(c) 2017 by uksnowy

Over the years I receive a lot of stories for correction, re-writing or improving. I am happy to do so and don’t accept all, some are just too crap or unbelievable. This is one I had a go at.

I was raised on a farm in Dorset England. Our farm was a typical farm that had cows, bulls, sheep, pigs, chicken etc. I was young at the time and it was one of our non typical summers on the farm. Hot and dry for a change. My job was to go down to the pig pen and spray cold water on them to keep them cool, since they can’t sweat. It was about 3 o’clock in the afternoon when I headed there. We had twelve or so Hampshire sows and a large boar. They were fairly large sows that had had several previous litters of piglets. Anyway, the pig pen really was a large fenced, now mud field, with a shed cover and some byres inside that the pigs ran loose and dug their snouts in and in some cases be separated. Of course this was well away from the house since the smell at times can be quite obnoxious.

I grabbed the hose and stood up on the platform that overlooked the pen and turned on the cold water. All the sows and the boar came running, balloon like tits and massive balls swaying, for their afternoon cool down. They really enjoyed this since it was getting near 80 degrees in the July shade. Starting the spray, I noticed just had Dad had told me that some of the sows were in heat. Their pink pussies were swollen and dripping slime. The boar too was acting funny since he was walking behind each of them sticking his snout into each pussy and then snorting, as if being choosy who he’d start fucking first. He would also make a smacking sound with his mouth as he got a good whiff of sow-pussy. I noticed that his cock was peeping out of its sheath as he stood there sniffing each of them in his harem. He was grunting and running from sow to sow, and as he did, he would give each of their cunts a good smell. I assumed to see which one was in the best heat for breeding. Hmm! Picky are we?

I kept spraying them and he kept running between the sows smelling. He stopped behind a particularly large sow and grunted. As he did he pushed her to the side with his head to see if she would run from him. She just sidestepped and he walked around behind her. They were now both standing in front of me giving me a side view of what was happening. The boar grunted a little and I saw his cock start to come further out and gently twirl like a corkscrew, but much more delicate. He put his head on the sow’s back and his cock lengthened twitching as it did. I could see it dripping piggy juice or something. Then, with what must have been great effort to get his enormous muscle and fat up, he mounted the sow and as he did he thrust forward. His balls were the size of big coconuts and looked hard. He lurched again and I saw his cock enter the swollen pussy of the calm waiting sow. She made a squealing sound and he walked forward on his short but sturdy hind legs pushing himself up onto her back.

She pushed back to allow his cock enter her piggy-cunt as. Initially I thought she was pissing but then I realised that this was the boar’s pre-cum that was running back out. He lurched again and farted at the same time, making me giggle as he rammed the last few inches of his cock deep into her. Then he made a weird grunting sound as they stood still.

I was maybe five feet way with a close up grand stand view and I could see his arse hole pucker as he pulsed inside her. They stood this way maybe three minutes slowly fucking. I noticed that his hard balls now looked like leather sacks as the swelling had gone down. He dismounted and backed off her, withdrawing his shrinking cock. As he did I could see that her pussy now oozed with a white thick creamy slime that was his thick sperm. He had fucked her and drained his big balls deep into the first sow. I had things to do so I left the happy mating scene, knowing the boar would have rogered all of them.

Being a randy teenage boy, anything to so with sex was a big turn on for me and watching them fuck as I stood so near really did it for me. I had a raging hard-on. As it was, I had been having sex on the farm with sheep, so a pig would be a new experience for me. I planned on sneaking out of the house after dark and coming down to the pen to have a little of what I had witnessed earlier. So from that point on I began to fantasize about my upcoming adventures.

Dad and I finished chores that evening as usual and we all sat around watching television to about 10 o’clock before we retired. The time dragged and I remember thinking, ‘Is it 10 o’clock yet?’ My sister Marion was staying over at one of her friends, so while I had a quiet time without her incessant trouble making and non stop verbal diarrhoea, I couldn’t even amuse myself and have a glorious wank peeping in her bedroom through the hole in our adjacent bedroom walls. The hole on my side was in a built in cupboard, converted from a disused fireplace which I concealed with some trophies and photos. On her side it was in some ornate carvings part of an old similar fireplace, providing a superb view of her bedside and the big pine chest of drawers where most of her clothes were kept, including her underwear. I had seized the chance when ostensibly looking after the house all one day, while Mum, Dad and her went to a gymnastics event she was competing in and eventually won.

Soon, we all went to bed and I lay there waiting for everyone else in the house to be asleep. Time really dragged as I lay in bed rubbing my cock thinking about what I was about to do. I must have dozed off, because I woke up at about one PM and the house was dark. Now was my chance. I threw on a pair of old shorts and a tee shirt sneaking down the stairs and out the back door.

It was a balmy, moon lit night as I could see the entire farm yard and buildings. In my boots I ran to the pig pen and noticed that the sows were all lying down not bothering about my approach. Then one became curious about the new intruder into their world and all woke to investigate my presence. They all approached grunting and sniffing at me as if to welcome me.

Then I saw her, the sow I watched, that had been fucked earlier. She was friendly as leaned over the sty and patted her on the head and rubbed her back. Stooping low I could reach between the byre rails and fondle her two rows of massive udders. I had never felt human tits, but guessed this would be similar, feeling the big sturdy nipples and softness around them. I climbed in with her and stood beside her, tensing my cock, scratching her back while she grunted, but as I hoped she was sort of squatting, rubbing back at me. I slowly moved fully to her rear end and touched her swollen cunt. She grunted.

I removed my shorts, stuffing them on the concrete wall, exposing my raging hard-on and began to finger her pussy. I was in heaven now as I rubbed her swollen cunt and fantasized about what I had seen earlier. Her pussy oozed juice as I stuck my fingers deeper in her. She was now grunting and pushing back on me. I lowered my head to get a better look at her cunt and instinct overtook me. I found myself licking her pussy as if I too was the boar testing her for a breed. The taste was a little bitter but not bad, odd, a bit gamey and metallic. New to me.

After a few moments of delicious pussy, I stood behind her and aimed my throbbing cock into her swollen cunt, being nicely match for height. She grunted as I pushed in to the hilt. I slowly began to move in and out and grabbed her hard bristly skin picking up the pace. I now wanted to play boar so I lay down on her back as I had seen the boar do earlier in the day, guessing she would react as if I was him. She did and I stopped fucking her and remained still on her keeping my cock inside her as if I were him. I was in heaven as I lay there with her pulsing pussy milking my cock and the scent of her under me.

I was laying on her for maybe a few minutes when I felt a cold snout under my arse and on my balls. It was the boar checking out what I was doing to his sow. At first panic set in. I didn’t know if I should run or stay. I knew that boars get aggressive during the breeding season and didn’t want to get bitten and they can take a chunk out of you. Common sense in this case would have been run, but I was too much into what I was doing to care. I stood still as he snorted and she grunted under me.

Shit! I thought, don’t bite. Then I heard him making the same smacking sound that I had heard earlier in the day. I felt him stick his snout into my arse crack and froze with fear. Shit, was he pissed off and going to bite? I soon found out his intentions as he put his head on my back and mounted us. Here I was in a piggy three some, me in the middle. At first I attempted to slyly slither away, but found I was pinned between him and the sow. I could do nothing, as I found the wind nearly knocked from me as he lurched ahead with his twisting cock. I felt it poking at my arse hole and balls as he lurched ahead trying to find a hot cunt. I knew I had to control his cock or I’d have it ram my arse hole in one big thrust.

I reached back with one hand and guided it under my balls and toward the cunt that was full of my cock, surely it was long enough. I thought maybe that I could jack him off onto her as we stood there and then he’d leave us finish. No luck. He kept lurching and pushing hard and with each push I’d have the wind nearly knocked out of me – he was fucking heavy man. Then his cock hit bulls eye.

I felt it enter the same pussy that I was fucking. It twisted and turned under my balls. He again slammed ahead pushing his twisting cock along side mine. Again he slammed until I felt his hind legs tight against my arse. He was inside her and so was I locked in a piggy threesome. Trapped having to remain still, I did not know what to do and could not move. I felt his cock straighten and quit turning. As he settled down I heard him fart not giggling this time, worry overcame me, and felt his cock begin to pulse next to me. He was cumming in her. Worried yes, but now excited by this togetherness, I was again rock hard and began to wriggle a little pushing ahead trying to cum. As I did he pushed forward to get deeper. Fuck! That’s heavy.

Locked together, I could feel his cum leaking back out of our tight seal. Soon it felt like piss was running down my legs and balls as we stood still with him pulsing off deep inside our chosen joint juicy cunt. I now had to cum too since my cock throbbed and hurt. I started to rock back and forth and as I did more cum ran past my cock and down my balls. My lower limbs were a sorry greasy mess. But did I care?

Within moments I felt the boar’s cock start to withdrawn and slide back out past mine. He dismounted and withdrew his cock, letting me relax a little from his weight and breathing a sigh of relief. As he did I felt a large stream of porcine cum run past my cock and down my legs. I was able to move and breathe easy once again. I stood up now and grabbed the sow by the hips and began to pump my cock in and out of her oozing cunt. She just stood there, maybe enjoying it. The boar’s cum was a thick white cream comparable to shaving cream.

I looked down and my cock and balls looked as if they had been lathered with soap, when in fact it was the boar’s cum. Seeing this I grabbed the sow harder and began to really slam my cock into her. With each push she merely grunted with pleasure. My cock now tightened and twitched as I began to cum inside her. My cum was mixing with the thick white drool that had been left by my breeding partner, the boar. My balls drained and I dismounted, watching her cunt dribbling our mutual juice. I quickly pulled on my shorts and jumped into a nearby water trough to clean myself of the mess. I carefully sneaked back into the house after cleaning up and went to bed. I remember the next morning my Mum mentioned that it must have been going to rain because the pig manure had a very strong smell that day. If she only knew.

The End