(c) 2017 Nem Enforcer

This is my second collaboration story with Bestforum member kathy59 who is one of the nicest people I have ever met here. I should make clear this story is fiction, written for her and based on a few strange new feelings which she has revealed here on the forum herself. She chose what the other woman looks like but she trusted me with everything else so I just hope I did a good enough job and you like Kathy and that all else who read it too enjoy also.

Kathy opened her thighs a little and lightly ran her fingers down through her unshaved pubic hair. She didn’t like shaving down there, prefering to look like a woman rarther then a girl, and she enjoyed feeling the tickling sensation as she masturbated. Her fingers slipped down and found her clit, which was already engorged and sensitive from her extream arousal as she watched the scene play out on the screen.

The scene she was watching was one she had downloaded from the forum she frequented. For years she had been into the idea of women having sex with dogs and finally gotten the chance to experience it for herself at the age of sixty-three. It had been a wonderful experience and one she had repeated a few times since but with no dog of her own it was only an occasional thing, when she didn’t have access to a dog she watched videos of others and masturbated.

The fingers rubbed her clit harder and she began to moan and feel the orgasm building, her eyes were fixed on the screen. She watched as the dog licked the woman’s pussy and ass, listened to the faint sounds of her groaning in pleasure and she remembered just how it had felt when she had the same experience for real.

On the screen the dog, a big German Shepherd, had his snout buried deep in the woman’s crotch, the camera was showing a close-up of the action, and clearly you could see the dog’s long tongue parting the woman’s pussy lips and slide up exposing her wet entrance, the pinkness of it standing out brightly.

Kathy watched and rubbed herself, her fingers going down from her clit and into her pussy, then back. She moaned as she felt her orgasm build as she watched the woman being licked so well by the dog, and yet it wasn’t that which had her so turned on, strangely it was the woman herself who she was thinking about as she touched herself, her eyes were focused on her pussy and an insane urge to lick that sweet looking pussy, touch it with her fingers and slide two inside was what she was mos
tly getting off on.

It was strange because Kathy had never thought about another woman sexually before. When she had watched videos before it had always been the combination of dog and woman she loved, seeing his cock fill her or her sucking him and placing herself in the position had been what she liked but now, well it was weird, she couldn’t stop thinking about the woman’s body, how much she wanted to be in that room as the video had been shot and how much she wanted to lick and play with that pussy.

The dog in the video stopped licking and mounted the woman, the camera moved back a little to show his big cock find her pussy and enter her and as it did Kathy rubbed herself harder, she focused her attention on the woman’s body, her breasts hanging down and wobbling as the humping began, it was so exciting to watch and she gelt the first orgasm begin as she watched the dog piston his hips back and forth and the camera zoomed in to show the pink shaft of dog cock slide in and out of tbe woman’s pussy which clung on to it as best it could.

Kathy let the orgasm subside and then began to rub her clit again, her fingers were now wet from her own arousal and she used the slickness to add some extra stimulation as she watched the big dog hump this woman who had so peaked her interest. She watched as the dog slid his cock into her and listened to her pleasure filled groans, Kathy all the time rubbed herself and watched the woman’s body react, each small movement of pleasure brought Kathy closer to another orgasm and it was only around twenty seconds more before she came again.

The dog slowed his humping and Kathy knew from her own experiences that he was now tied with the woman, his big fleshy knot stuck inside her, locking the two together as he pumped his thin doggy cum into her pussy. The thought made Kathy orgasm a third time in the matter of ninety seconds as she rubbed her clit and fingered her own pussy, she thought about the woman and how she must feel while her pussy was full of dog cock and she took his load, she wondered just what it would be like to lick her after he was done and as she thought about it she felt another orgasm beginning.

“God what is happening to me?” she said aloud as she felt the orgasm begin, her mind a mix of confusion and pleasure as she felt the climax arrive as she thought about the woman who was now groaning and encouraging the dog to fill her with his seed on the screen. She so wanted to be that woman, have that dog inside her, but also she so wanted to be with that woman too.

It was several days later, several since Kathy had watched the video and become interested in the woman she had watched having sex with the dog and she was now at her friend Jill’s house. Jill was a friend to know due to their mutual love of having sex with dogs. Kathy didn’t have a dog of her own but Jill had a lovely German Shepherd called Chase who she had been mating with regularly for four years, now she let Kathy play with him too.

“I’ve been having the most insane thoughts lately” Kathy said as she and Jill had a glass of wine, “I think my hormones are wreaking havoc on me”

Jill looked at her with curiousity and took a sip of wine before she spoke, asking “Why, what’s happening?

Kathy hesitated for a second but answered anyway, she had known Jill for several months now and it didn’t seem logical to not tell her since she let Kathy have sex with her dog.

“Just recently, I’ve been watching videos from the forum and have been getting much more interested in the woman then the dog” she said before taking another sip oh her wine.

Jill laughed a soft chuckle and patted Kathy on the arm reassuringly. She put her glass down and looked at her friend with a smile.

“Finally had some good hard dog cock in you and now he has opened you up sexually, has he Kath?” she said grinning, “Don’t worry about it, we all have periods like this, I’ve been with a few women in my time in the past, both in threesomes and alone”

Kathy was surprised to hear that. Jill was open about sex but she had never mentioned being with a woman before, although they had not really discussed their past sexual histories that much outside their non-human experiences.

“Well it’s never happened to me before” Kathy said but her mind was thinking about it again, now she looked at Jill in a whole new light. Jill was very much like Kathy herself, both women were slightly plump but not by any means fat or unattractive, quite the opposite infact, they were both goodlooking older ladies, they were roughly the same height but while Kathy had fair hair Jill was dark, her locks falling like a brown cascade down over her shoulders, she was also a couple of years younger then Kathy but it was nothing really, she was fifty-nine years old.

“Kath, I’ve got an idea I want you to think about,” Jill said looking at her friend “I was thinking maybe today instead of you going up alone with Chase, we could go together, I’d love to see you take his big pink cock for real”

Kathy’s heart went into overdrive, she had been thinking about the same thing for a long time, she enjoyed watching videos of other women, but she wondered just how good it would be to be in the room while a woman took a big dog cock inside her pussy and got fucked hard, the thoughts had only gotten more intense since she had gotten more interested in the woman she had watched in the video days ago.

“I… I think I’d like that” Kathy said with a slight blush, her natural shyness coming out once again.

Jill didn’t say anything; she just smiled and then looked at the time before she suggested they go up to the bedroom and see Chase, her German Shepherd dog. Kathy agreed she had been ready for some action for a while now; it had been too long since she last had a good hard dog cock inside her pussy and she was really ready for another go with one she said.

Both women joked and laughed as they went up the stairs, Jill in the lead and Kathy looking at her round ass sway under the dress she was wearing as she took each step, her pussy got wet thinking about what it would look like naked but Kathy pushed those thoughts aside and focused on thinking about what was to come with Chase instead.

Once they got into the bedroom where Chase was waiting Jill closed the door, and smiling, suggested they both get a little more comfortable. Kathy felt nervous but didn’t want to show it. Jill was more confident and quickly, while Kathy watched, undid her dress and dropped it to the floor, revealing her matching white bra and knickers as well as alot of naked flesh. Kathy couldn’t help but look at the mounds of her breasts and naked thighs and get a little more aroused.

Without speaking Jill moved a little closer to Kathy and undid the dress she was wearing herself, which Kathy let fall to the ground also, she was wearing a non-matching pair of underwear, black bra and cream coloured knickers. Once Kathy was down to her underwear, Jill reached up and un-did her own bra letting it fall away and expose her naked breasts which despite her age didn’t have too much sag to them, and then she hooked het fingers into the waistband of her knickers and pushed them down her thighs and off leaving her naked.

Kathy watched as her friend stripped and exposed herself, she felt her pussy tingle at seeing more and more skin exposed and her eyes went instinctively to Jill’s nipples and then down to her unshaven crotch. She didn’t really know what was happening for a second when Jill hugged her, but she quickly realised that she was unhooking her bra. Kathy stood as her own breasts were exposed, falling slightly without the support of her bra, and without thinking she pushed her own knickers down to the ground before stepping out of them.

Both women had roughly the same body shape, their breasts were soft and full with a normal bit of sag due to age, their hips were wideish and they each had a succulant round ass. All in all very good female shapes for two sexy older women and both spent a moment looking over the other before Jill broke the spell by speaking.

“I think Chase is going to explode soon with two naked women here unless he gets some attention right away” she said and giggled as she looked down at her German Shepherd who was wagging his tail and looking up at both ladies he mated with often.

Kathy looked down and laughed, agreeing that he did look like he was more then ready, her nervous energy was off the scale and she was happy to give it an outlet. Jill said she would go first and quickly got down onto the floor, assuming the position she had perfected, big ass high in the air and breasts pressed down into the carpet with her thighs open and pussy exposed. Kathy moved behind Jill and looked at her friend’s naked pussy, the lips were partly open and she could just see the pink entrance. Seeing it made her hotter, she took in the sight of Jill’s naked ass and pussy and she felt her desire to just get down herself and lick it grow. She once again wondered what was happening to her receny since she had had her first doggy experience.

Chase followed Kathy around behind Jill and quickly he began to lick at her pussy, his long tongue sliding up and along her unshaved pussy and to her ass where he would again take a long lick. Kathy watched and felt her excitment grow as she got her first real sight of a woman getting licked by a dog. A video could not do it justice, to be there while it happened was like nothing else and Kathy felt her erect nipples ache and pussy soak with desire looked at the show. It was just like the scene she had watched days ago but happening right in front of her as she had wished it had kbeen and the same feelings were going on inside her.

Jill groaned as Chase began to lick more frequently, his rough tongue a sharp contrast to her sensitive pussy as he began to really get into it. Kathy watched, her eyes glued to Jill’s pussy and the dogs tongue as it spread the fleshy lips, and without knowing it she moved closer and closer, leaning down to watch the oral assault more clisely while her fingers began to touch and rub her own wet pussy.

The sounds of Jill’s pleasure filled the room as the German Shepherd licked her wet pussy with relish, his tongue sliding up the entrance again and again, tpuching her clit occasionaly which made her jump. Kathy was transfixed on it, she had gotten down on her knees and was able to smell Jill’s arousal she was so close, her fingers were a blur as she rubbed herself at the sight and smell of what was happening just in front of her eyes.

Much to her surprise Chase at this point seemed to lose some interest in licking Jill, and Kathy felt a pang of disappointment as he walked away a little, she had wanted to see him make Jill orgasm, or mount her and give her a good view of his cock entering her friend’s wet pussy. She could see how much Jill had been aroused by Chase however, her pussy was puffy and wet and not just from his saliva!

“Kath,” Jill said looking back at her friend who was now on her hands and knees closely looking at her pussy “I really need to come bad, please can will you help me out?”

Kathy looked at the pussy lips and felt her desire build. She had never felt this way in the past, before she had lost her canine virginity, but right now, in this room with this woman and her dog that had just licked her pussy while Kathy watched and masturbated, and all the new feelings were coming up in her again. She took in the sight just inches away, and let herself go with the flow.

Jill groaned as Kathy brought her mouth forwards and, parting her lips to allow it out, slid her tongue up along the other woman’s pussy. It was the first time she had ever touched another woman in this way and it shocked her how much she was turned on by it all, feeling her tongue run along Jill’s pussy lips and getying a slight taste of her arousal made Kathy’s head spin. She had never in all her years of life thought about licking another woman, she had never been interested by the idea but right now she couldn’t think of anything she wanted to do more.

As Jill moaned softly, Kathy began to press her tongue into her pussy a little more, parting the lips with her tongue and tasting the wetness of the first woman she had ever licked. Kathy knew how she herself smelled and tasted but Jill was different; the scent was lighter as was the taste. It was strange to Kathy to have another woman’s juice on her tongue but it also made her feel really hot and ready herself.

“Oh yeah Kathy, oh God yes!” Jill said in a low whisper of pleasure as Kathy licked a little harder, flicking the tip of her tongue over Jill’s hard clit before she went back to sliding her tongue up the entrance and inside the welcoming pussy, hearing the encouragement made Kathy want to do it all the more. Here she was on her knees going down on another woman who had just been licked by a dog and was going to be penetrated by its big pink cock soon while Kathy watched and maybe joined in, it made her pussy wetter then ever and her head swim with thoughts about how much she wanted to go farther.

Kathy pressed her tongue into Jill, feeling the warmth on her tongue and getting a much stronger taste of arousal as she slid her wet tongue inside the other woman’s pussy while she put her hands on Jill’s ass cheeks, feeling the soft, slightly wrinkled with age but still very good to squeeze buttock flesh under her palms as she ate out her first pussy at the age of sixty-three.

“Oh yes! Oh God Kath!” Jill said louder now as she felt Kathy slip her tongue deeper and begin to squeeze her ass cheeks while she gave oral attention to her pussy, she could feel the orgasm that Chase had begun to push her towards with his own doggy oral assault build as Kathy licked and sucked on her pussy and clit, she may have never done it before but she was doing a very good job now, her wet tongue finding lots of sensitive spots as it explored her pussy eagerly.

Kathy moaned as she flicked her tongue up and down inside Jill’s pussy, now she was fully invested in what she was doing, the hesitation had fallen away and she was just going with the pleasure as she lived out the fantasy that had so turned her on just days ago as she had brought herself to orgasm watching the woman being licked. Kathy felt the wetness increase as Jill came closer to orgasm, an orgasm she had helped bring about with her own tongue, knowing that made Kathy ache in her own wet pussy as she desperately teied to push the other woman over the edge with her tongue.

Chase was prowling around as Kathy licked Jill, both women were on the floor in the usual position for mating, Jill in front of Kathy who was behind her with her face pressed into her unshaved crotch while she licked and sucked her to orgasm. The idea of two women giving eachother pleasure was alien to him, but the scent of arousal was in the air and that he did understand.

Kathy was lost in her own little world which consisted of Jill’s pussy and her own mouth and tongue. She flicked it and slid it inside the wet hole, tasting everything and rubbing it against all the spots that got Jill to moan or cry out. Each noise that came from Jill made Kathy feel more excited, she listened and responded, each moan she heard she focused her tongue on the spot that had produced it, rubbing and flicking as best she could with her mouth pressed firmly againt Jill’s crotch. Lost in this limited world she didn’t realise that Chase had moved behind her and was taking a keen interest in her own pussy.

Chase sniffed around Kathy’s wet pussy and suddenly he licked her with his rough tongue. As soon as she felt the surprise she jumped and that caused her to push her face deeper into Jill’s crotch, her tongue sliding that little bit deeper into her pussy and the pressure growing that bit more which made Jill orgasm.

Kathy felt like she was in heaven as she was licked by Chase, his long rough dog tongue sliding up her pussy, lapping at her juice as well as licking her asshole and at the same time she got a taste of Jill as she came, the wetness was delicious and knowing she had brought it about made it even more exciting, that she could make another woman groan and cry out in pleasure like this was overwhelming.

As Kathy gasped and groaned with the orgasm, her whole body shaking in pleasure with Kathy all the time still licking her super sensitive pussy, Chase continued to lick Kathy towards an orgasm of her own. Normally it took her a little while to get to the edge while she was being licked but she was already there from just a little attention from tbe dog’s tongue, aided as she was by licking her first pussy to orgasm at the same time.

“Stop, stop, stop please” Jill said and crawled away a little from Kathy as she panted, her pussy was on fire and so sensitive it almost hurt. Kathy had licked her all the way through the orgasm and it had made it all the more intense, it seemed once Kathy had started licking and sucking she couldn’t stop. Jill then heard Kathy moan herself and looked back over her shoulder to see Chase, his snout pressed into Kathy’s crotch, as he licked her with gusto.

“Oh, oh yes!” Kathy gasped as she felt the orgasm build to a peak, Chase was licking her eagerly, the more she became aroused, her pussy growing wetter with every licl, the more he lapped up what she produced and so the cycle went on until she too began to shake and cry out in pleasure just as Jill had while she was licked by Kathy.

Jill watched as Kathy came hard, her mouth falling open and her eyes closed tight as she was brought to the peak of pleasure by the dog tongue assaulting her pussy. Watching her orgasm like this was exciting, Jill had never seen another woman brought to such pleasure by a dog before and she couldn’t wait to see him penetrate her with pink cock, nor could she wait for Kathy to watch her have the same experience.

It seemed that Chase couldn’t wait much longet either. He quickly stopped his oral assault on Kathy and jumped up, mounting her and quickly thrusting his hips to get his exposed penis into her warm and welcoming embrace. Kathy felt his front legs go around her waist as his weight fell onto her back, his fur rubbing against her naked ass cheeks and lower back bringing back all the memories of her own previous experiences, but then she remembered Jill, thinking about another woman watching as she was mounted made her even more excited then the thought she would any second feel Chase’s big pink dog cock fill her pussy.

A failed poke which Kathy felt hit the back of her thigh and a small reposition of her hips and she felt the wonderful feeling of a dog cock slide between her pussy lips and sink into her with ease. It was heaven to have another dog cock inside her again, the feel of it was like nothing else and she savoured it as Chase began to thrust hard and fast, his cock growing now it was inside her, expanding and lengthening as he drove it deep into Kathy’s wet and warm embrace.

Jill groaned as she watched Kathy take Chase’s cock. Seeing the pleasure on the other woman’s face, hearing her groan as she took her dog’s cock deep just as Jill had done so many times already, it brought about pleasure and Jill began to rub her own naked pussy while she sat on the bed and watched the show.

Kathy felt the big cock easily slide deeper into her pussy, she was not small and that was good as Chase was very big, his cock just over eight inches now it was fully erect and inside her. As he thrust his hips and the pink dog cock was pulled back and then thrust forwards back into her she felt the orgasm build, she always came quickly and often when she was with a dog, but feeling thos powerful German Shepherd fucking her with such speed brought her to orgasm quicker then ever before.

A long moan of pleasure came out of Kathy’s throat as she felt Chase lick his front legs around her waist tighter; Jill had already put socks on him before Kathy arrived which was good as the one time she had been fucked by him without Kathy had come away with scratches all over her belly and sides. Now he had a good grip he really went to town with his thrusts, his fat long cock sawing into her wet pussy as he panted above her, the noise of his breath adding to the feeling of his pink cock filling her as he mated her like a bitch.

“That feel good Kath?” Jill said as she watched her friend getting fucked by Chase.

Normally both women were alone when they had a turn with the dog. When Kathy went over they would chat and then she would normally go upstairs and get mated by Chase then come back down and they would have a drink or something and maybe talk about what had happened for a while, and then she would wait while Jill went up and got her action. But having another person in the room, just a few feet away, watching as she took the big cock in her pussy and talk to her, made Kathy so aroused she felt the orgasm explode inside herself.

“It feels amazing” Kathy finally said as the orgasm subsided, she knew that Chase would stop humping soon and his knot would lock the two lovers together, the thought of it made her begin to build towards a new orgasm as she felt the dog thrust his hard cock into her drpping pussy.

Feeling the dog’s body rub against her own as his fat cock filled her pussy, sliding easily inside her due to the sheer amount of lubrication now, made Kathy want to cry out in pure joy. She could feel the fullness as he filled her, it was different then with a man, the cock felt different, it was hotter for one thing and the added heat made a lot of difference. Chase thrust his hips, his pink cock sinking inside Kathy as he mated her with animal lust, his strong grip tightening around her as he held his human bitch still to get maximum penetration.

“Oh fuck!” Kathy exclaimed as she felt the dog cock go deep with a hard thrust and her next orgasm began. Normally she didn’t use such language but in the heat of the pleasure as her pussy was filled with a big dog cock which filled her so much and gave such feelings of ecstasy she just let the words slip out as she came. She had found that when she was with a dog the orgasms were intense and frequent, she didn’t know if it was due to the dog’s cock or the way he used it, or just her own mind telling her this wasn’t a human but another species she was letting fill her pussy, but for whatever reason she couldn’t help but orgasm more.

Chase thrust his cock in and out of Kathy all the way through the orgasm, his big doggy cock sliding back and firth within Kathy who groaned in pleasure, she could hear Jill moaning too and hearing that made Kathy more turned on then she thought possible. The dog panted as he thrust again and again, his cock, so used to the feel of human pussy now, engorged and getting ready to begin squirting pre-cum into her before he filled her with the real stuff.

“God I love watching you take his big dog cock” Jill said in a groaned voice as she rubbed herself while she watched Chase’s hips thrust, she liked seeing his body on top of Kathy, his fur a nice brown and black contrast to her white pale skin.

Kathy gasped and looked up to see Jill rubbing her pussy, the pussy she herself had licked to orgasm before Chase had started to mate her and she felt the orgasm come again. Kathy felt such a dirty old woman, here she was having her pussy filled by a big dog cock as she watched another similar aged woman masturbate while she watched it happen.

Jill looked down and saw Kathy staring in pleasure and with lust in her eyes as she watched her friend masturbate over herself being fucked by the dog. Jill smiled back and then slipped two fingers into her own pussy and then offered them down to Kathy who licked the juice off eagerly. Kathy felt naughty as she sucked the juice covered fingers and felt Chase’s knot press against her aching pussy. The taste was exotic and exciting and she gasped as she pushed back onto Chase until his knot slipped past her pussy lips and into her where it where it began to swell much more quickly, tying the two together as he began to shoot his seed into her needy pussy.

Kathy groaned as another orgasm exploded within her. She could feel the big dog cock inside her pulsing as it started to pump cum into her and she shuddered had as she came. Everything was exciting her, the scent of sex in the air, the added scent of Jill’s arousal mixing with it to make it all the more exotic, the taste of Jill on her tongue as she licked her fingers clean, the sound of Chase panting and both older women moaning in pleasure, knowing there was someone watching her and touching themselves right there in the room. Everything was assaulting Kathy’s senses as she came garder then ever before in her life.

Jill cried out as she came along with Kathy. While her friend had licked her fingers, Jill had been rubbi.g herself with her other hand and hearing Kathy orgasm while watching Chase fill her pussy with his hot dog cum had driven her over the edge.

As both women recovered from their orgasms, Kathy received more and more of Chase’s doggy cum, each time his cock pulsed she knew more was being deposited. She could feel it already beginning to dribble out abd down her skin, a sensation she loved, knowing she was so full of his cock and now his cum also was so good it made her shudder. She was always a big mess after Chase had finished making his deposit in her; unlike with the first dog to take her, who had licked her clean afterwards, Chase wasn’t too bithered about the mess he left behind.

“Oh God, I can already feel his cum dribbling out of me!” Kathy said as she felt his cock pulse and another squirt of doggy cum was shot into her pussy, it was strange being able to talk to someone while she was being filled by his hot seed.

“Don’t worry Kath, I’m going to clean you up once he is done” Jill said huskily and ran a hand through Kathy’s fair hair and onto her shoulder as Chase panted abd shot another load of watery cum into his human lover.

Kathy felt the touch of Jill’s hand abd heard what she said and groaned as she came again, just the thought of having her friend licking her well used, doggy cum filled pussy made her so aroused she couldn’t help it.

“Oh God!” Kathy said as she felt the orgasm, her whole body was on fire, the heat of Chase’s furry body ob her back had warmed her up greatly, his red hot cock shoiting its equally warm canine seed into her had added to the feeling and her own body temperature was already high from all the arousal and exertion of being fucked so good by the dog, now the thought of having her pussy eaten out made her sweat even more.

The tie lasted for around ten mintues but for Kathy it felt like a lifetime, every second she was thinking about Jill and what she had said she was going to do, knowing that was to come both excited and scared her to death, the mixed emotions only made feeling Chase’s big dog cock inside her pussy, pulsing as it shot more canine cum into her while his knot held them together even more pleasurable. She came again before he finally started to shrink down and with a very audible wet ‘plop’ pulled out of her letting loose a torrent of their combined juices onto her outer lips, thighs and the floor where it puddled.

“Get up here on the bed, never mind the mess” Jill said to Kathy eagerly and moved aside to give the other woman room to lie down. The bed was a big king sized one which gave plenty of room for both slightly plump older ladies to get comfy and have some fun together.

Kathy got up and onto the bed next to Jill, she was happy to have a soft mattress under her again after being on her hands and knees on the hard floor for over fifteen minutes.

Kathy felt her heartbeat go up another notch as she laid next to another naked woman for the first time in her life. She thought about what was happening, here she was a naked soxty-three year old woman who had a pussy full of dog cum that was now dribbling down her thighs rapidly, next to a naked fifty-nine year old woman whom she had licked the pussy of less then a quarter of an hour ago and who was now about to lick the dog cum out of her. Who said the young had all the fun?

Jill smiled at her and then ran a hand over Kathy’s naked breasts. Feeling the other woman’s hand run over her soft breast flesh and press onto her erect nipple made her shudder with pleasure and she just watched the hand as it moved down over the mound of her belly and onwards towards her unshaven pubic hair. Once there Jill trailed her fingers through it before she slipped them lower and into Kathy who laid her head back as the feel of another woman’s fingers inside her stretched and soaked pussy.

Kathy felt the fingers explore her pussy, knowing they were getting coated in her own juice as well as canine seed which Chase had deposited and when Jill pulled them out they glistened as she brought them up to her lips and sucked the combined juices off. Kathy could smell the scent and she groaned as she watched her friend lick up the mess that her dog had made inside her pussy before she put the fingers back inside Kathy and got them wet all over again.

“Here have a taste yourself before I get you nice and clean” Jill said and offered her wet fingers to Kathy who licked and sucked the juice and cum off them eagerly, tasting herself and Chase together for the first time.

Now was the time for Jill to make good on her promise. Kathy spread her thighs as Jill got off the bed and knelt down on the floor, leaning her upper body over the side and getting down between her friend’s legs as she brought her face ever closer to Kathy’s dripping cunt. As she watched Jill move closer, Kathy felt her nervousness rise, she had been with men who had gone down on her before obviously, she had been licked by two different dogs also, but she had never been licked by another woman before and while logically it was just another tongue, knowing it was a woman’s tongue made it all the more different and exciting.

“Your pussy looks so good Kath” Jill said as she spread the wet lips with her fingers and admired inside “It’s so wet with doggy cum I just have to taste it!”

Kathy groaned as she felt Jill’s tongue touch her well fucked hole. She was so sensitive from having a big dog cock inside her and the feeling the warmth of the other woman’s breath as she licked up the dog cum that was leaking out of her open pussy was out of this world. She remembered back to her first time with a dog, he had licked her clean after he had filled her and she had loved it, now though Jill was doing more then just cleaning her, she was actively looking to give pleasure too.

The tongue slid inside her pussy and scooped up some doggy cum before sliding back out and movi.g along her outer lips, teasingly cleaning the wetness from them before Jill pressed her tongue back into Kathy’s pussy for another scoop. Moans filled the room as both women expressed their pleasure audibaly. Kathy could feel another orgasm coming again as she looked down to watch, mostly all she saw was Jill’s dark hair covering her face which meant her actions were a mystery until Kathy felt them.

Kathy let out a gasped ‘ah’ shound as she felt Jill slip a finger into her pussy and cup her ass cheek with the other hand, sliding it under Kathy who had lifted her hips a little as the pleasure gre from Jill licking and kissing her pussy again and again as she squeezed the flesh hard. Feeling the finger slide in and out of her while the tongue expertly touched her clit and surrounding areas made Kathy orgasm hard. Jill pressed her mouth down more firmly onto Kathy’s pussy while she came and kissed and licked her all the way through it.

Another minute of licking up dog cum and Kathy’s juices and Jill finally relented, she got back onto the bed and laid next to Kathy, looking deep into her eyes before she placed a hand on her friend’s cheek and brought her glistening red lips to Kathy’s giving her the first lesbian kiss of her life. Kathy kissed back hezitently and then more passionatly, tasting the heady mix of her own juices abd Chase’s canine seed as her tongue entwined with the other woman’s. She felt Jill’s breast press against her own as she leaned in more and a thrill went through Kathy as she had her first passion filled kiss with a member of the same sex.

“How does it look Kath?” Jill asked with a chuckle. “As good as it feels?”

Kathy laughed but didn’t reply right away; she just took in the sight of Chase’s hard pink cock thrusting into Jill’s wet pussy. Seeing the pink shaft as it came part way out and then disappeared back inside the folds was intoxicating, she had felt it a few times by now over the last few months since losing her canine virginity, but seeing it happen up close was something else.

“It looks delicious” Kathy said and licked her lips; she had a huge desire to lean her head up and lick both the wet hard cock and the wet soft pussy it was sliding into.

It was just over an hour since Jill had licked Kathy’s pussy clean and they had shared the kiss. After it had ended both women had explored each other a little, Kathy had rubbed her friend’s breasts and sucked on her nipples, feeling the stiff erect nub in her mouth as she sucked on them and listened to Jill moan had been almost enough to make her orgasm, she had squeezed them with her hands, feeling the soft flesh move as she manipulated it like clay, before she had slipped her fingers into Jill’s wet pussy and begun to rub her clit with her thumb. Sliding her fingers back and forth as she kissed Jill’s neck and brougbt her to orgasm.

Jill had repaid the orgasm with another one for Kathy brought about by her fingers also. Then they had rested up, letting their bodies recover until Chase had shown an interest again. This time, however, Jill had got him up on the bed with them and let him mount her there where Kathy could lay back and watch closely what was happening.

“Oh, just wait until he fills me and you get to suck that big, fat, wet dog cock with my juice and his cum all over it!” Jill said as she moaned in pleasure from Chase’s cock as it pounded into her pussy.

Kathy groaned at the thought, she was so wet and aroused from watching as the big dog cock slid into Jill, and the thought of sucking it clean when he finally finished was too much for her to think about right now. I may orgasm just from the thought she told herself.

Her eyes went back to where Chase’s cock met Jill’s pussy, watching the pink dog cock, looking so different then a man, enveloped by her friend’s pussy was unreal, she could hear the sounds of their union, a wet slapping sound as he thrust into Jill with doggy power. Kathy was in a 69 position with her friend, although she wasn’t under Jill, she was actually laid to her side, so she got a very good close-up view of what it looked like when a dog fucked a woman hard.

Jill gasped as she felt Chase’s swelling knot hit against her pussy lips and Kathy watched as her friend leaned backwards with her weight and the large ball of hard flesh pressed against her pussy lips and then slowly but surely pushed them apart and went inside. As soon as his knot was in, Kathy felt a rush of excitment and she rubbed her own pussy a little harder, she could smell the scent of sex all around her and it was driving her wild with lust.

Both women began to make pleasure filled sounds, Jill gave a little commentary on what was happening, how she could feel his cock pulsing as it filled her with his hot dog cum and Kathy felt her friend’s arm sneak across her thigh and hold her leg for support as she came from feeling her pussy stretched and filled by Chase’s cock. Feeling the skin on skin contact of Jill’s arm as she held Kathy’s leg while her pussy was having dog cum deposited in it made Kathy gasp out as she came again too. She had lost count of the amount she had orgasmed so far today.

After a few minutes of filling Jill, Chase’s watery cum began to dribble out from around the tight seal of his knot and Kathy watched as it ran down her friends naked thigh, once it got close enough to her mouth she licked it off which made Jill gasp and cry out in surprise for a second before she settled down and just enjoyed feeling Kathy’s tongue touching her again.

Finally after another five minutes, the big moment arrived abd it was time for Chase to pull free. Kathy waited with excitment to see him pull out, she knew a torrent of his cum and Jill’s juice would flow and she couldn’t wait to see it. Her eyes were glued to Jill’s crotch as she saw the first signs of movement from Chase, his hips pulling back and sure enough there was the wet ‘plop’ as his fat, dripping and very long cock came free hanging down under him like a big lollypop.

Kathy watched, her mouth open and eyes wide as the pink cock revealed itself, it wass long and glistening with juice and cum, the knot had shrunk down but could still be seen and she didn’t waste a second. Kathy reached up and took hold of the base of Chase’s big cock, holding him steady as she leaned up and took the first inch of slick dog cock into her mouth, sucking eagerly and tasting the fresh cum and pussy juice mix that coated it before she took another inch into her mouth.

She had always enjoyed sucking cock, now esspecially dog cock, but normally she did it before she was mated not after, this was better, the taste was like nothing else and the wetness, knowing it had come from Jill’s pussy, sent her into an orgasmic rush as she sucked the big dog cock harder and began to rub her tongue along its length while bobbing her head a little.

Jill was watching, she had turned onto her back and was rubbing her own soaked and dripping pussy, as Kathy sucked the German Shepherd that had brought them both so much pleasure, her lips were closed tight around the big pink cock and her cheeks hollowed out as she sucked hard and fast, cleaning up the mess and swallowing what she could of it.

Kathy felt Chase trying to move away and while she loved sucking his big cock, she knew she had best leave him to do what he did after he had finished mating his human bitches. She let him slip from between her lips and smiled as he jumped off the bed and went into a corner to relax. She then turned her attention to Jill who was still on her back with her thighs spread and dripping pussy on show.

“I think it’s time you did that for me too Kath” Jill said with a grin as she used two fingers to spread her pussy lips and open herself up for Kathy who eagerly repositioned and got her head down between her friend’s thighs before she licked a line up her inner thigh towards her pussy, leaving a clean trail on her skin as she licked off the wet dog cum and sweat that had dribbled down it.

Kathy looked into the open wet hole that was being presented to her and saw the canine cum sloshing around inside, she slipped a finger in and scooped some of it out before she rubbed it onto Jill’s big hard clit and then licked it off. Jill moaned and told Kathy how good it felt to have her pussy licked after being fucked by her dog and Kathy slipped her tongue into the offered hole, rubbing the tip along the roof of her friend’s pussy and savouring the taste of dog cum and pussy juice. She had now tasted it with and without dog cum and if she was honest she didn’t know which she liked more!

Jill’s free hand came down and rested on Kathy’s head, entwining a little in her dyed fair hair as she used it to guide Kathy to where she wanted her to lick, Kathy allowing herself to be shown just how Jill liked to be pleasured by another woman and storing it for any possible future repeats.

Kathy licked and sucked her friend’s pussy, her previous nervousness gone and forgotten and just pure pleasure guided her as she gave oral to Jill, licking all of the dog cum from inside and off her thighs and pussy lips, she pressed her nose into Jill’s unshaved pubic hair as she got her tongue deeper in her pussy to get the cum that had not yet dribbled out, and got a good strong scent of very aroused female for her trouble.

Looking up with her eyes she saw the pleasure on Jill’s face as she ate her pussy out, and seeing it made Kathy want to bring her friend to orgasm all the more. She used both her hands to cup and squeeze Jill’s fleshy plump ass cheeks as she doubled her efforts with her tongue, sliding it in and out of her friend’s pussy, pressing it against her clit which she sucked hard with her lips and listened to the sweet music that was Jill moaning and crying out as an orgasm built.

Kathy felt her own pussy tingle as she licked and sucked on Jill’s clit, she could orgasm herself any moment she thought and all she was doing was giving the pleasure! She listened to her friend groan and sensed the big finish was near, she slipped her tongue back into Jill and flicked it around looking for the spot she had found before that had made her orgasm so quickly, after a few tries Kathy found the spot and as soon as her tobgue touched that sensitive little area on the roof of Jill’s pussy she came with a rush.

The orgasm was intense and Kathy enjoyed every second of it as she squeezed Jill’s soft ass cheeks and pulled her crotch harder against her mouth while she came, lapping up the extra wetness and enjoying the taste of fresh pussy juice. As soon as the orgasm was over Kathy moved up until she was laid on top of Jill, their plump older bodies touching, her hanging soft breasts resting on Jill’s as she leaned down and kissed her friend, their lips parting as they met, tongues entwining once again as they shared the taste just as they had previously.

Kathy was never going to be a lesbian that was for sure, she knew she was straight and loved penises too much, but this had been a very good experience which she had enjoyed greatly, just as her first time with a dog had opened her up to new pleasure this one had done the same and she thought how much life had changed since she had turned sixty, maybe life did start then after all!