At one time I lived in the UK from 2002-2005. While there I met a woman younger than I by 11 years. She is a property agent, overtly bi-sexual leaning toward full blown lez, hot, and kinky. We became quite intimate friends and continue to communicate with each other to this day. With her permission, I am submitting an e-mail message she shared with me in mid April of 2007. I can attest that there are some HOT and kinky girls going up the M-4 & M-5 and on the M-56 and the A-56. Cotton’s has some of the hottest and kinkiest girls in the West Midlands.



Hello my beautiful and only Mistress. Sorry I wasn’t around yesterday, but it was for a very good reason. I have been thinking it was high time my little Natalie became trained in becoming a true bitch. I bought a doggy dick shaped dildo. It is one of the softer plastic jelly type dildo. It is about 12 inches long, with the knot being situated at about the 9 inch mark. The base is made so that the dildo can be adapted to a harness. I downloaded the movie of the blonde English bitch and her nice big doggy. It is plain to me that bitch REALLY loves her doggy! And you know that I love Rebel, so I reckoned that Natalie should be his bitch too!

With these randy and kinky thoughts in mind, I called Nat in the morning and invited her round for the afternoon. I made no mention of what I had in mind, only telling her we would have a bit of wine, a small nosh, and a lot of fun. She is always as horny as a toad, so I knew that telling her we would have fun would cinch getting her to accept. I told her to come around about 2ish and to wear something really hot.

Anyway Nat turns up in a big long coat, (yes crap ole Blighty weather) but when she tales it off she has the shortest mini skirt I have ever seen! This together with a nice tight pink top (her skirt was lilac).
Nice 4″ heels too, and in pink, after all, she has just turned 18 in Jan and this is the rave of all the girls!

Well needless to say, my hand went up that skirt in about a nano-second! That slut was on heat, I swear. Now I put my evil little plan into operation. It involved a lot of wine (hee hee hee) some cheese and crackers, and long slow kisses and caresses. When Nat was good and tipsy, and ultra horny, which wasn’t too long, I started to get all domme with her.

First of all I was saying, “do you love me? Do you want to be my little girl?” All the time kissing her and stroking her tits, legs, and arse. “Are you going to obey me? Ohh Nat, I have some wonderful treats for you. But you must promise to do anything I command.”

She was all teary and moaning, “oh yes, yes Suzy, I want to be all yours”. “I want to be yours and your only girl.” I said “You want to be my little bitch girl?”
She was saying, “oh yeah, please!”
So I said “get your knickers off bitch, and give me the best oral ever.”

Well she was down there like a shot, and to her credit she was VERY good. She licked my pussy lips long and slow while looking up at me from in between my thighs. Then I said, “are you momma´s best little bitch’’ and she was saying “oh yes, yes I am”.

Then I said, “I got a nice present for you bitch” and started playing the movie.

Now as you know, in the film, that blonde plays with her pussy for about 10 minutes before there is any sign of Mr. DD (doggy dick!). Nat is unaware of what the film theme is after I start it. I pull Nat up to the sofa after starting the video. As the film plays, I kiss her and feel up her fine tight titties. I pull her nipples and twist them while she squeals. I force her to spread her legs as wide as she can and spank her hot little pussy. I swear Kathleen, the hot little cunt was spraying juices all over my carpet from me finger fucking her and spanking her pussy. The sweet 3 hole whore was so fucking wet.

After a good 10-12 minutes of the film, I have four fingers deep into her wet little hole and she is purring!!! I am saying stuff like, “do you like the nice lady? Isn’t she pretty? She is a really nice girl. I want you to do everything that nice lady does. Promise me that you will”

Now Nat is assuming that all she is promising is to give me a show. How wrong she was!

About 5 minutes before Mr. Doggy Dick gets involved, I tell Nat, “get onto the floor you hot cunt slut. Get right in front of the telly. Get on your hands and knees with your fine teen ass high in the air and your head and shoulders on the carpet.” She is more than willing to do this. I get down and strip right next to her.

Nat is fully clothed except for her panties which I had removed almost the moment she arrived. I take her mini-skirt and hoist it over her fine ass. Next, I get Mr. Doggy dick dildo and strap him on in front of Nat so she can see my every move. That bitch was dripping! Her eyes got big (the regular strap on dildo I use on her is but 9 inches long and maybe an inch and half thick.) and she was panting like a winded Olympic sprinter!

I start working her cunny with my fingers. I would smack her ass and pussy with the dildo.”Thwap! Thwap. Thwap. Thwap.” I swatted her fine sexy butt alternating my hand and the dick. When I had my fingers in her the little slut would back up on my hand and fingers like Hamburg Repperbahn whore.

It was all a bit new for her, but she enjoys the game saying, “Oh momma´s girl been so bad” and stuff like that. I get the head of the dildo in her steaming cunt about and inch or so and ask her, “is your little pussy hungry for some dick little girl? Are you Mama’s fine slut whore? One that will do whatever the pretty lady in the video does? Beg me for this dick little pussy whore! Beg Mama to fuck your hot pussy like no one has ever fucked it before.”

Little Nat whimpers and is sobbing, “OHHH please Suzy, please fuck my pussy. My pussy wants your dick. My pussy loves your dick. Feed my starving kitty pussy, PLEEEE-ZZZE. I start pushing a few inches in her drenched cunt her just as Mr. dd makes his appearance. I feel Nat stiffen as it dawns on her what she is seeing.

She goes, “OMG Suzy, what is this?” I answered, “that nice lady is going to show you what it means to be a REAL bitch, and how to take big huge doggy dick, AND you are going to love it!”

I can tell she is poised between disgust and intrigue, so I push it and say “remember you promised me you would do everything that blonde bitch does and you will cause you are MY BITCH NOW!!! On those last 3 words I rammed the doggy dick dildo all the way to the knot into her more than willing cunt. I kept pounding her till she screamed and came. Thought she was going to squeal the place down.

I was yelling “You WILL do that for your momma you little bitch, SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK-SMACK”- my hand swatting her ass!!! As I fucked her trying to force the knot on the dildo into her frothing cunt. (I was a LITTLE drunk too!) She was squealing and sobbing with passion as Mr. Doggy Dick Dildo rode her hot pussy.

I said, “look at that nice lady. See how she loves sucking her doggy dick. You will love it too, I will show you how.”

Nat said, “OMG!! You have done it before?”

I rubbed her ass tenderly while plunging the dildo (knot and all) in and out of her slimy cunt. “Oh yes, my Little Bitch. I have done it often and it is sooo good. You will do it for your momma and very soon, SAY IT ,BITCH!!!

So she says in a tiny little voice, “yes , I will do it if you want me to.”

Then I REALLY began to ream her hole. She came so many times, she kinda collapsed!
I got all sweet with her then, telling her how much I love her and how sweet she is. How she is my little girl.

We carried on for hours. I was very nice to her then, giving her lots of oral attention, mmmmmm.
I made her watch another movie with a black dog and long dark haired model and played with her pussy all the while.

I think she is into it as she did cum abut 4 more times. She went home a little meeker than when she came, but she called me later to say she loved me, so I think it is on for when I want. I am seeing her again in a day or so and then I shall call Caz to tell her what I have in mind. Little Nat is going to be a wonderful BITCH.

Your Bitch, Suzy


Received May 28, 2007

Darling Mistress,

After having Nat over to the house back in April and playing the doggy videos for her while I fucked her ragged with the doggy dick strap-on, I began to plot as how I would get Nat involved with Rebel. My friend Caz owns Rebel. Caz and I had been playing with Rebel for some months and Caz keeps indicating she wanted a more permanent and exclusive relationship with me. As I was also fucking little Natalie, I wondered how Caz would react when I told her about Nat? I pondered this for a long while, and as Nat was heavily involved in her studies for her exams, I was not able to see her as often as I would like. Luckily for me and my dilemma, Caz was called away to SW Wales on business. She asked me to keep Rebel whilst she was away.

I realized that having Nat watch girl-doggy videos while being fucked by a doggy dildo is a long way from actually engaging in animal sex. I further concluded that having Nat over and the dog immediately entering the room would not be a great mood setter. I kept thinking that I should have Nat round and get her worked up again by starting with some wine and foreplay. I felt certain I could have her drooling and begging for me to fuck her with the dog dick dildo in no time. Then I could get all domme with her. Continue teasing her combined with some rough dominance would bring Nat to begging me to allow Rebel to fuck her.

I finally concluded that with Caz away it was now or never for Natalie and doggy dick. Nat started her ‘A’ levels on May 21 with a finish on Sat morning May 26. Nat is a terrific student. She has plans to attend university to major in biological sciences, with hopes of attaining a MS in environmental science and water management. She told me that her last examination was to be at 9:00 AM on May 26. I told Nat to come round as soon as she put her pen down from the exam.

I stopped fucking and sucking Rebel on the 22nd. Caz had been away since the 16th, so I was confident that Mr. Rebel had not had any pussy since the 22nd. I had seen Nat briefly on the 21st and the 25th. All we were able to do was meet at the pub for lunch. On each occasion, I did manage to get Nat into the ladies loo.

Her fat little pussy would get soooo wet, and when I locked her into the stall with me, she was dripping. I spanked her fine ass a little and masturbated her until she was at the brink of orgasm, and then I would stop without allowing her to cum. I harshly pinched and twisted her clit and nipples as I told her that this was my contribution to insuring her attention stayed focused on her studies and her exams.

I organized my schedule so that my last appointment to show a home occurred at 10:00 AM on the 26th. The home was an estate in the country just outside the village of Priestbury. It was a easy 30 minute drive from there back to my place. The university was in Stockport, and again about a 30 minute drive for Natalie. She sent me a text at 8:50 AM, just prior to starting the exam, telling me she would be finish the exam by 11:00. She said she had an errand or 2 and she would be sure to be at my place by 2:00 PM.

I concluded my showing at 10:45. The couple was out of their depth, as I felt sure that the house was well beyond their means. I had some info on some other properties that were significantly lower in price, and I gave these to the couple and pointed out a few places that I felt would meet their requirements, financially as well as interior home space. We agreed to meet in the coming week to pursue 1 or 2 of the better possibilities. In route home, I stopped and got 2 bottles of Balmicia Italian white wine. The wine would go well with the grilled fish, prawns, saffron seasoned rice, and the fresh green beans I planned for out lunch.

Reaching home at 11:25, I organized the meal. The beans and rice were prepared and ready. I started cooking them about 1 or a bit after. The fish and prawns had been marinating overnight. The fire was ready to light in the grill. The wine was superbly chilled. I heard Nat’s car drive up and I looked out the window. She had come round the drive so that she was perpendicular to the window. I watch as she opened the driver’s door, and stepped out. She wore an ultra short denim skirt, and as she spread her legs to exit, I saw her frilly pale blue knickers. Her top was a short sleeved red jersey affair that clung to her high firm breasts. I could see her nipples, and reckoned she wore no bra.

I spoke softly to Rebel, “you are going to get some new pussy today big boy, and I can promise you, it is a really wet, hot, and sweet pussy.” Reb panted as though he understood my every word.

I quickly got Rebel by the collar and got him down into the basement. By the time I got back up the few stairs, Nat had opened the front entry and was calling my name. I ran to her, collected her in my arms and gave her a long soft kiss. Made the proper congratulatory remarks and led her to the kitchen. I poured her a glass of wine and raised my glass in toast; “to my brilliant, beautiful, ambitious, and sexy SLUT. Darling, I know that this day shall be one that will live in your memory forever.”

As we sipped out wine, I put the fish and prawns on the grill. I had marinated the seafood in a light butter, garlic, and lime sauce seasoned with pepper, rosemary, thyme, tarragon, and a pinch of dill. The 2 pieces of fish and the prawns sizzled as I placed them on the grill. With a mischievous grin, I commented that was the identical sound I intended to hear from Nat’s hot little pussy as the doggy dick dildo worked it. She giggled and blushed telling me to ‘shoosh’ as the neighbors might hear.

As the fish and prawns cooked, I asked Nat to place some finished rice and beans in the double side serving dish and place the dish in the microwave. I grilled the fish and prawns for 4 minutes on one side and when I flipped them, I asked Nat to start the micro for 4 minutes. I removed the fish and prawns placing 1 piece of fish and 3 prawns in a plate for Nat and the other piece of fish and 3 prawns in my plate. We each took some rice and beans, and as Nat sat, I topped our glasses with wine.

As we ate, I talked of her going to university and how I would miss her. I rambled on as to how she would meet new friends in her age group, as soon I would be forgotten to her. Tears welled in Nat’s eyes as she promised she would never abandon me for anyone. Smiling at her, I slipped my silk stocking clad foot between her legs and gently rubbed her pussy.

Looking directly into Nat’s huge eyes, I commanded her, “spread your legs little slut girl. Spread your legs for Mommy. Let me rub your sweet pussy while you eat. And if you are a really good little girl, I shall give you a nice new treat.”

I rose and went to a side drawer. From it I removed 2 pieces of silken rope, each about 18” long. I also removed a purple velvet collar with a circular leash ring and a silver heart attached to the collar. Nat eyes me curiously as I walked to her with the cords dangling in my hand. She could not quite make out the collar.

I took Nat’s right hand and kissed the interior of her palm where her thumb joins her palm. I slowly sucked her fingers, and as she sighed and moaned, I wrapped the cord around her wrist and then secured her wrist to the arm of the chair. I performed the same ritualistic ceremony with her left hand. As Nat’s breathing increased, I blatantly showed her the collar. I told her this collar symbolized that I owned her. The collar made Nat my Pet and as my pet, she would fuck and suck who or whatever I demanded. As I spoke these words softly to Nat, I pulled her red top up to her neck exposing her breasts.

I leaned in and began to kiss and nibble at Nat’s neck. I nuzzled her neck, softly kissing her lips, and pulled her hair so her head tilted backward. As I slowly kissed her, I spoke to her in a low but commanding voice.

“Nat my beautiful girl, you are Mommy’s slut. Do you know what a slut is darling? Answer Mommy, Nat dearest. Do you know the definition of a slut?”

Nat’s mouth opened yet no sound emerged. She shook her head from side to side.

“Darling, how is it that you have completed your A levels, you have been accepted by 4 of the finest universities in the kingdom, and you do not know the proper definition of the word ‘slut’?” I asked with a trace of disdain in my voice.

Nat looked at me and shyly said, “I don’t know Miss. I think a slut is a girl that has no regard for her reputation. She is a tart, a trollop, a whore or such.”

I slapped Nat’s right tit. I swung my hand from the wrist and whacked her tit back and forth, striking the outer side and the inner side equally in number and force.

“WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP-WHAP” sounded as I struck Nat’s breast. I shook my head and pulled her nipple with my thumb and forefinger. As I pulled harder on her nipple and began to twist it, I said, “no my love. A slut is a girl that will do anything for one special particular person. A slut belongs exclusively to someone.”

I saw the glitter come to Nat’s eyes as I said these words. I commenced to slap her other breast in the same manner as the first. Looking at Nat I said, “a whore is a girl that will do anything for anyone. A whore does not exclusively belong to another person. Thus a girl may be a slut and yet retain the utmost respect from others, while a whore may be admired, yet she forgoes a modicum of respect in return for the admiration.

A brief analogy Darling, Mrs. Thatcher was greatly admired by every woman of the kingdom, yet, she was not respected by all those that admired her. She was a whore to her political beliefs. Had she been a slut to those beliefs, she would have never risen from her parliamentary seat.”

You, my beautiful Nat, are my slut. Tell me that you are my slut. Tell Mommy that you are her slut and her property. Tell Mommy NOW!” I twisted each of Nat’s nipples as I issued my last command.

A sharp intake of breath whistled through Nat’s teeth as she sucked air when I twisted her nipples. She rose a bit from the chair cushion and said, “I am your slut Mommy. You own me. If you command, I shall whore for you. I love you Suzy, I mean Mommy”.

“Stay put little hot pussy girl. I have a surprise for you!” I rose and fetched Rebel from the basement. Leading the huge dog into the room, Natalie’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Leading Rebel about 6’ in front of the chair, I told him to sit. I have to say Caz has him well trained ‘cause he obeyed.

“Wha…wha…what’s the dog for Miss?” Nat asked me.
“Why darling, he is for you. Or should I say, You Are For Him!! Hee hee hee”. I giggled.

Natalie began to shake her head negatively. I caught her chin in my hand to stop her head shaking and looked into her eyes. I leaned forward and in a low hissing voice said, “Nat my Love. I own you. You are going to give Rebel some of your hot wet pussy. You will love his dick. You love the strap on doggy dick I fuck you with, so, you are bound to love the real doggy dick. And I promise you, Rebel will fuck you the best ever. And my Darling Beautiful Lover once Rebel fucks you, you won’t want any other dick but his beautiful dick. Now tell me, TELL YOUR MOMMY, that you are going to give Rebel some pussy. Then I want you to tell him you are going to give him some pussy.”

I felt this was essential in breaking Natalie. I recall how you made me say much the same when you initiated me into doggy dick. I know that once you made me say it, my will was broken, and I would do it. I felt he same would work and apply to Natalie.


Nat began to sob and the tears flowed like rivers down her cheeks. I near caved in to tell her, “forget it. I am sorry.” She looked at me, and I thought sure she was going to say, ‘I can’t’, but she blubbered.

“Suu…Miss Suuuzy, I want to give Rebel some pussy. I want to fuck him please.” Turning her head a bit, Nat looked at Rebel and said, “I have some good pussy for you Rebel boy. Do you want some pussy from Natalie? I promise you it is good pussy, and Miss says you have a wonderful dick. I want you to make me cum Rebel. I want you to make me your bitch!”

Mistress, I near fucking fainted when hot ass Natalie muttered these things. My cunt was on fire. I nearly fucked Rebel first. I was so horny I could not see straight. My clit was throbbing and twanging like a plucked guitar string.

I hurriedly untied Nat from the arms of the chair. Pulling her to the hassock, I turned her and got her draped over it so she faced Rebel. Her hot ass and wet pussy were propped up in the air as her head and tits hung toward the floor.

“Look Nat,” I said. I was kneeling beside Rebel rubbing and stroking his short hair sheath. Talking softly to him, and knowing Nat was a sucker for nasty talk, I murmured: “Natalie is going to give you some pussy Rebel. She wants to give you some. She wants you to fuck her good Boy. You have to fuck her hard and deep. Her sweet cunt will open for you. Your dick tip will pop her cervix and womb. When you hot knot swells and locks in her cunt and your dick starts to contract and jerk as you pump her womb full of your hot hot cum, I promise you Sweet Nat will cum for you like no other bitch can cum for you. Her pussy is your pussy Rebel. She is you bitch. Make her your Bitch Rebel boy.”

Talking and stroking, Rebel’s big red doggy dick began to emerge from his sheath. Longer and longer it became, and although it didn’t swell yet, Nat’s eyes again widened. I don’t think she realized it, but the hot pussy little whore actually licked her full lips. I wasn’t sure she did it because her lips were dry, if she wanted to suck his dick, or if the site of it made her pussy crave it.

“Look at this dick Darling.” I chuckled as Natalie gazed down at the jutting weapon. “How do you like it darling?” I asked Nat. “G-Godddd!” Natalie repeated as I stroked Rebel slick dick. “I-I’ve never seen anything like it…!”

I pulled Rebel’s collar making him come forward stopping a few inches in front of Natalie. “Maybe you better get better acquainted with it, Natalie, baby,” I half-hissed. “Let’s take it in that hot little hand of yours and get the feel of this doggy dick.”

Natalie knew what was expected. She slowly inched her hand forward as I continued to stroke Rebel’s huge pulsating dick. I placed Nat’s small hand gently on Rebel’s dick. She wrapped her slender fingers around that scarlet shaft. “Make it grow baby.” I commanded her softly. “Make Rebel dick get huge for your hot pussy. You know you loved that jelly doggy dick dildo. Feel how hot his dick is, and imagine how it is going to fell buried deep in your pussy.”

Natalie wailed and sobbed like a school girl. “OHHH Miss,” she cried. “I want it. I want this hot dick. I really want to give him some pussy.”

Mistress, I knew I had her then. I knew Hot Pussy Natalie was going to be my doggy whore. “You are a luscious little bitch, baby. Do you want to lick it? Maybe suck itine. and make it even bigger for your pussy?” Let me lift Rebel up so his front paws are on the hassock. Let’s see how well you suck dick… and give it a good tongue-job first.”

It wasn’t the first dick Nat had sucked, but I think it was the biggest. Natalie moved her head in closer flicking out her tiny tongue. She licked away some droplets of white moisture seeping from the pointy tip of Rebel’s dick. I think the pungency of Rebel’s animal musk increased desire in Nat’s feverish young belly and loins. She began to lick and swirl her tongue around the pointy tip and down the length of Rebel’s dick. When she opened her mouth and took it in closing her lips around his dick and started bobbing her dead while gently sucking, Rebel whined like a little puppy. I think Nat’s heart melted when she heard that whine.

“Feel his dick grow in your mouth Darling. Your pretty little pie hole is warm and soft around his dick. He is making that dick get big for you Baby. Just think how that dick is going to fell as he jack hammers your hot wet pussy. Darling Nat, doggies fuck faster than anything you can think of. They want your pussy and they fuck baby. You will never be fucked liked a doggy can fuck you.”

Nat whimpered and moaned with her mouth sucking Rebel’s dick. I told her to take it out of her mouth and when she did, spurts of pre-cum were jetting from his dick.. Nat kept her mouth open to capture the pre-cum. “He’s cumming Miss!” she cried.

I laughed and said, “No he isn’t my love. That’s his pre-cum. Dog’s emit loads of cum-like lubricant. This is what he is spurting. Suck him slowly Babe. We don’t want him to cum until he is knotted in your pussy.” Again Nat whimpered and groaned. Rebel’s dick fell from her mouth. She was panting like a long distance runner.

“Natlae Luv, are you ready for Rebel to take your pussy? Are you ready to give him your pussy? Do you want that big red doggy dick Darling? Do you want to be fucked best ever? Tell me my sweet Bitch.”

“OHHHH Yes Miss!” Nat crooned. I am ready for his dick. I want his dick. I want him to take my pussy. This is Rebel’s pussy Miss. He owns my pussy! I want his big dick fucking me and I want it now.”

I got Rebel behind Nat. She was dripping cunt cream from her snatch. Rebel’s long wide tongue shot out and licked Natalie from her clit all the way down through her slit and then up through the crack of her ass and over her tail bone. Two, then a third long swipe of his tongue and Natalie was purring. “OHHHHH GAWD!!” she groaned. That is heaven.” Lick your pussy Rebel. Lick your poussy then fuck it. Make Nat your hot pussy bitch. Do it now Pllleeeeze.!”

“Now, Rebel. Get the pussy Reb. Fuck the pussy. Fuck Natalie Rebel!” I ordered.

I jealously watched the young Labrador move up behind Natalie’s firm, rounded young buttocks with innate trained instinct.

Natalie choked back a semi-frightened gasp. Her blood ran a little last minute cold. Suddenly she felt something wet and HOT prodding back between her nakedly exposed buttocks! But before she could speak, Rebel moved his hips and his dick downward toward the tight and pulsing mouth of her hairless hot fuck hole. Nat stiffened and jerked at the spasmodic probing touches of Rebel’s dick against her sensitive young pussy. “Ohhh help him Miss! Please help Rebel.” Natlaie cried to me.

“Help him do what darling?” I asked coyly. “OGGGG GOD, help him get his dick in my pussy. I want IT!” With an unrestrained moan of lust, Natalie shifted her lush round buttocks in a desperate searching effort to capture the dog’s lengthening dick. I clasped my hand around Rebel’s slimy shaft and fed the tip into Nat’s waiting starving pussy. She was sobbing again. She had to have the long, glistening phallus up inside her before she lost her mind. She reached back between her thighs, grasping the lust-hardened animal dick and causing Rebel to half-growl, half-whimper, as she guided the pointed tip to the now hungrily sucking mouth of her excitedly flushed vagina.

Feeling the hot wet warmth of Natalie’s cunt, Rebel flexed his powerful hips. Immediately as he humped forward, his dick split her 18 year old passage wider and wider as he pushed and pressed his long throbbing length deep up inside her pulsating fuck tube. Mistress, I watched in avaricious fascination, as that thick scarlet dick slithered forward with a moist audible sound until it was Reb’s knot was banging Nat’s pussy lips. I grinned in lewd, ecstatic delight, as Rebel’s soft, sperm-filled balls smacked hard up into the softly curved swollen pussy lips. Knowingly or unknowingly, Nat spread her thighs wider, lowering her head and tits in subjugation as she did so.

“Oh…! Oh my God!” Natalie blurted unintelligibly. Her passion roared like an inferno as that doggy beast began to fuck her savagely. “Unnhhhghh… unnnhghh… unnnnhghhhh!” she grunted as her ass began to move backwards on Rebel’s dick. Nat was moving backwards rhythmically to meet Rebel’s long strokes plunging deep into the rising heat of her pussy. I had no doubt that Natalie was going to be Rebel’s prime bitch and pussy.

I grinned as Rebel fucked her with rising speed and fury. I gently cupped Rebel’s balls in my hand. They were heavy and beginning to draw up into his scrotum. This dog was going to fill this hot bitch with more cum than she could ever dream of being spewed in her pussy.

Natalie had waited so long and now she had no control what so ever. But, I think Nat concluded I was right, the wait and Rebel’s dick fucking her pussy had been worth it! She couldn’t stand anymore. She started to cry in a little child sing song voice. She was cumming and cumming as Rebel. spurted jet after jet of hot hot cum deep in her womb and her pussy. Doggy cum seeped from the bulging pussy lips as Rebel had his knot locked securely in Nat’s cunt. As he slow pushed/pulled his huge throbbing dick, his knot would pressure her G spot. This kept Nat cumming, wailing, sobbing, crying, and squealing as the dog dick spurts and the knot pulling over her G-spot was more than Nat could cope with. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue fell out of her mouth. Rebel had fucked her to a faint!

Natalie was lost in the heat of her own passion. When she came too, Rebel was still inside her and spewed a spurt of cum every once in a while. After some time (I timed about 27 minutes) Rebel got his dick out of Nat. He padded around in front of her. I could not have trained him any better as he plopped in front of her and began to lick the object of her passion and pleasure. Mistress I swear, at that moment that bitch Nat fell in love!!

I believe she wanted to take his dick in her mouth and clean it for him. She wanted to swallow his cum and feel it dribble down her throat.

After another 20 minutes or so, Nat rose and called her home informing them she was with her friends and intended to stay over with one of them. I lost count, but I think Rebel fucked her more than 9 times the rest of the day and evening. Her pussy lips were raw and sore from his tongue and the pounding of his dick. She would simply plop to her knees with her head and tits down whenever he licked her cunt. She was his bitch and he owned her pussy.

So, now Rebel has 3 bitches. Caz wasn’t as upset as I thought she would be. In fact, she and Nat are talking of getting another dog. Who knew?!?

Love you always. You are my owner. Suzy I.