(c) 2006 by C S Alen

I was pleasantly surprised when Catherine Bell got off the small plane that summer day. I had been hired by a Mr. Andropolus a few months earlier to do some filming for him. He had been rather vague as to what I would be shooting, gut he paid well, well over twice the going rate, so I accepted. He was a rather wealthy man, living in South Africa. I had heard the rumors that he was into some shady stuff, but since I hadn’t been hired to do anything illegal I gave it no mind.

Grabbing my camera, I filmed the pretty Miss Bell as she walked over and greeted Mr. Andropolus. He wasn’t a very tall man and the five ten actress seemed to tower over him. She gave him a friendly hug and the two chatted as they walked over towards the two vehicles that were waiting. Supposedly Miss Bell and Mr. Andropolus had some mutual friends and that was how he had been able to arrange for her to come and spend time at his place. She had just completed some work and was going to take some time to relax. If she only knew what was in store for her; hell if any of us had known.

Catherine chatted with us as her stuff was offloaded from the plane and put in the vehicles. Mr. Andropolus was all smiles as we stood there talking with that lovely lady. She was kind enough to give a quick informal interview explaining her reasons for being there. After a brief delay we all climbed into the vehicles and started for Mr. Andropolus’s estate.

Although it was an hour’s drive from that small airport, well out in the boon dicks, the estate certainly didn’t lack. It was a lavish place and I’m surer it cost a small fortune. As we traveled along the dirt road leading to the estate I wondered why the other two visitors that were staying at the place weren’t there. Two Chinese men had been staying there; it was my understanding that they had arrived a couple of months back. They were very quiet, not speaking to anyone but Mr. Andropolus.

From the way he acted towards them I figured they were some important people, at least to him, possibly financial backers or something like that. It was obvious they had money to spend; after I arrived Mr. Andropolus asked me what equipment I would need. I gave him a short list of what O would need based on the sketchy details he had provided.

To my surprise the equipment soon arrived and top notch stuff at that. When I asked about the visitors Mr. Andropolus simply said they were important backers of the project I had been hired to film. There was another camera man there who did still photography; he too had been provided with some top stuff to use while he was there.

The first few days were pleasant enough; filming Miss Bell, which she didn’t seem to mind too much. In fact on a couple of occasions she even helped with poses and camera angles.

It was about the third day that Mr. Andropolus began to suggest to me and Ian, the other photographer, that we should look for good hiding places from which to film. We asked what he meant and he just blew us off, saying to just do as he said. He seemed to spend a lot of time with his other two guests also when he wasn’t with Catherine. He took her all over the estate, with Ian and me tagging along. She enjoyed seeing the wild animals that he had there, saying it was almost like his own private zoo.

I noticed that while we were going about Mr. Andropolus spent a fair amount of time eyeing Catherine; which I really couldn’t blame him for. I was lucky, having a camera, in that I could devote my fair share to looking at her lovely body. This day she was wearing some short denim shorts, nicely showing off her toned legs and tight ass. She was wearing a snug top that proudly displayed her breasts, without being too brazen. Fortunately she had a body for that kind of attire. I got a fair share of shots of her ass and chest and Ian said he too had gotten some rather candid shots of her.

The day it happened started out as any other day had. Catherine came into the dining room around ten that morning. She was dressed to kill. She had on a man’s dress shirt, unbuttoned and a skimpy white bikini on underneath that. The top was a strapless number that showed a nice amount of her breasts and the bottom, while not a thong, still nicely showed her tight ass. It was hard not to stare at her as she sat there talking with us. She politely ignored the rather blatant staring we were giving her; either she had learned to just ignore it or else she was enjoying the attention her body was receiving. I don’t know if she was teasing us or not but she did look very nice.

After a few minutes she said she was going to go lay out for awhile. Mr. Andropolus suggested a secluded spot on the estate for her to use and she gratefully accepted the idea. I threw a quick glance at Ian and got a knowing nod, we were definitely being going out to take some pictures. Conveniently the spot Mr. Andropolus had suggested there was a hiding spot that he had had erected for us.

All eyes were on that lovely body as she strolled out of the hall. Her lean legs carrying that lovely body. As I watched her, with more than just professional admiration, my suddenly aching chest reminded me that breathing was something I needed to do on a regular basis.

There was a long pause after she left as we savored the image we had just seen. One of the two Chinese men said something to Mr. Andropolus and he came out of his seat as if he had been sitting on a coiled spring, startling us. He snapped at me and Ian to get out there to our hide and get ready. He then snapped something in the local tongue to one of the people that worked there, which sent him hurrying away. The two Chinese men were also jabbering excitedly in their tongue. Ian and I got up and started for our location, exchanging puzzled glances as to what all the excitement was about.

It took us about fifteen minutes to get to our pre- selected location, accompanied by Mr. Andropolus, the two Chinese men and one of the locals. Mr. Andropolus stressed that we not alert Catherine to our presence; apparently this order originated with his two guests. I was confused as to what all the secrecy was about but decided to just do as I was told.

Our location, while cramped with all the people, was perfect. Miss Bell, unknowingly, had selected a great spot to lie out. She was about ten yards in front of us, lying on her stomach and her head on her arms. She had undone her top and we were awarded with a nice view of the side of hr boob. I hoped she would remain unaware of our presence and turn over without fixing her top and possibly give us a clear shot of her magnificent boobs. I assumed that’s why our concealment was needed.

The site was a large grass covered square; one side was bordered by the animal compound. While where we were hiding on a hedge lined embankment that was at a right angle to the animal compound and the other two sides had a high concrete wall. Our hide was on the far corner; giving us an unobstructed view of the whole area.

After we had gotten positioned and began to film Catherine one of the Chinese fellows began to quietly direct what shots they wanted apparently they were in charge of this little affair. In his sing song English he told us to get shots of her ass, which I was more than happy to do.

“Film her boobs too,” he demanded and I slowly panned up from her delectable rear to her breast. It had to be obvious that all of her breast was not visible but he kept insisting, “Film her boob,:”

All the while Mr. Andropolus was quietly talking to someone on his cell phone. I briefly turned to look back over my shoulder when I heard someone else join us. It was another one of the locals that worked for Mr. Andropolus, he had hauled a large collection of extra film packets to our location; apparently we were going to be filming a lot.

After a few more minutes I heard Mr. Andropolus clearly say into the phone, “Let ’em in.”

I was puzzled as to what he meant but instinctively I zoomed back, keeping the supine Miss Bell in the center of the shot but showing most of the area past her. Sure enough the gate that led to the animal compound swung open and to my shocked amazement six huge male mountain gorillas lumbered into the compound.

Fearful for her safety, I lowered my camera and looked at Mr. Andropolus. He couldn’t intend to let his very famous guest to remain in there. I didn’t know what I could possibly do, but I knew I had to do something.

“Keep filming! Keep filming!” The one Chinese jerk chattered, trying to push me back to my camera.

“Keep filming, that’s what you were hired to do,” Mr. Andropolus said firmly, nodding at my camera. As if to emphasis his point his helper, a muscular man, with an equally awesome looking pistol on his belt took a step forward. Reluctantly I returned to the camera. I realized that we had been hired to film Catherine Bell being possibly sacrificed to these animals.

Apparently Catherine must have dozed off because when I looked back she had raised up on her elbows looking over towards the gorillas. I was able to get a clear, unobstructed view of her bare boob as she lay there. The gorillas meanwhile were lumbering about the now closed gate, stretching and studying the area. Wisely Catherine made no sudden movements; she probably knew that such sudden movements could spook wild animals. Keeping her eyes on the hairy beasts, she slowly rose to her hands and knees.

“Um nice boobs,” the Chinese jerk muttered. He nudged me, saying, “Film boobs.”

I quickly zoomed in for a shot of her dangling boob and then pulled back to watch what might unfold. I knew she was trapped in there; Mr. Andropolus had had the gate locked that lead into the area from the steps off the embankment and her only way out. I had been puzzled why he had done it and now I knew. He wanted to ensure that Catherine was trapped in there. I could only wonder just how far he intended to let it go.

Apparently one of the gorillas spotted Catherine because he suddenly reared up and snorted loudly, staring right at her. He lumbered quickly over towards her grunting excitedly. Wisely Catherine dropped back down on the ground; possibly planning to play dead. Apparently this was the alpha male cause the other apes followed but not too closely, all hooting and grunting excitedly.

The gorilla was leaning over her, poking her with his finger, I could hear her gasp when he did. He bent over and sniffed her. Apparently his interest was raised, he shoved and hairy paw under her chest and flipped her over. Catherine acted as if she was a rag doll, her body flipping over onto her back, her arms and legs splayed out. The other gorillas were excitedly chattering as the alpha stepped after her. Catherine screamed when the gorilla grabbed her wrist, startling the beast. He released her arm and reared back, grunting loudly.

Catherine began to scramble to her feet but the ape sent her flying with a hard shove. She somersaulted, head over heels. The apes hurried after their new found toy. I wondered just how rough they intended to get and how much Catherine could take. To my amazement she scrambled to her feet, wobbling mightily.

The alpha male caught her flat footed with a driving shoulder to her midsection. With a loud grunt she was bent over the hairy beast’s shoulder. One of the other gorillas grabbed her out flung arms and began to pull, making her cry out. She was tugged halfway over the first ape, when he grabbed her ankles and spun around to see who was trying to take his new toy away. In the process he twisted Catherine around, her legs scissor over the other.

Catherine screamed loudly as the two apes played tug a war with her body; I was worried they’d tear her in two or at least pull her arms and or legs out of socket. The alpha male wildly hooted and screeched at the other gorilla, shaking his head dramatically.

For a few seconds the second gorilla refused to let go of her wrists and then relented. Catherine’s upper body dropped heavily to the ground, I clearly heard her grunt when she smacked against the grass. The alpha male hooted triumphantly as the other one glared back. The alpha male, I guess to show his trophy to the rest of the apes, raised his arms holding Catherine up by her ankles.

As he held her upside down she spun around so her front was facing the gorilla. Instinctively she reached out to try and steady herself. I wonder what her thoughts were when she saw that her face was at the same level as the gorilla’s crotch; if she was even thinking clearly at that moment.

I don’t know if the damn ape had intended for his cock to be right in front of her lovely face but he held her there, grunting loudly. Suddenly he began to buck his hips forward sharply, causing Catherine’s upper body to jerk back with each thrust. She grabbed his hips to try and keep herself from being pummeled like a punching bag. I clearly heard a muffled grunt and was sure it was Catherine.

“Come on you stupid monkey turn this way,” I heard Ian mutter. I hate to admit it, but I was getting a little curious about what was going on. I didn’t want to think that she had that big gorilla’s dick in her mouth but still I wanted to see if she did. Whatever was going on, the gorilla was apparently enjoying it. He was eagerly humping his hips back and forth; shaking Catherine wildly, her dark brown hair waving back and forth. Finally the ape turned enough so we could see and there was a loud gasp from the group.

The gorilla’s dick was in her mouth. I don’t know if she had deliberately taken it or it was just an unfortunate happening, but his large dick was stuffed into her mouth. His cock seemed huge, not that I’m much of an observer of cocks, really it seemed about the same length of a well-endowed male but its girth made it seem massive. It looked as if it was as big around as Catherine’s wrist. Her pretty mouth was opened wide; I could clearly see her struggling to breathe with that big thing in her mouth. Through my lens I could also see a small length of the gorilla’s cock shining with her saliva. It was a wonder he didn’t snap her neck the way he was bucking his hips back and forth.

“Damn she’s really suckin’ that bastard’s cock,” Ian muttered as he snapped pictures.

It was quite a sight; the lovely Catherine Bell with a huge gorilla dick shoved in her mouth. She must have decided she couldn’t get the gorilla’s dick out of her mouth because she wasn’t trying to pull her head away, but just held onto his hips. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was the biggest dick she had ever had and that there was five more nearby.

Suddenly the huge gorilla roared loudly and reared back, letting go of Catherine. She tumbled, headfirst, to the ground, ending up on her back. The gorilla had his back arched and large amounts of cum gushed from the end of it. I trained the camera on Catherine as she lay there, stunned from being dropped on her head. There was a large glob of a milky white fluid on her lips and around her mouth; gorilla cum. Most of the rest of the gorilla’s cum splattered on her chest as he climaxed. She lay there for a long moment and then coughed mightily. She rolled onto her side as she gagged and coughed, spitting out the cum that was in her mouth.

They say that apes can communicate so I don’t know what the alpha male may have said to the other’s there but they apparently wanted a piece of this lovely woman. The gorilla that had tried to pull Catherine away began to approach. Her tearful gasp was clearly audible when she felt the hairy brute looming over her. He bent down and sniffed her head as she laid there on her side, struggling to catch her breath. Weakly she lay back down on her stomach and tried to crawl away. The gorilla was not going to let her get away. With a roar he grabbed her by the hair, making her scream out and began to drag her away from the other gathering apes.

The second gorilla drug Catherine along for a few feet by her hair. She had grabbed his thick wrist as he dragged her, trying to lessen the pain. He let go of her hair, letting her chest drop heavily to the ground. He snarled menacingly at the other apes that had followed and they immediately backed off; I guess to allow the second gorilla to have his fun with their new found toy.

Catherine lay still as the beast again leaned over and began to inspect her smooth flesh on her backside. His dragging her had caused her small bikini bottom to slide down her hips slightly, from our vantage point we could see about a third of her ass. The second gorilla appeared intrigued by the sharp cleft that separated the pale cheeks of her nice ass. He poked a finger underneath the edge of her bikini and between the cheeks of her ass. Catherine lay still as he pushed his finger further under her bikini bottom.

One of the waiting gorillas aggressively approached, making the second gorilla rear up in response. Catherine cried out in terror and pain as the gorilla raised his hands, lifting her up at the same time. She was bent sharply at the waist as she hung there with her stretched bikini bottom wrapped around his thick wrist. It must have startled the hairy beast to have her dangling from his wrist because he wildly waved his arm about. Catherine screamed as she was violently whipped back and forth, her body flopping like a rag doll. Suddenly his hand slipped out from her bikini bottom and she went flying a good five six feet before smashing down and tumbling another short distance.

One of the other gorillas hurried over to claim Catherine. He wrapped a thick arm around her midsection and scooped her up as the second gorilla came to reclaim his toy. The second gorilla grabbed one of Catherine’s ankles and began to tug on it, grunting and snorting at the third one. The one that was holding Catherine about the waist angrily snarled back and tried to pull her from his grasp, making her cry out in pain. I was half expecting the huge monster to rip her leg off as he tugged violently on it.

A third one decided to join in, lumbering over and grabbing her other ankle, pulling it out to a right angle from her hip. The one that was holding Catherine at the waist took an angry swipe at the newcomer and when he did he lost his grip on her. The second gorilla pulled her free, causing her to bang heavily on the ground, dazing her. She made no sound as he drug her away by her ankle. I assumed she was knocked senseless, I wondered if maybe she was knocked out.

The gorilla sat down on his haunches after he had pulled her a short distance’ glaring at the other apes as if daring them to try and take his toy away. When none of the other apes challenged him he resumed his inspection of her lithe form. Catherine was laying on her back, with her arms over here head as the gorilla leaned over and again sniffed her.

I saw her twitch and squirm slightly when he pressed his snout to her bare boob. He sat back and poked his finger against her, making her squirm and groan. He once more displayed an interest in her bikini bottom, apparently realizing that it wasn’t really part of her. I zoomed in as he hooked one of his large fingers just inside the waistband of her small bikini bottom. Almost as if he was testing the material he raised his hand, lifting Catherine’s ass off the ground a small distance.

Abruptly he removed his finger, letting her ass drop back to the ground. To my surprise he then straddled her bare chest, resting on his knuckles as he leaned over her. I don’t know if the first gorilla somehow told the others what a pleasure it was having her face against their private parts or if he was just imitating what he had seen the first one do. He looked down at her as he loomed over her.

“Damn the brute wants her to suck him off!” Ian muttered when the gorilla thumped her on the head.

I don’t know if the blow to the head stunned her or if she was just refusing to comply, but she just lay there. While the gorilla was poised over her another one cautiously approached. He came up from behind the one that was on top of her and stopped when he was by Catherine’s feet. I zoomed in as the hairy beast reached up and grabbed Catherine’s bikini bottom, which was well down on her hips. She let out a startled yelp as he began tugging it down.

She had raised her head and her scream was cut off as the second gorilla’s cock popped into her mouth. The gorilla that was pulled her bottom down was pulling her along the ground and further between the second gorilla’s muscular legs. Blindly she grabbed the massive legs that she was between. Her bikini bottom was easily forced down off her hips, baring her smoothly shaved crotch.

The third gorilla snorted loudly when he had freed Catherine of her bottom, pressing it to his nose. I probably would have done the same if I had just acquired a trophy as that. The second gorilla didn’t seem to mind the intrusion he was beginning to excitedly hump her face. He was almost hopping up and down as he drove his cock into Catherine’s mouth.

I knew if he landed on her he would either kill her or at least cause serious injury to her. Her head was pinned to the ground so she really couldn’t avoid having a lot of his length being shoved into her sweet mouth. As with the first one, this one had a large cock and her mouth was opened wide to accommodate it. I could hear her gagging on it as he eagerly pumped it between those luscious lips. I guessed he was driving close to six inches down her throat.

Catherine had been weakly kicking her legs as she was force fed the ape’s dick, providing the gorilla that had pulled off her bottom a nice view of her pussy. He finally grabbed one of her feet and pressed it to the ground, making her stop moving altogether. He leaned forward and pressed his huge snout to her pussy, sniffing deeply. Desperately, Catherine kicked at the beast, striking his huge shoulder making him pull back. He sat there by her feet, gazing at her with a mix of bewilderment and anger.

From the second gorilla’s excited humping I figured he was close to climaxing. I zoomed in on Catherine’s contorted face as that huge cock mercilessly pounded her mouth. Her jaw must have ached being opened so wide, I could see her nostrils flared dramatically as she struggled to breathe. She had her hands pressed to the ape’s lower belly, near the base of his cock, I guess in an effort to calm him down or protect herself. The gorilla’s excited screeches indicated that very soon Catherine was going to get a mouthful of ape cum.

Suddenly her cheeks bulged drastically and her eyes opened wide. I easily saw the thick, milky white fluid gush out of the corners of her mouth. It was a long moment and then I saw her swallow; possibly in an effort to be able to breathe. I don’t know how much ape cum she did swallow, but I saw her gulp a number of times.

Finally the ape must have shot his wad because he stopped bouncing up and down. He rather cavalierly walked away, his now flaccid dick popping out of her violated mouth and dragging up over her face as he moved. There was a large glob of gorilla cum slowly sliding along her cheek from the corner of her mouth and another small trail along the side of her nose and over her forehead when his dick had dragged over her face.

The gorilla walked away and sat down; his carnal needs satisfied, for now at least. But there were others waiting for their turn and Catherine wasn’t left unattended for very long. The ape that had been sitting down near her feet decided to have his turn with her as soon as the other one had sat down. He got up and walked over to Catherine.

I saw her weakly lift her head, a look of dread covering her lovely, yet messed up face. He leaned over and scooped her up in his huge arm, causing her to cry out. He held her close to his chest and brought her down on his lap. Catherine screamed out loudly this time, causing the apes to holler in response. I don’t know if the new gorilla had pierced her but he began to eagerly hump up and down, holding her hard against him.

“Damn, I wonder if that bugger has plugged her?” Ian whispered as we continued to film.

Catherine was flopping up and down like a rag doll, her arms and legs flailing about as she was bounced about. Her head was also rolling back and forth and she grunted painfully each time he slammed her down. Our view was blocked so we could only assume that he had jammed his big gorilla dick into her pussy. From his excited movements it was a safe bet that he had found his target. The gorilla had both of his arms wrapped around Catherine’s abdomen and I knew he could crush her if he squeezed too hard.

As I continued to film Catherine as she bounced up and down on that big gorilla’s lap I couldn’t help thinking that if her pussy wasn’t wet she would probably suffer injury. I doubted she was aroused and so her juices may not be flowing, but for her sake I hoped she was lubricated enough to permit the big gorilla dick to penetrate her. Apparently the ape was enjoying what was happening. It was probably his first human female and he must have liked fucking the thin pale creature he was holding.

Granted supposedly we are closely related, as animals go, but she was nothing like the female apes he had mated with. I doubted he or any of the apes had any idea of the fame and stature of there toy. I could only guess at the number of men that had ever dreamt of doing to her what they were doing. It didn’t really matter if they could comprehend it all; what mattered to them was that their basic animal needs were being satisfied. I also couldn’t stop wondering if this was the wildest sex she had ever experienced.

The ape’s loud screeching brought my attention back to the ordeal in front of us. He slammed Catherine down hard on his lap, shoving his hips up at the same time. Katherine screamed as she was literally impaled on that big gorilla dick. I couldn’t stop from wondering just how much had been driven into her pussy. The gorilla seemed to shudder mightily as he shot his wad into Katherine’s pussy. After a few seconds he let go of her and she slumped forward but didn’t collapse to the ground. His dick must have still been in her as she was bending over from her waist, her butt still pressed back against his crotch.

Catherine collapsed to the ground after the ape stepped back; his semi-flaccid cock popping out of her. He lumbered off, satisfied for now and leaving Catherine lying there. Her position was an inviting sight for the remaining two gorillas; she was on her knees with the side of her face on the ground and her pale ass up. From our vantage point we could get just a glimpse of her pussy lips, which I quickly zoomed in on. Her pussy was empty for only a few seconds. I heard her whimper weakly as one of the remaining apes rushed to her. She tried to escape but was too battered and the ape too quick.

The fourth ape charged at her from the rear, grabbing her by the hips. He must have recognized her pussy slit for what it was meant for. Savagely he jammed his hips forward, making Catherine scream again. She flailed at the ground as he picked her up by the hips a little bit as he blindly thrust his hips, searching for her pussy.

I zoomed in on her bare ass, seeing the large ape dick slipping between her luscious thighs a few times. Finally he located his target and with one hard thrust drove his cock into her pussy. Catherine screamed loud and long as she was once more impaled on another huge gorilla cock. I guessed that he had drive close to a foot of ape meat into her. Frantically Catherine tried to crawl away but the ape held her still by the hips.

Having found his hole, the ape leaned forward resting on his knuckles as he began to fuck Catherine. She was lying on her stomach, with her knees bent slightly and her face turned towards us. Her eyes were half closed and her mouth partly open as she lay there, I couldn’t tell if she had blacked out or not. It didn’t matter to the gorilla if she was conscious or not. He was excitedly pounding his cock in and out of her pussy. In fact he was slamming himself into with such force he was pushing her along the ground.

The side of her face and those delicious boobs were scraping along the grassy ground. Her arms were at first out over her head but as the ape humped her and pushed her about her arms slowly worked their way to her sides. He paused when one of the other gorillas stormed up, screeching and beating its chest. The gorilla that was fucking Catherine halted in his rutting to return the gestures, beating its chest loudly and screaming. I saw Catherine weakly raise her head off the ground, glancing back at the gorilla who’s dick was lodged in her and then at the other one.

Weakly she began to crawl forward, maybe to try and escape or at least get that huge gorilla cock out of her. The gorilla apparently wasn’t through with her; he grabbed her about the waist and pulled her back, driving his shaft deep into her. The other gorilla must have thought it was his turn. With a loud screech he scrambled over in front of the first one, grabbing Catherine’s arms. She screamed as he pulled her arms out full.

He tugged on her arms, snorting at the first ape. A strange game of tug a war developed between them. The two apes screeched and vehemently shook their heads as they tugged on Catherine’s lithe form. She was screaming loudly as the one ape would pull on her arms and the other would pull back on her waist. They must have somehow known they couldn’t exert their full strength on there pale toy or else they’d tear her apart. Still I feared they would pull her arms out of their sockets.

The frenetic tug of war also caused Catherine’s pussy to slide along the first ape’s dick, increasing his excitement. I wondered if it wasn’t a sham struggle; done more to increase the first ape’s pleasure. I dismissed it as not likely. But the struggle did cause Catherine to be fucked even more viciously; her beautiful breasts were swinging back and forth violently. The first ape suddenly screamed and released his hold around Catherine’s waist. This caused the other gorilla to tumble backwards, pulling Catherine with him. The first gorilla’s dick popped from Catherine’s pussy as she flew forward, a stream of cum jetting out. Obliviously he was climaxing, just not in her pussy.

The ape that had grabbed Catherine’s arms landed flat on his back and Catherine ended up sprawled on his lower half. It mist have startled the gorilla, to have her laying on him, for he pushed her off of him with one hard shove. It was a mix between an open handed shove to her face and a punch. However you want to describe it Catherine was sent tumbling, arms and legs flying. In about a second she was thrust up onto her feet, two steps back, collapsed down hard on her butt and jack knifed over with her feet touching the ground just above her head. Blood was flowing from her nose and the corner of her mouth. I couldn’t tell if her nose was broken from that hard blow.

The newest ape was on his feet in a flash, well before Catherine had stopped tumbling, and eagerly chased after his prize. He grabbed her ankles when he reached her, effectively pinning her in that bent over, ass up position. Maybe Catherine was too dazed by the smack she had gotten or was so overwhelmed by everything, whatever she didn’t cry out as the ape began to eagerly poke his cock at her, blindly hunting for her pussy. We had a rather unobstructed view of her pussy and saw the ape jam his cock between her thighs a couple of times before finally locating the opening to her pussy.

There was no doubting that he had, as Ian had put it, plugged her. We could clearly see her plump pussy lips being spread by his cock. I hoped she was a limber as she appeared; she was bent in half, with her knees touching her breasts. The ape was leaning over her keeping her in that position as he wildly fucked her. If he laid down on her I was sure his weight, if it didn’t crush her might snap her back. During the whole time that this latest ape was fucking her, Katherine quietly lay there. Her head turned to one side and her arms out to her sides.

Animal sex, to say the least, is wild and fast; for them it’s a matter of procreation and not lust. They don’t have time in the wild for foreplay or any of the other things relating to sex. It’s hard, brutal and fast. This ape, true to its animal nature, banged Catherine hard and fast. He too was practically hopping up and down as he rammed his cock in and out of her.

I silently hoped he didn’t accidentally come down on her; he would seriously hurt her if he did. With an increasingly faster pace he pumped her pussy and then stopped with a loud and long screech, arching his back as he did. He was coming, filling Catherine’s pussy with his spunk. I clearly saw some of his thick cream, oozing out around his cock, apparently Catherine’s pussy was filled with gorilla cum.

Catherine’s legs weakly flopped down after the gorilla had pulled his cock from her and lumbered off.

All of our attention shifted to the remaining gorilla to see what he was going to do. He sat there, a short distance away, looking at Catherine’s limp form. He sat there on his hunches, watching her, occasionally glancing at the other gorillas. It was impossible to tell if he was wondering what to do or was waiting for something.

“Come on you stupid bugger,” I heard Ian mutter, “Go ahead and nail her you dumb monkey.”

Finally he scooted over by her on his feet and knuckles, crouching down by her. He looked at her as he sat there, apparently studying her pale form. He just sat there, almost as if he was watching over her. We waited and watched for a number of minutes but he never did anything. Ian mumbled that maybe he was gay or something. Finally Mr. Andropolus ordered that the animals be removed, deciding, I guess that the show was over.

Soon the gate swung open and the handlers came into the pen and began to coax the apes back to their cages. All the while they totally ignored Catherine, both the handlers and the apes, as she lay there. As they were removing the gorillas, we had moved from our vantage point over to the gate at the bottom of the steps. Once the gorillas were gone and the gate closed, Mr. Andropolus opened our gate. I kept the camera on Catherine as we approached, fearful she was dead. It was with a small measure of relief when I saw her chest rising and falling, still her breathing appeared ragged.

The two Chinese jerks appeared unconcerned with her welfare; more interested in us getting close up shots of her body. In fact one of them roughly drew her legs open and had me stand down at her feet, filming. He placed his fingers on each side of her pussy slit and spread them, revealing her battered pink pussy. Gorilla cum was slowly, steadily oozing out of her.

Finally, after filming and photographing her battered and bruised body Mr. Andropolus called for some of the staff to come and get her. They loaded her on a stretcher and hustled her to the house. Apparently he had hired a doctor to tend to her. The last I saw of her was as they were hurrying away with her from the pen, one arm dangling off the stretcher.

Ian and I remained there for a few more days before Mr. Andropolus had us flown home. We received a nice, very nice, bonus we when we departed. The two Chinese jerks both disappeared the next day and so did our equipment and all of the pictures. I had heard rumors that Mr. Andropolus received a very large payment, supposedly nine figures, a short time later.

During the few days that we remained there I never saw Catherine again. What I heard from the staff was that she was being cared for and was okay. I was unable to learn anything further. I did see after I left a short news story saying that she had been hospitalized after an unfortunate mishap had happened while she was vacationing in Africa. No more details were provided about the unfortunate incident. Not surprisingly.