(c) 2013 by bumbleknott

Chapter One – Let’s Go On Vacation!

It was right at the beginning of the school year, 2 months before spring break, when Monica approached me about her vacation ideas. The skinny 20 year old blonde didnt have the sexiest figure but to me it was perfect. Her blonde hair was kept straight at about mid to upper back length, her eyes were a crisp light blue that she used very little make up to accent. Her skin was pale white but you could tell she had been tanning a little in the cold winter months of Colorado. She had the biggest smile and the whitest teeth that contrasted her tiny nose, but accentuated her jaw line and perfect lips. I dont know what it was, but the most attractive thing about her was her large mouth though, it just screamed to have something in there. Her body matched the rest of her, though skinny (probably weighing 105 soaking wet) he curves were visible through what she wore. This time around she was wearing clothes perfect for Colorado Januaries, skinny jeans tucked into her boots showing off her tight butt and legs, on top she had some sort of t-shirt (i knew it was form fitting because of how her pert 30 b cup breasts popped up) covered by a blue fleece hoody. Her hair parted to the side just ever so slightly, she knew she looked cute.

Monica and I had been friends through high school, but had lost contact when I had graduated before her. Luckily we both ended up going to the same University after she graduated, you know the party one. We had become close once again and she had allerted me to her pans for spring break.

“Jim! Let’s go to lake Havasu this year for spring break!” she blurted out to me as I walked into my frat house. She was crazed with the house always coming over and partying or just trying to check out my frat brothers. The woman was nuts and I knew she got around though her and I had never done anything more than see each other naked at the random hot tub nights.

Me, being 22 and in my last year of school, I also knew why she was hanging out with me all the time; so I could buy her booze, it was no secret and I didnt mind. Playing lacross had helped me keep my body in check and allowed me for my own successes with women, so when I had Monica over, at no point was I ever desperately trying to get with her.

“So what do you think?” she clammered.

“Sounds good to me, but why ask me this year and not last year?” I retorted.

“Well this year I need someone I can trust to be with me. Last year some bad stuff went down in Mexico and I just dont want anything like that happening again,” she said kind of looking off.

Not thinking anything of it I replied, “Well ok then, what is the plan and who is going this year?”

“Oh just me, you, and 2 more of my friends.”

Being a guy my mind instantly goes to: “Women!?”

She nodded and spoke up; “Yup, just you and three girls.” Giving a little wink at the end.

This was looking up I thought, my mind wandered to the possible hook ups I could have with these girls; Monica’s friends are always hot, I never have to worry. My mind continued to wander and Monica saw my gaze go off into the distance as I was in lala land when she broke the silence.

“I do have a job for you Jim, I need you to be our guide for Havasu.”

I had never been to Lake Havasu before, and I had no idea what she meant by “guide” but I wasnt about to turn down the opportunity to see this girl and her 2 friends in bikinis and hopefully less all to myself.


Over the next 2 months we solidified the plans and we were to be off, driving to Lake Havasu for spring break this year. Monica brought her friends that would be joining us on Spring break around to a few of the parties so I could meet them and boy was I right! Her friends were right up my ally, just what I liked. Just like Monica, they were both petite well dressed 20 year olds. The 3 girls had very similar body types and all about the same height of 5 feet 4 inches. With me being about 6 foot 3 they would be my own play things I thought to myself. Though I never got to see either of the 2 friends without much clothes on I could tell they had the bodies of true vixens. The first friend was Whitney, she was a dead ringer for Blake Lively as a brunette, just slightly younger. The second friend was Kayla, a skinny and fit blonde that looked kind of mousy but all attractive none the less. These girls were hot and they knew it.

After meeting them for the first time, it wasnt long before the teasing started as all girls like to do with horny guys. As the weather got warmer, the clothes got skimpier. Jeans turned into dresses and sweats turned into yoga pants. Each girl had tone firm butts that you wouldnt mind just squeezing til your hand falls off, or at least thats what I wanted. The girls bent over in front of me giving me easy visuals of their cleavage or would bend away from me shoving their asses ever closer to my ever growing cock. They knew what they were doing and I was quie fine with it knowing that I could get my chance at those young ladies soon enough.

It was the day of the trip to Havasu, we borrowed my mom’s escalade and we were off. A 15 hour car ride was made much shorter with games such as strip Indian poker and who can flash the most people. I was set on this trip. Since I did most of the driving the girls took turns daring each other to do stupid shit like make out with each other or distract me. It was dumb but fun and before we knew it we were at Lake Havasu.

Monica started giving me directions of where to go to get to the house we rented for the week. I watched as the lake started to get farther and farther away then disappeared into my rearview mirror. I looked at her slightly disappointed with our location when we finally pulled up to the large ranch style home.

“Just you wait,” she said winking at me and touching my lower stomach as she turned and walked to the door.

I could have sworn she was reaching for my junk if I didnt know better. But moving onward, the girls get out of the car and take a couple of their bags to the front door with Monica leaving the heavy shit to me, of course. Being the only guy had its ups and its downs.

Monica knocked on the door and shortly after an attractive red headed woman, probably in her fifties answered the door. She was in her cowgirl attire for god knows what reason, and invited the girls in. Close in tow, I walked in after the girls and unloaded the first handful of bags. I had a lot more trips to go. The girls were all talking and giggling about something as I unloaded the bags trip after trip. I could hear the girls walk into the back yard and “OOOOOH’s” escaped the 3 younger ladies. Not thinking of anything at the moment I returned to the car for the last load of bags as the landlord walked out. She smiled and walked right by me saying “Have fun,” winked at me then ran her hand across my crotch. Now this time that was on purpose and my body reacted instantly.

Boom! The cargo shorts I was wearing for the drive drastically became uncomfortable as my erection grew. With no room to move it snaked its way around my waistband before stopping on my side where it sat, hard. The shock of what had just happened made me drop the bags and stare at the attractive redhead walking away from me, and man am I glad I did look because she had one of the most amazing butts I had ever seen. I lost track of time looking at that butt, fantasizing about what I would do to her.

Thoughts of bending her over her car and going to town on her, or grabbing her up over my shoulder and throwing her into the sandy ground around the house, ripping her shirt open and sucking on her tits. My mind raced! It wasnt long before I was snapped back into reality by something foreign and unexpected. Something was touching my erect member in my shorts through the fabric. Shaking my head and looking down I see Whitney stroking my member through my shorts and saying “my my, what do we have hear?” Her green eyes made their way up my body and met mine as her hand continued to rub me.

“Bring the rest of the stuff in please!” Whitney squeaked as she slipped away back into the house.

I was dazed about what just went down, did she really just do that or was I losing it? I shake my head and grab the bags walking with a slight limp from the cramped member in my pants, and make my way into the house. As I put down the bags and close the door, it was then that I knew it was really spring break.

My jaw almost hit the ground when I closed the door behind me. 2 of the 3 girls were butt naked drinking out of champagne flutes and Whitney the last one was getting undressed completely too. Her hands were removing her bra as my hand immediately went to my crotch to adjust my pained cock. When she was finally free from clothing, Monica handed Whitney a drink and all three girls cheersed then pointed their glasses to me, smiling.

I had never been so confused and horny in my life. All 3 girls looked me up and down, butt naked, and moved closer to me. Monica was the first to break the silence, with her eyes slightly closed she leaned up to my right ear and whispered “Take off your clothes.”

My eyes were fixed on her naked body, I had seen it before but never in my life had I wanted to touch her so badly. She slowly slipped back and watched as my hands immediately reached for my shirt and pulled it up over my head. In the blink of an eye that my head was covered the girls had changed positions and when the shirt was finally off of my body Kayla and Whitney were standing next to me. Their hands were on my chest and they kissed my body all over, Monica had moved back closer to me and put her hands on the button to my shorts, the only thing holding my raging hard on in its place and slowly maneuvered her fingers to unbutton me, but before doing so she moved up on to her tip toes and whispered again into my ear; “We have a deal for you…”

At that point Monica pulled her fingers apart releasing the button and my raging cock from its captor, immediately 2 hands were touching me. Whitney and Kayla had moved their hands down from my chest and were simultaneously either grabbing my shaft or massaging my balls. Monica slowly moved down to her knees bring my shorts with them leaving them at my feet, her light blue eyes peered up at me from bellow my cock as her hands moved up from my ankles and inside my legs.

She opened her mouth slowly moving it closer to now throbbing hard on and her hands moved to carress the hard package. Whiteney and Kayla moved away from me and kneeled down next to Monica, all 3 looking up at me from the ground underneath my cock. Monica stuck out her tongue and ever so slightly licked the tip of my penis while she squeezed the shaft in her hands.

“If you help us with all the activities we have planned for this week, we will do literally anything and everything you want,” said the sexy blonde before going back and licking the tip again.

“We only ask that you keep it a secret from everyone,” this time wrapping her mouth entirely around the head.

Monica had that look about her that constantly said “Let me suck your cock,” and from the way she was acting I knew this to be a fact. Her head bobbed slightly on my rigid phallus as she swirled her tongue around the tiny hole. She stuck her butt out behind her showing the amazing shape her ass made with each leg out sideways a little, making her look kind of like a frog. Her hand stroked my shaft a little as each bob of her head made slightly more progress down my cock.

Kayla had moved her right hand to my abs and dug her nails in to my skin while her other hand grabbed and played with her tit. Her eyes were transfixed on Monica’s mouth slowly bobbing slightly on my head. Licking her lips she purred a little as her hand massaged her breasts. She spread her legs a little while kneeling and stuck her ass out just like Monica, moving her head ever closer to my cock.

Whitney was busy with herself as well as me, her hands were gently squeezing my balls while she stared at Monica blowing me, her other hand was down between her legs obviously playing with herself as she let little whimpers of pleasure escape her mouth. Her legs were spread too, and as I looked down at each naked woman, admiring their tight bodies and their compromising positions; my cock throbbed at the thoughts of having my ways with them. “What could be the activities I have to help them with,” I thought to myself, but paid little attention to it when another set of lips made it to my cock.

A shiver sent shooting through my spine as Kayla wrapped her lips around the side of my shaft, touching her lips to Monica’s. Monica moved her mouth from the head and mirrored Kayla as they both sucked on the sides of my cock. Whitney watched as she plunged a finger deep inside herself, causing her to squeeze my balls a little harder, leading to air escaping my lungs faster than normal. The 2 on my shaft moved up and down from the base to the head of my cock, licking and sucking the whole way. This felt amazing as Whitney let go of my balls and moved behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist and grabbing the shaft in her hands as she looked around my body at the girls changing positions.

Whitney moved the hard member upwards so it was pointing at the ceiling and stroked it a few times as Kayla moved to a higher position, no longer sitting on the back of her legs. She moved her mouth to the head of my cock and pursed her lips while looking up at me with her beautiful blue eyes. Kayla licked the tip a little as Whitney continued to stroke me up and down slowly bringing dribbles of precum with each pump. Kayla eagerly licked it all off each time more precum made its presence. Meanwhile, Monica had slipped lower to the ground, placing both hands on the tile floor of the entryway to the house. Moving her head slightly closer to my cock, I quickly realized what she planned on doing as her tongue parted her lips and she gently licked one of my balls. As she did this, Whitney moved one of her hands around my waist and to my back, dragging her nails along the skin ever so slightly, it send tingles down my spine in tandem with the licks I was receiving on my cock and balls.

Monica looked right up at me from below my cock and stared straight into my eyes as she kissed my right nut. The kiss turned into a suck and suddenly my entire ball was in her mouth and she was sucking on it pretty hard. My mouth couldnt have been opened any further as my head shot backwards, making me look up at the white popcorn textured ceiling. Spurt after spurt of precum was leaking from me at this point and in a matter of moments I felt Kayla wrap her lips entirely around my cock head and plunge deep down onto the shaft. It must have gone in a good 5 inches before she paused and came back up, then repeating the same process. Monica kept sucking hard on my balls, moving her hands up to my chest and abs to feel them under her fingers with my nut in her mouth.

Whitney slowly stroked my cock more while it lay in Kayla’s mouth, the 2 of them working in tandem and giving me the most pleasure possible. With her nails still slightly scratching my skin, she worked her way to my butt where she squeezed each cheek. Whitney then moved her hands down even further to my inner thighs which caused my knees to buckle. The slight sudden movement caused both Monica and Kayla to lose their rhythm and come up for air, smiling and staring right into my eyes, even maybe my soul.

The brunette continued her tickle torture on me as both of the blondes went back to sucking on me. Kayla, with renewed vigor, bobbed even deeper and harder on my cock sending my spurts of precum to the back of her throat with each bob. Monica had switched to sucking on my other nut and occasionally sucking both into her mouth, licking the base of my cock with the tip of her tongue. Whitney’s hand continued to explore my lower body while Monica and Kayla used their hands to feel my abs and chest. Fingers of Whitney began to explore places no one had yet to touch before and had moved between my legs where she massaged my scrotum. I looked down at her on my side and she looked up at me with a big white grin, teasing but knowing I liked what she was doing.

I blinked in approval as her hands rubbed a little more before moving to my sack, Monica noticed the fingers probing around and moved her mouth away letting my balls fall into Whitney’s searching hand. She gave them a little squeeze before Monica moved back down and took them in her mouth again. Whitney massaged the skin around each nut as Monica sucked them into her mouth then let the slip back out.

Kayla was bobbing her head much quicker now on my cock, she was giving me a full on blowjob. I looked at each woman, sucking in the amazing sensation of what was happening to me. Monica and Whitney were both watching Kayla bounce up and down as she sucked my cock, I was watching Kayla’s breasts jiggle with each movement she made. This sight was obviously a turn on for all of us because I knew it was getting time for me to explode, but it turned on the girls because Whitney pressed her body up against mine, squishing her breasts; and Monica had moved hands to finger herself with one hand and to finger Kayla with the other hand.

The instant Kayla felt Monica’s hand touch her nether regions, she purred onto my cock, sending vibrations throughout my entire private region. It felt amazing! I could feel the load building up inside of me and I knew Monica could too as my balls began to tighten in her mouth and in Whitney’s fingers. Releasing her mouth from my nuts, monica leaned back slightly looking straight up at me saying “Here we go.” And gave me a wink.

Suddenly, Kayla bobbed down taking all of my cock into her mouth and down her throat. Her mouth was so small and yet so tight and warm that it felt almost like a pussy. The first throb came and I knew the next one would have my hot seed in it. As the first throb subsided Whitney removed her hand and shoved one of her fingers up my butt slightly. This jarred me a little as I had never had anything foreign up there, but before I could say anything the next throb shot through me like a lightning bolt. My scrotum tightened and my body shuddered around the finger invading me as the first jet of cum made its way from my balls down Kayla’s throat. My head flew backwards as this orgasm was the most intense thing I had ever felt in my life. Jet after jet shot down Kayla’s throat as she slightly bobbed on my cock with it still lodged deeply in her mouth. Whitney twirled her finger around slightly causing extremely audible moans to escape my mouth, all while Monica sat back and played with herself; rubbing her tits and massaging her clit.

I was coming down off of my orgasm as Whitney removed her finger and stood up grabbing a towel. Kayla sat there with her head impaled on my cock, sucking out any remaining cum and Monica kneeled there, moaning at the sight of her friend sucking off her other friend.

A few minutes passed as I came back to reality, my balls had loosened a little and Kayla remained only sucking my head now, cleaning it off. Monica was getting to her feet as Whitney came over to her grabbing her butt and standing next to her. I stood there staring at the blonde and brunette with a hand behind their backs holding each other, butt naked, as their other friend went to town blowing me some more. Kayla’s hands had gone back to stroking me and bringing me back up though my cock hadn’t gone down that much.

Monica was the first to break the so called silence; “I hope you enjoyed that,” she said.

I managed to nod, at least I think I nodded, not quite sure what I did.

“Good,” she responded with a big smile. “There is plenty more where that came from if you follow the rules and help us out with our activities, does that work for you?”

Again I nodded adding a low grunt this time. I was a simpleton at this point, no thought crossed my mind, just basic understanding of the words coming out of her mouth.

“Follow me,” she said as she walked away.

Kayla got up off of her knees giving my cock a little kiss before grabbing it in her hand and walked away, dragging me with her. Monica walked to the back sliding door, and before opening it she turned around giving Kayla a little wink then sliding the door open. All 4 of us walked outside to the back yard, if you could call it that.


Chapter Two – The “Backyard”

I stood there next to the girls, my jaw must have been inches from the ground as I looked around and saw the strangest set up in my life. The backyard had a small deck like any normal house would with a couple chairs surrounding a table, but that’s where the normalness ended. The yard outside of the deck was all dirt, soft dirt, like it was there on purpose, not like someone left it and never took care of it. The dirt looked like it was slightly wet, which is weird for the hot dry location of Lake Havasu, but my slowly recovering brain thought nothing of it as the 4 of us walked off to different parts of the yard. Well Monica and Whitney went off seperately while Kayla, latched on to my cock, led me around the yard where she wanted to go.

Getting my bearings a little more, I noticed there were no neighbors within sight and there was a thin outline of trees adding some more privacy. There were 2 structures in the yard, one that looked like a stable and the other was just a small looking shed. You could hear animal noises coming from the buildings as a couple of chickens popped their heads out from behind the stable looking building. It suddenly became clear that this was a small (probably 2 acre) farm, with all sorts of toys I had never seen before.

Kayla kept dragging me from one spot to another. Placed throughout the farm area were tables with contraptions or structures unlike I had never seen before. One contraption even looked like a masochists dream: with needles poking everywhere and leather straps to hold said person in place. My cock throbbed in Kayla’s hand as each time we would stop, she would stroke me a little to keep me hard and in her control.

I had no idea what I was in store for here, but I had a feeling it had something related to these contraptions. We kept walking around, Kayla began to massage her tit with her other hand as she looked intently at the machines and contraptions she intended to use. Monica and Whitney kept making their way around the plot of land, passing by us every once in a while to either give me a little wink or to kiss the head of my cock in attempts to tease me. It was working.

We finally all regrouped at the table on the deck and that’s when I became aware of what my role in this was.

“We need you to take care of all the animals while we are here,” Monica started,”by take care of them I mean feed and water them, all while following our instructions on what we will want them to do.”

I nodded, cock still in hand.

“If we need you to get us something while we are having our fun, we will need you to get what ever we ask for, whether it is for us or even the trained animals.”

I looked around at the other 2 girls, they smiled and nodded, while I remained thuroughly confused.

“First things first,” Monica continued, “there is a hose and trough right on the side of the house. We will all be very dehydrated and will be in compromised positions quite frequently. Multiple orgasms can dehydrate us very quickly so we will need you to keep everyone nice and healthy.”

I throbbed as she mentioned “orgasms,” what ever they planned on doing was going to be fun, I just knew it!

“You will be updated with what we need you to do, okay?” the slim sexy blonde stared into my eyes almost giving me the puppy dog eyes like I might have said no.

“Ha! Not a problem, consider me your slave!” I joked.

All 3 girls light up at my words, but I thought nothing of it. Kayla stroked my cock hard and fast causing precum to dribble out again, she saw this and muttered: “Better get going, he is ready for round 2,” gesturing to as she spoke to the girls.

Monica, still being the ring leader, added “Jimmy, we are going to need you to measure us so we can get the right sized outfits for our fun,” pointing over to a cuppord up against the wall on the deck.

Kayla grabbed my throbbing hard on tight and dragged me over to the wooden cuppord where Monica threw the doors open and revealed a plethora of leather corsets and leggings with thigh straps. Producing a measuring tape out of nowhere, Whitney handed it to me before standing up straight in front of me, arms straight out to her sides, and her legs slightly spread. She straightened her back as much as she could, thus thrusting her tits out and showing off her amazingly tight form.

“Me first!” she said as she stared into my eyes. Kayla finally let go of my cock and joined Monica to my side as I moved closer to the brunette arms extended, pulling the tape tight between my hands.

Being a guy I moved straight to the boobs, my hands grazed both sides of the tiny brunettes figure, each thumb knuckle grazing a side of their respective breasts. Slowly resting the tape at nipple height, I let the tape slide between my fingers as my arms moved around her, under her arms and my hands connecting behind her back. As I took a moment to get my fingers on the number so I could see the measurement, my cock poked her right in the stomach. Completely by accident, I blushed a little forgetting at that moment that we were all naked. Whitney smiled a big grin before greadily grabbing my cock with both hands and began stroking it with vigor. The sudden embarrasment followed by sudden pleasure caught me off guard and made me lose my grip on the measuring tape. The tape fell down between us and landed laying across her hands and my firm member. When she realized this she shrugged and grabbed the measuring tape and wrapped it around my dick, lining up the numbers.

“5 and a quarter inches in cirumference,” Whitney blurted out, almost tripping over her tongue.

“I told you he’s packing!” cried Monica as she held up another tape to Kayla. “God I love your tits!”

Kayla smiled and giggled a little bit, “I wish they were as big as Whitney’s,” she retorted.

Whitney smiled as she got down on to her knees in front of me. Her face was right at my hard dick as she moved her hands closer to it while hodling the measuring tape. “How long do you think it is ladies?” Whitney asked the two blondes.

“I would bet 8 and a half inches,” said Kayla.

“I’ll place money on between 9 and 10 inches,” said Monica.

“Okay, the bet is this, who ever gets it right gets to use him for the entire first day, deal?” said Whitney.

Monica put down the measuring tape and the 2 blondes walked over, agreeing to the terms. They wanted to see the numbers for themselves as Whitney pulled the tape between her fingers. “I’m guessing over 10 inches,” said Whitney.

Whitney grabbed the tape measure and brought it up to my cock, her hands barely grazed against the hard member causing me to jolt a little with each throb that came from me. Precum oozed out as the brunette measured from the base of my cock right above my balls to the tip.

“9.6 inches!” Monica blurted out almost screaming in excitement.

My mind raced! I finally got to do the nasty with Monica I thought to myself. This was going to be a good day. The tiny blonde jumped around in her excitement. My eyes followed her as she jumped and skipped around the porch, her breasts bounced all over sending even more lust into my loins. More precum oozed out with each throb, the as my attention was focused on my nubile friend. Suddenly pleasure shot threw me again as I felt lips wrap around the head of my cock. I looked down and Whitney was sucking all of the precum out of my long hard shaft. She stroked my dick hard bringing up as much cum as she could. It might have only lasted moments but it felt like hours as she sucked my head clean of all juice.

When she finally released my cock from her mouth she looked up at me and gulped to signal that she had swallowed my pre-load. Those green eyes made my cock throb again, only this time no precum made it out. She had clearly done a good job getting out what precum was in the chamber so to speak.

Whitney stood up, gave me a little wink and a smile and walked over to Kayla and asked her what size Monica had measured her bust at.

“32b” she said quietly to the brunette oogling her.

“Mmmmm perfect,” said Whitney, wrapping her lips around Kayla’s left nipple.

“Monica is a 32b too,” said Kayla, squirming with Whitneys mouth on her.

Monica had made her way back to the group, no longer giving me the jiggly show I was so enjoying. “What about you Whitney?”

“Poor Jim over there couldnt get my numbers, his big hard cock kept distracting me.”

“Well here, let me get your numbers honey,” said Kayla as her hands moved to the brunette’s chest, then down to the tape.

Whitney moved up from Kayla’s tits and stood up giving access to her so she could measure her.

“34c! ah you bitch!” yelled Kayla, giving Whitney a big smile.

The girls moved to the cuppord and withdrew the correct sized leather corsets and put them on. Their breasts were still bare but had support that pushed them up and gave them amazing shape. The corsets went down only a little above their belly buttons. Each strapped on some thigh highs and completed their outfits. When they were finished they all posed for me. I could see everything and yet their outfits still made them look different and totally sexy.

When they were done, Monica came over to me and explained, “The next thing we will do is be training your cock, pretty much by making it lift weights.” Without warning Kalya appeared behind me on her knees and grabbing my erect member. Whitney appeared to my right side also on her knees with some sort of fabric sleeve looking thing. Monica pressed her body against my front and left side letting her hands stray all over my body, her fingers were finding all the sensitive spots. My member was throbbing and couldnt possibly get any bigger at that moment. Monica’s hands moved up my body and to my head where she grabbed my face and gave me a big kiss. Kayla stroked my dick more, sending ripples threw my body. Was I going to get off twice while none of these ladies got off yet?

Whitney’s hand moved onto my prick when Monica ended our kiss. She moved her hands to my dark brown hair, running her fingers threw it. Grabbing on to my short hairs, she pulled my head down to the point that I was bending over and she moved my head in front of her chest where she shoved my face into her breasts. I immediately started sucking on her right tit as i massaged her left one. Her skin was so soft and her breasts were so firm. Her nipple stood at attention in my mouth, giving me something very tempting to bite on. I continued my assault on her breasts, her heavy breathing turned to moans and I could feel the heat from her wet pussy radiating on my legs. My cock throbbed in the girls hands as they slowly stroked it.

What felt like a half hour went by of me just sucking on Monica’s breasts, her moans turned me on even more. Slowly precum finally made its way out and Whitney used her fingers to spread it all over my cock. With Kayla stroking me, the small spurts of precum soon coated my cock with a shiny layer. Monica was shaking at this point, her legs were coated with her wetness and I knew I had her at my disposal. My dick was now thuroughly lubed when Whitney decided to put the sleave on my cock.

The sleeve was black and had little metal loops on the outside up and down it. The sleeve itself was only about 3 inches long but was made of a very stretchy material. Kind of like compression shorts, it form fitted around my cock. Whitney pushed it down onto me so only my head and about another inch of shaft were showing. It felt good to have the hands on my cock as they rubbed and pushed the black sleeve down my shaft. When they were finished Monica grabbed my hair and pulled me away from her tits. She was panting hard when she finally spoke.

“There…huff huff…. that sleeve will be your trainer… huff…. if you do well with it you will be rewarded each day…. huff huff….. wow that was nice!” Monica stammered.

She reached down to my throbbing cock right next to Kalya’s face, grabbing it, she shoved it into Kayla’s mouth and demanded she suck the head of it to clean off the precum. Without hesitation Kayla closed her beautiful blue eyes and wrapped her small pouty lips around my head and sucked hard. I moaned in pleasure as the tiny blonde bobbed on my head sending me closer to the edge.

“Whitney, will you go pick out your first ride while Kayla and I finish setting Jim up?” asked Monica.

With an excited nod, Whitney was off, racing to the stable. Kayla used her hands to massage my cock in the sleeve while Monica was reaching back into the cuppord. My jaw was on my chest as I watched the tiny blonde pleasure me, looking up at me with her beautiful eyes. Monica came back in no time at all carrying small weights with her. Looking like they weighed about a pound each she began to hook them one by one onto the metal loops of the cock sleeve. While Kayla continued to suck on my head I felt the weight of my cock increase a lot to the point it was slightly drooping in the middle. When Kayla noticed the slight droop, she sucked hard and touched the tip of her tongue inside the hole at the end of my penis. This shocked my body and cock into going even more rigid. My dick hurt it was so hard, I couldnt imagine how it must have felt in Kalya’s mouth, but she hummed even as my cock throbbed between her lips.

“That’s enough darlin,” said Monica, “we need to see how he can handle the weight.”

And with that, Kayla looked up at me, gave me a wink then let my cock fall from her mouth. The amount of weight on my prick was astounding, it almost fell straight down to the ground right off my body I thought. It was pointed straight down, mashed up against my balls, yet still rock hard. This position hurt a some, but both girls looked at me and smiled.

“If you can keep these weights on your cock all day, even while we have our fun, you can do anything you want to us tonight, and I mean anything. If you get soft the sleeve will fall off and the weights will come with it, so if you stay hard, then you get your fantasies fulfilled,” Monica’s words forced their way into my head, I understood every little thing she said and I knew exactly what I would do to these girls upon success.

Looking down I saw what looked like 8 weights on my dick, not too much but enough that My rigid dick couldnt stand at attention. My dick leaked precum as the thoughts of what I will do to them later ran through my head. As I looked up I saw Whitney bringing her “ride” with her.


Chapter Three – What is in the Barn

Whitney had a lovely little bounce with each step she took, jiggling her breasts so perfectly, I almost couldn’t look away if it weren’t for what she was leading. The large black stallion was shining in the sun and each step it took on the soft dirt made little thuds. Whitney was beaming, she clearly had been wanting this for quite some time, but I just wasn’t sure what “this” was going to end up being.

The sleeve wrapped around my dick weighed heavily on my skin, thank goodness I had these sexy nude females to look at. I didnt think it was going to be difficult to stay hard, but soon I would find out how easy it was going to be. The horse had on a little saddle that was covered in rings, meant to tie it off. As it walked behind the nubile brunette, its member slowly began to elongate, showing the 2 girls and myself what he was really packing. My eyes bugged out of my head when I saw that giant phallus and behind it were a pair of nuts close to the size of my skull!

Monica and Kayla were licking their lips and staring intently at the large horse cock. I was able catch glimpses of the 2 blondes fingering themselves as Whitney walked up to a type of bench. “What is going on?” I thought to myself. Whitney stepped up onto the bench, leading the horse behind her to step up his front legs onto the bench as well. His member was stiffening behind the young woman as she tied the horse’s lead onto a metal bar. The horse couldnt go anywhere.

“Jimmy, could you attach the other leads to make sure Sparky here doesn’t move?”

Snapping out of my daze, I nod and take a step forward. The weights on my cock swayed back and forth as I began to move. My hard member squeezed against my nuts with each step, this was going to be weird.

I stepped up to the horse and saw that there were clips to attach to the saddle. I started connecting them when suddenly the horse winnied and jolted a little. I jumped back a little only to discover that Whitney was underneath the horse, cock in hand, she was slowly stroking the horses 2 and a half foot member, bringing it closer to her face.

I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing, Whitney was starting to blow a horse. I stared at the scene while I moved closer to the horse and clipped him in to place. Whitney opened her mouth and moved her face ever closer to the large hard cock. Her tongue jutted out and licked the hole at the end of the member while continuing to slowly stroke. Something wet hit my foot at that instant, breaking me away from my trance. I looked down and saw my own precum dripping onto my foot, clearly this was turning me on. I looked up from at the brunette blowing the horse and saw she was slowly putting the head of the dick into her mouth, there is no way it could fit. Her two hands began to pump harder as her mouth opened more to let more of the head in. Her mouth was as far wide open as it could go, and still she pushed and pushed trying to get more in. Suddenly the flare popped in her mouth and she pushed down hard, pushing to hard horse cock deep into her mouth. Only a few inches made it in but she continued to pump the hard member, trying to milk every little bit out of the horses nuts.

I managed to look away from this amazing sight long enough to have notcied the other 2 girls had disappeared. I looked around me only a little to find them entering to the barn as well. My heart jumped, could this be what this whole week is about? Why they didnt want me telling anyone what we are doing and why this house is so far away from everything and everyone?

I only pondered this for so long before looking back at the brunette stuffing her mouth with horse cock. More precum was hitting my foot, but I was to preoccupied with Whitney to really notice or care. Whitney’s hands kept pumping the cock in her mouth, she clearly had about 7 or 8 inches of the phallus in her mouth, majority of it being the horses cock head. The horse winnied again and started to thrust its hips, but was caught on the saddle and bench where it was clipped together. It made sense why they needed my help in this matter too.

Whitney was humming slightly on the horses cock, clearly trying to get it to cum in her mouth. Her hands moved faster, her hums got louder and my erection got harder. I saw the horses cock begin to throb and I knew it was a matter of seconds before it blasted the tiny brunette. Within moments the horses nuts throbbed and the shaft swelled. I could see the sperm shoot from the base up the shaft and into the tiny females ready mouth. Surge after surge erupted into her mouth, and not missing a beat Whitney’s hands kept on pumping the horses cock. I looked at Whitney and saw that she had taken even more of the horses cock into her mouth as it was cumming into her; it was now easy in her throat and she had no intention of stopping now. SHe pumped and pushed as the cock throbbed and released directly into her belly, she didnt even need to swallow as the cock was so deep it just pushed all the spunk right down her gullet. Moving her head back and forth she started to give the horse a full blowjob, gobbling up as much of the cock as she could before having it slid back to her lips and then back down again. A good 12 to 14 inches (almost half) of the horses dick disappeared inside Whitney’s mouth. Her breasts bounced up and down a little as she moved on the dick.

As she slowed her pace and stopped swallowing more dick, a second pair of hands appeared on the horses dick. I looked up to see Monica looking lovingly at her friend and started to stroke the horses cock, milking the rest of the cum out of it and into her friends waiting mouth. Whitney’s lips were wrapped tight around the horses flare, whether she could or could not pull it free is anyones guess, but I could see Whitney’s throat move as she gulped down the last bits from her horse lover.

As the lust died down in the scene in front of me, I finally got my whits about me and looked at Monica. Her face was flush and she was panting very hard, at first glance you would think she was so turned on by her friend and horse lover, but it wasn’t until I peared downward did I realize why she was so bothered. Monica was bent over at the waist grabbing the horse cock in her soft hands, her tits were hanging out over her corset top, and at the gap between her thigh highs where her privates open to the air was a large great dane licking her soaking wet pussy. Moans of pleasure escaped her mouth every time she pumped a little more cum out of the horses cock into Whitney. Each pump was accompanied by a long deep lick from the great dane.

“Oh Bruno!” moaned the skinny blonde, as the dogs tongue hit her sweet spot again and again. I looked down at the dog and this time looked to his crotch region to see what he was sporting, because obvioulsy I knew where this was going. But instead of finding a large canine phallus, I found Kayla laying on her back on the ground, right hand wrapped around Bruno’s cock pumping it into her mouth while her left hand fingered her wet hot spread eagle.

My cock throbbed and more precum dribbled out when the entire scope came into view. Kayla was blowing a large Great dane while it ate out Monica who was pumping horse cum into Whitney’s flared mouth. All of them in leather chaps or thigh highs and corsets.

“Bah!” exclaimed Whitney as the horses cock popped from her mouth, followed by heavy panting. Clearly the brunette was lacking air for quite a while there. Not one drop of cum hit the ground and only a small dollop was left on her cheek, she had swallowed every little bit, and she eagerly wanted more. “Untie Sparky, would you dear?” said Whitney. “I need to find some more spunk to eat, it was a long trip and I am hungry.”

I did what I was told and undid the stallion from the clips and let him go free in the yard. Whitney stood up slowly, feeling sloshy but still nubile, she gathered herself and skipped back to the barn. I looked down at my feet again to see Kayla still blowing Bruno, his knot forming in front of her hand. Easily the size of a grapefruit, all I could think of is what kind of damage that thing could do to one of these tiny female humans. More precum dripped from cock, I reached down to feel I was as hard as ever.

I stepped forward and looked at Monica, who was still bent over at the waist; clearly oblivious to the world. I looked at her tits and noticed how pert and firm they were and how hard her nipples were; she was clearly in heat from what this dog was putting her through. Without even thinking I leaned over and kissed Monica right on her lips, her tongue darted into my mouth and soon we were making out while a dog ate her out. Her hand found my balls and gave them a little squeeze before breaking our kiss. I panted for a second and stood up to realize that Whitney had returned with a large bottle of some sort of pills. She looked at me and said “Give 2 of these to sparky would you? I need more of his delicious spunk,” and handed me the jar. It was viagara, huge pills of viagara. I was tempted right then and there to take one myself, but I was going to do what I was told first.

I found Sparky grazing off to the side of the fence where the grass was taller and called him over. He was more than joyous to do so and eagerly at the 2 pills i gave him. He walked away as I made my way back to the girls. Monica had moved over to the edge of the deck and lay down her back spreading her legs for Bruno. Kayla was still on the ground back where she was blowing Bruno originally but was now making out with Whitney, sharing the dog cum with the horse lover.


Chapter Four – What’s up with Bruno?

Grabbing the pill bottle from Whitney, i hurried over to Sparky and quickly gave him 2 pills from the jar. He eagerly consumed them. He obviously knew what they were for. I looked over to the three ladies and saw that Whitney was putting some padding down onto the bench where she was blowing a horse moments earlier. The other 2 hadn’t changed positions at all. Monica was bent over resting her hands on her knees, her tits still dangling above her corset. Kayla was doing her best to get as much of Bruno’s cock down her throat, occasionally succeeding with touching her nose to his knot.

“Mmmff… mmmff,” Kayla hummed; clearly Bruno was unloading a good amount into his tiny blonde receptacle. Finally she came up for air, wiping her chin of the excess cum she couldn’t swallow. Kayla rolled over and got to her knees, finally releasing the dog’s cock from her hands, she began to stand and took a deep breath, full of satisfaction. Looking at her canine lover, then over to me and giving me a nice white smile, she began to walk over to me; leaving Bruno licking Monica while she moaned in bliss. “Help me surprise her will you?” she whispered to me, gesturing to the other blonde.

I was still holding on to the pill bottle when it finally hit me. We were going to get Monica fucked…. by a dog. Kayla grabbed to wrist cuffs and told me to go to the shed to find something to hold her in place.

I do as I was told, dropping the pills right where I was standing before running to the shed to find something that would work. Right there on the ground were my answers, 2 20 pound cinder blocks with hooks permanently placed. I grab each block bringing them out to Kayla who was waiting to pounce on her unsuspecting friend. When I approached, Kayla whispered to me “You go drop those on either side of her, a little less than arms length apart, I will walk up and surprise her and get these on her wrists.” I nodded and we moved towards the nubile blonde.

Moan after moan escaped Monica’s mouth, her eyes looked like they were in the back of her head, it was obvious I didn’t have to be that quiet, for she would never see me coming. I dropped the first block to her right side about 2 feet from her shoulder, at the same moment Kayla wrapped the first wrist cuff around Monica’s left hand. This surprised Monica enough to look to her left and catch Kayla in the act. I used this as my opportunity to move in front of her to her other side and dropped the second block, leaving them about 4 feet apart. This too startled Monica who looked over at the 2 blocks then up at me with a sinister smirk. She knew what was about to happen and before she could let it happen she used her one free hand to grab my balls and give them a squeeze, bringing me right in front of her face. Bending my straight down dick to her lips she gave me a quick little lick and kiss on my cock head then looked up at me straight in the eyes and gave me a little wink before letting go. Licking her lips of the precum that coated her mouth, she allowed Kayla to strap her hands to the blocks and assume her new pose.

Her arms were spread so far apart that her face had to rest on the ground with her butt way up in the air where Bruno had not stopped once. His lick attack was wrecking havoc on her little body, her legs were shaking from an intense orgasm, maybe her first, maybe not. She fell to her knees, making Bruno have to work a little harder for his reward of her sweet honey because of how tall he was, especially on all fours.

Kayla stood next to Monica and moved her glistening pussy next to Monica’s, enticing Bruno to lick hers instead. That did the trick and she was able to get a few good licks in before moving Bruno away from his first girl of the week. “Ah… haa…. ahhh lube her…. ahhh… up…” stammered the blonde, gesturing to the girl on the ground.

I quickly ran into the shed and grabbed the first bottle I could find, and ran back to the compromised female. The whole while my dick was smashing into my balls, keeping some attention on me, and thus keeping me hard, though it wouldn’t be difficult at the moment. Pouring the bottle of lube onto the exposed rear end of my friend, I hit the mark and got lube on both of her dripping wet orifices. Dropping the bottle next to the viagra pills on the ground, I used two of my fingers to rub the lube around my friends exposed privates. Starting with her crack above her tight little asshole, I moved downward over her shaved hole towards her shining puffy pussy lips. She quivered with each inch I made down her backside. My fingers made a slight guest appearance in her soaked twat that elicited a loud gahsp from Monica. Before pulling them out, my fingers darted around inside her, pumping her with a few inches, then setting them free. The lube was doing its trick, she was panting from pleasure and needed cock now; however, I wasnt done playing either. As I pulled my fingers from her shaven twat, I moved them back up her crack to her tight pucker and, using my well lubed middle finger, I plunged it deep into her ass. She screamed a giddy noise of pleasure and lust that alerted me to how truly she needed cock inside her.

I pumped my finger in her ass a few more times as Kayla lured Bruno over with her pussy. Curling my finger I grabbed Monica from the inside of her ass and lifted her to her feet, before pulling my finger free. Her legs were together with her knees bent and Kayla was only a foot away, backing up towards the tied blonde. Breaking the tongue away from her throbbing pussy, Kayla spread her legs and straddled her friend, basically sitting on her butt. The 2 blondes were butt to butt, both with their pussies exposed to the great dane. Reaching between her legs, Kayla rubbed her fingers inside Monica’s pussy and pulled her fingers towards the lumbering beast. Forcing the fingers in his nose, Bruno got a good long sniff of the woman he was to mount before licking them clean. Kayla retracted the fingers and fingered herself with the dog saliva as her own lube.

Bruno moved his head towards Monica’s twat and gave it a good sniff, followed with a couple of licks that clearly hit everywhere there was lube. Kayla backed off of Monica’s back little by little, enticing Bruno forward, clearly he was still hungry. Lick after lick brought the dog further over the blonde on the ground until he had to lift his front paws up onto her back and thus started the first mounting session. Guiding him further and further forward, Kayla had her muff stuffed into the dog’s mouth, slowly bringing the cock towards her friend.

I looked down under Bruno and saw that his dick had retracted back into his body, this was going to make it a lot easier to knot his new lover. Bruno walked forward until his back haunches could move no further and he bumped into the naked blonde under him. Whether he knew she was there or not was anybodies guess, but his cock sniffed a hole that needed to be stuffed and without any delay his little red rocket had poked out and was trying to find its target.

“AHH!.. AH!..” escaped Monica as the tip of Bruno’s cock poked her backside. “Oooooh…!” He found his mark and with no hesitation he stopped licking, wrapped his paws around Monica’s slim hips and pounded his cock deep into her waiting pussy. The furious thrusts forced all of Bruno’s meat into the tiny blonde. She was skinny enough that you could see her tummy stretching around the cock that was so violently invading her. Her face was buried in the dirt as she screamed in pleasure and pain from the large phallus. Her breasts mashed to the ground, her hands held in place, her legs were close enough together that it was making it difficult for Bruno to get the now forming knot into his new bitch. With a quick lift of his mate at her waist, Monica’s feet left the ground, spreading her legs and allowing the now baseball sized knot to be forced in.

He pounded her harder than before, sliding the knot and a good 6 inches of cock meat out of Monica with each thrust, slamming it back home each time. Monica’s moans had stopped and I had wondered if she had passed out from the brutal fucking, but after a few moments she turned her head to the side, revealing a dirty face with a bright white smile. She was in heaven.

Bruno finally began to slow his thrusts, clearly the knot had gotten too big to allow it to escape from Monica anymore. His grip on her hips released and she fell from his grasp. Her legs were bent and swayed back and forth, she was tied to him completely and he was holding her up. The large dog stood over his conquest with all fours as she dangled from his monster member. Monica panted in pleasure, her stomach protruded around the large cock stuck inside her. Bruno was unleashing torrents of cum inside her, and with a knot as large as his and a pussy as tight as hers, not much was escaping.

“Help turn him around,” commanded Kayla, “they need to be butt to butt so I can play too.”

Nodding, I moved to Bruno who just looked up at me, slightly bucking his hips. He stepped over to one side of Monica, shaking her with each movement. Moans escaped the little female as I guided Bruno around, his cock was twisting inside the tight body. As he moved he also pulled slightly on the bound girl and made pleasure noises erupt from her, her moans turned to screams and back to moans all in one noise. As he moved away from her, she was able to use her legs again and hold herself up while she was filled with cum. “Thats good,” said Kayla, pushing me away and turning her ass to Bruno before bending over in front of him, exposing her wet honey again to him. Kneeling in front of him, she guided his face to her crotch and got another great licking, this time resting her hands on her knees. He was eating her out while cumming gallons into his bitch. Both girls were in ecstasy again.

“Tie off Sparky,” exclaimed Whitney, surprising me as she walked up behind me. Turning around I found the brunette leading the horse behind her. Handing me the reins, she grabbed my cock and stroked it up and down a little over the sheath with the weights attached, collecting a little of my precum on her finger before licking it clean. “I’m going to handle the cleanup here.”

Doing as I was told I took hold of Sparky’s reins and led him over to the bench where Whitney had set up the new cushions. Not once looking away from the action involving the dog, i trip over the pill bottle and lube, causing the weights to bounce and pull on my rigid cock. As I walked to the bench, Whitney was bending over at the waist (giving me a great show) and using her hand to play with the tied blondes engorged clit. Moans escaped the dirt covered face of my blonde friend.

It didn’t take long for Monica to have yet another orgasm; one of many I’m sure. The lube was making Whitney’s actions even more arousing and clearly this was done by design. The brunette kneeled to the ground before turning onto her back and laying beneath the dog and blonde’s legs. Lifting her head she gave Monica’s clit a few licks, engulfing any drip of cum that might have leaked by the enormous knot. Spreading her legs and bending her knees, Whitney was exposing herself to me, I couldn’t focus on tying off the horse, but did my best to make sure he didn’t get away.

Almost sprinting back to the action so I could watch Monica’s stomach slowly inflate as Bruno’s cum gushed into her womb, I had forgotten all about the weights on my dick. Making me trip yet again, only this time falling face first into the dirt, lube and pills on the ground. As luck would have it, one of the horse viagra made it into my mouth and I swallowed it without even thinking. Stunned for a moment, I gathered myself and realized what I had done. Looking up from the ground to the girls all playing with their doggy lover, my cock throbbed. How badly did I want to part of what was going on! Realizing I took one of Sparky’s pills, I looked back to the horse and saw to my chagrin that the pills worked wonderfully. His horse cock looked bigger than before! Veins protruded from all sides of the phallus. His flare was stiff as the rest of his rock hard member. But then I looked up towards the rest of the horse and realized that my quick tie job failed, miserably. Sparky was walking this way slowly, clearly wanting more action. I watched in slow motion, not able to react as Sparky walked over to Kayla.

Still bent at the waist and oblivious to the world as the dogs tongue worked its magic in and on her, Kayla didn’t see the large stallion move in front of her, placing his large cock right in front of her face. “Uhhh hhu huhuhhh…,” shuttered Kayla, hitting her next orgasm. Air escaped her lungs, completely out of her control. Bruno was burrying his tongue deep inside Kayla’s tiny twat. Her hands kept slipping off her knees as she was having issues holding herself up. Her legs trembled, her knees wained, her eyes fluttered and her moans almost harmonized with Monica’s. Finally, she takes a deep breath and opened her eyes. Almost popping out of her head, her eyes went wide and her face flushed with lust and excitement. Sparky’s cock was right at face level with her, inches from her mouth, waiting to be used and abused.

“Gulp,” muttered Kayla, reaching her hand to the rigid prick. Touching it with open hand and slowly wrapping her fingers around, Kayla slowly stroked the horses member. Feeling how impossibly hard and hot it was between her fingers. She pulled the cock towards her, but with it being so hard and horizontal to her, the head wouldn’t make it close to her waiting mouth. She pumped harder out of frustration and lust trying to get any of the cock in her mouth, but to no avail.

Getting up off the ground I knew that I was needed, and quickly moved the horse so that his prick was staring down the horny blonde. Sparky lifted one of his front legs over Kayla’s back and straddled the dogs head that was still lapping at her cunt. The ground glistened between Kayla’s legs and under Bruno’s mouth from all of the girl cum. Sparky stepped forward a little, bringing his meat to Kayla’s waiting mouth. Opening her mouth as much as she could she tongued Sparky’s eurethra hole. Wrapping both hands around the phallus, she remained bent at the waist, dangling her breasts over her corset, pulling the horse cock to her mouth. Slowly but surely she was able to get the flare past her lips and got the head in her mouth where she fervently sucked and pumped the horses cock.

Sparky was loving it and winnied a little as the pleasure continued. It felt so good in fact that Sparky humped a little, shoving his cock deeper into Kayla’s mouth, pushing the flare past her teeth and to the back of her throat. Kayla’s eyes bulged at the shocking intrusion. The force not only pushed the cock deeper into her mouth but also pushed her pussy into Bruno’s mouth. His tongue was hitting deeper than ever and Kayla’s surprise quickly turned to more pleasure. Bobbing her head up and down on the rigid dick, and using her hands to pump, Kayla was quickly rewarded with her first load of horse cum. Swallowing fervently, the little blonde picked up the pace and stroked her bestial lover faster than ever, milking ever last drop out of him. Her stomach was slowly bulging as the torrent of spunk rushed down her throat and into her tummy. All the while Bruno was giving her yet another harrowing orgasm, enough pleasure to make her weak knees finally give out.

Collapsing to the dirt below her, Bruno’s muzzle was free from the tight blonde hole, and so was Sparky’s long but now slightly softer cock. Squirming on the ground, Kayla panted for oxygen, her legs were quivering and her stomach was slightly softer. Her abs were less pronounced than before, clearly she was hungry. Sparky leaned over to bite a patch of grass that was growing near the action, while still straddling the blonde and dog. However, Bruno was now standing at attention with nothing more to do than enjoy the ball play he was receiving from Whitney as he continued to dump his seed into Monica.

Whitney was grabbing the canine’s balls with one hand while holding herself up with the other, her legs were still bent as she laid beneath the dog and blonde’s tie. This was my opportunity to get a little play myself, with all 3 girls occupied. I approached the brunette on the ground, going to my knees and crawling, eyeing her sopping pussy. Slowly inching forward, my face moves lower to the ground; all the while she is none the wiser to me even being there. Her pussy is inches from my face, she glistens, moving only slightly as she switches from sucking on Bruno’s nuts to sucking on Monica’s clit. I dive my face into her wet slit and immediately stuff my tongue inside. She gasps, losing her grip on the dog cock and looks down to see me eating her out. I look up to her smiling face and see her look of approval, she goes back to sucking on the canine flesh she can find as the majority hides inside the tiny blondes twat.

Monica’s legs were bent and dangling beneath her canine master’s haunches, her moans were perpetual and her orgasms never seemed to get any lighter. The amount of cum pouring inside her must have been torrential. Each gush of cum released inside her was noted by a throb coming from the dogs knot, which was showing as a large round mound just above Monicas pussy, but below her belly button. Her stomach sagged slightly as sperm invaded her, searching for her eggs to fertilize.

“Ah!” screamed Monica. Bruno had pulled on the tie, trying to get free from the little blonde. The massive dong must have been reaching far into her insides, but the knot was the entire party. Each tug brought them closer to completion and closer to Whitney getting her reward as well.

“Ooooh…. YES!” moaned Monica, as Whitney latched her mouth around Monica’s engorged clit, sucking hard. “Yes… Yes… Yes!” in a breathy voice she gasped.

Cum started to dribble out of Monica, covering Whitney’s face; giving her little tastes of what was to come. Each tug let little more escape, slowly increasing each time; Bruno’s knot was going down, quickly. Tug after tug made Monica moan and moan, her breasts heaved with each breath she took, her body clenched each time Bruno shot more into her. She was on the edge of the strongest orgasm yet when finally the knot breached and stretched her pussy open wider than any time before in her life. The knot was half way out and cum began squirting out of her with force. Whitney had let go of her clit and was now focused on catching as much cum in her mouth as she could. The cum was running down the blonde’s legs and catching on her skin and running up her belly to the fabric of her corset. The knot was slowly pulling out, little by little, all while still gushing more sperm inside of her waiting womb. The blonde’s moans were only slightly muffled by the ground below her.

Hearing her moan in ecstasy was causing my cock to leak more and more precum, though it also helped I had a juicy pussy in my mouth as well. Whitney was not missing a beat, she gyrated her hips slightly, rubbing her muff all over my mouth and tongue, getting the full pleasure from me. My erection was extremely uncomfortable, the sleeve around it was holding me back it felt like, but I had no room for error if I was to get my way with these ladies.

The knot was almost completely when Bruno gave a sudden and hard tug. The grapefruit that was lodged inside Monica’s tiny tway, was now set loose; followed by the large foot long phallus. Cum burst from the abuse pussy and covered Whitney’s face and tits. Her mouth was wide open trying to catch as much as she possibly could. With her free hand, Whitney was able to grab Bruno’s cock before he got away and sucked his bright red prick, trying to empty his sack as much as possible. Some of the cum covering Whitney ran down over her corset and between her legs, where I was eagerly eating her pussy and watching the bestial act unfold before me. Without me paying much attention a little of Bruno’s cum mixed with Whitney’s and I was devouring it…. oh well.

The knot shot out of Monica and launched her forward, causing her to collapse straight onto her face and chest. Her breasts squished to the ground under her tiny frame and she just laid there, panting in satisfaction. Her legs were slightly spread showing me just how abused her pussy was. Her hole was gaping, cum was running out of it like a low setting hose. Her labia was bright red and her clit was clearly visible because it was so engorged. Cum was running out of her faster than one could predict, illustrating how much the dog unloaded into her. Her face was a mess of mud, her pussy was a mess of love juices.