(c) 2012 by flamingphoenix

Chapter One

As the village slowly began to disappear behind him as he continued down the winding road that weaved down the other side of the hill into a sloping plain, Jaren allowed for the days’ events and daily news that had come throughout the village to begin to play in his mind. He had gone about soon after arriving in the village market area setting up the vendor stand with canvas for market, it being located on the side of the main street that sat in the middle of the village. Around him, the inhabitants of the village and surrounding farms that soon joined his stand, his ears continued to pick up the startling news of the day.

It seemed like the beast, one that had been myth and legend never considered real that kept the children from disobeying their parents when they were told to go to bed, had attacked another victim during the night. Like before the victim was yet again female, a young vibrant girl that lived in one of the outer farming estates that border the forest, wealthy indeed making her believe that the likely hood of a encounter unlikely. Originally gone out to fetch a pale of water from the well that was situated in the middle of the farm surrounded by several servant buildings and storehouses offering a comforting feeling for her to continue out of the house just as the full moon had risen above the horizon illuminating the entire farm almost.

After retrieving the pale of water from the well, she had started back toward the house when she was attacked her tackling her to the ground just within feet of the door although no one seemed to have heard the sharp thud when she landed on the ground. Within minutes laying there in a dazed state almost the young girl found her clothing been ripped from her young healthy body by the unknown creature or assailant in the process leaving her body exposed to the harsh cold night air sending goose bumps running throughout her body as she tried to cover her body as best as possible. She tried to scream after coming to realize what was about to happen, however she found herself being thrown on to all fours where a furry hand clasped over her mouth stifling it before it could come out.

Finding that she had only a second before a massive intruder about the size of a fist that had been rubbing up and down her virgin pussy lips was suddenly thrust forward tearing into her cherry ripping away the barrier that once protected her womb from seed getting her pregnant. Her father had been teaching her to be faithful and waiting until her wedding night before losing it.

She reported that the beasts thrusts seemed feverish and lustful as it pounded away at her body seeming to enjoy her silent pleads to stop the rape however the pleads seemed to fall on deaf ears. Trying to hide everything that had actually happened not even revealing that a brief few minutes after the entire thing started, the once virgin had started moaning like a slut pushing back into the beasts thrusts seemingly wanting more of the thick pole that was dominating her entire body. She had at one point passed out when the massive knot had tied the two together allowing the beast to pick the girl up in his arm taking her to the family’s barn where it had left her after finally being released from her once tight opening.

Laying her down in the hay, he went about having an evening snack that consisted of a couple of medium sized pigs that filled his belly easily. Not wanting to take any risk of being found, the beast had left the barn in a state of both slaughter and smelling of heavy sex trails of semen dribbled across a great deal of hay.

Many of the farm hands had found the girl in when they came in to start working on main duties in the current state. The poor girl found herself slowly waking up barely catching herself from calling out to the beast that wasn’t there however right now she was in need more until she realized who was shaking her awake which she quickly changed to an almost innocent pleading rape.

This had not been the only attack/rape of a female of any age that had happened in this area that it had happened to. Over the past few years, the beast some saying it being a werewolf as it being able to stand on its hind legs with it holding it wolf life features on closer look at it, plus the fact that it would only attack or appear on full moons happening only a few times a month.

Ranging in age from young farm girls that were stupid enough to be out during the night when the full moon appeared to be caught outside doing something or being laid which seemed strange indeed, but hardly admitted afterward when they were found the next morning. To those wanting to see if the creature was real or made up by the popular girls wanting to rub it in that they had sex before anyone else of their age.

To warrior like women that came from a far distant land which were hardly known around these parts, which were expecting to make a name for themselves to become famous or something, always were the ones that pleased the beast the most. Each time in the safety of the darkness of the night watching the warriors slowly walking into the darkness looking for the beast.

The warriors were the ones that pleased him the most that gave him the best pleasure knowing that they struggled the most and pleased him the most in each act. Toying with each of them enjoying the sweet stench of fear and them trying to be brave as they called out challenges to the beast to show it rather than hide. It would be one challenge each of them probably regretted when the beast was having sprinted in and around each of them allowing his hand to brush up against their thigh causing them too frantically to whip around searching for him throwing the blade of their swords around desperately trying to slice into the beast at least.

After a while, the beast finally got bored with the game that he had continued to play and decided to get busy with the task. Instead of just toying with them, each time he passed the woman he did so with claws fully extended catching on to the straps that held up the armor together.

Taking less time, the poor victims that once called themselves proud warriors found themselves defenseless against attacks with no armor leaving them standing there in shirt and underwear, which quickly became a tasteful sight for the wolf. With another pass, the wolf ripped them away from the warriors form allowing the beast to enjoy his target his lips licking its chops looking forward to ripping away the warriors pride within seconds.

By morning, the once arrogant and proud warrior(s) that shrugged off the cat calls and pleads of not going after the beasts by the once victims of the beast in the past. Although the other almost willing victims insisted that they try it, were found stumbling into town clutching the remains of their clothing and armor to their form trying to cover themselves. This time not so arrogant, they were much broken and in a state of shock and daze claiming that they were looking for a new career.

Continuing on a path that would take him straight for home, Jaren found himself cursing his stupidity for staying in town just to finish off a few items in which needed to be taken care of, left him little time to get home before the full moon rose up. He was not worried about the beast although it only targeted females only; it was not the case here. Already he could feel the lust and hunger for sex and meat begin to fill his body and mind signaling the beginning. The only reason why he does not fear the werewolf…is because he was the creature that the entire village continued to fear and some desired.

He was not sure of how it all began as it had been happening for most of his life, as it seemed like it had been a dream. Of how the actual curse had come upon him, was that of a distant memory leaving him with the after effect?

Jaren had little time already with the night had already fallen but the moon had yet to appear fully in the night sky which caused him to snap the reins again trying to hurry the horses down the road hoping to speed everything up. He knew that he would get home just barely having enough time to get the horses in the barn before the creature would start to come out fully in which the painful changes would begin all over again.

Lucky enough he was able to keep the wolf when Jaren lost full control of his body to the wolf when the transformation was complete, from attacking his life stock that he had there to offset if the crops were bad to make some extra money. Although the beast used many of the dogs to satisfy its own lust before it decided it needed something new to satisfy its need to release its lust into something.

To Jaren, after some look through the beasts brain which had joined with his and given time he was able to separate his and the beasts thoughts more properly to make some sense of it, he found that because they were the only beast that was still around, the wolf was just lonely and truly wanted a mate. Someone that was willing to accept it for what it was.

Which it explained the entire rape fest, it was looking for a woman that he felt was a proper mate for him. So far no one that he had attacked did not seem to fit the bill and it was what was causing the attacks to happen plus it was becoming frustrating for both. At one point, he had talked with the wolf about everything that was going on with it starting to worry him to the point that the villagers and farmers will soon start taking up arms against them to the point that they will be hunting them at night instead of the other way around.

With their only true defense at that point was their ability to hide in human form during the day, which if the farmers and villagers took up arms to defend their families and homes, would not save their skin. The werewolf just laughed at it loving to toy with the humans did not seem to care about the possibility of being caught would ever cross his mind.

Letting out a sigh as the wagon quickly approached the faint outline of the farmhouse with the ever-growing lust continued to grow coming to a boiling point at one point. It quickly allowed him to realize that he would have a ton of time to get everything done and out of the way before the changes began.

Just as the wagon reached the middle of the farm those thoughts of safe return went out the door when the door to the house open allowing a new figure appearance from the house offering a warm feeling normally however this time it was filled with terror for the safety of the figure. “Oh no! Not now!” he thought to him as he knew his options were not there anymore with hope of jumping from the wagon and disappears into one of the buildings was gone. Already the werewolf was growing excited about the target in front of him, a target of the night. “Not Luna!”


Chapter Two

Luna, a sweet and pure woman untouched by time, age or the ravishes of the universe or mankind that has been put forth on this world so far, standing 5′ 6” very athletic and slender form wide hips. With large breasts that poked out at everyone that eyed their beauty showing through the very fine clothing that she wore. Long red almost fire like wavy hair that hung down to her shoulders made this maiden once to be deeply desired by everyone in the villages which made Jaren wonder why she hadn’t been married as any man would be lucky to get her as a loving wife.

One other thing that surprised him was that deep down since he became cursed with this fowl disease curse, every time he even looked upon her beauty Jaren felt the lust and hunger begin to rise up even when it was not even a full moon causing him fight desperately to keep the beast contained away from the surface.

Luna, a family friend that became well liked for her beautiful and her cheerful smile, the pair had attended the same school growing up as friends becoming even closer as they grew up making them very close. To the point that she would come by his house to either chat with him before he started working in the fields with other workers that helped clear the fields. Or come in and get dinner cooking for him and the workers which was a handful at times but thankfully she didn’t seem to mind about it as she enjoyed having dinner with him whenever they had a chance.

Since he lived on his own which made keeping his secret much easier especially when the workers would leave the farm for their own homes only a few really stayed on the land staying in separate houses away from the main farm house which made getting in and out of the house without being seen an easy task.

Many of the villagers that really knew Jaren considered him as an outsider, nobody in their eyes one that was never expected to be a suspect of being a werewolf who left him feeling sometimes alone. People would be kind of course whenever needed as if at the market however they occasionally left him alone until he came into the village.

Jaren found Luna’s actual visits always inviting ones at most, finding her beauty enticing like many males in the villages and valley around the area always informative about events that had occurred while he was too busy to make it into village. Other duties she helped with was picking or planting new crops to take to market later on, the visits usually last long just about sunset with the ones that fell on a full moon lasted just into the afternoon as neither wanted to risk the chances of the beast attacking.

So when her sudden appearance that close to the evening caused him to become frantic trying to just keep the wolf from starting the changes too early and taking control the minute he laid eyes on Luna sexy form. Being a truly tough task each time, Jaren found the task a bit easier especially when there was someone that he truly cared or loved for.

Trying desperate to get the horses directed toward the barn in which separated the life stock from each other, finding Luna already walking over to greet him. Quickly he went about unharnessing the horses allowing them to run freely and far away from him knowing that the beast was coming to the surface and it would not be safe to be near it.

“Running a bit late today, huh?” she asked as Jaren met her half-way heading back to the house with idea of trying to get her to leave but he already knew that wasn’t going to be an easy task.

“Yep…had a few things to be taken care of before I got home. I am surprise that you are here this late in the day; usually you don’t come over on market day.” Jaren told her, not to mention on a full moon.

“I forgot something plus you seem to be stressed about something lately, I care for you Jaren.” She said stopping him reaching up a hand and caresses his cheek showing in her eyes that she really did care something that the wolf must have missed because the lust seemed to grow. “Is something wrong?”

“You wouldn’t believe and do you expect to accept the news of who I truly am right now?” he thought feeling the searing pain shoot throughout his body causing him to double over in pain as it continued to race throughout his body causing it to tremble and convulse in the process. He found himself fighting back against the beast trying to push away the pain to allow himself control, however the wolf continued to paw its way to the surface, literally!

Already the pain started to rise further up causing the fight between human and beast to favor the beast moreover causing Jaren to grit his teeth which had already started growing becoming sharp as daggers deadly in appearance. His once crystal eyes when suddenly they closed jerked back open with a sharp groan of pain revealed golden yellow.

“Luna…run!” he gargled as his vocal cords changed reshaping themselves causing him to lose the ability to use human speech. Reaching out with a free hand trying to reach out for her, which was once regular nails finely clipped began breaking and cracking allowing deadly claws to spring out as if trying to claim Luna for their own.

Luna, herself stood there in a state of shock and wonder as her friend start to go through such a painful and horrifying transformation upon seconds of arrival. Given the amount of time that she had spent with Jaren over their lifetime, she had begun to expect something was wrong and different about him, & this was one thing that she almost expected.

Nevertheless, she could never get up the courage to either confirm or confront Jaren about it, one other thing that she was afraid of was if someone in the farm actually figured it out for themselves and they came to kill or bring Jaren to justice. Pulling away his claws quickly regaining control of his shifting body as he grabbed at his shirt snorting and struggling for breath with new muscles and a snow white like fur starting to push up through the skin began to stretch the fabric. Feeling the claws sharp and deadly tearing into the material quickly relieving the pressure on his chest, Jaren did not hesitate a second pulling at it allowing the growing to continue.

Fur continued to sprout up out throughout his sweat laden skin becoming wet as it broke the skin the surface of the skin. Covering every inch of the large portions of his body within seconds leaving no flesh uncovered completely hiding anything that was once human under long hair completely white almost camouflage under the night sky.

Pain continued to rack throughout his body causing him to fall down to all fours signaling off the next series of painful changes as his spin began to stretch itself out allowing Jaren to grow another two feet under minutes flat. Legs already beginning to shift as soon as the spine finished off its changes, loud crack and snaps as the knees shot backwards adding extra portions to his feet allowing him to carry the new massive body with little problem at all. The once human feet becoming arched and heavily padded to absorb shock at them from any occasion.

His hands soon followed the feet changes not being as extreme as the legs as they became a bit larger, his finger and thumbs beginning to swell new portions allowing the claws to withdraw into the swelled members. With the final changes were shooting up to his face as his nose and mouth began to push outwash causing a low moan to escape quickly from the growing pieces as he seemed to growl out in pain before both joined together into an almost dangerous muzzle. With the lips pulling back to reveal the new set of deadly fangs as the snout and nose began to twitch sniffing at the air surrounding him as if to find its first target of the night with the freshly changes ending leaving the beast breathing hard and almost exhausted.

Standing there hunched over panting from all of the pain and energy that was used in the actual efforts, the beast shaking standing up on its hind legs revealing it full size to Luna. Not to mention a fully erect cock, which after the wolf had gotten the sweet scent of Luna’s fear and surprisingly arousal from Jaren’s transformation, had started to grow.

Still standing in a state of shock and awe trying to hide her arousal from the initial sight of the transformation. Luna felt her pulse begin to rise as the beast continued to stand there as if he was waiting to see if its next intended target was going to either runaway, which would make for an interesting yet boring chase. Or submit to him like so many have done before after finding how ‘big’ he really was which made so many of them get on all fours and start begging for the ride of their life.

What happened next would shock the control away from the beast for once allowing Jaren to take full control of his different body on a full moon. Experiencing the strength and glory that the new changes to his body had brought to him.

“Jaren…is that really you in there?” she whispered to it stepping forward placing a hand against its rock hard abs sending a shiver throughout its massive body. Causing something else other than fear and lust to flow from the words…truth, love and acceptance of what he was causing the hole that had been in his heart at one point to fill up quickly shaking him to the core. Blinking away the surprise, Jaren took the full opportunity of the moment and charged away into the night fearing what would happen if the wolf would get control of the body once more. Quickly disappearing into the wooded forest although he continued to hear the pleas from behind him coming from Luna.

Deep down although he enjoyed knowing that Luna, the one person to see who he had become and truly was now, Jaren knew that if the beast got control again at any time before he could get far away from Luna with her being in the area. He would probably rape her in the worst-case scenario she would end up being bitten and infected just like him with the curse.


Chapter Three

The squawks of birds and the occasional snap of a twig(s) nearby slowly brought Jaren back up from his slumber finding himself once again naked laying in a bed of pine needles that seemed to be a comfortable bed for the wolf. Slowly opening his eyes allowing them to be adjusted properly to the daylight that was streaming in from the branches from above, he looked around trying to remember where he was.

After he had finally collapsed on the forest floor after running at a full speed trying to get as far as he could away from Luna to keep her safe. One thing that he came to realize the worse was now he had to walk back to home in broad daylight bare-naked. Even if any of his clothing actually survived the transformation, they would be hanging on his form making him hold on to it while he walked.

Standing up to his normal legs allowing him to get some balance back on them, he began pulling himself out of the bushes finding him on the very edge of the forest. Looking around he found himself in a spot that he recognized to being a farm that stood about 30 miles away from his own farm which again caused him to realize that it was going to be a problem.

Jaren let out a light sigh to escape his lips before slowly starting to make his way along the tree line trying to stay away from sight of anyone that may be working in the fields. The one terrible thing about having no control of his body at night was that he barely knew where he would wake up in the morning, usually being a strange area especially when it usually in a field that belonged to a family in which the beast had just finished deflowering a daughter or wife of theirs. Those cases only happened a couple of times during the early days of the curse lucky nowadays is that the beast was able to remember its surroundings enough to find its way back to Jaren’s actual farm before the sun came up especially when it takes its sweet time with the mating.

Nowadays, Jaren would find himself waking up in the forest that actually borders his farm or in the barn’s hayloft well above the animals that made the barn their daily home, which allowed it to lie down and fall asleep to allow all of the changes to withdraw and rest it. It was the same this morning although he had indeed he found himself in the same spot where he had stayed in exhaustion.

This surprised him as usually the beast would have taken the opportunity to charge back after Luna for its next conquest however again there was the surprise that there came no movement at all in any direction while he slept allowing him to not regret another full moo hopefully.

It took him a good hour or so to get into the safe zone nearing the fields that would actually allow him to get into the relative safety of the cornfields where he could move without much fear with his senses all ready keen enough that he could pick up sounds of the workers working in the field.

However, there was one massive problem with that idea as there was a main road in which many villagers and farmers used daily to get around. Making it to where four horse and wagons could travel with ease, it was normally busy no matter and as he approached the road staying in a kneeling position far in the brushes to avoid from being seen, Jaren took the time to study his surroundings.

Looking left and right, the sound of hooves marching up and down the road dragging heavy wagons baring several pounds of produce and wood came the problem. Even if he could time them properly that he could avoid from being seen by them, the chances of someone that was oncoming would definitely see a nude human running across the path would cause some problems especially when everything thought that there was a werewolf running about.

Letting out a sigh, Jaren sat back on his haunches trying to think of what to do while trying to avoid from being seen. He knew that the traffic through this road was always heavy throughout the day which left him little to no choice but wait it out, however that came with another problem…tonight was another full moon and this time he doubted that he would be able to keep the wolf from taking control of his body once more.

Therefore, he had to get moving back to the farm right away and then figure out how to keep him restrained but the problem that came first was still present…how to get there. Shrugging once more, he allowed his eyes to look over the surrounding area once more realizing that at this point he had little choice but to try for it when the next opening came in.

Taking but a brief second to try for it, Jaren sprinted for the road covering a brief distance just as the first wagon passed by not daring to look around to see if there was another wagon nearby. However, the sound of the clopping of horse hooves on the dirt road told him that he had indeed made the mistake of going to soon. Not daring to look in the direction not wanting to show any witness that was close enough to see who he was however, the sounds of shouts coming from nearby caused him to try to run quicker with the shouts of passer bys. “What the world is that!?” “It’s the werewolf! Kill it!”

Once again he was lucky that no one has to see his face or he doubt that he could ever stay in the modern world ever again however that caused another problem. When he had charged across the road, he had figured to run along the road to get home but Jaren came to realize that with keeping in sight of the road would be too dangerous now so he had to charge straight through the field hearing the sound of people charging into the field after him.

Having gone through so much of the painful transformations into the beast although it ruined his life most of the time had its own advantages. It increased his senses allowing him to hear, see and taste the better things in life one other thing that was included in this was the ability to run fast and dodge things when needed. He had come to realize this during times when he had nearly been hit by something or needed to finish something rather quickly.

Sometimes it had caused Jaren to nearly be caught more than once by his own employees however most of them considered it as something that you developed over time. This allowed Jaren to keep his secret up to a point however now things have gotten bad for him. Breathing hard after a long night of running, he found his lungs ready to burst as he neared the only road that bordered the farm and the only place that he could probably find safety at.

Just as he reached the road did his muscles give out allowing him to collapse on the ground in plain view of the open road in the distance the sounds of fast approaching horses coming down the road with the sound of heavy bodies running throughout the bushes behind him signaled off the end was close. Pushing him as close to the ground knowing that his luck had run out just as the first of the horses came within inches of where he was.

“JAREN! Come on!” a familiar voice called out causing Jaren to look up to find Luna sitting there in a horse drawn wagon motioning for him to get in the back of the wagon where it was raised enough for people not to be able to see who or what was in the back. Taking a split second before rising up and sprinting the short distance to the wagon. Jumping into the back hitting a blanket that had been thrown down into the bed that way he would not hurt himself.

Drawing the blanket up and over him covering himself completely before Luna kicked in the reins signaling for the horses to start moving again allowing the wagon to jerk as they started away from the scene. Without being able to look around however with the hearing enhanced, he could make out the sounds of horses and whoever had been chasing him had stopped at the area where he had once been allowing for the pair to continue on without any further problems.

Rather than risk looking up or dropping the blanket away, Jaren waited until the bumps stopped allowing him to settle down did Jaren pull away the blankets as Luna looked back at him? “You can come out, no one is around.”

Looking a bit worried however, he did trust Luna, he raised up into a sitting position although keeping the blanket wrapped around his waist. He allowed a sigh out as he realized that they were at Luna’s home, which was on the outskirts of town about a mile or so away from his own farm. She went about making clothing for income and grew vegetables with a beautiful garden that had grown massively to surround her home that many of the visitors have told her that it has come by on how beautiful the garden has come out to be.

After placing the horse that had been pulling the wagon out into the pasture leaving the wagon in the front open yard, Luna quickly directed Jaren into the house as he let out a sigh of relief as she closed the door behind them shutting the blinds leaving the pair in complete safety from the outside. “Go take a bath and get yourself cleaned up, I will bring some extra clothing and put them in the bedroom. I will get breakfast going and it should be ready by the time you are back.”

“Thanks, Luna.” Jaren said offering a smile to her as he headed for the bathroom and bedroom located in the back of the house. He was relieved that she did not inquire about what she had seen last night although he suspected after he was done with being cleaned up and all that may be the first series of questions that she asked of him which at this point for saving his butt back there he really did not care at this point.

Allowing the water to fill the tub properly before allowing his body to slip into the water within seconds of easing in he found that his once tense body began to relax allowing his head to fall backwards to lay back on the edge of the tub. Given a few minutes, he went about taking a piece of soap and clean towels dipping it into the water, he began to wash away the dirt, dried mud, and leaves that seemingly clung to his skin away leaving a reasonable looking skin tone.

It took him about 20 minutes guessing at this rate to get him looking normal once more, another five minutes to clean out his hair leaving him feeling normal. Which was good enough for Jaren enough for him to pull himself out of the dirty water feeling refreshed and set to go for the day although at that moment he was started to feel the wear and tear on his senses? That from last night forcing him to figure about just crawling into bed knowing that he had another two nights of full moons to deal with.

The way that he was feeling at that point he came to realize that he could probably sleep the entire day and only wake up when the changes happen once again. The very thought kept Jaren from just crawling into the bedroom as he walked into the bedroom finding the clothing that Luna had laid out for him laying upon the bed, was the reasoning that if the beast came back out once more it would go back to its normal rampage. Since Luna had been a target that had gotten away she would be his first target…he could not allow that.

Shuddering feeling the arousal and beast jumping for joy wanting early release, Jaren pushed the beast back as he turned back to the clothing laying on the bed. With a sense of delight, he realized that the clothing before him turned to be some of his own that Luna had agreed to mend for him that she had yet to give back to him.

“At least the size is right.” he thought dropping the towel barely hearing the sounds of fast approaching horses until they stormed pass the bedroom window heading for the front yard. Turning his attention toward the bedroom door that stayed closed blocking out some sounds however, the hearing did not lie to him revealing the shocking news.


Chapter Four

Not bothering on opening or pressing his ear to the closed door as the sound of voices were as clear as day to him as they came at him in a excitedly talking all at once with Luna throwing in her own voice being calm and collective response that seemed to silence the voices whoever was at the door. There was polite voice once more that did not belong to Luna before the front door was closed followed by a few seconds later by the horses riding away. During the entire time while he was listening to the voice, Jaren felt a uneasy feeling began growing each second that the voices had been talking with volume and it didn’t drop until the door closed and without a sound indicating that whoever was at the door knew who he was or that he was in the house.

After finishing dressing feeling back to normal once more, Jaren walked out of the room finding Luna working in the kitchen just as he entered with a questioning look on his face, which took Luna about a second to see.

“Who was that?” he asked although his gut already knew who it was.

“Your fans asking if I had seen a naked figure running about as they had noticed that I had ridden by the fields where the supposed werewolf in human form was running away. I told them that I hadn’t seen anything but I will keep an eye out.” she answered motioning for him to take a seat as she continued cooking taking even longer than ever to get to the question in mind. “So…did you want to tell me about what I saw last night?”

“What you can probably guess that I am the werewolf that has been terrorizing the countryside although the rapes that the beast committed was always done against my will and/or knowing.”

“How long have you been a werewolf?”

“I honestly don’t know where the first transformation actually happened but I think it has been nearly three years. I always thought I was sleepwalking as I always woke up outside near the house lucky enough so I was never caught, naked of course however these happened on nights of full moons. Again, it was strange to me and I put it off as stress of working hard.” He went about explaining letting out a sigh before continuing. “That was until the rapes started coming about in the village and in the mornings that I woke up outside I would find scratch marks and the heavy scent of sex and rape still raging on in my mind. Given time, I started having flash memories of several of the events, which caused me several sleepless nights. As you can tell, given a long time of transforming into a creature during these times, my senses began becoming enhanced nearly caused several strokes or problems for me, it came to a point that even the smallest thing began bothering me.”

“Does the change hurt? I mean when you transform?”

“I think in the beginning it did hurt although I can’t really remember a lot of things that’s why I thought I had been sleep walking at the time. Now whenever it happens, it just seems like its all natural although I can still feel pain at times like last night.”

“You said that the creature rapes instead of killing, why?”

“I have been asking myself the same question over and over, each time I have come up with the only reason why that I can think of is because we both are looking for a mate…someone that isn’t afraid of us for what we currently are.”

“Then why didn’t it try to rape me? And when you say ‘we’ are you saying that you have some control of it at times?” she demanded in a state of shock about Jaren admitting to her.

“No! I mean I think the beast knows that I am lonely for someone and he is currently looking for the right person for a mate to share our secret with her. And I believe that last night was the very first time I was able to take control plus I love you too much to even think about the possibility of you getting hurt or being cursed with being like me against your will. That is enough for me to have enough strength to allow me to keep control of It.” he explained to her. Luna looked surprise at the comment however she was pleased also as she had been hoping for Jaren to show interest in her also but she knew he was always shy.

Before she could ask him another question that were among thousands that had entered her brain as soon as she found out who Jaren truly was, Jaren let out a loud yawn causing her to raise a eyebrow and offer a slight laugh. “Look, why don’t you go and get some sleep…you look tired. You don’t have anything to worry about you are safe here.”

“If I was back home, I would however I am afraid that if I sleep too long and don’t wake up before nightfall, that I will again change and that this time I might not be able to control the beast. I can’t take that risk not with your safety.” he told her shaking his head.

“Jaren…don’t worry. You were able to control it last time and I have confidence in your abilities although I know you mean well about your worry.” Luna said drawing him up into a kiss before putting two plates down on to the table. “Go ahead and lets eat and then you should go get some sleep. If you are worried about the beast I will wake you up before the night falls and get you up in time.”

It took some time before Jaren agreed to the idea and a series of several more questions were asked although the two enjoyed a nice meal together before clearing the table after the meal finished the morning for the pair. Instead of going to bed right away, he went about assisting Luna with the dishes, it was at this point that she asked him one final question.

“If you were to scratch me, would that mean the curse will be transferred to me also?”

“I don’t know and you have to realize that I would never try or attempt to do such a thing.” He answered looking down coming to realize that may not be the case if the beast was to take complete control once more and with Luna knowing who he was the risk was too great. Before he could even consider continuing, Jaren found himself letting out a long yawn causing him to realize that it was time to lay down as there was no use in being tired although it would probably keep the beast out of another night of raping young women.

With a playful shove from behind by Luna who had caught the sound of the yawn being much bigger than before, she knew that it was time for him to get some sleep. “Go on and get some sleep. I will get you up before anything happens.”

“Alright, I give!” he called throwing his hand as he continued with the motion toward the back bedroom pulling off his shirt putting it across his shoulder as he cast a hand in a wave good night or would that be a good day. Removing his pants leaving only his underwear as he climbed in under the sheets barely thinking about anything as his head hit the soft cushion in a brief instant he found himself fast asleep without another second thought about what may happen if he did.

Instantly he found himself in a room, or what he thought was a room as the light was barely visible revealing very little of the room or its actual interior hiding away anything that may be in that room hiding also the actual size of the room itself. Looking around in confusion feeling an uneasy dark presence hidden in the darkest of corners of the room as the slight whisper and near Horace like voice began whispering throughout the room.

“The perfect mate! Finally!” The voice growled a series of lustful grunts and pants heavy breathing continued to echo through the room causing the uneasy feeling to fill his mind once more. The voice continued to taunt him almost with other weird sayings before Jaren finally realized who it was.

“You can’t have her, she doesn’t deserve to be cursed with being like us!” he challenged the voice his body began to shake violently beads of sweat began to drip down his forehead, his back began to arch itself his teeth starting to grit together in a sense of anger and confusion seem to play across his face.

If someone had seen him transform before they would have sworn that the beast had taken control of Jaren’s body and was starting the change early. However, that was not the case, a major battle of wits and demands for control over the body was taking place and neither of the two was planning about giving up or losing the battle.

“You wanted the rapes to stop and you know dang well that the only way for that to happen is for us to find a mate. Luna is currently the only one that seems to be the perfect person that has already accepted us when she saw us change. Although you did ruin a perfect night for me, you have left me all bottled up with sexual desire!” the creatures mind growled pointing out several points to him causing Jaren to realize that it was telling him the truth.

By Luna seeing him change, it had kept the beast from taking over and a rampage of rapings to happen in the first place…plus the fact was she had saved him more than once from civilians that actually wanted to kill him for being who he was or turned out to be. Could she be the one for him?

A sudden arousal scent began filling the room causing his erection to begin growing becoming elongated calling for attention causing Jaren to groan in a deep seeded need to ring out in his mind becoming audible rather quickly. In the main room, working about getting things cleaned up properly with the current events that have happened that day ringing throughout her mind.

At first when she had learned who Jaren was truly was, Luna found her emotions and thoughts in were thrown into confusion. She truly loved him and found him truly a mystery to her and when she found that when one piece of the mystery was revealed more of a cloud to form in her mind about what was happened.

Stopping in mid process of working, she tilted her head to the side as she could have sworn that a strange smell was slowly creeping into the room present it just seemed to become apparent once in a while like it was crawling across the floor. The first streams of the smell like tentacles reaching out trying to grab something within its reach keeping close to the ground as if trying to avoid from being seen by anyone in the room.

Shaking her head eyes closed with the scent slowly fading away from the room like a distant memory fading from existence, opening her eyes expecting to find something there found that she was once again alone. “Weird.” she thought shaking her head.

Sliding across the floor like an evil presence with a mind of its own, although its strength very weak at first it began to gain strength although it was slow in doing so with the approaching moon increasing it by the minute. Given time, Luna having put it off for sometime would find that the once forgotten scent would become to the point that she could not put it off any further.

By the time that the smell had become built up enough that it came to a point that it caused Luna’s senses to overload almost, stopping with her cleaning having forgotten about the current time with the Full Moon just peeking up and over the tree line not enough to allow for the changes to happen though. Putting away the items that she had been working with, she began looking around the room once more her nostrils flaring catching the scent as it grew heavier each breath that she took.

Slowly walking down the hall, her eyes scanning across the hallway reaching the master bedroom door where a heavy film of the scent, which covered the door like a barrier, keeping people from entering or leaving the room without permission or the film has dropped. Taking a brief second to try to break through the cloud of confusion and a deep seeded lust that had slowly started to build deep within the pit of her stomach barely unnoticed since the scent had begun to grow heavily in the house and would go unnoticed until she had entered the room. Grimacing as she raised her hand finding that the strange smell was just too enticing to give up after getting this far with a smooth yet evil like voice forming in the back of her own mind started calling to her. “Come on in, Luna…we have been waiting for you for so long.”

Jerking her head around in a desperate look for the voice however, the voice itself had started the feeling inside of her stomach to begin in earnest allowing heavy amounts of pussy juices to ooze out between her legs causing a shudder to run up her spin. The shudder continued up to her brain causing an impulse to enter the room without a second thought, giving a soft yet heavy push on the wooden door.

Breaking through the film, the door opened with very little effort the door opened with very little sound except for a creak that announced her presence only to herself. To her, Luna was uncertain of what she would find in the room found something truly surprising inside.


Chapter Five

Once inside, Luna found herself assault immediately from everywhere as she stepped into the room all around her the heavy now known scent of arousal and musky smell assaulted her sending a heavier shudder coursing throughout her body. Breathing in hard drawing in more of the scent into her nostrils, which continued to cause the juices to drip out of her body by the pools, her nipples growing stiffer by the thrill shooting up through her body cool air surrounding each nipple making sure that they could not warm up. To Luna, it felt like the nipples were being grasped between fingers that continued to pinch and twist each of them tugging on each like a child nursing from its mother demanding milk from the breast.

Moaning out raising her own hands to grasp the nipples trying almost desperately to get the administrations that were causing the nipples to react in such a way, her eyes closed and her mouth open allowing the arousing smell to charge into her mouth like a flood water unchallenged or tested. Within minutes, her system was flooded by the smell causing an overload of her normal senses blocking out any normal thoughts to allow her to think clearly.

Allowing a hand to shift downward leaving one of her breasts alone to the pinching fingers once more as her hand traveled down between her legs the fingers brushing up against her thighs sending a slight shiver coursing through her body enticing her further. Behind her the door seemed to close on its own with a slight thud barely audible to her as the heavy heartbeats and breathing blocked out any other sound from penetrating her hearing.

From the darkness of the room, a tall figure seemed to materialize from the shadows showing no features of the figure as it reached up from the shadows grasping Luna by the shoulders at first giving them a squeeze barely getting a reaction from her. Seeing this, the hands moved forward taking her hand that was grasping her breast pulling it into their grasp just enough that the intruder’s hands took their position at the vacant spots. Letting out a gasp as she felt a more powerful grip twitch the erect nipple followed by a subtle kiss and suckle at her neck by instincts she allowed her neck to lean back into the kiss murmuring with pleasure as she opened her eyes peering into her lovers eyes…her lover’s golden eyes.

“Oh no! He’s changing!” she thought being able to break through the cloud of lust for a brief second for the thought before the clouds of lust clogged her mind once more leaving her to moan lightly pushing her body back into the rubs and pleasures that Jaren was giving to her. Having woken up just a few minutes before Luna stepped into the room in a state of what appeared to be a hypnotic like state her arousal permeating in the enclosed area, Jaren found himself in the early stages of the painful changes. YYet he was surprised to find that unlike before he was wide-awake and in full control of his changing body.

After a long yet nice chat with his darker half, he had awaken guessing that it had been a total of 6 hours of sleep to a darkened room laying in a pool of sweat and a raging hard on which demanded attention by something or anyone however the urge to rape a female wasn’t there. He was in the process of trying to control the need that came with the rising full moon when the beast began to grow needy for some sex or meat on several occasions…not that kind of meat, when the slight sound of light footsteps coming down the hall toward the room became present. Breathing deep and hard, the heavy scent of Luna’s arousal caused the beast to jump for joy on the inside knowing that the woman that currently knew of their secret was showing signs of not only accepting them but actually coming willingly to them with her arousal ever so growing.

Luna turned around wrapping her arms around Jaren’s growing thick neck drawing his face down to hers for an even deeper kiss. Already his facial expressions were changing however even as his muzzle continued to grow out pushing against her mouth his tongue slipping out between the massive fangs pushing pass her lips into a French kiss.

Greedily she sucked on the tongue in allowing her own to become to intertwine with it making sure that it could not escape. The hands that had been on her breasts soon disappeared causing Luna to moan out protest until she felt the hands return to her body. However a lot lower than before as they started pulling and pushing off articles of clothing that she had been wearing allowing each to drop the floor with a soft sound pat coming to rest on the floor. Soon she found herself only claud in her undergarments in which Jaren, who nearly complete in his transformation stopped himself pulling them off wanting to admire his mates beauty for what it was before pulling them off joining the other garments on the floor.

With the fully-grown muscles finally tearing away at the tattered remains of his clothing dropped away from his new form as he stood there hunched over still clutching Luna in his arms giving himself a brief second before standing fully to about 7 feet a bit of two inches taller than he stood there hunched over Luna. A sudden breeze blew in through the room brushed up against Luna’s bare skin sending goosebumps playing across her skin causing her to shiver. To Jaren noticing her shiver from the night breeze and possible sound of rain in the distance, he took that opportunity to wrap his arms around her shivering body enveloping her in a thick warm blanket for her to snuggle into allowing her face to come to rest in the soft fur pelt feeling at ease and safe. Keeping his arms wrapped around her not letting her go, he carried her over to the bed stepping and moving carefully as not to frighten her.

To Luna, she found herself still floating in a state of bliss awaiting for what would see to be the best ride of her life with her head spinning as she felt herself carefully and softly placed on the soft bedding and cushion of the bed of the master bedroom. Briefly left alone in the coldness of the room, did she feel her lover slip down beside her once again wrapping his arms around her returning the warm embrace to her as he pressed his muzzle into her mouth once more kissing her lovingly.

With her body on automatic, she found her arms wrapping around his neck once again holding the kiss longer enjoying the savory feeling that the kiss provide with a hint of passion and love delivering itself with each moment. After a few minutes, he pulled away from her causing her to look up at him in a state of confusion trying to understand why he was continuing to stall after all of the pleasure that he had been giving her.

In addition, for the first time that night since he had changed and reports from the other villagers had said, the beast spoke with the words coming out in a series growl and grunts. “Luna, before we continue with this…it would make me happy beyond belief and honor me would you become my mate and wife for life?”

Luna looked at him in a stun surprise by what was just asked of her at that moment, although she knew that this was still Jaren on the inside she was not sure about things as everything was happening so fast. Finding her voice once more after a few stun moments of silence, Luna let out a sigh. “Jaren…this is so sudden and if you were to have asked me before I knew about your secret, I would’ve cried yes until the sun came up. However now that I know about your secret…I do not know. “

Jaren’s head drooped by the news feeling that it was a rejection by someone that his human side truly cared for however when Luna reached up taking his face in her hand causing him to look up. “Let me think about it…this is so much to take in right now. Although lets not let this ruin the evening for us…are you going to continue or am I going to need to entice the beast out a bit?”

“Oh, she is a tease! I like!” the beast growled jumping for joy after a point in which he thought that he would be rejected but now that Luna was enticing both of them it was getting harder to control the beast. It came to a point that it was ready to bare its fangs and bite Luna to transfer the curse on to her that was until Jaren smacked the beast back.

“It should be her choice, beast not ours if she wants to be one of us! We shouldn’t just do such a hasty thing without asking her first.” Jaren warned it. “Plus if we do such an act without her okay we could be back where we had once been.”

The beast was about to protest having felt very lonely being the only known werewolf in the area and having to go about raping to relieve its sexual tensions. However, when Jaren raised a mental hand ready to smack the beast again did it back down from the surface with a low growl in its throat-showing acknowledgement of Jaren’s authority…for now.

Turning back to Luna once more enjoying the subtle teasing by her, offering a grin with the fangs showing, he moved in behind her nipping and licking at her neck and ears as he came to be laying behind her with his 12 inch cock slowly nestling itself between her ass cheeks. Teasing Luna even further as she moaned loudly not caring on who was listening her body was demanding release now. Turning her head raising a hand cupping Jaren’s cheek in a hand kissing him once again.

Peering into her eyes, he found a deep needed desire coming to the surface as she said a series of words would be the final words of the night and the set off words for the beast. “Take me, Jaren…NOW!”

Letting out a primal growl, the beast took control of the body once more grabbing a hold of Luna’s hips pulling its thick cock away from between her ass cheeks guiding it back into place further between her legs coming to be nestled in between and at the entrance to her pussy that dripped with excitement. The beast nearly slammed its cock in right away however Jaren grabbed control once more deciding on teasing her further allowing the cock’s tip to rub up against the sensitive lips causing Luna to groan further whimpering even more.

Reaching his clawed hands around taking a hold of Luna’s erect breasts once more enticing a moan and an almost animalistic growl to come out from her mouth. She jerked her head toward him her own teeth bared. By that look, it showed that her arousal was control her needs and she wanted him to finish get to what he had been leading up to for so long.

Returning the gesture with a grin of his own, Jaren pushed up with his own hips using his grip on her breasts as advantage shoving about 2 to three inches in tearing away Luna’s virginity with one goes. Arching her back letting out a scream of pain and pure pleasure rubbing her body against his gripping on to the massive cock that was entering her body, Luna found herself wanting more of this. Normally if she had not been in a state of lust and in need of being pleasure, she would find this revolting however a new piece of her mind had been opened by the new news of who Jaren was.

Nevertheless at this point, she did not care about what is what here, right now, she needed what would be considered the fuck of her life and she was going to enjoy it for every second of the animalistic fuck. Allowing her hands to drop to Jaren’s legs her nails digging into his thighs as he began to pound away at her willingly opening blood adding to the mix of juices from the torn hymen. Within seconds the pain that had once been there now was gone replaced with a greedy pleasure that she could not believe how many women hated the cock and the beast attached to.

Moaning even more loudly as the cock continued to inch its way into her very welcoming body that continued to massage the massive phallus as it worked its way in pass the once virgin pussy lips. Taking about a couple dozen thrusts before the member settled itself inside her body with an even larger knot resting just waiting at the entrance. Having all ready grown to a size of golf ball and had yet to grow to its full size in which when it had entered the targets pussy would lock the pair in a sexual bliss. In the process a massive amount of cumm would be delivered into the targets womb and belly for however long needed.

Jaren stopped himself panting heavily enjoying the massage that his massive organ was getting allowing a grunt and growl out of pleasure his body vibrating in pleasure causing the fur to stroke Luna’s back causing her to let out a low yet audible purr which soon joined in the vibration of bodies shaking the bed lightly.

Picking her up in his arms once more making sure that the cock wouldn’t be removed in the process, Jaren slowly placed Luna down on to all fours which seemed to surprise half of her brain however the other side seemed to giggle in joy. She settled in a comfortable position keeping her groin and ass pressed tightly against her lover’s groin the massive knot straining against her lips wanting to get in. The member continued to throb against the thin lips almost demanding final entrance into what may be the beasts intended mate however both sides agreed that they should not rush it until she was ready for this.

They didn’t have long to wait before Luna turned her head slightly her eye looking him directly into his soul when she gave him the final nod indicating that she was ready for him to continue to his full length. Taking in a deep breath and grabbing a hold of her hips once more making sure that his claws were retracted enough to make sure that they would not spring back out and accidentally break the skin trying to avoid from causing her to jump into a life that she probably would not want.

In one swift motion with great care, he started to push on the cock once more pushing the knot fully into the pussy lips causing them to strain and a grimace of pain to shoot out across Luna’s face as she gritted her teeth trying to keep the scream of pain from escaping her lips. Nevertheless, as the knot continued to move into Luna’s opening, the scream slowly started to push its way through her teeth lucky enough it was barely audible enough to keep people from continuing to hear it.

However, it did catch Jaren’s keen ears enough to allow him to stop his push and try to pull out what of the knot that had gotten into her pussy. Only to be stopped when Luna shoved her hips back down on to the knot shoving more of the massive bulge into her opening causing the scream to become a loud moan. Jaren became frantic trying to stop her from continuing however, she would not have it as she continued to push back on the massive phallus as the knot continued to slowly work itself into her body.

Reaching under her body to rub her belly where it began to bulge because of the growing knot that had almost made it into her body started growing in size making sure it wouldn’t be able to escape even if Luna changed her mind at that moment.

At the last moment with a final shove and push from the two using what strength that either had, the knot entered Luna the final inch locking the two together although the cock didn’t start pumping seed into Luna quite yet with Jaren wanting this moment to last forever. Laying there on all fours panting even more at the pair continued to give it a few seconds before he started to pump his member deeper into Luna’s body desperately wanting it to get as close to her womb as if wanting to impregnate her off the bat.

Somewhere in that moment did Luna began to turn around to where Jaren was facing her missionary style allowing for her to wrap her legs around his waist to a point where her feet could not touch like normal. Once again, they began to hump back and forth grunting and growling like animals, their paces quickening to a dizzy speed that brought poor Luna to having multiple orgasms which sent tremors up and down the massive phallus which made Jaren shiver each time it happen even closer to releasing his seed into a willing body.

Time seemed to stop with their hearts beating like thunderous drums and crashes as tilde waves that had rosin up to a peak came crashing back down as one final pulse from Luna’s pussy sent poor Jaren over the edge. Rearing his head back, he allowed a long and lovingly howls to escape his muzzle that shook the walls of the entire house like thunder and lightning crashing down upon the room only dying off a few seconds leaving the couple in a state of sexual bliss.

After a few seconds of just laying there in complete silence, Jaren collapsed on top of Luna where she snuggled into his hairy chest before he slipped over on to his side allowing her to get a bit more comfortable pulling up the sheets around them. In the process, leaving himself uncovered because of his fur would make him feel uncomfortable and unable to sleep.

With the knot still in place, it would probably be another 30 minutes or an hour before it went down enough to allow for it to slip out of Luna without causing any kind of pain for either with the knot being sensitive just like the cock when in the first stages of a mating. After that as Jaren tried to pull his hips away from Luna’s which allow his cock to pull free from her did Luna stop him by pushing her hips back down forcing the cock to stay where it was deeply embedded in her pussy.

Looking at her in confusion and surprise about to ask something when she pressed a finger against his muzzle stopping him from asking. “I want to have you inside me all night long.”

Without another word, she once again snuggled into his chest falling into a light and easy slumber leaving Jaren trying to keep the beast from fucking her again outright. “Horny dog!” he thought shaking his head as he laid down for what would be considered as the first night that he could sleep without worry once more.



The light of the early morning sunshine came streaming in through the window, which was located on his side of the bed striking Jaren on the face causing him to groan out. His face becoming scrunched in a desperate attempt to block out any sun getting in on his eyes, he finally gave up slowly his conscious slowly came to the surface allowing his eyes to open adjusting after a few minutes.
Finding himself back to his normal human self yet in a much more comfortable bed made of fabric and knitting rather than a pine needle bed like usual.

Letting out a relax yawn allowing his once tense body to stretch out, Jaren smiled as he felt his hand brush up against Luna’s bare skin as she lay sleeping next to him her position having changed to where her back was to him. Yet she was still snuggled into him her breathing lightly as if enjoying the moment without a care in the world. Stroking her cheek admiring her beauty for what it was Jaren wrapped his arms around her body once more intending on sleeping in for however long needed. At that moment Luna began to stir murmuring in pleasure as she slowly woke up turning silent once more settling into his body once more although it was present that she was either awake or getting there.

“Good morning, love…did you sleep well?” he asked as she took a second before turning to face him revealing the beautiful face her eyes still closed and mouth barely opened. She took a second before her eyes slowly opened to reveal a horrifying sight of golden eyes that reminded Jaren of his own in the beginning changes to his werewolf form.

“No, no, no!” he tried to cry as her mouth opened to reveal her once perfect teeth growing massive becoming deadly as her face began to push outward in the beginnings of a elongated muzzle. Just as it finished itself did a single word push its way through the muzzle. “Indeeed…” which sounded more like a growl and grunts than normal human speech.

“NO!” He called out jerking up in bed finding that it had been all a dream however the memories were still fresh in his mind made him question if the beast was trying to tell him something. Either during the night when he was not aware of it did it scratch Luna deep enough for the curse to be transferred or it wanted to remind Jaren to ask Luna if she wanted to become a werewolf.

“Jaren!? You okay in there?” Luna called from the kitchen causing him to realize that she was not in bed with him and that the possibility of her being infected was unlikely. Letting out a sigh as he sat hunched over rubbing his forehead taking a brief second before responding.

“Yeah, just bad dreams I guess.” he answered looking up taking another second before slipping out of bed finding another pair of clothing laying nearby.

“Ahhh, alright. Breakfast is nearly ready if you want to take a bath before coming to breakfast.” she said before he could hear a slight tune being hummed. Taking her advice, he took a quick bath with the beast still bugging the heck out of him demanding to have him ask her now. Shaking his head in a sad silence, he entered into the kitchen as he took a seat at the table finding a selection of meat foods set out in front of him, which was confusing to him.

“I figured that you being a werewolf may actually care for some meaty foods for breakfast.” she told him as she soon joined him at the table with her own meal. “Dig in.”

“The beast says thank you.” Jaren said feeling the beasts jumping in joy however, the creature was also bugging him to ask. “Okay the beast is starting to bug me, he wants me to ask you a couple of questions.”

Luna looked up in surprise and confusion however, she offered a nod as she waited for him to ask the questions although she figured she knew at least one of them.

“He was wondering that since you have seen what we are and after last night, would you consider becoming a werewolf so we won’t be so lonely being the only one.” he asked trying to phrase the question properly so it didn’t come out sounding weird. When Luna looked even more shocked and surprise, Jaren took the gesture as it being one of those things that she needed to think about. “The other question is after last night where does this us? Was it the passion of the full moon or should we continue there?”

When the question left his mouth, it caused Luna to think for sometime her eyes going downcast signaling that she had much to think about on that part however it was also a indication she had been thinking about it also mostly over the nighttime after having been with both sides. Coming to think about who the two were and she knew that she just took on a heavy responsibility by knowing his secret.

She could turn in Jaren and be well known throughout the valley to having found the werewolf and that he would be killed for the safety of villages, however she would lose her possible life mate that was meant to spend the rest of their lives together. These questions having ranged throughout her mind half the night keeping her up most of the night although she did enjoy the fur coat covering her from behind something that is so easy for her to sleep with.

However, there was one other thing for the reason why she made the current decision…

“Since that night, I have been thinking long and hard about several things and I have come up with that I would love and be honored to be your mate and wife. Just tell your other side that he needs to avoid from giving me your second gift until I am truly ready.”

That seemed to settle the beast down a lot as he was nearly ready to jump over the table and kiss her madly until he stopped himself remembering something that she said which he raised an eyebrow. “Second gift?” he and the beast both asked the look on his face was priceless to her, which caused her to chuckle.

“I’m pregnant.”