(c) 2012 by intempo111

Part One

“Is she fully trained whore?”, asked the man sitting on a large chair.

“Yes Master, she is fully trained in all aspects, I am sure she will not disappoint you Master”.

“If she does you will be punished for not training her properly whore, you may bring her forward”.

The young girl on her knees with her head bowed to the floor felt a tug on her collar.

“Get up and keep your eyes down whore, you may not look at the master without permission”.

The young girl was led towards her master still with eyes down and her hands behind her back in a submissive manner. Here in this country all women were considered as whores to serve all males, animal or human. They were not allowed to marry, their sole purpose was to be subservient to all males. Sex must never be refused at any time, because of this female children never knew their fathers so could be fucked by their brother, father, or indeed grandfather.

They were never allowed to mix with their male masters until they reached eighteen, then they were taught the rules. All males were the masters at all times, you were not allowed to look or speak to a male unless given permission, failure to follow these rules were severely punished.

Training followed where some were beaten for not learning quickly enough by their trainers. Young girls started off as the lowest of the low, their mother’s were charged with training them. They themselves were punished if their master was not satisfied with their performance.

A tattoo on the whore’s ass confirmed she was Whore 168 LDF, names were never given to females, only numbers and letters. She led her daughter forward as her master called for Brutus.

A large dog was led in and paper towels were laid on the floor by other whores.

“You may look at me whore, I want you to suck your dog masters cock till he comes and then swallow his cum, if there is any cum leaked onto the paper towels you will both be punished, do you understand”.

“Yes Master, I understand”, said the young girl laying down on the floor.

Her mother was anxious, should she fail to swallow all the dog cum she would be punished as well. The girl was nervous, she had sucked a lot of dog cocks in her training and had spilled some dog cum from her mouth, she had been punished for that, but she knew that her masters would punish her more severely should she spill any now.

At last she had the cock out from the sheath and started to suck. Almost immediately drops of clear cum were landing on her tongue. She kept her lips tightly closed so as not to lose any. The dog cock was getting bigger and bigger as she sucked making it hard to keep in her mouth. More and more cum was spurting as she sucked, her jaws were starting to ache already because of the size the cock.

Her neck was beginning to ache as well from holding it up, she wished she could have a pillow as more dog cum went down her throat.
She tried to suck harder to try and make him cum more quickly but Brutus was taking his time. She was frightened to go all the way up and down in case the cock slipped out of her mouth so she kept it deep in her.

At last she felt the slight tremor from the dog, having sucked so many dogs lately she knew the signs. Her mouth was now flooded with dog cum, her lips were wrapped tightly around his shaft as she struggled to swallow every drop.

Her mother and trainer watched anxiously as her daughter swallowed more and more, she was praying silently she wouldn’t spill any cum.

Slowly the girl felt the load in her mouth subside bit by bit, he r moth was still clamped tightly on the dog’s cock lest she spill any. She remembered the first time she had to do this, she had been sick a few times for which her mother beat her.

“You cannot be sick in front of your masters whore”, all females were called whore, “you will get us punished very severely”.

She ha d learned to swallow the cum from both human and animal without spilling any but today she was nervous as the head male master was watching.

He rang a bell and a whore appeared with two young girls on leads with heads bowed and hands behind their backs. They were beckoned over and told to kneel in front of the master who took out his cock. Without looking at him both girls leaned forward to suck on it.

Another whore was inspecting the paper towels, “I cannot find any cum master, I think she has swallowed it all”, they said not looking at him.

“Very good whore, you’ve passed your first test, now thank your dog master for his cum and clean his cock”.

“Thank you master for allowing me to swallow your cum”, said the girl sucking his cock.

“Is her cunt ready whore”, he said.

“Yes master, her cunt is prepared and ready”.

Another large dog was brought in and again she had to suck his cock to hardness. The order was given to get on her hands and knees so the dog could mount her. The girl knew she must not make a sound, any sort of utterances in front of a master was punishable. The dog was licking her cunt now as she shivered with pleasure as the long tongue almost went completely inside her cunt.

His paws scratched her sides as he mounted her pushing his long thick cock backwards and forwards till he found her pussy hole. It went all the way in first time as she held back the shout that was forming in her throat, ‘that fucking hurt’, she thought as the dog kept ramming her pussy hard. She had been told that if she wished to cum while the dog was fucking her she could, at all other times except when being fucked cumming was forbidden, masturbation was frowned upon and banned.

She had cum quite a few times since her training began, her mother had allowed her to and now she felt like cumming again silently.
Her head was on the floor as she had been taught to do, total submission to her dog master as he pummelled her cunt hard. He was knotting her now, this was sometimes the most enjoyable and sometimes the most painful depending on the size of the dog.
This one was big, she realised they must have kept these dogs for this purpose as the huge knot was forced into her.

Her eyes were watering as the final push from her master dog finally got it all in. She lay still as cum was pumped into her hardly daring to breathe as she was sure everyone could hear the dog cum hitting her belly such was the force of it.

The master was watching her as the huge dog fucked her, the two girls were licking and sucking his cock till he was ready to cum. Pushing their heads away he stopped them for a while, he didn’t want to cum just yet. The whore on the floor still had another test to go, her ass hole had to be penetrated as well.

His sadistic streak enjoyed these ones, he knew the whores wanted to scream as the knot disappeared up their ass hole but daren’t. The whore on the floor could feel her belly filling up with dog cum, she knew that a dog had to fuck her ass after so more cum would be deposited inside her.

It was fully twenty minutes before the dog stopped cumming and pulled out of her, he pulled out quickly making the whore nearly gasp out loud as the pain went through her.

She was ordered to clean his cock and thank her dog master for fucking her so well.

“Thank you master for fucking me and giving me your cum”, she said.

Her knees were aching now and she wanted to stand and stretch her legs, she knew if she did that both her and her mother would be taken away and punished, it didn’t matter about whores, as long as their masters were happy, that was all that mattered.

“Have you opened her ass hole whore, let me see it, spread it out for me and push that dildo in as far as you can”, said the master.

Her mother turned her and spread her ass hole open to take the huge dildo in it. She wished she could have had some lubrication first as her mother slowly pushed it all the way in to her tiny ass hole. Pulling out her ass gaped as the master looked on.

“Very good whore, now let the dog mount her and fuck her ass, I want to see the knot in her ass, understand”.

“Yes master I understand”.

The next dog was brought out and the whole scene was replayed. She got underneath the dog sucking his cock and swallowing his spurting cum till he was hard. This time the dog had two whores holding him, he was allowed to mount her and then one whore grabbed his cock and placed it by the girls as hole.

The dog needed no further instructions, with a mighty push he was inside her with his mammoth cock. She was glad that her mother had pushed the dildo up first, if that cock had gone in dry it would have ripped her in two she thought.

The dog was fucking her ass now at a furious rate, it was all she could do to keep her balance as the dog went in and out like a piston.

The girl gritted her teeth as the dog was forcing his knot into her ass hole. She had knots in there before but none this size, hiding her face so no one would see her she screamed silently to herself. Her ass felt on fire, she was sure she was now splitting in two as more and more knot was pushed inside her.

At last the pain subsided as all the knot was in and cum was being pumped into her ass. She was sure she could feel it swishing inside of her with every shot.

Master had the two girls sucking him again, he knew the whore on the floor was in pain, he pushed the girl who was sucking down hard on his cock almost choking her as he started to cum. The girl knew better than to spill any, especially with this master as she swallowed spurt after spurt down her throat.

The whore on the floor was waiting for her master to finish cumming in her ass, she dreaded him pulling oput too quickly from her, others had done that and she knew it could hurt, but this dog was bigger than any she had taken up her ass hole.

The dog was slowing down now, a sure sign he was finishing, she gritted her teeth as the huge knot was pulled from her ass, she was surprised it actually didn’t hurt too much.

Again she had to clean her dog masters cock and thank him for fucking her ass hole. Her two holes were plugged to stop cum running down her legs onto the floor as she struggled to stand. Her ass was aching from the fucking it had just received and with the plugs she would struggle to walk.

“Take her out and get her tattooed, then release her for general use for her masters to use how they see fit, now go quickly”, he said and dismissed them with a wave of his hand.


Part Two

In the whores quarter mothers and daughters stood ready, it was eight o clock and they were waiting for their number to flash.

They had been up since six o clock getting prepared, this was usual practice, if a master felt horny on waking up he would press a number on the remote by his bed and that whore and he r mother had one minute to get to his room and be kneeling by his bed.

Breakfast was not permitted until the masters had finished with them, each whore had to be freshly made up, have an enema and wait until they were called, if they ever were. Many times a whore and her mother would stand until ten o clock and not be called

A board began to flash and the number UFG 369 flashed up, mother and daughter hurried to their masters bedroom where he sat up in bed with a coffee.

They knelt by the bed with eyes on the floor and hands behind their backs. The master didn’t even look at them as he carried on with his coffee.

Putting his cup down he snapped his fingers at the young whore who immediately climbed on the bed. She knew what was expected of her as she pulled back the covers to reveal masters hard cock.

Kneeling down she took the cock in her mouth and right away the taste of cum and ass hole. It was obvious he had been fucking a whore before he went to sleep.

Whore grimaced to herself at the taste, she daren’t show any sort of dissent as she sucked the vile tasting cock.

“I want to fuck her in her ass, if you don’t want me to fuck her dry you had better get your tongue in her ass whore”, he snapped at her mother.

She spread her cheeks licking and spitting on her daughters ass hole sticking two fingers in as she did all the way in.

She knew if master had to force his cock in her ass they would be punished, good whores always kept their holes ready for their masters to fuck.

Her daughter was having her head held down over masters cock deep throating him, she couldn’t complain, it was a rule all whores had to learn to deep throat or be punished along with the trainer.

Master grabbed her hair and pulled her mouth from his cock, “sit on my cock whore and ride me, make it good if you know what’s good for you”.

Whore 369 lowered her cunt onto her masters cock and began to fuck him furiously. She was a very pretty girl who was bouncing on his cock as he squeezed her tits. This could be his daughter for all he knew, no record was ever kept of who fucked whom.

As he lay back it sort of turned him on more to think it could be his daughter, that would be fun.

DNA was available now, he decide to try and find out how many daughters he had, if any, and fuck them all.

“Put it in your ass hole now whore”, he said as 369 lifted up and lowered her ass onto his dick and began to fuck him again.

Her mother laid her head beside her daughter’s ass, her job was to catch his cum in her mouth before it stained the sheets, terrible punishment was to come to anyone who stained master’s sheets.

369 was fucking his cock as hard as she could, she didn’t want her or her mother to be punished, punishment was meted out for every little indiscretion here,

Looking at a master head on, not bowing when in his company, and the worst of all, spilling cum after you’ve sucked masters cock.

Master was nearly cumming now, 369 knew by the sound, she had heard it from enough masters to know. So did mother, she positioned her head close to her daughters ass as master pulled out. Like a flash she had her lips closed tightly around his cock as sperm flowed down her throat.

Mother held the cock tight between her lips, not one drop must escape from he r mouth as she swallowed every drop licking his cock clean straight from her daughters ass hole.

They were dismissed with a wave of his hand as they crawled out backwards, whores must never turn their backs on a master.

“Is the punishment room ready whore, everything better be ready for tonight, you whores must learn you can’t disappoint your masters, they will learn a valuable lesson tonight”.

“Yes Master, I will make sure everything is in place Master”, she said bowing low not wanting to take her place among the ones to be punished, she had already been there once, and once only. She pulled the tarpaulin sheet tight over the floor and made sure there were no creases to trip over.

In a room four girls were trembling, they weren’t cold, they were terrified, they were going to be punished and didn’t know what was in store. Two ha d welts across their asses where they had been beaten by a leather belt but master had decided that was not enough and sent them to the punishment room.

One had cried out as Master was fucking her ass, silence was required at all times from whores when they were being fucked either by a dog Master or human Master. The other had failed three times to swallow her dog Masters cum, a crime that did not go down very well with her mother as she stood beside her waiting to be punished as well for not training her properly.

They couldn’t tell what the other was feeling as talking was strictly forbidden and cameras were trained on them at all times. They were fastened to the wall and their legs spread open wide, it was very uncomfortable and they had been there four hours now. It would be at least two more hours before they were punished.

The room was filling up with whores and Masters, the whores were on leads fastened to the Masters waist so that everywhere he went whore had to follow and quickly, the lead must never tug the Master.

Drinks were being served by whores who were manhandled and abused, their tits were squeezed or their pussies were fingered or their asses slapped. There was some activity going on now, twelve dogs were led in and held by twelve whores at the side of the room.

The first three were ordered to get down and suck the dog cocks hard in time for the other whores being brought in.

The whores to be punished were led in, they could hardly walk being fastened up with their legs apart for so long but that didn’t seem to bother the other whores who led them, they didn’t want to take their places.

The whore who didn’t swallow the Master dogs cum was led forward along with her mother. She was laid on her back and the first dog was stood over her, “you will suck every one of your Master’s cocks until you learn to swallow his cum, now suck it”, and to enforce the order slapped her ass.

She pulled the cock down and lifted her head to reach the dog cock, cum was filling her mouth and she knew she had to swallow it or else.

She sucked and played with his balls to make him cum quickly but to no avail, her Master just stood there impassively as she sucked.

Her neck was aching from stretching upwards to reach her Masters cock as she sucked as deep as she could. She was having trouble swallowing with her mouth turned upwards but persevered with the sucking hoping her dog Master would cum soon.

There was no indication that he was cumming as dog cum flooded her mouth and she was unable to hold it all in and swallow it. Boos and jeers followed as a Master slapped her ass hard telling her to get ready to suck another of her Master’s cocks.

Her mother was praying she would swallow this time, maybe they wouldn’t punish her if her daughter swallowed her dog Masters cum. This time a huge Rottie stood over her with his cock hanging down already hard, Cum was already spurting as she took it in her mouth to suck, this time she would make a conscious effort to swallow it all, it wasn’t that she didn’t want to, she did to escape further punishment, it was just she always missed when her Master was cumming.

She vowed to keep he r mouth closed all the time she was sucking so that no cum would escape from her mouth. It was hard to swallow with her mouth closed but she got used to swallowing and sucking at the same time as cum filled her mouth again.

This time she was ready as the Rottie emptied his load of cum into her mouth gulping and swallowing but not spilling any. The Master in charge told her to open her mouth to check and finding none told her to kneel over by the wall. She crawled away to take up her position of submissiveness with hands behind her back and eyes on the floor.

Next was the girl who cried out when having her ass fucked by a Master, she was taken to the middle of the room where she was fastened to a contraption by straps. Her legs were spread as far apart as possible and fastened to a bar on the floor.

Her eyes opened wide in terror as a horses clip clop of hooves was led towards her. He was stationed behind her and his front legs fastened to another bar in front of her, she heard a whirring and the horses front legs were lifted into the air. Now he was in the fucking position behind her as a ball gag was fitted into her mouth and fastened tightly.

Two whores were summoned and began to massage the horses sheath until a big black cock appeared. They were ordered to suck and stroke it until it was hard enough to fuck the girl in front of it.

The whore on the pedestal in front was terrified, she couldn’t see what was going on behind her, she did know that very soon this horse was going to stick his cock in her pussy, or god forbid her ass hole.

Her worst fears were confirmed as another whore began to lubricate her ass hole. This wa s to be her punishment for crying out as a Master fucked her ass. It wasn’t her fault, he had fucked her dry and it hurt, she couldn’t tell him that, to speak back to a Master would mean a public whipping and locked in a room for a month with one meal a day and no light.

She felt the horse cock being rubbed against her hole, she wanted to scream but the ball gag prevented that. Something else was being pushed into her ass hole, she was being primed first before the horse cock was to enter her. At this time she had no idea how big his cock was, that was part of the punishment as the Master in charge of punishments bent down to her ear. “Next time you feel like crying out when a Master is fucking your ass, remember this”, and then gave the nod for the whores to push the horse cock in her ass.

The two whores got it in about three inches when a Master smacked the horses rump making it jump forward. The whore with the cock in her ass nearly fainted as the huge cock went straight up her ass hole. Tears were running down her cheek as the Master slapped the horse again and again each time making his cock go into her ass as far as it would go.

Whore was in agony, her ass felt like it was going to split in two and the horse cock would come up to her throat, she was screaming silently under the ball gag as the huge cock fucked her.

Time and time again the horse was slapped and the cock rammed up her hole, she was sure she was going to pass out, it wouldn’t have made any difference , the horse would still have fucked her. Now she was being flooded in her ass, the horse had cum inside her as cum ran from her ass hole where the two whores were ordered to lick it up before it wet the floor.

“You won’t make a sound again when a Master fucks your ass will you whore, otherwise we’ll make a horse fuck you all night in your ass hole, you may speak”.

“No Master, I will be quiet when my Master fucks me in future”.

She was unfastened and led away barely able to walk as the first whores mother was fastened to the bars. She was only going to have her pussy fucked once the two whores ha d sucked the horse hard again.

Masters had become hard watching and whores were on their knees with cocks in their mouths. Others were bouncing up and down on their Masters knees with a cock either in an ass or a pussy.

The horse was led away and the mother was brought forward and fastened to the bars. Her ass and pussy were sprayed with something and then four dogs led towards her. The whores had already sucked the dogs hard and as they were unleashed made a dash for the tied up whore.

Whatever was in the spray drove the dogs wild, they were jostling to lick her holes as someone in the crowd shouted to spray her mouth as well. The Master in charge laughed and said, “why not”.

He sprayed her face and laughed out loud as a dog tried to fuck her face. “open your mouth whore unless you want to be punished more”, he shouted at her. She opened wide and immediately a hard dog cock was pushed in and began to fuck her mouth. She was gagging and choking a s tears ran from her eyes but the dog kept fucking her mouth as far down as he could.

One had mounted her, his cock was pounding her pussy hole as he scratched her sides and legs in his haste to fuck her. Other dogs were licking her all over and pushing their cocks anywhere they could against her body.

The dog fucking her mouth came suddenly shooting dog cum literally down her throat, she didn’t have time to swallow as she coughed and choked as the dog pulled out. Whore was to get no respite, another dog took his place fucking her mouth like it was a pussy or ass hole.

Whatever was in the spray it was making the dogs as horny as hell, the one in her cunt didn’t even knot her before he shot his load in her pussy and began to lick it. No sooner had he pulled out another one took his place on her back probing for a hole, he found one, her ass hole. She was a s dry as a bone up there but the dog persevered until he was in her.

Whore wanted to scream but she couldn’t for the dog cock in her mouth, she couldn’t even grit her teeth for fear of biting the dogs cock, that would be like biting a human Masters cock, and punishable. The pain in her ass was easing a little with each thrust but still painful as the cock in her mouth exploded and another load of dog cum went down her throat half choking her. Now it was just the dog fucking her ass hole, with any luck he would cum soon and her punishment would be over. She felt she had been punished more than her daughter, maybe that was to make the daughter’s more obedient and careful.

At last the dog shot his load into her ass giving her some lubrication and after a few more thrusts pulled out of her. “maybe you’ll train your whore better in future whore, now crawl over there and wait with her”.

Everyone got up to leave, those that weren’t fucking or having their cocks sucked when the man in charge said they weren’t finished. A whore was wheeled in by a Master in a wheel chair with an arm and a leg in plaster.

“This Master has broken the rules, whores are not to physically harmed, they may be whipped within reason, fucked, and many other things but no extreme violence, we all know the rules and how far we can go, we are Masters not savages”.

Four more whores followed the Master and the wheel chair, “we know the penalty for this”, the Master in charge went on as a whore fastened a length of thin rope to the man’s cock and balls and handed it to the whore in the wheel chair. He was bent over the bars and fastened down, gel was put into his ass and sprayed.

A huge dog was brought forward and began to lick his ass as he struggled to get free, he knew what was coming, he had laughed when another Master years ago suffered the same fate, he wasn’t laughing now.

The dog mounted him and as he screamed found his ass hole. The dog didn’t care if he was a male or a female, he was horny and it was a hole as he fucked him at speed. The Master was told to shut the fuck up and stop screaming or he would have another dog cock up his ass, he stopped.

The whore in the wheel chair was pulling the string hard making it doubly painful for the Master as the dog fucked him and his balls and cock were being stretched. At last it was over for the dog fucking but not for him, his punishment continues, he must serve this whore until he r injuries heal and he must live with the whores where he will serve them”.

To a Master this was a fate worse than death, whores were nobodies in their eyes, they were there to serve them, to fuck them, to suck them, fetch their meals, to have to live with them and serve them, they would rather die first.

“Any Master who speaks to or helps this one in any way will take his place, understood”, said the man in charge to a murmur of consent from the other Masters. H e was unfastened and told to wheel the whore away, he could barely walk and his ass hurt as he walked away to serve his sentence.

That night away from the Master who was bound and gagged while they talked in whispers they remarked how nice it was to see a Master get his just desserts, why can’t we do more, why do we have to put up with this, we’ll talk some more in future as they got ready for bed.

“We’d better untie the whore Master”, said someone.

“Naw, fuck him, let him stay there all night”, said another. Was this the beginning of these women beginning to realise there may be more to life than being a whore for a Master.