(c) by Big Dog

I met my girlfriend about three years ago, but we have been dating for only about two months now. She is 18 years old, two years older then myself, and has a very curvy body. Some guys would say she’s chubby, but she has an ass and tits to die for. Her name is Jen, and she is a virgin.

As I said, we’ve been dating for two months, and the furthest we’ve gone was her jerking me off and me sucking and playing with her magnificent tits. I sensed that she was still not ready to go all the way, so I decided to be patient, because I care about her.

One night, when we were at her apartment making out on the couch, she started raise her top trying to give me free access to her tits, which was nothing new to me. I was surprised however, when she did not try to push my hand away when I put it under her skirt. I was rubbing her inner thighs and playing with her pussy through her panties, not believing what was happening. I knew I wanted to go further, and started to pull her panties down, which were very wet.

Within seconds, I was naked and she only had her skirt on, which was pulled up as I was stroking her pussy and sucking her tits and she was jerking me off. I wanted to get on top of her and make love to her then, but I did not want to scare her or make her uncomfortable. I heard her dog Jako walk by a few times, but I didn’t care, since I was busy with stroking her pussy. Jako is a 2 year old male Golden Lab.

I put both of my hands on the side of her tits, and pushed them together, then slid my right hand back down to her pussy. That’s when I got a big surprise. Jako was sitting between Jen’s wide open legs, looking straight into her wet pussy, his nose about 6 inches away from her. I continued to play with her tits, used one finger to play with her clit.

I was watching Jako, curious about what he was thinking. Just then I spread her pussy lips a little and Jako took a step forward, sniffed her pussy, then started to lick it. As soon as he took the first lick, she jumped and started to moan. She knew it was her dog, and she also knew I was there watching him lick her pussy.

I couldn’t believe it, I was playing with my girlfriend’s tits and pussy, while she lay on her back on the couch, legs wide spread, and here was her dog licking her open pussy. She was moaning, and opening her legs wider, to allow the dog better access to her pussy as I continued to play with her clit and suck her tits and she continued to jerk me off with one hand, while she rubbed her tits with the other.

The dog was licking her faster, as he tried to cover the whole area with his long tongue. Her moaning was becoming louder, nearing orgasm, as the dog’s tongue went in deeper into her pussy as he tried to lick all of her wetness. As I pulled away from her tits, I noticed Jako humping the air with his hind legs. His penis was also sticking out about an inch from its sheath.

As I continued to suck her tits and watch the dog lick her pussy, I saw how his penis grew from a tiny inch to about 5 inches. It was very thin and had a small ball at the base. Jako’s penis was red and shiny, and the head was cone shaped.

Jen started to shudder as she reached her orgasm, holding the dog’s head against her pussy, to maximize the sensation. She ignored the attention I gave her tits and started to hump her pussy against his magic tongue. She came as her pussy was flooded with her juices, and Jako didn’t miss a drop as he licked all of it like it was his last meal.

As she lay there recovering from her orgasm, she pulled the dog by its head up her body and gave him a hug. I heard her say: “Oh thank you thank you Jako, good boy Jako.” His front paws were resting on her shoulders, and her legs still wide spread.

She then looked at me and told me that it was her turn to lick me. I was excited to take our relationship further, and excited about the blowjob. Just as I was getting into position to allow her access to my penis, Jako started to hump his hind legs. It didn’t click in right away, but when I looked at Jen, she gasped for air and moaned as she held the dog tighter to her. As I look at her pussy, which was covered by her thighs and the dog crotch, I knew right then what was happening.

Jako was humping faster now, his crotch glued to Jen’s as she let out a scream. Just then I saw a few drops of blood stain the couch, and I knew the dog just took my girlfriend’s virginity. I have been waiting for so long, dreaming about the moment when my dick would push against her hymen and deflower her. But here I was, watching her dog live my dream. I watched as he fucked her hard, as she moaned and groaned, holding him tight to her, wrapping her legs around his ass.

I found that I still had an erection, which was very painful now as I needed relief. I started to jerk off watching my girlfriend’s dog fuck my girlfriend right in front of me. As he started to push into her deeper, she started to moan louder, pushing back against him. He thrust into her with short fast and powerful strokes. She was in a different world as she didn’t look at me at all, but looked straight into Jako’s eyes and held on to him tight.

I watched her get fucked my Jako for several minutes as he pounded his dick into her with increasing speed and power. During that time Jen had 2 orgasms from what I could tell, and was working on another. She was moaning and talking softly. When I got closer to listen to what she was saying, I found out that she was talking to Jako, encouraging him to make her come again as he pounded her. Seconds later the dog slowed down and started to take slow deep thrusts into Jen, as she used her arms and legs to pull him into her with each thrust.

Jako let out a yelp and stopped completely as Jen pulled him into her very tightly and started to come again, only this time it was a more powerful orgasm. She was moaning and groaning out loud, and screaming: “YES JAKO, OH GOD THAT’S IT BOY, COME IN ME, FILL ME UP, OH IT FEELS SOO GOOD, DEEPER, DEEPER YES.”

I was jerking off now, and after learning that the dog was shooting his doggy cum inside my once virgin girlfriend, I started to come too.

After recovering again from her orgasm with her dog, she looked at me with her almost innocent eyes, looking for signs of approval on my part. She looked so sexy with the dog still on her chest, his front legs wrapped around her body under her armpits, as he was licking her face and her neck. I guess he was still deep inside her, because they did not move from the time he stopped thrusting into her. I looked into her eyes again, and smiled. She smiled back and seemed relaxed to know that I not mad.

“Honey can you get me a glass of water, Jako here made me thirsty.” She told me. I got up and left the couple in the living room as I went into the kitchen. I was filling up the glass with water when I heard Jen’s whisper. I knew that she must be having a private intimate talk with her dog Jako.

I gave her the glass of water, and noticed that Jako was still deep inside my girlfriend. I started to feel a little bit of jealousy and asked her why he didn’t pull out. She told me that his knot is still inside her, and that Jako needs to wait for it to deflate in order to pull out.

She teased me by saying that it is used as a seal so the dog’s sperm does not run out and thereby increasing the chance of pregnancy. As soon as she mentioned that my dick became hard again at the thought of the dog’s sperm inside her, and how his goal is to make her pregnant by letting his penis rest deep inside her. Jen noticed my erection and gave me a sexy smile, teasing me about it. I knew that I would get my chance to make love to her soon, as soon as Jako pulls out of her wet pussy.

Several minutes passed, as Jako grew tired of licking Jen’s face and neck, and tried to pull out. It took him several tries and with a loud pop his dick came free. As I look at her now wide spread wet pussy, I notice some of the dog’s cum as it slowly seeped out.

Jako walked to the corner and licked his dick while I examined my girlfriend’s freshly fucked pussy. I commented on how small his load of cum was, but she responded: “No no no, he shot so much cum inside me, it filled me up completely. But its all inside me because he pushed it in so deep with his dick and it didn’t pour out of me because of the way I m sitting.

I held my dick and tried to get in between her legs, but she told me that she was sore. I begged her to try, telling her that it wasn’t fair to let the dog take her virginity and not let me, her boyfriend, to fuck her. She looked at me and said: “ok but go slow.”

As I took position, I put my dick at the entrance to her pussy. It was wet, and covered with the dog’s cum, but I didn’t care because I wanted to fuck her so bad. As I pushed in, I noticed that her pussy was not so tight, and very slippery from the inside. I was expecting a tight wet virgin pussy, but what I got was a slightly lose, extremely wet, freshly fucked pussy covered with dog cum.

As I sank into her, I was as deep as I could get, and I could feel a pool of warm liquid inside her pussy. I realized that it was the dog’s mess that he left inside her minutes ago. I fucked her slowly, but didn’t last long because of the extreme wetness.

As I neared climax, she pushed me and told me to not cum inside her because I wasn’t wearing a condom and that she didn’t want to become pregnant. I got a few more strokes inside her and pulled out, shooting my cum all over her stomach, pussy and thighs. As I tried to put my dick back inside her, she covered her pussy with her hand, telling me that she had enough.

I felt bad because I didn’t make her cum. I instead had to watch her dog take her virginity and make her cum several times.

We rested for a bit on the couch, with her staying in the same position as she was before. She told me that she was tired and got up to go to the bathroom to clean up. As she stood up, a stream of dog cum seeped from her pussy down to the inside of her thighs, down her leg. She spent sometime in the bathroom, as I could her the shower running. I got up and started to get dressed. As I did, I noticed a big stain of cum and blood on the couch where she had been sitting.

Minutes later she got out of the shower, and sat down to talk. We agreed that she could have the dog whenever she wanted. I also told her that I loved her, and she responded with a “I love you too.”

After that day, Jen made me wear a condom every time. She would tease me about how her boyfriend had to wear a condom all the time, while her dog would just jump on her and do her, cumming deep inside her every time. It wouldn’t be uncommon if Jako joined us in the bedroom.

Sometimes I would go over to her place, to find Jako licking his shrinking dick in the corner while Jen is in the shower cleaning the cum that is covering her pussy. Sometimes we would go in the bedroom, and as I get between her legs and push my dick inside her, I would notice her not so tight and extremely wet pussy, covered with dog cum. Sometimes Jako would join in and take my spot while Jen sucked my dick. Sometimes he would even push me out of the way before I cum, which would result in Jen sucking my dick and making me cum that way while Jako shagged her.

We have been together for a year and a half now, and I proposed to Jen last week. We are getting married in five months, and she plans on keeping Jako.