking Ray. Moma and the others were making supper in the kitchen, “I think we should make those lazy bastards look after us for a while, they just sit there having their cocks sucked while we do all the work”, said Myra.

“Are you a little jealous Myra, I saw you look at my husband s cock, I think you would like to have that in your mouth instead of your daughter Marilyn”, said Moma.

Myra laughed, “perhaps you’re right, I’ll suck on it later when Marilyn’s finished”.

“Tell you what Myra, why don’t you take her place, tell her I need her in here and you can suck my husbands cock”, said Moma.

“You’re the best sister in law I ever had”, said Myra.

“I’m the only sister in law you ever had”, laughed Moma.

“Moma wants you in the kitchen Rose”, said Myra as she knelt down to take her place. Rose gave the cock one more suck before getting up.

Myra stroked Ray’s cock and closed her lips around it, she was an expert cocksucker, all of Ray’s quite substantial cock disappeared down her throat.

“Wow, you’re good, that was a hell of a deep throat Myra”, said Ray.

Myra looked pleased, she liked compliments about her prowess at cock sucking and buried his cock down her throat again. Violet, Marilyn and Kylie were all naked as they sucked. “Don’t you feel a little over dressed Myra, the other girls are naked”, said Ray.

Myra started to undress without taking her mouth away from Ray’s cock, soon she was naked as well as the others brought the food out from the kitchen.

“Sorry girls, supper is served”, said Moma as she put the food down. The girls pulled their mouths away reluctantly giving each cock a few stroked before getting up. Chicked drumsticks were served along with other goodies as they filled their glasses with more whisky.

Eric who wasn’t a big drinker was getting tipsy from the booze. “I know what this wants”, he said brandishing a chicken drumstick, “pussy juice, bend over Mom”, he said to Maria. Maria laughed and bent over as Eric shoved his drumstick right up into her cunt till just the end was showing.

He pulled it out and bit some off, “now that’s what I call a spicy chicken”, he laughed as he bit some more off.

Kylie who had been sucking on Eric’s cock was now being pulled towards her daddy who wanted her to suck on his cock. Kylie didn’t mind whose cock she sucked, a cock was a cock. Vince closed his eyes as his luscious young daughter closed her lip around his hardening shaft. Rose who had felt left out grabbed Eric and started to suck his cock while Marilyn was sucking Mike.

Daisy and Violet made a beeline for their daddy but Violet got there first, “we can share if you like”, said Violet as she stroked her daddy’s cock before closing her lips around it. Daisy pouted at being left out, “it’s not fair, I wanted to suck a cock”.

“There’s always Samson, the poor dog hasn’t has his cock sucked for ages”, said Moma. “why don’t you bring him in, you can suck his cock and we’ll see who gets to fuck him later”.

Daisy ran off to return with Samson who wasn’t very happy at being brought in, he was having a snooze in the yard. Daisy laid him on the floor and stroked his sheath pulling it back all the time till a big purple veined cock appeared. Daisy quickly stuffed it into her mouth and began to suck.

Moma looked on proudly as her young daughter sucked deep on Samson’s cock, every suck made it bigger as cum spurted onto Daisy’s tongue. Moma had her legs open as she watched one daughter suck a dog cock and the other one suck her daddy’s cock. Her fingers played around her wet pussy and then disappeared inside as she fingered herself. Maria already had her mouth clamped on Myra’s large tits sucking and pulling her nipples. Myra sat with legs open as Myra pushed her hand into her wet cunt.
Daisy was sucking on Samson’s cock, every so often she would have to stop and swallow the cum that Samson seemed to be spurting more and more of tonight.

It wasn’t like her daddy’s cum, that was salty and she always knew if he had been eating anything spicy, she didn’t like it when he did, but he jus t laughed as he held her head and shoot it down her throat. Dog cum was different, it was tangy and warm, there was definitely no spices in dog cum she thought as she swallowed some more.

Ray was watching his daughter suck the dog cock, she was kneeling with her back to him as he admired the little tight ass hole he had first fucked when she was eighteen. Looking down at his other daughter’s head bobbing up and down on his cock he made his mind up to have an ass fuck tonight.

Maria’s hand was all the way inside Moma’s cunt now as she lay back with eyes closed ready to cum. Maria felt the gush over her hand as Moma let flow. Myra had her tongue all around her pussy and ass hole. Myra was trying to lift her off, without thinking she had lowered herself more and more on Myra’s face.

The reason for that was she was cumming, poor Myra couldn’t move as a shower of cum went over her face and into her mouth. She tried to swallow some but Maria was sitting on her face so tightly she couldn’t, she just had to lay there as Maria pumped her cum all over her.

Marilyn, Kylie, Rose and Violet had been put on their hands and knees on a long couch as each man stood behind them with a cock in hand.

“I’m going to fuck Violet’s ass, I don’t know what you three want to do, but tonight I want to fuck ass”, said Ray

“Ass it is then”, chorused the others as they prepared the girls in front of them to be ass fucked.

Daisy was on her hands and knees as Samson licked her ass and pussy. She patted her ass and called Samson to fuck her, “come on Samson, I’ve sucked your cock, now it’s your turn, fuck me”.

Samson obliged, he mounted her in one jump scratching he r sides with his claws.

“You’re going to get those nails cut before you fuck me again Samson”, shouted Daisy getting out of breath already. Samson was driving his cock into her so hard and fast she was having trouble staying on her knees.

“That’s it boy, fuck me hard with that big dog cock”, shouted Daisy out of breath now. She was cumming hard, Samson always had this effect on her, he filled her young cunt perfectly with his huge cock.

The men had their cocks inside an ass hole now, Vince was in his daughter Kylie’s ass while Ray was deep in Violets ass, as was Mike and Eric.

Ray pulled out and moved over to where Vince was fucking Kylie, “would you mind if I fucked your daughters ass”, asked Ray.

“Be my guest”, said Vince moving over to Eric who moved on to the next ass.

Samson had slowed down, Daisy knew what was coming next, she laid her head on he r arms on the floor as Samson pushed his knot into her. The very thought of Samson’s knot inside her made Daisy cum again. She felt Samsons first shots hit her insides as she covered the dog cock with her own cum.

Myra, Maria and Moma had all cum, the floor was wet where they had as they sat back satisfied watching Daisy and the others getting fucked. Vince had reached his other daughter Marilyn’s ass when he began to cum, he gripped her ass cheeks as he pumped his sperm into her lovely ass.

Ray, Mike and Eric were also cumming into different asses before pulling out as the girls wanted to suck their cocks clean, there was no argument from the men as four eager young tongues sucked on their cocks. Samson was still filling his bitch, Daisy lay there passively as Samson shot load after load of his cum into her belly. The assembled company were sitting watching as they waited for him to finish, it took about twenty minutes before he pulled out as cum ran from her cunt down her inside thighs.

Samson was licking it up as Daisy waited for him to finish, when he did she grabbed his dripping cock and sucked on it removing any cum that was still on there before kissing Myra on the lips sharing the dog cum.

“Tomorrow’s the eve of the wedding, Leeann has asked us all to cum over at lunch time, says it’s a sort of party with a surprise in store for someone”, said Moma.

“I hope it’s Leroy for me”, laughed Maria, “I could use that cock all day”.

Hetty and Leeann had been busy preparing everything for the wedding. Mike had stayed out of the way on Mel’s orders, she didn’t want him under her feet all day, as her mother would say. Besides he was probably too busy fucking his cousins before they went back home. She knew her daddy had liked Marilyn’s ass hole, he couldn’t stop talking about it and how he hoped he would get a chance to fuck her again, Marilyn had promised him he could. He would get hard just thinking about it, numerous times so whatever female happened to be near either had to suck him off or be fucked.

Not today though, everyone was much too busy making the place look tidy, Leeann had the large barn cleared out, she was going to have her party there. Loads of booze and homemade whisky was carried into the barn by cousins and relatives from all over the place. Leeann had planned a few surprises on the quiet, she would reveal them tonight at the party.

The twins were coming home from the city where they had been to college. Lindy too had been working in the city, all were coming home for their sister’s wedding. Hetty’s place wasn’t big enough to accommodate everyone so Leeann offered her the huge barn they had to hold the wedding eve party. Leeann had asked Hetty if she could plan a few surprises and was told to carry on.

Around lunch time throngs started to arrive, relatives from all over the place, word had got around and soon the place was packed with people drinking and talking.

By evening almost everyone was getting tipsy as Hetty called everyone to order. After giving a speech about how glad she was to have Michael, bla bla bla, she gave the floor to Leeann. She gave a speech as well welcoming the new members of the family. She called Myra, Maria, Moma to the middle of the floor she approached them with a small basket. “Pick a ticket each but don’t open it until I tell you”.

Each one picked a ticket and held it close as Leeann told them what was going to happen. “Each ticket has something written on it whatever it is you have to fuck it right here and now, refuse and you pay a forfeit, do you agree to the rules”. All three said yes immediately excited at what was going to happen. Leeann now asked Moma to open hers first.

Moma opened her ticket and said ‘Buster’, a loud ooh went up from the assembled crowd. Moma looked a little bewildered, “who is Buster, what is Buster”, she asked.

“Let me show you, bring Buster in boys”, Billy and Jimmy brought Buster in holding him by the horns. Two more brought in a cage like thing made of wood, Buster was fastened inside it and the men walked away.

“Now Moma, the two boys who brought Buster in own him with their mother, everyone calls her mother by the way, are you there mother, come forward please”.

Mother let the cock she was sucking slip from her mouth and walked out onto the floor. “Moma, mother here has been the only one who can suck Buster’s cock, you have to suck it or pay a forfeit, then you have to fuck him, all the way in, no half measures, do you accept”.

Moma raised her hands above her head in mock celebration, “piece of cake, bring it on”. Buster was fastened in such a way he couldn’t lash out or kick, the boys had built it for their mother and sister so they could fuck Buster easier.

Moma knelt down and played with Buster licking his balls and stroking them. A tip came slowly out as Moma carried on stroking. Soon enough was showing for Moma to start sucking. She opened her mouth and took the cock deep wondering what all the fuss was about. She soon found out, her mouth was filling with cock rapidly, she had to take it out to get her breath back.

Buster’s cock was enormous, a huge red object with veins running through it. This time Moma took it easier, opening her mouth as wide as she could she managed to get some in but couldn’t suck on it. According to Leeann she had to suck it, in and out of her mouth. Her jaws began to ache a little but Moma was a fighter, somehow she opened her mouth enough to slide it in and out as Buster started to shoot his pre-cum in her mouth.

It was getting a little easier now and she was encouraged by the crowd who were applauding her. There were lots of wet cunts in the crowd, men and women were on their knees with heads buried in someone’s cunt, any cunt, it could be your brother, sister, father and even your mother, no one cared as long as their pussy was being licked and sucked. Moma glanced over at Leann as much as to say is that okay just as Leeann called a halt to her sucking.

“Well done Moma, I’m sure you’ll agree folks that was pretty damn good, that is some cock”, said Leeann. “Are you ready for your second part Moma, kneel in front of Buster, Billy and Jimmy will lift his front legs on you and then he’ll fuck you, okay”.

Moma felt the weight of the ram on her shoulders as Jimmy and Billy rested them there. She braced herself, she knew the ram would probably stick his cock straight up her cunt in one go and it might hurt at first.

She was surprised, he jabbed a few times till he found her hole and then slowly pushed it in. ‘Fucking hell, this is big and it’s not even in fully yet’, thought Moma as Buster was now pushing harder. All of it was in now, Moma felt fulfilled, her cunt was stretched like never before, it was a wonderful feeling, she could feel her cum coating Buster’s cock making it slide in and out more easily.

She pushed her ass back to get the full impact of the huge cock inside her, she was cumming incessantly, she couldn’t stop having orgasms, one after the other. Her breath was coming in short bursts now, this was the most ecstatic feeling she had ever had in her life as Buster pounded her wet cunt.

Rose. Violet and Daisy looked on proudly as their mother fucked the rams huge cock, Ray watched his wife fuck as his youngest daughter Daisy stroked his hard cock. Buster was almost finished now, cum was gushing into Moma’s wet cunt as Buster filled her before pulling out.

Leeann helped Moma to her feet as Buster’s cum left a pool on the floor where it ran down her legs. “Well done Moma, you have done it, no forfeit for you, you can relax now”.

“Now Myra, what does it say on yours, Myra held the ticket up and read the name Hercules. “Bring on Hercules”, shouted Leeann.

A man brought in the biggest horse you have ever seen, he was gargantuan.

Another man tied his front and back legs so he couldn’t kick as Leeann read out what Myra had to do. “You have to do the same as Moma, suck his cock and fuck him, but you have to suck him off at the end and let him cum in your mouth, do you accept”.

Myra answered in the affirmative and got under the horse. He was so big she could kneel under to lick his balls and play with his sheath. Myra stroked as she licked his balls and then the biggest cock she had ever seen appeared. There was no way that would fit in her mouth and Leeann knew it.

“You can just lick the shaft all the way up and down Myra and don’t forget his balls”.

Myra put her tongue out and started to lick, it felt smooth as she went from the head right back to his balls licking all the way. His cock was getting harder and harder as she licked, she couldn’t fit he r hand all the way around it because of the size. Her tongue was geting dry licking so she asked for a glass of water. Now her tongue was wet it slid up and down the huge knob much more easily. She spilled some water on her hands and stroked it more vigorously, her pussy was soaking wet, she knew this was going to take some fucking but she was sure as hell going to try.

Kylie and Marilyn looked on as their mother licked and stroked the huge cock, they wer’nt sure their mother could take that in her cunt. “What do you think Daddy?”, said Kylie stroking her Daddys cock, “do you think Mom will take that in her cunt”.

“I don’t know, it will be hard”, said Vince playing with both of his daughters tits.

“I’m ready now”, said Myra, two men brought a small table and helped Myra up on it on her back. Her legs hung over the side as the men pushed it towards the horse cock. Leeann was talking again, “I think her two daughters should help her, she won’t get that cock in on her own, Kylie and Marilyn, come and help your Mom”.

Kylie let go of her Daddy’s cock and followed Marilyn onto the floor. “Are you alright Mom”, they asked taking hold of the giant cock. Myra answered she was fine and thanked them for helping her. Kylie held the cock as Marilyn pulled her Mom’s pussy lips apart, “try and push it in now Kylie, you’ll have to jiggle it about a bit to get it in, keep stroking it as well to keep it hard”, said Marilyn.

Kylie was pushing hard but it kept slipping out each time, “we need another pair of hands”, said Kylie, “we need to pull Moms cunt lips open farther”.

Rose stepped forward, “I’ll help you Marilyn”, she said walking up to them. She hooked her fingers on the side of Myra’s cunt lips and togwther with Marilyn they opened her cunt wide. Kylie pushed and jiggled and finally the massive cock went in, Myra’s pussy hole was as round as a saucer as the horse pushed forward. Myra was crying out, “are you alright Mom, does it hurt”, said a worried Kylie.

“No darling it’s fine, it doesn’t hurt”, as her young daughter pushed more inside her.

Myra was cumming, she was shouting in ecstasy as the huge horse cock filled her pussy hole. Her cunt was filled so much not a drop of her cum could escape, her cunt was completely sealed so big was the cock.

“Time for you to suck him off now Myra”, said Leeann, remember he has to cum in your mouth, you won’t swallow all of it but you must swallow some”.

Myra was he helped to her feet again by Marilyn and Kylie, “good luck Mom”, they said as Myra took a drink of water before licking and stroking the cock again. Myra had both hands stroking now, she was behind the cock sucking and licking his huge balls to try and make him cum. When she thought he was ready he moved to the front again stroking harder and harder while licking the huge head.

Hercules let out a little whinny, a sure sign he was almost ready to cum. Myra stroked even harder as she held the cock close to her face. Before she knew it a gush of hot cum hit her face as she opened her mouth. Hot cum was going down her throat, she couldn’t stop it such was the force of it. She was spluttering and choking as more and more went into her open mouth. Her face and hair was soaked with cum as Hercules finally stopped cumming.

Myra was handed a towel and wiped her face and hair as the audience clapped her. “Well done Mom”, said Kylie and Marilyn as they hugged their mother.

“Your turn Maria, what does your ticket say”, asked Leeann.

“Ferdinand”, said Maria. Maria had sucked Ferdinand before at Leeann’s place, it had been a sort of contest that day, all in fun of course.

“Ferdinand has to fuck you with his front legs on your back, just like he would another cow, when he’s finished you must clean his cock and swallow what cum is left on it, however, he would kill you with his weight so we had this built”.

A contraption was brought in where the bulls front legs were tied to it and then raised up so the bull was almost upright. When this was done Maria was ordered underneath to suck the bulls cock. Ferdinand was taking his time, Maria was stroking him feeling and licking his balls but Ferdy was being stubborn. Maybe he didn’t like being stood up like that. It took a while before his cock began to show, as soon as there was enough to get in her mouth Maria did so. She began to suck and felt Ferdy’s cock begin to grow, ‘about fucking time’, thought Maria as she sucked on his cock. Maria was enjoying herself now, she liked the taste of Ferdy and his spurts of cum on her tongue. She almost gagged as she pushed his cock farther down her throat. Ferdy was growing all the time, she couldn’t get so much in her mouth now.

Eric watched as his mother sucked a bull, he had never seen this side of her before, it was hot, his cock was in his hand as he stroked it. “Can I do that for you Uncle Eric”, said Marilyn taking his cock in her hand. Her sister Kylie was still stroking her Daddy’s cock as they watched the spectacle going on.

Maria was now being fastened to the contraption by her wrists and a small table placed under her belly. Ferdy was lowered until his huge cock was lined up with Maria’s cunt hole. Maria was helpless now, she was at the bull’s mercy, he would ram that big cock all the way up her cunt and she couldn’t stop him.

The thought that she was helpless added to her excitement, he r cunt was very wet, just as well as any second now she was going to get fucked by a massive bull.

Maria was moved backwards till her cunt touched Ferdy’s cock, once he felt the soft folds he was off. Snorting loudly he lunged forward as Maria screamed. Ferdy had penetrated her all the way in, once he was in Maria relaxed her muscles. Ferdy’s cock was now inside her, she ha d no idea if he would fuck her hard or not.

Ferdy just kept his cock inside her much to Maria’s disappointment, she wanted him to fuck her properly, she tried to move backwards and forwards but the restraints stopped her from doing so. Ferdy was shooting his load into her insides as Maria was quickly released, turning around she took his still spurting cock in her mouth tasting the hot cum. She swallowed some but Ferdy had enough now, Maria licked and sucked his cock cleaning every last drop of cum from it. Maria was still horny as fuck, she sought out Harry and asked him to fuck her as she hadn’t cum. Being the gentleman he was Harry obliged fucking her on the spot.

“Okay, that’s the entertainment finished for tonight, now as you know there are certain sleeping arrangements on a wedding night in these families, Vince, you will sleep with the bride to be Mel, make sure you give her a good fucking in case the groom gets drunk tonight and can’t perform”, laughed Leeann.

“Hetty you lucky bitch I believe you and Lindy are going to sleep with the groom, bit unusual but apparently you have both agreed, good luck Mike, the rest of you, sleep with whoever the fuck you want, the barn is all yours, Mike, Vince. Hetty, Mel and Lindy, you can take the beds in the house, the rest us will all get fucked here in the barn” as quite a few girls and women made a beeline for Leroy, he was going to be a busy boy tonight thought his mother Leeann proudly, she wasn’t bothered, he had fucked her well that morning after breakfast.


Chapter Twentytwo

Mike woke up with a strange sensation, he dreamt someone was sucking his cock. Looking down he saw his future mother in law and sister in law sucking and licking his cock. Hetty had one of his balls in her mouth as Lindy sucked on his cock. Mike lay back and laid his head on his arms, he was going to enjoy being in this family, his wife to be was probably at this moment being fucked by her father in law, his father.

Lindy got up from her sucking and sat on his face, her pussy was soaking wet as he put his tongue out for her to sit on. Hetty sucked some more on his cock and then got out of bed.

“I’ll have to go, I’ve got so much to do today, thank you for the fuck Mike, I really enjoyed it, hope we can do it some other time”, she said.

Mike tried to answer but Lindy was grinding down on him with her ass hole, Mike’s tongue was trapped in it as Lindy sat on his face.

Mike had to push her off, “you were suffocating me Lindy, but you have got a lovely ass, I want to fuck it now”.

“I thought you’d never ask”, laughed Lindy getting on her hands and knees.

“Your ass should be wet enough, my tongue’s been in there for ages”, said Mike pushing his cock into her tiny hole. Lindy pushed back on him as he pushed forward and soon his cock was all the way in her ass

Mike was revelling in her tightness when Mel, his bride to be walked in, “hi sis, enjoying yourself”, said Mel fondling her tits and then sitting with legs open in front of her. Lindy leaned forward and licked her pussy, “has Mike’s Dad just cum in there, I can taste cum in your cunt”, said Lindy resuming her licking.

“Nice isn’t it, I just thought I’d flavour it for you”, laughed Mel pulling her sisters head into her pussy.

“Mike, I don’t want you to fuck anyone else today, don’t forget this is our wedding day, tonight you’re all mine, agreed”.

“Agreed honey”, said Mike getting out of breath as he gripped Lindy’s ass cheeks and shooting his load up into her ass hole.

Mel still had Lindy in her grip as she started to cum, her sister was such a good cunt licker, she always knew exactly what to do to make her cum. Lindy opened her mouth as the first gush came, she swallowed as more went into her mouth but getting less and less now. Mel stopped cumming and kissed her sister, Lindy, you really are the best cunt licker in the world, you always make me cum, Mike, I want you to learn how Lindy does it, she can come over next week and you can watch”.

“Now Mike, you and I had better get ready, after all we’re getting married today”, said Mel giving her little sister a kiss to let her taste her cum.

Guests were arriving from all around, Hetty’s four brothers arrived and made a beeline for her. Her tits were squeezed and hands went up, her dress with fingers going into her pussy. She pushed them away, “no boy’s, no pussy for you lot until after the wedding, I have too much to do now”.

She said after the wedding, she knew it would be impossible not to let them. They had always wanted to fuck her, as soon as her Daddy had fucked her on her eighteenth her four brothers were continually fucking her. Drinks were served as more and more guests arrived, soon the place was packed to the rafters. Donna had invited some friends to the wedding from the city, after her husband’s escapades she thought they might not come, it looked like she was right as they hadn’t arrived.

Preacher man arrived as the groom and bride stood before him, all the preliminaries were read and then they were pronounced man and wife. Donna was congratulating them when she felt a tap on the shoulder, it was her friend Jennifer from the city.

“Sorry we’re late, we got lost”, as they hugged. “Where’s Roddy”, said Donna only noticing her two daughters and Ben her son.

“Roddy and I split up a while back, he became very boring, never wanted to go out, never wanted to have sex, then I found out why, he was a closet gay, he had a boyfriend, he lives with him now”.

“I’m sorry to hear that”, said Donna hugging her friend again. Jennifer’s two daughters were nineteen and twenty, Alanis and Charlene, (Charlie), Ben was a strapping six footer, handsome, and muscular. He shook Donna’s hand and hugged her tightly making sure he pressed up tightly against her breasts. Donna’s pussy twitched, the way he held her made her think he wanted more, god, she hoped so, she would fuck him all night if necessary.

They were introduced to various guests including Leroy who had just been standing with the twins, Nicky and Joanie, they couldn’t resist stroking his massive cock so now it was quite hard.

“This is Charlene and Alanis, this is my nephew Leroy”, said Donna. Leroy hugged Charlene first who suddenly pulled back and then pushed forward again.

She had just felt Leroy’s cock, she was used to young men getting hard when they hugged her, she loved to feel their hard cocks between them. This was different, either he had a piece of pipe down there or this was the biggest cock she had ever known. The hug lasted longer than it should have, Charlie wasn’t keen to get away.

Donna knew exactly what was happening as she pulled Charlie away. Alanis was next, her eyes opened wide as she pushed against Leroy’s cock.

“And this is Jennifer my friend, give her a good hug Leroy”, said Donna winking at him.

Jennifer gave the game away, she couldn’t help gasping as the massive cock pushed against her. She hadn’t had sex since Roddy had left her, she could feel her pussy get wet as Leroy ground into her crotch. Leroy could feel her pressing against his cock, on the pretence of rubbing he r back he let his hand fall to her ass and squeezed. If Jennifer had resisted he would have backed off, she didn’t so he pressed even harder. Charlie was watching her Mom, ‘she wants to fuck him’ she thought as her Mom ground herself harder against Leroy. She felt a tinge of jealousy as she watched, when she had pressed up against that cock she wanted to fuck him as well, now her mother was going to have it all to herself.

Donna was thinking hard, her pussy was wet thinking about Ben, she wanted to taste his cock, she envisaged it halfway down her throat as her pussy got wetter. If she could get Leroy to fuck Jennifer and her daughters at the same time she could get Ben to join in. With a bit of persuasion she managed to get the six of them into a room where she could put her plans into operation.

She couldn’t let Leroy fuck Jennifer first, somehow she had to get Ben to fuck his mother first, then she could have him all to herself later, her pussy was dripping just thinking about sucking and fucking the six footer, she couldn’t wait to get this cock up her ass hole.

Back to the present, she pulled Jennifer away from Leroy pushing Charlie and Alanis towards him. Taking Leroy’s cock out herself she pushed both heads towards it as they began to lick it, “don’t worry girls if you can’t get it into your mouths, not many people can”, said Donna as both girls were pulling faces trying to get his cock to fit inside their mouths.

“Have you shaved that pussy of yours like I asked you to Jennifer”, said Donna lifting her dress up.

“Oh lovely, that’s better, now I can see your clit and your pussy lips”, said Donna diving on her friend.

Jennifer had got so worked up with Leroy’s cock pressing against her she made no move to stop her even though Ben her son was present. Donna licked her pussy opening it up to reveal he r clit and then biting it gently.

Jennifer cried out, this was only the second time she had her cunt licked by a woman, the feeling was so intense, she doubted if a man could make her feel so good. It was different now, the tongue was going deeper into her as she lay with eyes closed moaning loudly. The reason it was different was because Ben was licking his Moms pussy, truth was he had watched her many times in the shower and masturbated over his fantasies about what he would do with her.

Jennifer’s legs were lifted up and a tongue inserted in her ass hole licking and probing. She kept her eyes tightly closed scared if she opened them this wondrous feeling would go away. Her ass hole opened slightly to let the tongue inside and then he r pussy exploded, the most wonderful cum she had ever experienced was washing over her, cum was shooting from her cunt as she felt another tongue in her pussy.

She knew there were two but at that moment she couldn’t care, all she wanted to do was cum and cum as the tongue in her ass hole kept licking. Donna ha d taken Ben’s cock in her hand and was stroking it, she yearned to put it in her mouth and suck and suck on it but she had other plans.

Nodding to Ben she smotherd Jennifer with kisses to her mouth as Ben pulled his Mom’s legs down and entered her wet pussy.
Jennifer thought it must be Leroy, funny she thought through her sex crazed mind, ‘he’s not as big as he seemed before’.

Donna had her tongue down Jennifer’s throat covering her face so she couldn’t see her son fuck her as he pounded his Mom’s cunt. Leroy had stripped both sisters who were now on their knees in front of him ready for his cock. Jennifer didn’t hear the gasp from her daughter as Leroy entered her pussy, Charlie had been first to feel the power of Leroy’s huge dong, her pussy was stretched as far as it had ever been stretched.

She had never felt friction like it on the walls of her cunt, this cock was going to spoil her for good, those ‘boys’ she had fucked were now history, this is what a real cock should feel like. Leroy had speeded up fucking her, he was worried at first he might hurt her, being a ‘southern gentleman’ he had no wish to hurt any lady but Charlie seemed to be enjoying it. Charlie was enjoying it, her pussy felt so good with this huge cock inside, cum was gushing from her as Leroy fucked.

“Sorry Charlie, got to fuck Alanis now”, he said pulling out his cock and entering her. Now it was Alanis’ turn to gasp, her pussy had less use than Charlie’s being younger and this thing filled her and more.

The realisation suddenly came to Jennifer, if Leroy was fucking her daughters, who was fucking her. She tried to push her friend Donna away but Donna held her tight.

“It’s alright Jennifer, just lay back and enjoy it”, she said pressing he r tongue inside Jennifer’s mouth.

Jennifer wanted to move, she now knew it was her son fucking her, she wanted to move but the feeling was so good she couldn’t. Ben was pushing his cock against her ass hole, she ha d allowed her husband Roddy to fuck her ass, he was insistent, now she knew why.

Ben had his fingers in his mother’s wet pussy taking them out and lubricating her ass with them. When he was satisfied he pushed his cock into his Mom’s willing ass hole and played with her clit at the same time.

Jennifer couldn’t move, Donna’s kisses and her son’s cock were driving her crazy, she was cumming more than she had ever cum before as Ben’s fingers and cock worked their magic on her.

Ben was enjoying himself, he used to watch his Mom’s ass sway when she walked in front of him, he would purposely walk behind her just to watch. He couldn’t believe his luck, now his cock was stuck up that wondrous ass hole he admired so much. Donna decided she wanted a taste of this handsome young man’s sperm before she fucked him, “cum on her ass Ben, I want to taste that lovely cum of yours, I’ll bet it’s delicious”, she said to Ben.

Ben was on the verge of cumming anyway, he had wanted to cum in his Mom’s ass, but hey, ‘I can’t be selfish’, he thought as cum spewed from his cock over her ass.

Donna stopped kissing Jennifer and slurped the cum off her ass before kissing her again letting her taste her son’s sperm. Jennifer was in no mood to refuse, she licked her lips and swallowed commenting on her son’s nice cum. Alanis had cum three times already, this was the most amazing cock she had ever had, it filled her young pussy fuller than anything she had ever had up there, but Leroy was pulling out of her.

“No, no, no, please leave your cock in my pussy, don’t take it out”, she was pleading

She was too late, it was already up inside Charlie who was moaning with pleasure. Jennifer had recovered as Ben hugged her playing with her tits, “can I fuck you anytime now when I want to Mom, I’ve always wanted to fuck you”.

“Of course you can Ben, you can move into the bed with me if you want to”, she answered.

“That would be fantastic Mom”, said Ben squeezing her tits even harder.

“Can I borrow him tonight Jennifer, after all if it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t be fucking him at all”, laughed Donna.

“Of course you can Donna, you can borrow him whenever you like, you don’t mind do you Ben”.

For an answer Ben leaned over and pushed his fingers into Donna’s pussy, “I don’t mind at all”, he smiled.

Leroy was still fucking Charlie much to Alanis’ disappointment as Jennifer watched the huge cock go in and out of her daughter’s pussy hole. She made her mind up she would sample that cock before they went back to the city, Roddy was a thing of the past now, she had her son to fuck her. Leroy was cumming, he wanted to fuck Alanis again but he couldn’t hold it any longer. Turning Alanis around he let her have it all over her face.

Charlie licked her face tasting his cum, “next time you can be fucked twice, okay”, said Charlie, she knew her little sister was upset, she didn’t like that, she loved her sister.

Donna could see she was sulking, “what’s the matter Alanis, didn’t you get enough of that big cock, would you like some more, both of you”.

The girls nodded, “then come with me”, she said. She found Carrie and Marylou, her two daughters who were with their Daddy. As usual Marylou was knelt in front of Jon her husband sucking his cock, Marylou loved her Daddy’s cock, she would suck it at all times of the day.

“Carrie, I want you to introduce Alanis and Charlie to Spike please”, said Donna.

“Can I go as well Mom”, said Marylou.

“I thought you wanted to suck Daddy’s cock, that’s why I didn’t ask you, of course you can go”.

“Who’s Spike”, asked the two girls excitedly.

“Wait and see, you’re in for a surprise girls”, laughed Carrie.

They knew each other from their days in the city and they talked of things as they walked towards the barn. Charlie and Alanis looked around, “well, where’s this big cock then”.

“There”, said Carrie waving her hand towards Spike who was standing chewing hay.

“I can’t see anyone”, said Alanis.

Carrie and Marylou said nothing, they both knelt beside Spike and started to play with his sheath and balls.

“Oh my god, you mean the horse cock don’t you”, said Charlie, “please tell me you don’t mean the horse cock, you can’t fuck a horse”.

Carrie and Marylou said nothing, they just carried on stroking Spike till his cock appeared. Carrrie opened her mouth and began to suck on him as he got bigger and bigger. Charlie and Alanis were standing wide eyed and open mouthed as the two girls took turns to suck on the horse cock.

It was now about twelve inches long and hard. “Well, do want to try it or what, if you don’t we’ll just fuck him, it won’t be the first time”, said Carrie.

“You mean you’ve actually fucked this horse”, said Charlie.

“Of course I have, and Bruno the dog, you should try it, it’s fantastic, the best fuck you’ll ever have”, said Carrie mater of factly as Marylou carried on sucking Spikes cock.

Charlie didn’t want to be the one who chickened out, “okay, I’ll give it a try”, she said kneeling beside Marylou.

Marylou handed her the cock, “just forget it’s a horse cock, suck it like you would a man’s cock, it’s easy”.

Charlie held the cock and looked at it, the head was quite big and she wondered if it would fit in her mouth. It took a couple of tries before she got it into her mouth and began to suck as Marylou licked the shaft. Charlie sucked on the cock not really noticing it belonged to a horse, she rubbed her tongue on the underside as she took it in and out of her mouth.

Alanis wanted to have a go now, she knelt by her sister as Charlie handed her the cock. “You’ll have to open wide Sis to get the head in your mouth”, explained Charlie as Alanis pulled a few faces before finally getting it in.

Marylou and Carrie were watching, “you’re both natural horse cock suckers”, laughed Carrie as Charlie gave her a finger salute.

“Look whose here”, said Marylou as Bruno walked into the barn wagging his tail, he had heard the voices and wanted to investigate.

Marylou hugged him and couldn’t resist stroking his sheath, “I’ll bet you’ve been neglected because of the wedding and everything Bruno, I’ll be t you haven’t had a fuck for days you poor thing”, she said as his red tip began to appear.

“I told you he was horny”, said Marylou talking to her sister, “look his cock is out already”, as she bent down to suck it.

“Do you want to try Bruno now, let Alanis suck Spike for a while”, she asked Charlie.

Charlie turned around to see Marylou with a dog cock halfway down her throat, “my god is there any animal you won’t fuck”, said Charlie coming over.

“Try it”, said Marylou getting out of the way. Charlie had already sucked on a horse cock, how could sucking a dogs cock be any worse.

“He’ll cum in your mouth Charlie, don’t worry, it won’t poison you, just swallow, we do all the time”, said Carrie.

Charlie opened her mouth and immediately cum landed on her tongue.

“Oooh, it’s hot, hotter than a man’s cum”, she spluttered and went back to sucking Bruno.

Carrie walked over to Alanis, “would you like to fuck him, he’s used to it, he’s fucked every female for miles around, I can arrange it”.

Alanis thought about Leroy’s cock and how she had missed out, maybe this horse cock would be just as good.

“Okay, I think I will fuck him, how do we start”.

Carrie brought the table and told Alanis to lay on it with legs spread open. She pushed the table under Spike who was twitching now, he knew what was cumming. Carrie manoeuvred Alanis till her pussy was almost touching Spikes cock. Holding her pussy open with one hand she pushed the cock into the opening.

“Yes, fuck yes, push his cock in deeper, oh fuck yes”, cried Alanis as Carrie pushed Spike’s cock in even farther working it in and out.

Alanis was trying to move forward on the table, she forgot the fact she was fucking a horse, it was a cock, that’s all that mattered as she moaned loudly. Charlie had weel and truly got her lips wrapped around Bruno’s cock, she was beginning to enjoy the spurts of cum on her tongue, it was different and gagged a little as she tried to deep throat his cock.

She was surprised how big a dog cock could get, she had always assumed they were little red dicks, Bruno’s was about eight inches long and thick with veins running through it. She took her mouth away and admired it, eight or nine inches of hard purple dog cock and licked it all the way up to his knot.

Marylou thought she had beter explain what happened when Bruno would knot her, Carrie listened intently as she explained how that lump at the end of his cock would go inside her cunt and then fill her with cum.

“When he does, put your head on the floor and lay still, whatever you do don’t move, it will hurt you and Bruno”, she explained.

“Get on your hands and knees now Charlie, let him lick your ass and pussy”.

Charlie got on her knees as Bruno stuck his long tongue right up her wet pussy.

“Holy shit, that tongue goes right inside, fuck me that’s nice, keep going Bruno, lick my cunt, lick me”, shouted Charlie.

Bruno did lick, so much so that Charlie began to cum making him lick even harder lapping up her juices. Charlie was in ecstasy, Leroy’s cock ha d been good, but this tongue inside her was driving her crazy, why oh why hadn’t she fucked a dog before. Her sides were scratched as Bruno mounted her, after a bit of pushing and probing he found her hole. She was glad Bruno had made her cum, if she had been dry she would have screamed blue murder, his cock was all the way in, in one foul swoop.

She had never been fucked so fast, it was like a steam hammer was pounding her cunt, she was cumming again as Bruno showed no signs of slowing down. Alanis had her eyes closed, the wonderful feeling of a full pussy had left her in a state of bliss, Carrie was still fucking her with Spike’s cock and more and more was going into her.

“He’s going to cum soon, brace yourself, it’s like a fireman’s hose when he does, the cum will run from you for ages”, warned Carrie.

Then it happened, a jet of cum hit Alanis’ insides as Spike jettisoned his sperm inside her. Carrie held his cock in her till he had finished, she didn’t want to spoil Spike’s orgasm any more than she would spoil her Daddy’s.

Spikes cock began to shrink as cum ran in rivulets from Alanis, she was almost out of breath as she struggled to rise. Her eyes were glassy as she walked away, she hugged Spike, “thank you Spike, that was one hell of a fuck”.

Charlie was still being fucked at speed, she couldn’t stop cumming, Bruno was like a machine but suddenly he slowed down.

“He’s not finished yet is he”, said Charlie almost pleading for it not to be true.

“No chance Charlie, he’s going to knot you now and then fill your belly with cum, you’re his bitch now, this is how he traps you”, said Marylou.

Charlie gasped as Bruno forced his knot inside her, her cunt was being stretched wide now, Charlie was cumming again, this was a wonderful feeling, she could feel his cock throbbing inside her and cum hitting her belly.

‘This is the way to get fucked properly’, thought Charlie as she laid her head on her arms to wait for Bruno to fill her. ‘When we get home I’m going to make Mom buy a dog, and then I’m going to train him to fuck Mom, Alanis and me every day’, thought Charlie.

It took about twenty minutes for Bruno to shrink enough to plop out of her as cum ran from her still open pussy.

“Do you want to clean his cock Charlie, we always suck his cock clean after he fucks us, I think he kind of expects it”.

“No problem”, said Charlie bending down and taking Bruno’s cock sucked and ,licked it clean.

Back at the house Jennifer asked where they had been, both said they would tell her later and Charlie said she wanted a big dog when they got back to the city tomorrow.

Night time came and Donna asked Ben if he still wanted to fuck her, he said “hell yes”.

“If you’re going to borrow my son, I think it’s only fair I borrow your nephew Leroy, ”, said Jennifer.

“Be my guest”, said Donna leading her young stud to the bedroom.


Chapter Twentythree

Jennifer woke with a start, looking around she wondered where the hell she was, her pussy was tender as she put her hand down to feel it. Leroy, it all came back to her, she looked at her watch, it was still only seven thirty, they rose early here in the country as she lay back on the bed gingerly feeling her swollen pussy.

Ben woke as well to find his bed empty, Donna had already risen as well, Donna had been a great fuck, she had shown him tricks he never dreamed of, he couldn’t wait to get back to the city and try them out on his Mom. Thinking about his Mom made him hard again, he had always wanted to fuck her, now he had fucked her ass and her pussy, life was going to be good from now on.

Charlie and Alanis were in bed together, Alanis was still asleep, Charlie was thinking about Bruno, that dog had given her a fuck like no other, she thought about when she sucked him and the little drops of cum that landed in her mouth as she swallowed, it was more exciting than a man. Her fingers moved down to her pussy and began to massage her clit, two fingers went inside as she moaned gently all the time fingering herself.

The noise woke Alanis, “are you playing with yourself Charlie, you woke me up”.

“Sorry Alanis, I was just thinking about Bruno fucking me, you should try it Alanis, it’s fucking fantastic, he cums in your mouth all the time you’re sucking his cock”, she said her voice getting more breathless.

“Let me do that”, said Alanis getting between her sisters legs and pushing her tongue into her pussy.

Charlie was so far gone she jumped as if an electric shock had passed through her, she grabbed Alanis by her hair and pulled her tight to her wet cunt.

In no time at all Alanis’ hair and face were soaked with cum from her sister as she was still being held tight. At last Charlie let he r go, “thanks sis, I needed that, that dog has got me all worked up”.

Ben was going to the bathroom and looked in his mother’s bedroom. Leroy had gone and his Mom was laying asleep. Coming back he decided to join her in her bed. Pulling back the cover slowly he climbed in beside her, her tits looked so inviting he wanted to suck on them, his cock was beginning to rise again as he pulled the covers down some more.

He knew his Mom had shaved since she got here, when he used to spy on her before she had a mass of hair, now he could see her lovely cunt in all it’s glory. Lust took over, he bent down and took one of her nipples in his mouth sucking gently before moving to the other one as his hand slid down towards her bare pussy.

Jennifer opened her eyes slightly and pretended not to notice, Ben was sucking on her nipples and ever so tenderly massaging her sore pussy. She reached out her hand and stroked his hard cock as she smiled up at him, “good morning Ben”.

Ben kissed her on her lips just expecting a motherly kiss, he was surprised when his Mom opened her mouth and pushed her tongue in. Ben responded by tonguing her back as mother and son thrashed on the bed in wild abandon.

Ben’s fingers were inside his Moms cunt now fingering furiously. Jennifer pulled them out, “what’s the matter Mom, don’t you want me to fuck you”.

“I’d like nothing better Ben, but Leroy has left my pussy feeling sore, would you mind if you just fucked me in the ass for now, I promise I’ll make it up to you when I’m not sore”.

“Of course not Mom, I’m sorry if I hurt your pussy, you know I love your ass”, said Ben kissing her passionately again.

Charlie and Alanis had made their minds up, they were going to persuade their Mom to stay for another week. Charlie had been told Spike was a great fuck and Alanis wanted to try Bruno.

“Let’s go and talk to Mom now, maybe she’s alone now”, said Charlie as they headed for the room where Jennifer and Leroy had spent the night.

The door was slightly ajar as they peeped through, Mom wasn’t alone, but who was with her made the girls smile. Their brother was just about to enter their Mom’s ass hole with his hard cock as they watched. Charlie had just cum but this sight made her put her hands between her legs again, this was so hot they had to join in. Pushing the door open they walked in and closed it behind them. Jennifer wanted to jump out of bed but with a cock up her ass she really couldn’t. Jennifer knew that the girls had seen Ben fuck her yesterday so she thought what the hell, the more the merrier.

“I see you two are enjoying yourselves then”, said Charlie sitting on the bed and squeezing her Mom’s tit as Alanis sat on the other side squeezing the other one.

“Does this mean Ben can fuck us as well Mom, you can’t keep that cock all to yourself now can you”, said Charlie pinching her Mom’s nipple.

“I suppose so, do you want to fuck your sisters Ben, It’s up to you”, said Mom.

“Is the pope catholic, you fucking bet I want to fuck them, I hope you two take it in the ass as well, I love to fuck a nice ass, just like this one”, said Ben as he tried to push his cock farther into his Mom’s ass hole.

“I do, I take it in the ass, Alanis has taken it only once, you’ll have to go easy on her”, said Charlie.

“You know I love my sisters, I would never hurt my little sister, don’t worry Alanis, I shall treat your little ass like a valuable vase, very gently”, replied Ben.

“Thank you brother, I love you as well, I know you’ll fuck my ass gently”, replied Alanis as Ben gripped his Mom’s ass cheeks and shot his load into her ass hole.

“That was fantastic Mom, I am so going to enjoy fucking you and my sisters in the ass from now on”.

“I hope you’re going to fuck our pussies as well, I don’t mind being fucked in the ass, but I like pussy as well”, pouted Charlie.
Ben smiled, “don’t worry sis, you’ll get plenty”, he said as he pulled his cock out.

“Mom, Charlie and I want to stay here for another week, we don’t have to go back right away do we, there’s nothing urgent on is there”, said Alanis.

“What about you Ben, can you stay another week”, asked Mom

“Sure, no problem, I’ll just ring and tell everyone I’ll be back next week”, said Ben.

“Thanks guys”, said the girls and ran off to get dressed realising they were still naked.

The twins were just coming out of the bathroom as they walked past.

“Hello, who are you, were you here for the wedding”, asked Joanie.

“Yes we’re friends of Donnas, were here with our Mom and brother”, replied Charlie.

“Nice to meet you both, have you looked around yet, there’s plenty of animals and things to see, some people say it’s boring, I think it’s great”, said Nicky.

“We’ve met Bruno and Spike yesterday”, said Alanis only to be nudged by her sister.

Nicky noticed the nudge, “so you’ve met Spike and Bruno have you, well, there’s Buster, hound dog, and Lucky, another pony, we can show you if you wish, Bruno’s the best though”, she whispered in Charlie’s ear, “and Jasper’s just as good as Spike”, she whispered in Alanis’ ear.

Both girls blushed, Carrie had told the twins about their city friends fucking Spike and Bruno so they guessed who they were.

“Don’t worry about us knowing, I doubt if there is a female in this house who hasn’t fucked Spike or Bruno, it’s common practice around here, want a fuck, if no one available, call Bruno, or Spike or Jasper, you get the idea”, said Nicky.

“Meet us after breakfast and we’ll come with you, introduce you so to speak”, said Joanie.

“Oh by the way, no one wears any underwear around here”, said Nicky lifting her skimpy dress to show a shaved pussy.

“Okay, we’ll remember that”, said Charlie and Alanis lifting their dresses to pull down their knickers and step out of them. Breakfast over the four girls met up at the barn, Spike was still tied up but Jasper was in a field along with some other horses.

“Let’s see if Buster is still here shall we”, said Nicky.

Going round to where Buster should be they saw that he hadn’t been taken home yet. “We’ll ask Jimmy and Billy if we can borrow him later, he has a massive cock, I wouldn’t advise fucking him, you’re not experienced enough yet, but you can play with his cock if you like”.

They called Jasper, he was Mel’s pony, she would be too busy fucking her husband to worry about Jasper now. Jasper came running up to the girls, maybe he remembered the nice things they did to his cock when they called him but he came very quickly. He was led back to the stable where he was tied up. Nicky left her sister with the two girls who were already stroking Jaspers sheath.

“I wonder if he’s as big as Spike”, said Charlie licking Jasper’s balls and fondling them.

“We’ll soon find out”, said Alanis stroking his sheath with longer and firmer strokes.

“Here it comes”, as a long prick shot out of the sheath.

“Oh look, it’s got pretty patterns on it”, said Alanis shoving it into her mouth and sucking on it.

“Why don’t you go to Spike Charlie, he’s probably a little jealous of the attention Jaspers getting, said Joanie.

“Good idea”, and walked over to Spike. Spike could smell the aroma of pussy and was already out of his sheath as Charlie knelt beside him.

She examined his cock. There were no pretty patterns on this one, just a long black cock as she opened her mouth wide to receive it.

Nicky returned with Hound dog and Bruno, “look what I found Joanie, these two poor dogs were just wandering about, I thought we might give them a little TLC, do you agree”.

“Absolutely”, she said already stroking hound dogs sheath.

Nicky was on her knees stroking Bruno, what a picture that would have been if someone had walked in five minutes later. Four beautiful young girls with a cock in each mouth, not just a cock, two horses and two dogs. Alanis looked at the twins, she had heard about how good Bruno was at fucking from her sister, she wanted to try it, she already had a horse fuck, now she wanted a dog fuck.

“Can I swap Nicky, I’ve never sucked a dogs cock before, Charlie tells me it’s great, he keeps cumming on your tongue while you’re sucking, is that right”.

“He sure does, it’s quite warm the first taste, but don’t worry, just swallow, it’s never hurt us and we’ve swallowed loads and loads”.

Alanis opened her mouth and tasted her first dog cock, Charlie was right, she could feel the first drops of cum on her tongue, and it was warm, unlike a man’s sperm which was creamy”.

“Why don’t I show you around the farm now you’re staying longer, I’m glad you’re staying longer”, said Donna hugging her friend.

“Yea right, it’s only because you want to fuck my son again, tonight I want Jon, it’s only fair”, laughed Jennifer.

The two walked about for a bit talking of time s in the city when they approached the barn. They could hear voices, Donna approached quietly and put her hand over her mouth to stifle the sound. Putting her fingers to her lips to tell Jennifer to be quiet she pulled her behind some bales of hay. Jennifer looked over and she too put her hand over her mouth. Her two young daughters were on their knees, Charlie had a horse cock in her mouth and her youngest daughter had a dog cock in hers.

Two other girls were the same, all four girls were sucking an animals cock, Charlie had at least four inches of horse cock in her mouth sucking back and forth. Alanis ha d cum running down the side of her mouth Bruno was cumming so much. Jennifer should have stood up and shouted at her girls to stop doing this, she felt ashamed that her pussy was getting wet, this should not be happening, her brain was shouting to stop, stop, but her pussy was saying I want to watch this.

Donna looked at her friend, her breathing was getting heavier and heavier, Donna was scared they might be heard. She put her finger to her mouth again to tell her to be silent. She felt her pussy, her knickers were absolutely soaked, she was enjoying this, maybe she should let her join in, by the look and feel of her she was sure she wouldn’t object. She took her hand and led her quietly to where they could be seen and watched, the girls were so engrossed in cock sucking they didn’t notice them at first. Joanie was the first to notice, she couldn’t care less that someone had seen her sucking a dog cock, she nudged Alanis who jumped up when she saw her Mom.

“Mom, what are you doing here, I’m sorry Mom”.

Charlie too had dropped Spikes cock from her mouth, and ran over to Alanis, “it’s my fault Mom, don’t blame Alanis”, she said putting her arm around her in a protective manner.

“It’s alright, I’m not angry, if you want to carry on, I don’t mind”, said Jennifer.

“Great Mom, love you”, said her daughters and went back to sucking on their respective cocks.

Donna ha d unfastened Jennifer’s skirt and let it drop to the floor, there was large wet patch on her knickers on her crotch. Charlie noticed it, “I see you’re enjoying this too Mom, why don’t you join me, it’s really nice, Spike has a lovely cock, come over here”.

Donna half pushed her friend towards her daughter and pushed her to her knees, “here Mom try it”, said Charlie pushing her head towards Spikes cock. Hesitantly Jennifer opened her mouth and licked the head, “nice isn’t it Mom, go on suck on it, you’ll love it”, and pushed her Mom’s head onto the cock.

Jennifer didn’t want to appear scared about sucking the cock, after all her daughters were sucking on it, how bad could it be. Taking a deep breath she pushed about four o r five inches into her mouth and sucked it like a man’s cock.

“That’s it Mom, now you’re sucking”, encouraged her daughter as Mom sucked as deep as she could.

Five minutes later Alanis called to her, “come and give Bruno a suck now Mom, you should taste the cum he gives you, he never stops cumming on your tongue”.

Jennifer rose, she couldn’t be seen to favour one daughter. Kneeling beside Alanis she showed her how to grab his cock behind his knot to suck him. Joanie had showed her how to do this earlier, “put your fingers behind there Mom so his cock is standing out straight and then suck on it”.

“Oooh, what’s that”, said Jennifer pulling her mouth away.

“I told you Mom, it’s cum, just swallow what you can, the rest will run down your chin”, said Alanis pushing her Mom’s head back down on to Bruno’s cock and laughing.

Jennifer sucked on his cock, cum was landing on her tongue which she found hard to swallow and suck at the same time with the result cum was now hanging in strands from her chin. Donna whispered in Joanie’s ear and she pulled Alanis over to Hound dog to suck his cock. Donna had already stripped naked as she and Joanie lay on the hay sixty nine position. Donna had to get some relief, she was as wet as hell from watching as Joanie dived into her wet cunt with her tongue. Donna did the same sticking her finger into Joanie’s ass hole as she did. It didn’t take long for Donna to shower Joanie with cum and vice versa as both women sated themselves.

Now Donna could think straight she went to Jennifer, “which one do you want to fuck Jennifer, you’ve gone this far you might as well fuck one of them”.

“No, no, I couldn’t, I couldn’t”, she cried.

“Yesterday Mom, Alanis fucked Spike and I fucked Bruno, it was the most wonderful fuck I have ever had, when he puts his knot into you and then fills your belly with his cum”, she shuddered just at the thought of it.

“Yea, go on Mom, I would love to see that dog dick in your pussy”, said a voice.

It was Ben, he had been listening by the door where no one had seen him.

“Are you sure you don’t mind son, I wouldn’t mind trying it, if what Charlie says is true, it must be good”.

“I was going to fuck him Mom, but you can instead, I’ll just watch”, said Alanis.

“I’ll fuck you if you want”, said Ben.

“Oh thanks Ben, you’re a wonderful brother kissing him forcing her tongue into his mouth.

Donna was already pulling Jennifer’s wet knickers down, they were absolutely sodden now as she tossed them away. Kneeling on all fours she felt Bruno’s tongue inside her, she shouted out in ecstasy, the tongue was almost licking her inside her cunt as she started to cum making Bruno lap it up.

“Put your head on the floor Jennifer, gives him better access to your pussy”, as Jennifer felt a weight on her back with a scratch on each side. Her pussy was so wet it didn’t take long for Bruno to find her hole, one push and he was inside her pumping her like a piston engine. Jennifer was out of breath as he fucked her, the sped was something she had never experienced before, the friction on her pussy was unbelievable as strong legs held her tight.

Alanis had already stripped her brother and was knelt in front of him sucking his cock, this was a first for both of them, Ben looked down at his little sister sucking him and couldn’t wait to lick her ass and pussy as well. He pushed Alanis to the floor and lifted her legs telling her to hold them up. He opened her small pussy lips to marvel at the bright pink, holding her open as far as he could he licked all around her pussy in circular movements.

Alanis was moaning loudly, no one had ever licked her pussy like this, not even her sister Charlie. She pushed up as she began to cum but Ben never stopped licking, he tasted her cum swallowing before holding some in his mouth. Leaning forward he kissed his sister letting her cum run into her open mouth before going back to her pussy. Her little brown sphincter looked so inviting, wetting his finger he pushed it into her ass hole before pushing his tongue in. Alanis was in heaven, if this was to be what fucking he r brother was like she would fuck him ten times a day.

Grabbing his cock he entered his sisters pussy for the first time, he knew it wouldn’t be the last as he plunged inside her fucking her hard. Joanie was talking to Jennifer, “he’s going to tie with you now, that means his knot will go inside your pussy, keep your ass as high as possible and whatever you do don’t move, it will hurt if you do”.

Jennifer tried to answer, she was out of breath both from cumming and the pure ecstasy of the dog fuck. Her daughter was right, Bruno was one of the best fucks she ever had. What was happening now, something was being forced into her cunt, something huge, she didn’t mind at all what it was, she closed her eyes and waited for her dog to finish doing what he wanted to with his bitch.

She was his now body and soul, his strong legs wrapped around her made her feel safe, he could do anything he wished to her. At last his know was in, his cock throbbed as the first shot of cum landed inside her belly. She sighed contentedly as Bruno filled her, she had never known a feeling like this, she was beginning to cum again as his cock throbbed incessantly in her cunt.

Kneeling beside her was Joanie with Hound dogs cock inside her, she too had her head on her arms with a faraway look in her eyes as Hound dog fucked her. Ben wanted to fuck his sisters little tight ass hole now, he had been fingering he r non stop in her ass while he fucked her pussy, she should be ready now.

“I’m going to fuck your ass now sis, is that okay”, he asked.

“Yes of course Ben, I know you won’t hurt me, you can fuck my ass anytime”, she answered.

Ben took some pussy juice and some of Alanis’ cum from her pussy and lubricated her ass hole with it.

“Okay here it comes”, he said pushing gently at his sisters tight ass hole.

It didn’t take too long to open up, the fingering had seen to that and soon his cock was halfway inside her. Alanis kept her ass in the air, she wanted to please her brother, she wanted him to fuck her again and again in her ass hole, if he didn’t enjoy this one he might not fuck her again, she had to be good. That wasn’t the thought running through Ben’s mind, he loved his sisters tight ass, he made his mind up to fuck her at every opportunity.

Charlie was pushing Spikes cock up her cunt, Donnahad helped her to get started and now she couldn’t get enough inside her. She tried to pull Spike forward but he wouldn’t budge so she slid herself along the table. Now she could get more inside her as she pushed and pulled with all her might.

Nicky was fucking Jasper, again with Donna’s help but now she was solo, Jasper’s cock was slightly bigger than Spikes and she wanted all of it inside her as she slid down the table. Jennifer was still keeping still, her dog hadn’t finished with her, he was still cumming inside her as was Hound dog with Joanie.

Ben was stroking and loving his sisters beautiful ass as he fucked it, she was so tight in there he began to feel the first stirrings, “do you want me to cum in your ass, let me cum in your ass sis, I want to”.

“Yes, yes, cum into my tight little ass hole brother, shoot your firs t load into my ass hole”, shouted Alanis.

Donna was watching all this with three fingers inside her pussy, she would have to find someone to fuck her soon, she would fuck the first man she met when this was finished. Hound dog and Bruno had slowed down, Joanie explained that now he was going to pull his knot out, sometimes this hurt, but mostly it was okay.

Bruno was first, Jennifer could hear the plop as it slipped from her cunt, cum ran from her as Bruno lapped at it eagerly. Joanie was next, she felt the cum run down from her as Hound dog licked her pussy. Jennifer looked on as Joanie grabbed Hound dogs dripping cock and sucked it clean.

“We always do that, it’s become a habit really”, said Joanie.

Jennifer didn’t answer, she grabbed Bruno’s cock and shoved it into her mouth cleaning it, “anything you can do”, she smiled. Charlie thought a water hydrant had burst inside her, a jet of horse cum hit her belly with force, Spike had unloaded into her without any warning, ‘thank you, very fucking much’ muttered Charlie under her breath as cum ran from her in copious amounts.

Joanie was more used to it, both Spike and Jasper had cum in her before so she knew what to expect as Jasper shot his cum into her belly. Ben too was cumming, his first cum into his sister, he wanted to savour and remember it. Holding her ass cheeks firmly he at last allowed himself to cum, he had been hanging on and on not wanting to ever stop fucking her lovely ass but now it was all over. Alanis felt his cum go into her ass, she sighed loudly, her first ass fuck from her brother, she hoped there would be many more.

“I hope you all enjoyed being fucked, I didn’t get any at all, I’m going to fuck the first person I meet when we leave this barn”, said Donna.

Jennifer, Joanie, Charlie and Alanis were still dripping cum from each cunt as they began to walk back to the house. On the way they met Barry, Donna’s son, come with me Barry, I am so horny, I need you to fuck me now”, she said heading back to the barn.

“Does he fuck Carrie and Marylou as well”, asked Jennifer.

“Oh yes, they all fuck each other, Marylou loves fucking her Daddy, she’s got a thing about him”, said Nicky.

“Looks like you four are going to have some catching up to do back in the city though”, said Joanie.

“Yes we will”, said Ben putting his arms around his two sisters feeling their tits.

“And Mom as well”, said Charlie. “Most definitely”, said Ben squeezing his sisters tits.