(c) by Ryan Zabor

Hey! My name is Ryan, I’m 18, and I live in Washington State. I’ve known I was gay ever since I can remember. I’ve always liked guys, never really ever saw girls as more than just good friends. I never thought about having sex with a dog before, until a little while ago when I came across a site banner on a gay porn site. It was an advertisement banner about a gay beast sex site. The pictures on the banner at first just interested me, but after I started getting into the site a little more, it really started to turn me on. I started to feel a throbbing hard on in my pants, I couldn’t believe I was getting a boner over a guy and a dog fucking, but I was, and it was great. As soon as I saw it, and realized how turned on I was getting, I knew I was going to have to do it sooner or later.

I became obsessed with trying to find other guys who were experienced in this so I could get information on it. When I finally came across a guy who had. He told me how to train the dog to give it to you up the ass, and how to train a dog to take it in his doggy hole from you. Now that I knew how to train the dog, the only thing left was to find the right one for me. You see I’m 6’ft 2″in tall and weigh 160lbs, pretty good-sized for a boy my age, so I needed a big dog. I didn’t want to waste time with raising a puppy, so I decided to find a dog in the paper. I looked for days, then one Sunday morning I was flipping through the classifieds, and there it was, 1-year-old male Great Dane, not fixed, loving, great with kids, moving and needs a good home.

I instantly grabbed the phone to call the owners to tell them I was going to look at him. The owners sounded happy to get my call and told me I could come out and see him anytime, so I told them I’d be there in 15 minutes, the woman on the phone just chuckled at my eagerness. Within 2 seconds, I was in my car and on my way to the owner’s home. As I pulled up you could tell they were moving, U-haul parked out front, boxes strung across the yard. I pulled into the driveway and stepped out of my car, by this time the nervousness had set in, and I was as nervous as I could be. Just as I was walking up onto the front porch to the open front door, a man walked out carrying a box, he asked me if I was here to see the dog, I nodded and muttered a “yeah.” He then told me that his wife and the dog were waiting for me out back. So I turned and walked around to the back of the house.

As I got closer to the rear of the house, I became more nervous, but I tried to put it in the back of my mind. Then all of a sudden, a huge dog runs up to me. He was a beautiful dog. He began to sniff at me in the regular dog manner to investigate this new person. When I saw the Mrs. of the house walking towards us, then she called the dog to her, “Tiger, come here!”

The dog immediately turned and went to her. I continued to walk toward the woman as she stopped and waited for me. As I got closer, she asked, “Are you the boy I was talking to a few minutes ago.”

I acknowledged that I was and we continued to talk.

“So do you have dogs, or have you had one before?” she asked.

“Yes we’ve had dogs, quite a few actually, we love animals. But we don’t have any right now,” I replied.

“So it’s okay with your parents if you have a dog,” she replied.

“Yes they’re fine with it,” I told her.

“Well he is a big dog,” she said, while Tiger sat there wagging his tail staring at me.

“I see that, but we have plenty of room at our house,” I answered.

“Well okay then, just had to check you out, so I knew he’d have a good home,” she said smiling.

“He will,” I replied with a smile, while all the thoughts of ‘how good a home it will be for him’ went through my mind.

“Well I’ll get his things,” she said, turning toward the back door.

While she was gone Tiger and me got to know each other, I petted him and the head while I got down on one knee to be at his level. He was beautiful, his coat was a mixture of black and orange and a light yellow color it’s hard to explain but beautiful to see. Just as he began to lick my face the woman came out with his things, in an eagerness to get home with Tiger, I took his leash and bowl, and let the couple say goodbye. Tiger was more excited to go with me than I had expected, he got into my car with no trouble, and on the ride home, he was excellent.

I was staying at my grandparent’s house because it was closer to school and they were gone for 2 weeks on one of their vacations, so I had the house to myself. I opened the door, and Tiger walked right in as if it were his own home. I could tell he was an indoor dog, which was good. I set down his things and went over to him. I walked him through the house, then took him to my bedroom and shut the door so we could get aquatinted. I turned on the TV, sat on the edge of my bed, and he came up to me, and put his head in my lap. I petted him and talked to him getting him used to my touch and my voice. The first night that’s all I did was get him used to me and his new home. The next morning when I woke up, he was lying next to me on the bed all spiraled out.

I took this opportunity to take a look at his dick. I slowly lifted his leg to find two nice sized hairy doggy balls, I reached down and played with them a little. When I moved my hand up to his sheath, I put my fingers around it and squeezed a little, so I could feel his dick. It was pretty good-sized, but as I began to pay more attention to it, I noticed it was beginning to swell, and I looked up to find Tiger wide awake. He licked me on the face, and then I got up and went to the kitchen for breakfast, cause we were going to have a busy day of training ahead of us. I poured him a big bowl of dog food and me a bowl of cereal, and we ate together. I finished and went to go get ready for our day while he ate. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower and started to run bath water.

When I went to my room and got the dog shampoo and an old towel. By that time Tiger was done and had come to find me. I took him into the bathroom and got him in the tub with ease, which I didn’t expect. I shampooed him up and rinsed him off. He was so comfortable with it, it was great, he got out, and I toweled him off then he shook off any remaining water. I then took him into the bedroom and got the lube, two old socks and a couple of rubber bands, and we headed to the living room where we’d have more room to work. And we were ready.

Just from anticipation, I already had a throbbing woody, so now it was Tiger’s turn. I got down on the floor and told him to lay down. His previous owners had already taught him the basic commands. I started massaging his hairy balls with one hand and his sheath with the other. In seconds his dick was starting to swell, and within a minutes part of it was sticking out of the sheath. After a few minutes, his whole dick except the knot was sticking out of his sheath, I could see it pulsing, and I could feel the knot swelling more and more. I always thought a dog’s dick would be slippery, but as I began to jack Tiger off, I found out it wasn’t.

While I was jacking him off he began to lick my dick, surprisingly it felt really good. A little sandpapery like I expected, but it felt great. So I began to wonder if his dick would feel the same as a guys dick in my mouth. So I slowly lowered my lips to his big throbbing dick and slowly put my warm wet mouth around it. As I began to move up and down his shaft, Tiger began to face fuck me. He thrust his doggie meat in and out of my mouth, pumping in and out. He loved it, but I decided not to let him cum just yet, we had more to do, so I pulled my mouth off, he seemed disappointed, but I petted his head in assurance that more was to come.

I took the socks and put them on his two front paws and rubber banded them on. Then I took the lube, put a good amount on my fingers, and lubed up my ass hole, then I put some more in my hand and lubed up his dick. I wanted it in me, I wanted him to shoot his wad all up inside of me. I got down on my hands and knees and took his front paws in my hands.

As casually as if I were teaching him to sit I said, “Mount Tiger, Mount!”

Then I pulled his front legs up around my hips, he seemed to know what to do from there, and I could feel his dick trying to find my tight ass hole, I wanted it so bad now I couldn’t wait, I reached around and grabbed his dick and pushed it against my hole. He thrust his hips forward, pushing his dick deep inside of me. Then he began to thrust and pump and fuck me wildly. Pumping in and out of my tight warm ass hole, in and out, in and out, faster and faster, harder and harder. I loved it, with every thrust I wanted more, and he gave it to me happily. I knew he loved it too because I could hear him panting heavily in my ear with every jab.

Then I could feel his knot up against my hole, and I wanted it, I wanted to be tied to him. And with the very next thrust, he shoved it in. Within seconds, he was shooting his cum deep inside of me, and I could feel every pump, every shot of cum. He completely filled my ass up with his warm, wet, juicy, dog cum. It was wonderful. After he shot the very last bit of cum left in him, his body relaxed on my back, and we both just sat there for a minute. I could feel him beginning to go limp inside of me, my cock was still rock hard and wanting an ass to get off in. We weren’t tied as long as I would have wanted, but I wanted to get off myself. After he came out, he laid down and licked himself clean, but we weren’t done yet.

With his cum oozing out of my ass hole, I lubed up my finger and told him to get up. I got behind him and lifted his tail, then I slowly pushed my finger in. He flinched and jerked away a little at first but I had a hold of his tail, and he didn’t get far. My finger managed to stay in him though, and I eased it in a little more, this time he didn’t seem to mind it as much. I pushed it in all the way to the knuckle, and he didn’t flinch a bit. So I decided to lube up another finger, and I slowly worked it in, he flinched again but not nearly as bad as before. I worked them in and out a little before I lubed up another finger. As the third finger went in, he didn’t move at all, I could tell he liked it, cause as it went in he turned his head and looked at me, and I could swear he almost smiled. Moreover, with that, I knew he was my dog, the perfect dog, and it was time for a treat.

I grabbed the lube and lubed up my dick and positioned myself behind Tiger, ready to shoot my wad into his asshole. With one quick jab, my head was in, and then almost as if to say, ‘I want more in me,’ Tiger turned his head and looked at me and wagged his tail, tickling my bare chest. I slowly eased the rest of my dick into his warm tight hole and then began to pump it in and out. It felt so good, the whole situation and the fact that I was finally acting out my fantasy and would get to act it out with Tiger whenever we wanted, turned me on so much I blew my load sooner than I ever thought I would. It was one of the best orgasms I had ever had, my dick throbbed with every shot of cum. I filled Tiger up so much it was oozing out of his ass hole around my dick. It was so wonderful I waited inside of him until I went limp, then I pulled out, and he licked my dick clean, and we lay down together and rested.

The End.