She-Ra the twin sister of He-Man was walking through the Whispering Woods.

She was wearing her usual outfit of white and gold, with a red cape and a golden head piece that looked like she had wings on the side of her head. She has blonde hair, almost as long as her cape. Her face had red lips and purple eye shadow making her look like a high class stripper.

The total ensemble gave her the look of a perfect blend of a Nordic valkyrie and a playboy centerfold. She was looking for Swift Wind, her winged unicorn. They had gotten separated in their last bout with the horde soldiers. She heard a sound from some shrubs in front of her. It sounded like fast heavy breathing.

She peeked over a bush and saw a young boy sitting on a stump. He was wearing the typical humble medieval Etherian farmer’s outfit. His pants was around his ankles and he was stroking a huge boner.

“Young man. Stop that! Its wrong!” She-Ra said as she stepped in to full view.

The terrified yelped and tried to cover himself.

“oh gee!. She-Ra! I’m sorry, but it’s the only way to get rid of the stiffens.” The embarrassed boy said.

“Masturbating is wrong. You have to use a girl or a woman for that. What’s Your name young man?” She said.

“Dillbo, ma’am. What do you mean? A girl?” The boy asked confused.

“The proper was to get rid of an erection is to have sex with a girl or a woman. Masturbating is just greedy. Let me show you.” She-Ra said walking up to the boy.

“A girl has three fuck holes. The first is more commonly known as the mouth.” She went on as she knelt before him and took his big cock in her mouth.

Dillbo was delighted if not a bit confused by his great luck. He was unable to hold back for very long and soon he filled She-Ra’s mouth with his cum.

“Oh I’m sorry She-Ra! I didn’t mean to!” Dillbo said as he realized that he had cum in the mouth of the power princess.

“Don’t be sorry. That was supposed to happen and you should always make sure that a woman swallows your cum. A gentle slap across the face is appropriate. If she spits it out. Do it harder if she repeats the offense.” She-Ra explained.

“Wow gee, She-Ra. That was amazing. And you said that a woman have two more holes.” Dillbo said. Wiping the sweat from his forehead.

“Yes. The other hole is called the pussy, cunt or a cum dumpster. It’s down her between the legs.” She-Ra said laying down on the ground spreading her legs.

She lifted her tunic revealing her cunt and the neat, trimmed, golden haired V above her pussy.

“Wow. It’s beautiful.” Dillbo said in awe.

“Now it’s your turn to do the work. Push your cock inside it and put your face between my tits.” She-Ra said.

Dillbo did as she said. Her hot wet cunt squeezed his cock like a hungry beast. He fucked the princess of power with more enthusiasm than skill. Fortunately She-Ra was easy to please and both came together.

“Oh boy. I had no idea girls could be so much fun. Can we try the third hole now?” Dillbo said. Rolling of the hot blonde and breathing hard.

“My, you are a frisky boy aren’t you?” She-Ra said as she got up on all fours. “Kneel behind me and push you’re cock up my ass.” She went on and Dillbo did as she asked.

“Wow. This is even tighter than you’re pussy.” Dillbo said, grunting as he forced his big dick up She-Ra’s ass.

“Grip my hips tight so that you can fuck me really hard. You can also pull my hair. To add to your domination of me while we fuck. Girls like that.” She said between grunts.

Dillbo put one hand on her hips and with the other he grabbed She-Ra’s hair and pulled like she was a bolting horse. His hips pumping hard. This time he was able to make it last for a good while but finally he came deep inside hr ass.

“Gee. I never knew girls could be so much fun, but what if she doesn’t want to fuck.” Dillbo said as he was laying on the grass next to She-Ra.

“Just bring some friends along to hold her down. You can all take turns fucking her. She will come around eventually. Just remember if you bring more than twenty friends on one girl you may have to bring some lube.” She-Ra explained.

“You know so much. I have lots of friends who can help.” Dillbo said admiringly.

“Do you have a special girl in mind?” she asked.

“Yes, her name is Adora. She is in the resistance.” Dillbo said. Not realizing Adora was She-Ra’s alter ego.

“Oh, I think she won’t give you much in the way of an objection. But you should bring all you’re friends to make sure.” She-Ra said with a knowing smile.


Meanwhile on Unicorn Island

“It’s brilliant Hordak. Soon Unicorn Island will be ours.” The little shape shifting Imp said rubbing his little hands together and sporting an evil smile.

“Yes. That information about that lust spell you gave me is working out great. Ha Ha Ha.” Hoard cackled evilly.

“And with my spell turning all the female unicorns to males there will be no way for them to empty their balls of cum. They will burst, wiping out all the unicorns in the most painful way possible. Ha Ha Ha Ha. And it’s all thanks to me.” Shadow Weaver said matching Hordak’s laugh.

“Hey. I’m the one who had to hide in the shape of Castaspella’s dildo.” Imp protested.

“Oh. You loved every minute of it.” Shadow Weaver hissed to him.

“Hey. You won’t believe the places she put me. Then I tried to make my self too big and bumpy for her. That only made things worse.” Imp snapped back.

“Enough you two. Put up the shield so no one can come to their rescue.” Hordak commanded.

A flying gray disc made it’s way to the center of the island. A green translucent hemisphere descended over the island, trapping the increasingly horny unicorns and a pink magic mist. If no aid would come soon there overflowing balls would erupt, killing of all the noble animals.


Back to the Whispering Woods

Swift Wind found She-Ra in the woods. She sat in a stream washing of some kind of thick milky fluid from her face, hair and clothes.

“She-Ra I sense trouble at the Unicorn Island.” Swift Wind said urgently.

“What kind of trouble? Swifty.” She-Ra asked.

“I cant tell. It’s as if their mind’s aren’t working right. Overloaded with some emotion that causes a lot of pain and confusion.” Swift Wind said with worry in his voice.

“Let’s fly right away.” She said and jumped on to Swift Wind’s back.

As they approached the island they saw the force field surrounding it.

“This looks like Hordak’s work. Sword to binoculars.” She-Ra said holding the sword of gray skull up high.

With a flash of light the sword transformed in to a pair of binoculars. Looking inside the force field. She saw winged unicorns with big throbbing erections trying to escape the island. Unable due to the field. She realized what was going on. The magic presence was obvious and it had the smell of Shadow Weaver on it.

“That’s terrible. You must return and get help. Tell Glimmer, Castaspella, Perfuma and Queen Angella to come to the island and help me. Ask them to bring some of Madame Razz’s magic lube. Then you, Bow and Snout Spout find and destroy the horde devices that are doing this.” She-Ra said.

“What are you going to do?” Swift Wind asked.

“I’m going to tunnel under the force field and try to help that way.” She-Ra said as she jumped from the saddle.

Spinning like a drill. She made her way under the field and on to the island. She landed on the beach. Hair and clothes sitting perfect and without a smudge of dirt on them. She walked inland were some of the unicorns had assembled. The unicorn king was standing at an altar addressing some his subjects. They looked in bad shape. Almost greasy with sweat, wings drooping, manes shaggy and unkempt.

“My fellow unicorns, our search for a female as been unfruitful. But we will endure. I still have hope that we will find one so we all can get our rocks off. Have faith.” The king said in a deep voice that he hoped, didn’t betray his desperate need to fuck.

“Have no fear, Your salvation is here. I will be your brood mare and there are more coming.” She-Ra said striking a super heroine pose.

“How would this be possible. I mean no offense but you’re body seems too frail for one of us. Much less all of us.” the king asked out of concern.

“I will use my hands and mouth. Until my friends arrive with Madam Razz’s magic lube. Then you will be able to mount all five of us.” She-Ra said.

“Only five females? That won’t be enough for all of us.” A unicorn in the crowd said, desperation clear in his voice.

“We will be grateful for anything you can do to help us.” The king interjected.

“Do not worry. Each woman will be able to fuck three of you at a time.” She-Ra assured them.

“Three! Not possible. Show us how.” Another exclaimed.

“It’s going to be difficult without lube but very well. You’re Highness if you would lay down and roll onto your back. Yes, that will do.” She-Ra said and the king complied.

She-Ra straddled the king unicorn. Working his cock up her cunt.

“Now you mount me from behind and fuck me anally.” She-Ra said holding her butt cheeks apart. To one of the unicorns.

“I-I don’t want to hurt you.” He said as he approached her waiting ass.

“Never mind me. I’m a woman. I was made to be a fuck toy. You just fuck me as hard and fast as you need. I promise I wont complain. You, the one over there is going to be fucking my mouth.” She-Ra said. The last part in a deep moan as a huge unlubricated cock forced it’s way up her tight ass.

As she was about to cry out in pain another huge cock was shoved down her mouth. Making her air tight. The fucking was beyond brutal. Violent frantic pumping of all of her holes. It didn’t last long. The pent up need made them cum fast and plentifully. Thick cum was poring out of all her holes. But not for long as she was soon plugged by three new cocks.


Some time later

Glimmer, Castaspella, Perfuma and Queen Angella made there way out the tunnel She-Ra dug on her way in. Under the gaze of a small blue haired creature in colorful clothing**. They made their way to a large gathering of unicorns.

“What’s going on?” Asked Perfuma. The teen was the embodiment of a bubbly ditzy blonde.

“Is that She-Ra in the middle?” Glimmer asked aloud.

“It look’s like an old fashion bestiality Gang Bang. Like the one we had at your bachelorette party. Remember?” said Castaspella to Queen Angella.

“Oh. I remember, you and those four grump-bull’s or were there five?” Queen Angella said in a friendly smile.

“Seven. You girls are going to like this. Lube yourselves up, A lot. Then do what She-Ra is doing.” Castaspella advised Glimmer and Perfuma.

They were soon noticed by the other unicorns and were more or less surrounded by them. Horny hope filled eyes followed their every move. The sound of heavy breathing came from all of them as they watched as the four new women undressed. Glimmer and Perfuma had a hard time at the beginning. Their tight virgin holes were hard for the unicorns to penetrate and was a source for much frustration. Something they were punished for, with an extra rough fucking.

The magic lube allowed the huge cocks to slip in and out of the women fast and easy and soon they managed to penetrate the tight holes but it was still stretching them painfully. However, they endured like a good woman does.

Bow and Snout Spout was able to sink Hordak’s submarine. By having Bow shoot a hole into it with his bow and blast arrow. A hole Snot Spout filled with water he sprayed from his robot elephant mask. After that it was easy for Swift Wind to destroy the force field generator with a hard kick to it’s power core. The effects of Shadow Weaver’s spell took longer but after a day, some of the transformed unicorn females started changing back.

Many of the males seemed to have acquired a taste for human ass and pussy. But finally there was no need for the women to service the unicorn males.

Swift Wind walked up to She-Ra.

“It looks like you were able to fuck all the unicorns. Thanks to you, my people will survive. Thank you. Do you want to leave?” Swift Wind said looking at She-Ra’s sweaty, cum smeared body.

“Yes. But I have one more magnificent beast whom I owe my cunt. Sword to belly riding harness.” She-Ra said as she lay her sword on Swift Wind’s back.

The sword transformed to a harness. She-Ra climbed into it, hanging under Swift Wind’s belly she guided his awesome cock into her pussy. Swift Wind took off. Flying to the sunrise.



“Hi every body. It’s Loo-Kee. Did you find were I was hiding this time?**” the little blue haired Etherian with a blue fluffy tail and colorful clothing asked.

“Today we talked about the importance of lube. If you and your friends plan to gang bang a girl or if you are a girl about to get gang banged. It’s important to use lube. Especially if there are a lot of boys on one girl or you plan to fuck her ass. Remember creamy soap and shampoo can seem like a good form of lube but it’s dehydrating and can make things worse. If you can’t get proper sex lube check you’re refrigerator. Cooking oil, olive oil and butter works great. If you’re still unsure, ask a parent, teacher or a friend.

Bye now.” Loo-Kee said in a chipper voice. Then he vanished in a flash.