(c) 2013 by CuriositysBitch

Most people go to college to be doctors, lawyers, and other typical mundane things. But as I step out on the university campus I can smell my passion, Dogs. This is a special university, it is surrounded but tall fencing for canine friends and is completely lived in by it’s students and teachers. Trainers, Groomers, Breeders, Military canine training and development, even those studying the dogs brain; reasoning, intelligence, attitude, developement, everything. I could call this place home.

My name is Eva, I come from a lower class family so well…I am working my way through the university. I am living in a small cottage behind the main housing that is fully fenced in with a very nice sized yard with a four foot fence. Too bad I am the only one here without a dog right now, I couldn’t afford the cost to ship my lovely little wolf mix here. I am here to learn more on natural training on dogs, I want to use the dogs own natural behaviore and response to teach them better and of course train the humans much better as well.

I dabbled in the idea of being a breeder but always found myself flushing at the thought of it, so…it was kicked quickly but now I step up to the gate shouldering my bag, awaiting to be let in and let my life adventure begin.


The old gaurd looked up from his box and put his boot out to flip the switch, “Welcome to Ashton U, enjoy your visit” He muttered before flipping the switch back to shut the gate behind eva, not even bothering to see her nod of appreciation.

A look around and she was in paradise, obstacle courses, training specified locations for different things, dog parks, dogs everywhere! Her eyes landed on a large tall solid white fence off to back of the acerage, over a hundred acres and the wall stood out like a sore thumb, figuring it was for the the military and police dogs she brushed it off and headed for what would be home for the next five or more years, the cottage.
She walked past the pool and into lifted the latch to the gate of her new home, pulling her key from her bag and opened the door, it had a stale smell about it but oddly comforting. One bedroom, one large bath with….dare she dream it…a garden tub, ahhh yes that is amazing. She immediately dropped her bag and set to filling up her tub yet before the faucet could even turn there it was knock knock knock. Heaving a soft sigh Eva stood and went to the door, only to be met by Carson, the manager and also a student of the building she lived behind.

The 6’5″ Boy immediately got a cheesy smile, looking down through his brunette hair with soft brown eyes, “Why Hello Eva, are you ready for the K9 academy?” He teased softly. Making the 5’1″ girl giggle and roll her eyes, she had met Carson on her tour here and immediately befriended him, bright blue eyes cutting up to him through her own ebony locks, “Darn and here I thought I would enjoy myself a bit…” She laughed. Carson was there as a breeder and knew just about everyone, his speciality was artificial insemination and genetics studies.

Indeed here at ‘K9 Academy’ There was a lot of fun to have, more then anyone could imagine, especially with the events unfolding in the military genetics research just beyond the white barricaid.

Carson was still smirking deviously, she was a small, petite, curvious girl with a nive little B chest on her, she was perfect and gorgeous and he couldn’t wait to see her go through the initial trainer trials. They were usually run with hard headed large breed dogs, it would be entertaining to see how the young lass faired, “Whelp!” He said laughing, “No pun intended on that statement, but get some sleep freshmen trials begin tomorrow!” Bidding adoo Eva all but shut the door on his face and dove into a nive hot bath in her huge tub, eyeballing the stand up glass shower just across the way, “My oh my….I feel spoiled..” She giggled to herself, dressing in a long shirt and settling for the night after the long trip and eagerly dreaming of her trials the following day. Natural training and agility…what fun…


The beginning months were rough for Eva, learning training the natural way was something she always passionate about but the work involved? She never imagined. Every morning they gathered in the cafeteria to watch the large screen television with special announcements.

She questioned any and everyone about the military and police work beyond the white wall but was always brushed off or told to mind her own business if only she knew what was transpiring beyond that wall….

Security badges was the only clearance those that belonged beyond the white walls needed, they were scanned and then they were in. A ten acre facility there was a lab for their intelligence testing, an obstacle course, and then a 10ft tall chain link fence, the normal German shepherds housed there were in long kennels that they were pacing, the intelligently enhanced ones on chains due to the fact most learned to open pen doors easily.

2 males were chained together on a 20ft chain, the chain ran through a large eye so if one pulled and the other gave he could have all 20ft of chain. These two were far from the others and currently sedated out cold from their latest testing, As they began to come around workers scattered leaving them under the awning chained with four five gallon buckets of water and 2 massive bowls of food.

Why Scatter? For good reason, Dante and Diego were the two shepherds they started enhancing and studying. In result the two unaltered males, brothers, became increasingly and deadly aggressive, nearly killing two workers before being isolated. They were frighteningly intelligent as the run today proved, locked away in the bolted obstacle course the voice had come over the loud speaker, negotiating with the beasts, “Boys if you run the course clean you’ll get a nice treat.”

Dante was the younger of the two by 2 months, he was a slightly longer coated boy. Typical brown and black as he looked towards his older sibling, natural coat length Diego was black all the way around with bright orange eyes and brown socks. They looked between one another before moving to the starting line, the whistle went off and Diego had sprung, over the jumps with ease and getting to the straight up vertical climbing wall a second whisper went off and Dante quickly followed suite. As they finished in record time they moved back to the windowed bullet proof box, ears slowly pinning with lips curling in a snarl, putting a rush on the sedation soaked cookies that put them out and back on the chains.

The boys were smart alright, to the point they were planning their escape, always watching and waiting on the opportunity to get loose. Watching the sky and watching the other dogs work in ominous silent rage.


The months were flying by, Eva had started k9 Academy in August, now it was the gorgeous month of December and there was a good coat of snow on the ground. It was the 5am meeting and Eva was sitting sleepy eyed listening quietly as the dean was blathering on, Mr. W is what he was ‘affectionately’ called.

“There have been 4 new dogs dumped on the grounds, be very careful we have not been able to catch them yet and they are very aggressive. 2 overgrown labradoodles from the looks of it, and two rotti mixes. Again be very careful they are aggressive and packed up.” He hesitated, looking to the armed officer and gentleman in the lab coat off to the side, getting the nod he took a deep breath, “Last of all well….we have a situation here on the grounds and I cannot stress enough this is urgent. Two subjects have escaped 48hrs ago from our military facility. Two large male German shepherds we call Dante and Diego…well we think to stress this enough we will show the security footage….”

W stepped down and the room dimmed, the large screen came to life with the bright gorgeous day just two days ago, everything was still green before last nights snow. The two were laying sleeping on camera until they arose and looked to one another, the handler was coming in with their feed. Looking to one another Diego flopped back over with a loud snore…. Eva was watching intently, she couldn’t help but to admit the dogs were intelligent and that….that excited her greatly as she had to squeeze her thighs shut to stop the gush of love juice for surging noticeably onto her pants. Her eyes glued to the screen as the handler, a middle aged man approached cautiously, pole in hand ready to push their food to them.

Dante rose, favoring a leg as he was whimpering, looking to the man with splayed ears. The man hesitated, looking to his sleeping sibling he picked up his phone to call in for back up so they could sedate them both to check Dante’s leg. Before the first ring could get out Dante started screaming in agony, falling over and flailing on the ground with his injured leg flinging through the air. The handler, deciding he was in too much pain and if his sibling could sleep through that surely….He stepped past the red circle around the males and game was on Diego launched up and latched onto his leg, shaking viciously and effectively a loud snap rang out as the mans leg broke, he stumbled back out of the ring and both the dogs were lunging dragging the chain back and forth through the eye as they had many times before, though this time as both ran back and lunged full force with a combined weight of 240lbs of pissed off the chain snapped clean and they were loose and on the poor screaming man, Blood was slinging everywhere and soon there was silence until they ran through the open gate. The camera angles changing showing other shepherds screaming trying to climb their kennels to get away. The brothers could seem to care less as they began climbing the 10ft high solid white fence.

Up over and out of sight, now they were loose here somewhere. The lights came on and a nervous whisper came over the room as Mr. W came up, “Now now everyone relax, classes for today will be cancelled, we have not seen them since they got out and for all we know they left the grounds! Just be cautious go homes and the school news station will be on channel 4 for updates, Relax everyone keep your dogs inside just incase and watch out for the brothers and the pack of four.”

On her way home Eva was in her own little world, she was intrigued by the brothers. She paused, there was a fast crunch and she turned around, spotting two black, a cream, and a brown dog bee lining for her, she was the only one around as was so there was no help in the ankle deep snow, she was only a few feet from the house she could make it. Without a word she turned and bolted, running with all her might and not even bothering with the gate she lept the four foot fence. Running across her yard the dogs followed up over the fence and closing in, “NO!” She screamed, they were almost on her heels before she made it in the screen door and slammed it shut, panting as she held the door shut and slid down onto her knees, shaking uncontrollably as she stared out. The dogs stopped and backed up a step or two before turning tail and running yelping, nearly killing themselves to get over the fence and run off that’s when she sat up on her knees, still on the floor looking after them puzzled before she stopped, “Wait….I didn’t leave….my door open this morning….” She slowly turned to look over her shoulder, eyes widening as she did before her back was pressed to her plexiglass screen door as she stared into a pair of orange eyes and a pair of yellow, Dante moving forward. Being mostly black his orange eyes stood out as he came within a breath of her, staring into her very soul with the eyes of a killer, his brother moving in as well…

There Eva found herself, with the killer brothers, staring eye to eyes and nose to nose….frozen in time itself awaiting her fate.


Eva watched intently as Dante’s lips slowly curled back into a snarl, she couldn’t help but to feel a sick thrill, “Easy boy…..I don’t want to hurt you…” She said softly as his jaws opened in a deep snarl, Diego gave a chuff though with a perk; stopping his younger sibling and gesturing to the shivering girl.

She realized then he was listening to what she said, “I won’t hurt you…..I want to understand you….Dante…..Diego….” She continued softly, “I’m different from the others I want to help you….”

Dante stopped, perking and listening looking back to his sibling. They shared a long look with soft chuffs and motions back and forth. In the mean time Eva slowly starting sitting up straight only to immediately be reprimanded with a twisting snarling snap from Dante. Taking the hint the girl slouched back down.

The brothers went back to their chat as she took the chance to look them over, Diego was large he had to be between 100-110lbs, slightly longer coat but a typical black and tan Shepard, meanwhile the young and controlling Dante was pitch black with tan socks on his feet and most piercing orange eyes. He was a little larger appearing to be 120lbs. They were not fat they were pure muscle it was amazing, she had seen pictures and even the video but it had not prepared her for their in person beauty.

She saw a movement from the corner of her eyes and looked out her plexiglass door, “Guys….I hate to interrupt but they are chasing those other dogs this way so I would really like to move out of the door and shut my door….”

They stopped and looked to her, Dante’s up tight body language seemed to ease at that as he backed off and let her stand and shut the door, she very slowly and cautiously moved past them into the kitchen, a pair of piercing eyes watching her intently as she got out some dog food she kept around if someone needed her to watch their dogs and filled up two bowls. Walking over she hesitated getting a light growl, “Easy guys….not going to do anything to you…that’s why I poured it in front of you…” She pointed out lightly.

After all three had dinner she settled into a shower, it was strange they were still following and watching her, Diego was more at ease and immediately moved to bounce in the bed, hitting the remote to turn on the TV and settling in to watch animal planet humorously. Dante meanwhile sat right in the bathroom watching her. It was eerie, she knew he was watching her and fully comprehensive. Dressing in a light shirt and panties for bed she stepped into the bedroom, it was strange she usually slept naked but she looked to Diego hesitantly, he nearly took up her whole bed.

Softening brown eyes looked to her as he lifted his head from the pillow and motioned over his shoulder, she smiled softly, slipping in behind him and sliding an arm over him lightly. Happy he finally accepted her, her help, and her true love for them and their power. And thought Dante had remained weary seeing his brothers full comprehension and acceptation of her he eased, moving to climb on the bed himself and settle at her back between her and he wall, a leg slipping over her hips as his muzzle came to rest over her neck.

Star struck Eva rested between the two massive bodies, eased and warm as her arm moved from over Diego, receiving a soft whining growl of protest which she boldly ignored as she slowly picked up Dante’s paw. He was probably close to six foot tall stretched considering his paw was over her hip and his muzzle on her neck, she picked up his paw that was a little bigger then her hand. It was amazing. She was gaining their trust and for now felt protected in the world of fur and fangs that is….the brothers. Her arm went tightly back around Diego as she cuddled down, enjoying their very presence.


The digital clock rolled over to 4am, Eva let out a soft groaning whine as she felt the warmth and weight of the brothers leave the bed and soon after the front door open and shut again. She groped and pulled a blanket over her ill clad shivering body and a pillow over her head, groaning softly into the dark, “Great….they open and close doors…guess that means I don’t have to let them out….”

Soon after the door opened again quietly, Eva figuring it was the brothers rolled over to turn her back to the door. She heard not the door shut again but instead jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder and a soft whisper tickling her ear, “Good morning Eva, ready to go out to breakfast?” Her eyes snapped open as she looked over her shoulder at Carson, they had become very close, he was very sweet and she was coming to love him dearly but the looked behind him a moment at the open door before whispering back softly, “Carson I will explain later but you must leave….right now…”

He chuckled, slipping from his shirt and using his foot to shut her bedroom door to keep the cold out, “Stop procrastinating…you always tell me no…” He whispered seductively as she slipped into bed with her and cuddled his tall and well muscled sleek body to hers, pressing the bulge in his jeans to her thigh playfully, “When are you going to let me Eva? Hm? You already told me you want to…and you so sweet…” He whispered to her still, kissing his way softly up her neck. She glanced to the closed door before easing, maybe they had gone….

She wrapped his arms around him, catching his lips in a soft kiss, pressing her body to his. Truth was she had a fear of sex and being used, which is why she was still a virgin. As Carson’s soft hands ran up her shirt towards her supple breasts she heard the door slam open and immediately a body was hovering over them, specifically Carson as he was face to face with a very pissed off Dante as Diego was shutting the front door.

Eva jumped up, “No No! It’s okay guys he’s a friend!” She said quickly, being as bold as to push Dante away and getting between Carson and the pacing brothers, “It’s okay….he wont tell anyone…” She said quickly, looking to Carson, “Right?!” The dumbfounded boy said nothing, screaming out as Dante snarled at his silence, “NO! No I wont!” He finally piped, hiding completely behind Eva, “How the hell did you get them here and why are you still alive?!” He said panicked, hushing as she held up a hand.

“They are smart, I wont hurt them and they know that….so be quiet now that probably don’t like your tone….” She said lightly, moving forward to soothe down a VERY pissed off Dante’s hackles as Diego intercepted and stood between Carson and the girl, effectively shoving his nose into her panty clad folds with a deep inhale, she was aroused as was but he wanted to make sure she had not been touched and once satisfied turned a stony gaze towards Carson.

Eva, coughing off the embarrassment of being goosed infront of Carson finally spoke up in the extremely tight tension, “Okay guys….let’s no go to war….we can work something out….Carson is a good guy and he won’t say anything to anyone….even if he did I would not let anyone hurt you…” She assured, finally getting both canine’s attention and once again soothing out the beasts. She looked to Carson motioning to the door, “You go in the livingroom whole I get dressed…” She said, moving to pat the shepherds head, “I will bring you guys back something to eat….I promise…” She said, jolting softly as Diego barked to move the scrambling boy, picking his shirt up in his jaws to follow him as Dante moved to jump on the bed, sniffing around before rolling where Carson has been laying not too long ago, then resting there to watch as Eva dressed with a soft pleased growl in his throat.

As she pulled on her boots and jacket she stepped out into the livingroom with Dante right on her ears, clearing her throat with her sheepish smile as Carson was dressed and sitting wearily on the edge of a chair being stared down. She motioned him to the door, “Shall we? And I know I have a lot of explaining to do….” She said as Carson hurried out and she looked to the brothers, “Stay here and inside, I will bring you something nice to eat…” She said giving them a soft pat and a kiss on the nose each before stepping out as well into the cold December air, looking up as the door clicked shut to be met with Carson’s wide dis-believing eyes.

She took a deep breath and laughed with a cheesy smile, “So? Shall we?” And she walked past him at that, how to explain this? Just like the relationship itself she figured she would just wing it….


Breakfast that morning was a little awkward, especially when Carson started off the conversation, “Did you have sex with them?” Eva immediately went dark red, “N-No! Why are you asking that?!” As Carson went into his detail of Diego checking her to see if she had been with him was typically an alpha claim of a bitch. After all he was here to study and better understand and enhance dog breeding. They talked for several hours and came to one conclusion, they could tell no one yet about the brothers; Not until they were more restrained in their feral nature at least.

Eva working hard over the next couple of months between her studies in training and reassuring the siblings all was well. It got well enough Carson could come and go without incident besides after he left they were always restless and anxious due to her aroused state. It intrigued her they held her in their eyes as their bitch; she was forever wondering what brought them to this conclusion…

By time March rolled around and spring approached Eva was able to walk easily with the brothers, leashed if needed but usually they were close to her flanking sides off leash. Finally the day came she approached the Campus pet store. She had set up the meeting, weapons free, between the Dean, and the Sargent in charge of genetic enhancement. With the brothers at her side and Carson close behind she shook off her nerves and stepped through the door. Just hoping the brothers trust in her would hold true and they would heed her words moments ago about showing no aggression if possible so they could make their way to freedom….Freedom of Chains, freedom to live with her….Freedom for her to be theirs…..

As the door swung open immediately screams rang out and people snatched up their small dogs to scramble away, larger dogs dragging their owners to hide down the aisles as Eva stood and stared down the two men to decide her boy’s fate at this stage. They both look horrified, “Eva! Eva get away from them they are dangerous!” Mr. W screamed out but she simply shook her head, “They are not…..I understand them…” She said, softly putting a hand on Dante’s head, then one on Diego’s.

“I brought you here to show you they are not just killers, they were acting on how they were treating…” Carson stepped forward and put a hand on hos old pal Diego’s back, “It’s true sir…”

Eva approached, Carson hanging back as the brothers following at her heels, “Sir….I want to keep these two in my possession, they have yet to harm me or Carson and I have had them in my care since December…” She said softly, “If they are willing….they can continue their work with the military and intellectual enhancement I have no problem with that but I will accompany them…..”

The brothers looked to one another then to the men staring at them wide eyed before giving a single nod as Eva smiled softly before looking back to the men, “Please sir….they deserve a chance and it will not affect my studies…” She said softly, “I just want them safe and happy and I am assured they will preform to their best…” She assured lightly.

The two men stepped away, talking it over and pulling out cell phones and talking several minutes before re-approaching. “Okay, the deal is if they go awhal again you are responsible and will be expelled from campus, we are to use them in any manner that we please” Eva immediately interjected on that, “That will not harm them and they agree to” The officer cleared his throat, “Right right…within the day, night time we will not call upon them specifically unless we need their skills….” Eva smiled and nodded, holding out a hand, “Deal…” She said softly, shaking each hand and unable to stop the chuckle as Diego and Dante offered a paw to shake as well, each being sure to give a warning ground before the trio left.

All continued to go very well for the next few weeks, no incidents. Today was a little strange though. Eva was awakened by the brothers which never happened, both poking and prodding with eager noses at her. She was on birth control but every time she should ovulate they always acted like this as she chuckled and pushed them off. They always got puppy like about now, “Stoooop…” She whined playfully, “Go find an eager bitch….” She teased softly. As she got up to get dressed, she and Carson were going out for a day to themselves today and she was supposed to spend the night at his house tonight; after all they had been dating five months now! She felt it was time.

She took a warm shower, she was well waxed for tonight and as she went to run her washcloth over her tender folds they were pleasantly swollen and juicy, ah the joy of ovulating without the dirty half to worry about. She always felt more attractive now and as she dressed in a cute little dress and dried her hair she moved past them whimpering bouncing boys and gave them both a kiss on the muzzle before turning on the TV, Behave I left your supper down and I will be back first thing in the morning! She giggled and set out on her fun little date.


Eva’s back was slammed into apartment A2’s door, giving a soft yelping cry before her lips were covered by Carson’s again as she eagerly arched into him, legs wrapping around his waist and her hands gripped his arms as he fumbled his keys to try and unlock the doors.

A million things were running through her wine hazed mind, Mainly would she be any good? Her mind hazed completely as he dropped his keys and wrapped his arms around her small frame. The light drizzle nearly soaking them through by now as he slid a hand eagerly down her body to stroke her soaked through panty clad folds, before his hand moved to his pants to start undoing them, he got the go ahead for tonight and he would take her just about anywhere, she was delicious and they had never gone so far. He was excited until…

Eva softly broke their kiss, “Please….Carson I’m not ready…” She whispered, her mind had taken over, she was a scared virgin and couldn’t help it as he let out a frustrated sigh and slowly set her down, moving to press his forehead to hers and kiss her gently, “Okay…..Be lucky I love you..” He teased softly as he went to button his pants back, “Want to come in?” He asked lightly, stooping to pick up his keys and with her soft smile he knew and he chuckled, “Okay okay….but next time I’m not gonna stop you scaredy cat….” He teased softly, “Want me to walk you…” “No no…” She said softly before slinking off into the rain.

As she walked in and closed the door quietly behind her the boys heads came up over the couch, looking with wagging tails but Diego yawned and laid back down as Dante cleared her favorite chair while she slipped from her dress and plopped down in the TV illuminated room a little dejectedly, she chickened out again…..Poor Carson.

Dante walked up, putting his head in her lap and licking the rain softly from her skin, causing goosebumps and shivers to immediately cover her, her nipples hardening right up as he nosed between her legs to get closer and lick higher and higher until he was cleaning her breasts, teasing her with quick flicks of the tongue over her nipples before moved back, her panties were coated with a thick juice, definitely not rain as he took a testing tentative lick. She gave a soft gasp causing him to perk a little and give another lick.

Unlike with Carson she had no worries, were the brothers to judge her? Comment on her? No….So why should she worry? But this was so….wrong…But all those thoughts quickly and slowly slipped away as Dante’s once killer jaws rolled back exposing teeth that carefully pulled her panties off to slip down to her ankles. She slipped them off immediately and spread her legs. Not much more was needed to indulge the nearly pitch black and orange gazed beast.

He lunged forward, delving his tongue deep into her folds immediately getting a buck of the hips and gasping cry. The monster’s eyes rolling back into his head in ecstasy at the long awaited taste of his bitch’s depths. She was receptive, a false receptive but that didn’t matter to him or his tightening sheath. She wasn’t objecting either. She was gasping and crying in pleasure, soaking up and swelling more and more as she approached her first ever orgasm but he pulled away just before she peaked, resting his head on her stomach with a taunting lick of his muzzle and though she did not see it he had a forming knot and tip peeking from his sheath. She whimpered softly, stroking his ears, “Please don’t….tease me Dante….”

He waited so long. rearing up onto his hind legs he brought his weight down on her chest and stomach, nipping lightly at her neck as her head rolled back and immediately a shiver ran through him as his hackles raised, Submission! That was what he sought! His hips lunged forward, lunging his whole cock deep into her depths as he gripped her neck in his jaws to discourage the cry that would have surely alerted the entire campus. Instead it was silent as he shuddered and pulled away, moving back and nearly snapping as his brother scrambled up.

Eva soon let out a squeal of pleasure as two tongues began taunting her red swollen lips as her virgin bloods were eagerly cleaned up. Dante wasted no time as soon as the last sweet nectar was cleaned up he snapped at his older sibling and remounted, his cock hitting it’s mark right away again as he began to pump the small frame below him full of cock. His paws rising up above her shoulders to hold her still as he continued to fill her, his brother eagerly dancing about them before laying down in a ready position close by, watching his younger brother have his way with their bitch.

Eva was lost in all the sensations, her hands gripping Dante’s fur, eyes rolled back and shut, head lulled back as she was cradled below his frame, panting and whimpering softly before she finally cried out and arched, allowing him to slam his hips flush with her and sink his knot impossibly deep into her tight body as she shuddered down and relaxed after her first ever orgasm. Dante growling out in pleasure as her walls gripped and pulsed, massaging his swollen knot. His balls so tight his sac was almost drawn up into him, he had waited so long.

As Eva slouched and relaxed Dante was buried so deeply within her her hips were held up tight to his bod, the pressure of his weight holding her up with his knot a good 2 inches deep rocked her world into a second orgasm. Only to intensify as Diego jumped up, eagerly licking at their tie, teasing her clit without mercy.

The rest was a blur, next Eva knew Dante and Diego were cleaning her swollen stretched love hole in bed, and obviously satisfied Dante moving to cuddle down with the soaked clad girl as Diego tried to paw at her, getting a warning growl from the obvious leader of their little pack before he too settled. Eva reached out, petting him softly, “Next time Diego…” She whispered, then knowing they definitely had something good going on here, and she couldn’t wait to get a little sleep and start all over again; it was official she was a dog cock addict now and their adventures could only become more from here.