(c) 2018 by yerly

Chapter One – Her Desires Fulfilled

Not considered the most beautiful woman around for sure but Miriam Slater was certainly attractive enough to still turn a few heads at the ripe old age of forty five. In fact for her age Miriam had a superb well-toned body and although of medium build she carried not an ounce over the weight for recommended her frame and build.

Miriam stood naked but for a suspender belt and black stockings in front of the full length mirror. Her hands on her hips she admired her own body and focused her eyes on her dangling labials that were already dripping a clear liquid as they normally did all day.

She contemplated wearing panties but decided they would soon be soaked, so she would sit on a towel in the car as usual and try to stay standing all day and just drip where she was. She was of on her country rounds today so that would be fine. Her eyes now focused on her flat breasts that lay against her chest and remembered the day when they were pert and erect.

She actually didn’t mind that about her breasts as she slipped her hands under them and lifted them away from her body feeling the weight of them, then letting them go and slap against her chest. She turned sideways to the mirror and leaned forward so her breasts swung away from her body and became globular.

“You’ve still got it girl,” she said to herself as she swung her breasts back and forth as if she was being humped; “Now you just got to go out and get it.”

Miriam got dressed in white comfortable bra with a diaphanous see through white blouse. Slipped on her split pink skirt, and her suit jacket to match. Found a practical pair of shoes as she was going to visit some farms and horse studs. She already had boots in the car if they were needed.

Miriam was a self-employed stock feed sales woman that made a comfortable living selling on feeds to farms, studs and racing stables. Miriam employed several women, and only women, at the warehouse who completely handled what was required of them while she was on the road selling what animal feeds she could.

Alice the tall skinny strawberry blond was in total contrast to the wiry built Miriam forty something partner lived in a little apartment on the mezzanine floor of the warehouse.

Alice may be physically different to Miriam but they both shared the same perverted passions namely, being dedicated to being lesbians and bestiality in all its forms.

The two guard dogs Sabre and Dirk were well trained and kept both Miriam and Alice well satisfied.

Alice looked after the recruitment of all the staff and the girls in the warehouse lugging around the feeds were all a bit on the dike side to be polite. Rose the receptionist and Betty who looked after the accounts and worked directly with Miriam were extremely feminine but what all the staff and management all had in common was they were all lesbians.

Some women totally hated men but the most of the girls were motivated purely by the love of other women. Each had been hand selected by Alice on her numerous trips to the gay night Clubs in town.

‘Slaters’, had a reliable reputation for quick and honest service and even though all the staff were gay it was not a generally known fact, and therefore it was never a problem.

Only Betty and Rose and sometimes Miriam attracted any undue attention from their customers. Betty was tall slim and brunette and Rose was a pretty buxom blond who received more than her fair share of wolf whistles in the main street on her trips to the Post Office in town.

Miriam had coached Betty and Rose well and insisted they both wear stockings and suspenders and not panty hose to work. She also had convinced Betty to dispense with all her other underwear, for one Betty had a totally flat chest and also had rather large labia which she often displayed to Miriam when asked to, therefore panties were never worn.

Rose was a little more reticent to go without as she still lived at home and her mom would query her lack of panties in the wash. More thinking she was not changing her panties everyday rather than her going without. But Fridays she made an exception and went to work without any just so she could display her charms to the other women at Friday drinks time.

Hilda who worked in the feed warehouse was a big woman by any standards and never even owned a dress or skirt and only wore dungarees. She hated men with a passion and was often rude to male clients for no good reason, why she hated them so much, nobody dared asked.

Pippa lived and died in Jodhpurs, she was of medium build and as athletic and as healthy looking as you could get, her red auburn hair was her crowning glory she was 28, single and absolutely committed to her horses in many ways.

For Friday drinks Pippa always changed into a dress and looked absolutely stunning and would have naked vulva flashing competitions with Rose after a few drinks.

Alice would just watch getting more and more aroused by the antics of the two beauties but would just bite her bottom lips and go off and masturbate. She wanted Betty, Rose and Pippa desperately but would not take the step as she thought the twenty year gap in their ages was a little too much.

So Miriam and Alice the two forty five year olds would have regular sex with each other and the dogs, usually at the same time.

Miriam gave the girls as a wave as she drove off to peddle her wares, today she was off to a large horse stud ‘Pine Road’ some distance from the Office but worth the trip as they were one of her best clients and her given her good business for a number of years.

She drove on to the ‘Pine Road Equestrian Estate’ and along the five kilometer road to the myriad of mock Tudor buildings and headed for the stable masters office.

As she got out of the car she thought there was something weird as the whole place was deserted and all the doors were left open as if everyone had left in a hurry.

Then it suddenly hit her and she felt immediately embarrassed at her stupidity.

“Damn…, it’s the Yearling Sales, of course you dope,” said Miriam out loud admonishing herself and as she did a horse whinnied in reply.

“I know that voice, is that you Hazel Mint,” said Miriam even louder and the horse whinnied in reply.

Miriam made a bee line for the stables and let herself in and looked into each loose box as she passed, “Oh, just you Hazel Mint and Danny Toy, how are you guys all left alone.

“Yes, yes Danny what you weaving you head about for, why you so upset” said Miriam stroking Danny’s long nose to calm him.

Then Miriam looked across to Hazel Mint’s loose box across the wide aisle.

“Oh, you sexy mare Hazel you’re winking at Poor Danny no wonder he’s so upset. Oh, my just look at her vulva it’s to die for,” said Miriam swallowing hard and slowly walked over to the mare’s loose box to get a better look at her dripping wet winking vulva while she had her tail high.

“Oh, sweetheart, you really are up for it you are so aroused your labials are wide open and you are just running cunt juice, mmm…,” said Miriam as she gently reached over the stable half door and collected a huge gob of the vaginal juice on her knuckle.

Hazel mint circled her loose book as Miriam looked at the thick translucent juice that coated to the back of her hand. She tentatively sniffed the liquid and she shuddered in delight as the fragrance flooded her senses. She started to lick up the liquid from her trying desperately not to lose one drop.

“Oh, my gawd, hazel that is just fucking delicious, oh, jeez I got to have more of that,” said Miriam pacing the stables aisle, she closed the main door then selected a bridle from outside Hazel Mint’s loose box then beckoned the mare to come to the door.

Obediently Hazel Mint walked up to the door and put her head into the upheld bridle and Miriam did up the buckle, “Good girl, now you come with me I have a little treat for you, and me if it comes to that,” said Miriam opening the loose box door and leading out the Mare and tied her to a post in the middle of aisle.

Miriam was very experienced with horses both in riding and handling and grooming them, she talked to hazel Mint continually running her hands over her flanks getting closer and closer to her rear end.

Finally she grasped the mare’s tail with one hand while still talking to her, gently see touched the mare’s labia and they immediately twitched to her touch. She ran her fingers up and down the jet black labials and Hazel Mint whinnied her appreciation and stood still.

“Oh, my gawd this is just too much,” said Miriam as she leant forward and licked the long stream of thick fluid that was running from the horses vagina. The horse pushed back and she started to lick up the juice as fast as she could, then she started to suck on the meaty labials.

Miriam stepped back from the horse panting with excitement; she took off her pink jacket and hung it up. She stood close to the Mares vulva examining every detail of her genitals.

Gently she pushed her hand into the horse’s vagina then kept pushing until her arm entered.

“One false move here girly and my arm is broken,” said Miriam now standing on her tip toes and searching for the Mare’s clitoris with her tongue. She began to pump her arm in and out slowly trying to sense any sudden movement and withdraw her arm. But the Mare stood still and even trembled as Miriam’s expert tongue found its mark.

Every now and then Miriam would remove her arm so she could lap up the Mare’s vaginal juices then push her arm back into the Mare’s gaping introitus, with a piercing squeal Hazel Mint orgasmed sending a gout of translucent thick liquid into Miriam’s open mouth.

She staggered back removing her arm from the mares vulva in one swift backward movement and dodged to one side and expected a kick.

“Oh, my gawd…, Hazel dear, that was amazing, wow you taste so…, good, and I’m covered in your cum, wow, let’s see how Danny Toy Boy likes the smell of me now,” said Miriam leading the Mare back to her loose box.

Hazel Mint made straight for her hay net that Miriam was stuffing with some Lucerne Hay as a reward for standing so still during her cunnilingus and now was totally disinterested in arousing the stallion but Miriam wasn’t.

Miriam sidled up to Danny Toy’s loose box halter in hand and he stuck his head out towards the approaching Miriam flaring his nostrils. All in appreciation of the mare’s fragrance plus her own that she now reeked of that ran in copious amounts down the inside of her thighs.

“Ooo, steady Toy Boy you have to promise me you will be a good boy if I let you out,” said Miriam blowing her equine vaginal juice laden breath into Danny’s flaring nostrils.

He grunted his appreciation but stood still as Miriam slipped the halter over his head. She stood on her toes to peek over the stable half door to look under Danny’s rear.

“Oh, look at you…, you randy bugger you’ve already dropped out and by the looks of it you are nice and clean some little stable girl probably enjoyed herself washing your cock today,” said Miriam swallowing hard as she could now see Danny was showing pink as his erection dropped out of its sheath.

“Ooo, I do like a nice pink horse cock, come to Auntie Miriam,” she said unlocking the stable door and leading the huge black stallion out of his box.
She tied him to the post that Hazel Mint had been and stepped back to admire the horses physic and his dangling semi erect penis.

“Oh, my you beautiful boy, look at the gorgeous cock you going to let me wank and suck you, eh…?” said Miriam not expecting Danny to answer as she pulled up her skirt and began to masturbate as she purred to Danny.

“Perhaps if I suck you just right you will cum in my mouth, oo, I would so like that to eat all your yummy cum, and then if I wank you some more and you get nice and hard and I spread myself over a saddle stand you can fuck me…, arrgh..,” groaned Miriam as she orgasmed intensely.

Miriam slowly composed herself, “O.K., girl you got to do this, you’ve dreamed of it long enough. Miriam hitched up her skirt as high as could go and walked back to Danny, she offered him her cum soaked hand and his nostrils opened wide to suck in Miriam’s fragrance.

Next moment Danny Toy stuck out his tongue and licked Miriam’s hand making her jump, “You like the taste of Auntie Miriam’s cunt hey boy, come on then you can lick my cunt like I licked Hazel Mints cunt.

Miriam didn’t really expect the stallion to understand what she was saying and was quite shocked when he dipped his head and ran his long tongue across her dripping vulva. Her legs shook so violently with the ecstasy of his invading rough tongue she thought she was going to faint.

Miriam stood there shaking as the stallion explored her vagina with his long powerful tongue.

“Oh, my gawd you’ve done this before haven’t you, you know what you’re doing that is why your cock is so clean, I just got to find out who has been sucking you boy,” said Miriam not believing how excited she was to think there was another zoophile to discover but that was later Danny’s cock beckoned her.

“You know what Danny Toy you are going to fuck me even if I end up in Hospital with a lot to explain, I just got to have you deep inside me,” said Miriam panting as the horses tongue actually invaded her vagina.

‘Oh, my gawd this is heaven, I just got to taste your cock Danny I’ve seen so many pics of women sucking horse cock, I never believed it could happen to me,” panted Miriam totally out of breath with excitement.

She slowly kneeled down and reached for his dangling penis and to her surprise Danny obliged and stepped closer to her. Still panting she gently took hold of his erection that immediately stiffened in her hand making Miriam yelp in ecstasy.

“Oh my, my, my it feels so wonderful and powerful but soft and gorgeous to touch,” sobbed Miriam.

Danny Toy took another step forward and raised his erection to Miriam open mouth. She sobbed again as she took the end of his penis in her mouth and began lick and suck at the same time.

Miriam stopped as she relaxed and her senses came back to her, she leaned forward and sniffed the length of Danny Toy’s erection.

“You, naughty, naughty boy you’ve already fucked a girl today haven’t you?” said Miriam softly not really expected the horse to answer but he gave a soft nicker as if to answer her in the affirmative.

Again Miriam sniffed along the thickening shaft then put her fingers and thumb around the shaft where the female fragrance stopped.

“Fucking hell she took nearly twelve inches of you, hey sorry but you are going to have to cum first before we fuck man like I do with the dogs, so one you last longer and secondly you won’t be so frisky and hurt me, oh, gawd what am I saying, you fuck me as deep as you want Danny,”

Miriam returned her eager mouth to Danny’s ever hardening cock and wanked the full length of his cock. After an intense five minutes of sucking Miriam could detect the tell signals of an approaching orgasm.

Her tongue tingled as the taste of his cock changed his scrotum started to retract and pulse with his erection. Then it came with a gush that filled Miriam mouth instantly. She swallowed hard ready to receive the next gout of semen then another.

Miriam thought she may faint with ecstasy of the taste of it was just glorious even better than dog semen and she knew she was immediately addicted to horse semen. Miriam sucked the last drops of semen from Danny Toy’s erection and let it slip from her mouth.

She inspected her body and wiped her face there was not a drop of horse semen she had swallowed every last drop. A wave of immense pride swept through Miriam’s body how many Bestiality movies had she seen where the girl chokes and gags and spits out the semen in disgust.

Miriam stood up to make a fuss of her knew lover and found some carrots in a bag and rewarded her man with a huge carrot. She gave him a hay net and looked into each loose box and office till she found what she was looking for a padded saddle stand. She also found a soft drink bottle with a little left in the bottom which drained, washing down the horse semen in her mouth.

“I have a use for you, wait till I show Alice and Pippa, they’ll be green with envy,” said Miriam holding the bottle high.

Miriam sniffed the stand and nodded her head as the stand reeked of feminine vaginal fragrance and horse semen.

She dragged the stand over to the munching stallion and tried to recall how the horse fucking videos how the women presented their vaginas to the horses.

She thought she would ask Danny Toy, “Danny…, how do you want me, on my back or tummy?” said Miriam as she saw Danny’s penis twitch with the latter suggestion.

“Oh, O.K., on my tummy, wow you should get a good penetration that way, if I don’t survive this…, what the hell, what a way to go. But I’ve got a feeling you know what you are doing Danny Toy,” said Miriam convincing herself.

She dragged the stand alongside the stallion and placed the drink bottle in reach then took away his hay net, “Well here goes…,” said Miriam lying face down on the padded stand.

It wasn’t long before Danny Toy moved over the top of the trembling Miriam, he stepped forward and Miriam swallowed as his bouncing erection brushed he vulva.

“Good boy, you thrust as hard as you want,” said Miriam reaching behind to grasp the horse’s erection and guide it into her gaping wet and willing introitus, “Wow boy your even harder than when I sucked you.”

Miriam was expecting a brutal thrust but she was wrong the well trained horse pushed gently against her vulva and entered her vagina in a slow continuous thrust that filled its total length. Miriam could no longer hold back her tears of joy as the pain increased to far beyond what she had ever experienced even with being knotted by big dogs. But she was not concerned with the pain it was glorious she had fulfilled her dream of being mounted by a stallion.

Danny withdrew half the length of his erection then slowly thrust it in again; Miriam felt her cervix being pushed hard into her uterus. The thicker part of his shaft entered her she could feel her labials stretching. She cried out in ecstasy.

“Fuck me boy, fuck me!”

She still expected a violent thrust, but no, Danny began to rhythmically fuck her forty five year old cunt. Each stroke was a little deeper until Miriam jolted back from her ecstasy and realized the preputial ridge had touched her labials she clamped down with her pelvic floor muscles when Danny got too deep but it had the effect of quicken his rhythm.

Faster and faster Miriam could feel his cock head expand in her and then they both squealed in ecstasy as they both orgasmed simultaneously. Miriam’s body convulsed in ecstasy as she felt in her vagina fill with the powerful stream of cool semen pumped into her stretched inflated vagina.

Danny went soft almost immediately and started to withdraw, quick as she could Miriam grabbed her vulva and rolled off the saddle stand and thrust the empty soft drink bottle neck deep into her gaping vagina. With a squeeze of her vaginal muscles she ejected Danny’s semen to near fill the bottle.

Miriam withdrew the bottle from her vagina and caught the semen dribbles in her palm of her hand. She lapped it up greedily and kept doing that until the dribbles stopped and her vulva was wiped clean of the mixture of her vaginal juices and horse semen.

She stood up to hold the bottle high and dance around the stables aisle in a high state of ecstasy; slowly she came to her senses. She capped the bottle of the precious fluid, and then dragged the stand away from under the horse. Then dived under Danny Toy to catch a stream of semen that was about to drip from his flaccid penis in her mouth.

For the next five minutes she licked the huge phallus clean, feeling every detail of the hoses penis then gave it one long kiss.

“Well boys and girls, I think we better get out of here, wow, that was so much fun,” Miriam almost sang it she was so happy.

Danny Toy was led back to his loose box and halter removed, she dragged the stand back to where she got it from then got herself dressed and tidied up her make-up.

A carrot for Hazel Mint and Danny Toy then Miriam left the barn with the bottle of horse semen in hand, singing to herself as she walked back to her car.


Chapter Two – Her Desires Tasted By All

It was half way back to the car when Miriam realised how much her introitus and cervix was beginning to hurt. It made her smile but her pace slowed to a painful shuffle and Miriam almost collapsed as she got to her car.

Very slowly Miriam lowered herself onto the towel on her car seat making sure her skirt was well out of the way, she let out a long groan more in delight than pain of not having walked another step.

Miriam looked at her bottle of horse semen and chuckled, unscrewed the top and took a long sip and held the semen in her mouth savouring its flavour.

The bottle was stowed in the glove box and Miriam started the car and drove off while moving her tongue through Danny Toy’s semen before swallowing it with relish.

“It doesn’t get much better than that girl, wow…!”

As she drove on the stomach cramps started, well uterus cramps to be precise Danny Toy’s thrusts although controlled had seriously bruised Miriam’s cervix.

When finally she got back to the warehouse after a long agonising drive and swallowing a handful of Paracetamol washed down with the only thing she had…, horse semen. Miriam could hardly get out of the car when she pulled up in the warehouse carpark. On seeing her struggling Pippa ran towards Miriam calling out for Alice thinking something was seriously wrong.

Alice came running and was already in tears fearing her love of her life was in some terrible trouble.

“Darling, sweetheart, what is wrong, Pippa call a Doctor,” yelled Alice as Miriam staggered from the car as both women caught Miriam from falling.

“No, no, not unless you want me arrested,” pleaded Miriam.

“What..,” choked Alice?

Now Hilda came to investigate and seeing Miriam could hardly walk brushed the other two women aside and picked up Miriam as if she was a rag doll and carried her to the warehouse. Then up the stairs to the mezzanine floor kicked open the door to Alice’s flat.

Hilda gently laid Miriam down on the bed and kissed her on the temple as a stampede of four other women came thundering up the wooden steps to surround the bed all stricken with fear and worry for their beloved boss.

Betty felt Miriam’s brow, Rose was holding her hand and kissing it, Alice was sobbing uncontrollably.

“Look at you all anybody would think you all loved me,” said Miriam regretting it immediately as all five women burst into wailing tears.

“Miriam Slater, we don’t just love you, we adore you…,” said Betty and all sniffled in agreement.

“You’re all going to kill me when I tell you why I’m in so much pain, please someone take off this damn skirt, I have to open my legs as wide as I can I’m really hurting now,” groaned Miriam.

All the women looked totally puzzled as Betty slid off the offending skirt and Miriam painfully opened her legs wide then pulled up her knees onto her chest to relieve her cramps. Now fully displaying her red and sore vulva to the four astonished wide eyed women who made Miriam give a painful chuckle seeing the funny side of their concern.

“Jeez…, M.., you’re red raw and stretched wide open,” choked Alice.

“Wow… looks awesome though,” purred Betty, “Ooo, all that juice, yummy.”

“Pippa…, lick my cunt and tell these gorgeous women what you can taste,” said Miriam.

Pippa broke in to a broad smile, “I don’t need to lick your gorgeous cunt to know what it is, I can smell it and it’s making me very wet. But I better confirm my suspicions,” she said kneeling on the bed to take a long lick of Miriam’s still gaping vulva.

Pippa slipped off the bed grinning, “You finally did it, how…; you got to tell me before I burst.”

Betty then Rose then Alice then finally Hilda still sobbing took a long lick of Miriam’s exposed vulva. All the women looked totally confused as Miriam slowly and painfully lowered her muscular lean legs back down onto the bed with a long groan of relief.

“I’ve licked you a lot M, but I’ve never tasted your cunt liked that before,” said Betty and Pippa howled out in laughter.

“Pippa in my glovebox there’s a bottle of something special, would you go and get it please and Rose would you get some sherry glasses, I want you all to taste something really, really special,” said Miriam trying to sit up and Hilda helped still sobbing at the joy of at last licking the woman she loved so much.

Pippa bounded down the stairs and came back grinning from ear to ear hiding the bottle behind her back, she took the tray of glasses from Rose and went into the kitchen out of sight of the women poured some of Danny Toy’s semen into each of the glasses then put the bottle in the fridge.

She carried the tray back to the bedroom where all of the women were now seated, Pippa who could hardly contain her mirth.

“Oo, I like ‘Baileys Irish cream’,” said Rose innocently and Pippa laughed hysterically.

“Don’t you spill any Pippa that was hard cum by,” said Miriam with a chuckle.

Pippa stood at a distance as the other women looked expectantly at the glasses filled with horse semen not knowing what it was.

“If you pardon the pun,” giggled Pippa holding the tray as she kicked off her boots and tugged at her jodhpurs, “come on ladies strip off, this is a special occasion we are celebrating.

Within seconds the tall willowy titless brunette Betty and the shorter buxom blond Rose were naked as they lifted their dresses over their heads. Alice and Hilda took a little longer to divest themselves of their work clothing.

Hilda was a little reticent as it was not something Hilda had ever done only the other women would end up naked after drinks on Friday night but as she did all the women gasped in unison.

“Oh, Hils…, your clit is huge and you never told us,” said Betty with a hurt tone to her voice.

“I…, I didn’t want to freak you young girls out, I thought you of thought me as a bit gross,” sobbed Hilda.

Betty got off the bed and walked over to Hilda who stood up to greet her and Betty put her arms around the big woman. They were both the same height but Betty was a near third of Hilda’s weight.

Hilda wrapped her arms around Betty’s slight body and buried face in Betty hair and gave a whimper of delight, and then Betty held Hilda at arm’s length.

“After this celebration is over Hils, I’m going to suck that gorgeous clit of your for a whole week,” said Betty and everyone clapped and Hilda just smiled and nodded.

“Err, hum…,” said Pippa who was now totally naked attracting the women’s attention.

“I’m sure you have already tasted the vintage Pippa, what’s your opinion?” asked Miriam in a faux serious tone that went over Rose’s head but made the other women chuckle.

“Well I have to admit…, I had a little sip…, then another…, just to make sure it wasn’t corked. Mmm, and yes full bodied, definitely fresh, no hint of uric acid but with a definite feminine fragrance that I have tasted a few times before,” said Pippa in a mock cultured accent.

“Oh, for pities sake,” said Betty leaping up to take a glass and sipped the contents, “Aww, that is simply delicious, try some Rose.”

Rose took a glass and sniffed it then frowned then put the glass to her red full lips and took a sip, then another. “Fuck ‘Baileys’, that awesome what is it?”

Pippa smiled and offered the tray to Alice and Hilda who both took a glass and grinned, both took a sip the raised their glasses to Miriam who was just beaming with delight.

“Congratulations M, you did it at last, well done,” said Alice chinking glasses with Miriam.

Miriam watched the women drink the semen and Betty and Rose used their fingers to get every last drop from their glasses.

“What is M, can we get some more?” asked Rose innocently, Betty nodded her approval smacking her lips and Miriam, Pippa, Alice and Hilda chuckled knowingly.

“Well are you going to tell us how you accomplished this wondrous feat,” asked Pippa sitting down in a chair opening her legs wide and started to unashamedly masturbate.

“Well…, I went to ‘Pine Road’ stud this morning but I forgot it was the yearling sales today and the whole place was deserted but for ‘Hazel Mint’ their prize mare and ‘Danny Toy’ the black stallion in the stables,” said Miriam.

Betty let out a long groan as she looked down into empty glass, then placed it on the table and grimaced and all the other women giggled. With the exception of Rose who still looked totally confused.

Betty sat down and put her hand to her mouth and swallowed.

“You O.K., Betty?” asked Miriam and Betty nodded but stayed silent.

“Like some more celebration drink Betty?” chuckled Pippa and Betty waived a finger at her still her hand over her mouth.

“Anyway, when I walked into the stable, there was Hazel Mint winking at me.”

“Winking,” asked Rose looking at all the other women for some sort of explanation.

“Rose…, like this, mares do this to attract the attention of randy stallions,” said Pippa winking her own introitus and labials and pointing to her vulva.

“Oooo, I’d like to see that,” cooed Rose.

“So Rose when I saw Hazel Mint flashing her cunt at me what else could I do?” said Miriam now slowly and carefully masturbating as she recalled.

“Lick her out…,” squeaked Rose in shock but tinged with delight.

“Of course…, and she was simply delicious,” said Miriam as they all watched the pretty blond Rose adopt a half squat and start frenetically finger herself with three fingers.

“Arggh, ah, argh, ooo, licking a mares cunt…, that awesome, wow,” said Rose breathlessly as she orgasmed instantly.

“Wow…, Rosie you’re way ahead of me on this one, I didn’t realise you were such a perv,” said Betty opening her legs wide now to toy with her own clitoris, “So M, next came the stallion I suppose?” asked Betty .

“Mmm…, gave him a good sucking first and he came in my mouth after five minutes of sucking and wanking him but in doing that you know what I discovered,” asked Miriam to all the women who all looked bemused by the question.

“What you liked it,” asked Alice in a laugh.

“That was a given I suggest,” said Hilda staring at Betty’s aroused and wet vulva.

“You were good at deep throating?” asked Pippa.

“No, you will never, guess so I’ll tell you…,” said Miriam grinning broadly and fingering herself then licking her fingers seductively, “I could smell the vaginal fragrance of another woman on his erection.

“Wow, some perverted and hopefully gorgeous woman is being horse fucked at ‘Pine Road Stud’?” asked Alice.

“Oh, yes and I’ll tell you what, Danny Toy knows exactly what he is doing he was a fucking expert in fucking human females,” said Miriam.

“A horse fucked you and filled you with his semen and we drank it?” squeaked Betty letting out a stifled burb.

“Got it in one Betty, but the question is who is fucking and trained Danny Toy,” said Miriam raising her eyebrows.

“Jeez, M, if he hadn’t been trained he could of really hurt you real bad…,” said Pippa concerned.

“Yes he could of I know but I was so aroused I couldn’t stop myself, you know Pippa you’ve been horse fucked,” said Miriam trying to placate Pippa’s concern for her.

“Ponies, and Donkeys Miriam, somewhat smaller than a huge breeding stallion like Danny Toy,” said Pippa.

“So who could it be, oh, jeez, you don’t think it could be Anja do you?” said Alice and all the women groaned in unison at the thought of the statuesque Swedish blond being horse fucked.

“I’ll go to sleep tonight thinking of Anja’s cunt being filled with horse cock, I’ve only met her once and I had to go for a wank,” said Rose.

“What about Carol she’s a horny skinny bitch like me, although come to think of it neither of us could handle a stallion’s cock,” mused Betty.

“Then there’s Elsa the Danish woman, drop dead gorgeous too,” said Miriam.

“Well speaking from experience, I think it must be Anja and Elsa and even Carol too, a horse that size takes a lot of handling and probably too much for one person to handle alone,” said Pippa.

“Well how the hell, do we find out…, and if I may can I try some more of that semen,” said Betty, “So M, how did you possibly manage this horse fucking by yourself?”

“From what Pippa just said I think I was just damn lucky to be here, a little worse for wear maybe for my cervix took a battering but my cunt was big enough to handle his cock thanks to our two dogs Sabre and Dirk for giving me a regular fucking.

It was sheer serendipity that when I decided to go for it and let him fuck me he was highly trained and was quite gentle really for size of him. When I took his erection in my hand and guided him into my vagina he only slowly thrust into me.

I think Pippa is right that took an awful lot of training and must of been at least two women if not three the more I think about it the more I realise how damn stupid it was, great though…,” said Miriam and everyone chuckled as Miriam laid back again put her head on the pillow and immediately fell asleep.

The five naked women looked at each other slightly astonished and a little deflated not to hear the full story. Alice covered Miriam up with a duvet and indicated that they all should go into the lounge.

Hilda went to get dressed in her dungarees but Betty waived a finger of admonishment at her and pointed to the door.

Alice gently closed the bedroom door and met the other women in the lounge.

“Shame we can’t be naked all the time,” said Rose in a loud whisper.

“Might be alright for you lot in the office, but you try lugging bales of hay around with naked tits,” grumbled Hilda.

“Shame though I could look at your gorgeous clit all day Hils,” said Betty also in a loud whisper.

“She’s fast asleep, she’ll be right in a couple of days, but I guarantee she’ll be wanting to visit Danny Toy again,” said Alice in a normal voice.

“Well that’s not going to be easy…, is it,” said Pippa and they all looked glum.

“She’ll not be satisfied with Sabre and Dirk anymore?” said Betty and Alice just shook her head.

“What about your pony and donkey Pippa, will they satisfy her?” asked Rose hesitantly.

“Yes…, for a while, certainly keep me happy, ooo, yes…, but eventually she’ll want Danny’s cock again,” said Pippa.

“Wow…, dog cock, donkey cock and pony cock all I’ve ever had is Pussy,” said Betty forlornly.

“Well it’s about time yourself and Rose got yourself dog fucked with Sabre and Dirk first, then I’ll introduce you both to Malvern and my miniature Donkey Gringo,” said Pippa reaching for Betty’s vulva.

“Oh, dear..,” choked Betty, “what have I got myself into?”

“Ooo, I’m tingling from head to foot, I think I’d like to try Dirk first, oo, I’m going to be dog fucked,” said Rose in a daze then smiled broadly.

“Anyway…, all of that bestiality is easily solved within our own resources, our problem is how we going to find out who is training Danny Toy to fuck so expertly?” said Alice a little exasperated with the other women’s banter.

“When ‘Pine Road’ had a query with their account, Miriam took me out there to try and sort it out, which was easily fixed, it was just some figures transposed. We apologised and took Anja, Elsa, Carol and Hilary Pine the owner to lunch at the local.

We two skinnies, Carol and I sat together on bench seat crammed together; I had my usual short skirt on. Well of course my stocking tops got exposed and skinny Carol couldn’t keep her eyes off me and I got as wet as hell. There was definite chemistry between us…, is that worth exploiting?” Said Betty, looking at each of the women for some sort of comment.

Alice nodded her head slowly in agreement, “Go for it Betty, Pippa how about you having a crack at seducing Elsa?”

“Yum…, I love a challenge but what about Anja the blond beauty,” said Pippa.

“Nah…, she’s way above our league here, awesome thought though, isn’t that incredibly gorgeous beauty being horse fucked,” said Alice.

“Ladies…,” said Hilda, gaining everyone’s immediate attention, she never said much Hilda but when she did it was to the point and usually quite sage, “We will all have to tread really carefully with this, reputation and financial ruin are at stake here and for what, finding other lesbian zoophiles and a quick horse fuck, is it worth it?”

“Gawd…, getting into Anja’s panties, wow…, how awesome would that be,” said Rose almost in a trance as she thought of the possibility.

“I know what you are saying Hils, but I also know Miriam, as proved today she can be a little rash at times. She could have easily been seriously hurt or even killed by Danny Toy’s cock or even a kick from Hazel Mint when she crazily performed cunnilingus on her.

No we have to find a better way, Betty you’re a pretty blond also…, how would you like to have a crack at Anja,” said Alice looking at the astonished Rose.

“Wait…,” said Rose beginning to furiously masturbate again and again soon orgasmed in seconds, “Arrgh…, my clitoris says yes…, I’ll give it a go! But hold on I’m not pretty enough to turn Anja’s head surely.”

“Again I say, softly…, softly catchy monkey, if you all go flat out to seduce these women it could become obvious to them, that something is going on,” said Hilda.

“Well we think you are pretty Rose, in fact pretty as a Rose but we have the problem that ‘Pine Road Stud’ is half a day’s drive from here how do we work that one out?” asked Alice.

“I have an Aunt Emily who lives in a village not too far from the stud, Alice
If I was to take a week’s leave to stay with my dear Aunt Emily, you could arrange for me to go and take ‘Pine Road’s’ monthly feed order, I could accidently on purpose perhaps flash my gash at the beautiful Anja and see what happens,” said Rose spreading her enormous bright pink labials to prove her point.

“Good one Rose, if your pissflaps don’t turn her head nothing will, Betty how will you go with Carol, you have the same problem of distance too?” Asked Alice.

“Well in our tête-à-tête in the pub Carol told me she was doing an Equine Management Diploma at our local Tech, well I could just accidently bump into her of course it means wearing a micro mini-skirt, I think that might get her attention, I’ll invite her for a drink then flash my gash as Rose so elegantly put it and take it from there,” said Betty confidently.

“That sounds a good one too, so that leaves Elsa how you going to tackle that one Pippa?” asked Alice.

“She’s at most gymkhana events at the weekend, we both teach kids and adults to ride so meeting her is not a problem getting into her jodhpurs might be though,” said Pippa not so confidently.

“Hilda’s right of course if you all end up trying to seduce them at the same time and they happen to mention it to each other that one of the staff from Slaters Stock feeds has flashed them we’re sunk, it will have to at differing times and how you approach them about animal sex, that will be a different story,” said Alice looking worried.

“Well I have to be in place at Aunt Emily’s to go to get our usual monthly order, Betty can only meet Carol on a Wednesday when she goes to Tech and Pippa has a choice of just the weekends to make her move on Elsa, so it’s really the times are set in concrete,” said Rose succinctly to everyone’s surprise.

“Tell you what Rose, I’ll give you a couple of bugs and a camera to plant at ‘Pine Road’ stables, so you can listen in and watch what goes on once you’ve flashed you gash at them. If they’re disgusted well that’s the end of that but if they are impressed with that gorgeous cunt of yours, well we’ll discuss what to do next,” said Hilda seeing all the women’s mouths drop open.

“And before you ask no, I haven’t bugged any of you I don’t need to, your all naked now!” said Hilda.

“O.K., ladies lets have Friday drinks now and from now on Friday drinks are naked night and some exercise for Sabre and Dirk I might add.


Chapter Three – Secret Women’s Business

Betty’s Mission

It was almost three weeks later that Betty was lurking in the shadows of the street lights by the steps of the local Technical College. The wind ripped down the alleyway and Betty shivered as her ultra mini-skirt and wearing no panties afforded her little comfort. She tugged at the hem of her skirt to actually pull it down to cover her exposed stocking tops.

“At last…,” groaned Betty as she saw Carol walking down the long flight of stone steps with a bunch of her Tech friends,” Oh, my…, she’s wearing a mini-skirt too,” she muttered to herself as she came out of the shadows and headed for Carol.

Using her peripheral vision she headed for Carol who fortunately recognised Betty before she got close and left her fellow students to go and greet Betty.

“Betty, Betty…, hi,” said Carol rushing up to Betty enthusiastically.

Betty pretended to be surprised and confused, “Carol…?”

“Yes, do you remember me from ‘Pine Road Stud,'” said Carol unable to stop herself from looking at Betty’s long slim perfect legs.

“I didn’t recognise you wearing a min-skirt, you look gorgeous…, so much better than your dungarees,” said Betty looking down at Carol’s own skinny legs.

“Oh, when we went to the pub for lunch and I saw you wearing your mini-skirt you looked so lovely I went out and bought myself a load of skirts and even some dresses would you believe,” said Carol almost in tears with the excitement of meeting the beautiful Betty again.

“Will you put that school bag down and give me a hug,” said Betty and Carol didn’t need asking twice and fell into Betty’s arms. Both girls were quite tall and very skinny but Betty was wearing high heels so was a little taller so as they embraced Betty kissed Carol on the nape of the neck and Carol nearly fainted.

“You, O.K.?” asked Betty and Carol swallowed and nodded, “Like to go for a drink?”

“Oh, yes please!”

“Come on then, there’s still the ladies snug in the ‘Stallion’s Arms’, just around the corner,” said Betty.

“Oh, lovely no men to leer at us,” said Carol and Betty made the effort to give her a quizzical look and Carol blushed as she realised she had given something very personal away.

The girl’s walked down the street arm in arm with Carol grinning from ear to ear and Betty smiling confidently, she intended to expose herself to Carol when they got to the pub and totally ensnare her but she still had a couple more things she wanted to try.

As they turned down the side street heading for the pub Betty stopped in her tracks and gave a little yelp of pain.

“Oh, what’s wrong pet,” said Carol looking concerned.

“Sorry Dirk was a little enthusiastic last night and I’m still damn sore,” said Carol and started walking again grinning to herself.

“Really…, oh…,” said Carol sounding a little disappointed.

The girls arrived at the pub and headed for the ladies snug armed with their G & T’s, Betty slipped in behind the table on a bench seat and her skirt rode up fully exposing her stocking tops and suspender clasps but was a little disappointed she hadn’t exposed her naked vulva to Carol.

“How’s your Tech course going?” asked Betty knowing that Carol was totally distracted by looking at her exposed stocking tops and her bare thighs above.

“Oh, err…, not bad we had to do dissection of a horse’s leg today, yuk…,” said Carol finally taking a sip of her drink and looking at Betty’s smiling face.

“Um.., I thought I wanted to be a Vet Nurse, came to dissecting a horse penis and that was the end for me, so I transferred to finance,” said Betty with a grimace.

“So you’re not into the gory side of Veterinary studies just like me then?”

“No…, not that so much, if I want to see a horse penis, I prefer to see it in all its beautiful male glory not on a dissection tray,” said Betty trying to be matter fact as possible.

“You mean…?” said Carol swallowing.

“Erect…, yes, bet you’ve seen a few horse erections at ‘Pine Road Stud’?” asked Betty studying Carol’s face for the slightest reaction.

“Oh, gawd, yes, heaps of them,” squeaked Carol.

“Carol, could I ask you a favour, please say no if it…, well, upsets you, you’ll probably find me a bit weird, oh, no.., better not, I could get you sacked from the stud, sorry forget it,” said Betty in mock remorse.

Carol reached over and put her hand on Betty’s naked thigh above her stocking top just an inch from her vulva, “Please.., please Betty ask me, anything you want of me.”

Betty pushed Carol’s hand up her skirt until her hand cupped Betty’s wet aroused labials, and then guided her fingers into her introitus.

Carol quickly and guiltily looked around the empty Ladies Snug and pushed her fingers fully into Betty’s vagina, “Oh, Betty anything…, anything for you.”

“Here goes, careful…, careful, I’m really sore still, sorry yes, mm, the next time you see any of the stallions erect…, could you take some pics of them for me?”

“Really…, you serious?” gasped Carol, and removed her fingers from Betty’s vagina.

“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything,” said Betty in faux distress and standing up to leave, “please don’t say anything to anyone please!”

Carol suddenly gained her composure and stopped trembling she had just because she was in the company of such a beautiful woman she desired so much.

“Sit down will you…,” have a look at these,” Carol said reaching down to her college bag and taking out her Tablet.

She put it onto to the table and entered her password and Betty slowly sat down as Carol tapped away on the screen.

“You mean pics like these, see I have all different male animals genitals but these are the stallions cocks, all erect of course,” said Carol smirking from ear to ear as she handed the Tablet to Betty.

Betty scrolled through pictures of Stallion’s erect penises, there was page after page of them, “Oh, Carol, these are just so beautiful and all of these cocks are at ‘Pine Road’?”

“Oh, no not all, it’s my collection mainly from the net,” said Carol hardly being able to contain her mirth “just these ones”.

“Wow…, this one, what a glorious cock and he’s dripping cum, ooo, I’ll dream of him tonight,” purred Betty.

“That’s ‘Danny Toy’s’ cock, isn’t it gorgeous,” said Carol smiling at Betty so enthralled in her pictures of erect horse cock.

Betty couldn’t contain herself any longer and reached between her legs and started to masturbate as she looked at the cock that Miriam had sucked and been fucked by.

Carol’s mouth fell open as she watched Betty masturbate under the table, “If I give you a copy of them don’t let your boyfriend see them he might be a little jealous.”

“Boyfriend…, what boyfriend?” frowned Betty as she frenetically worked on her clitoris.

“You said Dirk made you sore last night and then when I fingered you, you were in obvious discomfort from being fucked so hard,” croaked Carol.

“I haven’t got a boyfriend Carol…; Dirk is a Bull Mastiff with a huge cock!”

Carol grabbed Betty’s face and kissed her passionately.

“Awesome…,” groaned Carol in absolute delight.


Pippa’s Gymkhana Mission

Pippa searched the sea of faces looking for the tall blonde Dane, Elsa. She was easy to pick out because she was head and shoulders above the group of young riding students she had gathered around her.

That was a relief to see Elsa was here today but it would be awhile before Pippa would get to talk to her as there were riding lessons to conduct first but then the Dressage judging duties but she would be alone in the box with Elsa at the end of the arena.

At last the lessons were over and the first events were being conducted on the arena so with cup of coffee in hand Pippa headed for the judges box and waited for Elsa to appear. Pippa had no idea how she was going to approach her task in hand, was she going to try to seduce Elsa or get her talking about Bestiality, but how.

Pippa’s heart rate went through the roof as the tall attractive blonde entered the box also with cup in hand. Pippa stood up to greet her and they exchanged greeting kisses and to her surprise Elsa squeezed her hand affectionately so Pippa gave Elsa kiss on her lips and Elsa lovely face broke into a huge smile.

They both sat down and to Pippa’s absolute joy and relief Elsa put her hand high on Pippa’s thigh. Taking to immediately capitalise on this Pippa put her had on top of Elsa’s hand and forced it onto to her crutch and pressed her fingers into her vulva all be it through the material of her jodhpurs.

Pippa saw Elsa’s bottom lip tremble as she worked her fingers into Pippa’s crutch. The two blonde beauties looked at each other intently, not a word had been exchanged between them but volumes had been spoken.

“At last Elsa.., at last, I’ve burned a candle for you for far too long,” said Pippa with a genuine emotional quaver in her voice.

“Aren’t we silly to have wasted so much time, dancing around each other just at the weekends for all this time,” whispered Elsa staring at Pippa’s lips.

Both women looked around guiltily saw was nobody was around and quickly kissed each other on the lips and both let out a long sigh.

“Did you see that beautiful little red headed bitch in my group giving me the eye, damn if she didn’t have a wet patch in her crutch, she just had to display to me,” sighed Elsa with her lilting accent.

“Jailbait…,” chuckled Pippa.

“Oh, yes I see what you mean, little bitch, wait till she’s older,” groaned Elsa.

“Then what?” said Pippa reaching for Elsa crutch and pushing her fingers into it.

“She’s needs a damn good fucking to teach her not to tease her seniors and I have just the stallion to do it,” said Elsa with a sudden look of regret on her face with what she just said.

Pippa smiled broadly, “Well I’ve had a few of those and all it taught me was that I liked horse cock,” she said licking her lips seductively, “Oh, shit our first rider, I’ll pencil first.”

Elsa reeled off the scores Pippa scribbled away as Elsa ran her hand up and down Pippa’s thigh as she spoke the scores.

The rider left the arena and before the next came on to perform Elsa whispered, “You’ve been horse fucked?”

“Oh, yes…, many times, and a Donkey,” said Pippa grinning, relieved she had broken the ice.

“Oh, yum Pippa, ooo, I’ll pencil this one, ooh, I’m so wet,” gasped Elsa.

The tests seemed to go on for ever not giving them time to talk then finally Pippa managed to ask, “Have you been horse fucked Elsa?”

“Yes…, Pippa I have, too many times to remember but I would like to try your Donkey if I may?” said Elsa squeezing Pippa’s thigh.

“Only after I’ve licked you, fingered and fisted you,” said Pippa looking into Elsa’s teary eyes.

“Oh, Pippa I’ve ached for you for so long…,” said Elsa and Pippa smiled like a Cheshire cat.


Rose’s Mission

“I’ll see you later then Aunt Emily, my boss has asked me to go ‘Pine Road Stud’ and get their monthly feed orders while I’m here to save her a long drive.

“Oh, O.K., dear not quite dressed to go on a farm though are we dear? A mini-skirt and a floppy hat you more like if you are going to the races,” said Rose’s Aunt almost drooling over her shapely niece.

“Aunt Em, I didn’t come here with anything suitable for the farm as you call it, Miriam has just asked me as a favour as I’m close, do you want to come with me for the drive?”

“Oh, no dear if I got in your little sports car, you’d never get me out again,” chuckled her Aunt.

“I’ll be off then,” said Rose giving her Aunt a peck on the cheek.

Twenty minutes later Rose arrived at the stud, the thought of seeing the beautiful Anja up close made her vulva ache and somewhat wet. Before getting out of the car she checked all the gadgets Hilda had given her. The listening bugs would be easy enough the cameras had to be positioned and tested, Alice had told her the best place in the stables to put them but how possible that would be had to be played by ear.

Rose did feel a little ridiculous as she approached the stable complex her high heels clicking on the cobble stones and trying to hold her broad brimmed hat from being blown off. Her white short dress had been deliberately selected for this mission as it was quite see-through.

Rose with her ample bosom couldn’t possibly go without of bra and it was quite conspicuous through the thin material of her white dress as was her suspender belt. What wasn’t in view through the thin material was any suggestion of Rose wearing any panties.

Before Rose got to the stables Anja came out to meet Rose as Alice had phoned and was expecting her.

“Hello Rose, you’re looking rather splendid,” said Anja smiling broadly.

“Sorry not dressed for the occasion Auntie Emily as already asked me if I was going to the races but this was unexpected, Miriam sends her apologies but is a little under the weather and I’m staying with my Aunt this week,” said Rose with a nervous giggle.

“Well, you absolutely gorgeous, yummy in fact,” said Anja staring at Rose’s nether regions.

“Well thank you Anja,” said Rose standing with her legs almost a stride apart knowing the gap between her thighs and the morning sun light behind could well be making her dangling labials visible.

Rose followed Anja through the stables door and bit her bottom lip as she admired Anja’s shapely buttocks and long slim legs. They walked through to the office and Anja offered a seat to Rose and she sat down and immediately crossed her legs to display her stockinged thigh.

Anja didn’t try to hide her gaze at Rose’s thigh, “Would you like a tea or coffee?”

“Oh, yes please I’m parched, black tea and one please,” said Rose smiling.

“I’ll go and put the kettle on now,” said Anja getting up to leave.

As soon as Anja left the office Rose grabbed her bag took out the first bug and planted it under the office desk as instructed by Hilda. She scanned the office looking for a place to put the tiny camera; quickly she stood on her chair and placed the camera on a high shelf amongst some old arch-lever files that had obviously never been moved for years.

She grabbed her mobile and activated the bug and camera then sighed with relief when the picture from the camera was spot on.

Rose had time to take out her note pad hitch up her skirt to expose more thigh and look composed as Anja came back carrying a silver service tray with teapot and Royal Albert tea cups. She put down the tray on the table and Rose was tempted to lean forward and sniff her behind.

Rose sat poised with pencil and paper as Anja sat down with her coffee and reeled off the stock feed order quickly. Rose dropped her note pad into her bag and went to take her tea cup when in walked Mouser the stable ginger cat.

This was exactly what Rose had been waiting for as she slipped off her chair to squat wide legged knowingly exposing her aroused vulva to Anja as she stroked the cat.

“Hello beautiful…, what’s your name said Rose looking up at Anja who had spilt her coffee in her saucer and was pouring it back into her cup and looking slightly flustered.

“Mouser, he’s the stable boss, all the horses are very wary of him,” said Anja watching every move Rose made as she slipped back onto her chair and slowly crossed her legs as she reached for her tea cup.

“Well I hope feels better soon, nothing too serious I hope?” asked Anja.

“Well I don’t really know but I think she has had some ladies problems down there,” said Rose pushing a finger into her own pubis.

“Oh, dear well wish her all the best from me, when you see her next,” said Anja.

“I will, I will, well I better be going and leave you to it,” said Rose reaching over to place her cup back onto the table and parting her legs so wide she knew her vulva was fully exposed to Anja gaze.

“Oh, no please stay for lunch, have you met Hilary Pine the owner of the stud,” said Anja so enthusiastically it made Rose tremble with anticipation.

Trying to stay as calm as possible Rose looked at her watch and said, “I’ll be delighted thank you, do you mind if I have a wander around but I might need to borrow some boots I think.”

“Oh, no problem,” said Anja dashing out of the stable office and as soon as she did Rose gave two thumbs up to the hidden camera and she could almost hear the cheer nearly two hundred kilometres away at ‘Slater’s Stock Feeds’.

Anja was soon back with a pair of short Wellingtons, “I think these will be your size,” said Anja kneeling down to replace Rose’s high heel with a Wellington and Rose made sure Anja got a good close up look at her aroused and erect labials.

Anja stood up and had to steady herself on the office table, “There you are, go where you want and if you’ll like to come up to the house at 12:30 for lunch,” said Anja touching Rose’s arm and left the office to Rose who was sure she heard Anja give a low whistle as she left the stable.

It was just what Rose needed to be able to set up the camera to cover the stable aisle. Alice had drawn a little map where she thought best position would be. The audio bug was quite simple to place there was a knot hole in the post that Miriam had used to tie both horses to while she performed the sexual acts with them.

Positioning the camera would be a little more difficult so Rose decided to take a wander around first and the solution was soon found as she walked passed a loose box there just happened to be a set of step ladders.

Rose quickly pulled out the steps and positioned them under a beam running across the stable building. Hurriedly she got the camera and position it on the beam at full stretch. Her heart was pounding as she climbed down the steps got out her mobile to activate the camera.

“Damn…,” cursed Rose as the field of view wasn’t too good so she climbed the ladder again and tweaked its position by looking at the screen and moving the camera. She climbed down the ladder and moved it back into the loose box and gave a huge sigh of relief then turned off both cameras to conserve the batteries leaving the audio bugs on.

Her nerves and excitement of the blatant displaying of her genitals and placing the bugs and cameras Rose realised she was extremely wet. So much so she could feel her vaginal juices running down her thighs. As she wondered what she could do about it before she went to lunch with Anja and Hilary in trotted a friendly looking large Golden Labrador to the stables.

“Hello…, pet what’s your name, hey puppy would you do me a favour?” said Rose taking up a half squatting open legged stance. The dog didn’t need asking twice and stuck his nose up Rose’s short skirt and began to lick her vulva and thighs clean of all her wetness.

“Oo, you know what you’re doing there, oo, Sabre and Dirk will be jealous,” gasped Rose close to an orgasm and as she stepped back she saw dangling below the Labrador a huge erection already dripping pre-cum.

“Oh, my, I can’t let that go to waste can I,” said Rose looking into each of the loose boxes, “This one puppy, now just a quick one O.K., no knotting.”

Rose beckoned the dog into the stable and closed both doors, dragged a saddle blanket onto the freshly laid straw and fell to her knees hitched up her dress and smacked her bottom.

“Up…, and fuck me quick,” said Rose and to her astonishment the big male leapt onto her back and with the first lunge entered her vagina with his eight inch erection and started fuck her.

“Wow…, boy you’re bigger than those Bull Mastiffs and a lot more handsome, and urrgh, you know what you’re doing alright, I thought you might, urrrhh…, no, no, sweetheart as much as I want it not your knot…”

Rose body shuddered with an intense orgasm and as soon as the dog pulled out from her vagina she shot to her feet. She took up a half squat again but this time her hand was on her vulva to collect the dog semen in her hand which she slurped up from her palm as the dog licked her vulva clean again.

“Oh, that’s what you call sex, quick, wet and messy, thanks pup and I don’t even know your name, heh, heh…, what a slut I am,” said Rose kissing the dog.

She opened the stable door and he trotted off and she followed after putting the saddle blanket back in place. Rose walked out into the sun feeling rather pleased with herself, three weeks ago she had never had sexual intercourse with a dog and she had a quickie with the studs dog in a few minutes. Now she had been dog fucked twenty times and felt decidedly proud of her achievements.

Rose wandered around for nearly an hour, she put her head in every available door looking for places that may be used for the horse sex but apart from the outside mounting yard she thought the stables where she had placed the cameras was it. She spoke to a number of the staff which were 90% female all being attractive and she began to wonder if Hilary Pine was very much like Miriam Slater in her staff choice for the same reasons.

The dog’s semen continued to trickle from her vagina and she liked that feeling as it was so utterly perverted. A quick wipe of her genitals, licked her fingers and headed for the house. The large mock Tudor house stood in its own formal gardens some distance from the house so Rose retrieved her shoes and handbag from the stables and walked along the path to the main house.

Anja was waiting for her by the front door and sat next to her was the kind eyed handsome Golden Labrador that only an hour ago had fucked Rose’s cunt so expertly. As Rose reached out to shake Anja hand again the dog took the opportunity to thrust his snout up Rose’s short dress and his long tongue lapped up his own semen dripping from her introitus.

“Woe.., boy!” squeaked Rose in sheer embarrassment and surprise.

“Jasper, you naughty boy, oh I’m so sorry Rose…, he has a habit of doing that with ladies, please come on in,” said Anja trying hard to conceal her sexual delight knowing that Jasper had probably licked Rose’s enormous labials she had seen when Rose had squatted to pet Mouser the cat and when she helped her with the Wellingtons.

Rose walked through the front door into the reception area and made a low whistle as she saw the splendour of the house as she looked around Anja was admiring Rose’s very shapely buttocks and steadying herself from the thrill of seeing Rose’s naked vulva licked by Jasper.

“Nice…, bit above my pay grade,” chuckled Rose.

“Mine too, to be honest, seems the Pine family have been Lords lf the Manor around here for centuries and Hilary inherited it all,” said Anja trying to control her shaking.

Rose span round on her heel to face Anja and look her in the eyes and smiled, “I don’t expect any such inheritance from mom and dad’s humble Bungalow especially as it will be split between my three sisters and me.”

“Three sisters are they all as beautiful as you? Oh, sorry, how forward of me,” stuttered Anja with her Freudian slip.

Rose reached out and touched Anja’s face with her full hand, “To be called beautiful by simply the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my twenty two years of life is certainly a compliment I will cherish forever.”

Anja seemed so overwhelmed she blurted out, “Oh, Rose when I first saw you at Miriam’s, you stood up from behind your reception desk and I saw your beautiful shapely womanly body I thought I was going to faint,” said Anja blushing.

“Well perhaps I should tell you what I did when I first saw you on that same day,” said Rose grinning.

“What did you do…?” croaked Anja.

“Well if you must know I went to the ladies and…” whispered Rose but was interrupted.

“Well hello…, this is the pretty Rose, Miriam is so proud of?”

Rose turned around to see a grey haired woman in her late fifties she was almost the same body build as her beloved boss except a good three inches taller and at least ten years older if not more, she did look a little austere with her hair pulled back in a bun and dressed as Anja, jodhpurs, boots, waistcoat and collar and tie..

Rose slinked over and held out her hand, “Mmm, see what you mean Anja, they don’t come much prettier,” said Hilary shaking Rose’s hand.

Rose turned round and nodded her appreciation to Anja, who behind Rose’s had just licked the air as if she was licking Rose’s anus, what she didn’t know was that Rose saw that gesture in the hall mirror.

“Shall we go through,” said Hilary leading the way Rose followed but first put a bug in the palm of her hand as they entered the dining room. Rose was shocked to see two servants or deemed them to be as they were dressed in maids uniforms of a gone by era all be it the mini-skirts and black pantyhose.

One of the black haired maids pulled out a chair for Rose and she dutifully sat down and immediately attached the bug to the underside of the table while Hilary and Anja were seated by the maids. Anja whispered something into one of the maids ear and they maid grinned and who then whispered to the other black haired maid.

As Rose wondered what secrets were being shared, in wandered Jasper with his tail wagging and headed straight under the table towards Rose’s parted legs.

“Oh, no you don’t Mr. Jasper, you come with me, I know what you were going to do,” said one of the maids squatting down to talk to the dog.

It was a secret no more it was now obvious Anja had asked the young maid to flash her naked vulva to Rose. She was wearing suspender black pantyhose giving Rose a perfect view off her gaping labials. Rose responded by opening her legs wider although she doubted if the maid could see anything apart from her stocking tops..

Jasper in the meantime as the two women perved on each other was determined to get to his quarry and wrenched himself free of the maid’s soft grip.

Rose saw Jasper coming and opened her legs wider under the table as Jasper dived between her open shapely thighs and started licking her vulva fervently, pushing his tongue deep again into her vagina.

Rose had to play the shocked and innocent party and squealed out in mock shock and horror lifting herself out of the chair to a half stand. This only had the effect of giving greater access to the dog’s frenzied licking and when the maid finally pulled Jasper away from his cunnilingus of Rose’s vulva and vagina it afforded the maid a close-up view of Rose’s beautiful fully aroused hypertrophic labials and clitoris.

The maid scuttled off muttering dragging Jasper behind her, Hilary, Anja and the other maid all looked somewhat embarrassed but none of them really knew what happened and that Jasper’s long strong tongue had entered Rose’s vagina and had actually entered the Os of her Cervix making her yelp in surprise.

“Jasper…! Oh, dear that is one naughty dog you have there…” squeaked Rose.

“I again apologise Rose, he’s a lovely dog but he is very naughty, especially with ladies in skirts,” said Anja.

“He gives the maids a torrid time always sticking his snout up their skirts,” said Hilary.

“Well they can’t be too worried it seems he gets a tit-bit every time he does it,” giggled Anja.

“Well perhaps I’ll bring some ‘Smackos’ next time I come, probably get through the whole packet,” said Rose her face lighting up the room with her smiles.

All of the women giggled with delight.

“O.K., Mildred I think you can serve now,” said Hilary dabbing her tears of laughter from her eyes, “and don’t let that damn Jasper back in!”

“Yes ma’am…,” said Mildred the older of the two maids and headed for the kitchen.

Soon both maids returned both beaming smiles at Rose obviously the younger maid had relayed her observations to Mildred. As they placed the plates in front of Rose they stared at her lovely face.

Rose now buoyed with the sexual delights of her visit was at her very best humour and kept both Hilary and Anja in laughter through the whole lunch. It was soon obvious they were both smitten with the pretty buxom blonde.

On departing Rose gave them all a hug and a kiss and trotted over to the two maids dutifully waiting at the side and hugged them too.

Rose waived goodbye to the women on the porch and trotted off to her car reached into her handbag for her phone and activated the audio bug she had placed under the dining table.

Rose drove out of the stud complex and stopped the car at the first large Oak tree got out of the car clambered as high as she could up the tree and placed a signal booster supplied by Hilda, got back into the car and phoned Alice.


Slaters Stock Feeds

“Hilda…, Rose has done it,” shouted Alice and all the women headed for the office.

Hilda sat at the array of computer monitors and the other women stood behind her all bursting with anticipation.

“I’ll just test out the cameras first,” said Hilda as she rattled the keys and two screens came to life, one in the stables office and one in the stables aisle way.

“If they use the same place as Miriam did for their horse sex, that will be perfect,” said Pippa.

“Wow…, we’ll be able to see every gorgeous genital detail with those cameras, awesome resolution,” said Betty enthusiastically.

“4k,” said Hilda, “Now let’s try the audio bugs, the stable office, working…, but no one in there, same for the stable see the frequency line is flat, oh, listen in they are talking in the house.”

“So I know Rose is pretty but why are you in such a tiz about her Anja,” Hilary asked.

“Did you get a good look up the beauties skirt Deidre?” asked Anja.

“I did ma’am and I’m sure she got a very good look at my vulva too when I squatted to constrain Jasper. When he broke loose, accidently on purpose of course, she opened her legs wide and I got an absolutely wonderful look at her cunt. Oh, ma’am you are so right she has the most magnificent labials I ever seen,” said the young maid.

“That confirms it, I thought I was dreaming when she squatted to pet Mouser in the Stables office, her labials are just enormous and the most beautiful pink, they just take your breath away, wow…,” said Anja obviously quite moved.

“Thank you Deidre you have been quite helpful,” Hilary said.


“Wow…, Anja is totally smitten with our Rose, can she hear this,” asked Alice.

“We are all smitten with Rose…, no she can’t, by her tracker she’s back at her Aunt’s, but I have a recording, hold on I think Anja’s crying!” said Hilda turning up the volume.

“What am I going to do Hils…,” Anja sobbed.

“I don’t know, Anja just because she doesn’t wear panties it doesn’t mean she’s lesbian and she’s ten years younger than you!” comforted Hilary.

“If Rose was here now, she would of cum three times already,” said Betty.

“Mmm, this is really a distraction, what we really want is access to ‘Danny Toys’ cock for Miriam, what we want is video of Anja and or Hilary being horse-fucked, ” said Alice a little short.

“Well I pretty sure it happens from the pics of horse cock that Carol has,” said Betty.

“And Elsa has definitely been horse-fucked, I can tell you her vagina is well stretched after an hour’s 69 with her, she just never said it was ‘Danny Toy’ or it has ever happened to her at Pine Road. But she’s dying to meet my Gringo and get some Donkey cock in her cunt, be this weekend hopefully,” said Pippa.

“So you have had sex with Elsa then,” asked Hilda obviously a little peeved.

“That was the plan wasn’t it and Betty has almost cracked it with Carol, once Rose hears that recording you will have to tie her down to stop her ravaging Anja,” said Pippa stroking Hilda’s hair then kissing her on the top of her head to placate her, ” the hard bit on this is how do we get Danny Toy’s cock into Miriam!”

All the women looked at each other glumly.

“You know Miriam won’t be too pleased we’ve bugged ‘Pine Road Stud’, they are our best customer and if they find any of the bugs or cameras, who knows how they will react,” said Alice.

“Well the way Anja is feeling at the moment, her cunt will be about to burst, so I reckon once the day staff disappear Danny will get a real work out,” said Betty slipping a hand up her own skirt to finger herself.

“Well any time after six I reckon, Betty will you keep a listening watch on the bugs, we better do some work and fill some orders, I’ll try and keep Miriam away from the office tonight, O.K., guys, let’s get to it we don’t want the boss to suspect anything,” said Alice so Hilda and Pippa left the office leaving her alone with Betty.

“Nobody has asked you how you feel about sharing Rose with Anja,” said Alice watching Betty’s hand moving under her skirt.

“Did anyone think of asking Rose how she felt about me and Carol, Hilda is quite obviously really upset about Pippa having sex with Elsa, she just adores Pippa you can tell,” said Betty.

“So what are you saying Betty we drop this whole…, project, for want of a better word,” said Alice.

“I’m just saying…, everything comes at a price, even if Anja and maybe Hilary get themselves horse-fucked tonight which seems a 99% possibility and we get a hi-res video of them being horse-fucked, what then?”

“I wish I knew…, all I need is Miriam to fall for Hilary and that’s me rooted,” sighed Alice, “the tangled web we weave, let me lick you fingers please Betty.”

Betty took her fingers from her vagina and stretched her hand up to Alice’s open mouth, who then licked them clean of her vaginal juices.

“Thank you…,” sobbed Alice and left Betty to herself and shaking her head.


Chapter Four – Doubts & Desires Fulfilled

Betty couldn’t get of her mind that somehow they were all being unfaithful to each other, although it was only Miriam and Alice were the only ones to be considered as purely as an item. She started to console herself with the thought that the women’s thirst for bestiality was the overriding and most important fact at this moment.

Although Betty’s meeting with Carol had gone very well, Carol had to catch her bus back home after their drink at the pub. They had kissed passionately in the bus shelter waiting for her bus and they had spent hours on the phone and texted each other mostly talking about their love for dog sex and horsecock but nothing had been raised about the animal sex that may be going on at ‘Pine Road Stud’.

Pippa’s quest to seduce Elsa had gone even better and they spent hours naked in each other’s arms. But also apart from the sexual success, Pippa had not managed to confirm all or any of Elsa’s animal sexual experience had taken place at ‘Pine Road Stud’.

It became obvious to all that the women who worked and maybe played at the Stud had been briefed to keep stum about any Bestiality goings on there. So it would be down to Rose’s secretive efforts in placing the cameras and audio bugs to prove what Miriam suspected.

The day seemed to drag; the accounts seemed particularly tedious today as Betty ploughed her way through the monthly VAT accounts. Betty bit her bottom lip, she so missed the effervescent Receptionist. Betty especially missed Rose’s shapely bottom, awesome breasts and lovely legs that were there to look at all day long.

“What you looking so glum for Betty,” said Miriam as she entered the office.

“Missing my mate terribly I’m afraid ‘M’,” said Betty almost weeping, knowing what Rose had been up to and as hard as she tried she was really jealous of Anja and the effect she made on Rose.

Plus the fact Rose had been fucked by another dog Jasper, other than Dirk and Sabre that obviously Miriam knew nothing about that.

“Did Rose get the order from ‘Pine Road’?” asked Miriam innocently.

“Yes…, almost double their normal order,” said Betty.

“Oh, really, excellent…, we’ll have to send her again,” said Miriam, which was too much for Betty who suddenly got up from her desk and rushed to the toilet leaving Miriam standing there perplexed.

Betty rushed into the toilet made a stifled scream and stamped her feet like a petulant child. The histrionics cleared Betty’s head and she realised that it was important for her to stay calm.

Betty walked back into the office rubbing her tummy and Miriam was still looking confused.

“What was that about?” asked Miriam softly.

“Oh, I flooded, when I opened up this morning Dirk thinks I’m his Bitch now and had me on all fours in the warehouse and I’m still full of his semen,” said Betty telling a half truth, yes Dirk had mounted her but she had eaten all his semen from her vagina hours ago.

“Mmm, he can be like that, you’ll have to be firm with him, for a moment I thought I’d said something to upset you by the way you rushed off,” said Miriam relieved.

“Sorry…, what about?” said Betty now acting.

“Nothing dear, hop up on the desk and spread, I’ll lock the front door then I’ll lick you clean of Dirk’s semen,” said Miriam heading for the front door.

Betty dropped her skirt to the floor climbed on to the table and spread her long legs and Miriam dived in-between to perform cunnilingus on the younger woman. Betty laid back and bit her lower lip and her eyes filled with tears as she finally realised she was deeply in love with Rose.

“No wonder the front door was locked, sorry am I interrupting a staff meeting,” said Alice as Miriam struggled to her feet a little embarrassed to face Alice.

Betty sat up and still with her legs wide open but tapped her watch then pointed to the computer monitor, all behind Miriam’s back.

“Lucky I’m not the jealous type,” said Alice winking at Betty as Miriam adjusted her clothing, “come on let’s go to the pub, it’s past six and I’m parched,” said Alice grabbing Miriam’s arm to take her bodily through the door into the warehouse.

“Are you coming to the pub Betty?” asked Miriam still blushing with guilt.

“No…, no, thank you, but I have to finish the monthly accounts tonight…,” croaked Betty.

Betty didn’t bother putting her skirt back on as she slipped behind the computer monitor and remotely activated the cameras as she heard Pippa and Hilda bursting through the door.

“Jeez, I thought they were never going to go, what was the hold up,” asked Pippa as Hilda took a seat next to Betty and rattled some keys to get several frames on the screen.

“Boss wanted to lick me out, and who was I to refuse,” said Betty forlornly not telling the girls she nearly blew the whole project.

“Nah.., nothing yet,” said Hilda spotting Betty was naked from the waist down and licking her lips.

“No…, Hilda, not till you’ve washed and scrubbed those grubby hands,” said Betty pre-empting Hilda’s thoughts and Pippa giggled.

“Mmm, will you suck my clit again Betty?” asked Hilda.

“Yes Hils of course I will, oo.., hold on, who’s, that going into Danny Toy’s loose box,” said Betty.

“It’s a bit dark.., but I think it’s Carol,” said Pippa.

“Gawd, all I got to do was finger her cunt, oh, what a body…,” moaned Betty.

“Ah, good girl she switched on the lights, what she doing, this is promising she’s taking Danny out of the stable,” said Hilda.

The three women watched the screen silently as Carol tied up Danny to the post in the aisle way and started to groom him.

“What she saying to him Hils can you turn up the mic please?” asked Pippa.

Hilda tapped a few keys and the girls could hear what was Carol was softly to the stallion.

“You going to be a good boy when I wash your cock, you going to get nice and hard for me. Hey Danny you going to let me suck you, but don’t you tell the boss,” purred Carol.

“It looks like Carol, has been sucking Danny Toys cock without the knowledge of her seniors, but you and I guessed that much when I talked although she never admitted it by the photos she’d taken,” said Betty.

“Well even if she does fuck Danny it’s not her who we are interested in,” said Pippa.

“Yeah.., but look how Carol is dressed just in a housecoat, even I know you don’t groom horses like that, I bet she is naked under that house coat,” said Betty.

“Mmm, something is happening for sure, now where she going,” asked Hilda.

“Get a bucket of warm water to wash his cock, I bet,” said Pippa.

“Right on Pip, oh, the bitch she’s now naked,” said Betty reaching down between her own legs to masturbate, oh, gawd I need to stick my tongue in every orifice of hers.

“Ooo, come to mummy let me see your lovely cock again.”

They all heard Carol say as she started to massage Danny Toy’s sheath, soon his erection started to appear all the women groaned in unison.

“Nice cock, mmm, damn sight bigger than pony cock I’ve had,” said Pippa.

“Ooo, I wouldn’t mind washing that horsecock myself,” purred Betty.

The three women watched with fascination for five minutes as the skinny Carol washed the stallion’s genitals; she then started to rub the penis over her naked body. Then with relish she started to lick and suck the enormous glans, and then suddenly stopped.

“Oh dear, I better stop, your pre-cum is starting to run…, tasty but it’s not mine to eat.”

“There you go we have lift off, now who will it be?” said Pippa excitedly.

“She’s disappeared again,” moaned Hilda.

“No, she hasn’t, she’s bringing in the bonking stand that Miriam used, arrgh, how many times has that been used and who is using it tonight!” said Betty masturbating rhythmically.

All of the women roared in excitement as Anja appeared in a dressing gown with the naked Carol following with Jasper and Elsa following topless but still wearing her jodhpurs.

“Oh, this is just going to be just awesome, better start recording this Hils,” said Pippa.

“Too right…,” said Hilda.

“Jeez, look Carol thrown a saddle blanket down and playing with Jaspers cock, Ladies I think we are about to witness an Animal Orgy,” said Betty excitedly.

All the women watched open mouthed, as Carol started to arouse the dog Jasper and they all groaned in unison again as Anja took off her dressing gown and stood totally naked in the stables.

“She is about as beautiful and as perfect as a woman can get,” sighed Pippa.

“Oh, my she’s snogging Elsa and they are both feeling each other’s tits and Carol’s sucking Jaspers cock, this is so beautiful I could cry,” groaned Betty as she masturbated.

“And it’s only going to get better,” said Hilda, “the camera battery is good for at least another two hours.”

“I think I will have passed out by then, jeez look at Anja,” groaned Betty and they all chuckled with the thrill of what they were watching.

Silence fell over the office as all the women watched Anja duck under the stallion and take hold of his semi erect penis. Her hands glided up and down his shaft her mouth explored his glans, she swallowed the head of his penis and began to suck as she began to stroke the shaft of his penis.

They could see his erection stiffen and Anja’s cheeks swell as his glans began to expand but she deep throated what she could. Elsa squatted behind Anja and reached around to cup her pendulous dangling torpedo breasts.

“Yow…,” Betty gasped as she saw Elsa viciously pull on Anja’s nipples.

“Wow…, she likes it rough then, my gawd how much cock as she got down her throat, if Danny Toy cums she’ll drown,” Gasped Pippa.

Right on cue Anja pulled back her head to pull out Danny’s cock from her mouth at the exact time a gush of semen squirted from his urethra. The thick creamy liquid continued to gush from the horse’s penis and Anja deftly moved to one side to allow Danny Toy’s semen to splash over Elsa’s naked breasts.

She cried out in ecstasy and rubbed the semen all over her breasts and that was as much as Betty could stand and orgasmed with a stifled yelp.

“Oh, wow that’s too much Jasper is fucking Carol…, arrgh…, arrgh,” groaned Betty as she orgasmed again.

“Did you see how much of Danny’s semen Anja swallowed…, that is impressive,” chirped Pippa.

“What’s not impressive about Anja,” said Hilda laconically.

“Look at Jasper go, wow…, Carol going to get knotted I bet, she’s pulling on his legs to keep him in her cunt,” said Betty obviously impressed.

“This is it Ladies Anja laying on the saddle stand,” said Hilda and the women watched awestruck as Elsa guided Danny Toy’s erection into Anja’s vagina.

They all watched in silence as the stallion began push and all of them sobbed unashamedly as they saw twelve inches of erect horse cock disappear into the most beautiful woman any of them had ever met vagina.

“Oh, gawd she has a stomach bulge,” sobbed Pippa.

“Have you ever seen anything so beautiful,” sobbed Betty.

“Sssh…,” hissed Hilda.

“Be careful Anja sweetheart not too much cock, you’re not fully recovered yet from the last fornix tear,” said Elsa stroking the bulge in Anja stomach where Danny Toy’s cock head lay in her body.

“I will, I will, just another couple of inches I want to feel his preputial ring in my cunt!” begged Anja.

“No…, Anja, I’m going to wank him and make him cum so we can all eat his cum from your cunt,” said Elsa sternly.

“Please darling, just a few more inches,” begged Anja again.

“Don’t be silly Anja, do as Elsa tells you, do you want us all in jail!” shouted Carol from under Jasper as his thrusting in her cunt came to a crescendo, ” aarrgh, “good boy Jasper give me all your ten inches!”

Anja seemed to listen to the skinny Carol and eased some of the stallion’s erection from her vagina.

“Jeeezus,I thought we were going to witness a horrible death then,” gasped Betty.

“Wow, isn’t it terrific that we are witnessing how utterly perverted the very beautiful Anja is,” sighed Pippa.

“It’s a privilege I’ll never forget, gawd, my clits going to suffer for this,” said Betty letting Hilda finger her vagina at last even though she hadn’t washed her hands.

The women watched in silent awe as with both Anja and Elsa masturbated the stallions cock until he started to pump his semen into her vagina until it started squirting from around his penis out of Anja’s vagina.

“You want some of this semen Carol, there’s more than enough for all of us go and get Hilary,” said Elsa.

“Oh, yes please don’t pull out until I’m back with Hilary,” said Carol licking the last of Jasper’s semen from his cock.

“Yes…, we’ve done it Hilary is going to lick out horse cum from Anja’s cunt,” squeaked Hilda and all the women high fived each other with sheer joy.

Carol soon came back with the topless Hilary and they both knelt down either side of Anja open thighs as Elsa took hold of Danny Toy’s flaccid penis and started to withdraw it from Anja vagina.

Carol took hold of the cock as Elsa caught the first gush of semen from Anja’s bursting vagina in her mouth. Then Hilary ducked under Anja’s leg and planted her mouth on Anja’s vulva and began drinking down the semen that flowed from it.

Elsa was relishing the semen in her mouth and Carol was licking every last drop of Anja’s vaginal juices from the horse cock and the licking off the last of the semen that dribbled out as Anja masturbated her huge erect clitoris.

All four women were in a high state of arousal; Carol continued to suck the stallion’s penis as Jasper came up from behind her and mounted her again. Elsa pulled down Hilary’s jodhpurs and panties and began licking her anus.

“Who would of ever of believed, what we have just seen,” said Pippa shaking her head and playing with her own genitals.

“What incredible women, look at Carol she’s on her hands and knees, look Jasper has knotted her, good boy,” exclaimed Betty masturbating Hilda huge erection while they watched the screen.

“Wow…, what do we, do now,” sighed Pippa.

Nobody answered they watched the three women clean up the stables Carol managed to sneak in a quick cunt licking of Anja while she still lay on the bench as Jasper had stepped over her and they were tied butt to butt by his knot so she couldn’t help in the clean-up.

Elsa led away Danny Toy to his loose box and gave him a hay net as a reward, Hilary and Anja carried away the mounting bench and left Carol still kneeling on the saddle blanket and firmly knotted to Jasper.

“I reckon you’ll be at least an hour knotted Carol, don’t struggle just wait till he drops out, I’ll give you a cup to collect his cum when he does, just make sure you drink it all,” said Elsa as she left Carol alone with Jasper knotted.

“Ma’am…, of course I will, wow, he’s knot is really, really big this time,” croaked Carol in obvious pain but trying to hide it.

“O.K., then suck him clean and bring him back to the house when he’s done with you,” said Elsa.

“Ma’am when can I be horse fucked?”

“Mmm…, I think we better find you a pony first Carol, Danny is far too big for your virgin cunt,” said Elsa

Elsa bent over to ruffle Carol’s hair affectionately and pat Jasper still facing the opposite direction before she left the stable.

“Could that be a way in Pippa? Offer the use of your pony to fuck Carol,” asked Betty.

“Certainly a possibility, I could offer Shadow to Elsa even trailer him over there on the pretext of ajisting there, she would use him to fuck Carol of course we would be listening in and know when to walk in and catch them at it,” said Pippa nodding her head in approval of the plan.

“Of course you just happened to be passing so you thought you would drop in and see Shadow how was going, anyway lets pack up now as Miriam could come back from the Pub at any moment,” said Betty.

Hilda agreed with a nod by switching off the Camera and closing everything down.

“Well…, mission half accomplished we’ll discuss it further tomorrow morning after Miriam goes on her sales rounds and Alice has watched the video, I’m off wasn’t that all just so fantastic,” said Pippa, they all had a group hug and left Betty to finish the books.


Next Morning

“Betty…, have you been here all night, and where’s your skirt girl, what if a customer comes in? Said Miriam perplexed at the state of her book keeper.

“Yes, I have but the VAT has now been submitted, and the skirt, well Dirk and Sabre visited me twice last night each, that was awesome being dog fucked so many times in a day, well I don’t think we get too many customers 7:30,” said Betty grinning.

“I appreciate the accounting effort, don’t know about your wearing out my guard dogs though!” jibbed Miriam as she cuddled the skinny beauty.

“I just love it ‘M’, being dog fucked that is not VAT, animal sex is so fantastic, my whole perspective on life has changed, and it’s all I want now.

Anyway I’m off for a shower and a change of clothes and I’ll see you when you come back.

Alice can play Receptionist until Rose comes back in this morning, after her little holiday.” said Betty pulling up her skirt hiding her semen dripping vulva…

“Gawd…, Betty those lovely long legs of yours, wow, O.K., you have a sleep and come back when you’re ready,” said Miriam giving Betty a goodbye kiss as she left the office.

Betty met Alice on the stairs on her way out of the warehouse, “I said to Miriam I was going home for a sleep but do you mind if I take a shower in your pad I just reek of dog cum I got dog fucked four times last night in between trying to get rid of the VAT,” said Betty cuddling Alice.

“So they had you five times yesterday and this morning, wow, I think you need to be meeting Pippa’s pony soon for his cock,” giggled Alice.

“Arggh, we have plans for Shadow, as soon as Miriam’s off on her sales trip and I’ve had a shower. Get Hilda to show you and Rose and yourself the video we took last night.

I suggest you change jodhpurs for a skirt because you’ll need to wank yourself silly when you watch it,” said Betty grinning ear to ear.

“Really it all happened then, wow, I’ll come and change, any chance I can lick you out of the boy’s cum before you shower you smell really tasty!” gasped Alice.

“Oh, Alice you are such a perv…,” said Betty linking arms with Betty and walking back down the stairs.

“Betty we all are! “ chuckled Alice.


Office Meeting

Alice, Hilda, Betty and Rose all sat around in Alice’s apartment lounge. Betty was sat next to Rose their arms entwined exchanging little kisses every few minutes.

“Firstly we must all welcome back our beautiful blond Rose and congratulate her for the excellent job she did in planting the cameras and microphones,” said Alice leading the polite applause.

“Wow, wasn’t it great to see Anja naked and her delicious cunt being horse fucked and Carol I bet she’s still tied to Jasper, I was lucky he didn’t knot me, I could of been caught out, how embarrassing that would of been,” giggled Rose.

“Wow indeed, thanks to Betty in warning me to wear a skirt so I could easily masturbate. It would of been hard to imagine to see anything more beautiful than we did, Anja taking and wanting to take Danny Toy’s cock right up to his preputial ring wow, she has it bad, yum,” said Alice.

“So to get down to original purpose of this exercise which was to get Miriam the chance to be fucked by Danny Toy again, how we do that?” said Pippa looking around at everyone for a suggestion.

“Perhaps if our gorgeous Rose had been caught tied to Jasper’s cock, that definitely would of broken the ice,” suggested Hilda.

“It’s going to have to be something like that, we know they are all zoophiles we want them to know we are all lesbians and zoophiles also but subtlety…,” said Alice, “but all without them and Miriam knowing we bugged their stables and house.

“Somehow, with Betty’s my beautiful skinny lover’s permission, one; I have to seduce Anja, I’m pretty certain she has the hots for me and two I have to remove all the bugs and then perhaps get myself horse fucked,” said Rose looking at Betty’s face and holding her hands tightly, “of course that also means I have to stay with my randy Aunt Emily again.”

“Well my sweet, Miriam was rather delighted with the size of the order you got from Pine Road Stud, perhaps if we make it Miriam’s idea she’ll send you again and if I came with you I could distract your Aunt Emily’s sexual attention a little,” said Betty.

“Be like a Honeymoon for you both!” quipped Pippa but having the effect of making Betty and Rose burst into tears and hug each other.

“You guessed right, Pippa, when I came back into the office this morning before we Alice and I watched the Anja horse fucking, Betty fell to her knees and asked me to marry her…, and I said YES…!” sobbed Rose and all the women leapt to their feet to hug and congratulate the pair of loving lesbians.

“Nah…, she’s just kidding, there’s no way I’m getting down on my knees when Dirk and Sabre are around five dog fucks in one day is enough for me,” said Betty still cuddling Rose.

“Sorry guys, it was an idea we had to get everyone together, us getting married at my lesbian Aunts country cottage, being so close to Pine Road Stud of course we would invite all them along too,” said Rose enthusiastically.

“Pippa’s Shadow will be on loan to Elsa, Carol couldn’t resist the chance to be pony fucked,” said Betty.

“We watch the cameras as soon as it kicks off we all bowl over there, dragging the well lubricated Miriam with us, with the pretext of having a celebration drink..,” said Rose.

“And catch them red handed!” enthused Betty.

“Sorry all too complicated, if you know what I think,” said Hilda.

“Go on Hilda,” said Alice.

“Well we know Carol is dying to be pony fucked and Elsa wants to find a pony for her. Pippa has Shadow, and speaking from experience he is damn good at fucking novice girls, gawd knows how many women he has fucked,” said Hilda.

“Well over twenty individual women and had hundreds of fucks in his time and as Hilda said he really knows what he is doing as Betty and Rose are about to find out,” said Pippa.

“And I can hardly wait,” chirped Betty.

“Well…,” Hilda continued, “We keep it as simple as that, Pippa lends Elsa Shadow for her purposes, we keep Pippa and Rose on standby as soon as it looks Carol, Anja or Hilary is being mounted by Shadow in you both walk, surprise we are all Zoophiles and lesbians together and Rose rips out the bugs when she can!”

“Still awfully complicated,” mused Alice and all the women nodded in agreement.

“Priority one, we must get the cameras and bugs out of there, once that is done we’re clear. Two…, Pippa just asks Elsa and Betty asks Carol directly are you all at Pine Road Stud having sex with each other and horses and dogs. We know they are we’ve proved it, just ask them…,” said Hilda firmly.

“I haven’t had sex with Carol yet but it will happen and of course all of our conversations are about animal sex anyway. After seeing how much she wants and needs…, animal fucking I’m sure with a combination of cunnilingus and Bestiality Porn I’ll eventually get her to confess what actually happens at Pine Road,” said Betty.

“I know if was alone with Anja for five minutes we would licking each other out. Asking her if Miriam can be fucked by her prize stallion again, well I think the wheels may just fall off our blossoming relationship then, this is really getting a bit sticky, jeez if they found out I’d planted cameras in their stables and house, we could end up in serious trouble,” said Rose her voice breaking with emotion, and Betty kissed her temple and hugged her.

“You know what the ideal solution would be,” said Alice pausing, “It would be the simplest solution if Miriam just went to Pine Road Stud with Rose. While Miriam confesses she had oral sex with the mare Hazel Mint and sucked and fucked Danny Toy, Rose is recovering the bugs hopefully without anyone noticing.”

They all sat silent for a while as each woman considered the options; slowly one by one they nodded their agreement.

“O.K., I’ll talk to Miriam this evening, but Pippa you still have to do your bit with Shadow and Elsa. Betty it’s imperative you get into Carol and Rose you may have to have some sort of sexual contact with Anja once all that happens and Miriam confesses it will all fall into place,” said Alice.

“Well for all that to happen, I think leave it for a couple of weeks at least before you ask Miriam, let’s have a another meeting in a week or so. In the meantime Betty just make sure nothing can be found of the recordings on these premises, let’s try and act normally,” said Pippa.

The meeting dispersed but the euphoria of first watching the videos of Anja being horse fucked had disappeared and the responsibility of what they had done in their sexual lust began to weigh on the minds.


Two Weeks Later

The general malaise had continued and Miriam had started to detect that something was going on. Friday after work drinks had lost its fun. Dirk and Sabre just sat down and watched on looking somewhat perplexed, they just sat by Betty and Rose making no attempt to mount them as was usual on a Friday evening.

Miriam walked in and put her hands on her hips and was biting her bottom lip as she surveyed the group of her beloved employees, “O.K., let’s have it, why all the long faces?”

Alice edged to the front of her seat and indicated for Miriam to sit down herself, she sat down nervously looking around at all the women looking at her.

“Miriam…, as you know Betty and Rose have been having almost daily Pony fucks with Shadow and been dog fucked at least a hundred times with Dirk, Sabre and once with Jasper,” said Alice.

“Jasper…, whose dog is Jasper ?” asked Miriam perplexed.

“He belongs to Hilary Pine, when I went to get her monthly stock feed order you know when I was staying with my aunt Emily, Jasper pushed me to the ground in the stable and very expertly fucked me,” said Rose.

“I have been having a very hot sexual relationship with Carol from Pine Road and during a rather intense bout of cunnilingus I finally got her to admit she also had been fucked many times by Jasper,” said Betty.

“Elsa has begged me for the loan of Shadow, we think it is to give Carol her first Pony fuck,” said Pippa.

“You see Miriam we are convinced that Pine Road Stud is a hot bed of Lesbian Bestiality and you are the only one to have had a fuck by a horse, well we all here want to be horse fucked too and Danny Toy is the only sexually trained horse we know of,” said Alice.

“Well you guys have been busy, so what is it you want me to do?” said Miriam looking around at the women for an answer.

Alice got up and kneeled in front of Miriam, “Darling we would like you to go back to the stud with Rose as Anja is rather smitten with her and well basically confess you got their precious stallion Danny Toy to fuck you.”

“Wow…, you’re so, so sure they are into Bestiality?” gasped Miriam.

“Absolutely M,” said Betty, “I watched hours of Horse Bestiality Porn with Carol, it was the way she spoke about it; she’s involved I know she is.”

“When I was invited to lunch with them at the House, Jasper dived under the table and licked me out and when the Maid squatted down to pull Jasper away I saw quite clearly she had suspender hose on with no panties, and some nice labia I might add too, and she obviously saw I had no panties on because Jasper’s tongue was deep in my vagina. It is so obvious they are all like us, that is they are Lesbian Zoophiles,” said Rose.

“O.K., O.K., you all have convinced me, next week Rose and myself will go to Pine Road Stud together on the pretence of their monthly stock feed order,” said Miriam to a ripple of applause from her employees.


Mondey Morning

“Rose I can’t believe you convinced me to wear a mini-skirt and stockings and suspenders at my age,” groaned Miriam as she drove along the highway towards Pine Road Stud.

“You didn’t chicken out and wear panties did you,” said Rose lifting the hem Miriam’s skirt to check.

“Oh, yeah I can imagine what Betty would say if I started wearing panties,” squeaked Miriam in reproach.

“She’d freak, especially after you are one who got her to stop wearing panties,” said Rose and they both chuckled with delight at the thought.

“So what’s the plan, I understand Betty talked to Carol last night,” asked Miriam.

“They talk every night, it seems Carol and Elsa are off delivering a horse somewhere so won’t be there. So…, I’m going to sneak off with Jasper for a long fuck with that huge cock of his and accidently on purpose get myself knotted. You confess to Hilary and Anja what you did with their prize stallion and mare.

If all goes well you should all come over to the stables and find me knotted to Jasper, that should break the ice!” laughed Rose.

“What if they freak, when I tell them I sucked and fucked their horses then we find you with their dog’s cock stuck in your gorgeous cunt,” whined Miriam.

“Well haven’t to wait an hour for Jasper knot to go down you’ll have to sweet talk them into changing their minds but I have a feeling that won’t be the case and I’ll soon be watching you being fucked by Danny Toy again,” said Rose still laughing.

“Oh, gawd Rose I just hope you’re right my cervix is doing a back flip in anticipation,” sighed Miriam and Rose laughed out loud again.

Rose nodded off as they drove on and Miriam started to relax a little as she practiced her confession over and over again. Miriam reached over to fondle Rose’s labia, “We are here sweetie.”

Rose woke up and took hold of Miriam’s hand and began humping it and grunting.

“Oh, I wish I was so confident,” groaned Miriam as they pulled into the parking area in front of the house.

Anja and Hilary on hearing the car came out on the porch to great them, Jasper bolted towards Rose as soon as he saw her she squatted behind the car out of sight from the others to greet him. Jasper dived between her legs and started to lick her vulva with enthusiasm.

Rose stood up and waived to Anja and Hilary, “I’ll take Jasper for a walk,” she shouted, and got the thumbs up from Hilary.

Rose grabbed her handbag and walked as quickly as she could in her high heels with Jasper already trying to jump on her and showing his pre-cum dripping erection as he did.

“Hold on Jasper I’m just as keen to get your cock inside me as you are but I have a job to do first,” she said stopping for a moment to let Jasper lick her vulva again.

Rose ran into the stables and dived into office and leapt up on the office chair and grabbed the first camera on the high shelf then grabbed the hidden sound bug. She ran out into the stable frantically looking for the step ladders she had used four weeks ago to place the camera.

With a squeak of relief she found the ladder in the same place and dragged it out into the aisle and clambered up the steps. Jasper sat down and calmly observed Rose’s antics with the wisdom of knowing she soon would be his.

Rose gently took down the camera and examined it; there was a fine layer of dust on it indicating to her relief it hadn’t been discovered. The ladder was put back in its place and she the searched the post trying to remember which of the numerous knot holes she had placed the listening bug.

With a great sigh of relief she eased out the last of the bugs in the stables opened her hand bag and stuffed all the incriminating electronic devices into her purse and closed her hand bag with another gasp of relief.

Rose lent against a saddle frame and spread her legs and Jasper dashed over to nuzzle her exposed vulva and began to lick her wet labials with gusto knowing he was on a winner.

While Jasper was occupied with licking out his bitch she took out her mobile and put in an earpiece and switched on the sound bug under the dining table in the House, immediately she heard Miriam’s voice sounding a little nervous.

Rose tucked her mobile down her front and got up to look for a saddle blanket she could kneel on, she entered a loose box and dragged a saddle blanket on to the straw and fell to her knees.

Jasper didn’t need asking he was on her back in a flash and probing for her introitus with the tip of his ten inch penis.

“This is going to hurt, uurgh,” groaned Rose as Jasper’s erection found its mark; she reached around behind her with both hands and pulled on Jasper thighs to pull him deep into her vagina.

Jasper frenetically humped her for a while, she could feel her vagina filling already with his hot semen and most importantly his knot begin to swell inside her vagina.

Rose relaxed and paid attention to what she could hear.

“I see you brought the beautiful Rose with you this time,” Anja said.

“Yes we are staying at her Aunts tonight, it seems I have to be vetted by Aunt Emily,” said Miriam still with a nervous fluctuation in her voice.

“Shall we have coffee before we discuss our feed order,” said Hilary, “We’ll have coffee at the table thank you Mildred.

“Yes ma’am, love your mini-skirt Ms. Slater.”

“Thank you Mildred,” purred Hilary.

Rose chuckled to herself as she imagined Miriam going bright red with the compliment from the Maid, she pulled on Jasper’s legs again to make sure he was truly tied to her vagina, “Gee Jasper you could of told me your knot was so big,” groaned Rose in obvious pain.

“Sit down Miriam you look a little flustered, is what Mildred said?” asked Anja.

“No…, not at all, I must admit Rose talked me into wearing it and I feel it rather suits me,” said Miriam.

“Well you have gorgeous legs so why not show them off,” said Anja.

“Thank you, no why I am a little flustered as you called it, I have something to confess to you both in private,” said Miriam softly.

“Thank you Mildred we’ll take it from here,” said Hilary.

“You been over charging us for the stock feeds or something Miriam?” said Anja.

“Only if it were so simple! With Financial misdemeanours I would just reimburse you, no I am afraid I have betrayed your trust in me,” said Miriam on the verge of tears.

“Go on Miriam take your time,” said Hilary softly.

“I must first tell you I am a Lesbian and a practising Zoophile and have been since puberty..,” coughed Miriam with embarrassment.

Rose could imagine Hilary and Anja giving each other knowing looks.

“Please continue Miriam you seem so terribly distressed best you tell us quickly…,” said Anja reaching out to hold Miriam’s hand.

“Arrghh yes umm,” Miriam squeaked, “I’d forgotten about the Yearling Sales and when I turned up here to take your monthly Stock Feed order, the whole place was deserted but for your mare Hazel Mint and your stallion Danny Toy.

I think it was remiss of your staff to leave a mare in Estes in the same stable as a stallion because she was winking wildly with her erect labia to the stallion.

As I said I’m a Lesbian so I found Hazel Mint’s display overpowering, so I removed her from the loose box and well…, I abused her,” said Miriam swallowing hard.

“Take a sip of your coffee and tell us exactly how you abused her,” said Hilary calmly.

“I performed cunnilingus on her then fisted her vagina after she orgasmed I returned her to her loose box. Of course the mare’s fragrance got Danny Toy very agitated.”

“Wow…,” was all Anja could say.

“Go on ‘M’,” whispered Hilary.

“I went to calm Danny Toy; of course I reeked of the mare’s fragrance which had the immediate effect of making your stallion drop out his penis to a flaccid state. I was just overwhelmed by the beauty, size and power of his semi-erection as a Zoophile I had so often dreamed of this.

I lost all control and took Danny Toy from his loose box; I tied to the post in the aisle way and performed fellatio on him till he orgasmed in my mouth…”

“Jeezus…, ‘M’,” gasped Hilary and Anja made a soft groan which prompted Miriam to continue.

“Danny was now totally erect and so enormous, I just couldn’t believe how I lost total control, I grabbed the soft covered saddle stand and placed it under Danny Toy and laid face down on it and he entered my vagina…,” said Miriam and paused waiting for a response.

Anja let out a long groan again and Hilary mumbled something, “Basically your stallion fucked me until he orgasmed again in my VAGINA…, I was delirious with joy.

As a Zoophile I had fulfilled my life’s dream…, I had been mounted by a Stallion…,” blurted Miriam in a flood of tears, “I’m sorry I couldn’t bear the guilt of betraying your trust and friendship any longer without your stock feed orders my business would of failed years ago..”

Rose heard nothing said in response until a scrape of chairs and the sound of kissing. Rose flexed her vagina, Jasper was still firmly fixed and his knot still engorged.

“Mildred…,” screamed Hilary.

“Yes ma’am,” came the quick reply obviously the maid had been listening close by.

“Our best Champagne and our finest glasses we have a celebration to have, a Lesbian…, Zoophile celebration,” shouted Hilary in joy.

“What…,” squeaked Miriam?

“Didn’t you think it strange that Danny Toy knew exactly what to do..,” said Anja extremely excited.

“If it had been any of our other Stallions, one he would of bit and kicked you and two if you had managed to get his erection in you, which I doubt is possible, he would of killed you!” said Hilary loudly.

“Danny Toy has been trained, trained to fuck us, he fucks me three times a week, I can take him to his preputial ring!” said Anja gleefully.

“No you can’t Anja, don’t listen to her, she exaggerates,” mocked Hilary.

“I do not…, I have felt his ring enter my cunt,” protested Anja.

“And yes he tore your fornix and you couldn’t fuck for a month,” jibbed Hilary, “come on lets go and see the man, grab a glass for Rose and I’ll bring the bottle, oh, you terrible perverted Lesbian Miriam your just like us!”

“Yes…,” shouted Rose prompting Jasper to step over her, she squealed in severe pain as they were now tail to buttocks and Rose almost passed out with the exhilaration and intense ecstasy of being vaginally tied with a huge dog knot.

She listened intently and could hear nothing, realising they must be coming to the stable Rose took out her earpiece turned off the listening app and went to put her phone in her hand bag but it was just out of reach.

Slowly she coaxed Jasper to move with her causing her vulva immense pain she managed grab her hand bag and hide her mobile as she heard voices approaching.

“Rose…, Rose where are you? We are celebrating Miriam tells me you are a Lesbian too, you there?” called out Anja excitedly.

“In here…,” shouted Rose, she could hear footsteps approach and the loose box door was opened.

“Darling sweetie Rose…, Jasper has knotted you how wonderful, here have some Champagne while I lick your lovely anus,” said Anja falling to her knees lifted Jasper’s tail out of the way to reveal Rose’s lovely pale smooth anus, “Oh, yumm what a gorgeous smooth anus you have, just how I like them.”

Hilary and Miriam watched from the loose box doorway for a moment before they fell into each other arms and started to kiss each other passionately.

“I think Rose and Anja will be there for quite some time, now if you had a choice would you like to fuck the old Lesbian Hilary first or be fucked by a rather well trained stallion?”

“If I may madam, firstly do you think I could be fucked by Danny Toy, again, and again and again?”