(c) by Sleeze0000

Amber lived on her grandparents’ farm in Minnesota. Both her parents had died many years earlier, and she had lived with her grandparents since then. She’d spent most of her life on her grandparents’ farm, helping out and doing chores, which helped to give her a firm, toned body as she grew into adulthood. Her grandmother had passed away three years ago, and her grandfather had just recently passed away. The farm now belonged to her though she was planning to sell it next year. The farm was in the middle of nowhere with nothing but miles of pasture all around. She wanted to attend college next year, and selling the farm would pay for her college tuition with money left over to buy herself a new car.

Amber was lean and toned, 5’2” tall, and 110 pounds with creamy skin lighted tanned from being outside so much and reddish-blond hair with very perky breasts. It was hard for her to meet guys living on a farm, but she was certainly sexy enough to attract their attention.

She had graduated from high school last year and had been helping on the farm full time since then. Now she was the only one to do the chores and feed the horses, but it really wasn’t all that much work most of the time. It was currently late fall, and there really wasn’t much to do except make sure the horses were fed. The horse stable currently had six horses in it, all stallions that had been used for breeding. She loved the horses, but they would be sold as soon as she found a buyer. There was plenty of food for them to last through the winter, as well as water pumped up from the well. The barn was even heated to keep the horses comfortable during the frigid Minnesota winters.

Though it was mid-autumn, it was surprisingly warm, about 68 degrees. Amber decided to make the most of it and slid into a pair of tight cut off jean shorts and a halter top. She tugged on her work boots and headed out to tend to the horses. The barn was about a quarter-mile from the house, and Amber always walked unless the weather was bad.

By the time she got to the barn, she already regretted wearing such a skimpy outfit. She shivered a bit as a cold breeze chilled her skin. The thermometer on the side of the barn indicated that it was 62 degrees, and the sun had disappeared behind gray clouds. The interior of the barn was heated when it was colder, but it was only heated to about 55 degrees. But, she didn’t want to get her clothes dirty. Lately, she had been doing chores naked. It was fun and exciting, and with no one around for miles, it was quite safe. No one ever came by unexpected, and even if they did, she’d hear them driving up the gravel road, which would give her plenty of time to pull on her clothes. So, she tugged off her top and shorts and hung them up on nails just outside the barn door.

She spent about an hour making sure the horses had fresh food and water, brushing each of them thoroughly, and hosing out the stalls. The activity kept her warm, but the outside temperature had dropped to about 40 degrees and it had started to rain. When she finished up the work, she checked outside and saw that it was still raining, so she decided to wait in the barn for a while and hoped that it would stop raining soon. Otherwise, she’d get soaked and chilled, walking back to the house. She needed a shower after work, and the barn had a shower… though one meant for horses. She was already naked anyhow, so it just made sense while she waited for the rain to stop. The water was warm enough for a quick shower, so she spent a short while washing herself squeaky clean.

Amber was slim and petite, and her skin was covered in faint freckles and nearly invisible blond hair. Even though she wasn’t dating anyone, she preferred to keep herself waxed smooth simply because it felt really nice and made her feel sexy.

She dried off before checking outside again. The temperature had dropped to around freezing, the rain had turned to snow, and the wind had picked up quite a bit. Just standing outside for a moment had her shivering and her teeth chattering. She’d never be able to walk back to the house without getting completely soaked with melted snow. She’d also completely forgotten about her clothes outside. Her halter top had blown away in the gusty wind, and her shorts were now soaking wet and starting to freeze solid. They’d even froze to the side of the barn.

So, Amber decided she’d just stay in the barn and wait until morning, hoping that the storm would pass. Inside the barn was dry, and there were a few clean blankets she could use to keep warm. Unfortunately, there was nothing to eat unless she wanted to try eating dry oats, which didn’t sound very appealing to her. She found a comfortable spot and made it into a bed as best she could. Eventually, she fell asleep.

She woke the following morning to find that the storm had not passed. In fact, it had snowed the entire night, and it was still snowing. There were now three feet of snow on the ground. The thermometer outside indicated that it was now 18 degrees. There was no way she could walk back to the house in just her boots. Her shorts were frozen solid to the side of the barn. She shivered just thinking about making the half-mile walk completely naked, snow melting on her bare skin, leaving her wet all over. She could stay in the barn until the snowstorm passed, but that might be days. She had fresh water and a place to sleep, and she could keep warm enough with the blankets, but she had nothing to eat, and she was already quite hungry since she hadn’t eaten lunch or dinner yesterday.

The snow continued falling throughout the day, adding another foot of snowfall. Amber spent some of the time tending to the horses, feeding them, brushing them, cleaning the stalls, and tidying up the barn. Afterward, she took a shower. She spent the rest of the day talking to the horses until she got tired. She’d eaten nothing at all that day and had to go to bed very hungry.

The next morning the snow had finally stopped, but it was about five feet deep and still well below freezing outside, and Amber was so very, very hungry. She wouldn’t make it twenty feet through the snow completely naked. She felt weak and shaky from hunger. She tried eating some of the oats, but they were too tough for her to eat. She would need to boil them to make them soft, and she had no way of doing that. As the hours passed, she started to grow weaker from hunger. She searched the barn thoroughly, looking for something to eat but found nothing edible. She did find an old AM/FM radio that worked, and she turned it on to get a weather report. The forecast called for more snow and freezing temperatures for the next few days. It could be a week or more before the temperature rose above freezing.

She opened the barn door and was met with a wall of snow as high as her head. She was completely trapped in the barn. She was shivering just from standing next to the snow with the barn door open, letting all the warm air out.

She spent some time tending to the horses, then showered and went to bed. She was growing weaker from hunger. Tomorrow she had to find something to put in her belly.

By the next morning, she had gone nearly three days without food. She needed something in her belly today. Then she had an idea. There were six healthy stallions in the barn. She knew that the stallions could easily produce at least a cup of semen each time they ejaculated, and six cups of semen would be enough to sustain her. The horses could feed her and keep her alive until she got back to her house.

The six horses were named Dante, Apollo, Maxus, Prince, Romeo, and Rebel. They were all good-natured horses and quite used to being touched by Amber. She’d washed each of them thoroughly many times before including washing their cocks. The stallions would have no problem with what she needed to do.

She chose Romeo first. He was the gentlest and also had the smallest cock – 14 inches. Amber got under the stallion and began stroking his sheath with her hands and rubbing his large balls, coaxing his cock out inch by inch. The lovely pink horse cock slid from its sheath, and Amber wrapped her hands around the shaft, stroking it as the horse grew more aroused. She brought her mouth to the tip, wrapping her lips around the head of Romeo’s cock as she stroked and sucked while her stomach grumbled. She had grown weak from days without food and needed to be fed so badly.

She caressed the horsecock with her hands and mouth, bobbing her head, stroking Romeo’s big beautiful cock with her warm, wet mouth. After several minutes Amber was rewarded as the horse bucked, pushing its cock to the back of her throat as it began to cum. The horse spewed jets of thick gooey cum into her mouth, filling it instantly. Amber kept her lips tight around the shaft, her cheeks swelling with cum before she could gulp the mouthful down. She swallowed again and again, feeling the thick cum slide down her throat into her empty belly. Almost immediately, she felt better-having something in her stomach. She nursed every drop of cum from Romeo’s cock before pulling his cock from her mouth. She licked Romeo’s cock clean. Except for a little drool and a bit of cum that had seeped from her lips, she hadn’t gotten herself too messy.

Next was Prince, whose cock was about 15 inches long. His big cock filled her slobbery mouth, and his big balls spewed several big mouthfuls of cum for her hungry belly though quite a bit ended up on her neck, chest, and breasts. But she could always shower afterward.

Rebel’s 16-inch cock was a bit thicker and more of a challenge. She barely fit his big cock into her slobbery wet mouth, and though his big horse balls gave her enough big mouthfuls of cum, about half of it ended up spurting from her lips and running down her body. But for now, her hunger was sated. She decided that would be her breakfast for the day. She washed the cum from her body in the cold shower water.

For lunch, she sucked on Maxus’s 18-inch cock and then Dante’s equally big cock. Their cocks were too big to fit into her mouth, so she had to press her lips to their pisshole and stroke them until they spewed, trying to catch as much of the cum in her mouth as she could. She ended up covered in horse cum from her neck down to her belly and all over her face.

Finally, that left Apollo, who was the biggest horse with an impressive two-foot cock. It was a challenge just to fit her lips against the fat pisshole, but Dante fed her the biggest meal, probably twice as much as the other horses though she ended up splattered with cum all over her face, in her hair, running down her back and front and up and down her arms. Once again, she shivered as she washed the horse cum off her body in the cold water in the shower stall.

Later that evening, for dinner, she sucked all six-horse cocks for a second time that day. Though each one fed her a little less the second time, all six horses gave her plenty to send her to bed with a very full belly and a smile on her face.

Days passed, and Amber fed on the stallions for all of her meals, sucking each of their cocks two or three times per day, and they never failed to keep her belly full. Days turned to weeks as the cold weather persisted, and before long, Amber realized she’d been trapped in the barn for an entire month. She’d had nothing but horse cum for the past four weeks. She had grown to love being fed from the horse’s big cocks. As the snow outside finally began to melt, she could finally get back to the house. But it took another full week for the snow to melt and the temperature to raise enough for her to dare venture outside the barn wearing just her boots and a blanket.

After five weeks of trapped in the barn, Amber finally was able to walk back to her house in the two feet of melting snow. It was difficult, and she was shivering and covered in goosebumps all over by the time she reached her house. But Amber was shocked to see that the big tree that had been in the house’s backyard had fallen during the snowstorm, falling onto the house and caving the roof in. The house had all but collapsed. She couldn’t get inside to reach her clothes or money, her cell phone, or her car keys. And according to the radio in the barn, another snowstorm was coming in tonight. The region was expecting a blizzard even worse than the previous one.

She shivered as she stood there, wrapped in just a blanket. A chilling breeze blew around her, tugging at the blanket and threatening to pull it away. She gripped the blanket tightly, afraid she’d be left naked out in the open in the near-freezing weather. She felt so helpless. Another stronger breeze pulled the blanket away from her body, causing it to flap in the wind and leaving her naked body completely exposed to the cold air. She turned and headed back to the barn, but about halfway back, a gust of wind caused her to stumble. She let go of the blanket, which flew away in the wind and fell into the snow. It was so painfully cold on her naked body. She scrambled up and got back to the barn as quickly as possible before she was numb all over.

The nearest town was 12 miles away, and she had no way of getting there and no way to call for help. She had no choice but to return to the barn and wait for someone to come find her. With the impending blizzard, it could be another month or even longer before anyone came to the farm. She had enough food for the horses for another three months, but for Amber, there was only one option. It would be many more weeks of giving blowjobs to the horses each and every day and going to bed each night with a stomach full of horse cum.

That year Montana had the heaviest and most snow in decades with temperatures below freezing and regular snowstorms from mid-November to mid-April. Amber never left the horse barn for that entire time.

The End.