(c) 2010 by Rose Eastmann

I made a mistake, I went to a ‘Sylvan-eve’ party at my sister’s house, they sell cheep jewellery through the ‘party plan’ method. My sister was in line for a mediocre gift due to the things that her friends had ordered, that gift could be up rated to a much better gift if just two people agreed to have a party at their own homes, one woman was happy to book a party but it looked like that was that.

I saw the pleading look on my sister’s face and so I agreed to a party too. I managed to talk two women from work into attending and a few of my neighbours, Emma, a colleague from work, a few years younger than me asked how long the sale would take, I told her it would all be over by nine o’clock.

“That’s good, we could do something fun after.” As the day of the ‘Sylvan-eve’ party came round I still hadn’t thought of anything for the after party entertainment, Emma suggested that I talk to Ray, he had worked at our company for longer than anyone else, he was fifty years old, he had been offered promotion almost every year but preferred to stay as a clerical assistant.

Everyone knew Ray as a bit of a pervert, he would take every word anyone uttered and turn it in to a ‘double- entendre’, he was always flirting with the younger girls, hell, the older girls too. I mentioned to Ray that Emma had suggested he might have some ideas for a way of entertaining a group of middle-aged women and he just took a video from his draw and told me that he usually found a good film worked well.

On the night of the party, I didn’t manage to get a gift at all, the sales woman left at nine o’clock without making a single sale. I had provided a few bottles of wine and nibbles, I mentioned that I had a film we could watch and everyone decided that they wanted to see it. The video was a simple blue film, I was a little shocked and wished I had looked at the video before I had started it, I hadn’t seen anything quite like it in all my forty years.

The girls loved the film and after I managed to relax I liked it too, that was two years ago, since then our little group had met at my house every month, we called it our ‘shop and perv’ evening. Then a major problem occurred, I had just handed the last video back to Ray, instead of putting it back in his draw he passed it over to a young girl who had only been working with him for a few weeks. “That is the last video I have, you have seen them all now!” He said to me, “What! What will we do for entertainment next month?” Ray told me he would ask around to see if any of his friends had anything that we hadn’t seen before.

The day before our ‘Tupper ware’ party Ray came to me, “I’m sorry, I can only get a film from a guy I know called Carl, I’d prefer it if I didn’t have to ask him though!” He said. I told him that the girls would be disappointed if I didn’t come up with something to entertain them, “Their husbands will be upset too, they look forward to my party night to get their ‘monthly’ leg over,” I said. I asked if it would be possible for me to ask Carl for a film if he didn’t want to be beholden to him.

Ray shook his head, “Carl isn’t the kind of man you approach out of the blue,” he said.

Party day, I went to Ray’s desk and asked if he had managed to find anything, “Do you have your car key?” He asked, I foraged in my handbag and showed him that I did, “Come out to my car!” He said. Ray was legendary for his ability to keep calm in a crisis, no one had ever seen his feathers ruffled, even when he managed to delete a weeks work the day before he had to send it off to head office. He was flustered now, I followed him to his Renault Espace, for a lowly clerical assistant he had one of the most expensive cars in the car park.

Ray opened the back door, I was surprised at how roomy the car was in the back, the rear seats were adjustable, you could chose to have any number from one to five and they were able to slide from the rear of the front seat to the tail gate. Ray had just two seats in the back; they were almost touching the tailgate, which left almost six feet of bare carpet between the front of the back seat and the back of the front. Ray was looking furtive, he kept checking to see if anyone was looking, even if the CCTV camera could see what he was doing, eventually he opened a hidden storage compartment and passed me a large envelope, “Put it in your car straight away,” he said.

Ray gave me strict instructions that I had to return the video to him an the Asda car park after the party, he would be there at eleven thirty, Ray stressed the point that I shouldn’t be late, he didn’t want the tape out of his sight any longer than necessary. I wasn’t too happy with having to return the tape to a car park in the middle of the night but it would be worth the effort if the video was as good as I was expecting it to be.

I was late home from work, the party plan woman was already waiting in my drive, I would have loved a quick peek at the video before my regular guests arrived but I couldn’t as the ‘Tupper ware’ woman was setting up in the living room. It was the usual ‘shop and perv’ night, no one was particularly keen to buy anything, everyone was very keen to drink a little wine and eat the nibbles, we managed to have the sales woman on her way home by eight thirty and I popped the video into the player.

The video wasn’t the usual blue film we had become accustomed too; it was a series of ‘taster’ films, taken from much longer videos. The first film was called ‘Real House Wives’, it started with a series of thirty still photographs of a guy with thirty different women, all the pictures showed the man fucking the women in different positions, it was obvious that the women weren’t professional models, they were just ordinary women like all of us watching the TV.

The very first film we watched had held the girls totally speechless all the way through, from then on the films were of similar quality but my friends were less impressed and there was always a constant hum of conversation as the film was watched. This film was definitely different; it showed us all that we could be sexual, desirable, wanton, and ‘well looked after’.

After the still photographs finished there was fifteen minutes of the man and one of the women from the stills, he was fifty something, a little over weight and balding but there was something about him, about his face, or was it his eyes, I had no doubt that every one watching was, like me, imagining myself as the woman in the film, then he got his cock on to the screen, well it could have been the camera angle but I prefer to think that it actually was ten inches long and as thick as my wrist. The woman was well and truly fucked for eleven and a half out of the twelve minutes of movie and then it went into still photographs again, two of the women watching started to chat, until that point we had all been kept captivated, held spellbound by a middle aged man fucking a middle aged woman.

The second film was an explicit anal sex video, again the girls were silent as the video played, more from shock than interest, the third video was two black men with a young blond girl, the girl was around twenty four years old but playing a much younger girl, typically licking a lollipop and wearing knee length socks and rah-rah shirt, the first film was obviously amateur, just as the rest of the films were obviously very professional and high quality.

Video four had a man with a woman, he managed to get half of his arm inside her pussy and used it to masturbate her, still no sound from the girls. Five took a woman on a lonely road, breaking down, her rescuers turned out to be rapists, the twenty minutes flashed past in a flurry of violent sex, the faces on the rest of the audience told several stories, from revulsion to excitement and all colours in between. Six was a bondage film and seven was a pee video, neither held my interest but everyone else was captivated.

The screen went black for a few seconds and when the picture returned it had the BBC logo at the bottom, the video was from the 2001 Crufts dog show, there was a beautiful Vimarama on the screen winning the best of bread. I asked someone to re-wind the video while I put the wine glasses into soak, I checked the time, almost perfect timing, Tony would be home soon and I would hate him to find out that we girls watched pervert films while he was out at the working men’s club.

“Dee, DEE!” Came out of the living room, Emma had tried to re-wind the video but made her usual hash of anything technical, “Dee, the video hasn’t finished!” I walked into the living room wiping my hands dry on the tea towel, the BBC logo had disappeared and the scene had moved on to a typical blue film set. A scantily clad ‘Nurse’ in a white zip front uniform with her boobs peeping out of the top and her knickers peeping out from underneath.

The Vimarama’s owner led the dog into the room, “Here Gail, Toby here has done us proud, look after him properly!” The woman started to stroke the dog, then her hand went down between the dog’s legs and she started to rub the dog’s sheath, as she excited the dog its cock grew to impressive proportions, then the woman bent down and started to suck the dog’s cock. All in the room were open mouthed and held a mixture of shocked expressions and disgust, I didn’t start to bulk at the film until the woman got on her hands and knees and let the dog ‘cover’ her.

I was the only one to hear the key rattle the front door lock, I did an almost ‘Indiana Jones’ leap to snatch the remote control out of Emma’s hand and press the stop button, I had hit the re-wind just before Tony opened the living room door, the girls were shocked when I leaped like a mad woman to get the remote but they were even more shocked as Tony entered the room.

It was eleven o’clock, Tony was dead on time as usual, it was my guess that eight men on the estate would get to have sex tonight, possibly nine, if Tony was still awake when I got home from dropping the tape off at the car park. “I’ve promised to take Emma home darling,” I said. I bundled Emma out of the house as she was protesting that she had her own car with her, Tony offered to come with us, to keep me company but I stopped him, “You have to be up early for work in the morning, you should try to get to sleep, I might even stop and have a coffee with Emma,” I lied.

I apologised to Emma as I slipped the video out from under my coat and onto my passenger seat. I arrived at Adsa at eleven twenty five, there were no cars parked on the front car park, I was about to decide to wait to see if Ray turned up but something niggled at the back of my mind, the car park went around the side of the store, there was even a staff car park at the rear, I drove down the side, turned the corner to the staff car park and there was Ray’s Espace, the car park was in total darkness, as my car turned towards the Renault it momentarily lit up the interior, I thought “What the hell are you doing in this car park at this time of night.”

I realised that there were two shapes in the car, not just one, Ray had a friend with him, I hadn’t bargained with this, I held back a little, I had expected that Ray might want a little ‘payment’ for two years of lending me his videos and for putting him out, making him go to his friend to borrow this new film from his friend. I had half expected to have to kiss him, probably let him have a quick grope, I might even give him a little hand relief, all this had gone through my mind as I drove to the car park, but this, this was a horse of a different colour.

I pulled along side Ray’s car so that my door was adjacent to his, I wound down my window and held the video out towards him, he looked so dammed apologetic, “You have to get in the car with us Dee,” he said. The man in the passenger seat called out to me that I had to park under the Oak tree, the tree was around sixty feet from Ray’s car but I did as I was asked. I walked to the door behind Ray and opened it, I was taken a little by surprise, there wasn’t the cavernous space I had seen earlier in the day, now there were three seats in the middle with two seats by the tailgate.

I sat in the back behind Ray, even with seven seats in the car there was still plenty of legroom in the back, Ray turned in his seat and started to talk to me, then he tutted and asked me to sit in the middle seat. I did as Ray asked, slid along into the centre seat, Ray still looked sad or apologetic, he asked me if I had watched all of the film, “I saw all of it up to the start of Crufts,” I said. “Ray you have forgotten your manors!”

The man in the front passenger seat said. “Dee this is Carl, Carl, this is my friend from work, Dee” Ray said. I couldn’t see what Carl looked like in the total darkness inside the car; I did however feel Ray’s right hand slip over from the front seat and come to rest on my right knee. Ray slid his fingers behind my right knee and he pulled me slightly towards him, I felt the cold vinyl seat against my buttocks as I slid forward leaving my short skirt behind.

Carl turned now, it looked a little funny, both men squeezing together between the front seats, Carl’s face was suddenly illuminated by a shaft of moonlight, he was familiar to me, I didn’t know him but I had seen him recently, my brain was working through its file store of images, I was certain that Carl didn’t work at the same company as Ray and I.

I was also certain that he wasn’t a friend of Tony’s, he must live on the estate, probably seen him in a shop or something, another shaft of light crossed his face as his left hand reached for my left knee, he was smiling, then it hit me, he was the star of ‘Real House Wives’, I was taken off guard momentarily and felt the two men pulling my thighs apart, because my skirt had been hitched up at the back there was nothing stopping my legs from opening apart from nature or my will.

Carl moved rapidly, he must have sensed that I had been taken off guard, his hand flashed under the hem of my skirt, he brushed the back of his fingers across the gusset of my panties and the up to his nose, he drew a deep breath up through his nose, “Mmmm, nice and wet and really sweet smelling, you are really ready for fun Dee” Carl said, I clamped my legs together, almost like bolting the stable door after the horse had bolted.

Carl told me I looked lovely, he told Ray that he had been exactly right, I had the best tits he had seen on an ‘old-un’ for a long time, “How big are your tits Dee, thirty eight ‘DD’ or forty ‘D’?” Carl asked, I whispered that I was thirty eight ‘DD’ and Carl smiled again, “Turn the interior lights on Ray” Carl instructed, “Lets see what Dee here has to offer.” The light was almost blinding after the near total darkness, “Open your blouse Dee, lets see your juicy tits” Carl told me. I just sat there frozen like a statue, still shocked from Carl’s hand wiping across my gusset. Carl looked over to Ray, there was menace in his look, then Carl turned his back on me, “OK Dee, piss off, don’t bother us again,” there was venom in Carls voice.

I looked at Ray, he was mouthing “Go while you still have a chance” to me, there was shame in his eyes and a hint of terror. I was a little confused; Carl had turned from a friendly smiling man to an angry and abusive one. I just sat there trying to work out what I had done wrong or what game was being played out, “Either get your tits out Dee or get the fuck out of this car,” Carl spat the words out like the bullets from a machine gun.

I reached my hands up to my top button and started to slip it from the buttonhole, “Stop!” Carl said, he turned back towards me, you have to pay extra because you didn’t do as you were told immediately,” he went on. I looked puzzled, Carl passed his mobile phone through to me, “All you have to do is press the send button,” he said. I looked at the screen, there was a text message waiting to be sent to a group of names listed down the screen, there were eight names on the screen and the message was simply “Come now, Asda,” I pressed the send button, “We’ll just have to wait a few minutes,” Carl said.

A very long five minutes passed before a set of car headlights lit up the car park, the driver had turned the lights out before turning the corner but I heard the engine as he drove passed the rear of the Espace, because the light was on inside the car and it was totally dark outside I couldn’t see anything at all beyond the windows. I heard a second car and then a third, “OK DEE, let’s see those tits” Carl said, as I undid my blouse, one button at a time I heard another car pass by, I slid the blouse off of my shoulders and sat there, “Bra too!” Carl said, I took off my bra too.

I watched as Carl reached for the recline lever at the side of his seat, the seat back fell slowly to meet perfectly with the front of the seat by my side, Carl slid himself from the front of the car to the rear, ending up sitting next to me on what looked like half a bed. Carl kissed me, his mouth tasted fresh and minty, he kissed me with a lot of passion and urgency, his left hand began to massage my breasts, he wasn’t at all gentle and when he twisted my nipple between thumb and forefinger it wasn’t an act of pleasure it was to see how much pain he could inflict before I protested.

“OK DEE, I think you owe Ray a little payment too,” Carl said. Ray reclined his seat, it met the seat to my right to add to the bed in the car, Ray slipped back just as Carl had done earlier, Ray undid his trousers, his cock was four inches long and not what you might call ‘hard’, “Go on girl, give Raymond a little suck” Carl said as he pinched my right nipple really hard. I hadn’t ever succumbed to my husband’s requests for a blow job so I was disinclined to suck Ray off, Carl pinched harder still, I had seen how quickly Carl had lost his temper with me for just not opening my blouse when told to, while I was making up my mind to suck Ray off Carl had opened the catch on the back of my skirt and pulled the zip down, my skirt was pulled over my head as I began to lean over Ray’s crotch.

Carl lifted my hips as my lips enveloped Ray’s cock and he dives ted me of my knickers in one efficient move. I had seen lots of women giving blowjobs in the blue films but nothing had prepared me for receiving a cock in my own mouth. Ray was, fortunately, clean, his cock tasted of ‘Lifeboy’ soap and his crotch area smelled of ‘Right Guard’ talcum powder. I just sat leaning over with my mouth around Ray’s cock, Carl tapped the back of my head and I started to apply suction as Ray fucked slowly into my mouth.

Carl was finger fucking my cunt as Ray started to breath a little heavily, I felt Carl’s cock head press against my labia as the first salty pre-cum slipped out of Ray’s cock, Carl threw himself into me with one hard thrust bumping my head hard against Ray’s groin, a second violent thrust saw Ray’s cock spew hot salty cum into my mouth, I started to lift my head out of Ray’s groin but Carl pushed it back down, forcing me to swallow all of Ray’s cum before he let my head rise again.

“Right Ray now go for a walk for a while” Carl’s words frightened me, why did Carl want Ray out of the way? Ray zipped his trousers closed and rolled off of the seat and out o the back door of the car, Carl was now fucking me with nice, long and even strokes. His cock was far too long for my vagina and it was the thickest thing I had ever felt in my life but it felt absolutely wonderful as it gently invaded my body. “Who’s out there?” Carl called out; two faces came into the light through the open doorway.

Carl pointed to the man on the left, “You!” he said, the man rolled into the seat in much the same way that Ray rolled out, he took his trousers down completely and lay there waiting for my mouth to pleasure him, Carl pushed my head towards the strangers erection. The replacement was no Ray, he was seven inches long and around four inches in circumference, as Carl pushed my hear into the mans lap I gagged on the length of him, it was also straining my jaw to open my mouth wide enough so that my teeth didn’t scrape his cock shaft. I felt Carl’s fingers exploring around my bottom, the image of the woman being fucked in her ass hole flashed through my mind.

“Ah, you’re still a virgin there then,” Carl said. I tried to lift my head to say something, I planned to say something like “And I intend to stop that way” but before I could Carl had my mouth forced back down onto the strangers cock. Carl was speeding up his fucking now, I was driven way beyond any feeling I had ever had before, climax wasn’t the word for it, I had gone way beyond paradise more than once since Carl’s cock began to entertain me. I felt red hot cum filling my bowels at the exact moment that the stranger filled my mouth, I drank the oral offering with delight as I revelled in the feeling inside my vagina.

Carl pulled his wonderful monster cock from my body, I turned to get my first glance at it in real life, it was softening now but was still ten inches long and five and a half inches in circumference, a monster of a cock, stranger dressed and slipped out of the car, Carl used my knickers to wipe his cum and my lubricating juice from his cock, then he rubbed them between my legs and threw them out of the open door, there was almost a fight between the men gathered around the car to watch as they tried to get hold of the trophy.

“I never want to see you in those ugly type of panties again, get rid of them all and get new ones, anything in silk, lace or thongs, nothing from M&S or British Home Stores, OK?”

I found myself nodding in agreement with Carl without really processing the instruction completely, “I’ll be in touch soon, you can go now!” And with that Carl was back in the front of the car again. Ray was waiting by my car, he said he was sorry for getting me involved in all of this, Carl called from the Espace.

“Hey dead-beat, where the fuck are you, it’s time we were out of here!”

Ray apologised once again before running over to his car, I was still standing by my car door as Ray’s headlights lit up eight cars in the car park, suddenly I got the messages from my vagina, I was extremely sore from the fucking I had just received, the men were all still standing all around, all I had managed to put on before I was ejected from Ray’s car was my skirt, I pulled my blouse over my shoulders and got in my car before I buttoned it up.

I never found either bra or panties. I just hoped that Tony was asleep by the time I arrived home or he would be a little suspicious as to what Emma and I had got up to together and he would expect me to be ready for our monthly fuck…


Dee’s Next Step

Ray cornered me at work on Wednesday, he warned me that Carl might be wanting to take me to a party on Friday night, he told me that Carl would phone me if he wanted me to go with him to the party he would phone me on the following day. I had warmed Tony up to the idea that I might be going out on Friday night as soon as I got home from work, I was very use to having sex with Tony once a month or less but the sex I had with Carl was totally different, while Tony was tender, gentle and loving while we had sex, Carl was violent, animalistic, uncaring and as far from loving as he could possibly be.

Sex with Tony was safe but boring, from what little I knew of Carl he would be anything but safe and far from boring, I wasn’t sure that I really wanted to go behind my husband’s back but if there was a chance of life changing experiences at Carl’s hands then I wanted to at least taste that forbidden fruit. I had sex with Carl and sucked two men off in a public car park while at least six other men watched when I should have been in bed with my husband giving him his monthly fuck.

Tony hadn’t seemed to miss his fuck, I hadn’t missed out on my monthly shag, but where a fuck with Tony, although not the earth shattering experience I had in the car park, usually lasted me for the whole month, the mind blowing sex I had just six days earlier had left me with an ‘itch’ that desperately needed a cock inside of me to scratch it better.

The phone call on Thursday from Carl was simple, “I’ll give the lack-wit you work with something for you to wear tomorrow night, just what Ray hands to you and nothing more and be waiting in Asda’s car park at seven thirty tomorrow if you don’t want me coming round to drag you out of your house!” I wasn’t given any opportunity to speak, to tell Carl I wasn’t interested in going out with him.

Ray had a carrier bag and gave it to me as soon as I walked in the office on Friday morning, he told me he was sorry he had gotten me into all this, “What does Carl have in mind for tonight?” Ray shook his head, “If I knew I wouldn’t tell you, Carl would kill me if he thought I had tried to undermine him.” Ray looked seriously worried just at the thought that Carl would be upset with something he was going to do. I ignored the bag until lunchtime and I busied myself with work as much as I could.

At lunchtime I took the bag into the toilet to inspect the content, there were shoes with a four-inch heal, they looked uncomfortable and were easily twice as high as any shoes I owned. There was a dress in the bag too, no bra or knickers though but there was a packet with very sheer hold-up stockings, the stockings were black and the dress was white, the dress was silk, a wrap over front with a single tie point, I held my hand behind the dress material and could see every line on the palm of my hand through the material.

I was telling myself that there was no way I was going out in public dressed in just what Carl had sent for me but I knew I was lying to myself, the gusset of my knickers told the truth and that was a very wet truth indeed.

On Friday evening I dressed in just what Carl had sent for me, I dressed in my bedroom so that Tony wouldn’t see how I was dressing to go out, I stood in front of my mirror and looked at the image I presented, I could clearly see the dark pink areola around my nipples and as I looked I watched my nipples fill with blood, darken slightly and then swell up pushing the material of the dress away from my areola.

I looked further down, the dark triangle of my pubic bush was also clearly visible, I wished at that point that I had long enough to trim the bush, it looked so untidy and I wanted to look my best, I was so excited and so totally turned on that I almost decided to undress again and just finger-fuck myself instead of going out, I could even have talked Tony into giving me a mediocre fuck, he was good at mediocre. I looked just below the dark triangle of my pussy, the tops of the hold-up stockings were totally black and looked like they were underlining my sex for all to see.

I checked the time and realised that it was now or never. I pulled my summer mackintosh on over Carl’s dress so that Tony wouldn’t see anything that would upset him, I didn’t mind cheating on him, I just didn’t want to rub his nose in it.

I arrived in Asda’s car park on the dot of seven thirty and thought to myself, ‘What the hell is it with Carl and Asda?’ I parked in the exact same spot as I had on the first night that I met Carl, I had no idea where else to wait, if Ray brought Carl I would recognise his car but if Carl came alone then I ha no chance, I realised that I would probably not even recognise Carl without the visual clue provided by Ray. A Jaguar XJ6 pulled up in front of my car and the driver reached over and popped the front passenger door open, I didn’t even see the driver but I just knew that it would be Carl.

I dropped my mackintosh on the front passenger seat and ran from my car into the Jaguar so that I was exposed in public as little as possible. Carl drove without speaking, we went around thirty miles, we passed Nottingham and on towards Melton Mowbray before Carl stopped his car in a lay-by, it was still light and I was concerned that Carl might want to fuck me in the open air in the la-by and in broad daylight, that the party might just be the two of us and the police forces of Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire.

Carl got out of the car and walked round to my car, he pulled me from the car and stood me at the side of the road, a passing car almost crashed when he realised what he could see as e drove passed. Carl took a bag from the back seat and placed it on the bonnet of his car, he took out two broad, padded, leather wristbands, still silent he fastened the straps on each of my wrists; he pulled my hands behind my back and clipped the straps together.

I watched as he searched in the bag for something else, he took out an old leather bound riding crop with a two inch wide leather ‘strop’ at it’s tip and a leather thong to slip the wrist through, then two more bands similar to the wristbands, these he fastened around each of my ankles, then he took out a very broad leather dog collar with a row of gold studs at it’s top and bottom and in between there were a series of tiny slits in the leather between the studs.

Carl held the collar against my neck, I had to lift my chin high to allow the collar to be fastened around my neck, it was much tighter than I expected, so tight that when I wanted to swallow I had to lift my head as high as I could and even then it was uncomfortable to swallow. The final piece of leather to come out of Carl’s bag was what looked like a cross between Batman’s cowl and an executioner’s hood, there were three buckles to fasten the hood to my head, the hood came down to just below my nose and around to just below my ears, leaving my lower face and mouth uncovered, I was expecting to be able to see as soon as the hood was lined op properly but the hood had no eye holes in it to see through.

“There, perfect, from now on you may make no sound at all, do you understand?” I said “Yes!” There was a resounding thwack sound and a stinging pain in my right thigh, Carl had whipped me with the riding crop across the front of my upper thigh, “You obviously didn’t understand did you, once again, from now on you may make no sound at all, do you understand?” I nodded my hear, I had started out so excited and sexually turned on but now I was in pain and felt extremely frightened, Ray had been very worried for me when I first met Carl and now I saw one of the reasons for Ray’s apprehension.

Carl helped me back into his car as I couldn’t se and with my hands tied behind my back I couldn’t get in the car by my self. Carl drove for another five or six minutes and then stopped again, I was pulled from the car and Carl fastened a dog’s leash to the collar, he guided me towards a building using the leash, I could hear the low murmuring of people inside, as we stepped into the room I heard the background noise reduce, people in the room were obviously looking towards me and Carl.

Carl unfastened my dress and pulled it open, the room was silent now, Carl pulled the sleeve of the dress down my right arm and then separated my wrist straps for a second as he slipped both of my arms out of the dress, I was now standing totally nude in what sounded like a pub or club, I could hear the sound of glasses and bottles clinking together and being placed on tables.

Carl clipped my wrists back together and led me on a weaving path between tables and chairs, as I passed peoples, men I had assumed, hands were touching and rubbing my body, they kept halting my progress only for Carl to pull the leash and force me passed the fingers. I felt fingers exploring the place on my upper thigh that Cal had hit earlier with the riding crop and as those fingers explored the weald mark I felt the pain stinging me all over again.

“Use the table in the middle of the room Carl, I’ll get the glasses cleared off of it for you!” the voice sounded elderly and friendly, I heard the clinking of empty glasses being cleared from the table, Carl led me to the table and pressed my bottom against it’s edge, he unfastened my wrists and I felt hands fasten ropes to the straps, Carl carefully turned the collar on my neck around so that the leash was behind my neck, then he pulled the leash and me backwards, I tried to put my hands behind me to stop myself falling backwards but my wrists were being pulled out wide away from my body.

I crashed backwards expecting my head to bang into the table top but it didn’t, my back did though, it hurt a little but worse was the fact that the table hadn’t been cleaned, I had splashed down into a puddle of beer which felt disgusting against my back, I felt my arms being stretched out, pulled hard away from my body and tied to the legs of the table, I felt the tug of the leash as it was also tied to a spar between the table’s legs.

The hood also had a string tied to it to pull my head backwards and down, straining my jaw and having the effect of pulling my mouth open wide, my feet were lifted off of the floor, a thin rope clipped into the ring on my ankle strap and then wrapped around my upper thigh and back to the ring on the strap, forcing my heel against my buttock, the four inch heel shoes were kept on my feet and the tip of the stiletto heel dug into the table top, when both of my legs had been secured in the same way a soft rope was placed between my calf and thigh and taken over my knee and tied, the rope was passed under the table and tied to the other knee, my legs were pulled as wide as they could go, way passed their comfort point.

I was terrified but once again starting to get turned on, a man suddenly appeared at my mouth and pushed his cock into it, I knew from it’s size that it was too small to be Carl’s cock, I just lay there letting the man fuck himself into my mouth, after a few seconds he complained that I wasn’t taking part, I heard a loud ‘thwack’ sound and felt a painful sting against my thigh, it was like a ten thousand volt shock, I realised instantly that Carl had hit me with the riding crop I had seen earlier.

I didn’t need any further explanation; I began to take an active role in sucking the guy who was in my mouth. I tasted the first bitter-sweet jet of pre-cum and steadied myself to swallow as soon as the main event happened but then I got a shock, just at the point when I was expecting him to blast off in my mouth he pulled out and finished himself off with his hand, delivering his load all over my breasts, as he stepped away I could hear what sounded like another woman sucking a man on my left.

She sounded quite close to me and from the sounds that were coming from her it sounded like she was having her mouth used much harder than I had just had mine used, just as I heard the man sound out his climax with a lot of verbalisation I could tell from the sounds that she was swallowing every drop of his cum. I felt the head of another cock press against my lips and sucked it into my mouth, as I worked on it and he worked at fucking my mouth I heard the woman on my left take a second cock, the outcome was almost the same, the man in my mouth fired off over my body while I listened to the woman on my left drinking her man’s load down.

At five cocks I stopped counting, I also stopped trying to keep tracks on the woman to my left but she seemed to be matching me one for one, each of the men using my mouth finished themselves off over various parts of my body and each of the men with the other woman seemed to finish off deep in her throat. The room suddenly went quiet and I heard the click-click of a set of high heels on the wooden floor, I heard the new woman walk to my right, then the sound of a table being brought into place.

I heard the men working on tying her to the table, from the sounds I got the impression that the table the woman was being tied to was much lower than the table I was on, suddenly the sound level went back up and I felt another man at my lips, and the sound to my left of the other woman taking a new man too. From the back of the room there was suddenly the sound of a pack of dogs barking, sounded like six or seven dogs barking loudly.

Then I heard the sound of a dog panting and it’s claws scratching the wooden floor as it strained against a leash, trying to get at whatever it wanted much faster than the person holding it back wanted it too. I listened very carefully to see if I could hear where the dog was being taken, ever since I had watched the K9 video clip the week before I had been thinking about dogs and what it might be like to try something so depraved.

Part of me wanted the dog to be brought to me, I was turned on a lot and sucking multiple men was doing nothing to quench the frustration I was feeling between my legs, I had been tied to the table so that my pussy was totally exposed and wide open but no one had so much as touched me there.

I realised that the dog had been brought in for the woman to my right, I heard the sounds of her being licked and being driven to a climax which made my frustration even worse, then I got a shock, the woman on my left had just taken another load of man juice in her throat and suddenly she was violently sick, I had no idea if it was from the pressure the guy had put on her throat or just the build up of the salty cum she had swallowed but there was a great cheer around the room as she threw up the contents of her stomach.

I heard a man ask if she needed a drink and then the sound of her rinsing her mouth out and spitting. With all the commotion on my left I almost missed the sound of the dog’s claws scratching on the floor as it moved into position to cover his bitch, fortunately the room went totally silent once again and my mouth was empty as every one looked on as the dog hit it’s mark, I couldn’t see anything but I could clearly hear and my imagination filled in the blanks, the woman began to climax within seconds, as the dog pounded into her, the dog was putting in so much effort in fucking her that the table she was tied to was being pushed along the floor.

Another man started to press his cock into my mouth and as I started to suck it I heard screaming from the woman on my right, I couldn’t tell if it was pain or a violent climax, the man in my mouth was close to cumming, brought on more by watching the woman and dog than anything is was doing to him with my mouth, he did as all the rest had don, pulled out and finished himself off by hand, this time it wasn’t my neck, chest, tits or stomach, he had moved to my feet and fired his load all over them. The woman on my left had begun to take men again and again they were all climaxing into her mouth.

I heard the dog being taken back out of the room and then a man talking in low tones to my right, “Sorry, you know the rules on silence in here darling, now I have to punish you for that dreadful display of noise!” I heard her almost whimper “OH my god no!” There was a flurry of sound as the woman on my right was untied and the sound of her heels being dragged from my right to somewhere on the far left wall, then the clanking of chains, “No please don’t!”

This time it wasn’t a murmur she was begging him not to punish her, “You know that will only add to your punishment, one stroke per word, so the sooner you stop the better it will be for you!” I heard the sound of her grunting and the sound of a ratchet clicking and chains rattling, then a sudden ‘thwack’ and a gasp, there was no other sound in the room, no other movement, just the sound of leather striking flesh, I counted ten strikes and then the room noise level returned to normal and another cock entered my mouth.

I totally lost track of time and the number of men that had used my mouth and deposited sperm on my body, I did hear the woman on my left vomit once again, there was a cheer again but not as loud as the first time, I got the feeling that men had started leaving the room, lots of shuffling and door opening and closing sounds, and the general background noise reducing. I felt a new man, not in my mouth this time.

I felt something between my calf and my thigh, I thought to myself, “At last, someone is going down to the serious problem end of my body, I was hoping that I would at last be brought to a much needed orgasm. Then I realised that the man was actually fucking my stocking covered leg, when he fired off it splashed down onto my hairy pussy mound. I heard a whispered conversation I couldn’t hear the words being said but I could tell that Carl was one of the two men talking, I heard Carl say “It’s OK, it’ll wash off so go ahead!”

I felt the warmth of a mans cock against my cheek, I opened my mouth to take him in but instead of him pressing his cock against my lips he pushed it up between the face mask and my cheek, he actually fucked my face in that way, his cock head pushing into my eye socket and almost pushing my eye lids open, I could feel that he was starting to get close to his climax then there was a serious pain in my eye as his pre-cum started to leak out and find it’s way into my eye as his cock pushed my eye lid open once again then he suddenly erupted and the pain in my eye was almost unbearable as he shot his full load under the hood, I closed my eye as hard as possible to try and prevent further pain, as he pulled his cock from the hood his sperm formed a lake above my eye.

I took another cock in my mouth, I was trying to tip my head to the side to try and empty a little of the cum lake but my head was too tightly tied to the table. As my mouth was being fucked and I was trying as hard as I could to bring him off quickly, as he was getting close he started to play with the hood covering my face, I thought that he was trying to see what I looked like under the hood but I was wrong, he started to cum in my mouth, the first man of the evening to do that.

I swallowed his first jet of cum as fast as I could and prepared myself for the second spurt to come but he pulled out before that second spurt, he pressed the eye of his cock-head carefully at my left nostril and allowed the jet to fire directly into my nose, totally filling it, then he moved and let his third and fourth spurt go up my right nostril, I tried frantically to blow air down my nose to clear the thick sperm from my nose, I was panicking, with my nose blocked the next man to fill my mouth would mean that I would be totally unable to breath, I didn’t know much about this group of men but from what I did know if I passed out from lack of oxygen they would all get a big kick out of it.

I felt the tension on the back of the hood release and then the leash connected to the dog collar I was wearing went loose too, and then my hands, I started panicking again, this time I was worrying that I wasn’t going to actually get fucked at all, as my legs were untied and the blood started to flow properly again I suddenly felt massive pain, while I was constrained so tightly it had felt uncomfortable but now the pain was searing right into my brain. I was pulled from the table and the hood removed, cum was running off of my body from just about every spot on it, at a guess I had taken around forty loads of sperm onto my body and it was all now running like rivers down my body.

I used my fingers to clear the cum from my eye so I could look around the room, to the right of the table I was tied too there was a low coffee table with tying points attached all over it, on the left a table exactly like the one I had been on, a naked woman was tied to that table still, she was face down and there was a bowl on the floor directly below her face which was very much full of the content of her stomach from at least two vomit sessions maybe even three.

On the far left there was a rack standing on it’s end and attached to it’s chains was a woman who looked like she was unconscious, her back covered in ten deep red wheals from the beating she had taken for making a noise as she climaxed, I remembered my earlier pain and looked down at my thigh there was a red mark there too, but that wasn’t nearly so deep, but it was two inches wide and as I touched it there was still a lot of pain stored up in it. Carl told me to kneel down, there were only 5 men in the room now and they were all gathering round to watch.

Suddenly there was the sound of the pack of dogs again and a door at the back of the room was opened and seven dogs rushed into the room, most of the dos were average sized but one stood head and shoulders above the rest, it was a beautiful brindle Great Dane, the smaller dogs made a bee-line for my body and all began to lick at the sperm covering my body enthusiastically the Great Dane however walked behind me and started sniffing around my bottom and trying to lick under me, his tongue was getting as far as my anus quite easily and occasionally it washed far enough to touch my vagina too, I didn’t much like the idea of a dog fucking me in front of five men but I needed release so badly that I would have happily had sex in the middle of Derby High Street on a Saturday afternoon if it got rid of my frustrations.

The dog got a little frustrated with just licking my bum and the little taste he could get occasionally of my pussy, which, by the way, was totally flooded with my lubrication.

The dog began to jump up on my back, wrapping it’s front paws over my shoulders, it was trying hard to push me over so that I was in more of a submissive bitch position, Carl stepped in and stopped me falling forward, I was extremely disappointed part of me wanted that massive dog to push me over and take me, at least it would take away the feeling of need that I had to experience my climax, “Hold on Titan! You’ve already had one bitch tonight and look at what happened to her, all hung up on the wall of pain, if I let you take this bitch too and you hurt yourself your owner will never let you come and play again. But don’t worry, this bitch will be back here for you very soon boy!”

I was really disappointed that I wouldn’t be feeling that huge cock inside me, I looked back and saw that Titan was extremely turned on, his cock was sticking out of his sheath about eight inches long and there was even more inside it’s sheath, the bulge that was it’s knot was still inside it’s sheath, now I was even more disappointed.

There was a groan from the wall of pain, the woman suspended against it by her wrists was coming round, she suddenly remembered where she was, the pain in her arms was reminder enough, she stopped moaning and began sobbing silently so as not to incur another beating. The last two guests left just leaving three women and three ‘owners’ Carl said, “OK bitches, you can talk again now!”

The woman on the wall of pain started sobbing loudly now; taking what little comfort the tears would allow her. I showed a little too much concern for her and Carl told me, “If her being hung up on the wall upsets you so much then perhaps you should help her down!” I rushed over to her and tried to figure out how the contraption worked, then I realised that she wasn’t just suspended by her wrists, her ankles were fixed to the lower rail, she was actually being stretched, there was too much tension in the mechanism for me to release her.

“Why do you come here if they treat you like this?” between sobs she said, “You know exactly why, she nodded over to the girl still tied to the table, when you come here to pull the vomit train you’ll love it, when they get you to let every man in the club fuck you, you’ll love that too, the next time you come and they all use your ass, you’ll even love that too, and when they let Titan have you, even though you know that will probably be the last time anyone brings you here, you’ll still do it and still love every second of it.”

Her owner tripped the mechanism and she let out a huge sigh of relief as she was lowered to the ground, her white wrap over dress was put over her shoulders and the single tie fastened at her waist, as they walked toward the door there were faint traces of blood lines streaking across the white material as her whip marks began to transferee through to the material.

Carl took hold of the leash connected to my throat and led me towards the door, I spotted a white wrap-over dress and snatched it as I passed it and made myself decent as I was led from the building, looked back and saw the last woman still tied to the table, I asked what would happen to her, “The cum train always takes care of the barman and cleaners, they’ll send her back to her husband by lunch time tomorrow or at the latest by Monday, depends on what they need from her!”

Carl drove me back to Asda in silence, I was hoping that he would fuck me on the way there or while we were there at least, it was one o’clock in the morning when I was dropped off at Asda, and I still hadn’t been fucked, it went through my mind that I could go into town and find a night club that was still open and try and pick up a man to fuck me but dressed the way I was I knew I’d have trouble if I went into town.

I drove home and sat in my car, I hadn’t realised that I still had the collar and leash around my neck and I still had the wrist restraints and the ankle straps too, the wrist and ankle straps were easy to remove but it took an age to get the tight dog collar off. Tony was as, I expected, fast asleep when I got in but I woke him easily as soon as I had changed out of my slut uniform and into my nighty, I asked him if he wanted sex, that was definitely a first in our relationship, even in the darkened room I noticed him smile broadly.

As his cock touched the entrance to my pussy and slipped in un-hindered he smiled again, “I’ll have to send you out more often if it has this effect on you!” And then he pounded his meat into me, I managed a little climax just before he orgasmed, that would normally have been it for the night but I still wasn’t satisfied, I had been on a sexual high for over four hours, one little orgasm wouldn’t do it for me, nowhere near, as Tony slipped off of my body and turned over I pulled him back and started to suck his soft cock until it woke up again.

I climbed on top of him, another first for us and I rode him like a horse until he climaxed again I had reached a bigger climax by the time Tony finished for the second time but I was still nowhere close to fulfilled, I just carried on riding his softening cock, fighting hard to keep it inside me, then as it began to harden for a third time that evening I was already panting to my own climax, Tony pushed me onto my back without loosing contact and he fucked me like an animal until he finally managed to cum his third load. I was finally satisfied and could at last fall asleep.

The End