(c) 2008 Curvey_Brunette

Chapter One

During my university years, when I was young, free and sort of single, I very quickly found that student grants weren’t actually enough to keep a girl living in the style she’d been accustomed to.

My dad had decided I had to learn the value of money. He was a wealthy broker working in the city and he’d always provided for me, cars, money, clothes, everything a girl could possibly need. But having decided to go to university away from home, dad had took the decision that since I would no longer be living under his roof then I had to become responsible for myself.


Personally I don’t think he wanted me to leave home, I think this was his way of keeping me at home or at least trying to keep me at home. I think he enjoyed the fact I was never shy around him or around the house. I’d often be sat in the kitchen in just my knickers munching on a bowl of cereal watching the box when he got home from work.

We’d often have conversations about our days, (mine was spent mostly in bed as I liked to party at night), with me in this state of undress. Every now and then I’d catch him looking at my chest, running his eye up and down my body, from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. I think he missed seeing a woman since mum died and he didn’t seem to date that much from what I recall. After her death he threw himself into his work.

Sometimes when passing his bedroom on the nights I actually stayed in, I’d hear him wanking off to a porn video and muttering away to himself. I felt sorry for him really, all he had was his right hand for company, but I was his daughter so he was off limits.

A couple of times he’d not closed the door properly and through the crack of the door I’d see him jerking his cock totally oblivious to my watching. Every now and then he’d squirt a bit of lube into his hand and start slowly working the full length of his cock running his fingers over the tip before taking a downward stroke. Not that he’d be able to see me anyway, the lights on the landing hall were very low level and completely cancelled out by the lights in his bedroom.

I’d sit there watching him slowly stroking his cock, his attention totally fixated on what he was watching. I knew it was wrong of me, but in a way, it helped me understand about men and what they wanted. On more times than I care to mention I’d used the technique my dad used on himself to wank some guy off I’d met in a pub or a club only for the dirty swine to cum all over my skirt.

Therefore, dad said he’d buy me a house local to my university, he’d furnish it for me but I’d have to pay all the bills. The thing was, in a 6 bedroom detached house with en suite bathrooms, it’s own bit of land and stables, a student grant wasn’t going to go very far.

Eventually the time came for me to leave the nest. I’d packed my things ready to go the next day and I was laid on the sofa watching television bit not really watching it if you know what I mean. I hadn’t packed my negligee as it was something I wore a lot and I was most comfortable in it.

Dad was still at work so I was in the house alone. I don’t know why but I was feeling incredibly horny that night, perhaps it was the combination of going to a new place, setting up home on my own or the fact I hadn’t been laid in over a week that left me feeling this way. But I just had to do something about it.

I trotted up stairs to my room and got one of my favourite vibrators out, it wasn’t a big dildo type but one of those small clit types that I could work away on without it making a lot of noise. Given I slept in the room next to my dad, I really didn’t want him to hear a buzzing sound coming from my room.

I tested the batteries were still good then went back down stairs to lay on the soft so idley play with my clit while watching television. As I played my mind drifted to the times I’d seen my dad wanking his cock, the slow strokes slowly getting faster and faster until he came all over his belly. It didn’t take long for me the reach orgasm and to be honest it wasn’t actually that good.

I felt tired after my little session and soon I drifted off to sleep.

I woke with a start as the front door slammed, it was dad home. I looked at my watch and it was gone 10pm, he must have been working late in the office. I heard him trudge up stairs as he always did to put away his brief case, have a shower and change into a more decent towelling dressing gown that went past his knees.

I decided that since it was my last night, I’d make and effort and cook for him. I went into the kitchen to look in the fridge to see what we had in. I found a nice piece of steak I cooked in herbs and garlic as well as what was left of some salad to go with it. I ground some coffee and put that on.

Just as I was setting the table dad appeared in his dressing gown, “Something smells good” he said as he sat on one of the stools in the kitchen, “You’re not actually cooking are you?” he asked with a tone of sarcasm in his voice.

“I often cook” I protested.

“Only for yourself” He laughed as I poured him a coffee and handed him the cup.

I finished cooking the steak and opened a bottle of red wine to go with it.

We chatted and ate, dad talked about his day and I picked at my food. I wasn’t really hungry but the red wine was going down a treat. Soon we’d finished the bottle. I got another bottle from the wine rack and opened it pouring myself a glass.

“What’s worng?” Dad asked

“Oh nothing, I’m just a bit anxious about tomorrow” I said gulping down my 4th glass of the evening. I was starting to feel a little light headed.

“What you got to worry about? You’re moving into a nice house in a nice area and you’re starting university next week. You’ll be fine” he said getting up to put an arm around me and reassuring me. As he got up his dressing gown opened, just enough for me to see his cock hanging there. It was just a quick flash but enough to send a jolt of electricity through my body which seemed to be concentrated on my clit.

“Let’s go into the lounge, relax and watch a video” he suggested picking up the bottle of wine and both glasses.

We headed into the lounge and my clit vibrator was still sat there on the sofa staring at us both.

Dad simply ignored it, went over to the video rack and put the tape in the video recorder. I sat on the sofa and quickly grabbed my clit vibe and pushed it down the back of the cushion. Dad came and sat at the opposite end to me and continued to drink his wine.

I slugged back my own glass of wine and poured myself another, “Hey! Steady on” Dad said, “You won’t be fit to drive in the morning if you keep on drinking like that” he said.

The film started and I continued drinking. I wasn’t really interested in the film but dad seemed to be, he sat watching it intently. I decided to lay across the sofa with my head on dad’s lap. My left ear was just touching his cock through the robe and Dad kept shifting as if to try and let it fall out of the way.

He started to stroke my hair which felt good, I was getting that feeling in my clit again and so desperately wanted to go to bed to do something about it. However, I decided that I wanted to spend my last night at home with him so I resisted my urges.

I was fidgeting and unsettled, my own dressing gown started to ride up my thighs and my breasts were forcing the top open wider and wider. I could have swore I felt Dad’s cock rise a couple of times or at least twitch. I wasn’t sure if this was as a result of my growing state of undress or if it was due to the graphic sex scenes on the film.

I could feel my heart beating faster and faster, almost pounding its way through my chest.

Dad shifted his position slightly allowing me to press my head into his cock a little further, I could feel he had a semi.

“Dad” I said inquisitively

“Yes sweetheart?” He asked

“Dad, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, what it is?”

“Well, it’s a bit personal” I said my voice almost shaking

“You can ask me anything you like Emms”

“Well Dad, what do you do for sex?” I asked trying to sound nonchalant as I could

“Excuse me???” He asked his voice full of surprise

“Well, since mum died I haven’t seen you date or anything. How’d you cope without sex Dad?” I was gaining a little more confidence in my line of questioning.

“Ermmmm, well, I’m 45 now sweetheart and it’s not as important me to as it once was. I’ve got my work”

“And your video’s” I added

“What do you know about them Emms?”

I decided to take a chance and see how he’d react, “Well, I’ve heard you watching them. Sometimes when I sneak in from a night out I hear you”

“Ermmmm, well, I do sometimes miss sex and I have to relieve myself some how” His voice sounded unsure about what he was saying and the direction this was leading, “Why do you ask?”

I decided to push the limits a little “Sometimes I’ve seen you”

“Seen me?”

“Well yeah!” I got up and turned to face him, Dad’s face was a picture, he looked embarrassed and flushed, “Sometimes you don’t close your door properly and I’ve seen you watching your films” I said gaining more confidence.

“I’m sorry” He mumbled

I reached up and kissed him on the lips, just a little peck. A Dad and daughter peck, “It’s OK Dad, I understand why. You’re like all other guys and you have needs”

“I guess I do” Dad said stroking my face and looking into my eyes.

I went silent for a minute, I thought about what I was going to say next and decided to take the plunge, “I do like watching you Dad, it’s taught me a lot”

“Emms, I’m your father, we shouldn’t be talking like this. It’s not appropriate”

“Well I won’t tell if you won’t” I said with my best little girl voice I could muster.

“There’s nothing to tell Emms, I’m your father and that’s all there is to it” he said sternly.

“So you wouldn’t like some help?” I asked looking into his eyes.

“Help? What do you mean?”

I shifted my position completely, my negligee fell exposing my breasts. I put my hand on his thigh and started to run my hand up towards his crotch, “You getting the idea yet?”

Dad grabbed my wrist and stopped my hand just short of grabbing his cock, “That’s enough Emma! This isn’t funny any more and it’s taking things way too far. You’ve had too much to drink and this isn’t appropriate” he snapped.

“I’m OK” I protested, “I know what I’m doing Dad and I’d really like to help you out. I love you daddy and I only want to help”

“Emma, I’m your father! We couldn’t!” he protested weakly

“But your cock could Dad, look at it, it’s starting to get hard” I giggled looking at the rapidly growing tent in is dressing gown. I shifted my position so I was sat beside him on the sofa and put my hand onto his knee. Slowly I ran my hand up his thigh towards the tent.

Dad grabbed me by the wrist and stopped me just short of his cock, “We can’t Emma” he protested, “I’m your father, you’ve had too much to drink and this is now getting out of hand”

“But it’s in hand I want to get Daddy, I only want to help you on my last night at home for a while”

“Emma we can’t!”

“Yes we can, nobody will find out” I said giving my wrist a quick twist out of his grip and reaching for his cock under the dressing gown

“Emma, I know you well enough to know when you have your mind set on something there’s just no stopping you” Dad said trying to keep control of his voice.

“That’s it Daddy, go with the flow” I said coyly as I wrapped my fingers around his cock. It felt huge and rock hard. With my other hand I reached over and pulled at the belt of his dressing gown to expose his cock fully. It was a nice thick 7 inch cock that stood to attention pulsating and throbbing to my touch. I started to stroke it, running my hand the full length of it from the base to the tip just brushing my finger tips and nails around the tip before stroking the full length back to the base again.

Dad remained silent while I worked. I looked at his cock which seemed to be getting harder and harder, after a few minutes I saw that pre-cum was starting to appear in a huge drop at the tip of his cock. I held it a little harder running my thumb against the under side to force what pre-cum there was out of his cock into a bigger and bigger drop.

I stopped what I was doing and moved onto the floor. I sat on my legs between Dad’s legs and put am arm either side of his legs with my forearms across his thighs and both my hands on his cock. Dad shifted his position forward a little to allow me better access to him and it gave me access to his balls. With my left hand I cupped his balls digging my nails in ever so slightly while my right hand continued to slowly stroke his cock up and down the full length.

Dad groaned a little, “You’ll have me cumming if you keep on doing that” he panted as his body started to tense

“Oh no, not yet you won’t” I said smiling at him, “Though you just might if I do this” I said as I raised myself up onto my knees then licked the pre-cum from the tip of his cock, encouraging a little more out so I could cover my lips in a nice coating. “Hmmm” I mewed as I liked my lips.

“Oh my god!!!” Dad said as his cock started to twitch, I could tell he was close so I slowed down even more with my stroking giving his balls a nice squeeze. I made a circle with my index finger and thumb encircling his balls and pulling them tight in his scrotum so they made a nice ball. I licked and sucked on his balls while very slowly stroking his cock which was now dripping with pre-cum. So much so it was like a min river running down his cock and all over my hand.

I licked up his shaft tasting his sweet pre-cum then flicked my tongue around the tip to lap up every drop. This was too much for Dad, his cock started to bulge, he started to pant he was cumming, it twitched and he came hard in almost violent spurts over my face and into my mouth. I plunged my mouth onto his cock as the second stream started and it hit the back of my throat.

I gripped Dad’s balls a little harder, worked his cock with my hand and mouth letting it pump stream after stream of hot sticky cum into my mouth. Dad started to moan and groan, “Emma …. Oh Emma, don’t stop, don’t stop” he cried as his hand came to the back of my head, his hips thrust forward and he forced his cock into my throat. He started to fuck my mouth as I gagged on his cock and his spunk.

After a minute or so he stopped and relaxed back into the sofa panting, his body twitching and flicking about as I continued to drain his cock of all it’s cum. When I’d got the last few remaining drops out, I backed off and sat beside Dad again on the sofa, I kissed him letting him taste his own cum flicking my tongue into his mouth.

After a few minutes of this we broke apart, “Where the hell did you learn to do that??” Dad asked.

“Oh you haven’t seen nothing yet Daddy, lets go to bed” I said getting up off the sofa taking him by the hand and leading him towards the stairs. “The night is still young yet” I purred leading him up the stairs.


Chapter Two

I lead Dad into his bedroom and pulled him towards the bed, “Now Daddy, it’s time for you to show your little girl what you can do”

“Steady on Emma, remember I’m not 18 any more” he laughed as we fell onto the bed. I pulled off Dad’s dressing gown and mine seemed to fall off as our lips met and we kissed passionately. We rolled over the bed kissing, my Dad’s hands ran up and down my body sending jolts of electricity through it. Dad locked his mouth onto one of my tits while his fingers sought out my clit.

I opened my legs and let him get better access to me, his middle finger ran down my slit and found my cunt hole. Gently he started to work it in, “Ohhhh, you’re such a wet little girl. And so smooth too. Is it waxed or shaved?”

“It’s shaved Daddy, I shaved it today when I had a shower so it’s nice and smooth”

Dad started to work his magic, his thumb pressing and working on my clit while his finger probed my cunt hole, first with one finger, then two working in and out making me wetter and wetter. “Can you take 3 fingers” Dad asked stopping for a moment.

“Daddy, I can take four if you want” I gasped opening my legs wider.

Dad started to work his fingers into my cunt, probing it and making me shiver with excitement. Eventually he got his four fingers inside of me and was working them in and out like a cock was fucking me.

“You’re dripping all over my hand, making it wet and sticky” Dad said before kissing me full on the lips. My body started to tense as my orgasm started to build, “Finger my daddy, finger he, fuck me with your hand and make your little girl cum” I screamed as my orgasm reached its peak.

“Yeeeeeoooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww” I cried as I came hard.

Dad slowed down and eventually stopped what he was doing, but I was on a sexual high, I wanted more. “Go down on me Daddy, make me cum again” I begged him.

I flopped open my legs wide as Dad shifted down between them and started to work on my throbbing clit with his tongue while his fingers worked their way back into my cunt. His tongue licked and flicked at my clit driving me insane with pleasure. I thrashed about in ecstasy moaning and wailing with the pleasure my one father was giving me. As he worked away I started to cry out “Oh Daddy, you’re so good, you’re so good. That’s it Daddy, that’s it, lick your little girls pussy. Make your little girl cum, please Daddy, please, make me cum again”

Dad continued what he was doing and it wasn’t long before my orgasm was building yet again. I closed my legs gripping his head with my thighs, I reached down and forced his head into my cunt.

I slumped back high on my orgasm and Dad came to lay beside me.

I looked at him and smile, “You’re not so bad yourself” I mewed as I kissed him.

Dad laughed, “You are so like your mother it’s unbelievable, she used to be like this sexually”

“What was she like Dad? I was too young to really know her”

We lay there talking and Dad told me all about mum, especially how she was sexually. He half sat up and looked at me, “So what’s your limit?” he asked.

“My limit? What do you mean?”

“Well, there were things your mum would do and I don’t know if you’d be interested in them” he said, “Tell you what, just watch this tape” he said getting off the bed and going over to his safe. He dialed in the combination and took out a video tape, “I’ve never shown anyone this before. It’s your mother and you might be shocked by what you see Emms” he said as he walked over to the video and put the tape in.

The TV flickered into life and mum as on screen dressed in black suspenders, stockings, and a Basque that hugged her figure pushing her tits up. I couldn’t believe how much I looked like her, I could have sworn I was watching myself on screen. I recongnised the bedroom as the one I was in now. Dad came from behind the camera and into shot.

Dad paused the tape, “Emms, this is a bit extreme sweetheart” he said.

I took the remote from him and pressed play, “I’ll make that decision” I said, “Now you get your fucking fingers back in my pussy and start playing” I barked opening my legs for him.

Dad went over to mum and slapped her hard across the face, “Time to play you fucking slut” he hissed. Mum just stood there looking down at the floor, Dad then grabbed her by the hair and forced her onto her knees, “Suck that fucking cock slut” he ordered as he forced his cock into her mouth. He started to fuck her mouth hard, forcing all of his cock into her throat and she started to gag. Not once did she bring her hands round to the front to stop what he was doing, he kept them down at her sides.

Dad used his free hand to zoom in on what he was doing to mums mouth and I could see her nose pressing against his belly as she took his thick long cock down her throat, “Bite it cunt” he ordered and she bit down on his cock. I thought she was going to bite through it because his cock shaft compressed under the force of her bite, “That’s it you little slut, bite that fucking cock raping your mouth”

After a few minutes of this he pulled out his cock and ordered her to start wanking him off which she obediently did, “Pull on those balls, rake your nails over them”

Within a few minutes Dad came in long spurts over her face.

“Get in position now you little cunt”

Mum lay over the bed with her knees on the floor and her arms stretched out above her. Dad went off camera and adjusted it so it was a behind shot from low down while mum lay there. I heard a panting then saw our German Shepherd dog Dink’s appear. He went straight to mum and started to lick her pussy, his nose and tongue probing her. Mum started to moan with pleasure only for Dad to slap her hard on her ass, “You’re not supposed to be enjoying this bitch” he snarled.

After a few minutes Dinky started to pace a little, Dad clicked his fingers over mum and Dinky started to mount her. I could see his cock stabbing at mum, first at her arse hole then moving down a little to find her cunt hole, suddenly he found the right spot and thrush forward with force ramming his cock into her. Mum let out a deep moan as he entered her and started to pump away. In what seemed like seconds I saw his cock swell and his knot ram into mums pussy with force. She let out a yelp as this happened.

I watched as Dinky’s cock seemed to vibrate and trembled as it was fully stuffed inside of mum, the knot had completely vanished from view. As I watched Dad’s fingers were back inside of me and working their way around inside my cunt, I could feel myself starting to build to orgasm again. I don’t know what it was but I loved watching mum getting fucked by our dog.

Within a few minutes I was moaning and writhing with pleasure and came at the point where the knot started to slip outside of mum’s pussy followed by what seemed to be gallons of dog cum. This just sent me over the edge and I was screaming at the top of my voice.

Dad stopped what he was doing and took his hand out of me, I lay covered in a film of sweat panting slightly at what I’d just seen and experienced. Dad turned off the tape and looked down at me, “Did you like that Emma?” He asked.

“That was great Dad, but what I need now is a nice cock inside of me, your cock Daddy, I want your cock inside of me”

“Can I be rough?” Dad asked

“Use me and abuse me Daddy, show your little girl what you can do”

“OK Sweetheart, but we need to work out a safe word first. I don’t want to hurt you and if it gets too much just say Dinky and I’ll stop”

“OK Daddy”

Dad sat up and pulled me up by my hair, “Just like your mother you’re a cock hungry slut” he snarled as he dragged me off the bed. He slapped me hard across the face pulling my hair and my head back to look at him, “You want daddy to fuck you do you?”

“Yes Daddy, I want you to fuck me”

He slapped me again, “I didn’t give you permission to speak you little whore”

Dad yanked me up by the hair and threw me over the bed, “Open your fucking legs now bitch” he ordered and I did as I was told. I could feel his cock starting to probe my soaking wet pussy, just the tip on the outer lips running it up and down my slit. Suddenly he placed his cock at the entrance to my cunt hole and rammed his cock in me. The sudden thrust made my body tense as he entered me violently forcing his full length inside of me.

He started to fuck me really hard, my pussy felt so tight as he rammed his cock in and out of my pussy, I almost felt like a virgin again. “So tight, so tight” I whispered

“Take it like the whore you are bitch” Daddy said as he slapped me hard on the ass. For what seemed like an age he pounded away at my pussy making wave after wave of pleasure ripple over my body, making me tense which in turn made my pussy feel even tighter.

“Get ready for this bitch, I’m going to cum now” he snarled as he took his cock out of my dripping wet cunt. He dig his fingers into me and started to spread my own cunt juices over my asshole, I could feel him wanking his cock behind me then I felt him start to cum. He directed his spunk over my asshole them offered the tip to it, he was going to arse fuck me. Without warning he forced his cumming cock into my asshole and started to fuck it, I gripped the sheets and started to moan as my own orgasm built to its peak. Daddy continued working his cock deeper and deeper into my ass using the mixing of my own juices and his cum as a lubricant.

Daddy fucked me hard until I came, arching my back and panting, screaming “Pump your little girls ass full of spunk Daddy, pump my tight little ass hole Daddy, give it too me”

Dad pulled his cock out of my ass and grabbed me, he turned me around, “Suck what’s left off my cock whore” and I obediently complied with his demand.

We fell back onto the bed exhausted.

“Well that was fun” I said

“I didn’t hurt you did I Emma?” Dad asked his voice full of concern,

“No Daddy you didn’t, but you still have to cum in my pussy”

“Given me a little while sweetheart, I’m not as young as I used to be” he said laughing and snuggling into me holding me around the middle.


Chapter Three

It was almost 6am before Dad and I had finished fucking each other and we fell to sleep in each others arms.

I woke at 12 feeling a bit sore and worse for wear. I pulled myself out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up. I ran the shower and stepped in, the water felt good over my sore body as I soaped myself up then washed the hardened spunk out of my hair.

I was still drooling cum out of my ass and pussy and the faint taste of spunk was in my mouth. As I washed I thought about the video I’d seen of mum as well as the way Dad got off when he was being forceful.

I ambled down stairs to a note left on the kitchen bench, “Thanks for last night. Sorry I couldn’t hang around to see you off but I’m late for work” I felt how mum must have felt, a bit let down and empty.

I finished the last of my packing and got my bags into my car.

I wrote Dad a quick note telling him I loved him to bits, that last night was fantastic and I’d be home when the holidays were on.

I arrived at the house and unpacked. I needed to go shopping for some basics, food, milk, tea, sugar, etc so I drove into town and did my shopping. By the time I got back I was too tired to cook for myself and quickly fell to sleep in front of the box.

The first thing I did when I started university was put an ad in the student bar and canteen for some lodgers. I figured renting out 4 of the rooms with a spare room in case I wanted a guest for the night was the best way to proceed.

I couldn’t believe the number of lunatics who I had to trawl through before I found some people I actually liked. The thing is, they were male with one female for some reason.

There was Mike, a nice looking guy of 23. He wasn’t tall standing about 5’ 8” in his socks, but he was nice looking with a cheeky smile and such a charismatic voice. I could have listened to him for hours with the way he talked. He had a nice body that wasn’t too slim and wasn’t too chunky. He had dark wavy hair that sort of flopped around his face.

Tony was the sort of bloke I could really go for, again he was dark haired, not too tall but stocky. He’d been a student for over a year and was in the rugby club. He had a kind face and a kind smile, as well as a ponytail that reached down his back.

Keith was a blonde guy, tall and intelligent looking with John Lennon style glasses that sat on the end of his nose.

Mark was an ex-public school boy with an upper class accent, short brown hair and a wicked glint in his eyes. Normally I wouldn’t have anything to do with someone like that, but his hazel green eyes were stunning to the point of being hypnotic when you looked at him.

And finally there was Rachel, a small, slim and very pretty girl with thick red hair that was shoulder length. She and I met in the canteen and we got on like a house on fire. We were both taking the same course so we spent a lot of time together both in university and in our off time. Over time we became known as the troublesome two to our tutors as we were always messing about, laughing and giggling like a pair of school girls.

We’d all been living together and sharing the bills for about 6 months when dad decided to drop in for a visit to see how things were going. I rang him every week and we had a chat, but I could tell he was missing me lots as he never seemed to want to hang up the phone.

I was at home wearing my usual “lovely little nothing I almost wore” as Mike called it, it was a see through dressing gown that was short, very short in fact as it showed off the bottom of my arse. The boys appeared to appreciate my wearing this as did Rachel, on occasion she’d borrow it to nip down to the kitchen to make herself something to eat. The boys would make lewd comments accompanied by wolf whistles and “get them off” comments. Rachel wasn’t as daring as me though, she’d always wear and bra and knickers underneath, even so, it still showed off her nice curvy figure with ample breasts, a nice tight little round bum and legs that looked much longer than they were given her height.

I’d been into one of the boys bedrooms and “borrowed” one of their porn mags to flick through, I wasn’t that interested in the photographs, but some of the stories were quite interesting though the majority of them were complete and total fantasy.

The doorbell rang and I impatiently got up to answer it, I was in the middle of a rather engaging story supposedly written by one of the readers on how she managed to work her way through university by being a call girl. If there was any truth to the story, she made quite a decent living from it.

I got went to the front door and peered around it, although I wasn’t shy, I wasn’t willing to be seen dressed, (or undressed as I was if you like), the way I was dressed by some stranger.

It was dad, “Hi ya sweetheart” he said as soon as he laid eyes on me, I immediately threw caution to the wind and stepped out from behind the door to fling my arms around him, “Daddy” I squealed as I leaped on him wrapping my arms around his neck and jumping up at him landing with my legs wrapped around his waist.

“Well someone’s pleased to see me” he said as he kissed my cheek. His hands came around and cupped my bare arse taking my weight then he remembered himself and moved his hands up to the small of my back to take my weight.

I stepped down taking dad by the hand and leading him into the living room, “Come on, I’ll make you a coffee” I said half dragging him into the house. Dad sat on the sofa as I went through to the kitchen to make him some fresh ground coffee. When I got back he was flicking through the porn mag I’d put down.

“Oh!” I said as I sat opposite him, “That isn’t mine, it’s one of the boys I live with” I tried to explain.

“It’s OK, it’s hardly like I’ve never seen a porn mag in my life and you are a young woman” he said with an idiot grin on his face. As he looked at me I could feel myself blushing

I looked at the floor feeling embarrassed by his discovery, “Well, yeah, I guess” I said weakly.

“Emma, could I just point out you’re sat in front of your father wearing almost nothing at all so this isn’t a shock to me” he said getting up and coming over to me, lifting my chin so he could look me in the eye. “Which is more embarrassing? Your dad seeing you half naked or your dad finding out you’re like the rest of us and you like a bit of porn every now and then?”

I smiled at him, “I know you’re right dad, but it’s hardly like you haven’t seen me before and I’m kinda used to that. The porn thing is a bit new”

“Do you think I still think you’re a virgin and you don’t know about sex after what we did the other week?” He asked his voice full of surprise.

“Well no, you know I’m not but this is different dad. Anyway, enough of that, how’s life for you?” I said changing the subject rapidly. For some reason I was really uncomfortable about this.

We talked and caught up on what had been happening in our lives while we drank our coffee. It was almost 5 when Rachel came home and I introduced her to my dad. Eventually the boys came in one by one and I popped upstairs to get dressed while Rachel started dinner.

I offered Dad to stay the night in the spare room but he said he had to drive back home as he had a breakfast meeting the next day. I actually think he knew I’d sneak into his room to fuck his brains out again if he stayed over.

Life continued for me and I did well in my course work despite the distractions of Rachel during lectures and seminars.

One night Rachel and I were in my bedroom swatting when she asked me why I didn’t take up any of the offers I’d had to go for a drink with some of the boys in our class. I explained I wasn’t interested, after my last boyfriend, (aka my dad, though I didn’t tell her this), I couldn’t see another guy competing with him and I saw him when I went home on the occasional weekend or during the holidays.

“So what about you then?” I asked, “I don’t see you out every night dating different guys

“To be honest, I haven’t met a guy who could do it for me. They’re all quick in and out’s who think they’re god gift but when it comes down to it, they don’t last very long”

Just then Mike knocked on the door, “Hi girls, we’re ordering pizza and Keith has nipped out for some beer, would you like to join us?” He asked leaning against the door frame rolling a joint.

I looked at Rachel and she looked at me, I shrugged and Rachel said why not. She said we’d be down when the pizza arrived, or the beer. Whichever came first.

Mike turned on his heels and went back down stairs, “I’ll give you a shout then” he said.

“So what about Mike then? He’s not bad” I asked

“He’s OK I suppose, but I don’t really fancy any of the guys we live with. They’re all OK and I get on with them well, but I don’t think I’d want to go to bed with any of them” she said kicking her feet in the air and crossing her ankles, “What about you? Is there any of them you like?”

“As their Landlady I don’t think it would be appropriate” I said

“Ooooo! Hark at you with the big words!” Rachel laughed, “No come on, which one”

“If I had to?”

“If you had to” Rachel said pressing the question.

“Hmmmm, all of them I suppose. They’re all nice guys in their different ways and none of them have come onto me”

“All of them? What? At once?”

“Now there’s a though” I laughed, just as Mike shouted up Keith was back with the booze. We laughed as we went down the stairs into the lounge.

All through the evening we ate and drank, Rachel and I kept making obscure references to what we’d been talking about in the bedroom and laughing much to the boys frustrations, every time they asked we said it was a private joke.

As the night progressed I went and put on my negligee with bra and knickers underneath and Rachel got changed into her more decent dressing gown. One by one the boys went and got ready for bed in their boxer shorts until the night became a pyjama party with us all sat on the floor around the food and drink.

I suppose it was inevitable that the conversation turned to sex, though I have to admit I was the one who started it.

“So guys, tell me something” I half said and half slurred, “Which one of us would you fuck?”

“EMMA!!!!” Rachel shouted

“Oh come on Rachel, don’t be a prude” I said laughing at her face going red. “Come on guys, if we let you which one of us would you fuck?”
The boys sat there totally stunned by my question, I could see I would have to push this out a little further, “What about you Mike? Me or Rachel?”

Mike’s face started to go as red as Rachel’s, who was hiding behind her hands and cringing, “Well ….. Ermmmmm …… I dunno really, I suppose both of you” He stammered.

“Both of us? You horny boy! Do you think you could cope with both of us at once?” I asked hoping the others would start to join in.

“Well, I dunno, but I’d give it a dam good go” Mike said with a grin on his face that went from ear to ear, “Why? You offering?”

“I’m not” Rachel chipped in, “Emma is alone on this one boys”

“If you’re not careful Rachel, I’m going to have to turn you over my knee, pull your knickers down and spank you” I said laughing.

“I’d actually pay to see that” Keith said almost salivating

“How much?” Rachel asked. This took me by surprise.

“How much would it cost?” Tony interjected

“How much then Emma?” Rachel asked me.

“£50 from each guy?” I suggested

“What £200? That’s only £100 each Emma, hardly enough for a decent night out Rachel complained. I think she was starting to get into this and starting to enjoy teasing the boys

“You know what, you’re right. But since we don’t go out often anyway I’m sure we could think of something else as payment.

Mark had been really quiet through all of this, “I’d be more interested in paying you two to les it up” he said.

“Put your money where your mouth is then Mark, how much would you pay for that?” Rachel asked. I looked at her with my eyes wide open, “What? I’m skint and this months rent is due in a few days” she said

“I’ll pay a months rent” Mike said, Mark, Tony and Keith all nodded in agreement.

What do you reckon Emma? Would it be worth a months rent?”

I thought for a second, “I suppose it would, but I’m not doing it anyway” I laughed, “I don’t do shows”

“Oh you fucking cock tease” Mike complained sharply, “How can you do that to a guy, I’m nursing a semi hard on here”

“Lets have a look then” I challenged him.

“Pardon?” Mike asked

“If you have half a hard on lets have a look, you never know your luck now” Rachel said coyly, “I might nag Emma if you’ll show us”

Mike stood up and it was obvious he was turned on, he pulled down his boxers and his cock sprang back up bouncing up and down for a few seconds.

“Take them off then Mike” I said looking at his rapidly growing cock.

Tony, Mark and Keith all had a stunned look on their faces, Rachel looked over to them, “And what about you boys?”

They all looked at each other, muttered something between themselves, Tony spoke for them, “Why don’t you two go first? Take your dressing gowns off” he said

“So, we take our clothes off and you’ll take yours off?” I asked looking at Rachel who winked at me.

“That’s about the size of it” Keith said.

“Would you lot hurry up? I feel a right twat stood here naked with a hard on” Mike said.

Slowly Rachel and I stood up then turned to face each other. I lead the way by reaching over to the bow on Rachel’s dressing gown belt and pulling at it until it came undone and slipped off. Her dressing gown fell open to reveal her shapely body, nice 36 DD breasts, a reasonably flat stomach and very nice legs.

Rachel reached over and pulled the belt on my own see through negligee, slowly she pushed it back over my shoulders to reveal my body, 40EE tits, a slight tummy but not too much of one, and even if I do say so myself, legs that went on for ever. At a guess, I’d say Rachel was a size 14 while I’m a 16 so I’m a little more chunky than she was.

Both Rachel and I stood there looking at each other, Rachel in just a pair of briefs and myself in knickers and a front fastening bra.

We both turned and looked at the boys, Tony was the first, he ran his finger around the waist band of his shorts working them down to his thighs then letting them drop to the floor. His cock was already standing to attention poking directly out from his body. A nice fat 6 inch cock starring straight at us.

Next Keith stood and did the same thing. His cock was about the same size as Tony’s although it looked thinner and slightly longer.

Mark moved in a flash, ripping off his shorts to reveal a monster of a cock, it was huge! At least 10 inches in length and thick like a fat sausage.

All four boys stood at the other side of the room with their cocks standing to attention pointing at Rachel and I, “Come on then girls, we’re naked, now it’s your turn” Mike said

I turned to face Rachel and hooked the tops of my thumbs into her knickers then started to pull them down, dropping to my knees as I did so my head at about level with her pussy. While I was shaved, Rachel was trimmed, a nicely trimmed pubic area that was almost crew cut. I could see her puffy pussy lips through her hair and was amazed at how neat it was as she stepped out of her knickers.

I stood up and Rachel reached over, she found the clasp on my bra and opened it with one hand allowing my EE tits to spring free from their confines.

“Hmmmm, they’re nice” she said giving them a slight touch and just brushing my nipples with her finger tips. Rachel cupped each tit – much to my surprise – and ran her hands down my waist to my knickers, she hooked her fingers into them and started to pull them down. Very slowly.

Carefully she inched down my knickers over my hips, rolling them onto my thighs and exposing my shaved pussy lips. I was quivering with anticipation of what she might do next.

As my knickers reached my knees Rachel got down onto her knees and brought her face closer to what was exposed of my slit, gently she moved her face forwards and extended her tongue pushing it into my closed thighs and licking up with the tip of her tongue flicking my clit as it went past.

I shuddered, “I’m going to cum” said Mike only to be hit in the ribs by Keith and told to shut up.

Rachel licked her lips and looked up at me smiling with a wicked look in her eye, she got up off the floor and whispered in my ear “Lets tease the boys” I nodded in agreement.

We both stood naked in front of the boys, “Remember boys, this is for a months rent” I said giggling wondering what was coming next.


Chapter Four

Mark, Keith, Mike and Tony were all stood stark naked with raging hard on’s waiting for our next move.

I didn’t have a clue what to do, I’d never been with a woman before though I did get the feeling Rachel was far more experienced in this sort of thing. It kind of made sense why she didn’t date guys and why she didn’t think guys were much good. She leaned over and whispered to me, “I’ve wanted to fuck you since the first time I set eyes on you – Is that OK?”

I nodded in agreement not knowing what the hell to say. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the guys sitting down on the floor, their cocks still standing to attention pointing towards the ceiling.

Rachel took me by the hand and guided me over to the sofa to sit down. She beckoned my ass forward a little so it was half hanging over the edge of the cushion then she gently guided my legs apart exposing my pussy to everyone.

I could feel I was dripping wet and she sat slightly off centre to me on the floor. Her fingers gently parted my lips to expose my clit and hole, her face moving forwards toward my soaking wet cunt. She licked from my ass hole all the way up to my clit moving her tongue in little circles. I gasped and my head went back onto the back of the sofa. My right arm across the back of it grabbing and clawing the cushion while my left hand gripped the arm, digging my nails into it.

Rachel brought her fingers into play, she slowly ran her finger tips up and down my pussy lips before pushing a couple of fingers into my wet little hole. I arched my back my body starting to tense as she drove me insane. Her touch was so light and delicate it was like a feather was tormenting and teasing me.

I felt her fingers go deeper into me, the tips seeking out my G-spot and just brushing it. My legs instinctively opened wider to give her as much access as possible. Her other hand came into play with the finger tips pushing at my clit, pushing it out from its hood so her tongue could tease me all the more.

I started to gasp, “Oh Rachel!” I almost whispered, “MY god that’s good, please don’t stop, don’t stop” I begged her.

“Yeah! Don’t stop Rachel” Mike said only to get another dig in the ribs this time from Mark.

“Shut the fuck up!” Mark snarled, “This is so fucking hot”

I couldn’t believe I could feel this way, my body was shaking, my mind was focused on one thing and only one thing, cumming!

Rachel stopped what she was doing, she looked over at Mike, “Why don’t you come over here for a better look and bring your friends with you?” She almost commanded.

The boys got up and dutifully trotted over, each of them going around the back of the sofa for the best possible view of what Rachel was doing to me. By now I was in a frenzy, all I wanted to do was cum. I wanted to cum so much my hands darted down to my pussy holding my lips open, “Please make me cum” I pleaded.

“Not just yet Emma, first of all you have to do something” Rachel said

“What do you want me to do?” I asked eager to please.

“First of all you have to lay on the floor” Rachel ordered, “Lay down on your back”

I did as I was told and lay on the floor, “Now put your hands directly above your head …. That’s it, good girl”

I did as I was told and Rachel straddled me with her bum on my chest, her pussy was only millimetres from my face and her legs trapped my arms in place. “Now open your legs so the boys can see your pussy” she ordered.

Again I did as I was told, “Mike, get licking” Rachel ordered

“You bet!!!” Mike exclaimed as he came from behind the sofa his cock bouncing up and down as he walked.

Mark, Tony and Keith all sat on the sofa watching intently their cocks still at full mast. “Tony, get your arse over her and hold her hands down on the floor” Rachel ordered.

Tony slipped off the sofa and sat on his legs above my head, he placed his hands on my wrists and held them in place so I couldn’t move my arms even if I wanted to.

Rachel opened her legs a little wider pushing her pussy forward towards my face, “Now lick me bitch, lick me till I cum”

Slowly I moved my tongue towards her pussy, my nostrils were full of the sweet smell of her pussy as my tongue made contact with her slit. I poked my tongue into her slit as far I could possibly go and gently licked up towards her clit.

“Start fingering her” Rachel ordered Mike who was between my legs leaning on my left leg to hold it open. “Mark, Keith, hold her legs open for Mike” Rachel ordered while grinding her pussy into my face.

I felt two sets of hands take a hold of my thighs and pull my legs open, Mike shifted his position so he was directly between my legs and started to work his fingers around my pussy, seeking out my wet little hole and his thumb seeking out my clit.

I licked Rachel for all I was worth, I was in heaven, I had the attention of four people and I loved every second of it. Rachel started to rock backwards and forwards a little, using my mouth and tongue to build her own sexual excitement.

“Hmmmm that’s it you little bitch, lick Rachel’s pussy, make her cum” she mewed as my licking quickened. Mike was starting to have an effect on me, I could feel my legs pulling against the boys as they tensed, my orgasm was starting to build.

Rachel started to groan, “Oh yes! Hmmmmm that’s it Emma, yes, lick my pussy”

Mike stepped up what he was doing to my pussy, he had 4 of his fingers inside of me and it felt like he was trying to work his thumb in too, slowly and very skilfully he started to work his whole hand into my open cunt, brushing my G-spot with his fingers. I felt another set of fingers on my clit, at this point I had another woman’s pussy on my mouth, a hand in my own pussy and my clit felt like it was on fire.

Rachel started to wail, “OH YES!!! OH YESSSSS THAT’S IT” she started to scream as she started to cum from the attentions of my mouth and tongue.

This sent me over the edge and I screamed out in pleasure “Eeefffffffffffff” I cried as a wave of orgasm hit my body, I tried to move but was well and truly pinned and this only heightened the orgasmic rush I felt.

I went limp as Rachel rolled off of me and sat on the floor leaning against the sofa panting slightly.

The boys let go of me and I lay there giggling and smiling, “God I feel used” I said in almost a whisper.

“That was so fucking hot” Mike said as he moved between my legs, his cock brushing against my inner thigh. “Can I fuck you Emma?” He begged.

“Not yet” Rachel said, “You boys have some work to do before you can have your fun”

Mike got off and sat on his shins between my legs. Tony, Mark and Keith all sat on the sofa near Rachel grinning like cats that got the cream, “Well, this is an interesting Friday night in” Tony said.

“It’s not over yet” Rachel said grabbing hold of his cock and giving it a quick lick from the base to the tip. “Hmmmmm, pre-cum” she said running her thumb up the under side of his shaft and forcing even more out of his cock,

I laid recovering watching what Rachel was doing while she worked Tony’s cock expertly.

She got up and sat between Tony and Keith taking a cock in each hand and stroking them both at once. The boys legs went tense as they sat back in their seats a little harder, “Do me a favour please Mark, go to the kitchen and get a container will you?”

“A container?” Mark questioned, “What for?”

“Oh you’ll find out, get one of those plastic tubs from under the sink. One of the ones with a top on please”

Mark got up and did as he was told, I was wondering what she had in mind as she worked both cocks slowly, working her fingers across the tips then running her hands down the shafts. Mark returned with a medium sized plastic tub about the size of a half pint glass with a lid. “Here you go” Mark said handing Rachel the tub.

“OK boys, not only do Emma and I want a the rent out of you, but we also want your spunk, in this” she said getting up from the sofa and holding the tub.

“Ermmm we do?” I asked wondering what I’d agreed to without knowing, or being asked for that matter.

“Yes Emma we do, all will become clear as we go along”

I decided to go with the flow on this, I really wanted to see where she was going.

“So do we have to fill that up tonight then?” Keith asked looking worried

“No, over the next few nights” Rachel said, “So, who’s first?” she asked

The boys looked at each other but said nothing. Rachel took the decision for them, “OK Mike, since you were so keen to fuck Emma you can go first” she said gesturing me to get up off the floor.

Rachel guided me over to the sofa and then guided my hands onto Tony & Keith’s cocks, “Start wanking them” she ordered while moving my legs so I was sort of squatting, “Mike, put your cock in her”

Mike did as he was told and positioned himself behind me, he adjusted himself and pressed the tip of his cock against my hole then started to push forward. Slowly he slide his length into me and started to fuck me. Rachel put the tub on the floor under me and held it there with one hand while she grabbed Mark’s monster of a cock and started slowly wanking him off.

I was finding it difficult to balance and wank the boys off at the same time but some how managed to keep a slow and steady pace while Mike pumped his cock in and out of me. “Let me know when you’re cumming Mike” Rachel said, “That goes for all of you, remember we’re collecting your spunk”

Mikes pace started to quicken a little getting faster with each stroke, “I’m going to cum” he said as his pace quickened. Rachel quickly jumped up, “Take your cock out of her” she said as she picked up the tub. Grabbing Mikes cock, she started pumping away wanking him off over the tub until he exploded with a groan delivering a good amount of spunk into the tub.

“Good boy” Rachel said as she milked his cock squeezing every last drop of cum out of it.

Mike sat down, Rachel took Keith by the cock and told him he was next, one by one the boys all fucked me then had their cocks milked into the tub at which point it was about half full.

“A good quarter of a pint” Rachel said holding it up to the light and examining it.

I was starting to get tired by now and we all agreed to have a break before continuing. Rachel continued to admire the contents of the container, she seemed thoroughly fascinated by it and at the same time pleased with her accomplishment.

I warmed up what was left of the pizza in the microwave and we all sat eating and having some more to drink. “Well, this is a turn up for the books” Keith said between bites, “I know most guys move in with a couple of girls hoping something like this happens but I didn’t think we’d end up like this”

“Well, I’m wondering when Rachel is going to let us have her” Mike said

“All in good time boys. But first we have to make some ground rules”

“Ground rules?” I asked, thinking about it, I’d been very submissive through all of this and just went with the flow. But then I was having a good time so I didn’t have any complaint.

“Ground rules” Rachel said, “First of all, this doesn’t mean this is going to be a regular occurrence boys. Just because we’ve had a bit of fun tonight doesn’t mean to have any rights and it doesn’t mean we’re a sure thing. Right Emm?”

“Ermmmm sure Rachel” I said letting her take the lead.

“This means” Rachel continued, “If I’m in the mood I’ll leave my bedroom door open, if I’m not in the mood I’ll close it. That OK with you Emma?”

“Sure” I said

“If the door is open and I hang a towel over the door it means I’m only interested in a bit of fun with Emma but you guys can watch if you want to. You still OK with this Emma?”


“And if I decide I want one of you boys, I’ll come to visit you in your bedroom” Rachel continued

“What if we’re not in to mood” Mark asked

“Say no, and I’ll go play with someone else”

“So the towel on the door means you’re in the mood for Emma and we can watch, the door closed you’re not interested and if the door is open you’re in the mood for anyone passing?” Keith asked.

“You got it” Rachel said smiling.

I couldn’t contain myself any longer, “What’s the spunk in the tub for Rachel?” I asked.

“It’s for stuff like this” She said grabbing it and dipping a finger in. She moved towards me and told me to open my mouth which I did, “Now lick it off” she demanded. I complied tasting the thick spunk on her finger and sucking it clean.

“Oh wow!!” Tony said, “That is so hot!!”

“It gets better, but we need the container full to the brim for what I have in mind” Rachel said dipping her finger in the spunk again but this time tipping her head back and letting it drip into her mouth” “You boys ready to continue filling this?” She asked with a smile on her face, “This time you can all fuck me until you almost cum and Emma can wank you off”


Chapter Five

Over the next two weeks Rachel and I fucked and sucked the boys every night filling container after container of spunk. We had to go out and buy some more as they guys were filling them fast.

Finally we had 5 half pint containers full of the boys spunk. We kept them in the freezer to stop them going off and I found it amusing the way that little layers of spunk appeared as the fresh load was added to the last frozen load.

The boys were out one evening by the time I got home from university and Rachel was in warming some pans of water on the cooker. “What’s that for Rachel?” I asked looking in the pans and seeing only water in them.

“It’s for later tonight, you’ll see. Now, what I want you to do is go upstairs, have a nice close shave with these new razors and get into some nice sexy gear” she said adjusting the flame on the cooker so there was barely a flame on the ring then giving me a quick kiss.

She had a wicked sparkle in here eye as she smiled at me then continued doing what she was doing.

I went and started a bath running, I felt a bit tired but tomorrow was a day off so I could sleep in if need be.

I went to my wardrobe and dug out some clothes, suspender belt, fishnet stockings, a pair of thong type knickers and a black bra along with my negligee. I went back into the bathroom and felt the water, it felt hot but not boiling as I turned off the taps. I slowly pulled off my clothes and tied up my hair with a hair band then slipped into the water feeling the hot water soothe my body.

I lay there for a few minutes enjoying the heat penetrate my body and started to relax. I closed my eyes tipping my head back over the side of the bath and let myself drift for a few minutes before pulling myself together reaching for my coconut body wash.

I stood up and applied the body wash all over myself working up a good lather before plunging back into the water and rinsing myself. Again I lay there for a few minutes and just relaxed with my eyes closed wondering what Rachel had in store for the evening.

I had to pull myself together again as I was starting to fall asleep. I reached for the fresh razors I’d left on the side of the bath when I ran it opening the packet. I ran my fingers between my legs and felt my pussy lips, “Hmmm, like a hedgehog” I thought as I started to shave myself carefully working the razor into the little nooks of my pussy so I would be smooth.

Once done, I shaved my legs and arm pits so I was smooth all over. Running a hand over myself, I checked to make sure I’d done a good job before getting out and drying myself. I wrapped a towel around my body and slowly padded back into the bedroom to get ready.

Since this was going to be some sort of special occasion I decided to put on a bit of make up, a nice whore blue shade of eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, a touch of blusher to give my cheeks a shade of colour and finally a bright red lipstick I applied thickly sealing with some gloss.

I gave myself another padding down with the towel, squirted on some perfume then changed into my black underwear.

Slipping on my negligee and a pair of high heels, I ambled down stairs where I found Rachel gently heating up the containers full of spunk. Slowly they were melting into a liquid which looked very different to fresh spunk. It seemed to be a sort of clear liquid that was runny without being lumpy or the usual off white colour spunk normally was.

“Just in time” Rachel said looking at me, “here, try this” she said as she dipped a finger into one of the pots of spunk then offered me it. I opened my mouth and couldn’t believe the taste, it was strong without being bitter.

“Hmmmm, that’s nice” I said sucking the last drop from her finger, “Does it normally taste like that?” I asked rolling what little cum I had in my mouth over my tongue and savouring the flavour.

“Glad you like it, there’s about two and a half pints of the stuff” she giggled. “Right, I’m off to get changed” she said turning the cooker off and leaving the pots to gently warm after dipping her finger into one, tipping her head back and letting a huge glob of cum drip into her mouth. “Yummy!!” she exclaimed leaving the room.

I felt at a bit of a lose end so I decided to busy myself with a pot of cum. Taking a spoon I took a pot out of the gently simmering pan and went to sit on the sofa with it. I looked at it as I softly stirred it round and round in the pot, playing with it. The smell was starting to turn me on and I could feel my clit starting to throb ever so slightly.

Dipping a finger into the pot, I started to stir it again releasing more of that delicious smell filling my nostrils as I breathed it in deeply. Almost without thinking, my finger came out of the pot and raised towards my lips. I put out my tongue and let just a little bit of cum drip from my finger onto it, then a little bit more and a little bit more. I felt the warm cum on my tongue making its way slowing towards the back of my throat and I resisted the urge to swallow letting it trickle down my throat. My nostrils were full of the smell of cum and my mouth could taste it, I was driving myself nuts.

I couldn’t stand it any longer, I put my finger in my mouth and licked my finger clean of the remaining cum, sucking on it like a little cock, working it in and out of my mouth, almost fucking my own mouth with my finger.

Finally I swallowed losing myself in the taste, closing my eyes and imagining the times the boys had been gathered around me wanking their cocks. Slowly stroking them inches from my face, their pre-cum dripping from the ends of their cocks while Rachel licked and sucked on my pussy, fingering it and my ass hole.

I started to lose myself in my thought process. Again I dipped my fingers into the pot of spunk giving them a good coating. I shifted my position and lay down opening my legs. I put the pot on the floor within reach with my other hand then pulled my thong down a little so it was around my thighs. My cum coated fingers worked their way down my stomach and found their mark and sought out my clit. I massaged the spunk into my pussy sending little electric shocks over my body. I was being a dirty girl playing with his cum.

Stopping for a moment to reload my fingers with more cum, this time taking a good load and slapping it all over my pussy. I started to finger myself and could feel the luke warm cum all over my pussy, dripping down towards my hole and ass hole. Getting carried away I started to use it as a lubricant to finger my cunt and my ass hole, my breathing grew faster as I started to get myself off. My fingers started to work in and out of my cunt and ass hole, a little faster as I imagine it was Rachel’s fingers inside of me.

I let out a little moan, my breathing became a pant as I drew closer and closer to orgasm, my legs started to stiffen and my body started to tense. I drew my legs up so my knee’s were almost touching my chin, “Oh Rachel!” I groaned as I started to cum. My other hand was working on my left breast, teasing, pinching and twisting my hard nipple.

“Ooooooooooo Rachel” I cried as I came in one long and slow orgasm.

“Well that was a nice little show” Mike said standing by the door.

“What the hell??” I snapped adjusting myself

Mike laughed, “Oh come on Emma, it’s not like I haven’t seen that sort of thing before” He walked over to a chair and sat down still looking at me.

I adjusted my clothes and sat up glaring at him, “That’s hardly the point is it?”

“Oh come on Emma, I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist watching you and you’ve given me a raging hard on”

I was still embarrassed and pissed off at him watching me, “Well it’ll have to stay that way won’t it?” I teased him and could feel a smile creeping across my face.

Mike and I chatted for a while, I noticed he kept looking at the pot sat in front of the sofa at my feet and was wondering what it was for. He knew what was in it, after all he’d helped to fill it but he had a confused look on his face.

Rachel came back into the room looking stunning, her hair had been fluffed up, her make up was perfect and all she wore was a thong.

“Right, are we ready to play?” She asked sitting next to me and putting a hand on my knee.

“What about the others?” Mike asked

“What about them?” Rachel enquired

“Well don’t you think we should wait for Mark, Keith and Tony”

“No, I think we should make a start. Open a bottle of wine Mike, grab some glasses and pour your two ladies a drink”

Mike got up adjusting himself and padded into the kitchen, “Are you ready for some fun Emma?” Rachel asked with a slight pause, “I can smell you’ve had a bit of fun already. I hope that’s not fresh and Mike still has a nice load in his balls waiting to escape” she mewed as she kissed me.


Chapter Six

Mike came back into the room with a bottle of wine and three glasses. He opened the wine, poured us all a glass then sat on the chair, “What now?” he asked

Rachel took a sip of her wine and glanced at me before looking back towards Mike, “Well, I thought Emma and I might use you as our sex slave tonight. The other boys are out for the evening and probably all night. I set them up with a couple of girls from Uni and they promised me to keep the boys occupied”

Mike looked worried, “I’m not sure I can manage both you girls at once, but I’ll give it a go”

“All you have to do is keep a nice hard on for us to use Mike, and of course do as we say”

“Do as we say?” I asked taking a huge mouth full of my wine and draining half the glass.

“Yes, do as WE say” Rachel said looking at me and smiling. “Tonight I want you to let yourself go and suggest anything you want, I’m sure Mike will be up for it”

“I think he already is” I said giggling and pointing to the tent in his trousers.

“Come on Mike, get them off. I’m naked, Emma is almost naked so you’ll have to join in if you want to join in”

Mike stood up and started to undo his trousers, he wriggled out of them then out of his shorts. I thought he was going to do an Incredible Hulk when it came to his top, he almost ripped it off. In what seemed like seconds he was stood before us totally naked, his cock pointing at the ceiling and throbbing.

“Hmmmm, come over here” Rachel said beckoning him over with her index finger. As Mike walked across the room, his cock bounced up and down, he stood before Rachel who looked up at him, “What do you think about rough sex Mike?” she asked reaching out a hand and raking her finger nails across his tight balls

“I’ll let you know when I’ve given it a go” he said with a huge grin on his face

Rachel started to play with his balls, raking her fingers across his tight sack then suddenly grabbed a handful. Mike winced a little as he gripped his balls, pulling at them, clawing at them with her nails then circling her thumb and index finger around the base of his cock with the palm of her hand pushing on his balls into his body. “You like that?” She asked

“Very much” he replied his body going tense

She seemed to grip his balls a little more, “The safe word is “Kangaroo” Mike, if it gets too much just say that and we’ll stop OK?”

“OK” he panted.

She put down her glass of wine and brought her over hand into play, running her middle finger between his arse cheeks. Mike let out a gasp as the flat of her finger found his ass hole. “You still like? Oooooo! You do, you’re starting to drool spunk” she said putting his cock into her mouth and sucking off the pre-cum

I just sat there totally fixated on what Rachel was doing, after a few moments sucking she looked at me, “Your turn” she said sitting back into the sofa and directing Mike towards me. I drained my glass and put it down on the floor, I reached out and lead Mike towards me by the cock pulling him with force.

For a few minutes I played with his cock and balls, Mike stood bolt upright, his body tense. I pulled his cock towards my mouth and took it in. Slowly I worked it to the back of my throat them sucked for all I was worth using my tongue to lick the underside of it as my head bobbed back and forth.

“If you keep that up I’m gonna cum” Mike panted, Rachel slapped him hard on the ass causing him to shoot forward and force his cock down my throat. I gagged and pulled my mouth off coughing and choking, “Gee thanks Rachel” I moaned.

Rachel giggled, “You need to practice your deep throat” she said taking Mike’s cock away from me and guiding it towards her mouth, “Watch this” she said as she took it into her mouth and I saw his 8 inch cock slowly disappear into her mouth until her chin was touching his balls and her nose was pressing into his pelvis.

“I’m gonna cum” he said starting to shake, his body went rigid as Rachel didn’t back off, she tried to get more into her mouth, putting her hands on his hips and forcing them forward. This was all too much for Mike and he started to cum, pumping his cum down Rachel’s throat who slurped away while making him fuck her face hard and fast.

Finally Mike finished and tried to get away but Rachel wasn’t having any of it, she held him in place, his cock still in her mouth, sucking on it hard. Mike started to twitch, he tried his best to back off but she just wouldn’t let him, she kept his cock in her mouth. Even when he started to walk back she just followed him until his back was against a wall and he couldn’t get away from her.

Mike started to pant, “Stop it, please, stop it, I can’t take any more” he cried

Rachel took no notice at all, she continued what she was doing. I was amazed as inside of a couple of minutes Mike started to moan, his body tensed as he enjoyed a second orgasm in the space of a few minutes.

“Kangaroo!!! Kangaroo!!! Kangaroo!!!” He screamed trying to get Rachel’s mouth of his cock.

Rachel backed off from her kneeling position and sat on her legs with a satisfied look on her face, “Well that was fun, bet you’ve never cum twice that quickly before”

“Too fucking right I haven’t” Mike said crawling over to the chair and collapsing into it with an idiot grin on his face.

“Well I’m not finished with you yet” Rachel said moving over towards him with an evil grin on her face.

Mike curled up in a ball to protect his cock, “Kangaroo!!! Kangaroo!!!” he again said.

Rachel rolled over the floor laughing calling him a wuss who couldn’t keep up. She looked at me, “How’s about you and me put on a little show to get him going again?”

“Hmmmm, what do you have in mind?” I asked coyly smiling at her

Rachel came over to me and pulled me down onto the floor with her, sitting at my legs, she ran her hands up my legs, over my thighs to the knickers I was wearing and started to slowly pull them down. Slowly she rolled them down my thighs, past my calves and off my feet throwing them on the sofa. Next she ran her hands from my feet up the inside of my legs pulling them apart as she went. My legs flopped open revealing my freshly shaven cunt, she caressed my cunt lips with her finger tips then shifted her position so her body was at my head.

I was laid on my back with my legs wide apart, Rachel straddled my head with her own cunt just inches away from my face, she pulled her thong to one side and lowers her own freshly shaven cunt into my face, “Lick me bitch, make me cum you fucking slut” she ordered.

I put out my tongue and sought out her clit as her crotch started to grind into my face. She leant over and put her own head between my thighs then commenced licking me with enthusiasm. We were in the 69 position licking each others cunts, her arms came around my hips, her hands seeking out my arse cheeks and her fingers seeking out my ass hole. After a few minutes she raised herself up, “too dry” she said as she reached for the now cold pot of cum that had been sat in front of the sofa.

Rolling off me and laying on her back, she opened her legs and poured about half the container over her own cunt and the remainder over mine. I felt the cold thick spunk hit my clit and start to run down covering my cunt lips and in between them making its way down to my ass hole.

She climbed back on top of me and spunk dripped onto my face, she nestled back into my face and my mouth started to fill with a mixture of warm cum from the pot and her own cunt juices.

We started to lick each other again, Rachel pulled my ass cheeks apart, her fingers once more seeking out my ass hole and working their way into it. I reached around and did the same to her, we lay there on the floor side on to Mike who was watching us intently, our fingers buried in each others ass holes, our tongues licking each other to orgasm.

I came very quickly and Rachel soon after. We rolled around the floor trying to fuck each other with our tongues while working our fingers in and out of each others ass hole, my own fingers sliding in and out up to the knuckles.

We rolled away from each other and lay there panting, relaxed in our post orgasm.

“Someone’s getting hard again” Rachel said looking at Mike who had his cock in his hand and was wanking away slowly.

“Lets go to my room” Rachel said as she got up holding out her hand to help me up, She held out her other hand for Mike who took it and got up from the chair. We all went out of the lounge and headed up the stairs to Rachel’s bedroom. Half way up the stairs Rachel said she’d forgot something and would be right back encouraging Mike and I to go up to her room to wait for her,

I took Mike’s cock in my hand and lead him up the stairs, we got to Rachel’s bedroom and found the bed had some leather straps on each corner, “I wonder what they’re for?” Mike asked. I shrugged my shoulders and mumbled I didn’t know.

We sat on the bed kissing, Mike’s hands were all over me, one hand feeling my tits, pinching my nipples while the other worked its way between my open legs. Rachel came into the room holding two pots of the spunk, “Let round two commence” she said closing the door behind her.


Chapter Seven

Rachel came into the room and put the two half pints of spunk on the bedside table before turning and facing Mike, “Stand up!” she ordered and Mike did as he was told. She took his cock in her hand and gave it a loving stroke, “Hmmm, I see you’re nice and hard again” she mewed while gently wanking it off.

Next she dipped her other hand into one of the half pints of spunk and slapped a handful onto his cock, “That’s cold!” he complained.

She threw him a vicious look and slapped him across the face, not hard but hard enough to get his full attention, “Shut the fuck up bitch!” she snarled grabbing his balls and digging her nails into them, “Yes miss” he whimpered as she started to really grip his cock using the spunk as a lubricant.

She turned to me, “Well are you just going to sit there?” he asked shortly.

“Well what would you like me to do?” I asked being totally unsure what was expected of me, “Get one of my vibrators from my bedside drawer” she hissed.

I stood and went to the bedside drawer and couldn’t believe my eyes, inside were all sorts of toys from this huge 16 inch 6 inch thick latex cock to little tiny clit kits. I picked one of the smaller toys on the basis I didn’t know what it was for or more to the point who it was for.

I looked over and waved it in the air, “This one OK?” I asked.

“NO!!! There’s a V-shaped one, get that one”

I shuffled through the drawer and found this odd looking vibrator that was in the shape of a V with one side being about 6 inches and the other about 9 inch in length, both sides must have been a good 3 inch in diameter. “This one?” I asked holding it up.

“That’s the one! Now lay on the bed and put the small end in your cunt. Use some of this spunk as a lube so it goes all the way in”

I did as I was told, reaching across the bed I took the other pot of spunk and dipped the end in, it came out covered and dripping. I crawled onto the bed and opened my legs to insert it, “Turn around so I can see it go in” Rachel snapped.

Again I did exactly what I was told and I lay across the bed with my legs wide apart trying to insert the slippery fake cock into my already wet cunt. With a bit of fiddling about I finally managed it and lay there looking down. I finally go it, it was a fake cock and protruded from between my legs like I’d had a sex change.

“Now get off the bed and come behind me” Rachel ordered. It wasn’t the easiest thing in the world to walk with but somehow managed. As I walked I could feel the part that was inside of me tickling my G-spot and I have to say I liked it.

I took my position behind Rachel who was still roughly wanking Mike off, she gripped his cock hard as she worked her hand up and down his length all the while gripping and squeezing his balls, pulling and tugging at them.

She took a slight step back and bend over slightly, “Now! Lube up my ass hole with that spunk then fuck me in the ass Emma”

I dipped my fingers in the spunk making sure I had plenty on them before starting to work on Rachel’s ass hole. Due to the previous spunk covering down stairs it wasn’t hard to work my fingers into her, again and again I took more and more spunk from the pot until her ass hole was oozing cum out of it, “Now stick it in me” she demanded.

Carefully I placed the tip of the fake cock on the entrance to her ass hole and started to push forward with my hips. Rachel pushed back and with what seemed like a sudden pop the cock slid in without much difficulty.

“Now fuck me” She said wiggling her bum as a form of invite.

Slowly at first, I started to move my hips back and forth sliding the cock in and out of her, Rachel started to moan, “Hmmmm that’s it, fuck that little ass hole …… What do you think Mike? Do you like me wanking you off while I’m getting fucked in the arse by another woman? ….. Hmmm, faster Emma, go faster, go hard, ooooooooo that’s it, ram that cock into my ass”

Mike was looking flustered as he stood having his cock violently wanked off, his body was starting to tense.

I gripped Rachel’s hips and started to fuck her hard, with each thrust the part inside of me pressed on my G-spot, sliding in and out of my cunt just a little. Not too much, but certainly enough to get me going and make my fucking all the harder.

“That’s it Emma, you fuck my ass, you make this little slut cum” Rachel said now gasping with the pleasure she was receiving. It seemed to drive her on all the more working on Mike’s cock, her hand was moving up and down it at a rate of knots.

“I’m going to cum” Mike moaned, “I’m going to cum again”

“Oh no you’re not” Rachel said as she stopped what she was doing. Pulling forward she escaped from the dildo up her ass and it popped out with a squelch. She grabbed Mike by the hair and forced him to lay face down on the bed. She tied him to the bed with the ties so he was spread eagle.

She turned to me, by now I was so into this I would have done almost anything. She took the fake cock in one hand and grabbed a pot of spunk with the other, “Have you ever been fucked Mike?” she asked.

“No!” He replied sharply with a nervous undertone to his voice.

Rachel grabbed a couple of pillows, “Lift up” she said to Mike who did his best to hold himself off the bed while she crammed them under his tummy raising his pelvis off the bed just enough to slip a hand under him for access to his cock. Next she took one of the pots of spunk and poured it over his ass at the top of his ass crack so it ran down, using her fingers, she started to work it into his ass hole until she could insert 3 fingers right in to the knuckle. “Do you like that Mike?” She asked

“Well, it’s different”

She slapped him hard on the ass with her other hand, “I asked if you liked it”

“Yes, I like it” he whimpered.

“Right Emma, position yourself on top of him and start to work that cock into his ass”

I did as I was told kneeling between his legs and then leaning forwards, “I can’t do this Rachel, you’ll have to help” I said trying and failing to support my weight.

Rachel guided me into position and slipping a hand between myself and Mike, she guided the false cock into his ass hole, slowly I started to push forwards and felt my pelvis start to slip down as the cock entered him. Mike let out a gasp as I established myself laying over his back using my legs and arms to keep myself in position.

As I started to fuck the helpless Mike, Rachel positioned herself at Mike’s head. Sitting at the top of the bed and putting her legs over his out stretched arms she found a position where Mike was able to bury his face into her cunt, “Start licking boy” she demanded.

Mike did as he was told and started to lick Rachel’s pussy, lapping at it. “Hmmmmm, that’s good, there’s a good boy, make Rachel all nice and wet” she said.

I was starting to get off myself, I could feel the part of the dildo inside of me rubbing the inside of my pussy and G-spot. I started to moan and fuck Mike harder & faster, his head was moving in circles as he licked Rachel and she was gripping the bed head moaning as her own orgasm started to build.

I was now putting my full weight on Mike, raking my nails down his back and my orgasm started to build, I’d never fucked a guy up the ass like this before and I was loving it.

Rachel and I enjoyed our orgasms and we both panted to a halt.

I rolled off Mike and Rachel climbed out from her position. We both sat on opposite sides of the bed with a smug grin on our faces looking at each other. I leaned back a little and extracted the dildo with a squelch.

Rachel had a mischievous look in her eyes as she turned and reached under Mike accessing his cock, “You think we could make this thing cum again Emma?” she asked her hand quickly moving back and forth.

Mike started thrusting his hips in an effort to get her to go a little faster, “Keep doing that and I will” he said with a tone of desperation in his voice.

“Is that a nice hard cock Rachel?” I asked slipping my hand under the other side and feeling his balls, “Oooooo! It is hard isn’t it?” I said

I took my hand from under Mike and started to undo the ties on his wrists and ankles. Mike wriggled free and was steered by his cock over onto his back by Rachel to reveal a throbbing hard cock dripping with pre-cum.

Rachel told Mike to open his legs and then directed me to kneel between them. With her left hand she pointed Mike’s cock towards the ceiling and with her right hand she grabbed me by the hair forcing my mouth down onto his cock. I started to suck for all I was worth as she bobbed my head up and down while gripping my hair. She started to move faster and faster forcing more and more of his cock into my mouth until he was throat fucking me. I started to gag as with each downward stroke she forced his cock deeper and deeper into my mouth. I put my hands either side of Mike’s hips on the bed and I was on all fours.

“Do you like me wanking you off with Emma’s mouth Mike?” She asked.

“Oh yes, OH YES” he screamed as he started to cum down my throat pumping fresh spunk into my mouth. Rachel forced my head right onto his cock so my chin was pressing into his balls and my nose was firmly buried in his pelvis.

Small amounts of watery cum filled my mouth as his cock throbbed in my throat.

Rachel let go and I pulled my head away my eyes watering slightly, “It’s about time you learned how to throat fuck” she laughed.

Mike lay spread eagle on the bed looking satisfied and content, “I’m knackered” he said with a grin on his face.

“Well you have a little rest Mike, Emma and I will have a bit of fun while you recover for the next round” she said grabbing me and moving me over the bottom of the bed.

“Time to fuck your brains out Emma” she said opening my legs wide …


Chapter Eight

Rachel told Mike to move his legs out of the way, she grabbed one of my wrists and wrapped a leather strap around it tying it firmly. Next she did the same to my other wrist so I was knelt over the bottom of the bed, my arms stretched out to the sides and my face was down.

Rachel went behind me and nudged my legs open a little wider, “Hmmmm, I can smell someone has been having fun with that spunk haven’t they?” She said then slapped me hard on the ass. I winced in a mixture of pain and pleasure, “Do you like that Emma? Do you like your bottom being smacked?”

“Yes, I like it” I said then bit my bottom lip as Rachel proceeded to spank me hard with her hand. My arse cheeks felt like they were on fire as she slapped them again and again making me writhe with pain and pleasure. Eventually she stopped and admired her work, “Hmmm, nice and red” she said getting up.

She went over to the bedside table and took a pot of spunk, passing behind me she placed it on the floor next to me then went to the other bedside table. I looked up and almost yelled out with surprise, she got the thick 16 inch vibrator, “Now I wonder what I could do with this?” she said curiously as she moved back towards me.

“Mike, get off the bed and lay on the floor so you can see what I’m going to do” She said and Mike did as he was told.

Rachel picked up the pot of spunk and started to pour it at the top of my ass crack so it dripped down, running between my ass cheeks, down to my sopping wet pussy, over my cunt lips and down my thighs. It felt cold at first but seemed to warm up very quickly against my skin. I felt Rachel cup my cunt as she poured yet more if the spunk over me, then I felt her fingers start to work it into my cunt, pushing it into my hole, filling it.

I started to tense, my wrists pulling on the leather straps holding me in place as she worked her fingers in and out of my cunt. “Are you ready for this?” she asked taking her fingers away.

“Yes, please …….. Please make me cum Rachel, please” I begged in almost a whisper.

I could feel the vibrator being placed against my cunt hole and it was starting to push it’s way inside. God I felt tight as it entered me, I thought it was going to split me in two as more and more of it was fed into my waiting cunt. Just as I thought I took as much as I could take a little bit more was fed into me. I started to sweat, opening my legs as wide as I could get them Rachel continued to feed that massive fake cock into my pussy forcing all the spunk Rachel had pressed into there out, filling me up more and more.

“mmmmmmmmmmmm ……… ooooooooooooooo ……… mmmmmmmmmm” I moaned as more and more was fed into me, “Oh god, I can’t take any more, please, I can’t take any more. I’m full up … I’m full up” I cried

Rachel stopped what she was doing and let the cock establish itself in my cunt which was holding it in place like a vice. She ran some more spunk down between my ass cheeks and this time started working it into my ass hole. Steadily she worked first a finger, then two, then three and finally four of her fingers into my ass hole. The pleasure I was feeling was intense, I had my cunt filled with cock and my ass filled with her fingers. As she worked her fingers in and out of my ass hole I could feel her working more and more of the cold spunk into me, lubricating up my ass hole so her fingers slid in and out easily.

“I think you need fucking in the ass now since you fucked Mike in the ass” she said shuffling about behind me. She took the V-shaped dildo from the bed and I could hear her moving about. She poured some spunk onto the dildo then placed it on my ass hole. With one big thrust she rammed it into my ass making me gasp and tense, “My god!!!!!” I cried

“Rachel will do” she giggled as she established the dildo in my ass. I couldn’t believe how good this felt, a cock ramming in and out of my ass with another one vibrating away in my pussy, “Fuck me Rachel, fuck me hard …. Please, fuck me and make me cum” I moaned.

“That’s it you little slut, take this fucking cock up your ass. Feel it ramming in your ass ….. Ooooooo I can feel it rubbing inside my own cunt …. Oh yes, that’s it, that’s it …. Take this fucking cock you whore”

Rachel started to fuck me hard and fast, her moans of pleasure building more and more as she fucked me harder and faster. She grabbed a hand full of my hair and ripped my head back hard using it to help her force the cock into my ass harder and harder. We rocked back and forth making the bed shake as we built to orgasm.

Then it started, wave after wave of orgasm hit my body hard and fast, I cried out moaning, screaming with my pleasure as I came. Rachel joined me, screaming “You fucking bitch, you fucking love it don’t you slut? Tell me you love it whore”

“Yesssssssssss …. I love it, fuck me hard Rachel, fuck my ass hole”

My body shuddered to an exhausted halt as my orgasm subsided and I relaxed on the bed unable to tense any more.

I felt the cock in my ass slip out of me and the vibrator in my pussy pull out. I lay there exhausted and covered in sweat.

“You turn to fuck her in the ass Mike” Rachel said as she sat to one side of me.

Mike got up off the floor and knelt behind me, I felt the tip of his cock at the entrance to my ass hole and it pushed in easily. Mike started to pound my ass hole for all he was worth, “I’m going to fuck another orgasm out of you” he said grabbing my hips and digging his nails into them. I was helpless to resist which turned me on even more. Again my body was tensing against my will as I started to peak again. It didn’t take long for me to reach another screaming orgasm.

Mike pulled out of me, “Phew! That was fun” he said sitting down.

Rachel started to undo the straps on my wrists and release me from the bed. I crawled onto the bed and lay there exhausted basking in my accomplishment.

Mike and Rachel started kissing, their hands all over each others bodies, probing and feeling.

I watched intently as they started to get involved with each other, “Fuck me Mike, fuck me hard and fast” Rachel begged as she leaned over the bottom of the bed wiggling her arse at him.

“Which hole?” Mike asked

“Fuck my cunt Mike, fuck it hard and fast …. Fuck it now, ram it inside of me. I want to feel your cock in my cunt”

Mike did as he was told and rammed his cock into Rachel who let out a long deep moan, “Hmmmmmm that’s it” she said, “Pull my hair, I want you to fuck me like I fucked Emma”

Mike grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled at it hard, “That’s it, treat me like a slut. Use me Mike, abuse me. Force yourself onto me” she cried bucking her hips, pushing back into his cock and turning circles with her ass.

Rachel started to moan loudly, “Yes … that’s it, fuck my pussy, fuck my pussy” she gasped as he fucked her harder and harder.

The force of them fucking was starting to move the bed, shaking it as they violently fucked.

Rachel’s moans started to grow louder and louder as her orgasm built and reached its climax.

Eventually they slowed down and Rachel started to relax. The parted and Mike sat on the floor with a big grin on his face, “Well I’m having fun, how about you girls?”

“Well, I think Emma and I should make you cum one more time then we’ll call it a night” Rachel said with a grin on her face.

“I’m not sure I can” Mike said looking worried, “I mean, I have a good hard on but I don’t think I could cum again”

“I’m sure you could” I said beckoning him to join us on the bed, “Why don’t you lay down on the bed and let us give it a go anyway?”

Mike got up and lay on the bed on his back. Somehow we knew what we were going to do without saying a word. I sat to the left of Mike with Rachel to the right of him. We both sat with our backs facing out of the bed and our arses towards his head.

Rachel took Mikes cock in her hand and started wanking it slowly, I leaned over and started to take it into my mouth for the second time that night. I shifted my position so my ass was more towards Mike who brought his hand into play and started fingering my pussy.

Rachel moved to more or less the same position only a little lower, her head came down and she took his balls in her mouth, sucking on them gently while his other hand started to play with her pussy.

She licked his balls as I sucked his cock and he was fingering us both.

It didn’t take long for his body to start tensing and again he came. As he started to cum I pulled my mouth off his cock and started to wank him off gripping his cock hard enough to stop his spunk spurting out of his cock. Rachel and I started to lick up and down the shaft as I released his cock for him to cover our faces in fresh spunk.

We kissed and licked the spunk for each other faces before collapsing back onto the bed laying bedside Mike who was now looking completely exhausted.

“I’m thirsty” I said as I lay there, “Someone get me a drink”

Rachel got up and took the pot of remaining spunk from the floor, “There’s not much here and there’s a bit in the other pot” She said smiling.

“In for a penny” I said and took the pot off her, we looked at each other as we opened our mouths and poured the remaining spunk down our throats. We swallowed down what little spunk there was left and lay back on the bed laughing.

Mile looked bemused by our antics as we climbed under the covers with him in the middle.

The last time I looked at the clock it was gone 4 am, and I quickly fell to sleep snuggled into Mike.


Chapter Nine

A few nights later Rachel and I were in my room swatting up for some exams when Tony came into the room holding our post for us. “These came for you today” he said putting them down on the bed beside me.

I sorted through the mail giving Rachel her letters while browsing through my own. I came across a letter from dad and thought it was odd he was writing to me since we often spoke on the phone. I ripped open the envelope wondering what it could be.

A cheque fell out of the envelope for £15,000 and a note – Dear Emma, since you have the stables and they’re not in use, I’ve given you this money to get yourself a couple of horses and kit the stables out. Use it wisely … Love Dad xxx

“What is it?” Rachel asked tossing her post into my bin.

“Dad’s given me a cheque to get some horses” I said reading through the note again.

“Oooo! Horses huh? You know what they say about girls and horses don’t you?” she laughed.

“Well, Tony is hung like one” I chuckled as it seemed perfect he’d brought me the letter from dad.

“Have you ever seen a horse with a hard on? They make Tony look like a needle dick. Here, let me show you” Rachel said turning to my lap top and typing in a web address. She clicked on a couple of links and a video started to play.

I saw a slim woman sat beside a horse playing with its cock that was growing bigger and bigger as it came out of its sheath. She ran her fingers up and down the length then started to lick and suck the end. I could hardly believe my eyes as she managed to get the whole head of the horses cock into her mouth.

The scene changed and she was laid on some sort of bench under the horse with her legs wide apart. As the camera moved into position, she started to insert the horses cock into her cunt, working it in and old like some sort of giant dildo, bucking her hips to force it further and further into her cunt. She started to moan as she got herself off fucking the horses cock.

I glanced towards Rachel who had shifted her position so she could slip a hand inside of her knickers. She was watching the video intently, biting her bottom lip slightly as her fingers worked on her clit. Her other hand found the back of my knee and started gently stroking it, running her hand up and down my bare thigh.

I leaned forwards a little placing the palms of my hands on the desk, sticking my bum out a little and opening my legs just ever so slightly.

“Is this turning you on as well?” She asked now stroking the back of my leg, running her hand up to the bottom of my bum then back down to behind my knee.

I don’t know what it was, but something was turning me on.

Rachel looked at me and smiled, “Open your legs Emma, let me finger you” she said

I opened my legs as wide as I could to allow her access. Rachel ran her hand up to my knickers pulling them to one side then running a finger between my pussy lips before seeking out my cunt and inserting a finger into my dripping wet cunt.

“Someone’s turned on” she smile as she started to finger my pussy a little faster and harder.

My eyes glanced between the video and Rachel fingering herself, she had now pulled her own knickers to one side and had three fingers deep inside her cunt while her thumb worked at her clit. In perfect unison she was finger fucking me and herself, “Watch this bit, I love this” she said

My attention turned back to the video and the girl was now fucking herself hard and fast with the horses cock, suddenly it seemed to explode in her pussy, what seemed like gallons of horse cum spilled out of her cunt as she pulled it out of her cunt to start wanking it off over her tummy. I didn’t think the horse was going to stop, stream after stream of horse cum started to cover her from her tits to her cunt, over her thighs.

Rachel seemed to go over the edge at this and started to moan as her fingers worked their magic. This in turn gave me the kick I needed and I could feel myself starting to cum, tensing my body and arching my back I let out a cry as a wave of orgasm hit me.

“Hmmmmmm, that was good” Rachel said removing her fingers for me and herself at the same time.

My legs felt like jelly, I straightened myself up pulling my skirt back down and adjusting my knickers while having a slit fleeting touch of my clit as I did. I went back to the bed and flopped onto it laying on my back.

“So did you enjoy that?” Rachel asked standing to adjust her clothes.

“Yes, it was different” I said my eyes closed feeling relaxed, “So have you ever done anything like that?” I asked

“No, have you?”

“I can’t say I have. I didn’t know you were into that sort of thing” I said looking at her. “So what is it you like about that sort of thing?”

“It’s the money shot, all that cum all over the place, it’s so dirty and sleazy” she said walking over and joining me on the bed.

“I have to admit there was a lot of it. But we get that out of the boys”

“Yes, but it takes so long to collect. I’d love to have that much cum to play with. Hmmmm, I could just imagine licking it off your body, playing with it, rubbing it in to your skin, covering your face in it. Oh yes, that would be so good”

“Are you serious?” I asked feeling a bit taken back by this. I knew Rachel was a nymphomaniac and loved being in charge, but this was something new.

“From what I recall, you love being covered in the boys cum. What’s the difference?”

“Yeah but that’s with the boys isn’t it? I mean it’s human cum …..” I weakly protested. Secretly I was willing to give it a go, but I needed to be sure Rachel was as into it as she said she was.

“It makes no difference Emma, cum is cum is cum. Where or who it comes from doesn’t matter. So long as nobody gets hurt, there’s no abuse and besides, do you actually thing something the size and power of a horse is going to do something it doesn’t want to do?”

“Well, I suppose not, but still …….” My voice trailed off.

“But still nothing, we can still have loads of fun with the boys. If we got a couple of horses they would be just extra’s would they?”

Rachel and I talked into the night about what we’d seen on the video and how we might go about making this new fantasy come true.

We continued our conversation in the shower while washing each other, occasionally kissing and fingering each other. We slipped into bed together still talking and touching each other.

“So what’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done Emma?” Rachel asked as she slipped a couple of fingers into my pussy while working my clit with her thumb.

“I’m not sure I could tell you” I gasped as her fingers started bring me off again

“Oh go on Emma, you know you want to” Rachel said slowing down her pace, teasing my cunt and clit

“No, I can’t” I protested. I wasn’t at all sure I should tell her what I’d done with dad, or what I’d watched mum doing for that matter. I really wanted to tell her, I didn’t want t lie because she was my friend and in my own little way I did love her to bits.

Rachel stopped what she was doing to me and propped herself up on one hand, she looked down at me and kissed me, “Now you can’t say something like that and not tell me. Is it dirty? Was it sleazy?” she pressed me for an answer.

I looked at her smiling face, should I take the chance and tell her or make something up?

“Come on Emma, spill the beans, tell me what it was” Rachel begged, her hand moving back towards my crotch and slipping her middle finger up and down my slit, “If you don’t tell me I’ll do this until you’re almost there then I’ll stop” she teased vigorously starting to massage my clit.

My legs instinctively opened a little bit allowing her better access, she slid her finger right down and entered my cunt, just the very opening of it, teasing me and driving me nuts. My legs opened further so she could get full access to my pussy, she ran her hand up and down my cunt making it dripping wet, thoughts of when my dad fucked me as well as the video I’d seen as well as what we’d done together the last few months filling my mind.

I was almost at my peak when she stopped abruptly, “Now tell me what you did Emma or I won’t let you cum” she demanded, my hands started to go down to my cunt to finish myself off but she grabbed my hands and put them above my head, “Tell me!!!! Tell me!!!” she ordered.

My clit was on fire, it was begging to me touched, I was so close and yet so far away from orgasm, I couldn’t take it any more, “Please …… Finish me off” I begged

“Not until you tell me”

“I can’t, you wouldn’t understand …. Please, make me cum Rachel, please”

“Not until you tell me!”

I couldn’t take any more, I needed to be touched, “I fucked my dad” I said

“You did what?” Rachel questioned her voice full of surprise. She released her grip on my wrists and sat up on the side of the bed looking down at me

“I knew you wouldn’t understand”

“That is so hot!!! That deserves a reward” She said pulling my legs open and moving between them. She put her mouth on my clit and started to lick, sucking and gently biting at me. It didn’t take long before I had a back arching orgasm squeezing her head between my thighs.

I relaxed back onto the bed, my need to cum finally satisfied.

Rachel crawled back up the bed and lay beside me, “You know” she said stroking my nipple, “I think that’s really fucking hot, you fucking your father”

She asked me all sorts of questions, how it happened, what we did, how we did it, how big was his cock. She seemed thirsty for every little detail of how I fucked my dad.

“Do you fuck him when you go home then?” She asked

“All the time”

“Do you think he’d be up to us both? I’d love to watch your dad fuck you”

“I’m not sure he’d take to someone else knowing about us. As for both of us I’m not sure about that, he has got 24 years on me you know”

“So that’ll make him 54 then?” Rachel sniggered

“Excuse me madam, but as you well know I’m 19 so that makes him …… ermmmmm”

“43 Emma, maths isn’t your strong point is it?”

We talked through the night about going to my dads during the holidays and as we had a half term coming up it seemed an ideal time to put our plan into action. When we got back from the holidays we’d go horse shopping to see what we could come up with.

We made each other cum several times that night talking about what we could do, not only to each other, with my dad, without my dad, but also what we could get up to while covered in horse cum.


Chapter Ten

Going home to dad.

The summer holidays were soon upon us. Rachel and I had spent a great deal of time collecting as much spunk from the boys to tie us over until our return in September. Rachel and I were going to stay at my dads for the holidays drinking his booze, eating his food and generally behaving like a pair of students at his expense.

We had pondered how to manipulate the situation so we could both get into dads bed and fuck his brains out, but for the life of us all we could come up with was problem after problem on that one. It wasn’t like I was fucking a boyfriend or something, I was his daughter so getting such a thing out into the open wasn’t going to be easy. OK so dad and I knew what we were doing, Rachel knew what dad and I were doing but dad didn’t know Rachel knew and I wasn’t at all sure what his reaction may be to me telling her.

Still, it was a bridge for us to cross when we came to it and I was convinced we’d figure it out eventually. After all, we had at least a couple of month to work on it. Dad wasn’t too impressed that I was taking Rachel home with me, in fact he sounded disappointed and pointed out we couldn’t fuck as freely as we had been doing on my trips home. I assured dad we’d have some time on our own to steal a go fuck here and there and he seemed happy with that suggesting the thrill of possibly getting caught might add to the excitement of it all.

We arrived at the house and dad was still at work, “Where do I put this?” Rachel asked holding up a large mayonnaise jar sized pot of spunk that was still frozen in a solid block.

“Ermmm, well I suppose it could go in the chest freezer buried under a few steaks or something” I suggested as I took it from her.

“Oh hang on a minute” She said grabbing it back. She went over to the sink, “You got a nice sharp knife?” She asked

“Sure! What for?”

Rachel opened the pot and started to squeeze the block out onto the draining board of the sink, “To cut a slice off. We can use it tonight”

“I don’t think dad is expecting us to sleep together Rachel, after all this is an 8 bedroom house and I think he’ll expect you to sleep in a room of your own”

“That may be so, but that doesn’t mean I can’t sneak out into your room does it? And it doesn’t mean I can’t go to see you to say goodnight does it?” she said with a sly smile on her face as she cut a good inch slice from the block”

“I suppose not” I laughed as I went over and kissed her. A few crumbs of spunk fell onto the draining board like little ice cubes. She took a couple of the bits and popped them into my mouth, “Just let it melt on your tongue” she said rubbing another piece around my lips. We kissed our tongues flicking in and out of each others mouth, our hands running up and down each others bodies as the spunk slowly melted for us to share it.

We started to lose ourselves in the moment to hear a cough behind us just as Rachel’s fingers reached into my thong to search out my clit, “I suppose you two will be sharing a bed” Dad said stood at the door. I gasped in horror! Here we were making out like a pair of bitches in heat with an iced block of spunk sat on the draining board slowly melting.

Quickly I pulled myself together and straightened out my clothes. For the first time since I’d met her I saw Rachel blush a deep red.

“Oh! Ermmmmm!!!” I stammered

“It’s OK Emma, I went to university too” Dad said, “But please try to be a bit more discreet in future. Oh, and your ice cream is melting” he said as he turned and went up stairs to get changed.

Rachel started laughing, “What’s so funny?” I asked

“You dad said our ice cream is melting. Get it?”

“Well he’s got a point, it is starting to melt and make a right mess”

“You clean it up Emma and I’ll go apologise to your dad. He’s right you know, we should be a bit more discrete. Which is his room?”

“Top of the stairs and 3rd door on the left” I said as I started to clean up the kitchen sink and put the block of cum back into its container.

Rachel left the room and went up the stairs and found my dads bedroom, she knocked on the door and waited for an answer. “I’m in the shower” came his muffled voice

“Hi, it’s Rachel, can I come into the bedroom?” she asked

“Sure, but I’m in the shower”

Rachel went into dad’s room and saw the door slightly open to the en suite bathroom. Looking around she saw dads clothes dumped on the floor and the bed looking very slept in. She could hear the water running and went to sit in the end of the bed.

“So what can I do for you Rachel?” Dad asked shouting above the water

“Well, Mr. Stevens, I just wanted to apologise for what happened down stairs. We didn’t want to embarrass you”

“Don’t worry about it Rachel, it’s really not a problem but I would ask you to be a little more discrete in future please”

“I’ll try to make sure we’re more careful” Rachel said getting up, as she got up she caught a glimpse of the large wall mirror in the bathroom and saw dad stood in the shower, his cock was in his hand and he was wanking himself off. She moved over towards the door for a better view of what he was doing. She stood for a few seconds watching him slowly stroking his cock running his hand the full length right to the tip then back down the shaft again.

His other hand was holding his balls, massaging and squeezing them as he wanked himself off.

Rachel wanted to burst into the room and help him out but wasn’t sure how she’d get onto the subject of sex when she was apologising for what happened. She also needed to be quick as if she took too long he’d be finished and her opportunity would be lost.

“So I take it you don’t mind Emma and I sharing a bed Mr. Stevens?”

Dad stopped what he was doing and looked slightly stunned, “I thought you’d gone. No I don’t mind at all and call me Terry please. This Mr. Stevens rubbish is for work”

“OK Terry, thanks. I’m glad you don’t mind and I feel a little easier about it all now”

“Good, I’m glad you feel better”

“Did you enjoy it then?” Rachel asked taking the chance

“Enjoy what?”

“Catching myself and Emma doing what we were doing”

“Ermmmm well Emma is my daughter so it’s not really something for me to enjoy”

“What if she wasn’t?”

“I don’t know, at my age girls don’t exactly throw themselves at me” Dad laughed

“Oh I don’t know, you’re not bad. I’ve seen much worse half your age”

“Are you flirting with me Rachel?” Dad asked his voice slightly strained

“I could be, would you like that?”

“I don’t think it’s appropriate really Rachel. I’m old enough to be your father and you appear to be my daughters girlfriend in more ways than one”

“While that is true, that doesn’t mean I can’t flirt a little does it?”

“I suppose not, but all the same I don’t think it’s a very good idea. I wouldn’t want to upset Emma”

“Oh she wouldn’t mind, it’s not like she’s your wife or girlfriend. She’s your daughter”

“Again that’s true, but I still don’t think it’s appropriate”

“So we, you and I, couldn’t have a little fun then?”

“RACHEL!!!! What are you suggesting?”

Rachel watched as Dad’s hands went back to his cock and balls, he was now stroking his cock faster than he had been before and she was sure she could see his cock twitching, “Well, I could come in there and scrub your back ……. Then your front if you’d like me to. Emma is busy down stairs”

“I don’t know what to say” Dad said his voice wobbling as he spoke, his left hand was squeezing his balls as his right hand gripped his cock harder working it faster up and down the shaft.

Rachel decided to take the plunge, she pushed open the door and walked into the bathroom to face my dad who still had his cock in his hand. He froze and looked at her his mouth open, Rachel had slipped out of her skirt and top to stand in front of him in just her white thong and half cupped bra.

“Hmmmmm, why don’t you let me do that?” She said looking at his hard cock and licking her lips

Dad didn’t move, his eyes wandered up and down her body as she walked towards him to take his hand from his cock and lead him out of the shower cubical. Dad stood there his hands now down by his sides and he looked down at Rachel. She dropped to her knees, she took his cock in her right hand and his balls in her left.

“Do you like that?” She asked looking up at him smiling as she slowly worked her hand up and down his shaft

“Yes, very much”

“Would you like me to put it in my mouth?”


She licked the tip of his cock, “Hmmmmm, pre cum, how tasty” she said as she slowly took the tip of his cock into her mouth and started to suck. She flicked her tongue around his cock head to feel it twitch and swell in her mouth while keeping eye contact with Dad. Backing off and going back to wanking him off, she smiled, “Hmmmmmmm, that is a very nice cock”

“Thank you”

“I wonder what I could do to it?” She asked coyly getting up off her knees, “Let’s dry you off first and go to the bed”

Slowly she padded Dad off with a towel draying every inch of his body paying particular attention to his cock and balls. When she’d finished she lead him by the cock to the bedroom and to the bed. She pushed him back so sat on the bed and then dropped to her knees again.

Taking his cock and standing it up, (not that it needed much help), she again started to suck it, occasionally licking up and down the shaft as well as licking his balls. Dad started to moan as she worked his cock.

“Hmmmm, that pre-cum is really starting to flow now isn’t it?” Rachel said in between licks and sucks. She pulled his foreskin all the way back and ran her teeth over the tip, just hard enough to give him pleasure without any pain. Dad gripped the duvet cover and started to pant, “You’re driving me nuts” she gasped

Rachel continued what she was doing very slowly but deliberately. She didn’t want him to cum just yet as she was enjoying what she was doing. She licked a finger, “Hmmmmm I wonder” she mused as she slipped her finger between his arse cheeks seeking out his arse hold. Slowly she slipped her finger in and pressed on his prostate which was now swollen.

Dad started to pant a little more, “Do you want me to make you cum daddy?” Rachel asked

“Yes, make daddy cum”

Rachel started to work his cock hard and fast, forcing it into her throat and swallowing to make it contract while working her finger on his prostate. Dad started to tense, Rachel’s mouth was now getting filled with pre-cum as Dad drooled like a dripping tap into her mouth. His cock started to twitch as the first jet of spunk hit the back of her throat forcing its way down. She continued to work his cock as jet after jet filled her mouth, it was too much for her to swallow and cum oozed out of her mouth covering his cock and balls.

Dad was almost screaming, “That’s it, good girl make Daddy cum, make Daddy cum. Swallow Daddy’s cum. Suck Daddy off, suck him off”

Rachel sucked hard and fast, cum covered her face, hair and hands as it leaked out of her mouth. Finally the last few spurts of spunk came out of Dad’s cock and he lay back with a smile on his face.

“That was fantastic” He said

“I enjoyed it too” Rachel said laying beside him on the bed, “Seeing me and Emma together did turn you on didn’t it?”

“Well, kind of” Dad said looking at her cum soaked face.

“I’m going to go out on a limb here” Rachel said crawling on top of Dad and looking down at him, “I know!”

“Know what?”


“What about her?” Dad said panic starting to rise in him and taking the edge off his orgasm

“She’s told me”

“Told you what?”

“About you and her, what you both do”

“She’d lying!!” Dad protested weakly

“No she isn’t, oh come on Terry. I know all about it and I have to say I find it a turn on”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” Dad protested again moving Rachel off him and getting up off the bed. He started to pace up and down the floor beside the bed, “I don’t know why she’s told you this but it’s not true”

“Oh yes it is Dad” I said from the door way, I’d been curious why Rachel was taking so long and went to see what she was up to.

“How long have you been there Emma?” Rachel asked

“I got here when you stuck your finger up his arse”

Rachel giggled, “Long enough then”

“This is getting out of hand now!” Dad said

“From what I saw everything was well in hand and being taken care of” I laughed as I walked into the room letting my own skirt slip to the floor and took my top off. I climbed on the bed laying next to Rachel who was now on her side facing Dad. I reached around and cupped her right breast slipping my hand into her bra. “Maybe we could get a second cumming out of you Dad?” I purred as Rachel reached behind herself to slip a hand into my thong.

Dad looked down at the floor then back to what Rachel and I was doing to each other. I ran my hand down her body and into her thong to tease her clit “Oh God” Dad said, “I’m too old for this”

“No you’re not Dad, look your cock is getting hard again” I said as I worked Rachel’s clit with my middle finger.

“Oh so it is! Why don’t we put on a show for him so he gets really hard Emma?” Rachel said shifting her position to lay on her back.

Within a few minutes Rachel and I were naked on the bed performing a ‘69’ on each other as Dad stood there with his mouth open watching carefully what we were doing.

It didn’t take long for Rachel and I to bring each other to orgasm. We lay on the bed head to toe stroking each others thighs, “I think Daddy should teach his little girls how to fuck properly” I said looking over at him.

“Come on Daddy, your little girls want you” Rachel said holding out her hand to becon him to come over to the bed

Dad came and lay beside us, “Well girls, why don’t you suck me off Emma while Rachel sits on my face and I lick her?”

We fucked and sucked for several hours satisfying our sexual needs.

Dad asked me if I’d told Rachel everything and I said I had. “Hmmmm, in that case I think I’ll have a surprise for you girls tomorrow night”


Chapter Eleven

Being typical students, Rachel and I spent most of the next day in bed. We had a bed picnic only getting up when we had to. The night before had been a heavy night for us so all we wanted to do was relax and chill out. Rachel had brought some of her stash an although my Dad didn’t agree with me smoking let alone smoking drugs, I just had a need to go brain dead for a few hours.

We watched crap on the TV, watched a couple of DVD’s and just did our own thing.

By 4pm we decided we’d had enough of napping and lazing about, we had a shower then got dressed to veg out in the lounge in front of the TV.

“So what do you think the surprise will be?” Rachel asked

“Haven’t a clue” I said wondering what it could be myself. I hadn’t given it any thought but Rachel was clearly thinking about it.

“No idea at all?”

“How would I know?”

“Dunno, just thought you might”

We heard the front door go, “Hi girls I’m home” Dad shouted as he came into the living room. We both got up from the sofa to greet him, both of us kissing him and swinging off him. He reached around and felt our asses as Rachel unzipped his trousers and reached in to get his cock out. Dad backed off and told us that he was saving himself for later. Our “surprise was arriving around 8pm and we only had a couple of hours to get ready. We were to dress in our best black underwear, suspenders, stockings, heels but no bra and definitely no knickers, G-strings or thongs. We should also plat our hair so it wouldn’t get in the way.

One thing we have to make sure of was our ass cracks and our pussies were shaven totally smooth. In the mean time Dad was going to set up several video camera’s and make sure that all the SD cards on the digital camera’s were clear.

Obediently we parted from Dad and went up to my bedroom, I dug out a new razor then Rachel and I washed and shaved each other making sure we were totally smooth. It was a harder job than one would think, I couldn’t resist slipping a couple of fingers into Rachel, she returned the favour.

By 7:45 we were ready and went down stairs. Dad had pushed the sofa and chairs to the sides of the living room and put down some sheets in the middle of the room. He’d set up 8 video camera’s, all at different heights in different areas of the room but pointing in the same direction.

Rachel and I stood there looking at each other not really knowing what to expect.

“Ahhhh girls, you both look fantastic. Now Emma, for tonight you’re not my daughter so call me Terry not Daddy OK?”

“Sure dad”

Dad looked at me, a cold hard look, “Sorry Terry I said correcting myself.

Dad has poured us a couple of glasses of vodka, very large glasses and handed them to us, “Here girls, I want you both to knock these back. Although I don’t want either of you falling down drunk, I would like you both to be tipsy”

I was starting to feel a little nervous about what was going to happen this evening, I wasn’t at all sure why Dad wanted us half drunk but thought he’d my dad and wouldn’t let anything bad happen to me. Rachel and I sat on the sofa which was also covered with a sheet and started to drink our drinks. The door bell rang and Dad left the room to answer it, “Your surprise is here, I’ll be back in a second” he said.

We heard voices from the hallway, Dad’s voice, another males voice and at least two female voices. We also heard a strange sound, rapid foot steps and what sounded like a panting.

Dad came back into the room, “Girls, I’d like to introduce you to some friends of mine. This is Peter, and his pets Max, Bruno, Sabre and Prince. This is Lynne with her pets Leo and Lincoln. And finally this is Ann”

Peter was a short balding guy with a nice face and the greenest eyes I’d ever seen. Max was a healthy looking German Shepherd dog, Bruno was a bouncy looking collie and Prince was a Husky.

Lynne was an exceptionally well dressed good looking blond with shoulder length hair. She looked top heavy with a tight sweater on and large breasts and the tightest ass I had ever seen.

Ann was a slight woman with incredibly long black hair that reached down past her bum. She had a pretty face and great legs. She was dressed in a very short skirt that was more like a belt than a skirt.

We all introduced ourselves to each other. Rachel and I got down to the dogs who enthusiastically licked our faced though we did feel slightly under dressed in our suspenders, stockings and very little else.

Dad guided us to sit on the sofa with a gap between us. Prince sat on my left side on the sofa, Bruno sat between Rachel and I and Max sat on Rachel’s other side. Leo & Lincoln, a pair of Labrador’s sat at our feet. Sabre found himself a place on the floor and lay there watching, his eyes darting between us all as we spoke.

Lynne & Ann sat together on a chair while Peter sat on his own on the floor looking up at Rachel and I, Dad took the other chair.

We all chatted for a while getting to know each other, though it was a very strange experience give our state of undress. Dad then got up, “Right shall we make a start?” He asked.

Lynne and Ann immediately got up and started to get undressed, Peter just remained on the floor and Dad poured us all some more drinks. Within a few minutes Lynne and Ann were completely naked. They both sat in the floor then lay back, Ann called Bruno over who went to her face and started to lick it while Lynne called Sabre over who came and lay beside her.

I looked at Rachel and she shrugged her shoulders, “May as well go with it” she whispered.

Ann reached up and started to guide Bruno’s head down her body towards her opening legs, “Hmmmmmmm” She mewed as he licked his way down her body towards her now spread wide legs. Rachel and I just sat and watched while stroking Max and Prince on the head.

Eventually Bruno’s tongue reached between Ann’s legs and he started to lick her pussy, lapping at it with his front left paw on her stomach. Ann’s right hand came up and she started to stroke Bruno around his belly, seeking out his cock to tease its length inside it’s sheath.

Lynne was on her side and Sabre was laid on his back, “Have you ever seen someone suck a dog girl?” She asked us with a smile on her face.

“No” Rachel and I both replied as Lynne started to wank Sabre off. Within a few minutes a little pink tip started to come out of the sheath and she licked it, teasing it. I could see two little lumps about there quarters the way down his shaft start to appear, they slowing got larger and larger while the small pink tip got bigger and bigger.

By now Bruno was starting to get turned on, he was lapping away at Ann’s cunt while she played with his now growing cock. Dad had started the video cameras while Peter was fixed on myself and Rachel as we watched what was going on.

He moved over to Rachel, “Open your legs” he said and she complied showing herself to him.

“I’d love to lick your pussy, can I?” He asked.

“Go for it honey” She said shifting her position so her bum was forward allowing Peter to get access to her cunt. He put his head between her legs and started to lick.

Dad came to me, “Open your legs whore” he ordered and compliantly I did as I was told. Dad grabbed my legs and pulled me forward violently almost pulling me off the sofa. He positioned himself between my legs and forced them open wide then put his mouth on me.

My clit suddenly came alive as Dad started to lick, suck and eat my pussy.

Lynne was now sucking Sabre off as fast as she could, his cock had swollen to at least 6 times the size it was, I couldn’t believe how large the dogs cock was, or how far Lynne could get it into her mouth. She licked up and down the shaft right to the swollen knot and kept giving me a fleeting look with a smile on her face.

Ann was now starting to do the same thing to Bruno while he licked at her cunt. Every now and then he would make thrusting movements as though he was trying to fuck her mouth.

Rachel was now starting to make moaning noises as Peter licked her pussy, she opened her legs as wide as she could to allow him access while grinding her hips back and forth. She grabbed me by the hand, “God this guy is fucking good” She gasped.

Dad was starting to fuck me with his tongue, I could feel it darting in and out of my cunt hole making me wetter and wetter. Then he sent me over the edge by running his tongue up my cunt slit to my clit, flicking it with the tip of his tongue and running it back down. I gripped Rachel’s hand hard, “I’m cumming ….. I’m cumming” I panted as my orgasm reached its peak.

Rachel wasn’t far behind me, she let out a deep long moan as her body tensed and her orgasm peaked, “OH GOD!!!!!!!!!!”

Dad and Peter sat back from us with a grin on their faces, “I won” Dad said

“I was a close second” Peter grinned. He turned towards Ann and Lynne, “Those dogs ready yet girls?” He asked

Lynne and Ann stopped what they were doing and sat up on the floor, Bruno and Sabre started licking their own dicks. Peter came over to me and took me by the wrist, “Have you ever been fucked by a dog Emma?” he asked


“Would you like to be?”

“I’m not sure” I said, I could feel my heart starting to skip a beat. My head was swimming due to the vodka I’d been drinking but I was game for this.

Peter pulled me up off the sofa and turned me around so I was on my knee’s with my top half across the sofa cushions. He spread my legs open and ran his fingers along my cunt slit, “Hmmmm, you’re nice and wet Emma. Wet enough to be fucked”

Lynne brought Sabre over to me and started encouraging him to mount me. Sabre sniffed at my cunt and ass hole, he licked me a few times before leaping onto my back wrapping his front paws around my middle. I felt a sort of stabbing around my ass hole and cunt, a few times I felt a cock slide in between my pussy lips and rub itself against me a few times before pulling back to try again.

Lynne came and sat beside us, “I’m going to have to help you out her aren’t I boy?” She said to Sabre who was still trying to enter me. She ran a finger along my slit and found my cunt hole, “Ahhhh, that’s the spot” she said then guided Sabre’s cock toward it.

Suddenly he thrust forward and hit the spot ramming his cock into my cunt. Without warning he started fucking me hard and fast, going deeper and deeper into my cunt hole with each thrust. I couldn’t believe how massive he felt. Then it happened, with one massive thrust he ploughed his cock right into me and tensed forcing his knot into my pussy, I could feel my pussy being filled with dog cum as spurt after spurt after spurt unloaded into me.

I moaned as I started to cum, my cunt was being stretched out by the knot, it was so tight and so big I thought I was going to pass out.

“He’ll take about 5 to 10 minutes to stop cumming Emma, you just relax and enjoy having that cunt filled with dog cum” Lynne said as she moved over towards Rachel. “Come on honey, your turn now with Bruno”

Rachel lay beside me assuming the same position as Lynne guided Bruno into her cunt, “Fuck me!!! That feel different” Rachel said to me as Bruno entered her and started to fuck her.

Again within a few minutes Rachel’s cunt was being filled with dog cum, “God he’s so big, he’s so big” Rachel cried as Bruno’s knot was forced into her cunt.

Sabre was trying to pull out of me but he was stuck, he turned himself so we were bum to bum. Slowly he started to lose his hard on and eventually plopped out of my cum filled cunt. Dog cum started to leak out of me dribbling down my thighs.

Ann came up behind me and started to lick my thighs, “Hmmmmm, I love the taste of dog cum” she said as she worked her way up to my cunt. I lifted my bum in the air a little to allow her better access as she started to lick my dripping cunt.

“What’s it taste like?” I suddenly blurted out

“You want to taste it Emma?” Ann asked

“Oh yes!”

Ann pushed her mouth into my cunt and started to suck until she had a mouth full of my juices and dog cum, she backed off and turned me around. I spun round to face her to receive a full on kiss from her. I could taste the dog cum as it was forced into my mouth, a sort of iron tasting substance that was slightly musty.

Rachel as now moaning as Bruno fucked her hard, “Oh yes! Oh yes! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck” she screamed as Bruno gave one final thrust, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Rachel screamed as Bruno’s knot rammed its way into her.

Ann and I were now getting it on, she ran a hand down to my cunt and she had 3 fingers working their way in and out of my cunt. Then she slipped 4 fingers in working them in to the knuckle before finally getting her thumb inside of me. My cunt was soaking wet through as she started to fist fuck me forcing her whole hand into me to the wrist.

Lynne was in the middle of the floor on all fours, she was being fucked by my dad and was sucking Peter off.

Eventually we all stopped what we were doing totally satisfied with our sexual antics. Lynne, Ann, Rachel and I lay on the floor while dad and Peter sat on the sofa.

Round two soon commenced, Peter and Dad guided Max, Prince, Leo and Lincoln to fuck all four of us as we knelt in front of the sofa. After the dogs had finished we 69’ed each other licking and sucking dog cum out of each other pussies while Dad and Peter took photographs.

It was 2am before we all stopped, totally exhausted from what we were doing. Before Lynne, Peter, Ann and the dogs left, we gave Dad and Peter a blow job. We formed a line as they sat on the sofa and took 1 minute turns each sucking their cocks. Ann and Rachel won as they made Dad and Peter cum, but Lynne and I got the consolation prize as we got a nice cummy kiss from them.