(c) by hounddog

Anne is a 53-year-old widow who is extremely jealous of her son’s wife, Kathy. They have been married for about two years and are very much in love. Kathy is a vibrant redhead with a gorgeous figure, beautiful green eyes, shapely legs, and delicious boobs. Anne has managed to keep her figure, and her legs are still eye-catching, her ass still causes men to stare. Her boobs are a little undersized, but her long sexy nipples more than make up the difference. Anne often stares at her naked body in her full-length mirror usually before bedtime.

She fantasizes as she moves her hand down to her vagina, allowing her long fingers to caress her hair, which is thick and black. She says in a soft feminine voice, “What can Kathy’s pussy do that this beautiful baby maker can’t?”

Anne slips two fingers into her vagina, removes them, and tastes the goodness. She whispers, “I know Peter would find it as delicious as I do.”

Anne thought, ‘If only I could prove to Peter I can out fuck and out suck her.  I will then be his wife and have his babies.’ Anne desperately wants a baby by Peter.


The next day, Kathy was surfing the web when she clicked on a website with a strange advertisement. It said, ‘Charge your sexual batteries. We offer the best accommodations, and it gave a toll-free number. She said to her husband, “Honey. here is a strange add…” she read it aloud and said, “What do you think?”

Peter answered, “Sounds interesting, why don’t you call and find out.”

Kathy said, “First thing tomorrow.”


The next day, she called, and a woman answered, “Continental travel, how can I help you?”

Kathy said, “I’m calling about the advertisement online, I would like more information if you please.”

The woman replied, “We are a travel agency for tropical resorts. Would you like to book with us?”

Kathy thought for a second and said, “Yes, I would like to make reservations for two. No, change that to three…” thinking the last second of her husband’s mother.

“Fine, how does a week sound?”

“How much? What does it include? Where about?”

The woman answered, “The island is in the Caribbean called ‘Luana.’ The trip is all-inclusive; it comes to two thousand dollars.”

“Sounds fine, what are the dates?”

“Next Friday…” she answered, “The reservations and airline ticket will be in the mail. We’re looking forward to having you. I hope you find it all enjoyable.”

Kathy thanked her and said, “I’ll give this information to my husband,” she then hung up the phone. “Honey, I booked the trip just fine.”

“When do we leave?” he asked.

“Next Friday,” replied Kathy, “Luana Island in the Caribbean.”

“Never heard of it?”

“It’s one of those places off the beaten track. You know, seldom mentioned in the travel brochures. By the way, I also included your mother. You know how lonely she gets when you and she are separated for any length of time. I’ll call her and let her know. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled.”

Kathy phoned Anne. When she told her, Anne said, “I’ll be ready with bells on.”

Kathy replied, “We will pick you up at eight, Friday morning. The flight is at nine thirty.”


No sooner had Friday arrived then they were on the plane. It was a four-hour flight. Soon the island came into sight they could see the lush green and deep Blue Ocean as they approached the runway. As they stepped out the warm tropical air engulfed them a warm breeze blew as a gentle reminder they were in the tropics. Peter said, “I’ll get the bags.”

Anne replied, “Isn’t he a sweetheart not wanting his ladies to carry their bags.”

Soon they check in at the hotel. Kathy gave the clerk the reservations, and the bellman took their bags the room 117 there are two queen size beds.

“I hope you enjoy your stay,” he said after receiving his tip.

The spacious room has a full ocean view. Kathy exclaimed how beautiful. Anne said more than meets expectations. They unpacked the suitcases. Peter said, looking at Kathy, “Which drawers do you want?”

Kathy said, “I’ll defer to your mother.”

Anne said, “Age before beauty, I guess. I’ll take the ones on the left next to Peter’s.”

Kathy said, “That leaves me with the right side.”

After they unpacked and the clothes were all put away. Peter said, “I suppose you ladies would like to bathe after a long hot trip.”

Anne looked at Kathy. “We both feel like a bath would be welcome,” Anne said. “Why don’t you go first, I’ll wait…’

Soon all three had bathed, and Anne said, “I don’t know about you, but I feel like dinner.”

“Me too,” replied Kathy. “Let’s go to the lobby, I think they have a list of places to eat.”

They reach the lobby and approach the concierge who recommended the house restaurant. After they finished dinner, Kathy asked the concierge what the island offers for entertainment. He said there are many clubs with shows and the like.

Kathy said, “Can you suggest one that might be related to your website.”

She winked. The concierge pulled out a brochure and said, “We have a number, but you need reservations. Nevertheless, it’s guaranteed to fulfill your wishes.”

Kathy took the brochure in placed it in her purse.


The next day she took it out, and the heading read ‘The Stables: for discreet women for whom sexual pleasure and animal passion have no limits.’

Kathy smiled and handed it to Peter. She said, “Should I?”

“Why not?” he said.

“Should I make the reservation for two?”

Peter thought for a moment.  Anne’s just getting out of the bathroom and said, “What are we doing today?”

Peter hands her the brochure and her eyebrows rise as she reads it, but then Anne puts it down and smiles.

“We’re gonna go,” Peter said. “Do you wanna come along?”

Anne said, “You know, you’re mom wasn’t born yesterday.  But, of course, I’d love to go.”

“Oh goodie,” Kathy said.  “I’ll go make the reservations now.”  Ten minutes later, Kathy returns holding a piece of paper.  “I have all the information,” she said to Peter and Anne.  “The clubs located near shore about a half hours drive from the hotel.  They provide a car service and will pick us up at eight tonight.”

“Easy enough,” Peter said.

“There’s more…”

“Oh, what?” Anne asked.

“They require us, women, to wear leather thongs, spiked heels, and jewelry. They’ll provide that stuff too.  Apparently, there’s a sexual competition between women, although they didn’t go into any detail as to what that is.”

“I’m game,” Peter said.

“Me too,” added Anne.

Kathy nodded and thought, ‘At last I can show Peter who the better woman is.’


The taxi picked them up on time at eight pm, and they arrived at ‘The Stables’ and went to the entrance where a door attendant allowed them entry.  They met a beautiful blonde woman in reception who asked their names.

“I’m pleased to meet you all,” the blonde said.  “I’d like you two ladies to step through this door to my left, and Peter, someone will come to seat you at your reserved table.”

“What are you gonna do to Kathy and Anne?” Peter asked.

“We’re just gonna explain to them their roles tonight and let them change into the apparel we told you about on the phone this morning,” the blonde said.

After the women entered the door, the one the blonde had told them to, a handsome man appeared.  “Hello, ladies, my name is Mort, let me explain our program…”

Kathy and Anne looked at each other and smiled.

“I take it you read the brochure?” Mort asked.

“Yes,” Kathy said.

“Good, do you have any questions?”

“Can you explain more about this competition?” Anne asked.

“Gladly… This will be a sex completion between the both of you to see who has the most orgasms and the greatest sexual stamina,” Mort said.

“Tell me more,” Anne said with a smile.

“First, you’ll both be given leather to wear, and Jean will take you out into the club.  There’ll be two donkeys who are your sexual teammates tonight,” Mort said. “You will both lie on a platform enabling each of your teammates to reach your vaginas to fuck you.  This is like a marathon dance, only you will be having sex with a donkey instead.  The winner will be the one who outlasts the other.”

“Sound like fun,” Anne said, smiling.

Kathy returned her smile.

Mort then said, “Jean will help you change into the leather gear.”


Soon, the two competing women change into leather bras and thongs and present them to Mort, who nodded his approval.  “You both look outstanding,” he said.  “Are you ready to begin the competition?”

Yes,” Anne and Kathy said in unison.

Jean takes them to a stage at the back of the club where two platform beds and two donkeys wait for them.  Peter thinks they both look ravishing in black spiked heels and leather thongs just a small string parting their vaginas.  It accents Kathy’s red hair and the black pubes of his mother. The audience is small, but the men and women are hushed as they watch Anne and Kathy get into place on the platforms.

Mort stands proud, shouting, “Ladies and gentlemen, meet Anne and Kathy.  They are tonight’s competitors.  The jealous mother versus the eager to please daughter-in-law…”

The audience claps softly.  The lights dim and soft music starts to play as the women lie on their backs on the platforms with their legs closed.  Jean leads their teammates over to them one by one, so they donkeys are perfectly aligned for sex with the women.

Anne thought, ‘I’ll show Peter my pussy can outlast Kathy any day.’

Kathy thought, ‘I’m gonna prove to my husband I’m the sexiest woman alive and he’s lucky to have me.’

Jean pushes each donkey closer as the women slowly open their legs to the animals.  The audience starts to moan as Anne and Kathy softly hold each burro sheath and allow their fingers to work their magic.  Slowly, they can feel the donkey’s wet cocks get bigger and bigger, and they spread their legs wider as they work the huge dicks into their tight pussies.  Eventually, the donkey cocks fully extend and the two women move their hips back and forth, so their vaginal lips massaged the head and shaft, and their clits rub against it too.

Anne and Kathy move their legs over each donkey’s back as they feel uncontrollable urges take possession of them. They begin to moan and scream as they repeatedly orgasm from the clitoral stimulation.  Anne hoped the donkey wouldn’t cum too soon, although its cockhead and shaft were soaked n her juices.

Suddenly, Kathy screams loudly.  The donkey had just shoved its hard cock into her pussy with an incredible force she worried her vagina had been torn apart.  Not long after, Anne is impaled by her teammate too.  As the donkey’s fuck the women with brutal force, their bodies become covered in sweat and their own cum.  The audience is moaning louder now as men unashamedly jerk-off openly as they watch and women have hands down their panties doing the same.  Peter is also jerking off.  The donkeys had a stamina Peter never expected.  Even after the burros blasted Anne’s and Kathy’s pussies with semen, the beasts just kept fucking with the same brutal pounding.

This went on for a long time as Anne refused to concede to Kathy.  The women eventually soaked with donkey cum from head to toe, and they even licked it off their fingers and swallowed it.  Kathy eventually conceded after four hours of fucking and orgasms.  Anne still kept on fucking her teammate’s cock to show Peter what kind of woman she really was.

Eventually, Jean pulled the donkey away from Anne, and the woman got up.  She smiled and thought; ‘Now my pussy will belong to Peter.  I will have his baby for I am the alpha female in the family.  I’ve earned the right by conquest to be my son’s mate.’

The audience clapped and cheered, and Anne is all smiles.  Peter came up on stage and gave her a big kiss.

Anne whispered to him, “Is it me, or is it her?”

Peter smiled.  “Of course, it’s you.  You’re the winner, mom.”

Anne kissed him long and passionately as the audience went wild.

The End.