(c) 2016 by Equanthropus

This story and any sequels that may follow contain descriptions of torture, sex between young men and horses, and scatology. If this offends you, please do not continue. I don’t particularly care if you don’t like it. Go away and don’t bother me.


Part One

OK. I shouldn’t have thrown the firecrackers at the horse. It was stupid and cruel and dangerous. I just didn’t think that the horse would throw the guy. And it’s not as if he was injured forever. Sure, twenty years ago he would have been dead. But with modern regeneration, he was back on his feet in twenty four hours.

So is a ten-year open indenture really fair for that? Did the judge really have to throw in that permit to modify at will? And specify that whoever bought my indenture had to put me to a use involving horses? Really, it was too much.

So, there isn’t much interest in me at the auction. A few stable owners looking for barn hands, but they lose interest when they find out I’ve never groomed a horse or cleaned a stall.

Which left me to the pervert crowd. People who get off on kinky stuff with horses.

So, there are three guys bidding on me. One guy from America and a guy from Japan and a German. They all look young and fit, but so does everybody nowadays.

At the pre-sale showing, they are all standing around and prodding me and groping my ass and hefting my balls. (Did I mention that those up for indenture are `shown’ in the nude?) I don’t like it and take a swing at the American when he pokes a finger in my ass. The guards knock me flat and the auction manager comes over and tells me that if I ever hit anyone, I add two years to my sentence.

So the three guys start poking me again and saying I need a bigger cock and asking whether I’ve ever fucked a horse or a dog.

I haven’t. I’ve fucked a few girls and tried it once with a guy, but couldn’t get a hard on. I’ve watched a few porn videos with people fucking animals, but it was kinda gross. Mostly, I laughed.

The German asked me about scat and I didn’t know what he meant. People actually like to have people shit on them and make them eat shit? I couldn’t believe it when he told me. He laughed at my reaction then said “Horse shit isn’t as bad as human shit.” That was not reassuring.

In any case, my number comes up in the auction. The bidding was spirited and went on for a while. In the end, I was sold to the German for $245,000. The auctioneer was really pleased. He said they’d never got such a high price for a sale with that kind of restriction.

So they put me in a crate and fly me off to Germany. (Hey, I’m property and fly cargo.)

From the airport, they ship me off to a clinic near Hamburg where they give me some modifications. I liked the enlarged cock and balls. They tripled the size and my cock is now forty one centimeters long (that’s 16 inches for you back in the USA) and seven centimeters thick (3 inches) and my balls are six centimeters in diameter.

I can cum dozens of times a day. And man, I am horny ALL THE TIME. I can only make my cock go soft by jacking off nine or ten times and even then I get hard all over again in half an hour. Most of the time, it is sticking up at a forty-five degree angle like I want to poke somebody in the eye with it. It is sensitive as hell, too. Just touching it is enough to make me cum. Every time I cum it is huge: I can fill a coffee mug, even on the tenth time I am cuming.

The other modifications are not as much fun: I can swallow a dildo four inches wide and two feet long easily and they can shove the same dildo up my ass. The first time they do that, I came like crazy. They tell me the modifications have turned my rectum into an `erogenous zone’, which I figure means I now get off on being ass-raped. They also force me to swallow huge bowls of lumpy mashed potatoes in one gulp.

They also do something to my nose. All they tell me is that I will now respond to certain pheromones, whatever those are. They said they modified my digestive tract, too. All they would tell me is that I could now digest `other things.’ They snickered when they said that.

After they’ve done all that and some other things I didn’t understand, they put me in a crate again and ship me off to my new owner.

I’m still in the crate when the truck drops me off. They open the crate and I can smell horses. And I start cuming. Holy shit, do I cum! I shoot jism four feet high! I have the biggest orgasm of my life and it goes on forever.

My owner and three other guys are standing around laughing at me, but I can’t stop cuming. Only my owner wore any clothes. From the size of their cocks, I guessed that the other three had been modified like me.

When it finally ends, my owner says “It looks like the modifications were successful.”

He orders me to stand up and I do. By the time I get to my feet, the smell hits me again and I cum again. This time, the owner hits my cock with a riding crop and I almost fall over from the pain. It does stop my orgasm, though.

“From now on,” he says, “you will cum only when you are serving the horses.” I gather that `serving the horses’ means more than feeding and grooming them.

“I am Lukas Krum.” He says. “You will call me “Master” or `Master Lukas’. Is that clear?”

He’s still waving that riding crop and my cock is still hard, so I quickly say “Yes, Master Lukas.”

He picks up a stick with two metal prongs on the end and jabs me with it. I scream and collapse as about a zillion volts of electricity go through me. He jabs me a couple more times and I keep screaming. When he stops, I am lying on the floor gasping for breath.

“That is a cattle prod. I will use it on you when you don’t obey my orders.” He says. “You are going to obey orders, aren’t you?”

My muscles are still twitching from the cattle prod. No way I want to be poked with that again. I say “Yes, SIR, Master Lukas.”

“Get up!” He ordered. I got to my feet.

He puts the cattle prod down. “That is an easy punishment. I can do much worse. Do you know what I can do to you?”

My shyster lawyer had already told me that an owner could do pretty well what he wanted as long as it could be healed. Since just about anything can be healed in a day, that meant there were no limits. The lawyer told me that, even if I got killed, the courts tended to say it was an accident and look the other way. “Anything you want, Master Lukas.” I said.

“Good. You know where you stand.” Says Master Lukas. “I am giving you a new name. You are now `Shit Boy’. That is your only name. You will never use any other name. Do you get that?”

“Yes, Master Lukas.”

“So what is your name?” He asks.

“I am Shit Boy.” I said.

He hits my cock with the riding crop again. “You forgot something.”

“I am Shit Boy, Master Lucas.” I say as I try not to scream.

“That is better.” He says. “Now, if I give you an order, any order, you obey instantly. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Master Lukas.”

He pointed at the other men. They were also naked and had huge erections as big as mine. “These are Piss Boy, Cock Boy and Horse Slave.” He said pointing to the three others in turn. “They are senior to you. You will obey their orders as well.”

Piss Boy was blond and blue eyed. He was about my height and had a strong chiseled face, typical North European. Cock Boy had brown hair and brown eyes. He was about six feet and average looking without distinguishing features. Horse Slave was a black guy with short frizzy hair. He was the biggest of the three, at least six foot five (or 195 centimeters as they say in Europe) and had bulging muscles everywhere. He was the blackest man I’d ever seen. I later found out that his skin color had been modified to make him as dark as possible.

“Yes, Master Lukas.” I said.

“Good.” He said. “Follow me.”

He led me to a horse stall and opened the door. There was a big brown horse with a black mane and tail inside.

“Waldkoenig.” He said. “Asshole.”

The horse turned around and lifted its tail. His asshole was huge. “Kiss his asshole.”

I gaped and looked at him. “What?” I said.

The crop came down on my cock again, harder than ever. “I said `Kiss his asshole’. Obey, Shit Boy.”

I hugged that horse’s rump and kissed his asshole. The moment I did so, I started cuming again. I had meant to give the horse’s asshole a quick kiss and get it over with, but my orgasm was overwhelming. I held there for several minutes while I came. When it was finally over, I started to pull back.

“I did not say you could stop kissing his asshole.” My master said. “Kiss it like you really mean it. Lick it and kiss it like you are in love.”

I obeyed. I plunged my face between the horse’s buttocks and pressed my lips to his shithole. I licked it. A moment later, I came again. I held the kiss while my body shook with another orgasm. Eventually, it passed as well. This time I kept on kissing the horse’s asshole.

“You may stop now.” Master Lukas said.

I stepped back and faced him. My cock was still hard.

“I am going to explain a couple of things.” He said.

“First, the clinic told me you did not know what pheromones are. They are chemicals that all living things give off. Other living things react to them. Many of them cause a sexual response. In your case, you have been made extremely sexually responsive to the pheromones given off by horses, specifically stallions. You now become extremely aroused by the smell of a stallion. If you stand here beside Waldkoenig for another five minutes, you will have another orgasm, even if you don’t touch him. Because you have been modified to have many orgasms a day, you won’t be able to stop it.

“Touching a stallion or tasting its sweat or body fluids will affect you even more strongly.”

I could feel the truth of what my master was saying. I was building to another orgasm. Just the presence of that big stud was driving me over the edge. I didn’t like the sound of that `bodily fluids’ part. What he said next was worse than I expected.

“Second.” He went on. “You wondered what those changes to your digestion were. You can now live on horseshit and horsepiss. That is what you are going to eat from now on.”

My face must have shown my disgust. “You don’t like that?” He said. “Too bad. I guess it is time for you to have lunch. Kiss his asshole again.”

“You want me to eat horseshit?” I said incredulously.

This time he hit my balls with the riding crop, twice. The pain was worse than ever. “That is two disobediences.” My master said.

I hugged myself to the horse’s backside and kissed his asshole. Once again, a powerful orgasm shook me as I kissed and licked the shithole.

The horse farted in my face. I felt the whip on my ass. “When a horse farts in your face, you will open your mouth and inhale it, Shit Boy.” I barely heard my master say this because the fart had made me cum harder than ever.

I finished cuming but kept licking the horse’s asshole. I was learning to obey.

“In a moment, Waldkoenig will shit. You will open your mouth as wide as possible and swallow it. Raise your hand if you understand.” Master Lukas said.

I waved my hand, not taking my lips from the horse’s asshole.

“Waldkoenig. Shit.” I heard him say.

The horse spread his legs slightly (I later learned that horses do that when they are about to shit) and his asshole tensed and bulged outward. I opened my mouth wide. As the horse pushed a huge load of shit into my mouth, I came again. It was really foul tasting. I would have gagged at the taste if I hadn’t been cuming so hard.

Waldkoenig was using me as a toilet. I was disgusted with myself, but I couldn’t stop cuming.

I swallowed the first load and the horse put another load in my mouth. I kept cuming as he pushed two more loads into me. I was still cuming as he finished shitting. I was so excited that I thrust my tongue into his asshole, lapping up the shit juices.

The horse’s asshole closed and I kept licking it as my orgasm slowly subsided.

“Stand back.” Master Lukas ordered. To my surprise, I was reluctant to do so, but I obeyed.

He pointed down the aisle. “From now on, you will serve the five stallions on this side from here down to the end of the barn. The others will serve the stallions in the other parts of the barn. Except you will serve any stallion or horse any time you are told to.

“You will be their toilet. They will shit in your mouth and you will eat it. When they piss, you will put their cock in your mouth and drink their piss.”

“Yes, Master Lukas.” I didn’t like the idea one bit, but I didn’t want another whack on my cock with that riding crop or jab with the cattle prod. I wanted to punch the guy, but I figured ten years was going to be hell enough without adding another two years.

I was trying to think of how I could escape. Master Lukas crushed that thought with his next words. “There are a few points to the indenture that you may not know about. If you try to run away, you will add a month to your indenture for every day you are away. Besides, you’ve been implanted with a tracking device so you can be found anywhere in the world.

“Any disobedience automatically adds a week to your sentence. I am the judge of what is a disobedience. So far, you have been disobedient four times, so you have added four weeks to your time.”

I could only think of three times, but I wasn’t going to argue with him. That would get another week added.

“If you are careless and get yourself injured, the time for your treatment will not count towards your service. You will also earn an extra day for each day lost. Only if I deliberately injure you – and I will injure you – will the time for treatment count as service.”

The last part was small consolation. With speed healing and modern clinics, most things can be healed in twenty-four hours and anything short of complete cremation can be healed in three days.

While he was saying all this, the scent of the horse was bringing me up to another orgasm and I was starting to leak jism. Matters were not helped by the horse sniffing me and licking me.

My master saw this and grinned. “Turn around and face Waldkoenig. Let him play with you.”

“Yes, Master Lukas.”

I turned and faced the stallion, who immediately took my cock in his mouth. I started cuming again as the horse went down on my cock, He took about a foot of it and sucked on it. I shot wads of jism into the horse and he kept sucking harder.

I gasped for breath as the orgasm shook my body. I caressed the horse’s head and neck, petting him and encouraging him.

Master Lukas moved to watch and grinned at me. I felt ashamed that I was doing this but I didn’t want it to stop. “Horses can have modifications, too. My horses all love the taste of human semen. They also enjoy shitting and pissing into people’s mouths. They enjoy other things too. You will find out more of those things as you get to know them. I’ll show you one right now.

“Waldkoenig, bite.” He said.

I screamed in agony as the horse bit down on my cock. I would have fallen on the floor but the horse literally held me up by his grip on my cock. I tried to push the horse away, but the other three slaves grabbed my arms and twisted them behind my back. I kept screaming and trying to get away. Strangely, I was still cuming.

My master slapped my face. “Shut up!” He ordered. I choked back my screams while he said. “They also enjoy hurting people.”

He touched the horse’s shoulder. “Enough, Waldkoenig.” The stud stopped biting and let go of my cock. I looked down. I could see the teeth marks about four inches from the base, but the skin wasn’t broken. I would have bruises, though, if I didn’t see a healer.

“One of the subtler points of your modifications is that you get off on being hurt by a horse. Which is why you kept cuming while he bit you. It makes it a nice circle: The horse likes hurting you and you get pleasure out of being hurt by them.”

He grabbed my cock and examined it. “A little bruising. Not too bad, but I think we’ll have it healed. It should only take half an hour. I could have had him bite it right off, but that would take longer to heal.

“I’ll have the Piss Boy show you where the clinic is. Let’s give him something to have healed so he has a reason to go himself.”

He pointed at Piss Boy. “Balls on the block.” He said.

Without a word, Piss Boy fetched a block of wood and sat down on the floor with the block tucked into his crotch. He put his balls – which were as big as oranges – on the block of wood. I could see the horse was getting excited. His cock had dropped down and was getting hard.

Once Piss Boy was ready, the horse stepped forward and raised his front leg. I could see the steel shoe on the hoof. The stud was now fully erect with a huge two-foot long hard on that was thicker than my arm.

Piss Boy kissed the horse’s hoof, then guided it slowly down to his balls. As the hoof touched his balls, the guy started cuming. He kissed and stroked the horse’s leg.

“Waldkoenig, slow.” Master Lukas said.

Ever so slowly, the stallion put his weight on the guy’s balls, crushing them. The horse pressed down a millimeter at a time. Piss Boy’s balls spread slowly beneath the horse’s hoof as they were mashed flat. Amazingly, the guy kept cuming even while the full weight of the stallion came down. The horse held his hoof there for a moment before quickly lifting it and stomping on the remains of the guy’s scrotum. Blood spurted out around the edges of the steel horseshoe. I could see the agony on Piss Boy’s face, but even so he kept cuming and kissing and caressing the horse’s leg.

The horse bellowed a loud neigh and stomped again on the remains of guy’s balls. I thought Piss Boy was opening his mouth to scream as he leaned over slightly, looking along the belly of the horse. Instead, the stallion came, firing a gigantic wad of horse-cum straight into Piss Boy’s mouth. As the victim swallowed the horse-cum, another wad covered his face.

The two of them held the pose for several minutes, both cuming while the horse tortured the man beneath him.

I came as well. I was already turned on by the smell of the stud and the sight and smell of his cum sent me over the edge once more.

At last, all three of us stopped cuming. The horse stood back. Horse Slave got under the stud and started sucking the jism still draining from the stud’s cock. Horse Slave started to cum as he took the end of Waldkoenig’s cock in his mouth.

Master Lukas ordered Piss Boy to stand up. His balls were a bloody mangled mess. He was sweaty and covered with the horse’s cum and his own. Master Lukas ordered him to show me how to go to the healer. Piss Boy waved me to follow and set off at a run. I ran after him. We got to an autocart and he got into the box in the back. I got in with him.

He slid open the window to the cab and said “Infirmary”. The autocart took off down a path into some woods.

I looked at him and said. “How could you cum when that horse was crushing your balls? The pain must be unbelievable.”

He gave me a look of contempt. “I do it because I am a slave like you. It hurts very bad, but I enjoy it, too. Like you, I have been modified to enjoy it. I now enjoy it so much that I would do it even if it was my own choice. You will feel the same way in time.”

I shook my head. “Never!”

He snorted. “I said the same thing when Master Lukas bought me. That was eight months ago. You will see.”

I shuddered. Trying to think of something else to say, I asked him his real name.

“Piss Boy.” He said.

“No, I mean your real name, not what Master Lukas calls you.”

Piss Boy gave me another look of contempt. “That is my only name. Yours is Shit Boy. Do not ever use the name you once had. There are listening devices everywhere. If you call yourself anything but Shit Boy, you will be punished so hard that you will spend three days being healed.”

The look in his eye as he said that made me decide I wasn’t going to test that.

We came out of the woods near a big house. There were a couple of other buildings, one of which looked like a theater. There were people moving around the buildings. The people looked at us. Some stared, some pointed. I tried to ignore them. I wanted to hide my face.

After a few more turns, the autocart parked itself at the rear of a building. There was a blue cross on the rear door. “Blue Cross?” I said aloud.

“Blue Crosses are for animal treatment. We are just animals, now.” Piss Boy said.

We went inside. The healer was a woman. She took one look at us and ordered us to get into the healing tanks. The healing fluid engulfed me and I lost consciousness.

What seemed a moment later, I woke up. The bruise on my cock was gone. “Seven minutes.” The woman noted. She ordered me out.

I looked around, not sure what to do. “Get in the cart and tell it to go home.” She said, waving at me impatiently. “When you get there, order the cart to come back here.”

I looked at Piss Boy, who was still unconscious in his tank. “Go!” The woman ordered.

I obeyed. The autocart took me back to the barn. I got out and sent it back to the infirmary.

Master Lukas was riding a big black horse in a riding ring beside the barn. Not knowing what else to do, I jogged over to him.

He saw me coming and stopped the horse. I came up to him. The smell of the sweaty horse made me start cuming. Master Lukas whacked my cock with the riding crop until I stopped. “Get under Schwarzchild.” He ordered. “Put his cock in your mouth.”

I crawled under the horse. I was shaking from the need to cum. About four inches of thick black horsecock hung down. I put it in my mouth and immediately started cuming again. My jism was shooting out five feet behind the horse.

The horse simply stood there with his cock in my mouth. He wasn’t doing anything and I was having a huge orgasm from nothing more than feeling his big cock in my mouth. I concentrated on his fist-sized black balls, trying not to think of how what my body was doing.

As my orgasm subsided once more, the horse’s cock began dropping further. From above me, Master Lukas ordered. “Don’t swallow his cock, just put the end in your mouth. I want you to taste his piss. Drink it all down”

I wrapped my lips around the end of the horse’s cock. I could smell his crotch-musk and his sweat as I stared along a foot of horsecock. The stallion tipped forward and a torrent of horsepiss shot into my mouth. It was foul. Not as bad as horse shit, but pretty bad. I tried to swallow it and gagged on the flood.

I was cuming once more. Yet another orgasm shook me as the horse pissed in my mouth. The modifications that made me so horny didn’t seem so wonderful any more. My body was enjoying being a horse toilet and I hated myself for it.

The cock twitched in my mouth and the flow surged for a moment. I choked and the cock fell out of my mouth.

The stallion kept on pissing, soaking my face and body.

From above me, Master Lukas said “Put it back in. Don’t try to swallow the piss. Just open your throat and let it flow into you.”

I put the end of the cock in my mouth again and tried to obey. I could feel the flood of horse piss flowing down my throat. I gagged a few more times, spitting out piss. The horse’s piss slowed to a trickle. I kept sucking on the black cock until I’d taken the last drops.

I was still cuming when my master told me I could stop sucking Schwarzchild’s cock and get up.

I stood, facing my master.

“I ordered you to drink all of his piss. You didn’t. That is disobedience and will cost you another week.”

I opened my mouth to protest, then thought better of it. “Yes, Master Lukas.”

“Good. Go to the barn. Go in the first stall in your section. Kiss the asshole of the horse in there until he shits in your mouth. Swallow it all. Hug his ass and pet him while you do this. Once done, go to the next horse and do the same thing.”

“Yes, Master Lukas.”

I turned and started to go. “One more thing.” He said. I looked back. “Really hug and pet them. Make them think you want to be their toilet. Remember you are Shit Boy.”

“Yes, Master Lukas. I will be a good Shit Boy.” I trotted to the barn.

There was a grey horse with a long mane and tail in the first stall. The nameplate on the stall door said “Madrid” Madrid whinnied as I entered. He turned his ass towards me and lifted his tail. As my lips touched his asshole, I began to cum again.

I hugged myself to the horse’s ass as tight as I could, stroking his silky coat. Madrid made a rumbling sound. I guessed he enjoyed what I was doing, so I kept petting him, pressing firmly against his hard muscles while I licked and kissed his asshole.

He farted in my mouth and I inhaled it. I hoped he was going to shit and get it over with but his asshole closed and I went back to kissing and licking it.

By now my first orgasm had passed and I could think a little. I tried to pay attention to what Madrid liked and didn’t like. He rumbled happily when I stroked his sides and when I really pushed my face against his asshole. I rubbed my cheeks along his ass crack and he squeezed his butt cheeks together. He didn’t respond much, but I felt a flush of pleasure as I did it. I was going to cum again.

As I probed his asshole with my tongue, he farted in my mouth once more, setting off another orgasm. I sucked his asshole while I came, but he still didn’t shit.

The stallion kept me sucking his asshole for another half hour. I came four more times waiting for Madrid to shit in my mouth. He farted in my mouth every few minutes. After the first couple of times, I probed his open asshole with my tongue, rimming him. I guess he liked it because he neighed loudly and pushed back against my face. I put my tongue as deep into his rectum as I could, trying to get him to shit. I could feel (and taste) the turds inside.

At last Madrid’s asshole bulged out and he shit in my mouth. He dumped a huge load in all at once. I was cuming once more as the mass of horseshit slid down my throat. He just took one huge dump, but my orgasm went on. I kept licking his asshole and the hot flesh of his rectum. The horse liked it; he kept shoving his asshole in my face, demanding that I lick deeper.

Once I had stopped cuming, I stepped back. Madrid didn’t like me stopping. He squealed and stomped his hoof as I let myself out.

The next horse, Favory, was smaller and all white. He faced me as I came in and looked at me curiously. I stroked him as I moved to his ass. His coat was smooth as silk. His tail was down when I reached his rump. I reached under his tail and touched his asshole. I started cuming as soon as I touched it. He raised his tail and I ducked under to kiss his asshole. I had to bend my knees a little to position myself.

Favory kept me licking his asshole almost as long as Madrid had. I came three times while I licked and kissed his asshole and breathed in his farts. When he finally shit, he did it slowly, a few turds at a time. I kept cuming while swallowing a half dozen small dumps from his asshole.

By the time I left Favory’s stall, I was feeling stuffed. My belly was bulging out and I felt I had to puke. Horse Slave spotted me and showed me where I could puke up what I had swallowed. “Clear your gut every two or three times they use you.” He said. “Enough will stay down to keep you fed.”

Once I had puked my guts out, I went to the third stall. The horse’s name was Fortune. Fortune was huge, black and aggressive. As soon as I came into the stall, he jammed me against the wall, then turned his ass towards me with his tail raised. As with the others, I hugged his rump. Before I could kiss his asshole, he shoved backwards, crushing me against the wall and driving the breath out of me. As I struggled for breath, I started cuming again.

Fortune’s asshole bulged out. I barely had time to open my mouth when he took a massive shit. There was so much horseshit that I couldn’t take it all. It smeared over my face and some got in my nose. I swallowed what was in my mouth and opened just in time to receive another big load.

As I swallowed the second load, Fortune shoved backwards once more. The thick boards of the walls creaked and groaned as the stud mashed me against them. His asshole opened wider and the hot red flesh of his gut covered my face. My nose was inside his rectum. I rimmed the horse, trying to pleasure him enough so he would relax and let me go. I was starting to get desperate for air.

Fortune shoved backwards a third time. I felt incredible pain as my ribs broke and he crushed my chest. I blacked out.

I woke in the infirmary with the attendant standing over my healing tank. “One hour and forty eight minutes.” She said. “Get out of here.”

I got out and into the back of the waiting autocart, which took me back to the barn.

Master Lukas was waiting for me when I got back. “That is an extra week for disobedience and an extra day for the time lost due to getting yourself injured.”

“Disobedience?” I said incredulously. “What did I do wrong?”

“That is another week for insubordination and a week for improperly addressing me.” He said.

I caught myself before I could say anything more. “Yes, Master Lukas.”

“I told you to swallow all of the horses’ shit. You didn’t swallow all of Fortune’s shit.” He said, grinning at me.

I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to swallow all of a stallion’s shit while it was trying to kill me, but all I said was “Thank you for explaining, Master Lukas.”

“You are welcome, Shit Boy.” He said. He threw something at me. “Put that on.”

I looked at it for a moment. It was shaped a little like a jock strap only there was a metal ring where the cup would have been. The ring was just large enough for my cock to fit through.

Fearfully, I put it on, with the ring around the base of my cock. I was hard and getting ready to cum again from the smell of the horses, so it was really tight. There was also a pouch which fit tightly over my balls.

As soon as I had finished buckling it on, Master Lukas held up a remote and pointed it at me. Incredible pain shot through by cock and balls. I fell to the floor screaming. After a moment, the pain stopped. I got to my feet, still gasping.

“That will stop you from cuming for now. I want you ready for tonight. Any time you are going to have an orgasm, the restrainer will go off. You will not feel like cuming any more.”

I wondered what he had planned for tonight, but I figured it was better not to ask. I sure wasn’t going to be able to cum with the restrainer on my cock and balls.

“Now,” he said, “go back to serving the studs. Since you don’t know how to serve Fortune, Horse Slave will serve him. In return, you will serve Blenheim in the stall opposite. The restrainer will take away any pleasure you get.” He grinned as he said the last part.

“Yes, Master Lukas.” I said, heading back to the stalls.

Blenheim was a gigantic brown and white workhorse. His back was a foot above my head. He was facing me as I came into his stall. I moved to his ass, stroking his coat as I went. As I reached his rump, he lifted his tail. His asshole was huge and about eye level. I had to stand on tiptoe to kiss it.

As my lips touched his asshole, the restrainer jolted my cock and balls. I yelped. The shock wasn’t as bad as when Master Lukas zapped me, but it sure killed my orgasm. I kept licking that big shithole, getting nothing but the foul smell and taste for my pains plus an occasional shot from the restrainer.

When Blenheim finally shit, it was big but nowhere near as massive as I expected. That was lucky, because I got a huge jolt from the restrainer as his asshole opened and he dumped in my mouth. I wanted to scream, but I knew I would earn another week if I didn’t swallow the shit. I barely kept my mouth open long enough.

When he was done, I stepped back, gasping. Horse slave looked in on me at that point. “Got it? Good.” He said. “Get under him and put his cock in your mouth. He’s gotta take a big piss and you are his urinal. Don’t spill any.”

I glanced at him. I remembered that Master Lukas had said the others could give me orders, so I bent down to crawl under the stud. As I got down, I said “I thought a big horse like him would have a much bigger shit.”

Horse Slave snorted. “He usually does, but he shit in my mouth only fifteen minutes ago. That is why you only got a small dump. He can bury your head with one shit. You’ll get a full load later.”

I was now under the big horse and about 10 inches of horsecock was hanging down. It was as thick as a man’s leg. I covered the piss slit with my mouth and got another jolt from the restrainer.

Damn, that hurt. I was horny as hell and wanted to cum real bad. The smell of the big stud and the taste of his cock was making me shake, but I was getting zapped before I could get off.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. Which was just as well, `cause Blenheim kind of tipped forward and started pissing. It was like having a fire hose aimed straight down my throat with the tap wide open, except this hose was shooting horsepiss.

I tried to open my throat like I’d been told before, but there was too much. I started to gag just as the restrainer went off again. I spit out the horsecock and a mouthful of horsepiss.

The stud kept on pissing. I put his cock back in my mouth as fast as I could, but I got soaked with the stud’s piss while I did it.

I tried to focus on his huge balls while I concentrated on letting his piss flow into me. That was a mistake, because I got another jolt from the restrainer with the same result as before.

By the time Blenheim finished pissing, I was drenched with his piss and sitting in a big puddle. I was sure I’d swallowed gallons, but I hadn’t been able to take all of it.

As I got up, Master Lukas poked his head through the door. “Didn’t swallow his piss. Another week.” Then he just walked away.

As I went to puke up the load I’d taken, I said to Horse Slave. “How do you do it? If he keeps adding time, I am going to be here forever.”

Horse Slave shrugged. “You’ll learn. I added nearly a full year before I got the hang of it.”

After emptying my gut, I went on to the next horse, a dark brown horse named Texas. He was about as tall as Madrid, but much stockier. I later found out he was a quarterhorse. Texas didn’t keep me waiting long. I only got one jolt from the restrainer as he shit in me.

As I went to go out, I noticed Texas’ cock hanging down. He was getting ready to piss. The stud was looking at me expectantly. I wasn’t sure what to do. I’d been told to eat the studs’ shit and move on, but I was sure I’d be punished if I didn’t drink Texas’ piss.

I got down under the horse and he whinnied. I took his cock in my mouth (and got another jolt from the restrainer). Texas pissed down my throat. This time, I managed to swallow it all. Oddly, I felt pleased with myself.

I came out of the stall face to face with Master Lukas. “Did I tell you to drink his piss?” He said.

I thought quickly. “You told me I was their toilet, Master Lukas. When they piss, I am supposed to put their cock in my mouth and swallow their piss.”

“Good. You remembered. One day off for good behavior.” He said.

“Thank you, Master Lukas!” I tried to sound happy.

“Back to work.” He ordered and left

I went into Waldkoenig’s stall.

For the rest of the afternoon, I serviced the five horses. I learned how to control my horniness, so I only got zapped a few more times. I got the hang of swallowing just about any amount of horseshit or horsepiss, except I couldn’t take a full load from Blenheim – his dumps were gigantic – and added two more weeks because his shit smeared over my face and body. I had to lick the shit off his ass crack and eat what fell on the floor.

The horses got fed about the time the sun went down. While they were eating, Piss Boy gave me a lesson on grooming. I brushed Waldkoenig while he munched his hay, trying to make the stallion’s coat shine. I got myself zapped twice while I worked on the horse.

While this was going on, a bunch of guys in white coveralls came in and started grooming the other horses. They started leading them off somewhere. One of them came for Waldkoenig as soon as I was finished grooming the stud.

“What now?” I asked Piss Boy as I watched Waldkoenig led away.

“Show time.” He said, handing me a wet cloth that smelled funny.

I took it from him. “Put it over your mouth and nose and breathe until you black out.” He ordered.

I obeyed. I took about two breaths and lost consciousness.

When I came to, I was strapped on a sloping bench in a darkened room. My legs were spread wide apart and my cock was hanging down through a hole in the bench.

As my head cleared, I looked around. I was on a stage. There were curtains and I could hear voices on the other side.

Damn! It didn’t take a genius to realize I was about to be fucked by a horse. I could smell horses not far away. I had been soft when I woke, but my cock was rapidly getting hard.

Master Lukas, now all dressed up in a fancy tuxedo came over and whispered in my ear. “You do not cum until the right time. There is a restrainer built into the bench and you will get a jolt if you cum before the horse mounts you.”

“Yes, Master Lukas.” I whispered back.

He stepped through the curtain and the lights went down.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” I heard him say, “welcome to the Horse Show. I know you are all looking forward to a fine evening of horses enjoying their slaves, so let us begin.”

The curtains parted and I was blinded by the spotlights and footlights. I couldn’t see a thing past the edge of the stage.

Master Lukas was between me and the edge of the stage. “Tonight, from America, we have a new lover to pleasure our horses. May I introduce Shit Boy. ” He waved at me. I resented that. I was no lover of horses, but I guess my opinion didn’t count when I was strapped down waiting for one of them to fuck my ass. Figuring it was expected, I smiled and waved my hand, which was free from the wrist down.

The audience cheered. Master Lukas went on. “Shit Boy is a virgin when it comes to horses, so I want you to pick his first lover. You can see five stallions behind him. Use the screens on your table to choose for him. While you are voting, we will make it a surprise for Shit Boy; he will know his lover only after his lover mounts him.”

Master Lukas came over to me. He pulled a black cloth out of his pocket and blindfolded me. As he tied it, he whispered “That smile and wave was very good. If you keep looking happy all night, I will take off another day.”

“Thank you, Master Lukas.”

He finished tying the blindfold and spoke to the audience again. “Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen, for helping Shit Boy choose his first lover. Your votes have been counted and he can be mounted.”

The bench began turning; it rotated until the sound of the audience was behind me. I realized the audience would have a straight on view of my asshole as I was fucked.

I heard the thumping of hooves as a horse approached. It sniffed my ass, blowing hot breath over my buttocks. I was horny as hell and I could smell the hot stud; I hadn’t cum in hours and almost came while the horse checked me out. Instead, I got a huge jolt from the restrainer.

The horse licked my ass. I got another jolt.

I decided that the best thing to do was play along and get it over as fast as possible. I called out “Yes, master! Fuck me! I’m yours! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!” The audience cheered.

The horse bellowed a loud neigh. I heard a scuffling noise behind me. The full weight of the horse landed on my back with his front legs over my shoulder. I felt the horse cock between my legs, probing my ass. His hot body covered mine. The horse lowered his head, blowing hot breath on my neck.

I could feel a silky mane brushing my shoulder. I decided to take a chance and guessed the stud’s name. “I love you Madrid! Please rape my ass!” The audience cheered again.

The stud gripped the back my neck in his teeth and shoved forward, driving his cock into me. I came as he penetrated me. The orgasm was overwhelming. I moaned and called out “More! More!” Now I really wanted to be horse-fucked.

The stallion humped again, driving deeper. I could feel his cockhead at my navel. That big hot cock in my ass was driving me crazy. My head swam as I had the biggest orgasm of my life. I humped my ass upward, wanting more.

The stud pulled back slightly before shoving forward again, going deeper than ever. His body ground me against the bench. “Aaaaaagh!” I could only make a wordless shout as the stallion fucked me.

Now the horse pounded his cock into me, humping fast and brutally. The stud rammed his cock into me half a dozen times, going deeper with each stroke. I could feel his hot thighs covering my ass and smell his sweat as he ground me against the bench.

Between my orgasm and the weight of the horse on my back, I could scarcely breathe.

With a final thrust, he held on top of me. His cock pulsed and the jet of horse cum shot into me. My body quivered with ecstasy and my orgasm reached new heights as the stallion shot his load into me.

Our orgasm finished and the stud lay on top of me, sated for the moment. I became aware of the cheers of the audience. Both of us were breathing hard. My arms were still tied, but I could move my hands enough to stroke the stallion’s leg.

As my head cleared, I thought about what had just happened. I had been ass-fucked by a horse. And I had enjoyed it. I blushed in shame. But I wanted more.

The horse heaved back, dismounting and pulling his cock out of me. I felt a gush of horsecum pour out of my ass.

Master Lucas pulled the blindfold off me while stage hands undid the straps that held me on the bench.

I looked around. Piss Boy was leading Madrid around the stage, the stud’s softening cock still swung beneath him dripping jism. The audience was still cheering wildly.

Master Lukas put his microphone in my face. “How did you like that, Shit Boy?” He asked.

“More, please.” I said. “I want him to fuck me again, Master.” I was disgusted with myself for saying so, but it was true. I had enjoyed being horse-fucked and wanted it again. The audience cheered louder.

Master Lukas slapped my shoulder. “Well done, Shit Boy! But we’ll let Madrid have a rest for a while. Meanwhile, you should thank him properly. Go and give him a kiss.”

“I will, Master.” The straps were now undone and I climbed down off the bench.

I smiled and waved to the audience who cheered again as I walked over to the stallion.

Piss Boy was holding him with his ass pointed towards me, so it was clear where I was supposed to kiss Madrid. The stud lifted his tail as I approached.

I ducked under Madrid’s tail and hugged his ass. The audience cheered once more as I kissed the stud’s asshole and came again. Madrid grunted as I thrust my tongue in his pucker.

The horse did not shit right away, so I decided I should make a show of it. I began licking down his ass-crack and reached between his legs to fondle his balls. He bellowed a loud neigh and the audience clapped their hands.

My orgasm passed and I kept licking the stud’s ass crack and stroking his butt. I felt his tail lifting off my back and opened my eyes to see his asshole starting to bulge.

I rose up with my mouth open and he farted loudly in my face. Everyone laughed.

Someone in the audience started calling out “Scheiße, scheiße, scheiße…” The whole audience took up the chant. I didn’t have to be a linguist to realize they were saying “Shit, shit, shit…”

Madrid didn’t keep them waiting. He spread his legs slightly and his asshole bulged again. I covered it with my mouth as he dumped a big load into me.

The audience roared its approval, cheering and laughing as the stallion shit in my mouth.

The taste of his shit made me cum again and I held myself against the stallion’s asshole until he was done. I was still cuming as his asshole closed and I kept nuzzling and licking the horse.

“OK, Shit Boy!” Master Lukas called out. “That’s enough! Say goodbye to the audience!”

I was surprised and disgusted at my own reluctance to stop, but obeyed. I turned away from the stallion and faced the crowd. I still couldn’t see anyone beyond the footlights, but I smiled and waved as though I could.

Somebody called out “Piss!” and another chant went up.

Master Lukas stepped forward and put his arm around my shoulder. Looking out to the audience he said “Do you want an encore?” The audience roared “Ja! Ja! Ja!”

Master Lukas turned to me. “How about a refreshing drink of horse-piss?”

I would rather not, but I knew my place. Facing the audience, I called out “Yes” and raised my hands over my head.

The audience cheered again. “Go to it, Shit Boy!” Master Lucas called out.

As I crawled underneath the horse, whose cock was already dropping out of his sheath once more, Master Lukas whispered to me. “Don’t put his cock in your mouth. Hold it far enough away so that the audience can see the piss stream going into you.”

“Yes, Master.” I whispered back.

The audience went silent as I sat on my butt under Madrid’s chest and carefully grasped his cock. I almost came as I took hold of it. I kissed and licked the tip. Madrid rumbled with pleasure.

I heard Piss Boy whisper to the stallion. “Madrid, piss.”

The stallion cocked himself and a jet of horse-piss shot into my mouth. I started cuming again. My cum shot out in a long arc that went between the horse’s hind legs and landed three feet behind him. I could barely keep my mind on letting the piss flow down my throat. I figured Master Lukas would give me a double penalty if I didn’t swallow all Madrid’s piss.

After a minute of the horse shooting his piss down my throat, the audience began clapping. The horse kept pissing; I stared at his pisshole, watching the yellow torrent pouring out of the stallion and trying to keep it aimed at my mouth.

The clapping and cheering grew louder as Madrid’s piss went on and on. The flow began to slow and I moved my mouth closer to catch it all. As my lips touched his cock, he squirted the last surge into me.

After Madrid finished, I closed my eyes and held my lips to his cock. I began to breathe normally as I gently stroked the massive horsecock. I was enjoying being a horse toilet. I wanted Madrid to use me again.

Madrid began to straighten and withdraw his cock. The audience was still cheering. I began licking his cock, moving closer to his crotch.

I twisted my around, pushing my face between his thighs. As I kissed the stallion’s balls, the stallion neighed loudly once more and the audience cheered louder than ever.

“Stand up and take a bow, Shit Boy!” Master Lukas called out.

I crawled out from under the horse and faced the audience. I bowed, smiled and waved to the cheering crowd. I turned sideways and patted my bulging gut, filled with Madrid’s cum and shit and piss.

“How do you like the show?” Master Lukas said. “How do you think Shit Boy did for his first horse fuck?”

The audience cheered and there were cries of “Encore, encore.”

I smiled and waved. Before Piss Boy could lead Madrid away, I ducked under his tail and kissed his asshole once more.

I waved again to the audience. Master Lukas stood beside me. “Did you like that?”

Still smiling, I said. “Yes, Master. I loved it. Please let him use me more.”

“We’ll let Madrid rest for now.” Master Lukas said. “You get cleaned up and ready for your next horse lover.”

“Thank you, Master Lukas.” I said and followed Madrid off the stage. I took the time to look around. I looked up and saw giant screens showing replays of Madrid ramming his cock into me and me swallowing his shit and piss.


Part Two

As I took my place with the others, I heard a woman screaming and pleading. I turned to see a pretty girl with long black hair being dragged onto the stage. She was naked with big breasts and a light tan. I guessed she was about five foot six inches tall.

As the handlers bound her face up on the bench where I had been, Master Lukas spoke to the audience. “My friends at the Blue House brothel sometimes ask me to help with their girls and boys who are not cooperative. Brigitte, who you see here, has not learned enough enthusiasm to please her customers, so she has been sent here to learn how to be fucked by a big horse cock.

“This is her first time and you see she is not very cooperative. She is going to be fucked by my stallions until she learns to give herself willingly to them. As you might guess, this is going to injure her, so she will only be fucked twice tonight. Once now and once in the second half after she has been healed from the first time.

“So, let’s bring on her first lover! Welcome Ali Hassan!”

The audience cheered as a pretty grey horse trotted onto the stage. Cock Boy ran beside the stud holding its lead rope.

“Ali is an Arabian stallion one hundred sixty centimeters tall with a fifty five centimeter cock that he loves to use on humans. Let’s watch Ali have his fun.”

Cock Boy led Ali around Brigitte and stopped so the horse’s flank was beside her head. The girl stared horrified as the stallion’s pink and black cock tumbled from his sheath.

Master Lukas came up. “Wouldn’t you like to kiss his cock?” He asked. He put the microphone in front of her. The audience whistled and cheered.

“Fuck you!” She said. The audience booed.

Master Lukas turned to the audience. “If Brigitte was a good girl, she would kiss and lick Ali’s cock and tell him how much she wanted it inside her. She would ask Ali to mount her and she would hug and kiss him while he fucked her. The girls of the Blue House all have very sensitive clits, so that big cock of his is going to send her off like a rocket. She will love it once it is inside her.

“So, Ali will just have to take what he wants. Give him a cheer.” The audience roared approval.

The stallion’s cock was now fully erect. At a nod from Master Lukas, Cock Boy led Ali around to Brigitte’s open legs. The stud pranced and his cock slapped noisily from side to side as he went. The audience laughed and cheered.

Cock Boy released the horse. He knelt to one side of the end of the bench, just below the girl’s ass.

Ali sniffed Brigitte’s cunt and licked her. Brigitte watched in horror and squirmed as the horse tasted her. She whimpered as the stallion probed her with his tongue.

Ali tossed his head and snorted. He reared, flaunting his erection. Brigitte screamed as the audience roared approval.

The stallion landed with his forelegs astride Brigitte. The girl stopped screaming and stared wide-eyed at the horse’s head. Ali’s ears were pinned; his face and head showed his enraged lust.

The stud moved his hind legs forward, trying to aim his cock at the girl’s cunt. From below, Cock Boy reached up and positioned the thick cock at her cunt lips.

Ali humped his hindquarters, driving his cock into the girl. Her belly bulged as the stud penetrated.

The girl made a sound half way between a scream and a moan. She began shaking.

“She’s having an orgasm!” Master Lukas said. The audience cheered.

The stud humped harder, driving more of his cock into her. Brigitte moaned as the bulge in her belly moved up to her navel. She arched her back, opening her pussy to the stallion’s huge member. Her mouth was open wide and her face had an expression of ecstasy.

The stud’s body now covered her completely. Ali’s cock seemed to have bottomed out: Ali pounded his cock at the girl, but could not seem to get any deeper.

“Ali has made contact with Brigitte’s cervix.” Master Lukas said. “He’s got to work to get inside. Cheer him on. Ali! Ali! Ali!”

The audience took up the chant, calling “Ali” with every thrust the horse made.

After half a dozen tries, Ali’s cock suddenly stabbed six inches deeper. Brigitte shrieked as he penetrated her womb. The audience cheered and clapped.

Ali was not yet done. The stallion stepped forward with his hind legs, putting himself closer to the girl. He bunched his hindquarters and drove into Brigitte with all his strength. His cock buried itself in the girl, who shrieked louder than ever before collapsing.

Ali’s tail began flagging as he fired his load into Brigitte. Horse cum and blood blustered out of her cunt as he lay atop her. Someone in the audience shouted “Put it in her, boy!” The crowd roared approval.

Ali’s orgasm finished. He rested, spent, on the body of the girl, who wasn’t moving.

The audience rose, giving a standing ovation to the horse for his brutal rape.

Ali reared back and dismounted. As Cock Boy led him around the stage to the cheers of the audience, his bloodstained cock swung beneath him. A crew of men quickly untied Brigitte from the bench and took her to the healing tank.

Master Lukas pointed at me and then at the horse. “We’ll have Shit Boy thank Ali for his performance.” He said to the audience, who applauded politely.

I got up and jogged over to the horse. I smiled and waved at the audience as I went. I hugged myself to Ali’s rump as he lifted his tail. I started to cum again as my lips touched his asshole.

The audience applauded and cheered as Ali shit in my mouth. When he was done, Cock Boy led the horse away. I went to the side and emptied my gut once more.

I looked back at the stage and saw Horse Slave getting up onto the bench. Behind him, Piss Boy was trying to restrain a powerful brown horse whose huge erection slapped from side to side as he fought to mount his lover.

“Vergessen is a Hannoveraner stallion. He is one hundred seventy three centimeters tall and weighs seven hundred fifty kilos. His cock is sixty two centimeters long.” Master Lukas announced. “He loves to fuck Horse Slave.”

Master Lukas held the mike for Horse Slave. “How do you like Vergessen, Horse Slave?”

“I love him because he fucks hard and is brutal.” Horse Slave said. “I want him to rape me all night then stomp me in the morning.”

Master Lukas laughed. “Very good, Horse Slave. If you are good tonight, we’ll let him stomp you tomorrow.”

He turned to the audience. “Tomorrow morning at ten, we have a special show for those of you who want to watch horses fucking and stomping their slaves close up. You can even ride one of the stallions while they play. There are still a few tickets left. Ask your waiter if you are interested.”

By now, Horse Slave was in position. He waved his hand to signal he was ready. Piss Boy released the stud.

Vergessen reared and landed atop Horse Slave. The black man reached up and stroked the horse’s muzzle. The horse lowered its head so its cheek was against Horse Slave’s head. Horse Slave turned his head and kissed the stallion’s cheek. “I love you, Vergessen. Use me.” He kissed the horse again.

The stallion danced for a moment on its hind legs, then drove the whole length of its cock into Horse Slave in a single powerful stroke. Horse Slave grunted and began cuming. “Again, Vergessen! Again, harder!”

The audience cheered. The stallion pumped its hindquarters half a dozen times; fifteen inches of thick horse cock pulled out and rammed into the man with each thrust. The horse made one last push, stronger than any before and lay atop Horse Slave.

The brown horse was now holding on top of Horse Slave with his cock buried deep in the man’s ass. I could see the stud’s tail twitching, which I guessed meant that the stud was cuming. The audience was cheering as the stud fired its load into the black man.

Horse Slave was still cuming, too. His jism was shooting almost to the edge of the stage.

When the stud was finished cuming he dismounted from Horse Slave. Cock Boy ran out and put a halter on the horse. Piss Boy handed me a bucket and told me to follow him.

We went to the side of the brown stallion and Piss Boy sponged the huge cock clean. The stud was dancing around and getting hard all over again. Piss Boy finished cleaning the stud’s cock and quickly used a towel to dry it before wiping up the water that had spilled on the stage.

I looked around and saw that Horse Slave had changed positions on the bench. He was now lying face up with his head at the lower end.

Sure enough, the big brown horse reared up and mounted the guy, who hugged and kissed the horse’s chest when it landed on top of him. The audience cheered as the stud covered the man.

The stallion pointed his cock at Horse Slave’s face. Gently, Horse Slave took hold of the cock and put the end in his mouth.

The horse wasn’t gentle at all. The moment his cock was in the man’s mouth, he rammed it down his throat. The audience cheered again as the horsecock disappeared into the man.

Horse Slave reached up and stroked the stallion’s body. He was cuming as the horse fucked his face.

The stud pumped his hips, pistoning his cock in and out of the man’s mouth, Horse Slave hugged the horse, encouraging it to fuck him harder. With a final thrust, the stallion came. Again, I saw the tail twitching as its cock fired jism down the man’s throat.

I remembered that thick dildo they’d forced down my throat at the clinic after the modifications. I knew then that I was going to have to deep throat a horse.

The brown stallion dismounted from Horse Slave, who got off the bench. The two of them paraded around the stage. As the audience cheered, Horse Slave `thanked’ the brown stallion the way I had thanked Madrid.

“For the next act, we have Mistress Zoe.” Master Lukas announced. A blonde girl led a smaller brown horse onto the stage. She was completely nude and had been shaved clean. She smiled and waved at the cheering audience. Cock Boy followed directly behind the horse.

“Zoe has a special bond with Rajar, so we will just watch the two of them.” Master Lukas said, then stepped off the stage.

In the middle of the stage, Zoe took the halter off Rajar and handed it to a stage hand. She stood in front of the horse and kissed its nose.

Rajar’s ears pricked forward. He lowered his head and whuffled between Zoe’s tits while she stroked his head. The horse nuzzled and licked her tits for a moment before moving further down.

Zoe spread her legs and the stud pushed his nose between her thighs. He licked her cunt with long strokes of his thick tongue; she arched her back as Rajar thrust his tongue into her.

The stallion’s cock dropped and began getting hard. Cock Boy knelt and stroked the horse cock until it was fully erect. Once Rajar was hard, Cock Boy moved to stand behind Zoe. He waved his hand upward.

Rajar reared, his erection pointing skyward under his belly. Zoe knelt under the stud and kissed his balls; the stallion bellowed as she did so.

Cock Boy moved forward to support the horse, putting its legs over his shoulders and bracing his hands against Rajar’s chest.

Zoe lifted her head and began licking the stallion’s cock with long upward strokes. The stallion danced slightly on its hind legs as Zoe ran her tongue along the whole length, fondling and caressing it with her hands as she did so. She sucked lightly on the tip for a moment before kissing inch by inch down to the sheath once more.

In a single, smooth movement, Zoe licked the horsecock from sheath to tip while getting to her feet. She hugged Rajar’s barrel, pressing his cock between her tits.

Zoe ducked out from beneath the stud and climbed onto a bench face down. She spread her legs wide. She looked over her shoulder at Rajar. “Fuck me, boy.”

Cock Boy still braced himself against the rearing horse, who was becoming more agitated by the second. The stud bunched his hindquarters and jumped forward, sending Cock Boy flying. Cock Boy came as the horse sent him sprawling.

Rajar moved behind Zoe. He sniffed her cunt and stroked it with his tongue. Zoe moaned loudly. “Come on boy, fuck me!”

The stallion rose and put his forelegs around Zoe’s body. He positioned his cock at her cunt. He found his mark; Zoe moaned once more as his cock rubbed her. Bunching his hindquarters, he drove into her.

Nine inches of horsecock bored into the girl, who shrieked as Rajar penetrated. “More, Rajar, more! Fuck me harder.”

The stallion humped half a dozen times; Zoe called encouragement as Rajar pumped his cock in her pussy. On the monitor, I could see how the bench had been positioned to prevent Rajar pushing his cock all the way into her, but the stud certainly tried. Lather formed between his legs as he fucked the girl.

Rajar came, his tail flagging as he held atop Zoe and pumped his jism into her. Zoe writhed beneath him as he filled her. “Yes, yes, give it to me!”

A close up on the monitor showed horsecum bubbling out of Zoe’s cunt around Rajar’s thick shaft.

Spent, the stud lay atop the girl for a moment, his muzzle beside her head. Zoe kissed his cheek.

The audience roared its approval.

Rajar dismounted and Zoe got down. Cock Boy put a halter on the horse and Zoe led it around the stage to the wild applause of the audience.

As Rajar and Zoe left the stage, Piss Boy touched my elbow. “You’re up again.”

I got to my feet and went to where he pointed. From the new angle, I could see handlers holding the remaining four stallions I was supposed to service waiting off to the side.

Waving to the crowd, Master Lukas said. “Well done, Horse Slave! Now, let’s see Shit Boy again.”

The audience cheered as I walked out. Master Lukas put the mike in my face. Pointing at the four waiting horses he said. “Who do you choose as your second horse lover?”

“They are all so handsome, Master. It is hard to choose.” I said.

“Well, go to them and make your choice. Give your favorite a kiss on his balls.” He motioned me to go over to the horses.

I walked over to the stallions. I made a little show of making up my mind. I decided on Favory, since he was the smallest. I stroked his white coat as I moved along him. When I reached his flank, I bent down, put my face in his crotch and kissed his balls.

The handler gave me Favory’s lead rope and he pranced as I brought him to the center of the stage.

“You’ve chosen the beautiful white horse to fuck you.” Master Lukas said. “You get ready while I show him to the audience.”

He took the lead rope from my hand and paraded the stallion around the stage. I climbed up onto the bench. It was now turned to the side so that the middle of the audience would get a clear view of the huge cock penetrating my ass while the stallion fucked me.

As soon as I was in place, Master Lukas said. “Take your lover, Favory!” and released the stud.

Favory wasted no time. I heard a few thuds of his hooves and then he was on top of me. Piss Boy stepped in from the side and aimed the stud’s cock at my ass. “Fuck me, boy!” I said as the stud’s hot body lay over mine. His head was beside mine; I stroked his muzzle.

Favory’s cock pressed against my asshole. The stud moved forward slightly, pushing hard, I felt my ass stretch then give as he penetrated me.

I came as he entered me. I moaned and kissed his cheek.

Instead of taking me in a single massive thrust, Favory slowly pushed into me. My orgasm went on and on as I felt his cock going deeper and deeper. I writhed and tried to open wider, encouraging the beautiful white horse to fuck me.

Favory just kept slowly taking possession of me. His cockhead moved past my navel and up to my sternum. At last, I felt his thighs covering my butt.

The stallion lay over me, his weight pressing me to the bench, while my cock shot jism across the stage.

My orgasm slowly passed.

“As you can see, just taking Favory’s cock has gotten Shit Boy off. But Favory has just begun. Let’s see what he can do when he really gets down to fucking.

Slowly, Favory began to hump me. At first, his motion was slight: The stud barely moved as he pushed his cock in and out a few inches at a time. I moaned with pleasure as Favory teased me with his cock.

“Wonderful, wonderful, boy. Use me!” I really wanted the horse to fuck me.

Favory began moving faster and harder. With each thrust, the power of his fucking increased. Soon, he was driving the breath out of me each time he drove forward.

Favory came. My own orgasm rose to new heights as the stallion’s cock pulsed in my ass. The audience cheered again.

Favory finished cuming. After a few seconds, he heaved back, pulling his cock out of me.

I looked around. As Piss Boy led Favory away, I could see Texas rearing behind me. The stallion covered me in an instant and rammed his whole cock into me in one thrust. After two humps, the quarter horse began cuming while the audience cheered. I was cuming too.

Texas had barely finished when Master Lukas said to the audience “And let’s make it three in a row.” The audience roared its approval as Texas dismounted and Waldkoenig took his place.

I `oomphed’ as Waldkoenig landed on top of me. His cock was the biggest of the three and I felt the stretching as he forced it into my ass. Waldkoenig moved into me in short, powerful thrusts, each one going an inch or two deeper than the last.

“Good boy.” I called out. “Use me. Use me harder!” I was cuming yet again as the stud penetrated deeper. I could feel the sweat between our bodies turning to lather as his belly rubbed on my back with each push. I was enjoying every minute of the stallion fucking me.

His body covered mine, moving a little more over me as Waldkoenig used me. As his thighs wrapped around my butt cheeks, his forelegs slipped over my shoulders and his pectoral muscles pressed my head down so that my ears were between his legs.

Waldkoenig came, shooting his jism into me. I could feel his cock pulsing in my ribcage. If I hadn’t been modified, I would be drowning in his cum. The stallion bellowed his conquest, his roar of triumph shook my body as his chest vibrated.

As we finished cuming, I could hear the audience cheering once more.

Waldkoenig lay atop me; I felt the flush of sexual satiation as his cock slowly softened.

Master Lukas put a mike in front of me. “They gave you a standing ovation, Shit Boy! How do you like that?”

With the stud’s pecs still on the back of my head, I could not look up. “That is nice sir. Could he fuck me again?”

The audience laughed.

Waldkoenig heaved back, pulling his cock out of me. “Stand up and take a bow, Shit Boy!”

Groggily, I lifted myself off the bench and got down. Horsecum was running down my legs. I raised my hand and smiled at the unseen audience beyond the footlights. There was steady applause and calls of “Encore!”

I grabbed my cock – still hard – and waved it while grinning broadly. “I’m willing!” I said. I patted Waldkoenig’s shoulder as the stallion stood beside me. On impulse, I went to his rump and kissed his asshole. The cheers grew louder as Waldkoenig shit into my mouth and I came once more.

“We will have Shit Boy back later.” Master Lukas said. “For now, we move on to another feature. Again, we are helping our friends at the Blue House with a matter of discipline.”

As I went back to the waiting place, I saw a blond boy come out on to the stage. He was naked and one of those guys whose good looks make other guys envious. He was about six feet two and had one of those perfect chiselled faces with bright blue eyes. He was muscular, even by current standards, and his six-pack looked like you could break rocks on it. He had a large cock, not as big as the modified ones of Master Lukas’s slaves, but a good twelve inches. It was fully erect and stuck straight out in front of him. He looked frightened.

Master Lukas put his hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Klaus, here, has been a very naughty boy. He has just been indentured to the Blue House for assault” – the audience booed – “and he doesn’t seem to have learned his lesson. Last night, he hit one of the customers at the Blue House.” The audience booed again.

“So, the Blue House has sent him here for some discipline.” Master Lukas said.

“We are going to give Klaus a chance to show he has learned his lesson. Isn’t that nice of us?” The audience tittered, sure that Klaus was going to pay dearly. As he spoke, Schwarzchild was led onto the stage. Klaus glanced at the big black horse nervously.

Master Lukas faced Klaus. “You have three choices, Klaus.

“The first choice is that you will allow Schwarzchild to do anything he wants to you for the next fifty performances here. You will agree to this by putting your mouth over his asshole and letting him shit in your mouth, then swallowing his shit.”

Klaus made a disgusted grimace. The audience laughed.

“The second choice is that you will allow him to fuck you in both your ass and your mouth in each of the next one hundred performances. You will agree to this by getting under him and kissing his balls firmly.”

If anything, Klaus looked even more disgusted. The audience laughed harder.

“The final choice is that you will allow him to stomp on you in each of the next two hundred performances. You will agree to this by kissing all four of his hooves.”

Klaus looked frightened, but stiffened his spine. The audience laughed again.

“So Klaus, which will it be? Will you swallow his shit and let him use you as he likes?” He put the mike in Klaus’ face.

“I do not want to eat horseshit.” Klaus said. There were boos from the audience.

“Will you kiss his balls and let him fuck your ass and face?”

Klaus looked even more determined. “No. I do not want to fuck a horse.” There were more boos.

“So, the last choice is you can kiss his hooves and let him stomp you.”

Klaus froze.

“If you do not choose, Schwarzchild will do all of these things to you.” The audience laughed.

Without a word, Klaus went to the stallion. Kneeling down, he kissed each of Schwarzchild’s hooves.

“Very well.” Master Lukas said. “Lay down over there.” He pointed to a spot on the stage which the assistants had been preparing. A part of the stage had dropped about three inches and the hole had been filled with sawdust. There were heavy iron rings with ropes attached at each corner.

Klaus was shaking slightly as he lay down. The assistants bound his arms and legs so that he was spread eagled in the middle of the sawdust.

The handler released the stallion. Schwarzchild walked over to the prone boy and sniffed at him. He batted the boy’s erection with his lips. The audience laughed.

The stallion stood over the boy, his legs astride Klaus’ hips.

“I forgot to mention that Schwarzchild likes to piss and shit on the faces of those he stomps.” Master Lukas said. The audience laughed. “If you look away, he will stomp you anyways, but it won’t count as one of your two hundred performances.”

With a shudder, Klaus looked up at the huge black horse that towered over him. His face took on a look of resolve as he faced the thick cock dropping from the stud’s sheath.

“Isn’t his cock thick and beautiful?” Master Lukas teased. “Are you sure you don’t want it to fuck you?”

As Klaus opened his mouth to say `no’, a jet of horsepiss shot out of Schwarzchild’s cock, landing squarely in his open mouth. The audience laughed as he gagged and spluttered before facing the torrent pouring out of the stallion.

The audience kept up a long round of applause and cheering as Schwarzchild’s pissing went on and on. The smell of the piss wafted over to where the four of us sat. I had to work hard not to cum. The others were obviously on the edge as well.

Schwarzchild finished pissing. He backed up slightly. He sniffed at Klaus’ face before raising his head and curling his lips. The audience laughed at the stallion’s gesture. “That is the flehmen response,” Master Lukas explained, “horses do it to enhance what they smell.”

Schwarzchild now walked around so that his hind legs were astride Klaus’ chest and his tail touched Klaus’ face. The stallion lifted his tail and his asshole bulged.

As the shit began to emerge, Klaus closed his eyes and turned his head away.

“If you don’t watch, this won’t count.” Master Lukas reminded him. Klaus stared at the stallion’s asshole as Schwarzchild pushed out a huge mass of shit that dropped onto Klaus’ face with a splat. The stud pushed out two more loads before lowering his tail. Klaus’ head was almost buried in horseshit.

Schwarzchild began to move. He lifted his right hind leg and stepped on Klaus’ belly. The boy grunted and started cuming. I was puzzled and glanced at my neighbors. “The Blue House is a torture brothel.” Cock Boy explained. “The inmates are modified so pain gives them orgasms.”

Schwarzchild walked off and turned. He sniffed at Klaus’ cock and tasted his cum. He nipped the boy’s balls hard, drawing yelps from his victim, whose orgasm continued. The audience laughed.

Now the horse walked over Klaus. Each hoof landed on the boy’s sculpted abs. Klaus grunted with each step. The horse turned back and walked over him once more.

The stallion began to trot. His hooves landed hard on Klaus’ abs. Now the steel shoes drew blood as the horse trampled the boy, whose grunts became more forceful.

After three passes, Schwarzchild looped around the prostrate boy, stopping by his feet. The stallion lifted its foreleg and smashed a hoof down on Klaus’ right foot.

The boy yelped and the stallion struck again. This time, Klaus stifled his cry. The horse struck three more times. By now I could see that the foot was clearly broken.

The stallion half-reared and crashed his front feel down on the boy’s right thigh. I could hear the bone snap from where I sat. Klaus bit back a yelp and started cuming once more.

The monitors above zoomed in on his spurting cock and the audience cheered.

The stallion turned and smashed Klaus’ left foot and leg. The boy gritted his teeth and grunted with each blow. Klaus came again as Schwarzchild broke his knee. Moving around the boy, the horse shattered both of the boy’s arms and stomped his hands into bloody pulp. As the stallion tortured the boy beneath him, I noticed that his thick cock was beginning to drop from his sheath.

Schwarzchild walked around to Klaus’ head, then stood over him. The stud’s back hooves were beside Klaus’ head. Schwarzchild’s huge cock dangled beneath the horse. The tip nearly touched Klaus’ heaving chest, slowly stiffening. Klaus stared at the giant member.

“Stomping on you has made Schwarzchild very horny.” Master Lukas said. He looked at the audience, not at Klaus. “Doesn’t he have a big beautiful cock?”

Several people in the audience called out. “It’s beautiful.” “Schön. ” “Gorgeous”

“I’ll make you an offer: If you kiss his cock, you can be fucked two hundred times instead of stomped. How about it?” He held the mike in front of Klaus.

The audience called out “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”

Klaus turned his face away and said nothing. The audience booed.
Master Lukas shrugged. “Very well, go to it, Schwarzchild.”

The stallion stepped forward. Now its legs were astride Klaus’ hips.

Master Lukas stood beside the stallion, stroking its powerful rump. He looked down. “Doesn’t he have strong muscles, Klaus?”

The boy didn’t answer. “Now, be cooperative. You are here to learn to cooperate, aren’t you? Doesn’t he have strong muscles?”

“Yes.” The boy croaked out with a shudder.

“You chose to have him stomp you, didn’t you?”

“Yes.” Klaus was barely audible.

“Say it for everyone to hear.” Master Lukas ordered.

“Yes.” Klaus repeated, louder this time.

“Tell Schwarzchild you want him to stomp you. Say “Stomp me, Schwarzchild!'”

“Stomp me, Schwarzchild.” Klaus said.


“Stomp me, Schwarzchild!” Klaus raised his voice.

“Shout it out!”

“Stomp me, Schwarzchild!” Klaus yelled.

With unbelievable speed, the stud raised one hoof and drove it down on Klaus’ balls. The boy screamed in agony as the audience cheered. Schwarzchild stomped twice more in rapid succession, drawing more screams from Klaus. The horse moved off and the cameras panned in; the overhead monitors showed how Klaus’ balls had been mashed to paste.

The horse circled round and walked up the between Klaus’ legs. He walked over the boy, stepping on his stomach and stopping with his hind feet on Klaus’ abs. Schwarzchild’s cock was a two foot long black bar pointing forward beneath his chest.

Master Lukas stood beside the stallion and stroked his cock. “Such a beautiful cock. He would have enjoyed using it to fuck you. Such a pity!” The audience snickered.

Master Lukas slapped Schwarzchild’s shoulder. “Finish it, boy!”

The stallion reared to full height, towering over the boy, who was breathing in gasps. He stared at Schwarzchild’s erection which pointed skyward.
The horse held the pose as the audience began clapping wildly. The stage lights dimmed and turned red, turning the horse into a black and red monster standing on his victim.

The stallion stepped forward onto Klaus’ chest, crushing his ribcage. The boy’s body spasmed and went still.

Schwarzchild remained on his hind legs atop the boy’s body. The audience roared approval. With the footlights dimmed, I could see the crowd rising to its feet, clapping and cheering, shouting Schwarzchild’s name and `Bravo. Encore!”

Master Lukas came forward and patted Schwarzchild’s shoulder, the stallion dropped to all fours and walked away. Master Lukas slipped a halter on the stallion and paraded him around the stage to the cheers of the audience, the part of the stage with Klaus’ body dropped down. Out or sight of the audience, a crew hurried out and took Klaus’ body to the healing tank.

“That was Klaus’ first time. He has a hundred and ninety nine more stompings to go.” Master Lukas said. “Do you think he will enjoy it?”

The audience hooted and laughed.

“We’ll see him here again tomorrow night, but I think his masters at the Blue House will have a little surprise for him tomorrow in their matinee.” The audience laughed. “After our intermission, you in the audience will have a chance to win tickets for the Blue House afternoon show tomorrow.

“Meanwhile, the exercise has made Schwarzchild very horny. Since Klaus wouldn’t let Schwarzchild fuck him, someone else will have to.” He pointed at the four of us sitting on the side. “Which one of you want to be fucked?”

I had seen it coming and figured I better sound eager. I threw my hand in the air shouting “Me.” The other three did the same.

“Oho! So many willing to please the beautiful horse.” Master Lukas cried. He looked at the stud. “Why don’t you choose?”

As the stud started towards us, a woman’s voice called out. “Fuck me, Schwarzy!” A gorgeous woman in a filmy cape strode out onto the stage. The cape was a bright blue gauze that concealed nothing. Her firm breasts and flat belly showed clearly as the cape swirled around her. Her black hair was styled up in a sleek wrap around her head.

The stallion’s head came up and he turned towards the woman, who stroked his head as he sniffed her.

Master Lukas said “Welcome, Mistress Helene! Mistress Helene loves to fuck horses and the horses love to fuck her. Everybody give her a big welcome!”

The audience cheered wildly as `Mistress Helene’ waved at them. She petted Schwarzchild’s head and neck before moving to his side, stroking the glossy black coat. She bent down and took the massive cock in her hands. The stud turned his head to watch her. “Oh, Schwarzy! All for me?” The stallion nodded his head and neighed, drawing a laugh from the audience.
She kissed the cock and licked the tip. Standing up, she went back to the horses head. “Well, let’s get busy then.”

She dropped her cape on the stage and climbed up on the bench. The stallion pranced in place as she got into position, his cock snapped rigidly against his belly.

Helene lay face up on the bench. Opening her arms wide, she cried out “Fuck me, Schwarzy!”

Master Lukas released the horse, who moved between Helene’s legs and reared, flaunting his erection.

Schwarzchild landed his forelegs on either side of Helene’s body. His nose touched her face. She kissed his nose. “Put that big black cock in me, baby.”

The stallion positioned his cock at her cunt, then drove the full length into her with a single thrust. His body now covered the woman’s completely. She hugged his barrel and kissed his chest. He humped his hindquarters twice more before his tail began flagging. The stallion held on top of her while he unloaded his cum into her.

Spent, the stallion lay there for a moment. He heaved back, drawing his cock out of her. A gush of horsecum drained from her cunt. The audience, which had been cheering since the horse mounted her, went wild.

Master Lukas took the lead rope and brought the stallion beside Helene. She stroked his neck. “Oh, Schwarzy! Done so soon? Come on, big guy, fuck me again. Helene wants more!”

The audience cheered and shouted “Do it again!”

Helene slipped off the bench and got under the stallion. She kissed and fondled his soft cock, which still hung heavily beneath him. “I think he has to piss.” She said.

Master Lukas pointed at Cock Boy, who ran over to the horse and sat down behind it. He lay back between the stallion’s legs so his face was directly below the thick black cock. He propped himself up on his elbows and opened his mouth.

Helene put the end of Schwarzchild’s cock in Cock Boy’s mouth. The horse grunted and began to piss down Cock Boy’s throat. Cock Boy started cuming; his cock shot jism straight up, almost as high as the stallion’s rump.

Helene caressed the horsecock as the piss flowed through it. She faced the audience and smiled. “It feels like a fire-hose.”

When the horse was finished pissing, Cock Boy lay flat, staring up at the stallion’s cock and balls. Helene began licking and kissing the horsecock again. In a few minutes, the stallion was once again erect.

Helene got back up on the bench. She stroked the horse’s neck. “Fuck me, boy.”

As Cock Boy rose and came back to where we sat, Master Lukas led the stallion around between Helene’s legs again. The stallion’s cock was rigid against his belly.

Schwarzchild sniffed Helene’s cunt, then probed it with his tongue.

Helene arched her back and cried “Eat me.”

The horse tongued her deeper as she squirmed, then lifted his head in the flehmen gesture. He stretched his neck forward to lick her belly and cock. Helene stroked the stallion’s face.

Stepping forward, the stud rose and landed astride Helene. His cockhead found her cunt.

This time, Schwarzchild entered her slowly. Helene moaned as he penetrated. “So wonderful.”

When half the cock was in, I saw Master Lukas give a wave of his hand. The stud raised his head and arched his back. The audience got a clear view of the horse’s cock stabbing out of his sheath and into the woman. A foot of thick black member connected the two. There was a bulge in Helene’s belly where the cockhead stretched her.

The audience roared its approval.

The stud held the pose only a moment, then went back to fucking the woman. He pushed the rest of his cock inside her. She hugged and kissed his chest.

Schwarzchild began humping slowly, pushing a few inches in and out of the woman in slow strokes.

The horse’s rhythm built, the movements became longer and faster. His cock became wet with Helene’s cunt juices as she kissed him and encouraged him.

The stallion fucked faster, harder. Sweat formed on his neck and lather foamed between his legs as he plunged his cock repeatedly into the woman.

With a final, powerful thrust, Schwarzchild fired his load into her, filling her with his cum. Horsecum flowed out of her cunt around the stallion’s cock.

The two lay together, sated. Helene still stroked and kissed the barrel of the horse, which heaved from exertion.

The horse dismounted, drawing his cock out of the woman. Horsecum poured out of her. Cock Boy and Piss Boy came forward.

Piss Boy took the lead rope and led Schwarzchild to the front of the stage. The stallion’s thick cock still hung down, dripping jism.

Helene came forward and stood beside the horse. She waved to the cheering audience, then turned her back to `bow’, showing her cunt still dripping horsecum. The audience cried for an encore.

She went to Schwarzchild’s neck and hugged and kissed him. The stud’s tail went up and Cock Boy covered his asshole with his mouth. The stallion shit into Cock Boy, whose cock fired jism under the stud’s belly.

An assistant took Schwarzchild’s lead and led the horse off stage. More benches began rising from under the stage and assistants hurried around.

“While we get ready for the last act of the first half,” Master Lukas said, “I will take questions from the audience.”

“How come you didn’t have the horse stomp on Klaus’ head?” Someone asked immediately.

“First, because it is not as painful. Just a quick stomp and the skull is crushed. Second, because it takes longer to heal. Klaus will be ready for more use in two hours. When the head is crushed, it can take up to three days to heal. The Blue House can’t afford to let their slaves be out of commission that long.”

“Do you ever have one of the horses stomp on the slaves’ heads?” The same person asked.

Master Lukas nodded. “It is done occasionally, but the customer has to pay for all the healing time. Not many want to spend that much. However, it has been done and we have a video of several slaves having their heads and faces stomped. We make sure all of our slaves get their heads stomped once in a while. We announce the performances where this is done in advance. There is one in two weeks.”

I winced as Master Lukas said this. Something else to look forward to.

Master Lukas went on. “The videos are for sale in the lobby. They have great slow-motion images so you can see every detail from every angle.”

Another person spoke up. “How come Helene wasn’t torn open by Schwarzchild’s cock?”

“Good question.” Master Lukas said. “Mistress Helene is an employee, not a slave. She had herself modified to take big horse cocks. She loves to be fucked by horses and will do it all day if she gets the chance.”

“How many horses have fucked her at one time?” This voice was a woman’s.

Master Lukas smiled. “Mistress Helene has been fucked by fifteen stallions in one hour on this very stage. There is also video of this for sale in the lobby. It features the whole show as a single performance plus numerous views from every angle.”

“Do the slaves really like the taste of horse shit?” Came a voice from the back. I thought I recognized it.

Master Lukas laughed. “They say they don’t, but you will notice they all cum when the horses shit in their mouths.”

The audience laughed.

“Why don’t the horses crush their victims when they are laying on top of them?” Someone asked.

Master Lucas pointed at a bench. “The benches are sloped, partly to make it easier for the stallions to fuck the humans, but it also means that most of the horse’s weight is carried by their own legs.”

There were a few more questions while everything got set up, then we were motioned forward to stand beside the five benches that now stood on the stage. Helene stood by the center bench. I was on the far left.

Five stallions were led in. They brought Fortune to where I stood. I looked at the black stallion nervously, remembering how he had crushed my chest a few hours before.

The assistant whispered instructions to me as the spotlights focused on the benches.

“And now for the last act before intermission.” Master Lukas. “Five horses fucking five people.” He pointed at me. “Shit Boy will serve Fortune, who is the last of the five stallions he is directly assigned to. Fortune loves ramming that big cock down a human throat, so Shit Boy will deep throat his lover.”

I smiled and waved to the cheering audience while patting Fortune’s shoulder.

While Master Lukas introduced the other four, I knelt down and kissed Fortune’s balls. Each of the others did the same after being introduced. Fortune’s cock dropped down as I pushed my face against his scrotum and kept kissing his balls. Once we had all been introduced and submitted to the stallions, we got up on our benches. I positioned myself with my head at the lower end. Fortune began dancing eagerly his hard cock slapped his sides as he moved.

“Take them!” Master Lukas called out.

The assistants released the five stallions. The audience ooed and awed as the horses reared, their rigid cocks ready for action.

Fortune’s hooves rose past my face and I looked at his massive cock pointed at me. I grunted slightly as his body landed on mine. The feeling of that massive body pressing his silky coat against my chest was incredibly erotic.

The shaft of his cock was pointed at my face. I opened my mouth as wide as possible and took the end of his cock in. I was trying to hold my orgasm as ordered; I was ready to cum at any moment. His crotch musk filled my nostrils as I stared down that thick black pole and saw his heavy scrotum between his legs.

Fortune nipped my balls hard. As I opened my mouth to cry out, he forced ten inches of his cock down my throat. I started cuming as he took me.

I reached up and hugged his chest. Fortune stepped forward and humped again, driving another six inches into me. I could feel the head of his cock deep in my chest.

With two more thrusts, he forced the rest of his cock down my throat. His balls covered my eyes. Fortune began humping me with fast, furious strokes. I managed to get a bit of air around his cockshaft; it carried the smell of his crotch musk. My orgasm went on as the stallion fucked my face.

Fortune came. The massive cock jolted in my throat as he shot his load into me. I wrapped my arms around his thighs and tried to pull him deeper.

Fortune’s orgasm slowed and stopped. His cock relaxed in my throat, slowly softening as he rested on top of me. I was now able to draw a little air around his thick member.

I hugged his body and stroked his flank. I wondered if he could cum again. I was actually disappointed when Fortune heaved backwards, withdrawing his cock from my throat.

As Fortune dismounted, I could hear the audience cheering wildly. I looked around. The other four stallions had finished fucking and the humans were getting up from their benches. I got up as well and, with one arm on Fortune’s shoulder, waved to the audience in the darkness beyond the footlights.

The assistant led Fortune forward, positioning the stallion’s ass in front of me.

The stud lifted his tail. I kissed and licked his asshole. His asshole bulged and I opened my mouth.

I came once more as the stallion shit down my throat.

While I swallowed horseshit, I heard Master Lukas say. “We will now have an hour and a half intermission while your dinners are served. For your entertainment during dinner, the horses and their slaves will circulate around the tables so you can enjoy close up action.”

The curtain closed and the stallions were led away. Master Lukas called us together and assigned us to follow certain horses between the tables. He let the others go, then turned to me. “You are new here, so you need to know what to do.” He gave me very specific instructions that had me blushing while he spoke.

I went backstage where my assigned horse was waiting. Madrid wore a sling-like harness. I stood beside him while a leather strap was pulled tight around my cock to prevent me cuming too soon. I climbed into the harness so I hung beneath the stud with my face in his crotch. The straps were pulled tight, binding me to the horse and forcing my lips to his sheath. I could see nothing but the stallion’s balls. My aching cock was pulled to the left, so it stuck out from between Madrid’s body and mine.

The horse started moving. The powerful muscles of its hot body massaged my chest as it moved. We entered the auditorium; I could hear the people talking as we went. They admired Madrid and made jokes about the horse using me.

We stopped by a table.

“So here he is! He made it into show business.” My heart sank. I recognized the voice. It was Jason Kramer, one of my buddies from back home.

“Yeah, he’s now a real stud.” The voice was Bill Merritt, another of my friends.

“More like a stud toy. He’s their Shit Boy.” It was Ken James. They all laughed.

The assistants undid the straps and I stood as I had been told to, facing the table. Five of my former friends grinned at me. I was blushing furiously.

“Jesus! Look at that cock!” Ken pointed at my throbbing erection. “Did you ask for that?”

“Master Lukas had me modified to better serve the horses.” I said.

“He invited us over to enjoy your debut.” Bill smirked. “Paid for the plane fare and everything. We’ll stay the night at the guest house. We get to stomp you tomorrow.”

“I hope you enjoy yourselves.” I said. Actually, I wanted to stomp them myself, but I had my orders. I realized my (now former) friends were a bunch of jerks and would love every minute of what they did.

“Enough chit-chat. Time for the show.” Ken said. “Let’s see you eat his shit.”

“With pleasure, sirs.” I lied. I moved to Madrid’s rump. I reached under his tail and touched his asshole. The stallion lifted his tail. I hugged his rump as I kissed his asshole and started licking. Madrid rumbled his enjoyment.

The assistant told them that I would cum when the horse shit and that they were welcome to suck my cock. None of them would agree to do it (though I knew damned well that Jason liked sucking cocks.)

Instead, a woman from the next table said she would like to suck me. The assistant pulled my cock to the side and I felt soft hands take a grip on it. “It’s huge.” She said, then I felt her mouth cover the end.

All the while, I kept on kissing and sucking the stallion’s asshole. My ex-friends and the people at the surrounding tables cheered and made jokes, urging Madrid to shit.

After a minute or two, I heard the assistant say “Shit, boy.” Madrid spread his hind legs slightly and his tail went higher. His asshole bulged. I opened wide and he grunted as he shit in my mouth.

I started to cum. The lady gripped my cock tighter and sucked my jism.

I felt the first load slide down my throat and Madrid filled my mouth again. I swallowed that as well.

Madrid dumped two more loads into me. Once he was done, I kept licking his asshole, lapping up his shit juice. I felt the woman release my cock. “What a huge load!” She said. I heard laughter from her table.

I kept on sucking and licking the stallion’s asshole. Only when the assistant said “Good boy” – my cue to stop – did I move away from Madrid’s ass.

I faced my former friends. They were laughing and applauding. “Did you like the taste of his shit?” Bill asked.

Master Lukas had given me specific orders for the question. “No,” I said, “it tastes just like horseshit.”

“Then why did you cum?” Bill said.

“Because I am supposed to. I am a slave for the horses. They like to use me and I am modified to enjoy it.”

“Have you been stomped by a horse like the guy from the Blue House?”

“Not yet. You will get to ride the horses while they stomp me tomorrow.” Master Lukas had told me what to say. I hadn’t known that the `special customers’ he had told me about were my former buddies.

All five of them cheered. “You are going to be paste.” Dan Watts said.

“More show!” Ken said. “Fuck his asshole!” The others cheered the idea.

The assistant placed a stool behind Madrid, then pulled his tail to one side.

I had never fucked a human or a horse in the ass before, but I had been told to make a show of it.

I knelt behind the horse and turned around. I leaned back, putting my head between his legs. Rising on my elbows, I kissed Madrid’s balls. The stallion neighed loudly.

“He likes that! Do it some more!”

I pressed my face against Madrid’s scrotum and sucked and licked his balls. The stud rumbled and pumped against my face.

I couldn’t control my reaction. I came as Madrid rubbed his balls on me. I opened my mouth wide and sucked on him.

“He loves teabagging the horse!” Someone said. The others laughed.

It was true, though. I was enjoying it. I licked and sucked those giant balls, breathing in gasps as my cock continued to shoot jism.

When my orgasm passed, I kept on kissing and licking Madrid’s balls. I was learning to enjoy serving the horses.

I withdrew my head from between his thighs. As I turned to face the stallion’s ass, Bill said “I told you to fuck his ass, not teabag him.”

“I apologise, sir. I was giving him some foreplay. If you want, I can fuck his ass immediately.” Actually, would have preferred to stuff a handful of horseturds into his smug face, but I’d been warned to be `respectful’ no matter what the customers did.

Bill smirked and waved his hand dismissively. “Oh, it looked like you were both enjoying it. Continue. I’d like to watch you seduce a horse.”

“With pleasure, sir.” I faced Madrid’s ass once more and began kissing his buttocks, slowly rising until I was standing. I nuzzled his tail aside and kissed his asshole as he lifted his tail high. I licked his asshole and down along his ass crack, then back up to his asshole once more.
I got up on the stool and placed my cock vertically between his butt cheeks. The end passed through his tail and rose above his back. I rubbed my cock up and down his ass crack for a minute or two. Madrid’s soft coat caressed my cock. I could feel an orgasm building.

“I am going to cum, sirs.” I gasped out quickly. “Do you want me to put my cock in his ass now or continue the foreplay?”

“Keep on playing!” Ken say. “We want to see how you love horsefucking.”

I came. My cock shot jism high into the air. It landed on the stallion’s back, forming puddles.

The group laughed. “He’s a regular cum fountain.” Ken said.

“Yeah, he’s really horny for horses.” Jason added.

When my cock stopped firing cum, Bill said “Lick that up.”

I bent over Madrid’s rump and lapped up my own cum from his back.

“How does it taste?” Bill asked.

“Kind of salty, sir.” I said. “It carries the horse taste.”

Licking the stallion was making me ready to cum again. As I bent over Madrid’s rump, I positioned my cock at his asshole. I stroked his flank. “Ok, boy here it comes.”

I stood up, giving my ex-friends and the people at the nearby tables a clear view of my cock aimed at Madrid’s pucker.

I began pushing in. Madrid rumbled as I pressed my cockhead against his anus.

“The horse likes it! Give it to him!” Jason said.

Madrid’s asshole opened and I penetrated. I pushed about six inches into him; I felt the horse turds around my cock. I stroked his rump and he contracted his muscles, massaging my cock.

Fighting to control myself, I pulled out and showed my cock, now brown with horseshit, to the group, then let the surrounding tables see it as well. Everyone cheered and joked, telling me to put it in again.

I positioned my cock and entered again. This time, I pushed deeper, getting almost a foot of my cock into his asshole. I began humping, moving about six inches in and out while they watched wide-eyed.

I was getting close. The hardest part was controlling the urge to drive the whole of my cock into Madrid. I had very specific instructions not to.

Now I was breathing in gasps, on the edge of cuming. Jason pointed under Madrid. “Look! The horse likes it!” The others laughed.

“He’s got a hard on for you!” Jason smirked at me.

My cock erupted into Madrid. I held rigid as I fired my load in a huge orgasm.

As I did so, I heard the assistant holding Madrid’s lead rope say. “If you want to feel Shit Boy cuming, you can grasp the base of his cock.” That was why I had been ordered not to go all the way in.

Jason grabbed the root of my cock, feeling the pulse of my orgasm. “God, he’s really giving it!” He said. The others took turns feeling my cock pulse in Madrid’s ass. I flushed with embarrassment, but kept on cuming.

I finished cuming and pulled my cock out. It was coated with horseshit. Again, Master Lukas had told me what to say. “Would anyone like to suck it clean?” I looked Jason in the eye and grinned as I said it.

Jason blushed and glared at me. I knew he was going to make me pay when he got his chance tomorrow, but it was worth it.

When no one volunteered to suck the horseshit off my cock, the assistant said. “Very well, Shit Boy and Horse Slave will clean each other.”

I had seen Horse Slave fucking Vergessen’s ass a few tables over. At the assistant’s direction, I lay down on the floor about half way between our tables. Horse Slave got down on top of me, facing the other way, taking my cock in his mouth and presenting his to mine.

I opened wide and let Horse Slave push his cock down my throat as he swallowed mine.

The taste of horseshit on his cock was enough to set me off once more. I came as Horse Slave sucked the shit off my cock. Horse Slave came as well; I pulled his hips towards my face as he unloaded into me.

We held the embrace until our orgasms finished. Horse Slave stood, pulling his cock out of my mouth. He offered his hand and pulled me to my feet. “Show them your cock.” He whispered in my ear.

We stood in the middle of the cheering crowd, smiling and waving our cocks for all to see.

The assistant took me to my former friends’ table once more. It was oriented so that the chairs were in a u-shape with a clear side facing the stage. There was now a heavy cloth over the side towards the stage.

The assistant’s instruction to bend over the cloth was unnecessary; I knew what was coming. So did Madrid: The stallion pranced in place. His thick erection slapped from side to side as he waited.

I decided on a little more show. Before getting into position, I knelt beside Madrid. I took his cock in my hands and kissed it several times. “Good boy.” I said. “Fuck me hard.” I went to the table and got in position. My cock went into a hole placed there and slid down a warm soft tube.

Madrid put his forelegs over me. As the stud covered me, I looked ahead into Bill Merritt’s face. He grinned at me.

I looked back over my shoulder at Madrid’s flaring nostrils. “Take me, Madrid!”

Madrid gripped my neck in his teeth again as his cock probed my ass.

“Hold him and fuck him, horse!” Jason said.

Madrid pushed hard, penetrating my ass. I gasped and started cuming.

Madrid humped, driving deeper and deeper with each thrust. At each thrust, I could hear my former friends cheering the stallion on. I could only moan in pleasure as I felt the cockhead move from my belly to my sternum up to the point it was almost at my throat.

The horse’s fucking became harder; Madrid ground me against the table as he fucked me. I could smell his sweat as he pounded me.

Madrid came. My body shook with each pulse of his cock as his orgasm prolonged mine. I loved that stud.

We finished. I lay gasping beneath the stallion. I could feel his breath on my cheek. I turned and kissed his nose. At that moment, I decided I would do anything for that horse.

I became aware that my former friends were cheering and applauding, I looked up at Bill Merritt’s face once more and grinned at him.

Madrid reared back and got off me. I stood up. Instead of bowing to the table, I knelt beneath Madrid and licked his balls. The stud bellowed triumphantly.

The assistants put the harness back on Madrid while I bowed to the audience. One assistant pulled a plastic pouch from beneath the table. It was filled with my cum from Madrid fucking me. He presented it to my ex-friends as a souvenir.

I climbed back into the harness beneath Madrid. As the assistants led us away, I kissed the stallion.


Part Three

After the intermission, Master Lukas started out with “Audience Participation and Requests”.

The first up was a couple that wanted some `horse bukkake’. Assistants led three stallions out and positioned them side-by-side. All three studs were massively erect.

Before they got started, Master Lukas told them they had to kiss the balls of all three stallions in accordance with house tradition. The couple giggled, but complied.

The couple stripped nude and the guy lay down under the middle horse, a huge grey called Nostromo. The lady squatted over the guy’s hips and took his cock in her cunt. She faced the stallion’s swollen cockhead. There was a black horse named Wargame on the left and a bay named Odin on the right.

Horse Slave knelt behind Nostromo and pushed between the stud’s hind legs. He started licking Nostromo’s balls and pumping the stud’s cock. Piss Boy and Cock Boy did the same for the other two stallions, turning their cocks towards the woman. All three of the servants had their very large cocks bound tight with leather thongs to prevent them from cuming while they licked and sucked the horses’ balls.

All three stallions rumbled with pleasure and began humping, grinding their scrotums on the faces of the men stimulating them.

The woman began stroking and kissing the stallions’ cocks as the horses humped towards her. The man stroked her breasts and waist, humping his hips slightly to fuck her cunt. The woman ground herself on her partner, working herself on his cock.

Nostromo came first, unloading a massive wad of cum on the woman’s face. Seconds later, the other two stallions began shooting their load. Thick ropes of horsecum splattered the woman as the three studs fired their jism on her face and breasts. Her partner smeared the horsecum over her belly and hips as the horses shot load after load onto the woman.

The horses’ orgasm slowed, the spurts of horse cum became smaller and smaller. The woman kissed the end of each of the stud’s cocks and lapped up the last flow of cum.

The woman crawled out from under the horses and faced the audience, who went wild. Streams of horsecum flowed down her body. Her partner got up and stood beside her. There were a few drops of jism on him as well.

“Excellent! Excellent!” Master Lukas. He waved at the audience, encouraging the applause. A few people called out “Encore, encore.”

Master Lukas looked at the couple. “I think turn-about is fair play, don’t you?”

The woman caught on immediately. “Oh, yes!” She said, grinning at her partner.

The guy looked startled as he realized what they meant. He tried to say `no’, but his partner gave him a playful shove and said “Do it.”

The audience got into the act, jeering and cheering for the man to agree. At last, he smiled and gave in.

An assistant led Vergessen out on the stage. The seventeen hand liver chestnut’s erection swung from side to side as he strode onto the stage.

As Piss Boy and Cock Boy lifted the woman onto the stallion’s back, Horse Slave sat down under the powerful chest. Horse Slave gestured for the man to sit in front of him. The three servants undid the leather thongs from their cocks.

The man protested, pointing at Horse Slave’s huge erection. Horse Slave grinned. He waved his cock with one hand and beckoned with the other.

The man protested again, but the audience jeered and cheered until he finally sat down under the horse in front of Horse Slave.

Horse Slave bent the man forward and drove the whole length of his cock into the man’s ass. The man gave a grunt as Horse Slave penetrated and another when the servant pulled the man back to pin him against his chest.

Piss Boy and Cock Boy moved to either side of the stallion. They began jacking Vergessen’s cock and aiming it at the man’s face. At one point, they held it while Horse Slave pushed the man’s face into the cockhead and held him there until he kissed and licked the horsecock. Piss Boy and Cock Boy aimed their own cocks at the man as well.

The stallion humped his hindquarters, mashing his cock against the man’s face. A few seconds later, jism erupted from the stallion’s cock; it filled his mouth and covered his face. A second load followed the first while Cock Boy and Piss Boy began cuming too, adding their jism to the stallion’s. Soon, the man was coated with horse and human cum.

The orgasms finished and the last globs of jism splashed onto the man. Horse Slave released him and he crawled out from under the stallion to face the audience, who rose to their feet in wild applause.

The three servants stood beside the man, their massive cocks still proudly erect. At Master Lukas’ request, the man turned and bent over, showing Horse Slave’s jism bubbling out of his ass.

As the man stood once more, Piss Boy slipped a rope collar around his neck and handed it to the woman, still seated on Vergessen’s back. The woman nudged the horse with her heels and the stallion moved off the stage, towing her partner along.

Next up were six people – three men and three women – who were in a competition, with prizes the farther they went. They were given the choice of keeping their clothes on, but only one guy did. Six stallions were brought out and positioned with their asses in front of the people’s faces. They were allowed to pet the stallions’ rumps while the rules were read out. One of the two naked guys was black, he got an erection; the other naked guy stayed soft. The guy in the tux had a bulge in his pants.

The first three rounds were `elimination’ rounds that they had to complete to move on to the real prises: First, they had to kiss a horse’s asshole. Second, kiss a horse’s cock. Third they had to kiss a horse’s balls. They had to do each of these things for a full minute. There were extra prizes for whoever did each one best.

I was surprised when the guy in the tux won the first round. All six people pushed their faces between the studs’ butt cheeks and hugged themselves to the big rumps. The guy in the tux had Schwarzchild; he forced his tongue deep into the big black asshole and really ate out the stud. Schwarzchild rumbled and arched his neck as the guy serviced him. The stud spread his legs and pushed back against the man’s face, opening his pucker wide so the guy could go deeper. By the time the minute was up, two feet of Schwarzchild’s cock hung down and was starting to get hard. When the bell rang and everyone came up for air, Schwarzchild looked around and backed up, tail high, asking for more. The guy in the tux smiled and gave the stud’s asshole one more affectionate kiss. The audience laughed.

For the cock-kissing, the rule was that the horse could not cum. The black guy who was under Waldkoenig won that round because he rubbed his own erect cock against the stud’s as he serviced the horse.

The black guy won the third round too. He managed to hold himself belly to belly with Waldkoenig while he licked and sucked the stallion’s balls.

All of them made it through the elimination rounds and they moved on to the main competition. Assistants set up screens so that none of the competitors could watch their neighbors. Each of them had to figure their own way to beat the competition.

When Master Lukas announced that the next round would have the stallions piss on them, one of the women almost backed out, but cheers from her own table got her to change her mind. The guy in the tux and the black guy tied on that round by taking the horsecocks in their mouths. They couldn’t swallow all the horsepiss, of course, and both got soaked. The guy with the tux kept it on afterwards.

After that, the next round was for the studs to shit on them. The woman who hesitated at the pissing round dropped out at that point. I was surprised, I thought the guy who stayed soft would have been the first to quit. She got the admission price and the price of her meal refunded.

Of those who remained, one woman lay down behind the stud so the shit would land on her breasts. The other woman and the guy with the soft cock lay down as well, but positioned themselves so it would land on their faces. The black guy knelt behind the horse and stared up at Waldkoenig’s asshole with his mouth open. The guy in the tux stayed standing. He ducked under Schwarzchild’s tail and covered the stud’s asshole with his open mouth.

The horses all shit on cue. The turds landed with splats on the three people lying down. The black guy took Waldkoenig’s shit on his face and caught some in his mouth. He managed to swallow some, but most fell on the ground. As Waldkoenig continued to shit, he caught some in his hand and rubbed it on his cock. The guy in the tux opened wide as Schwarzchild shit. I could see his throat bulge as he swallowed as much as he could. There was too much, though. The stallion’s shit smeared across his face and tumbled down his front and back.

The guy in the tux was the clear winner, though the black guy got some bonus points for eating some of Waldkoenig’s shit. While assistants cleaned up, Piss Boy came out and took the full load from the stallion for the woman who quit. The five remaining competitors gathered round to watch closely.

For the next round, those left were to fuck the horses’ asses. The women were given strap-ons. A second woman quit at that point. Master Lukas made me and the other slaves get down on our hands and knees. The competitors would stand on our backs while they fucked the stallions. I got down behind Waldkoenig and the black guy stepped up on my back. His weight shifted as he positioned his cock to penetrate the stallion.

I could watch a bit from my position, so I looked around. The guy in the tux finally undressed, revealing an impressive nine-inch erection. He kissed Schwarzchild’s ass once more, then got up on Cock Boy’s back. He positioned his cock, then slowly pushed in to his horse.

My attention was drawn back as the black guy humped Waldkoenig, driving hard as he pushed his cock in and out of the horse. He fucked hard and fast and I had to concentrate to support his shifting weight on my back.

The guy with the soft cock could not get hard. Master Lukas offered him Viagra, but the man refused and had to give up.

The guy who’d worn the tux finished last. The black guy and the woman had already stepped down while the guy in the tux was still cuming. Schwarzchild had a huge erection and arched his neck, obviously enjoying the ass-fucking. When the man was done, he pulled out, waving his still erect cock covered with horseshit at the audience. After the camera panned in to show his cum bubbling out of Schwarzchild’s ass, the guy ducked under the tail to lick Schwarzchild’s ass clean. He was the clear winner.

The three stood and faced the cheering audience while benches were put in place for the last round. I knelt in front of the black guy and sucked the horseshit off of his cock. Cock Boy sucked the still erect cock of the winner. Poor Horse Slave only got to suck the woman’s strap-on.

All three of the remaining competitors got up on the benches and positioned themselves to be fucked. The woman lay on her back. She would take it missionary style. Her horse was Jerez, a bay horse who was built like Madrid and had a long black mane. The two guys would take their studs up their asses.

When they were ready, we led the studs to them. Waldkoenig fought as I brought him forward, eager to fuck the black guy. I released the stallion, who reared and landed on top of the black guy. I knelt and positioned Waldkoenig’s cock at the guy’s asshole. The stud humped hard, penetrating the black guy, who yelped as the cock went in. The guy moaned in pain and cried out as Waldkoenig pushed in deeper with each thrust.

In the meantime, I could hear shrieks from the woman as Jerez fucked her. The guy under Schwarzchild only grunted and encouraged the stud to fuck him.

Waldkoenig gathered his hindquarters and made one final brutal thrust, driving the rest of his cock into the black guy, who screamed as the stallion ripped his guts. As the stud began cuming, I could hear the black guy saying “Oh, god! Oh, god! …” His voice slowly tailed off.

The woman’s shrieks died away as well. The guy who’d worn the tux was saying “Good boy, good boy” as Schwarzchild unloaded into him.

The three studs dismounted. Assistants came and took the bodies of the woman and the black guy to healing tanks. Incredibly, the other guy got down on his own, though you could see blood and cum flowing out of his ass. The audience gave him a standing ovation.

Master Lukas went over to congratulate him. The man revealed he had been stretching himself for some time and had taken horsecocks before, though never with full penetration. When Master Lukas pointed the way to the healing tank, the guy shook his head and whispered something to him. Master Lukas looked incredulous, then nodded his head.

The guy went to the sawdust covered ring on the stage and lay down. Cock Boy brought Schwarzchild back onto the stage.

“Our winner has made a special request.” Master Lukas said to the audience. “Watch now.”

Cock Boy led the horse to stand beside the guy so that his rump was nearest the guy’s head. The stud lay down beside the guy. The guy rolled up and kissed the stallion’s ass. He hugged the big black rump, then nodded his head. The stallion rolled, pinning the guy beneath him. The massive rump of the horse rolled atop the guy’s chest. His ribcage collapsed and he went limp. The horse held the pose for a moment with the man crushed beneath him, then scrambled back to his feet. There was a splash of jism on the stud’s black coat; the man had cum as the horse rolled over him.

The audience gave a standing ovation as the man’s body was carried off. He had won a two week unlimited pass for the farm and three days at the Blue House. The other two finalists got three day passes plus tickets for the next show at the Blue House.

The next three members of the audience to come up were all guys. One was Canadian, the second was Chinese and the third was Nigerian, but they had come to the show as a group. They were `snuffs’, people who liked being `killed’ in various ways. They could do this because of the healing tanks, which allowed them to be `killed’ many times over, usually in as many different ways as possible. `Snuffism’ had scandalized a lot of people when it first appeared, but there were now over two million `snuffs’ worldwide.

All three guys had come to the show for the specific purpose of being `killed’ by horses. They had heard about the audience participation part of the show and made their requests known in advance. None of them had any wish for horse sex, although the guy from Canada said he found horses `sexy’. All of them were just adding another `death’ to their list. They stripped, showing their erections.

We brought their assigned stallions out and the three were given a chance to get acquainted with their `killers’. Snuffs have a tradition of kissing what is going to kill them, so they all joked a bit about it but kissed the stallions’ balls willingly. They also kissed the horses’ hooves.

The Chinese guy went first. His stallion was Nostromo. After posing for a picture with the stallion, the guy went to the middle of the sawdust ring and stood facing Nostromo. The guy nodded his head and Cock Boy released the horse.

The big stallion charged at the guy, running right over him. The guy started cuming as the horse flattened him. One rear hoof landed on the guy’s abs as the horse ran over him. The horse pranced in a circle around the guy, who followed Nostromo with his eyes.

The horse turned at the guy’s feet, facing him lengthwise. The stallion reared and dropped his front hooves on the guy’s stomach. The guy cried out in pain, but was still cuming as Nostromo reared once more. This time, the stallion’s hooves landed on the guy’s chest, caving it in. The guy spasmed and went limp. The horse stood on the guy’s body, posing with an arched neck and tail held high as though proud of his kill.

Piss Boy put a halter on Nostromo and led him away. Nostromo farted loudly as he stepped off his victim’s body, drawing a laugh from the audience.

I led Favory forward for the Nigerian. He posed for his picture with his arms over Favory’s rump; his black skin contrasted sharply with Favory’s white coat. As Master Lukas explained to the audience that they were about to see something called capriole, the Nigerian kissed the stallion’s rump.

The Nigerian went to the sawdust ring. I led the stallion to stand about three feet in front of him, with his rear pointed at the man. The Nigerian jacked his cock for a moment, then nodded. Master Lukas gave a command. Favory hunched his body and bounced on his legs a couple of times. The stallion leaped into the air and lashed out with his hind legs, smashing the victim in the face. The Nigerian flew backwards several feet, his cock shooting jism as he went through the air. He landed; his body jerked a couple of times, then lay still. His face was a bloody pulp and I could see his neck was broken from where I stood.

I led the horse to stand over the man’s body for the final picture, then left the stage while the crew took the Nigerian to the healing tank.

The Canadian was last. His stallion was Fortune. The horse was ridden by Helene. For his picture, the Canadian lay down under Fortune and placed the big black stallion’s hoof on his chest.

Master Lukas explained to the audience that they were about see piaffe, an exercise from the middle ages where warhorses were trained to trample people underneath them.

After the picture, the Canadian lay flat between the stallion’s four legs. His erect cock pointed upwards at the stallion towering over him. He stroked a foreleg and kissed it.

The Canadian nodded at Master Lukas, who signalled Helene.

Fortune began to prance, lifting his feet high and putting them down. His first steps only clipped the man beneath him, but soon started smashing the Canadian’s body. The guy grunted as the hooves trampled him and started cuming. Flecks of blood flew where the steel shoes tore the skin. One hoof broke some ribs and the guy coughed blood.

The stallion’s cock began dropping. He was enjoying trampling his victim. His hoof smashed into the middle of the guy’s chest. The Canadian spasmed and went limp.

Even though the guy was obviously `dead’, the horse kept stomping on him for a full minute. The audience gave Fortune a standing ovation as he pounded his victim to a bloody pulp.

The horse stopped and stood with all four hooves on the guy’s body. He posed, neck arched and cock hanging down while the final picture was taken.

Someone in the audience called out “Prize for the horse!” Others took up the cheer.

Master Lukas waved me towards a bench. Helene moved Fortune off the guy’s body and followed me.

I got up on the bench. Fortune squealed and landed on top of me. I could smell the blood on his hooves as his cock found my ass. “Fuck me hard, killer!” I said.

Fortune drove his cock into me in one thrust. I started cuming. The stallion humped twice and came. I kissed his muzzle as he pumped his load into me.

Fortune lay on me as our orgasms finished.

The stallion pulled out and dropped off me. I got to my feet. Helene posed the stallion in front of the cheering audience. By now, I knew what I was supposed to do. I kissed Fortune’s asshole and the stud shit down my throat.