(c) 2017 by Nem Enforcer

This story is for Beastforum member Kathy59 who is the main character and came up with the scenario while I just hope I did a good enough job of making it into a story she and you enjoy.

Well it had been yet another unfruitful night for Kathy at the bingo. It seemed as if the gambling gods had taken the night off, something that they had been doing alot recently. She left the bingo hall and started the walk home, it would do her good to be in the fresh air after another disapointing night.

Kathy had been going to the bingo for a long time now, every Wednesday she would go along and meet up with some of the other people who she had become friendly with and have a few games and a chat. She had been single for a long time but while she was 63 years old she still had desires to be intimate with someone but had started to give up hope of meeting a nice man.

‘Stop thinking like that,’ her friends told her ‘you still look very attractive’ and that was true, she was full bodied with fair hair a great combination.

It was a nice night, not too cold and dry which for Hull in the UK was slightly unusual in itself but Kathy wasn’t about to complain, better to walk home on a nice night then be frozen. She took a breath and started the journey home, one which would change her life in ways she had only ever imagined.

Kathy had been walking for five minutes when she noticed the sound of paws patting along behind her, at first she assumed it must just have been a dog owner walking their pet. She had thought about getting a dog herself for company but hadn’t gotten around to it yet, maybe in a few years time, and in the meantime she did often dog sit for a friend.

Ignoring the sound Kathy carried on walking but began to grow suspicious when the sound seemed to follow her as she rounded corners, was this person following her? She looked over her shoulder to see exactly who was there but she saw there was no-one. She stopped and turned, her eyes going down until she saw her stalker was actually a lone dog.

Kathy smiled as the dog wagged his tail and looked at her. He was a mixed breed, and by the looks of him a real Heinz 57 variety, she couldn’t pinpoint exactly what two breeds had gotten together to produce him, he seemed to have features of all sorts of different tyges of dog but at a guess Kathy would have said possibly a Labrador and some smaller breed. He was friendly at any rate, his tail wagging madly and his ears pricked up while his head was cocked to the side.

“Hello there” Kathy said to the dog. “And who do you belong to exactly?” she looked around to see if anyone was about but the street was deserted in all directions. Seeing no owner Kathy checked for a collar but there wasn’t one on the dog’s neck, seemed he was a stray although he looked pretty clean and healthy if a little underfed.

The dog barked happily at her and jumped up to greet her. Kathy laughed and gave him a quick stroke on the head before telling him she had to get going, as should he, and with that she turned to walk away again and leave her new friend to his business.

Kathy got to the end of the street before she heard the footsteps behind her again, she knew it was the same dog, he was following her. She turned and looked at him, he looked back and wagged his tail again. Her head said she should shoo him away but her heart said she should let him go home with her, tge streets were no place for a dog to roam alone. Also he did look like he could do with a meal and she had some dog food at home. It was strange, normally she wouldn’t think like this but something about this dog seemed to be having an effect on her. Head vs heart and as it so often did heart overruled head for Kathy and as the dog looked at her she told him to come along and she’d fix him some food and call a shelter in the morning.

The rest of the walk home Kathy had a companion. It wasn’t a long trip but the stray stuck close and seemed eager to get to know Kathy better, licking her hand when she stopped at a crossing and despite only meeting her for the first time that night he seemed to have accepted her as part of his pack right away.

“Okay here we are” Kathy said as she arrived at her front door. “Few rules buddy boy, no jumping on my furniture and not too much noise alright?” she said with a smile as she unlocked the door and let him in.

The stray dog ran in and began sniffing around. Kathy kept an eye on him to make sure he wasn’t going around doing anything he shouldn’t and when she was satisfied he wouldn’t re-colour anything yellow she went to the kitchen to get him a bowl of dog food. It was while she was at the counter forking out some food from the can that the stray that had followed her home made his first move towards changing Kathy’s life forever.

Kathy had her back turned and was busy with the food when she suddenly felt something go up her skirt and press into her crotch. She jumped a little out of surprise and pulled away from the invading presence. Turning she saw the stray dog looking at her in confusion. He didn’t seem to realise why Kathy had stopped him from sticking his nose into her crotch.

“Hey now!” she said with her heart thudding in her chest. “Thats not for you buddy”

The dog just looked at her in the same manner as before, head cocked to the side. Kathy calmed herself and put the bowl down on the floor, the stray quickly attacking it, but her mind stayed on what he had done. She had to admit it had been a long time since she had had any attention from someone in that area and if she was really honest with herself she did have a deep dark fantasy she had which was now trying to fight its way through the other thoughts and get some space in her head.

Kathy tried to change her thoughts and said to the dog, “What am I going to call you? Can’t go around calling you buddy all night… Hmm, I know since you followed me from there how about Bingo?” the dog looked up from his food and barked his approval, well that seemed to be settled it seemed.

Kathy let him eat the meat and while he did so she made herself a sandwich. Her mind was still on what had happened however, and despite her reaction at the time she couldn’t deny she was a little aroused by having some attention given to her pussy after so long without. Most people assume that once a woman is over 60 years old that is it for her sexually, but it’s not the case. Kathy still had sexual desires and needs; she had a drawer full of sex toys with which she could play when she was feeling the need upon her.

Once Kathy had made her sandwich she went into the living room and turned on the TV, it wasn’t that late yet and she wasn’t ready for bed so she thought she would relax until she became more tired.

She watched the TV but didn’t really pay much attention to what was on, her mind was swirling with other thoughts, the fantasy she had had for years had finally pushed and bullied its way to the front of her mind abd it was all she could think about. It had started long ago; Kathy had been on the internet searching around and had, by chance, come across a story posted on a forum by someone using the name TOPDOG55 which involved a dog having sex with a human and ever since reading that story it had become her biggest secret fantasy. The amount of orgasms she had brought herself to while imagining a big dog cock fucking her pussy was uncountable.

While she was so deep in thought she was unaware that Bingo had finished his meal and had come to join her in the living room. Subconsciously Kathy had opened her thighs and her skirt had hiked up a little as she thought about her fantasy of having her pussy filled up by a dog’s hard red cock. She had become more aroused as she thought about it and the old feelings of desire were there and undeniable. Her panties were becoming moist and the scent of her arousal was growing stronger.

Bingo must have been able to smell the scent of a female in the mood as he once again took the opportunity to push his snout into her crotch and take a closer sniff of her pussy. Kathy, still in her own head, moaned and spread her legs a little wider for him. She didn’t realise that while she was imagining having a dog fucking her, a real one was busy sniffing the crotch of her panties and trying to lick the contents through the fabric.

Finally her mind focused and she looked down to see Bingo’s head between her thighs. She felt her heart skip a beat and her first thought was to push him away but something deep inside her stopped her hand and instead of pushing his head she simply stroked it as he pressed his snout further into her crotch. He was going crazy at the scent of her panties, pushing his nose more forcefully into them to get at the intoxicating smell and licking like mad at the thin fabric, his tail was wagging like mad and he was making all sorts of excited noises as he tried to attack her pussy.

A struggle was going on in Kathy’s mind, one part said this was wrong and she should put a stop to it, the other part was telling her how she had wanted this so bad for so long and she should go with it, the feeling was too good not to. In the end pleasure won out over the pressure of society and Kathy without thinking reached down and pulled the gusset of her panties to the side exposing her fleshy pussy lips to the eager dog’s mouth.

‘This is as far as it goes’ she told herself, as much as she had wanted it to happen, the reality was scary, letting him have access to her pussy with his tongue would be enough to satisfy her desires she tried to convince herself. Bingo, oblivious to Kathy’s human inner struggle simply did what any dog would do given the option and began to lick the newly offered pussy with gusto. His tongue was rough and wet as it slid between her pussy lips and up the opening of her pussy which tingled under the plesent sensations of attention. This was new for Kathy. A man’s tongue was not nearly as long as a dog and couldn’t do what Bingo’s was doing to her, each time it touched her clit she felt a pulse of pleasure and every time it ran up her pussy lips or the actual enterance to her most precious hole she felt her resistance weakening as the pleasure grew.

“Oh my god!” Kathy gasped as she felt the dog’s wet tongue again lap at her pussy and send electric waves through her groin. She started to move her hips as he licked her, his oral assault better then any man had ever felt either going down on her or even while he was inside her.

The tingle had become a throbbing need to feel more then just a tongue within Kathy and her mental battle with herself was over. Desire had won over conscience, who cared what the norm was or what others thought, she was alone in her own house, who but Kathy herself would even know if she did go further then was socially acceptable with this dog.

Mind made up, Kathy gingerly pushed Bingo away and got up before she began to remove her clothing, a simple process of pulling off each item and dropping them on the floor until she stood naked infront of the dog who was changing her life in so many ways. He looked up at her with his tail wagging and seemed to know something was going to happen.

Kathy took a deep breath and sat back down naked on the sofa before she scooted herself down so her butt was hanging off the edge of the seat and spread her legs wide apart to allow the dog access to her naked and wet pussy. As she did this Bingo was busy sniffing and licking her discarded panties, he kept picking them up and dropping them, his nose constantly pushed into them as he took in the scent and became more excited. Kathy watched and loved seeing him getting so crazy over the scent of her worn panties; she just hoped he liked her pussy as much.

As if in answer to her thought Bingo looked over and upon seeing Kathy laid on her back with her legs and butt off the edge of the sofa exposing herself for h, he came over and sniffed her crotch and began once again to lick her pussy, the feeling of it adding pleasure to her nervousness at being in such a vulnerable position, offering herself to a dog she had just met. Her heart pounded but her mind was full of excited thoughts.

Kathy watched as Bingo pushed himself up onto his back legs and mounted her missionary style. I was something she thought she would never experience in real life. She had signed up to a forum for people who were into this kind of thing and had read lots of peoples stories about their experiences and even looked at lots of their home made pictures and videos of being mounted and fucked by their pets, but she never got the chance to try for herself the thing that had brought her so many orgasms, well now she was finally going to.

It was strange feeling his fur on her naked skin as he stood over her like a man who was ready to fuck. Knowibg it was an animal that was going to be the one who thrust his big hard cock into her pussy and fuck her was exciting and if she was honest a little scary too, she knew what to expect from all the reading she had done and the things she had seen, but doing it yourself for real was different, still her desire to feel him inside her pussy overcame all fears. She felt his weight on her stomach as he moved his body while taking a step closer and brought his hard cock all the nearer to her waiting pussy.

Kathy felt the tip of his cock poke the skin next to her pussy, he had missed on his first try and missed agaim on his second. Bingo seemed to become annoyed at his inability to get his cock into the wet confines he wanted to fuck so bad and dismounted Kathy before he went back to licking her pussy, his rough tongue bringing her so much pleasure that it almost hurt. After a few licks he mounted her again and made another try at entering her pussy, again he missed the mark but finally he found what he had been looking for. Kathy had been watching as his hard red cock, so different from any man, had been trying to find her pussy, she had wanted to grab it and guide it to her opening and just shove it inside herself but she didn’t dare, better to let him find his own way in she thought.

Bingo, upon feeling the tip of his cock find the warm opening between Kathy’s fleshy pussy lips, thrust forwards like a piston abd his red cock was thrust in one fluid motion deep into the welcoming confines of Kathy’s pussy. She cried out in pleasure as she felt her pussy stretch to accomodate the hard dog cock that was invading it. It felt amazing to have such a big cock in her again, a toy was one thing but it could never take the place of the real thing, the heat of it and the pulsing as the blood flowed was something that rubber or latex couldn’t replicate. Nor could it replicate the power that a dog can thrust its hips.

Kathy clenched her teeth as she felt Bingo thrust his hips back and forwards with more force then she ever thought possible. She had been with a few men who could thrust hard but none held a candle compared to Bingo the dog, he was like a jackhammer, his red cock thrusting into her throbbing pussy with animal lust. She moaned and gasped as she felt an orgasm building, her whole body felt on fire as she felt the fur on his stomach tickling her own waist; it was another thing which made this all the more exciting then normal, the taboo nature of getting fucked by a big dog cock

Kathy looked down and watched as the big smooth red dog cock slide in and out of her pussy. Seeing him fucking her was almost as good as feeling his big cock inside her pussy, well not quite as good but it made the whole thing more exciting to see it as well as feel. She could see his furry body and hips flex as he drove his cock into her over and over, despite the unusual position for him he seemed to be having no problem fucking her, he was just as able ro hump her while she was on her back as he would be able to if thry were in the more familiar doggy position it seemed.

The orgasm rushed onwards as Bingo humped her pussy with his big cock. Kathy squeezed her breasts and pulled her nipples as she felt the pleasure of a dog cock inside her pussy and when the orgasm came she cried out as she felt it hit her with an intensity she had never felt in all her years of sexual activity. Bingo humped on all the way through Kathy’s orgasm, his fat cock slidibg easily in her pussy as his hips thrust it like a sword back and forth into its warm, wet fleshy scabbard, only this wasn’t a sword it was a hard dog cock and the scabbard was a willing human woman’s pussy.

Kathy gasped and groaned like she was possessed as the orgasm was made stronger from the humping of the dog cock inside her. Feeling his cock, fat and long, sliding back and forth as she came was something she had always wanted, she had done it with men before but it hadn’t been the same as with Bingo now. A dog was just made for this kind of thing it seemed.

As Kathy came down from the first orgasm, her head now bacj as she gasped and recovered from the intensity, Bingo began to lower his pace too, his hips slowing and his cock stayed inside her pussy for longer before he pulled it back and thrust in again. As she felt him humping now, Kathy also felt a swelling of flesh hit her battered pussy lips and she knew he was beginning to get ready to fill her pussy with his seed. From reading the stories on BeastForum and watching the videos there also, she knew this was his knot and without hesitation she knew she had to feel it inside her pussy as he locked her in to accept his offering of doggy cum.

Bingo made a hard thrust to get his swelling knot inside Kathy and she groaned as she felt the large lump of flesh pass her pussy lips and enter her. The tip of Bingo’s cock was now really deep insise her body, much more so then any man had ever been before and his knot quickly began to swell until it locked the two new lovers in their bestial embrace together. This was it, Kathy had gone past the point of no return, and she was now officially his bitch. She felt his cock throbbing and pulsing as he prepared to squirt his cum into her pussy, to breed her like a fellow dog. She felt naughty; here she was, an older woman, naked on her back with a big stray dog’s cock filling her pussy, tied to her as he prepared to shoot her full of his seed. Those thoughts made her even more eager to feel him fill her.

Her mind, swimming in pleasure from being humped to orgasm by a dog and now awaiting the feel of his cum being pumped into her pussy, brought up something someone had said to her on the forum she visited so often. She had made a post about how she wanted to feel this very thing but how it would probably never happen now, he had said that no-one was ever too old for it to happen. And now look at her, seems he was right after all.

Kathy felt the first squirts of dog cum shoot into her pussy. It was strange to feel it, his cock was so deep inside her yet the eruption was so strong and the feel of the thin cum was so distinctive she actually felt it happening, or atleast thought she could.

“Yes!” she said as she felt his cock pulse again and another shot of cum filled her “Oh god yes!”

Bingo held tightly onto his bitch, his cock throbbing as he shot more dog cum into her, each time he squirted Kathy felt another jolt of pleasure pass through her. She was now focused totally on enjoying the feeling of fullness in her pussy and the sensation of his cum squirting into her, she couldn’t belive how much he was producing and could only imagine how full of cum her pussy must be by now after just a few minutes of him filling her.

Kathy reached down between herself and Bingo and touched her clit with her fingers, the feeling making her jerk as she found just how sensitive she had become from the orgasm and pleasure of being fucked and tied by the dog. Despite the sensitivity she rubbed herself to another orgasm as Bingo filled her with even more dog cum, she could feel some of it leaking from around his knot and used it on her fingers to stimulate her clit to another mind blowing orgasm.

Bingo was panting heavily as he hugged Kathy tightly and she felt some of his drool drip onto her shoulder and breast as he pumped more cum into her pussy, he had been going for almost 10 minutes now and Kathy was beginning to wonder if he would ever stop, she was so full of doggy cum now that it was now dribbling out of her well used pussy and down her thighs and butt, when he finally did finish she was going to leave a real mess on the floor for sure.

The thought of all that dog cum gushing out of her stretched pussy when Bingo finally pulled out made Kathy shudder in excitement and she used the mental image along with the sensation of his cock in her pussy, throbbing and squirting, and the big knot secured tight in her to bring herself to another orgasm as she rubbed her clit while Bingo gave her the last few spurts of his seed. Her body was covered in a sheen of sweat and her legs were aching from trembling due to the intensity of the orgasms but she felt younger then she had in years.

Finally Bingo started to shrink down a little and he began the process of disengaging his cock from her soaked pussy. Kathy had to hold him steady a little at first as he was a little too eager to get his cock free from her, the knot not quite small enough to come out without any discomfort. Another minute later and he pulled free from her pussy with an audible plopping noise, something she would never forget as long as she lived. As she expected Kathy felt her stretched pussy let loose its dog cum cocktail down her inner thighs and down her butt and onto the floor, a large puddle of clearish watery liquid forming.

“Look at the mess you made” Kathy said while giggling as she sat up and looked down at her squelshy pussy and the pool of cum on the carpet as it spread, she could feel more cum oozing out of her pussy and was surprised by how much she enjoyed the feeling of it, her pussy was still on fire if a little sore from the abuse it ad suffered from such a big cock.

Bingo looked at Kathy as she spoke and then began to lick up some of his cum from her pussy, sending all new aensations of pleasure through her body as his tongue touched her clit and cleaned up her somewhat wrinkled skin a little. She could well have had another orgasm just from that if he hadn’t stopped and gone into a corner to lick his own cock clean.

The scent of their mating was all over the room and Kathy took a deep breath of it. It was an unusual scent, not like when she had been with a man, she could almost taste it and that’s when she got an idea. She slipped two fingers into her pussy and felt them get coated by some of the combined mix of Bingo’s dog cum and her own juices, once they were really wet she slid them out and brought them to her nose for a sniff before she opened her lips and took a taste. Kathy moaned in her throat as she got her first taste of a cocktail she knew she would have to have more of in the future. Bingo had awoken something in her that couldn’t now be contained.

Kathy got up and found a towel in the kitchen, she felt cum dribble down her legs as she walked and the feeling of naughtyness grew as she thought about it being dog cum. She went back and mopped up the puddle of cum on the floor that had escaped her very well fucked pussy, it took some doing but she got the majority and would wash the area tomorrow morning to get it fully clean. After wiping herself down too she decided to go to bed, she was tired physically now after such a good fucking from Bingo and the orgasms she had been brought to made her want to lay down properly on the bed and recover.

She went up stairs into her bedroom but left the door open, she didn’t think about it, it was just an instinctive thing her mind did, without even realising it she was hoping thst Bingo would come back for another go. As she lay down she thought about what she had just done, replaying it all in her mind like a movie and feeling her pussy throb. She had loved every second of it, it had surpassed her fantasy, feeling her pussy filled by a big dog cock and humped so hard before he tied with her and sqirted her full of his seed had been better then her mind could ever have come up with or anyone could have described. Kathy did have one small regret however. In her fantasy she had always given the dog a blowjob before he fucked her pussy and Kathy did feel a small regret that she had not fulfilled that part of her fantasy, the thought of sucking that big red cock as it throbbed in her mouth made her hot all over again.

Despite feeling tired Kathy didn’t sleep, her mind was too full of thoughts and lingering feelings of pleasure and for an hour she just lay there awake while rubbing her clit with her fingers and squeezing her big breasts, she would pull her nipple and tease herself by sliding a finger up the entrance of her pussy feeling some of Binho’s cum still oozing out and using it as some lube to add more pleasure as she brought herself clise to orgasm but never quite to one as she slowly fingered herself.

As Kathy played with herself she didn’t hear Bingo enter her bedroom, his footsteps muffled by her heavy breathing and soft moans. She happily rubbed her clit and groaned as she thought about sucking that fat cock, in her minds eye she could see the shaft with her lips wrapped around it while he pulsed and throbbed under her oral skills. Her thoughts were broken when she heard the springs creak under the weight of another getting on the bed.

Kathy opened her eyes and saw Bingo stood on the bed sniffing at her wet pussy, it seemed that Bingo had followed the scent of arousal up the stairs and right to its source. She looked along his body and saw his cock was already half way out of its sheath and she made up her mind, she had felt him in her pussy and now it was time to fulfil her fantasy all the way.

Kathy looked at the hanging cock, it was intoxicating to think that had been inside her pussy an hour ago. She moved along the bed and got herself in a position where she could bring her mouth up to meet Bingo’s big dog cock. He seemed a little confused at first but with some stroking and soft words of encouragement he settled and stood still while Kathy began to gently rub his sheath and coaxed him fully out, her eyes were fixed on the big red cock as it extended. Seeing it up close now she was amazed it had all fitted inside her body, it was long and fat and smooth and red and she could not resist it.

Bingo looked straight ahead as his cock was softly rubbed with wet fingers and he didn’t even twitch when Kathy brought her lips up and took the tip of his hard cock into her mouth, sucking gently and licking the end with her tongue before she took another inch and another inside. It was so strange sucking a dog compared to a man. The texture was somehow different, the taste certainly was but it was just looking at the colour and seeing its base attached to a furry body which made it seem all the more unusual and taboo.

Kathy sucked and bobbed her head a little as she gave her first doggy blowjob at the age of 63. She was really getting into it and felt her pussy throbbing with desire to once again be filled by his magnificent cock, she would have to atleast offer Bingo a chance to fuck her again and just hope he would.

While sucking him, Kathy looked along the shaft and thought how sexy his cock was compared to a human penis. His was a much nicer colour, deep red, and without the skin to wrinkle it was so much smoother and sexier to have it in her mouth and so much easier to slide her lips along as she sucked.

Bingo started to move a little as Kathy gave him a blowjob, the first of many she hoped to give him in the future and she knew what he really wanted was a different hole, a much wetter and tighter one then her mouth. She sucked him a little longer, not wanting to let him go with her mouth now she had finally gotten a dog cock in it for real for the first time but she knew it couldn’t last and finally she released him from her oral assault.

Once free from her mouth Bingo started walking around on the bed and trying to get at Kathy’s pussy, she spread her legs for him and he quickly began to lick her again. Kathy moaned as she felt his tongue bring her close to orgasm again but she knew they both wanted more. She thought about getting on her hands and knees for him but due to her age and current physical tiredness that wouldn’t be overly comfy and so she decided to try for missionary again, Bingo had been fine earlier after all. She ushered him off the bed and assumed the same position she had before, laid flat on her back on the edge of the bed with her legs spread, and Bingo was quick to mount her in that position once more, his hips humping to get inside her again.

Kathy smiled as she watched his cock find her pussy again and the humping began a second time, it seemed a dog had much more stamina when a man and that was fine for Kathy as she had plenty too when it came to the bedroom.

As Bingo began to fuck her like the animal he was, his hips once again thrusting his hard cock deep into her with recklass abandon, she thought about what to do with him, the plan had been to take him to a pound and let them deal with him. Right now, however, she really couldn’t bring herself to be parted with him. Well tomorrow was another day, things would be sorted out then, tonight was now and as she began to orgasm around his big cock there was still a lot of night to go for a woman and her new best friend.