Original: “Sandras Herrchen – Teil 2” by MastiffGirl
Translated and proofread by likestowatch

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It was one of those beautiful autumn days that you could almost still call late summer. After the shabby weather of the last few days, the sun came out again and it was so pleasantly warm that she had gone out only with a T-shirt.

Sandra was out in the woods with Hector, her Great Dane. The sunlight fell obliquely, so that there was a beautiful play of light, shadow and golden yellow foliage. A nice, long walk that they both enjoyed. Master, as she always called Hector when no one else was around, walked a few feet in front of her without a leash, sniffing here and there and marking his territory at every spot that suited him. She loved his macho attitude.

Although the weather was so nice, there were no other people out and about. That was good, because that way she didn’t have to keep her master on a leash. She was kind of uncomfortable with that because, after all, he was the boss. But people just didn’t expect such a big and magnificent dog to run free. “Stupid people,” she thought to herself.

As he walked in front of her, she kept looking at his big balls swinging between his hind legs. So big. So beautiful. The sight made her fuzzy again. She noticed her crotch getting damp and knew that soon a small dark spot would form in her jeans. She wasn’t wearing any underwear. She often didn’t.

Master soon sensed her horniness. She noticed that he no longer ran in front of her but stayed with her. He snuggled up to her. From behind he pressed his nose between her legs and sniffed.

Sandra noticed that he was really horny. When he was, if he wasn’t allowed to get to it, he could get pretty annoying. He kept poking her. He pestered her and pushed her aside.

Finally, she gave in to him and crouched down in front of him and scratched his ears.

“Oh Master…” she whispered. She then started kissing his mouth. What they called kissing. She gently licked and nibbled his lips and stroked his nose with her tongue. She opened her mouth and he pressed his tongue into her. It went on like that for a few minutes, but that wasn’t what Master really wanted.

“Okay, Master,” she whispered.

She knelt beside him and reached under his belly, cuddling him there, coming up to his sheath. She noticed that his sheathed penis was already quite thick. Gently she massaged him there. She knew where to push and massage, behind the knot that was already forming. He started thrusting with his pelvis and his cock pushed out of sheath.

Pretty quickly his magnificent cock was out of the sheath. As he fucked into her hand, it got bigger and bigger. Although she knew her lover’s cock well, Sandra was fascinated each time by how enormous his penis was. Including the knot it was about thirty centimeters long. She had measured it once. It was a crazy big love stick. And she loved every millimeter of it.

His pre-cum squirted out in powerful spurts and hit her T-shirt, which was quickly getting wet.

“What a waste,” she thought as she took the tip of his penis into her mouth. Quickly her mouth was full of his pre-ejaculate and she began to swallow it. The nutty, salty taste was heavenly. She couldn’t get enough.

After he was fully erect, she started sucking gently and taking him as deeply as she could in her mouth. He squirted down her throat and she swallowed.

It was so much that she could only swallow and swallow and swallow. Her belly filled with gorgeous, horny, and hot dog-cum. It was slimy and delicious and there was so much of it!

Despite, or because of, her horniness, she was aware of the ambient sounds. Birds chirping and the soft rustling of the trees in the wind. A car in the far distance. An airplane at high altitude. It turned her on to satisfy him in the great outdoors and it didn’t matter to her at that moment that she was doing it on a freely accessible forest path. No risk, no fun!

She couldn’t tell how long she had been blowing him, but it was certainly a quarter of an hour before he was done. She was still licking the tip when he got smaller again. Then she cuddled him and kissed him where no other would kiss a dog.

Finally, they walked on. Just a few yards down the road, she noticed a raised hide about two hundred yards away. A pair of binoculars looked at her.

“Damn!!!” she thought to herself, “He saw everything…”

She moved on quickly, making a detour just to avoid getting any closer to the hunter. Still, when she got back to the parking lot where her car was, she saw him stowing his shotgun in his SUV.

He noticed her and looked at her. “A fine fellow,” was all he said, pointing at Hector and grinning. Then he got into his car and drove away.


After their little adventure in the woods, Master and Sandra went back home. She was horny as a rabbit. She didn’t even know if it was because only her master had been satisfied and she hadn’t come yet, or if it was because they were being watched by a stranger.

The first thing after they arrived home, Master threw himself on the sofa and closed his eyes. “Typical man!” thought Sandra, while Hector started snoring only a few moments after laying down.

She only had her T-shirt on. It still smelled slightly nutty, but the splashes of Master’s cum had long since dried.

It didn’t take that long for Master to wake up again. He jumped off the sofa, stretched extensively and plodded over to Sandra. Standing in front of her, he first licked her bare slit.

“Woaaahhh…”, she moaned. She was horny as hell, because unlike him she was still completely unsatisfied. She thought how good it was that master had not finished with her yet.

He licked again and again through her slit and each time it was like a spark in her abdomen. “Please don’t stop…” she thought, but he stopped. He grumbled softly at her. She knew what that meant: she should get on all fours, and briskly! She did as Master demanded.

He didn’t linger on licking her as she got on all fours in front of him. He jumped right on top of her and she struggled to support his weight. She quickly tried to position herself so that he could stand with his front paws on the floor. But master didn’t care, instead he clutched her body even tighter and pressed himself on top of her.

Because of her helplessness, her butt was stretched way up. Which was good for her master, but bad for Sandra. He hit her butt and as soon as the tip of his penis found an opening, he rammed forward hard.

Sandra squealed, then yelped properly. It was not the first time that he was in her butt, but this time she was completely unprepared. He stretched her sphincter open, thrusting again and again, penetrating deeper and deeper. With one thrust, the already thick knot was in. Then out again, in again … out again, in again. “This asshole!” she thought to herself as he mistreated her backdoor with the knot. “Yessss, give it to me in my butt,” she whimpered. She loved him for it. Her macho man!

Finally he was all the way inside her and settled down. After a few minutes he climbed off her and stood behind her so that she was hanging behind him like a real bitch.

However, the large male penis deep in her bowels, rammed in so hard and unexpectedly this time, made her bowels spasm. She could feel it tightening inside her more and more.

“Oh no!” was all she could think. The permanent slight tug caused by the fact that he was behind her and no longer on top of her only intensified it. Her colon was really cramping up.

She howled and whimpered. It hurt like hell. Time did not seem to pass and the cramp did not subside. Because the master already came once today, the ass fuck was taking exceptionally much more time. But maybe he just enjoyed the tightness that her bowels gave him.

She did not know how long they were connected. It took what felt like an eternity for his penis to slowly subside. Finally, he released her by pulling out. With a plop, first his knot slipped out. Then the rest of his penis followed, smacking, followed by a great gush of doggy semen. Her bowels cramped again violently, then finally relaxed.

She lay motionless on the floor. Her whole abdomen ached from the past cramps. Now, however, as her body slowly recovered and relaxed, she felt a huge sense of fulfillment. She didn’t have an orgasm, but the blissful feeling when the pain stopped was almost as good. Master stood half beside her, half above her, licking her face. She kissed his nose.

“I love you…” she breathed.

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