(c) 2013 by Forever Beastiality Lover

The morning air was cold and damp as Stephanie walked out of her home. The roar of the yellow school bus startled her. Was today a monday?! This was a disaster, the busty blonde usually took at least an hour to get ready. She placed her hair into a pony-tail and brushed on some makeup before driving herself to school. Stephanie Loveless, the name that would last in the halls of Montague Christian Academy throughout the ages. She was famous for her plump ass and firey temper. Her first class was gym, at least she would see her best friend. She walked into the locker room seeing her best friend Sarah.

Sarah was a dark brunette with an hourglass figure and green eyes. “Hey!” She called waving her hand. “Damn bus snuck up on me this morning.” Stephanie said shaking her head. “I like you without makeup anyways, I have a favor to ask.” She poubted her full round lips that Stephanie loved. During her bi phase in middle school the two had dated, and her lips had been one feature that remained unforgetable. “Yeah, what is it?” Stephanie asked still distracted by the girls lips. “My parents are going out of town this weeked and i’m going to be staying with Kyle, would you mind watching Max for me?” She asked. Max was Sarah’s german sheppard mix. No one was really sure what else max was mixed with, but Stephanie had always suspected a wolf. Stephanie sucked in a breath and sighed after a moment, “You owe me.” She muttered and Sarah hopped her breasts bouncing free of her bra. Her nipples showed slightly through the white tank-top. “Put those away girl.” Stephanie muttered and closed her eyes smirking.

“Nmmmph!!” Sarah said and she stuck her tongue out. Stephanie only laughed at her friends zeal and walked out to gym. Gym was the same as always, not very challenging, and a gawking show for the boys. Stephanie was increibly flexible and had always been able to stirr up the boys with her signature full split. You could practically see them salavating as she went further down. She could only smirk and mutter something about no flash photography.

The rest of the day was mundane and boring, as school usually was. Stephanie boarded the same yellow monster that had scared her that morning and took a seat near the front. Thankfully her house was very close and Sarah lived right next door. “Just head to my house after school alright?” Stephanie remembered the girls words and they got off the bus together. “Alright, I’ll head to Kyles now. You too have fun.” She giggled and winked. Stephanie arched an eyebrow as the girl hopped into the car with mr. tall dark and handsome. A pang of envy ran through the blonde, sure she had a boyfriend but she wasn’t that into him. Matthew was a sweet guy, but horrible in bed.

Stephanie walked up to the door opening it with the spare key she kept. She was greated by two enormus paws on her stomach she staggered back slightly. “Hey there Max.” She greeted the dog smiling in slight discomfort. He finally got off of her and she walked to the kitchen opening the fridge and grabbing some flavored water. Pulling the cap off she began to drink it leaning against the counter. Once again she felt large Paws on her stomach. This time the liquid from her mouth spewed out as she gasped for breath and coated her and the mutt in water. Stephanie doubled over trying to catch her breath. This was just great, now she was going to have to change. She felt a warm tongue lap and her lips and she wiped her mouth. “Bad dog.” She scolded but only recieved happy eyes and a wagging tail.

She walked through the hall way heading to her best friends room. Max followed easily behind her. She smirked as she entered her friends room. It was famillair. Her favorite bands had posters hung everywhere. Taking a moment to drink in the nostalgia she finally pulled her shirt off and bent over to grab a silk tank-top. She slid her bra off and just then she felt a wet nose probing between her legs. She jumped slightly blushing. “No, no. Down boy.” She shook her head laughing slightly. “Gym class all over again.” She smirked. She slipped the top over her head and this time slid down her skirt. A thin teal thong barely covered her pussy as she bent again this time to grab a pair of jeans. They were turned inside out and as she went to right them, she felt a warm tongue lapping at her pussy. Her eyes widened as she let out a small moan and her legs began to shake. “Stop.” She said and pushed the dog away, though this time she wasn’t as rough. She slipped one leg into the pants and laid on the bed adjusting her panties. Just then she felt another weight land on the bed. She sighed as she saw Max. He bent sniffing her pussy and wasting no time she felt her thong snap. “E-Ehh?!” She squeaked as she felt a tongue lapping at her pussy. “N-No Max. Stop.” She whimpered but made no attempt to push the dog back. Her clit was throbbing and it had been so long since she had been penetrated. Just then she noticed the dog’s red cock slipping from it’s sheathe. She blushed scooting back slightly but the tongue followed her pussy. It was large and warm, and she had to admit it felt better than any human. “A-Ahn…” She moaned softly as she saw the hard cock slide out further. The taste and smell of her pussy had gotten the big boy very aroused.

“No, d-down…” she said again as she pushed the dog back weakly, but nothing could press it back now. Looking at her pussy the dog came closer, and then it’s eyes switched to her face. It walked past her pussy and pressed it’s cock against her cheek. “No way am I gonn–” She felt the warm cock slide past her lips. The texture was different then that of what she had been used to. It was slick and much warm. She moaned softly and didn’t move her head as the dog thrusted it’s pointed tip into her mouth. This wasn’t like a human at all, there was no concept of stop. She pulled back only to have he cock thrusted back between her lips. She could feel it’s cock swelling in her mouth and the knott forming at the base. Her eyes widened as the knot invaded her mouth and she struggled not to gag as the dog came into her mouth. She swallowed it, not wanting to make a mess. Her pussy was throbbing as the dog pulled back. It’s cock was still hard! Her eyes widened as she muttered, “Oh hell no!” Though her body disagreed with her. Her clit was swollen and throbbing. She closed her eyes and felt a tongue probing her clit and pussy once again. She moaned becoming more and more wet, and the dog continued to lick. She shrank back once again feeling her self control slipping as her back met the headboard. Just then she felt the dogs penis probing against her swollen clit and she blushed squirming, but it was no use as she felt the swollen cock enter her tight pussy.


Stephanie screamed out as she was entered, it had been so long. The mutts cock was the largest she had ever had and she could feel it’s thick member swelling inside of her. It slammed into her as it’s claws dug slightly into her flesh. She loved the feeling of the claws against her skin as it fucked her sensless. Her entire body seemed to be heating up from the hot cock inside of her. Shaking slightly from the feeling she let out several moans and whimpers. What was she doing?! Her mind screamed at her, but her body had other ideas. She began to move with the dog moaning as her pussy contracted from pleasure. Then without warning she felt the panting dog slam as hard as it could in her and she felt it’s knot begin to swell. Her body jerked and her legs began to shake like a leaf as it continued to swell and pull her up. She felt hot squirts of liquid enter her and as the pressure built she couldn’t hold back anymore. “Oh fuck Max! Your cock feels so good, i-it’s filling me up!!!” She screamed out in complete excasty as she came as well. The pressure built as the dog turned around and finally slipped out.

Cum dripped on he bed her’s mixed with the dogs. She slowly touched her swollen clitoris and closed her eyes before looking back at the dog who was finally flacid. “Well I hope you’re happy, apparently you have a new bitch.” She shook her head panting. Her entire body was shaking slighly and she was covered in sweat. Trails of sweat ran down her back and into her ass crack, she blushed. Her asshole was wet as well. She finally stood her pussy and inner thighs sore. She slid the other pants leg on her and walked on all fours to the edge of the bed. Seeing a tank-top in her friends drawer she grabbed it and slid it on. Just then a thought came to her mind, what had her friend meant when she said, “You two have fun.” Just then her eyes widened and she pulled out her cellphone. Her friend answered in a cherry voice, “Hello?” Stephanie didn’t even pause. “Are you fucking your dog?” There was a long pause and then a small giggle. “So I guess you two did have fun?” Stephanie blushed. “No way!” Her friend was smirking she could tell my her tone. “He eats pussy really good doesn’t he? He watched us do it when we were younger I think.” Stephanie’s eyes widened. “Does Kyle know?” She asked. Her friend laughed, “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, now I have to go I skipped into the bathroom for you! So feel special~” Stephanies mouth hung open for a moment before the automated voice snapped her out of it and she shut the phone.

“What a slut~” She smirked. Sarah and Stephanie had a running joke, and always called each other sluts for fun. She then moved walking to the kitchen grabbing a glass of grape juice and drinking it. She put her knee up just in case the dog decided to jump on her again. He laid at her feet wagging his tail. “Yeah yeah, quit the cute act.” She said and he stood up rubbing his black and brown coat against her leg. He was only a few years old, and was obviously in his prime. “Who’s a good fuck…” She said petting him and smirking. “But this stays between you and me, got it?” The dog let a bark go and she couldn’t help but smile. Finishing the drink she walked over to the couch sitting down. The dog curled itself onto her lap, despite his massive size he could curl up quite well. She flipped the channel watching one of her favorite shows, ‘cribz’. Just then she felt a wet tongue lapping at her chin and then her lips. She opened her mouth a little flicking her tongue against the large one of the dogs. He pressed closer and so did she tasting her pussy on his breath. She then pulled back blushing and laid her head on his side. She could feel his heart beat and him panting.

“Wore you out huh? Servers you right.” She smirked but then noticed something. The dogs red cock was poking out once again. She blushed and reached foward with her hand rubbing his cock and watching it slide further up from it’s sheathe. She could feel him sliding closer and his cock pressed against her lips. She smirked and teased the mutt by running her tongue over the very end of it but not allowing access to her mouth. The dog growled, but it was a horny sound, not one of malice of aggresion. She smirked and slowly took a lilttle bit more into her mouth, each time he tried to thrust she would slide back a little. Finally defeated the dog stayed still as his cock grew. She could feel the base swelling as he prepared to knot and she pulled back all together. “Nope.” She smirked and turned back to the television. Just then she felt a nip at her ass and she jumped. “Hey! No fair.” She smirked a little bit as she got on her hands and knees. She felt the dog mount her and begin to dry hump her.

She moaned loving the feeling of it’s cock, but she could tell he wasn’t satisfied. She undid the button on her pants and slipped her pants down as well as her underwear. She felt the dog poke her asshole and it slid in. The pointed tip was so intense inside of her. She moaned spreading her ass cheeks slightly as it began to pound in and out of her. Her eyes watered with pleasure as it fucked her sensless. Feeling her entire body tense she felt it swell even more. “A-Ahn~ Yes good boy, good Max.” She moaned out incredibly horny. As it continued to fuck her it grew more and more intense as the cock continued to swell. She felt him begin to knot and screamed as he shoved the baseball sized knot inside of her, and it was still swelling. She felt like her ass was about to explode as it pumped more and more fluid inside of her. She hadn’t had her asshole stretched this much ever. “M-Max!!” She screamed out as it’s cock slipped out of her asshole along with a ton of cum. She heard the dog howl in pleasure as it came. Then she felt a warm large tongue probing her asshole as it cleaned her up. More and more cum continued to leak out of her ass. Then it’s tongue moved to her pussy and she moaned even more her clit throbbing. “P-Please fuck my pussy…” She pulled her pussy lips open and she heard the dog lick it’s chops.

Just then she felt the dog mount her and rest it’s paws on the arm of the couch. She felt him begin to pound harder than he had before his pointed cock splitting her womb. She screamed out in both pain and pleasure as he continued to fuck her. “G-Good boy.” She moaned. Her entire body grew very hot as his cock inflated in her now stretched pussy. The dog began to girate it’s hips and it’s cock wiggled inside of her. She screamed out in pleasure as she climaxed over and over her pussy contracting around the mutt’s cock. The dog let out howls as it knotted her pussy and thrusted it all inside of her before cumming again. She couldn’t help but wonder how many times Sarah had been Knotted, and her mouth began to water as she opened up her phone. She sent Sarah a text message, “Come home, I need you here.” She got a text message back almost immediately. “Alright, on my way.” She smirked and closed her phone as the knott slipped out of her.


Stephanie’s pussy ached from the size of the dogs cock. She had never been penetrated by something so large, and had only been truly fucked once. She smiled leaning back and closing her eyes. She still saw small shots of fluid shooting from the dogs cock. She leaned foward and took the smooth skin in her mouth; drinking the fluid like she would lemonade on a hot day. Licking her lips once. she pulled back she decided to clean up a little bit for Sarah. Skipping to the bathroom she leaned her ass over the side and pushed the muscles in her pussy watching all of the cum run out. As she sat there and watched the cum wash down the drain she felt her clit begin to swell with the thoughts of how much the two girls could do together. Turning on the water she splashed warm water onto her pussy cleaning it a little before tugging her clothing back on.

Just then she heard the door-bell. Walking to the door she didn’t attempt to hide how sweaty she was. Answering the door she saw a smirk on her friends face. “You rang?” She asked. Stephanie looked at the full lips she fully intended on devouring. “There is something I desperately need from you Sarah…” She whispered and spun the girl against the wall roughly closing the door with her foot. She began to kiss her, pressing their lips together so hard they were bruised. Sarah struggled slightly her eyes widening until they were huge. When the small blonde pulled back the brunette was panting and beet red.

“You should have told me about the dog.” Stephanie said leaning her sweaty face against her friends, their lips only a breath apart. “I-I’m sorry…” Despite the size difference the small blonde had always been the seme when they were dating. Stephanie looked at the curves of the girls body biting her lower lip. “K-Kyle’s waiting in the car…” Sarah muttered blushing and looking away. “Well, good things come to those who wait.” Stephanie smirked and bit the girls lip roughly. Sarah moaned softly her voice turning heated. Stephanie pulled the girl to her bedroom and tackled her to the bed.

“Someone missed this, didn’t they?” Stephanie asked looking at the girl with a heated gaze. Her submissive partner blushed heavily and avoided eye contact. Stephanie only let out a small giggle as she slid her hand under her skirt and rubbed against the fabric of her panties. Sarah moaned, “Y-You always new just what spot to hit.” Her plump lips were open in excasty. Stephanie watched her and slid one finger under her panties rubbing her large clit with one finger. She reached down with her middle finger and began to tease her entrance as well. Sarah let out several moans of pleasure. Max sat at the bottom of the bed, and once again Stephanie felt a weight on the bed. She was too sore to be knotted again, but she knew someone would would be just fine taking the knot. “Looks like it’s your tun to be the bitch.” Stephanie whispered and crawled off of her friend. Max sniffed at the girls pussy and began to lick it making the brunette squirm.

“Mmmm… you kinky little slut.” Stephanie muttered and chuckled slightly before turning and putting her pussy right above Sarah’s face. “Lick.” She said, it wasn’t a question at all. She felt the females careful tongue begin to lick the folds of her pussy teasing her clit. She knew exactly where Max got his talent from. “Mmm…” Stephanie bent down and began to lick her clit moving out of the way as the Sheppard mix slid his cock into her. “Does he ever get tired?” Stephanie asked panting slightly. She felt the tongue burried in her pussy wiggle slightly. Stephanie began to lick her friends clit. She pulled the swollen skin into her mouth and began to suck on it, nibbling ever so lightly. She could feel moans against her own pussy, and smirked as Max pounded the girl. She noticed that Sarah was a little bit looser than she had been, no doubt because of Kyle. “Hows that dog cock feel?” Stephanie smirked as she felt vibrations against her pussy. She then began to lick her clit again nibbling it like she knew her friend loved. Her soft tongue worked around the inside of her friends lips as she could feel the dog knot. The outside of her pussy was pressed and she could feel her clit move slightly from the sheer size of the knott. Once again she could feel large moans against her pussy and her eyes watched as the dogs veins struggled to pump all of his cum into her. “S-Sorry I took te cream of the crop~” She moaned as she reached out and touched the dogs cock. She could feel it pulsing just beneathe her tongue.


‘What’s taking them so long?’ Kyle thought his green eyes darting around. He got bored easily, and at this point even the beatles weren’t helping. He heard a loud thump from inside of the house and glanced in that direction. “Come on…” He growled his low voice sounding deep and sexy as usual. “What the hell are they doing?” He muttered as he got out of the car and walked to the door. Then he heard something he couldn’t mistake, his girlfriends moans. He busted through the door expecting to find his girl-friend with another male, but the scene he saw was much much more surprising. His eyes widened as he felt his member begin to throb in his pants. The handjob he had recieved on the way there was making him painfully hard. There in all her glory was his girlfriend being fucked by a massive dog. Above the dog was the tight blonde school girl, Stephanie Loveless.

“What the fuck?” He asked and just then he saw Sarah glance up and her eyes widened in shock. His erection was painfully obvious. “Kyle!” Sarah said shoving the dog back as best she could, and pulling it’s knott painfully from her entrance. Her soaked pussy was shining. “Holy shit babe… you look amazing…” he muttered. The girls eyes widened. “W-What?” He looked at her smirking and grabbed her making out with her. Stephanie watched from the bed smirking slightly. “You didn’t think I was going to let you have all the fun did you?” he whispered against her lips.


Sarah kissed him back hotly, her eyes wide as he pulled back from her. Stephanie looked at her with a smirk. She then turned her attention to the boy, “So are you just gonna stand there, or fuck your bitch?” She grinned. Kyle’s eyes flashed to Stephanie for a moment, “Well, so much with no orgies until colledge, though I didn’t expect my first one to be with a dog.” Max’s tail wagged. Stephanie looked over to the dog letting her tongue hang out as the German sheppard mutt came over and licked her, invading her mouth with it’s large tongue. “Mmmm…” she moaned against it’s tongue. Just then she heard a wet sound as Kyle’s cock invaded her friends pussy. Stephanie smirked as the dog put it’s cock in her face and she began to suck the big smooth tip.

She loved the texture in her mouth, and the feeling of it’s pointed tip hitting the back of her throat. Closing her eyes she enjoyed the taste her legs spread wide. A gentle tongue began to probe her pussy and she opened her eyes seeing her best friend being fucked and eating her out as well. She pulled the cock from her mouth, “S-Sarah… god that feels good!” She groaned softly as the cock was thrust in her mouth again. She began to fondle her own large breasts tickling her nipples with the tips of her hair. She moaned against the canine’s cock sending vibrations as the dog began to pant and let out several long howls.

Kyle’s lips pressed against Sarah’s back biting her and leaving bruises and teeth marks in her flesh. “You like being my bitch don’t you?” He asked as he grabbed the girls throat choking her, but not to much. “Y-Yes~” She moaned out gasping for breath as he held her for another moment before slapping her ass and sliding his cock out of her pussy and into her ass. She let out a scream of pleasure as he slapped her ass and she rode his cock.

Stephanie’s mouth began to water and fill with the dogs fluid as she could sense he was about to cum. His cock began to swell filling her mouth as it pumped smelly cum into her mouth and throat. She coughed but was forced to swallow the semen. The pressure of the cock in her mouth stretched her cheeks, but after a few more seconds it began to slide down out of her mouth. She panted collapsing her body. Sarah’s tongue, once again, was on her pussy. She moaned as the small organ penetrated her tight pussy. Kyle’s eyes met hers for a moment and he smirked, Stephanie grabbed his girlfriends hair pressing her further into her pussy then suddenly she felt lips against hers. Kyle had basically tackled her to the bed, jumping over his girlfriend. “You and the puppy have fun.” He smirked back at Sarah who only grinned mischeviously. “With pleasure.” Stephanie sank into the kiss letting him hold dominance over her soft tongue, and suddenly she felt his cock probing her clit and entrance. Her eyes widened as she saw his size.

She had always asumed Sarah was exagerating. She had been dead wrong. He was huge, and as he pressed more and more against her she realized how much. Without any warning he slammed his full length into her and penetrated her womb. She screamed out in pleasure as he pressed into her, further than the dog had been able to. The man let out a hiss closing his eyes and groaning, “Fuck, you’re tight.” He moaned. Stephanie’s eyes looked up to him a look of pleasure and lust filling them. “A-Ah… Kyle~” She moaned out as he began to gyrate his hips inside of her.

Sarah watched the two smirking more than a little. She had always known the day would come where they would share a boy. Well, actually two boys. She looked at the large dog above her and smirked snapping her fingers. The dog laid down and began to eat her out, cleaning he of evey fluid. Though, the more he licked, the wetter she became. She watched her boyfriend fucking her friend and became more and more wet. “Mmm… good boy Max!” She closed her eyes braiding her fingers into his fur as he continued to lick her. She noticed his large red cock sliding from it’s sheathe. Her eyes traced it’s length and the dogs brown eyes looked into her own. “Come here.” She muttered and the dog sprang up shoving it’s cock into her missonary style. All her training had certainly paid off. Her pussy was stretched once more by the dog as it fucked her fast and hard. “Mmm! Good boy~!” She moaned out and the dog howled along with her.