(c) 2011 by Zandor

Part One

Stephanie is a cute twenty-one year old red head with a body close to an athlete. Especially her tiny boobs are killer. She’s only 5″3 but she’s got a big mouth for such a tiny girl. She lives in a part of the country where the people are quite conservative, especially about homosexuality. Her being a lesbian doesn’t help but most of the locals tolerate it for the the time being. She’s not in a relationship at the moment, she doesn’t have that much time for it anyway cause she’s mostly working at the local vet as an assistent.

Stephanie is not a local and never will be, she was looking for a job and eventually found one in this small town. The veterinarian, Dr Palmer is a nice and open minded guy but he’s one of the few ones in town. Especially a group of men who are lead by a man called Mike keep bullying her. Making remarks about her being a lesbian and provoking her to attack them so they can have some fun with her. But besides making some funny remarks about their intellligence, she ignores them most of the time. She’s almost got enough money to go on a trip around the world and when she comes back, she will probably leave this place.

It’s friday, almost time to close the clinic when Stephanie receives a call from one of the farmers in the neighbourhood. Dr Palmer goes home early on fridays so Stephanie has to close by herself, not a problem at all. The farmer explains the situation on the phone, one of his dogs is acting up and is wounded, he could really use some help.

“I will close the clinic and come your way, I will be there in 15 minutes.” She puts down the phone and starts collecting the equipment she needs.

Not more then five minutes later she puts the alarm on, locks the doors and jumps in her car for a ten minute drive. She thinks about the farmer, he’s one of the men that often bullies her, but when there’s an animal in need she puts her feelings aside. Not even ten minutes later she’s at her destination, a large farm outside town with mostly livestock. The farmer is outside the barn already waiting for her after hearing the car.

“Good afternoon,” Stephanie says and tries to be as kind as she can be.

“It isn’t yet but it probably will be soon,” the man replies.

“Err.. ok,” Stephanie doesn’t know what to say but cuts the smalltalk.

“I heard you have some issues with a dog?”

“A bitch,” the man corrects her.

“What wrong with her?”

“She’s got some attitude issues that need to be resolved.”

“But she’s wounded?”

“Not yet but if she keeps it up she doesn’t change her attitude then she will be.”

“So she isn’t hurt?” Stephanie doesn’t understand why the man isn’t more clear about it.
“There’s definitely something wrong with her,” he grins and looks at Stephanie.

“Where is she?”

“In the barn”

She head for the barndoors, even thought the doors are open enough for her to pass through, she can’t see anything. She enters the barn and in the distance she can see some shades but can’t make out what it is.

“I think she’s at the back, go ahead and I’ll put the lights on.” The man points towards the back and waits for her to move.

Stephanie takes a few steps forward but can’t see anything yet. She takes tiny steps but even when she’s a few feet closer, she still doesn’t see anything. Suddenly the light go on and her eyes get overloaded and she closes them instinctively. When she opens them again and they get used to the bright light she sees 4 men at the back of the barn. She immeditely recognizes them as the men who bully her.

“Hello there,” says Mike the leader of the pack.

“Hi… where’s.. where’s the dog?” Stephanie is getting nervous.

“The bitch you mean?” Mike asks.


“I can see her from here,” but the man keeps looking in her direction.

“I love redheaded bitches,” he continuous.

Suddenly everything becomes clear for Stephanie and she knows she has got to get out of the barn really fast.
But the sound of wood hitting wood make her fears become bigger. The barndoors are closed and locked behind her.

“What.. what are you doing?” she’s getting really scared.

“We’re gonna teach that bitch a lesson.”


Part Two – A Sequel

Stephanie heard the words echoe in her head, she knows the men are going to do something to her.

“What are you doing to do?” she asks again.

“You will see very soon, just be a good girl and listen to what I say and you won’t be harmed.”

The words of the man felt genuine for the first time. But she’s not gonna give up easy, whatever their plans are.

“I want you in bra and panties,” the man commands her.

Stephanie shakes her head and ignores what he tells her to do.

“I don’t want to hit that pretty face but I will if you keep that attitude.”

Stephanie calls his bluff, but as soon as she looks behind her to check what’s going on, she suddenly feels the air move followed by an explosition of pain in her stomach. She collapses and grasps for air, the man hit her without warning. Two minutes later she’s caught her breath again and get’s back on her feet.

“Take them off,” the man says again with even more anger in his voice.

Stephanie knows he means business and the subsiding pain in her stomach convinces her to do what he wants. She starts to take of her clothes and a few minutes later she’s down to her bra and underwear. The men nod their heads as a sign of approval of her body. She looks great, a pretty face, flat stomach and great boobs.

“Let me help you with that,” the man says and before she knows it he’s undoing her bra, exposing her brests.

“It’s to bad a man hasn’t enjoyed those yet.” Pointing at her exposed boobs.

“Well some girls have,” Stephanie replies witty.

But her response triggers more anger and the man raises his arm. Stephanie cowers and waits for the pain, but this time nothing happens. When she looks up te man grabs her by the throat and looks at her with anger in his eyes.

“Nobody likes a smartass!” he says with a deep voice and let’s go of her throat.

“I’m sorry! I won’t do it again!” Stephanie’s sore throat makes her regret her outburst.

“Get the chains and the straps!”

The man grabs Stephanie by the wrists and waits for one of the other man to hand him the straps. He puts both the straps around her wrists and tests them thoroughly.

“Nice and tight, as they should be.” He smiles at Stephanie.

“Ok boys, let’s get her up!” he shouts.

The men respond and he takes Stephanie to the other men who are busy with the chains. They connect the hook on the straps to the chain and start lifiting her up. Stephanie feels her arms being lifted untill she has to stand on her toes. She’s barely making contact with the ground but just enough to stand properly.

“Very good,” the man says with a satisfied smile on his face.

“Bring him in!”

“Bring who in?” Stephana wonders. But her mind is thinking of the worst, hanging in chains usually means torture.

“Are you going to torture me? Please I beg you not to…” she cries out.

“We’re not gonna torture you, we’re not animals!” the man replies.

The barn doors open and one of the other men walks in. He’s accomponied by something but Stephanie can’t make out what it is.

“But he is,” the man laughs and points at the dog that accompanies the man.

Stephanie immediately recognizes the dog as German shepherd, but she doesn’t understand why it’s here other then to attack her.
“He’s gonna attack me!” the thought of that makes her panic even more and she starts to put her weight on the straps.

“Please don’t let him bite me, I will do anything but don’t let him attack me.”

The man approaches her and gently strokes her face. “He won’t bite you, don’t worry about that.”

He continues stroking her neck and goes down to her chest. Stephanie wants to resist but every move she makes, makes her almost lose her balance. His fingers find her right nipple and he gently starts circling around it.

“Your brests look perfect,” he says and he starts teasing her left nipple untill both become hard.

He continues to go down over her belly untill he reaches her panty. He grabs the waistband and looks up. Stephanie’s breathing has become faster by his touch but mostly because she’s nervous.

“You know,” he says and he starts pulling her panties down a little bit.

“His teeth are not special at all but his tongue is magic,” he says while he pulls down her panties completely.

Stephanie shivered, she now knew why the dog was here.


Part Three

Stephanie was trying to position herself so the dog wouldn’t be able to reach her easily, but it was near impossible to move hanging like this. Now that she was fully exposed the men could see her beautiful body. Stephanie likes everything clean and being completely nude it showed her brazilian wax, with just a small strip running upwards over her mound. The man had taken her panties, walked towards the dog and put them under his noise. He started sniffing and soon got the her scent in his nose he became more active. She could see the dog becoming aroused by her woman’s scent.

“Now let’s see if he can find the scent he just picked up,” the man smiles and removes the leash.

The dog doesn’t need any directions and goes straight for Stephanie. Because she’s not that tall, the dog would be able to reach her crotch without any trouble. She feels his nose reaching her leg and tries to kick him away. But as soon as she lifts her left leg to kick him away she loses balance and her weight pulls on her arms. She lifts herself a bit to find get her feet on the ground again and find her balance again. But the dog sees this as an invitation to explore her further. His nose goes across her right legg to her thigh and Stephanie feels a tingling sensation running from her thigh to her upper regions.

“Go away!” she screams at the dog but he doesn’t seem to bother. His tongue comes out and licks the inner side of her thigh. The tingling sensation expands rapidly when the dog’s tongue hits her flesh. Her body shivers and she wants to use her arms to push him away but is quickly reminded of her precarious situation. But her thigh is not the end of the line for the dog, his tongue is looking for the real nectar and starts going upwards.

“No keep him away from there,” Stephanie cries out, knowing he’s getting near his goal.

And then she feels him, his slobbery tongue finds the mark and without any hesitation he starts licking her lips. Stephanie feels an overload of stimulation around her clitoris, without any buildup it’s almost to much and she can only scream to cope with the intensity.

“Aaaaah!” she screams out while grabbing hold of the chain.

He doesn’t leave her with much time to get used to his tongue cause the dog starts licking her frantically as he tastes her juices. The first few licks are almost unbearable and she can hardly control her body, trying to scream out but she can just hold it in. She’s never been wet so fast in her life, her body instantly responded to the overload of stimulation. Her juices combined with the dogs saliva make good lubrication and it doesn’t take long for her to start feeling enjoyment.

“Oh god, please make him stop!” she cries out.

“Why? Are you beginning to like it?” the man asks.

Stephanie tries to close her legs but her body wants more and she can’t even try without losing her balance. Her lower body starts to explode with enjoyment, pulses are shooting throughout her body, even to her fingertips who she was feeling less and less due to wrist straps. She has never felt this way before and she has had several girls working their magic on her, but it didn’t even come close to this. She feels something building up in her lower body, something she has never felt before. Her breathing becomes heavy and her heart is pounding in her chest, she can only enjoy and let the dog do his thing. Then it hits her with all it’s force, an orgasm she has never felt before. A shockwave running from her crotch to her head and back. She feels it comming and not a second later, everything turns black. She closes her eyes and goes into a state of pure bliss. What seems minutes is in fact just 30 seconds.

“Oh god,” she moans when she returns to earth and feels the dog is still licking her. He isn’t slowing down, he keeps his pace with enjoyment. She feels another orgasm approaching and her head starts spinning.

‘Please make him stop!” Stephanie cries out. Not that she doesn’t like it but she just had a massive orgasm and she can feel the next one breaking through the waves.

“It’s just a tongue, nothing else… yet”

The word yet suddenly made Stepahanie think. Would a dog be able to… no he wouldn’t. Her mind started playing tricks. But the thought won’t leave her mind, she’s in a state of pure arousel so what if he could ‘mate’ with her. “No! It cannot be, it won’t happen,” she thinks but the idea of the dog mating with her really turns her on. She had never thought about it, but she had never thought of getting licked either, and now that was happening and she liked it.. alot! Her second orgasm brings her back to her senses, it comes fast and hard and her body twitches in all it might by the amazing feeling.

Her juices are flowing and the dog shifts his attention to her inner thighs to clean her love fluids. It’s a welcome change of interest for Stephanie, she get’s some time to catch her breath while the dog focusses on cleaning her up a bit.

“Are you having a good time?” the man asks her.

Stephanie doesn’t speak, she’s getting her breath back and doesn’t want to admit she’s enjoying herself.

“Don’t be shy, you know what happens to unwilling bitches” he continous.

Stephanie is remembered of the man’s actions and her throat is still a bit sore.

“Yes,” she whispers.

“Speak up dear?” he suddenly sounds thoughtful.

“Yes I am,” she says with more power in her voice.

“You are what?” Mike wants her to say more then yes or no.

Stephanie sighs, he wants her to say it out loud. “I am enjoying myself.”

“Good! Let’s get him back on track then,” Mike says and he encourages the dog to continue licking her.

“Oh not again,” Stephanie moans when the dog starts to lick her again. His pace is even faster then before.

She immediately feels the intense feeling coming back to her lower regions. The waves of hapines are shooting through her body, faster then her previous orgasms. The dog’s tongue is more intense then before, he’s licking her so deep that he sometimes makes direct contact with her clitoris with the tip of his tongue. It feels amazing when that happens and her body twitches whenever it happens. After not more then a minute she receives her third orgasm, stronger then the ones before. She’s exhausted after the third and feels the energy flowing out of her body.

“Please, enough!” she starts begging. She can barely stand on her legs and her chest is moving rapidly up and down.

“How many times did you come?”

“Three times,” she says grasping for air.

“Good girl!” Mike seems happy with the result.

“Ok boys get her down!” Mike takes the dog away and puts his leash back on while the other men take Stephanie down.

Mike’s there to support her coming down. She can barely stand up and needs his support. He gently sits her down and covers her with a blanket. He doesn’t seem to be the same angry man he was half an hour ago.

“Rest and catch your breath, we’re not done yet.”
He gently pats her head and sees her scared look as she understands that it’s not over yet.


Part Four

Stephanie didn’t care what was going on around here, her energy had been drained from her body with her last orgasm. She was lying in her blanket for five minutes when she finally got some control of her body again.

“Drink something, it will help your recover,” Mike says and he offers here a bottle of water.

She takes it without a thanks, it was the least he could offer after all he had done to her. But the water was great, she takes a sip and immediately feels her body responding with enjoyment. He also gave her a snickers bar and after drinking some water she felt the urge to stuff the whole thing in her mouth. It had never tasted as good as it did now, she eats the whole bar in under 30 seconds. After taking a few more sips, she sees Mike walking towards her.

“I’m glad you’re looking better,” he tells her with a smile and walks away again.

Stephanie doesn’t respond, she feels a sudden urge to jump Mike and hit him with everything she has. But she knows she doesn’t stand a chance, she’s just a tiny girl and Mike’s alot bigger. Even if she would jump him and take him by surprise, the other men would be there within a few seconds. And besides, Mike’s acting quite friendly and she doesn’t want to ruin any chances of an early release. Suddenly she get’s her hopes up when she sees the dog leaving with one of the men.

But when Mike comes back he doesn’t say the words she hoped he would say.

“Time for part two!” Mike says with alot of enthusiasm. “Let’s make it a suprise.”
He pulls out a blindfold and ties it around Stephanie’s head.

“Oh no, there’s more. But the dog’s gone so what’s going to happen?” her mind starts thinking about worst case scenario’s. But before she can run them through her head she hears the barndoor close and being locked again.

Stephanie is standing with her back towards the barndoor and her arms are being held by two of the men. She hears the sound of nails scratching on the floor and knows the dog is back. But when Mike takes off the blindfold she’s surprised to see a different dog. It’s a Golden Retriever and he sitting right in front of her looking at her with enjoyment. He’s probably done this before and knows he’s going to have some fun.

“This is Happy, isn’t he gorgeous?” Mike asks.

Stephanie has to agree to dog looks great. His golden fur is looking perfect and the dog seems to be really, happy.

“Let’s see if Happy can make you happy.” Mike keeps the dog on the leash but gives him the command to be free.

The dog doesn’t need any form of direction and moves towards Stephanie’s exposed body. He sticks his nose up her crotch to inpsect this female he has been offered. She’s still wet from her previous sessions and the dog skips any form of foreplay and starts licking her lips with his warm and wet tongue.

“Oh god, not again,” Stephanie moans. The tip of this tongue is even better then the previous one.

The men grab her arms firmly when her body starts to squeel, she won’t be going anywhere that’s for sure. The dog seems to be better at licking her then the Shepherd, the tip of his tongue slips between her lips every two or three lick and hits her clitoris for a microsecond. Enough stimulation to make her go crazy. Her legs become weak but the men hold her up so she can keep enjoying the sensation of the dog’s tongue. She doesn’t want to let the men know that she’s enjoying it but her body isn’t doing anything to hide it. Her crotch is shooting bursts of energy through her entire body making it hard to control it. It doesn’t take her long to come, only a minute or two later she let’s out a good moan and she starts shivering.

“Good boy,” Mike pats the Happy when he pulls him away from her.

“Good girl, you can rest for a minute now.” he tells Stephanie.

Mike walks away with the men. They take some distance so Stephanie cannot hear them. Apparently they are discussing their next course of action. After two minutes of discussing Mike returns to her.

“Allright boys, get her in position!”

They grab her arms again and drag her to the back of the barn where something is hidden under a sheet, but she has no idea what it could be. But when one of the men pulls the sheetaway, her fears becomes reality. In front of her is some kind of torture device.

“They’re going to torture me!” her head starts screaming.

Mike nods and the two other men guide her towards the device. They push her down, onto her knees and put her in restraints.

“No please! Don’t torture me!” she cries out when they strap her down.

“Oh not again,” Mike says and sighs. “We’re not gonna torture you.”

“This my dear…” and Mike walks towards the device. “This is a breeding stand.”

“A breeding stand?” she says surprised.

“It is used for unwilling bitches but also works for human bitches,” he responds.

Stephanie is flabbergasted. She’s relieved that she’s not getting tortured but now she knows what’s gonna happen, she will be bred like a bitch.


Part Five

“You’re all set,” Mike smiles and kneels next to her.

“You’re joking right? He can’t do that?” But the fear in Stephanie’s voice gives away the answer, she knows it is possible.

“Can’t do what hun?” Mike acts like he doesn’t know what she’s talking about.

Stephanie sighs, she looks at him with disbelief. She can’t understand that he’s going to do this.

“I think you know he can and will,” he whispers in her ear.

“Actually because it’s your first time I thought it would be best to let Happy to do it, he’s not as big as Wolf.”

“Wolf?” Stephanie didn’t recall hearing that name before.

“Ah yes, I forgot to introduce you to him. He’s the German Shepherd that you had so much fun with.”

“Well I don’t want to keep you waiting, after all we’re doing this for you,” Mike continuous.

“So why did you tie my up then?” Stephanie’s sounds angry. Not that she would do it if he didn’t tie her up but still.

“Well most bitches get tied down on their first, they tend to do stupid things and hurt themselves or the male.”

Stephanie wants to scream but knows it’s of no use. This is going to happen, whether she likes it or not. Perhaps they will let her go if she complies. She looks up at Mike and nods, hoping he will release her if she accepts her faith.

“I think she’s ready boys,” he says and gets up.

This going to happen! Stephanie thinks as she hears the metal sound of the dog leash being released.

“Go get her boy!” she hears Mike saying followed by the sound of nails scratching the floor.

She can’t turn her head to see what’s going on behind her but she doesn’t need to wait long for something to happen. Happy puts his nose between her legs and starts licking again. This time his tongue cause all the way over her lips and even a bit of her ass. It’s not as intense as before but a different kind of experience now that her ass also get’s some licking. Her breathing becomes heavier and she starts to feel the tingling sensation again. She’s still wet but her body can’t get enough and her juices start flowing more and more. He starts hitting her clit more often wich causes her to shake her ass out of enjoyment. But all of a sudden she feels him mounting her, wrapping his frontpaws around her hips and grabbing her body.

“Oh god no!” Stephanie cries out when she feels the dog trying to mate with her.

Happy grabs her body with his strong front paws and rears up behind herbehind. The red tip of his penis is moving out and he starts poking her ass, looking for her lovemouth. Stephanie feels something warm touching her right cheeck and suddenly it all becomes reality.

“Please get him off me!” she cries but the dog keeps poking between her legs to find her opening. She feels something warm being sprayed between her legs, the dog is leaking precum to make entry even easier. She’s already wet from his tongue and her own juices but now she’s soaking. The dog keeps assaulting her behind but after several failed attempts he starts losing his grip. He dismounts her and immediately puts his nose between her lecks and continuous to lick her.

“Don’t worry, he will give it another go,” Mike says while observing everything.

It’s like Happy can understand Mike, after licking Stephanie for a few seconds he decides to give it another go. He jumps on her back and fold his paws around her hips and tightens the grip. The red tip slides out and he pulls himself towards her, closing the gap between the tip and het leaking lips. She can almost feel his warmth between her legs and knows he’s closer then before. Happy starts poking again and this time he hits her just above her lips.

“No, make him stop!” Stephanie cries as she feels his warm member just missing the target.

“I suggest you move a bit up, unless you want it in your ass,” Mike says and he losens her restraints a bit. “That won’t be very pleasant, I can tell you that.”

Stephanie doesn’t want to respond but she knows Mike might be right. Especially when she feels Happy becoming more agressive. With a hard thrust he shoots all the way up and hits her ass for a second. She knows she has got to respond, she closes her legs a bit allowing her behind to come up by just an inch just in time for Happy’s next try. He thrusts and slides between her lips, sliding in for just half an inch. He feels her warmth and now arches his back and tightens his grip. With a short hard stab her lips part, finding her opening and he sinks into her body.

Stephanie throws out a cry of fear and pain. But she doesn’t have much time to be scared cause Happy starts pumping her in an insane speed. She feels his penis growing bigger and bigger with every second. The pain she felt when he penetrated has made way for an insane sensation. Especially the bulb at the beginning of his penis is causing so much pleasure, rubbing her clit everytime it slides inside of her.

“Oh god,” she moans but it’s not a cry for help but out of pleasure and disbelief.

Her breathing get’s heavy and she closes her eyes. The dog is franticely fucking her and her body is screaming for more. Her entire body is being drawn into this and she feels pulses shooting through her body from hands to toes. Stephanie let’s out a growl of pure pleasure and starts to come. She throws her head down and just moans while her body is twitching and shivering from pure enjoyment. The knot starts to form and Happy slows down his thrusts. He tightens his grip and tries to sink into her even deeper. With one mighty thrust he jabs his member deep inside her and starts shooting his seed into her womb. The knot grows to it’s full size and he ties her without any problem, locking himself inside her and making Stephanie his bitch.

Stephanie came back to earth and felt the know grow bigger and bigger inside her. The pulsating bulb tickled her clitoris with an unfelt sensation. That combined with the feeling of warm puppysperm sends her into another orgasm.

“Oh wow,” she cries. Tears start streaming down her cheecks. Tears of sheer enjoyment, it’s such a powerful and intens orgasm.

“You make such a great couple,” Mike says proud and he pats both lovers.

“Hopefully you will have just as much fun with the others,” he continuous.

Stephanie hears his words echoe in her head but doesn’t care. She’s currently getting bred by a wonderful lover and would not even mind a few extra sessions.


Part Six

Stephanie was familiar with dogs knotting, offcourse she was cause she’s working for a vet. She had seen dogs mating, she had seen the dogs penis when it withdrew but she had no clue it would feel like this inside her. She had just experienced a mindblowing orgasm and she was getting back to her senses. Now that she could think again she realised how big it was and that she was filled up completely. But there isn’t much to think cause she can’t help but enjoy the idea of being filled completely, it really turns her on. The fact that Happy is still spraying warm semen into her wombs pushes her back into horny mode. The pulsating dog cock keeps causing the knot to rub against her g-spot. Stephanie is going mad by the feeling and now that she has accepted all the pleasures he can give her, she doesn’t need much to get off again.

“Oh yes, good boy!” she encourages Happy to continue.

But the dog doesn’t need any acouragement, he’s gonna pump this bitch full with his semen whether she wants it or not. Stephanie is really tight, she’s literally milking the dog with her muscles.

“Oh god you keep on coming,” she cries out when another load of semen get launched inside her.

“It feels so… good,” she mumbles. It’s alot warmer then she expected and it causes a really nice tingling sensation.

“Pump me full with your hot doggy sperm!” she moans and she only needs a bit more to reach her orgasm.

“Oh god yes!” she screams relieved as her orgasm hit her. It’s not as intensive as her others but the buildup was intense wich makes it very enjoyable.

Happy starts to pant, he has done his job and Stephanie feels his body becoming heavy.

“Good boy,” she whispers while they’re still tied. She knows it can take a while before he’s fully deflated.

They stay locked for a while, especially cause Stephanie is not trained at taking the knot. But after 15 minutes Happy becomes a bit more restless and Stephanie can feel there’s more friction wich means he’s starting to deflate.

“Take it easy boy,” she tells Happy to make him feel at easy and not pull out all of a sudden. She can still feel him being pretty big so she wants him at easy.

But after two minutes of waiting, Happy decides he has waited long enough. He climbs of her and with some slight discomfort he pulls out. Stephanie feels quite some cum dripping out, it’s quite watery cause she can feel it dripping down her thighs. The knot has already shrunk to an acceptable but still formidable size. As soon as he’s free he shows his gratitude and cleans her pussy with his tongue.

Stephanie let’s out a little scream when his rough tongue hits her lips. She’s still a bit sore from his large member but she soon understands he’s doing her a favour by cleaning up.

“He’s such a gentleman,” Mike says. Stephanie totally forgot about him and the other men.

“The only one here,” Stephanie replies. She hasn’t lost her wittiness.

Mike smiles. “I see you haven’t learned your lesson quite yet.”

“I’m such a stupid bitch,” Stephanie thinks. She wants to slap herself in the face but has to smile about the use of the word bitch.

“Let’s see if Rover can fuck some sense into that pretty red head of yours.”

“Please, let me have a small break!” Stephanie begs Mike.

“Oh so you don’t mind giving Rover some action, perhaps you are going to learn it after all,” he laugh. “I’ll be back in 15 minutes.”

“Oh and because you have been such a good girl, I’ll let you have some moving space for the next one.” Mike kneels down and removes the restraints on her legs.

“15 minutes,” he says and walks away.

“Thank you,” Stephanie responds. She only says it cause she hopes it helps. But she doubts it will, Mike has a plan and it seems he’s not changing it whether she says yes or no.


Part Seven

Stephanie has no concept of time, she thinks’ she’s been her for a few hours already but she isn’t sure. Has it been 15 minutes already since Mike left? She’s not sure and her wrist is missing a watch. Should have bought one the other day, she thinks while waiting for Mike to return. She’s still stuck in the doggy position but she can move her legs freely. Her knees were hurting a bit but now that she can move her legs, it’s not that bad anymore. She starts to think about her situation. Nobody knows she’s here besides people that might have seen her car. It won’t be till Monday that people will notice she’s missing. And then what?

“Come on Stephanie, keep our head straight,” she whispers to herself.
“If you want to get through this then you should not think like that!” She tries to convince herself.

Not a minute later she hears a cheerful whistling becoming louder and louder. It’s Mike returning from her 15 minute break.
“I gave you a few extra minutes because you have been a good bitch.”
Stephanie tries to look grateful but her eyes tell the truth about the way he speaks about her with the word bitch.

“I can see the fire is still burning in your eyes, you really don’t like to be called that.” Mike doesn’t seem to be angry.
“Even though Happy claimed you as one and you happily complied,” he adds and waits for her to respond.
“You asshole!” Stephanie shouts out in anger. She didn’t comply, she was forced to comply.
“There’s my girl again!” he smiles. “Perhaps your mind is still resisting, but your body sure wasn’t,” he adds.
“But..but..” is all Stephanie can say. She wants to tell him otherwise but he has a point.
“That’s what I thought!” his voice sounds excited.
“Well, enough chatting, time for some action,” he says and walks away.

He’s not going far though, it looks like he’s getting something. Stephanie’s heart starts pounding again by the thought of Mike getting a new dog. But instead of getting a dog he brings back something that looks like a bathrobe.

“All right, let’s get you out of this and into this,” he jokes and shows her the bathrobe.
“But before I remove your restraints I will put this one.”
Stephanie looks at what is in his hands, it looks like a leather dog collar. Mike ties it around her neck and starts to remove the restraints.
“Put this on,” and he hands her the bathrobe. Stephanie has some trouble standing up after sitting on hands and knees for such a long time. But Mike let’s her get used to her human legs for a while.

“Like your new collar?” he asks.
“Why do I have to wear this?” Stephanie asks.
“All bitches wear a collar!” he answers in disbelief.
“I’m not a bitch,” Stephanie replies.
“So why are you wearing a collar?” he asks her.
“Cause you made me!” Stephanie shouts back.
“Then you know what you are!” Mike replies with an evil smile.
Stephanie knows there’s no point in fighting, she will only make it worse on herself.
“So what are you?” Mike asks her after her silence.
Stephanie doesn’t respond, she just ignores him hoping he let’s it go.
“I can’t hear you little doggy,” he tries to provoke her.
“Well if you won’t listen then I will use my special button.”
A few seconds later she feels a sharp electric shock in her neck. She wants to scream but her body won’t let her and she falls on her knees.
“What are you?” Mike asks again with a friendly tone.
“I’m a bitch,” Stephanie mumbles while she fights her tears.
“I can’t hear you!” Mike shouts and his hand goes to the button again.
“I’m a bitch!” Stephanie shouts in fear of a new shock.
“Good girl!” Mike says and pats her on her head to complete the humiliation.
“Now I have to blindfold you again so be a good girl and stay put.”

After blindfolding her, Mike takes her to a different part of the farm.
“I have a surprise for you,” he whispers in her ear while guiding her to the new location.
After a short walk in the dark, Stephanie is in a different barn or room. Mike removes her blindfold and reveals the surprise. It’s not a big room but there’s a big glass wall but she cannot make out what’s behind it cause it’s totally dark in there.

“Where are we?” Stephanie asks.
“This is where the magic happens,” Mike explains.
Stephanie doesn’t understand but it’s probably something bad again.
“And now you’re gonna see Wolf in action!” Mike says in excitement.
Stephanie is scared, she doesn’t know how big Wolf is but it doesn’t sound good at all.
“Please don’t do this to me,” she begs Mike.
“Don’t worry girl, I know you’re excited but you’re not becoming his bitch just yet!”
Mike flips a switch and suddenly the lights in the room behind are lit. It doesn’t reveal much, just a room with a couch and the floor looks like is made of rubber.
“We call this the spectator room” Mike points out while he presses another button.
The door of the room opens and a tall blonde girl walks in. At first Stephanie doesn’t recognizes her but when she comes closer she sees a familiar face: it’s Sophie.

Sophie is a volunteer at the local animal shelter where Stephanie comes once a month to treat the animals.

“She can’t see or hear you so don’t worry,” Mike says when he notices Stephanie figured out who the hot blonde is. Stephanie notices that Sophie is wearing a collar as well. Poor Sophie, she thinks. Sophie is a few years younger than Stephanie but they have a similar view on things. They talked about it on several occasions while enjoying a good cup of coffee. Stephanie is actually quite attracted to the tall blonde. She likes tall girls with firm breasts and bit of an attitude, but they never talked about it. It was quite obvious that Sophie liked guys over girls but Stephanie was quite sure that Sophie liked to experiment once in a while.

And then it happened, Stephanie was shocked and couldn’t believe it. Was this really going to happen?


Part Eight

Stephanie is in shock when she sees that Sophie is starting to take off her clothes. Within 2 minutes the tall blonde was only in her bra and panties, obeying all the commands she was given. Stephanie had often wondered what Sophie would look like naked but now that it was probably going to happen, she didn’t think about it. Instead she was concerned about what was going to happen to the girl in the room in front of her. The two minutes of waiting seemed to be ten but finally something was going to happen.

Stephanie is scared and curious at the same time when she suddenly sees some action near the door of the room. A dog is brought in and the door closes again. Stephanie immediately knows that this is the dog that Mike was talking about. It’s a large German Shepherd, bigger then most Shepherds she has seen in her time at the clinic. But event though Wolf is big, he’s not scary but seems to be quite friendly. Especially when he notices Sophie is in the room, he let’s out a little bark and seems happy to see her.

“Let’s turn on the sound,” Mike says and presses a button. Suddenly the dog’s enthousiasm is easily heard.

“Hello boy!” Sophie says and pats Wolf while he rubs his body against her leg. Sophie seems to be genuine happy to see him, Stephanie has to admit that the dog is quite cute.

The circumstances are a different though and she knows that Sophie isn’t in the room cause she wants to be. But Stephanie knows that Sophie would never hurt an animal no matter how bad the situation.

The two in the room start playing a bit but Wolf’s attention shifts to Sophie’s crotch. He starts sniffing her panties and seems to be interested in what’s behind the cloth. Sophie let’s Wolf do his thing and after inspecting her crotch he gives her a tap with his frontpaw signaling her that he wants something from her. Sophie immediately responds by taking of her bra and then takes down her panties.

“Now that’s a well trained bitch!” Mike says with excitement.

Wolf puts his nose between Sophie’s legs and starts to lick her pussy. His tongue starts slow but speeds up after a short period. Sophie moans and rubs Wolf’s head with her hand. She spreads her legs a little bit more to give the dog more room to pleasure her.
She has troubles to keep her balance while the dog licks her, she can just cope with the amount of stimulation the dog’s tongue gives her.

The dog contineous his high pace for a while and Stephanie sees that Sophie is close to an orgasm. Her whole body starts to shiver and her breathing becomes really heavy. Her right hand is looking for extra stability and finds the wall for extra support. Without it she will probable lose her balance and fall to the ground.

Shortly after her upper body collapses and she scratches the wall for stability. Her legs are shaking but she mananages to keep her balance, although she cannot take alot more it seems. But Wolf slows his pace so Sophie can catch her breath a bit but he doesn’t stop licking her juicy lips.

Not long after Wolf decides it’s been enough and feels it’s his turn. He starts tapping her leg again with his front paw, he’s telling Sophie something. It’s like he’s given her an order, cause Sophie immediately responds to the dog’s command. She kneels down and takes position on hands and knees. She lifts up her butt signaling wolf that she’s ready for him.

Wolf puts his nose between her legs and it does a quick inspection of this bitch to see if she’s ready. He licks her a few times to check out if she’s ready to mate. Stephanie holds her breath, she’s stunned but aroused at the same time. She feels sorry for Sophie even though the girl doesn’t seem to mind that much, and on the other hand she would really want to see this big dog breed the beautiful Sophie.


Part Nine

Stephanie can hear her heart beating fast, that’s how nervous she is. She can’t keep her eyes of Wolf and her hands are getting moist. Everything seems to slow down, the seconds seem like minutes and nothing is happening. Wolf seems to take forever to make his move, he keeps sniffing Sophie’s behind and licking her a bit. It’s like he’s teasing her.

Sophie let’s out little sighs every time his tongue touches her pussy, the little touch makes her go crazy.
“Stop teasing me Wolf!” she shouts and she wiggles her behind signaling him she wants something else.

Wolf is happy to oblige and mounts Sophie, grabbing her by the waist with his strong front paws. He pulls himself towards her behind behind and Stephanie sees his little red tip coming out. He positions himself properly and starts to probe her bottom to find her wanting lips. Within a few tries he finds his mark and slides into his waiting bitch.

“Oh yes,” Sophie moans when she feels Wolf entering her immediately followed by a sigh of relief. He starts to thrust hard and quick and Stephanie can only see the dog’s behind rapdily thrusting on the beautiful blonde.

Sophie let’s out moans of pleasure, it’s a mayor turn on for Stephanie and she’s wet in a blink of an eye. She can’t hold her eyes off the couply mating in front of her, it’s something she has never seen before and it makes her experience a little bit better.

She suddenly realizes that she wants to take Sophie’s place and wants to be bred by that gorgeous Wolf. For a second she feels bad but she get’s pulled back in the moment by a cry of pleasure by Sophie who is becoming very vocal.

“Oh yes… good doggie!” she shouts out aggresively. Wolf doesn’t give it any attention, he’s fucking his bitch fast and hard and is about to give her his masterpiece: the knot.

He’s tightening his grip and his hips starts to thrust a bit out of sync. He then lowers his head and stops the thrust completely buring his knot deep inside his human bitch.

“Oh god yes,” Sophie sighs as she’s being filled by Wolf. “You’re so big!”
Stephanie is godsmacked, she dying to see how big Wolf really is but knows it might take a while before he’s pulling out.

She’s breathing heavy and her panties are wet, something that has only happened once before. She’s confused, horny and angry at the same time.

“You gotta feel this Steph, he’s amazing!” Sophie suddenly shouts knowing the redhead has been watching her performance. Stephanie is embarrassed by the thought of Sophie knowing she has been watching her. But her curiousity is only getting bigger.

The dog is panting softly while he’s lying on top of his bitch. Sophie turns her head and looks at her lover with a warm gratefull smile. She can feel him pumping his semen inside her belly.

Stephanie can see that Sophie is very happy with Wolf and the idea that he’s pumping his seed in her makes her even more wet. She can’t think clearly but just wants to feel that pulsing knot inside her.

The two lover stay tied for another 15 minutes before Wolf slides off his bitch, leaving her warm belly. His impressive dick has already decreased in size but it’s still dangling between his legs. Stephanie is shocked by the size of his penis and licks her lips in enjoyment.

“And that’s not even his normal size,” Sophie says knowing Stephanie is probably looking at Wolfs breedingtool. Stephanie attentions shifts towards Sophie, she’s still on hands and knees and the doggiesperm is dripping between her legs. He’s made a huge deposit and Stephanie would love to find out what it would feel like.

Steph knows she will be next, she just hopes it will be soon…


Part Ten

Stephanie is being led into the room where she saw Sophie getting it on with Wolf almost 3 hours ago. Her heart is racing with anxiety cause she knows her session is probably up anytime soon. Sophie is already waiting for her, looking at her with a big smile. It’s like she knows Stephanie was soaking wet looking at her breeding session with Wolf.

“You liked watching me with Wolf, didn’t you?”

Stephanie is blushing, she feels embarrassed but her red face is telling the truth. Her hands are shaking a bit by the thought of what’s going to happen. The image of Wolf’s big tool keeps flashing through her mind and is making her nervous and horny at the same time. She wants to feel him inside of her but the size of the thing is scaring her, but she’s gonna find out all to soon.

“You’re nervous, aren’t you?” Sophie asks

“Yes,” Stephanie replies.

“Well I can understand, he’s a big boy.” It seems Sophie can read her mind.

“Yeah he is, I’m a bit scared,” Stephanie confesses.

“Well I was too when we first mated, he can be a bit rough at first but after the initial thrusts you will find yourself in heaven.”

Stephanie feels a bit relieved. She starts repeating the word “mated” in her head and finds herself getting aroused by the idea.

“I’m just here to get you more comfortable, I won’t be here to help you and Wolf though.”

Stephanie nods: “I get it.”

“Don’t be scared, he’s pretty big but he’s really sweet. Just play a bit with him and then let him lick you so you get yourself wet enough for him. And he will know that you’re ready to mate with him.”

Sophie gives her some tips and Stephanie listens carefully. She knows Sophie is here to help her and doesn’t want her to get hurt.

“Do you want to use the breeding stand or do you want to try by yourself?” Sophie asks.

“I don’t know,” Stephanie responds. “I don’t like the stand, but is it better?”

“Well the idea of getting strapped in and being mated by a big dog turns me on, but you can try yourself first.”

Stephanie isn’t sure, her first experience with Happy was with the breeding stand and she didn’t volunteer. However the thought of being able to choose makes it alot more interesting.

“Also, if you’re a bit scared then it might be better to be strapped in so you know it will happen no matter what.”

Stephanie doesn’t like that last idea. She’s a bit nervous about it, Wolf seems to be a big dog and she’s quite a tiny girl. But the vivid memory of forced breeding isn’t easily erased and she decides to give it a try the old fashioned way.

“Erm, I prefer to do it myself,” she answers.

“Good girl, Wolf’s very experienced so he won’t have any problems doing his thing.”

“Take a glass of water while I get Wolf, allright?”

Stephanie nods and think: “A glass of water would calm my nerves a little.”

Sophie leaves the room while Stephanie grabs a glass of water. Her hands are shaking a bit but the cool water does calm her nerves a bit. But the longer it takes for Sophie to come back, the more nervous Stephanie becomes. She starts thinking about what’s going to happen, how big Wolf is and what could go wrong. It doesn’t help her at all and after a few seconds she tells herself to stop with all stupid thoughts. She takes a few deep breaths and another sip from the water. She tries to clear her mind and she actually feels her body becoming calmer.

A short moment later the door of the room opens and Sophie brings in Wolf. The German Shepherd is quite large, even for a Shepherd. But it’s not as intimidating as she thought he would be. But it’s not his body size she’s worried about, it’s whats hidden between his legs that scares her the most.

Wolf seems to be excited to see Stephanie, he knows what his task will be in this room and will be very happy to fullfill it. He wants to approach Stephanie but Sophie can barely keep him on the leach next to her.

“Are you ready?” Sophie asks Stephanie.

Stephanie sighs and feels her heart starts beating faster and faster. “I guess,” so replies.

“Well I’m gonna remove the leash and leave you too at it,” Sophie says. Her hand goes towards the leash and with a snap Wolf is released from his restraints.
“Remember, just play with him a bit and then let him lick you, he’ll let you know when he’s ready.”

Stephanie nods while Wolf approaches her: “Ok, I will do that”

“Have fun you two!” Sophie shouts while she shuts the door and locks it from the outside.

Wolf approaches Stephanie and starts sniffing her hands and legs with alot of interest.
“Hi boy,” Stephanie says and she tries to sound excited by his present but she can’t hide the fact that she’s still very nervous.
She’s wearing a skirt and a top and Wolf is carefully exploring her legs. He seems to like her scent and Stephanie slowly starts rubbing his head. Wolf responds in excitement by her tender touch. She starts to feel a bit warm when the dog rubs himself against her and her nerves seem to calm by the second.

Stephanie leans back to the table behind her while the dog presses his head against her lap. It feels great to have the big dog show his excitement and it really starts to turn her on. Wolf continues sniffing her and he gives her a lick on the back of the knee. She shivers a bit and the dog then finds something alot more interesting, his noes goes under her skirt to explore her femdom. The warm air blows against her panties while the dog sticks his noes between her legs and she can feel him sniffing her crotch. It’s a major turn on and Stephanie leans back more and finds some support by putting her hands behind her on the table. Wolf licks her thigh and Stephanie let’s out a silent scream of excitement, it tickles really bad. She let’s him inspect her femdom a bit more but soon after she decides it’s time move to the middle of the room.

They continue playing for a while and Stephanie becomes more and more aroused. After a minute of two she starts to take of her cloths untill she’s only wearing her panties. Wolf’s looking at her with excitement, like he knows what is gonna happen.

“You want these off, boy?” Stephani dares Wolf. She’s feeling more confident then before.

Wolf sticks his nose between her legs and starts sniffing her crotch. Stephanie is becoming wet and the dog smells her sweet juices. He gives her panties a quick lick.

“I guess that’s a yes,” she says and pulls her panties down. She exposes her beautfifull pussy, her lips are engorged and a little wet with her juices.
“Come boy,” she tells Wolf and she leads his snout towards her willing pussy. The dog starts licking her and with the first touch of his tongue she lets out a little sigh of excitement and intensity. Wolf eagerly licks her pussy but because he’s a strong dog he almost knocks Stephanie over. She’s having trouble standing still while the dog licks her.

“Go lay on the floor,” a female voice suddenly sounds from the speakersystem.

Stephanie pushes Wolf away and lowers herself to the floor. She spreads her legs and finds Wolf between her legs in an instant. The dog knows exactly what to do and starts licking her frantically. Stephanie let’s out a little scream of pleasure and pain, the rough dogs tongue is almost overstimulating her clit. She get’s a huge boost and her breating becomes heavy.

Sophie can see Stephanie’s chest going up and down at a high pace. She knows Wolf is doing an excellent job and she’s wet by the spectacle in front of her. She wants Wolf to mate with Stephanie but would love to watch the two lovers for hours.

“Oh god you’re amazing,” Stephanie sighs while her left hand gentle rubs Wolf’s head. She can feel her orgasm opproaching with a rapid pace. Her juices are flowing plentyfull and even though she’s still nervous about his big member, she can now only think about his doggie dick inside her.

“Oh Wolf,” she moans and starts to shiver. The dog keeps hitting her clit and after another good lick Stephanie growls and her orgasm hits her. She’s trying to control her body but starts to shake a little while Wolf keeps licking but slows his pace, knowing his bitch needs a bit of relief.

It takes half a minute before Stephanie is back on earth again. Wolf is still licking her and she can feel her next orgasm building up again in the background. But she’s craving for something else, she wants to feel him inside her. She get’s up on her knees and gives Wolf a big hug. Her hand are sliding over his back down towards his belly. She gives him a little scratch and then rests for a second. She takes a breath and then slowly works her hands towards his sheath. She’s feeling nervous again but she can’t reverse he proces that’s going on. She touches his sheath and Wolf seems to be okay with it. She grabs her hand around it and starts pulling it back a little. She doesn’t have much experience with boys cause she found out quite soon that she preferred girls, but the little experience she has with jerking off a boy, does help. Wolf doesn’t need much stimulation and soon after she starts jerking him off, the red tip of his penis appears.

“Good boy,” she compliments him and continues rubbing him. Stage one has been accomplished and stage two soon enters too. Wolf starts humping a bit and soon after he starts panting and whining a bit. Stephanie can feel the know forming at the base of his penis, it’s tiny but she knows he’s ready and stops jerking. Wolf moves behind her and without further announcements decides to jump her. But Stephanie is sitting on her behind and her legs folded under her. But Wolf signals he’s ready to perform his task. Stephanie takes another breath and takes position on her hands and knees, lowering her head and arching her back a bit so Wolf will have easy acces to her womanhood.

Wolf waits pantiently for Stephanie to get in position and when she does, he puts his nose between her legs and gives her a good lick. His bitch let’s out a sigh of relief and he knows she’s ready to mate with him. Without hesitation he mounts up and grabs her bij her hips.

Stephanie can feel his forepaws grabbing her hips firmly and he pulls himself towards her behind. She starts to pant as well and within seconds she can feel him start to probe her rear, his tip hits her cheeks a few times. But with a good aimed thurst he almost hits her pussy and the experienced dog uses his next thrust to compensate the miss and he hits the spot. Stephanie feels him hitting her pussy and she holds her breath in fear but he next thurst is a direct hit and he slides in. He starts to thrust rapid and immeditately starts growing inside her.

“Oh god,” Stephanie moans when he starts fucking her with a frantic pace. The sounds of him fuking her soaking pussy makes her almost orgasm instantly. Wolf’s growing bigger and bigger and soon he starts rubbing her clit like a torpedo. She starts to moan, Stephanie can’t think anymore and just wants to come hard and fast. She feels him tightening his grip and pressing forward harder and going deeper and deeper. His knot starts to form and they will be tied within the minute. Her pussy is spasming and the feeling of the dog growing inside her, filling her up completely pushes her over the edge and she starts to come.

“Good.. dog…!” she growls and she wants to let everything go and just fall on the ground. Wolf keeps thrusting but Stephanie’s spasming pussy gives him the extra boost he needs and he grabs his bitch as tight as possible and pushes his knot in deeper, tying the two in the proces.

When Stephanie feels her body again she knows she’s knotted. She’s filled completely by his huge member and big knot. She can’t move without him pressing hard against her cervix. His pulsating cock makes her go craxy and feeling him shoot his warm semen inside her belly makes her orgasm again.

“Oh you big dog!” she shouts in bliss and agony. She wants to relief herself but has to keep her butt in the air. Wolf helps her though by releasing his grip on her and she can get in a bit more comfortable position with him inside her, spilling his semen inside. Minutes pass and Stephanie still feels him ejaculating, she wonders if it is ever going to stop. Wolf lies calm on her back and seems to be enjoying that tight pussy of Stephanie to the fullest.

A good 20 minutes later Wolf becomes a bit restless and suddenly decides it’s been long enough. His knot has shrunk enough for him to come out of her pussy and with a little tug he pops out, followed by a small stream of semen. Stephanie feels his semen leaking out of her but she knows she’s been filled by alot more and the idea that most of it is still inside her, makes her aroused again. She smiles but does feel a bit sore in and around her pussy.

“Wow, what a ride,” she sighs and tries to get up. But first Wolf cleans her up and gives her a few licks. She can’t help but feeling horny again, even though she’s just been bred by a big dog, she would have another go already.

“God I’ve truly become a bitch,” she thinks but smiles. Men are still not her cup of tea but a nice big dog will probably be roaming around her place very soon. Unless Mike and Sophie have something else for her in mind.

The End