Being in my mid-twenties, having graduated with a degree in finance, I was one of the lucky ones to have a job offer waiting before the actual graduation day. It was working for a large government research firm, found just outside Santa Fe, New Mexico.

I am sure the fact being brunette, oversized tits, in comparison to my body, a birthday present from my mom when I entered the university and olive skin from my dad, who left a long time ago – mom always said for another woman, but who knows.

I wouldn’t say I have a wild side, but I’m definitely looking and ready for the next adventure, which is where this whole story starts.

My housing was part of the deal for the new job, a high rise of individual suites, all occupied by the company’s employees. The higher the suite, the more money you were making and the greater the title. Mine was on the 10th floor of an 18-floor building. The real money was the individual homes located around the property.

When the movers were getting me situated, my next-door neighbor was a young blonde named Nikki, who worked in the sales department. She was cute, came over with a welcome basket of naughty items designed for the single girl – she also brought a couple of beers and jumped in to help me get situated.

Sitting on my balcony. “So welcome to your new home. I like to be completely forward. Are you a lesbian, one who enjoys a good cock or totally straight and wants to save herself for the perfect guy?”

I was sipping my beer, really looking at just how hot her body was. “Well, I do love a good cock, never turn down an offer to enjoy cumming while my girlfriend is eating my pussy, and I’m way past saving myself for anything.”

She burst out laughing. We both knew this was the start of a long friendship with lots of fringe benefits.

She took me on a quick tour of the town, and where I’d be working, the company provided shuttles for the employees, so no need to take my car out of the covered parking structure. She treated me to a wonderful Mexican restaurant that made the very best tacos I’ve ever tasted. Then we hit a nightclub. A few more beers took us to just before midnight. It was a Friday, so two days off before I started work, with her hand on my bare leg, she turned.

“I just had delivered a new bedroom suite, just before you arrived, that is the reason I was home. Since it is brand new, we really should try it out. What do you think?”

At the same time, she asked me, her hand moved to the inside of my knee, causing me to open my legs wide, showing her, I never wear any panties. A small giggle, placing my hand on top of hers, guiding it upward to my pussy.

“I can’t think of a better way to break in a new bedroom suite than with a new neighbor.”

Her hand began to rub my already stimulated pussy, our lips locked in a long and passionate kiss, one of my hands slipped under her blouse, cupping that perfect boob and pinching the rock-solid nipple ….. out two bodies proceeded until we realized we needed to take this behind closed doors.

Two of her fingers on her right hand were fucking me on the ride back to our homes. The elevator ride from the parking garage to our floor gave me my first orgasm, quickly followed by her having one just as we fell back on her bed and multiple ones after that, until finally early in the morning, we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Sex in one of our places took place almost every evening. She left on vacation to attend a wedding of her sister, which allowed me to invite a good-looking guy who drove my shuttle to join me for a meal I’d fix him on that upcoming weekend. When he arrived, I was dressed in a small wrap dress, top very loose, easily showing my excited breasts, and the small skirt-like covering, so loose-fitting that he could easily have access to me if it got that far.

He always wore shorts. From the outline in them, it looked like he was supporting a very nice look cock. That adding to the fact, he was handsome, so I had most of the meal ready when my doorbell sounded. Answering it, he was even hotter when I opened the door. I hugged him, not wanting to wait, making sure he could feel how large my tits really were, pressing my middle to him. That is when I knew I would not be disappointed. I could feel the shaft press between my legs.

We enjoyed a good meal, flirted with each other, many touchy feeling things taking place, then relaxing side by side on the sofa. It was not long before I was straddling his lap, feeling a hardening cock pressing up against his shorts, pushing away, dropping to my knees in front of him, undoing his pants, freeing that monster, leaning back, just looking at it.

“OMG, it is so big. Will it fit inside me?”

Reaching out, guiding my mouth to the head of it, rubbing my lips back and forth on it. “Oh, it will fit. One way or the other, it will be buried in you before the evening ends.”

That brought a giggle from me, just as I licked the underside, then pushed my mouth over the head, licking it, running my tongue all around it, like it was a lollipop that I was enjoying.

He was shy and maybe somewhat submissive until I got his cock in my mouth, then he became the dominant aggressor. Grabbing the back of my head, pressing it down on his cock, pumping it in and out, but never allowing me to get a breath of air. When I was finally allowed to get some air, my eyes were crying, mouth drooling, but I’ve never been as turned on and hot as I was at that time.

Then to bring me to more submission, he unloaded more the four mouthfuls of warm seed into my mouth without any announcements. Swallowing as fast as I could, but somewhat disappointed that this had happened so fast.

When I sat back, how I felt, not hidden, not even wanting to look at his cock, he laughed, which surprised me, looking up at him, he had a big smile on his face, all the time stroking a rock-hard cock, that didn’t seem to have shrunk any amount.

Looking up at his face. “I have a special gift. I can cum and cum and cum, never losing any hardness.”

Staring at his shaft, not believing what I was seeing, pushing him back on the sofa, climbing up on his lap, rising my body, lowering it back down onto his cock, slowly easing it up inside me.

As soon as he was all the way in me, it hit me what he had said, “You mean when you give me my orgasm, you’ll still be hard to use me again?”

Laughing, at the same time pulling on my rigid nipples. “Oh honey, when I get soft, you’ll be in a sexual haze, begging me to stop fucking you.”

Before I could really let everything soak in, he started to pump up and down inside me. It was so fast, so hard, I barely could keep up. I had been so excited about enjoying him in me that in just a few minutes, my body convulsed then exploded, cum coating his shaft, but his cock was so big, none of his seed seeped out. That’s when I realized what he had said about me begging him to stop. His cock didn’t soften, but he kept on pumping in and out of me, never letting me come down, just a good steady in and out.

Before he stopped, I had cum multiple times, just like he said, in the end begging him to stop and not fuck me anymore. Finally slumping down on the floor, so completely used, all I could do was whimper. Never in my life had I ever experienced anything like this before.

From then on, Nikki and I enjoyed each other, and we also used Edward as often as we could – he was so good that neither of us could be with him more than once or twice a month.

The next few months, it seemed like life could not be any better. Work was never better. The sex was fantastic. Most of the time, Nikki and I would share a bed.

We were approaching the year mark when Nikki told us there was a new bar on the city’s outskirts. It was supposed to be one of the wildest places around, in some ways wilder than south of the border.

It sounded like just the perfect place for both of us to enjoy a night of sex.

Dressing in the skimpiest outfits as soon as we entered, we were surrounded by a few of the good-looking guys I’ve ever seen. One big black guy easily picked me up, like most pick up a cup of coffee, carrying me to a private room large pool table in the middle. Setting me down on edge, the loose-fitting top slipping off, my tits were showing proudly.

“So tell me, what did you come here for, dressed like that?”

He was towering over me. That is when I caught the outline of the size of cock he was packing.

Spreading my legs wide, I said, “I came dressed like this, maybe seeing if I could get lucky and someone would play with my pussy. You think I came to the right place?”

Stripping off all my clothes, then slipping down his pants, I wasn’t wrong. This was indeed the longest and fattest cock I had ever seen. Setting up, using both hands to stroke it, kiss it, and suck on the head was hard in no time. Then, scooting forward, so I could rub it back and forth between my legs, becoming wetter and wetter all the time, with both of his hands grabbing hold of my bottom, pulling me to him, it easily slipped inside me. Not far, but it was in me.

It felt so good inside me. I wrapped my legs around his body, surprised when he again picked me up, pushing the entire length of him deep inside me. Then, wrapping my arms around his neck, using my body to move up and down on him, pulling that monster out of me, then settling back down, so all of it was in me. We fucked like that for a long time, my tits rubbing on his muscular chest, his cock pounding in and out of me, while he held onto me, helping me lift and down on his cock.

Sexually I have never been as stimulated as I was at that moment. It was all I could do to hang on. Eventually, he moved me back to the pool table, pulling out of me, placing me on all fours on the edge, them doggy-style pushing back into me.

Believe it or not, this was the first time I had been used this way, and as soon as he was all the way in me, I knew it would not be the last. I loved how he felt inside me, hitting new places I never knew existed – my huge boobs bounding back and forth, their sheer weight making them tingle and become more aroused.

I was experiencing multiple mini orgasms, rolling over my body again and again … eventually, he pulled me to him, held my hips tight, and started to fill me up with his warm and comforting seed. This triggered the massive one I had been building for so long, it raked over my body, dropping my head to the table. He emptied so much cum in me that when he pulled out, it ran down both legs.

I was completely exhausted and only wanted to lay down while the afterglow washed over me, but two more hands grabbed my body, sending a second large cock deep inside me again.

Turing to say no, my ass was spanked hard. “Turn around bitch. You came in here looking to get fucked, and we have a lot of guys going to give you what you want.”

His smack on my bottom, the first time I had ever been hit, was stinging so badly, my hips were writhing around his cock.

Someone said, “I’ll be damn, the bitch likes to be slapped, look at her work Jack’s cock.”

That was when I was smacked again on the opposite cheek. Again, the pain went directly to my core, causing me to twist and turn on his cock, as I’d never done before.

Both cheeks were slapped repeatedly, the stinging lasting longer and longer, more twisting to try and ease the pain. Suddenly someone grabbed my nipples, twisting, pulling, and squeezing them. Again more pain, more movement as my body slipped into a sexual haze, not really aware of what was happening.

Cock after cock, fucked me. My bottom and legs were so sore from the spanking, eventually turning to some type of paddle.

At some point, it all stopped. Nikki had experienced a similar evening. We have no idea who, but someone took us home, leaving my keys to my car on the kitchen table, the two of us put to bed. A note said, ‘We had fun, when you two recover, looking forward to seeing you again.’

We stayed in bed most of the next day, helping each other apply soothing cream to our reddening bottoms. Both of our pussies were swollen and puffy. They were also sore. Taking ibuprofen 800 mg every 4 hours and switching every two 500 mg of acetaminophen started to ease the pain. By Saturday evening, we ordered in Chinese, which seemed to hit the spot.

Sunday morning, we were both up but walking gingerly.

“Michelle, that was fun, but I think I’ve had enough, not sure I’ll be going back.”

I had begun to rub my pussy, pushing my fingers up inside me. “I never knew I enjoyed pain like I did. I never knew I’d enjoy being used by so many different men at the same time, but as soon as I can, maybe two weeks or so, I think I’m going back for seconds.”

Sunday afternoon, Nikki went back to her place. Unfortunately, this seemed to have put a distance between us. For the next few weeks, we stayed in our own places, friendly but not lovers any longer.

Approximately 4 weeks later, we had a long weekend. I figured it was a good time to go and see if I was a pain slut.

Walking the club around 7, it was like I remembered, lots of fun taking place. Sliding into an empty barstool, ordering a beer, the lady bartender recognized me.

“Nice to see you have decided to come back. I was the one who took you and your girlfriend home. Just you tonight?”

I thanked her for looking out for us, ordered a beer, but before I could even take my first sip, a short red-haired guy came up, standing by my side.

“Hi, I’m Eddie. I own this club. I had heard about the two hotties who came in a couple of weeks ago and entertained all the male guests. So glad to meet you. Why don’t you go to the pool room, where you were, get nude and on the table? I’ll be in to be your first tonight?”

Looking at him, not believing what I was hearing. “I’m sorry, we did have fun, but it started with a very handsome man. So tonight, I may just enjoy the evening, thank you anyway.”

I could tell by his expression. This was not the answer he was looking for. “That wasn’t a request. I told you to take your position on the table on all fours, NOW.”

He had pushed me to the edge, looking at him again. “Let me be obvious. I am not going into the pool room, and I’d rather fuck a dog than have you in me.”

He smiles. “Well, we can certainly grant you that request, but tonight you’re going to do as I say.” Then, looking behind me, nodding, he said, “Give her the sex injection, then help her to the pool table. I’ll be in shortly.”

Before I realized what was happening, two guys held me, one injecting me in one arm. It only took a few seconds for the effects to take place. My eyes clouded over, my whole body tingling. The same two men helped me off the stool, stripping me nude, then walking me to the pool room, helping me up on the table on all fours. It did not take long for Eddie to join me. Deep down inside, I was frightened but unable to do anything about it. He had his pants down, his nice-sized cock sunk deep inside me, pounding in and out of me, rapidly like a dog in heat.

His pounding was triggering one orgasm after another one, something the drugs I had probably contributed to. This was not normal for me. It seemed like he kept pounding me for a long time, eventually emptying a huge amount of warm cum inside me. As before, as soon as he pulled out of me, another cock filled the emptiness – pounding me, but this time clamps were put on my nipples, the vibrating kind, causing extreme pain, and the spanking began, also different – this time a short flogger was whipping me.

When the last guy pulled out of me, I could feel how raw my bottom was. The red welts were all over my backside. My tits ached. Eddie came up. The drug was wearing off, looking at him, an evil smile on his face.

“Now, my love, I’m going to grant your last wish,” he said.

A second injection was given to me, but I heard him tell someone to take me to his plane. He’d fly me down to a small village outside of San Paulo. I wanted so much to object, but I had been used so much so many orgasms. That coupled with the latest drug he had given to me, I just lay there slowly drifting off to sleep.

When I woke, it took me a few minutes to realize what had happened to me. I was in a large cage, a nice soft pillow I had been sleeping on. My nipples had been pierced with what looked like sealed rings. I could feel some kind of anal plug, which was slowly vibrating, causing my eyes to roll up in my head as soon as I was fully awake. Turning to get up, that’s when I felt the collar on my neck—a heavy leather collar and, like the nipple rings, nowhere to unlock it.

Eddie walked in. “They said you were awake, good. Now we can begin to do some chemical changes to your body.”

I was furious, yelling at him, threatening to have him arrested, and so on, but he only smiled, picking up what looked like a remote.

“Let me show you what control I now have over you.”

Pressing one button, the anal plug came alive, throbbing, humming, and moving in and out. I moaned, collapsed on the large pillow, breathing heavy. Then he pushed another button, and the nipple rings came to life, shooting small electrical currents through each one, and finally, the collar sent a devastating shock to my system when he pushed the third button. Reaching his hand through the cage, I could easily feel how wet his hand had become.

“Just as we thought, the more pain we put you through, the wetter you become. So one of my associates will come and get you, take you to the medical room and begin to change the chemical make-up of your pussy. They will have this remote – be nice and let them do their job.”

It felt like I was having a nervous breakdown, but I didn’t want any of those buttons pressed again, so I shut up and let them work the special gray ointment into my pussy, up in my ass, and all over my extra puffy pussy lips. It felt cold but was soothing to the touch, helping the pain I still had between my legs.

“Can anyone tell me where I am at?” I asked.

They spoke perfect English, telling me I was in the headquarters of Mr. Eddies’ place in South America.

I had no idea how I would get out of here, but for almost a week, I was worked on with the same gel for almost an hour each day. Then, about the third day, I noticed my body began to smell different. At first, I didn’t recognize it, but then I smelled like a dog. Panicking, asking the ladies, they confirmed the gel was changing me to smell like a dog, a dog in heat.

Then one of them laughed and said, “It will be easier to become their bitch if you smell like them.”

A sudden memory flash hit me, I had told him I’d rather fuck a dog than him, and he had agreed. My whole body shaking. By the end of the week, a large gentleman hooked a leash to my collar.

“Come on, doggie, time to earn your keep,” he said.

I was put in a cage in a van and driven someplace. Getting out, the sign on the club said, ‘El Perritos.’ I knew enough Spanish to translate ‘The Doggies.’

Once inside, I was led to the stage curtains drawn, secured to a bench with my pussy wide open and high. Eddie was on stage, he announced, “Damas y Caballeros, the young lady we have on stage told me in one of my American clubs she’d like to fuck a dog, and tonight we’re going to grant her that wish.”

The curtain opened. There must have been fifty or more people in the huge theater. A large black dog was brought out and released. He zeroed in on my pussy, licking it. In my now heightened sexual state, his tongue felt fantastic, but deep down inside, I didn’t want this to happen. I wished there was some way of not coming to the club that night for all of this to go away. Then he licked me the second time, and my world launched into my familiar sexual haze, which I loved so much.

A few more licks, then he jumped on my back. As soon as his cock touched between my legs, a flood of emotions rushed over me. This was the most disgusting, filthy thing that had ever happened to me. I was in front of lots of people, they were watching me being made into a dogs bitch, and yet, I was now owned, collared, and being fucked by a dog, a dog who really knew how to fuck, who knew how to give me multiple orgasms one after the next and one who would make sure every male dog who smelled me, knew I was in heat and needed to be bred.

I was not expecting the size of his cock, much bigger than I thought was possible. Also, the speed that he was fucking me shocked me. The pounding was causing me to experience mini-explosions, never felt before. The size was actually stretching me, way beyond anything any of the men had ever done to me.

Trying to get my breath just when the knot pushed against my opening. I had forgotten about a dog’s knot, fear rushed over me when I felt how big it was, but his hard fast pounding eventually forced it inside me.

The pain was instant and surged all over my body, shaking my bottom, trying to ease the pain, but he was in me. His knot was moving and hitting my secret spot, triggering another climax.

I knew my body couldn’t take many more, but as soon as this was ending, his warm cum began to fill me up. So much hotter than a man’s cum, rolling my eyes on my head, small whimpers escaping me. The liquid was almost too warm, on the edge of too hot – he just kept emptying load after load after load. My tummy was beginning to swell. I was so turned on but so uncomfortable. His knot was not coming out, so he switched, so our bottoms were touching.

Glancing out to the audience, some women were on their partner’s laps, being fucked. Others were on their knees, giving blowjobs. I was in an area I’ve never been to before. Finally, he pulls out of me, letting me collapse on the device.

The curtain closed, and I was helped to my cage after taking a shower. Then, with a small bite and a cold beer, I fell into a deep sleep quickly.

The next morning, Eddie was by my side again.

“You were a hit last night, and I think you loved it also. We have an opening to doing just what you did last night. What do you think, you up for it?”

I was alert and knew if I said no, he might just drug me, making me a zombie fuck slut and no enjoyment. But, on the other hand, if I agreed, I’d be able to enjoy what the dogs were doing to me.

Looking up at him, in my sweetest voice, “I’d love to take the opening. I’ve never felt anything like that before. I love it.”

From that day on, I no longer had a leash hooked to me, the collar stayed in place, but once every evening, I’d walk out, kneel on all fours, and get ready for whatever dog they had lined up. Of course, I had my favorites, a big black one had a huge cock, a white lab, seemed to hit every place inside me, giving me multiple climaxes, and a large black and white mountain dog that was so gentle, he reminded me of Nikki.

After being kidnapped, my car was returned to our garage, and there was no trace of where I had gone. Nikki had thought I might have gone back to the club. About two or three months after I disappeared, she walked into the club one Friday evening. The lady bartender recognized her immediately.

“Wow, it has been a long time. I was the one who took you and your friend home that evening. How have you been?” the lady bartender asked.

Like me, Nikki thanked her, then asked if I had been in since that evening? Before she answered her, a quick note to Eddie to see what he wanted her to do. The answer was simple, drug her, then send her to me. Pouring her a beer on tap, slipping in a small white pill, handing her the drink.

“Yeah, she was in a few weeks ago. I think she and our owner left to his place in South America.”

Nikki was drinking her glass full of the cold drink. The pill was powerful, putting her in a relaxed state. Her eyes shortly glazing over, two bouncers helped her to a private room. She was stripped nude, the same nipple rings put in her, the same anal plug pushed in. Then the gel began to be applied to her body. She was kept drugged until they could get her to Eddie.

Nikki was lying on her back on an exam table when she woke, looking at him.

“Hi, my name is Eddie. I own the club you were in when my bartender drugged you.”

He leaned forward, snapping a leather collar on her. He then demonstrated the remote and what her body had in her. Next, moving her to a cage next to mine, but I was out on the stage, enjoying my daily floor show. This doggie was a special breed with huge cocks. When he finally pulled out of me, I cleaned his cock, then headed for a bite, a shower, and to my cage.

Walking to my cage, I stopped dead in my tracks. “Nikki? OMG, no … you’re here … how did this happen?”

Kneeling by her cage, listening to what had happened, filling in some questions she has, that didn’t make any sense. Then finally, she said, “Why has he brought us here, Michelle?”

I was so embarrassed but had to tell her. “Nightly, I put on a show on the stage in a club, various dogs are brought in, and they fuck me. Since he has brought you here also, I assume we will be doing a combined show with us being fucked by dogs. I am so sorry.”

She just sat there, tears running down her cheeks. “That explains why I smell like a dog now. He has changed me to smell like I’m in heat.”

It was not long before Eddie appeared, a smile across his whole face. “Wow, I have both of you now, my two little dog fuckers. The audience will love it. Now get some rest, and we’ll put you on tomorrow, Nikki.”

My girlfriend cried most of the night, and the next day when the time came, she was escorted on a leash to the stage, where I now looked so forward to being used. I just walked on my own.

Eddie announced that we had been lesbian lovers, and when Nikki heard all the enjoyment I was having, she couldn’t wait to join me. Nikki was secured to a bench, facing mine, a dog was brought to me, and as usual, sniffed, licked, then jumped up to enter me. I tried to keep looking at her, but as soon as that huge cock pushed inside me, I lost all ability to focus. Orgasm after orgasm washed over my body, causing me to shake continually. I think secretly I was so happy Nik had joined me, but I knew it would take time for us to be lovers again.

When mine finally pulled out of me, just before I started to clean his cock, glancing at Nikki, I could tell all of this had really turned her on. Her pussy was not only wet but leaking down the inside of her thighs, nipples now harder than they had ever been.

Just as her dog licked her for the first time, I knelt in front of her, tracing a finger over her lips, then sharing a deep, passionate kiss at the same time he entered her.

The speed he pounded her was like nothing she’d ever experienced, and I smiled when her eyes went wide open. My tongue was buried deep in her mouth when her first orgasm washed over her. A small giggle now confirmed she’d love it here as soon as she had the knot spread her wide apart.

A small whimper told me he had just unloaded her first taste of the warm seed, then climax after climax totally exhausted her body.

I cleaned up her doggie’s cock. The audience loved it, then before they released her, I moved between her legs, licking, sucking, and swallowing the huge amount of cum he had left in her, causing her to spasm several more times.

My self and one stage lady helped her back to our cages, but she was allowed to share mine. When she recovered, we made passionate love. Next, she cleaned out my pussy, enjoying the taste of her first doggie cum.

The shows have been changed to Wednesday, through Sunday. So we get Monday and Tuesday off. We still wear collars, but we’re free to go to town and enjoy a normal life. Eddie built us a small cabin type of home outback and provided us with a car.

We make love all the time, fuck dogs five nights a week, and eat each other’s pussies when they are full. The place is always full for our shows. The staff can use us when they want, and Eddie loves to be included in a wild threesome.

Life is good.

The End.