(c) 2011 by newdogoldtrix

I had started dating a new girlfriend, a recent divorcee. We were both in our early 50’s, and had both been around the block so to speak. While I had tried everything sexual, or so I thought, she was more into the relationship, which was understandable.

She said her X was a freak, something she never explained to me, but was said in disgust. We were both sexually compatible, but it was already getting sort of dull. Same old same old. We tried toys which spiced things up nicely, and she gave the best head I’ve ever encountered, but it still seemed like we both wanted a little more.

I tried suggesting threesomes, etc. but she said no girl/girl action, or group sex.

Darn!!! I was running out of options, until she brought over a brochure for a new nudist park that opened up near my house. I didn’t know what to think, as I had never thought of that before. She stated that she was more interested in a full tan, and not into it for sex, but thought the atmosphere might be stimulating.

I thought it might be worth a try, and suggested we give them a call. She had already done that, and we found that they offered a reasonable introductory offer for 1 week for couples. We decided to give it a try, and each took a weeks vacation from our jobs to go.

I won’t go into all the rules, and procedures, of the park. It was a nice place, with a pool, small lake, tennis and volleyball. And a nice rustic resort type lodge with a small tavern and resteraunt. You could rent a trailer, or hook up your own RV, or as we and most people did, use a tent. We used her big roomy tent that she uses with her grandkids camping, an air matress, cooler, and 2 lounge chairs.

It was early spring, in the middle of a heat wave, and the park was only about 1/2 full, so we had plenty of privacy. Literally a 1/2 acre all to ourselves, our nearest neighbor had a huge RV at the edge of the woods, and appeared to be an older couple that stayed pretty much to themselves.

Here’s a brief description of ourselves, I’m 53 yrs. old, but look about late 30’s or early 40’s. Hardly any grey hair except my beard and mustache, pretty well toned body due to working construction most of my life. 6 ft. 200lbs. 7 thick inches, and big low hangers. Also a big shooter. Oh my names Richard, Katie, is petite, 5’4″, nicely rounded body, not fat, but thick, big bust, I’d say 40D, and a nice round ass.

She’s got a nice tan started, and keeps her pussy shaved. Huge nipples, and a pretty large clit. She’s also a squirter when she cums. And she loves sucking cock, and can cum just by doing that.

It was our 2nd or 3rd day there, and we were walking to the pool early one day, to take a dip before it got too crowded. As we crossed the clearing next to ours, where the RV was parked, a huge great dane came bounding out to great us!

Katie is scared of dogs, and instantly clung to my arm, shivering. She said, “I didn’t know they allowed dogs here!” I replied, “Well the brochure said they were welcome if they remained on a leash at all times, and didn’t bark.” This one wasn’t barking, his toungue was hanging out, and his tail was wagging like crazy. I said, “I think he just wants to meet us, and he looks like he’s just a pup anyway.”

He came and sat at our feet, and sniffed our offered hands. A lady’s voice from the RV called him, “RAVEN! Come here!” He bounded back towards her, and we could see his massive balls swinging and flopping wildly as he ran. Her husband stepped out, and intercepted Raven, and put his chain on, as the woman walked closer.

She extended her hand to Katie, and appologized for scaring her. She said Raven is very gentle and wouldn’t hurt a fly. She saw our towels and suntan lotion, and said, “When you are done swimming, why don’t you stop over and have a drink?”

We said we would be done in about an hr. and would see them then. At the pool I got a sunburn on my ass and cock of all places, and worried that I would be out of commision the rest of the week. Katie is darker complected than I, and sufffered no sunburn at all. We took a quick shower to rinse off the chlorine, and headed back. We were both dying of thirst, and had forgot to bring money for softdrinks from the pop machine. (Something that happens with no pockets, LOL)

We cut through the older couples lot, and were walking to the front steps of the RV when they came out to great us. We introduced ourselves, and they said they were Max and Helen. And we had already met Raven. I told them Raven was a beautiful dog, maybe a show dog? Helen said Max had bought him for her last birthday, and he was nearing 1 yr. old.

Max looked to be about 70 about 6’5″ slightly over weight, with about 9 inches hanging down, very thick with 2 huge nuts hanging down another 2 inches or so. I noticed Katie couldn’t take her eyes off it.

Helen was seated at a picnic table, only backwards reaching for a pitcher of what I thought was ice tea. I could see her huge breasts resting on her knees, with huge nipples pointing south. As she turned back towards us offering us each a glass of tea, her legs spread and I could see a huge meaty gash, completely shaved and tan, with big red lips flowing out and hanging past the edge of the bench. She seemed to notice me staring, and spread her legs a little wider, and I could see her lips flare open, and a large clit sprang up, looking like a small cock! I looked up at her face, and she met my gaze and winked.

Katie and I both gasped at our first sips of our “tea” Helen chuckled, and said, “It’s our own version of a Long Island, I hope you like it.” It was very good, and sure hit the spot. By the time we were both half done with our large glasses, we were all laughing and talking like we had known each other for yrs. As we refilled our drinks for round 2, Helen said, ” You know Katie, I’ve noticed you can’t take your eyes away from my husband’s cock. You are welcome to go ahead and play with it. Play with it all you want. Max loves to show it off, don’t you Max?”

Max started stroking his monster pulling back the thick forskin to reveal a fat, blunt, purple cock head with many small peircings around the flared edge. He calmly said, “Katie darling Max Jr. would be honored if you want to examine him more closely.” Katie said, “Well, I am a nurse, and have never seen a specimen so huge. But only if Richard agrees.” Then she looked at me, with a questioning look.

I laughed and said, “You may as well, with my sunburn, I don’t think Little Ricky is gonna get any action for awhile. Just don’t chip your teeth on Max’s hardware.”

With that being said, Katie dove in with both hands. She got on her knees in front of Max’s chair, and wrapped a fist around the base, and lifted his hardening cock in front of her face like a striking cobra. His huge balls hung down over the edge of the chair and swayed back and forth as her hand slowly stoked up and down. Her other hand softly rubbed the under side of his sack. She managed to milk a huge drop of pre-cum out of his wide piss slit, and it ran down her knuckles. She brought her hand to her mouth and moaned as she licked it off. Max moaned also, and said, “See if you can get the head in your mouth.” Katie oened as wide as possible, and hesitated a second and said, “I don’t think so, but I’ll try.”

I watched in awe as she gave several tries to stuff that fat shiny blue head in her mouth. Carefully covering her teeth to keep from scratching it. Max moaned loudly several more times, and layed back to watch the spectacle himself. He said, “Many have tried, but only a few have managed that much in their mouths. See how far down you can get it.” That was an absurd statement, because it had now grown to about 10 thick inches, but Katie got up off her knees, and complied. Sliding her lips less than half way down before she came up for air, coughing a little. She sat back down and started stoking it with both hands, slowly with a look of wonder on her face. On the throw rug under neath Katie, I noticed a huge wet spot spread out between her legs.

While we watched the task being performed, Helen and I made small talk and comments about the performance. She then said, “So you got yourself a sunburn I see, I have something for that, hang on.” She went in the RV and came out with a large bottle of Aloe lotion. 1st she spread a generaous portion on my ass, sliding her hand through my crack, saying, “We’ll add some where the sun don’t shine.” Then as my cock was painfully getting hard, she poured a handfull on my cock and balls. Gently massaging it in and making sure every inch had a thick coat.

By now I was at full attention, and she took the leftover lotion on her hands, and massaged her huge nipples to thick points, and twisted them in her fingers. She said, “My hands are too slippery, why don’t you twist them for me. Nice and hard!”

I wasted no time, tugging and twisting those thick stumps into small hassocks jutting out from her huge tan tits. She brought one up to her mouth, and offered me the other, and we started our own suck fest, to the loud moans from a few feet away. Then Helen said, “I think we can help you cock even more.” She poured a generaous amount in her palm, and I watched in amazement as she literally shoved her fist into her wet pussy hole. When she pulled it out, it was covered in the light green lotion, and a thick coating of clear pussy juice. She said, “Now put that nice, young cock in there and coat it properly.”

I said, “It still might be too sore.” And Helen replied, “Don’t worry, my hole is so stretched out, it will feel like you are fucking a velvet pillow.” She then lifted her legs over my arms, and I moved into her gaping cavern. She was right, it was so warm and soothing. I could feel her large wet lips draped over my shaft as I slid in and out, and a hole full of lotion stirred around and oozed out around my tight sack. I asked, “Is it so loose from fisting it?” Helen replied, “That, and Max fucking it for 50 yrs., not to mention Raven’s huge knot.”

At first I didn’t think I heard her right, and I said, “Raven’s huge knot? What do you mean?” She said, “A dog has a special organ to lock into a bitch dog. You’ve probly seen them tied before. Well that’s why. Look over at Raven, you can see his now.” I glanced over and saw him straining at his chain just out of reach from Katie’s dripping pussy, as she sucked Max’s swollen cock. Raven’s cock hung out under his belly a bright red, and up against his belly was a knot the size of a baseball. I could see clear squirts shooting out the tip, hitting Katie’s Ass and adding to her growing puddle on the throw rug.

I said, “Holy shit, that looks like a serious pussy wrecker there.” Helen said, “Oh yea, he’s wrecked mine quite a few times already. But it’s nice to have a hard young man dick for variety too. As long as they don’t need a tight pussy to get them off.” Then she did a muscle trick and squeezed my cock like a fist. I admit that it hurt a little, but the whole scene was too much and I shot a huge geyser into her hole to add to the lotion and her own juices.

We walked over watch to Katie straining to make Max cum. I could tell she was in a frenzy, having had several of her own no hands orgasms already. Max suggested she hop up and slide down his cock to see if she could get it in her tight pussy. She said, “I’m kinda afraid of those rings. What if one comes off, and gets lost inside me?” Max said, “It hasn’t happened yet. They’re put on real tight with a pliers, and you need one of those to remove them, so don’t worry. Go ahead try them.”

Katie turned to face us on Max’s lap, his cock sticking up past her navel. She cupped his massive cock head in her small fist, and directed it towards her very wet, dialated slit. Helen said, “Here honey, let me help guide it in. It usually takes 2 hands for 1st timers.” Helen gently parted Katies, tanned pussy lips, and stuck 3 fingers inside to stir them around a little. She pulled them out, took a small taste, and spread the juices all around Max’s bloated cock head.

Katie tried to slide down, but the head was so wide and blunt, she was having problems getting it inside. Helen exclaimed, “I have an idea, Richard, hold Max’s cock up, and squeeze his balls to keep him hard.” Katie and I exchanged glances, as this was the 1st time I had ever touched another man’s cock, but to help her out, I took one for the team.

Helen in the meantime, had unhooked Raven, and held his collar as she led him forward. He was enthusiastic, but she calmed him down until he faced Katie’s dripping pussy. Katie asked, “Helen what are you doing?” Helen replied in a soothing tone, “Relax, this will feel like nothing you ever felt before. Besides you want help getting Max’s huge pole inside don’t you?” Katie responded, “I don’t think I can get it in, it’s too fat!” Helen said, “Raven will help you dialate more so you can slide right down on it.” Katie resigned herself by saying, “OK, there’s a first time for everything, and I’m willing to try anything once.”

Helen and I exchanged glances, she winked at me again, and smiled, and slowly brought Raven forward. His toungue shot out and slid deep in Katie’s hole. I saw her twat lips flutter, and she shivered and moaned as he brought it out dripping with her fresh juices. I could hear Katies voice weakly whimper, as he continued his oral assault. Katie thrust her hips out, and offered her pussy to the slavering beast, as her juices shot out and coated his black furry muzzle with creamy gobs.

Raven’s toungue worked overtime as he licked up and down from her ass to her throbbing clit. Each time he stuck it deeply in her hole, it got looser and opened more. Katie couldn’t stand anymore, literally, her knees were shaking, and I watched in amazement, as her hungry pussy hole engulfed Max’s throbbing cock head. I was still squeezing his huge balls, well actually mostly gathered at the base, and milking in a downward motion. My hand and his sack were soon drenched in Katie’s juices flowing non-stop from her ever widening hole.

Katie slowly slid down inch by inch, I could see her belly expanding to accomodate his thickness and length. Helen said, “OK Rich, you can let go of his balls now, I need you to give me a hand back here.” As I scooted back by Helen and Raven, She grabbed by dripping hand and said, “Make a fist!” As I did, she grabbed my wrist, and stuffed it inside her hot wet hole. It met no resistance and slid in half to my elbow with my sperm from earlier, and the aloe lotion dripping down my arm.

Helen said, “Now pump it nice and steady, so I don’t lose my balance.” Then she reached under Raven and grabbed his throbbing boner. It was at my face level, and I could clearly see her pumping it softly but fast, as he continued to lick Katie’s puss and Max’s balls.

Katie had now picked up some speed and commented on how she had never been that full before. She said, “It feels like I’m pregnant again!” Max grunted, and said, “Hang on Katie, I’m about to blast off!” We watched as Max’s nuts swelled up, and became a big bag the size of a softball, just under Katie’s lips. Her pussy lips spread out across the top of his balls as if kissing them. I saw as Helen was directing Raven’s spurts onto Max’s nut sack and Katie’s hot red clit. The force was strong as I could see it splashing off. Suddenly Max groaned out loud, and Katie almost screamed. I could see her pussy lips flutter and heard them sputter as thick wads of sperm slid out down his swollen ball sack. Raven was only too eager to lap them up.

Max had been holding Katie’s tits in each hand sqeezing and milking them. Which along with everything else, must have supplied all the right ingredients stimulation wise, because I saw to streams of milk or some fluid running sown the sides of her tits from her nipples. I guess I hadn’t looked close enough before, because it had been dripping awhile onto her belly. Amazing!

Katie and Max slowly caught their breath and watched as I fisted Helen. After awhile Helen stepped off, and got on her hands and knees in front of Max and Katie. As she licked their genitals, Raven obediently mounted her from behind, and with a wet sloshing sound, buried his bone to the balls.

Katie slowly, a little at a time, slid off of Max’s deflating cock. It finally popped out, as fat as a beer can, but only half as long as it was. The head was a pale blue color, and flared as wide as a toad stool. The head was as wide as a coffee mug, and still oozing thick sperm from the deep cock hole.

Helen expertly sucked his softening cock head in her mouth and swallowed noisily, between grunts as Raven pounded her old pussy mercilessly. Pretty soon she needed extra air, and let it flop out of her mouth as she nestled her face in Max’s soft cock and fat balls, rubbing her face in the wet flesh, as Raven dumped his load in here hungry pussy.

Katie and I watched in amazement, with Max providing commentary, descriptions of what was taking place. When Raven seemed done, he turned butt to butt with Helen, and Katie and I chuckeled at the sight. Helen simple sighed, and said, “We’ll see who laughs last when it’s your turn to be knotted Katie.” We heard a noisy plop and Raven went to his rug to lick himself. Helen said, “Gee I hate to see all that good tasting sperm go to waste, but I need something more refreshing to cool off!”

We all refreshed our “teas”, and sat back catching our breaths and quietly talking.

Helen was in a lounge chair made of net material, and you could see a long stream of cum draining from her loose open pussy hole. It looked like a puddle of buttery syrup under her chair. Katie and I were glad we made some new friends, and agreed to meet up with them later after supper.

Back at our tent, Katie was talking non-stop about how full she felt on Max’s cock. I asked her what about what Helen said about you being next to get knotted? And she replied, “Well, you know what I said about there being a 1st time for everything.”


Katie and I took a long nap in our shady tent, a cool morning breeze was flowing through the open screens. I awoke sometime in the afternoon to the feeling of Katie licking and sucking my hardening cock.

I told her to be careful, I was still sore from the sunburn. Katie told me her jaw was sore too from stretching around Max’s fat cock. She just couldn’t suck enough cock, she was orally fixated.

I shifted her over me in a 69 mosition, and started licking her outer lips, and slid up to her hard protruding clit. She moaned and planted her mound on my mouth. I buried my tounge deep in her pussy, and a flood of juices drenched my face. It was as hot as lava, and as I licked them I could taste a different flavor. Katie appologized, stating that she was still full of Max’s sperm. Another first for me. LOL

Katie then straddled me and carefully lowered herself onto my aching sunburned cock. She slowly rode me up and down, coating my cock with a slippery combination of hers and Max’s sperms. It felt great, and we chatted about or vacation.

Katie stated that it was not her intention of turning it into an orgy, but being nude and free, must have released some of her inhibitions. I agreed, and added that the ice teas helped loosen us both up considerably. I then hesitantly brought up the dog Raven. I said what do you think about him. Katie said that the whole experience is so outside the bounds of our everyday life, that she thought she would just go with it, and anything goes. I said, “Anything?” And Katie replied, “And everything!” Then we both melted into a long, creamy, hot orgasm.

The tent started getting hot and stuffy, so we stepped outside to begin grilling supper. It had gotten overcast, and looked like one hell of a storm was rolling in.

I quickly grilled us 2 big burgers, and Katie pulled the storm flaps down on the tent.

After we ate, I checked the tent stakes and ties to make sure they were still tight.

We started walking across the clearing to Max and Helen’s RV when the first boom of thunder crashed. We were half way there, when it started pouring sheets of water. We were completely drenched, but it felt good, as it cooled off our bodies from the previous heat wave.

We were greeted by the couple from the awning of their RV. Helen handed us 2 fluffy towels, and said, “I bet that cooled you off in a hurry. Come on inside, and we can visit in there.”

The inside of their RV looked like a swingers paradise. A large wet bar went across one wall, a small bright kitchen, on the end, behind the drivers cockpit. And a large sunken living room, with chrome and glass and plush furniture and a big flatscreen TV. Past the bathroom was the huge bedroom. They told us they had it custom made, and removed the guest bedroom to make the other rooms bigger.

It was very comfortable, and air conditioned!

After pouring us some drinks, we sat at the bar and chatted. Max asked us how we liked the mornings adventure, and were we back for more?

I said, “I’m game, but still sore from my sunburn, I’ll leave it up to Katie to decide.”

Katie laughed, and said, “If you’re game, I play to win! I’m not so sore as a feeling of being stretched out, both my mouth and pussy.”

Helen said, “Well the best cure for both of you is to get back in the saddle. You will get used to it in no time. The body has a way of accomodating itself to make sure it brings you maximum pleasure. Right Max?”

Max laughed and said, “Whatever you say dear, I’m still trying to find my limit after all these yrs., and you won’t find yours until you try a horse, or elephant.”

Katie said, “Speaking of horse, where’s Raven?”

Helen said “Miss him already don’t you? He’s in a kennel on the other side of the RV in the shade. I better bring him in out of the rain. He has a doghouse, but he actually lives in here with us.”

She returned shortly, and Raven did the wet dog shake as soon as he came in the door. She toweled him off and gave him a kiss on the mouth. Raven wagged his tail and walked over to greet katie and I. I gave him a pat on the head, and he started sniffing Katie’s pussy.

Helen said, “See, he missed you too. Are you happy to see her Raven?”

Max added, “Is that a machine gun in you sheath, or are you just happy to see her Raven?”

We looked down, and his red cock was slipping out of his black sheath, and bobbing and bouncing under his belly.

Katie was amazed. She hadn’t really dwelled on it this morning, as it was already inside Helen when she saw it. She said, “My God it’s huge! It’s as big as Max’s cock.”

Helen replied, “It’s actually a little bigger. They are about the same length, 10 inches, but Raven’s cock gets a bit thicker in the middle. And it’s kind of reversed. Where Max’s is thickest at the flared head, Raven’s has the added knot which is thicker than a fist. And when it rubs your G-spot, you can literally pass out from pleasure.” Then she grabbed his low swinging balls, and tugged them gently, and added, “Plus, he shoots about 4 times the quantity of sperm that a man can in one cum.”

Katie’s nursing curiosity took hold and she asked “Really that much?”

Helen said, “Well I noticed Richard is a heavy shooter, and so is Max, well double both of their loads combined.”

Max stated, “We measured it when he was a little younger, and it was about a jiggers worth. Why don’t you give them a demonstration Helen?”

Helen said, “I’d be more than happy to, Katie, why don’t you get down on the floor with me.” They both knelt alongside Raven stroking his flanks. Max and I had seats on the barstools watching the performance.

Helen poured some lubricant into a small bowl, and said, “This is water based lube, we can dip our hands in the bowl to keep them moist. His cock is very sensative, and shouldn’t get dry. With the bowl, we don’t have to keep grabbing the bottle.”

Then she said, “You slide his sheath back along his cock until it is back behind where the knot forms.”

Katie said, “Where’s the knot, I don’t see it?”

Helen replied, “Well, it isn’t swollen yet, slide your hand along his exposed cock, and you will feel it expand.”

Katie did as told, and was mesmerised. She got excited as his cock swelled to a thickness that matched her wrist, and the knot started bulging and pulsing in her fist. It soon ballooned to overflow her small hand and she gripped it from behind.
She carefully examined every inch of his magnificent tool. She quickly grabbed a towel and sat on it, knowing that her juices were going to start flowing any minute.
She could feel the familiar tingle in her clit and lips.

Katie asked Helen, “Do you actually suck on his cock?”

Helen answered, “You mean like this?” and slid her mouth over his dripping cock tip and down about half of the length. “I do it all the time, and he loves it. I bet he would love it even more if we both sucked his cock.”

Katie didn’t need to be told twice, with no hesitation, she satisfied her oral craving and planted her lips around the squiriting cock head. She moaned and swirled her tounge around the tip, teasing it. She was performing the same tricks she used on me and Max. She dipped her hands in the lube and slid them up and down the shaft as she held the tip in her sucking mouth. She looked like she was playing a bright red trombone.

Helen was sliding her lips and tounge along his length to reach his knot. The knot had grown even fuller, and hung down swaying in front of their faces ready to spray cream any minute. Katie broke away for a second, and said, “What about when he cums?” Helen replied with a moan, “When you want him to cum, gentlty squeeze the knot and milk it towards the tip. And be ready to swallow alot!”

Katie was always ready to suck to cumpletion, and the time was near. They had been giving Raven head for several minutes, and Katie needed to quench her thirst. We watched as her hand crept back towards his knob, and her hand cupped and stroked it lovingly. Then she gathere her fist behind it and drew it forward, squeezing slightly.

She was instantly rewarded with a hot creamy blast, his prelube had already flooded her mouth, and she had swallowed several mouthfulls already. But she was unprepared for the load that blasted her mouth to overflowing. She whimpered and swallowed the first volley, and Helen helped pump his cock and knob. Soon she was gulping in earnest, and what little seeped from the corner of her lips was licked and kissed away by Helen.

When Raven was almost done shooting his load, Karie pulled back a little, and she and Helen French kissed, swirling their tounges around Raven’s flared cockhead as it continued to spew sperm into their mouths and faces.

Max and I were sitting on the edges of the bar stools watching the hot scene in front of us. Stroking our raging hardons. Pre-lube was running down our fists, and Max said, “Katie do you want some more? I’m about ready to drop a load myself.”

Katie and Helen left Raven to lick his shrinking cock, and crawled in front of our stools. Helen had a mouthfull of Raven’s sperm, and slid her mouth down my red sore cock. It was bathed in a creamy load of smooth lava. Helen then stroked it furiously as I shot all over her face and huge swaying tits.

I looked over at Max, and he had Katie’s nipples in each fist and tugged on them as she licked and sucked his hanging nut sack. Her hands were a blur as she frantically pumped his fat cock above her head. Max groaned as stream after stream of thick white sperm erupted from his bloated cockhead to run down to his balls. Katie licked and sucked it off his huge sack and rubbed her face along his shaft, smearing it on her cheeks, and lips.

I could tell she was in a fuck frenzy, her shaved pussy was swollen and red without having been touched. Fluids were running down her legs non-stop. She turned to Helen, and asked in a breathless voice, “How soon before Raven can cum again?”


We looked at Katie, who’s body was heaving in lust. Max’s and Raven’s thick sperm was drying on her face and tits. Her bald headed pussy mound was swollen, and shaded red. Her hot juices were running down her thighs to pool between her widespread knees. She reached down to rub and squeeze her lips frantically. Her swollen clit stuck out and looked like a miniature version of herself, throbbing and writhing in her fat throbbing pussy lips.

I chuckled and said, “Calm down Katie, relax, and have another drink to cool off.”

Katie replied, “That’s easy for you to say, you’ve already blew your load 3 times today.” I answered, “Well, that’s still nothing compared to all the multiples you’ve had already. Just chill for a while.”

Helen then said, “Calm down you kids, Raven is a young dog, and has plenty of spunk left. But Katie, we do have to wait until he starts things rolling on his own. And the best way to dog’s cock is through his nose. Lets get some pussy perfume floating around in the air.”

Max said, “You women are probly on your own, I think I’ve had my fill, unless I find some viagra stashed somewhere around here. But it will be good just to watch what trouble you get yourselves into.”

I saw that his cock was deflated like a large balloon draped over his low hanging empty ball sack. Strangely my cock was still hard as ever, and I had just shot a somewhat large load for my 3rd of the day. I wondered if it was an effect of the thick dog sperm drying on my shaft and sack.

Helen said, “Well you all are ahead of me in orgasms. I was hoping Max would get hard so he and Rich could DP my pussy.” Then she looked at Katie and asked, “Katie, would you mind helping me cum while we wait for Raven?”

Katie said, “Helen, I’ll do anything you want. Where should I start? I don’t have much experience with another woman.”

Helen just chuckled and said, “Well, just do what would feel good to you, and multiply it by 10 or 20! Why don’t we start by playing with each other’s titties?”

They came together on the carpet in front of the bar. Again Max and I had ring side seats. Katie had gathered one of Helen’s huge jugs up to her face, and was swirling her tounge around the hard nipple. Then Helen grabbed both tits and held them so both nipples were in front of Katie’s mouth. Katie opened her mouth wide, and grabbed both hard thick nipples in her lips.

Helen moaned and leaned back slightly, she said, “That’s good Katie, bite on them and stretch them out good and long for me.”

Katie’s oral lust went wild, and she sucked them like they were small cocks. Pulling and tugging with strong suction that produced loud pops when they left her lips. Helen was groaning and squeezing her big tits, feeding the thick nipples to my starving girlfriend. Soon they were shiny and swollen like two red cherries.

Helen then asked if she could taste Katies pussy. Katie laid back and spread her thighs as wide as possible. Her swollen pussy opened like a flower, showing us her wet dark hole. Helen slid between Katie’s thighs, and started licking all around the smooth hairless mound.

She was french kissing the pussy lips, and flicking her tounge at the springy clit. Katie was bucking like she had been stuck with an electric cattle prod. Helen expertly turned so that she was above Katie in a 69, and had Katie’s thighs pinned apart under her upper arms. This caused Katies hole to open up in front of Helen’s face, and as she applied each long lick, you could see a fountain of juice sput upwards.

Katie meanwhile, laying under Helen, was presented with a giant meaty mature pussy, that was dripping juice of it’s own. The thick red lips hung down almost to Katies face. I saw Katie look at it with amazement, and grab a long dangly cunt lip in each fist and spread them wide apart. I watched as Helen’s huge, deep hole clutched and dialated, looking like it was going to try to swallow Katie’s head.

Katie saw Helen’s big fat clit hanging down at the mouth of her cave. Looking just like a minature version of Max’s monster cock. Katie’s mouth opened like a hungry baby bird’s and she licked around the clit’s head. It sprang to attention, and Helen started fucking Katies mouth with it. I heard Katie moan, and Helen also, as Katie was spraying even more juice in Helen’s face.

Helen came up for air momentarliy to ask Katie to shove a fist in her hole. Katie did as asked, and was soon pumping her fist into Helen’s loose flappy hole like it was a cock of her own. Helen then directed Katie to slide her other fist in alongside the 1st.

I watched mesmerized, as without any difficulty, it popped right in. Soon Katie was trying different movements, twisting her fists, pumping one arm after the other, and pumping them both in unison. Helen was a large woman, somewhere around 5’10” and seemed able to handle Katie’s fist with ease. Katie had her fists just inside the vagina opening and spread her arms apart, prying the hole open even wider.

Helen went wild moaning and bucking her hips, trying to force the arms deeper in her hole. Hot juices were pouring down Katie’s arms. A dark shadow then blocked out Katie’s face, and Helen’s ass as Raven mounted Helen from behind and over Katie.

His humping cock was trying to find Helen’s hole, it was sliding into Katie’s fists and face, spurting to add his lube mixed with Helen’s own. Helen yelled out, “I think Raven’s ready for you now Katie. I’ll swing around, and you get your butt in position.”

With perfect timing, they did just that. Raven made a perfect mount on Katie’s quivering ass cheeks, and with a loud squishing sound he plugged into her pussy.

Katie squealed in surprise, and grunted as he tried to shove all of his fat, throbbing red rod into her hungry cunt. It took several humps, a few more inches going in each try. Finally he buried his bone, and Katie’s hips were rocking back to meet his thrusts. The expanding knot was just outside her clutching hole. I was watching close by with my eyes bugging out! I looked up at Helen, who was holding Raven’s head steady, and she winked again. Raven paused a minute, then gave a mighty lurch and popped Katie’s cherry with his knot and was locked in tight.

Katie went wild bucking and moaning. Sometimes squealing and whimpering as her pussy tasted dog cock for the first time. Raven’s humps became more subdued as his balls started pumping his load deep in her hole. Katie said she didn’t think there was room for it all, that she might explode. Helen just calmly soothed Katie and Raven, and said, “Go ahead and explode all around that giant cock and knob. That’s what they’re for.”

I watched as Katie’s pussy tightened up behind his knot, and she pulled forward, milking him for all the juice she could get. I saw rivers of hot cream running down her quivering thighs, then Helen helped Raven turn so he wouldn’t scratch Katie’s sides. Katie moaned even more intensly as the huge cock and knob rotated inside of her.

Raven and Katie were panting in unison, and Max was petting Raven’s massive head, offering encouragement. Helen chuckled and said, “Now who has the last laugh?” We all chuckled softly, watching the 2 performers relax. After a few minutes, Katie anounced that she could feel it slipping out.

Max reached up to the bar, and brought down a brandy snifter, and held it to Katie’s open draining hole. Juices gushed out for a few seconds, and Helen reached under to massage Katie’s belly, producing a few more huge clumps.

Raven was panting in his doggy bed, watching with his ears pricked. Helen helped Katie to her feet, and suggested she squat for a few minutes. With Max still holding the glass, she poured out several more ounces. The snifter was about 1/4 full of Katie’s and Raven’s combined sperms. Max then added some other ingredients, shook it up and poured out 4 brandy alexanders. He offered us each a glass, and we made a toast to new friends, 1st times, and more cum to cum.