(c) by wet_amber

Phoebe Halliwell was in her usual place at the end desk in the library with books piled all around her. She had an important exam coming up in her Physiology course. She was the youngest of three sisters at 23 and the other two were Pru 27 and Piper 26.

Their childhood in San Francisco had been fairly normal until their mother was killed in mysterious circumstances five years ago. Their father soon moved out of the house after the killing leaving the three sisters to live in the large house that had been in their family for generations. As things settled down and the girls began to rebuild their lives, they found that they had developed special powers. Erratic and scary at first, the powers developed and grew until one night they were visited by the spirit of their grandmother, who told them of the history of witches in the family and that Pru, Piper and Phoebe were destined to be the most powerful witches who had ever lived. They would be known as, The Charmed Ones.

Each of the girls had a different power. Pru could move items with her mind, Piper could freeze time and Phoebe received visions of past and future events. It was also evident that their powers were increasing. Pru could astral project images of herself anywhere and interact with people as if she was actually there and Piper, instead of freezing people, could cause their atoms to vibrate at such a rate that they would overheat and explode in a ball of flames. Phoebe’s powers were also growing and she found it increasing easily to influence people or animals to do her will. Each power was formidable on its own, but when the three were together they were practically invincible.

Phoebe was concentrating on the open book in front of her and she didn’t hear anyone approach. She jumped in surprise when a voice behind her said, “Hello.”

Before she could reply, the girl standing behind her exclaimed, “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

Phoebe smiled uncertainly and replied, “It’s okay. I didn’t hear you come over.” Realising that she didn’t know the girl, she continued, “Can I help you?”

“Well I hope so,” the girl replied. “I’m in your sociology class. I sit at the back beside the window?”

Phoebe had a vague recollection of the girl now and she smiled and nodded her head, “Of course you do,” she said.

“Actually,” the girl continued, “I think you know by brother better. Sam Torrance? I’m Jenny by the way.”

She held out her hand to Phoebe as an image of Sam’s tanned face and muscular body flashed through Phoebe’s mind and they grasped hands firmly.

Phoebe immediately stiffened and her eyes jammed closed as images burned through her mind and she gasped at the unexpected vision. In only a few seconds she had a clear image of Jenny lying naked on a bed and very close to orgasm, with her brother’s stiff cock sliding in and out of her cunt.

Phoebe’s own fuck hole began juicing up in response to the erotic images and the pulled herself together to swallow hard and say, “Hi Jenny, please sit down.”

“Are you okay Phoebe?” Jenny asked in concern. “You seemed to zone out there for a few seconds.”

“Yea I’m fine,” she replied. “So you’re Sam’s little sister.”

Jenny nodded as Phoebe continued, “So what can I do for you?”

“Actually, I was hoping you’d let me copy your notes from our last class. I had other things on my mind and spent the whole time daydreaming,” she replied.

“Sure,” Phoebe answered sliding her notebook across the desk. “I know how easy it is to slip into these daydreams.”

As Jenny started copying the notes, Phoebe replayed the erotic images of Jenny and her brother in her mind. She had met Sam at P³, which was the Nightclub that the sisters owned and that was run by Piper. She had thought about bedding him but it was just too complicated at the time. As she pictured his thick cock ramming in and out of Jenny’s cunt, she wished she had.

Thankfully, the library table hid the fact that Phoebe’s fingers were under her skirt rubbing over her panty covered sex.

“Phoebe,” Jenny said suddenly breaking into her thoughts.

Phoebe cleared her throat and pulled her hands back on top of the desk trying to look natural as she raised her eyebrows in response.

“These notes start half way through the class,” Jenny continued. “You’re missing quite a bit.”

Phoebe quickly put her hands back under the desk as she began to smell her cunt from her fingers and was sure the Jenny would do the same. “God you’re right, Jenny. I’m sorry.” she replied. “That’s a new book and the notes you’re looking for are at the back of my old notebook and that’s at my house.”

“Oh,” Jenny said disappointedly.

“Don’t worry,” Phoebe said. “We can go and get it if you like. I’m finished here anyway.”

Jenny grinned and nodded, “Thanks Phoebe,” she said simply. “You’re a lifesaver.”

As she led Jenny through the front door, Phoebe hollered, “Piper, Pru, is anyone home?”

Piper came out of the kitchen drying her hands and said, “Hi.” as she looked expectantly between Jenny and her sister.

Phoebe made the introductions and said to Jenny, “Why don’t you wait in the living room and I’ll go and find my notebook.”

As she left the room, Phoebe took a hold of Pipers arm and took her with her. They went into the kitchen and Phoebe exclaimed in a hushed voice, “She’s fucking him!”

Piper looked blank and hissed, “Who’s fucking who?”

Her sister took a deep breath and said, “Do you remember Sam Torrance who used to hang around in P³?”

Piper still looked blank and shrugged her shoulders.

“How can you not remember him?” Phoebe said in exasperation. “I pointed him out to you. Tall, broad shoulders and always wore those tight fitting denims. You always said that he must have a pair of socks stuffed down the front.”

Recollection suddenly flooded Piper’s mind and she smiled and nodded her head. “Oh yea, I remember him now.”

“Well. Jenny’s his younger sister and he’s fucking her,” Phoebe said and as Piper’s eyes widened, she continued, “Oh, and by the way, no socks. He’s hung like a horse.”

“Shit,” Piper said, “And you actually got an image of them doing it?”

“Yea, it was…” Phoebe’s voice trailed off at the sound of banging coming from upstairs and she looked questioningly at her sister.

“Pru’s home,” Piper answered, “And she’s got her new boss with her, Brian someone. That banging you can hear is the headboard of her bed. They’ve been fucking for hours. If Jenny asks, you better tell her that we’ve got workmen in.”

Phoebe shook her in dismissal and then said, “Anyway, I want you to go into the living room and freeze Jenny.”

“Why?” Piper asked.

“Because I want to taste some of Sam’s spunk and I’m betting that her cunts still full of it,” Phoebe replied with a sexy smile.

Piper had a similar smile as she said, “You’re a dirty pervert, sister of mine.”

“We’re all dirty perverts Piper,” Phoebe giggled in reply as she grabbed the notebook she was looking for from the worktop and led her sister out of the door.

“Here’s the book Jenny,” she said.

As Jenny’s hand reached out for it, Phoebe let it go and it dropped to the floor.

“Oh sorry,” she said as Jenny bent down to retrieve it. As soon as the girl’s fingers made contact with the book, Phoebe nodded to Piper who waved her hands in front of her and froze Jenny in that position.

“Perfect,” Phoebe giggled as both sisters walked around to the back of the immobile girl. Together, they lifted the back of her short skirt and they dropped to their knees to get a better look. Piper drew her fingers over a large wet stain in the crotch of Jenny’s pink panties and sniffed her fingers.

“Spunk,” she confirmed as Phoebe reached up to pull the cotton briefs down to Jenny’s ankles.

She wormed her index finger into the girl’s slippery cunt and pulled it out covered in thick globs of sperm. As she showed it triumphantly to her sister, Piper said huskily, “Oh, nice asshole.”

She sucked on her finger and eased it into Jenny’s bowels as Phoebe licked her finger clean and delved back into Jenny’s fuck hole for some more. The next finger she offered to Piper who gratefully sucked it into her throat and swallowed the slime.

Piper pulled her finger out and allowed Phoebe to smell Jenny’s asshole before popping the dirty finger into her mouth.

They were grinning at each other when the glass window suddenly shattered and they both shot to their feet.

“What the fuck!?” was all Piper managed to say before some force smashed into her and sent her flying into the wall.

Phoebe looked frantically around but couldn’t see anything when she suddenly found herself flying through the air and into the old antique dresser.

She lay there stunned and managed to gasp, “Piper, there’s someone here. Freeze him.”

“How the fuck can I freeze someone I can’t see?” she snarled climbing unsteadily to her feet and limping over to help Phoebe up. Jenny had been on the edge of whatever force was being used against then but because she remained frozen, she had simply toppled over like a store mannequin.

“Well, this is going to be easy, very easy,” a disembodied voice said.

Both sisters whirled around to where the voice appeared to come from and Piper said, “Who are you. What do you want?”

The reply came from a different part of the room and said, “I’m your worst nightmare ladies. The name’s Kantor. Oh, and in case you so called clever witches hadn’t worked it out yet, I’m a demon and I’m invisible. As to what I want, well that’s easy. I want to kill you two and your other sister. But before I do, I’m going to tie you down one by one and let all my demon friends fuck you. I have a lot of friends you know, and before we’re finished, you’ll be begging us to let you die.”

“Shit,” Piper muttered under her breath and waved her hands in the direction of the voice.

Everything became quiet and the girls looked at each other in expectation. Just as Piper was about to speak, a voice whispered in her ear, “Missed.”

They both screamed and Piper grabbed her sister’s arm and pulled her towards the stairs. “We need Pru,” she gasped.

The raced up the stairs and Piper made to reach for the handle of the bedroom door.

Phoebe stopped her and as she gasped for breath and said, “Cant….. Not alone.”

Piper’s arms waved and they bolted through the door and into the bedroom.

Pru’s boss was lying on his back as she bounced her naked body up and down on his cock. She had just realised that he had gone strangely quiet when her two sisters burst through the door.

“What the fuck!” she exclaimed. “Piper, Phoebe, I’m kind of busy here.”

She noticed their serious expressions for the first time and stood up on the bed. There was an audible plop as his prick slid out of her fuck hole and she jumped down beside them.

“Looking good Pru,” Phoebe said approvingly.

A thin film of perspiration covered her body, her nipples stood erect from her flawless tits and her cunt was red and swollen open in lust.

“Shut up Phoebe,” Piper snapped. “We don’t have time for that.”

Piper proceeded to bring Pru up to speed on the invisible demon that was after them while Phoebe used her finger to scrape some of Pru’s cunt cream from her lover’s cock and suck it into her mouth. She turned around to find both Pru and Piper staring at her.

“What!?” she asked with her hands spread wide. “I like cunt juice. You know I like cunt juice.”

Both Pru and Piper shook their heads but before either of them could speak, the bedroom door splintered and slammed open.

“Well, well, well,” the voice in the air said, “Now there are three.”

Pru’s instinct was to wave her hand and send a thought force to where the voice came from. She never saw the crashing blow that sent her naked body spinning into the wall. As she sprawled on the floor, the voice gave a low whistle and said, “Wow, nice cunt. I’m going to enjoy fucking that.”

“Leave her alone you bastard,” Phoebe screamed just before she felt the steel like fingers close around her throat.

Piper watched the indentations from the invisible fingers as they squeezed the life out of her younger sister and she snatched up the vase of flowers from the dresser and threw the water to where she estimated Kantor to be standing. As the water ran from his demon body, she had a clear view of his position and with both arms straight out she concentrated her power on that spot. The demon screamed and released Phoebe’s throat as he took one shaky step towards Piper. In the next second however he collapsed to his knees and howled in pain as he exploded into a fiery ball that quickly vanished.

Phoebe was rising unsteadily to her feet as Piper rushed over to Pru.

“Come on Pru,” she said gently slapping her face. “Wake up.”

“We need smelling salts,” she continued as Phoebe crouched down on the other side of their fallen sister.

“No we don’t,” Phoebe said. “Watch.”

She reached down and grasped Pru’s nipple between her thumb and forefinger and squeezed as hard as she could

“What the hell are you….,” Piper began but fell silent as Pru started to respond and flutter her eyes open.

“Always works,” Phoebe said proudly.

It took a few minutes for Pru to recover and her sisters helped her to her feet and explained how Piper had vanquished the demon.

“Are you alright?” Piper asked anxiously.

“My head hurts,” Pru replied rubbing at the back of her neck, “And so does my tit. Why is my tit so sore?”

“You must have hit it as you fell,” Phoebe said innocently and glared at Piper not to say anything.

Pru was rubbing tenderly at her throbbing teat as she turned and said, “I’m going for a shower.”

Piper cleared her throat and said, “Aren’t you forgetting something Pru.”

As Pru turned back to her sisters, she saw that Piper was pointing to her boss who was still frozen naked on the bed with his prick pointing to the ceiling.

“Shit,” said Pru. “I don’t feel like fucking any more.”

“I do,” Phoebe said brightly. “Do you mind if I climb on?”

“Phoebe, I can’t keep him frozen forever, and I think he’d notice if there was suddenly a different girl sliding her cunt up and down his cock,” Piper said in exasperation.

“Spoilsport,” Phoebe replied sticking her tongue out. “Anyway, he’s also going to notice if Pru’s had a shower and smelling fresh instead of stinking of cunt.”

Pru sighed, “Yea, okay, you’re right Phoebe, I guess I’m going to have to fuck him. I just don’t feel horny anymore.”

“Well,” Phoebe said with a slight smile on her face. “If you’d like to come into my bedroom, I’m sure I could make you horny.”

Pru laughed throatily and put her hands on her hips and struck a provocative pose. “Why Phoebe,” she said. “I do believe you’re trying to seduce me. And after you said I smell like cunt too.”

Phoebe took a couple of steps closer until her face was only a few inches away from her sisters and replied, “I like it when you smell of cunt.”

They grinned at each other and Phoebe gently took Pru’s hand and began leading her out of the room. They both stopped at the door and held their other hand out to Piper, who smiled and joined them.

“Okay,” Pru said once they were inside Phoebe’s bedroom. “I’m naked and you two are fully clothed and that’s not fair, strip!”

She lay down on the bed with her hands clasped behind her head as she watched her sisters begin to disrobe.

Piper pulled her pink sweater over her head and shook her hair back into position. Her bare 34C tits were topped with long nipples that were rock hard and Pru’s mouth watered as she imagined suckling on them. Piper reached behind her to unzip her skirt and let it fall to the floor. She was wearing a pair of black thong panties that she kicked off and jumped onto the bed beside her sister. Their hands automatically caressed each others bodied and as Pru sucked one of Piper’s cherry stone nipples into her mouth, Piper’s hand reached between Pru’s parted legs and gently stroked the wet outer lips of her cunt.

“Huh! Don’t wait for me guys,” Phoebe said as she stood with her hands on her hips and watched her two sister’s foreplay.

Pru lashed Piper’s sensitive teat with her tongue as she dropped her hand to her sisters fuck hole. They finger fucked each other with practised ease and Piper’s eyes closed as her older sister teased her hard clit.

Phoebe drew her tee shirt over her head and dropped it onto the floor. Her skirt quickly followed and she rubbed her fingers over the wet stain in the crotch of her cotton briefs as she listened to the sloshing noise that her sisters were making as they stirred each other’s cunts. Phoebe’s panties joined the rest of her clothes on the floor as she stood on the bed and sat her butt down on the cast iron framework at the bottom of the bed. She played with herself for a few moments before standing up and straddling one of the brass balls that adorned the cast iron frame. Both hands pulled her cunt lips apart as she squatted over it and lowered her fuck hole onto. She knew that it would eventually fit as she had had it inside her before. Indeed, everything that was in Phoebe’s bedroom that was even remotely shaped like a penis smelt like her cunt.

It took a few tries but the ball finally slipped inside her cunt and she sighed as she started to lift her body on and off.

At some form of telepathic signal, Both Pru and Piper pulled their fingers out of each other’s cunts and sucked the juices from their fingers. They smiled at each other and then arranged themselves on the bed so they were lying on their sides and both lifted one leg up so the other could get her mouth against the other’s cunt.

The house became quiet and still and the only sounds were of tongues lapping at wet fuck holes and the sloshing of the cunt juice inside Phoebe’s cunt as she pulled herself on and off the brass ball.

Phoebe’s fingers pulled and twisted at her erect nipples as she masturbated and the room began to fill with the raw, heavy smell of cunts on heat.

She climbed slowly off the bedpost and crawled over to her two sisters. Pulling Pipers face away from Pru’s open cunt, she lay down in the space and opened her legs to Piper’s mouth whilst she licked at Pru’s hole. The three of them were in a daisy chain and when Phoebe probed Pru’s shit hole with her finger and then slipped it inside, Pru did the same to Pipers asshole and she in turn finger fucked Phoebe’s back hole. The slurping noises were now being overwhelmed by soft moans and gasps as everyone worked towards a cum. Each girl was now humping her sex into someone’s face and the moans were turning to cries and shrieks.

Piper was the first to orgasm and she soaked Pru’s face as she sprayed her cunt cream out of her hole. She began shaking and shuddering and just managed to bite down hard on Phoebe’s throbbing clit before she surrendered her body totally to her climax.

The extra stimulation sent Phoebe over the top and her fuck hole flooded almost instantly. She screamed, and jammed her index fully up Pru’s asshole. Her other hand came up and frantically rubbed at Pru’s clit as she struggled for breath. She just managed to bring Pru off before she collapsed onto her back to savour the delicious waves of ecstasy that racked her body.

Pru was trying to lick all of Piper’s cunt cream off her face when her cum erupted inside her. She slumped on the bed and arched her back as every muscle went into spasm and tore a ragged scream from her throat.

They lay in a tangled heap until their breathing came back to normal and Pru was the first onto her feet. As her sisters watched, she scooped some cunt cream out of her fuck hole with her fingers and savoured the taste as she sucked them clean.

She smiled down at them and said, “See you later. I’ve got a cock waiting for me.”

She skipped out the door and a few minutes later they heard her shout, “Now Piper.”

Piper sighed and waved her hands to unfreeze Pru’s boss and as she rolled over, Phoebe said, “You want to play some more?”

“Sorry Phoebe,” she replied, “But as much as I love your tongue in my cunt, what I really need just now is cock.”

She took a deep breath and shouted, “Leo!”

After waiting a few seconds, she tried again but louder this time, “LEO!!”

Bluish white light filled the room and solidified into the shape of their whitelighter guide and protector as he orbed into the corner of the room.

“Hey, no fair,” Phoebe protested as Piper lay back and spread her shapely legs.

“I need fucked honey,” Piper said to her boyfriend. “Now!”

“Can I stay?” Phoebe asked as she watched Leo pull his tee shirt over his head.

“No, go away,” Piper said, but her sister didn’t move as Leo pulled off his trousers and shorts. His solid cock was a healthy 9 inches long and as thick as Phoebe’s wrist. As Piper pulled her lover onto the bed, she looked at her sister and pointed to the door. Phoebe picked up her little dress and pulled it on before bending down to pick up her wet panties. She threw them into Leo’s hands and said, “You can taste what you’re missing.”

With a toss of her head, she strode out of the room and Piper gently pulled the panties out of Leo’s fingers as he held the damp crotch to his nose.

“You concentrate on my cunt, baby,” she said, tossing her sisters briefs onto the floor.

Phoebe was only halfway down the stairs when she heard Piper moan loudly and Pru’s headboard began to rhythmically bang against the wall. “Bastards,” she muttered

Phoebe was in the middle of clearing up downstairs when she heard a commotion outside in the garden. Opening the porch door as found Kit, their Siamese cat, on the porch roof hissing and spitting at a large German Shepherd who was prowling about in one of the flowerbeds.

“Hey,” Phoebe shouted at the dog. “Scat. Go away.”

The canine looked at her with big soulful eyes and dropped its tail between its legs as it made to slink away. The animal looked frightened and Phoebe was sorry she had shouted at it when she also noticed that she could see its ribs beneath its fur.

Her eyes narrowed and she concentrated her mind. “Its okay boy,” she thought. “Come over here and get something to eat. I won’t hurt you.”

The dog stopped and looked at her for a few seconds and its tail began wagging slowly. It took a few steps towards her and she thought, “That’s it boy. Come and see me. Good boy.”

The animal became surer of her and she squatted down in front of him as he came close enough for her to touch. The fur around his face and neck was very soft and she petted him and said, “Do you want something to eat boy? Come on, let’s see what we’ve got.”

The dog padded after her as she rose to her feet and went inside. She found various scraps inside the fridge and put then into a bowl. As she set it on the floor, the dog wolfed it down in seconds and she petted him again as he came back to her with his tail wagging enthusiastically. “Is that better?” she said. “I wish you had a collar on so I knew that you lived somewhere. What’s your name boy? I think I’ll call you King because you’re so good looking.” The animal had no idea what she was saying but his tail wagged again at the sound of her voice.

“I’ll see if there’s anything else to eat,” she said crossing over to the fridge and opening the door. As she rummaged inside, King’s nose sniffed the air and caught the scent of the hot pungent aroma of her cunt. It aroused the canine and he stood behind the girl and raised the back of her short skirt up with his nose.

Phoebe looked behind her and asked, “Have you found something else to eat boy?” and she shuddered as the dog licked his thick tongue against her cunt.

Phoebe closed the fridge and slowly walked over to the central worktop with King’s tongue glued to her fuck hole all the way.

Pru had just cum again and her thick cunt cream had formed a white frothy ring around the base of Brian’s prick. She collapsed onto his chest still shuddering and he waited until she had recovered her senses. She sat up slowly with his cock still buried inside her and gasped, “Change position. I’m wasted.”

As she hauled herself up and let his prick slide out, he grabbed her butt and pulled her sex up to his mouth. Her fuck hole was plastered with her cum and he slurped as much as he could into his throat. Pulling her further onto his face, he opened her tight ass cheeks and started tonguing her shit hole.

“Oh yea,” she moaned as she felt the tip penetrate her bowels. “Suck my shit hole.”

His index finger replaced his tongue and she moaned continually. “Yea, you like that baby,” he said, “Don’t you?”

To answer him, she fell to his side and lay on her back bringing her knees right up to her tits and exposing her asshole to his gaze. “Finger fuck my shitter,” she said with her eyes shining with lust. “Get me really loose so you can slide your big cock up my asshole and fill it with spunk.”

Leo was lying back on the bed with his cock deep in Pipers throat. Her head worked its way down and she swallowed his shaft until her lips rested on his balls. The soft throat tissue was like hot velvet around his prick and he groaned, “Fuck, that’s good Piper.”

She slowly raised her head and smiled at him. Thick strands of her throat slime hung out of the corners of her mouth and connected to his slick shaft. Her hand jacked him off as she bent her head again and this time teased his piss hole with the tip of her tongue. He gasped and arched his back at the stimulation. His eyes were screwed shut as her tongue swirled over his cock head and he could feel his spunk start to boil in his balls.

“Piper,” he gasped in a warning tone, because he thought she was going to get a faceful of his cum, but the experienced girl grasped him firmly at the base of his cock and held him tightly until the feeling subsided. She had a wicked grin on her face as she said, “Don’t worry lover. When you spurt you’ll be deep inside my cunt.”

He grinned back at her and wrapped his hands around the back of her neck pulling her down on top of him. They kissed deeply with their tongues entwined as Piper wriggled around to get her fuck hole in the right position. Her crotch was soaking from her recent cums with her sisters and when the head of Leo’s prick nudged at the entrance to her front hole, it slipped easily inside.

Phoebe stood with her feet apart and placed her hands firmly onto the work surface. She pushed her hot cunt forward crouching down slightly and her cunt gaped with wetness. King slopped his big, thick tongue into it and the young witch groaned loudly as she was penetrated.

“Lick my cunt, boy,” she gasped. “Suck on my wet fuck hole.”

When his tongue contacted Phoebe’s hard little clit, she choked and trembled. Her knees turned to water and her stomach quivered as she braced herself on the worktop. Her shoulder length blonde hair fell loosely around her face and her eyes rolled in her head as a thin film of perspiration broke out on her forehead. Her cunt was tingling and she could feel the first of her orgasms start to build. King seamed to know exactly what to do to pleasure her. His long tongue thrashed about inside her dripping hole, and just at the right time to keep her on the edge, he would remove it and swipe it over her burning clit. Her eyes were screwed tightly shut and she surrendered completely to the luscious feelings coursing through her young body as the intensity of the tingling increased to become almost unbearable.

She bucked her hips as King’s long tongue slid all the way up to her cervix and she ground her throbbing clit onto his wet nose. The sensations got so powerful that they overwhelmed her completely and she gasped, “Fuck I’m going to cum.”

A sharp scream was involuntarily ripped from her throat as her climax exploded inside her body. The big dog jumped back is surprise, both at the scream, and at the cunt cream that suddenly splattered out of her fuck hole, but the hesitation only lasted a few seconds before his mouth was back at her swollen sex lapping up all the slime that she could give him.

“Oh fuck,” she moaned as her body shuddered and convulsed. Her hands gripped tightly at the work surface she was bent over to keep her on her feet and her canine lover fed on her flooded fuck hole.

As the contractions in her cunt subsided and her breathing began to return to normal, she pushed King away from her over stimulated clit and muttered, “Fuck, take a break boy, I’m wasted.”

Pru had clasped her hands behind her knees to hold them up at her tits as Brian stimulated her. Two of his fingers were sliding in and out of her shit hole while his mouth was glued onto her clit. Her head thrashed from side to side and the cunt cream bubbled out of her fuck hole as she climaxed again.

“Oh shit, I’m creaming,” she shrieked as her shitter clenched around his fingers.

It was a few minutes before she opened her eyes again and when she did, she found Brian kneeling at her thighs with his erect prick pointing straight at her asshole. Her fingers pulled her ass cheeks apart as far as she could and she locked eyes with him.

“Get it up me,” she hissed and then sighed contentedly as she felt him push against her little brown hole.

He had loosened her up nicely and there was only the slightest resistance to his penetration as he slid all the way inside until his balls stopped him going any further.

“Yea, fuck me baby,” she cooed as he began sliding in and out. “Fuck the shit out of me.”

She dipped her fingers into her saturated cunt and rubbed her juice over her battered clit as Brian pounded up her shitter.

“Ream my dirty asshole, you bastard,” she growled to urge him to go faster. “Let me feel your cum spurt inside me.”

Pru’s shit hole might have been loose at the entrance but deeper inside she was very tight and gripped his shaft like a vice.

“Fuck, I’m nearly there,” he hissed through gritted teeth as he felt his spunk begin to boil.

Pru rubbed furiously at her clit to try and match his cum and she shouted, “Cum you sweet fucker. Flood my shit hole.”

She was a few seconds behind him and as he jetted his hot sperm up her asshole she orgasmed again causing her juices to spurt out of her open cunt.

Both were absolutely shattered but when Pru felt his cock soften and slip out of her asshole, she moved around and took it into her mouth. She shuddered at the delicious taste of the spunk and the streaks of her shit that covered the shaft and she didn’t stop sucking until every last drop was in her stomach.

Leo was buried up to his balls in Piper’s tight fuck hole and she was urging him deeper.

“Come on baby,” she said as she spread her legs wide to the sides to give him an extra fraction of an inch penetration. “Fuck me deeper. Ram your cock up me.”

She could feel her cervix being battered and she loved the delicious mixture of pain from her cervix and intense pleasure as Leo’s long prick rasped over her hard clit.

His shaft was flashing in and out of her body and with every stroke his balls slapped against her butt. She used both hands to pull her ass cheeks apart and shivered as his balls started to slap against her sensitive shit hole.

“Oh god, screw me you big bastard,” she moaned. “Fuck my brains out.”

She wrapped her long legs around Leo’s waist and locked her ankles behind his back which lifted her butt off the bed until it was perfectly in line with her lovers thrusting prick.

Leo’s hands were positioned on the bed on either side of Pipers squirming body and were taking most of his weight. Loud slurps and equally loud farts came from Pipers gushing cunt as he rammed his cock in and out and she moaned loudly as her fingers rubbed some of her slimy cunt juice over her asshole and slid inside her bowels.

The tingling deep inside her body was intensifying and she could feel her orgasm approach.

“Shit, I’m nearly there,” she gasped. “Fuck me hard baby and fill my cunt with your thick spunk.”

Leo’s eyes were tightly closed and he gritted his teeth as he continued to pound on Piper’s flooding fuck hole. She suddenly screamed and convulsed as her climax ripped through her body and mind, and she could only groan and gasp for breath as her lover slammed his full length up her contracting cunt and blasted his hot sperm against her cervix.

She collapsed onto the bed and Leo fell on top of her and they lay together until their racked bodies recovered and their breathing steadied. They eased themselves into a more comfortable position and stretched out side by side on the bed and gazed lovingly into each other’s eyes. The mood of the moment was broken however by a fait chiming, and before Piper could say a word, Leo jumped to his feet. He was struggling into his clothes as he said, “Sorry Piper. I have to go.”

She sighed loudly as the room was again filled with bluish white light and Leo orbed out of existence.

King was nowhere near ready to quit yet and he simply trotted around behind Phoebe and stuck his nose into her ass crack. She jumped as his tongue lapped around her shit hole and then reached behind her to pull her ass cheeks apart to give him better access to her back hole. She was still quivering from head to toe and her eyes closed again as the dog’s tongue became more persistent. She relaxed her asshole as much as possible and cried out as King pushed past the resistance of her anal ring and his tongue slithered up her shitter.

“Oh fuck, that’s nice,” she gasped. “I hope your cock’s as good as your tongue, boy.”

The cunt juice was running out of her front hole and pooling on the tiled floor between her feet as the dog reamed her shit hole with its tongue.

“I need cock, boy,” she said letting go of her ass cheeks and pulling her bowels away from the dog’s mouth. As she turned to face the animal, she looked between its back paws and grinned at the thick red shaft that was almost touching the ground.

She dropped to her hands and knees and to her delight, King was as horny for fucking as she was. He mounted her immediately and before she was really ready. The weight of the dog forced her face into the tiled floor and into the pool of cunt juice that she had splattered there. The thick slime soaked into her hair and covered her face as her tongue started to lap up the mess.

Her butt was high in the air and King’s thrusting cock soon found her fuck hole. She moaned as the thick red shaft began stretching her cunt walls apart and gasped, “Fuck me baby. Fuck me hard.”

When she raised her head to speak, her cunt cream dribbled out of her mouth and the slime dripped from her chin and the ends of her hair. She shuddered in response to her sluttish behaviour and her cunt muscles clenched like a mouth around his thick prick and pumped it like a fist as he fucked her. His hind legs pranced nervously between her knees and he drooled constantly onto her back as he rammed all of his thick cock up into her fuck hole. His shaft was flashing in and out of her hole at an astonishing rate and Phoebe squealed several times and pushed her cunt back to make sure that every last fraction of an inch was inside her.

She could now feel the swelling at the base of his cock and it grew larger with every thrust. The animal was aware of it too and the lengths of his thrusts altered. He now made sure that the knot stayed inside Phoebe’s cunt and she gasped as the tennis ball sized swelling rammed up and down her fuck tube.

“Fuck I’m cumming again,” she cried as another orgasm ripped through her and shook her whole body. She was panting and moaning continually as her cunt spasmed around King’s driving prick and she screamed loudly as the animal gave a massive lunge and battered the head of his shaft against her cervix. His cock spurted in her heaving cunt and splattered jet after jet of dog cum into her fuck hole. She shrieked with new pleasure as she climaxed again on his spurting cock.

Piper had thrown her clothes back on and brushed her hair. As she opened her bedroom door, Pru and Brian were coming out of the other bedroom.

“What happened to your door,” he asked as he saw the splintered lock. “I don’t remember it being like that when we went in.”

“Oh it’s been like that for ages,” she replied dismissively. She saw her sister further along the hallway and continued “Hasn’t it Piper?”

“Yea, ages,” Piper lied. “Pru locked the door and then lost the key so we had to force it open.”

Pru smile in response to Piper’s logical explanation and the three walked down the stairs together.

They had almost reached the bottom when Phoebe’s plaintive voice shouted, “Piper, freeze him.”

Almost without thinking, Piper waved her hands and Brain froze immediately. Both Pru and Piper hurried into the kitchen and stopped in the door in amazement.

“God I am so busted,” Phoebe lamented.

“What the fuck!” Pru exclaimed walking around her sister who was still on her hands and knees on the floor. She bent down to look at the dog cock that was firmly embedded in Phoebe’s cunt whilst Piper’s fingernail gently scraped at some of the dried and crusted cunt cream that glazed Phoebe’s face. She sniffed at her fingers before reaching out to touch the girl’s damp hair.

“God, that must have been some cum you had,” she said.

Before Phoebe could respond, Pru straightened up and said, “Never mind about her cum. Where did you get the dog? And why the hell did you decide to let it fuck you?”

King was struggling to release his cock and he suddenly leaped backwards and his knot pulled out of Phoebe’s cunt with a loud plop followed by the sound of a torrent of dog cum splattering onto the floor.

Pru wanted to be angry with her irresponsible young sister. But the smell of the dog cum any the way it looked as it poured out of Phoebe’s front hole made her drop to her knees and began to suck it out of her sister’s cunt.

Phoebe’s cunt and clit were still very sensitive and swollen from their recent fucking and she shrieked when she felt Pru’s mouth on her sex.

“Oh fuck, no more,” she cried trying to crawl away but Piper pushed her over and rolled her onto her back before joining Pru between her legs.

Phoebe’s body thrashed about on the floor as her two sisters sucked on her cunt. Their tongues snaked around in her fuck tube and flicked over her over stimulated clit. Her back arched and she cried out as another climax exploded inside her and Pru and Piper held her in orgasm until the last trace of the animal’s sperm was in their stomachs.

Phoebe crashed back onto the floor completely exhausted and Piper stood up and got a bowl of water for King who was lying curled up in the corner licking his cock and balls.

About 10 minutes later, they helped Phoebe off the floor and she staggered upstairs for a much needed shower. The other two took their positions on either side of Brian who didn’t seem to notice when he was unfrozen and Pru escorted him to the door.

“Thank goodness,” Pru said as she came back into the front hallway.

“We’re not quite out of the woods yet, Pru,” Piper said regretfully.

“We’re not?” she replied.

Piper shook her head and took her sister into the living room. At first Pru only saw the shattered window and the ruined dresser, but as she walked around the sofa she found the young girl, frozen in time with her panties around her knees.

“Who the fuck is she?” Pru asked, and before Piper could answer, Pru had already worked out who was responsible and she sucked air into her lungs and bellowed, “PHOEBE!!”

She came running down the stairs with a towel wrapped around her naked body and the water dripping from her hair. “What?” she demanded. “I was in the shower.”

Pru pointed to Jenny’s prone figure and Phoebe gulped. “Shit,” she exclaimed. “I forgot about her.”

“You forgot!” Pru repeated shaking her head in disbelief. “And how exactly were you going to explain to her that the living room is now completely trashed and that she didn’t see it happen?”

“You can’t blame me for that,” Phoebe replied defensively. “It’s not my fault that a demon decided to crash through the window.”

Piper came to her sisters defence and said,” She’s right Pru. Phoebe and I were both playing with Jenny when that Kantor broke in. The timing was just unfortunate.”

“I’ll say it was unfortunate,” Pru confirmed calming down a bit. “Okay, what do we do about it?”

“Well, I’m going to finish my shower,” Phoebe said defiantly. “Why don’t you just put her out in the hallway on the floor and we’ll say that she slipped on the way out and hit her head. She’ll be so disoriented, that she’ll buy it.”

Pru looked at Piper who nodded her head. “Could work,” she said.

“Okay,” Pru agreed, and as Phoebe turned to go back upstairs, she added, “Phoebe, make sure that you put the same dress back on so Jenny won’t notice you’ve changed.”

The steam billowed in the shower cubicle as the hot water cascaded over Phoebe’s body. Her head rested lightly on the tiled wall and her eyes were closed as she relaxed. She didn’t see the light that filled the shower room for a few seconds but became aware of a presence behind her. Before she could turn around, a body pressed her into the tiled wall and she felt an erect cock press into her butt.

“Still want some cock Phoebe?” Leo asked.

“Hi Leo,” she said in delight and she closed her eyes again as his hands encircled her waist and rose up to gently cup her tits. He could feel her nipples harden in response to his touch and she said softly, “Does Piper know you’re in here?”

“What do you think?” he said in response, and she laughed throatily.

As he played with her breasts, she wriggled her butt at the hard cock that was pressing into her flesh. Reaching behind her with one hand, she gripped his shaft, gave it a few strokes and pulled it down to poke between her legs. She closed her thighs around it and gently jacked him off as his fingers squeezed and pulled at her sensitive nipples.

She groaned at his touch and stood on her tiptoes on one foot and lifted the other foot from the floor. With practised ease, she scooped Leo’s cock up and stuffed it into her sticky cunt. As her hot flesh closed around the shaft, Leo began screwing her with long slow strokes.

She turned her head over her shoulder and reached back to pull his mouth down onto hers and just before their lips touched, she hissed, “Fuck me.”

Leo began screwing her faster and one of his hands dropped between her legs and rubbed at her burning clit. She moaned into his mouth and her tongue danced in his throat as his fingers brought her close to climax. He felt her groan into his mouth as he stimulated her burning clit and her hands grabbed at the back of his head as she ground her mouth onto his.

Her breath jetted down his throat as she suddenly screamed and shuddered. Her orgasm exploded between her legs forcing her hot cunt cream to spurt out around Leo’s thrusting prick. She pulled her mouth away from his as she gasped for air and surrendered totally to her cum. Her mind reeled and her eyes were screwed tightly shut as her loved continued fucking her with faster and faster strokes. Her climaxes became continual and blended into each other. Every time an orgasm would lessen in intensity, the next would rip through her and cause her over stimulated muscles to contract and convulse. She couldn’t find the strength or the breath to scream, and could only gasp and groan as Leo kept on pounding his cock up her hole.

Phoebe’s head hung and rested against the tiled wall as Leo began to feel his spunk start to froth in his balls. He lent forward and bit the side of Phoebe’s neck causing her to cry out in a delicious mixture of pain and pleasure. Her head snapped up and she gasped loudly as she felt his white hot sperm spurt into her cunt.

Leo slowly pulled his hands away from her tit and her clit and braced himself against the wall as he fought for breath and it took a few minutes before they straightened up and his shaft plopped out of her hole. As she turned to face him, she threw her arms around his neck and they kissed deeply.

Her smile dazzled him as she pulled her face back but before she could say anything, there was a loud knock on the bathroom door and Pru’s voice shouted, “Hurry up Phoebe. We still have to get rid of this girlfriend of yours.”

Phoebe put her finger to her lips to warn Leo to keep quiet and he nodded and bent down to pick up his discarded clothes from the floor. A few seconds of bright light were all it took for Leo to orb out of the room and immediately after, Pru stepped into the room.

She looked at her sister as she lifted a towel and replied, “I’m coming Pru. Just let me get dried.”

“I think you should get back into the shower before you dry off,” Pru answered. Phoebe looked surprised and Pru took a step forward and ran her forefinger gently over Phoebe’s sex. The both looked at the thick spunk that covered Pru’s finger and Phoebe said, “That damn dog cum gets everywhere.”

Pru’s eyes were half closed as she studied her sister closely before sniffing her finger and then sucking it into her mouth.

“That’s not dog cum Phoebe,” she exclaimed. “Where did you get …..??”

She stopped speaking in mid sentence and cast her eyes upwards. “Leo!!” she hissed in sudden understanding. “You fucked Leo.”

“Ssssshhhhh,” Phoebe said looking towards the open door. “Keep your voice down. Besides, I didn’t fuck Leo.”

Pru stared at her and Phoebe started giggling. “Actually, he fucked me.”

“Phoebe,” Pru said in exasperation. “Piper will go ballistic if she finds out.”

“Yea, well don’t tell her,” Phoebe replied, using the towel to clean herself up between her legs and then pull her clothes back on.

Pru shook her head and followed her younger sister downstairs.

“About time,” Piper said as the came into the hall.

Phoebe looked around and nodded approvingly. Jenny was lying on the floor at the front door and Pru and Piper had sorted her clothes.

“Okay, what’s the story?” Phoebe asked.

“She slipped and hit her head on the table.” Piper replied.

Phoebe looked around at the small table against the wall and pulled it over onto the floor. The sisters all nodded at her actions and Pru suddenly drew back her foot and kicked Jenny on the side of the head. As both Piper and Phoebe looked at her, she said, “She banged her head on the table, so it should be sore when she waked up.”

All three girls knelt down beside Jenny and Pru said, “Now Piper.”

As Piper waved her hands, Jenny immediately unfroze and tried to sit up. She was completely disorientated and stammered, “Where am… What happened? How did I get here?”

The sisters went into their convincing act and within a few minutes, Jenny fully believed that she had slipped on her way out and apologised repeatedly for being so clumsy. The girls assured her that it was all right and Jenny was still rubbing the side of her head as they showed her out.

They all breathed a sigh of relief as Pru closed the front door but their satisfaction was short lived when Leo suddenly orbed into the room. Piper felt a tingling between her legs when he appeared and she would have been very pissed if she had known that her younger sisters cunt was also juicing up.

Leo however was all business and he said in a serious tone, “We have a problem, ladies. You’re being hunted by a demon and he’s powerful… Very powerful.”

The End