(c) 2013 by azman69

Chapter One

It was the third day of Mayah’s vacation in Puerto Rico. Weather had been gorgeous so far. She had gotten up and put on her bikini, with a t-shirt over it. She went about getting everything ready to leave, then checked to see if her friends were ready to go.

None of her friends were answering their doors, but a few audible moans let her know their drinking last night was helping them sleep. She decided to go walk along the creek and enjoy the serenity of the secluded creek. She said bye to the door man at the hotel and walked to the creek.

A man watched her from up the hill. She looked like she had money and she was alone. He radioed to another man letting him know. The radio quickly responded, letting the man know to proceed with their plan. He changed channels on the radio and sent a coded message to another man.

Mayah was unaware of anything going on, she was entranced by the beauty and the abundant vegetation around her. She was completely oblivious to what was happening. She was walking into a trap, as three men allowed her to walk to a dense area of foliage, where they could take her.

Diamond woke up. She slipped on her swimsuit and cleaned herself up. She went over to Mayah’s room and knocked on it. No response, knocked again, then noticed the corner of a note sticking out from her door jam. She used her fingernails and got the note. Opening it, she saw Mayah’s message stating she was going out to see the area and would be back soon. Diamond freaked, what in the world did she do. Did she not remember the posters up warning about possible problems with kidnappers looking for ransom. Diamond immediately got the other two girls up and they set about to find her.

The man on the hill watched closely, as Mayah walked further into their trap. The three men held still waiting. The first man saw her, watching as she slowly moved along, stopping here and there to smell the flowers. The men held still, waiting for the correct point, knowing the sound of the small waterfall would help to draw her in to the trap. The man on the hill was busy watching her, he failed to note the three girls leave the hotel, and a man that was watching them.

The girls made it to the front of the hotel and asked the doorman if he had seen where their friend had gone. He said she went up the trail next to the creek. They walked quickly up the trail. Moving along, seeing marks from here shoes that she had just made. They proceeded quickly along the trail, hoping to catch up fast.

Mayah was walking towards the falls, figuring it would be a good place to turn around. She looked ahead hoping to see a glimpse of the falls. Something crashed behind her! She spun to see what it was as the man jumped at her. Her turning caused him to miss slightly, but still knocked her to the ground. The other two jumped at her. They struggled with her as she kicked and scratched at them. She let out a loud scream. A piece of tape found her mouth quickly.

Diamond and the other two froze. They heard the scream! They took off up to help Mayah. The man watching them stayed hidden and at a safe distance. The girls moved quickly up the trail, hoping to find her in a moment.

The man on the hill sent a message to his boss, reporting that they had her. He looked down the trail calmly, making sure all was clear. He immediately sent the warning signal to his men, when he saw the other three girls running up the trail.

Mayah found her arms tied behind her and the tape secured over her mouth. She was crying. Then two of the men went back into the foliage. The other man pulled a knife and stood behind her. Mayah was scared that they were going to kill her. She felt the knife against her throat. Tears fell from her eye in a rivers.

The friends flew into the area where Mayah was attacked. But they froze. Mayah was standing there. A man was behind her, with a knife to her throat. A large piece of tape over her mouth and she was crying. Mayah was covered in dirt and debris.

The man spoke, “Sisters, do as I say, and your friend here will survive!” He wiggled the knife at her throat. The girls stood still and slowly nodded. “Good! Now stand still and we are going to prepare you for our trip sisters, or, you can watch this pretty friend of yours die!” He held the knife suddenly like he was going to slit her throat.

The girls pleaded for him not to kill her. “SILENCE! Put your hands behind your backs. NOW!” The girls jumped. Their hands moved behind them. They heard the two men come out of the bushes. They quickly secured them and took them to a van hidden from the road.

The man on the hill watched. Sent them the signal to rendezvous at the secure location. He signaled his boss about the good news. He panned the area again, but never saw the other man.

The girls were kept in line and lead to a ratty van under some trees. The back of the van was opened and they were pushed in roughly. The inside was made with bars on the floor and a wall to keep them from seeing the driver. Two men got in with them. They pulled out cuffs and attached the girls hands to the bars. The girls were all crying.

The man on the hill slowly moved off his perch on the hill and he then made his way unnoticed back into town. He got on a small motorcycle and sped away.

The man that had been following the girls saw the van and took pictures of it. He got a good one, in that he could make out the license plate. He held still when the van came to life, then took off.


Chapter Two

The girls’ hearts sank, hearing the van start and pulling away. Their minds were refocused quickly on the pain as they bounced from the movement of the van, causing the cuffs to bite into their wrist. The men in the back with them just grinned and leered at them. The girls all looked at each other not sure what to do, or what was about to happen.

The man slowly emerged from his cover and scurried up the hill. He got a good look at the van from there. From his vantage point he was seeing the van stop, the driver putting a sign on the passenger door, and probably one on the driver’s door. The man watched the driver get back in and drive to an area of rundown warehouses. After a bit, he carefully walked in that direction.

Mayah just started to cry. What had she done? And now her friends were in danger. Without warning a smack landed across her face, almost knocking her over. The man near her positioned himself closer to her. “Listen here sista, shut up. None of us wants to hear your damn crying. Now shut up or I will hit you again!” Mayah stifled her crying. The man looked at her breasts and was smiling. She looked down and saw that in all the commotion her right breast had come out of her bikini. She tried to get her hands up enough but couldn’t. Finally leaning down to almost on the van floor and she pulled the bikini back in place.

The driver slowed, finally turning up an old street leading to a warehouse. He backed the van up to a large roll-up door. He got out of the van, went inside and opened the roll-up door. Once there was enough space he stopped hopped back in the van and backed it in. He shut off the van and got out again, going over to the large door and closing it.

The back of the van suddenly opened. The girls jumped a bit. The man reached over and unlocked Angela’s cuffs. The other two men got out and took her into a part of the warehouse that had several large crates in it, laid out on their sides. In each one was a bench and a large hook on the floor. In front of each crate looked to be the top that had been removed. The men lead Angela into the first crate. Told her to sit, and then placed a shackle on her right ankle.

Terry was next, taking her and putting her into the crate next to Angela. The captors did that with each one. The men then all looked at what they had before them. They all grinned. The driver finally spoke. “Listen here Sistas, you do as we say and you will be fine. You give us the information we need, so we can release you, and all this will be over quickly. Do you all understand me?” The girls could only see him, but they pretty much all nodded their heads together.

A door to the warehouse opened and closed. The men moved around and sat down. The man brought some large bags with him. He stopped and talked to the driver for a moment. The driver called one of the other men over and they left. The new guy walked over and pulled out several smaller bags. He placed four on a small table, then pulled out what looked to be beers and placed next to them.

The other two returned carrying several large containers of liquid. Then they saw a large German shepherd coming along with them. The men all sat there eating their sandwiches in front of them and made an obvious toast towards the girls. The men ate their food, then one put down a water dish and food bowl for the dog. He ate some of the food and then went over and smelled each of the girls.

Mayah froze as he sniffed her. She was afraid he would kill her if she did something wrong. The dog visited each of the girls, each of them too afraid to move. He finished checking out these new people and then laid down there by the men. The captors finally finished their meals and then cleaned up their mess. The new guy walked up to each of the girls with a stern look, giving them a once over, and then pulling off the tape from each of their mouths.

The men talked a bit and then two left. The other two returned to where the girls where and gave them each a bag of food. Then he returned, placed a bottle of water next to the food and cut the rope holding the girls hands behind them. The girls all rubbed their wrists and looked at the two men that where still there with them.

“Eat damn you!” The new man finally said his accent much less than the other men’s. The girls quickly followed his orders and ate a sandwich of bread and peanut butter, and drank their water. Then men watched them eat. After the ladies were done, the other man gathered their stuff and refilled their water bottles from a large container. He put their trash in a large bag. Next he grabbed four clip boards with paper on them. He handed one to each girl and then a crayon.

The guy that was definitely in charge spoke, “I need you all to put your parents’ names on the paper and their phone numbers with their addresses.” The girls quickly wrote out the information. The younger man came back and gathered up everything. The guy that must be in charge took all the papers and the younger man talked to him for a second. The man nodded his head.

The man in charge walked to an area that looked like the office area of the building. The girls saw him go in that area. The younger man walked back rubbing his dick through his pants. “Which of you lucky sistas is going to take care of my needs?”

The girls all froze. Looking at him, they did not blink. Mayah felt her life leave, she was the reason they were here. She spoke, “Take me. Please just leave them alone.” The other girls all started to protest. Then the man screamed at them to shut up.

Up on another hill, a man pulled out his binoculars and searched an area where there were a lot of old rundown buildings. He looked for the van. After about ten minutes he saw what might be the van leaving the area. He moved farther along the hill, back towards where the more secluded buildings were. He waited and watched, hoping that he would see the van come back soon.

The young man walked over to Mayah. “Dream on sista, we will all party with you later.” Mayah lost her breath. What in the world were they going to do? The man walked over to Angela. Mayah could hear her plead and beg, then a loud smack. Mayah was crying along with the other girls. The man led Angela off to the office area and took her in side.

The girls sat there dead silent. They could hear their friend scream then go quiet again. They all cried, but did not make a sound. After quite sometime, the young man brought Angela back to her box. She had marks all over her and her makeup was all smeared up. She walked slowly. Mayah noticed the mess from the men on her pussy and what looked to be bite marks on her breasts. She was completely naked now, not even shoes. The man secured her in the box and left towards the office.

The other girls could hear Angela cry. They tried to make her feel better, but their words went unanswered. The women all eventually sat there in the quietness, waiting for what was to happen next.


Chapter Three

Angela finally stopped crying and fell asleep. The other girls sat there quietly. The younger man having returned, sat there and watched them. Not much transpired for a while, they just waited in their hell to see what was their next punishment for being alive.

The fierce German Shepherd seemed more content to relax and lay on the cement. He finally got up and started looking for attention. The dog slowly made his way over and then laid next to Mayah. She nervously started to pet him. He made no move of aggression towards her and in fact he seemed to enjoy her attention.

The older gentleman suddenly came out of the office area and walked towards them. He was carrying another bag again. He handed it to the young man and talked to him for a while. Mayah tried to understand what was being said, but their accents and hushed tones left her with no idea what was being said. The young one grabbed his crotch again and gestured towards the girls.

They finally stopped and the older one walked back to the office. The young one brought another peanut butter sandwich to each of the girls and told them to eat. The girls all knew what was about to happen again. They ate vacantly, not noticing what the sandwich was made of nor even caring. Their eyes transfixed to the the man as he ate his food. Tears slowly crept out of their eyes, falling down their cheeks. Mayah was hurting bad from predicament she put them all in, she saw how badly treated Angela was.

The man finally finished his food and then gathered up his trash and disposed of it. He walked back towards the girls with a grin on his face. He looked at Angela, then at the other girls, on down to Mayah. Her eyes became ice to him. He liked her spirit and he decided that she would do this time. “Congrats sista, you get to play with me!” Mayah shrunk back and seeing the dog not stopping him, she erupted. “Fuck you, you piece of shit! Leave us alone you creepy bastard!” He laughed at her. “Oh I see. First you beg for it, you slut. And since I choose your friend first, you are mad. Don’t worry Baby, I will fuck you real good! The only reason your girlfriend was upset was because I would not continue fucking her.”

“Fuck you! You and your friends! I would not shit on you! It would be a disgrace to my shit. You BASTARD!” Mayah was desperate, her mind was grasping for anything and trying to delay what she knew was inevitable. Finally screaming at him as he took another step forward, “I would rather let that dog fuck me than let your filth touch me!” The man stopped. He looked at her, then at the other girls. He scratched his stubbly face and walked back to the office.

Mayah was relieved, but confused. She tried to remember what was said. But the stress of the situation left her mind blank. She searched her mind. Did she say something that scared him? She was getting very nervous now. Suddenly the office door reopened. Out came both of the men this time. Mayah felt her world was about to end. They walked straight for her. The older man came up to her and began to speak. “Because I am such a nice guy, and I, ummm, we want to make sure that your stay with us has fun for you also, so we will honor your needs!” The man had a large grin on his face.

The younger one giggled a bit and walked towards her. Mayah had no clue what was going on. The young man pulled out a knife and told Mayah to strip. Numbly she removed her swimsuit. She stood there naked, she was not sure what was going to happen. He then told her “Remove your shoes too and toss everything to me.” Slowly she bent over, slipped off her shoes, picked up her swimsuit and shoes, then tossed them at the man’s feet. He knelt down, picked up her things and took them into the office. The young man finally came out of the office and proceeded to a stack of pallets that were sitting on a jack. Pulling the jack, he moved the stack of pallets over in front of the girls. He removed the jack and set it aside.

The other man walked over to Mayah and cautiously removed the shackle from her ankle. While he was doing that the younger man took off a few palettes making the stack now only about knee high. The other man grabbed Mayah’s hand, twisting it hard and forcibly moving her out of the crate. He walked her over in front of the short stack of palettes and ordered her to kneel.

Mayah knew that both men were going to have her right in front of her friends. She was not sure what to do but to follow their instructions. She resigned herself back into the depths of her mind, trying to protect herself from what they were about to do to her. She more felt the man tell her to kneel then actually having heard him, her body seemed to have fallen into a trans-like state.

The men never realized that she was no longer with them, her body still being there and doing as they wished, but her mind had left taking her to a safe place. The men commanded her to move forward and lay her body on the palettes. The men quickly took out some small pieces of rope and tied her wrists and elbows to the palette. Next they took her knees and spread her legs wide apart, tying her knees to the sides of the palettes. Mayah’s mind focused on taking her back to the beach where she worked on her suntan with the sound of the waves crashing on the shore as she took sips from her Mai Tai.

The younger man went and sat on a chair watching Mayah bound to the palettes. The other man moved over to the dog, grabbed his collar and brought him over behind Mayah. The three girls looked on in disbelief trying to understand what these men had planned to do with their friend.

Angela could not watch what was taking place in front of her and the others, choosing to look down at her feet instead. Terry and Diamond found themselves unable to look away, caught like a person about to see a horrible accident, their bodies refusing to avoid the carnage.

The man with the dog suddenly spoke in a very sarcastic way “In an effort to make sure that your time spent here has some pleasure to it, we are allowing this lovely lady to let this dog fuck her.” The sun suddenly faded. The sound of the waves vanished, transforming into a man’s voice. Her mind slamming her back into the warehouse. Mayah’s mind replayed those last words to her again. Her mind trying to understand what it was that he had said. Her mind became engulfed by those words, completely missing what was transpiring around her.

Mayah failed to hear the man’s next command which left both Diamond and Terry’s mouths agape. The dog seeing the woman prone in front of him and smelling her scent was making him more interested and excited. Upon receiving the command to lick, he lunged forward, jerking on the hold the man had on him. The man released his grip on the large dogs collar and the dog leaped between her legs sniffing wildly at her feminine odor. He took a tentative lick and found a taste he most enjoyed.

Mayah’s mind had been feverishly working on those few words and was interrupted by a strange feeling between her legs. She gasped, unsure of what was happening around and to her. Suddenly she felt it again, not realizing that the dog was taking a longer second lick. Her eyes sprung open as she tried to look back and grasp what was happening to her. Before her a vision appeared that caused her to remember exactly what she had said to the young man.

The dog started to lick her quickly tasting her and feeling a more intense urge to lick her more, with longer licks, focusing more attention on her pussy. Mayah could only look back, her voice having left her, while the dog proceeded to lick her more and more urgently.


Chapter Four

Mayah looked back, seeing the dog licking her, starting to feel embarrassed as she felt herself start to get hot. Her breathing was increasing. She had to control herself. It would be one thing for her to have this happen in front of her friends, but the low lives that were watching and making this happen would use this against them. She suddenly felt something that caused her to moan. The dog had stuck his tongue, deep inside her. He licked intently at her tasty juices that she was now starting to produce. The dog was not gentle at all. The girls watched and were amazed at what was happening, and the way it was happening. The men just sat there and watch the show in front their eyes.

The dog eagerly stuck his tongue deeper inside to get at her wonderful juices. Silence had fallen across the building as everyone’s eyes watched what was happening to Mayah. She could no longer control any part of her breaths. Her breathing had gone on autopilot, and it began to increase quickly. She looked down, embarrassed, and frustrated that she had lost control, but was getting the feeling of such guilty pleasures. She closed her eyes, as the dog continued to assault her to get her juices deep with in. The younger man moved closer to see what the dog was doing, but when he touched her back, the dog looked up at him and let out what could only be said as a death growl. The young man went white.

The older gentleman raised up, and shouted a command that was meant for the dog. The dog never noticed it. The dog slowly moved around Mayah’s leg, and advanced on the younger man. The man slowly backed up, seeing that the dog he loved to hit and kick, was stalking him now. Full teeth bared at the man in front of the dog. The growl coming from the dog, could be felt by everyone as it rattled their chest. The man was now as white as a ghost. He turned to run, dashing around some of the boxes and trying to get to a closer office to them. The dog lunged head long for the boxes, leaping and landing on top, then silently disappearing from site, as a large and disturbing commotion began.

The noise from the dog, and the scream from the man, as they converged, and then only silence. The older man had tried to run to the others aid, but had fallen. He had gotten to his feet and took off to where the noise had been. Another loud but disturbing noise hit their ears and the man cursing and then a guttural scream, and silence again. All the girls looked for something. Nothing came back from around the crates. The warehouse was silent. They all started to look at each other, talking with their eyes, afraid to make a sound. Mayah looked at the other girls, then back at the area that the others had disappeared. A single low growl came again, and then a loud crunch of something cracking or breaking.

The girls all looked in the direction of the noise, not realizing that the dog that had been sent to help confine them, was now their savor. After years of abuse, the dog had been dealing with his foul treatment, and had understood that the men that were his master were bad. He stopped their torture that they always gave him. He walked back to where the girls were and saw Mayah still in position. He went over to his water bowl and took a couple of drinks. He walked up to Mayah’s face and licked her. Mayah realized that the dog was not savage beast, and had decided to deal with the men that she assumed were abusive to him.

She watched him move away from her face and move in behind her again. She felt his first lick at her pussy. She moaned for an instance. She felt guilty for feeling how wrong it was. She knew that the dog had done something to the men, and they were not returning. His increased licking her urgently. She felt strange, thinking that he deserved her for saving their lives. He was definitely eager to have her. He again licked her pussy and clit roughly. She moaned openly now about it. The other girls looked at her, and had strange feelings of excitement, as though watching someone do something that made them so hot and wet. Diamond watched, but also started to work at freeing herself.

The dog quickly reentered her pussy with his tongue, as Mayah boisterously acknowledged it entering her again with a loud moan. The dog was taking her juices quickly. He licked her deeply and solidly, his tongue, coarsely streaking through her depths. He quickly licked out all the juice that she had produced. He now licked at the little amounts that she was beginning to produce again. Terry was watching, amazed at what was now transpiring before her eyes. Then she saw something that shocked her. There below the dog was the largest dick that she had ever seen. She only then realized that the dog was not going to be satisfied with licking Mayah. She wanted to say something to Mayah, but was unsure what the dog would do. She could see how Mayah was totally taken by what he was doing to her, and started to notice that she was getting wet from it too.

Mayah was in heaven, the dog was licking her in ways that she wished men and women could. Then he stopped, a few more licks across the exterior of her pussy, she enjoyed that, and then nothing but the breathing from her lungs in her ears. She was perplexed, she thought instantly that maybe the men had returned, and suddenly she realized that they had not. She was shocked but the sudden sensation of him on her back, as his fur pressed on her, and his legs gripped her hips. She felt him pull forward. She was frozen, she did not want to make any movement that may upset him, and make him attack her. Again he pulled forward, and felt a wet thing hit her next to her pussy, he jerk a bit, and felt something hit the crease between her leg and kitty.

She felt something hit and split her lips open, pressing in maybe an inch at the most, as it was suddenly followed by an urgent shove, as the dog drove himself deeply in her. Mayah was breathless as she felt his cock drive into her depths hard and fast. The dog repositioned himself on her, and began to fuck her hard and steady. Mayah was in shock, and then her body began to respond and bring her around. She looked at her friends as the first moan escaped her lips. This was so strange and surreal, she knew the dog was doing only what she believed that came naturally, but right there now in front of her closes friends. He continued to take her roughly. She was feeling her body change and knew that an orgasm was on the way.

Terry and Diamond stared at Mayah. Angela kept looking at everyone, and was confused about what she was seeing. Diamond had moved close against Terry, holding her as they watched their friend get taken by this beast. Terry held Diamond also, as they watched the scene unfold before them. The dog was going at her hard, as Mayah took the abuse and had begun to love it. He was so big in her, and then she felt something hitting against her pussy. She was immediately distracted by her orgasm hitting her. The dog was trying desperately trying to get his knot into her, but their positioning was wrong, and he started to cum in her anyways. Mayah let out a deep moan, and her orgasm soared higher as she felt his hot cum start to shoot large amount into her.

Mayah was gasping for air as the the dog got off her and began to lick her clean. The girls all watched Mayah silently, and secretly wished that was them. Then the sudden realization began to set in, that they were locked into there little boxes, and when the other men arrived, they would probably kill the dog and them. They all went back to watching Mayah, as the dog finished cleaning her and laid down next to her. There was silence again in the building.

Outside, the man that had seen the girls get taken, was now walking close to the building that the girls were in. He had watched closely and had notice regular movements in several of the buildings and some that he found did not have any movement at them, but he found tire tracks at this place. It was getting dark, but he had seen the fresh tracks going into a roll up door. He looked around seeing what was all there. It was getting very dark so he quickly moved close into the building walls. He looked at the building and saw that it had not been taken care of, and decided to walk closely around the exterior of the building. He got around to the back side of the building, and found several palates leaned against the building. He looked closely and found they were covering a hole in the wall. He set about gently removing the palates as to not make any noise.


Chapter Five

The man cleared the palates from the hole in the wall. He looked at the opening into the building closely. Looking around it, he removed a small bottle from his pants pocket and squeezed it around the hole, looking for any light beams to shine in the dust the bottle emitted. He saw none and gently moved into the building. Watching where he placed his feet and staying along the wall. He could see a light on in an office area by the roll up door. He worked carefully along the wall away from the office and could make out the faint shapes of containers stacked up, further down. He slowly moved down towards them noticing how they provided a blind for what was behind them.

He moved now towards the space in the boxes. He started seeing the shape of two bodies a few feet away. His eyes slowly adjusting to the low light conditions, as he crept towards the bodies. He knelt down and looked at the first body of a young man, seeing that the man’s neck was missing his throat. Lots of blood was pooled around the body. He was nervous now, not sure if he was too late to save the girls. Silently moving closer to the other body, he saw that mans body, and noticed that the head was no longer properly joined to the body. Looking closer, he could see marks on the man’s neck where an animal had grabbed him by the throat, but for some reason, the man’s head was laying across his right shoulder, and on to his chest. He looked closely at the man, and hoped whatever had attacked him, was long gone.

Mayah laid there, feeling more of the dog’s cum leaking out of her. The dog laying below her suddenly looked towards where the men had disappeared. Mayah cringed, thinking the other men were returning, and knew they would be lucky to live. The dog silently stood up, and moved in front of Mayah. His ears where straight up, and his tail held out straight. The dog held still, looking and listening. The other girls were glued to the dog, watching him, wondering what was coming.

The man looked carefully over the edge of a container, and viewed the scene before him. First thing he saw was a girl in a large box on its side. He was certain it was a female that was there. Looking to the left he saw two girls next to each other, both in a container. They were all looking to their right, slowly scanning, he saw what they saw. Thanks to his training he held still. The dog knew he was there, and the man remained still. The dog was looking at him, and his ears were locked on to him. Gently he pulled something from a shirt and put it in his mouth.

The girls suddenly saw the dog pull back and whimper, retreating from something. His ears pulled back, and his tail tucked between his legs, as he was now behind Mayah, moving away from what was bothering him. The man slowly crept forward, his eyes picking up the last girl, and she was laid out on some palates. Giving space between the dog and him, he went to the girl that was alone. She looked at him, unsure, and felt that she did not want to fight, her body feeling bad from what she had been subjected to. He knelt next to her. She flinched when he spoke quietly. “I am here to help you, and rescue you. I need to know if there are any others here that are holding you captive?” Angela was silent and started to cry, then grabbed him and started to beg him to free her. He realized this was not good, and quickly pressed a shot into her arm, causing her to drift off to sleep.

He moved over to the other two girls, watching for the dog. He asked them if they knew how they were secured. Diamond said that a larger man seemed to control the keys, but he disappeared a while ago after the dog attacked them. He looked at the two girls there, and spoke, “Please stay calm, I am here to help you, but you must listen to what I tell you, okay?” The girls nodded, then Diamond asked him what his name was, and the man replied Dean. He moved back to the bodies and searched the larger mans pockets. He found a couple of keys in the man’s front pockets. Moving back he tried the keys in the two girls restraints. He found one that worked, and gently freed them. Terry said that they knew there was two men that had left a while ago, but did not know when they may return. Dean moved over to Angela and freed her. Diamond tried to help him then free Mayah. The girls were all freed and the man asked the girls to follow him quietly. Mayah asked if she could find her clothes. Dean said her would find her some later, but the longer that they stayed there, the less likely they were to escape.

The girls followed Dean as he placed Angela on his shoulder and lead them to the hole in the wall. Carefully he moved forward though the opening looking for people, and being careful not to hit Angela against the edges. One by one they crept out, Dean looking back to make sure that they were close behind him. He saw the dog emerge from the hole following close behind Mayah. He realized it was too late to change that now, and led the girls down a steep path into a riven. They followed the man closely. He lead them quickly down the path, finally stopping and checking to see if everyone was okay. Mayah stood there naked and asked that they hurry up to where ever they were going.

Moving again, her turned up another riven, this time walking up the creek that flowed at its base. They walked up the creek for quit some while. The water cooling them as the gently tread up the creek. The man was obviously leading them to a hidden location. Dean told them to step exactly were he did, as he left the creek and moved to a very dark area on the side of a steep hill. He moved up swiftly, even with Angela on his shoulder, and then held a large branch back, and ushered the girls into a cave. Inside they found it was just an ordinary cave, but further in, there was a small opening that was covered by a large rock, and they went thru that. Dean moved the large rock back in place then move several more in the way. They followed a small corridor that ended at a rough wall. Dean pressed on a spot, and the wall shifted, allowing them into a secret room.

The girls rushed in, and Dean closed the entrance as the dog slipped in just before it closed. He took Angela and place her on a cot, and covered her up. He then took a blanket and handed it to Mayah, and told her that he would need to make sure that she was okay. He then told them that they were taken by a large faction in the islands that were trying to take control of the government. They got ransom for the people that they took, and seldom were the victims ever freed, but were killed after the ransom was paid. He stated that until he could organize their transport from the island, they needed to stay hidden. The faction had a hold of a large portion of the population, and would put out a reward for your return to them.

The girls all agreed, and understood their plight if they were found. The asked him several questions and finally, who did he work for. Dean rubbed his face, and then said it was a bureaucratic nightmare to figure it out, but basically he worked for a non-existent agency that was there to rescue people that were kidnapped, and to free them, and then hide them until they could find safe passage back to America. They chatted a while longer, and they exhausted their questions. He showed them cots to sleep on, and had one sleep on each side of Angela. Terry and Diamond got their beds ready, and Dean asked Mayah to come over to an made up room with blankets serving as walls for the area.

Mayah went over to him. He explained that he did have extensive medical training, and wanted to check her out as to make sure that she was not needing more immediate medical attention. Mayah sat down, looking at her feet, and said that she knew that she was okay. Dean said that after was she has been through, that she may be in shock, and he needed to make sure that she was okay so that she would not suffer any major medical issues. Then he said that he would also need assistance with Angela, since he felt she was in bad shape. Dean asked her if she wanted one of the other girls present while he checked her over.

Mayah sat for a moment, then asked if she could have Diamond with her. Dean called Diamond over and explained to her what was going on. Diamond agreed and sat there with them. Dean pulled out some exam gloves and package of medical tools. Dean asked Diamond if she could hand him the items he needed if required. Diamond nodded and moved next to the items. Dean asked Mayah to face away from him, and lower the blanket she held around her. She placed the blanket on the table in front of her. Dean stood behind her, and turned on an extra light, and went thru her hair, then down to her back. Next he asked her to lay down on the table. She laid down on it, and he covered her with the blanket. He walked up by her face and adjusted the light, as her looked around in her scalp, the turning her head gently as he looked into her ears. He looked around her neck and then turned to Diamond and asked for tweezers.

Dean was handed them, and then told Mayah that he needed to get the wood slivers from the palates out of her before they became infected. Mayah agreed, and Dean proceeded to remove the first of many splinters in her body. After her neck area, he worked on each of her arms. Diamond cringed, knowing that there was probably more in more sensitive areas. Dean told Mayah what he was about to do, before he proceeded. He pulled slivers of wood out of her tummy and both breasts. Dean explained that he needed to check here down around her vagina and hips also. Mayah blushed, but knew it was necessary, and said to proceed. Dean pulled back the blanket, exposing her womanhood to him. He did not show it, but was shocked to see what appeared to be cum leaking out of her. He grabbed a bunch of gauze pads and told Mayah that he was going to clean her up.

Mayah was very embarrassed, as he began to clean her. She knew he probably thought the mess was caused by her captures, but did he know the truth. He cleaned her up, and then searched her for more of the splinters of wood. He pulled the blanket over her again, and said that he would be back in a moment. He came back in and asked Diamond if she could help hold up Mayah’s legs. Dean put on a new set of gloves and told Mayah that he was almost done, but needed to make sure that she was not torn from the men. Mayah almost said something, then bit her lips as she decided to not let him know what had happened to her. Diamond held her legs up, and looked at Mayah, as to her being bad for not stopping this. Dean gently checked her out, and saw minor damage in a little spot, that consisted of a very small tear in the skin. Dean, applied some suave to the wound and quickly covered her up.

He helped Mayah sit up, and said that her would get her some clothes tomorrow from town, and also for Angela, and reminded him that he needed to exam Angela tomorrow, and would probably need all of their support. They agreed and moved out into the main room. Dean asked them if they needed some thing to eat, and grabbed water for them. They said sleep was more important, and they all went and laid down on the cots, and Dean pulled a curtain around them as the dog went in, and laid down next to Mayah. Dean placed water next to each of them, and had a bowel that he emptied two bottles of water into for the dog. Dean cleaned up things, then shut off most of the lights, and put his cot by the secret entrance in case someone had followed them in. Dean walked around the place and checked on the girls, seeing them asleep, but the dog laying there watching him.


Chapter Six

Dean finished looking around the place, and then watched towards the girls as he laid down on his cot. This first part of the plan to rescue the girls had gone well, almost too well. He was going to have to be careful, and purchasing clothes for the two girls may raise some eyebrows, and he was going to have to be careful with that part of his items he needed to acquire tomorrow. Laying fully down, and looking over at where the girls slept, Dean tried to get some rest. The only reason he realized that he was facing them was cause of that dog. He had seen what an efficient killing machine it was, and even with a bit of a warning, the dog would be a formidable opponent. Dean relaxed and finally fell asleep.

The ex-seal awoke rested but cautious, he was hearing some noises that he could not identify. Listening closely, and waking up more, he breathed a sigh of relief. Looking under the curtain surrounding the girls, he could see that the dog was standing and drinking from the bowl. Dean got up and went to fix breakfast for all of them. He hoped they were fine with cold cereal for now, and did not want to take the chance that any of the smells from them cooking, might bring in people trying to figure where the smells were coming from. Gathering the bowls, he set the table, and placed some fresh fruits in the center of the table to go with their breakfast. He went back to the pseudo kitchen and made a bowl for himself, and cut a banana up into it. He leaned against the counter eating, and thinking about everything ahead to get these poor girls out of here.

Diamond awoke, confused at first, then remembering that they were safe. She quietly got up and left the sleeping area. She looked out and found Dean standing against the counters and pointed to her crotch, and crossed her legs. Dean smiled and pointed to a small door on the side by the way they had come in. She quickly moved over to it, and went in, finding a small little toilet. She sat down, and waited. A soft knock came on the door, and Dean said that when she was done he would show her how to flush it. She did not take long, and cleaned herself up, and opened the door. Dean then showed her the way they needed to flush it, so that it would not clog up.

Diamond walked over to the table and grabbed a box of cereal and poured some in a bowl. Dean brought over the milk from the small fridge, and handed it to her. Diamond thanked him. Dean sat there, reading a chart which showed the lays of the land around where they were. He studied it, trying to figure out the best ways to move them out, and this was not going to be easy. He had managed to free numerous people, but always just one of two at a time. Being able to move all four at once was really going to put him to the test. He concentrated closely, noting areas for possible surprises and ambushes, and also ways to quickly disappear from sight.

Diamond cleared her throat and asked Dean if there was anything to drink. Dean was puzzled, why did he forget that. He told her the juices that were available, and Diamond asked for some apple juice. He brought her a glass full, and apologized for forgetting it. She told him not to worry. Dean watched her eat some as they talked. Dean was unprepared for a question that Diamond asked him, and yet it was a simple question, but not one that he normally needed to worry about. She asked if there was a place that they could take a bath, so they could clean up, and wash their clothes. Normally the people he rescued were in one spot for no more than a day, at worst two days, and cleanliness waited until they were off the island. Dean thought about it. Her told her one moment. He searched a small pile of military supplies in the far corner. Finally he brought back a portable tub. Diamond would normally had laughed at the idea, but it looked very good to her now.

Dean said it would definitely not be the warmest bath she had ever had, but hoped it would suffice. Diamond thanked him. Dean moved back over the his little supply area, and found some shampoo from the forties, and a couple of bars of soap. Dean said that he would set it up where the cots were, so that they would have privacy. Diamond said to set up by where it could be drained, cause she figured Angela would spend most of her time here in her bed. Then she looked at Dean and said, “besides, our rescuing hero needs a better view that this dark and dingy cave.” Dean grinned and told her that he would be a gentleman, and he really needed to figure out how to move them all out fast.

Diamond finished her breakfast as Dean decided to set up the tub in the kitchen area. He had hot water at the sink, and a couple of propane heaters to bring water to a boil to help make her a decent bath. Diamond picked up her bowl and spoon and set it on the counter as she finished off the glass of apple juice. Dean had his back to her as he filled the tub up for her. He felt her hands on his back as she looked around him at the tub. He told her a little more water and the two buckets that he was heating up, and she would be set. Dean was surprise and happy that the tub did not leak.

Dean poured the last of the buckets of hot water into the tub, and tested the water. He had a small table next to it for some towels, a wash cloth, a bowl to rinse their hair with, and the shampoo and bars of soap. Diamond asked him if it was ready. He said yes as he refilled the buckets and put them on the burners to heat more water. Diamond asked it he could help her. He turned, and before him was Diamond, her clothes removed with her hand out. He had to refocus. He took her hand and did not look at her, but helped her into the tub. Diamond asked him if she was ugly, but Dean said she was far from that, and he wanted to give her some privacy. Diamond was turned on by his manners, and knew that she wanted to spend some alone time with him, and give him a big reward for saving them.

Dean went back to the table and gathered her clothes, taking them to the sink, and washing them, and then hanging them to dry. Diamond was really impressed, and knew she was going to have marry him if he was not already taken. Dean sat down and wrote on the chart, making notes, and writing other things on it. He looked at his watch and got up and went to a small laptop, powered it up and typed some stuff in it. He seemed upset, and was typing a lot more the longer he was on it. He shut it off and walked back to the table with a upset look on his face.

Diamond whispered to him, and he went over to her, and asked her what was wrong. Diamond looked at him and said that was what she was going to ask him. Dean said that they may be here for a few more days. The word on the street was out, and there were small bands of people looking for them, and that they were sending extra people to help acquire food and stuff for them, and they would need to wait also because of a storm moving in, that might turn in to a hurricane. So at this time, this would be their home till things got better. Diamond saw that there was something else that he was not saying to her, and she pushed him to say. He said it was against his better judgment, but they were suggesting moving the girls out in two separate groups on different days.

Diamond, told him that she trusted him, and that she knew that he would get them to safety. Dean had looked at her as she said that, and she shifted in the tub, bringing her breasts out of the water. He almost died when she did that. She was hot, but he was more concerned about them getting home safely. Terry whispered hi to them, as she approached as Diamond lowered down into the water again. Dean got her the milk, and remembered the juice this time. Some small talk started between them, which brought a small bit of comfort to them all. Terry was then informed of their wait on leaving, and seemed to take it well. She finished her breakfast and needed the bathroom. Dean walked her over to the toilet and showed her how to use it. As he walked back from the bathroom, almost to the table, Diamond stood up and dried herself in front of him. Dean almost tripped on the floor, and quickly sat down, as to try and cover his hard on.

Diamond wrapped herself in the towel and then put her hair up in another towel. Dean asked if she felt better. Diamond opened the towel covering her body, and asked if she looked any better. Dean blushed hard, and looked away, stating she was a very beautiful woman, and any man would be lucky to have her. The door to the toilet opened and Diamond fixed the towel around herself and sat at the table. Terry asked if it was her turn for a bath. Dean removed some of the water, and added more hot water to the tub for her. He brought over some fresh towels, and placed them on the table, he looked up just as Terry dropped her clothes. Dean was in heaven, but again averted his eyes. He went back to his chart.

Things were uneventful as the two girls talked and Dean studied the chart. Terry got out and began to dry off, and wrap herself up. Dean got up and washed her clothes, and then hung them up to dry. He was settling down to study the chart better, when they all three heard a moan from the place where the cots were. They all looked at each other, and figured that Angela might be waking up, and would need help getting orientated. The three walked cautiously to the curtain and pulled them open gently. Diamond and Terry stopped in their tracks. Dean moved around them and stopped hard core. He pulled a knife from his belt, as he watched the dog licking Mayah. Diamond quickly grabbed Dean’s arm and told him to stop. She quickly explained what had happened before, ending in the death of the two men. Dean, was frozen, and watched as the dog was blatantly licking her pussy. He was confused as to what to do, and thought of rushing the dog was close to being acted upon, but when she started to moan loudly, and obviously start cumming, it was safer to let things be.


Chapter Seven

They were all transfixed at the scene before them, as Mayah was laid on her cot face down, her legs off the edge, and her legs spread wide as the dog licked her fast and hard. They were watching like it was on a movie screen before them, as the dog kept licking at her, and Mayah’s moans burst into deeper gasps and her eyes squeezed tight as her first orgasm hit her hard. Dean stood there motionless, uncertain what to do, and since he had been warned, he was not going to charge the dog and possibly get her injured in the process since she seemed to be enjoying it.

The two girls, Diamond and Terry stood there looking at what was happening again. Terry was transfixed this time, as she started to wonder why Mayah was so taken by what the dog was doing. Diamond stood there, more thinking that there was no way in the world she would ever do that, but she would stay and watch cause it was something like those things you are not suppose to know about, but seeing it, you had see what it was all about. They stayed still as the dog began to lick Mayah now deep inside her pussy, causing her to clench her jaw to keep from screaming. Terry worked her knees together, her eyes absorbing what was happening in front of her, and being drawn into it, and finding she wanted it for herself.

Dean turned slowly and walked back to the kitchen table and began studying the town map more, looking at everything time and time again. He blocked out the sounds from Mayah and the dog, as he thought about the odds of escape for them all, or one at a time, but that had its own dangers also. He thought about all the ways he could use to get them out, and took notes on the pros and cons of each. He needed more information from his helpers, and that was some time off yet.

Mayah was lost, in a dream like trance as she was enveloped into her own private state of mind, that was taking her into an orgasmic bliss. She only knew of her bodies response to what this dog was doing to her again. But this time they were in a safe area. This caused her eyes to flash open. Before her stood her two friends, both starring at her as she was trying to regain her thoughts, feeling some relief not seeing Dean anywhere. She relaxed as much as she could as her body fell back into the glory of being taken on an incredible ride of orgasms.

Terry saw it first, as the dog changed and was now losing his interest in licking, and she them saw the state of the dogs cock. Diamond saw it next, and this was something that really was perplexing to her, since she had always been raised with severe religious beliefs, and this was trampling over a lot of them. But having seen what the dog had done last time, her mind struggled to understand why the dog was able to do what he did to her. Diamond was starting to have a war in her mind present itself, part of her mind starting to seriously think about why it would be so bad if it was allowed to happen to her, and the other reciting quotes and sermons saying how wrong it was, all the while, far back back in Dean’s mind, he wished he was the dog, as he worked trying to figure out how to get them to safety.

Mayah was pleased as the dog suddenly mounted her. Terry almost came at the sight of it, and Diamond would have liked to get closer to study how it was possible, and why it seemed to work so right. Mayah knew what was next, and she knew her friends had seen it the last time, and she was always a bit of a show off anyways. He grabbed her tight, pulled hard up on her as he tried to gain access to her and take her again. Mayah moved her hips a bit as she felt him a little low at trying to enter her, and then adjusted herself down. She was rewarded by the sudden entrance of his cock into her pussy. She gasped, then let out a deep moan as he thrust deep in her.

Dean was awaken from his studies, his knife pulling from its sheath, as his hands fondled his pockets for the dog whistle. He stopped. His hands suddenly frantic, searching himself for the whistle. His mind tracing where he left it after the warehouse. He remembered and slammed his hand in the lower leg pocket, only to find his finger pushing out the bottom of his pocket. He cringed, the only way he would have an advantage over the dog was with that, and now the dog was in a superior position to him. He walk over to the curtain again, and almost dropped the knife at the sight before him. Mayah was moaning heavily and that dog was obviously fucking the living daylights out of her. His mind was mostly jealous as the dog made Mayah his in front of him, and Dean had wanted to get his reward from her so to speak, since he found her particularly sexy. The others were hot also, but there was just something about the way she carried herself and talked.

Terry did not notice anything, but Diamond did as Terry started to moan, and then bite her lip as she started to have her own orgasm. Diamond was now transfixed as to what was happening with Terry and Mayah, and her mind was already trying to figure out why everything was happening the way it was in her analytical sense. Terry feel to her knees as she started to cum hard seeing the way Mayah was getting pounded so deep and hard and they way Mayah was responding. Dean was feeling less than manly as he saw the look on Terry, and the realization that she was having her own orgasm from the scene before her. Dean returned to his table, doing his best to cover up his raging hard on.

Mayah was on the verge of passing out as the dog took her in such a primal way, making it more about the act and the pleasure, than making love to another person and sharing the experience. She gasped, groaned and let out small chirps of a scream as she came so hard this time. Terry was in her own world now, viewing the scene before her, but having inserted herself into Mayah’s position. Diamond was studying it all, almost overloading herself as she tried to understand it all. Diamond focused on Mayah as she bellowed out a deep moan, as Dean tried to ignore it.

Mayah had lost any control she had left as she felt the dogs hot cum start to fill her insides, and he slowed to a stop as he began trying to impregnate her with his cum. He held her tight, as Mayah was losing herself and was gone in her body wrenching orgasms. Diamond just watched it all, soaking up the scene, her ever critical mind critiquing all before her as her body secretly kept her from realizing the state of her own arousal.

Dean was busy again, taking more notes, going over needed supplies when Diamond walked over to the table and took a seat. They both looked at each other and then looked at the table. Diamond grabbed a bottle or water and Dean went back to try and continue on planning. Eventually, Terry came out and sat at the table and got a water also, but was not able to look at the other two, realizing that they had probably seen all to well her cuming from what was happening. Several minutes passed and the dog came out of the curtains and walked over to a corner of the room and laid down as to began to clean himself. Silence took over as everyone waited on Mayah to enter the room.