(c) 2013 by azman69

Part One

Katy awoke early in the morning, feeling the sun cascading onto her skin. She slowly stretched, letting her body awake. She looked around a bit, and sighed. Slowly she sat up in bed and then got up to go to use the restroom.

After she brushed her teeth, she looked down at her body, pleased with her workouts in maintaining her body. Her fair skin, her red hair, and a body that made men drool. She went back to her room and thru on some shorts and a thin strapped top.

She went to the kitchen and got herself some cereal to eat. Sitting down she happened to see her cell phone blinking that she had a text. She grabbed her phone and looked at it.

It was not a number she recognized, and then opened the message. Her eyes were transfixed to her phone. Her lips mouthed the words before her. The text read, “Listen you slut, I have your dirty and explicit emails you sent to your friend. Respond or I send them to everyone you know. “

Katy’s mouth went dry. She reread it a few times. She looked around as though someone was watching her and she would see them. Looking back at her phone, she slowly responded with. “Who is this?”

She looked at the phone expecting an instant response. After a few minutes, she put the phone down, thinking it was maybe sent to her by accident. She continued eating, feeling better as the minutes went by.

Her phone started to vibrate and almost scared her to death. She looked at the new text, seeing it was from the same number. Her eyes fixed on the message. “Katy, get out of your house, go to Camden and Regal streets. Blue house down Camden a bit, go to building behind it.”

Her mouth was dry again. She was shaking slightly. Again she looked around and then the phone went off again. She read the new text, “Get moving, walk here quickly. Do as you are told or I will send the emails.”

She put her bowl in the sink and grabbed her phone and keys. She was thinking about who it may be. Were here friends pranking her? She finally made it down to Camden and walked down it, seeing a blue house in the distance.

She was getting more nervous as she got closer. Who was there? Her mind was flying. She was starting to breathe heavier as she got closer. She walked down the driveway. She could see a smaller building and could hear some barking from that direction.
She walked up to the door, taking a deep breath, and then she knocked on the door.
The sound of her knocking was almost deafening her. Her mind was searching desperately for who this was. Was it the guy from her cam show? God why did she drink so much? She looked at the door, was this a joke, was her friends messing with her?

The door swung open quickly, catching her off guard. A lady stood there, a stern look on her face. “Get in here Katy!”

Katy was stuck looking at her. Who was she? What was going on? “Get your ass in here you stupid slut! NOW!”

Katy came to life, not sure what to do but went inside. The lady shut the door behind her loudly causing her to jump. “Shit in that chair you disgusting slut.” Katy saw a chair in front of her, breathing, allowing her mind to gain a hold of what was going on.

She took a seat and was looking at the lady in front of her. The lady sat at the desk. She moved some papers around on the desk and then placed two in front of Katy. “Read these you slut.” Katy was tired of this regal bitch. “Screw you, and get that prune out of your” “SHUT UP YOU STUPID SLUT! I DID NOT TELL YOU TO TALK!”

Katy was stunned; tears welled up in her eyes. The snarled at her again. “Read the papers I set in front of you!” Katy lowered her gaze to the papers she had in front of her. She almost gasped aloud. They were her personal naughty emails to her friend.

She tried to play it off. “Whatever. Send them off, I don’t know where you found them, but they are erotic!” Smile on her face at the end, feeling she just called her bluff, and she would be rid of this crazy woman shortly.

“Oh, so you admit you are a slut! Too bad, you think this is all I have on you?! Nooo! Sorry! So maybe this will help you out!” The lady turned her monitor towards Katy. Katy turned red and then went flush. On the screen was her naked. Katy became angry, “How dare you take pictures of me! You crazy bitch!”

Katy got up to leave and then the lady hit a key. Katy almost died. “Nooo. How in the hell did you get that?!” The screen showed her doing herself with a spray can. Katy was in dismay.

The lady calmly told her to sit, then in the same steady voice “Listen you degenerate, you are not even smart enough to use something that can’t hurt you. So this is how this will work. You will do as I say. You decide to not do as I say and I send the video to your parents.” Katy began to tear up. “And don’t be vulgar with me anymore you slut. Now strip!” Katy was frozen. She looked at the lady, eyes begging to not do as she said.

The lady hit some more keys and an email screen came up on the computer. Quickly, she saw the lady type in her Mom’s email address. Then she typed a short, quick message. ‘Your daughter at work, think you might like to see this.’ Then she attached a file to the email. The lady put the cursor over send, then looked at her, and said “Strip or your Mom gets all 40 minutes of your drunken fun.”

Katy’s mouth went dry and she slowly pulled her top off as she looked at the lady. Her hands set her top on the desk, as she was hoping this lady would tell her to stop. The lady still maintained her calm voice, “Continue.” Katy was lost in her mind. Her hands grasped the clasp of her bra and slowly removed it, then set it on her top.

Katy stood and blindly continued at what she was doing. “Shoes too.” The lady said with her cold tone. Katy began to remove her shorts, slipping them down, removing them, and removing her shoes also. Standing up, she still had her lacy panties on. “Those too. Figures a slut would wear slutty panties.” Katy looked at her, and slipped them down.

“Good, you can listen. Now stand still.” The lady stood, and walked over to her, slowly walking around her, examining her body with her eyes.

Katy felt hot. The lady was starting a fire in her loins. “Now get on your hands and knees, BITCH! I am going to make you exactly what you called me.” Katy knelt down, slowly getting on her knees and then leaning over and putting her hands on the floor.

“Good. Now you are going to be a bitch and you will see what it is like.” Katy’s nerves were on edge. She looked to the lady, “What do you mean you are going to make me a bitch?” Her breathing was steadily increasing. “Well, Bitch, you will take the place of a bitch for Skipper.”
Skipper, Katy thought that was a stupid name for a guy. The Lady whistled suddenly, and quickly the noise of a dog came down the hall towards them. Katy was uncertain as to what was going to happen. She heard the dog trot up, and then come into the room.

The Lady chuckled, “Isn’t Skipper a beautiful Golden Retriever?” Katy was silent for a second, nervous as hell, but something was exciting her about this. “The dog is Skipper?” The Lady was petting him, and responded, “Yep and you’re going to get licked to heaven, and then he is going to fuck you hard and fill you with his cum.”

Katy was silent again, her face went red, something in her wanted it, needed it. She was about to respond when the Lady cut her off. “You slut! You want him don’t you? It is all over your slutty face.” Katy looked down at the floor and she was beyond embarrassed and ashamed to feel this way. “Okay slut, just stay like you are, and Skipper will take your puppy cherry. LICK SKIPPER!” she said, pointing to Katy’s rear.

Skipper went straight for Katy. He sniffed her a bit and smelled her odor. He could pick up on her beginning to get wet. He licked her once, and Katy shuddered, having never felt a sensation like that before. A small moan escaped her lips. “You slut, you want this bad don’t you?” Katy wanted to disappear but her body needed this. Her head still hanging down and she nodded in affirmation.

Skipper began to lick her in earnest. His tongue was engaging her from her clit to her ass. He focused on her kitty after a bit. Katy began to openly moan, as she fell into a trance of the way the tongue licked her. So content and lost in the feelings. She almost jumped when his tongue suddenly entered her and then snaked inside her pussy.

The Lady watched as Skipper continued to lick her deeply. She liked to watch this, a new person getting taken into a new world of pleasure. Skipper was licking faster, his tongue searching, and retrieving her delectable nectar.

Katy was falling into heaven, as she felt her body taking her towards an orgasm. Her moans growing louder, breathing faster, and her body beginning to twitch a bit as the orgasm began the hit her. She gasped for air in between her now loud moans.

The Lady watched, keeping silent, and wishing that was her, knowing how good Skipper was at taking care of his bitches. He left her pussy and began working around her ass. Her orgasm spiked when that happened and she felt light headed. Skipper tongued her ass good, as Katy was slammed with the full hit of the orgasm.

The Lady grinned, knowing Katy was hers and soon she would beg to do as told. She pulled back on Skippers collar after noting his readiness to take Katy. “Okay, now you will become a bitch, and from what I have been watching, Skipper likes you a lot. So get ready for the fucking of your life.”

Katy needed it, but kept her head down and prepared for Skipper to take her. She had just come off her orgasm and was getting her breathing back down when she heard the Lady command to Skipper, “MOUNT!” Katy froze.


Part Two

Katy waited, she knew her desire to be taken by a pup was about to happen. He was suddenly on her back, his legs grabbing her sides, pulling himself forward, her mind was flying with everything happening. Her mind was swimming as she took in the way his legs held her, the feel of his fur on her, and knowing that this lady was watching, knowing that she wanted this.

Katy froze. The feelings were all gone! What happened moved through her thoughts and was beginning to slam around in her mind, leaving her holding still, and slow to try and see what was going on. She suddenly heard the Lady say “Sit.” Katy looked back towards her. Skipper was sitting next to the Lady, his cock sticking out from his sheath. Katy was lost, what was going on? She looked up again at the lady, with a questioning look on her face.

The Lady had a grin on her face. “I did not want Skipper to have you, unless you want him to take your young and taunt body. So tell me, do you want Skipper to take you?” Katy looked at Skipper. She saw his cock sticking out, then looked back at the lady, but hadn’t realized how heavy she had been breathing when she tried to respond. Her voice crackled and was very quiet. “Yes.” It came out meagerly, only barely audible the Lady.

The Lady reached down and scratched the head of the puppy. He panted happily as he waited for his next command. “I am sorry,” the Lady responded, “but I did not hear you.” Katy looked at her. She gathered herself a bit and answered again. “Yes please.” Her voice louder this time, voice more even and she was able to concentrate better. Katy knew she was going to get what she wanted, and to her body, what she needed.

The Lady looked down at her and smirk present barely at the corners of her mouth. “You are not convincing me that you want him to take you and make you his.” Her voice had an air of contempt over Katy. “Tell me why you need this, and what you will be after Skipper takes you.” Her voice was more commanding this time, knowing that Katy was on fire with in.

Katy blinked a couple of times, looking up at her. Katy licked her lips, feeling her throat having become dry. She thought for a moment, then looked at the floor, and responded. “I want this, my body yearns to be taken and used by him. I will be Skippers after this.” Her voice was very quiet, her eyes finally looking up at the Lady after she spoke. Katy felt lost, why was this Lady doing this to her?

“One, when I ask you a question look at me and talk loud enough for me to hear you. Two, I ask what you will be, not your wish to be kept in my kennel.” The Lady scratched Skippers head again, looking at him, then back to her. “Now this time respond properly to me.” Her voice was again having commanding sound to it.

Katy held herself in place solid, gathering her voice as she had realized what she needed to say. “I am a slut,” her voice came out strong this time, “and my horny mind and body need to be fucked hard by Skipper, so that I can become a bitch!” Katy felt that is what she wanted to hear, but she knew that she was desperate to have him take her, and feel the animalistic lust, and to be made a bitch.

The Lady smiled, “Get in position.” she told Katy. Her heart began to pound again. She moved back in position. Her mind going into high gear, hearing the dog move, but missing what the Lady had said. Suddenly she felt him licking her again. She shuttered and then a low moan escaped her lips. Her eyes slammed shut, his tongue stoking her fire.

Suddenly, everything stopped again, she could not hear, except for the pounding of her heart. Perspiration began to form on her body in this cool building. Then he was on her again. She almost yelled YES! He moved up on her, his legs gripping her sides, the fur on her back. She felt human skin against her thigh, looking back seeing the Lady doing something with him.

She gasped for air, she felt him split open the doors over her pussy, slipping in her maybe no more than an inch or two. The woman’s arms slid against her thigh, pulling away. A low bellowing moan escaped her, as Skipper slammed deep within her. At first Katy’s eyes were clamped shut, then open wide, but unable to see, as her mind focused on Skipper, now deep in her.

He started to fuck her good and hard in both of ladies mines. The Lady watched as he slammed her body like a man with an air hammer. His body was pounding hers with such power, yet with such speed. Her breaths were hard to gather, as he continued to take her, rasping in her breaths, and moaning as they exited.

Katy was in heaven, she was filled with his hot cock, pounding her so deep and quickly. She was feeling an orgasm coming on, but quickly found something hitting her entrance. Her mind tried to focus on it, but the pleasure was trying to take her.

Katy held as still as she could, a large thing was now hitting the entrance to her kitty. It began to take all of her attention. Her mind tried to visualize it, thinking about what was happening as she continued to moan.
She let out a deep moan. God she thought, feeling this large ball slipping in her. Skipper held her tighter, a few last thrusts and then held still. Her eyes rolled back as her body exploded into orgasm as his first hard shot of cum erupted into her.

Katy was lost, her body responded to his cum. Her was mind absorbing these feelings, as she shook, from the spasms rocking her. Her mind separated as part of it took the pleasure and kept her fire burning and another part thinking aloud in her mind, she could hear the thoughts flood her.

Her ecstasy made the Lady grin knowing Skipper had knotted another bitch. Katy heard the voice, “mmmmm, yes give me that cock, make me your bitch!” Her mind letting its most basic thoughts come to the voice in her mind, “Oh I am such a slut, oh yeah, give me all of your hot cum, ohh yeah, mmmm, teach me.”

She suddenly let out a guttural moan that caused Skipper and the Lady to jump a bit. Her eyes squeezed tight causing tears to fall. She had lost all sense of what was happening. Her first change was the shrinking of Skipper. Her mind began to focus again, again on what was happening other than the total engulfment of pleasure.

She felt his cum begin to leak out and run down the insides of her thighs. She felt depression as the puppy continued to shrink in her. Then there was more leaking, which began to give her a strange sense of heat. Skipper turned and pulled himself out of her and began to lick himself.

Katy stayed there letting all her feelings and nerves return to normal. The Lady ushered Skipper out and into the cage area. The Lady grabbed a towel and laid it on her back. She pulled a chair next to Katy, and asked her to grab a seat. Katy slowly pulled herself up and on to the seat. She felt his cum leaking out of her still. Resting down in the chair and knowing that she was so tired, but feeling so alive from her experience.


Part Three

Katy sat on the chair looking down. She was loving how she felt. She was amazed at how it was such an incredible turn on and that it became such an amazing encounter. She cherished the cum she could feel that was leaking out.

“Katy, I could tell that you really enjoyed that. And I am hoping that you will think about an offer that I am going to make.” The Lady paused for a moment. Katy looked up towards her. ” So I provide families with puppies that are trained to mate with women. I need a lady that is willing to be used for training the pups. I will pay you a good salary. There may be times where we will have to go to residences to help figure out if there is a problem or if the customer would prefer their pup be trained there.”

Katy was all ears. Her mind screamed YES, but she waited for the lady to continue. “So in case your family or friends ask your title will be assistant trainer. If you like the sound of it and you wish to do it, or ask any questions you may have, please let me know.”

Katy sat for a second, “What is your name?” The Lady paused and laughed. “I am Laura. Sorry about that.” Katy laughed also and then looked at Laura, “May I call you Mistress Laura?” She looked at Katy then responded, “Well if you wish to around the pens, away from the customers would be fine.”

Katy sat up and extended her hand to Laura, “Well Mistress Laura, I would love to be your assistant trainer.” They shook hands and talked for a while. Laura told her to remain naked, she had some more work for her today. Katy was ecstatic. Laura started to explain things to her. “So most of our customers expect us to deliver to them, dogs of their choice, that are trained in taking a woman. Right now I have 5 current clients lined up. Only difference is that the Buckfield’s wish to keep their pup with them and all training be done in their home.”

Laura continued, “So it is mostly having all training done here, but we do make house calls in case a client is having issues at their place with their pup, then it would be necessary that we go to the clients place.” Laura paused for a second, “Umm, so alot of our clients do wish to watch at some point in the training process and I know that this sometimes gets our clients excited.” Laura had a grin on her face. “So you may get requests to,” a small pause, “umm, well have fun with the customer. That is solely up to you.”

“As for the training, we also assist our clients with proper techniques and expectations.” “Wait!” Katy looked confused for a second, “So how do we train the owners?” Laura quickly responded with “Well we give them options from watching it, as in you with their pup, to coaching the customer with their pup. And also how another person can assist the one that is playing with the pup.” Katy nodded, “Okay, that makes sense. Is there anything that I may be asked to do that is outside what u have discussed?”

Laura seemed to get a tad bit uncomfortable. “Well you may be asked to spend time with a customer, to let them support fantasies or assist the client when they are not able to play with their pups. There is a customer currently that we provide services for and they have play parties in which the man of the house runs a prison in the basement, or whatever their current fun is. This usually happens over a weekend, and as I said before, you are to decide if you wish to be apart of it.”

Katy looked at her questionably, “So say I was to participate in some of these play dates?” Laura chuckled a bit. “Well they usually provide a person with gifts and some sort of monetary compensation for your time. Just to let you know, these play dates, as you called them, can include alot different things, including sex with clients and their pets. It also may include bondage or other sorts of deviations people do regularly.”

Katy sat there for a second. “Bondage, we do that too?” Laura got up, and asked her if Katy wanted some water. They both drank some and Laura responded, “Well some of our clients are in to it. If they wish to do that while they play with their pup, we need to ensure that their pup is properly trained.” “Okay, that makes sense. So where here do we train the clients?”

Laura got up and grabbed a robe, then handed it to Katy. “Come on.” They walked towards the exit and then towards the house. Instead of going in the back door, they went down some stairs to the basement and entered. Before Katy lay a plush area. Lots of cushioned chairs and stools sat around, a thick carpet on the floor. Laura explained, “So this is typically where we do training for the clients and also where we may show how it happens. In that room over there, that is where bondage training is done for the client and our pups in training for it.” She opened the door, and there she saw a narrow table that had numerous spots to secure a person to it.

Laura lead her to another room. Opening the door again, there was a couple of chairs and a short cushioned table. In the corner was a small bed that sits low to the floor. “This room is for customers to have a place here to play with their pup, but have our assistance available while they play.” Katy seemed to be trying to absorb it all. “Wow! You’ve got everything here!” Laura responded, “Well not everything. I have a customer that wants their pup trained to do a person in bondage and also trained to do it in the woods while also being bound.”

Katy responded, “So if they want outdoors fun, where do you do that training?” “Well the customer for this has a large wooded area that we can use. And training that is more specialized, like this, the clients need to provide us with the environment that we can safely do the training and then be able to help them get trained for it also.” Laura went on, “So like the customer that wishes to have us train their pup to engage with their owner that is bound, we train for that. Then going to a safe location and do a training session there may take quite a while longer due to several site issues to deal with.”

Katy held her hand up. “Wait, enough for now, I am wanting this job and you definitely are doing things to make sure safety is taken seriously. I am happy about that and am looking forward to seeing what this brings about. So…you said that there was some more training that needed to be done yet today… Did you want to do another training now?” Laura looked at her, almost had to giggle. “Horny much?” Katy had to look away for a second, then down, “Well, I’m horny most of the time.” “Great! So, do you like bondage? ” Katy grinned, “Yeah, last night I did a little self bondage.” “Well since we are here, want to try some bondage and help train the Foremont’s pup?” Katy smiled. ” Would love to!”


Part Four

Katy had never been in bondage with another person around. She had done forms of it to herself when she wanted an extra spark of excitement when she played with herself. Her mind started to tell her to not do this, while Laura led her into the room.

Katy’s mind was arguing over the whole bondage issue, how she really, really could not trust this lady, to there being a fire in the house and she would die a horrible death. The other side of her mind firing back, how exciting it would be, that Laura would release her, and if something dangerous did happen Laura was there to assist.

Katy was brought back to reality, when Laura had to call her name a second time. “You okay darling, are you sure that you want to do this?” Katy still had her mind arguing, but responded with, “Oh, I definitely want to try this Mistress!” She giggled a bit when she said it. But back in her mind, the argument continued, even though she had resolved to do it. Yes, Laura had been rough at first, but she had come to like and trust her.

Laura asked her to remove the robe she had on, and to get on the bench. Katy removed her robe, placing it on a hook near the door. She looked around at the place and then lay down on the bench. Laura talked to her about how training the dog for this was more difficult, since the lady was not able to move, and the pup would have to be trained to mount without guidance, and to not un-mount from the lady till he had shrank significantly so as to not hurt her.

Laura knelt next her right arm. Katy felt her move her wrist to a spot and the feel of a heavy leather strap to secure her arm down. Her mind going off on this, yelling at her, about what was she doing, this so crazy, and more or less does she know what she had gotten herself into. Her response to it all, we will find out soon enough, grinning to herself. Laura was moving her left wrist, and then the strap was against her again.

Katy felt a bit uncomfortable, and went to shift a bit, using the straps to make the slight tweak to her position. She lifted up her head a bit and went to pull forward, using the straps, and face planted on the bench. Katy was at a loss, what had just happened went thru her mind; the restrictive and more conservative side breathed a sigh of relief. The straps feel free. She was confused. Laura asked her what had happened. She explained how she tried to move and her arms came out of the straps.

“Katy, I was only putting the straps around your arms and legs, and was not going to secure you.” Laura said calmly. “That way if you need to get up, you can.” Katy’s mind rejoiced at that, but her wants took over. “So only put the strap on me? But if I get up during this, or slip out of position, the pup may expect that in the future, and aren’t you going to be here for this whole thing, Mistress?!” Katy’s eagerness to be really strapped down sent a bit of shock threw Laura’s body. Not a bad shock, but one of the nice tingly ones. Laura had to take another breath.

Laura thought for a moment, “Yeah, I see your point that does make sense. So now get ready to really get tied down!” Katy almost came right there. But the less adventurous side of her mind screamed “WHAT!” Katy thought Laura may have heard because it was loud to her. She felt Laura strap her left wrist in position then extra noises as she must have been locking the strap in.

“Tug at the strap now.” Katy gave it several tugs, but it held her solidly. Katy could feel how wet she was getting. Laura strapped the other wrist down, again testing it and noting how it had no give. Katy was getting so wet, the non-adventurous side was screaming at her loudly. Telling her that a man was going to break in and so he could do as he wanted to her, and then it questioning if she could smell any smoke. Katy tried to remain calm, she felt Laura securing her left leg, positioning it, and then feeling two straps holding it in position. Then her right leg was secured in the same manner.

Katy’s mind felt defeat, she was strapped down, and she could do nothing to stop it. She felt Laura’s hands suddenly slide up the inside of her thighs. Katy was silent, holding her breath. Laura watched her, saw the goose bumps lift on her skin. She used her nails next, lightly scratching the inside of her thighs his time. Katy had no choice and let out a moan, her butt pushing back, needing contact. Laura knew that Katy was hot, and beyond horny.

Katy was on fire, she needed to be satisfied. Laura was behind her grinning. Laura again used her nails, and ran her fingers up the inside of her thighs again. Katy was breathing heavy. Pulling against the restraints, Katy moved her hips, gyrating and pushing back, needing her fire extinguished. Laura looked over Katy’s body. She saw Katy’s body breathing heavy, hips trying to make contact.

Laura reached again between Katy’s legs. Only one hand this time slid up Katy’s inner thigh, coming up towards the place of her need. Then her hand was sliding closer, the palm of her hand pulling away as she got closer to her kitty, the fingers drawing across her lips and then pulling up and between her cheeks. Katy moaned heavily, her breathing becoming more labored.

Her mind wanted some sort of relief; she needed it, wanted it, and had to have it. Laura’s hand again touched her, but this time touching her throbbing pussy. Laura knowing her need, she gently pressed a finger into Katy. Katy let out a low, but more audible moan this time. Katy struggled, pulling harder at the straps. Slowly the finger just slid back out of her. “My, you are ready, aren’t you?” Laura said. “Yes.” Katy responded, her voice faltering.


Part Five

Laura again took her nails and scrapped them along the inside of Katy’s thighs. Katy moaned again and she gyrated her hips trying to fulfill her bodies needs to be touched. Her mind was full of wants and it was what was in control of her now, and was throwing caution to the wind. That cautious voice that had been trying to protect her was no longer able to catch her ear. Laura gingerly rubbed her inner thighs, working closer to and Katy’s extremely wet kitty. Katy bit her lip, knowing that if Laura kept this up she would cum very quickly. Katy’s breathing was heavy. She needed to be relieved of her need. Laura trailed her hand along Katy’s skin, moving over sensitive areas and back to more mundane spots. Katy was hard at biting her lip, fighting her breaths to keep herself from cumming.

Laura smiled down at her, feeling that she had gotten the best person for the role of assisting with the training that brought in so much money and pleasure to her. Laura grabbed the tube of lube and put some on her finger. She knelt again behind Katy. She next took her finger, and worked the lube around Katy’s asshole. Slowly, she worked her muscles looser, and her anus began to open. Katy was enjoying this very much. Laura was getting worked up, doing this to this pretty little lady, and there was nothing she could do to stop her. Laura enjoyed the feeling of power she now had over her.

She concentrated on the job at hand and began to slowly work her finger into her rear. Katy was moaning louder now. Laura realized that Katy was on the verge of cumming and needed to get her finger in before her muscles stopped her advancement. She pushed harder than she normally would have, but was able to push her finger in fully just before Katy came hard. Laura was surprised when her chest and belly were sprayed with Katy’s fluids. Laura was upset at the mess, but was totally overtaken by how hot it was. Katy was gasping and moaning as her body was ravaged by the strong orgasm,

Laura sat back and watched Katy’s body go through it motions as her finger remained buried in her ass. Her body continued to spasm as the orgasm slammed through her body. After a bit, Laura began to work her finger in and out of Katy, loosening her up as she prepped her for a second finger and then for the Hefstetlers dog General. Laura basically started to fuck Katy with her finger, then slowing down, and slipping the second finger in her. Katy again moaned as Laura now worked both fingers in and out of her asshole. Laura kept her two fingers now inside of Katy as she reached over and got a plug from the cabinet under the bench. She took the big one and gently inserted it, and then pressed it all the way in Katy’s pussy. She pulled out a smaller on, this one she held by where he two fingers were, and pulled them out and replaced them with the plug. Katy felt so full. Her voice was on edge as she spoke. “Laura, oh my, Laura, why did you put two plugs in me?” A moan escaped her lips as Laura responded. “The one in your pussy is there to keep him out of there, and the one in your ass is there to hold you open till General if ready for you.”

Laura smacked her on her butt and said she would be right back. She walked out the door and closed it behind her. Katy laid there, feeling so full from the two plugs that were filling her. It seemed like forever as she waited. Every creek or crack that the house made, caused her to listen very intently. Her breathing had again increased as she waited. More noises came to her, listening to them, and trying to figure out if it was Laura and General. She gasped. She heard a vehicle pull up. She was terrified. What if they found her, her mind was flying. She could barely make out people talking in the distance. Suddenly the entrance to the basement opened. No question in her mind. She was beginning to panic. The door to her room opened and Laura slipped in and closed the door behind her. She knelt next to Katy’s head. “Katy, Mrs Hefstetler is here, and she was wondering if she could watch us do some training? I know that this is rather sudden, and she had been told to call ahead to let us know that she wanted to watch the training. So if you wish to…” Katy cut her off, “Yes, it is just her, correct?” Laura was taken back a bit and then said, “Yes, just her. No one else but me, and General.” Katy was recovering from her minds overactive tricks on her. “Yes, she can join in, but be stern that you will allow this one time, but that this has put a strain on your needs of the business and your staff.” Katy was proud of herself, she could not believe that she said that. Laura was taken back by this, but was then proud at the business like way she stated it.

Laura left the room, and was back in a minute with Mrs. Hefstetler, and the General with her. Laura closed the door and then introduced the owner to Katy and then had the General sit. “Hi there, so you are doing the more labor intensive part of training my dog. I am Vi, by the way.” The owner said. Katy responded with a labored “Umm, yes Ma’am, nice to meet you.” Laura took over and showed Vi that they had put a plug in Katy’s pussy for making sure that he would mount her and take her ass. Vi looked as Katy’s exposed body and touched her butt cheek, looking at the fact that there was a second plug in Katy’s ass. Laura quickly explained that was there to help hold Katy open for when the General was going to take her. Vi looked at the young woman before her, and then asked Katy if she could remove the plug from her ass when it was time, Katy was caught off guard and stammered a bit, then responded with “If you please Ma’am.” Vi quickly returned with, “Please call me Vi, not Ma’am, it makes me feel old.” “Um okay Vi, it would be my pleasure.”

Laura took the General, a Bull Mastiff, and brought him between Katy’s legs. Laura commanded him to sit, and then stay. Vi chirped in, “Bet my husband could not obey that command, with that view in front of him. So are you and me suppose to remove our clothes too, of is that only for Katy?” She directed that at Laura. Laura was expecting a comment like that from the male owners, but was surprised when Vi asked about that. “Well Vi, if you wish, you can wear what ever you like, but I need to stay dressed in case of customers that come in, and for putting the General back in his room.” Vi looked at Laura, and then back at Katy, and decided to remove her blouse and skirt, then stating that it was warm in the room.

Laura looked back at the General, and said in a low but firm voice, “Lick her.” The General moved forward and began to sniff and then lick at Katy’s covered pussy and up to her asshole. Katy moaned and Vi found herself looking back and forth between the expression on Katy’s face and what her dog was doing. Laura gestured for the owner to come over to her, and she finally notice and went next to her. Laura told her that this would be the best time to remove the plug from Katy’s ass. Vi reached for the plug, grasping the ring at its base, and gently removed it, leaving Katy moaning from the sudden vacancy. The General quickly focused his licking on Katy’s asshole, and then proceeded to enter her ass with his tongue. Katy was now gasping as these new found feelings and experiences flooded her and were quickly moving her to a massive orgasm.

Vi watched intently as her dog licked the young lady before her, to depths she had only dreamed of. Her hands moved without her knowledge, and found her wet kitty. Her fingers moved under her panties and pressed within her, as she was overtaken by the scene in front of her. Her fingers deftly worked herself to a much higher level of excitement, her breath becoming more strained as she her mind lusted to be where Katy was.

Laura tried to not smile, as she saw how enthralled Vi was with the training, and then she suddenly knelt next to Katy’s rear, and commanded the General to mount. Katy stopped breathing for a second waiting to feel him on her back. Vi responded by pushing her fingers deeper into herself. The General squatted for an and instant, and then raised his front legs and chest on to Katy’s back. Grabbing her quickly, he pulled himself forward, as Laura watched to make sure he entered Katy properly.

Katy felt him land on her back, and he grabbed her sides and hips, pulling himself further onto her. She next felt his tip hit her just below her asshole, but the second attempt hit its mark. Katy exhaled loudly, as the General entered her about two inches, he adjusted his grip of her hips, and slammed the rest of his cock deep in her. Katy moaned to the point of almost screaming when he thrust fully in her. Vi moved behind Katy and watched her dog pound this young girls ass, as her fingers began to drive her to an orgasm. Laura remained steady, making sure that all was well, and that Katy was in no danger, except from cumming to death. Katy was no longer in her mind, as her body screamed out in pleasure, and its sexual needs where being meet, by such a strong act. Katy was along for the ride of her life, as the General made her his. Vi started to cum silently, then became very vocal as her mind through herself in Katy’s position.

The General started to try and force his knot in Katy now, but Laura was watching, and put her hand in the way, since she knew that Katy was not ready to take such a large knot yet. Katy did not really notice as she flew along on her extended orgasm. Vi was none the wiser as she was now in her own world, having shed the remainder of her clothes, and was busy fingering her kitty and ass as she was kneeling on the floor. The General shot his seed deep with in Katy’s rear, emptying load after hot load of his cum deep in her. Katy was only pushed stronger along her orgasm as he started to fill her with his cum. Time only existed for Laura now as Katy and Vi were lost in their own worlds. The General finally finished cumming in Katy, and unmounted her. Laura took him by the leash and took him out to a fan to cool off in front of.

Katy found herself falling back to earth as all of his weight was now gone, and her ass felt open and leaking with his cum. Laura returned and started to release the straps that held Katy down, and told her to stay, and she would make sure she would not leak all over their floors. Vi looked like a kid caught stealing candy at the store, as Laura placed a towel for her to clean herself with next to her. Laura took the plug that had been in Katy’s ass and pushed it back in gently. Katy let out a moan from the plug filling her. Laura then assisted Katy to her feet, and guided her to the bathroom, where she could shower and clean herself up.