(c) 2010 by KOLA

Kirsten was up early today, she was helping her friend Tiffany take her four prize winning great danes to the stud farm. Tiffany took the dogs there once every month to mate with other peoples dane bitches and she got paid a lot for it too.

Today was different though, Tiffany had recieved a letter from a stud farm several hundred miles north of her in Glasgow telling her that an owner wanted her danes in particular to provide his bitches with some pups. Tiffany had to get the dogs up there for 10am which meant setting off from home at 7am. She had called her firend Kirsten the previous night asking for help and as Kirsten was so fond of dogs she was more than happy to help.

Kirsten had a spring in her step on the way to Tiffany’s, she hadnt seen her firend scince they had come back from traveling the savanah earlier in the year. Both girls were 19 and had been together through secondary school, upon passing their A-Levels they had decided to embark on their trip to Africa together. Kirsten was a tall girl with shoulder length blonde hair she was regaurded as one of the best looking girls in her year at school. Tiffany was about 5ft and a size 10, she had a real nice ass (or so the guys said) and long jet black hair she wasnt as good looking as Kirsten but she wasnt far behind. the thing both girls had that was the same was their 34CC boobs that were marveled at buy all the girls in their year.

Tiffany had been awake since 5 ish and had just got out of the shower, she was still alone in her house apart from her danes who were asleep in the kitchen. once she was dry Tiff decided as she was feeling a bit horny that she would walk around the house in the nude. she went into the kitchen to let the dogs out for a pee, they had a lot of car travel to do and it woulndt do any harm to empty their bladders before hand. as Tiffany opened the door a blast of cool morning air breezed over her, this brought her nipples to attention and gave her a slight tingle all over.

She shut the door behind the dogs and got some cereal and 2 bowls out for her and Kirstens breakfast, Kirsten had said she would like to have breakfast before she went up the road. Tiffany’s nipples were still hard ad she gave them a little pinch and gave her self a little rub, she figured it would be a while before Kirsten came round. She leaned back on her kitchen counter and started to rub her clit, just genlty enjoying the sensation. A noise at the door brought her from her masturbating, it was the dogs now done peeing wanted to come back in. Now that they were awake they were very active, runing in and out of the kitchen and living room, they always got like this around this time every month, they knew they’d be getting some female dane action later on. One of the dogs had a good sniff at Tiffany’s crotch, her earlier horniness had given her a scent the dogs liked, they all started to sniff her there. Tiffany was shocked and lept back as one of her more confident dogs gave her a quick lick thatgot her clit and pubes. “BAD DOG!” she shouted, this had little effect, the dogs seemed determined to find the source of that scent. Tiff tried to fend off their snouts from her crotch by spinning ournd every time a dog got close. This made her a little dizzy and she bumped into the kitched counter and slipped over…

Tiffany hit the floor, not to hard because she put her hands down, still a little dizzy she got onto her hands and knees (i know, i know, we never saw that coming). That moment one of the danes saw his chance and mounted her hard and fast locking his fron legs around her in seconds, she was trapped, no escape. She felt the first probing thrusts of the danes cock on her bum cheaks and thighs, she started to panic when she remembered seeing the full size of a danes prick after a mating she saw once, a good 10″ long 3″ wide and a huge bulge at the base, could she take it?

Tiffany felt the jabs getting closer and closer to her cunt and knew it wouldnt be long before she was getting the fucking of her life, her poor pussy would have 10″ of dane hung up in it, there was nothing she could do but try and relax, she was about to be raped wether she liked it or not, just then “ah!” there it was the first couple of inches of dog meat found their mark and the fast and heavey thrusting began, the dogs cock gaining deeper entry on every thrust, he was now 6″ into his bitch only 4 to go before he had her all tied up. Tiffany was screaming she was being stretched like no other cock had stretched her before, she could feel every vein of the invading cock, she felt precum coat her insides making her easier to fuck. 8″ now deep inside her, she was in uncharted waters, this cock was deeper than any man had gotten and was starting to feel aroused, how could she? this beast was raping her and she was almost enjoying it, now she felt it all 10 inches of great dane were in her. she was helpless, impaled on the biggest cock in the world (to her at least) and she loved it.

The tingling had started a long time ago now she was getting waves of pleasure rocking her with every stroke of the rapist, he hit her fast and hard with no mercy, pulling back 4″ then slamming his cock home with superhuman power. This beast had gone where no man had gone before and he wasnt finished yet. Tiff could feel the danes head beside hers, she could hear and feel his hot heavey breathing in her ear which made her even more horny. She put one hand back between her legs to rub her clit and then she felt it, the knot was now banging her outer lips, she wanted it in her so she shoved back against the dogs thrusts with wanton lust untill it started to enter her, it was huge, she felt like an orange was trying to get into her. her clit was now like a nipple sticking out for all to see from her stretched lipps.

Kirsten arived to sounds of screaming coming from the back of the house, she ran round to the open kitchen door and nearly fainted when she saw Tiffany on all fours, screaming for dear life with one of her loyal dogs burried balls deep in her cunt and thrusting hard. Kirsten had been fantasising about seeing something like this for years but had kept it secret. She walked over to the couple and stood behind tiff for a closer look, she could see the dogs meat all the way in and Tiffs pussy being stretched, she saw the bulge at the base of the danes cock, something tenis ball sized trying to make its way into her friends cunt, it was about 1/3 of the way in pulling and pussing edging forward centimetre by centimetre, Kirsten noticed her firends obscenly swolen clit, licked her figers and started to rub it.

At this Tiff looked back to see what was touching her and went silent when she saw Kirsten, the dog didnt care and kept on trying to shove his knot into Tiff, “its ok, please carry on tiff, ive wanted to see this for years, please dont stop now, i want to make u come” at this Tiffany gave a very perverted leering smile at her freind, opened her mouth closed her eyes and started moaning. she then gritted her teeth as the pain set in, the knot was now approaching its widest point and still pushing forward, tiffany bit down on her lower lip, eyes still closed and help firm waiting for the tie to be completed, MMMPH, MMPH, MMPH!

That was it, done, 1 great dane locked in one horny teen. The dane was still thrusting to make sure he had a good tie, tiff looks back into Kirstens eyes and said in a slow sexual voice “rub my clit and make me come” Kirsten needed no more telling she started to rub Tiffs clit with a passion which was sending tiff into outer space, tiffany was on the brink of her first animal induced orgasm when the dane on her back stopped thrusting and let fly with his huge load, that was it, tiff went over the edge she screamed one long scream “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” and started shaking as she was pumped full of semen, squirt after squirt of sticky white liquid filled her womb and Kirsten continued her furious clip play.

Tiffany finaly stopped cumming and was enjoying her warm after-glow, the dog had stopped too but was still tied up deep in his new bitches cunt, tiffany could feel the dog shrinking inside her as the gap left by his cock was flooded with sperm. finaly his knot shrunk enough for him to pull out a bit, at this tiffany told kirsten ” get a glass, quickly” kirsten ran to the cupboard and got out a big pint glass “hold it under me when he pulls out, i wanna see how much cum he gave me” the dog moved back and there was a sloppy poping noise as his shrinking coknow left his victim. Kirsten was there with the glass as the last bit of cock left her friends pussy, bouncing of the rim of the glass as it did.

A trale of sperm about an inch thick left tiffs pussy into the glass below and as she sat back on her knees above the glass, when the cum had finaly drained out the glass was 1/4 full, the girls looked in awe, one set of balls had spewed that much cum, both girls tasted the sperm, tiffany first took half of the liquid into her mouth in one gulp and gagged heavily spitting it all over the floor and sending the rest dribling down her chin onto her legs, kirsten took the other half of the cum into her mouth and suddenly grabbed tiffany’s head and kissed her open mouthed so they both got the cum all over each others tounges.

As soon as Kirsten felt Tiffany start to swallow her share she pulled back opened her mouth to tiff and said “watch this” she let the remaining cum in her mouth form a pool on her tounge then kicked her head back and swallowed the lot and grinned at tiff who still had a face full of the stuff from her gagging. Kirsten started to lick the rest of the cum from tiffs chin and swallowed that aswell.

The rest of the dogs were now very restless, they all had 2-3″ of meat poking out of their sheaths, Tiff turned to kirsten and said very obscenly “take ur clothes of and get down on ur knees, its ur turn for a fucking!”Kirsten was in a euphoric daze when tiffany said this to her, she just stared straight into tiffanys eyes as she undressed her, Kirsten was so horny that she couldnt do anything but what she was told by Tiff. Tiffany now had Kirsten down to just he underware, it was clear to see how hot Kirsten was because her swollen pussy lips had made her black lace thong ride right up between them and her thighs were glistening with her juices.

Tiffany removed Kirstens Bra and kissed each of her rock hard nipples before kneeling infront of her so she was facing the wedged thong. Tiff slowly pulled it down, rolling down kirstens thighs and calfs over her feet to the ground. Kirstens clit stuck out like a sore thumb and tifany leaned forward very slowly and gave it a passionate kiss and a quick flick of her tounge before moving back. Kirsten shuddered and let out a little “MMPH” sort of yelp. “its ok Kirst, stay with me, try to relax, just get ready for the ride of your life, get down on all fours while i go and get the boys” said tiffany as she left with a glint in her eye.

The dogs had been taken out of the kitchen after tiffany had been fucked and they were all getting very very excited behind the door, they could smell a hot hole that needed their attention. Tiffany brought the dogs in on their leaches and tied 3 of them down while she took one over to kirsten. “he’s going to mount you very quickly and start humping, just relax and enjoy it.” With that Tiffany let the dog go, and go he did, right up behind the horny blonde. He sniffed and licked her a bit to see if she was the fertile female he wanted, Kirsten moaned a little as she felt his cold wet nose on her cunt “mmm Tiff it feels cold mmm.”

Thats when it happened, the dog jumped onto Kirstens back and edged himself forward and started his barage of jabs trying to find her hole. kirsten stayed perfectly still as the dane probed for her love tunnel. She could feel him hit her on both ass cheaks and he hit her clit a few times which gave her tingles up and down her body, she could feel the fur on her back and the warmth coming from above her, it was perfect. The danes member was getting real close now, he knew it and so did tiff but Kirsten was in her own sexual trance, staring deep into Tiffany’s eyes enjoying the feeling of the danes meat rubbing back and forward over her clit and pubes.

Thats when it happened the danes prick moved back over her clit and bobbed up into line with her cunt as he humped back forward. “AHHH!” Kirstens eyes went wide open, her teeth clenched with slight pain and supprise, her head snapped back “OH FUCK YES!” she cried out as the imense heavy pumping began. Kirsten could feel 5″ of hard dog meat find its way inside her with another 5″ left to go till the knot, She could feel the dogs dong expanding fast and he began to up the pace, desperatlly trying to tie his bitch before his knot got too big. “Oooooh YA! i love it Tiff!”

Kirsten was really getting involved now, moaning sexully with every thrust. 8″ was burried deep in her and gaining fast, she copuld feel the hot poker rumble up and down her love box with no sign of stopping for a while to come. Tiffany went round behind Kirsten and began rubbing her clit which made her cum like mad, Kirsten started thrashing about and her cunt clung tight around the huge dog cock still only 9″ into her, this made the dog work a lot harder to try and gain a tie with his teenage bitch. “Kirsten u need to relax, try to fight off another orgasm till he ties u” tiffany tried to bring her friend down from the plateau of pleasure.

Kirstens first orgasm subsided and her cunt gave way a little on the huge dong that was now in her up to the knot, “i can feel it Tiff, hes going to plug that meat ball in me, mmmm i want it so baaad.” Tiff knew exactly how her friend was feeling and got round the back of the couple and held Kirstens outer lipps apart as best she could, this got the dog in real close and he knew where to go now, he started to slow down but every thrust was 10x harder than when the dog had started his assault. Kirsten could feel the knot pressing into her already packed pussy and she shoved back against it, Tiff also pressed at the base of the knot and it very slowly lodged itself into Kirstens obscenly swollen cunt. Just then the dog stopped humping completely and just lay still on Kirstens back “whats happened Tiff? is he going to cum?” Before Tiff could answer she saw the dogs balls squeeze up together “YES, YES, I WAAANT PUPPIEEEEES!” Kirsten yeld as she felt the dogs scaulding seed hit her womb and began to cum her self then she passed out with pleasure.

Tiff held her in place while the dog finished off, Tiff grabbed the pint glass again and held it under her friend as the dogs knot and shrinking cock polpped out of her now beaten up pussy. not much cum came out at first so tiff left the glass beneath Kirsten who was lying forward on her knees with her face on the floor ans arms stretched out. Tiff went to get a cold wet towel, she 2, This is a continuation from part one and is my 2nd ever written story.

Kirsten was in a euphoric daze when tiffany said this to her, she just stared straight into tiffanys eyes as she undressed her, Kirsten was so horny that she couldnt do anything but what she was told by Tiff. Tiffany now had Kirsten down to just he underware, it was clear to see how hot Kirsten was because her swollen pussy lips had made her black lace thong ride right up between them and her thighs were glistening with her juices.

Tiffany removed Kirstens Bra and kissed each of her rock hard nipples before kneeling infront of her so she was facing the wedged thong. Tiff slowly pulled it down, rolling down kirstens thighs and calfs over her feet to the ground. Kirstens clip stuck out like a sore thumb and tifany leaned forward very slowly and gave it a passionate kiss and a quick flick of her tounge before moving back. Kirsten shuddered and let out a little “MMPH” sort of yelp. “its ok Kirst, stay with me, try to relax, just get ready for the ride of your life, get down on all fours while i go and get the boys” said tiffany as she left with a glint in her eye.

The dogs had been taken out of the kitchen after tiffany had been fucked and they were all getting very very excited behind the door, they could smell a hot hole that needed their attention. Tiffany brought the dogs in on their leaches and tied 3 of them down while she took one over to kirsten. “he’s going to mount you very quickly and start humping, just relax and enjoy it.” With that Tiffany let the dog go, and go he did, right up behind the horny blonde. He sniffed and licked her a bit to see if she was the fertile female he wanted, Kirsten moaned a little as she felt his cold wet nose on her cunt “mmm Tiff it feels cold mmm.” Thats when it happened, the dog jumped onto Kirstens back and edged himself forward and started his barage of jabs trying to find her hole.

Kirsten stayed perfectly still as the dane probed for her love tunnel. She could feel him hit her on both ass cheaks and he hit her clit a few times which gave her tingles up and down her body, she could feel the fur on her back and the warmth coming from above her, it was perfect. The danes member was getting real close now, he knew it and so did tiff but Kirsten was in her own sexual trance, staring deep into Tiffany’s eyes enjoying the feeling of the danes meat rubbing back and forward over her clit and pubes.

Thats when it happened the danes prick moved back over her clit and bobbed up into line with her cunt as he humped back forward. “AHHH!” Kirstens eyes went wide open, her teeth clenched with slight pain and supprise, her head snapped back “OH FUCK YES!” she cried out as the imense heavy pumping began. Kirsten could feel 5″ of hard dog meat find its way inside her with another 5″ left to go till the knot, She could feel the dogs dong expanding fast and he began to up the pace, desperatlly trying to tie his bitch before his knot got too big. “Oooooh YA! i love it Tiff!” Kirsten was really getting involved now, moaning sexully with every thrust. 8″ was burried deep in her and gaining fast, she copuld feel the hot poker rumble up and down her love box with no sign of stopping for a while to come. Tiffany went round behind Kirsten and began rubbing her clit which made her cum like mad, Kirsten started thrashing about and her cunt clung tight around the huge dog cock still only 9″ into her, this made the dog work a lot harder to try and gain a tie with his teenage bitch. “Kirsten u need to relax, try to fight off another orgasm till he ties u” tiffany tried to bring her friend down from the plateau of pleasure.

Kirstens first orgasm subsided and her cunt gave way a little on the huge dong that was now in her up to the knot, “i can feel it Tiff, hes going to plug that meat ball in me, mmmm i want it so baaad.” Tiff knew exactly how her friend was feeling and got round the back of the couple and held Kirstens outer lipps apart as best she could, this got the dog in real close and he knew where to go now, he started to slow down but every thrust was 10x harder than when the dog had started his assault. Kirsten could feel the knot pressing into her already packed pussy and she shoved back against it, Tiff also pressed at the base of the knot and it very slowly lodged itself into Kirstens obscenly swollen cunt. Just then the dog stopped humping completely and just lay still on Kirstens back “whats happened Tiff? is he going to cum?” Before Tiff could answer she saw the dogs balls squeeze up together “YES, YES, I WAAANT PUPPIEEEEES!” Kirsten yeld as she felt the dogs scaulding seed hit her womb and began to cum her self then she passed out with pleasure.

Tiff held her in place while the dog finished off, then grabbed the pint glass and held it under her friend as the dogs knot and shrinking cock polpped out of her now beaten up pussy. not much cum came out at first so tiff left the glass beneath Kirsten who was lying forward on her knees with her face on the floor and her arms stretched out. Tiff went to get a cold wet towel and used it to rouse her dog fucked friend. “Mmmmmm….” Kirsten moaned as she awoke, she looked up at Tiff an smiled, her eyes glazed with pleasure “he was magnificent” she mumbled, “yeah he must have been something else to make you pass out, now just sit up, look out i put the glass underneath u.” Kirsten sat back gently until she was over the glass, she felt a river of dog jiz surge out of her strethced hole filling the pint glass 1/3 full, “oooh, he came like niagra falls” said Tiff. kirsten started to get up rubbing her sticky sore pussy as she did, “im getting a shower Tiff” she said “wait a second dog fucker, weve got 2 more to get through before that!” stated Tiff, who had become wet and horny as hell watching her friend being mated. “we will get on all fours beside each other and take these two beasts at the same time” this suggestion got Kirsten all fired up again.

The two dogs that had already had a shot at Tiff and Kirst were lying in their bed just watching, one was still cleaning his tool, the other just sat their with a rubber ball in his mouth, both quite content with their days work. In their eyes they had just fathered a litter of pups each. As for the other 2 still tethered up on the other side of the kitchen this was torture, they were scrathing on the floor trying to get to the girls, they wanted a go on these new bitches too and because Tiffany was so thoughtfull they were about to get it.

“Ok Kirst this will be one hell of a good ride, come over here with me and untie their leaches” Kirsten and Tiff walked over to their prospective lovers and led them back to the rug on the kitchen floor. ” we’ll both need a glass to collect that tasty cum” said Kirst “good thinking” Tiff grabbed two empty pint glasses from the cupboard and gave one to Kirsten. “put it under ur cunt when u get into position for the boys.” “right Tiff lets do this.”

Both dogs didnt waste anytime licking the girls they went straight for it, both dogs mounted at the same time and found the girls pussies very fast. “Hes in, Tiff Hes in!” yelled kirsten as she felt the fat cock ram itself home into her cunt. “hes nearly tied me already!” moaned Tiff. Both girls were so wet and slicked up from the previous rides that the dogs could burry their tools as fast as they would extend from their sheaths. The pumping was relentless, waves of passion consumed both girls as the knots began to enter them. “hold my hand Tiff” Tiffany grabbed Kirstens hand and they clasped each other hard as the 2 tennis ball sized knots made quick work of their already stretched holes. “Cum for me Tiff, cum for me!” yelld Kirsten as she began to shake, Tiff followed suit almost imediately “yes yes i am Kirst baby i am! Oh Oh Ohhhh YEAAAAAAH!” Tiff screamed along with Kirsten as both danes began to unleash their potent seed into the girls. The fucking had taken only 3 or 4 minutes but both girls and dogs had cum and it didnt take long for the dogs to pull out with the same “schloppp” noise. “sit back over your glass Kirst” Tiff said catching her breath. Both girls managed to fill another 1/3 of their glasses as the dogs retreated into the corner to clean themselves up.

In the end the girls had a whole pint of cum between them which they put in the fridge for later. they were both very tired and on a huge comedown from their pleasure. Tiffany and Kirsten had connected on a whole new level this morning, they had shared a very intimate bond with their animals and instead of going to bed they lay down in each others arms in the large dog bed in the kitchen surrounded by their lovers and fell asleep…

Just before they both driffted off Kirsten asked if Tiff had any cornflakes for breakfast, “yah but i ran out of milk last night” “oh thats ok Tiff we have a whole pint in the fridge” said kirsten. she giggled to herself as she thought “ive always wanted to have breakfast at Tiffany’s”

The End